







【主要组成成份】●预活化琼脂糖凝胶4B●缓冲液【原理】本试剂盒系用优质琼脂糖凝胶 4B活化后存放于保护液中和适合的偶联缓冲液制成,用活性咪唑碳酸酯基团偶联需要的配体。


【存储条件和有效期】存储条件:原包装应储存于4-8 C。




















注:线性流速=体积流速(L/h)/ 层析柱横截面积(cm2)这里所给出的范围是基于我们的立论知识和经验估计的。



准备阶段溴化氰活化琼脂糖™-4 B是以添加剂的形式冻干处理得到的。

这些添加剂在填料螯合所需的配体前必须在低pH(pH 2 – 3)条件下进行清洗。

活化后的活性基团也应该使用低pH 值(pH值2 – 3)保存,而在高pH值则会出现降解。

称取所需量的冻干粉(1 g冻干粉可获得3.5ml终体积的介质),使用1mM HCl悬浮。

介质会立刻膨胀,再用1mM HCl在玻璃过滤器中进行清洗15min。

每克冻干粉添加约200ml 1mM 的HCl溶胀,实际按几等分的量来添加。

螯合配体常规的配体螯合过程1.在螯合前,使用0.1 M NaHCO3、0.5 M NaCl pH 8.3的螯合缓冲液来溶解配体,每克冻干粉使用5ml螯合缓冲液溶解。




