



Globalization is considered as a process of increasing involvment in international business operations.经济学视角中的全球化表现为不断增加的国际商务往来过程。

Macroculture :The term macroculture implies losing ethnic differences and forming one large society.宏观文化意味着种族差异的消失和一个大社会的形成。

Melting pot means a sociocultural assimilation of people of different backgrounds and nationlities.熔炉:不同背景和国籍的人们之间的社会文化的同化。

Microcultures:cultures within cultures微观文化:文化中的文化Intercultural communication refers to communication between people whose culture perceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event.跨文化交际:指拥有不同文化认知和符号体系的人文之间进行的交际。

Culture is a learned set of shared interpretations about beliefs,values,and norms,which affect the behavior of a relatively large group of people.文化是习得的一套关于信仰,价值观,标准的公认的解释,这些信仰,价值观,标准对相当大人类群体的行为产生影响。






一、文化认知(Cultural Awareness)文化认知是指对不同文化之间的差异和特点进行了解和理解的能力。




二、文化折衷主义(Cultural Hybridization)文化折衷主义是指不同文化之间互相吸收、交融并形成新的文化形态的过程。



三、文化霸权(Cultural Hegemony)文化霸权指的是在跨文化交际中,某一文化因其经济、政治或军事上的强势,通过文化传播手段和方式来主导其他文化的现象。



四、文化认同(Cultural Identity)文化认同是指个体对于自己所属文化的认同感和对该文化的归属感。



五、文化冲击(Culture Shock)文化冲击是指个体在跨越文化差异的过程中,经历新文化所带来的一系列困惑、不适和认知上的障碍。




1.Globalization is considered as a process of increasing involvment in international businessoperations.经济学视角中的全球化表现为不断增加的国际商务往来过程。

2.Macroculture:The term macroculture implies losing ethnic differences and forming onelarge society.宏观文化意味着种族差异的消失和一个大社会的形成。

3.Melting pot means a sociocultural assimilation of people of different backgrounds andnationlities.熔炉:不同背景和国籍的人们之间的社会文化的同化。

4.Microcultures:cultures within cultures微观文化:文化中的文化5.Intercultural communication refers to communication between people whose cultureperceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event.跨文化交际:指拥有不同文化认知和符号体系的人文之间进行的交际。

Chapter 16.Culture is a learned set of shared interpretations about beliefs,values,and norms,which affectthe behavior of a relatively large group of people.文化是习得的一套关于信仰,价值观,规范的公认的解释,这些信仰,价值观,规范对相当大人类群体的行为产生影响。



名词解释1.Intercultural communication refers to communication between people whose cultureperceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event.跨文化交际:指拥有不同文化认知和符号体系的人文之间进行的交际。

2.Culture is a learned set of shared interpretations about beliefs, values, and norms, whichaffect the behavior of a relatively large group of people.文化是习得的一套关于信仰,价值观,标准的公认的解释,这些信仰,价值观,标准对相当大人类群体的行为产生影响。

3.Culture identity refers to one’s sense of belonging to a particular culture or ethnic group.文化身份:指有意识地把自己归为某一特定文化或种族群体。

4.Subculture are formed by groups of people possessing characteristic traits that set apart anddistinguish them from others within a larger society or dominant culture.亚文化:具有能在更大的一个社会范围内或主流文化中使自己有别于他人的特点的人类群体所形成的文化。

5.Norms are culturally ingrained principles of correct and incorrect behaviors which, if brokencarry a form of overt or covert penalty.标准指的是正确和不正确行为根深蒂固的文化原那么,这种不正确的行为一旦发生,就意味着一种显性或隐性的处分。



1. Globalization is considered as a process of increasing involvment in international business operations.经济学视角中的全球化表现为不断增加的国际商务往来过程。

2. Macroculture :The term macroculture implies losing ethnic differences and forming one large society.宏观文化意味着种族差异的消失和一个大社会的形成。

3. Melting pot means a sociocultural assimilation of people of different backgrounds and nationlities.熔炉:不同背景和国籍的人们之间的社会文化的同化。

