



课程名称:运筹学一、(10分)写出下面线性规划的标准形式和对偶规划:min z=x1-X2-2X3X1+X2+X3≤22s.t.<3x1+2X2= 20—2x∣÷2x2一当≥-5X1≥O,x2≤0,Λ⅛无约束二、(20分)用单纯形法求解maxz=3x l+2x2x l+x2≤4«—X]÷X2≤26x1+2X2≤18x1≥O,x2≥O并考虑若目标函数的系数变为C=(3,0.5)T后,最优解的变化情况。






(15分)___________ 6j IOlOl∙3∕20 ∙1∕4(3分)此时,原问题得到最优解为X*=(5∕2,3/2,0,3,0)τ∙maxZ=21∕2(2分)当目标函数系数变为(3,0.5)时,把新系数带入最终单纯型表:G一30.5000θC B X B b Xi×2×3X4X50.5X23/201[3/2]0-1/4I0X4300-211/2-3Xi5/210-1/201/4-⅝003/40-5/8(3分)0X3102/310-1/60X4504/3011/63X1311/3001/60-1/200-1/2(3分)甲乙丙T产量Ui A(3)91(7)100B(-1)(0)(1)662C4(4)2282销量493824Vj113-1(2)因为。

物流管理专业 管理运筹学 题目及答案

物流管理专业  管理运筹学 题目及答案















每小题3分,10题,共30分)1.对一个极大化的线性规划问题用单纯形法求解,若对所有的检验数a,≤O,但对某个非基变量J,有b z=O,则该线性规划问题( )A.有唯一的最优解;B.有无穷多个最优解;C.为无界解;D.无可行解2.在对偶问题中,若原问题与对偶问题均具有可行解,则( )A.两者均具有最优解,且它们最优解的目标函数值相等;B.两者均具有最优解,原问题最优解的目标函数值小于对偶问题最优解的目标函数值;C.若原问题有无界解,则对偶问题无最优解;D.若原问题有无穷多个最优解,则对偶问题只有唯一最优解3.在产销平衡运输问题中,设产地为〃?个,销地为〃个,那么解中非零变量的个数( )。

A.等于B.不能小于(∕n+〃-l);C.不能大于(加+〃-1);D.不确定4.在目标规划中,求解的基本原则是首先满足高级别的目标,但当高级别目标不能满足时(A.其后的所有低级别目标一定不能被满足;B.其后的所有低级别目标一定能被满足;C.其后的某些低级别目标一定不能被满足;D.其后的某些低级别目标有可能被满足5.如果要使目标规划实际实现值不超过目标值,但允许不足目标值,则目标函数应该采用以下哪个基本表达式:( )。






)1. 图解法提供了求解线性规划问题的通用方法。

( )2. 用单纯形法求解一般线性规划时,当目标函数求最小值时,若所有的检验数C j-Z j ≥0,则问题达到最优。

( )3. 在单纯形表中,基变量对应的系数矩阵往往为单位矩阵。

( )4. 满足线性规划问题所有约束条件的解称为基本可行解。

( )5. 在线性规划问题的求解过程中,基变量和非基变量的个数是固定的。

( )6. 对偶问题的目标函数总是与原问题目标函数相等。

( )7. 原问题与对偶问题是一一对应的。

( )8. 运输问题的可行解中基变量的个数一定遵循m+n-1的规则。

( )9. 指派问题的解中基变量的个数为m+n。

( )10. 网络最短路径是指从网络起点至终点的一条权和最小的路线。

( )11. 网络最大流量是网络起点至终点的一条增流链上的最大流量。

( )12. 工程计划网络中的关键路线上事项的最早时间和最迟时间往往不相等。

( )13. 在确定性存贮模型中不许缺货的条件下,当费用项目相同时,生产模型的间隔时间比订购模型的间隔时间长。

( )14. 单目标决策时,用不同方法确定的最佳方案往往是一致的。

( )15. 动态规划中运用图解法的顺推方法和网络最短路径的标号法上是一致的。

( )三、填空题1. 图的组成要素;。

2. 求最小树的方法有、。

3. 线性规划解的情形有、、、。

4. 求解指派问题的方法是。

5. 按决策环境分类,将决策问题分为、、。

6. 树连通,但不存在。

四、下列表是线性规划单纯形表(求Z max ),请根据单纯形法原理和算法。

1. 计算该规划的检验数2. 计算对偶问题的目标函数值3. 确定上表中输入,输出变量五、已知一个线性规划原问题如下,请写出对应的对偶模型21max 6x x S +=⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≥≥+≤+0,16327212121x x x x x x六、下图为动态规划的一个图示模型,边上的数字为两点间的距离,请用逆推法求出S 至F 点的最短路径及最短路长。

运筹学 运输问题 复习题 含答案

运筹学 运输问题 复习题 含答案
• 1. 运输问题是一类特殊的LP模型。( V ) • 2. 运输问题的解有四种情况,分别为:唯 一最优解;无穷多最优解;无界解;无可 行解。( X ) • 3. 表上作业法实质上就是求解运输问题的 单纯形法。( V )
• 4. 对于m个产地n个销地的产销平衡运输问 题,其中有(m+n)个线性约束条件,且相互 独立。( X ) • 5. 如果运输问题的单位运价表上的某一行 (或某一列)元素分别乘上一个常数k,最 优调运方案将不会发生变化。( X )
Байду номын сангаас
• 1. 在求解运输问题的表上作业法中,空格的检验 数值应等于( B ) • A. (闭回路上偶数次顶点运价之和)-(闭回路 上奇数次顶点运价之和); • B.(闭回路上奇数次顶点运价之和)-(闭回路 上偶数次顶点运价之和); • C.(闭回路上偶数次顶点运价之和)× (闭回路 上奇数次顶点运价之和); • D.(闭回路上奇数次顶点运价之和)÷ (闭回路 上偶数次顶点运价之和)。
35 5 3 3 34 4
最小元素法初始运费: 100
1 2 5
Vogel法初始运费: 88
10 12 6 4
8 8
14 14
2 8 8
Vogel法初始运费: 244
选择题: • 2. 当迭代到运输问题的最优解时,如 果有某非基变量的检验数等于零,则 说明该运输有( C ) • A.唯一最优解;B.无穷多最优解; • C.多重最有解;D.无界解。



物流运筹学试题三及答案1.已知A 、B 两个人对策时对A 的赢得矩阵如下,求双方各自的最优策略及对策值。

(1)963564743--⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦(5分) (2) 176435024⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥-⎣⎦--(5分)2.用优超法简化计算以下矩阵对策。

