OSD7556 字符叠加芯片用户手册


ARGOX CP 系列使用手冊说明书

ARGOX CP 系列使用手冊说明书

C OMPACT P RINTER 系列CP-2140 / CP-2140Z CP2140M/CP-2140MZ CP-3140L / CP-3140ZL使用手冊目錄1.簡介 (4)專屬聲明 (4)產品改良 (4)賠償聲明 (4)2.開始使用 (5)打開印表機包裝 (5)包裝內容物 (6)印表機概述 (7)前視圖: (7)後視圖:CP-2140、CP-2140Z、CP-3140L、CP-3140ZL (8)(CP-2140M,CP-2140MZ 無RS-232、並列埠) (8)內部檢視I (9)內部檢視II (10)連接電源 (11)裝入紙張 (12)準備紙張 (12)裝入紙捲 (12)紙張感應器設定 (17)由軟體/驅動程式設定並排標籤 (17)手動設定並排標籤 (18)裝入碳帶 (23)準備碳帶 (23)裝入碳帶捲 (24)3. 印表機操作 (30)列印紙校正及設定 (30)開始進行紙張校正及設定的步驟 (30)印表機組態標籤範例 (31)將印表機重設為原廠預設值 (32)從LED 指示燈診斷進行疑難排解 (37)其他 (40)恢復程序 (41)4. 通訊 (42)介面和需求 (42)USB 介面需求 (42)串列埠(RS-232) 介面需求 (43)並列埠(Parallel) 介面需求 (43)連接需求 (43)印表機通訊 (45)安裝隨插即用驅動程式(僅適用於USB) (45)安裝印表機驅動程式(適用於USB以外的其他介面) (50)5. 維護印表機 (57)印字頭維護指南 (57)清潔週期 (57)清潔材料 (57)清潔方向 (58)6. 產品規格 (59)一般規格 (59)字型、條碼和圖形規格 (61)Printer Programming Language PPLA (61)Printer Programming Language PPLB (62)Printer Programming Language PPLZ (63)介面規格 (64)USB介面 (64)串列介面 (65)並列介面 (66)7. 附錄 (69)安裝旋刀/ 閘刀裁紙器 (69)設定旋刀/ 閘刀裁紙器 (73)旋刀裁紙器卡紙排除 (76)閘刀裁紙器卡紙排除 (77)1. 簡介專屬聲明本手冊包含立象科技股份有限公司擁有之專屬資訊。



on Screen display简介它通过显示在屏幕上的功能菜单达到调整各项参数的目的,不但调整方便,而且调整的内容也比以上的两种方式多,增加了失真、会聚、色温、消磁等高级调整内容。


另外在OSD选项里还可以调整显示的位置、无动作关闭显示的时间OSD:Object Sequence Diagram,对象顺序图,软件工程专用术语。

定义OSD 是 On Screen Display 的缩写,是应用在 CRT/LCD 显示器上,在显示器的荧幕中产生一些特殊的字形或图形,让使用者得到一些讯息。

常见于家用电视机或个人 PC 电脑之显示荧幕上,当使用者操作电视机换台或调整音量、画质等,电视荧幕就会显示目前状态让使用者知道,此控制 IC 可在荧幕上的任何位置显示一些特殊字形与图形,成为人机界面上重要的讯息产生装置。





如:在荧幕上产生由左向右移动的OSD字形,只要将控制左右位置的OSD控制暂存器依序填入由小变大或由大变小的数值,OSD 输出字形自然随更改的数值而做左右移动。






General DescriptionThe MAX6675 performs cold-junction compensation and digitizes the signal from a type-K thermocouple. The data is output in a 12-bit resolution, SPI-compatible, read-only format.This converter resolves temperatures to 0.25°C, allows readings as high as +1024°C, and exhibits thermocouple accuracy of 8 LSBs for temperatures ranging from 0°C to +700°C.The MAX6675 is available in a small, 8-pin SO package.Applications●Industrial ●Appliances ●HVACFeatures●Direct Digital Conversion of Type -K ThermocoupleOutput ●Cold-Junction Compensation●Simple SPI-Compatible Serial Interface ●12-Bit, 0.25°C Resolution ●Open Thermocouple DetectionPART TEMP RANGE PIN-PACKAGE MAX6675ISA-20°C to +85°C8 SOMAX6675Cold-Junction-Compensated K-Thermocouple-to-Digital Converter (0°C to +1024°C)19-2235; Rev 3; 6/21Ordering InformationEVALUATION KIT AVAILABLEClick here to ask about the production status of specific part numbers.Supply Voltage (V CC to GND) ............................... -0.3V to +6V SO, SCK, CS , T-, T+ to GND .....................-0.3V to V CC + 0.3V SO Current ....................................................................... 50mA ESD Protection (Human Body Model) .......................... ±2000V Continuous Power Dissipation (T A = +70°C)8-Pin SO (derate 5.88mW/°C above +70°C) ............. 471mW Operating Temperature Range ..........................-20°C to +85°CStorage Temperature Range ...........................-65°C to +150°C Junction Temperature .................................................... +150°C SO PackageVapor Phase (60s) . .....................................................+215°C Infrared (15s) ..............................................................+220°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s) ............................... +300°C(V CC = +3.0V to +5.5V, T A = -20°C to +85°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values specified at +25°C.) (Note 1)PARAMETERSYMBOLCONDITIONSMINTYP MAX UNITSTemperature ErrorT THERMOCOUPLE = +700°C,T A = +25°C (Note 2)V CC = +3.3V -5+5LSBV CC = +5V -6+6T THERMOCOUPLE = 0°C to +700°C, T A = +25°C (Note 2)V CC = +3.3V -8+8V CC = +5V -9+9T THERMOCOUPLE = +700°Cto +1000°C, T A = +25°C (Note 2)V CC = +3.3V -17+17V CC = +5V-19+19Thermocouple Conversion Constant10.25µV/LSB Cold-JunctionCompensation Error T A = -20°C t o +85°C (Note 2)V CC = +3.3V -3.0+3.0°C V CC= +5V-3.0+3.0Resolution0.25°C Thermocouple Input Impedance 60k W Supply Voltage V CC 3.05.5V Supply CurrentI CC0.7 1.5mA Power-On Reset Threshold V CC rising12 2.5V Power-On Reset Hysteresis 50mV Conversion Time (Note 2)0.170.22sSERIAL INTERFACE Input Low Voltage V IL 0.3 x V CCV Input High Voltage V IH 0.7 x V CCV Input Leakage Current I LEAK V IN = GND or V CC±5µA Input CapacitanceC IN5pFto-Digital Converter (0°C to +1024°C)Electrical CharacteristicsStresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.Absolute Maximum RatingsNote 1: All specifications are 100% tested at T A = +25°C. Specification limits over temperature (T A = T MIN to T MAX ) are guaranteedby design and characterization, not production tested.Note 2: Guaranteed by design. Not production tested.(V CC = +3.3V, T A = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)(V CC = +3.0V to +5.5V, T A = -20°C to +85°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values specified at +25°C.) (Note 1)PARAMETERSYMBOL CONDITIONSMIN TYPMAXUNITS Output High Voltage V OH I SOURCE = 1.6mA V CC - 0.4V Output Low Voltage V OLI SINK = 1.6mA0.4VTIMINGSerial Clock Frequency f SCL 4.3MHz SCK Pulse High Width t CH 100ns SCK Pulse Low Width t C L 100ns CSB Fall to SCK Rise t CSS C L = 10pF 100ns CSB Fall to Output Enable t DV C L = 10pF 100ns CSB Rise to Output Disable t TR C L = 10pF 100ns SCK Fall to Output Data Validt DOC L = 10pF100ns-50510-103050OUTPUT CODE ERROR vs. VOLTAGE DIFFERENTIALM A X 6675 t o c 02VOLTAGE DIFFERENTIAL (mV)O U T P U T C O D E E R R O R (L S B )1020401086420451530607590OUTPUT CODE ERROR vs. AMBIENT TEMPERATUREM A X 6675 t o c 01TEMPERATURE (°C)O U T P U T C O D E E R R O R (L S B )to-Digital Converter (0°C to +1024°C)Typical Operating CharacteristicsElectrical Characteristics (continued)Detailed DescriptionThe MAX6675 is a sophisticated thermocouple-to-digi- tal converter with a built-in 12-bit analog-to-digital con-verter (ADC). The MAX6675 also contains cold-junction compensation sensing and correction, a digital con- troller, an SPI-compatible interface, and associated control logic.The MAX6675 is designed to work in conjunction with an external microcontroller (µC) or other intelligence in ther-mostatic, process-control, or monitoring applications. Temperature ConversionThe MAX6675 includes signal-conditioning hardware to convert the thermocouple’s signal into a voltage compat-ible with the input channels of the ADC. The T+and T- inputs connect to internal circuitry that reduces the intro- duction of noise errors from the thermocouple wires. Before converting the thermoelectric voltages into equivalent temperature values, it is necessary to com-pensate for the difference between the thermocouple cold-junction side (MAX6675 ambient temperature) and a 0°C virtual reference. For a type-K thermocouple, the voltage changes by 41µV/°C, which approximates the thermocouple characteristic with the following linear equation:V OUT = (41µV / °C) x (T R - T AMB)Where:V OUT is the thermocouple output voltage (µV).T R is the temperature of the remote thermocouple junc-tion (°C).T AMB is the ambient temperature (°C).Cold-Junction CompensationThe function of the thermocouple is to sense a differ- ence in temperature between two ends of the thermo- couple wires. The thermocouple’s hot junction can be read from 0°C to +1023.75°C. The cold end (ambi-ent temperature of the board on which the MAX6675 is mounted) can only range from -20°C to +85°C. While the temperature at the cold end fluctuates, the MAX6675 continues to accurately sense the tempera- ture difference at the opposite end.The MAX6675 senses and corrects for the changes in the ambient temperature with cold-junction compen-sation. The device converts the ambient temperature reading into a voltage using a temperature-sensing diode. To make the actual thermocouple temperature measurement, the MAX6675 measures the voltage from the thermocouple’s output and from the sensing diode. The device’s internal circuitry passes the diode’s volt- age (sensing ambient temperature) and thermocouple voltage (sensing remote temperature minus ambient temperature) to the conversion function stored in the ADC to calculate the thermocouple’s hot-junction tem-perature.Optimal performance from the MAX6675 is achieved when the thermocouple cold junction and the MAX6675 are at the same temperature. Avoid placing heat-gen-erating devices or components near the MAX6675 because this may produce cold-junction-related errors. DigitizationThe ADC adds the cold-junction diode measurement with the amplified thermocouple voltage and reads out the 12-bit result onto the SO pin. A sequence of all zeros means the thermocouple reading is 0°C. A sequence of all ones means the thermocouple reading is +1023.75°C.PIN NAME FUNCTION1GND Ground2T-Alumel Lead of Type-K Thermocouple.Should be connected to ground externally. 3T+Chromel Lead of Type-K Thermocouple4V CC Positive Supply. Bypass with a 0.1µFcapacitor to GND.5SCK Serial Clock Input6CS Chip Select. Set CS low to enable the serialinterface.7SO Serial Data Output8N.C.No Connection to-Digital Converter (0°C to +1024°C)Pin DescriptionApplications InformationSerial InterfaceThe T ypical Application Circuit shows the MAX6675 interfaced with a microcontroller. In this example, the MAX6675 processes the reading from the thermocou- ple and transmits the data through a serial interface. Force CS low and apply a clock signal at SCK to read the results at SO. Forcing CS low immediately stops any conversion process. Initiate a new conversion process by forcing CS high.Force CS low to output the first bit on the SO pin. A complete serial interface read requires 16 clock cycles. Read the 16 output bits on the falling edge of the clock. The first bit, D15, is a dummy sign bit and is always zero. Bits D14–D3 contain the converted temperature in the order of MSB to LSB. Bit D2 is normally low and goes high when the thermocouple input is open. D1 is low to provide a device ID for the MAX6675 and bit D0 is three-state.Figure 1a is the serial interface protocol and Figure 1b shows the serial interface timing. Figure 2 is the SO out-put.Open ThermocoupleBit D2 is normally low and goes high if the thermocou- ple input is open. In order to allow the operation of the open thermocouple detector, T- must be grounded. Make the ground connection as close to the GND pin as possible.Noise ConsiderationsThe accuracy of the MAX6675 is susceptible to power- supply coupled noise. The effects of power-supply noise can be minimized by placing a 0.1µF ceramic bypass capacitor close to the supply pin of the device.Thermal ConsiderationsSelf-heating degrades the temperature measurement accuracy of the MAX6675 in some applications. The magnitude of the temperature errors depends on the thermal conductivity of the MAX6675 package, the mounting technique, and the effects of airflow. Use a large ground plane to improve the temperature mea- surement accuracy of the MAX6675.The accuracy of a thermocouple system can also be improved by following these precautions:●Use the largest wire possible that does not shuntheat away from the measurement area.●If small wire is required, use it only in the region ofthe measurement and use extension wire for theregion with no temperature gradient.●Avoid mechanical stress and vibration, which couldstrain the wires.●When using long thermocouple wires, use a twisted-pair extension wire.●Avoid steep temperature gradients.●Try to use the thermocouple wire well within its tem-perature rating.●Use the proper sheathing material in hostile environ-ments to protect the thermocouple wire.●Use extension wire only at low temperatures andonly in regions of small gradients.●Keep an event log and a continuous record of ther-mocouple resistance.Reducing Effects of Pick-Up NoiseThe input amplifier (A1) is a low-noise amplifier designed to enable high-precision input sensing. Keep the thermocouple and connecting wires away from elec-trical noise sources.to-Digital Converter (0°C to +1024°C)Figure 2. SO OutputFigure 1b. Serial Interface TimingFigure 1a. Serial Interface ProtocolBIT DUMMY SIGN BIT12-BITTEMPERATURE READING THERMOCOUPLEINPUTDEVICE IDSTATE Bit15141312111098765432100MSBLSBThree-stateCSSCKSOD15D14D13D12D11D10D9D8D7D6D5D4D3D2D1D0to-Digital Converter (0°C to +1024°C)PACKAGE TYPEPACKAGE CODE OUTLINE ND PATTERN NO.8 SOS8+221-004190-0096to-Digital Converter (0°C to +1024°C)Package InformationFor the latest package outline information and land patterns (footprints), go to /packages . Note that a “+”, “#”, or “-” in the package code indicates RoHS status only. Package drawings may show a different suffix character, but the drawing pertains to the package regardless of RoHS status.Chip InformationTRANSISTOR COUNT: 6720PROCESS: BiCMOSREVISION NUMBERREVISION DATE DESCRIPTIONPAGES CHANGED24/14Removed automotive reference136/21Updated equation in Temperature Compensation section.4Maxim Integrated cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim Integrated product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim Integrated reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time. The parametric values (min and max limits) shown in the Electrical Characteristics table are guaranteed. Other parametric values quoted in this data sheet are provided for guidance.to-Digital Converter (0°C to +1024°C)Revision HistoryFor pricing, delivery, and ordering information, please visit Maxim Integrated’s online storefront at https:///en/storefront/storefront.html.。