如上所述,用1mM HCl来溶胀和清洗冻干粉。

3. 在一个密封的容器里,将溶解的配体与待螯合的介质混合。

在室温下反复旋转混合约1 h或在4℃下过夜混合,其他温和的搅拌方法也可以使用的。


5.排除任何剩余的活性配体,将填料转移到0.1M Tris-HCl缓冲液pH 8.0或1M 乙醇胺,pH值8.0溶液中,保持2h。


























GE HealthcareInstructions 71-7086-00 AF Affinity mediaCNBr-activated Sepharose™ 4B CNBr-activated Sepharose 4B is a pre-activated medium for immobilization of ligands containing primary amines. It provides a very convenient way to immobilize ligands by the cyanogen bromide method. The coupling reaction is spontaneous, rapid and easy to carry out.The application area covers immobilization of proteins, peptides and nucleic acids.Table 1. Medium characteristics.Bead structure: 4% agaroseSpacer: NoneCoupling capacity: 25–60 mg α-chymotrypsinogen/ml drainedmediumBead size range: 45–165 μmAverage bead size: 90 μmMax linear flow rate*: 75 cm/h at 25°C, HR 16/10 column, 5 cm bed height pH stability**:Long term: 3–11Short term: 2–11Chemical stability***: Stable to all commonly used aqueous solutions.Can be used with non-ionic detergents, denaturingsolvents, e.g. 8 M urea and 6 M guanidinehydrochloride. Stable in organic solvents, such as50% dimethylformamide and 50% dioxane. Autoclavable: Not recommended* Linear flow rate = volumetric flow rate (cm3/h) column cross-sectional area (cm2)** The ranges given are estimates based on our knowledge and experience. Please note the following:pH stability, long term refers to the pH interval where the gel is stable over a longperiod of time without adverse effects on its subsequent chromatographic perfor-mance.pH stability, short term refers to the pH interval for regeneration, cleaning-in-place and sanitization procedures.*** Data refer to the coupled product, provided that the ligand can withstand the pH or chemical environment.p.Contents1. Preparing the medium 42. Coupling the ligand 43. Factors effecting the coupling efficiency 54. Packing Sepharose 4B 75. Binding 96. Elution 97. Regeneration 108. Storage 109. Further information 1010. Ordering information 11p.1. Preparing the mediumCNBr-activated Sepharose 4B is supplied lyophilized in the presence ofadditives. These additives must be washed away at low pH (pH 3) beforecoupling the desired ligand. The use of low pH (pH 3) preserves the activity ofthe reactive groups, which otherwise hydrolyze at high pH.Weigh out the required amount of powder (1 g lyophilized powder givesabout 3.5 ml final volume of medium) and suspend it in 1 mM HCl. Themedium swells immediately and should now be washed for 15 minutes with1 mM HCl on a sintered glass filter (porosity G3). Use approximately200 ml 1 mM HCl per gram freeze-dried powder, added in several aliquots. 2. Coupling the ligandGeneral ligand coupling procedure1. Dissolve the ligand to be coupled in coupling buffer, 0.1 M NaHCO3 pH 8.3 containing 0.5 M NaCl. Use about 5 ml coupling solution/glyophilized powder.About 5–10 mg protein per ml medium is recommended. For smallerligands add 1–10 μmoles per ml medium.2. Add the coupling solution containing the ligand with the preparedmedium suspension in a stoppered vessel.3. Rotate the mixture end-overend for 1 h at room temperature orovernight at 4 °C. Other gentle stirring methods may be employed.Do not use a magnetic stirrers as these can disrupt the Sepharosebeads.4. Wash away excess ligand with at least 5 medium (gel) volumes ofcoupling buffer.5. Block any remaining active groups. Transfer the medium to 0.1 M Tris-HCl buffer, pH 8.0 or 1 M ethanolamine, pH 8.0. Let it stand for 2 hours.p.6. Wash the medium with at least three cycles of alternating pH. Wash withat least 5 medium volumes of each buffer.Each cycle should consist of a wash with 0.1 M acetic acid/sodiumacetate, pH 4.0 containing 0.5 M NaCl followed by a wash with0.1 M Tris-HCl, pH 8 containing 0.5 M NaCl.3. Factors effecting the coupling efficiencypHThe coupling reaction proceeds most efficiently in the pH range 8–10 where the amino groups on the ligand are predominantly in the unprotonated form. A buffer at pH 8.3 is most frequently used for coupling proteins. Coupling at low pH is less efficient but may be advantegeous if the ligand looses biological activity when it is fixed firmly by multi-point attachmentor if steric hindrance between binding sites occurs when a large amount of high molecular weight ligand is immobilized. A buffer of approximately pH 6is used for coupling at low pH.Coupling solutionCoupling should be performed in bicarbonate or borate buffers. Tris andother buffer salts containing amino groups should not be used since thesewill couple to the medium.Organic solvents may be needed to dissolve the ligand. Dimethylformamide and dioxane may be used up to 50% of the final mixture. The same concentration of organic solvents should be included in the coupling buffer. Always adjust the pH after dissolving the ligand, since organic solvent usually lowers pH.p.SaltTo minimize protein-protein adsorption and the formation of proteinaggregates, it is recommended to have a high salt content, 0.5 M NaCl, in the coupling buffer.TemperatureCoupling is completed within 2 hours at room temperature, 20–25 °C. If cold room temperatures are necessary, coupling can be carried out overnight. Ligand concentrationA very high ligand concentration can have adverse effects on affinitychromatography. Firstly, the binding efficiency of the adsorbent maybe reduced due to steric hindrance between the active sites. Secondly,substances are more strongly bound to the immobilized ligand and this may result in difficult elution. Thirdly, the extent of non-specific binding increases at high ligand concentrations.For an efficient adsorbent, 1–10 μmoles ligand per ml medium isrecommended. For protein ligands, 5–10 mg protein per ml medium isrecommended.Controlling the coupling efficiencySometimes it may be necessary to reduce the number of coupling groups on the matrix to preserve the structure of the binding site in a labile molecule, or to facilitate elution when high binding constants make elution difficult or when steric effects reduce the binding efficiency of a large ligand.Reduced coupling activity may be achieved by controlled hydrolysis ofthe activated medium prior to coupling, or by coupling at a lower pH. Pre-hydrolysis reduces the number of active groups available for couplingand reduces the number of points of attachment between the protein and matrix as well as the amount of protein coupled. In this way a higher binding activity of the product is obtained. At pH 3, coupling activity is lost onlyslowly, whereas at pH 8.3 activity is lost fairly rapidly. A large molecule is coupled at only about half as many points after 4 h pre-hydrolysis at pH 8.3 as it is before the number of active groups was reduced.p. 6Blocking excess remaining groupsRemaining active groups on the medium should be deactivated or blocked after the coupling. These can be hydrolyzed in a mildly alkaline pH (2 hoursat room temperature or 16 h at 4 °C).Alternatively, these can also be blocked by adding an excess of a small primary amine (e.g. Tris-HCl, ethanolamine, glycine) at approximatelypH 8 (2 hours at room temperature or 16 h at 4 °C).These blocking agents introduce a small number of charged groups intothe medium. The effect of these charged groups is overcome by the useof a relatively