







欠阻尼情况下的衰减系数? 为:??R .2L.其震荡频率?d为:?d?;RLC串联谐振电路条件是:电压U与电流I同相。











四.RLC串联谐振电路的设计电路图:自选元器件及设定参数,通过仿真软件观察并确定RLC 串联谐振的频率,通过改变信号发生器的频率,当电阻上的电压达到最大值时的频率就是谐振频率。



大学物理实验报告Ferroelectric Control of Spin PolarizationControlling the spin degree of freedom by purely electrical means is currently an important challenge in spintronics (1, 2). Approaches based on spin-transfer torque (3) have proven very successful in controlling the direction of magnetization in a ferromagnetic layer, but they require the injection of high current densities. An ideal solution would rely on the application of an electric field across an insulator, as in existing nanoelectronics. Early experiments have demonstrated the volatile modulation of spin-based properties with a gate voltage applied through a dielectric. Notable examples include the gate control of the spin-orbit interaction in III-V quantum wells (4), the Curie temperature T C(5), or the magnetic anisotropy (6) in magnetic semiconductors with carrier-mediated exchange interactions; for example, (Ga,Mn)As or (In,Mn)As. Electric field–induced modifications of magnetic anisotropy at room temperature have also been reported recently in ultrathin Fe-based layers (7, 8).A nonvolatile extension of this approach involves replacing the gate dielectric by a ferroelectric and taking advantage of the hysteretic response of its order parameter (polarization) with an electric field. When combined with (Ga,Mn)As channels, for instance, a remanent control of T C over a few kelvin was achieved throughpolarization-driven charge depletion/accumulation (9, 10), and the magnetic anisotropy was modified by the coupling of piezoelectricity and magnetostriction (11, 12). Indications of an electrical control of magnetization have also been provided in magnetoelectric heterostructures at room temperature (13–17).Recently, several theoretical studies have predicted that large variations of magnetic properties may occur at interfaces between ferroelectrics and high-T C ferromagnets such as Fe (18–20), Co2MnSi (21), or Fe3O4(22). Changing the direction of the ferroelectric polarization has been predicted to influence not only the interfacial anisotropy and magnetization, but also the spin polarization. Spin polarization [., the normalized difference in the density of states (DOS) of majority and minority spin carriers at the Fermi level (E F)] is typically the key parameter controlling the response of spintronics systems, epitomized by magnetic tunnel junctions in which the tunnel magnetoresistance (TMR) is related to the electrode spin polarization by the Jullière formula (23). These predictions suggest that the nonvolatile character of ferroelectrics at the heart of ferroelectric random access memory technology (24) may be exploited in spintronics devices such as magnetic random access memories or spin field-effect transistors (2). However, the nonvolatile electrical control of spin polarization has not yet been demonstrated.We address this issue experimentally by probing the spin polarization of electrons tunneling from an Fe electrode through ultrathin ferroelectric BaTiO3(BTO) tunnel barriers (Fig. 1A). The BTO polarization can be electrically switched to point toward or away from the Fe electrode. We used a half-metallic (25) bottom electrode as a spin detector in these artificial multiferroic tunnel junctions (26, 27). Magnetotransport experiments provide evidence for a large and reversible dependence of the TMR on ferroelectric polarization direction.Fig. 1(A) Sketch of the nanojunction defined by electrically controlled nanoindentation. A thin resist is spin-coated on the BTO(1 nm)/LSMO(30 nm) bilayer. The nanoindentation is performed with a conductive-tip atomic force microscope, and the resulting nano-hole is filled by sputter-depositing Au/CoO/Co/Fe. (B) (Top) PFM phase image of a BTO(1 nm)/LSMO(30 nm) bilayer after poling the BTO along 1-by-4–μm stripes with either a negative or positive (tip-LSMO) voltage. (Bottom) CTAFM image of an unpoled area of a BTO(1 nm)/LSMO(30 nm) bilayer. Ω, ohms. (C) X-ray absorption spectra collected at room temperature close to the Fe L3,2(top), Ba M5,4(middle), and Ti L3,2(bottom) edges on an AlO x nm)/Al nm)/Fe(2 nm)/BTO(1 nm)/LSMO(30 nm)(D) HRTEM and (E) HAADF images of the Fe/BTO interface in a Ta(5 nm)/Fe(18 nm)/BTO(50 nm)/LSMO(30 nm)The white arrowheads in (D) indicate the lattice fringes of {011} planes in the iron layer. [110] and [001] indicate pseudotetragonal crystallographic axes of the BTO perovskite.The tunnel junctions that we used in this study are based on BTO(1 nm)/LSMO(30 nm) bilayers grown epitaxially onto (001)-oriented NdGaO3(NGO) single-crystal substrates (28). The large (~180°) and stable piezoresponse force microscopy (PFM) phase contrast (28) between negatively and positively poled areas (Fig. 1B, top) indicates that the ultrathin BTO films are ferroelectric at room temperature (29). The persistence of ferroelectricity for such ultrathin films of BTO arises from the large lattice mismatch with the NGO substrate (–%), which is expected to dramatically enhance ferroelectric properties in this highly strained BTO (30). The local topographical and transport properties of the BTO(1 nm)/LSMO(30 nm) bilayers were characterized by conductive-tipatomic force microscopy (CTAFM) (28). The surface is very smooth with terraces separated by one-unit-cell–high steps, visible in both the topography (29) and resistance mappings (Fig. 1B, bottom). No anomalies in the CTAFM data were observed over lateral distances on the micrometer scale.We defined tunnel junctions from these bilayers by a lithographic technique based on CTAFM (28, 31). Top electrical contacts of diameter ~10 to 30 nm can be patterned by this nanofabrication process. The subsequent sputter deposition of a 5-nm-thick