PowerFlex 755 驱动器软件版本2.006 发行说明书

PowerFlex 755 驱动器软件版本2.006 发行说明书

Release NotesPowerFlex® 755 Drives (revision 2.006)These release notes correspond to major revision 2, minor revision 6 offirmware for PowerFlex® 755 drives.Introduction The following information is included in this document:Determining Firmware Revision Level This section describes procedures to determine the firmware revision of your PowerFlex 755 drive.Using the Drive LCD HIM1.Access the Status screen, which is displayed on HIM power up. Figure 1 Status ScreenFor information about:See page: Determining Firmware Revision Level1Using the Drive LCD HIM1Using DriveExplorer Lite/Full2Using DriveExecutive3Firmware Flashing3Installing the Flash Kit4Using DriveExplorer Lite/Full to Flash Update4Using DriveExecutive to Flash Update5Using ControlFLASH to Flash Update7Using HyperTerminal to Flash Update9 Enhancements14Corrected Anomalies14Restrictions16Rockwell Automation Support16Host Drive480V 2.1A20G...D2P12PowerFlex® 755 Drives (revision 2.006)e the or key to scroll to Port 00 for the Host Drive.3.4.5.Device Version .6.Figure 2 Device Version Information ScreenUsing DriveExplorer Lite/FullImportant:You need DriveExplorer version 6.01 or later to interfacewith the PowerFlex 755 drive. To obtain the latest version,visit the Allen-Bradley Web Updates site located at/support/abdrives/webupdate .unch DriveExplorer and go online with the PowerFlex 755 drive. To connect to the drive, use a 1203-USB converter, a 1203-SSS converter, or an EtherNet/IP network connection.2.In the Devices hardware view, select the PowerFlex 755 drive.Once selected, information regarding the PowerFlex 755 drive is shownin the right panel including the current firmware revision number.PowerFlex 755 480V 2.1A Product Revision 2.003Product Serial Number SN –Main Control Board FW Revision 2.003APowerFlex® 755 Drives (revision 2.006)3Using DriveExecutiveImportant:You need DriveExecutive version 5.01 or later to interface with the PowerFlex 755 drive. To obtain the latest version, visit the Allen-Bradley Web Updates site located at /support/abdrives/webupdate unch DriveExecutive and go online with the PowerFlex 755 drive. To connect to the drive, use a 1203-USB converter, a 1203-SSS converter, or an EtherNet/IP network connection.2.In the Drives hardware view, select the PowerFlex 755 drive ( in Figure 3on page 3).3.Click the information icon ( in Figure 3) to display the drive’s Properties dialog box.In the Properties dialog box the “Revision:” field ( in Figure 3) will show the drive’s current firmware revision number.Figure 3 Accessing the PowerFlex 755 Drive Firmware Revision Number Firmware Flashing This section describes procedures to flash upgrade your drive firmware.Flash kits for drives are provided on the Allen-Bradley Web Updates site located at /support/abdrives/webupdate .Flashing can be performed using a 1203-USB or 1203-SSS converter. For information on connecting either converter to your drive, refer to the 1203-USB USB Converter User Manual, publication DRIVES-UM001 or the 1203-SSS Smart Self-powered Serial Converter User Manual, publication 20COMM-UM001.4PowerFlex® 755 Drives (revision 2.006)Installing the Flash Kit1.Install the flash kit utility from the Allen-Bradley Web Updates site for the PowerFlex 755 drive, which includes the latest version of theControlFLASH utility and deploys firmware files for usingHyperTerminal on your computer.2.You are now ready to use DriveExplorer, DriveExecutive,ControlFLASH or HyperTerminal to update the drive. Refer to the respective section below and follow the instructions.Using DriveExplorer Lite/Full to Flash Update1.With the Flash Kit installed (see Installing the Flash Kit ), launchDriveExecutive and go online (via a 1203-USB or 1203-SSS converter) with the PowerFlex 755 drive.2.In the Devices hardware view, select the PowerFlex 755 drive ( in Figure 4).3.Click the information icon ( in Figure 4) to display the drive’s Properties dialog box.4.In the Properties dialog box, click the Component Details tab ( in Figure 4).Figure 4 Accessing the Component Details Tab of the Properties Dialog Box 5.With the Main Control Board selected, click Flash Update .Important:Flash updating the device firmware may cause the device toload defaults. It is recommended that you save the setting toyour PC before proceeding.PowerFlex® 755 Drives (revision 2.006)5 6.From the list of available updates, select “v2.004.xxx” and click Next >.7.Follow the remaining prompts until the flash update procedurecompletes and displays the new firmware revision.Using DriveExecutive to Flash Update1.With the Flash Kit installed (see Installing the Flash Kit), launchDriveExecutive and go online (via a 1203-USB or 1203-SSS converter) with the PowerFlex 755 drive.2.In the Drives hardware view, select the PowerFlex 755 drive ( inFigure 3on page3).3.Click the information icon ( in Figure 3) to display the drive’sProperties dialog box.4.In the Properties dialog box, click the Component Details tab ( inFigure 3).5.With the PowerFlex 755 drive selected, click Flash Update.6PowerFlex® 755 Drives (revision 2.006)6.From the list of available devices, select the PowerFlex 755 drive andclick Next >.Important:Flash updating the device firmware may cause the device toload defaults. It is recommended that you save the setting toyour PC before proceeding.7.From the list of available updates, select “v2.004.xxx” and click Next >.8.Follow the remaining screen prompts until the flash update procedurecompletes and displays the new firmware revision.PowerFlex® 755 Drives (revision 2.006)7Using ControlFLASH to Flash Update1.With the Flash Kit installed (see Installing the Flash Kit on page4),launch ControlFLASH by selecting Start > (All) Programs > Flash Programming Tools > ControlFLASH.2.On the ControlFLASH Welcome screen, click Next >.3.The Catalog Number dialog box appears. From the list, choose thecommunication device you will use to update the PowerFlex 755 drive.In the figure below, the embedded EtherNet device is selected.Once the appropriate communication device is selected, click Next >.8PowerFlex® 755 Drives (revision 2.006)4.Now that the correct communication device has been selected, you mustselect which device is being updated. With the Select the PowerFlex…dialog box displayed, follow these steps.a.Expand the hardware view for the communication path you are using( in Figure 5).b.Select the drive icon that represents the PowerFlex 755 drive you areupdating ( in Figure 5).c.Click OK ( in Figure 5).Figure 5 Selecting the Correct Drive to Flash5.In the Multiple Assemblies Found display box, select“Port x-PowerFlex 755” from the list and click OK .PowerFlex® 755 Drives (revision 2.006)9 6.In the Firmware Revision dialog box, select “v2.004…” from the list ofavailable updates and click Next >.7.Follow the remaining prompts until the flash procedure completes anddisplays the new firmware revision.Using HyperTerminal to Flash UpdateImportant:The HyperTerminal process takes at least one hour tocomplete.1.With the Flash Kit installed (see Installing the Flash Kit on page4),access and launch HyperTerminal as shown below.10PowerFlex® 755 Drives (revision 2.006)2.A New Connection dialog box appears.a.Enter the connection device name in the Name field or select an iconfrom the library.b.Click OK once you have finished.3.A Connect To dialog box appears,e the “Connect using:” drop-down menu to select the appropriateconnection device.b.Click OK once you have finished.PowerFlex® 755 Drives (revision 2.006)114.A Properties dialog box will appear for the selected connection device.e any of the drop-down menus to change the various port settings.b.Click OK once you have finished.5.After you click OK, you will get a blank screen.Press Enter on your computer keyboard so the following test screen appears.6.From the Main Menu, select the flash upgrade ( in Figure 6) bypressing the number 3 key on your computer keyboard.7.Additonal text appears. From the Flash Upgrade menu, select thePowerFlex 775 drive ( in Figure 6) by pressing the number 0 key on your computer keyboard.8.Additonal text appears. After reading the conditions, select Yes ( inFigure 6) to proceed by pressing the letter Y key on your computerkeyboard.12PowerFlex® 755 Drives (revision 2.006)Figure 6 HyperTerminal Test Screen DialogueThe terminal program will start displaying the letter “C”. This signals theXMODEM protocol that the download may proceed.Important:You have one minute to complete steps 9…14 orHyperTerminal will return to step 5, where you must repeatsteps 5…8.TIP: To cancel the flash update at any time, press CTRL-X .9.Select Transfer > Send File to display the Send File dialog box.10.Click Browse and navigate to one of the following locations:•For PowerFlex 755 drive frames 2…7, go toC: > Program Files > ControlFLASH > 0001 > 0086 > 0890•For PowerFlex 755 drive frames 8 and larger, go toC: > Program Files > ControlFLASH > 0001 > 0086 > 0C90PowerFlex® 755 Drives (revision 2.006)13 11.Search within the appropriate subfolder until the“PF755_LP_App_v2_004_xxx.dpi” file appears in the Select File to Send list.12.With the file name highlighted, click Open so it appears in the Filenamedata field in the Send File dialog box.13.In the Protocol box, select “Xmodem.”14.Click Send.A dialog box appears and reports the update progress, which takesabout one hour for HyperTerminal to complete. When it is complete, the message “Flash Complete” appears.15.Press any key to continue.16.Press the Enter key to return to the main menu.14PowerFlex® 755 Drives (revision 2.006)Enhancements There are no new enhancements in this firmware revision.Corrected Anomalies This section describes the anomalies corrected in this revision.Communications Losses with DriveExecutive and EtherNet/IPWhen a drive was controlled over an EtherNet/IP network, using theembedded EtherNet/IP, port and a connection from DriveExecutive wasmade to the drive communication faults could occur. These communicationfaults could break the connection between DriveExecutive and the drive orbetween the controller and the drive. This anomaly would occur undercertain conditions and with certain configurations.DPI Port LockupWhen a Human Interface Module (HIM) was disconnected and reconnectedrepeatedly in a short period of time, the drive would experience a HIM Port0 error. This would make the HIM port non-functional.Fault Restart DisplayWhen executing an automatic restart after a fault, the drive would notcorrectly display the count down to the restart properly. It would correctlydisplay the tens digit, but it would not display the ones digit.The following table illustrates an example.Time Remaining (seconds)1211109876543210 How it should display countdown1211109876543210 How it did display countdown1_1_1_____________________Non Volatile Storage (NVS)Executing the homing function too frequently or changing certain parametervalues too frequently would cause the drive to stop operating (due to anF918-Control Task Overload, F919-System Task Overload or F920-5 msecTask Overload fault). The Human Interface Module (HIM) would display“Port 0 Comm Loss.” Recovery from this condition required cycling poweron the drive. After power was cycled, the drive would report a F101-PwrDnNVS Blank, F103-PwrDn NVS Incomp or F117-PwrDn NVS Chksm fault,and drive parameter values would be set to their default values.This occurred because the drive was attempting to write to NVS too quickly,and the requests for NVS writes were over-running the buffer for NVSwrites.The drive would attempt to write to NVS when executing the homingfunction. It would also write to NVS when certain parameters in the SpeedRegulator, Inertia Compensation and (Position) Torque Boost parametergroups were modified. Controlling these parameters via datalink couldcreate a situation where attempts to write to NVS would occur toofrequently.PowerFlex® 755 Drives (revision 2.006)15Option Card Version DisplayDisplay of firmware version for option modules on the Human Interface Module (HIM) or in configuration software (DriveExplorer, DriveExecutive or RSLogix 5000) would be incorrect.Port Loss Due to Lost Client Server MessageUnder certain conditions, a certain combination of DPI messages would lock up a DPI port.Position Feedback ErrorWhen using position control, the value of parameter 857 [Psn Fdbk] could be in error from the actual machine position by one encoder count. This could cause a final position error in your system.Position Torque Boost Coordinate OrderingThe drive would accept Position Torque Boost coordinates out of order. The values for parameters 1520 [PsnTrqBst Ps X1], 1521 [PsnTrqBst Ps X2], 1522 [PsnTrqBst Ps X3], 1523 [PsnTrqBst Ps X4] and 1524 [PsnTrqBst Ps X5] must be in ascending order. The older firmware revision would accept them if they were not in ascending order.Pump JackThe time interval used for calculations of the “virtual pump position” changed from 2 mS to 2.048 mS, which is the actual task interrupt time for the calculation.Sleep Wake ModeIf there was a Sleep Cfg alarm caused by the sleep level being higher than the wake level and the condition was corrected while the other permissives were present, the control would require one of the permissives to be reset for the drive to start.With the new firmware, permissives need not be reset for the drive to start.Interpolator Output UnstableWhen the drive was in Integrated Motion on EtherNet/IP (CIP Motion) mode and in a position control configuration, the output of the Velocity Interpolator would oscillate. This would cause poor performance in some position control applications that use Integrated Motion on EtherNet/IP (CIP Motion).Position Feedback RolloverWhen the drive was in Integrated Motion on EtherNet/IP (CIP Motion) mode and in a position control configuration, there could be a spike in torque output when the position feedback count rolled over.Publication 750-RN010B-EN-E – May 2012Supersedes Publication 750-RN010A-EN-E – January 2011Copyright © 2012 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.U.S.Allen-BradleyDrivesTechnicalSupport-Tel:(1)262.512.8176,Fax:(1)262.512.2222,Email:*****************,Online:/support/abdrives Corporate HeadquartersRockwell Automation, 777 East Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 1400, Milwaukee, WI, 53202-5302 USA, Tel: (1) 414.212.5200, Fax: (1) 414.212.5201Headquarters for Allen-Bradley Products, Rockwell Software Products and Global Manufacturing SolutionsAmericas: Rockwell Automation, 1201 South Second Street, Milwaukee, WI 53204-2496 USA, Tel: (1) 414.382.2000, Fax: (1) 414.382.4444Europe/Middle East/Africa: Rockwell Automation SA/NV, Vorstlaan/Boulevard du Souverain 36, 1170 Brussels, Belgium, Tel: (32) 2 663 0600, Fax: (32) 2 663 0640Asia Pacific: Rockwell Automation, 27/F Citicorp Centre, 18 Whitfield Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong, Tel: (852) 2887 4788, Fax: (852) 2508 1846Headquarters for Dodge and Reliance Electric ProductsAmericas: Rockwell Automation, 6040 Ponders Court, Greenville, SC 29615-4617 USA, Tel: (1) 864.297.4800, Fax: (1) 864.281.2433Europe/Middle East/Africa: Rockwell Automation, Brühlstraße 22, D-74834 Elztal-Dallau, Germany, Tel: (49) 6261 9410, Fax: (49) 6261 17741Asia Pacific: Rockwell Automation, 55 Newton Road, #11-01/02 Revenue House, Singapore 307987, Tel: (65) 6356-9077, Fax: (65) 6356-9011Restrictions With this firmware revision, the drive’s embedded EtherNet/IP port requiresthe EtherNet/IP scanner to use a compatible method of specifying Qualityof Service (QoS). The following table details the compatible products andfirmware revisions.Rockwell AutomationSupport To assist you, Rockwell Automation provides technical information on the web. At /support , you can find technicalmanuals, a knowledge base of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs),technical and application notes, sample code and links to software servicepacks, and a MySupport feature you can customize to best use these tools.If you experience a problem, please review product documentation. Forfurther help, contact a Customer Support representative:TechConnect Support programs are available for an additional level oftechnical phone support for installation, configuration, and troubleshooting.For more information, contact your local distributor or Rockwell Automationrepresentative, or visit /support .ProductCat. patible Rev. No.Armor Block single port1732E-xxx Update not available ArmorPoint adapter1738-AENT Rev. 3.001Block I/O1791ES-xxx Rev. 1.007CompactLogix1768-ENBT Rev. 2.0011769-L2x /L3x Rev. 17.03ControlLogix1756-ENBT Rev. 4.0051756-EN2T (F) (XT)No update needed DriveLogix embedded EtherNet port5730Rev. 3.004Flex adapter1794-AENT Rev. 4.1FlexLogix1788-ENBT Rev. 2.004Kinetix ServosNo update needed Point adapter1734-AENT Rev. 3.001SoftLogix I/O messaging No update neededUnited States(1) 262.512.8176 • Monday – Friday, 7am – 6pm CST Outside United States Please contact your local Rockwell Automation representative for anytechnical support issues.。