(7分)3403050259739594687660883A ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥=⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦3.某小城市有两家超市互相竞争,超市A 有三个广告策略,超市B 也有三个广告策略。

已经算出当双方采取不同的广告策略时,A 方所占市场份额增加的百分比数如下:302020214A ⎡⎤⎢⎥=⎢⎥⎢⎥-⎣⎦则此对策问题表示为一个线性规划模型,并用单纯形法求解此对策。

(8分)4.某理发店只有一名理发师,来理发的顾客按泊松分布到达,平均每小时4人,理发时间服从负指数分布,平均需6小时,求:(1)理发店空闲时间的概率; (2)店内有3个顾客的概率; (3)店内至少有1个顾客的概率;(4)在店内顾客平均数;(5)在店内平均逗留时间;(6)等待服务的顾客平均数;(7)平均等待服务时间;(8)必须在店内消耗15分钟以上的概率。












物流运筹学试题三及答案1.已知A 、B 两个人对策时对A 的赢得矩阵如下,求双方各自的最优策略及对策值。

(1)963564743--⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦(5分) (2) 176435024⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥-⎣⎦--(5分)2.用优超法简化计算以下矩阵对策。

(7分)3403050259739594687660883A ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥=⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦3.某小城市有两家超市互相竞争,超市A 有三个广告策略,超市B 也有三个广告策略。

已经算出当双方采取不同的广告策略时,A 方所占市场份额增加的百分比数如下:302020214A ⎡⎤⎢⎥=⎢⎥⎢⎥-⎣⎦则此对策问题表示为一个线性规划模型,并用单纯形法求解此对策。

(8分)4.某理发店只有一名理发师,来理发的顾客按泊松分布到达,平均每小时4人,理发时间服从负指数分布,平均需6小时,求:(1)理发店空闲时间的概率; (2)店内有3个顾客的概率; (3)店内至少有1个顾客的概率;(4)在店内顾客平均数;(5)在店内平均逗留时间;(6)等待服务的顾客平均数;(7)平均等待服务时间;(8)必须在店内消耗15分钟以上的概率。












《运筹学》课程考试试卷试题(含答案)一、选择题(每题5分,共25分)1. 运筹学的核心思想是()A. 最优化B. 系统分析C. 预测D. 决策答案:A2. 在线性规划中,约束条件可以用()表示。

A. 等式B. 不等式C. 方程组D. 矩阵答案:B3. 以下哪个不是运筹学的基本模型?()A. 线性规划B. 整数规划C. 非线性规划D. 随机规划答案:D4. 在目标规划中,以下哪个术语描述的是决策变量的偏离程度?()A. 目标函数B. 约束条件C. 偏差变量D. 权重系数答案:C5. 在动态规划中,以下哪个概念描述的是在决策过程中,某一阶段的最优决策对后续阶段的影响?()A. 最优子结构B. 无后效性C. 最优性原理D. 阶段性答案:B二、填空题(每题5分,共25分)1. 运筹学是一门研究在复杂系统中的______、______和______的科学。

答案:决策、优化、实施2. 在线性规划中,若目标函数为最大化,则其标准形式为______。

答案:max z = c^T x3. 在非线性规划中,若目标函数和约束条件均为凸函数,则该规划问题为______。

答案:凸规划4. 在目标规划中,若决策变量x_i的权重系数为w_i,则目标函数可以表示为______。

答案:min Σ(w_i d_i^+ + w_i d_i^-)5. 在动态规划中,若状态变量为s_n,决策变量为u_n,则状态转移方程可以表示为______。

答案:s_{n+1} = f(s_n, u_n)三、判断题(每题5分,共25分)1. 线性规划问题的最优解一定在可行域的顶点处取得。

()答案:正确2. 在整数规划中,若决策变量为整数,则目标函数和约束条件也必须为整数。

()答案:错误3. 目标规划中的偏差变量可以是负数。

()答案:正确4. 在动态规划中,最优策略具有最优子结构。

()答案:正确5. 在非线性规划中,若目标函数为凸函数,则约束条件也必须为凸函数。



运筹学考试试卷及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 线性规划问题的标准形式是:A. 所有变量都非负B. 目标函数是最大化C. 所有约束条件都是等式D. 所有约束条件都是不等式答案:A2. 单纯形法中,如果某个变量的检验数为负数,那么:A. 该变量可以增大B. 该变量可以减小C. 该变量保持不变D. 该变量不能进入基答案:A3. 在运输问题中,如果某种资源的供应量大于需求量,那么应该:A. 增加供应量B. 减少需求量C. 增加需求量D. 减少供应量答案:C4. 动态规划的基本原理是:A. 递归B. 迭代C. 回溯D. 分解答案:D5. 决策树中,每个节点代表:A. 一个决策B. 一个状态C. 一个结果D. 一个概率答案:A6. 排队论中,M/M/1队列的特点是:A. 到达时间服从泊松分布,服务时间服从指数分布,且只有一个服务台B. 到达时间服从指数分布,服务时间服从泊松分布,且只有一个服务台C. 到达时间服从泊松分布,服务时间服从指数分布,且有两个服务台D. 到达时间服从指数分布,服务时间服从泊松分布,且有两个服务台答案:A7. 网络流问题中,最大流最小割定理说明:A. 最大流等于最小割B. 最大流小于最小割C. 最大流大于最小割D. 最大流与最小割无关答案:A8. 整数规划问题中,分支定界法的基本思想是:A. 将问题分解为多个子问题B. 将问题转化为线性规划问题C. 将问题转化为非线性规划问题D. 将问题转化为动态规划问题答案:A9. 在多目标决策中,如果目标之间存在冲突,通常采用的方法是:A. 目标排序B. 目标加权C. 目标合并D. 目标替换答案:B10. 敏感性分析的目的是:A. 确定最优解的稳定性B. 确定最优解的唯一性C. 确定最优解的可行性D. 确定最优解的最优性答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 线性规划问题的可行域是由所有_________约束条件构成的集合。

答案:可行2. 在单纯形法中,如果目标函数的系数都是正数,则该问题为_________问题。







2、在求运费最少的调度运输问题中,如果某一非基变量的检验数为4,则说明如果在该空格中增加一个运量运费将增加4 。

3、“如果线性规划的原问题存在可行解,则其对偶问题一定存在可行解”,这句话对还是错?错4、如果某一整数规划:MaxZ=X1+X2X1+9/14X2≤51/14-2X1+X2≤1/3X1,X2≥0且均为整数所对应的线性规划(松弛问题)的最优解为X1=3/2,X2=10/3,MaxZ=6/29,我们现在要对X1进行分枝,应该分为 X1≤1 和 X1≥2 .5、在用逆向解法求动态规划时,f k(s k)的含义是:从第k个阶段到第n个阶段的最优解。

