
[ 关键词 ] 英语 商业广告语言 违反“ 合作原 则” 会话含 义
1 引言 .
通常, 语言所表达的意义有两种: 一种是说 话人说 出的词语 和句子 所表达 的字 面意义 , 另一种是说话人通过话 语含 蓄地表示 的意义 。 字面 意 义就是话语 的语 义内容 , 含蓄意 义往往是说话人 的“ 用意” 所在 , 在交 流 中 ,用意” “ 基于 “ 字义” 但 比“ 义” , 字 更丰 富, 这种 会话的“ 意” 用 被称 为“ 会话 含义” “ 义” ,含 是间接语言的一种重要表 现形式 。 日常生活语 在 言交流 中,会话 含义” “ 是一个非常普遍 的现象 , 我们常说 的“ 话中有话” , “ 弦外有音 ” 实际就是“ 会话含义” 。 广告是一种特殊 的交 际行为, 广告商运用广告语 言向公众传播信息 的过程, 便是两者之 间交流的过程。 只是这种交 流持续 时间比较长最 终 以公众购买其产 品或服务来说明交流的成功, 注定 了广告语言要有 这也 自身鲜 明的特点——经济性和艺术性 。广告语 言的经济性体现在两个 方 面:1由于时间篇幅等条件 的限制 , () 广告语必 须尽量简洁精炼 , 使受 众 容易记住;2广告 的 目的是为 了帮助广告 商提高其产 品或 品牌在受 () 众 中的影响力和接受 度( 了公益 性广告) 除 , 提高 商品的销售量 , 因此广 告语 言背后体现着商业利益 。广告语 言的艺 术性体 现在广告语言的形 式 和内容两 个方 面:1在语 言的形式上 , () 广告语 往往 采取排 比、 对偶 、 押 韵等形式 , 使广告语读上去 朗朗上 口, 产生美感 ; ) ( 在内容方面 , 2 广告语 还 常常能体 现出幽默美 、 人性美 、 诗性美 、 意境美。 广告语 言 由广告 主体传递给公众的单向语言, 是 交流是被 间接地反 馈 给广告 主体 的, 以广告 制作人应该尽可能使 广告语言更 清楚, 所 更有 力。一般情 况下, 众不会 自己花很多时间来寻找广告 , 以广告语言本 公 所 身要具有 吸引力, 在公众看 到广告 的第一 眼就 抓住他们 的注 意力, 进而 促进 成功的交易。在现实生活 中, 了吸引公众的注意力, 为 大部分 的广告 制 作人则会采取 故意违反合作原则的方法来求得意想不到的效果 。 2格莱斯 的合作原则及其在英语广告语中的运用 . 21格莱 斯的合作原则 . 要想使语言交流能够成功 、 效地进行 , 有 那么此次交流 的参与者至 少有一个 共同的交际 目标( 这个 目标一般在 谈话开始 时就 确定了 ) 为 , 了达到该 目标 , 交际方必须 存在某种默契。美国学者格莱斯认为 , 在真 实 的语 言交际 巾, 为了使 会话顺利进行 , 无论处于何种 文化背景 , 交际 的双方都必须遵守一条原则 , 合作原则” 合作原则包 含以下 四条准 即“ 。 则: ) ( 数量准则, 1 即说话人的话语要包括足够的信息 , 但是也不要包括交 际所不需要 的信 息。( 质量准则, 2 ) 即说话人不要说 自 是虚假的话; 知 不 要讲缺乏足够证据的话。 3关联准则, () 即说话人的言语要与谈话 内容相 关 。() 4方式准则, 即话语要简洁明了 、 直截了 当, 而不是晦涩难懂 , 或冗 长 累赘 。 这 四条准则 中,数量准则” “ 规定了我们说话时应提供 的信息量 , 不 应多说 , 也不应少说 ; 质量准则 ” 定了说话 的真实性 , “ 规 要求人们说真 话, 不说假话 , 不说没根据的话;关联准则” “ 规定 了话语 内容要切题 , 不 跑题 ; 方式准则 ” 求说话人使用简 洁明了的话语 , 含糊其词 , “ 要 不 不罗 嗦 。也就是说 , 前三条准则关系着交流各方说话 的内容 , 回答 “ 说什 么” 的问题 ; 而第 四条准则关系着人们 交流 的方 式 , 回答 “ 怎么说 ” 的问题 。 如果人们交流时都能遵循这些准则 , 就能够 以最直接 、 最有效 的方 式进 行交际 。 22格 莱 斯 的 合 作 原 则 在 英语 广 告语 中 的运 用 . 合作原则及其准则对人们交际会话 的指导是潜 意识 的。在 实际生 活 中, 人们谁也不会像遵守法律或交通规则那样去严格遵守 以上准则。 然而, 会话含 义恰 恰是从这里产 生的 : 一方 面, 听话 人感到说话 者没有 遵守某一准则 ,另一方 面,听话者没有理 由认为说话者故 意违反该准 则, 最起码 听话人认为说话人是在遵守总 的合作原则 , 自己尽力合作 与 的。为 了解决这一对矛盾 , 听话者就只好( 也必须) 据各 项条件去揣摸 根 f 分析 、 推测 , 最后得 ) 者的会话含义 。 说话 广告语违反合作原则 的情况 十分普遍 ,因为由此产生 的特殊效果对广告语被 受众接受甚至喜爱有 着积极作 用。 因此 , 前对广告语运用合作原则的研究大多集 中在广告 目 语 对合作原则的违反情 况方 面。 在现实生活 中, 为了吸引公众 的注意力, 大部分的广告 制作人 则会采 取故意违反合作原则的方法来求得会话含 义, 达到意想不 到的效果 。广告话 语作为一种特殊 的对话形 式, 其语言 作为传递信息的重要媒介, 发挥着重要的作用。以下将逐项分析广告语 言 中违反合作原则产生会话 含义的情况 。

