MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT-Las Vegas 酒店管理合同范本全英文




1. 甲方委托乙方管理其拥有的(酒店名称)酒店的日常运营管理工作,包括但不限于客房预订、接待、餐饮及设施维护等事务。

2. 乙方应尽职尽责地执行酒店管理工作,确保服务质量和营运效益的提升。


1. 甲方应按约定支付管理费用给乙方,具体数额详见附表。

2. 乙方应按约定提供酒店管理服务,确保服务质量,以获取应得的管理费用。



1. 双方任何一方如发现对方违反协议内容,可提前终止本协议。

2. 协议到期日前,双方无意愿续签的,应提前(具体时间)通知对方终止协议。

1. 本协议未尽事宜,双方可另行协商补充。

2. 本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,均具有同等效力。





MANAGEMENAGREEMENLasVegas酒店管理合同范本全英文(可编辑)MANAGEMENTAGREEMENTbyandbetweenLASVEGASSANDS,INC ,aNevadacorporation(Owner)andFORESTCITYCOMMERCIALMANA GEMENT,INC,anOhiocorporation(FCMIorAgent)PhaseIandPhaseIILasV egas(ClarkCounty),NevadaPAGEINDEXARTICLEI:EngagementARTIC LEII:FCMIsObligationsARTICLEIII:TermARTICLEIV:TerminationART ICLEV:CompensationARTICLEVI:FCMIsStaffARTICLEVII:Assignmen tARTICLEVIII:NoticesARTICLEIX:AmendmentARTICLEX:Severabilit yARTICLEXI:RemediesCumulativeARTICLEXII:SuccessorsandAssigns ARTICLEXIII:LawApplicableARTICLEXIV:ConsentorWaiverARTICLE XV:IndemnityARTICLEXVI:MiscellaneousARTICLEXVII:BondingAR TICLEXVIII:LenderProvisionsPAGEMANAGEMENTAGREEMENTT HISAGREEMENT,madeasofthedayof,,byandbetweenLASVEGASSAND S,INC(Owner),aNevadacorporation,withofficesatLasVegasBoulevardSout h,LasVegas,Nevada,andFORESTCITYCOMMERCIALMANAGEMENT ,INC(FCMIorAgent),anOhiocorporation,withofficesatTerminalTower,Cle veland,OhioWITNESSETH:WHEREAS,Ownerintendstodevelopintwo()p hasesanenclosedretailcenterPhaseIwillcontainapproximately,squandcostst obechargedtoOwnerbyFCMITheabovecoststobepaidbyOwnertoFCMIupo nreceiptofinvoiceForpurposesofthisAgreement,openingdateoftheShoppingCenterforbusinesstothepublicshallmeanthedatethatthefirsttenantintheSho ppingCenteropensforbusiness(b)Owneragreesthatbeginningontheopening dateoftheShoppingCenterforbusinesswiththepublic,inconsiderationofallot hermanagementservicestobeperformedbyFCMIunderorpursuanttotheterm softhisAgreement,OwnershallpaytoFCMIafee(theManagementFee),paidm onthly,inanamountequaltotwopercent()ofallgrossrentsreceivedfromtheope rationoftheShoppingCenterfromanysourcewhatsoever(excludingtherefrom paymentsreceivedordueforreimbursementofactualexpensesincurredfromth eoperationoftheShoppingCentersuchascommonareamaintenancecosts,real estatetaxes,insuranceandthelike)including,withoutlimitation,allminimum( sometimesreferredtoasfixedorbasic)rents,percentagerents,overagerents,an dlicensefeesreceivedoraccruedbyFCMIfromtenants(including,withoutlimi tation,alldepartmentstores,guarantors,sublessees,assignees,licenseesandco ncessionaires)intheShoppingCenterduringthetermofthisAgreementInnoev entshallthemanagementfeebelessthan$,onanannualizedrateperyearpaidmo nthly(MinimumManagementFee)provided,however,duringPhaseI,theMini mumManagementFeeshallbe$,peryearIntheeventthatPhaseIIoftheShoppin gCentershallnothaveopenedforbusinessafterthethirdyearoftheTerm,thenth eMinimumManagementFeeof$,shallapplycommencinginyearfourExceptf orextraordinaryservicesandexpenses(ExtraordinaryItems),thefeespaidtoF CMIpursuanttothisArticleshallconstitutefullcompensationfortheservicesto beperformedandallexpensestobeincurredbyFCMIhereunderincluding,withoutlimitation,generalofficeandoverhead,travel,employeesalaries,benefitsa ndothercompensationexcludingallonsitepersonnelcostswhichareadirectpro jectcostpursuanttoArticleII(g)andallothercostsandexpensesofFCMIinperfo rmingitsdutieshereunderOwnerandFCMIrecognizethattheremaybecircums tancesnotcapableofdefinitioninthisAgreementwhichbytheirnaturearenotap artofFCMISObligationsassetforthinPAGEArticleIISuchservicesaredesign atedbythepartiesasExtraordinaryServicesandingeneralrelate,withoutlimitat ion,tocircumstancessuchasmajorlitigation,specialconstructionrequirement s,financings,developmentalandtechnicalservices,tenantcoordination,reales tatetaxcontests,supervisionofanyoftheforegoingbyFCMIsemployees,etc,in whichorforwhichFCMImightemploythirdpartiessuchaslawyers,expertcons ultantsorotherspecializedpersonnelOwnerrecognizesthatFCMI,asmanager ofshoppingcenters,maintainsastaffofpersonshavingparticularexperience,k nowledgeandskillsinmultipleaspectsofshoppingcenterssuchas,butnotlimite dto,aninhouselegaldepartment,aninhouserealestatetaxdepartment,aninhou seconstructiondepartment,etc,whoseservicescouldbepurchasedfromthirdp arties,andwhomayormaynotregularlyorroutinelyperformservicesaspartofF CMIsmanagementpersonnel(NonManagementPersonnel)Owneragreesthat whencircumstancesoccurrequiringtheperformanceofExtraordinaryService sandifOwnerelectstouseFCMIsNonManagementPersonneltoperformsuch ExtraordinaryServiceseitherinconnectionwiththesupervisionofthirdparties orinreferencetotheemploymentofthirdparties,thatFCMIshouldbeentitledtoreimbursementbyOwnerforFCMIsactualcostandexpensesincurredbyFCMI becauseofsuchExtraordinaryServices,exceptforTenantCoordinationservice swhichchargesarelistedinExhibitDattachedtothisAgreementWhen,intheopi nionofFCMI,ExtraordinaryServicesarerequiredhereunder,FCMIshallprese nttoOwneralistofsuchExtraordinaryServicesaccompaniedbyabriefexplanat ionoftheirextraordinarynatureandanestimateofFCMIscostsandexpensestob eincurred,intheperformanceofsuchExtraordinaryServicesinsufficientdetail torelatesuchcostsandexpensestothespecificExtraordinaryServiceslistedIfO wnerelectstoengageFCMItoperformsuchExtraordinaryServices,thenOwne rshallreimburseFCMImonthlyinadditiontotheManagementFeeforsuchExtr aordinaryServicesIfOwnerelectsnottoengageFCMItoperformtheExtraordi naryServices,thenFCMIshallhavenoobligationorliabilitytoperformtheExtr aordinaryServices,andOwnermayengagesuchotherthirdpartiestoperformsu chmattersatOwnerssolecostandexpenseARTICLEVIFCMISSTAFFInorde rtoperformtheservicesrequiredbythisAgreement,itwillbenecessaryforFCM Itohaveinitsemployvariouspersonnel,includingcertainexecutivestaffForPA GEpurposesofthisAgreement,executivestaffshallmeantheShoppingCenter Manager,AssistantManagerandMarketingDirectorOwnershallhavetheright topreapprovethehiringoftheexecutivestaff,whichapprovalshallnotbeunreas onablywithheldFCMIagreesthatthestaffavailabletoitforworkhereundershal latalltimesconsistofasufficientnumberofappropriatelytrained,experienceda ndotherwisequalifiedpersonneltoenableittoefficientlyandeffectivelycarryoutitsobligationspursuanttothisAgreementFCMIfurtheragreesthatitshalluse atleastsomuchofthetimeandeffortofsuchpersonnelasisreasonabletoinurepro perperformanceofFCMIsobligationsunderthisAgreementOwnerandFCMIe achherebycovenantandagree(i)nottohireoremploytheemployeesoftheother duringthetermofthisAgreement,and(ii)nottohireoremployanyformeremplo yeeforaperiodofone()yearafteranemployeeleavestheemploymentoftheothe rWheneverlegalservicesofoutsidecounselarerequiredinordertoperformprop erlyanyoftheservicesdescribedherein,suchservicesshallbeperformedbycou nselrepresentingandpaidbyOwnerARTICLEVIIASSIGNMENTFCMIshal lnot(butOwnermay),directlyorindirectly,assign,transfer,mortgage,pledge,s ell,hypothecate,orotherwiseencumber(orpermitanyoftheforegoing)(collect ively,aTransfer)inanymannerorbyanymeanswhatsoever,whethervoluntaril yorbyoperationoflaw,alloranypartofitsinterestinorobligationsarisingoutoft hisAgreementIntheeventofaTransferbyOwner,OwnershallnotifyFCMIofth etransfereeproposedandsaidtransfereeshallassumetheobligationsofOwneru nderthisAgreementARTICLEVIIINOTICESEverynotice,demand,directio n,consent,approval,requestandothercommunicationrequiredorpermittedhe reunder(Notice)shallbeinwriting,sentby(i)registeredorcertifiedUnitedState sMail,postageprepaid,returnreceiptrequested,or(ii)overnightdeliverybyana tionallyrecognizeddeliveryservice,or(iii)handdeliveredtowhomevertheNot iceisrequiredorpermittedtobesent,andaddressedasstatedbelow:ToFCMI:Fo restCityManagement,IncTerminalTowerCleveland,OhioAttn:MarkRandolWithacopyto:ForestCityEnterprises,IncBrookparkRoadPAGECleveland,O hioAttn:WilliamMWarren,GeneralCounselToOwner:LasVegasSands,IncL asVegasBoulevard,SouthLasVegas,NevadaAttn:WilliamWeidner,Presiden tAnypartymaychangetheaddresstowhichNoticesserveduponitaretobesentb yten()dayspriorNoticeinformingtheotherpartiesofthechangeinaddressAllN oticesshallbedeemedeffectivelygivenupontheearlierofreceiptoftheNoticeor refusaltoacceptdeliverythereofARTICLEIXAMENDMENTThisAgreeme ntshallbesubjecttoamendmentonlybyawritingsignedbyOwnerandbyFCMI ARTICLEXSEVERABILITYIfanytermorprovisionofthisAgreement,orthe applicationthereoftoanypersonorcircumstance,shalltoanyextentbeheldinva lidorunenforceablebyacourtofcompetentjurisdiction,suchresultshallnotaffe cttheothertermsandprovisionsofthisAgreementorapplicationsthereofwhich canbegiveneffectwithouttherelevantterm,provisionorapplication,andtothis endthepartiesagreethattheprovisionsofthisAgreementareandshallbeseverab leARTICLEXIREMEDIESCUMULATIVEAllrights,privilegesandremedi esaffordedthepartiesbythisAgreementshallbedeemedcumulativeandnotexc lusiveIntheeventofabreachoforotherfailuretoperformasrequiredunderthisA greement,thepartynotbreachingordefaultingshall,inadditiontoallrightsandr emedieshereinprovided,haveallrightsandremediesavailableatlaworinequit yARTICLEXIISUCCESSORSANDASSIGNSThisAgreementshallbebind inguponandinuretothebenefitofthepartiesand,exceptasexpresslyotherwisep rovided,theirrespectivepermittedsuccessorsandassignsARTICLEXIIIPAGELAW APPLICABLEThepartiesheretoagreethatthelawsoftheStateofNeva dashallgoverntheenforcement,constructionandothermattersrelatedtoorinco nnectionwiththisAgreementARTICLEXIVCONSENTORW AIVERNocon sentorwaiver,expressorimplied,byeitherpartytothisAgreementto,oforforan ybreachordefaultbytheotherpartyinperformanceofitsobligationshereunders hallbedeemedorconstruedtobeaconsentorwaivertoorforanyotherbreachord efaultinperformancebysuchotherpartyofthesameoranyotherobligationofsu chpartyhereunderFailureonthepartofeitherpartytocomplainofanyactorfailu reoftheotherpartytothisAgreementortodeclaretheotherpartyindefault,irresp ectiveofhowlongsuchfailurecontinues,shallnotconstituteawaiverbysuchpar tyofitsrightshereunderARTICLEXVINDEMNITY(a)FCMIshallindemnify andsaveOwnerharmlessfromandagainstalldamages,claims,losses,liabilitie s,costsandexpenses(includingreasonablelegalfees)arisingoutofthewrongfu lornegligentactsorinactionsofFCMIorFCMIsagents,servants,employeesors ubcontractorswhichareperformedcontrarytothisAgreementoroutsideofthes copeofFCMIsauthorityunderthisAgreement(b)Ownershallindemnify,defen dandholdFCMIharmlessforanyliabilitydirectlyorindirectlyincurredbyFCM IinconnectionwithitsservicesunderthisAgreement,whichareperformedpurs uanttothisAgreementorarewithinthescopeofFCMIsauthorityunderthisAgre ementotherthanthewrongfulornegligentactsorinactionsofFCMIorFCMIsag ents,servants,employeesorsubcontractorsARTICLEXVIINSURANCEBO NDINGa)OwnershallpurchaseandmaintainPropertyandRentalIncomeInsurancefortheShoppingCenterduringthetermofthiscontractasfollows:(i)Socall edallriskcoverageforthebuildingandOwnerspersonalpropertyinanamounte qualtothereplacementvaluePAGE(ii)FloodandEarthquakecoverageinsucha mountsselectedbyOwner(iii)ComprehensiveBoilerandMachinerycoverage (iv)RentalIncomeInsuranceequaltoone()yearsrentalincomeforperilsinsured bythepoliciesinitems(i),(ii)and(iii)aboveb)Theabovepolicieswillbesubjectt odeductiblesselectedbyOwnerc)Theabovepolicieswillcontainanagreedamo untclausewaivingthecoinsuranceclauseandawaiverofsubrogationclauseinf avorofFCMId)Ownershallmaintainliabilitycoverageasfollows:(i)Commer cialGeneralLiabilityCoverageforacombinedsinglelimitof$,,peroccurrencea pplicabletobodilyinjuryandpropertydamageand$,,forpersonalandadvertisi nginjury(ii)Excessliabilitycoverageintheamountof$,,abovethelimitsprovid edinitem(i)above(iii)TheaboveinsuranceshallnameFCMIanditsdirectors,of ficersandemployeesasadditionalinsuredsandindicateitisprimarycoveragean dnotcontributingwithinsurancepurchasedbyFCMIe)FCMIshallpurchasean dmaintainduringtheperiodofthiscontractthefollowinginsurance:(i)AFidelit yBondinsuringitsemployeesagainstdishonestyandwhichBondshallinclude DepositorsForgerycoverageintheamountof$,,withadeductiblenottoexceed$ ,SuchBondshallnameOwnerasanadditionalinsuredandprovidetherightofO wnertodirectlymakeclaimundertheBond(ii)WorkersCompensationinsuring itsemployeesforoperationsinNevadaandelsewhereincludingStopGapLiabil ityandEmployersLiability:WorkersCompensationNevadaStatutoryLiabilityElsewhereStatutoryLiabilityStopGapLiability$,,EmployersLiability$,,(iii )AutoLiabilityCoveringitsuseofany$,,combinedsinglelimitvehicleperoccur renceBIandPDPAGE(iv)ExcessLiabilityaboveStop$,,combinedsinglelimit GapEmployersLiabilityandperoccurrenceBIandPDAutoLiability(v)Theaut oliabilityandexcessliabilitypoliciesshallnameOwner,itsdirectors,officersan demployeesasadditionalinsuredsandindicateitisprimaryinsuranceandnotco ntributingwithinsurancepurchasedbyOwnerf)OwnershallprovidetoFCMI:( i)CertificatesofInsuranceasevidenceofOwnersinsuranceandprovidingthirty ()daysadvancenoticetoFCMIpriortocancellationormaterialchange(ii)Certif iedcopiesofpolicyendorsements:()Providingthenoticeofcancellationormate rialchange,()NamingofFCMI,itsdirectors,officersandemployeesasaddition alinsuredandindicateitisprimaryinsuranceandnotcontributingwithinsuranc epurchasedbyFCMI()Waivingsubrogationg)FCMIshallprovidetoOwner:(i) CertificateofInsuranceasevidenceofFCMIsinsuranceandprovidingthirty()d aysadvancenoticetoOwnerpriortocancellationormaterialchangeincoverage (ii)Certifiedcopiesofpolicyendorsements:()Providingthenoticeofcancellati onormaterialchange()NamingofOwner,itsdirectors,officersandemployeesa sadditionalinsuredsandindicatingitisprimaryinsuranceandnotcontributing withinsurancepurchasedbyOwner()ProvidingforOwnertomakeclaimunder FCMIFidelityBondARTICLEXVIIMISCELLANEOUS(a)Allservicesperf ormedonsitebyFCMIundertheprovisionsofthisAgreementshallbedeemedto beperformedbyOwnerandallreasonableexpensesproperlyincurredinconnectionwiththeperformanceofsuchonsiteservicesshallbetheobligationofOwner (b)NoPublicityFCMIagreesnottoannouncethisAgreementtothepublicwitho utOwnerspriorwrittenapprovalPAGE(c)ConfidentialityEachofthepartieshe reto,onbehalfofthemselves,theirofficers,directors,shareholders,employees andagentsagreenottodisclosethetermsandconditionsofthisAgreementexcep ttotheirrespectiveauditorsandattorneys,ortotheextentthatdisclosureisrequir edasamatteroflawThisrestrictionshallnotapplytoinformationinthepublicdo mainorthatbecomespartofthepublicdomainthroughnofaultofsaidparty(d)A uthorityFCMIunderstandsandagreesthatnopersonwhatsoever,regardlessofs uchpersonsapparentauthority,hasanyauthoritytoamend,modify,terminate,o rotherwisechangethisAgreementonbehalfofOwner,orwaiveanyofOwnersri ghtsandremedieshereunder,exceptforOwnersChairmanoftheBoard,whomu stdosoinwritingsignedbyhim,andFCMIherebywaivesandrelinquishesanya ndallclaimsofapparentauthority(e)BindingThisAgreementshallbebindingu ponthepartiesheretoandtheirpermittedsuccessorsandassigns(f)EntireAgree mentThisAgreementsetsforthallofthecovenants,promises,agreements,cond itionsandunderstandingsamongthepartiesheretoregardingthemanagemento ftheShoppingCenterandanyothercovenants,promises,agreements,conditio nsandunderstandingsaredeemedmergedandintegratedherein(g)Timeisofthe EssenceTimeisoftheessenceunderthisAgreementARTICLEXVIIILENDE RPROVISIONS(a)If,asiscontemplated,OwnerassignsthisAgreementandits rightshereunderassecuritytooneormoreofitsmortgagelenders(each,aLender),OwnershallpromptlynotifyFCMIoftheidentityofeachLender,andFCMIwi ll,onrequest,executeanddeliveranamendmenttothisAgreementcontainingte rmsandconditionsreasonablyrequestedbyaLender,solongassuchtermsandc onditionsdonotmateriallychange,alterorincreaseFCMIsobligationsorreduc einanywayFCMIsManagementFeehereunder(b)UpontheoccurrenceofaFor eclosureEvent(asdefinedbelow),NewOwner(asdefinedbelow)shallhavethe righttoelect(i)toterminatethisAgreementbywrittennoticetoFCMIeffectiveu ponnotlessthanthirty()dayswrittennoticetoFCMI(theTerminationOption),o r(ii)torequireFCMItocontinuetoperformunderthisAgreementforthebenefito fNewOwner(theAttornmentOption)IfNewOwnerelectstheTerminationOpti on,then()FCMIshall,notwithstandinganythinginArticleIVtothePAGEcontr ary,notbeentitledtoanyterminationfee,()NewOwnershallbeliableforanyunp aidManagementFeesasdefinedinSectionV(b),and()theprovisionsofSection IV(f)shallapplyIfNewOwnerelectstheAttornmentOption,then()FCMIshall attorntoandrecognizeNewOwnerasOwnerssuccessorhereunder,andshallpr omptlyexecuteanddeliveranyinstrumentthatNewOwnermayreasonablereq uesttoevidencesuchattornment,and()NewOwnerwillassumeallofOwnersob ligationsunderthisAgreementfromandaftertheeffectivedateofsuchassumpti on,including,withoutlimitation,thepaymentofallManagementFeesdueFCM IandtherequirementsofArticleIV(b),andthisAgreementwillthereaftercontin ueasadirectagreementbetweenNewOwnerandFCMIforthebalanceoftheter mofthisAgreementAsusedinthisArticleXVIII,thetermForeclosureEventshallmeananyevent(including,withoutlimitation,aforeclosureaction,theexercis eofapowerofsalerightorthedeliveryofadeedinlieuofforeclosure)pursuantto whichaLenderoritsdesigneeorassigneebecomestheowneroftheShoppingCe nter(providedthatsuchNewOwnerisnotaffiliated,directlyorindirectly,withth eOwneroritsprincipals),andthetermNewOwnershallmeantheentity(eithera Lenderoritsdesigneeorassignee)thatacquirestitletotheShoppingCenterpurs uanttoaForeclosureEvent(c)FCMIagreestosimultaneouslydelivertoeachLe nderacopyofallNoticesincluding,withoutlimitation,allNoticespursuanttoSe ctionIV(g)givenbyFCMItoOwnerhereunder,providedthatOwnerorsuchLen derhasgivenFCMIwrittennoticeofsuchLendersnoticeaddressUpontheoccur renceofanydefaultbyOwnerhereunder,eachLendershallhavethesameperiod givenOwnerforremedyingsuchdefault,andFCMIshallacceptanysuchremed ybyoronbehalfofaLenderasthoughthesamehadbeendoneorperformedbyOw nerwithintheperiodallowedOwnerhereunderprovided,however,thatintheev entoftheoccurrenceofadefaultbyOwnerwhichbyitsnatureisnotreasonablysu sceptibleofbeingcuredbyaLenderunlessanduntilsuchLenderobtainspossess ionoftheShoppingCenter(ieanonmonetarydefault)ifanyLender(i)notifiesF CMIofitselectiontopromptlyproceedwithduediligencetopursueaForeclosur eEventortootherwiseacquirepossessionoftheShoppingCenter(eitherdirectl yorthroughatrusteeorreceiver),(ii)FCMIispaidallofitsManagementFeesona currentbasis,and(iii)compliesatalltimeswithsuchnotification,thenFCMIwil lnottakeactiontoterminatethisAgreementuntilandunlesseither()noLenderisincompliancewiththeforegoingclauses(i),(ii)and(iii),or()aForeclosureEvent occursoraLenderobtainspossessionofthePAGEShoppingCenter(inwhichca sethecureperiodsetforthinSectionIV(g)shallbeginfromandafterthedateofsu chevent)(d)NoamendmentormodificationtothisAgreementshallbebindingo reffectivewithoutthepriorwrittenconsentofeachLenderwithrespecttowhich ownerhasgivenaNoticetoFCMIpursuanttoSectionXVIII(a),whichconsents hallnotbeunreasonablywithheldordelayed(e)Intheeventofanyconflictbetwe entheprovisionsofthisArticleXVIIIandanyotherprovisionsofthisAgreement ,theprovisionsofthisArticleXVIIIshallgovernandcontrol(f)AllLendersshall beentitledtorelyonandenforcetheprovisionsofthisArticleXVIIIINWITNES SWHEREOF,thepartiesheretohavedulysignedthisAgreementasofthedayan dyearfirstabovewrittenLASVEGASSANDS,INC,aNevadacorporationBy: sWilliamPWeidnerIts:PresidentFORESTCITYCOMMERCIALMANAG EMENT,INC,anOhiocorporationBy:sDavidJLaRueIts:SecretaryPAGEEX HIBITDTENANTCOORDINATIONFEESTRUCTUREASERVICESPR OVIDEDTenantCoordinationservicesinclude:Prepare,updateanddistribute bimonthlyTenantStatusReportsVerifyandapproveTenantallowancepaperw orkMaintainapointofcontactforTenantandTenantsArchitectMaintainanddis tributeMallandTenantleaseplansMaintainarchivecopiesofallpreviousTenan tdrawingsDrawingReview(foradherenceinLandlordCriteria)Reviewanddis tributepreliminaryTenantplansReviewanddistributefinalarchitectural,mech anical,electricalandstructuralconstructiondrawingsFinalreviewofTenantssigndrawingsFinalreviewofTenantscolorsampleboardsLandlordCriteriaforT enants(ifdesiredbyOwner)PreparationofTenantHandbooksforRetailandFo odCourtAnsweringquestionsandnegotiatinginterpretationtoLandlordsCrite riaPunchListingandFollowUponTenantConstructionBFEESTRUCTURE* DrawingReviewsandGeneralTenantCoordinationRetailTenantsinpreviousl yunoccupiedspaces:,sf$,,sf,RestaurantTenants,InlineFoodTenants(FoodCo urtTenants,ifapplicable),RetailTenantsinpreviouslyoccupiedspaceswhicha rebeingredeisedorwillrequireLandlordwork,RetailTenantsinpreviouslyocc upiedspacesnotrequiringLandlordwork,RetailTenantsinpreviouslyoccupie dspacesperformingminorremodelingandorstorefrontrenovation,Signrenov ationonlyKioskTenants,RelatedworkoutsidethescopeofgeneralTenantCoor dinationServiceshrPAGECADDraftingDesignTLPs,LeasePlansTLPPrepar ation,sf,,sf,sfLeasePlanUpdate(Convention)(Budget)DesignDraftingServi ceshrHandbookPreparationNewHandbook(doesnotincludeprintingcosts)$, *IncreasedbyallCitiesCPIindexannuall。



