Membrane separation and Ultrafiltration-Zurich课件




水处理方案常用英文词汇水处理方案英文常用词汇、水箱系列1•原水箱:Raw water tank2•产水箱:Purified water tank3•中间水箱:In termediate tank4•化学清洗药箱:UF Chemical clea ning Tank5•反洗加药箱:Backwash dos ing tank二、泵系列1•原水泵:Raw water pump2.反洗泵:Back-wash pump3•化学清洗泵:Chemical clea ning pump4.反洗加药计量泵Backwash Dosing meteri ng pumps三、过滤器系列1.石英砂机械过滤器quartz sand filter2.活性炭机械过滤器activated carbon filter3.精密过滤器precision filter4.多介质机械过滤器multimedia filter5.盘式过滤器disc filter6.核桃壳机械过滤器wa Inut shell filter7.管道过滤器Pipeli ne Filter8.管道混合器Channel mixer9.袋式过滤器Bag filter10.自清洗过滤器Self-clean filter四、流量计系列1.进水流量计:Inlet flow meter2.产水流量计:Produced water flow meter3.反洗流量计:Backwash flow meter五、阀系列1.电动蝶阀:Electric butterfly valve2.手动蝶阀:Man ual butterfly valve3.气动蝶阀:Pn eumatic butterfly valve4.电磁阀:Sole noid valve5球阀:Ball Valve6.取样阀Sampli ng valve7.错流出水气动碟阀Pn eumatic butterfly valve of Cross-flowoutlet8.进水气动碟阀Pn eumatic butterfly valve of feed water inlet9.下排放气动碟阀Pn eumatic butterfly valve of bottom efflue nt discharge10. 上排放气动碟阀Pn eumatic butterfly valve of up efflue nt discharge11. 滤过水出口气动碟阀Pn eumatic butterfly valve of permeated water outlet12. 止回阀:Non-return valve六、管道系列1. 进水管Feed water pipe2.产水管Produced water pipe3.错流管Cross-flow pipe4.变径管Tapered Pipe七、图例说明lllustratio n1.蓝色实线Blue line2.黄色实线Yellow line3.青色实线Gree n line4.紫色实线Purple line八、水流1.进水:Inlet water2•原液:Raw water2产水:Produced water3.透过液:Permeated water4.浓水:Concen trated water九、接口1、进水口:Feed water port2、产水排放口:Produced water discharge port3、浓水排放口Concentrated water discharge port4、反洗进水口:Backwash In let Port5、反洗上排放口:Up Backwash discharge Port6、反洗下排放口:Bottom Backwash discharge Port7、化学清洗接口Chemical clea ning port十、工艺名称1、正冲排放Flush ing discharge2、化学清洗Chemical Clea ning3、排放discharge4、制水Produci ng water5、正冲Straight washi ng6、工作状态Con diti on十一、图纸名称1.工艺流程图:Process Flow Diagram2.管道连接Pipe connection diagram3.机架图:Rack diagram4.配置清单:Equipme nt List5.占地图:Area Occupati on Diagram6.项目设计书:Project Proposal Desig n十二、其他词汇1.液位开关Level Switch2.压力表Pressure Gauge3.错流压力表Cross-flow Pressure Gauge4.滤过水压力表Permeated water Pressure Gauge5. UF系统UF systems6. UF设备UF Equipeme nt / UF Pla nt7. 环保8. 环境管理9. 水处理10. 过滤器11. 超滤12. 净化水13. 过滤预处理14. 过滤滤芯En vir onmen tal protect ionEnvironment Man ageme ntwater treatme ntFiltersUltra Filtratio nPurified waterPretreatme ntFilter housings (过滤器外壳),Filter cartridge (滤芯)15. UF组件16. 膜过滤系统UF ModuleThe membra ne filtrati on system17.净水&污水处理Water & Waste Water Treatme ntDrinking WaterUF Membra neWater Treatme nt ProjectWater Treatme nt Pla ntWater Purificati on Equipme ntsMembra ne Tech no logies Ultrafiltrati onWaste Water Treatme nt Pla ntCartridge Filters5 stage ro systemMembra ne Modulewater treatme nt systemIn dustrial Filtrati on SystemsIn dustrial Wastewaterwater treatme ntfluxMWCOpure waterultra-pure waterwaste water recycli ngPretreatme ntPurificati onConcen trati onseparatio nturbiditywater treatme nt comp onentwater con diti oningwater purifierdomestic water purifierfiltration membranesuspe nded substa neemicroorga nism bacteria18. 饮用水19. UF 膜20. 水处理工程21. 水处理装置22. 净水设备23. 膜技术UF24. 废水处理装置25. 家用滤芯26. RO 5级过滤27. 膜元件28. 水处理设备29. 工业过滤设备30. 工业污水31. 水处理32. 流量33. 过滤分子量34. 纯水35. 超纯水36. 污水回用37. 预处理38. 净化39. 浓缩40. 分离41. 浊度42. 水处理配件43. 水质处理44. 净水器45. 家用净水器46. 滤膜47. 悬浮物48. 微生物49. 细菌50. 大分子有机物51. 含盐量 macromolecular orga nics salt content 52.五日生化需氧量 five-day BOD(biochemical oxyge n dema nd) 53•化学需氧量 54. 总有机碳 55. 总固体物56. 悬浮总固体 57. 溶解总固体 58. 总碱度 59. 总矿化度 60. 污染密度指数 61. 总细菌量 62. 大肠菌群 COD(chemical oxyge n dema nd)TOC(total orga nic carb on) total solids TSS TDS total alkali nity total sali nity SDI total bacteria contentcoliform group 63.色度 chroma / Colour 64.气味 odor66. 油脂含量 67. 隔油池 68. 混凝沉淀池 69. 格栅70. 澄清池 71. 软化树脂72. 中和 73. 气浮 74. 消毒 oil & gease oilseparati ng tank coagulati on sedime ntatio n tank grid Clarifier softe ning resin n eutralizatio n air flotati on dis in fecti on 65.总硬度 Total hard ness 75.化学氧化还原 chemical oxidati on-reduct ion 76.化学沉淀法 chemical precipitati on 77.吸附 adsorption78. 离子交换法 79. 吹脱、汽提法 80. 萃取法 81. 活性污泥法 82. 厌氧生化法 83. 进水压力 84. 产水压力85. 反洗压力 86. 浓水压力87. 最大进水压力 88. 操作压力范围 ion excha nge method air stripp ingextractio n activated sludge process an aerobic biochemical process inlet water pressure product ion water pressure backwash pressure concen trated water pressure max. inlet pressure operati on pressure range89.死端(全流)过滤 dead-e nd filtration90. 错流过滤 91. 上反洗 92. 下反洗93. 加气反洗 94. 管式膜 cross- flow filtrati on upper backwash Bottom backwash air entrainment backwash tubular membra ne95.卷式膜spiral-wo und membra ne 96.陶瓷膜ceramic membra ne 97.聚氯乙烯 PVC98.截留分子量 MWCO(molecular weight cut off) 99.高抗污染膜high an tipolluti on membra ne 100.膜丝membra ne fiber (Fiber lume n) 101.端封材料Seali ng material 102.膜面积membra ne area 103.纯水通量pure water flux 104.设计通量desig n flux 105.反洗频率backwash freque ncy 106.回收率recovery rate 107.加药反洗chemical dos ing backwash 108.条箍 strip hoop 109. 反渗透前处理 RO pretreatme nt110. 中水回用 greywater reuse 111. 电镀废水回用 electroplat ing wastewaterreuse 112. 印染废水回用 prin ti ng and dye ingwastewater 113.造纸废水回用papermak ing wastewater reuse 114. 生活污水回用 domestic sewage reuse115. 工业循环水 in dustrial circulati ng water116. 电泳漆浓缩 electr onic pain ti ng concen tration 117.溶解性矿物质solubility of mi nerals 118.絮凝Flocculati onSedimentation 沉淀 with flocculation by weir 溢流堰 119.机架Frame 120.碳钢 Carbon steel 十三、常用语句1•此流程图中泵的流量均为正常出力流量,其量程参看配置清单。

Membrane for Separation

Membrane for Separation
And many other fields
Membrane separation technology is called the
21st century water technologies"
1, reduce the hardness of groundwater 2, removal organic matter concentration in surface water 3, oil-water separation 4, ethylene glycol recovery 5, copper sulfate recovery 6, organic-inorganic liquid separation and enrichment 7, concentration, purification, desalination of dyes 8, separation and enrichment of natural medication 9, concentration of the fermented liquid
Then why so ???