6.假设某线性规划的可行解的集合为D,而其所对应的整数规划的可行解集合为B,那么D和B的关系为 D 包含 B7.已知下表是制订生产计划问题的一张LP最优单纯形表(极大化问题,约束条件均为“≤"型不等式)其中X3,X4,X5为松驰变量。

问:(1)写出B -1=⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛---1003/20.3/1312(2)对偶问题的最优解: Y =(5,0,23,0,0)T8。


极大化的线性规划问题为无界解时,则对偶问题_ 无解_____;10. 若整数规划的松驰问题的最优解不符合整数要求,假设X i =b i 不符合整数要求,INT (b i )是不超过b i 的最大整数,则构造两个约束条件:Xi ≥INT (b i )+1 和 Xi ≤INT(b i ) ,分别将其并入上述松驰问题中,形成两个分支,即两个后继问题。



运筹学试题及答案考试时间:120分钟命题人:XXX一、选择题(共60分)1. 运筹学的核心思想是:A. 尽可能地满足需求B. 确定最优决策C. 提高运营效率D. 预测未来趋势答案:B2. 下列哪个不是运筹学的应用领域?A. 生产调度B. 金融风险管理C. 市场营销D. 交通规划答案:C3. 线性规划是研究下列问题的数学方法:A. 最大化目标函数B. 最小化目标函数C. 求解等式系统D. 优化约束条件答案:D4. 整数规划是线性规划的扩展,其特点是:A. 变量只能取整数值B. 变量可以取任意实数值C. 目标函数必须是整数D. 约束条件必须是整数答案:A5. 运筹学中的最短路径问题是指:A. 在有向图中找到从起点到终点的最短路径B. 在无向图中找到连接所有节点的最短路径C. 在网络中找到连接所有节点的最短路径D. 在带权图中找到权值最小的路径答案:A二、计算题(共40分)1. 某工厂有3个生产车间,分别需要完成4个任务。




2. 某物流公司需要将货物从发货仓库A送至目的地仓库B。





考试《物流运筹学》试题(A 卷)说明:考试时可带的资料或其他要求的,请老师在出卷时在此做详细说明。


每空2分, 共24分)1、线性规划模型的四个组成部分是决策变量、( )、( )和非负限制;图解法只适用于( )个决策变量的线性规划问题求解;2、对于最大型线性规划问题,用单纯形法求解的过程是:在保持b 列大于等于0的前提下,通过逐步迭代最后实现全部检验数( )0;3、用表上作业法求解运输问题时,一般用( )法求初始方案;4、“报童问题”属于()为离散变量的存贮模型;求解指派问题时,常用( )法;5、狄克斯屈标号法用来求解网络中指定两个结点之间的( );增广链是求解网络中( )问题的概念;6、、关键路线是《物流运筹学》中一章名叫( )中的概念;距离摹乘法可适用于一切网络的最短路径的求解,它采用的距离矩阵中的任意一行表示一点到( )点的距离;7、在“齐王赛马”中,齐王和田忌各自有( )个策略。

二、物流需求预测和线性规划求解题(共30分)1、(21分)用单纯形法求解下面的线性规划问题: max z =3212x x +s t .,314234*********≥≤-≤+≤+-x x x x x x x x求其加权平均数y 。

三、网络规划与网络计划求解题(共25分)1、(15分)如图,s v 是一仓库,t v 是商店,边旁的数字是距离,请用Dijkstra算法求一条从s v 到t v 的最短路。

(要求在下面表格中列出标号步骤)2v 1 5v● ●9 10 209s v 13● ●3v ●t v374 3 154v ● ●6v72、(10分)根据下表所给的工程资料,画出网络图。

四、表上作业求解题(共20分)根据下面的运价矩阵用表上作业法求出最优调运方案(把运量直接填入表中左下角)考试《物流运筹学》试题(A 卷)说明:考试时可带的资料或其他要求的,请老师在出卷时在此做详细说明。




1. 运筹学一词最初来自于哪个国家?A. 中国B. 美国C. 英国D. 德国答案:B. 美国2. 运筹学的主要目标是什么?A. 提高企业的生产效率B. 降低企业的成本C. 提高企业的利润D. 优化资源的利用答案:D. 优化资源的利用3. 下列哪个不是运筹学的研究方法?A. 线性规划B. 动态规划C. 模拟D. 微积分答案:D. 微积分4. 下列哪个是运筹学的一个应用领域?A. 人力资源管理B. 市场营销C. 金融投资D. 以上都是答案:D. 以上都是二、填空题:根据题目要求,在空格中填入正确的答案。

1. 线性规划是运筹学中的一种常用方法,其目标是在一定的约束条件下,______线性目标的最优解。

答案:最大化或最小化2. 动态规划是一种解决_______过程中的最优化问题的方法。

答案:多阶段决策3. 供应链管理中,______是指将不同的物流节点连接起来,实现物流流程的顺畅和高效。

答案:协调4. 在项目管理中,______图是一种重要的工具,用于展示项目活动与任务之间的依赖关系。


1. 什么是线性规划?请简要解释线性规划的基本原理。



2. 动态规划在运筹学中的应用有哪些?请举例说明。



3. 什么是供应链管理?为什么供应链管理对企业的重要性?答:供应链管理是指协调各个物流节点,包括原材料供应、生产、仓储、运输和客户服务等环节,实现产品或服务的流动和交付。




-1311611 -2 002 -111/21/214 07三、(15分)用图解法求解矩阵对策,其中四、(20分)(1)某项工程由8个工序组成,各工序之间的关系为工序 a b c d e f g h —— a a b,c b,c,d b,c,d e 紧前工序试画出该工程的网络图。



2-11 02311311111610-3-1-2(1)目标函数变为;(2)约束条件右端项由变为;(3)增加一个新的约束:八、(20分)某地区有A、B、C三个化肥厂向甲、乙、丙、丁四个销地供应同一种化肥,已知产地产量、销地需求量和各产地运往不同销地单位运价如下表,试用最小元素法确定初始调运方案,并调整求最优运输方案销地甲乙丙丁产量产地A 4 12 4 11 16B 2 10 3 9 10C 8 5 11 6 22 需求量8 14 12 14 48《运筹学》试卷二一、(20分)已知线性规划问题:(a)写出其对偶问题;(b)用图解法求对偶问题的解;(c)利用(b)的结果及对偶性质求原问题的解。