ORM OF HOTEL MASTER MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT酒店管理合同BY AND BETWEEN 当事方MHI HOSPITALITY TRS, LLC A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANYANDMHI HOTELS SERVICES LLC, A VIRGINIA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANYARTICLE I DEFINITION OF TERMS 定义1.1 Definition of Terms 定义ARTICLE II TERM OF AGREEMENT 合同条款2.1 Term 合同期间2.2 Actions to be taken upon Termination 合同终止时的事项2.3 Early Termination Rights, Liquidated Damages 提前终止合同和违约赔偿金2.4 Substitution of Hotel 类似规格的替代酒店ARTICLE III PREMISES 酒店建筑物ARTICLE IV APPOINTMENT OF MANAGER 管理人员的任命4.1 Appointment 任命4.2 Delegation of Authority 权利授予4.3 Contracts, Equipment Leases and Other Agreements 合同、设备租赁协议及其他协议4.4 Alcoholic Beverage/Liquor Licensing Requirements 酒精饮料/烈酒经营许可证的办理ARTICLE V REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES 各方承诺与保证5.1 Lessee Representations 租赁方的承诺5.2 Manager Representations 管理方的承诺ARTICLE VI OPERATION 经营6.1 Name of Premises, Standard of Operation 建筑物名称、经营标准6.2 Use of Premises 建筑物的使用6.3 Group Services 一揽子服务6.4 Right to Inspect 出租方的检查权利ARTICLE VII WORKING CAPITAL AND INVENTORIES 营运资金与财产清单7.1 Working Capital and Inventories 工作资金与财产清单7.2 Fixed Asset Supplies 固定资产的提供ARTICLE VIII MAINTENANCE, REPLACEMENT AND CHANGES维护、替代和改变8.1 Routine and Non-Routine Repairs and Maintenance 日常和临时维修和维护8.2 Capital Improvement Budget 资金调整预算ARTICLE IX EMPLOYEES 雇员9.1 Employee Hiring 雇员聘用9.2 Costs, Benefit Plans 成本和福利计划9.3 Manager’s Employees 管理人员的雇佣9.4 Special Projects – Corporate Employees 特别项目—公司雇员9.5 Termination 合同终止时的员工安排9.6 Employee Use of Hotel 酒店对雇员的使用9.7 Non-Solicitation 不得利诱对方雇员ARTICLE X BUDGET, STANDARDS AND CONTRACTS 预算、标准及合同10.1 Annual Operating Budget 年度营运预算10.2 Budget Approval 预算的批准10.3 Operation Pending Approval 预算批准之前的营运10.4 Budget Meetings 预算会议ARTICLE XI OPERATING DISTRIBUTIONS 运营费用的安排11.1 Management Fee 管理费用11.2 Accounting and Interim Payment 会计与临时付款ARTICLE XII INSURANCE 保险12.1 Insurance 保险12.2 Replacement Cost 重置成本12.3 Increase in Limits 对保险费用限制的增加12.4 Blanket Policy 总括保险单12.5 Costs and Expenses 成本与费用12.6 Policies and Endorsements 保险单及其保险受益权的转让12.7 Termination 终止ARTICLE XIII TAXES AND DEBT SERVICE 纳税及债息13.1 Taxes 纳税13.2 Debt Service, Ground Lease Payments 债息及土地租赁费用的支付ARTICLE XIV BANK ACCOUNTS 银行账户14.1 Operating Account 运营账户14.2 Payroll Account 薪酬账户14.3 Management of Operating Account 运营账户的管理14.4 Advance of Funds 预付经费14.5 Reserve Accounts 储备金账户ARTICLE XV ACCOUNTING SYSTEM 会计体系的建立15.1 Books and Records 账簿及记录15.2 Monthly Financial Statements 财务月报表15.3 Annual Financial Statements 财务年度报表ARTICLE XVI PAYMENT BY LESSEE 租赁方的支付16.1 Payment of Base Management Fee 基本管理费的支付16.2 Payment of Incentive Management Fee 激励管理费的支付16.3 Distributions 赢利分配ARTICLE XVII RELATIONSHIP AND AUTHORITY 各方关系及授权ARTICLE XVIII DAMAGE, CONDEMNATION AND FORCE MAJEURE损坏、征用及不可抗力18.1 Damage and Repair 损坏和维修18.2 Condemnation 征用18.3 Force Majeure 不可抗力ARTICLE XIX DEFAULT AND TERMINATION 违约与合同终止19.1 Events of Default 违约事件19.2 Consequence of Default 违约事件的后果ARTICLE XX WAIVER AND INVALIDITY 权利放弃和无法律效力20.1 Waiver 权利放弃20.2 Partial Invalidity 单方面无法律效力ARTICLE XXI ASSIGNMENT 任命ARTICLE XXII NOTICES 通知ARTICLE XXIII SUBORDINATION; NON-DISTURBANCE 所依据的法律契约、不得干预23.1 Subordination 所依据的法律契约23.2 Non-Disturbance Agreement 不得干预协议ARTICLE XXIV PROPRIETARY MARKS; INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY专利商标和知识产权24.1 Computer Software and Equipment 软件与设备24.2 Intellectual Property 知识产权24.3 Books and Records 账簿与记录ARTICLE XXV INDEMNIFICATION 赔偿25.1 Manager Indemnity 管理人员的赔偿25.2 Lessee Indemnity 租赁方的赔偿25.3 Indemnification Procedure 赔偿程序25.4 Survival 合同终止后的条款效力ARTICLE XXVI FUTURE HOTELS 合同终止后的酒店ARTICLE XXVII GOVERNING LAW VENUE 法律管辖地ARTICLE XXVIII MISCELLANEOUS 其他约定28.1 Rights to make Agreement 签约权利28.2 Agency 代理28.3 Failure to Perform 履约不能28.4 Headings 标题28.5 Attorneys’ Fees and Costs 律师费用28.6 Entire Agreement 合同的完整性28.7 Consents 合同内容28.8 Eligible Independent Contractor 适格的独立承包人28.9 Subleasing 分租28.10 Environmental Matters 环保事项28.11 Equity and Debt Offerings 股票及债券的发行28.12 Estoppel Certificates 不得反悔的证明28.13 Confidentiality 保密28.14 Modification 合同条款的变更28.15 Counterparts 合同副本LIST OF EXHIBITSLIST OF SCHEDULESHOTEL MASTER MANAGEMENT AGREEMENTTHIS HOTEL MASTER MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT is made and entered into as of this day of , 2004, by and between MHI Hospitality TRS, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (hereinafter referred to as “Lessee”), MHI Hotels Services LLC, a Virginia limited liability company (hereinafter referred to as “Manager”), and for the limited purposes of Article VIII herein, the Landlords (defined below). RECITALS:A. Lessee is the tenant under the Leases (defined below) covering those certain hotel properties, fully equipped with furniture and fixtures, and more particularly described by address location, franchise name and room number information, on Exhibit “A”attached hereto (the hotels, together with all ancillary facilities, improvements and amenities set forth on Exhibit A attached hereto as such exhibit exists as of the date of this Agreement, herein called the “Initial Hotels”).B. Lessee desires to retain Manager to manage and operate the Initial Hotels and any Future Hotels (as defined below), and Manager is willing to perform such services for the account of Lessee, all as more particularly set forth in this Agreement.AGREEMENTS:NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows:ARTICLE I DEFINITION OF TERMS1.1 Definition of Terms. The following terms when used in this Agreement shall have the meanings indicated below.“Accounting Period” shall mean a calendar month.“Agreement” shall mean this Master Management Agreement, and all amendments, modifications, supplements, consolidations, extensions and revisions to this Master Management Agreement approved by Lessee and Manager in accordance with the provisions hereof.“Amendment” shall have the meaning as set forth in Article XXVI.“Annual Operating Budget” shall have the meaning as set forth in Section 10.1.“AOB Objection Notice” shall have the meaning as set forth in Section 10.2. “Applicable Standards” shall mean standards of operation for the Premises which are (a) in accordance with the requirements of the applicable Franchise Agreement, this Agreement and all CCRs affecting the Premises and of which true and complete copies have been made available by Lessee to Manager, (b) in accordance with applicable Legal Requirements, (c) in accordance with the terms and conditions of any Hotel Mortgage or Ground Lease to the extent not otherwise inconsistent with the terms of this Agreement (to the extent Lessee has made available to Manager true and complete copies of the applicable loan documents relating to any such Hotel Mortgage and/or the Ground Leases), (d) in accordance with the Leases (to the extent Lessee has made available to Manager a true and complete copy thereof), (e) in accordance with the requirements of any carrier having insurance on the Hotels or any part thereof (to the extent Manager has been given written notice of such requirements or policies or has coordinated same on behalf of Lessee), and (f) in accordance with the requirements of Section 856(d)(9)(D) of the Code for qualifying each of the Hotels as a Qualified Lodging Facility.“Competitive Set” shall initially mean for each Hotel, the hotels situated in the same market segment as such Hotel as noted on Schedule 1 attached hereto, which competitive set shall include the applicable Hotel. The Competitive Set may be changed from time to time by mutual agreement of Lessee and Manager to reasonably and accurately reflect a set within the market of such Hotel that is comparable in rate quality and in operation to such Hotel and directly competitive with such Hotel. The requirements for the Competitive Set are not applicable to any of the Initial Hotels until after the expiration of the initial 10-year term of this Agreement.“Gross Revenues” shall mean all revenues and receipts of every kind received from operating the Premises and all departments and parts thereof, including but not limited to, income from both cash and credit transactions, income from the rental of rooms, stores, offices, banquet rooms, conference rooms, exhibits or sale space of every kind, license, lease and concession fees and rentals (not including gross receipts of licensees, lessees and concessionaires), vending machines, health club membership fees, food and beverage sales, wholesale and retail sales of merchandise, service charges, and proceeds, if any, from business interruption or other loss of income insurance; provided, however, Gross Revenues shall not include (a) gratuities to the Premises’ employees, (b) federal, state or municipal excise, sales or use taxes or similar impositions collected directly from customers, patrons or guests or included as part of the sales prices of any goods or services paid over to federal, state or municipal governments, (c) property insurance or condemnation proceeds (excluding proceeds from business interruption or other loss of income coverage), (d) proceeds from the sale or refinance of assets other than sales in the ordinary course of business, (e) funds furnished by the Lessee, (f) judgments and awards other than for lost business, (g) the amount of all credits, rebates or refunds (which shall be deductions from Gross Revenues) to customers, patrons or guests, (h) receipts of licensees, concessionaires, and tenants, (i) payments received at any of the Hotels for hotel accommodations, goods or services to be provided at other hotels, although arranged by, for or on behalf of Manager; (j) the value of complimentary rooms, food and beverages, (k) interest income, (l) lease securitydeposits, and (m) items constituting “allowances” under the Uniform System of Accounts.ARTICLE II TERM OF AGREEMENT2.1 Term. The term (“Term”) of this Agreement shall commence on the “Commencement Date” for each of the Hotels as noted on Exhibit “A” attached hereto and, unless sooner terminated as herein provided, shall continue with respect to such Hotels until the “Termination Date.” For purposes of this Agreement, the “Termination Date” for each of the Hotels shall be the earlier to occur of (i) the Expiration Date applicable to such Hotel, (ii) termination at the option of Lessee inconnection with the bona fide Sale of the Hotel by Landlord to an unaffiliated third party as provided in and subject to the terms of Section 2.3(a) hereof, (iii) termination at the option of Lessee in the event that the Performance Test has not been satisfied pursuant to and subject to the terms and conditions of Section 2.3(b) below, (iv) termination at the option of Lessee for convenience pursuant to and subject to the terms and conditions of Section 2.3(c) below (and subject to Section 2.3(a) with respect to any sale of the Hotel), or (v) termination by either Lessee or Manager pursuant to Article XVIII hereof in connection with a condemnation, casualty or Force Majeure, subject to the terms thereof. The “Expiration Date”with respect to a Hotel shall mean the 10th anniversary of the Commencement Date applicable to such Hotel, provided that such initial 10-year term may thereafter be renewed by Manager on the same terms and conditions contained herein, for two (2) successive periods of five (5) Fiscal Years each, provided that upon completion of the initial term and the first renewal period, both Lessee and Manager mutually agree to renew the Agreement and, provided further, that at the time of exercise of any such option to renew an Event of Default by Manager does not then exist beyond any applicable grace or cure period. If at the time of the exercise of any renewal period, Manager is then in default under this Agreement, then the exercise of the renewal option will be conditional on timely cure of such default, and if such default is not timely cured, then Lessee may terminate this Agreement regardless of the exercise of such renewal period and without the payment of any fee or liquidated damages. If Manager desires to exercise any such option to renew, it shall give Lessee Notice to that effect not less than ninety (90) days prior to the expiration of the then current Term. Notwithstanding the expiration or earlier termination of the Term, Lessee and Manager agree that the obligations of Lessee to pay, remit, reimburse and to otherwise indemnify Manager for any and all expenses and fees incurred or accrued by Manager pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement prior to the expiration or earlier termination of the Term (or actually incurred by Manager after the termination) shall survive Termination, provided such expenses and fees have been incurred consistent with the then current terms of this Agreement and the applicable Annual Operating Budget, including, without limitation but only to the extent so consistent, all costs, expenses and liabilities arising from the termination of the Premises’ employees such as accrued vacation and sick leave, severance pay and other accrued benefits, employer liabilities pursuant to the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act and employer liabilities pursuant to the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act. In addition, subject to Section 19.2 below and the foregoing sentence, upon Termination of this Agreement, Lessee and Manager shallhave no further obligations to one another pursuant to this Agreement, except that Section 2.2, obligations to make payments under Section 2.3 or Section 9.5, Section 9.7, the last sentence of Section 15.1, obligations to make payments of terminationfees pursuant to Article XVIII, Article XXIV, Article XXV, Article XXVII and Section 28.13 shall survive Termination.2.2 Actions to be taken upon Termination. Upon a Termination of this Agreement with respect to one or more of the Hotels, the following shall be applicable:(a) Manager shall, within forty-five (45) days after Termination of this Agreement, prepare and deliver to Lessee a final accounting statement with respect to such Hotels, in form and substance consistent with the statements provided pursuant to Section 15.2, along with a statement of any sums due from Lessee to Manager pursuant hereto, dated as of the date of Termination. Within thirty (30) days after the receipt by Lessee of such final accounting statement, the parties will make whatever cash adjustments are necessary pursuant to such final statement. The cost of preparing such final accounting statement shall be a Deduction. Manager and Lessee acknowledge that there may be certain adjustments for which the necessary information will not be available at the time of such final accounting, and the parties agree to readjust such amounts and make the necessary cash adjustments when such information becomes available.(b) As of the date of the final accounting referred to in subsection (a) above, Manager shall release and transfer to Lessee any of Lessee’s funds which are held or controlled by Manager with respect to such Hotels, with the exception of funds to be held in escrow pursuant to Section 9.5 and Section 12.7. During the period between the date of Termination and the date of such final accounting, Manager shall pay (or reserve against) all Deductions which accrued (but were not paid) prior to the date of Termination, using for such purpose any Gross Revenues which accrued prior to the date of Termination.