high salt concentration (0.5 M NaCl) in the buffer for affinity chromatography.Washing the adsorbentTo remove excess of uncoupled ligand after coupling, the adsorbentis washed alternatively with high and low pH buffer solutions at leastthree times. Acetate buffer (0.1 M, pH 4) and coupling buffer (pH 8.3) each containing 0.5 M NaCl are suitable. This procedure ensures that no freeligand remains ionically bound to the immobilized ligand.4. Packing Sepharose 4BPrepare a slurry with binding buffer, see below, in a ratio of 75% settled medium to 25% buffer. The binding buffer should not contain agents which significantly increase the viscosity. The column may be equilibrated with viscous buffers at reduced flow rates after packing is completed.1. Equilibrate all material to the temperature at which the chromatographywill be performed.2. De-gas the medium slurry.3. Eliminate air from the column dead spaces by flushing the end pieceswith buffer. Make sure no air has been trapped under the column net.Close the column outlet with a few centimeters of buffer remaining in the column.p. 74. Pour the slurry into the column in one continuous motion. Pouring theslurry down a glass rod held against the wall of the column will minimize the introduction of air bubbles.5. Immediately fill the remainder of the column with buffer, mount thecolumn top piece onto the column and connect the column to a pump.6. Open the bottom outlet of the column and set the pump to run at thedesired flow rate. This should be at least 133% of the flow rate to beused during subsequent chromatographic procedures. However, themaximum flow rate, see Table 1, is typically employed during packing. Note: If you have packed at the maximum linear flow rate, do not exceed 75% of this in subsequent chromatographic procedures.7. Maintain the packing flow rate for 3 bed volumes after a constant bedheight is reached.Using an adapterAdapters should be fitted as follows:1. After the medium has been packed as described above, close thecolumn outlet and remove the top piece from the column. Carefully fillthe rest of the column with buffer to form an upward meniscus at thetop.2. Insert the adapter at an angle into the column, ensuring that no air istrapped under the net.3. Make all tubing connections at this stage. There must be a bubble-freeliquid connection between the column and the pump.4. Slide the plunger slowly down the column so that the air above thenet and in the capillary tubings is displaced by eluent. Valves on theinlet side of the column should be turned in all directions during thisprocedure to ensure that air is removed.5. Lock the adapter in position on the medium surface, open the columnoutlet and start the eluent flow. Pass eluent through the column at thepacking flow rate until the medium bed is stable. Re-position the adapter on the medium surface as necessary.The column is now packed and equilibrated and ready for use.p. 85. BindingConditions for binding depend on which ligand is used. Literature references and textbooks may give good guidelines.The adsorption will depend upon parameters such as sample concentration, flow rate, pH, buffer composition and temperature. General guidelines for adsorption are:• Sample pH should be the same as that of the binding buffer. Filter the sample through a 0.22 μm or 0.45 μm filter to prolong the working life of the medium.• After the sample has been loaded, wash the medium with binding buffer until the base line is stable.6. ElutionConditions for elution of bound substances depend on which ligand is used. Literature references and textbooks may give good guidelines.General guidelines are described below.• pH change: A change in pH alters the degree of ionization of charged groups at the binding sites. Elution is generally affected by a decrease in pH. The chemical stability of the matrix, ligand and adsorbed substances determines the limits of pH which may be used.•Ionic strength: A buffer with increased ionic strength is used. Elution with a continuous or step-wise gradient may be used. A gradient ofincreasing salt concentration can be used to separate substances bound to the adsorbent. NaCl is most frequently used and enzymes usuallyelute at a concentration of 1 M NaCl or less. If the interaction has a very high affinity, a chaotropic salt may be required.• Competitive elution: Competitive eluents are often used to selectively elute substances from a group specific adsorbent and also when theaffinities are relatively low. Selectively retained substances are usuallydisplaced at low concentrations of eluting agents, often less then 10 mM.Either continuous or step-wise gradients may be used.p.• Reduced polarity: Conditions which lower the polarity of the eluent to promote elution may be used if they do not inactivate elutedsubstances. Dioxane (up to 10%) or ethylene glycol (up to 50%) may beused.• Deforming eluents: If the elution methods described above fail to affect elution, deforming agents, such as chaotropic salts, guanidine-HCl orurea, which alter the structure of the proteins can be used.7. RegenerationConditions for regeneration depend on which ligand has been coupled.Literature references and textbooks may give good guideines.A general regeneration method is described below:An affinity medium may be regenerated for re-use by washing the medium with 2–3 column volumes of alternating high pH (0.1 M Tris-HCl, 0.5 M NaCl, pH 8.5) and low pH (0.1 M sodium acetate, 0.5 M NaCl, pH 4.5) buffers. This cycle should be repeated 3 times followed by re-equilibration in binding buffer.8. StorageLyophilized CNBr-activated Sepharose 4B should be stored below 8 °C.Swollen coupled medium should be stored at 4–8 °C in presence of abacteriostatic agent, e.g. 20% ethanol.9. Further informationCheck /protein-purification for more information.Useful information is also available in the Affinity ChromatographyHandbook, se ordering information.p. 1010. Ordering informationProduct Pack size Code No. CBNr-activated Sepharose 4B 15 g 17-0430-01250 g 17-0430-02 LiteratureAffinity Chromatography Handbook, 1 18-1022-29 Principles and MethodsAffinity Columns and Media, 1 18-1121-86 Product Profilep. 11GE, imagination at work and GE monogram are trademarks of General Electric Company.Drop Design and Sepharose are trademarks of GE Healthcare companies. © 1996-2009 General Electric Company – All rights reserved. Previously published Aug. 1996.All goods and services are sold subject to the terms and conditions of sale of the company within GE Healthcare which supplies them. A copy of these terms and conditions is available on request. Contact your local GE Healthcare representative for the most current information.GE Healthcare Europe GmbH Munzinger Strasse 5D-79111 Freiburg GermanyGE Healthcare UK Limited Amersham Place Little ChalfontBuckinghamshire, HP7 9NA UKGE Healthcare Bio-Sciences Corp.800 Centennial Avenue P.O. Box 1327Piscataway, NJ 08855-1327USAGE HealthcareJapan Corporation Sanken Bldg.3-25-1, HyakuninchoShinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-0073JapanFor local offoce contact information, visit /contact GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences AB Björkgatan 30751 84 Uppsala Sweden/protein-purification71-7086-00 AF 12/2009imagination at work。