此认为 B的话语 是一种不合 作 的回应 ,不把 A 的话题继续下 去, 而是撂 一边去 , 开始 了另外一 个话题 。然而 这种貌 似违反 合作原 则的回答 , 更深一 层却是 遵循 了合作 原则 , 在 因为我们 可 以猜 B l i 1所 在 的地方 和他 的 车 a y lo W停 泊 的位 置 e lw Y 之间有必然 的联系 , 因此知道 B的意思是 B l i 1在 S e的家里 。 u 在这种情况 下, 照合作原则 的假 象可 以得 到推论 ,r c 依 Gie 把这 种 推理 称 为会 话含 义 (o vr a in l m l c t r ) c n e s t o a ip ia u e 。 G ie还 认 为特殊 会话含 义 是违 反合作 原则 下 四个准 则之 中 rc
( 理学 院外 国语学 院 大 云南 大理 610) 7 0 0
摘 要 : 英语 口语 交际和 听力 训 练 中, 常发 现说 话人 违 反会话 原则 , 语用 学研 究看 , 些违 反行 为大 多 数是 说话 人 故 意进行 经 从 这 的.基于 礼貌考虑 , 或者 反语 , 或者 强调 , 者表 达的 生动性 , 话人违反 了合作 原则 或者 礼貌原 则 中的若干 次准则 , 而产 生 了会 或 说 从 话 含义 , 而会 话含 义正是 听力理解 中常 常需要把 握 的重 点. 关键 词 : 会话含 义 听力 理解 语 用学
中图分类号 :G 4 62
文献标 识码 :A
文章编 号 :6 2 1 7 2 0 ) -0 3 O 1 7- 58(08 70 5一 2

合作原则、会话含义及礼貌原则摘要:“合作原则”(cooperative principle)是美国哲学家Grice 提出的一套假想的原则,合作原则这条根本原则可以具体体现为四条准则,即数量准则,质量准则,关联准则和方式准则。
但是在实际的日常生活中人们并不总是遵循这四条准则,其实也就是因为对合作原则下的这四条准则的违反才产生了“会话含义”(conversational implicature)。
但是Grice 并没有解释人们为什么要违反“合作原则” (cooperative principle)。
在此之后,Leech 又提出了“礼貌原则”(politeness principle),作为对合作原则的补充。
Leech 认为在日常会话中,人们往往因为遵守礼貌原则而违反了合作原则。
关键词:合作原则;会话含义;礼貌原则一.合作原则和它的四个准则合作原则(cooperative principle)是Grice1967年在哈佛大学的一次演讲中提出的,他认为,合作原则是一切成功的语言交际活动的基础,所以我们可以这样认为,所有参加交谈的人在他们进行交谈活动时采取的是合作的态度。
质量准则(quality maxim)——也就是说要尽量说真话(1)不要说自己认为是不真实的话;(2)不要说缺乏足够证据的话例1:A:你认为他适合做这个工作吗?B:当然了,完全适合。
数量准则(quantity maxim)A:使自己所说的话达到现时的交际目的所要求的详尽程度;B:不能使自己所说的话比要求的更详尽。

A: I h ope yo u are not t o p ut o ut wi t h me f or th e
d e l a y ,I h a d t o s t o p f o r t h e F r e d ’S h o m e t o p i c k u p
在这 个对话里 ,A 请 求B 帮 助他制订体 能训练计划 ,B 回 答表 明他很愿意 帮忙 。此信息足 以令A 得到满 意的答复 ,但 随后B 又 提 醒A 说 一 定不 要 过 量 运 动 ,并 提 到 上 次 自己 由 于在 三天 内完成 了两周 的举重练 习,结果受伤 了的经历 。B 的回 答提供 了多余 的信 息,显然违 反了数量 原则。由此 可以推 导 出B 认为过量的体能训练对身体有害,建议A 仔细考虑之后 再 做决定的隐含信息。 2 . 质量准则的违反与 “ 会话含义 ” 故意 违 反 质 量 准 则 包括 提 供 相 反或 虚 假 的 信 息 。例 :
A: Ca n y ou hel p m e w or k ou t
p r o g r a m J o h n ?

11 An Analysis of the Different Meanings of Color Words between Western and Eastern Cultures
12 《宠儿》的黑人女性主义解读
13 A Contrastive Study of English and Chinese Cohesiveness
31 On the Manifold Functions of the Scene of Parties in The Great Gatsby
32 文学翻译中的译者主体性
33 《呼啸山庄》中凯瑟琳的悲剧分析
34 论《一个温和的建议》中的黑色幽默
35 英语意识流小说汉译现状及对策研究
36 英语交际中害羞心理产生的根源及其克服方法
1 《石头天使》中哈格形象的女性主义解读
2 英汉双语词典中的语用信息
3 A Probe into Assisting Functions and Limitations of Machine Translation of Journalistic Texts
37 交际法在中学英语教学中的运用
38 从异化与归化看网络上美剧的字幕翻译
39 身势语在英语教学中的运用
40 《老人与海》的家园意识
23 浅析造成盖茨比悲剧的因素
24 高中英语写作作业的反馈及实施效果
25 模因论视角下的公司名称翻译
26 数字口译及其训练策略
27 福克纳对女性形象的塑造—以《献给艾米丽的玫瑰》和《士兵的报酬》为例 28 谭恩美《喜福会》中母女关系的文化解读

Four Principles
1.数量原则(maxim of quantity) 2.质量原则(maxim of quality) 3.相关准则(maxim of relation) 4.方式原则(maxim of manner)
A.数量准则(maxim of Quantity) 1) Make your contribution as informative as required. 2) Do not make your contribution more informative than is required say what you believe to be false. 2) Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence.
C.关系准则 (maxim of Relevance) Be relevant
2)提供的信息太多 A: When did you come back last night B: Around midnight, we finished the meeting.
B. Violation of quality
1)故意不说真实的话 A:How are you? B: I am dead.
Conversational Implicature
• 话语的隐含意义,即“会话含义” • “会话含义”是语用学的核心内容。格莱斯的会
话含义理论,“本质是关于人们如何运用语言的 理论”。
generalized conversational implicature
• 不需要特殊语境就能推导出来的含义
Thank you!
Make your conversational contribution such as required at the stage at which it occurs by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged.