(c) Manager shall make available to Lessee such books and records respecting such Hotels (including those from prior years, subject to Manager’s reasonable records retention policies in accordance with applicable law and legal requirements) as will be needed by Lessee to prepare the accounting statements, in accordance with the Uniform System of Accounts, for such Hotels for the year in which the Termination occurs and for any subsequent year. Such books and records shall not include:(i) employee records which must remain confidential pursuant to either Legal Requirements or confidentiality agreements, or (ii) any Intellectual Property.(d) Manager shall (to the extent permitted by Legal Requirements) assign to Lessee, or to any other manager employed by Lessee to operate and manage such Hotels, all operating licenses for such Hotels which have been issued in Manager’s name; provided that if Manager has expended any of its own funds in the acquisition of any of such licenses, Lessee shall reimburse Manager therefor if it has not done so already.(e) Lessee agrees that Hotel reservations and any and all contracts made in connection with Hotel convention, banquet or other group services made by Manager in the ordinary and normal course of business consistent with this Agreement, for dates subsequent to the date of Termination and at rates prevailing for suchreservations at the time they were made, shall be honored and remain in effect after Termination of this Agreement.(f) Manager shall cooperate with the new operator of such Hotels as to effect a smooth transition and shall peacefully vacate and surrender the Hotels to Lessee. (g) Manager and Lessee agree to use best efforts to resolve any disputes amicably and promptly under this Section 2.2 to effect a smooth transition of such Hotels to Lessee and/or Lessee’s new manager.2.3 Early Termination Rights, Liquidated Damages.(a) Termination Upon Sale. Upon Notice to Manager, Lessee shall have the option to terminate this Agreement with respect to one, more or all of the Hotels effective asof the closing of the Sale of such Hotels to a third party. Such Notice shall be givenat least forty-five (45) days’ in advance (unless otherwise required by Legal Requirements, in which case Lessee shall provide such additional notice in order to comply with such Legal Requirements) and shall inform Manager of the identity of the contract purchaser. Manager, at its election, may offer to provide management services to such contract purchaser after the closing of the sale. Lessee shall, in connection with such Sale, by a separate document reasonably acceptable to Lessee and Manager, indemnify and save Manager harmless against any and all losses, costs, damages, liabilities and court costs, claims and expenses, including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees arising or resulting from the failure of Lessee or such prospective purchaser to provide any of the services contracted for in connection with the business booked for such hotels to, and including, the date of such Termination, in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, including without limitation, any and all business so booked as to which facilities and/or services are to be furnished subsequent to the date of Termination, provided that any settlement by Manager of any such claims shall be subject to the prior written approval of Lessee which shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. In addition, the following terms shall apply in connection with the sale of any Hotel:(i) Sale of Future Hotel. If this Agreement is terminated pursuant to Section 2.3(a) with respect to any of the Future Hotels prior to the first anniversary of the Commencement Date applicable to such Future Hotel, then Lessee shall pay to Manager on such termination, a termination fee as liquidated damages and not as a penalty (provided that an Event of Default by Manager is not then existing beyond any cure or grace periods set forth in this Agreement) in an amount equal to the estimated Base Management Fee and Incentive Management Fee that was estimated to be paid to Manager with respect to such Future Hotel pursuant to the Annual Operating Budget for the remaining Accounting Periods until the first anniversary of the Commencement Date for such Future Hotel (irrespective of the Management Fees paid to Manager prior to the date of the Termination with respect to the Hotels). If this Agreement is terminated pursuant to Section 2.3(a) with respect to any of the Future Hotels after the first anniversary of the Date applicable to such Future Hotel, then no termination fees shall be payable by Lessee.(ii) Sale of Initial Hotel. If this Agreement is terminated pursuant to Section 2.3(a) with respect to any of the Initial Hotels prior to the expiration of the initial 10-year term of this Agreement applicable to such Initial Hotel, then Lessee shall pay to Manager on such termination, a termination fee, with respect to each such Hotel asliquidated damages and not as a penalty (provided that an Event of Default by Manager is not then existing beyond any cure or grace periods set forth in this Agreement), an amount equal to the sum obtained by multiplying (1) the aggregateBase Management Fees and Incentive Management Fees budgeted in the Annual Operating Budget applicable to such Initial Hotel for the full current Fiscal Year in which such termination is to occur (but in no event less than the Base Management Fees and Incentive Management Fees for the preceding full Fiscal Year) by (2) the number of years remaining in the initial 10-year Term of this Agreement applicable to such Initial Hotel. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if this Agreement is terminated pursuant to Section 2.3(a) with respect to any of the Initial Hotels after the initial 10-year term of this Agreement applicable to such Initial Hotel, then no termination fees shall be payable by Lessee.(b) Termination Due to Failure to Satisfy Performance Test.(i) Performance Test. Lessee shall have the right to terminate this Agreement with respect to any Initial Hotel after the initial 10-year term of this Agreement applicable to such Initial Hotel and any Future Hotel (for the purposes of this Section 2.3(b)(i) called “Subject Hotel”), in the event of the occurrence of the following (collectively herein called, the “Performance Test”):(1) If, commencing with the first Fiscal Year after the initial 10-year term for an Initial Hotel and commencing with the first full Fiscal Year following the Commencement Date for any Future Hotel, and for each Fiscal Year thereafter (a) a Subject Hotel’s Gross Operating Profit Margin for such Fiscal Year is less than seventy-five percent (75%) of the average Gross Operating Profit Margin of comparable hotels in similar markets and geographic locations to the subject Hotel as reasonably determined by Lessee and Manager, and (b) such Subject Hotel’s Revpar Yield Penetration is less than 80% for such Fiscal Year (herein (a) and (b) collectively called “Performance Failure”); then(2) Manager shall have a period of two (2) years, commencing with the next ensuing Fiscal Year (the “Performance Cure Period”), to cure the Performance Failure after Manager’s receipt of Notice from Lessee of such Performance Failure and Lessee’s intent to terminate this Agreement with respect to the Subject Hotel if the Performance Failure is not cured within such Performance Cure Period; and(3) If after the end of the Performance Cure Period, the Performance Failure remains uncured, then Lessee may, at its election, terminate this Agreement upon forty-five (45) days’ prior Notice to Manager.(ii) Finance Reports. Determinations of the performance of the Subject Hotel shall be in accordance with the audited annual financial statements delivered by Lessee’s accountant pursuant to Section 15.3 hereof.(iii) Extension of Performance Cure Period. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if at any time during the Performance Cure Period (a) Lessee is in material default under any of its obligations under this Agreement, or (b) Lessee has terminated, terminates or causes a termination of the Franchise Agreement (other than defaults due to Manager) and does not obtain a new franchise agreement with a comparablefranchisor, or (c) the operation of the Hotel or the use of the Hotel’s facilities are materially disrupted by casualty, condemnation, or events of Force Majeure that are beyond the reasonable control of Manager, or by major repairs to or major refurbishment of the Hotel, then, for such period, the Performance Cure Period shall be extended.(iv) Renewal Period. If at the time of Manager’s exercise of a renewal period with respect to any Hotel, such hotel is a Subject Hotel within a Performance Cure Period, the exercise of such renewal period shall be conditional upon timely cure of the Performance Failure, and if such Performance Failure is not timely cured, then, notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, Lessee may elect to terminate this Agreement with respect to such Subject Hotel pursuant to the terms of this Section2.3(b).(c) Termination for Convenience. Lessee may terminate this Agreement as to any Hotel for convenience (except if due to a Sale of a Hotel, whereupon Section 2.3(a) shall govern) upon ninety (90) days Notice to Manager, and shall pay to Manager as liquidated damages but not as a penalty, a termination fee (provided that there does not then exist an Event of Default by Manager under this Agreement beyond any applicable cure or grace periods) in an amount equal to the product of (1) the aggregate Base Management Fees and Incentive Management Fees budgeted in the Annual Operating Budget applicable to such Hotel for the full current Fiscal Year in which such termination is to occur (but in no event less than the Base Management Fees and Incentive Management Fees for the preceding full Fiscal Year) by (2) the number of years remaining in the initial 10-year Term of this Agreement applicable to such Hotel or any applicable renewal period.(d) Payment of liquidated damages. With respect to any termination fees payable in connection with any early termination right set forth in this Section 2.3, Lessee recognizes and agrees that, if this Agreement is terminated with respect to any of the Hotels for the reasons specified in this Section 2.3 thereby entitling Manager to receive the termination fees as set forth in this Section 2.3, Manager would suffer an economic loss by virtue of the resulting loss of management fees which would otherwise have been earned under this Agreement. Because such fees vary in amount depending on the total gross revenues earned at the Hotels and accordingly would be extremely difficult and impractical to ascertain with certainty, the parties agree that the termination fees provided in this Section 2.3 constitute a reasonable estimate of liquidated damages to Manager for purposes of any and all legal requirements, and it is agreed that Manager shall not be entitled to maintain a cause of action against Lessee, except as specifically provided herein, for actual damages in excess of the termination fees in any context where the termination fees are provided by this Agreement, and receipt of such fees (together with all other amounts due and payable by Lessee to Manager with respect to events occurring prior to termination of this Agreement with respect to the applicable Hotel or as otherwise provided herein) shall be Manager’s sole remedy for damages against Lessee in any such case.The foregoing shall in no way affect any other sums due Manager under this Article II or otherwise hereunder, including, without limitation, the Management Fees earned during the Term, or any other rights or remedies, at law or in equity of Manager under this Agreement or under Legal Requirements, including any indemnity obligations of Lessee to Manager under this Agreement.2.4 Substitution of Hotel. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if, in event of a termination of this Agreement with respect to a Hotel, a termination fee becomes payable by Lessee, Lessee may (in its sole and absolute discretion) avoid payment of suchtermination fee by substituting for the terminated Hotel within 120 days of such termination, another hotel facility reasonably comparable to the terminated Hotel in size, number of rooms, quality of franchise operation, market and geographical location, and gross revenues, to be governed by the terms and conditions of this Agreement as an “Initial Hotel” from and after the date of such substitution, and this Agreement shall be amended accordingly pursuant to a form of amendment similar to Exhibit “E” attached hereto.ARTICLE III PREMISESManager shall be responsible, at the sole cost and expense of Lessee, for keeping and maintaining the Premises fully equipped in accordance with plans, specifications, construction safety and fire safety standards, and designs pursuant to applicable Legal Requirements, the standards and requirements of a Franchisor pursuant to any applicable Franchise Agreement, any applicable Hotel Mortgage, the Leases, the Capital Improvement Budgets and the Annual Operating Budgets approved pursuant to the terms hereof, subject in all respects to performance by Lessee of its obligations pursuant to this Agreement.ARTICLE IV APPOINTMENT OF MANAGER4.1 Appointment. Lessee hereby appoints Manager as its sole, exclusive and continuing operator and manager to supervise and direct, for and at the expense of Lessee, the management and operation of the Premises under the terms and conditions set forth herein. In exercising its duties hereunder, Manager shall act as agent and for the account of Lessee. Manager hereby accepts said appointment and agrees to manage the Premises during the Term of this Agreement under the terms and conditions set forth herein.4.2 Delegation of Authority. The operation of the Premises shall be under the exclusive supervision and control of Manager who, except as otherwise specifically provided in this Agreement, shall be responsible for the proper and efficient management and operation of the Premises in accordance with this Agreement, the Leases, the Franchise Agreements, the Capital Improvement Budget and the Annual Operating Budget. Subject to the terms of such agreements and budgets, the Manager shall have discretion and control in all matters relating to the management and operation of the Premises, including, without limitation, charges for rooms and commercial space, the determination of credit policies (including entering into agreements with credit card organizations), food and beverage service and policies, employment policies, procurement of inventories, supplies and services, promotion, advertising, publicity and marketing, and, generally, all activities necessary for the operation of the Premises. Manager shall also be responsible for the receipt, holding and disbursement of funds and maintenance of bank accounts in compliance with the Cash Management Agreements, if applicable.。