5. 快速、方便,不需要使用有毒的苯酚、氯仿等试剂,也不需要 乙醇沉淀。
1. 所有的离心步骤均在室温完成,使用转速可以达到13,000rpm的 传统台式离心机,如Eppendorf 5415C 或者类似离心机。
2. 溶胶液中含有刺激性化合物,操作时要戴乳胶手套,避免沾染 皮肤,眼睛和衣服。若沾染皮肤、眼睛时,要立即用大量清水 或者生理盐水冲洗。
1. 在长波紫外灯下,用干净刀片将所需回收的DNA条带切下,尽 量切除不含DNA的凝胶,得到凝胶体积越小越好。
2. 将切下的含有DNA条带凝胶放入1.5ml离心管,称重。 先称一个空1.5ml离心管重量,然后放入凝胶块后再称一次,两次 重量相减,得到凝胶的重量。
3. 加3倍体积溶胶液DD。 如果凝胶重为100mg,其体积可视为100μl,则加入300μl溶胶液。 如果凝胶浓度大于2%,应加入6倍体积溶胶液。 4. 56℃水浴放置10分钟(或直至胶完全溶解)。每2-3分钟涡旋震
3. 回收纯化的DNA片段一般在100bp到40kb之间,过长、过短片段 的回收效率迅速降低。
4. 回收DNA的量和起始DNA的量、洗脱体积、DNA片断大小有 关。一般1-15μg, 100bp-5kb的DNA片段,回收率可高达85%。
5. 切胶回收时,紫外灯观察对DNA片段有损坏作用,应该尽可能 使用能量低的长波紫外线,并且尽可能的缩短紫外线下处理的 时间。



最适用层析技术: 凝胶过滤/离子交换 / 疏水 层析/反相层析
速度 回收率
14 / GE /
精细纯化: 凝胶过滤填料
Superdex™ Peptide
Mr 100 - 7 000
Superdex 75
Mr 3 000 - 70 000
Superdex 200
Mr 10 000 - 600 000
Gel type Bead size Fractionation range Globular proteins Fractionation range Dextrans Exclusion limit DNA 1000-100000 5000-250000 10000-1500000 20000-8000000 ND ND 1000-80000 2000-400000 10000-2000000 40000-20000000 ND 118 118 271 1078 Sephacryl S-100 HR 25-75um Sephacryl S-200 HR 25-75um Sephacryl S-300 HR 25-75um Sephacryl S-400 HR 25-75um Sephacryl S-500 HR 25-75um
Sephasil™ µ RPC
硅胶 C4, C8, C18
5 and 12 µ m 100 Å: 肽类 300 Å : 蛋白质
硅胶 C2/C18 3µ m
120 Å: 肽类
pH 1 - 12 (14)
5, 15 and 30 µ m 肽类
19 / GE /



环氧活化琼脂糖凝胶介质产品说明书1. 产品简介环氧活化琼脂糖凝胶介质可用于各种含有氨基、巯基或羟基的亲和配基(蛋白质、多肽、氨基酸或糖等)的偶联,应用十分广泛。



2. 产品特性3. 应用环氧活化琼脂糖凝胶介质可用于各种含有氨基、巯基或羟基的亲和配基(蛋白质、多肽、糖等)的偶联。

具体的操作步骤如下(以10 ml活化胶偶联BSA为例):清洗:用10-20倍胶体积的去离子水冲洗保存于50%DMSO的环氧活化胶,除去DMSO,抽干;偶联:称取200mg BSA,溶解于10ml 0.1M碳酸钠缓冲液(pH 9.0),加入到抽干的活化胶中,在摇床上振荡,37℃偶联12-24h(反应完毕后将料液转移到砂芯漏斗中抽干,收集料液用于未偶联BSA的分析和偶联配基密度的计算,活化胶水洗后抽干);封闭:将10ml抽干的偶联BSA的胶加入到100 ml三角瓶中,加入30 ml 1 mol/L 乙醇胺溶液。