二、(20分)已知运输表如下:销地B1B2B3B4供应量产地A1 3 2 7 6 50A2 7 5 2 3 60A3 2 5 4 5 25需求量60 40 20 15(1)用最小元素法确定初始调运方案;(2)确定最优运输方案及最低运费。



管理运筹学总复习题(物流管理专业)一、单选题1. 满足线性规划问题全部约束条件的解,称为线性规划的()A.最优解B.基本解C.可行解D.基本可行解2. 满足线性规划问题结构约束条件的解,称为线性规划的()A.最优解B.基本解C.可行解D.基本可行解3. 满足线性规划问题目标函数的可行解,称为线性规划的()A.最优解B.基本解C.可行解D.基本可行解4. 满足线性规划问题非负约束条件的基本解,称为线性规划的()A.最优解B.基本解C.可行解D.基本可行解5. 在线性规划模型中没有限制的变量称为()A.剩余变量B.松弛变量C.自由变量D.人工变量6. 在线性规划标准化过程中,“≤”约束加入的附加变量称为()A.剩余变量B.松弛变量C.自由变量D.人工变量7. 在线性规划标准化过程中,“≥”约束加入的附加变量称为()A.剩余变量B.松弛变量C.自由变量D.人工变量8. 在线性规划标准化过程中,“=”约束加入的附加变量称为()A.剩余变量B.松弛变量C.自由变量D.人工变量9. 线性规划问题若存在唯一最优解,则在可行域的()上达到。

A.外点B.顶点C.内点D.极点10. 线性规划问题若存在最优解,则在可行域的()上达到。

A.外点B.顶点C.内点D.极点11. 线性规划问题如果只有两个结构变量,常用的求解方法是()。

A.图解法B.单纯形法C.改进单纯形法D.对偶单纯形法12. 线性规划问题如果多于两个结构变量,常用的求解方法是()。

A.图解法B.单纯形法C.改进单纯形法D.对偶单纯形法13. 线性规划问题如果结构约束均为“≥”型,常用的求解方法是()。

A.图解法B.单纯形法C.改进单纯形法D.对偶单纯形法14. 线性规划问题目标函数为“Max”型,检验最优性的标准即检验数是()。

A.≥0 B.≤0 C.=0 D.不确定15. 线性规划问题目标函数为“Min”型,检验最优性的标准即检验数是()。

A.≥0 B.≤0 C.=0 D.不确定16. 常用求解运输问题初始方案的方法采用( )A. 最小元素法B.位势法C.西北角法D.闭合回路法17. 判断运输问题方案是否最优的方法是( )A. 最小元素法B.近似法C.西北角法D.闭合回路法或位势法18. 调整运输问题方案的方法是( )A. 最小元素法B.位势法C.西北角法D.闭合回路法19. 运输问题求解方法求解的前提假设是( )A. 产量大于销量B.产销平衡C.销量大于产量D.没有要求20. 对于产量大于销量的运输问题求解前应该( ),并令对应的运价为0.A. 虚拟一个销地B.重整信息C.虚拟一个产地D.不做处理21. 对于销量大于产量的运输问题求解前应该( ),并令对应的运价为0.A. 虚拟一个销地B.重整信息C.虚拟一个产地D.不做处理22. 若每隔一个固定的时间t盘点一次,得知当时存储为I,然后根据I是否超过订货点s,决定是否订货和订多少,这样的存储策略是()A. t—循环策略B.(t,S)策略C.(s,S)策略D.(t,s,S)策略23. 不论实际的存储状态如何,总是每隔一个固定的时间t,补充一个固定的存储量Q,盘,这样的存储策略是()A. t—循环策略B.(t,S)策略C.(s,S)策略D.(t,s,S)策略24. 每隔一个固定的时间t补充一次,补充数量以补足一个固定的最大存储量S为准。






)(1)max Z=2X∣-X2-3X3X1÷X2+X3=13x i-x2+5X3≤82x1-4X2+3X3≥5x1>O,x2≤O(2)minZ=π⅛*=!EaikXkNbi,i=1,2…,ms∙t∙IA=I[x k≥0Λ=1,2...»w(3)minZ=ZaiXi+»凶∕=l√=ιx i≤c i,i=1,2,...,znS.t.<y j≤d j J≈∖,2,...n%十%≥%∙〃4))maxz=7C.X i JJj=∣EaijXj≤b i+d iΘ,/=1,2,...,∕n5)t.;=1Xj≥OJ=1,2,...«1.2试建立下列问题的数学模型:(1)设备配购问题某农场要购买一批拖拉机以完成每年三季的工作量:春种330公顷,受管130公顷,秋收470公顷。




若病人每周需14份蔬菜,问选用每种蔬菜各多少份?(4)下料问题某钢筋车间要用一批长度为10米的钢筋下料制作长度为三米的钢筋90根和长度为四米的钢筋60根,问怎样下料最省?用图解法求解卜.列LP问题:(1)min Z=6XI+4X22x1+X2≥1s.t.3x1+4X2≥1.5x1>O,x2≥O(2)maxz=2.5x1+x23x1+5x2≤155.t.<5x l+2X2≤IOx1≥O,x2≥O(3)maxz=2xι+2x2X∣—X?≥-1-0.5x1+x2≤2x1≥O,x2≥O(4)maxz=Xι+χ2Λ1-x2≥O s.t.∙3x∣—x9≤—3x1≥O,x2≥O(5)minz=2x∣-10x2X1-X2≥O5)t.x1-5X2≥-5x1≥O,x2≥O6))minZ=-IOxi-IIx23x1+4X2≤105x l÷2Λ2≤8s.t.X I-2X2≤2x1≥O,x2≥O1.4把L3题的(3)-(6)化成标准形.1.5把下列LP问题化成标准形。






















物流运筹学试题一及答案1.写出下列线性规划的对偶问题(每小题5分,共10分)(1)⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≥≤+-≤+-+-=0,451342max 21212121x x x x x x x x (2)⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≥≥+--=++-=0,8310232min 32132121321x x x x x x x x x x x Z 无约束,2.求解下列整数规划问题(每小题5分,共10分)(1)⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧==≤++≥-++=3,2,11072462534max 321321321j x x x x x x x x x x Z j ,或+ (2)⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧==≤+++≥-+-≥+++-++-=4,3,2,1107423422335434min 4321432143214321j x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Z j ,或3.工厂每月生产A 、B 、C 三种产品 ,单件产品的原材料消耗量、设备台时的消耗量、资源限量及单件产品利润如表1所示.(10分)1.表1250、310和130.试建立该问题的数学模型,使每月利润最大。