三、管理职责1. 乙方应负责酒店的日常运营管理,包括但不限于客房管理、餐饮服务、员工管理、市场营销等。

2. 乙方应制定并执行酒店的经营计划和预算,确保酒店的盈利能力。

3. 乙方应维护酒店的良好形象和声誉,提供优质的客户服务。

4. 乙方应遵守国家法律法规和相关行业规定,合法经营酒店。

四、费用及支付方式1. 甲方应向乙方支付管理费用,具体金额为每月[X]元。

2. 管理费用应在每月的[具体日期]前支付给乙方。

3. 乙方应负责酒店的运营成本,包括但不限于员工工资、水电费、物料采购等。

4. 酒店的营业收入归甲方所有,乙方应按照甲方的要求进行财务管理和报表编制。

五、利润分配甲方:[X]%乙方:[X]%2. 利润分配应在每年的[具体日期]前进行。

六、双方权利和义务1. 甲方权利和义务有权监督乙方的管理工作,提出意见和建议。




2. 乙方权利和义务有权自主管理酒店,制定经营策略和管理制度。




七、合同解除和终止1. 本合同期满后,双方如无异议,则自动延续。

2. 若一方违反本合同约定,另一方有权解除合同。

3. 在合同解除或终止后,双方应进行清算和交接。





MANAGEMENT AGREEMENTby and betweenLAS VEGAS SANDS, INC.,a Nevada corporation("Owner")andFOREST CITY COMMERCIAL MANAGEMENT, INC.,an Ohio corporation("FCMI" or "Agent")Phase I and Phase IILas Vegas (Clark County), Nevada<PAGE>INDEXARTICLE I: Engagement (1)ARTICLE II: FCMI's Obligations (2)ARTICLE III: Term (7)ARTICLE IV: Termination (7)ARTICLE V: Compensation (10)ARTICLE VI: FCMI's Staff (12)ARTICLE VII: Assignment (13)ARTICLE VIII: Notices (13)ARTICLE IX: Amendment (14)ARTICLE X: Severability (14)ARTICLE XI: Remedies Cumulative (14)ARTICLE XII: Successors and Assigns (14)ARTICLE XIII: Law Applicable (14)ARTICLE XIV: Consent or Waiver (15)ARTICLE XV: Indemnity (15)ARTICLE XVI: Miscellaneous (15)ARTICLE XVII: Bonding (17)ARTICLE XVIII: Lender Provisions (18)<PAGE>MANAGEMENT AGREEMENTTHIS AGREEMENT, made as of the _____ day of _______________, 1997, by andbetween LAS VEGAS SANDS, INC. ("Owner"), a Nevada corporation, with offices at3355 Las Vegas Boulevard South, Las Vegas, Nevada 89109, and FOREST CITYCOMMERCIAL MANAGEMENT, INC. ("FCMI" or "Agent"), an Ohio corporation, withoffices at 700 Terminal Tower, Cleveland, Ohio 44113-2203.WITNESSETH:WHEREAS, Owner intends to develop in two (2) phases an enclosed retailcenter. Phase I will contain approximately 350,000 square feet of gross leasablearea. Phase II, to be completed in approximately two (2) years, will contain anadditional 150,000 square feet of gross leasable area (Phase I and Phase II arecollectively referred to as the "Shopping Center"). The Shopping Center will be located in Las Vegas (Clark County), Nevada on the real property described in Exhibit "A" and shown on Exhibit "B" (together, the "Shopping Center Parcel"); andWHEREAS, Owner will operate the Shopping Center adjacent to and in connection with a hotel and casino to be owned and operated by Owner.WHEREAS, Owner desires that FCMI perform management services with respectto the Shopping Center on behalf of Owner and FCMI has agreed to perform suchservices.NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained,the parties, intending to be legally bound, covenant and agree with each other as follows:ARTICLE IENGAGEMENTOwner engages FCMI as an independent contractor to perform the servicesdescribed in this Agreement as the sole and exclusive manager and FCMI acceptsand agrees to perform such services as an independent contractor.ARTICLE IIFCMI'S OBLIGATIONS1<PAGE>The Owner intends to initially construct three hundred fifty thousand (350,000) square feet of gross leasable area. The initial three hundred fifty thousand (350,000) square feet of gross leasable area and the expansion of onehundred fifty thousand (150,000) square feet of gross leasable area to be completed two (2) years later together constitute the Shopping Center for the purposes of this Agreement together with the associated Common Area.FCMI shall commence and thereafter with due diligence shall perform allservices described in this Agreement with respect to the management of the Shopping Center. In furtherance thereof, FCMI shall promptly, fully, faithfully and in compliance with all applicable statutes, laws, ordinances, rules and regulations of all authorities having jurisdiction perform, among other things, the following subject in all respects and in all instances to the prior approval of, direction from and control by Owner:(a) Maintain liaison with the leasing, design and construction staffsengaged by Owner, before and after opening of the Shopping Centerfor business.(b) At least sixty (60) days before the date set for the opening of theShopping Center submit to Owner for its approval a plan for theroutine operations of the Shopping Center, including, but notlimited to:。



酒店管理公司管理合同1. 引言本文档旨在记录酒店管理公司与酒店业主之间的管理合作协议。



2. 合同双方•酒店管理公司:在本合同中指代具有合法资格和经验的酒店管理公司,简称“管理公司”。


3. 合作期限本合同的合作期限为起始日期至结束日期。


4. 合作内容4.1 酒店经营管理4.1.1管理公司将根据业主的指导和战略目标,制定并执行酒店经营管理计划,包括但不限于:•市场调研和营销策划•酒店运营流程优化•客房预订和入住管理•餐饮和宴会管理•设备设施维护和管理•人力资源管理•财务管理和报表分析•服务质量控制和改进4.1.2 业主将提供必要的资源和信息支持,包括但不限于:•酒店基本信息和业务发展计划•人力资源配备和薪资标准•财务数据和预算报告•投资和维护需求4.2 费用和报酬4.2.1管理公司将按照约定支付方式,支付相应的服务费用。



5. 合同终止5.1 合同终止的情况包括但不限于情况:•合同期满且双方不再继续合作•双方协商一致终止合同•一方未能履行合同义务,经守约方书面通知后,未能在合理期限内予以解决•一方破产、提出清算或解散申请•法律法规或政府机关等原因导致合同终止5.2合同终止后,双方应按约定进行结算,并履行终止合同后的相关责任。

6. 不可抗力对于因不可抗力原因而导致的合同履行延误或终止的情况,双方应提前进行沟通,遵循公平、合理的原则协商解决。

7. 争议解决对于因合同履行产生的争议,双方应通过友好协商解决。






1.1 酒店--应解释为建筑物之所在地,而其建筑物包括家私、装置设置及营业设备,其细则详列在后,酒店又应解释为依据本合同而产生之营业运作。

1.2 工程地址--位于XXX。

1.3 建筑物--应解释为所有在性质上或指定上视为地产物业的楼房及设施,以及包括所有为该等楼房及设施所设之设备,例如:热力系统、空调系统,所有水管类装置和电器设备,户外及户内之标志,升降机等等,所有酒店设备由甲方提供。

1.4 家私,装置和设备或简称F.F.E--应解释为所有家私、装置、办公室设备、装饰(无论固定或可移动、包括地毯和墙身装修),厨房、酒吧、洗烫设备、电话设备、浴室水设备),所有酒店相关配备由甲方提供。

1.5 营业设备或简称O.E--应解释为一般用于酒店营业运作之小件,例如:被单、窗帘等物、陶器皿,小型厨房用具,员工制服,包括使用年限在一年以内,单件价值人民币八百元以下的低值易耗品购置,具体划分标准按酒店统一会计制度及中外合资会计法规定处理,所有酒店营业设备由甲方提供。