Fe layer, capped by a Au(100 nm)/CoO nm)/Co nm) stack to increase coercivity, defined a set of nanojunctions (Fig. 1A). The same Au/CoO/Co/Fe stack was deposited on another BTO(1 nm)/LSMO(30 nm) sample for magnetic measurements. Additionally, a Ta(5 nm)/Fe(18 nm)/BTO(50 nm)/LSMO(30 nm) sample and a AlO x nm)/Al nm)/Fe(2 nm)/BTO(1 nm)/LSMO(30 nm) sample were realized for structural and spectroscopic characterizations.We used both a conventional high-resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM) and the NION UltraSTEM 100 scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) to investigate the Fe/BTO interface properties of the Ta/Fe/BTO/LSMO sample. The epitaxial growth of the BTO/LSMO bilayer on the NGO substrate was confirmed by HRTEM andhigh-resolution STEM images. The low-resolution, high-angle annular dark field (HAADF) image of the entire heterostructure shows the sharpness of the LSMO/BTO interface over the studied area (Fig. 1E, top). Figure 1D reveals a smooth interface between the BTO and the Fe layers. Whereas the BTO film is epitaxially grown on top of LSMO, the Fe layer consists of textured nanocrystallites. From the in-plane (a) and out-of-plane (c) lattice parameters in the tetragonal BTO layer, we infer that c/a= ± , in good agreement with the value of found with the use of x-ray diffraction (29). The interplanar distances for selected crystallites in the Fe layer [., ~ Å(Fig. 1D, white arrowheads)] are consistent with the {011} planes of body-centered cubic (bcc) Fe. We investigated the BTO/Fe interface region more closely in the HAADF mode of the STEM (Fig. 1E, bottom). On the BTO side, the atomically resolved HAADF image allows thedistinction of atomic columns where the perovskite A-site atoms (Ba) appear as brighter spots. Lattice fringes with the characteristic {100} interplanar distances of bcc Fe (~ Å) can be distinguished on the opposite side. Subtle structural, chemical, and/or electronic modifications may be expected to occur at the interfacial boundary between the BTO perovskite-type structure and the Fe layer. These effects may lead to interdiffusion of Fe, Ba, and O atoms over less than 1 nm, or the local modification of the Fe DOS close to E F, consistent with ab initio calculations of the BTO/Fe interface (18–20).To characterize the oxidation state of Fe, we performed x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) measurements on a AlO x nm)/Al nm)/Fe(2 nm)/BTO(1 nm)/LSMO(30 nm) sample (28). The probe depth was at least 7 nm, as indicated by the finite XAS intensity at the La M4,5edge (28), so that the entire Fe thickness contributed substantially to the signal. As shown in Fig. 1C(top), the spectrum at the Fe L2,3edge corresponds to that of metallic Fe (32). The XAS spectrum obtained at the Ba M4,5edge (Fig. 1C, middle) is similar to that reported for Ba2+in (33). Despite the poor signal-to-noise ratio, the Ti L2,3edge spectrum (Fig. C, bottom) shows the typical signature expected for a valence close to 4+ (34). From the XAS, HRTEM, and STEM analyses, we conclude that the Fe/BTO interface is smooth with no detectable oxidation of the Fe layer within a limit of less than 1 nm.After cooling in a magnetic field of 5 kOe aligned along the [110] easy axis of pseudocubic LSMO (which is parallel to the orthorhombic [100] axis of NGO), we characterized the transport properties of the junctions at low temperature K). Figure 2A(middle) shows a typical resistance–versus–magnetic field R(H) cycle recorded at a bias voltage of –2 mV (positive bias corresponds to electrons tunneling from Fe to LSMO). The bottom panel of Fig. 2A shows the magnetic hysteresis loop m(H) of a similar unpatterned sample measured with superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) magnetometry. When we decreased the magnetic field from a large positive value, theresistance dropped in the –50 to –250 Oe range and then followed a plateau down to –800 Oe, after which it sharply returned to the high-resistance state. We observed a similar response when cycling the field back to large positive values. A comparison with the m(H) loop indicates that the switching fields in R(H) correspond to changes in the relative magnetic configuration of the LSMO and Fe electrodes from parallel (at high field) to antiparallel (at low field). The magnetically softer LSMO layer switched at lower fields (50 to 250 Oe) compared with the Fe layer, for which coupling to the exchange-biased Co/CoO induces larger and asymmetric coercive fields (–800 Oe, 300 Oe). The observed R(H) corresponds to a negative TMR= (R ap–R p)/R ap of –17%[R p and R ap are the resistance in the parallel (p) and antiparallel (ap) magnetic configurations, respectively; see the sketches in Fig. 2A]. Within the simple Jullière model of TMR(23) and considering the large positive spin polarization ofhalf-metallic LSMO (25), this negative TMR corresponds to a negative spin polarization for bcc Fe at the interface with BTO, in agreement with ab initio calculations (18–20).Fig. 2(A) (Top) Device schematic with black arrows to indicate magnetizations. p, parallel; ap, antiparallel. (Middle) R(H) recorded at –2 mV and K showing negative TMR. (Bottom) m(H) recorded at 30 K with a SQUID magnetometer. emu, electromagnetic units.(B) (Top) Device schematic with arrows to indicate ferroelectric polarization.