(10分) 表25.甲、乙、丙三个城市每年分别需要煤炭320、250、350万吨,由A 、B 两处煤矿负责供应,已知煤炭年供应量为A -400万吨,B -40万吨,由煤矿至各城市的单位运价(万元/万吨)见表3:表3由于需大于供,经研究平衡决定,甲城市供应量可减少0~30万吨,乙城市需要量应全满足,丙城市供应量不少于270万吨,试求将供应量分配完又使总运费为最低的调运方案。

(15分)6.已知线性规划123123123123123max 152055556631070,0,Z x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x =++++≤⎧⎪++≤⎪⎨++≤⎪⎪≥≥⎩无约束的最优解119(,0,)44T X =,求对偶问题的最优解.7.某玩具公司分别生产三种新型玩具,每月可供量分别为1000、2000、2000件,它们分别被送到甲、乙、丙三个百货商店销售。

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试题1. (7-3)A political organization, Uncommon Result, wants to make a mass mailing to solicit funds. It has identified six "audiences" it wishes to reach. There are eight mailing lists it can purchase in order to get the names of the people in each audience. Each mailing list covers only a portion of the audiences. This coverage is indicated in the table below:Audiencesailing Business BrickList M.D. LL.D. D.D.S. Executive Layers Plumbers Cost1 Y N N Y N N $50002 N Y Y N N N $40003 N Y N N N Y $60004 Y N N N N Y $47505 N N N Y N Y $55006 N N Y N N N $30007 N Y N N Y N $57508 Y N N N Y N $5250A "Y" indicates the mailing list contains essentially all the names in the audience. An "N" indicates that essentially no names in the audience are contained in the mailing list. The costs associated with purchasing and processing a mailing list are given in the far right column. No change in total costs is incurred if an audience is contained in several mailing lists.Formulate a model that will minimize total costs while ensuring all audiences are reached. Which mailing lists should be purchased?试题2. (7-5)Postal Optimality Analysis (Due to Gene Moore). As part of a modernization effort, the U.S. Postal Service decided to improve the handling and distribution of bulk mail (second-, third- and fourth-class non-preferential) in the Chicago area. As part of this goal, a new processing facility was proposed for the Chicago area. One part of this proposal was development of a low-cost operational plan for the staffing of this facility. The plan would recognize the widely fluctuating hourly volume characteristic of such a facility and would suggest a staffing pattern or patterns that would accomplish the dual objectives of processing all mail received in a day's time while having no idle time.A bulk mail processing facility, as the name implies, performs the function of receiving, unpacking, weighing, sorting by destination, and shipping of mail designated as non-preferential, including second class (bulk rate), third class (parcel post), and fourth class (books). It is frequently designed as a single purpose structure and is typically located in or adjacent to the large metropolitan areas that produce this type of mail in significant volume. Although the trend in such facilities has been increased utilization of automated equipment (including highly sophisticated handling and sorting devices), paid manpower continues to account for asubstantial portion of total operating expense.Mail is received by the facility in mailbags and in containers. Both of which are shipped in trucks. It is also received in tied and wrapped packages, which are sent directly to the facility on railroad flatcars. Receipts of mail by the facility tend to be cyclical on a predictable basis throughout the 24-hour working day, resulting in the build-up of an "inventory" of mail during busy hours, which must be processed during less busy hours. A policy decision to have "no idle time" imposes a constraint on the optimal level of staffing.Once the facility is ready for operations, it will be necessary to implement an operating plan that includes staffing requirements. A number of assumptions regarding such a plan are necessary at the outset. Some of them are based upon existing Postal Service policy; whereas, others evolve from functional constraints. These assumptions are as follows:i. Pieces of mail are homogeneous in terms of processing effort.ii. Each employee can process 1800 pieces per hour.iii. Only full shifts are worked (i.e., it is impossible to introduce additional labor inputs or reduce existing labor inputs at times other than shift changes).iv. Shift changes occur at midnight, 8:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. (i.e., at the ends of the first, second and third shifts, respectively).v. All mail arrivals occur on the hour.vi. All mail must be processed the same day it is received (i.e., there may be no "inventory" carryover from the third shift to the following day's first shift).vii. Labor rates, including shift differential, are given in the following table:DailyShift S/Hour Rate1st (Midnight - 8 A.M.) 7.80 62.402nd (8 A.M. - 4 P.M.) 7.20 57.603rd (4P.M. - Midnight) 7.60 60.80viii. Hourly mail arrival is predictable and is given in the following table.Cumulative Mail Arrival1st Shift 2nd Shift 3rd ShiftHour Pieces Hour Pieces Hour Pieces0100 56,350 0900 242,550 1700 578,1000200 83,300 1000 245,000 1800 592,8000300 147,000 1100 249,900 1900 597,7000400 171,500 1200 259,700 2000 901,5000500 188,650 1300 323,400 2100 908,8500600 193,550 1400 369,950 2200 928,4500700 210,700 1500 421,400 2300 950,5000800 220,500 1600 485,100 2400 974,000a) Formulate the appropriate LP under the no idle time requirement. Can you predict beforehand the number to staff on the first shift? Will there always be a feasible solution to this problem for arbitrary arrival patterns?b) Suppose we allow idle time to occur. What is the appropriate formulation? Do you expect this solution to incur higher cost because it has idle time?试题3. (7-8)The St. Libory Quarry Company (SLQC) sells the rock that it quarries in four grades: limestone, chat, Redi-Mix-Grade, and coarse. A situation it regularly encounters is one in which it has large inventories of the grades it does not need and very little inventory in the grades needed at the moment. Large rocks removed from the earth are processed through a crusher to produce the four grades. For example, this week it appears the demand is for 50 tons of limestone, 60 tons of chat, 70 tons of Redi-Mix and 30 tons of coarse. Its on-hand inventories for these same grades are respectively: 5, 40, 30 and 40 tons. For practical purposes, one can think of the crusher as having three operating modes: close, medium and coarse. SLQC has gathered some data and has concluded one ton of quarried rock gets convened into the following output grades according to the crusher setting as follows:Tons Output per Ton InputCrusherOperating OperatingMode Limestone Chat Redi-Mix Coarse Cost/TonClose 0.50 0.30 0.20 0.00 $8Medium 0.20 0.40 0.30 0.10 $5Coarse 0.05 0.20 0.35 0.40 $3SLQC would like to know how to operate its crusher, so as to bring inventories up to the equivalent of at least two weeks worth of demand. Provide whatever help your current circumstances permit.