会 话 含 义 理 论 的 意 义
会话 含义 指的是在 交际 中说话 者 因违 反“ 合作 原则 ” 的各 项准则而产生 的话语意义 。通俗地说 , 会话含 义即说话者 的“ 言 外之 意” 。美 国语 言哲 学家格莱 斯( P G ie对会话含 义进行 H_ . r ) c 了最早 的系统研究 , 于 16 年 在哈佛 大学讲 座时 提 出了“ 他 97 合 作原 则” “ 和 会话含义理论 ”他 的学说 引起 了语言学界 的重视 , , 很多学者在著作 中采用 了他 的理 论 , 格莱斯 的合作 原则和会 将 话含义学说看成是语用学的重要组成部分 。 会话含 义理论 不是从语言 系统内部 ( 即语音 、 语法 、 语义等 角度 ) 发去研究语 言形式 本身所 表达 的意义 , 是根据 语境 出 而 来分析语言 , 解释语言 的言下之意 、 弦外之音。例如 : Jh , o A:o nd
3 系准则 (1 xi R l ac ) 这一准则要求使说话 . 关 1e h ma mo e vne 。 f e 者 的 话 与 对 方 的话 有 关 联 性 m k or o tb t n lvn)不 ae u nr u os e at y c i i re , 要答 非所 问 。 4方式准则( h x Man r。这一准则要求说话要明白 . T e i o n e) ma m f 易懂 b rpcos 简短扼要be r t条理清楚b dr ) e esi u) p u 、 i) b e、 e rel , o y 要避 免说晦涩难懂( o su t 、 a io ef ̄ 模棱两可( o i i) vdb i a ia g t的话。 v d mb uy 显然 , 在实际的言语 交际中 , 人们并不是严格遵 守这些准则 的。 如果说话者 一方有意地违反合作原则 的某一准则 ( 实际是利 用 了这个 准则 )而对方对 此有所意识 , , 并且相信说 话者是遵守 合作原则的 , 就能够根据具体 的语境推导出话语 的言外之意 。 下面我们就违反合作原则 中各项准则所产生的言外之意 的 情况 , 通过 实例来进行一些介绍 : 1 . 对质的准则的违反 例 女 : : a wlyud u a ’ oeh be B Ila Ⅱ A wh t i oiy n v ea l? :'et lo fo c t m t t l
浅谈CET 4听力中的会话含义与大学英语听力教学

教育部于 19 年 9月的《 99 大学英语大纲( 修订 版) 中对非英语专业大学生 的听力能力要求是 这 》 样规定的: 学生“ 能听懂英语讲课 , 并能听懂题材熟
悉、 句子结构 比较简单、 基本上没有生词、 语速每分 钟 10~10个词 的简 短 会话 、 话 报 道 和 讲 座 , 3 5 谈 掌 握其中心大意 , 抓住要点和有关细节 , 领会讲话者的 观点和态度” 。与之前 的大纲相 比, 新大纲对听力能 力的要求增高 了, “ 从 基本听懂” 掌握其中心大 到“
浅 谈 C T4听 力 中 的会 话 含义 与大 学 英 语 听 力教 学 E
朱 芬
( 阳理 工 学院 外语 系 , 南 洛 阳 4 1 2 ) 洛 河 7 0 3
摘要 : 会话含义理论是语用学的理论 支柱之一 , 它研 究语言在特定语境 下的 言外之 意 , 弦外之音 , 帮助说话者表达 隐含 意
试 中所 占分值 也 较 大 。但是 , 者 在 听力 教 学 中常 笔
发现这样一些情况 : 学生很注重听懂单词 , 却很少注 重理解 能力 的培 养 , 以致 即使 他 们 听 懂 了对 话 或 材 料 中的每一 个单 词 , 最终 还是 无法 正确 地选 择答案 。 因此 , 英语听力考试对于大多数学生来说 一直是个 难点。本文运用格赖斯的会话含义理论对全国大学 英语四级考试听力理解部分 的相关对话进行分析 , 探讨会 话 含义理 论对 提高 学生 听力 理解能 力 的指导 作用, 从而提高外 语学习者 的听力水平。
,Leabharlann 在英 语 习得 中 占有很 重要 的地 位 , 各种 英语测 在
我们不难发现 , 人们在谈话时并非时时开 门见山, 实 话实说 , 而常常是答非所问, 言此及彼。如果我们掌 握一定的会话含义方面 的知识 , 就能从看似错误的 会话 中准确推 导 出说 话 者 话 语 中 的真 实 意 义 , 对 这 于学 生提高 英语 听力水 平是 非 常重要 的 。 三 、 学英 语 四级 听 力测试 与会话 含义 理论 大 1高校大学英语教学大纲对听力的要求 .

义 才算是 完全 的意义 。4 如 同 中国 的普 通话 有 四声一 样 , [ 1
英 语 的语 调 细 分 也 可 分 为 七 类 :高 降 调 ( i -a ig hg fln h l tn ) u e ,低降 调 (o —a igtn ) 1w fln e ,升 降 调 ( s g fln l u i n r i —a ig l tn ) u e ,平 调 (e e tn ) 高 升 调 ( ih r igtn ) 1 lue , v hg — s u e , i n
教 育 广 角
Hale Waihona Puke 英 语 语 调 与 会 话 含 义
刘 冰
( 州医学 院外 语教 研 室 ,江 苏 徐 州 2 1 0 ) 徐 200
摘 要 :英语 学 习对 于 中国的 大 学生 而 言无疑 是 重 中之 重 .而现今 的英语 教 学的 交 际性 转 向又将 英 语 的 听说 提 升到 一 个新 的 高度 。本 文结合 语 音 和语 用 两 个方 面 ,从 英语 的语 调 入 手 ,剖 析 话 语 的会 话
取 合作 的 态度 。回 合作 原 则包 括 四条 准则 ,具 体 为① 数
有 的话语 都要 经 过一 番 曲折才 能 理解 其含 义 .这 里 只是 从语 用学 的角 度强 调 了人 们在 进 行语 言交 际 时 ,有 时就 会 出现超 出字 面含 义 之外 的 言外 之意 。那 么如 何 理解 说 话 人 的真 正意 图 和态 度 呢 ,从语 言 交 际 的角 度来 看 ,音 调 、音 长 和音 高这 些层 面对 于 我们 理解 说话 人 话语 中所
含 义 ,来理 解 讲话人 的 真 实意 图,以助 于英 语 学 习者培 养 英语 的 实际应 用和 交 际能力 。