4. Microcultures:cultures within cultures微观文化:文化中的文化5. Intercultural communication refers to communication between people whose culture perceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event.跨文化交际:指拥有不同文化认知和符号体系的人文之间进行的交际。

Chapter 16. Culture is a learned set of shared interpretations about beliefs,values,and norms,which affect the behavior of a relatively large group of people.文化是习得的一套关于信仰,价值观,规范的公认的解释,这些信仰,价值观,规范对相当大人类群体的行为产生影响。



《跨文化交际》名词解释1. Globalization is considered as a process of increasing involvment in international business operations.经济学视角中的全球化表现为不断增加的国际商务往来过程。

2. Macroculture :The term macroculture implies losing ethnic differences and forming one large society.宏观文化意味着种族差异的消失和一个大社会的形成。

3. Melting pot means a sociocultural assimilation of people of different backgrounds and nationlities.熔炉:不同背景和国籍的人们之间的社会文化的同化。

4. Microcultures:cultures within cultures微观文化:文化中的文化5. Intercultural communication refers to communication between people whose culture perceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event.跨文化交际:指拥有不同文化认知和符号体系的人文之间进行的交际。

Chapter 16. Culture is a learned set of shared interpretations about beliefs,values,and norms,which affect the behavior of a relatively large group of people.文化是习得的一套关于信仰,价值观,规范的公认的解释,这些信仰,价值观,规范对相当大人类群体的行为产生影响。



名词解释2.Intercultural communication refers to communicationbetween people whose culture perceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event.跨文化交际:指拥有不同文化认知和符号体系的人文之间进行的交际。

3.Culture is a learned set of shared interpretations aboutbeliefs,values,and norms,which affect the behavior of a relatively large group of people.文化是习得的一套关于信仰,价值观,规范的公认的解释,这些信仰,价值观,规范对相当大人类群体的行为产生影响。

4.Culture identity refers to one’s sense of belonging to aparticular culture or ethnic group.文化身份:指有意识地把自己归为某一特定文化或种族群体。

5.Subculture are formed by groups of people possessingcharacteristic traits that set apart and distinguish themfrom others within a larger society or dominant culture.亚文化:具有能在更大的一个社会范围内或主流文化中使自己有别于他人的特点的人类群体所形成的文化。

6.Norms are culturally ingrained principles of correct andincorrect behaviors which, if broken carry a form of overt or covert penalty.规范指的是正确和不正确行为根深蒂固的文化原则,这种不正确的行为一旦发生,就意味着一种显性或隐性的处罚。



跨文化交际_名词解释(总3页) -本页仅作为预览文档封面,使用时请删除本页-名词解释1.Intercultural communication refers to communication between people whoseculture perceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter thecommunication event.跨文化交际:指拥有不同文化认知和符号体系的人文之间进行的交际。

2.Culture is a learned set of shared interpretations about beliefs, values, andnorms, which affect the behavior of a relatively large group of people.文化是习得的一套关于信仰,价值观,规范的公认的解释,这些信仰,价值观,规范对相当大人类群体的行为产生影响。

3.Culture identity refers to one’s sense of belonging to a particular culture orethnic group.文化身份:指有意识地把自己归为某一特定文化或种族群体。

4.Subculture are formed by groups of people possessing characteristic traits thatset apart and distinguish them from others within a larger society or dominant culture.亚文化:具有能在更大的一个社会范围内或主流文化中使自己有别于他人的特点的人类群体所形成的文化。

5.Norms are culturally ingrained principles of correct and incorrect behaviorswhich, if broken carry a form of overt or covert penalty.规范指的是正确和不正确行为根深蒂固的文化原则,这种不正确的行为一旦发生,就意味着一种显性或隐性的处罚。