Maxwell Technologies BOOSTCAP 能量存储模块用户手册说明书

Maxwell Technologies BOOSTCAP 能量存储模块用户手册说明书
Remove the module from the shipping carton and retain the shipping materials until the unit has been inspected and is determined to be operational.
NOTE: The original shipping materials are approved for both air and ground shipment). The module should be removed from the shipping carton by lifting it by the module body and not the terminal posts.
The shipping container should contain the following:
1 x Energy storage module, part number determined by module type 1 x Accessory kit
If the unit is found to be defective or any parts are missing, contact your supplier. A Return Material Authorization (RMA) number must be issued prior to returning the unit for repair or replacement.
The module packaging for those capacitances of 250F and above is a heavy-duty aluminum extruded enclosure. The enclosure is a permanently sealed, water-resistant device (per IEC 529 – IP65) requiring no maintenance. The package for the BMOD0110 consists of a plastic housing with a metallic cover for thermal transfer. The voltage management electronics has a single open collector logic output which indicates if any cell within the module is experiencing an over voltage condition. There is one temperature monitor output in the form of an NTC thermistor.



USBLMC_CUH_IPG_V1(4)USBLMC Client Use HandbookIPG BoardCatalogSafety During Installation And Operation (1)Summarize (2)Ways to differentiate modules (3)I.Functions of Fiber Module(IPG)and Definitions of Pins (3)1.Features (4)2.Output Socket Definitions (4)3.Definition of Output Socket Pin (5)a.CON1:DB15Galvo Output (5)b.CON2:DB25Fibre socket (6)c.CON3:DB9Marking-on-fly Encoder (7)d.CON4:DB15Power (8)e.CON5:IDC10Socket (10)4.Jumper Illustration (11)5.Hardware Connection (13)a.Input signal IN0,IN8,Start,EMSTOP (13)b.Input signal IN5,IN9 (13)b.Power Connection (14)c.Typical Connection of Fiber Laser Module (16)II.The common connection ways (16)1.The connection between User-defined digital Galvo conversion board&USBLMC control card (16)2.The encoder,photoelectric switch during marking-on-fly (18)Safety During Installation And OperationPlease read these operating instruction completely before you proceed with installing and operating this product.If there are any questions regarding the contents of this manual,please contact BJJCZ.1.Steps For Safe Operation�Carefully check your application program before running it.Programming errors can cause a break down of the system.In this case neither the laser nor the scan head can becontrolled.�Protect the board from humidity,dust,corrosive vapors and mechanical stress.�For storage and operation,avoid electromagnetic fields and static electricity.These can damage the electronics on the product.For storage,always use the antistatic bag.�The allowed operating temperature range is25℃±10℃.�The storage temperature should be between–20℃and+60℃.ser Safety�This product is intended for controlling a laser scan system.Therefore all relevant laser safety directives must be known and applied before installation and operation.Thecustomer is solely responsible for ensuring the laser safety of the entire system.�All applicable laser safety directives must be adhered to.Safety regulation may differ from country to country.It is the responsibility of the customer to comply with all localregulations.�Please observe all laser safety instructions as described in you scan head or scan module manual,and this manual.�Always turn on the power of this product and the power supply for the scan head first before turning on the laser.Otherwise there is the danger of uncontrolleddeflection of the laser beam.We recommend the use of a shutter to prevent uncontrolled emission of laserradiation.SummarizeUSBLMC marking control card is developed specially for marking machine,it adopt USB interface BLMC marking control card is made up of two PCB board:Main-board and IO board.Main board and IO board are connected by two sockets which with50pins.The main-boards are the same,the IO board is divided into three different kinds by application:Optic fiber module(IPG),common digital module,and common analog module.Among them,common digital module is with a conversion board.Features of USBLMC�PowerUSBLMC marking control card uses5V power.We suggest adopt the power of5V/3Ato achieve power mon digital module,common analog interface’s powerinput signal is on CON2socket of module;and the power input signal of the optic fibermodule is on CON4socket of module.Please check the corresponding instruction ofPINS.�The laser Control1)Offer3routes TTL signal:Laser Gate,PWM,FPK for laser ser Gatesignal used for controlling switch of laser;PWM signal can be regarded as PWMsignal in CO2laser machine or the repeated pulse frequency in Nd:Yag lasermachine;FPK is for the first pulse inhibits signal in YAG laser machine.2)Offer2routes that are used for controlling the power of the laser power supply andrepeated pulse frequency of Q switch.3)As to the YLP series of pulse optic fiber laser machine of IPG,which is supplyspecial control signal.4)Laser Gate,PWM signal can be set up into high level available or low levelavailable.5)Common digital module,common analog module can be used for pre-setting theoutput power of the laser power supply.�Common digital input/output signal(TTL signal)There are10routes input and7routes output mon digital signal is dividedinto two kinds,switch form of input signal(no need external power)and non-switchform of input signal(external component entities supply the electric current drive).Common output signal is belong to TTL output(Without optical-isolation),the maxoutput electric current is15mA.Note:"The inputs/outputs signal"of this manual are all for USBLMC control card.The signals receiving by the USBLMC and driving by external component is inputsignals;signals driving by USBLMC control and receiving by external component isoutput signals.�Support multi-card working pattern.One computer can control8sets of USBLMC at a time,makes and marks the control board to run side by side and operate.Differentcontents can be processed by8sets of control cards.�Marking-on-flyFlying encoder can be connected to do real-time liner speed checking for good result ofhigh speed marking.�Extend axis(step motor/servo electrical motor)outputCan output two directions/pulse signals of channels to control step motor(or servoelectrical motor),applicable to pivot or join.�Start signalUsed when marking contents are the same and high speed is required.The Floor pushcan connect to Start signal,or to the common input signal as well.If there are variablesin marking content,they have to be connected to the common input signal.�Compatible with USB2.0/USB1.0Ways to differentiate modulesThere are some texts at the right-bottom corner of the er can differentiate them by them.The contents are:I.Functions of Fiber Module(IPG)and Definitions of PinsEach module is developed according the different applications.Therefore,its serial number,pin definition,jumper setting,and functional settings can vary.When in use please make sure to refer to the instructions of each particular type of module.For example,5V power input signal of USBLMC,on the common digital module and common analog module,should be inserted from12/13/24/25of the feet on CON2socket;while on the optic fiber module,the power input signal is connected from4/5/12/13of the feet on CON4 socket.1.Featuresa).Specially set for the YLP pulse laser by IPG Company.CON2-DB25pin is directlyconnected with the laser cube’s25-stitch pin.b).Digital IO signal,with1-way common output and3-way common input signals.IN0/IN1are fixed as the input at fiber laser status;IN6as the emergency-stop signal input for fiber laser.IN7is to check whether the power of laser marking machine is turned on or off;IN2/3/5are not applicable.IN4/8/9are comment input signals.For specific connections and the suggested connections,please see the section“Digital IO Connection Instructions”.OUT0is the common output;OUT2s fixed as the red light of fiber laser;OUT3is fixed as laser enabled.OUT1,and OUT4~6are not used.c).Output X-axis step motor to control signals.Y/Z axis cannot be output.d).Connect rotary encoder for high speed marking.e).Galvo output signals are digital outputs and can be set as non-encoded digital signal outputs,or set as digital signal outputs with extend codes.2.Output Socket DefinitionsFig.1-1Fiber Module–Socket Illustration3.Definition of Output Socket Pina.CON1:DB15Galvo OutputGalvo signals are digital signals which can be directly connected to digital Galvo.Digital galvo’s signals transfer protocols are not exactly the same,therefore,it should be confirmed which type of transfer protocols is used by the digital galvo.The company also provides transfer boards,which are analog boards transferred from digital.It can also be transferred analog signal outputs and connected to analog galvo.Fig.1-2CON1of Fiber IO boardPin No.Signal name Illustrations1,9CLK-/CLK+Clock signal.Difference output2,10SYNC-/SYNC+Synchronized signal.Difference output3,11XChannel-/XChannel+Digital signal of X axis galvo.Difference output4,12YChannel-/YChannel+Digital signal of Y axis galvo.Difference output5,13ZChannel-/ZChannel+Digital signal of Z axis galvo.Difference output6,14Status-/Status+The state feedback signal of Galvo.Difference input8,15Gnd The reference ground of control card.For the common two-dimension Galvo,only connecting CLK,SYNC XChannel,Ychannel four groups with8signal lines is enough.We suggest use twisted-pair(such as net-line)for connecting for digital signal.b.CON2CON2::DB25Fibre socketCON2socket and optic fiber25stitch socket of laser instrument connect through25stitch rows of line directly.Fig.1-3Pins of CON2Pins Signal name Illustrations1——8P0——P7Laser power.TTL output.9PLATCH Power latch signal.TTL output.10,14Gnd Control card’s Ground11,12Ver2:GND Control card’s Ground Ver3:SGIN2,SGIN3Laser status input.13,15,24Ver2:GND Control card’s Ground Ver3:NULL Reserved16,21SGIN4,SGIN1Laser status input.17Vcc5V power output of control card.18MO Master Oscillator switch.TTL output 19AP Power amplifier.TTL output.20PRR Repeat pulse power signal.TTL output.22Out2Laser’s red light indication signal.TTL output.23EMSTOP Emergency stop signal.TTL output. 25NULL Reservedc.CON3:DB9Marking-on-fly EncoderFig.1-4Pins of CON3PIN No.Signals Illustrations1IN8Common input signal8.Forms a return circuit with GND9. To use this signal,connect it and GND respectively to either terminals of power.2,6IN9+/IN9-TTL input signal.Internal1K current-limited resistor. External current-limited resistor is suggested when voltage is over12V.Please refer to IN9Port Illustration.3,7BCODEN/BCODEP Encoder phase B input signal.Differential input. 4,5ACODEN/ACODEP Encoder phase A input signal.Differential input. 