The Principle of the“ Smart Membrane for Separation” The raw materials pass through the membrane selectively in the absence of a driving force ,such as the concentration difference、 the pressure difference 、or the potential difference. The membrane plays as a must exist separation medium, to achieve the purpose of separation and purification during this process .



污水处理英语词汇 AA/A/O 法anaerobic-anoxic-oxicprocess(厌氧-缺氧-好氧法)A-A-O 生物脱氮除磷工艺 A-A-O biological nitrogen andphosphorus removal process A-O 脱氮工艺 A-Onitrogen removal process A-O 除磷工艺 A-Ophosphorus removal process AB 法 Adsorption Biodegradation process(吸附生物降解法)总a 放射线 Total a radioactivity氨氮 ammonia-nitrogen 氨基酸 amino acid氨化反应 Nitragen铵盐 ammonium saltA/O 法(厌氧-好氧法)anaerobic-oxic process奥贝尔(Orbal)型氧化沟Orbal oxidation ditchB巴登福脱氮除磷工艺Bardenpho nitrogen and phosphorus removal process白水(漂洗废水) whitewater(bleaching water) 板框压滤 plate pressure filtration离心机 centrifugal machine半渗透膜semi-permeable membrane棒状杆菌属corynebacterium薄膜式淋水填料 filmpacking饱和常数(Ks) saturationconstant 暴雨公式 storm flowformula 暴雨径流 storm runoff溢流井 overflow well苯 benzene苯胺 aniline总B 放射性 Total Bradioactivity泵型叶轮暴气器 paddleimpeller aerator泵站 pumping stationBMTS 型一体化氧化沟BMTS intrachannel clarifieroxidation ditch 闭路循环 closed loop表面冲洗 surfacewashing表面负荷 surface load表面过滤 surfacefiltration 表面活性剂 surfactant表面活性物质 surface active additive agent表面曝气 surface aeration表面曝气器 surface aerator表面淹灌 surface flood irrigation表面冲洗装置 surface washing facility丙烯酸 acrylic acid 丙烯腈 acrylonitrile病毒 virus病原菌(致病菌) pathogen 病原微生物 pathogen microorganismBOD-污泥负荷BOD-sludge load补充水 make-up water 布朗运动 Brownian movement C财务评价 financial evaluation配水系统 distribution system侧渠型一体化氧化沟 integrated oxidation ditchwith side ditch产氢气乙酸菌 Rydrogenes and acetic aidgenes产甲烷细菌methanogenes产率系数 yield coefficient常规给水处理工艺 conventional water treatmentprocesses敞开式循环冷却水系统 opened recirculating coolingwater system超高纯水ultra-high-purify water超过滤 ultrafiltration超过滤膜法ultrafiltration membrane process沉淀 precipitation, sedimentation沉淀池 sedimentationtank沉砂池 grit chamber城市废水 municipalwastewater城市废水处理 municipal wastewater treatment澄清 clalification可持续发展 sustainable development充满度 degree of fullness重现期 exceedion interval, period of recurrence抽风式机械通风冷却塔 induced draft mechanical cooling tower臭氧发生器 ozone generator臭氧法 ozonation process臭氧消毒 ozonedisinfection 初次(级)沉淀池 primary clarifier, primarysedimentation tank除水器 drift eliminator除铁除锰 iron and manganese removal 除盐水(脱盐水) desalted water,demineralized water 除渣 desilication, silica removal除藻 algal removal 除氟 algal fluorine穿透曲线 penetration curve活性污泥法 activatedsludge process 生物脱氮工艺 biological nitrogen remo process船型一体化氧化沟 BoatType in intrachannelclarifier oxidation ditc纯(富)氧曝气法pure-oxygen aeration pro磁凝结 magnetic coagulation磁盘法 magnetic diskprocess 磁过滤法 magneticfierration process萃取 extraction萃取剂 extractant D 达西定律 Darcy ’s law大肠菌群Coliform-group bacteria大气泡曝气装置 large bubble aerator代谢 metabolism带式过滤 belt press filtration]单级传统消化池 single-stage conventional digester单螺旋式曝气装置single spiral aerator 氮 nitrogen氮循环 nitrogen cycle 蛋白质 protein倒虹管 inverted siphon 低放射性废物 low-level radio active waste 制浆废水 kraft mill wastewater敌百虫 dipterex敌敌畏 dichlorvos 涤纶纤维 polyester fiber地表漫流系统 overland flow system(OF)地表水 surface water地面(表)水环境质量标准 environmental quality standard for surface water地下滤场 underground filtration field地下渗漏 underground percolation地下渗滤系统 subsurface infiltrationsystem地下水 groundwater人工湿地系统artificial(constructed)wetland再生水回流地下水质标准water quality standard forrecharging parifiedwastewater water into groundwateraquifer地下水位 underground water level淀粉生产废水 starch producing wastewater点滴-薄膜式淋水填料splash-film packing点滴式淋水填料 splash packing 点污染源 pointpollufion source 电动电位electromotance potential电镀废水electroplating wastewater电极 electrode电解法 electrolyticalprocess电流密度 eletronic density电渗析 electrodialysis 电渗析器electrodialyzer电晕放电 brush discharge动态年成本 dynamic annual cost动植物油 oil and grease 对硫磷 parathion 多层床 multibed 多环芳烃 polycyclichydracarban 多氯联苯polychlorinated biphenyls(PCBs) E二次(级)沉淀池secondary clarifier, secondary sedimentation 二级处理 secondarytratament F 乏燃料 spent fuel 反冲洗 black washing反渗透(逆渗透)reverse osmosis 反渗透法 reverseosmosis process反渗透膜 reverse osmosis membrane反硝化,脱氮denitrification防止腐蚀 corrosion prevention纺丝 spining 纺织废水 textile wastewater放射性半衰期radioactive half-life放射性废水处理 radioactive wastewatertreatment放射性排出物radioactive effluent非点源污染(面源污染)non-point source pollution非离子氨 non-ionic ammonia废水处理 wastewater treatment废水中和neutralization of wastewaters分离 separation分流制 separate system分流排水系统separated sewer system酚 phenol焚烧 incineration 风吹损失 windageloss风筒式冷却塔chimmey cooling tower封闭循环系统 closedrecirculation system氟化物 fluoride辐射流沉淀池 radial flow sedimentation tank浮盖式消化池floating-cover digester气浮 flotation 福斯特利帕除磷工艺 Phostrip phosphorus removal process福列德克斯脱氮除磷工艺 Phoredox nitrogen and phosphorus removal process 腐蚀 corrosion富营养化eutrophication富营养化湖泊、水库 eutrophic lake,eutrophicreservoirGr 射线 gamma rays 甘蔗废水 sugarcanewastewater 干化 drying干化床 drying bed冷却塔 cooling tower钢铁工业废水 iron and steel mill wastewater高纯水 ultrapure water 高放废物 high-level radio active wastes高份子电解质polymolecular electrolye高份子絮凝剂polymolecular floc高负荷活性污泥法 high-loading activatedsludge method高负荷生物滤池 high loading biological filte高炉煤气洗涤水wastewater produced fromscrubbing blast furnacegas高锰酸盐指数 potassium permanganate index高速消化池 high-rate digester高梯度磁分离器(HGMS) high grade magnegic separator高浊度水 high turbiditywater 格栅 bar screen 隔板反应池 bafflereaction tank隔板式混合槽 baffle mixer隔油池 oil separator 镉 cadmium铬 chromium给水泵站 water pumping station给水处理 water treatment给水网管系统 water supply system工业水处理与循环系统industrial water treatment and recirculation system工业废水 industrial wastewater汞 mercury鼓风曝气 blast aeration 鼓风式机械通风冷却塔 forced draft mechanicalcooling tower固定螺旋式曝气装置fixed spiral aerator景观、娱乐水体landscape and recreation waterbody管道接口 conduit joint 给水配水系统 watersupply piping distribution system网管平差 balancingnetwok 罐头生产废水 Cannerywastewater硅藻土 cilicious mar H海水淡化demineralization of sea water含酚废水 phenol contained wastewater含水量 moisture content含盐量 saline capacity 含油废水 oily wastewater旱流污水量(DWF)dry-weather flow 好氧生物处理 aerobicbiological treatment 好氧塘 aerobic pond 好氧稳定 aerobic stabilization合成洗涤剂 synthetic detergent合成纤维 synthetic fiber合成纤维废水 synthetic fiber wastewater 合成橡胶 synthetic rubber合流城市废水 combinedmunicipal wastewater合流制排水系统combined sewer system水体功能分类 waterbodyfunction classification核能工厂 nuclear power station核燃料循环 nuclear fuel cycle核素 nuclide冶金工业废水metallurgical industrywastewater黑液 black liquor 黑液除硅sillica-elimination fromblack liquid虹吸滤池 siphon filter 化学处理 chemicaltreatment化学工业 chemicalindustry化学吸附 chemicaladsorption 化学纤维 chemical fiber化学需氧量 chemicaloxygen demand (COD)环状管网系统 grid pipe network system缓蚀 corrosion inhibition缓蚀剂 corrosion inhibitor磺化煤 sulfonated coal 挥发酚 volatile phenol 回流比 recycle ratio 