试题4(7-9)A certain optical instrument is being designed to selectively provide radiation over the spectrum from about 3500 to 6400 Angstrom units. To cover this optical range, a range of chemicals must be incorporated into the design. Each chemical provid es coverage of a certain range. A list of the available chemicals, the range each covers, and its relative cost is provided below.Range Covered in AngstromsRelativeChemical Lower Limit Upper Limit CostPBD 3500 3655 4PPO 3520 3905 3PPF 3600 3658 1PBO 3650 4075 4PPD 3660 3915 1POPOP 3900 4449 6A-NPO 3910 4095 2NASAL 3950 4160 3AMINOB 3995 4065 1BBO 4000 4195 2D-STILB 4000 4200 2D-POPOP 4210 4405 2A-NOPON 4320 4451 2D-ANTH 4350 4500 24-METHYL-V 4420 5400 97-D-4-M 4450 4800 3ESCULIN 4450 4570 1NA-FLUOR 5200 6000 9RHODAMINE-6G 5600 6200 8RHODAMINE-B 6010 6400 8ACRIDINE-RED 6015 6250 2What subset of the available chemicals should be chosen to provide uninterrupted coverage from 3500 to 6400 Angstroms?试题5. (7-11)The formulation and solution of a certain staff-scheduling problem are shown below:MIN M + T + W + R + F + S + NT + W + R + F + S >=14W+ R + F + S +N >=9M + R + F + S +N >=8M + T + F + S + N >=6M + T + W + S + N >=17M + T + W + R + N >=15M + T + W + R + F >=18ENDOptimal solution found at step: 4Objective value: 19.0000000V ariable V alue Reduced CostM 5.000000 0000000T .0000000 0000000W 11.00000 0000000R 0.0000000 0000000F 2.000000 0000000S 1.000000 0000000N .0000000 3333333Row Slack or Surplus Dual Price2 .0000000 - 33333333 5.000000 00000004 .0000000 - 33333335 2.000000 00000006 .0000000 - 33333337 1.000000 00000008 .0000000 - 3333333where, M, T, W, R, F, S, N is the number of people starting their five-day work week on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday respectively.a) How many people are required on duty on Thursday?b) Suppose that part-time helpers are available who will work the three-day pattern,Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. That is, if you hire one of them, they will work all three days. These people cost 20% more per day than the ordinary folk who work a five-day week. Let P denote the number of part-timers to hire. Show how to modify the formulation to incorporate this option.c) Using information from the solution report, what can you say about the (economic) attractiveness of the part-time help?试题6. (7-14)Y our agency provides telephone consultation to the public from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., five days a week. The telephone load on your agency is heaviest in the months around April 15 of each year. Y ou would like to set up staffing procedures for handling this load during these busy months. Each telephone consultant you hire starts work each day at either 7, 8, 9, 10, or 11 a.m., works for four hours, is off for one hour, and then works for another four hours. A complication that has become more noteworthy in recent years is that an increasing fraction of the calls handled by your agency is from Spanish-speaking clients. Therefore, you must have some consultants who speak Spanish. Y ou are able to hire two kinds of consultants: English-speaking only, and bilingual (i.e., both English- and Spanish-speaking). A bilingual consultant can handle English and Spanish calls equally well. It should not be surprising that a bilingual consultant costs 1.1 times as much as an English-only consultant. Y ou have collected some data on the call load by hour of the day and language type, measured in consultants required, for one of your more important offices. These data are summarized below:Hour of the day: 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7English load: 4 4 5 6 6 8 5 4 4 5 5 5 3Spanish load: 5 5 4 3 2 3 4 3 2 1 3 4 4 For example, during the hour from 10 a.m. to 1l a.m., you must have working at least three Spanish-speaking consultants plus at least six more who can speak English.How many consultants of each type would you start at each hour of the day?试题7. (7-15)The well-known mail order company R. R. Bean staffs its order-taking phone lines seven days per week. Each staffer costs $100 per day and can work five consecutive days per week. An important question is: Which five-day interval should each staffer work? One of the staffers is pursuing an MBA degree part-time and, as part of her coursework, developed the following model specific to R. R. Bean's staffing requirements.MIN=500 * M + 500 * T + 500 * W + 500 * R + 500 * F + 500 * S + 500 * N;[R1] M + R + F + S + N >= 6 ;[R2] M + T + F + S + N >= 7 ;[R3] M + T + W + S + N >= 11;[R4] M + T + W + R + N >= 9 ;[R5] M + T + W + R + F >= 11;[R6] T + W + R + F + S >=9;[R7] W + R + F + S + N >=10;ENDNote that M denotes the number of staffers starting on Monday, T the number starting on Tuesday, etc. R1, R2, etc., simply serve as row identifiers.a) What is the required staffing level on Wednesday (not the number to hire starting on Wednesday, which is a harder question)?b) Suppose you can hire people on a 3-day-per-week part-time schedule to work the pattern consisting of the three consecutive days, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Because of training, turnover, and productivity considerations of part-timers, you figure the daily cost of these part-timers will be $105 per day. Show how this additional option would be added to the model above.c) Do you think the part-time option above might be worth using?d) When the above staffing requirements are met, there will nevertheless be some customer calls that are lost, because of the chance all staffers may be busy when a prospective customer calls. A fellow from marketing who is an expert on customer behavior and knows a bit of queuing theory estimates having an additional staffer on duty on any given day beyond the minimum specified in the model above is worth $75. More than one above the minimum is of no additional value. For example, if the minimum staffers required on a day is 8, but there are actually 10 on duty, then the better service will generate $75 of additional revenue. A third fellow, who is working on an economics degree part-time at Freeport Community College, argues that, because the $75 per day benefit is less than the $100 per day cost of a staffer, the solution will be unaffected by the $75 consideration. Is this fellow's argument correct?e) To double check your answer to (b), you decide to generalize the formulation to incorporate the $75 benefit of one-person overstaffing. Define any additional decision variables needed and show (i) any modifications to the objective function and to existing constraints and (ii) any additional constraints. Y ou need only illustrate for one day of the week.试题8. (7-16)In a typical state lottery, a player submits an entry by choosing six numbers without replacement (i.e., no duplicates) from the set of numbers {1, 2, 3…. 