8Vcc Control card5V output.9Gnd Control card Ground.As the return circuit signal of pin8& 1.d.CON4:DB15PowerFig.1-5Fiber Interfere Board CON4Socket Signals and the definitions PIN No.Signals Illustrations1SGIN0Common input signal0.Forms a return circuit with ground 12and13of the control board.To use this signal,connect it and the ground respectively to either terminal of the power.This is an input signal.2EMSTOP Emergency-stop signal.Forms a return circuit with ground 12&13.To use this signal,connect it and the ground signal respectively to either terminal of the NORM-OPEN switch.When this EMSTOP is pressed,it means there is emergency and operation is immediately stopped.The signal is an input signal.3Ver2:POW_BTN Power signal of the laser instrument main power source. Forms a return circuit with the Ground12&13of the control board.To use this signal,connect it and the Ground signal respectively to either terminal of the NORM-OPEN switch.When the power button is pressed downward,pin 10&11are connected;when the button is bounced upwards,they are disconnected.For the power connection, see“Power Connection”.This is an input signal.Ver3:NULL Reserved4,5VCC5V input power positive terminal.This is an input signal.8START Start signal.Forms a return circuit with Ground12&13. To use this signal,connect it and the Ground signal respectively to either terminal of the power.This is an input signal.9OUT0Common output es GND12&13signals as reference signals.This is an output signal.10,11Ver2:POW_CON,POW_CON1Connection port of power relay.Connect POW_CON to theanode of power relay’s control power.One of the powerrelay’s control ports should be connected withPOW_CON1,and the other to the cathode of the cathode ofpower relay’s control power.When the3-point power isplugged in,POW_CON and POW_CON1are connected.At that time,power relay’s control port is connected to itscontrol power,power relay picks up,and fiber laser mainpower is on.Please see“Power Connection”for reference. Ver3:NULL Reserved12,13Gnd 5V input power cathode(Ground signal),i.e.the control card’s Ground signal.This is an input signal.6,14DIR-/DIR+Output signal.Direction signal of the extend axis(step motor or servo motor).The output mode could be set up either as differential output,or as level output(TTL output).This is an output signal.7,15PUL-/PUL+Pulse signal of extend axis(step motor or servo motor). The output mode could be set up either as differential output,or as level output(TTL output).This is an output signal.e.CON5:IDC10SocketFig.1-6CON5Socket PIN No.Signals Illustrations 1,2,3,4OUT5/4/6/1Common output signal es GND 5&7signals as reference signals.This is an output signal.5,7GND Ground 6,8NULL Reserved 9,10S45GND,SGIN5Common input signal 5.4.Jumper IllustrationFig.1-7Illustration of Fiber Interface board Module Jumper Location See jumper illustration below:Label NO.IllustrationsJP1,JP23Extend axis direction/pulse signaling set up.JP1set direction,JP2set pulse signal.Short connection to pins 1-2of jumper will makedifferential output of direction/pulse signal.CON4’s DIR-,DIR+,PUL-,PUL+should be respectively connected to step drive’sDIR-,DIR+,PUL-,PUL+.Short connection to pins 2-3of jumperwill make level output of direction/pulse signal.In this case,CON4’s VCC 、DIR+、PUL+should be respectively connected tostep drive’s VCC,DIR,PUL.JP32If pin NO.3of CON4is not connected to power switch,thisjumper should be connected short.Here correspond to that thepower switch is push down always.For system that uses powerswitch,do not connect the jumper.JP42Not used.JP5,JP6,JP72Index numbers 0~7,used to differentiate various cards when manycards are working at a time.JP8-JP7-JP6correspond to binary b2,b1,b0.Short connecting JUMPER means b0,and not short connecting it means b1.JP92Short connecting the JUMPER means galvo data excludes expanded code(s).Not short connecting it means it contains expanded code(s).Default Settings:JP1~JP2:Short connecting pin2~3.Extend axis direction/pulse signals output level mode. JP3:Not connecting.JP4:Not connecting.JP5~7:Not connecting.JP9:Short connecting.Fig.1-8Fiber module(Fiber Laser Module)Jumper Default Settings5.Hardware Connectiona.Input signal IN0,IN8,Start,EMSTOPFig.1-9input interface SGIN0、IN8、Start and EMSTOPFig.1-110Recommended Connection for Common Input SignalOnly an external switch is needed,and the contact resistance of the switch should be under100Ω.b.Input signal IN5,IN9Common input signal IN9connection circuit and suggested connection are shown as in fig.1-11 and1-12.(CON5PIN10and PIN9for IN5)Fig.1-11Common Input Signal IN9connection Circuit IllustrationFig.1-12Recommended Connection for Common Input Signal IN9The external power supply needs proper input voltage to make sure the current is between 10mA ~15mA.When input voltage is over 12V,it is suggested that control carton connects current-limited resistor R1.Supposed the input current chosen is 12mA,then the input resistance R1is calculated as per the following formula:10001121×⎟⎠⎞⎜⎝⎛−=Vin R Ωb.Power ConnectionSee below fig.1-13for recommended power connection:Fig.1-13Recommended power connection wayWhen the power switch is on,the control card turns on the power relay,and the laser main power is connected to the fiber laser.Pin POW_CON and pin POW_CON1allow maximum current of500mA.c.Typical Connection of Fiber Laser ModuleFig.1-14Typical connection way of fiber interface boardFor the Floor push,it depends whether the rotary encoder needs connected.If the marking-on-fly function is not used,then there is no need to connect the rotary encoder.II.The common connection ways1.The connection between U ser-defined digital Galvo conversion board&USBLMC control cardCON1(Digital input signal socket):Connect User-defined digital Galvo conversion’s DB15with USBLMC control card’s DB15directly.Fig.3-1Connection of conversion boardCON2(Power socket):Connect the outside±15V power to the corresponding pin,the range of the voltage is[±12V—±15V],as the following figure(Fig.3-2)Fig.3-2Connection of Power supplyCON3/CON4(Galvo control signal):It’s divided into Single interface&Difference two connection ways,we should choose the most suitable connection way according the GalvoNote:Difference connectioninterface’’s.We suggest use connection’’s output voltage is twice of single interfacesingle interface connection.And while only confirmed the Galvo interface is Difference interface,we can consider to follow the Difference output way.The two connection ways are as following figure(Fig.3-3Single interface of Galvo;Fig.3-4The difference of Galvo)Fig.3-3Single interface of GalvoFig.3-4The difference of Galvo2.The encoder,photoelectric switch during marking-on-flyUSBLMC control card receives differential drive signal(eg DS26LS31type)of encoder;use CON3:DB9encoder and photoelectric switch socket of mark-on-fly.The connection as the following figure(Fig:3-5)Fig.3-5Connection of encoder and photoelectric switch。

GP-Pro EX参考手册.pdf_1693785758.4005468说明书

GP-Pro EX参考手册.pdf_1693785758.4005468说明书

22安全性本章将简要介绍“安全性”以及如何更改GP-Pro EX中的设置。

请首先阅读"22.1 设置菜单" (p22-2)然后转到相应页面。

22.1设置菜单........................................................................................................22-222.2创建访问受限画面.........................................................................................22-522.3设置画面访问密码.........................................................................................22-822.4按条件禁用触摸操作....................................................................................22-1122.5创建部件访问受限的画面.............................................................................22-1322.6显示/隐藏部件/图形供专人使用................................................................22-2222.7保存操作历史...............................................................................................22-2522.8密码/用户ID输入窗口...............................................................................22-3022.9在线编辑密码...............................................................................................22-3322.10设置指南......................................................................................................22-3822.11限制.............................................................................................................22-7622.1设置菜单䖨 㦰 ⬏䴶密码输入登录哔哔22.2创建访问受限画面22.2.1设置步骤用安全级别和密码创建生产线经理画面。

PXIe-6345 55 65 75系列产品 说明书

 PXIe-6345 55 65 75系列产品 说明书

Manufacturer: National InstrumentsVolatile MemoryTarget Data Type Size BatteryBackupUser1AccessibleSystemAccessibleSanitizationProcedureNoneNon-Volatile Memory (incl. Media Storage)Target Data Type Size BatteryBackupUserAccessibleSystemAccessibleSanitizationProcedureDevice configuration∙Device information ∙Calibration metadata ∙Calibration data2EEPROM 2 KB NoNoYesNoYesYesYesNoneProcedure 2NoneGlue logic CPLD Altera5M160ZNo No No None1 Refer to Terms and Definitions section for clarification of User and System Accessible2 Calibration constants that are stored on the device include information for the device’s full operating range. Any implications resulting from partial self-calibration can be eliminated by running the full self-calibration procedure.ProceduresProcedure 1 – Board Assembly Part Number identification:To determine the Board Assembly Part Number and Revision, refer to the “P/N” label applied to the surface of your product as shown below. The Assembly Part Number should be formatted as “P/N: ######a-vvL” where “a” is the letter revision of the Board Assembly (eg. A, B, C…X) and the “vv” is the type definition (01 = 6375, 02 = 6365, 03 = 6355, 04 = 6345).Procedure 2 – Device Configuration EEPROM (Calibration Metadata):The user-accessible areas of the Device Configuration EEPROM are exposed through a calibration Applications Programming Interface (API) in LabVIEW. To clear the Calibration Metadata area, complete the following steps:1.To clear the calibration password, use the DAQmx Change External Calibration Password.vi tooverwrite the current password of the device you wish to clear.2.The user-accessible area of the Device Configuration EEPROM can be cleared using the NI DAQmxAPI. For instructions on how to clear these areas, go to /info and enter info codeDAQmxLOV.Terms and DefinitionsCycle Power:The process of completely removing power from the device and its components and allowing for adequate discharge. This process includes a complete shutdown of the PC and/or chassis containing the device; a reboot is not sufficient for the completion of this process.Volatile Memory:Requires power to maintain the stored information. When power is removed from this memory, its contents are lost. This type of memory typically contains application specific data such as capture waveforms.Non-Volatile Memory:Power is not required to maintain the stored information. Device retains its contents when power is removed.This type of memory typically contains information necessary to boot, configure, or calibrate the product or may include device power up states.User Accessible:The component is read and/or write addressable such that a user can store arbitrary information to the component from the host using a publicly distributed NI tool, such as a Driver API, the System Configuration API, or MAX. System Accessible:The component is read and/or write addressable from the host without the need to physically alter the product. Clearing:Per NIST Special Publication 800-88 Revision 1, “clearing” is a logical technique to sanitize data in all User Accessible storage locations for protection against simple non-invasive data recovery techniques using the same interface available to the user; typically applied through the standard read and write commands to the storage device.Sanitization:Per NIST Special Publication 800-88 Revision 1, “sanitization” is a process to render access to “Target Data” on the media infeasible for a given level of effort. In this document, clearing is the degree of sanitization described.。





