创新大学英语-预备级教案Unit 6 Money

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Lecture 1

Part 1 Listening comprehension

Objective: To distinguish /ei/, /ou/, /ai/, /au/

To identify the speaker's plans and decisions.

1.Give Ss time to read the items and try to guess the content of the conversation or the missing word in the passage.(5')

2.Play the record. (15')

3.Guide students to notice the differences between these similar phonetic symbols and check the answers. Answer some of the students to read a group per person and try to correct their pronunciation. (5')

4.Guide Ss to listen to the short conversations once again and repeat the key/difficult words or sentences. Such as: I can't agree (with you) any more./It is quite the opposite for me./ lung cancer/ as a matter of fact/ If he doesn't, nobody will/ Neither do I/ be tired of/ pointless/ I didn't mind at all. (10')

5.Guide Ss to compare the choices so as to focus out attention on certain part of the recording and then listen to the long conversations. Repeat the sentences when necessary. (5')

6.Check the answers and explain the difficult parts. Play the recording of the passage once again. (5')

Part 2 Reading Comprehension

Passage One

1.Ask Ss to close their books and tell them they will get a story. Read the passage loudly and slowly. Write the key points or difficult words on blackboard so that they can fully understand the story. Pause to give explanation when necessary. (5')

2.Ask Ss to finish the multiple choices. (3')

3.Suggest Ss to recite the words said by the son and the last two paragraphs and told them they will recite them the next period. (2')

Passage Two (15')

1.Ask Ss to read the passage and try to find the answers to the questions. Advice them to read the questions first so as to focus their attention on certain sentences while reading.

2.Guide Ss to find the places where they can find the answers and check the answers.

3.Difficult words or points

Tokyo 东京Osaka 大阪Berlin 柏林Buenos Aires 布宜诺斯艾莉斯Tehran 德黑兰Iran 伊朗Harare 哈拉雷Zimbabwe 津巴布韦decline 下降

Passage Three (20')

1.Guide Ss to read through the passage and translate the last 3 paragraphs. Translation:





2.Finish the following exercises


1.Recite the paragraphs

2.Preview the text in the intensive reading and get familiar with the new words.