(Bottom) I(V DC) curves recorded at K after poling the ferroelectric down (orange curve) or up (brown curve). The bias dependence of the TER is shown in the inset.As predicted (35–38) and demonstrated (29) previously, the tunnel current across a ferroelectric barrier depends on the direction of the ferroelectric polarization. We also observed this effect in our Fe/BTO/LSMO junctions. As can be seen in Fig. 2B, after poling the BTO at K to orient its polarization toward LSMO or Fe (with a poling voltage of VP–≈ –1 V or VP+≈ 1 V, respectively; see Fig. 2B sketches),current-versus-voltage I(V DC) curves collected at low bias voltages showed a finite difference corresponding to a tunnel electroresistance as large as TER=(I VP+–I VP–)/I VP–≈ 37% (Fig. 2B, inset). This TER can be interpreted within an electrostatic model (36–39), taking into account the asymmetric deformation of the barrier potential profile that is created by the incomplete screening of polarization charges by different Thomas-Fermi screening lengths at Fe/BTO and LSMO/BTO interfaces. Piezoelectric-related TER effects (35, 38) can be neglected as the piezoelectric coefficient estimated from PFM experiments is too small in our clamped films(29). TER measurements performed on a BTO(1 nm)/LSMO(30 nm) bilayer with the use ofa CTAFM boron-doped diamond tip as the top electrode showed values of ~200% (29). Given the strong sensitivity of the TER on barrier parameters and barrier-electrode interfaces, these two values are not expected to match precisely. We anticipate that the TER variation between Fe/BTO/LSMO junctions and CTAFM-based measurements is primarily the result of different electrostatic boundary conditions.Switching the ferroelectric polarization of a tunnel barrier with voltage pulses is also expected to affect the spin-dependent DOS of electrodes at a ferromagnet/ferroelectric interface. Interfacial modifications of the spin-dependent DOS of the half-metallic LSMO by the ferroelectric BTO are not likely, as no states are present for the minority spins up to ~350 meV above E F(40, 41). For 3d ferromagnets such as Fe, large modificationsof the spin-dependent DOS are expected, as charge transfer between spin-polarized empty and filled states is possible. For the Fe/BTO interface, large changes have been predicted through ab initio calculations of 3d electronic states of bcc Fe at the interface with BTO by several groups (18–20).To experimentally probe possible changes in the spin polarization of the Fe/BTO interface, we measured R(H) at a fixed bias voltage of –50 mV after aligning the ferroelectric polarization of BTO toward Fe or LSMO. R(H) cycles were collected for each direction of the ferroelectric polarization for two typical tunnel junctions of the same sample (Fig. 3, B and C, for junction #1; Fig. 3, D and E, for junction #2). In both junctions at the saturating magnetic field, high- and low-resistance states are observed when the ferroelectric polarization points toward LSMO or Fe, respectively, with a variation of ~ 25%. This result confirms the TER observations in Fig. 2B.Fig. 3(A) Sketch of the electrical control of spin polarization at the Fe/BTO interface.(B and C) R(H) curves for junction #1 (V DC= –50 mV, T= K) after poling the ferroelectric barrier down or up, respectively. (D and E) R(H) curves for junction #2 (V DC= –50 mV, T= K) after poling the ferroelectric barrier down or up, respectively. More interestingly, here, the TMR is dramatically modified by the reversal of BTO polarization. For junction #1, the TMR amplitude changes from –17 to –3% when the ferroelectric polarization is aligned toward Fe or LSMO, respectively (Fig. 3, B and C). Similarly for junction #2, the TMR changes from –45 to –19%. Similar resultswere obtained on Fe/BTO nm)/LSMO junctions (28). Within the Jullière model (23), these changes in TMR correspond to a large (or small) spin polarization at the Fe/BTO interface when the ferroelectric polarization of BTO points toward (or away from) the Fe electrode. These experimental data support our interpretation regarding the electrical manipulation of the spin polarization of the Fe/BTO interface by switching the ferroelectric polarization of the tunnel barrier.To quantify the sensitivity of the TMR with the ferroelectric polarization, we define a term, the tunnel electromagnetoresistance, as TEMR= (TMR VP+–TMR VP–)/TMR VP–. Large values for the TEMR are found for junctions #1 (450%) and #2 (140%), respectively. This electrical control of the TMR with the ferroelectric polarization is repeatable, as shown in Fig. 4for junction #1 where TMR curves are recorded after poling the ferroelectric up, down, up, and down, sequentially (28).Fig. 4TMR(H) curves recorded for junction #1 (V DC= –50 mV, T= K) after poling the ferroelectric up (VP+), down (VP–), up (VP+), and down (VP–).For tunnel junctions with a ferroelectric barrier and dissimilar ferromagnetic electrodes, we have reported the influence of the electrically controlled ferroelectric barrier polarization on the tunnel-current spin polarization. This electrical influence over magnetic degrees of freedom represents a new and interfacial magnetoelectric effect that is large because spin-dependent tunneling is very sensitive to interfacial details. Ferroelectrics can provide a local, reversible, nonvolatile, and potentially low-power means of electrically addressing spintronics devices.Supporting Online Materialand MethodsFigs. 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This study was partially supported by the .Partenariat Hubert Curien Alliance program, the French Réseau Thématique de Recherche Avancée Triangle de la Physique, the European Union (EU) Specific Targeted Research Project (STRep) Manipulating the Coupling in Multiferroic Films, EU STReP Controlling Mesoscopic Phase Separation, . Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council grant EP/E026206/I, French C-Nano Île de France, French Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) Oxitronics, French ANR Alicante, the European Enabling Science and Technology through European Elelctron Microscopy program, and the French Microscopie Electronique et Sonde Atomique network. .acknowledges support from Comissionat per a Universitats i Recerca (Generalitat de Catalunya).。