200E模式界面如下:视频分配器模式界面如下:字符叠加器模式界面如下:三、操作指南:1.200E模式A.先连接.点击<连接>后弹出如下对话框串口参数:波特率 19200 数据位 8 校验位No停止位 1 流控制 No设置好参数后<确定>进行连接,<断开>则断开连接。




2.视频分配器A.先连接,如200E串口参数:波特率 19200 数据位 8 校验位No停止位 1 流控制 NoB.输入ID号,确定操作设备。







D.调整屏幕位置输入X Y坐标。

可以为负数,点击<调整屏幕位置>E.调整时间有两种模式:1.手动设置时间 2.选中<当前时间>。





福禄克FLuke OptiView_XG用户操作手册OPVXG

福禄克FLuke OptiView_XG用户操作手册OPVXG
福禄克网络 PO Box 777 Everett, WA 98206-0777 USA
安全须知 ........................................................................................................................................ 1 符号 ............................................................................................................................................... 2 简介 ............................................................................................................................................... 3 装箱内容 ........................................................................................................................................ 4 可选的附件 .................................................................................................................................... 6



16/20点阵ASCII、 A1/A3区全角符号和 GB18030简/繁体汉 字(支持多种字体 下载)。 410*280@PAL 410*240@NTSC 支持 支持(无外部视频 时自动切换到内部 灰色视频) UART(9.6K— 230.4Kbps四级,硬 件设置) 支持 支持 LQFP-64
说明: (1) OSDG是OSDM的升级版本,两者引脚基本兼容。OSDM从V1.21版本开始支持引脚配置行/场同步信 号的触发沿,OSDG从1.20版本开始支持“绘制直线、DMA访问显存、静态命令”功能。 (2) OSDH是单芯片字符叠加应用方案,用户定制后可替代传统“CPU+OSD+字库存储器”(紫色部分 为可定制功能)。 (3) 从V1.20版本开始OSDx系列芯片均可不用行/场同步分离芯片(约4元成本),我们提供配套电 路以降低用户成本。 (4)OSDT使用第二代字符叠加技术,大部分引脚与OSDH兼容。
8种(黑色、白色、 黑色白边、白色黑 边、黑色白底、白 色黑底、黑边透明 、白边透明) 支持 最大4倍放大 支持 支持(强制使用全 角ASCII) 支持 支持 支持 支持(水平或垂直 直线,线宽1-63像 素) 支持(直径5-255像 素,线宽1-4像素) 支持(覆盖/与/或/ 异或) 支持 不支持 不支持 不支持 支持(宽或高最大 48像素) 支持(最多7帧,宽 或高最大48像素, 支持2倍放大) 支持(1个文本区, 最多15段,每段最 多252B,单行从右 到左滚动显示) 支持(最大16KB) 16点阵ASCII、 GB18030简/繁体汉 字和全部符号(宋 体)。
日期时间叠加 支持 开关量输入信息叠加 不支持 开关量输出信息叠加 不支持 A/D输入数据叠加 光标叠加 动画叠加 不支持 不支持 不支持



1.15 1.60 1.05 1.30 UU179
kf 79.95 kf 139.95
— 172.95 — 182.95 — 172.95 — 189.95 — 189.95
— 349.00 — 295.00 — 295.00 — 265.00
12 WAY-0° 1 to 1700 MHz
u JEPS-12-10 PSC-12-1
50-1000 1-200
ZC16PD-24 ZC16PD-900 ZC16PD-960 ZC16PD-960W
650-2400 800-900 890-960 700-1000
ZC16PD-1900 ZC16PD-1900W ZC16PD-23 ZC16PD-2185
1700-1900 1500-2100 1500-2300 1800-2600
25 14 30 20 28 20 26 15
30 20 30 15 32 20 30 16
1.5 2.5 1.9 3.5
3.0 4.2 2.2 4.0
1.1 1.3 0.7 1.1 0.5 0.9 0.4 0.8 0.7 1.0
1.2 1.4 1.0 1.3 0.5 0.9 1.0 1.6 0.9 1.5

Model 7265 DSP Lock-in Amplifier 信号恢复仪说明书

Model 7265 DSP Lock-in Amplifier 信号恢复仪说明书

Dual Reference In this mode the instrument can make simultaneous measurements on two signals at different reference frequencies, which is ideal, for example, for use in source compensated optical experiments
Graphical Display
The model 7265 is extremely easy to use. All instrument controls are adjusted using soft-touch, front panel push-buttons, with the present settings and measured outputs being displayed on the centrally located, cold fluorescent backlit dot-matrix LCD. A particularly convenient feature is the pop-up keypad which is
External control of the unit is via either the RS232 or GPIB interfaces, using simple mnemonic-type ASCII commands. A second RS232 port allows up to sixteen 7265 or compatible instruments to be operated from a single RS232 computer port by connecting them in a “daisy-chain” configuration.

PowerFlex755变频器 操作说明

PowerFlex755变频器 操作说明

目录一、POWERFLEX 750 变频器面板简介 (3)1、人机接口模块(HIM)简介 (3)1.1、View 软键 (4)1.2、REF 软键 (4)1.3、EDIT 软键 (4)1.4、P AR# 软键 (4)1.5、状态屏幕下的语言切换软键 (4)1.6、启动和停止按键 (4)1.7、功能键 (4)1.8、文件夹按键 (5)2、复位到出场设置 (5)3、调整面板亮度 (7)4、设置时间 (8)5、备份参数/删除备份参数 (9)5.1、使用CopyCat功能 (9)5.2、创建CopyCat文档 (10)5.3、删除CopyCat文档 (11)6、带电拔插操作面板 (12)7、快速访问参数 (13)8、使用启动向导 (13)设置电机控制模式 (15)输入电机铭牌数据 (16)设置速度反馈装置 (18)设定速度限制 (20)方向测试、自整定和惯量测试 (20)组态速度参考和斜坡速率 (24)组态输入和输出 (25)二、POWERFLEX 750 变频器接线 (27)1、P OWER F LEX753典型接线图 (27)2、P OWER F LEX753主板内置I/O位置 (28)3、P OWER F LEX755典型接线图 (29)4、P OWER F LEX755主板内置I/O位置 (30)5、PF750系列变频器扩展I/O模拟量跳线 (31)6、PF750系列变频器端口的说明 (31)三、POWERFLEX 750 变频器参数 (32)1、PF750变频器常用参数简单说明 (32)1.1、PF750变频器常用参数(00号端口) (32)1.2、安全速度卡相关参数(Safe Speed Monitor) (34)1.3、双通道编码器反馈卡相关参数(Dual Encoder) (35)1.4、24VDC扩展I/O卡相关参数(I/O Module 24V) (35)1.5、13号端口PF755内置以太网参数 (35)1.6、14号端口PF750内置DeviceLogix (35)1.7、数字量输入组态举例 (35)1.8、数字量输出组态举例 (35)1.9、使用模拟量输入作为速度源组态举例 (36)四、POWERFLEX 750 变频器故障处理 (37)五、其他 (38)1、变频器相关参考资料 (38)附件一:POWERFLEX755变频器和POWERFLEX700变频器比较 (39)1.P OWER F LEX755和P OWER F LEX700电气性能比较 (39)2.P OWER F LEX755和P OWER F LEX700功能比较 (40)3.P OWER F LEX755和P OWER F LEX700外形尺寸比较 (40)4.P OWER F LEX755和P OWER F LEX700接线图的比较 (41)5.P OWER F LEX755和P OWER F LEX700参数的比较 (43)一、PowerFlex 750 变频器面板简介1、人机接口模块(HIM)简介下图显示了20-HIM-A6面板的按键。

海德漢TNC 640使用手冊说明书

海德漢TNC 640使用手冊说明书

TNC的控制器TNC的控制器視覺顯示單元上的按鍵按鍵功能選擇分割畫面配置在加工模式與程式編輯模式之間切換顯示用於選擇螢幕上功能的軟鍵在軟鍵列之間切換文字數字鍵盤按鍵功能檔案名稱,註解DIN/ISO 程式編輯機械操作模式按鍵功能手動操作電子手輪使用手動資料輸入定位程式執行,單一單節程式執行,完整序列程式編輯模式按鍵功能程式編輯程式模擬程式/檔案管理,TNC功能按鍵功能選擇或刪除程式與檔案,外部資料傳輸定義程式呼叫,選擇工件原點及加工點表格選擇MOD功能顯示NC錯誤訊息的說明文字,呼叫TNCguide顯示所有目前錯誤訊息顯示計算器導覽鍵按鍵功能移動反白直接進入單節、循環程式及參數功能進給率與主軸轉速的電位計進給速率主軸轉速循環程式、子程式及程式段落重複按鍵功能定義接觸式探針循環程式定義與呼叫循環程式對於子程式編輯及程式段落重複進行輸入及呼叫標籤在程式內輸入程式停止符號刀具功能按鍵功能在程式內定義刀具資料呼叫刀具資料程式編輯路徑移動按鍵功能接近/離開輪廓FK 自由輪廓程式編輯直線極座標的圓心/極點利用圓心做圓弧加工具有半徑的圓含切線連接的圓弧切角/角落圓角特殊功能按鍵功能顯示特殊功能選擇格式內下一個標籤上/下一個對話方塊或按鈕輸入並編輯座標軸與數字按鍵功能. . .選擇座標軸或在程式當中輸入. . .數字小數點/倒反代數符號使用極座標輸入/增量值Q參數程式編輯/Q參數狀態儲存來自計算機的實際位置或數值NO ENT忽略對話問題,刪除字元確認輸入與重新對話總結單節,並離開輸入清除數字輸入或TNC錯誤訊息停止對話、刪除程式段落TNC的控制器基本原則有關本手冊有關本手冊本手冊內使用的符號說明如下。