回流污泥率 return sludge ratio汇水面积 catchment area, collection area混合 mixing混合床 miced bed 混合液挥发性悬浮固体mixed liquor volatile suspended solids(MLVSS) 混合液悬浮固体 mixed liquor suspended solids(MLSS)混凝 coagulation 混凝沉淀coagulation-sedimentation 混凝剂 coagulant 浑浊度 tubidity活化产物 activation products硅酸钠 sodium silicate 活性剂 activator活性染料 active dye 活性炭 activated carbon活性炭的再生re-generation of activated carbon活性炭吸附 activecarbon adsorption活性污泥 activated sludge 活性污泥法 activatedsludge process 活性污泥负荷 activatedsludge loading活性污泥驯化acclimation of activatedsludge J机械反应池 mechanicalreactor机械剪切曝气装置mechanical shearing aerator机械搅拌 mechanicalmixing机械搅拌澄清池accelerator机械曝气 mechanicalaeration机械通风冷却塔mechanical draft cooling tower 机械脱水 mechanicaldewatering极化现象 polarization级配 granularcomposition集水池 collection well集中处理(合并处理)joint treatment计算机 computer 计算机辅助设计computer aid design加速过滤器accelo-filter加压气化 pressure-gasification甲基对硫磷 parathion methyl甲醛 formaldehyde甲烷 methane甲烷发酵 methane fermentation 甲烷气体 methane gas间歇式活性污泥系统sequencing batch reactoractivated sludge system(蒹性塘 facultative pond检查井 manhole 减压薄膜蒸发法decreasing pressure andthin-film evaporation process碱法制浆 soda pulping process浆粕 pulp降雨历时 duration of rainfall降雨量,降水precipitation浇洒道路用水 street flushing water焦化废水 coking wastewater交替工作式氧化沟alternative operating oxidation ditch交替运行的生物滤池alternative operating trickling filter胶体 colloid阶段曝气 step aeration 接触池 contact chamber 接触氧化法 contactoxidation process 结垢 scale节水 water saving 锦纶纤维 polyamide fiber腈纶纤维 acrylic fiber 精制塘(深度处理塘) polishing pond经济效益 economic benefit径流系数 runoff coefficent静态年成本 static annuity cost景观娱乐用水水质标准 water quality standard forlandscape and recreation area酒精工业 alcoholdistilery就地处理系统(小型处理)on-site treatment systems(small scale facilities)聚丙烯酰胺polyacrylamide聚丙烯酰胺水解体polyacrylamide hydrolysis product聚合 polymerize聚合度 polymerizingdegree聚合氯化铝polyaluminum chloride均衡池(塘) equalizaliontank(basin,lagoon)K卡罗塞式氧化沟Corrousel oxidation ditchK 型叶轮曝气机 K type impeller aerator凯式氮 kjeldahlnitrogen空气驱动式生物转盘aero biological disks孔隙率 porosity快滤池 rapid filter快速渗滤系统 rapid infiltration system(RI) 矿井 shaft(mine)矿区 mining area 矿区环境 mining area environment 矿山废水 minery wasterwater矿山酸性废水 acid minewastewater 扩散板 diffusion plate扩散管 diffusion tube扩散盘(罩) diffusion disc(cover) L乐果 dimethoate冷凝 condensation 冷凝水 condensate water 冷却 cooling冷却池 cooling pond 冷却塔 cooling tower 冷却塔配水系统 coolingtower distribution system 冷却循环水 circulated cooling water冷轧 cold steel -rolling离心泵 centrifugal pump 离心 centrifugation force离心机 centrifugal machine离心脱水 centrifugal dewatering离心作用centrifugation离子交换 ion exchange离子交换剂 ion exchanger离子交换膜 ion exchangemembrane离子交换树脂 ion exchange resin粒径 grain size砾石承托层 gravel support炼钢厂废水steel-making process wastewater炼铁 iron-smelting 炼铁(高炉)废水 blast furnace wastewater炼油厂废水 refineryprocessing waserwater淋滤 leaching淋水密度 waterdrenching density淋水面积 waterdrenching aera淋水填料 packing磷 phosphorus 磷酸盐 phosphate生物流化床 Biologicalfluidized bed硫化物 sulphide硫化物沉淀法 precipitation with sulphide硫酸铵 ammonium sulfate硫酸钙 Calcium sulfate 硫酸铝 aluminum sulfate 硫酸镁 magnesiumsulfate硫酸铁 ferric sulfate 硫酸亚铁 ferrous sulfate硫酸盐 sulfate 硫循环 sulphur cycle 铝酸钠 sodium aluminate 滤层 filter layer滤池冲洗水量 filter washing water consumptio滤池配水系统 filterunderdrain system滤池运行周期 filtercycle time滤床 filter bed 滤料 filtering medium滤速 filtration rate 滤液 filtrate 氯 chlorine氯-氨法chlorine-ammonia process氯化,加氯处理 chlorination氯化物 Chlorides螺旋桨式快速搅拌机 propeller-type high speeagitatorM马拉硫磷 malathion脉冲澄清池 pulsator慢滤池 slowfilter慢速渗滤系统 slow rate infiltration system (SR) 煤气 coal gas 煤气厂 gas work煤气发生器 coal gas generator煤气发生站 gasgeneration station 煤气净化 coal gas purification煤炭 coal 锰 manganse米门公式 Michaelis - Menten equation莫诺德公式 Monod equation密闭式循环冷却水系统closed recirculating cooling water system密集多喷嘴曝气装置compact multinozzle aerator 面污染源 non-point pollution source敏感性分析 sensitivity analysis膜分离装置 membrane seperator膜选择性 membrane selectivity膜污染 membrane foulting膜中毒 membrane poisoningN难生物降解有机物nonbiodegradable organies 尼龙 nylon逆流漂洗counter-current washing 逆流式冷却塔counterflow cooling tower逆流再生counter-current regeneration粘胶 rayon酿酒废水 winery wastewater酿造与发酵工业废水 brewery and fermentation industrial wastewater凝结 coagulation凝结剂 coagulant牛奶生产废水 dairywastewater 浓缩 concentration浓缩倍数 cycle of concentration浓缩池 thickening tank浓缩污泥 concentrated sludge农田灌溉水质标准 standards for irrigationwater quality农用污泥中污染物控制标准 contaminants controlstandard for sludge farm农药 pesticide 农药厂废水 pesticideplant wastewaterP排泥系统 sludge - discharge system排水量 discharge排水管 drain pipe排水口 outlet排水系统 sewer system排污 blowdown泡沫分离 foam phaseseparation配水网管 distributionsystem ,pipe system 喷灌 spray irrigation喷水池 spray pond 皮革 leather 啤酒废水 brewery wastewater啤酒废水处理 brewery wastewater treatment漂白 bleaching平板式膜 plate membrane平板式叶轮曝气器 plate impellar aerator平衡吸附容量equilibrium adsorption capacity平流式沉砂池 horizontal flow grlt removal tank平流式沉淀池horizontal flow sedimentation tank 普通生物滤池biological filter,trickling filter曝气 aeration曝气沉砂池 aerationgrit chamber曝气池 aeration tank曝气栅 aeration boom曝气设备 aerationequipment曝气时间 aeration time曝气装置,曝气机aerator居民生活垃圾 HouseholdWaste庫底平整線 bottom flattingline of the site庫區填埋邊線 landfill sideline of the site庫容 Storage capacity垃圾 Waste ,Solid Waste 垃圾壩 waste dam 垃圾殘渣 residue垃圾槽 waste chute 垃圾層 waste layer 垃圾產量 Waste output垃圾堆肥場 waste compostingfield 垃圾堆體 waste pile 垃圾副壩 secondary waste dam 垃圾揀選場 Waste Sorting Site垃圾氣化 waste gasification垃圾采集車 waste collector垃圾桶 garbage ,rubbishbarrel垃圾箱 garbage container 垃圾壓實系統 wastecompactor system垃圾衍生燃料 Refuse-derivedfuel (RDF)垃圾衍生燃料 waste derivedfuel垃圾轉運車 waste transfer truck垃圾轉運站 waste transferstation垃圾裝卸坡 waste loadingramp離心脫水機 centrifugaldewaterer鈉基膨潤土 sodium bentonite農業廢棄物 AgriculturalWaste 濃縮池 thickening tank 排放 discharge排泥閥 sludge valve排水口 Drain Outlet 膨潤土 bentonite熱解 Pyrolysis 溶解氧測定儀(DO 計) dissolved oxygen meter (DO meter ) 砂水分離機 grit-water splitter 商業垃圾 Commercial Waste 上橫沖填埋場 ShanghengchongLandfill Site上清液 supernatant liquor設備選型 Type selection of equipment 滲濾液(垃圾滲濾液) leachate 滲濾液處理 leachatetreatment滲濾液處理站 Leachate Treatment Station滲濾液采集及導排氣系統平面圖 Plan of Leachate Collection and Guiding a Exhaust System 滲濾液采集盲溝 blind drain for leachate collection精品文档精品文档 生活垃圾 Domestic waste 生活垃圾焚燒污染控制標准 Standard for Pollution Control on the Municipal Solid Waste Incineration 剩余污泥 excess sludge 剩余污泥泵 excess sludge pump 輸渣機 clinker conveyer 豎向石籠 vertical stone cage雙層防滲結構 double-linersystem水位 water level提升泵站 lift pumpingstation填埋(垃圾) Landfill填埋場 Landfill site填埋場封場 seal of landfillsite填埋場總體布置圖 GeneralLayout of Landfill Site填埋場縱斷面示意圖 SketchMap of Landfill Site VerticalSection填埋庫區 Landfill Area填埋庫區平面布置圖 PlaneLayout of Landfill Area1:1000填埋氣 Landfill gas砼 concrete圖例 legend土工合成材料黏土墊層Geosynthetics Clay Liner(GCL)土工膜 geomembrane脫水機 dewaterer脫水機房 dewatering house衛生填埋 sanitary landfill渦流沉砂池(旋流沉砂池)vortex grit tank污泥泵房 sludge pumping