英语作文物理电学实验报告Physics Experiment Report on Electric Circuits。


Electric circuits are important in our daily lives as they form the basis of all electrical devices. In this experiment, we investigated the behavior of electric circuits, including Ohm's law, Kirchhoff's laws, and the behavior of resistors in series and parallel.Materials。

Power supply。



Resistors (varying values)。




1. Set up the circuit as shown in the diagram below, using a breadboard to connect the components.2. Measure the voltage across the resistor using the voltmeter and record the value.3. Measure the current flowing through the resistor using the ammeter and record the value.4. Repeat steps 2-3 for different values of resistors.5. Connect resistors in series and parallel and measure the voltage and current across each resistor.Results。



简易电路制作方法作文英文回答:To make a simple circuit, you will need a few basic components: a power source, such as a battery, wires to connect the components, and a load, such as a light bulb or a buzzer.First, gather all the necessary materials. For this example, let's say we want to make a circuit that lights up an LED. We will need a battery, an LED, a resistor, and some wires.Next, connect the positive terminal of the battery to one end of the resistor using a wire. Then, connect the other end of the resistor to the positive terminal of the LED using another wire.After that, connect the negative terminal of the LED to the negative terminal of the battery using a wire.Finally, check your connections and make sureeverything is secure. Once you are satisfied, turn on the power source and the LED should light up.中文回答:制作一个简易电路,你需要几个基本组件,一个电源,比如电池,用于连接组件的导线,以及一个负载,比如一个灯泡或者一个蜂鸣器。



关于逻辑电路英文作文英文:Logic circuits are essential components in modern electronics. They are used to process and manipulatedigital signals, which are represented by binary numbers. These circuits are made up of logic gates, which are the building blocks of digital electronics. There are several types of logic gates, including AND, OR, NOT, NAND, and NOR gates.AND gates produce an output signal only when both input signals are high. OR gates produce an output signal when either input signal is high. NOT gates invert the input signal, producing the opposite output signal. NAND gates produce an output signal when either input signal is low, while NOR gates produce an output signal only when both input signals are low.Logic circuits can be combined to create more complexcircuits, such as adders and multipliers. For example, an adder circuit takes two binary numbers as input and produces their sum as output. A multiplier circuit takes two binary numbers as input and produces their product as output.In addition to their use in digital electronics, logic circuits are also used in computer science and programming. Boolean algebra, which is the mathematical foundation of digital electronics, is used to represent and manipulate logical expressions.Overall, logic circuits are an essential component in modern electronics and computer science. They allow us to process and manipulate digital signals, which are the foundation of modern technology.中文:逻辑电路是现代电子学中不可或缺的组成部分。



实验一单级交流放大电路Experiment Single-stage ac amplifying circuit一、实验目的I. Objectives1.熟悉电子元器件和模拟电路实验箱,2.掌握放大电路静态工作点的调试方法及其对放大电路性能的影响。

1. Electronic components and analog circuit experiment box should be familiar-ed .2. The debugging method of amplifier circuit static working point and its effect on the performance of amplifier circuit should be mastered.二、实验仪器II.Experimental apparatus1.示波器2.信号发生器3.数字万用表1. The Oscilloscope2. Signal generator3. Digital multimeter三、预习要求III. Preview requirements1.三极管及单管放大电路工作原理。


1. The working principle of the transistor and the unijunction transistor amplifier circuit.2. The measuring method of amplifying circuit static.四、实验内容及步骤IV. Experimental Contents and procedure1.装接电路与简单测量Assembling and simple measuring circuit图1.l 基本放大电路Figure 1.1 Basic amplifying circuit(1)用万用表判断实验箱上三极管V的极性和好坏。



英语作文实验报告English Essay on Experiment Report。

The first thing I noticed when I started the experiment was how exciting it felt to be part of something scientific. It's not just about following steps; it's about exploring and learning. You never quite know what's going to happen, and that makes it all the more thrilling.During the process, I had to be really careful with the measurements. You know, a little too much or too little of something can completely change the outcome. But it was fun to see how everything interacted and affected each other.It's like a puzzle that you have to solve.One of the coolest moments was when I saw the first signs of a reaction. It was like, "Whoa! This is actually happening!" You can read about it in books, but seeing it with your own eyes is a completely different experience.After that, it was just a matter of waiting and observing. Sometimes, it felt like nothing was happening, but then suddenly, there'd be a change. It taught me patience, which is not always my strong suit.When it was all done, I felt a sense of accomplishment. Not just because the experiment worked, but because I didit myself. I learned so much about the process and the science behind it. It made me want to do more experiments and explore more.Looking back, I realize that experiments are not just about getting results. They're about the journey, about the process of discovery。