1.7 会计年度--应解释为由一月一日开始至十二月三十一日止之十二个月期间,第一会计年度应由开业第一天开始至同年之十二月三十一日止。



酒店管理委托合同格式5篇篇1甲方(委托方):_________乙方(受托方):_________根据《中华人民共和国合同法》及相关法律法规的规定,甲乙双方在平等、自愿、公平、诚实信用的基础上,就甲方委托乙方对_________酒店(以下简称“酒店”)进行管理事宜,达成如下协议:一、委托管理事项1. 乙方负责对酒店的整体经营管理,包括但不限于酒店的经营策略、市场推广、客户管理、财务管理等。

2. 乙方负责招聘、培训及管理酒店的工作人员,确保酒店的服务质量和运营效率。

3. 乙方负责制定酒店的营销策略,提高酒店的市场知名度和占有率。

4. 乙方负责监督酒店的设施维护和更新,确保酒店设施的完好和有效。


三、双方权利与义务(一)甲方权利与义务1. 甲方应提供酒店的所有权证明材料,确保乙方在合法合规的情况下进行经营管理。

2. 甲方应按照本合同约定向乙方支付委托管理费用。

3. 甲方应协助乙方处理与酒店经营管理相关的事宜,提供必要的支持和配合。

4. 甲方有权监督乙方的经营管理行为,但不得干涉乙方的自主经营权。

(二)乙方权利与义务1. 乙方应认真履行本合同约定的委托管理事项,确保酒店的经营管理符合法律法规和行业规定。

2. 乙方应制定科学的经营策略和营销策略,提高酒店的市场竞争力和盈利能力。

3. 乙方应建立健全酒店的管理制度,提高酒店的服务质量和运营效率。

4. 乙方应定期向甲方报告酒店的经营管理情况,接受甲方的监督和检查。

四、委托管理费用及支付方式1. 甲方应按照本合同约定向乙方支付委托管理费用,具体费用及支付方式如下:(1)乙方整体经营管理酒店的费用,包括但不限于人员工资、办公费用、营销费用等,由乙方自行承担。





















第二条:合同内容1. 本合同的核心是甲方将酒店的全面管理权委托给乙方,具体包括经营管理、市场营销、财务管理、人力资源以及客户服务等方面。

2. 双方同意根据本合同的约定开展合作。

第三条:服务范围1. 乙方将为甲方提供以下服务:- 制定酒店的运营战略和管理计划;- 负责日常运营,包括前台、客房、餐饮等管理;- 进行市场调研并制定实施策略;- 监督财务状况,编制预算和财务报告;- 招聘、培训和管理酒店员工。

2. 乙方承诺按时完成工作,确保其服务符合行业标准及甲方的要求。

第四条:合同期限1. 本合同自____年____月____日起生效,至____年____月____日终止。

2. 合同期满后,如双方无异议,可以续签或另行签订补充协议。

第五条:服务质量1. 乙方提供的服务必须符合以下标准:- 符合相关法律法规;- 客户满意度需达到____%;- 定期评估服务质量并报告甲方。

2. 如果服务不达标,乙方需免费进行整改。

第六条:付款方式1. 本合同总金额为_________元(大写:_________元整),涵盖管理费和绩效奖金等。

2. 甲方需在约定期限内支付款项:_________。

3. 乙方在收到款项后,需提供相应的收据或发票。

第七条:双方权利与义务1. 甲方的权利与义务:- 按合同规定及时付款;- 提供必要的支持和资料;- 定期评估乙方的工作。

2. 乙方的权利与义务:- 提供符合标准的服务;- 及时报告运营情况及风险;- 确保酒店正常运营,不得随意延误。

第八条:违约责任1. 若一方未履行合同义务,需向另一方支付违约金:_________元。

2. 因违约造成的经济损失,违约方需承担相应赔偿责任,具体金额由双方协商确定。



酒店管理咨询服务合同范本1. 合同背景及目的本合同由酒店管理咨询公司(简称“甲方”)与酒店经营方(简称“乙方”)签订,旨在明确双方在酒店管理咨询服务方面的权利和义务,保障合作的顺利进行。

2. 合同内容2.1 服务内容甲方将根据乙方的需求,提供酒店管理咨询服务:•酒店经营策划咨询•酒店品牌定位咨询•酒店市场调研咨询•酒店管理流程梳理咨询•酒店运营效率优化咨询2.2 服务期限本合同自双方签字之日起生效,有效期为一年。


2.3 服务费用及支付方式乙方应按照支付方式支付服务费用:•服务费用总额:X万元•支付方式:分期支付•第一期支付:X万元,于合同签署后5个工作日内支付•后续支付:每季度支付一次,每次支付X万元,直至服务结束2.4 保密条款双方应对涉及本合同的任何技术、商业或财务信息保密,未经对方书面同意,不得向第三方透露或使用。

2.5 违约责任•若乙方未按时支付服务费用,应按逾期付款金额的1%支付违约金;•若任何一方违反本合同的其他条款,应承担相应的违约责任。

3. 合同变更和解除3.1 合同变更任何一方双方可以在合同期限内提出合同变更的请求。


3.2 合同解除除双方协商一致解除合同外,情况任何一方有权解除合同:•一方严重违反本合同,经通知后于限定期限内仍未改正;•发生不可抗力事件,且影响合同履行;•根据适用法律法规的规定。