1. 文化冲突(Cultural Conflict):指在不同文化间发生的摩擦或冲突。



2. 文化智商(Cultural Intelligence):指人们在跨文化环境中有效运用跨文化知识、技巧和能力的能力。


3. 冷冻音(Frozen Accent):指在学习第二语言时,母语的语音习惯会影响人们发音的现象。


4. 文化微观描绘(Culture Micro-Mapping):研究人们在跨文化交际中特定情境下的行为和交际方式的方法。


5. 柔性文化 (Flexible Culture):柔性文化强调对不同文化之间的差异保持开放和灵活的态度。


6. 文化同化(Cultural Assimilation):指在跨文化交际中,个体为了更好地适应和融入特定文化,逐渐接受并遵从目标文化的价值观、行为方式和社会规范的过程。


7. 语言障碍(Language Barrier):指由于语言差异导致的交际障碍。























跨文化交际》_名词解释名词解释1.Intercultural communication refers to communication betweenpeople whose culture perceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event.跨文化交际:指拥有不同文化认知和符号体系的人文之间进行的交际。

2.Culture is a learned set of shared interpretations about beliefs,values, and norms, which affect the behavior of a relatively large group of people.文化是习得的一套关于信仰,价值观,规范的公认的解释,这些信仰,价值观,规范对相当大人类群体的行为产生影响。

3.Culture identity refers to one’s sense of belonging to aparticular culture or ethnic group.文化身份:指有意识地把自己归为某一特定文化或种族群体。

4.Subculture are formed by groups of people possessingcharacteristic traits that set apart and distinguish them from others within a larger society or dominant culture.亚文化:具有能在更大的一个社会范围内或主流文化中使自己有别于他人的特点的人类群体所形成的文化。

5.Norms are culturally ingrained principles of correct andincorrect behaviors which, if broken carry a form of overt or covert penalty.规范指的是正确和不正确行为根深蒂固的文化原则,这种不正确的行为一旦发生,就意味着一种显性或隐性的处罚。



1.verbal communication1.言语交际V erbal intercultural communications happens when people from different cultural backgrounds communicate with each other by using language.当来自不同文化背景的人们用语言进行交流时言语交际就发生了。

2.非言语信号:(狭义)noverbal communication refers to intertional use of non-spoken symbol to communicate a specific message .运用非言语符号传达特定信息的交际行为。

(广义)refers to elements of the environment that communicate by virtue of people’s use of them.人们交际时运用的环境因素。

municative context;Communicative context is more likely to affect our communication with those who have different culture from ours or hold our language as their second language.情境context交际发生的环境并且有助于解释交际内容的含义。

The final component of communication is context. Generally, context can be defined as the environment in which the communication takes place and which helps define the communication. It’s the information that surrounds an event, it is in extricably bound up with the meaning of the event.4.Culture is a learned set of shared interpretations about beliefs,values,and norms,which affect the behavior of a relatively large group of people.文化是习得的一套关于信仰,价值观,规范的公认的解释,这些信仰,价值观,规范对相当大人类群体的行为产生影响。




1. 文化:文化是指一组人共同拥有的信仰、价值观、行为模式、语言、习俗等共同特征。


2. 跨文化意识:跨文化意识是指对不同文化之间差异性的认知和理解。


3. 跨文化沟通:跨文化沟通是指在不同文化背景下进行有效的信息交流和理解。


4. 文化冲突:文化冲突指在跨文化交际中由于文化差异引发的矛盾、误解或不适应。


5. 语言barrier:语言障碍指因为不同语言的使用而导致的交流困难。


6. 文化适应:文化适应是指在跨文化环境中适应和融入新的文化。


7. 文化敏感性:文化敏感性是指对他人文化背景的敏感和尊重。



跨文化交际 名词解释

跨文化交际 名词解释

Introduction1.Globalization is considered as a process of increasing involvment ininternational business operations.经济学视角中的全球化表现为不断增加的国际商务往来过程。

2.Macroculture:The term macroculture implies losing ethnic differences andforming one large society.宏观文化意味着种族差异的消失和一个大社会的形成。

3.Melting pot means a sociocultural assimilation of people of differentbackgrounds and nationlities.熔炉:不同背景和国籍的人们之间的社会文化的同化。

4.Microcultures:cultures within cultures微观文化:文化中的文化5.Intercultural communication refers to communication between people whoseculture perceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event.跨文化交际:指拥有不同文化认知和符号体系的人文之间进行的交际。