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Theory 】

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英文的物理实验报告英文的物理实验报告IntroductionIn the field of science, conducting experiments and documenting the results is an essential part of the research process. This holds true for physics as well, where experimental reports play a crucial role in presenting and analyzing the findings. In this article, we will explore the structure and content of an English physics experiment report, highlighting its importance and providing tips for effective writing.Experimental SetupThe first section of a physics experiment report typically outlines the experimental setup. Here, the writer describes the apparatus used, including any instruments, equipment, and materials. It is essential to provide sufficient details so that readers can understand and replicate the experiment if needed. Clear and concise language should be used to ensure accuracy and avoid any ambiguity.MethodologyThe methodology section explains the step-by-step procedure followed during the experiment. It should be written in a logical and sequential manner, allowing readers to understand the experimental process easily. It is advisable to use active voice and past tense when describing the actions performed during the experiment. Additionally, any calculations or formulas used should be clearlystated, ensuring transparency and reproducibility.Data Collection and AnalysisAfter conducting the experiment, the next step is to collect and analyze the data obtained. In this section, the writer presents the raw data gathered during the experiment. This can be done using tables, graphs, or charts, depending on the nature of the data. It is important to label and title all figures appropriately, providing units of measurement and clear legends.Once the data is presented, the analysis begins. The writer interprets the data, looking for patterns, trends, and relationships. Statistical methods, such as calculating averages or standard deviations, may be employed to support the analysis. It is crucial to provide a clear and logical explanation of the findings, relating them back to the objectives of the experiment.DiscussionThe discussion section is where the writer provides a deeper analysis of the results obtained. This is an opportunity to compare the findings with existing theories or prior research. Any discrepancies or unexpected outcomes should be addressed and explained. The writer may also suggest possible sources of error or limitations of the experiment, demonstrating a critical understanding of the experimental process.ConclusionThe conclusion summarizes the key findings of the experiment and their implications. It should be concise and to the point, highlighting the significanceof the results. The writer may also mention any recommendations for further research or improvements to the experimental setup. It is important to avoid introducing any new information in the conclusion, as it should serve as a summary of the report.ReferencesIn scientific writing, it is crucial to acknowledge the sources of information used. The references section provides a list of all the references cited in the report. The writer should follow a specific citation style, such as APA or MLA, and provide complete and accurate information for each reference. This ensures credibility and allows readers to explore the sources further if desired.ConclusionWriting an English physics experiment report requires careful attention to detail and a clear understanding of the scientific method. By following the structure outlined above and focusing on clarity and accuracy, researchers can effectively communicate their experimental findings. Experiment reports serve as a valuable tool for the scientific community, facilitating knowledge sharing and promoting further research and discovery.。



rl电路实验报告RC一阶电路的响应测试实验报告实验七RC一阶电路的响应测试一、实验目的1. 测定RC一阶电路的零输入响应、零状态响应及完全响应。

2. 学习电路时间常数的测量方法。

3. 掌握有关微分电路和积分电路的概念。

4. 进一步学会用示波器观测波形。

二、原理说明1. 动态网络的过渡过程是十分短暂的单次变化过程。




2.图7-1(b)所示的RC 一阶电路的零输入响应和零状态响应分别按指数规律衰减和增长,其变化的快慢决定于电路的时间常数τ。

3. 时间常数τ的测定方法:用示波器测量零输入响应的波形如图7-1(a)所示。





Umc Um0.632 ca) 零输入响应(b) RC一阶电路(c) 零状态响应图7-14. 微分电路和积分电路是RC一阶电路中较典型的电路,它对电路元件参数和输入信号的周期有着特定的要求。

一个简单的RC 串联电路,在方波序列脉冲的重复激励下,当utt满足τ=RCT时(T为方波脉冲的重复周期),且由R两端的电压作为响应输出,则该2电路就是一个微分电路。




C (a)微分电路(b) 积分电路图7-2若将图7-2(a)中的R与C位置调换一下,如图13-2(b)所示,由C 两端的电压作为响应输出,且当电路的参数满足τ=RCT,则该RC电路称为积分电路。



英语作文实验报告Yesterday, we conducted an experiment in the lab totest the effects of different temperatures on the growth of plants. The goal was to observe how plants react to extreme temperatures and whether they can adapt to survive in harsh conditions.The experiment started by planting seeds in separate pots and placing them in different temperature-controlled environments. Some pots were kept in a room with normal room temperature, while others were placed in a freezer or a heated room. We wanted to see if the plants would grow differently depending on the temperature they were exposed to.After a week of observation, we found that the plants in the normal room temperature environment grew the best. They had healthy green leaves and strong stems. On the other hand, the plants in the freezer environment wilted and died, unable to withstand the extreme cold. The plantsin the heated room also struggled to grow, with yellow leaves and stunted growth.Overall, the experiment showed us the importance of maintaining a stable temperature for plant growth. Extreme temperatures can have a negative impact on plants, affecting their ability to photosynthesize and grow. It is crucial to provide plants with the right conditions to ensure their survival and well-being.In conclusion, this experiment provided valuable insights into the effects of temperature on plant growth. It highlighted the need for careful monitoring and control of environmental conditions to support healthy plant development. By understanding how plants respond to different temperatures, we can better protect and nurture them in various settings.。