学科分类号:050201湖南人文科技学院本科生毕业论文题目(中文):商务英语对话中的会话含义研究(英文): A Study of ConversationalImplicature in Business EnglishConversations学生姓名:武玉洁学号系部:外语系专业年级:英语专业2010级指导教师(姓名):朱芙蓉(职称):副教授湖南人文科技学院教务处制A Study of Conversational Implicature in Business EnglishConversationsBy Wu YujieMay 15, 2014内容摘要商务英语作为专门用途英语的一个分支,用词简短易懂,句式严密规范,语篇实用性强,是在特殊语境下使用的一种语言。
关键词:商务英语对话;会话含义;合作原则AbstractBusiness English, as a branch of English for special purpose (ESP) is brief and concise in word use ,vigor and normative in sentence pattern, high functional in context. Business English contains Business English negotiation, English business correspondence, Business English etiquette and so on. Business English Conversation is a common way in business trade for setting up relationship or making a deal. According to the conversation, both parties involved have a better understanding of each other and get mutual benefit .In social communication, both sides usually attempt to work to achieve their shared goal and try hard to let the conversation go on as they expect. But sometimes, people won’t cooperate with each other for some reasons, they will violate the guiding principle of conversation---cooperative principle.The study and analysis of conversation under the perspective cooperative principle of pragmatics not only helps us realize the speech communication rules and improve our oral communication ability, but also reveals the way we understand and master the world from the familiar yet unnoticed daily conversational phenomena, and uncovers the essence of language as well.Key Words:Business English conversation; conversational implicature;Cooperative PrincipleContentsIntroduction (1)1.Theoretical Framework (2)1.1 A Brief Introduction to Conversational Implicature (2)1.2 A Brief Introduction to Grice’s Cooperative Principle (3)2.Features of Business English Conversations (6)2.1 Adaptation (7)2.2 Accuracy (8)2.3 Timeliness (8)2.4 Face-to-face conversations (9)3.Conversational Implicature in Business English conversations (9)3.1 Factors Affecting Conversational Implicature (10)3.1 .1 Factor of the Context (10)3.1.2 Factor of Politeness (12)3.2 Conversational Implicature by Violating Cooperative Principles (12)3.2.1 Violating the Quantity Maxim (13)3.2.2 Violating the Quality Maxim (16)3.2.3 Violating the Relation Maxim (19)3.2.4 Violating the Manner Maxim (20)Conclusion (22)Notes (25)References (2)IntroductionPragmatics is a special branch of linguistics because its interpretation depends more on who the speaker of the sentence is, who the hearer is, when and where it is used . In short, pragmatics depends more on the context.The theory of conversational implicature is one of most famous theory of Pragmatics. Grice. H. P, one of the world most distinguished scholars in Pragmatics, brings forward the conversational implicature theory with cooperative principle and its four conversational maxims in “Logic and Conversation”, and tries hard to “explain how a hearer gets from what is said to what is meant, from the level of expressed meaning to the level of implied meaning”[1]and indicates that people frequently generate conversational implicature by violating cooperative principle. So, conversational implicature is indirectly associated with linguistics content of utterances. It’s necessary for a English business trader to learn the implied meaning from whatis delivered by speaker.Conversation is a most useful way for participants to deliver and obtain information. In communication, participants usually try hard to achieve the same goal or make the conversation develop to the direction as they expected. Business English conversation is a carrier of international business trade .A successful business English conversation is the result of effective team work. In order to make the communication fulfill, the participants should have one common goal, or at least one common direction accepted by all the participants. Usually these goals or directions are definitely set at the starting of the whole conversation[2]. For instance, two parties prepare to make an agreement of the meeting time, solve a specific problem, and then people make efforts in cooperation to realize the goals and directions.Pragmatics as a relatively new area in linguistics has already obtained great attention among linguists all over the world but there only few search in business area. By analyzingbusiness conversations in a pragmatic approach, I hope, I can make certain contribution to correctly understand the conversational implicatures in business English conversations and help people in business English conversations and shed light on the application of pragmatics.1.Theoretical FrameworkGrice’s conversational implicature theory and cooperative principle with its four maxims is employed as the theoretical framework to study the conversational implicature in business English conversations.1.1 A Brief Introduction to Conversational ImplicatureThe theory of conversational implicature was proposed by Oxford philosopher Herbert Paul Grice. Grice began to formulate his ideas of this theory in the 1950s, but it was known through the William James’lectures which he delivered at Harvard in 1967. Part of the lectures was published in 1975 under the title of “Logic and Conversation”.A speaker conversationally implicates that Q by saying that P if and only if he or she is conforming to the CP in saying that P , and the explanation of his or her conformity to the CP is that he or she thinks that q, and he or she thinks that the hearer will recognize that it his or her thinking that q explains his or her conformity to the CP [3] .It has long been recognized that the one-to-one relationship between its linguistic form and what a speaker truly means does not exist so that a distinction between the literal meaning of what a person says and its implied meaning is often created in daily communication. The following is an example of the conversational implicature meant by Grice:Lily: Do you have any money on you?Here, the speaker’s implied meaning is to wish the listener understand that she wants to borrow some money from the listener.So from the above example we know that the conversational implicature is a message not found in the surface meaning of the sentence, but implied in a deep level.Conversational implicature is indirectly associated with the linguistic content of utterances. So it is essential for us to learn the implied meaning from what is conveyed in some context. 1.2 A Brief Introduction to Grice’s Cooperative PrincipleIn conversational exchange people usually try to reach a common goal by mutual efforts or at least make the conversation to develop in the direction of their expectation. H. P. Grice has found some rules that apply and work in human conversation and established his theory of Conversational Implicature. Grice proposed that all speakers, regardless of their cultural background, adhere to a basic principle governing conversation which he termed the cooperative principle. That is, we assume that in a conversation the participants will cooperate with each other when making their contributions. Grice once defines the cooperative principal as following: “you’re your contribution such as is required, at the stage which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the exchange in which you are engaged[4].”People act in conversation in accordance with a generalprinciple that they are mutually engaged in an activity that is of benefit to all, especially helpful for mutual understanding.Cooperative principle is the core of Grice’s conversational implicature. In further explaining the cooperative principle,Grice subdivides this general principle into four more detailed maxims. They are: quantity maxim, quality maxim, relation maxim and manner maxim. And the content of each maxim is as follows:The first basic maxim is the maxim of Quantity: concerned with the quantity of information to be provided and has two sub-maxims:Make your contribution as informative as is required (for the current purposes of the exchange).Do not make your contribution more informative than is required.The second basic maxim is the maxim of Quality: try to make your contribution one that is true and more specific: Do not say what you believe to be false.Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence.The third basic maxim is the maxim of Relation:”be relevant”. This maxim can be interpreted as making sure what you say is relevant to the conversation at hand. The point of this maxim is that it is not sufficient for a statement to be true for it to constitute an acceptable conversational contribution.The fourth basic maxim is the maxim of Manner : be perspicuous.Avoid using obscurity and hard-to-understand words to expression;Avoid using ambiguous to expression;The sentence use to express oneself must be brief and avoid unnecessary prolixity;That the sentence use to express oneself must be orderly.In short, these maxims specify what participants have to do in order to converse in a maximally efficient, rational, cooperative way: they should speak sincerely, relevantly and clearly, while providing sufficient information.It should be noted that the above maxims are not rules. They are much more flexible, more like guidelines. Infringing arule of grammar leads to an ill-formed utterance; however, the maxims can be creatively infringed and are to be followed by and large, to the best of one’s ability. Grice is at pains to emphasize that the maxims are not culture-bound conventions like table manners: they are rationally based, and would hence be expected to be observable in any human society. One way in which cultures can differ is in the relative importance allotted to the maxims. For instance, a strict adherence to the maxim of quality may lead to no information at all being given. In some cultures, this may come across as rudeness, and to avoid this result, it may be preferable to provide fictitious information in order to make up a seemly response.In Grice’s opinion, implicatures cannot be inferred in a semantic way. They are based on both the content of the utterance and some specific assumptions about the cooperative nature of ordinary talk exchanges. These inferences or conversational implicatures exist in at least two distinct ways: one is the speaker’s following the maxims adhering to the cooperative principle; another is the speaker’s violating themaxims deliberately. If the participants both have the expectation to achieve a successful conversation, they must cooperate with each other, and speak sincerely, sufficiently, relevantly and clearly. To put it another way, they must observe the cooperative principle and the maxims of Quality, Quantity, Relevance and Manner. If someone who participate the conversation flouts the cooperative principle and any of the maxims, he must have intended to do so. And the receiver can infer the speaker’s intended meaning in particular contexts. 2.Features of Business English ConversationsBusiness English conversations have some features. They are adaptation, accuracy, timeliness and communicative function. As the business communicators in a conversation, he or she uses tool conversation carefully and with consideration of their customers and their intended conversational goals. Effective business communicators will find that their efforts pay off in better relationships and business success.2.1 AdaptationBecause of the cultural differences, the communicator inbusiness English conversations must have a good knowledge of the others’ working background and supply proper information.Business English conversations are different from normal conversation because of their adaptation and specification. “The more specific conversations are, the more they meet the needs of the audience” [5].Therefore, before coming to business English conversations, communicator should be clear about the background knowledge of the group people they would talk with, and the content they would convey to their audience.Even in small organizations, it is wrong to assume that everybody will have the same needs, interests and desires when it comes to business conversations. Business conversations are adapted to meet the needs of specific listeners or audiences. Employees working in an administrative setting, for instance, will have different needs and different access to information than employees working in a manufacturing environment. That’s why the communicator in business English conversations must have a good knowledge of the others’ working background and supply proper information.2.2 AccuracyDue to the special prosperities of business conversation, participants are reaching a common goal by mutual efforts. So, the delivered information needs to be clear and concise enough.When information is inaccurate, it will its credibility and cause many troubles. The people who send the information also lose its’credibility. So the sender must be sure about the information sent is accurate in business English conversations. The accuracy includes the context conveyed and expressions that include grammar, spelling and punctuation.2.3 TimelinessAll the employees need to know what is going on in their organizations and in the external environment that impacts them which is good for their future plan especially in business English conversations. The content one conveyed in business English conversations should be in time with the new changes or development in or outside his company or organization, for building a timely and harmonious business relationship. “Today’s technology-driven environment makes it morechallenging than ever before for businesses to communicate with employees in a timely manner, but it is critical for effective business conversation” [5].In addition, it cannot be assumed that a message has gotten across if it is sent just one time. Business conversations occur frequently to ensure that they have been received by all employees. Employees leave, new employees join the company