Chapter 16.Culture is a learned set of shared interpretations about beliefs,values,andnorms,which affect the behavior of a relatively large group of people.文化是习得的一套关于信仰,价值观,规范的公认的解释,这些信仰,价值观,规范对相当大人类群体的行为产生影响。



跨文化交际(Intercultural Communication)是指不同文化之间进行的交际活动。



2.文化冲突(Culture Clash):指不同文化之间的价值、信仰、行为方式等存在差异,导致交流过程中产生的冲突。

3.文化认知(Cultural Awareness):指人们对不同文化的理解、认识和感知。

4.跨文化交际能力(Intercultural Communication Competence):指具备有效应对跨文化交际的能力,包括对不同文化的理解、适应和应对。

5.文化智商(Cultural Intelligence):指人们在跨文化交际中应对复杂情境的能力,包括对文化差异的认知、理解和应对能力。

6.文化适应(Culture Adaptation):指在新的文化环境中,个体逐渐适应并接受该文化的过程。

7.文化刻板印象(Cultural Stereotype):指对某一文化或文化群体的普遍化、片面化的看法和评价。

8.文化代际冲突(Intergenerational Culture Conflict):指不同世代之间在文化、价值观念等方面的差异导致的冲突。

9.文化霸权(Cultural Hegemony):指某一特定文化在全球范围内的主导地位。





名词解释1.Intercultural communication refers to communication between people whoseculture perceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter thecommunication event.跨文化交际:指拥有不同文化认知和符号体系的人文之间进行的交际。

Culture is a learned set of shared interpretations about beliefs, values, and norms, which affect the behavior of a relatively large group of people.文化是习得的一套关于信仰,价值观,规范的公认的解释,这些信仰,价值观,规范对相当大人类群体的行为产生影响。

Culture identity refers to one’s sense of belonging to a particular culture or ethnic group.文化身份:指有意识地把自己归为某一特定文化或种族群体。

Subculture are formed by groups of people possessing characteristic traits that set apart and distinguish them from others within a larger society or dominant culture.亚文化:具有能在更大的一个社会范围内或主流文化中使自己有别于他人的特点的人类群体所形成的文化。

Norms are culturally ingrained principles of correct and incorrect behaviors which, if broken carry a form of overt or covert penalty.规范指的是正确和不正确行为根深蒂固的文化原则,这种不正确的行为一旦发生,就意味着一种显性或隐性的处罚。



Introduction1.Globalization is considered as a process of increasing involvment in international businessoperations.经济学视角中的全球化表现为不断增加的国际商务往来过程。

2.Macroculture:The term macroculture implies losing ethnic differences and forming onelarge society.宏观文化意味着种族差异的消失和一个大社会的形成。

3.Melting pot means a sociocultural assimilation of people of different backgrounds andnationlities.熔炉:不同背景和国籍的人们之间的社会文化的同化。

4.Microcultures:cultures within cultures微观文化:文化中的文化5.Intercultural communication refers to communication between people whose cultureperceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event.跨文化交际:指拥有不同文化认知和符号体系的人文之间进行的交际。

Chapter 16.Culture is a learned set of shared interpretations about beliefs,values,and norms,which affectthe behavior of a relatively large group of people.文化是习得的一套关于信仰,价值观,规范的公认的解释,这些信仰,价值观,规范对相当大人类群体的行为产生影响。

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名词解释1.Intercultural communication refers to communication between people whose cultureperceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event.跨文化交际:指拥有不同文化认知和符号体系的人文之间进行的交际。

2.Culture is a learned set of shared interpretations about beliefs, values, and norms, whichaffect the behavior of a relatively large group of people.文化是习得的一套关于信仰,价值观,规范的公认的解释,这些信仰,价值观,规范对相当大人类群体的行为产生影响。

3.Culture identity refers to one’s sense of belonging to a particular culture or ethnic group.文化身份:指有意识地把自己归为某一特定文化或种族群体。

4.Subculture are formed by groups of people possessing characteristic traits that set apart anddistinguish them from others within a larger society or dominant culture.亚文化:具有能在更大的一个社会范围内或主流文化中使自己有别于他人的特点的人类群体所形成的文化。