英文实验报告英文实验报告Introduction:In today's globalized world, English has become a crucial skill for communication and career advancement. As a result, English language learners often participate in various experiments and studies to enhance their language proficiency. This article aims to explore the importance of English experiments and the benefits they offer.1. The Purpose of English Experiments:English experiments serve multiple purposes, including language acquisition, pronunciation improvement, vocabulary expansion, and cultural understanding. These experiments provide learners with a hands-on approach to language learning, allowing them to apply theoretical knowledge in real-life situations. 2. Language Acquisition:One of the primary goals of English experiments is to facilitate language acquisition. Through interactive activities, learners have the opportunity to practice listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Engaging in conversations with native speakers or participating in group discussions helps learners develop fluency and gain confidence in their language abilities.3. Pronunciation Improvement:English experiments often focus on improving pronunciation, as it plays a vital role in effective communication. Learners can engage in activities such astongue twisters, mimicking native speakers, or recording their own voices to identify areas of improvement. By practicing correct pronunciation, learners can enhance their spoken English and minimize misunderstandings.4. Vocabulary Expansion:English experiments provide learners with exposure to a wide range of vocabulary. Whether it's through reading materials, listening exercises, or interactive games, learners can encounter new words and phrases. This exposure helps them expand their vocabulary, improve word choice, and develop a more nuanced understanding of the English language.5. Cultural Understanding:Language and culture are deeply intertwined. English experiments often incorporate cultural aspects to provide learners with a holistic learning experience. By exploring cultural traditions, customs, and idiomatic expressions, learners gain a deeper understanding of the English-speaking world. This cultural knowledge enhances their ability to communicate effectively and adapt to different social contexts.6. Benefits of English Experiments:Participating in English experiments offers numerous benefits to learners. Firstly, it provides a supportive and immersive environment for language practice, allowing learners to make mistakes and learn from them. Secondly, experiments encourage active engagement, fostering a deeper understanding of language structures and usage. Lastly, English experiments promote self-reflection andself-assessment, enabling learners to monitor their progress and set realistic goals for improvement.Conclusion:English experiments play a crucial role in language acquisition and overall language proficiency. By engaging in various activities, learners can enhance their speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills. Moreover, these experiments provide learners with exposure to different cultural aspects, enriching their language learning experience. The benefits of English experiments extend beyond language acquisition, as they also promote self-reflection and foster a lifelong love for learning. Therefore, it is essential for English language learners to actively participate in experiments to maximize their language learning potential.。



Title:[Experiment Name]Date of Experiment:[Date]Objective:To [state the main objective of the experiment].Materials:- [List all materials used in the experiment, including equipment, chemicals, and any other necessary items.]Procedure:1. [Step 1 of the procedure]2. [Step 2 of the procedure]3. [Step 3 of the procedure]...[Continue listing all steps in the procedure.]Data Collection:- [Description of how data was collected, including measurements, observations, and any other relevant information.]Data Analysis:- [Summary of the data analysis techniques used, such as calculations, graphs, or statistical tests.]Results:- [Present the results of the experiment in a clear and concise manner. Include tables, graphs, or charts as necessary.]Discussion:- [Interpret the results and discuss their significance. Compare the results to expected outcomes or previous studies. Address any anomalies or unexpected results.]- Anomaly 1:- [Description of the anomaly]- [Possible reasons for the anomaly]- [Impact on the experiment and conclusions]- Anomaly 2:- [Description of the anomaly]- [Possible reasons for the anomaly]- [Impact on the experiment and conclusions]- [Continue with any additional anomalies or interesting observations.]Conclusion:- [Summarize the main findings of the experiment and their implications. Restate the objective and whether it was achieved.]Recommendations:- [Suggest any improvements or modifications to the experiment procedure or equipment. Propose further studies or applications of the findings.]References:- [List all sources cited in the report, including textbooks, journal articles, and online resources.]Appendix:- [Include any additional information, such as detailed data tables, raw data, or additional figures that support the findings of the experiment.]---Example:Title:Investigation of the Effect of Temperature on the Rate of PhotosynthesisDate of Experiment:March 15, 2023Objective:To determine the effect of varying temperatures on the rate of photosynthesis in spinach leaves.Materials:- Spinach leaves- Light source- Beakers- Thermometer- Stopwatch- Sodium bicarbonate solution- pH test strips- Distilled waterProcedure:1. Prepared spinach leaves by removing stems and rinsing them under tap water.2. Placed equal amounts of spinach leaves in each beaker.3. Prepared a sodium bicarbonate solution with varying concentrations.4. Divided the beakers into groups, each with a different temperature(e.g., 10°C, 20°C, 30°C, 40°C).5. Submerged the leaves in the respective solutions and measured the pH using pH test strips.6. Taped a light source above each beaker and recorded the time it took for the pH to increase by 1 unit.7. Repeated the experiment three times to ensure accuracy.Data Collection:- pH increase over time for each temperature group.Data Analysis:- Calculated the average time for pH increase for each temperature group.Results:- [Insert table or graph showing the average time for pH increase at each temperature.]Discussion:- The data shows that the rate of photosynthesis increases with temperature up to a certain point, after which it begins to decrease. This is consistent with the hypothesis that temperature affects the rate of enzyme activity in photosynthesis.- At lower temperatures (10°C and 20°C), the rate of photosynthesis was significantly slower, indicating the importance of optimal temperature for enzyme activity.- At higher temperatures (30°C and 40°C), the rate of photosynthesis increased but then decreased, suggesting a possible denaturation of enzymes at very high temperatures.Conclusion:The experiment confirmed that temperature significantly affects the rate of photosynthesis in spinach leaves. The optimal temperature for photosynth esis in this study was found to be around 30°C.Recommendations:- Further studies should investigate the specific temperature rangesthat are optimal for photosynthesis in different plant species.- The experiment could be modified to include more temperature groups and a wider range of temperatures to observe the exact point of enzyme denaturation.References:- [List of references used in the report.]Appendix:- [Include any additional information, such as detailed data tables, raw data, or additional figures.]。