and employees transfer from one role to another, requiring new and updated information in time.2.4 Face-to-face conversations“Face-to-face conversations are still the most effective and should be used whenever possible and practical”[6]. It means that via Face-to-face communication, the speakers talk in person with the listeners and they will fulfill maximize the communicative function. Of course, in very large organizations this can be challenging, but alternatives can be videoconferencing or the use of webinars. In face-to-face business conversations, employees can get the opportunity to share their feedback, opinions and thoughts with managers andemployers. Effective business conversations offer the opportunity for two-way communication to benefit employees and employers.Face-to-Face business English conversations give the conversation listeners a chance to make a two-way interaction. As the speakers, they can understand more about the requirements of the listeners and listeners also can express their suggestions.3.Conversational Implicature in Business EnglishconversationsOn account of reducing misunderstanding in Business trade, hearer must completely understand the speaker’s meaning. So, Business English conversations will be analyzed under the guidance of Grice’s conversational implicature theory.Before that, affecting factors of conversational implicature must be talk as firstly.3.1 Factors Affecting Conversational ImplicatureFactors of context and politeness play an important role in under standing implicatures in business English conversationsand they will be introduced separately.3.1 .1 Factor of the ContextSince the 1970s, linguists at home and abroad have been increasingly aware that context plays a significant and irreplaceable role in deducing conversational implicature. Context is both the basis of correct communication and the foundation of understanding conversational implicature, which helps the participants in a conversation eliminate the vagueness of utterance, deduce the real meaning of the utterance and make up the omitted information. Context, in particular, is helpful when one party wants to grasp the implied meaning of the other who violates the conversational maxims. Grice has realized that the context of the utterance and the background knowledge are important. The following are examples:It is on a Monday morning. Emma comes to Bob’s company and meets Bob. They already collaborated for several times before.Emma: What about payment?Bob: L/C.In this conversation, it seems that Bob doesn’t give the proper answer to Emma, because L/C still can be divided into different types, such as revocable L/C, irrevocable L/C, confirmed L/C, unconfirmed L/C, sight L/C and usance L/C and so on. Some detailed information about the L/C should be told. But when we look at the notes of the conversation, it’s easy to find out Emma and Bob are familiar with each other. Therefore, Bob’s answer is easy for Emma to accept and imply meaning is the method of payment as usual.If the two parties in business are not familiar with each other then one better reply should be:Emma: What about payment?Bob: I suggest the most suitable arrangement should be by an L/C, valid for 10 days, that is until 15 May.Context is a vital ingredient when analyzing the conversational implicature. On one hand, to judge whether an implicature is made or not, or what it implicates, one needs to review what has been said and preview what will be said later to figure out what is going on around. On the other hand, toimplicate something, one may try to invoke the cooperative principle by a word, phrase or statement that may be superfluous, false, irrelevant or fuzzy.3.1.2 Factor of PolitenessIn 1980s, English famous linguist Leech gave a further promotion in Grice’s the cooperative principle and proposed the theory of politeness principle. Politeness principle is a supplement to Grice’s cooperative principle. Leech pointed out that politeness principle is used for people who violate the cooperative principle for polite reason.The theory of politeness principle includes the following five maxims: Generosity Maxim; Modesty Maxim; Agreement Maxim; Sympathy Maxim. These five maxims all provide much convenience for others even though one may suffer losses.For instance, Mary and Lily are bosom friends, and one day Mary speaks to Lily very politely like: “Excuse me, would you mind me closing the window?”Then an idea may take its shape that there might be something unhappy taking place between Mary and Lily and they are still angry with each other.3.2 Conversational Implicature by Violating Cooperative PrinciplesIn the actual verbal business conversational activities, strict observance of the cooperative principle may lead to business termination in some cases or may cause embarrassment on both sides. Thus, appropriate and subtle deviation from the cooperative principle can avoid embarrassment and misunderstanding of each other, help people to better achieve the conversing purpose and successfully complete their verbal conversations.Conversational implicature are all expressed by violations of cooperative principle. They are grouped into four categories in accordance with the four conversational maxims.3.2.1 Violating the Quantity MaximAccording to the opinion of Grice, people should know that it is polite to have a good cooperation with each other in a conversation so that they can make their conversation go successfully. However, in real negotiation, the participants violate cooperative principle by offering purposefully ordeliberately. It is true that people violate the quantity more or less information than is required, which leads the hearer to conjecture the reasons. With the information that has been known and some background knowledge in conversations, the hearer may know the real meaning conveyed by the speaker.The first sub-maxim of the quantity maxim is to make your contribution as informative as is required (for the current purposes of the exchange). In other words, a speaker might tend to offer less information than is required for certain reasons. In a conversation, if a speaker avoids providing sufficient information intentionally, he probably tries to conceal something or disclose more than the literal meaning. Some cases concerned with this point will be studied as follows:It is on a Monday morning, Tina comes to Lee’s company and meets Lee. They talk for more than one hour and then it’s time to talk about the payment.Tina: What about payment?Lee: Er, L/C.In this conversation, it seems that Lee doesn’t give theproper answer. Lee say:“er...”from his word, some conversational implicature you can be seen; he actually means that “You don’t know we need you to pay by L/C surprise me”! But he doesn’t say it directly, in fact, Lee then may know that Tina is a newer of the other party. According to the context, Lee’s answer is understandable, because they are acquainted cooperative partners so that they do not have to mention the payment. The problem is that Tina is new in his company. If the two parties in business are not familiar with each other then one better reply should be:Tina: What about payment?Lee: I suggest the most suitable arrangement should be by an L/C, valid for 30 days, that is until 30 October.From this conversation, it is also can be seen that the new employee Tina is not well-prepared for his conversation and have a ill understanding of his business partner’s company (the first principle in effective method for business English conversations). That’s one important reason for his asking question “What about payment”.In comparison with the violation of the first sub-maxim of the quantity maxim by offering less information, the case offering more information also exists. The extra information, at times, can be perceived as “supportive move”.As usual, Norwich cannot give his trust on one Trust Company hotheadedly and hurriedly. He has to know the credit situation of the other side.Norwich: What about the credit standing?Lance: For our credit standing, Please refer to the Bank of China. Guangzhou Branch. Our enterprise credit is also known to all.In this conversation, Norwich wants to know the corporate credit situation of Lance. Obviously, Lance’s answer: “For our credit standing, please… Branch” is enough. However, later on, he adds some extra words “Our enterprise credit is also known to all”. Lance provides the extra information to Norwich. It is clear that Lance violates the quantity maxim. “Do not make your contribution more informative than is required”[7]. From this sentence, it is easy to deduce the implied meaning: Ourcorporate credit is very good, not only the bank can prove that our company enjoys a high reputation; we also win the business credit in many cooperative companies and partners.Lance must be a qualified trust representative of his company. He knows what the customer needs, what the customer should be told (complete understanding the listeners or askers). That’s why he succeeds in this conversation.Thus, in business negotiations, sometimes one party intends to provide some extra information to the other party, which can make the other party understand their situation in a mufti-faceted, mufti-angled way. Negotiating in this way can not only increase the trust on each other, but also express their sincerity in cooperation.3.2.2 Violating the Quality MaximThe quality maxim requires the speaker to make a true contribution. If a speaker says something that he believes to be untrue or something for which he has no sufficient evidence, then he may implicate something, and consequently conversational implicature appears. In business Englishconversation, participants always use rhetoric to violating the Quality Maxim.Firstly, Irony is used to violate the quality of the quality maxim. G. Leech, in his A Survey of the Interpersonal Rhetoric, pays much attention on irony. In 1983, Leech proposes: The Irony Principle (IP) takes its place alongside Cooperative Principle and the Politeness Principle in the interpersonal rhetoric. Nevertheless, the Irony Principle is parasitical on the other two and is a second-order principle which enables a speaker to be impolite while seeming to be polite; it does so by superficially breaking the Cooperative Principle, but ultimately upholding it. By using irony, we are ironic at someone’s expense, scoring off others by politeness that is obviously insincere, as a substitute for impoliteness. The insincerity may be more or less obvious; it may take the form of a breach of the Quantity Maxim or more often of a breach of the Quality Maxim [8].Miss Chen: Look, everyone is beautifully dressed tonight!Miss Pan: Yes, different from working days.Miss Chen: And Y ang is more beautiful today!Miss Pan: Yes! More beautiful than before! She is really dressed to the teeth!Here, Miss Pan violates the quality maxim by saying “She is really dressed to the teeth”! She truly means: Miss Yang is dressed so showy or gorgeous that even her teeth in mouth will be dressed. And in this context, Miss Pan’s words implicate her internal feelings like envy or sarcasm. The conversational implicature cannot be correctly deduced without a right understanding of the conversational environment or context. If Miss Chen finds Miss Pan’s jealousy about Miss Yang, she would get the implied meaning, something ironic; otherwise she would lose this point. Context is also a factor to affect conversational implicatures.Secondly, hyperbole is used to violate the sub-maxim of the quality maxim. Leech describes hyperbole as “a case where the speaker’s description is stronger than is warranted by the state of affairs described”[8].Mr. Sun: One customer phones us that the consignment we sent were 2 days later than the date signed on the contract andsomething worse, while unloading, that the quality of the goods is not Class A,that is, our workers have made some mistakes.Mr. Kann Doble: What! They drive me up a wall.Mr. Kann Doble must be very disappointed about his employees or maybe he really cannot understand why this kind of mistakes occurs again and again. Therefore, he uses “drive me up a wall” to express his helplessness. At this time, Mr. Sun may clearly know the difficulty of his company and work harder to gain some help of the other party such as coordinating with the customer, promising that the same mistake will not be made in future, calling for all the employees to do their endeavor to regain credit. Effective business conversations need the speaker to understand the listeners completely and also be well-prepared to act as good listeners.Considering this situation, Mr. Kann Doble is more likely to try dealing with this matter instead of being up a wall.Thirdly, Metaphor can also produce conversational implicature by violating the Quality Maxim. The following are the examples:Mr. Wang: It’s not our price which as you said is low, but it’s your price which is too high. We’re climbing the hill, you know. We’re doing that in a very difficult way and we have made it. But you are just standing there high up on the top and not willing to descend.Mr. Scott: We’ve tried to get closer to you several times and we’re halfway down the hill waiting for you already.Obviously, the two sides during this session have adopted the metaphor of the Rhetoric. The speaker’s words of the session violate the quality criteria. Because the use and understanding of metaphor involves factors such as context and background knowledge that both parties had been consulted on the price, the unreasonable price. At the same time, the use of metaphor is based on the similarities between the two types of things, so we can derive the literal meaning of words the meaning of the session, that is, cooperation in order to deal, Mr. Wang is very difficult to raise price and hopes that Mr. Scott cuts price, while Mr. Scott is also justified on try that Mr. Wang can accept the current price. Thus, the use of rhetorical language can be more。