4. 争议解决双方如发生争议,应通过友好协商解决。


5. 合同生效本合同一式两份,双方各持一份,合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效。

甲方(盖章):___________________ 乙方(盖章):___________________签字日期:___________________。











酒店管理合同(英⽂版第⼀部分)FORM OF HOTEL MASTER MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT酒店管理合同BY AND BETWEEN 当事⽅MHI HOSPITALITY TRS, LLC A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANYANDMHI HOTELS SERVICES LLC, A VIRGINIA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANYARTICLE I DEFINITION OF TERMS 定义1.1 Definition of Terms 定义ARTICLE II TERM OF AGREEMENT 合同条款2.1 Term 合同期间2.2 Actions to be taken upon Termination 合同终⽌时的事项2.3 Early Termination Rights, Liquidated Damages 提前终⽌合同和违约赔偿⾦2.4 Substitution of Hotel 类似规格的替代酒店ARTICLE III PREMISES 酒店建筑物ARTICLE IV APPOINTMENT OF MANAGER 管理⼈员的任命4.1 Appointment 任命4.2 Delegation of Authority 权利授予4.3 Contracts, Equipment Leases and Other Agreements 合同、设备租赁协议及其他协议4.4 Alcoholic Beverage/Liquor Licensing Requirements 酒精饮料/烈酒经营许可证的办理ARTICLE V REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES 各⽅承诺与保证5.1 Lessee Representations 租赁⽅的承诺5.2 Manager Representations 管理⽅的承诺ARTICLE VI OPERATION 经营6.1 Name of Premises, Standard of Operation 建筑物名称、经营标准6.2 Use of Premises 建筑物的使⽤6.3 Group Services ⼀揽⼦服务6.4 Right to Inspect 出租⽅的检查权利ARTICLE VII WORKING CAPITAL AND INVENTORIES 营运资⾦与财产清单7.1 Working Capital and Inventories ⼯作资⾦与财产清单7.2 Fixed Asset Supplies 固定资产的提供ARTICLE VIII MAINTENANCE, REPLACEMENT AND CHANGES维护、替代和改变8.1 Routine and Non-RoutineRepairs and Maintenance ⽇常和临时维修和维护8.2 Capital Improvement Budget 资⾦调整预算ARTICLE IX EMPLOYEES 雇员9.1 Employee Hiring 雇员聘⽤9.2 Costs, Benefit Plans 成本和福利计划9.3 Manager’s Employees 管理⼈员的雇佣9.4 Special Projects – Corporate Employees 特别项⽬—公司雇员9.5 Termination 合同终⽌时的员⼯安排9.6 Employee Use of Hotel 酒店对雇员的使⽤9.7 Non-Solicitation 不得利诱对⽅雇员ARTICLE X BUDGET, STANDARDS AND CONTRACTS 预算、标准及合同10.1 Annual Operating Budget 年度营运预算10.2 Budget Approval 预算的批准10.3 Operation Pending Approval 预算批准之前的营运10.4 Budget Meetings 预算会议ARTICLE XI OPERATING DISTRIBUTIONS 运营费⽤的安排11.1 Management Fee 管理费⽤11.2 Accounting and Interim Payment 会计与临时付款ARTICLE XII INSURANCE 保险12.1 Insurance 保险12.2 Replacement Cost 重置成本12.3 Increase in Limits 对保险费⽤限制的增加12.4 Blanket Policy 总括保险单12.5 Costs and Expenses 成本与费⽤12.6 Policies and Endorsements 保险单及其保险受益权的转让12.7 Termination 终⽌ARTICLE XIII TAXES AND DEBT SERVICE 纳税及债息13.1 Taxes 纳税13.2 Debt Service, Ground Lease Payments 债息及⼟地租赁费⽤的⽀付ARTICLE XIV BANK ACCOUNTS 银⾏账户14.1 Operating Account 运营账户14.2 Payroll Account 薪酬账户14.3 Management of Operating Account 运营账户的管理14.4 Advance of Funds 预付经费14.5 Reserve Accounts 储备⾦账户ARTICLE XV ACCOUNTING SYSTEM 会计体系的建⽴15.1 Books and Records 账簿及记录15.2 Monthly Financial Statements 财务⽉报表15.3 Annual Financial Statements 财务年度报表ARTICLE XVI PAYMENT BY LESSEE 租赁⽅的⽀付16.1 Payment of Base Management Fee 基本管理费的⽀付16.2 Payment of Incentive Management Fee 激励管理费的⽀付16.3 Distributions 赢利分配ARTICLE XVII RELATIONSHIP AND AUTHORITY 各⽅关系及授权ARTICLE XVIII DAMAGE, CONDEMNATION AND FORCE MAJEURE损坏、征⽤及不可抗⼒18.1 Damage and Repair 损坏和维修18.2 Condemnation 征⽤18.3 Force Majeure 不可抗⼒ARTICLE XIX DEFAULT AND TERMINATION 违约与合同终⽌19.1 Events of Default 违约事件19.2 Consequence of Default 违约事件的后果ARTICLE XX WAIVER AND INVALIDITY 权利放弃和⽆法律效⼒20.1 Waiver 权利放弃20.2 Partial Invalidity 单⽅⾯⽆法律效⼒ARTICLE XXI ASSIGNMENT 任命ARTICLE XXII NOTICES 通知ARTICLE XXIII SUBORDINATION; NON-DISTURBANCE 所依据的法律契约、不得⼲预23.1 Subordination 所依据的法律契约23.2 Non-Disturbance Agreement 不得⼲预协议ARTICLE XXIV PROPRIETARY MARKS; INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY专利商标和知识产权24.1 Computer Software and Equipment 软件与设备24.2 Intellectual Property 知识产权24.3 Books and Records 账簿与记录ARTICLE XXV INDEMNIFICATION 赔偿25.1 Manager Indemnity 管理⼈员的赔偿25.2 Lessee Indemnity 租赁⽅的赔偿25.3 Indemnification Procedure 赔偿程序25.4 Survival 合同终⽌后的条款效⼒ARTICLE XXVI FUTURE HOTELS 合同终⽌后的酒店ARTICLE XXVII GOVERNING LAW VENUE 法律管辖地ARTICLE XXVIII MISCELLANEOUS 其他约定28.1 Rights to make Agreement 签约权利28.2 Agency 代理28.3 Failure to Perform 履约不能28.4 Headings 标题28.5 Attorneys’ Fees and Costs 律师费⽤28.6 Entire Agreement 合同的完整性28.7 Consents 合同内容28.8 Eligible Independent Contractor 适格的独⽴承包⼈28.9 Subleasing 分租28.10 Environmental Matters 环保事项28.11 Equity and Debt Offerings 股票及债券的发⾏28.12 Estoppel Certificates 不得反悔的证明28.13 Confidentiality 保密28.14 Modification 合同条款的变更28.15 Counterparts 合同副本LIST OF EXHIBITSLIST OF SCHEDULESHOTEL MASTER MANAGEMENT AGREEMENTTHIS HOTEL MASTER MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT is made and entered into as of this day of , 2004, by and between MHI Hospitality TRS, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (hereinafter referred to as “Lessee”), MHI Hotels Services LLC, a Virginia limited liability company (hereinafter referred to as “Manager”), and for the limited purposes of Article VIII herein, the Landlords (defined below).RECITALS:A. Lessee is the tenant under the Leases (defined below) covering those certain hotel properties, fully equipped with furniture and fixtures, and more particularly described by address location, franchise name and room number information, on Exhibit “A” attached hereto (the hotels, together with all ancillary facilities, improvements and amenities set forth on Exhibit A attached hereto as such exhibit exists as of the date of this Agreement, herein called the “Initial Hotels”).B. Lessee desires to retain Manager to manage and operate the Initial Hotels and any Future Hotels (as defined below), and Manager is willing to perform such services for the account of Lessee, all as more particularly set forth in this Agreement. AGREEMENTS:NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows:ARTICLE I DEFINITION OF TERMS1.1 Definition of Terms. The following terms when used in this Agreement shall have the meanings indicated below.“Accounting Period” shall mean a calendar month.“Agreement” shall mean this Master Management Agreement, and all amendments, modifications, supplements, consolidations, extensions and revisions to this Master Management Agreement approved by Lessee and Manager in accordance with the provisions hereof.“Amendment” shall have the meaning as set forth in Article XXVI.“Annual Operating Budget” shall have the meaning as set forth in Section 10.1.“AOB Objection Notice” shall have the meaning as set forth in Section 10.2.“Applicable Standards” shall mean standards of operation for the Premises which are (a) in accordance with the requirements of the applicable Franchise Agreement, this Agreement and all CCRs affecting the Premises and of which true and complete copies have been made available by Lessee to Manager, (b) in accordance with applicable Legal Requirements, (c) in accordance with the terms and conditions of any Hotel Mortgage or Ground Lease to the extent not otherwise inconsistent with the terms of this Agreement (to the extent Lessee has made available to Manager true and complete copies of the applicable loan documents relating to any such Hotel Mortgage and/or the Ground Leases), (d) in accordance with the Leases (to the extent Lessee has made available to Manager a true and complete copy thereof), (e) in accordance with the requirements of any carrier having insurance on the Hotels or any part thereof (to the extent Manager has been given written notice of such requirements or policies or has coordinated same on behalf of Lessee), and (f) in accordance with the requirements of Section 856(d)(9)(D) of the Code for qualifying each of the Hotels as a Qualified Lodging Facility.“Competitive Set” shall initially mean for each Hotel, the hotels situated in the same market segment as such Hotel as noted on Schedule 1 attached hereto, which competitive set shall include the applicable Hotel. The Competitive Set may be changed from time to time by mutual agreement of Lessee and Manager to reasonably and accurately reflect a set within the market of such Hotel that is comparable in rate quality and in operation to such Hotel and directly competitive with such Hotel. The requirements for the Competitive Set are not applicable to any of the Initial Hotels until after the expiration of the initial 10-year term of this Agreement.“Gross Revenues” shall mean all revenues and receipts of every kind received from operating the Premises and all departments and parts thereof, including but not limited to, income from both cash and credit transactions, income from the rental of rooms, stores, offices, banquet rooms, conference rooms, exhibits or sale space of every kind, license, lease and concession fees and rentals (not including gross receipts of licensees, lessees and concessionaires), vending machines, health club membership fees, food and beverage sales, wholesale and retail sales of merchandise, service charges, and proceeds, if any, from business interruption or other loss of income insurance; provided, however, Gross Revenues shall not include (a) gratuities to the Premises’ employees, (b) federal, state or municipal excise, sales or use taxes or similar impositions collected directly from customers, patrons or guests or included as part of the sales prices of any goods or services paid over to federal, state or municipal governments, (c) property insurance or condemnation proceeds (excluding proceeds from business interruption or other loss of income coverage), (d) proceeds from the sale or refinance of assets other than sales in the ordinary course of business, (e) funds furnished by the Lessee, (f) judgments and awards other than for lost business, (g) the amount of all credits, rebates or refunds (which shall be deductions from Gross Revenues) to customers, patrons or guests, (h) receipts of licensees, concessionaires, and tenants, (i) payments received at any of the Hotels for hotel accommodations, goods or services to be provided at other hotels, although arranged by, for or on behalf of Manager; (j) the value of complimentary rooms, food and beverages, (k) interest income, (l) lease security deposits, and (m) items constituting “allowances” under the Uniform System of Accounts.ARTICLE II TERM OF AGREEMENT2.1 Term. The term (“Term”) of this Agreement shall commence on the “Commencement Date” for each of the Hotels as noted on Exhibit “A” attached hereto and, unless sooner terminated as herein provided, shall continue with respect to such Hotels until the “Termination Date.” For purposes of this Agreement, the “Termination Date” for each of the Hotels shall be the earlier to occur of (i) the Expiration Date applicable to such Hotel, (ii) termination at the option of Lessee in connection with the bona fide Sale of the Hotel by Landlord to an unaffiliated third party as provided in and subject to the terms of Section 2.3(a) hereof, (iii) termination at the option of Lessee in the event that the Performance Test has not been satisfied pursuant to and subject to the terms and conditions of Section 2.3(b) below, (iv) termination at the option of Lessee for convenience pursuant to and subject to the terms and conditions of Section 2.3(c) below (and subject to Section 2.3(a) with respect to any sale of the Hotel), or (v) termination by either Lessee or Manager pursuant to Article XVIII hereof in connection with a condemnation, casualty or Force Majeure, subject to the terms thereof. The “Expiration Date” with respect to a Hotel shall mean the 10th anniversary of the Commencement Date applicable to such Hotel, provided that such initial 10-year term may thereafter be renewed by Manager on the same terms and conditions contained herein, for two (2) successive periods of five (5) Fiscal Years each, provided that upon completion of the initial term and the first renewal period, both Lessee and Manager mutually agree to renew the Agreement and, provided further, that at the time of exercise of any such option to renew an Event ofDefault by Manager does not then exist beyond any applicable grace or cure period. If at the time of the exercise of any renewal period, Manager is then in default under this Agreement, then the exercise of the renewal option will be conditional on timely cure of such default, and if such default is not timely cured, then Lessee may terminate this Agreement regardless of the exercise of such renewal period and without the payment of any fee or liquidated damages. If Manager desires to exercise any such option to renew, it shall give Lessee Notice to that effect not less than ninety (90) days prior to the expiration of the then current Term. Notwithstanding the expiration or earlier termination of the Term, Lessee and Manager agree that the obligations of Lessee to pay, remit, reimburse and to otherwise indemnify Manager for any and all expenses and fees incurred or accrued by Manager pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement prior to the expiration or earlier termination of the Term (or actually incurred by Manager after the termination) shall survive Termination, provided such expenses and fees have been incurred consistent with the then current terms of this Agreement and the applicable Annual Operating Budget, including, without limitation but only to the extent so consistent, all costs, expenses and liabilities arising from the termination of the Premises’ employees such as accrued vacation and sick leave, severance pay and other accrued benefits, employer liabilities pursuant to the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act and employer liabilities pursuant to the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act. In addition, subject to Section 19.2 below and the foregoing sentence, upon Termination of this Agreement, Lessee and Manager shall have no further obligations to one another pursuant to this Agreement, except that Section 2.2, obligations to make payments under Section 2.3 or Section 9.5, Section 9.7, the last sentence of Section 15.1, obligations to make payments of termination fees pursuant to Article XVIII, Article XXIV, Article XXV, Article XXVII and Section 28.13 shall survive Termination.2.2 Actions to be taken upon Termination. Upon a Termination of this Agreement with respect to one or more of the Hotels, the following shall be applicable:(a) Manager shall, within forty-five (45) days after Termination of this Agreement, prepare and deliver to Lessee a final accounting statement with respect to such Hotels, in form and substance consistent with the statements provided pursuant to Section 15.2, along with a statement of any sums due from Lessee to Manager pursuant hereto, dated as of the date of Termination. Within thirty (30) days after the receipt by Lessee of such final accounting statement, the parties will make whatever cash adjustments are necessary pursuant to such final statement. The cost of preparing such final accounting statement shall be a Deduction. Manager and Lessee acknowledge that there may be certain adjustments for which the necessary information will not be available at the time of such final accounting, and the parties agree to readjust such amounts and make the necessary cash adjustments when such information becomes available.(b) As of the date of the final accounting referred to in subsection (a) above, Manager shall release and transfer to Lessee any of Lessee’s funds which are held or controlled by Manager with respect to such Hotels, with the exception of funds to be held in escrow pursuant to Section 9.5 and Section 12.7. During the period between the date of Termination and the date of such final accounting, Manager shall pay (or reserve against) all Deductions which accrued (but were not paid) prior to the date of Termination, using for such purpose any Gross Revenues which accrued prior to the date of Termination.(c) Manager shall make available to Lessee such books and records respecting such Hotels (including those from prior years, subject to Manager’s reasonable records retention policies in accordance with applicable law and legal requirements) as will be needed by Lessee to prepare the accounting statements, in accordance with the Uniform System of Accounts, for such Hotels for the year in which the Termination occurs and for any subsequent year. Such books and records shall not include:(i) employee records which must remain confidential pursuant to either Legal Requirements or confidentiality agreements, or (ii) any Intellectual Property.(d) Manager shall (to the extent permitted by Legal Requirements) assign to Lessee, or to any other manager employed by Lessee to operate and manage such Hotels, all operating licenses for such Hotels which have been issued in Manager’s name; provided that if Manager has expended any of its own funds in the acquisition of any of such licenses, Lessee shall reimburse Manager therefor if it has not done so already.(e) Lessee agrees that Hotel reservations and any and all contracts made in connection with Hotel convention, banquet or other group services made by Manager in the ordinary and normal course of business consistent with this Agreement, for dates subsequent to the date of Termination and at rates prevailing for such reservations at the time they were made, shall be honored and remain in effect after Termination of this Agreement.(f) Manager shall cooperate with the new operator of such Hotels as to effect a smooth transition and shall peacefully vacate and surrender the Hotels to Lessee.(g) Manager and Lessee agree to use best efforts to resolve any disputes amicably and promptly under this Section 2.2 to effect a smooth transition of such Hotels to Lessee and/or Lessee’s new manager.2.3 Early Termination Rights, Liquidated Damages.(a) Termination Upon Sale. Upon Notice to Manager, Lessee shall have the option to terminate this Agreement with respect to one, more or all of the Hotels effective as of the closing of the Sale of such Hotels to a third party. Such Notice shall be given at least forty-five (45) days’ in advance (unless otherwise required by Legal Requirements, in which case Lessee shall provide such additional notice in order to comply with such Legal Requirements) and shall inform Manager of the identity of the contract purchaser. Manager, at its election, may offer to provide management services to such contract purchaser after the closing of the sale. Lessee shall, in connection with such Sale, by a separate document reasonably acceptable to Lessee and Manager, indemnify and save Manager harmless against any and all losses, costs, damages, liabilities and court costs, claims and expenses, including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees arising or resulting from the failure of Lessee or such prospective purchaser to provide any of the services contracted for in connection with the business booked for such hotels to, and including, the date of such Termination, in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, including without limitation, any and all business so booked as to which facilities and/or services are to be furnished subsequent to the date of Termination, provided that any settlement by Manager of any such claims shall be subject to the prior written approval of Lessee which shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. In addition, the following terms shall apply in connection with the sale of any Hotel:(i) Sale of Future Hotel. If this Agreement is terminated pursuant to Section 2.3(a) with respect to any of the Future Hotels prior to the first anniversary of the Commencement Date applicable to such Future Hotel, then Lessee shall pay to Manager on such termination, a termination fee as liquidated damages and not as a penalty (provided that an Event of Default by Manager is not then existing beyond any cure or grace periods set forth in this Agreement) in an amount equal to the estimated Base Management Fee and Incentive Management Fee that was estimated to be paid to Manager with respect to such Future Hotel pursuant to the Annual Operating Budget for the remaining Accounting Periods until the first anniversary of the Commencement Date for such Future Hotel (irrespective of the Management Fees paid to Manager prior to the date of the Termination with respect to the Hotels). If this Agreement is terminated pursuant to Section 2.3(a) with respect to any of the Future Hotels after the first anniversary of the Date applicable to such Future Hotel, then no termination fees shall be payable by Lessee.(ii) Sale of Initial Hotel. If this Agreement is terminated pursuant to Section 2.3(a) with respect to any of the Initial Hotels prior to the expiration of the initial 10-year term of this Agreement applicable to such Initial Hotel, then Lessee shall pay to Manager on such termination, a termination fee, with respect to each such Hotel as liquidated damages and not as a penalty (provided that an Event of Default by Manager is not then existing beyond any cure or grace periods set forth in this Agreement), an amount equal to the sum obtained by multiplying (1) the aggregate Base Management Fees and Incentive Management Fees budgeted in the Annual Operating Budget applicable to such Initial Hotel for the full current Fiscal Year in which such termination is to occur (but in no event less than the Base Management Fees and Incentive Management Fees for the preceding full Fiscal Year) by (2) the number of years remaining in the initial 10-year Term of this Agreement applicable to such Initial Hotel. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if this Agreement is terminated pursuant to Section 2.3(a) with respect to any of the Initial Hotels after the initial 10-year term of this Agreement applicable to such Initial Hotel, then no termination fees shall be payable by Lessee.(b) Termination Due to Failure to Satisfy Performance Test.(i) Performance Test. Lessee shall have the right to terminate this Agreement with respect to any Initial Hotel after the initial 10-year term of this Agreement applicable to such Initial Hotel and any Future Hotel (for the purposes of this Section 2.3(b)(i) called “Subject Hotel”), in the event of the occurrence of the following (collectively herein called, the “Performance Test”): (1) If, commencing with the first Fiscal Year after the initial 10-year term for an Initial Hotel and commencing with the first full Fiscal Year following the Commencement Date for any Future Hotel, and for each Fiscal Year thereafter (a) a Subject Hotel’s Gross Operating Profit Margin for such Fiscal Year is less than seventy-five percent (75%) of the average Gross Operating Profit Margin of comparable hotels in similar markets and geographic locations to the subject Hotel as reasonably determined by Lessee and Manager, and (b) such Subject Hotel’s Revpar Yield Penetration is less than 80% for such Fiscal Year (herein (a) and (b) collectively called “Performance Failure”); then(2) Manager shall have a period of two (2) years, commencing with the next ensuing Fiscal Year (the “Performance Cure Period”), to cure the Performance Failure after Manager’s receipt of Notice from Lessee of such Performance Failure and Lessee’s intent to terminate this Agreement with respect to the Subject Hotel if the Performance Failure is not cured within such Performance Cure Period; and(3) If after the end of the Performance Cure Period, the Performance Failure remains uncured, then Lessee may, at its election, terminate this Agreement upon forty-five (45) days’ prior Notice to Manager.(ii) Finance Reports. Determinations of the performance of the Subject Hotel shall be in accordance with the audited annual financial statements delivered by Lessee’s accountant pursuant to Section 15.3 hereof.(iii) Extension of Performance Cure Period. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if at any time during the Performance Cure Period (a) Lessee is in material default under any of its obligations under this Agreement, or (b) Lessee has terminated, terminatesor causes a termination of the Franchise Agreement (other than defaults due to Manager) and does not obtain a new franchise agreement with a comparable franchisor, or (c) the operation of the Hotel or the use of the Hotel’s facilities are materially disrupted by casualty, condemnation, or events of Force Majeure that are beyond the reasonable control of Manager, or by major repairs to or major refurbishment of the Hotel, then, for such period, the Performance Cure Period shall be extended.(iv) Renewal Period. If at the time of Manager’s exercise of a renewal period with respect to any Hotel, such hotel is a Subject Hotel within a Performance Cure Period, the exercise of such renewal period shall be conditional upon timely cure of the Performance Failure, and if such Performance Failure is not timely cured, then, notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, Lessee may elect to terminate this Agreement with respect to such Subject Hotel pursuant to the terms of this Section 2.3(b).(c) Termination for Convenience. Lessee may terminate this Agreement as to any Hotel for convenience (except if due to a Sale of a Hotel, whereupon Section 2.3(a) shall govern) upon ninety (90) days Notice to Manager, and shall pay to Manager as liquidated damages but not as a penalty, a termination fee (provided that there does not then exist an Event of Default by Manager under this Agreement beyond any applicable cure or grace periods) in an amount equal to the product of (1) the aggregate Base Management Fees and Incentive Management Fees budgeted in the Annual Operating Budget applicable to such Hotel for the full current Fiscal Year in which such termination is to occur (but in no event less than the Base Management Fees and Incentive Management Fees for the preceding full Fiscal Year) by (2) the number of years remaining in the initial 10-year Term of this Agreement applicable to such Hotel or any applicable renewal period.(d) Payment of liquidated damages. With respect to any termination fees payable in connection with any early termination right set forth in this Section 2.3, Lessee recognizes and agrees that, if this Agreement is terminated with respect to any of the Hotels for the reasons specified in this Section 2.3 thereby entitling Manager to receive the termination fees as set forth in this Section 2.3, Manager would suffer an economic loss by virtue of the resulting loss of management fees which would otherwise have been earned under this Agreement. Because such fees vary in amount depending on the total gross revenues earned at the Hotels and accordingly would be extremely difficult and impractical to ascertain with certainty, the parties agree that the termination fees provided in this Section 2.3 constitute a reasonable estimate of liquidated damages to Manager for purposes of any and all legal requirements, and it is agreed that Manager shall not be entitled to maintain a cause of action against Lessee, except as specifically provided herein, for actual damages in excess of the termination fees in any context where the termination fees are provided by this Agreement, and receipt of such fees (together with all other amounts due and payable by Lessee to Manager with respect to events occurring prior to termination of this Agreement with respect to the applicable Hotel or as otherwise provided herein) shall be Manager’s sole remedy for damages against Lessee in any such case.The foregoing shall in no way affect any other sums due Manager under this Article II or otherwise hereunder, including, without limitation, the Management Fees earned during the Term, or any other rights or remedies, at law or in equity of Manager under this Agreement or under Legal Requirements, including any indemnity obligations of Lessee to Manager under this Agreement.2.4 Substitution of Hotel. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if, in event of a termination of this Agreement with respect to a Hotel,a termination fee becomes payable by Lessee, Lessee may (in its sole and absolute discretion) avoid payment of such termination fee by substituting for the terminated Hotel within 120 days of such termination, another hotel facility reasonably comparable to the terminated Hotel in size, number of rooms, quality of franchise operation, market and geographical location, and gross revenues, to be governed by the terms and conditions of this Agreement as an “Initial Hotel” from and after the date of such substitution, and this Agreement shall be amended accordingly pursuant to a form of amendment similar to Exhibit “E” attached hereto.ARTICLE III PREMISESManager shall be responsible, at the sole cost and expense of Lessee, for keeping and maintaining the Premises fully equipped in accordance with plans, specifications, construction safety and fire safety standards, and designs pursuant to applicable Legal Requirements, the standards and requirements of a Franchisor pursuant to any applicable Franchise Agreement, any applicable Hotel Mortgage, the Leases, the Capital Improvement Budgets and the Annual Operating Budgets approved pursuant to the terms hereof, subject in all respects to performance by Lessee of its obligations pursuant to this Agreement.ARTICLE IV APPOINTMENT OF MANAGER4.1 Appointment. Lessee hereby appoints Manager as its sole, exclusive and continuing operator and manager to supervise and direct, for and at the expense of Lessee, the management and operation of the Premises under the terms and conditions。