二、软件简介Pspice是主要用于集成电路的分析程序,Pspice起初用在大规模电子计算机上进行仿真分析,后来推出了能在 PC上运行的Pspice软件。

Pspice5.0以上版本是基于windows 操作环境。


三、具体实验内容A、电阻电路(实验一exe 3.38、实验二exe 3.57)1、原理说明:对于简单的电阻电路,用Pspice软件进行电路的仿真分析时,现在要在capture环境(即Schematics程序)下画出电路图。





(2)原理图界面点击Get New Part图标,添加常用库,点击Add Library ,将常用库添加进来。

本例需添加Analog( 包含电阻、电容等无源器件),Soure(包含电压源、电流源等电源器件)。

在相应的库中选取电阻R,电压源IDC, F1(实验一),以及地线GND,点取Place 放到界面上。



如原理图无错误,则显示Pspice A/D 窗口。



Simple Electric CircuitThe Simple Electric Circuit will helpyou to learn the basic concepts ofelectricity and electrical circuits. Youwill experience and build a light circuitpowered by a battery and controlledby a switch. You will also learn aboutelectrical conductors and insulators.You will receive all the componentsand you must build the circuit bycutting the wire and connecting theparts according to the diagram in thispage.Connection of wires to the battery holder, switch and the lamp base are done using the screws or clips. You can use household tools such as a pair of scissors to cut the wire and remove the insulation from the contact points. You will also need a D size battery to power your circuit.Electricity and Conductivity Science Kit includes several experiments in Electrical Circuits, conductivity and properties of electricity. Some of the project ideas you may have using this kit are:1- Construct a Simple Electric Circuit (Grades 2 to 5)2- Can electricity create heat? (Grades 4 to 6, You will need a thermometer to show that the light bulb is getting hot.)3- Construct a Continuity tester and test conductivity of objects around you.The Simple Electric Circuit Kit includes:∙Wooden base to mount the circuit∙ 2 Light Bulbs∙ 1 lamp holder∙ 1 Battery holders∙ 1 Simple Switch (Known as knife switch)∙Screws used to mount the switch and the lamp holder∙Insulated solid copper wire (Gage 22)Opportunities for Science ProjectsYou may use your kit in relation to many different science projects. Construction of a simple electric circuit by itself may be used as a science project for many different grades. You may also use some color paper to make a nice lamp shade for it and use it as your night light. Some other students may need to use their completed circuitto do further research for their science project. Two common project ideas that use this kit are:1.Can electricity create heat? To do this project you will also need athermometer to show that the light bulb is getting hot.2.Identify conductors and insulators around you. It is important to know whatmaterials are conductive and what materials are not. The test is simple.Open the switch and place the object between the poles of the switch. If the light comes on, then the object is conductive. You may try this with metals (coins, paper clips, nails, etc.) and non-metals (glass, plastic, stone, wood, etc.)。



4700Ω 2
计算得:临界阻尼时电阻 R 理论值 相对误差: 34.8% 4 RLC 谐振电路 数据: R 1900Ω L
13mH C
f/KHz UR /V U/V cos φ φ f/KHz UR /V U/V cos φ 1.007 0.0643 5.28 0.012 ‐1.559 45.21 4.53 4.85 0.934 7.05 0.456 5.18 0.088 ‐1.483 55.85 3.86 4.94 0.781 13.16 0.893 5.16 0.173 ‐1.397 60.53 3.46 5.01 0.691 17.21 1.21 5.14 0.235 ‐1.333 67.16 2.89 5.06 0.571 21.98 1.63 5.04 0.323 ‐1.241 76.92 2.26 5.08 0.445 25.71 2.02 4.98 0.406 ‐1.153 87.72 1.80 5.07 0.355 28.63 2.36 4.91 0.481 ‐1.069 101.5 1.44 5.08 0.283 31.36 2.70 4.87 0.554 ‐0.983 123.8 1.04 5.08 0.205 34.07 3.08 4.82 0.639 ‐0.878 162.2 0.670 5.10 0.131 36.44 3.46 4.82 0.718 ‐0.770 242.5 0.303 5.10 0.059 39.43 3.91 4.77 0.820 ‐0.610 345.5 0.119 4.94 0.024
6 7 8 9
为保证波形稳定显示,在正确选择了触发源的前提下,还应注意调节触发电平旋钮 (LEVEL)。 示波器显示波形时,水平方向一般应调到两到三个周期,垂直方向则应调到波形的高度 占到满屏的三分之二或一半以上。 不要使示波器长时间停留于 X‐Y 方式,这样光点停留在一点不动,会使电子束长时间轰 击屏幕一点,会在荧光屏上形成暗斑,损坏荧光屏。 在观察过程中,应避免经常启闭电源。示波器暂时不用时不必断开电源,只需调节辉度 旋钮使亮点消失,到下次使用时再调节亮。因为每次电源接通时,示波管的灯丝尚处于 冷态,电阻很小,通过的电流很大,会缩短示波管寿命。







此功能是由类CLadderNetwork的InputParameter ()函数实现的。



用户输入的电势差、电阻总数、电阻值,并赋给CladderNetwork的数据,此功能是由类CLadderNetwork的InputParameter 函数实现的。