5.Norms are culturally ingrained principles of correct and incorrect behaviors which, if brokencarry a form of overt or covert penalty.规范指的是正确和不正确行为根深蒂固的文化原则,这种不正确的行为一旦发生,就意味着一种显性或隐性的处罚。

6.文化震荡Culture shock refers to the traumatic experience that an individual may encounterwhen entering a different culture.人们在进入一种新文化环境时,遭遇的痛苦和难忘的经历。

7.人际交际interpersonal communication: a small number of individuals who are interactingexclusively with one another and who therefore have the ability to adapt their messages specifically for those others and to obtain immediate interpretations from them.指少数人之间的交往他们既能根据对方调整自己的信息,又能立即从对方那里获得解释。

8.世界观worldview:is the belief that we hold explaining the cosmos God, the nature ofhumanity and nature.指我们持有的对宇宙,神,人本质及自然的最根本的看法。

9.Context :it’s the information that surrounds an event ,it is in extricably bound up with themeaning of the event .10.高语境文化High-context culture :it's a kind of culture in which people are veryhomogeneous with regard to experiences ,information networks ,and the like ,e.g.Chinese ,Japanese11.低语境文化Low-context culture:it's a kind of culture in which the population is lesshomogeneous and therefore tends to compartmentalize interpersonal contacts ,e.g.American ,German12.个人主义Individualism :broadly speaking ,individualism refers to the doctrine theater theinterests of the individual are of ought to be paramount ,and that all values ,rights and duties originate in individual s ,it emphasizes individual initiative ,independence ,individual expression ,and even privacy .个人利益胜于集体利益13.集体主义Collectivism: it is characterized by a rigid social framework that distinguishbetween in-groups and out-groups .people expect their in-group to look after them ,and in exchange for that they fell they owe absolute loyalty to the group .collectivism means greater emphasis on (1)the views ,needs ,and goals of the in-groups rather than oneself ; (2)social norms and duty defined by the in-group rather than behavior to get pleasure ; (3)beliefs1shared with the in-group; rather than beliefs that distinguish self from in group ; and (4)great readiness to cooperate with in group membership .个人融入集体。

14.对不确定因素的回避态度:uncertainty avoidance deals with a society’s tolerance foruncertainty and ambiguity ;it ultimately refers to man’s search for truth.是关于一个社会对不确定性和模棱两可的容忍程度。

15.权利距离power distance:组织或机构里边,没有权力的成员对于权力不均等分配接受和期望的程度。

16.焦虑Anxiety occurs because of not knowing what one is expected to do, and focusing onthat feeling and not be totally present in the communication transaction.在新环境下人们不知如何应对,过多关注自己的情绪,不能全身心投入到交际中。

17.假定一致性:(1) To assume people know how someone else is thinking based on how theysee things is called projected cognitive similarity.从自己看待事物的角度来判断别人的想法。

(2)Assuming similarity instead of difference refers to the assumption that people are moresimilar to you than they actually are or that another person's situation is more similar to you own situation than it in fact is.18.定势stereotypes:refers to negative or positive judgment made about individuals based onany observable or believed group membership.针对目标群体成员所特有的正面或方面的判断。

19.偏见Prejudice refers to the irrational dislike, suspicion, or hatred of a particular group,race, religion, or sexual orientation.偏见是指对于某一特定群体,种类,宗教或性取向的无端的憎恶和怀疑。

20.言语交际Verbal intercultural communications happens when people from differentcultural backgrounds communicate with each other by using language.当来自不同文化背景的人们用语言进行交流时言语交际就发生了。

21.禁忌语:Taboo refers to some words or actions that are avoided by a particular group ofpeople,or in certain for religious or social reasons.在特定文化中出于宗教或社会原因被一特定群体所避免使用的一些词语或行为。

22.委婉语:Euphemism means the act of substituting a mild,indirect,or vague term for oneconsidered harsh,blunt,or offensive.指用温和的,间接的方式来代替严厉的,生硬的或冒犯的言语。