44}. After all entries have been submitted, the state randomly chooses six numbers without replacement from the set {1, 2, 3…44 }. If all of your six numbers match those of the state, then you win a big prize. If only five out of six of your numbers match those of the state, then you win a medium size prize. If only four out of six of your numbers match those of the state, then you win a small prize. If several winners chose the same set of numbers, then the prize is split equally among them. Y ou are thinking of submitting two entries to the next state lottery. A mathematician friend suggests the two entries: {2, 7, 1, 8, 28, 18} and {3, 1, 4, 15, 9, 2}. Another friend suggests simply {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} and {7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12}. Which pair of entries has the higher probability of winning some prize?试题9. (8-1)The Slick Oil Company is preparing to make next month's pipeline shipment decisions. The Los Angeles terminal will require 200,000 barrels of oil. This oil can be supplied from either Houston or Casper, Wyoming. Houston can supply oil to L.A. at a transportation cost of $.25 per barrel. Casper can supply L.A. at a transportation cost of $.28 per barrel. The St. Louis terminal will require 120,000 barrels. St. Louis can be supplied from Houston at a cost of $ 18 per barrel and from Casper at a cost of $.22 per barrel. The terminal at Freshair, Indiana requires 230,000 barrels. Oil can be shipped to Freshair from Casper at a cost of $.21 per barrel, from Houston at a cost of $.19 per barrel, and from Titusville, Pa. at a cost of $.17 per barrel.Casper will have a total of 250,000 barrels available to be shipped. Houston will have 350,000 barrels available to be shipped. Because of limited pipeline capacity, no more than 180,000 barrels can be shipped from Casper to L.A. next month and no more than 150,000 barrels from Houston to L.A. The Newark, N.J. terminal will require 190,000 barrels next month. It can be supplied only from Titusville at a transportation cost of $.14 per barrel. The Atlanta terminal will require 150,000 barrels next mouth. Atlanta can be supplied from Titusville at a transportation cost of $.16 per barrel or from Houston at a cost of $.20 per barrel. Titusville will have a total of 300,000 barrels available to be shipped.Formulate the problem of finding the minimum transportation cost distribution plan as a linear program.试题10. (8-5)Aircraft Fuel Ferrying Problem. Fuel cost is one of the major components of variable operating cost for an airline. Some cities collect a tax on aircraft fuel sold at their airports. Thus, the cost per liter of fuel may vary noticeably from one airport to another. A standard problem with any airliner is the determination of how much fuel to take on at each stop. Fuel consumption is minimized if just sufficient fuel is taken on at each stop to fly the plane to the next stop. This policy, however, disregards the fact that fuel prices may differ from one airport to the next. Buying all the fuel at the cheapest stop may not be the cheapest policy either. This might require carrying large fuel loads that would in turn cause large amounts of fuel to be burned in ferrying the fuel. The refueling considerations at a given stop on a route are summarized by the following three numbers: (a) the minimum amount of fuel that must be on board at takeoff to make it to the next stop, (b) the cost per liter of fuel purchased at this stop, and (c) the amount of additional fuel above the minimum that is burned per liter of fuel delivered to the next stop. These figures are given below for an airplane that starts at Dallas, goes to Atlanta, then Chicago, Des Moines, St Louis, and back to Dallas.Dallas Atlanta Chicago Des Moines St. Louisa) 3100 2700 1330 1350 2500b) .29 .34 .35 .31 .33c) .04 .03 .02 .01 .04For example to fly from Dallas to Atlanta, the plane must take off with at least 3100 liters of fuel. Any fuel purchased in Dallas costs $0.29 per liter. For each liter of fuel delivered to Atlanta(i.e., still in the tank), an additional .04 liters had to be put in at Dallas. Alternatively, each additional 1.04 liters loaded at Dallas, results in an additional liter delivered to Atlanta. The plane has a maximum fuel carrying capacity of 6000 liters, which we will assume is independent of airport. Also, assume the minimum amount of reserve fuel that must be on board for safety reasons is fixed independent of airport, so we can act as if no reserve is required. Formulate and solve a model for deciding how much fuel to buy at each airport.试题11:(10-3)Hackensack Blended Whiskey Company imports three grades of whiskey: Prime, Choice, and Premium. These unblended grades can be used to make up the following two brands of whiskey with associated characteristics:Selling price perBrand Specifications literScottish N ot less than 60% Prime. $6.80Club Not more than 20% Premium.Johnny Gold Not more than 60% Premium. $5.70Not less than 15% Prime.The costs and availabilities of the three raw whiskeys are:Available This Week (Number of Cost perWhiskey Liters) LiterPrime 2,000 $7.00Choice 2,500 $5.00Premium 1,200 $4.00Hackensack wishes to maximize this week's profit contribution and feels it can use linear programming to do so. How much should be made of each of the two brands? How should the three raw whiskeys be blended into each of the two brands?试题12:(10-4)The Sebastopol Refinery processes two different kinds of crude oil, V enezuelan and Saudi, to produce two general classes of products, Light and Heavy. Either crude oil can be processed by either of two modes of processing, Short or Regular. The processing cost and amounts of Heavy and Light produced depend upon the mode of processing used and the type of crude oil used. Costs vary, both across crude oils and across processing modes. The relevant characteristics are summarized in the table below. For example, the short process converts each unit of V enezuelan crude to 0.45 units of Light product, 0.52 units of Heavy product, and 0.03 units of waste.Short Process Regular ProcessV enezuela Saud Venezuela SaudLight product fraction 0.45 0.60 0.49 0.68Heavy product fraction 0.52 0.36 0.50 0.32Unusable product fraction 0.03 0.04 0.01 0.00Saudi crude costs $20 per unit; whereas, V enezuelan crude costs $19 per unit. The short process costs $2.50 per unit processed while the regular process costs $2.10 per unit. Sebastopol can process 10,000 units of crude per week at the regular rate. When the refinery is running the Short process for the full week, it can process 13,0013 units per week.The refinery may run any combination of short and regular processes in a given week.The respective market values of Light and Heavy products are $27 and $25 per unit. Formulate the problem of deciding how much of which crudes to buy and which processes to run as an LP. What are the optimal purchasing and operating decisions?