room污泥處理 sludge treatment污泥處理流程示意圖 FlowChart of Sewage TreatmentProcess污泥管線 sludge pipeline 污泥濃度計(MLSS 計) sludge concentration meter (MLSS meter ) 污泥濃縮及脫水機房 Sludge Thickening & Dewatering House污泥脫水車間 sludge dewatering workshop 污水泵 sewage pump 污水處理 sewage treatment 污水處理厂 Wastewater Treatment Plant 污水處理流程示意圖 Sewage Treatment Process Sketch Map 污水管線 sewage pipeline 污水水面 wastewater surface 無線傳輸 wireless transmission 吸水井 suction well 消毒池 disinfecting tank 新聯村熊家窯 Xiongjiayao, Xinliancun 序批式活性污泥法(SBR 法) Sequence Batch Reactor 選型 Type selection 壓縮式垃圾車 waste compactors 厭氧、缺氧、好氧 Anaerobic, Anoxic, Aerobic Underwater Blender 厭氧堆肥 anaerobic composting 厭氧發酵 methane fermentation; anaerobic fermentation 厭氧流化床反應器 anaerobic fluidized bed 厭氧流化床反應器 anaerobic fluidized bed 氧化溝 oxidation ditch 氧化溝 oxidation ditch 葉輪曝氣機 impeller aerator 一級發酵(初級發酵) primary fermentation醫院垃圾 Hospital Waste 營養土層 nutritious soil layer預留垃圾綜合利用生產用地Reserved Waste Comprehensive Utility and Production L再生 reclamation 柵渣 sediment 黏土層 clay layer 支盲溝 blind sub-drain 至垃圾填埋場 to the waste landfill site 終期覆土 terminal earth covering 主盲溝 main blind drain 自控系統 autonomous system 自然土層 natural soil layer。



化工进展Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress2023 年第 42 卷第 4 期聚酰胺复合膜微孔支撑基底的研究进展赵珍珍1,郑喜1,王雪琪1,王涛1,冯英楠1,任永胜2,赵之平1(1 北京理工大学化学与化工学院,北京 102488;2 宁夏大学化学化工学院,省部共建煤炭高效利用与绿色化工国家重点实验室,宁夏 银川 750021)摘要:通过界面聚合法获得的聚酰胺复合膜在污废水处理、海水淡化等领域得到广泛应用,然而聚酰胺复合膜的结构对其应用起到关键作用,以往研究多数聚焦在分离层,而对复合膜微孔支撑基底的研究相对较少。





关键词:支撑基底;界面聚合;聚酰胺复合膜;膜结构优化中图分类号:TQ 028.8 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-6613(2023)04-1917-17Research progress on microporous supporting substrate of polyamidecomposite membraneZHAO Zhenzhen 1,ZHENG Xi 1,WANG Xueqi 1,WANG Tao 1,FENG Yingnan 1,REN Yongsheng 2,ZHAO Zhiping 1(1 School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 102488, China;2State Key Laboratory of High-efficiency Utilization of Coal and Green Chemical Engineering, Department ofChemistry & Chemical Engineering, Ningxia University, Yinchuan 750021, Ninigxia, China)Abstract: Polyamide composite membrane fabricated by interfacial polymerization has been widely used in wastewater treatment, seawater desalination and other fields. However, the structure of polyamide composite membrane plays a key role in its application. Most of the previous studies focused on the selective layer, while there are relatively few studies concentrated on the microporous substrate of the composite membrane. The results show that the physicochemical characteristics of microporous substrate exhibit a great influence on the formation of polyamide selective layer and the corresponding properties of the resultant composite membrane. Therefore, this review first introduced the preparation technologies of the substrate, then focused on the different modification methods of the microporous substrate, including the traditional substrate improvement method and the material and structure of the new substrate. Furthermore,综述与专论DOI :10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2022-1082收稿日期:2022-06-09;修改稿日期:2022-07-26。

Membrane separation processes_ Current relevance and future opportunities

Membrane separation processes_ Current relevance and future opportunities

Membrane Separation Processes:Current Relevance and Future OpportunitiesH.StrathmannFaculty of Chemical Technology,University of Twente,Enschede,The NetherlandsDuring the last35years membranes ha®e e®ol®ed from a laboratory tool to industrialproducts with significant technical and commercial impact.Today,membranes are usedfor desalination of sea and brackish water and for treating industrial effluents.They areefficient tools for the concentration and purification of food and pharmaceutical prod-ucts and the production of base chemicals.Furthermore,membranes are key compo-nents in artificial organs,drug deli®ery de®ices,and energy con®ersion systems.In com-bination with con®entional techniques membranes often pro®ide cleaner and more en-ergy-efficient production routes for high-quality products.Fundamental aspects of mem-branes and membrane processes are discussed,as well as technically and economicallyeffecti®e applications.The present and future membrane market is assessed and newde®elopments and future research needs are discussed.IntroductionWhen about40years ago the first synthetic membranes became available,the expectation for their technical and commercial relevance was very high.A multitude of potential applications were identified and a several billion dollar mar-ket was predicted for the membrane-based industry by theŽ.turn of this century Lonsdale,1982.The overall success of the membrane technology,however,is lagging behind these expectations.In some applications,such as in hemodialysis, in reverse-osmosis seawater desalination,in micro-and ultra-filtration of surface water,or in the separation,concentra-tion,and purification of food and pharmaceutical products, in fuel cells,and as battery separators,and so on,membranes indeed play an important role today.In other applications today’s available membranes find it difficult to compete with conventional separation processes.With the development of new membranes with improved transport properties and bet-ter chemical and thermal stability in recent years,a large number of new potential applications have been identified and the membrane-based industry is responding to the mar-ket needs by rapidly exploiting these applications on an in-dustrial scale.In this article the principles of relevant membrane pro-cesses and their applications are briefly reviewed.An assess-ment of the present and future membrane market is given. The structure of the membrane-based industry and its strate-gies toward the market are described.Recent developments of new or improved membranes and membrane processes are discussed,and further research needs for a continuous growth of membrane technology are pointed out. FundamentalsFor a better understanding of the technical and commer-cial relevance of membranes and membrane processes,some fundamental relations describing the function of a membrane and the basic principles of membrane processes shall briefly be reviewed.Membranes and membrane processes are used in four main areas,which are,in the separation of molecular and particu-late mixtures,in the controlled release of active agents,in membrane reactors and artificial organs,and in energy stor-age and conversion systems.In these applications a large va-riety of processes,membrane structures,and membrane ma-Ž.terials is used Ho and Sircar,1992.The processes in which membranes are used can be classi-fied according to the driving force used in the process.The technically and commercially most relevant processes are pressure-driven processes,such as