反应温度恒定在37 ℃,搅拌速度120 rpm,反应时间4h。


清洗:偶联BSA的介质依次用5倍的去离子水、0.1 M含0.5 MNaCl的乙酸-乙酸钠缓冲液(pH 4.0)、去离子水、0.1M含0.5 MNaCl的硼酸-四硼酸钠缓冲液(pH 8.0)和去离子水充分洗涤后,抽干。




4. 其他服务(1)提供介质筛选及工艺开发的咨询。



Heparin Sepharose 6 Fast Flow原理肝素是一种含硫酸酯的酸性多糖,将它偶联到交联及活化的琼脂糖凝胶上,该填料具有很高的物理化学稳定性。


*图为含有交互转换的抗坏血酸的肝磷脂多糖的结构(A)和D-葡萄糖残基(B)分离操作结合缓冲液:20mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0或者10mM 磷酸钠, pH7.0洗脱缓冲液:20mM Tris-HCl, 1~2M NaCl, pH 8.0或者10mM 磷酸钠,1~2M NaCl, pH7.01,用10倍柱体积的结合缓冲液平衡柱子。











2,通过用4倍柱体积的0.1M NaOH溶液冲洗柱子1~2小时去除沉淀物或变性蛋白或用2倍的柱体积的6M的盐酸胍冲洗柱子30~60分钟,或者用2倍柱体积的6M的尿素冲洗30~60分钟。




第27卷第4期2005年8月大连医科大学学报Journal of Dalian Medical UniversityVol.27No.4Aug.2005环氧氯丙烷法活化琼脂糖凝胶及其动力学分析甄宇红1,杨青2,张宝1(1.大连医科大学药学院,辽宁大连116027; 2.大连理工大学环境与生命学院生物科学与生物工程系,辽宁大连116023)摘要:[目的]探索环氧氯丙烷法活化琼脂糖凝胶的最佳反应条件,建立活化反应动力学模型。




[结果]环氧氯丙烷法活化琼脂糖凝胶的最佳反应条件为:5g琼脂糖、7.5mL0.8mol/L氢氧化钠、2 mL环氧氯丙烷以及10mg硼氢化钠于25e反应8h。







但CNBr 是剧毒品,而且CNBr活化的介质在偶联配基后常有泄漏现象,因此,Clonis[3]提出了3种有可能取代溴化氰并适用于工业化生产的活化方法,即二溴丙醇法,双环氧化合物法和环氧氯丙烷法。


蓝晓生物科技CNBr Activated Seplife FF介质说明书

蓝晓生物科技CNBr Activated Seplife FF介质说明书

CNBr Activated Seplife FF说明书1.产品介绍CNBr Activated Seplife FF琼脂糖层析介质是蓝晓科技自主研发的一种新型活化中间体填料,它是通过溴化氰和琼脂糖上面的羟基反应生成活化的氰酸酯基团。



2.性能介绍产品牌号CNBr Activated Seplife FF外观白色球状冻干粉,无臭无味基质Seplife4FF配基溴化氰形状球形最大线性流量75cm/h(25℃),直径1.6cm色谱柱,5cm柱床高粒径(μm)45~165偶联能力20~60mg α-胰凝乳蛋白酶原/ml凝胶pH稳定性2~11在以下溶液中稳定:6M盐酸胍;8M尿素;非离子型表面活性剂;化学稳定性一般有机溶剂:50%二甲基甲酰胺、50%二氧六环应用活化中间体,用于偶联配基3.使用方法下面简要介绍介质偶联配体的使用过程。


3.1干粉的溶胀称取一定量的CNBr Activated Seplife FF冻干粉放置在1mmol/L HCl中悬浮溶胀,放置大约30分钟后抽滤,用约15倍胶体积的 1mmol/L HCl溶液冲洗干净,用偶联缓冲液洗涤,抽干。

3.2 配基的偶联一般配体偶联的过程如下:(1)将所需要偶联的配基溶解到含有0.5mol/L NaCl 的0.1mol/LNaHCO3 (pH8.3)缓冲溶液中,加入溶胀好的CNBr activated seplife®4B。



(4)将反应完洗涤过的凝胶悬浮到水中,加入乙醇胺(1mol/L)或者pH8.0 T ris-HCl缓冲液,在常温最少搅拌反应2小时,以消除残余活性基团。









关键词:琼脂糖磁性微球活化AbstractGenerally speaking, the higher the activation degree of agarose magnetic microspheres is, the more affinity ligands can be grafted. So that the adsorptive capacity of microspheres for protein purification and the efficiency of immobilized enzyme can be higher. This paper investigated optimal conditions for the activation of agarose magnetic microspheres, using epichlorohydrin as activating agent. Firstly, agarose magnetic microspheres were prepared by reverse suspended embedding method. The microspheres possessed magnetic responsibility because of the interior Fe3O4ultrafine powder. The effects of sodium hydroxide concentration,epichlorohydrin volume fraction,NaBH4 concentration,activation temperature and activation time on activation degree were investigated,according to the density of surface epoxy group .The optimal conditions are obtained as followed:sodium hydroxide concentration,epichlorohydrin volume fraction,NaBH4 concentration ,activation temperature and activation time is 0.9 mol/L, 40%, 0.5 g/L, 40 ℃, 4 h, respectively. The carrier activated by epichlorohydrin can be of good stability and has 3 carbon atom space arm. This paper also studied the activation of agarose magnetic microspheres using 1, 4-butyl glycol two glycidyl ether as activating agent. The experiments in which agarose magnetic microspheres were failed to be activated were operated under similar methods and conditions. The relevant researches are yet to be further developed.Keywords:Agarose; magnetic microspheres; activation目录摘要 (I)ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................... I I 目录. (IV)第一章文献综述 (1)1.1固定化酶技术的研究意义 (1)1.2固定化酶载体基质材料 (2)1.2.1固定化酶载体基质材料性质要求 (2)1.2.2固定化酶载体材料研究进展 (2)1.3固定化酶载体的表面修饰 (3)1.3.1固定化酶载体表面修饰原则 (3)1.3.2固定化酶载体表面修饰环氧基 (4)1.4固定化酶载体的间隔臂 (6)1.5固定化酶载体的配位体 (6)1.6展望 (7)1.7本论文研究内容及意义 (7)第二章琼脂糖微球的制备 (9)2.1实验试剂及仪器 (9)2.1.1实验试剂 (9)2.1.2实验仪器 (9)2.2实验方法及步骤 (10)2.3实验结果及讨论 (10)第三章琼脂糖磁性微球活化条件研究 (12)3.1微球活化方法论证 (12)3.2环氧基分析方法论证 (12)3.3实验试剂及仪器 (13)3.3.1实验试剂 (13)3.3.2实验仪器 (14)3.4实验方法及步骤 (14)3.4.1琼脂糖磁性微球的活化 (14)3.4.2琼脂糖磁性微球环氧基修饰密度的分析 (15)3.5实验结果及分析 (15)3.5.1活化后琼脂糖磁性微球的性质 (15)3.5.2琼脂糖磁性微球活化条件探究结果分析 (16)氢氧化钠溶液浓度的影响 (16)环氧氯丙烷体积分数的影响 (17)硼氢化钠的浓度的影响 (18)活化温度的影响 (18)活化时间的影响 (19)第五章全文总结及展望 (21)5.1全文总结 (21)5.2展望 (21)参考文献 (23)致谢...................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