酒店管理合同范本甲方:(以下简称“酒店”)地址:联系方式:乙方:(以下简称“管理公司”)地址:联系方式:鉴于甲方经营酒店业务,希望通过委托方式将酒店管理交由乙方负责,双方经友好协商,达成以下合同:第一条合同目的1.1 甲方委托乙方为其管理酒店,包括但不限于酒店的运营、市场推广、员工管理等各项工作。

第二条合同期限2.1 本合同的期限为(起始日期)至(终止日期),共计(合同期限)年。

2.2 若本合同到期前30天内,任何一方未提出中止或终止合同的要求,则该合同自动延长(合同期限)年。

第三条合作范围3.1 乙方负责酒店的日常运营管理,包括但不限于:a. 制定和执行酒店经营计划,确保酒店的正常运营;b. 确保酒店各项目标的达成,并提供合理的报告及解释;c. 确保酒店的人员配备、培训和管理;d. 制定并执行市场推广计划,提高酒店的知名度和客户满意度;e. 负责酒店物资采购和库存管理;f. 酒店财务管理和利润分析;g. 其他双方约定的管理事项。

3.2 乙方有权对酒店进行必要的调整和改进,以提高酒店的运营效率和服务质量。


第四条费用支付4.1 甲方向乙方支付酒店管理费用,费用构成及支付方式双方另行约定。

4.2 乙方负责制定酒店的预算及财务报告,以确保费用的合理使用。

第五条保密条款5.1 乙方应对因履行本合同而获得的甲方商业秘密和客户信息予以保密,并严禁向第三方披露或使用该等信息。

5.2 甲方也须对乙方提供的关于酒店经营和管理的具体方案予以保密,未经乙方同意不得向他人泄露或使用。

第六条违约责任6.1 若一方违反本合同的任何条款,守约方有权要求违约方承担相应的违约责任,并可能终止本合同。

6.2 对于因不可抗力、政府行政命令等不可控制的因素导致无法履行合同的一方,不承担违约责任。

第七条合同终止7.1 本合同期满后,若双方均未提出中止或终止合同的通知,本合同自动延长。



酒店合作管理合同范本甲方(委托方):________________乙方(受托方):________________根据《中华人民共和国合同法》及相关法律法规的规定,甲乙双方在平等、自愿、公平、诚实信用的原则基础上,就甲方委托乙方管理酒店事宜,达成如下协议:一、合同主体1.1 甲方是一家合法成立并有效存续的法人或其他组织,有权签署并履行本合同。

1.2 乙方是一家具备酒店管理经验和能力的法人或其他组织,愿意接受甲方的委托,管理甲方指定的酒店。

二、合作期限2.1 本合同的合作期限为_______年,自_______年_______月_______日起至_______年_______月_______日止。

2.2 合作期限届满前_______个月,如甲乙双方同意续约,应签订书面续约合同。

三、合作范围3.2 乙方负责酒店的经营、管理、服务、维护等工作,确保酒店的正常运营。

四、费用及支付4.1 甲方应向乙方支付管理费,管理费的标准为酒店营业收入的_______%。

4.2 甲方应在每月_______日前将上月的管理费支付至乙方指定的账户。

五、权利与义务5.1 甲方有权对乙方的管理情况进行监督和检查,并提出合理建议。

5.2 乙方应按照甲方的要求和行业标准,提供优质的酒店管理服务。

5.3 乙方应定期向甲方报告酒店的运营情况和财务状况。

六、违约责任6.1 如一方违反本合同的约定,导致合同无法履行,另一方有权解除合同,并要求违约方承担违约责任。

6.2 如乙方未能按照甲方的要求提供优质的酒店管理服务,甲方有权要求乙方进行整改,并有权扣除相应的管理费。

七、争议解决7.1 对于因履行本合同所发生的争议,双方应通过友好协商解决;如协商不成,任何一方均有权向合同签订地的人民法院提起诉讼。

八、其他约定8.1 本合同自甲乙双方签字盖章之日起生效。

8.2 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份。







第四条管理费用及支付方式1. 甲方应按照本合同约定向乙方支付管理费用,具体金额为:________________________。

2. 管理费用的支付方式为:______________________________________________。

第五条甲方的权利和义务1. 甲方有权监督乙方的管理工作,并提出改进建议。

2. 甲方应保证酒店的合法经营,并提供必要的经营许可和资质证明。

3. 甲方应按时支付乙方的管理费用。

第六条乙方的权利和义务1. 乙方有权根据酒店的实际情况制定管理计划和策略。

2. 乙方应保证酒店的高效运营,提升酒店的服务质量和市场竞争力。



酒店管理委托合同(合同示范文Hotel management commission contract(合同范本)姓名:单位:日期:编号:YW-HT-022745酒店管理委托合同(合同示范文本)说明:以下合同书内容主要作用是:合同有效的约定了合同双方的权利和义务,对合同的履行有积极的作用,能够较为有效的约束违约行为,能够最大程度的保障自己的合法权利,可用于电子存档或打印使用(使用时请看清是否适合您使用)。

酒店管理委托合同范文一第一章总则为了发展本市的对外经济、贸易及旅游业,使酒店的管理水平和服务质量达到国内同类酒店的先进水准,从而使酒店赢得良好的社会声誉和经济效益,(以下简称委托方),特委托 (以下简称管理公司),全权经营管理酒店。





























为明确双方的权利义务,经友好协商,双方达成如下协议:第一条经营管理范围1.1 乙方接受甲方的委托,对酒店进行经营管理,经营管理范围包括酒店的前台接待、客房管理、餐饮服务、会议服务、市场营销、人力资源管理等。

1.2 乙方应按照甲方的要求,确保酒店的服务质量、安全管理和员工培训等达到甲方设定的标准。

第二条合同期限2.1 本合同自双方签字之日起生效,有效期为____年,自合同生效之日起计算。

2.2 合同期满后,如双方无异议,本合同自动续约____年。

第三条经营管理费用3.1 乙方应向甲方支付经营管理费用,费用包括:(1)管理费:人民币____元/月;(2)服务费:人民币____元/月;(3)其他费用:按实际发生金额支付。