reverse osmosis,ultra-and microfiltration,or gas separation,concentration-gradient-driven processes,such as dialysis,partial-pressure-driven pro-cesses,such as pervaporation;and electrical-potential-driven processes,such as electrolysis and electrodialysis.There are other processes,such as pertraction,membrane contactors,and hybrid processes,in which membrane separa-tion is combined with conventional processes.Membranes used today in the various applications consist of solid dense or porous polymer,ceramic or metal films with symmetric or asymmetric structures,liquid films with selective carrier com-ponents,and electrically charged barriers.The key properties determining membrane performance are high selectivity and fluxes;good mechanical,chemical,and thermal stability under operating conditions;low fouling ten-dency and good compatibility with the operation environ-ment;and cost-effective and defect-free production. Membranes are manufactured as flat sheets,hollow fibers, capillaries,or tubes.For practical applications membranes are installed in a suitable device,which is referred to as mem-brane module.The most commonly used devices are pleated cartridges,tubular and capillary membrane modules,plate-and-frame and spiral-wound modules,and hollow-fiber mod-ules.There are several other module types used in special applications,such as the rotating cylinder and the transversal flow capillary module.The key properties of efficient mem-brane modules are high packing density,good control of con-centration polarization and membrane fouling,low operating and maintenance costs,and cost-efficient production.For the efficiency of a membrane process in a certain application,the choice of the proper membrane module is of great impor-tance.Function of synthetic membranesThe function of a membrane in a separation process is determined by its transport properties for different compo-nents in a mixture.The transport rate of a component through a membrane is determined by its permeability in the mem-brane and by the driving force.Driving forces in membrane processes are gradients in the chemical potential,in the elec-trical potential,and in the hydrostatic pressure,resulting in a diffusion of individual molecules,a migration of ions,and a convection of mass,respectively.The function of a mem-brane is illustrated in Figure1,which shows the transport ofŽX.a component A from a phase through a membrane intoŽY.the phase due to a driving-force gradient.The main driv-ing forces in the different membrane processes are also indi-cated in Figure1.Hydrostatic pressure differences are used in micro-and ultrafiltration,as well as in reverse osmosis and gas separation as driving force for the mass transport through the membrane.The mode of transport in micro-and ultrafil-tration is convection.In reverse osmosis and in gas separa-tion,diffusion and the actual driving forces are chemical po-tential and a fugacity gradients.In dialysis the mode of trans-port is diffusion with concentration or activity gradients as driving forces,and in electrodialysis an electrical potential gradient is used to achieve a migration of charged compo-nents,such as ions across the membrane.The permeability of a certain component in a membrane is determined by its concentration and its mobility in the mem-brane structure.In a homogeneous polymer matrix,the con-centration of a component in a membrane is determined by its solubility in the polymer.In a porous structure,the con-centration of a component in the membrane is determined by its size and by the pore size of the structure.Theconcentra-Figure1.Mass transport through a synthetic mem-brane.It shows the driving forces applied in the various membraneŽseparation processes p,␮,C,a,p,f,and␸are the hy-i i i i idrostatic pressure,the chemical potential,the concentra-tion,the activity,the partial pressure,and the fugacity of a.component i,respectively,and␸is the electrical potential.tion of a component in the membrane often can be increased by a selective carrier.This carrier can have a certain mobility in the membrane,as in so-called liquid membranes,or it can be fixed to the membrane matrix.The facilitated transport in a liquid membrane is illustrated in Figure2.If the carrier is a charged component such as an ion,the transport of certain components can be coupled.This is also indicated in Figure 2.There are two forms of coupled transport,one referred to as a cocurrent and the other as a countercurrent coupled transport.The coupling force is the electroneutrality require-ment for ions in the mixture.The mass transport through membranes can be described by various mathematical relations.Most of these are semiem-pirical,postulating membrane models,such as Fick’s law,Ha-gen-Poisseuille’s law,and Ohm’s law.A more comprehensive description which is independent of the membrane structure and thus applicable to any membrane,is based on a phe-nomenological equation that connects the fluxes of the elec-trical charges,volume,that is,viscous flow,and individual components with the corresponding driving forces by a linear relation:J s L X.1Ž.Ýi ik kkFigure 2.Facilitated and co-and countercurrent coupletransport in membranes.Here J is a flux per unit area and X is a generalized driving force;the subscripts i and k refer to individual components,volume,and electrical charges;and L is a phenomenological coefficient relating the fluxes to the driving forces.For multicomponent systems with fluxes of individual com-ponents,volume,and electrical charges,Eq.1can be written as a matrix in which the diagonal coefficients relate the fluxes to the directly corresponding driving forces,and the cross-coefficients express the coupling of fluxes with nonconju-gated driving forces.Thus,Eq.1describes the mass transport through a membrane not only as a linear function of the cor-responding driving forces as,for example,Fick’s or Ohm’s law,but it also considers a possible kinetic coupling between different fluxes.Another approach to describe the mass transport in mem-brane processes is based on a relation developed by Maxwell and Stefan.In this relation the forces are expressed as a lin-ear function of the fluxes:RT X s C f ®y ®s C ®y ®.2Ž.Ž.Ž.