第7章 亲和层析

第7章 亲和层析

通用性配体一般是指特异性不是很强,能和某一类的蛋 白质等生物大分子结合的配体,如各种凝集素(lectine) 可以结合各种糖蛋白,核酸可以结合RNA、结合RNA的蛋白质 等。通用性配体对生物大分子的专一性虽然不如特异性配体, 但通过选择合适的洗脱条件也可以得到很高的分辨率。而且 这些配体还具有结构稳定、偶联率高、吸附容量高、易于洗 脱、价格便宜等优点,所以在实验中得到了广泛的应用。
4) 配体自身应具有较好的稳定性,在实验中能够 耐受偶联以及洗脱时可能的的较剧烈的条件,可以 多次重复使用。
根据配体对待分离物质的亲和性的不同,可以将其分为 两类:特异性配体(specific ligand)和通用性配体 (general ligand)。 特异性配体一般是指只与单一或很少种类的蛋白质等生 物大分子结合的配体。如生物素和亲和素、抗原和抗体、酶 和它的抑制剂、激素-受体等,它们结合都具有很高的特异 性,用这些物质作为配体都属于特异性配体。配体的特异性 是保证亲和层析高分辨率的重要因素,但寻找特异性配体一 般是比较困难的,尤其对于一些性质不很了解的生物大分子, 要找到合适的特异性配体通常需要大量的实验。
(4)凝集素 凝集素(lectin)是与糖特异性结合的蛋白质(酶和抗体除外)的 总称,大部分凝集素为多聚体,含有两个以上的糖结合部位,不同的 凝集素与糖结合的特异性不同。例如,常用做亲和配基的伴刀豆球蛋 白A(concanavalin A,con A)与葡聚糖和甘露糖的亲和结合作用较强, 而麦芽糖凝集素(wheat germ agglutinin,WGA)与N-乙酰葡糖胺 (N-acetyl-glucosamine)的亲和结合作用较强。 Con A可用做糖蛋白、多糖、糖脂等含糖生物大分子以及全细胞、 细胞膜片断和细胞表面受体蛋白的亲和配基。pH<5.6时con A为二聚 体,分子量为52KD;pH>5.6时为四聚体,分子量为102KD,每个亚基 (subunit)之间通过二硫键结合。因此,在利用con A为配基的亲和 层析操作中,操作条件(pH,溶液组成)应当适宜,不能使con A的亚 基发生解离。









二、技术操作(一)实验准备1.实验材料:兔子血清2.抗原偶联亲和柱的制备(1)试剂与耗材:1)材料:CNBr活化的交联琼脂糖-4B;2)试剂:①偶联液:Buffer A:1mM HCl,体积为1L;Buffer B(pH8.3):8.4g NaHCO3(0.1M)+29.25g NaCl(0.5M)+2.5mL12% SKL(0.03%),加水定容至1L;②封闭液(pH8.0):12.1g Tris-HCl(0.1M)+29.25g NaCl(0.5M),加水定容至1L;③清洗液(pH4.0):29.25g NaCl(0.5M)+11.5mL冰醋酸,加水定容至1L;④亲和纯化试剂:1xPBS缓冲溶液(pH7.4),0.1M Gly-HCl(pH2.7);⑤其他试剂:硫酸铵,考马斯亮蓝G-2503)仪器与设备:Thermo台式离心机miro17R酶标仪(2)实验步骤①清洗:称取0.2g的CNBr活化交联琼脂糖-4B到柱子中,用偶联液A(1mM HCl)清洗,再用偶联液B清洗3-4遍。

②偶联:用偶联液B溶解的蛋白与填料介质混合,室温旋转孵育1h或4℃过夜;再用偶联液B洗去多余的蛋白;③封闭:将上述填料转移到封闭液(0.1M Tris-HCl,pH8.0)中封闭,室温封闭2h或4℃过夜;④循环清洗:封闭液(pH8.0)和清洗液(pH4.0)交替清洗填料至少3个循环;⑤平衡:用1xPBS缓冲溶液(pH7.4)平衡填料⑥保存:4℃,20%乙醇;3.多抗亲和纯化(1)硫酸铵沉淀①样品预处理:取过滤后的血清,用1xPBS稀释4-5倍;②硫酸铵沉淀:称取终浓度为0.277mg/mL的硫酸铵(45%)。


理想的基质应符合下面的要求: 1.极低的非特异性吸附。 2.高度的亲水性。 3.较好的理化稳定性。 4.大量的化学基团能被有效地活化,而且容易和配体结合。 5.适当的多孔性。
一般亲和吸附剂采用的基质有纤维素、聚丙烯酰胺凝胶、交联 葡聚糖、琼脂糖、交联琼脂糖、多孔玻璃珠等。
考虑样品组分的种类和性质、分离的规模及对分辨率 的要求、流动相条件:
待分离物分子量,对介质孔径的选择提供指导; 样品组分的疏水性质决定采用何种配基; 分离的规模及对分辨率的要求也是须考虑的因素,通
常分离规模和分辨率的关系是负相关的 ; 反相层析时的流动相条件很大程度上影响反相介质基
层析填料的选择 及装柱技术介绍
佳辰公司生物中心 陈阶
(一般包括蛋白、酶、重组蛋白、单抗、抗体及抗原、肽类、病毒、 核酸等)
二、纯化所要达到的目的(粗提?中度纯化? 精细纯化?)。