的 教 学 环 节 , 过 去 的单 纯 注 重 传 播 语 言知 识 发 展 到 了 加 际 目的 。一 般说 来 , 类 语 言 交 际 主 要是 听 和说 , 与 交 际 从 人 参 强 语 言 能 力 与 交 际 能 力 并 重 的新 阶 段 。可 是 , 然 教 师 采 虽 的双 方 或 者 多 方 轮 流 不 断 地 说 话 , 话 人 通 过 说 话 含 蓄 或 说 取 了各 种 教 学 手 段 , 择 了 多 种 听 力 教 材 , 入 了不 少 精 选 投 直 接地 表 达 自 己 的 交 际 目 的 。英 国皙 学 家 奥 斯 丁 (. . JL 力, 学生 基 础 薄 弱 、 高 缓 慢 、 练 困难 重重 却 仍 是 令 教 师 Aut ,9 1 9 0 针 对逻 辑 学 家 关 于 陈 述 旬 具 有 真 假 值 提 训 si 1 1 —16 ) n 十 分 头 痛 的 问 题 。从 历 届 四 、 级 统 考 反 馈 的 信 息 来 看 , 六 的 论 断 , 出 了 言语 行 为 的 理 论 。奥 斯 丁 的 言 语 行 为 理 论 提 听 不 懂 、 解 能 力 差 是 普 遍 存 在 的 问 题 。据 国 家 四 、 级 理 六 从施为旬开始, 到后 来 发 展 成 为 “ 有 所 为 ( 言 语 行 为 ) 言 即 ” 考 试 中心 20 0 1年 的 统 计 , 国所 有 参 考 院 校 平 均 得 分 是 全 的一 般 理 论 。他 认 为 语 言 不 仅 仅 用 于 叙 述 或 描 写 事 务 , 而 9 9 2 , 种 院 校 学 生 平 均 得 分 为 : 国 重 点 院 校 . /0 各 全 且 有 时 人 们 在 说 出 话 语 的 同 时 做 出 了 三 种 不 同 行 为 (O t 】. 7 2 , 国 非 重 点 院 校 9 5 / 0 重 庆 考 区 所 属 院 校 为 19 / 0 全 .4 2 , p r r cs : 事 行 为 , ef m at) 叙 o 即为 了 叙 述 某 事 而 说 出 的 话 语 , 9 1/ 0 四川 省 院 校 9 5/ 0 .32 , . 8 2 。如 何 有 效 地 提 高 学 生 听力 或 称 “ 之 发” 行 事 行 为 , 言 ; 即在 说 出 话 语 时 不 仅 叙 述 某 事 , 理解 能 力 以适 应 统 考 及 毕 业 后 进 行 对 外 交 际 交 流 的 需 要 , 而且 做 出某 件 事 , 称 “ 言 外 之 力 ” 成 事 行 为 , 出话 语 或 示 ; 说 是一个值得高校外语教师进一步探讨的问题。 后 , 听 话 人 身上 产 生 了某 种 效 果 , 称 “ 言后 之 果 ” 在 或 收 。 众所周知 , 懂英 语是 一个 复杂 的认 知心 里过 程 , 听 涉 上 面 三种 言 语 行 为 中 , 斯 丁 注 意 的 焦 点 是 第 二 种 , 奥 及 到 诸 多 技 巧 与 能 力 。 听者 要 动 用 大 量 的 已有 知 识 , 极 积 即 示 言外 之 力 的行 事 行 为 。 他 的 言 语 行 为 理 论 也 因 此 发 主 动 地 对 接 受 到 的 目标 语 言 进 行 分 析 、 断 、 解 和筛 选 , 判 理 各 从 而 在 原 有 知 识 的 基 础 上 获 得 新 的信 息 。 由于 听 与 读 的 展 成 为 关 于示 言 外 之 力 的 各 种 类 型 的 理 论 , 种 施 为 句 和 叙 述 句也 都 不 过 是 其 中特 殊 次 类 而 已 。“t te t t c I at mps oa- 输 入 方 式 、 息 记 忆 和 地 址 各 不 相 同 , 所 接 触 到 的 是 一 信 听