ÝÝi i ik i k ii k D᎐ik kkHere X is the driving force,C is the concentration,®is the linear velocity,f is the friction coefficient,and D ᎐is the Maxwell-Stefan diffusion coefficient.The subscripts i and k refer to individual components.Equations 1and 2provide a complete description of trans-port processes through a membrane separating two homoge-neous mixtures.All phenomena observed in membrane sys-tems,such as osmosis,electroosmosis,diffusion,viscous flow of a bulk solution,electric current,or the buildup of an os-motic pressure,a streaming,and a diffusion potential,can be described.The practical value of the equations,however,is Figure 3.Materials and structures of various when multicomponent systems in a heterogeneous medium with viscous flow have to be treated.Therefore,usu-ally certain assumptions are made,and by postulating certain membrane models,relatively simple relations are obtained that describe the mass transport adequate in porous media,homogeneous films,or electrically charged barriers.Structures of synthetic membranesTypical structures and materials used today in membraneprocesses are illustrated in Figure 3.Membranes are made of various materials,including met-als,ceramics,polymers,and even liquids.Their structures in-clude dense films and porous media that can have cylindrical pores or just a sponge-type structure.The membranes can be symmetric,that is,their structure is identical over the entire cross section of the membrane,or they can be asymmetric,that is,their structure is different on the top side and on the bottom side.Very often these membranes have a thin layer at the surface,a so-called ‘‘skin’’supported on a highly porous substructure.The skin can be homogeneous or porous.Asymmetric membranes can be prepared in one step by aso-called phase inversion process or as composite films where a thin barrier layer is placed in an additional preparation step on a porous support structure.Membrane Market and the Membrane Industry The worldwide membrane market in1998can be summa-rized as follows:ⅷSales of membranes and modules)4billion U.S.$ⅷSales of membrane systems)15billion U.S.$ⅷMarket growth is8᎐10%per yearⅷLargest market segment is the biomedical sectorThe sales of membranes and membrane systems is rather moderate;however,it has to be realized that membranes are often key components in many applications resulting in supe-rior high-value products or substantial savings in energy and Ž.raw materials Baker et al.,1991.Assessment of the present and future membrane market The membrane market is extremely heterogeneous and re-quires a large number of different membrane structures and processes as well as peripheral components and specific ap-plication know-how.Some market segments,such as that for the hemodialysis and reverse-osmosis seawater desalination membranes,are quite large and require low-cost membranes. In other applications,such as in diagnostic devices or sen-sors,the value of the membranes is very small compared to the costs of the device,and membrane function is more im-portant as membrane costs.Table1lists membrane sales in different processes,and Table2shows membrane sales in major applications.To utilize a membrane process in a certain application,a suitable membrane is needed as the key component.How-ever,a substantial amount of additional equipment such as pumps and electronic process control devices,and such skills as basic engineering and especially a specific application know-how,are required for a membrane process to be suc-cessfully utilized.In many applications the membrane costs are irrelevant compared to the costs of the peripheral com-ponents.In these cases the added value of using a membrane process lies in the system or in the product that is obtained by the membrane processes.In Table3added values of vari-ous membrane applications are summarized.The development of the membrane market is determined by energy costs,required product quality,environmental pro-Table1.Sales of Membranes and Modules in MembraneProcessesMembrane Sales1998GrowthProcess M U.S.$%r yr Dialysis1,90010Microfiltration9008Ultrafiltration50010Reverse osmosis40010Gas exchange2502Gas separation23015Electrodialysis1105Electrolysis705Pervaporation)10?Miscellaneous3010TotalÝ4,400)8Table2.Sales of Membranes and Modules in VariousApplicationsSales2000Growth Market Segment M U.S.$%r yr Hemodialysis r filtration2,2008Blood oxygenator3502Water desalination35010Ž.waste Water purification40010Oxygen r nitrogen separation1008Food processing20010Ž.bio Chemical industry15015Electrochemical industry1508Analytical r diagnostic15010Miscellaneous35010TotalÝ4,400)8tection needs,new medical therapies,and of course by the availability of new and better membranes and membrane processes.Some of the factors affecting the future membrane market,such as the industrial relevance of an application or the competitive situation of the membrane process compared to conventional techniques,are summarized in Table4.Some applications of membrane processes,such as water desalina-tion or wastewater treatment,have high industrial relevance. However,in these applications the membrane processes com-pete with conventional water desalination or water treatment techniques,such as multistage flash evaporation or biological sewage treatment plants.In other applications of high com-mercial relevance,such as in hemodialysis or in fuel cells, membranes are key components,and no economic alterna-tive technique that could compete with membranes is cur-rently available.There are other applications,such as the production of ultrapure water,where membrane processes compete with conventional techniques,but have a clear ad-vantage.There are also a large number of membrane appli-cations of lower industrial relevance,such as the dehydration of organic solvents by pervaporation or the recovery of or-ganic vapors from waste air streams by gas and vapor perme-ation membranes.In certain biosensors and diagnostic de-vices,membranes are key components,but in terms of the total costs of the final device,the cost of the membranes in these devices is negligibly low.Therefore,this application is often of lesser interest to the membrane producing industry.Structure of the membrane-based industryThe development of a certain membrane process or appli-cation passes through different stages,starting with research and development of a certain membrane or process.The next step is the production of the membrane and the membraneTable3.Added Value of Membrane ApplicationsAdded Value or CostsApplication Membrane Module System Product Hemodialysis Very low Very low High Very high Water desalination Low Medium Medium High Ultrapure water Low Low High High Bioseparation Medium High Medium Very highO-enriched air Medium Medium Medium Low 2Natural gas treatment Medium Medium High LowTable4.Present and Future Membrane MarketIndustrial Membranes Competing with Membrane Processes with No Alternative to Relev.Conv.Processes Clear Adv.Memb.Processes State-of-the-art processesHigh Water desalination Production of ultrapure water Artificial kidney,fuel Ž.waste Water treatment cell separators Medium Natural gas treatment Down-stream processing Therapeutic devices for Air separation of bioproducts controlled drug release Low Dehydration of solvents Biosensors Diagnostic