B4U3 longing for a new welfare system课件

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43 5. yield to
Words and Expressions—Word Using
1) to stop resisting something
Translation • The government refused to yield to the
hostage takers’ demand. •我经不住诱惑,吃了一大块巧克力。
Words and Expressions—Word Using
4. under the table
-- in a secret way
Money that is paid under the table is paid secretly and illegally to get what you want.
It’s very difficult for welfare clients to ask for extra financial help.
Text Study—Understanding
4) How do you describe Suzanne?
arrogant; suspicious; indifferent; careless; business-like; a detective
Text Study—Structure Analysis
I. Structure Analysis
Introduction + Problems + Suggestions
Part Para.
Main Idea
1 1~_3 General images of welfare clients and
I resisted the temptation takes you want to have or do sth., even though you know you should not Life in a big city has so many temptations. An expensive bicycle is a temptation to thieves.
something according to a rule, a custom,
an arrangement, etc.
We are not supposed to smoke here. You are supposed to ask the teacher if you want to leave the classroom.
option (n.)
optional (adj.)
Teenage mothers often have no option but to live with their parents.
Woodwork was an optional subject at our school.
3. drum
Some government officials accepted money under the table.
• under the counter If you buy sth. under the counter, you buy it secretly and usually illegally. It’s risky, but you can get alcohol under the counter.
year, traders use their unique tricks to
drum up business.
They were unable to drum up support for the new policies.
welfare caseworkers under the present
2 4_~_14_ Problems with the present welfare system.
3 1_5_~1_7_ Suggestions to improve the present welfare system.
Words and Expressions—Word Using
1. be supposed to
1) to be generally believed or expected to be or do something
• I haven’t seen it myself, but it’s supposed to be a great movie.
Words and Expressions—Word Using
-- get support, customers, business, etc. by asking a lot of people to help
Translation During the Christmas season each
The meeting was supposed to take place on Tuesday, but we’ve had to postpone it.
43 2. opt vi.
Words and Expressions—Word Using
to make a choice
Many young people are opting to go on to further education. GM workers opted for job security over pay increases.
2. In what ways do welfare clients cheat the system?
To my knowledge, welfare clients cheat the system in the ways as follows: They don’t declare the gifts from friends and relatives; they understate the pension from the government; they exaggerate the rent; and they even report to welfare that living costs increase sharply and their purchasing power decreases greatly.
3. In what ways do the caseworkers abuse the system?
Seized with the illusion that they are made fools of whenever help is asked for, caseworkers don’t help their clients out of conscience. Instead, they expect their clients to bow down to them, and give out lectures before welfare clients. Caseworkers may regard their job of providing service as a power of distributing wealth.
Section A
Longing for a New Welfare System
1. Why do welfare clients often cheat the system?
In my judgment, welfare clients cheat the system because they can’t get enough money to sustain an average living or because they are not satisfied with the welfare they enjoy. On the other hand, I suppose there must be some who are so selfish and greedy as to cheat the system for more money.
-- a desire to do or have sth., esp. sth. that is bad for you
resist/overcome/fight off (the) temptation to do sth.
give in to/yield to (the) temptation
• independent; self-respect; self-support; self-made
Text Study—Understanding
2) How could the writer possibly get his wheelchair repaired?
the handicapped client caseworker
Text Study—Structure Analysis
General images of welfare clients and welfare
Part I
caseworkers under the present system
Welfare clients are believed to _c_h_e_a_t_ more money out of the present welfare system. (Para.1)
Old-fashioned methods yielded to new technology.
Translation 收音机正被电视机取代。
Radio is yielding to television.
43 6. temptation
Words and Expressions—Word Using
Text Study—Understanding
II. Understanding
1. Answer the following questions: 1) What kind of person is the author?
• handicapped; confined to wheelchair; carrying a urine bag everyday;
wheelchair repair company
medical worker
main welfare office
Text Study—Understanding
3) What can you conclude from the procedure of asking for wheelchair repairs?
• Eating too much fat is commonly supposed to cause heart disease.
Words and Expressions—Word Using
1. be supposed to
2) to be expected or required to do or to be
There are welfare clients who choose to live a life of _co_m__p_le_t_e_h_o_n_e_s_t_y. (Para.2)
The relationship between welfare clients and caseworkers is _t_e_n_se__. (Para.3)
• 政府拒绝答应人质挟持者的要求。 • I yielded to temptation and had a chocolate bar.
43 5. yield to
Words and Expressions—Word Using
2) to be replaced by something