what he really means is that B’s
education is poor. So B’s comment of
“he is quite well-read” is a kind of
irony which means the opposite.
Hyperbole(夸张): A figure of speech
maxim of Quality.
A: What will you do if you fail the
B: I'll eat my pen.
Obviously, B violates the quality maxim because "pen" cannot be eaten. The words can be inferred that: I won’t fail this exam definitely.
Example is: I am so hungry and I can eat
an ox. Here the speaker exaggerates
because he wants to express how
hungry he is.
Another example: I was out in the
something other than what it
literally asserts. What she really
wants to say is that she does not
think Mary is beautiful.
Example A: Did you enjoy the play? B: Well, I thought the ice creams they sold in the interval were quite good. It seems that the answer has nothing to do with what A asks, that is, it violates the relevance maxim. What B really means is that the play is terrible.

合作原则包含以下个准则:.量地准则( )()所说地话应包含当前交谈地目地所需要地信息;()所说地话不应包含超出需要地信息..质地准则( ):要说真话()不要说自知是虚假地话;()不要说缺乏证据地话..关系准则( ):要有关联,要切题.方式准则( ):要明白清楚()避免晦涩;()避免歧义;()简明扼要;()井井有条.如果在交际中说话人地话语在表面上违反了合作原则,那么,他可能是故意这样做地,听话人就要根据当时地语境,推断出说话人表面违反合作原则地目地,也就是要明白他违反合作原则地隐含意义.格赖斯把这种在言语交际中推出来地隐含意义称作“会话含义”.5PCzV。

关键词:会话含义合作原则听力理解1 听力教学现状分析由于当今社会对大学生英语听说能力要求的提高,教学目标就更重视以听说为主的英语实际应用能力。
本文以Grice 的会话含义理论为依据来阐释会话含义理论对英语听力教学的重要性。
2 理论基础1967年,美国语言哲学家格赖斯首次提出了“合作原则”和“会话含义”理论,着重论述了“合作原则”的具体内容以及如何制约“会话含义”产生的过程。
格赖斯认为,在所有的言语交际活动中为了达到特定的目标,说话人和听话人之间存在着一种默契,一种双方都应该遵守的原则,他称这种原则为会话的合作原则(Coopera-tive Principle,简称CP)。