devices Emerging processesHigh Membrane reactors Membrane bioreactors Artificial liverMedium Organic r organic separation Recycling of effluents Immune isolation of cells Low Organic vapor recovery Affinity membranesmodules,followed by the system design.The final step is marketing and sales of the membrane or membrane process. The membrane-based industry includes a variety of enter-prises with very different production and marketing strate-gies.Some companies concentrate on the production of membranes and modules only and cooperate with equipment manufacturers that are often highly specialized on certain ap-plications,while other companies focus their effort on appli-cations only and use various membranes and hardware com-ponents supplied by different manufacturers.Still other com-panies concentrated on a single application,but they produce all components needed in this application,including the membranes and the peripheral equipment themselves.A typ-ical example of this strategy can be seen in the hemodialysis industry,where companies focus on one product,and have technology from research and development and membrane and equipment production to marketing and sales in one place.Others have adopted the so-called‘‘boot strategy,’’which means build,own,operate,and transport the product to the customer.This strategy is often used by the water-supply companies.An important parameter in the market strategy of the membrane-based industry is the market size of the various products or processes and their position on a life-cycle curve.A typical life-cycle curve of different membrane processes is shown in Figure4,in which the sales of different membrane processes are shown as a function of its state of development. The life-cycle curve of membrane processes indicates four phases in the life of a membrane process:the development phase,the growth phase,the mature phase,and the declining phase.None of the membrane processes is in the declining state yet.The mature processes such as hemodialysis,micro-filtration,and reverse osmosis,have the highest sales but moderate profits.For these processes production efficiency is very important because sales are determined mainly by prod-uct costs.Therefore,the market is dominated by a relatively small number of companies with a highly automated and effi-cient production.Processes in the rapidly growing phase,such as gas separation,pervaporation,membrane reactors,and bipolar membranes,show higher profits but lower sales in smaller market segments that are generally served by smaller companies.For these processes the availability of compo-nents with the required properties and application know-how are key criteria for the sales.Finally,there are a number of emerging processes that are still in development on a labora-tory scale or are only conceptually available.The processes and products are available only on a very limited scale and we can only speculate about their potential future markets.Recent Developments in Membrane Science and TechnologySignificant progress has been made during recent years in the development of new membranes and their applications. New inorganic and organic materials,super molecular struc-tures with specific binding properties,are used as membrane materials.For the separation of gases,especially oxygen r nitrogen and methane r carbon dioxide,new glassy polymers and inorganic materials such as zeolites are used to produce membranes with better selectivity and higher fluxes. For the separation of enantiomers,carrier-facilitated trans-port membranes are produced using molecular imprint tech-niques.In reverse osmosis,membranes with better chemical stability and higher fluxes are now available.Surface-mod-ified membranes with better biocompatibility and affinity membranes for the removal of endotoxins or other toxic com-ponents from blood may soon be available.The recent devel-opments in membrane technology have been assisted by new research tools,such as atomic force microscopy,acoustic time-domain reflectometry,molecular dynamic simulations, or computer-aided process design,are applied widely today in membrane science.Some of the recent developments are discussed in more detail below.De©elopment of impro©ed membranes and membrane materialsSubstantial progress has been made in improving the per-formance of state-of-the-art membranes and in developing novel membrane materials and membrane structures.Some of these developments have had a significant effect on the economics of certain membrane processes,others have led to new applications and markets.High-Performance Re®erse-Osmosis Membranes.The progress that has been made in improving reverse-osmosis seawater desalination membranes during the last years is in-dicated in Figure5,which shows the salt rejection and the water flux of various membranes developed by the Nitto Denko Corporation during the last20years.The data of this graph are extracted from a Nitto Denko Ž.1997annual report.The graph in Figure5shows that the fluxes of reverse-osmosis seawater desalination membranes were increased by a factor of3in the last20years.Today,Figure4.Life-cycle curve of various membrane pro-cesses.It shows the sale as function of the state of development ofthe processes.high-performance membranes used in single-stage seawater desalination reject total salts in excess of99.5wt.%and have transmembrane fluxes of1.5to2.0m3ؒm y2ؒd y1at an effec-Ž.tive hydrostatic pressure that is,⌬p s⌬p y⌬␲of15eff applbar.The reason for this significant increase in flux is based on the preparation technique of the barrier layer of the com-posite membrane which has many folds,with the result that the surface of the actual barrier layer is about three times larger than the area of the support structure.Figure6shows a scanning electron micrograph of the barrier layer of a re-verse-osmosis composite membrane,indicating that its sur-face is significantly enlarged by folding.The reverse-osmosis membranes based on cellulose acetate used earlier have a smooth surface with a barrier layer that has the same area as the membrane.Today’s reverse-osmosis membranes have not only become quite efficient,there has also been a significant reduction in price over the last couple of years.Production capacities of the industry have drastically been increased and the market is dominated by a small number of companies that generally compete on price.Figure5.Salt rejection and fluxes of different reverse-osmosis membranes:progress of the recent20years.Figure6.Scanning electron micrograph of the surface of a high-flux reverse-osmosis membrane. Stabilization of Supported Liquid Membranes.Supported liquid membranes are very interesting in combination with selective carriers for the selective transport of certain