要進行任何變更,或發現任何錯誤?我們持續努力改善我們的文件, 請將您的問題傳送至下列電子郵件位址: *************************。




TC387QP160F300SADKXUMA1AURIX™ TC38x variantsAbout this documentScope and purposeThis document is an addendum to the TC38x Product Data Sheet and User's Manual, listing all planned product variants, key parameters such as memory size and optional features.The User's Manual lists functions implemented on the Silicon, but this document counts functions that are pinning dependent; i.e. functions are counted that are connected to at least one package pin. As pins are overlaid with several functions the pinning needs to be checked (see Product Data Sheet) to determine the number of usable functions in an application.Naming conventionsPrefix:•SAK: T ambient Temperature Range from -40 °C up to +125 °C.•SAL: T ambient Temperature Range from -40 °C up to +150 °C (packaged device).Feature Package:•P: Standard feature.•E: Emulation device with all features of the emulated standard type, additionally full MCDS, overlay functionality for calibration, AGBT as trace interface for development (depending on the package).•C,V,Z: Customer Specific.•A: ADAS ext. Memory.•T: ADAS + emulation.•X: Extended Feature device. These products contain the extended memory (EMEM) of the ADAS subsystem.The ADAS peripherals SPU, RIF and CIF are not available.•M: MotionWise software.•F: Extended Flash.•G: Additional Connectivity.•H: ADAS Standard feature.•N: Standard feature with AMU.Table of contentsTable of contentsAbout this document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1Table of contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 1TC38x AE step variants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 1.1TC38x AE step (part 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 1.2TC38x AE step (part 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 2TC38x AD step variants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 2.1TC38x AD step (part 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 2.2TC38x AD step (part 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 3Memory maps of TC38x variants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Revision history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17Disclaimer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .181TC38x AE step variants The following tables list the TC38x AE step variants. 1.1TC38x AE step (part 1) Table 1TC38x AE step (part 1)SAL-TC380QP-160F300SAL-TC389QP-160F300SSAL-TC387QP-160F300SSAK-TC389QP-160F300SSAK-TC387QP-160F300SSAK-TC387TP-128F300SSAL-TC387TP-128F300SStepAE AE AE AE AE AE AE Production statusStandard Standard Standard Standard Standard Customerspecific Customer specificPackage typeBare Die PG-LFBGA-516PG-LFBGA-292PG-LFBGA-516PG-LFBGA-292PG-LFBGA-292PG-LFBGA-292 PinoutBD LFBGA 0.8 mm LFBGA 0.8 mm LFBGA 0.8 mm LFBGA 0.8 mm LFBGA 0.8 mm LFBGA 0.8 mm Reference siliconTC38x TC38x TC38x TC38x TC38x TC38x TC38x Temperature range (ambient)-40°C up to+170°C -40°C up to+150°C-40°C up to+150°C-40°C up to+125°C-40°C up to+125°C-40°C up to+125°C-40°C up to+150°CChip IDAttention:The value of SCU_CHIPID in the UCODE field contains the default value 0 not the µCode version.0x8C0080840x8C0089840x8C0087840x8C0089840x8C0087840xCB0087840xCB008784 Cores / checker cores4/24/24/24/24/23/23/2 Maximum frequency (MHz)300300300300300300300 Program flash (MB)101010101088 Data flash 0 (single-ended) (KB)512512512512512512512 Total SRAM (without EMEM and Cache) (KB)1376137613761376137611521152 EMEM Size (KB)0000000 1 TC38x AE step variantsTable 1TC38x AE step (part 1) (continued)SAL-TC380QP-160F300SAL-TC389QP-160F300SSAL-TC387QP-160F300SSAK-TC389QP-160F300SSAK-TC387QP-160F300SSAK-TC387TP-128F300SSAL-TC387TP-128F300SDSPR (KB)240 in CPU0&1;96 other240 inCPU0&1; 96other240 inCPU0&1; 96other240 inCPU0&1; 96other240 inCPU0&1; 96other240 inCPU0&1; 96other240 inCPU0&1; 96otherDLMU (KB)64 per CPU64 per CPU64 per CPU64 per CPU64 per CPU64 per CPU64 per CPU PSPR (KB)64646464646464 LMU (KB)128128128128128128128 DAM (KB)64646464646464 AMU1)No No No No No No No ADC (primary groups/channels)8/648/645/408/645/405/405/40 ADC (secondary groups/channels)4/604/604/604/604/604/604/60 ADC (fast compare channels)4444444 ADC (EDSADC channels)1010610666 CAN (modules/nodes)3/3x43/3x43/3x43/3x43/3x43/3x43/3x4 FlexRay (modules/channels)2/2x22/2x22/2x22/2x22/2x22/2x22/2x2 HSSL modules1111111 ASCLIN modules / with ASC and LIN / with 3-wire SPI24/24/1224/24/1224/24/1124/24/1224/24/1124/24/1124/24/11 QSPI modules / with LVDS1AMU is abbreviated as ASC Modeling Unit. For Additional details about AMU, Contact an Infineon Representative1 TC38x AE step variantsTable 1TC38x AE step (part 1) (continued)SAL-TC380QP-160F300SAL-TC389QP-160F300SSAL-TC387QP-160F300SSAK-TC389QP-160F300SSAK-TC387QP-160F300SSAK-TC387TP-128F300SSAL-TC387TP-128F300S5/25/25/25/25/25/25/2 SENT channels25252025202020 MSC modules3323222 PSI5 channels4444444 PSI5-S moduleYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes SDMMC moduleNo No No No No No No Maximum Ethernet availability: 1GBit/100Mbit/No1Gbit/s1Gbit/s1Gbit/s1Gbit/s1Gbit/s1Gbit/s1Gbit/s MCDS availabilityminiMCDS miniMCDS miniMCDS miniMCDS miniMCDS miniMCDS miniMCDS ADAS cluster availableNo No No No No No No HSM availableYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 TC38x AE step variants1.2TC38x AE step (part 2)Table 2TC38x AE step (part 2)SAK-TC387TP-160F300S SAL-TC387TP-160F300S SAK-TC387QN-160F300S SAK-TC389QN-160F300S StepAE AE AE AE Production statusCustomer specific Customer specific Customer specific Customer specific Package typePG-LFBGA-292PG-LFBGA-292PG-LFBGA-292PG-LFBGA-516 PinoutLFBGA 0.8 mm LFBGA 0.8 mm LFBGA 0.8 mm LFBGA 0.8 mm Reference siliconTC38x TC38x TC38x TC38x Temperature range (ambient)-40°C up to +125°C-40°C up to +150°C-40°C up to +125°C-40°C up to +125°C Chip IDAttention:The value of SCU_CHIPID in the UCODE field contains the default value 0 not the µCode version.0xFC0087840xFC0087840xAC0087840xAC008984 Cores / checker cores3/23/24/24/2 Maximum frequency (MHz)300300300300 Program flash (MB)10101010 Data flash 0 (single-ended) (KB)512512512512 Total SRAM (without EMEM and Cache) (KB)76876813761376 EMEM Size (KB)0000 DSPR (KB)160 in CPU0; 128 in CPU1;96 other 160 in CPU0; 128 in CPU1;96 other240 in CPU0&1; 96 other240 in CPU0&1; 96 otherDLMU (KB)64 per CPU64 per CPU64 per CPU64 per CPU 1 TC38x AE step variants1 TC38x AE step variantsTable 2TC38x AE step (part 2) (continued)SAK-TC387TP-160F300S SAL-TC387TP-160F300S SAK-TC387QN-160F300S SAK-TC389QN-160F300S PSPR (KB)64646464 LMU (KB)128128128128 DAM (KB)64646464 AMU2)No No Yes Yes ADC (primary groups/channels)5/405/405/408/64 ADC (secondary groups/channels)4/604/604/604/60 ADC (fast compare channels)4444 ADC (EDSADC channels)66610 CAN (modules/nodes)3/3x43/3x43/3x43/3x4 FlexRay (modules/channels)2/2x22/2x22/2x22/2x2 HSSL modules1111 ASCLIN modules / with ASC and LIN / with 3-wire SPI24/24/1124/24/1124/24/1124/24/12 QSPI modules / with LVDS5/25/25/25/2 SENT channels20202025 MSC modules2223 PSI5 channels4444 2AMU is abbreviated as ASC Modeling Unit. For Additional details about AMU, Contact an Infineon Representative1 TC38x AE step variantsTable 2TC38x AE step (part 2) (continued)SAK-TC387TP-160F300S SAL-TC387TP-160F300S SAK-TC387QN-160F300S SAK-TC389QN-160F300S PSI5-S moduleYes Yes Yes Yes SDMMC moduleNo No No No Maximum Ethernet: availability: 1GBit/100Mbit/No1Gbit/s1Gbit/s1Gbit/s1Gbit/s MCDS availabilityminiMCDS miniMCDS miniMCDS miniMCDS ADAS cluster availableNo No No No HSM availableYes Yes Yes Yes2TC38x AD step variants The following tables list the TC38x AD step variants. 2.1TC38x AD step (part 1) Table 3TC38x AD step (part 1)SAL-TC380QP-160F300SAL-TC389QP-160F300SSAL-TC387QP-160F300SSAK-TC389QP-160F300SSAK-TC387QP-160F300SSAK-TC387TP-128F300SSAL-TC387TP-128F300SStepAD AD AD AD AD AD AD Production statusStandard Standard Standard Standard Standard Customerspecific Customer specificPackage typeBare Die PG-LFBGA-516PG-LFBGA-292PG-LFBGA-516PG-LFBGA-292PG-LFBGA-292PG-LFBGA-292 PinoutBD LFBGA 0.8 mm LFBGA 0.8 mm LFBGA 0.8 mm LFBGA 0.8 mm LFBGA 0.8 mm LFBGA 0.8 mm Reference siliconTC38x TC38x TC38x TC38x TC38x TC38x TC38x Temperature range (ambient)-40°C up to+170°C -40°C up to+150°C-40°C up to+150°C-40°C up to+125°C-40°C up to+125°C-40°C up to+125°C-40°C up to+150°CChip IDAttention:The value of SCU_CHIPID in the UCODE field contains the default value 0 not the µCode version.0x8C0080830x8C0089830x8C0087830x8C0089830x8C0087830xCB0087830xCB008783 Cores / checker cores4/24/24/24/24/23/23/2 Maximum frequency (MHz)300300300300300300300 Program flash (MB)101010101088 Data flash 0 (single-ended) (KB)512512512512512512512 Total SRAM (without EMEM and Cache) (KB)1376137613761376137611521152 EMEM size (KB)0000000 2 TC38x AD step variantsTable 3TC38x AD step (part 1) (continued)SAL-TC380QP-160F300SAL-TC389QP-160F300SSAL-TC387QP-160F300SSAK-TC389QP-160F300SSAK-TC387QP-160F300SSAK-TC387TP-128F300SSAL-TC387TP-128F300SDSPR (KB)240 in CPU0&1;96 other240 inCPU0&1; 96other240 inCPU0&1; 96other240 inCPU0&1; 96other240 inCPU0&1; 96other240 inCPU0&1; 96other240 inCPU0&1; 96otherDLMU (KB)64 per CPU64 per CPU64 per CPU64 per CPU64 per CPU64 per CPU64 per CPU PSPR (KB)64646464646464 LMU (KB)128128128128128128128 DAM (KB)64646464646464 AMU3)No No No No No No No ADC (primary groups/channels)8/648/645/408/645/405/405/40 ADC (secondary groups/channels)4/604/604/604/604/604/604/60 ADC (fast compare channels)4444444 ADC (EDSADC channels)1010610666 CAN (modules/nodes)3/3x43/3x43/3x43/3x43/3x43/3x43/3x4 FlexRay (modules/channels)2/2x22/2x22/2x22/2x22/2x22/2x22/2x2 HSSL modules1111111 ASCLIN modules / with ASC and LIN / with 3-wire SPI24/24/1224/24/1224/24/1124/24/1224/24/1124/24/1124/24/11 QSPI modules / with LVDS3AMU is abbreviated as ASC Modeling Unit. For Additional details about AMU, Contact an Infineon RepresentativeTable 3TC38x AD step (part 1) (continued)SAL-TC380QP-160F300SAL-TC389QP-160F300SSAL-TC387QP-160F300SSAK-TC389QP-160F300SSAK-TC387QP-160F300SSAK-TC387TP-128F300SSAL-TC387TP-128F300S5/25/25/25/25/25/25/2 SENT channels25252025202020 MSC modules3323222 PSI5 channels4444444 PSI5-S moduleYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes SDMMC moduleNo No No No No No No Maximum Ethernet availability: 1GBit/100Mbit/No1Gbit/s1Gbit/s1Gbit/s1Gbit/s1Gbit/s1Gbit/s1Gbit/s MCDS availabilityminiMCDS miniMCDS miniMCDS miniMCDS miniMCDS miniMCDS miniMCDS ADAS cluster availableNo No No No No No No HSM availableYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes2.2TC38x AD step (part 2)Table 4TC38x AD step (part 2)SAK-TC387TP-160F300S SAL-TC387TP-160F300S StepAD AD Production statusCustomer specific Customer specific Package typePG-LFBGA-292PG-LFBGA-292 PinoutLFBGA 0.8 mm LFBGA 0.8 mm Reference siliconTC38x TC38x Temperature range (ambient)-40°C up to +125°C-40°C up to +150°C Chip IDAttention:The value of SCU_CHIPID in the UCODE field contains the default value 0 not the µCode version.0xFC0087830xFC008783 Cores / checker cores3/23/2 Maximum frequency (MHz)300300 Program flash (MB)1010 Data flash 0 (single-ended) (KB)512512 Total SRAM (without EMEM and Cache) (KB)768768 EMEM size (KB)00 DSPR (KB)160 in CPU0; 128 in CPU1; 96 other160 in CPU0; 128 in CPU1; 96 other DLMU (KB)64 per CPU64 per CPU PSPR (KB)Table 4TC38x AD step (part 2) (continued)SAK-TC387TP-160F300S SAL-TC387TP-160F300S6464 LMU (KB)128128 DAM (KB)6464 AMU4)No No ADC (primary groups/channels)5/405/40 ADC (secondary groups/channels)4/604/60 ADC (fast compare channels)44 ADC (EDSADC channels)66 CAN (modules/nodes)3/3x43/3x4 FlexRay (modules/channels)2/2x22/2x2 HSSL modules11 ASCLIN modules / with ASC and LIN / with 3-wire SPI24/24/1124/24/11 QSPI modules / with LVDS5/25/2 SENT channels2020 MSC modules22 PSI5 channels44 PSI5-S module4AMU is abbreviated as ASC Modeling Unit. For Additional details about AMU, Contact an Infineon RepresentativeTable 4TC38x AD step (part 2) (continued)SAK-TC387TP-160F300S SAL-TC387TP-160F300SYes Yes SDMMC moduleNo No Maximum Ethernet availability: 1GBit/100Mbit/No1Gbit/s1Gbit/s MCDS availabilityminiMCDS miniMCDS ADAS cluster availableNo No HSM availableYes Yes3Memory maps of TC38x variantsThis section shows the influence of above feature variants on the memory map.Program FlashVariants:•10 MB: umbrella (3 x 3 MB, 1 x 1 MB), see User's Manual.•8 MB: 3 MB + 1 MB + 3 MB + 1 MB (see Figure below).Figure 1TC38x PFlash variantsCores / Checker coresVariants:•4/2: umbrella, see User's Manual•3/2: not available is CPU3 including its RAMs (DSPR, DCACHE, DTAG, PSPR, PCACHE, PTAG, DLMU)CPU RAMsVariants:•DSPR: 240 KB in CPU0 & CPU1, 96 KB in CPU2 & CPU3: umbrella, see User's Manual•DSPR: 240 KB in CPU0 & CPU1, 96 KB in CPU2: default for 3/2 Cores/Checker Cores configuration (see Figure below for available DSPR address ranges).•DSPR: 160 KB in CPU0, 128 KB in CPU1, 96 KB in CPU2: reduced RAM variant of 3/2 Cores/Checker Cores configuration (see Figure below for available DSPR address ranges).Figure 2DSPR variantsADC availability•Limitation on availability of ADC channels are caused by pin limitations. See Data Sheet for the pinningtable of the package.Revision historyDocument version Date ofreleaseDescription of changesV1.02018-06-08•First release.V1.12018-08-06•Added row "Reference Silicon" (needed e.g. for TC37x) to refer user toUser's Manual Appx.V1.22019-02-04•Removed from "Memory Maps" the description for LMU and DAMvariations as these are not varied.•"Variant Tables": added SAL-TC387TP-128F300SV1.32019-03-01•"About this document": reduced list of described Feature Package to theused ones.•"Memory Maps": added hint to understand ADC device specificdifferences.•"Variant Tables": changed Production Status of several devices.•"Variant Tables": clarified Total SRAM value is without cache memories. V1.42019-06-12•Chapter 1: Added the TC38x AE step variants table.•Chapter 1 and 2: TC38x Ax step variants table format changed to fit all thecontents.•Chapter 1 and 2:Added new row in the variant tables called "AMU" withthe footnote for additional details.•Chapter: About this document: Feature package definitions are updatedto consistent with the product naming nomenclature definition. Revision historyTrademarksAll referenced product or service names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Edition 2019-06Published byInfineon Technologies AG 81726 Munich, Germany© 2019 Infineon Technologies AG All Rights Reserved.Do you have a question about any aspect of this document? Email: ********************Document referenceIFX-ume1559051479610IMPORTANT NOTICEThe information given in this document shall in noevent be regarded as a guarantee of conditions orcharacteristics (“Beschaffenheitsgarantie”) .With respect to any examples, hints or any typical valuesstated herein and/or any information regarding theapplication of the product, Infineon Technologieshereby disclaims any and all warranties and liabilities ofany kind, including without limitation warranties ofnon-infringement of intellectual property rights of anythird party.In addition, any information given in this document issubject to customer’s compliance with its obligationsstated in this document and any applicable legalrequirements, norms and standards concerningcustomer’s products and any use of the product ofInfineon Technologies in customer’s applications.The data contained in this document is exclusivelyintended for technically trained staff.It is theresponsibility of customer’s technical departments toevaluate the suitability of the product for the intendedapplication and the completeness of the productWARNINGSDue to technical requirements products may containdangerous substances. For information on the typesin question please contact your nearest InfineonTechnologies office.Except as otherwise explicitly approved by InfineonTechnologies in a written document signed byauthorized representatives of Infineon Technologies,Infineon Technologies’ products may not be used inany applications where a failure of the product orany consequences of the use thereof can reasonablybe expected to result in personal injuryTC387QP160F300SADKXUMA1。