1. 凝胶过滤 ( Gf)
易脱落。 4) 配体自身应具有较好的稳定性。
根据配体对待分离物质的亲和性的不同,可以将其分为 两类:特异性配体(specific ligand)和通用性配体 (general ligand)
(1)酶的抑制剂 (2)抗体 (3)A蛋白 A蛋白(protein A)为分子量约42KD的蛋白质,
Sephadex LH-20 同时具备亲水和亲脂双重性质, 且被分离物质的极性在分离过程中起着重要作 用。
Pharmadex LH-20同时适用于分子类别非常相似 的物质的分离和工业规模的制备,既可用于初 步纯化步骤,也可用于最终精制步骤,如非对 映同分异构体的分离。




1)我现在手头有个融合蛋白,纯化的时候用助溶剂溶解后做了GST 亲和层析,之后用蛋白酶切割后却发现目的蛋白没有活性。



洗脱完融合蛋白不需要助溶剂,但这样的条件下切割完后目的蛋白会沉淀,我用0.5%CHAPS 助溶可勉强溶解部分,目的蛋白疏水性比较强。







CNBr活化琼脂糖凝胶 4FF

CNBr活化琼脂糖凝胶 4FF

CNBr-Activated Crystarose 4FF活性基团:C≡N一、简介CNBr-Activated Crystarose 4FF 是CNBr预活化填料,它采用平均粒径为45-165μm的交联琼脂糖凝胶。




四、应用实例实验名称:偶联牛血清白蛋白(BSA)实验步骤:1、取BSA 100mg 溶解于10ml 的0.1M 碳酸钠缓冲液中,pH8.5。

2、称量活化填料1g,(1g 干的活化的填料经完全溶胀为4-5ml)。

3、在抽滤瓶中用3倍体积1mM HCL清洗填料,或用5倍体积浸泡填料后丢弃上清,尽量吸干液体(可选方法:也可不用清洗直接加入偶联蛋白液进行偶联)。

4、将清洗后的填料加入BSA 溶液中混合,在摇床上振荡,室温偶联3 小时以上或者4℃过夜。

5、然后加用Tris-HCL缓冲液或者加入50mg 甘氨酸,室温反应2小时以上以封闭剩余的基团。

6、将偶联后的BSA 的填料装柱子,用5—10倍体积的0.5M NaCl溶液洗柱,收集洗脱液。

7、偶联量测定:计算方法:BSA 的偶联量=(B0—B1)/V。

注:B0:偶联前BSA 总蛋白量,单位:mg。

B1:偶联后(洗柱液)未偶联的BSA 总蛋白量,单位:mg。







【1. 历史发展】(1)亲和层析技术自1968年被发明以来,经历了多年的发展和改进。






【2. 原理】琼脂糖亲和层析填料的原理是基于分子之间的亲和性相互作用。




【3. 应用领域】琼脂糖亲和层析填料在生物医药和生物工程领域有着广泛的应用。





CNBr 4FF 使用说明书

CNBr 4FF 使用说明书

网址:CNBr 4FF使用说明书为确保产品的性能和无忧的操作,使用前请仔细阅读本手册,有任何疑问请咨询本公司售后技术支持或当地的销售人员。

1. 产品介绍CNBr 4FF是经过溴化氰活化后含有氰酸酯基团的快流速纯化介质,适用于偶联蛋白质、多肽、核酸等含有氨基的生物分子。


特点如下:a. 应用广泛,可适用于偶联含氨基的生物类大分子。

b. 多点偶联,简单、灵活、快速、有效,能高效的维持生物分子的生物学活性及稳定性。

c. 流速快、产率高、易于放大。

表1:介质性能参数基质高度交联4%的琼脂糖粒径范围45-165µm平均粒径90µm结合载量30mg(Trypsinogen)/ml(介质)pH稳定性3-11(长期)2-11(短期)最大流速700cm/h操作压力≤0.3MPa贮存溶液100%丙酮贮存温度4-8℃2. 偶联条件a.(A液)清洗取适量的沉降胶(0.83g清洗完成后约为1.0ml),用5倍体积的A液将介质重悬,5min后将溶液抽干。



b. 配基溶液的制备将要偶联的生物分子用B液溶解或者将生物分子置换到B液中(生物分子浓度为1-10mg/ml,建议为5mg/ml)。


c. 偶联将清洗完的介质和准备好的样品按等比例(体积比)混合,室温条件下温和混匀3-4h。







e. 封闭用5倍体积的C液进行重悬,室温条件下温和混匀3-4小时后,将溶液抽干。



二乙基氨基乙基-亲和层析蓝胶使用说明书目录号码153-7307介绍二乙基氨基乙基亲和层析蓝胶是一种双功能基团离子交换/亲和层析介质,该介质是由同时偶联有Cibacron Blue F3GA和二乙基氨基乙基BIO-GEL A-5m的基团的琼脂糖。

Cibacron Blue F3GA是一种离子型的、憎水的基团,其空间活性结合位点对具有双核苷酸折叠的蛋白质具有吸附作用,如白蛋白。







产品描述填料Bio Gel A-5m 琼脂胶颗粒半径150-300纳米(50-100网孔)洗脱方法0.01MTris,pH8,0.15MNaCl,0.04%NaN3官能团Cibacron blue and diethylaminoethy1(亲和分离介质三嗪染料和DEAE)推荐流速范围15-25cm/hr压力限定15pis容量血清0.2-1ml血清/蓝胶IgG的收率>55%白蛋白的收率>90%蛋白酶的去除率100%稳定性pH 2-11有机溶剂酒精温度不耐高温高压存储在0.02% NaN3或其他防腐剂中,4℃保存,一年*使用1.5*20cm的柱子和流动相1:1的压力下,确定的流速。