试题13:(10-5)There has been a lot of soul searching recently at your company, the Beansoul Coal Company (Bcc). Some of its better coal mines have been exhausted and it is having more difficulty selling its coal from remaining mines. One of Bcc's most important customers is the electrical utility, Power to the People Company (PPC). Bcc sells coal from its best mine, the Becky mine, to PPC. The Becky mine is currently running at capacity, selling all its 5000 tons/day of output to PPC. Delivered to PPC, the Becky coal costs Bcc $81/ton and PPC pays Bcc $86/ton. Bcc has four other mines, but you have been unable to get PPC to buy coal fromthese mines. PPC says that coal from these mines does not satisfy its quality requirements. Upon pressing PPC for details, it has agreed it would consider buying a mix of coal as long as it satisfies the following quality requirements: sulfur < 0.6%; ash < 5.9%; BTU > 13000 per ton; and moisture < 7%. Y ou note your Becky mine satisfies this in that its quality according to the above four measures is: 0.57%, 5.56%, 13029 BTU, and 6.2%. Y our four other mines have the following characteristicCost Per T onBTU Per Sulfur Ash Moisture Delivered toMine T on Percent Percent Percent PPCLex 14,201 0.88 6.76 5.1 73Casper 10,630 0.11 4.36 4.6 90Donora 13,200 0.71 6.66 7.6 74Rocky 11,990 0.39 4.41 4.5 89 The daily capacities of your Lex, Casper, Donora and Rocky mines are 4000, 3500, 3000 and 7000 tons respectively. PPC uses an average of about 13,000 tons per day.Bcc's director of sales was ecstatic upon hearing of your conversation with PPC. His response was "Great! Now we will be able sell PPC all of the 13,000 tons per day it needs". Y our stock with Bcc's newly appointed director of productivity is similarly high. Her reaction to your discussion with Pcc was: "Let's see, right now we are making a profit contribution of only $5/ton of coal sold to PPC. I have figured out we can make a profit contribution of $7/ton if we can sell them a mix. Wow! Y ou are an ingenious negotiator!" What do you recommend to Bcc?试题14:(10-6)The Mcclendon Company manufactures two products, bird food and dog food. The company has two departments, blending and packaging. The requirements in each department for manufacturing a ton of either product are as follows:Time per Unit in T onsBlending PackagingBird food 0.25 0.10Dog food0.15 0.30Each department has 8 hours available per day.Dog food is made from the three ingredients: meat, fish meal, and cereal. Bird food is made from the three ingredients: seeds, ground stones, and cereal. Descriptions of these five materials are as follows.Descriptions of Materials in PercentsT race CostProtein Carbohydrates Minerals Abrasives (in $/ton)Meat 12 10 1 0 600Fiehmeal 20 8 2 2 900Cereal 3 30 0 0 200Seeds 10 10 2 1 700Stones 0 0 3 100 100The composition requirements of the two products are as follows:Composition Requirements of the Products in PercentsT raceProtein Carbohydrates Minerals Abrasive SeedsBird food 5 18 1 2 10Dog food 11 15 1 0 0Bird food sells for $750 per ton while dog food sells for $980 per ton. What should be the composition of bird food and dog food and how much of each should be manufactured each day?试题15:(10-7)Recent federal regulations strongly encourage the assignment of students to schools in a city, so the racial composition of any school approximates the racial composition of the entire city. Consider the case of the Greenville city schools. The city can be considered as composed of five areas with the following characteristics:Area Fraction Minority Number of students1 0.20 1,2002 0.10 9003 0.85 1,7004 0.60 2,0005 0.90 2,500The ruling handed down for Greenville is a school can have neither more than 75 percent nor less than 30 percent minority enrollment. There are three schools in Greenville with the following capacities: School CapacityBond 3,900Pocahontas 3,100Pierron 2,100The objective is to design an assignment of students to schools, so as to stay within the capacity of each school and satisfy the composition constraints while minimizing the distance traveled by students. The distances in kilometers between areas and schools are:AreaSchool 1 2 3 4 5Bond 2.7 1.4 2.4 l. l 0.5Pocahontas 0.5 0.7 2.9 0.8 1.9Pierron 1.6 2.0 0.1 1.3 2.2There is an additional condition that no student can be transported more than 2.6 kilometers. Find the number of students that should be assigned to each school from each area. Assume any group of students from an area has the same ethnic mix as the whole area.试题16:(10-8)A farmer is raising pigs for market and wishes to determine the quantity of the available types of feed that should be given to each pig to meet certain nutritional requirements at minimum cost. The units of each type of basic nutritional ingredient contained in a pound of each feed type is given in the following table along with the daily nutritional requirement and feed costs.Nutritional Pound Pound of Pound of Units RequiredIngredient of Corn T ankage Alfalfa per dayCarbohydrates 9 2 4 20Proteins 3 8 6 18Vitamins 1 2 6 15Cost (cents)fib. 7 6 5试题17:(10-9)Rico-AG is a German fertilizer company, which has just received a contract to supply 10,000 tons of 3-12-12 fertilizer. The guaranteed composition of this fertilizer is (by weight) at least 3% nitrogen, 12% phosphorous and 12% potash. This fertilizer can be mixed from any combination of the raw materials described in the table below.Raw Material % % % Current WorldNitrogen Phosphorous Potash Price/T onAN 50 0 0 190 DmSP 1 40 5 180 DmCP 2 4 35 196 DmBG 1 15 17 215 DmRico-AG has in stock 500 tons of SP that was bought earlier for 220 Dm/ton. Rico-AG has a long term agreement with Fledermausguano, S.A.. This agreement allows it to buy already mixed 3-12-12 at 195 Dm/ton.a) Formulate a model for Rico-AG that will allow it to decide how much to buy, how much to mix, and how to mix. State what assumptions you make with regard to goods in inventory.b) Can you conclude in advance that no CP and BG will be used because they cost more than 195 Dm/ton?试题18:(10-10)The Albers Milling Company buys com and wheat and then grinds and blends them into two final products, Fast-Gro and Quick-Gro. Fast-Gro is required to have at least 2.5% protein while Quick-Gro must have at least 3.2% protein. Com contains 1.9% protein while wheat contains 3.8% protein. The firm can do the buying and blending at either the Albers (A) plant or the Bartelso (B) plant. The blended products must then be shipped to the firm's two warehouse outlets, one at Carlyle (C) and the other at Damiansville (D). Current costs per bushel at the two plants are:A BCorn 10.0 14.0Wheat 12.0 11.0Transportation costs per bushel between the plants and warehouses are:Fast-Gro: T o Ouik-Gro: T oC D C DA 1.00 2.00 A 3.00 3.50From FromB 3.00 0.75 B 4.00 1.90The firm must satisfy the following demands in bushels at the warehouse outlets:ProductWarehouse Fast-Gro Quik-GroC 1,000 3,000。