PowerCore CL 用户手册说明书

PowerCore CL 用户手册说明书

Manual for PowerCore CLSUPPORT AND CONTACT DETAILS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2TABLE OF CONTENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4GENERAL INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5OVERVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6OPERATING TIPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8PARAMETERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9PROCESSING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10PRESET HANDLING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12TABLE OF CONTENTSSUPPORT AND CONTACT DETAILST C S U P P O R T I N T E R A C T I V EThe TC Support Interactive website www.tcsupport.tc is designed as an online support and information center. At the site you can find answers to specific questions regarding TC software and hardware. All known issues are stored in a database searchable by product, category, keywords, or phrases. Under the section "My Stuff" you can login to check the status of your questions, download materials such as product manuals,software updates and new presets.This site has been specifically designed to meet the needs of our users. We constantly update the database and you will find the site to be a huge resource of information.Browse through Q&A's and discover new aspects of your TC product.If you can't find an answer online, you have the option of submitting a question to our technical support staff who will then reply to you by e-mail. The TC Support Team is on constant alert to help you in any way they can.Contact Details:Alternatively, you may contact the TC Electronic distributor in your area, or write to:© BY TC ELECTRONIC A/S 2007. ALL PRODUCT AND COMPANY NAMES ARE TRADEMARKS OF THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS. VST IS A TRADEMARK OF STEINBERG AG, AUDIO UNITS IS A TRADEMARK OF APPLE COMPUTER, INC.ALL SPECIFICATIONS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. ALLRIGHTS RESERVED. TC Electronic is a TC Group company.U S A :T C E l e c t r o n i c , I n c .5706 C o r s a A v e n u e , S u i t e 107W e s t l a k e V i l l a g e , C A 91362T C E L E C T R O N I C A /S C u s t o m e r S u p p o r t S i n d a l s v e j 34R i s s k o v D K -8240D e n m a r kT C P O W E R C O R E C LTC PowerCoreCL provides extremely powerful and flexible dynamics processing tools for use on single tracks as well as in mastering situations. Based on a classic transistor studio compressor-limiter, TC PowerCoreCL is an extremely efficient Plug-In, with a clean sound that can be used for all of your dynamics needs. From subtle compression to hard maximizing, TC PowerCoreCL is the tool to get your dynamics and levels right!S i g n a l F l o wINTRODUCTIONGENERAL INFORMATIONG E T T I N G S T A R T E DS c r o l l W h e e l S u p p o r tIf you are using a host application that supports this feature, all parameters support scrolling on both Windows XP and Mac OS X. Simply place the mouse over a parameter value field and use the Scroll Wheel to increment/decrement the associated parameter-value.K e y C o m m a n d sIn most host applications, Plug-Ins support keyboard commands for certain functions. The following key commands are available for all Plug-In parameters.K e y C o m m a n d s i n M a c O S K e y C o m m a n d s I n W i n d o w sReset To Default = [Alt]Reset To Default= [Shift] & [Control]@44.1k H z:mono 8%stereo 14%@48k H z:mono 9%stereo 15%@88.2k H z:mono 17%stereo 29%@96k H z:mono 19%stereo 31%D S P U S A G EFor each open instance of the PowerCore CL on PowerCore devices (X8, FireWire, Compact, Express, mkII, Unplugged), the following DSP usage applies:OVERVIEW OVERVIEWSideChain section Compressor section Mix Control Limiter sectionInput levelsOutput gainPreset handlingMetersOutput LevelOPERATING TIPSO P E R A T I N G M E T H O D STo adjust the value of a control, click on the knob or the numerical display and move the mouse in the directions that are indicated by the mouse cursor. To reset a control to its default value, hold the [Option] key and click on the control. Double-clicking on a value field will bring up a dialog for numeric entry.M E T E R I N GC l i p I n d i c a t o rWith more than three consecutive clips the number above the meter will turn RED indicating that clipping has occurred. To release this condition; click on the number.M e t e r sThe LED meters indicate PPM values. With its fast rise time and relatively slow fallback time, PPM metering is excellent for reading fast, transient sounds and will allow much better detection of clips compared to RMS metering.I n/O u t S w i t c hSwitches Meter indication between input and output signal (only in stereo mode).P e a k H o l d O p t i o n sClick on the meter to get a pop-up with Peak Hold options – you can select between infinite peak hold and a hold time of 6 seconds.G a i n R e d u c t i o n M e t e rIn the Compressor section, there is an accurate gain reduction meter. The further down the series of LEDs the meter moves, the more gain you are losing by the compression process.L i m i t i n g M e t e rIn the Limiter section, there is a limiting meter. This LED Meter givesfeedback of the applied limiting. The more LEDs that light up, the more limitingis applied to the signal.C O M P R E S S O R P A R A M E T E R SC o m p r e s s o r-The button enables and disables the compressor section. The section is displayed in blue when active, and grayed out when disabled.T h r e s h o l d-Sets the level threshold at which the compressor starts working(0 dB to -40 dB).R a t i o-Sets the amount of the compression ratio (1.0:1 to infinite).A t t a c k-Compression attack time setting in milliseconds (0.2 ms to 50 ms).R e l e a s e-Compression release time setting in milliseconds (10 ms to 1.0 second).O u t p u t-Output Gain of the Compression stage (-10 dB to +30 dB)H a r d K n e e/S o f t K n e e-Switches the compressor between Hardknee and Softknee compression.L I M I T E R P A R A M E T E R SL i m i t e r-Limiter - The button enables and disables the limiter section. The section is displayed in yellow when active, and grayed out when disabled.T h r e s h o l d-Sets the limiter’s threshold in decibels (dB) (0 dB to -12 dB).R e l e a s e-The limiter’s release time setting in milliseconds (10ms to 1 second).S o f t S a t O n/O f f-This switch enables and disables SoftSat. SoftSat creates that warm analog sound associated with classic studio equipment.S o f t S a t-Sets the amount of saturation in decibels (dB) (-6 dB to +3 dB).S o f t C l i p-When the Soft Clip LED becomes active, soft clipping has been engaged in the limiter. When a digital signal begins to clip, the wave form becomes square. Soft clipping rounds off the edges of the clipped wave form, making the sound easier to listen to.C e i l i n g- The ceiling parameter sets the absolute max output for the Limiter.PARAMETERSHere is a helpful suggestion: you can drive your recording into stronger limiting byincreasing the output of the compressor stage, which is the input of the limiter. That way you will amplify the signal and further maximize the subjective loudness of your track!The release time setting depends mostly on the number of peaks you must limit. If you have a few short peaks, you can set the limiter to faster release times. If you have to limit many peaks, a better suggestion would be to set the limiter to slower release times, to avoid unwanted level jumps such as “pumping”.E X T . S I D E C H A I N E RI n t r o d u c t i o nSidechaining in audio production refers to using the dynamic content of one track to control the processing of an effect inserted on another track. Applications forsidechaining are numerous. The TC SideChainer plug-in is included with the PowerCore package and is used in conjunction with a number of plug-ins, one of these being the PowerCore CL.By using the TC SideChainer plug-in with PowerCore CL when mixing, you are able to create both “ducking compression” as well as de-ess processing.Please refer to the SideChainer plug-in manual on the CD for additional information and usage of the SideChainer plug-in.S I D E C H A I N E R P A R A M E T E R SO nFor the PowerCore CL to respond to an instance of the SideChainer plug-in press “ON”and select the relevant SideChainer instance from the drop-down menu.A m o u n tThe Amount parameter determines how responsive the PowerCore CL should be to the dynamic content on the selected sidechain.PROCESSINGT H E C O M P R E S S I O N P R O C E S SThe compressor is used to smoothen level jumps or level differences in your recording as well as making a track subjectively louder.First, set the threshold and ratio to achieve the desired result without soundingunnatural. If the level of your signal exceeds the threshold, the compressor kicks in and will compress all of the signal above the threshold level using the defined ratio. Forsettings with a high threshold you will usually adjust lower ratio settings, and vice versa.A fast attack time will result in cutting your signal’s peaks, which might result in drastic sound changes. Slower attack times can make the sound more natural and the dynamics processing smoother. The release time should be set to longer values to avoid level jumps and “pumping” of your signal.The “Soft Knee” switch will activate the Soft Knee curve, which gives you a softer and more gradual transition into compression. This may produce better, “softer” sounding results when you are processing critical material with extreme settings (such as very low thresholds and/or high ratios). The output level of the compressor stage is controlled by the output knob.Setting the output to more extreme values can drive the compressor, altering the sonic qualities of the effect similar to that classic transistor studio compressor.T H E L I M I T I N G P R O C E S SThe limiting process fixes levels in a recording to an absolute maximum. When mastering for digital media such as CDs, you want to use as much of the available dynamic range as possible without clipping. Just one clip could make it impossible to produce acommercial CD from your recording – and digital distortion, which is inevitable once you pass 0 dB and move into clipping, doesn’t sound all that nice in the first place!The limiter section of the TC PowerCoreCL makes sure that you get the maximum gain from your material, without ever running into the danger of digital clipping!Setting up is easy: The threshold controls the maximum gain of your track. The lower your threshold setting, the stronger the applied limiting. SoftSat should be engaged to create a warmer tone to the signal.Example: If you set the threshold to -3 dB, no level will exceed -3 dB. However, your material might be lower in volume than -3 dB.PROCESSINGI n t r o d u c t i o nWe recommend using the dedicated PowerCore file handling system that, apart fromrecall; store and compare facilities, allows for easy exchange of entire preset folders with other users, between Windows/Mac platforms and also between different host applications.F i l eClick “File” to open the File menu.Load Preset: Select to load presets from the default preset location. Save Preset: Select to save the preset in My Presets folder. My Presets: Via “My Presets” you are able to load you own presets.P r e s e t n a m eThis is the name of the preset. U p /d o w nThe [Up]/[Down] arrow keys can be used to browse through all presets. A /BWith the A/B compare function you can easily compare different parameter settings when working with the plug-in.When you start working with your preset, the A/B button is grayed out. This stateindicates that the settings in both memory locations A and B are identical - so there is actually nothing to compare. PRESET HANDLINGAs soon as you touch one of the parameters, the memory location “A” will be active. All parameter changes will be applied to memory location “A”. If you switch to memory location “B”, you go back to the starting point, and all further changes will now be applied to memory location “B”.Every time you press the A/B button, you will toggle between these two memory locations.NOTE: The A/B memory locations are temporary settings only! Saving a preset, will save thecurrently selected memory location only. The setting of the other (hidden) memory location will not be saved!R e s e tClick “Reset” to clear memories A/B and return to the originally recalled preset.D E F A U L T P R E S E T L O C A T I O N SThe following locations will describe where you can find the presets, which are stored in a folder unique to each plug-in:M a c O S X p r e s e t p a t h s :Factory presets:<Macintosh HD>/Library/Application Support/TC Electronic/<plug-in name>/Presets/User presets:/Users/<user name>/Library/Application Support/TC Electronic/<plug-in name>/Presets/W i n d o w s p r e s e t p a t h s :Factory presets:C:\Program Files\TC Electronic\<plug-in name>\PresetsUser presets:C:\Documents and Settings\<your user name>\My Documents\TC Electronic\<plug-in name>\Presets•To delete a preset file, simply move it to the “Trash” or “Recycle bin”.•To create a new sub-folder that appears in the plug-in menu, simply create a new fold-er in the plug-in folder that resides in the PRESETS folder of the plug-ins default pre-set location.NOTE: A folder will not appear in the Preset File Menu unless it has at least one preset inside!PRESET HANDLING。