3.2 乙方应在每月____日前,将当月的经营管理费用支付给甲方。

第四条甲方权利义务4.1 甲方应保证酒店的产权和经营权归甲方所有,不得有产权纠纷。

4.2 甲方应提供酒店的营业执照、卫生许可证等相关证件,并保证证件的有效性。

4.3 甲方应对乙方提供的经营管理服务给予必要的支持和协助。

第五条乙方权利义务5.1 乙方应按照本合同的约定,负责酒店的经营管理,确保酒店的正常运营。

5.2 乙方应遵守国家法律法规,不得擅自改变酒店的用途和性质。

5.3 乙方应按约定支付经营管理费用,并承担因经营管理不善造成的损失。

第六条违约责任6.1 双方应严格履行本合同的约定,如一方违约,应承担违约责任,向守约方支付违约金,违约金为本合同 management fee 的两倍。

6.2 如因乙方原因导致酒店停业,甲方有权解除本合同,并要求乙方支付违约金。

第七条争议解决7.1 双方在履行本合同过程中发生的争议,应通过友好协商解决;协商不成的,可以向有管辖权的人民法院提起诉讼。

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MANAGEMENT AGREEMENTby and betweenLAS VEGAS SANDS, INC.,a Nevada corporation("Owner")andFOREST CITY COMMERCIAL MANAGEMENT, INC.,an Ohio corporation("FCMI" or "Agent")Phase I and Phase IILas Vegas (Clark County), Nevada<PAGE>INDEXARTICLE I: Engagement (1)ARTICLE II: FCMI's Obligations (2)ARTICLE III: Term (7)ARTICLE IV: Termination (7)ARTICLE V: Compensation (10)ARTICLE VI: FCMI's Staff (12)ARTICLE VII: Assignment (13)ARTICLE VIII: Notices (13)ARTICLE IX: Amendment (14)ARTICLE X: Severability (14)ARTICLE XI: Remedies Cumulative (14)ARTICLE XII: Successors and Assigns (14)ARTICLE XIII: Law Applicable (14)ARTICLE XIV: Consent or Waiver (15)ARTICLE XV: Indemnity (15)ARTICLE XVI: Miscellaneous (15)ARTICLE XVII: Bonding (17)ARTICLE XVIII: Lender Provisions (18)<PAGE>MANAGEMENT AGREEMENTTHIS AGREEMENT, made as of the _____ day of _______________, 1997, by andbetween LAS VEGAS SANDS, INC. ("Owner"), a Nevada corporation, with offices at3355 Las Vegas Boulevard South, Las Vegas, Nevada 89109, and FOREST CITY COMMERCIAL MANAGEMENT, INC. ("FCMI" or "Agent"), an Ohio corporation, withoffices at 700 Terminal Tower, Cleveland, Ohio 44113-2203.WITNESSETH:WHEREAS, Owner intends to develop in two (2) phases an enclosed retail center. Phase I will contain approximately 350,000 square feet of gross leasable area. Phase II, to be completed in approximately two (2) years, will contain an additional 150,000 square feet of gross leasable area (Phase I and Phase II are collectively referred to as the "Shopping Center"). The Shopping Center will be located in Las Vegas (Clark County), Nevada on the real property described in Exhibit "A" and shown on Exhibit "B" (together, the "Shopping Center Parcel");andWHEREAS, Owner will operate the Shopping Center adjacent to and in connection with a hotel and casino to be owned and operated by Owner.WHEREAS, Owner desires that FCMI perform management services with respectto the Shopping Center on behalf of Owner and FCMI has agreed to perform such services.NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained,the parties, intending to be legally bound, covenant and agree with each otheras follows:ARTICLE IENGAGEMENTOwner engages FCMI as an independent contractor to perform the services described in this Agreement as the sole and exclusive manager and FCMI acceptsand agrees to perform such services as an independent contractor.ARTICLE IIFCMI'S OBLIGATIONS1<PAGE>The Owner intends to initially construct three hundred fifty thousand (350,000) square feet of gross leasable area. The initial three hundred fifty thousand (350,000) square feet of gross leasable area and the expansion of one hundred fifty thousand (150,000) square feet of gross leasable area to be completed two (2) years later together constitute the Shopping Center for the purposes of this Agreement together with the associated Common Area.FCMI shall commence and thereafter with due diligence shall perform all services described in this Agreement with respect to the management of the Shopping Center. In furtherance thereof, FCMI shall promptly, fully, faithfullyand in compliance with all applicable statutes, laws, ordinances, rules and regulations of all authorities having jurisdiction perform, among other things,the following subject in all respects and in all instances to the prior approvalof, direction from and control by Owner:(a) Maintain liaison with the leasing, design and construction staffsengaged by Owner, before and after opening of the Shopping Centerfor business.(b) At least sixty (60) days before the date set for the opening of theShopping Center submit to Owner for its approval a plan for theroutine operations of the Shopping Center, including, but notlimited to:(i) the number and type of employees to be employed,(ii) collection of rents and other charges,(iii) supervision of maintenance and repair of the ShoppingCenter,(iv) an insurance program for the Shopping Center.(c) At least sixty (60) days before the date set for the grandopening of the Shopping Center and thereafter not later than October31st of each full calendar year during the term of this Agreement,prepare and submit for Owner's approval, an annual detailed shoppingcenter budget ("Shopping Center Budget") in the form of Exhibit "C"attached to and made a part of this Management Agreement for thenext calendar year setting forth the estimated operating receiptsand expenditures of Owner on a month to month basis from theShopping Center for a period covered by the Shopping Center Budgetshowing ongoing expenses and any anticipated extraordinary expensesand capital expenditures and the approximate date funds therefor2<PAGE>will be needed. The Shopping Center Budget shall be acceptable toOwner and be consistent with generally accepted accountingprinciples, consistently applied. In connection with the budgetingprocess, FCMI shall submit for the approval of Owner an operationalplan. Upon receipt of the proposed Shopping Center Budget, Ownershall have thirty (30) days to review and approve same. In the eventOwner does not object in writing to the proposed Shopping CenterBudget, then the Shopping Center Budget shall be deemed approved. IfOwner does not approve the proposed Shopping Center Budget, Ownershall forward its required changes to FCMI and FCMI shall revise theproposed Shopping Center Budget and operational plan in accordancewith Owner's requirements as set forth in the revised ShoppingCenter Budget. When the Shopping Center Budget, the detailed leasingplan in the form attached hereto as Exhibit "E", (which leasing planshall be supplied to FCMI no later than August 15th of each fullcalendar year i.e., seventy-five (75) days prior to submission byFCMI of Shopping Center Budget to Owner) and operational plan areapproved by the Owner, FCMI shall have the right and authority tooperate within the parameters of the approved Shopping Center Budgetand operational plan and shall be required to obtain the Owner'sapproval for actions intended to be taken by FCMI only when suchactions would materially deviate from the approved Shopping CenterBudget and operational plan. For purposes of this Agreement,"materially deviate" shall mean the lesser of $25,000 or fivepercent (5%) of the approved line item as defined on Page 1 in theShopping Center Budget.(d) FCMI shall be promptly supplied with copies of all leases relatingto the Shopping Center so that it can maintain a central controlfile.(e) Bill tenants and other occupants in the Shopping Center for, andcollect and deposit in segregated joint bank account(s) in the nameof Owner and FCMI at a lending institution approved by Owner (the"Bank Accounts"), all revenues received by FCMI from the ShoppingCenter including, without limitation, all fixed rents, percentagerents and other sums, whether payable as additional rent orotherwise payable by such tenants and occupants under theirrespective leases and other agreements, or by other parties underlicense, service or other agreements. FCMI shall have the3<PAGE>authority to write checks from the Bank Accounts to pay theobligations of the Shopping Center in accordance with the ShoppingCenter Budget and this Agreement; provided, however, checks in theamount of $25,000.00 or more shall require the dual signature ofOwner, excluding only the Management Fee agreed upon herein, whichshall not require the dual signature of Owner. Owner agrees tocooperate with FCMI in a timely fashion in order to avoid any latefee payment, default, penalty or other charge caused by the failureto timely pay obligations of the Shopping Center. Obtain and reviewstatements of sales furnished by tenants to support their payment ofpercentage rentals or other sums and deductions. With the Owner'sprior approval, FCMI may engage legal counsel on behalf of and atOwner's expense and institute, prosecute or settle any legalproceedings or arbitrations with respect to collection activitiesagainst tenants. FCMI will keep Owner advised of FCMI's collectionactivities hereunder and will promptly advise Owner if FCMI isunable to collect any such income or charges.(f) Use diligent efforts to enforce the performance by tenants of allrequirements of their respective leases by all reasonable means;provided, however, FCMI does not guarantee the payment orperformance of any lease by any tenant.(g) Cause the Shopping Center to be maintained in a first-class mannercomparable to other similar shopping centers located in the LasVegas area and in good operating condition and repair at Owner'scost, supervise the maintenance thereof, and hire such persons,firms or corporations and purchase or lease such equipment andsupplies at reasonable rates and costs as may be necessary ordesirable to accomplish such purposes all within the limits of theShopping Center Budget. FCMI shall negotiate contracts forelectricity, gas, fuel supply, water, telephone, window washing,exterminating, equipment maintenance, trash handling and othercontracts relating to the operation or maintenance of the ShoppingCenter (collectively, "Contracts"), subject to Owner's final review,approval and execution. Owner agrees to respond to proposedContracts within fifteen (15) days after submittal by FCMI. Uponexecution, Owner shall promptly deliver copies of all executedContracts to FCMI. All on-site personnel costs, including4<PAGE>managers and marketing staff, are a direct cost to the Project andthus are not included in the Management Fee [as defined in ArticleV(b)].(h) Maintain the books, records and accounts of Owner, prepare andsubmit to Owner on or before the 25th day of each month the variousreports marked in Exhibit "C" attached to and made a part of thisManagement Agreement which shall, without limitation, provide Ownerwith: monthly income and expense statements containing monthly andyear to date information, and statements listing rent delinquencies.Title to the books and records relating to the Shopping Center shallat all times remain in Owner, and Owner shall have the right toexamine such books and records at any reasonable time during normalbusiness hours at FCMI's place of business and make copies thereof.(i) Advise Owner as to insurance coverage and administer Owner'sinsurance program. FCMI shall, to the extent requested by Owner,assist Owner in procuring insurance coverage.(j) Organize and administer periodic meetings with Owner in order to review the status of the Shopping Center and establish direction asnecessary.(k) Assist, as requested by owner, in any application by Owner for azoning change or other application made by Owner to any governmentalauthority relating to the Shopping Center.(l) Supervise and assist in the establishment of an advertising andpromotional program for the Shopping Center.(m) Establish and supervise a marketing plan for the Shopping Center.(n) Initiate and supervise advertisement and promotion of theShopping Center, including the grand opening.(o) Review annually the tax assessments upon the Shopping Center and recommend to Owner when deemed appropriate by FCMI that proceedingsbe instituted by Owner to contest or appeal such assessments.(p) Deposit all funds of every kind and nature received by FCMI for Owner pursuant to this Agreement immediately in the Bank Accounts[as described in Article II(e)]. Subject to Article II(e),officers or employees of FCMI shall disburse from said accountfunds necessary for the operation and maintenance of the ShoppingCenter provided: (i) the item or purpose for5<PAGE>which disbursement is to be made has previously been approved byOwner in the Shopping Center Budget, or (ii) the item has otherwisebeen approved by Owner in writing, or (iii) the item is within acontingency line item in an amount to be agreed upon annually byOwner and FCMI which FCMI may use in any fiscal year for items notapproved in the Shopping Center Budget, not including moniesexpended for "emergencies" (hereinafter defined); in "emergencies"disbursements may be made for items not previously approved byOwner. Except as expressly permitted above, FCMI shall not have anyauthority to disburse funds belonging to Owner from said account. Asused herein, "emergencies" shall mean any sudden, unexpectedhappening in which a failure on the part of FCMI to act immediatelywould cause appreciable risk of damage to person or property withinthe Shopping Center. Even in an "emergency", FCMI shall exercisegood faith efforts to obtain the approval of Owner, if reasonablypossible, before making any such "emergency" expenditure.(q) At least quarterly, after payment of Management Fees due FCMI, and allowing reasonable reserves as approved by Owner to be held for thepayment of operating expenses and real estate taxes thereaftercoming due and payable and for other items in the Shopping CenterBudget which may not be operating expenses, together with a properaccounting, remit the net amount due to Owner.(r) Perform such other related normal management functions as shall pertain to the Shopping Center as contemplated by this Agreement.ARTICLE IIITERMThis Agreement shall commence upon the execution of this Agreement and shall continue for a period of five (5) years after the opening of the Shopping Center for business to the public ("Expiration Date"), unless earlier terminatedas provided by the terms of this Agreement.ARTICLE IVTERMINATION6<PAGE>(a) Termination by Owner without Cause. This Agreement shall terminate as of the Expiration Date.(b) Early Termination By Owner. Notwithstanding anything herein contained to the contrary, Owner shall have the right to terminate this Agreement upon the following terms and conditions:(i) Owner shall have no right to terminate the Agreement during Years 1-3 of this Agreement, except as provided in Article IV(c) below;(ii) Beginning in Year 4, Owner shall have the right to terminatethis Agreement, provided Owner otherwise is not in default of this Agreement, upon delivering to Agent a written notice of termination at least ninety (90)days prior to the commencement of Year 4 ("Termination Notice") and the payment by Owner to Agent of a termination fee of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00). The termination fee shall be paid in two (2) equal installments. The first installment of $500,000.00 shall be tendered with the Termination Notice. The second installment shall be paid on or before the commencement of Year 4. In the event that Owner fails to timely give the Termination Notice and/or fails to paythe full amount of the termination fee, then Owner shall be deemed to havewaived its right of early termination of this Agreement in Year 4;(iii) As of Year 5, Owner shall have the right to terminate this Agreement, provided Owner otherwise is not in default of this Agreement, upon delivery to Agent of a Termination Notice at least ninety (90) days prior to the commencement of Year 5 and the payment by Owner of a termination fee of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00). The termination fee shall be paid in two (2) equal installments. The first installment of $250,000.00 shall be tenderedwith the Termination Notice. The second installment shall be paid on or beforethe commencement of Year 5. In the event that Owner fails to timely give the Termination Notice and/or fails to pay the full amount of the termination fee,then Owner shall be deemed to have waived its right of early termination of this Agreement in Year 5;(c) Termination by Owner for Cause. This Agreement may be terminated by Owner "for cause" at any time during the Term if the Event of Default is not cured within sixty (60) days' written notice to FCMI, or on such later date of termination as may be stated in Owner's notice. In the event of a terminationfor cause, Property Manager shall be entitled, as its sole and exclusive remedy,to receive such earned and unpaid Management Fees and fees for Extraordinary Services as may remain, if any, after Owner has offset any damages7<PAGE>or other amounts owed to Owner by FCMI. The following shall constitute an Event of Default:(i) If FCMI fails to use commercially reasonable efforts to cooperate with Owner, the Leasing Agent or any third party brokers in connection with Shopping Center leasing;(ii) If FCMI breaches its duty to Owner to operate, manage and promote the Shopping Center in Owner's best interest;(iii) If FCMI, subject to fire, earthquake, acts of God, and other events beyond the control of FCMI (which shall not include financial inability), and subject to the performance by tenants of their obligations under their leases, fails to maintain the operating assets of the Shopping Center in good working order or repair and to keep the Shopping Center properly clean and freeof debris based upon the approved Shopping Center Budget and the operational plan;(iv) If FCMI suspends or discontinues business, or is enjoined, restrained or in any way prevented by court order from conducting all or a substantial part of its regular business activities;(v) If a court enters a decree or order for relief in respect ofFCMI in an involuntary case under the federal bankruptcy laws, as now or hereafter constituted, or any other applicable federal or state bankruptcy, insolvency or other similar law, or appoints a receiver, liquidator, assignee, custodian, trustee, sequestrator or other similar official of FCMI or for any substantial part of FCMI's property, or for the winding-up or liquidation ofFCMI's affairs, and such decree or order continues unstayed and in effect for a period of sixty (60) consecutive days;(vi) If FCMI commences a voluntary case or action under the federal bankruptcy laws, as now or hereafter constituted, or any other applicablefederal or state bankruptcy, insolvency or other similar law, or consents to the appointment of or taking possession by a receiver, liquidator, assignee, custodian, trustee, sequestrator or other similar official of FCMI or for any substantial part of FCMI's property, or makes any assignment for the benefit of creditors, or fails generally to pay its debts as such debts become due, ortakes any action in furtherance of any of the foregoing;(vii) If FCMI fails to observe or perform any of its material obligations under this Agreement, and such failure continues for sixty (60) days after written notice thereof has been given by Owner to FCMI; provided, however, that if the breach is of a nature which8<PAGE>cannot be corrected, cured or remedied, no sixty (60) day cure period shall be required and Owner's termination shall be effective one hundred twenty (120) days upon notice (or on the later date stated in such notice);(viii) If any fraud is perpetrated by FCMI, or if any representationor warranty of FCMI made in this Agreement or in any proposal, application, financial statement or other writing delivered by FCMI at any time pursuant tothis Agreement proves to have been incorrect, incomplete or misleading in any adverse material respect when made; and(ix) If FCMI is at any time no longer affiliated with Forest City Enterprises, Inc.(d) Termination by FCMI. This Agreement may be terminated by FCMI withoutcause at any time on or after the Expiration Date (after expiration of initialterm) upon one hundred twenty (120) days' prior written notice to Owner.(e) Termination by FCMI for Cause. FCMI may terminate this Agreement uponthe occurrence of a default by Owner hereunder; provided, however, in the eventof such default, FCMI first shall notify Owner in writing of the exact nature ofthe default and FCMI's intention to terminate this Agreement as a result of the default. Owner shall have sixty (60) days from receipt of such notice to curethe default (other than monetary defaults for which Owner shall have thirty (30) days to cure), or such longer period as may be reasonably necessary to effect a cure, provided Owner promptly commences to cure such default and thereafter diligently prosecutes the cure to completion.(f) Orderly Transition. In the event of any termination of this Agreement, FCMI shall, at a mutually agreed upon time, (i) deliver to the person and/oraddress designated by Owner all accounts, books, records, files and documents in FCMI's possession relating to the Shopping Center and all existing andprospective tenants of the Shopping Center, and (ii) cooperate with Owner andany replacement property manager designed by Owner to effect an orderly transition of the management and operation of the Shopping Center to FCMI's replacement. The obligations set forth in this section shall survive terminationof this Agreement.ARTICLE VCOMPENSATION(a) Owner and FCMI expect that FCMI will begin its management services immediately upon execution of this Agreement or sooner if Owner requests FCMI's services and Owner will for said period reimburse FCMI on a monthly basis the actual cost incurred9<PAGE>by FCMI in performing said management services and using FCMI's in-house personnel therefor in accordance with an accounting of said costs to befurnished to Owner monthly. FCMI shall prepare proposed budgets for thepre-opening ("Pre-Opening Budget") and for the Grand Opening ("Grand OpeningBudget") for Owner's review and approval based upon a detailed breakdown of FCMI's personal rates and costs to be charged to Owner by FCMI. The above costs to be paid by Owner to FCMI upon receipt of invoice. For purposes of this Agreement, "opening date of the Shopping Center for business to the public"shall mean the date that the first tenant in the Shopping Center opens for business.(b) Owner agrees that beginning on the opening date of the Shopping Center for business with the public, in consideration of all other management servicesto be performed by FCMI under or pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, Owner shall pay to FCMI a fee (the "Management Fee"), paid monthly, in an amount equal to two percent (2%) of all gross rents received from the operation of the Shopping Center from any source whatsoever (excluding therefrom payments received or due for reimbursement of actual expenses incurred from the operation of the Shopping Center such as common area maintenance costs, real estate taxes, insurance and the like) including, without limitation, all minimum (sometimes referred to as "fixed" or "basic") rents, percentage rents, overage rents, and license fees received or accrued by FCMI from tenants (including, without limitation, all department stores, guarantors, sublessees, assignees, licenseesand concessionaires) in the Shopping Center during the term of this Agreement.In no event shall the management fee be less than $600,000 on an annualized rate per year paid monthly ("Minimum Management Fee"); provided, however, during Phase I, the Minimum Management Fee shall be $450,000 per year. In the event that Phase II of the Shopping Center shall not have opened for business afterthe third year of the Term, then the Minimum Management Fee of $600,000 shall apply commencing in year four.Except for extraordinary services and expenses ("Extraordinary Items"), the fees paid to FCMI pursuant to this Article shall constitute fullcompensation for the services to be performed and all expenses to be incurred by FCMI hereunder including, without limitation, general office and overhead, travel, employee salaries, benefits and other compensation [excluding allon-site personnel costs which are a direct project cost pursuant to ArticleII(g)] and all other costs and expenses of FCMI in performing its duties hereunder.Owner and FCMI recognize that there may be circumstances not capable of definition in this Agreement which by their nature are not a part of FCMI'S Obligations as set forth in10<PAGE>Article II. Such services are designated by the parties as "Extraordinary Services" and in general relate, without limitation, to circumstances such asmajor litigation, special construction requirements, financings, developmentaland technical services, tenant coordination, real estate tax contests,supervision of any of the foregoing by FCMI's employees, etc., in which or for which FCMI might employ third parties such as lawyers, expert consultants or other specialized personnel.Owner recognizes that FCMI, as manager of shopping centers, maintains a staff of persons having particular experience, knowledge and skills in multiple aspects of shopping centers such as, but not limited to, an in-house legal department, an in-house real estate tax department, an in-house construction department, etc., whose services could be purchased from third parties, and who may or may not regularly or routinely perform services as part of FCMI's management personnel ("Non-Management Personnel").Owner agrees that when circumstances occur requiring the performance of Extraordinary Services and if Owner elects to use FCMI's Non-Management Personnel to perform such Extraordinary Services either in connection with the supervision of third parties or in reference to the employment of third parties,that FCMI should be entitled to reimbursement by Owner for FCMI's actual cost and expenses incurred by FCMI because of such Extraordinary Services, except for Tenant Coordination services which charges are listed in Exhibit "D" attached to this Agreement.When, in the opinion of FCMI, Extraordinary Services are required hereunder, FCMI shall present to Owner a list of such Extraordinary Services accompanied by a brief explanation of their extraordinary nature and an estimateof FCMI's costs and expenses to be incurred, in the performance of such Extraordinary Services in sufficient detail to relate such costs and expenses tothe specific Extraordinary Services listed. If Owner elects to engage FCMI to perform such Extraordinary Services, then Owner shall reimburse FCMI monthly in addition to the Management Fee for such Extraordinary Services. If Owner elects not to engage FCMI to perform the Extraordinary Services, then FCMI shall have no obligation or liability to perform the Extraordinary Services, and Owner may engage such other third parties to perform such matters at Owner's sole cost and expense.ARTICLE VIFCMI'S STAFFIn order to perform the services required by this Agreement, it will be necessary for FCMI to have in its employ various personnel, including certain。