限于哲学 范畴 内 。直至 17 年 语 言学学 术界才 将 推导 ; 97 以第 二次 则 为指 引 , 较 少 的信 息得 来 较 多 从
语 用学 视为一 门独 立学科 。 语用 学也 由原 来语义 学 的 信 息 ,这 可 称 为 “ 息 原 则 ” 这 些 相 当 于 信 。 的“ 垃圾 箱 ” 的地位 发展成 为一 门生 机勃勃 的学 科 。 L v sn 9 7年 提 出 的会 话 含 义 三 原 则 前 两个 原 e i o 18 n
相关理 论研 究
另一 种是 将量 的 准则具 体 化 。 18 9 3年 L v sn阐 ei o n
2 0世 纪 3 0年 代 哲 学 家 C alsMor h r r s提 出 述 了可 以从 两个 方面 重新构 建 量的准则 : e i 以量 的准 “ 用学 ” 语 这一 术语 。 但语 用学 的相关 研究 范 围仅 局 则 的第 一 次则 为指 引 , 进行 等级含 义 和分句 含义 的
G o ryN.ec ,9 3 也 对 此 进 行 研 究 。H.. ef e L e h 1 8 ) f P
Gi r e的会话 含 义学说 不是从 语 言 系统 内部 出发研 出发 , c 将会 话 含义 分 为两 类 : 般 会话 含 义 和具 体 一
究 语 言交 际 , 而是 在特定 社会 环境 中研究 语 言 的实 会话 含 义 。一 般会话 含义 是掐 不需 要上下 文 , 直接 际运用 , 语言 学 的研究 开辟 了新 视角 。但 尽管如 从 话语 中得 到 的会 话含 义 ; 体会 话含义 是 指需要 为 具
2 1 0 2年 第 4期
淮 南 师 范 学 院学 报

安徽 ・ 宣城
文 章 编 号 :6 2 7 9 ( 0 0 2 — 0 — 3 1 7 - 8 4 2 1 )9 1 2 0
准则 . 因此 L i 必须进行推测才能明白为什么 Ma 说 了这 el a r y 样一句看似毫无关联的话 ( 也许 M r ay的老板 就在 附近) 并 , 正确理解 M r ay的会话 含意 , 即在 当时 的语境 下 , 她不能 回
S ie hl r y的话 :我邀请 了 A y , “ m ” 而让 S ie 去推 断“ 没有 hd y 我
邀请 R b ” uy。
例 4 w: rs te epes. hn o . : Pesw l ,l eT a k u v a y
M : u’ewec me. ha ’ Yo r lo T t swh r ’ g igt e eI m on o.
答 Li 的 问 题 。 el a
2 会话 含义理 论在 听 力理解 中的应 用
听力教学是外语 教学 中不可缺少 的重要 内容 。英语 听 力教学大部分是以听录音为主 ,听力资料大都 为真实的话 语 交际语 言 ,是人们 在一 定的文化背景和特定语境 中进行 的 日常话语 交际。会话含 义理论有助于解释听话人如何理 解话语 的意 图, 帮助学生推断话语 真正含义 。下面以一些实
然 而 在 实 际 的 言语 交 际 中 ,人 们 不 一 定 都 严 格 遵 守 这
女士说 :请按 l , “ 2 谢谢 你”男 士回应 :不用谢 , , “ 我也去
那儿” 。一共就 四句话 , 不能为答 案提供任何信息 , 显然违背
了数量原则 , 但稍具现代生活 经验 的人都知道 , 只需按 一个
1会话 含义理 论 的简述

英语:“Hello, how are you?”中文:“你好,你好吗?”这句话中,英文用的是“How are you?” 这里的 "how" 是询问状态的意思,而在中文中是通过“你好吗?” 来表达了同样的意思。
接下来我们再来看另一个例子:英语:“I'm sorry, I can't make it to the meeting today.”中文:“对不起,我今天不能参加会议。
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Conversational implicature:non-truth-conditional inferences: derived from pragmatic principles in a particular context of utterance. According to J. Mey (2001), "conversational implicature concerns the way we understand an utterance in conversation in accordance with what we expect to hear". For example:
Generalized implicatures:the implicatures to be inferred by being closely associated with linguistic expressions, not much dependent on context, with the assumption that the speaker is observing the maxims. According to Grice, generalized conversational implicature refers to the implicature derived from such utterances as He saw a woman going into his house. The use of the indefinite article implies that the woman in question was not his wife. In conversation, people are generally conscious of those conversational maxims, trying to observe them as they can.
Conventional implicature:an implicature that arises not depending on particular context of language use; or non-truth conditional inferences that are not derived from superordinate pragmatic principles like the Grecian maxims but are simply attached by convention to particular lexical items (Levinson 1983); or it is related to the use of certain words regardless of the context in which it occurs. Take an example to illustrate it. “he is rich but he is not greedy.” According to Grice, this sentence has the implication that rich men are usually greedy, and this implicature is derived from the meaning of the word “but”.
a) What time is it?
b) The bus just went by or the milkman has just come.
How does a) understands what b) means in this particular context? As Leech remarks, "interpreting an utterance is ultimately a matter of' guesswork, or (to use a more dignified term) hypothesis formation" (1983). The guesswork involves cooperation between the speaker and the hearer in conversation; assumption that certain principles are in operation. But the guesswork may be right or wrong because the implicature is generated by the speaker and the inference is interpreted by the hearer. An implicature may lead to different inferences in a particular context.
Particularized implicatures:implicatures to be inferred by being much dependent on context with the assumption that the speaker is not observing the maxims. In other words, such implicatures arise when the speaker overtly or deliberately flouts or-violates some maxims or certain communicative purposes. We can see a dialogue to analyze it.
III. Conversational Implicature and Conventional Implicature
Grice distinguished what is said from what is implicated. By what is implicated it means an implicature as we have defined in the above. Grice went further to distinguish two different sorts of implicature: conventional implicature and conversational implicature.
Grice also distinguished conversational implicatures by subdividing them into generalized and particularized ones. These two kinds of implicature respectively relate to the observance and the non-observance of the conversational maxims.
I. Implicature
First coined by Grice, the word “implicature” can be defined as what is intended by the speaker; invisible meaning or implicit meaning; additional conveyed meaning that is more than what words mean; what is communicated in context, not the meaning of words, phrases or sentences.
This means that speaker intends the utterance of a sentence to produce some effect in an audience by means of the recognition of his intention. For Grice, meaning has to be interpreted in terms of the hearer and so meaning and intention were brought together in his analysis. This is the crucial point in understanding Grice's theory.