此功能是由类CLadderNetwork的Calculate ()函数实现的。

最后输出每个电阻上的电压和电流,此功能是由类CLadderNetwork 的PrintResult()函数实现的'。





以下是各个类的说明:class CResistance //电阻类private:double voltage;double resistance;double current;public:void InitParameter(); //初始化数据void SetResist(double r); //设置resistance的值void SetCur(double cur); //设置current的值void SetVol(double vol); //设置voltage的值void CalculateCurrent(); //由电阻的电压和电阻求电流double GetResist(){return resistance;} //获得resistance的值保证数据的安全性double GetCur(){return current;} //获得current的值double GetVol(){return voltage;} //获得voltage的值class CResistance //电阻类{private:CResistance resists[MAX_NUM]; //电阻数组int num;double srcPotential;public:void InitParameter(); //初始化数据void InputParameter(); //输入数据void Calculate(); //计算void PrintEveryPart(); //显示输入的数据以便检查void PrintResult(); //显示结果四、实验结果程序开始界面:错误输入-1(不能小于0)错误输入0 (不能为0)输入正确数据3输入错误数据-1输入错误数据0输入正确数据4同样给电阻输入数据也必须是正数现在一次输入2,2,1,1得到正确结果。



万用表实习报告英文回答:As a sophomore in electrical engineering, I wasrequired to complete a lab report on the multimeter, an essential tool for electrical engineers and hobbyists alike. The multimeter, or "multitester," is a versatile tool that can measure a variety of electrical properties, including voltage, current, and resistance.In this lab, I learned how to use the multimeter to measure the voltage of a battery, the current flowing through a resistor, and the resistance of a conductor. I also learned how to use the multimeter to troubleshoot a simple electrical circuit.Through this lab, I gained a valuable understanding of the fundamentals of electrical engineering and the importance of using the multimeter as a diagnostic tool.The multimeter is a versatile tool that can be used totroubleshoot a wide variety of electrical problems, from simple to complex.中文回答:作为一名电子工程二年级学生,我需要完成一份关于万用表的多功能仪器的实验报告,这对电气工程师和爱好者来说都是一个必备的工具。



简单的英语实验报告写一篇文章(Step by Step Thinking)引言这篇文章旨在描述一个简单的英语实验报告写作过程,通过逐步思考和分析的方法,帮助读者掌握如何写作一篇规范、清晰的英语实验报告。












例如,如果我们想比较两种不同的学习方法对学生成绩的影响,我们可以设计以下实验步骤: 1. 选择一组学生作为实验对象。

2. 将学生分为两组,分别采用不同的学习方法进行学习。

3. 设计相同的测试内容,并在一段时间后进行考试。

4. 比较两组学生的成绩,并进行数据统计和分析。























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Numberof the experiment: Circuit Theory 1 Experiment#1a
Name of the experiment: V oltage Current Measurement and Ohm’s Law
Experiment date: 2016-1-27
Submission date: 2016-2-3
Section number: ECE 2111-02
Student name: Xiaodong Zheng
Student number: 902733276
Partner: Matthew Davis
Instructor: Bilas Chowdhury
Purpose of the Experiment:
According to this lab, we are expect to master the measure method of resistance and current in a direct current circuit. We also be able to master the Ohm’s law in the dc circuit.
Equipment used:
•Digital multimeter
•DC power supply
•1KΩ resistor
•2KΩ resistor
Part A: Fixed Resistance, Variable Voltage
1)Verified the value of the 2K resistor by using the digital multimeter.
2)Connected the circuit as following figure 3-1.
Figure. 3-1
3)Adjusted the output voltages of the power supply to 8V and measure
the current.
4)Adjusted the output voltages of the power supply to 16V and measure
the current.
5)Changed the value of resistor to 1KΩ.
6)Adjusted the output voltagesof the power supply to 4V and measure
the current.
Part B: Fixed Voltage Variable Resistance
1)Closed the DC power supply.
2)Connected the circuit as following figure 3-2.
Figure 3-2
3)Changed the output voltages of the power supply to 8V and measure
the current.
4)Measured the voltages of each resistors.
5)Adjusted the output voltages to 4V and repeat the steps 3 and 4 of this
Part C:Computer Analysis
1)Used Multisim to build the circuit and repeat part A and part B.
2)Compared the simulation results with the experiment results.
Figure 3-3: Simulation Part A-1
Figure 3-4: Simulation Part A-2
Figure 3-5: Simulation Part A-3
Figure 3-6: Simulation Part B-1
Figure 3-7: Simulation Part B-2
Table of result:
Part A:
Table 3.1:Data of Part A
Table3.2.1:Data of Part B
Table3.2.2:Data of Part B-Percentage Error
Percentage Error = [(Experimental - Theoretical)/Theoretical]*100% Part A table 3.1: 8V , 2K %Error: 4 3.99
-⨯= 6V , 2K %Error:87.98
100%0.25%8-⨯= 4V , 1K %Error:
4 3.99
-⨯= Part B table 3.2.2: 8V , 2K R1 voltage %Error:
4 3.99
8V , 2K R2 voltage %Error:
-⨯= 8V , 2K R1&R2current %Error:2 1.99
-⨯= 4V , 2K R1 voltage %Error:2 1.98
100%0.5%2-⨯= 4V , 2K R2 voltage %Error:
2 1.99
-⨯= 4V , 2K R1&R2 current %Error:10.99
Discussion: According to this lab, I learned how to use the multimeter to measure the voltage of individual resistor and the current in a circuit. The most important thing in this lab is connecting circuit in correct method, the positive terminal of the multimeter should connected to DC power supply directly. Moreo ver, the core of this lab is ohm’s law, in seriescircuit the voltages of each resistor get equal total
each each total
V V R R =⨯ where
12total n R R R R =++
Besides, we also learned how to use Multisim to do the simulation that can verify the lab results.。