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GE HealthcareInstructions 71-7086-00 AF Affinity mediaCNBr-activated Sepharose™ 4B CNBr-activated Sepharose 4B is a pre-activated medium for immobilization of ligands containing primary amines. It provides a very convenient way to immobilize ligands by the cyanogen bromide method. The coupling reaction is spontaneous, rapid and easy to carry out.The application area covers immobilization of proteins, peptides and nucleic acids.Table 1. Medium characteristics.Bead structure: 4% agaroseSpacer: NoneCoupling capacity: 25–60 mg α-chymotrypsinogen/ml drainedmediumBead size range: 45–165 μmAverage bead size: 90 μmMax linear flow rate*: 75 cm/h at 25°C, HR 16/10 column, 5 cm bed height pH stability**:Long term: 3–11Short term: 2–11Chemical stability***: Stable to all commonly used aqueous solutions.Can be used with non-ionic detergents, denaturingsolvents, e.g. 8 M urea and 6 M guanidinehydrochloride. Stable in organic solvents, such as50% dimethylformamide and 50% dioxane. Autoclavable: Not recommended* Linear flow rate = volumetric flow rate (cm3/h) column cross-sectional area (cm2)** The ranges given are estimates based on our knowledge and experience. Please note the following:pH stability, long term refers to the pH interval where the gel is stable over a longperiod of time without adverse effects on its subsequent chromatographic perfor-mance.pH stability, short term refers to the pH interval for regeneration, cleaning-in-place and sanitization procedures.*** Data refer to the coupled product, provided that the ligand can withstand the pH or chemical environment.p.Contents1. Preparing the medium 42. Coupling the ligand 43. Factors effecting the coupling efficiency 54. Packing Sepharose 4B 75. Binding 96. Elution 97. Regeneration 108. Storage 109. Further information 1010. Ordering information 11p.1. Preparing the mediumCNBr-activated Sepharose 4B is supplied lyophilized in the presence ofadditives. These additives must be washed away at low pH (pH 3) beforecoupling the desired ligand. The use of low pH (pH 3) preserves the activity ofthe reactive groups, which otherwise hydrolyze at high pH.Weigh out the required amount of powder (1 g lyophilized powder givesabout 3.5 ml final volume of medium) and suspend it in 1 mM HCl. Themedium swells immediately and should now be washed for 15 minutes with1 mM HCl on a sintered glass filter (porosity G3). Use approximately200 ml 1 mM HCl per gram freeze-dried powder, added in several aliquots. 2. Coupling the ligandGeneral ligand coupling procedure1. Dissolve the ligand to be coupled in coupling buffer, 0.1 M NaHCO3 pH 8.3 containing 0.5 M NaCl. Use about 5 ml coupling solution/glyophilized powder.About 5–10 mg protein per ml medium is recommended. For smallerligands add 1–10 μmoles per ml medium.2. Add the coupling solution containing the ligand with the preparedmedium suspension in a stoppered vessel.3. Rotate the mixture end-overend for 1 h at room temperature orovernight at 4 °C. Other gentle stirring methods may be employed.Do not use a magnetic stirrers as these can disrupt the Sepharosebeads.4. Wash away excess ligand with at least 5 medium (gel) volumes ofcoupling buffer.5. Block any remaining active groups. Transfer the medium to 0.1 M Tris-HCl buffer, pH 8.0 or 1 M ethanolamine, pH 8.0. Let it stand for 2 hours.p.6. Wash the medium with at least three cycles of alternating pH. Wash withat least 5 medium volumes of each buffer.Each cycle should consist of a wash with 0.1 M acetic acid/sodiumacetate, pH 4.0 containing 0.5 M NaCl followed by a wash with0.1 M Tris-HCl, pH 8 containing 0.5 M NaCl.3. Factors effecting the coupling efficiencypHThe coupling reaction proceeds most efficiently in the pH range 8–10 where the amino groups on the ligand are predominantly in the unprotonated form. A buffer at pH 8.3 is most frequently used for coupling proteins. Coupling at low pH is less efficient but may be advantegeous if the ligand looses biological activity when it is fixed firmly by multi-point attachmentor if steric hindrance between binding sites occurs when a large amount of high molecular weight ligand is immobilized. A buffer of approximately pH 6is used for coupling at low pH.Coupling solutionCoupling should be performed in bicarbonate or borate buffers. Tris andother buffer salts containing amino groups should not be used since thesewill couple to the medium.Organic solvents may be needed to dissolve the ligand. Dimethylformamide and dioxane may be used up to 50% of the final mixture. The same concentration of organic solvents should be included in the coupling buffer. Always adjust the pH after dissolving the ligand, since organic solvent usually lowers pH.p.SaltTo minimize protein-protein adsorption and the formation of proteinaggregates, it is recommended to have a high salt content, 0.5 M NaCl, in the coupling buffer.TemperatureCoupling is completed within 2 hours at room temperature, 20–25 °C. If cold room temperatures are necessary, coupling can be carried out overnight. Ligand concentrationA very high ligand concentration can have adverse effects on affinitychromatography. Firstly, the binding efficiency of the adsorbent maybe reduced due to steric hindrance between the active sites. Secondly,substances are more strongly bound to the immobilized ligand and this may result in difficult elution. Thirdly, the extent of non-specific binding increases at high ligand concentrations.For an efficient adsorbent, 1–10 μmoles ligand per ml medium isrecommended. For protein ligands, 5–10 mg protein per ml medium isrecommended.Controlling the coupling efficiencySometimes it may be necessary to reduce the number of coupling groups on the matrix to preserve the structure of the binding site in a labile molecule, or to facilitate elution when high binding constants make elution difficult or when steric effects reduce the binding efficiency of a large ligand.Reduced coupling activity may be achieved by controlled hydrolysis ofthe activated medium prior to coupling, or by coupling at a lower pH. Pre-hydrolysis reduces the number of active groups available for couplingand reduces the number of points of attachment between the protein and matrix as well as the amount of protein coupled. In this way a higher binding activity of the product is obtained. At pH 3, coupling activity is lost onlyslowly, whereas at pH 8.3 activity is lost fairly rapidly. A large molecule is coupled at only about half as many points after 4 h pre-hydrolysis at pH 8.3 as it is before the number of active groups was reduced.p. 6Blocking excess remaining groupsRemaining active groups on the medium should be deactivated or blocked after the coupling. These can be hydrolyzed in a mildly alkaline pH (2 hoursat room temperature or 16 h at 4 °C).Alternatively, these can also be blocked by adding an excess of a small primary amine (e.g. Tris-HCl, ethanolamine, glycine) at approximatelypH 8 (2 hours at room temperature or 16 h at 4 °C).These blocking agents introduce a small number of charged groups intothe medium. The effect of these charged groups is overcome by the useof a relatively high salt concentration (0.5 M NaCl) in the buffer for affinity chromatography.Washing the adsorbentTo remove excess of uncoupled ligand after coupling, the adsorbentis washed alternatively with high and low pH buffer solutions at leastthree times. Acetate buffer (0.1 M, pH 4) and coupling buffer (pH 8.3) each containing 0.5 M NaCl are suitable. This procedure ensures that no freeligand remains ionically bound to the immobilized ligand.4. Packing Sepharose 4BPrepare a slurry with binding buffer, see below, in a ratio of 75% settled medium to 25% buffer. The binding buffer should not contain agents which significantly increase the viscosity. The column may be equilibrated with viscous buffers at reduced flow rates after packing is completed.1. Equilibrate all material to the temperature at which the chromatographywill be performed.2. De-gas the medium slurry.3. Eliminate air from the column dead spaces by flushing the end pieceswith buffer. Make sure no air has been trapped under the column net.Close the column outlet with a few centimeters of buffer remaining in the column.p. 74. Pour the slurry into the column in one continuous motion. Pouring theslurry down a glass rod held against the wall of the column will minimize the introduction of air bubbles.5. Immediately fill the remainder of the column with buffer, mount thecolumn top piece onto the column and connect the column to a pump.6. Open the bottom outlet of the column and set the pump to run at thedesired flow rate. This should be at least 133% of the flow rate to beused during subsequent chromatographic procedures. However, themaximum flow rate, see Table 1, is typically employed during packing. Note: If you have packed at the maximum linear flow rate, do not exceed 75% of this in subsequent chromatographic procedures.7. Maintain the packing flow rate for 3 bed volumes after a constant bedheight is reached.Using an adapterAdapters should be fitted as follows:1. After the medium has been packed as described above, close thecolumn outlet and remove the top piece from the column. Carefully fillthe rest of the column with buffer to form an upward meniscus at thetop.2. Insert the adapter at an angle into the column, ensuring that no air istrapped under the net.3. Make all tubing connections at this stage. There must be a bubble-freeliquid connection between the column and the pump.4. Slide the plunger slowly down the column so that the air above thenet and in the capillary tubings is displaced by eluent. Valves on theinlet side of the column should be turned in all directions during thisprocedure to ensure that air is removed.5. Lock the adapter in position on the medium surface, open the columnoutlet and start the eluent flow. Pass eluent through the column at thepacking flow rate until the medium bed is stable. Re-position the adapter on the medium surface as necessary.The column is now packed and equilibrated and ready for use.p. 85. BindingConditions for binding depend on which ligand is used. Literature references and textbooks may give good guidelines.The adsorption will depend upon parameters such as sample concentration, flow rate, pH, buffer composition and temperature. General guidelines for adsorption are:• Sample pH should be the same as that of the binding buffer. Filter the sample through a 0.22 μm or 0.45 μm filter to prolong the working life of the medium.• After the sample has been loaded, wash the medium with binding buffer until the base line is stable.6. ElutionConditions for elution of bound substances depend on which ligand is used. Literature references and textbooks may give good guidelines.General guidelines are described below.• pH change: A change in pH alters the degree of ionization of charged groups at the binding sites. Elution is generally affected by a decrease in pH. The chemical stability of the matrix, ligand and adsorbed substances determines the limits of pH which may be used.•Ionic strength: A buffer with increased ionic strength is used. Elution with a continuous or step-wise gradient may be used. A gradient ofincreasing salt concentration can be used to separate substances bound to the adsorbent. NaCl is most frequently used and enzymes usuallyelute at a concentration of 1 M NaCl or less. If the interaction has a very high affinity, a chaotropic salt may be required.• Competitive elution: Competitive eluents are often used to selectively elute substances from a group specific adsorbent and also when theaffinities are relatively low. Selectively retained substances are usuallydisplaced at low concentrations of eluting agents, often less then 10 mM.Either continuous or step-wise gradients may be used.p.• Reduced polarity: Conditions which lower the polarity of the eluent to promote elution may be used if they do not inactivate elutedsubstances. Dioxane (up to 10%) or ethylene glycol (up to 50%) may beused.• Deforming eluents: If the elution methods described above fail to affect elution, deforming agents, such as chaotropic salts, guanidine-HCl orurea, which alter the structure of the proteins can be used.7. RegenerationConditions for regeneration depend on which ligand has been coupled.Literature references and textbooks may give good guideines.A general regeneration method is described below:An affinity medium may be regenerated for re-use by washing the medium with 2–3 column volumes of alternating high pH (0.1 M Tris-HCl, 0.5 M NaCl, pH 8.5) and low pH (0.1 M sodium acetate, 0.5 M NaCl, pH 4.5) buffers. This cycle should be repeated 3 times followed by re-equilibration in binding buffer.8. StorageLyophilized CNBr-activated Sepharose 4B should be stored below 8 °C.Swollen coupled medium should be stored at 4–8 °C in presence of abacteriostatic agent, e.g. 20% ethanol.9. Further informationCheck /protein-purification for more information.Useful information is also available in the Affinity ChromatographyHandbook, se ordering information.p. 1010. Ordering informationProduct Pack size Code No. CBNr-activated Sepharose 4B 15 g 17-0430-01250 g 17-0430-02 LiteratureAffinity Chromatography Handbook, 1 18-1022-29 Principles and MethodsAffinity Columns and Media, 1 18-1121-86 Product Profilep. 11GE, imagination at work and GE monogram are trademarks of General Electric Company.Drop Design and Sepharose are trademarks of GE Healthcare companies. © 1996-2009 General Electric Company – All rights reserved. Previously published Aug. 1996.All goods and services are sold subject to the terms and conditions of sale of the company within GE Healthcare which supplies them. A copy of these terms and conditions is available on request. Contact your local GE Healthcare representative for the most current information.GE Healthcare Europe GmbH Munzinger Strasse 5D-79111 Freiburg GermanyGE Healthcare UK Limited Amersham Place Little ChalfontBuckinghamshire, HP7 9NA UKGE Healthcare Bio-Sciences Corp.800 Centennial Avenue P.O. Box 1327Piscataway, NJ 08855-1327USAGE HealthcareJapan Corporation Sanken Bldg.3-25-1, HyakuninchoShinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-0073JapanFor local offoce contact information, visit /contact GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences AB Björkgatan 30751 84 Uppsala Sweden/protein-purification71-7086-00 AF 12/2009imagination at work。