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电气设备在运行时,这些装置的某些部件可能带有高压。不正确的操作可能导致严重的人身伤 害或设备损坏。
只有具备资质的合格专业工作人员才允许对装置或在装置临近工作。工作人员需熟知本手册中 所提到的注意事项和工作流程,以及安全规定。
1.1 应用范围 ............................................................................................................................. 1 1.2 功能配置 ............................................................................................................................. 1 1.3 性能特征 ............................................................................................................................. 2 1.4 订货须知 ............................................................................................................................. 3 1.5 产品执行标准...................................................................................................................... 3 第 2 章 技术参数 .............................................................................................................................. 5 2.1 电气参数 ............................................................................................................................. 5 2.2 机械结构 ............................................................................................................................. 6 2.3 环境条件参数...................................................................................................................... 7 2.4 通信端口 ............................................................................................................................. 7 2.5 型式试验 ............................................................................................................................. 8 2.6 认证 .................................................................................................................................... 8 2.7 保护功能 ............................................................................................................................. 9 2.8 管理功能 ............................................................................................................................. 9 第 3 章 工作原理 .............................................................................................................................11 3.1 概述 ...................................................................................................................................11 3.2 装置启动元件.....................................................................................................................11 3.3 (短充)过流保护和零序保护 .......................................................................................... 12 3.4 (长充)过流保护和零序保护 .......................................................................................... 13 3.5 同期功能(可选) ............................................................................................................ 14 3.6 异常告警 ........................................................................................................................... 15 3.7 采样数据异常的处理......................................................................................................... 16 3.8 遥控、遥测、遥信功能 ..................................................................................................... 16 3.9 时间管理 ........................................................................................................................... 16 第 4 章 硬件描述 ............................................................................................................................ 19

43PUS7555 50PUS7555 58PUS7555 用户手册说明书

43PUS7555 50PUS7555 58PUS7555 用户手册说明书

Register your product and get support at7555 series /TVsupport用户手册43PUS755550PUS755558PUS7555内容1 获得支持 41.1 识别和注册电视41.2 电视帮助和用户手册41.3 客户服务/维修42 软件 52.1 更新软件52.2 软件版本52.3 自动软件更新52.4 查看软件更新历史记录53 快速指南 63.1 遥控器63.2 红外传感器73.3 操纵器 - 本地控制84 设置 94.1 阅读安全说明94.2 电视摆放94.3 打开电视95 连接 115.1 连接指南115.2 天线115.3 卫星115.4 视频设备115.5 音频设备115.6 移动设备125.7 其他设备136 切换来源 156.1 来源列表156.2 重命名设备157 频道 167.1 关于频道和频道切换167.2 安装频道167.3 频道列表207.4 收藏频道217.5 文本/图文电视228 电视指南 238.1 您需要执行的操作238.2 使用电视指南239 Freeview Play(适用于英国型号) 24 9.1 关于 Freeview Play249.2 使用 Freeview Play2410 视频、照片和音乐 2510.1 来自 USB 连接2510.2 来自电脑或 NAS2510.3 照片2510.4 视频2510.5 音乐2611 打开电视设置菜单 2711.1 主菜单概述2711.2 常见设置和所有设置2711.3 所有设置2712 无线和网络 3612.1 家庭网络3612.2 连接至网络3612.3 无线和网络设置3613 智能电视 3813.1 设置 Smart TV3813.2 Smart TV 开始页面38 13.3 App Gallery3813.4 随选视频3814 Netflix 3915 Rakuten TV 4016 Amazon Prime 视频 4117 YouTube 4218 环境 4318.1 欧洲能源标签4318.2 产品卡4318.3 使用终止4319 规格 4419.1 功率4419.2 接收4419.3 显示屏分辨率4419.4 支持的输入分辨率 - 视频44 19.5 支持的输入分辨率 - 电脑44 19.6 声音4419.7 多媒体4519.8 连接4520 故障检修 4620.1 使用提示4620.2 打开4620.3 遥控器4620.4 频道4620.5 卫星4720.6 图片4720.7 声音4820.8 HDMI - UHD4820.9 USB4820.10 Wi-Fi 和互联网4820.11 菜单显示错误语言4921 安全与保养 5021.1 安全5021.2 屏幕保养5122 使用条款 5223 版权 5323.1 HDMI5323.2 Dolby Audio5323.3 杜比视界和 Dolby Atmos53 23.4 DTS-HD(斜体)5323.5 Wi-Fi Alliance5323.6 其他商标5324 开放源 5424.1 开源软件5424.2 开源许可证5425 关于第三方提供的服务和/或软件的免责声明 58索引 591获得支持1.1识别和注册电视识别电视 - 电视型号和序列号客户服务人员可能会要求您提供电视产品型号和序列号。

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Reserved N 行显示闪烁禁止标志位,该位设 1 表示禁止该行的闪烁功能。
1 = 该行闪烁功能禁止。 0 = 无作用。 N 行显示闪烁使能标志位,该位设 1 表示使能整行的闪烁。 1 = 该行闪烁功能使能。 0 = 无作用。 N 行显示内容清除命令,该位设 1 为清除该行所有显示内容,写 0 到该位无影响。 1 = 将整行内容全部清零。 0 = 无作用
(2)在发送清除屏幕显示内容之后,最大需等待 2 个视频行同步之后(64uS×2)才 能送显示内容进入视频缓冲区,否则有可能清除动作尚未完成而被清除掉该显示内
命令 2:显示移位位置控制
15 – 12 0001
11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 V5 V4 V3 V2 V1 V0 H5 H4 H3 H2 H1 H0
3.3V 电源
17.734475MHz 晶体连接
复位端口,低电平有效。 地线, 模拟部分供电电源,3.3V。 内部同步检测用的外部参考电压,外部输入稳定的 0.7V 作为内部同步检测电路参考电压。 同步信号监测的内部比较器输入正向端,可以直接 接入 VIN,或者已经被同步分离器器检测分离出来 的同步信号。 视频信号输入
视频信号输入端 No Connected 黑色信号电压输出 No Connected No Connected 场同步输出端口
No Connected No Connected 数字电源地 数字部分电源 SPI 片选信号 SPI 时钟信号 SPI 数据输出端口 SPI 数据输入端口
Bit7-Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0
缺省值 0010 0000
00 00 0 0
行号值,0000 = 字符显示行 1。 0001 = 字符显示行 2。 0010 = 字符显示行 3。 0011 = 字符显示行 4。 ………………………… 1111 = 字符显示行 16。
OSD 芯片最多支持 12 行显示,所以行号超出所规定范围之后的命 令将被直接忽略。
1 = 自动切换使能(ENABLE)
0 = 自动切换禁止(DISABLE),在自动切换禁止状态,强制为视 频外同步模式。
视频制式标准选择开关位,1 = NTSC
位域 Bit15-Bit12 Bit11-Bit6
缺省值 0001 001000
功能描述 命令码 垂直位置寄存器,起始位置为场同步后第 9 行开始,最大位移为 64 行, 000000 = 9H + 0
000001 = 9H + 1 000010 = 9H + 2 ………………… 111111 = 9H + 63 水平位置寄存器,起始位置为每行的 12us 处开始,每一个移位单 位为 2/Fclk, 000000 = 12uS + 0 * 2/Fclk 000001 = 12uS + 1 * 2/Fclk 000010 = 12uS + 2 * 2/Fclk ……………………………… 111111 = 12uS + 64 * 2/Fclk
= 1,每一次写 VRAM 数据之后,VRAM 地址自动递增加 1。 = 0,每一次写 VRAM 数据之后,VRAM 地址不变。 Reserved VRAM 地址,VRAM 地址超出显示范围,则直接忽略该命令。 VRAM 地址设定请参考下面的图所示
7 / 30
显示内存区域(VRAM)示意图 0 24 …… Display Area (12 Rows × 24 Characters) ……
43210 RST SW N/P EN
位域 Bit15-Bit12 Bit11-Bit8
Bit5-Bit4 Bit3
缺省值 0000 00000
00 0
功能描述 命令码
Reserved VRAM 清理操作,1 = 将所有的显示内存 VRAM 全部清 0,该位硬件 自动清零,写 0 到该位无影响。 字符闪烁基准时间设定(BT),每一个基准时间后,闪烁状态进行翻 转一次。占空比固定为 50:50。
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AVT-邓工 手机: 13691712686 QQ: 1817093189
35 SW_BLACK 字符信号黑电平开 字符信号的黑色电平输出开关, 关输出端口
36 SW_WHITE 字符信号白电平开 字符信号的白色电平输出开关 关输出端口
A1,A0 00 = 第 1 区(芯片内置半角字符),C7 为无效位,C6-C0 为 96 个相应的有效字符点阵数据地址。 01 = 第 2 区(RAM 区字符),C7,C6 为无效,C5-C0 为有效的 字符点阵数据地址。 10 = 第 3 区(全角字符的第一个显示位置),C8-C0 为 384 个相 对应的点阵数据地址。 11 = 第 4 区(全角字符的第二个显示位置),C8-C0 为 384 个相对应 的点阵数据地址。
检测到分离的场同步信号输出 字符白色信号亮度电平调整输出端口。(该版本不 支持自动白色亮度调整)
3.3V SPI 通信接口
同步信号比较器的同步输出,如果 SYNC_IN 直连到 VIN 的话,则从该脚可以检测到同步信号比较器检 测到同步信号的质量,从而调整 SYNC_REF 得到最 佳的同步检测效果。
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AVT-邓工 手机: 13691712686 QQ: 1817093189
命令 3:字符整行控制命令
15 – 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3
R3 R2 R1 R0
位域 Bit15-Bit12 Bit11-Bit8
描述 电源电压 SPI 数字信号输入高电平 SPI 数字信号输入低电平 时钟频率 视频输入信号 工作电流
最低 标准 最高
+3.0 +3.3 +3.6
50 100
单位 V V V
MHz Vp-p mA
2 / 30
位域 Bit15-Bit12
Bit11 Bit10-Bit9
缺省值 0100
字符属性闪烁位 1 = 该字符闪烁显示功能打开 0 = 该字符闪烁显示功能关闭
VRAM 字符地址的分区码,OSD 芯片中共分有 4 个区域存储字符点阵, 第 1 区为固化在芯片内部空间的 96 个半角字符,第 2 区为用户定制 在 RAM 中的 64 个半角字符,第 3 区包括固化在芯片内部的 384 个 全角字符的第一部分,第 4 区包括固化在芯片内部的 384 个全角字 符的第二部分。全角字符的显示是将同地址的第 3 区的第一部分同 第 4 区的第二部分组合在一起显示。
AVT-邓工 手机: 13691712686 QQ: 1817093189
序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
便。 ★ 外围线路简单。 ★ 芯片内置的唯一的、不可修改的 96 位 ID。
★ 安防监控系统 ★ 安全监控摄像机 ★ 工业应用 ★ 家庭娱乐系统 ★ 其他需要视频字符叠加的应用
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AVT-邓工 手机: 13691712686 QQ: 1817093189
AVT-邓工 手机: 13691712686 QQ: 1817093189
OSD7556 具有唯一 ID 码的 24 点阵汉字字符叠加芯片
★ 支持标准的英文半角字符显示(12×18)和全角的 24 点阵汉字字符显示(24×18) 的混合显示。
★ 内置字符共支持 96 个半角字符和 384 个全角字符,通过专用字符生成工具可在生 产时由用户定制所需的字符及其自定义图标等。
0 = 0.5 秒。 1 = 1 秒。 Reserved 软件复位功能位,1 = 复位芯片内所有寄存器位到初始状态,显示内 存区(VRAM)清零。该位硬件自动清零,表示软件复位功能完成。 写 0 到该位无影响。
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AVT-邓工 手机: 13691712686 QQ: 1817093189
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AVT-邓工 手机: 13691712686 QQ: 1817093189
所有的命令均为 16bit 长度,高位的 4bit 为命令识别码,低位的 12bit 为附加数据位。读写 命令分别如下图所示:
命令 1:视频显示模式设定
15 – 12 0000