compo-nents of a mixture.They have been studied extensively on a laboratory and pilot-plant scale,and a large number of im-portant industrial applications have been indicated.How-ever,until today there has been hardly any large-scale indus-trial utilization of liquid membranes because of certain prob-lems related to the performance of the membranes.One of the shortcomings of today’s supported liquid membranes is their short useful life.As indicated in Figure7,carrier and solvent are lost to the feed or strip solution by dissolution and micelle formation.The rate with which the solvent and the carrier are lost depends on the process conditions.In thin membranes the solvent or carrier can be lost within several hours,which makes the membrane useless.The stability of liquid membranes can be increased drasti-cally by placing a thin polymer layer on top of the liquid membrane.Figure8shows test results obtained with a sup-ported liquid membrane carrying a thin layer prepared by interfacial polymerization on the feed side.The membrane was used to remove nitrate from water using countercurrent transport.The tests were carried out with a feed solution of 0.004molar NaNO,a stripping solution of four molar NaCl,3Figure7.Carrier and solvent loss of liquid membrane in facilitated transport.Figure8.Nitrate flux of a conventional liquid membrane and a membrane supported by thin layer onthe feed-facing side of the membrane.It uses countercurrent transport with NaCl in the strippingsolution.and the carrier was trioctyl methyl ammonium chloride in a 0.2molar solution of o-nitrophenyl ether.The graph in Figure8shows that the useful life of a mem-brane without a barrier layer is only a few hours,while that of the membrane with a barrier layer at the strip side surface is more than1,000hours.Preparation of Composite Hollow Fiber by the Triple-Nozzle Spinneret.Asymmetric hollow fiber or capillary membranes with a denser skin on the in-or outside of the fibers are generally made by a phase-inversion process.To produce composite hollow fibers by dipcoating,which requires an ad-ditional production step,is used most.For the preparation of composite hollow-fiber membranes in a single production step,a triple-nozzle spinneret was developed.The concept of a triple-nozzle spinneret is shown in Figure9,which shows the cross sections of a conventional tube-in-orifice spinneret and a triple-nozzle spinneret.In a conventional tube-in-orifice construction the outer bore is used as a feed channel for the polymer solution,while the inner bore generally contains a precipitation fluid or an inert gas and symmetric or integral asymmetric membranes with a selective layer made from the same polymer as the support structure.The triple-nozzle spinneret contains two outer bores around an inner tube.Two different polymer solutions can be fed through the two outer bores.The outer layer is precipitated by an outside precipita-tion bath,while the inner layer is precipitated by a bore fluid. Thus,two different structures made from two different poly-mers can be obtained on the inner and outer fiber surface. The technique can be used to produce gas-separation mem-branes with an outside selective barrier layer or to put a hy-drophilic coating on a hydrophobic substructure.With the triple-nozzle spinneret,for example,composite membranes have been produced that have a porous substructure based on polysulfone and a thin,dense,negatively charged hy-drophilic top layer of sulfonated polyetherketon.The main advantage of composite hollow fibers made in one step with the triple-nozzle spinneret compared to those made by dip-coating is a simplified production process.Gen-erally,higher fluxes also are obtained in the single-step pro-duction,since pore penetration,which is often a problem with dip-coating,isavoided.()) Figure9.Concept of a conventional tube-in-orifice,b()triple-nozzle spinneret,and c scanning elec-tron micrographs of outer and inner surfacesand cross section of a composite membranemade with the triple-nozzle spinneret.Inorganic Membranes for Gas and Vapor Separation with High Selecti®ity.Historically,the use of inorganic membranesstarted with the separation of U235F r U238F isotopes for the66preparation of nuclear fuels.The process is based on Knud-sen diffusion of gases through porous membranes.Porous membranes with pore diameters of0.01to10␮m are pre-pared by a slip-coating and sintering procedure based onmetal oxides such as␣-Al O powders as the support struc-23ture and a selective barrier prepared by the sol-gel process. These membranes can be considered as state-of-the-art struc-tures and are used today in micro-and ultrafiltration.An interesting recent development is the preparation of zeolite membranes.Because of the unique properties of zeo-。



水处理方案英文常用词汇一.水箱系列1.原水箱:Raw water tank2.产水箱:Purified water tank3.中间水箱:In termediate tank4.化学淸洗药箱:UF Chemical cleaning Tank5.反洗加药箱:Backwash dosing tank二、泵系列1.原水泵:Raw water pump2.反洗泵:Back-wash pump3.化学淸洗泵:Chemical cleaning pump4.反洗加药计量泵:Backwash Dosing metering pumps三、过滤器系列1.石英砂机械过滤器quartz sand filter2.活性炭机械过滤器activated carb on filter3.精密过滤器precision filter4.多介质机械过滤器multimedia filter5.盘式过滤器disc filter6.核桃壳机械过滤器walnut shell filter7.管道过滤器Pipeline Filter&管道混合器Channel mixer9.袋式过滤器Bag filter10.自淸洗过滤器Self-clean filter四、流呈:计系列1.进水流量计:Inlet flow meter2.产水流量计:Produced water flow meter 3•反洗流虽:计:Backwash flow meter五、阀系列1.电动蝶阀:Electric butterfly valve2.手动蝶阀:Manual butterfly valve3.气动蝶阀:Pneumatic butterfly valve4.电磁阀:Solenoid valve5.球阀:Ball Valve6.取样阀Sampling valve7•错流出水气动碟阀Pneumatic butterfly valve ofCross-flow outlet8•进水气动碟阀Pneumatic butterfly valve of feed water inlet9.下排放气动碟阀Pneumatic butterfly valve of bottom effluent discharge10•上排放气动碟阀Pneumatic butterfly valve of up effluentdischarge11.滤过水岀口气动碟阀Pneumatic butterfly valve of permeated water outlet12•止回阀:Non-return valve六、管道系列1.进水管2.产水管3.错流管Feed water pipe Produced water pipe Cross-flow pipe4.变径管Tapered Pipe七、图例说明lllustrati on1.蓝色实线Blue line2.黄色实线Yellow line3.青色实线Green line4.紫色实线Purple line八、水流1.进水:Inlet water2.原液:Raw water2.产水:Produced water3.透过液:Permeated water4.浓水:Concentrated water九、接口1、进水口:Feed water port2、产水排放口:Produced water discharge port3、浓水排放口Concentrated water discharge port 反洗进水口:Backwash Inlet Port5、反洗上排放口:Up Backwash discharge Port6、反洗下排放口:Bottom Backwash discharge Port7、化学淸洗接口Chemical cleaning port十、工艺名称2、正冲排放Flushing discharge2、化学清洗Chemical Cleaning3、排放discharge4、制水Producing water5、正冲Straight washing6、工作状态Con dition十一、图纸名称1.工艺流程图:Process Flow Diagram2.管道连接Pipe connection diagram3.机架图:Rack diagram4.配置淸单:Equipment List5.占地图:Area Occupation Diagram6.项目设计书:Project Proposal Design十二、其他词汇1.液位开关Level Switch2.压力表Pressure Gauge3.错流压力表Cross-flow Pressure Gauge4.滤过水压力表Permeated water Pressure Gauge5. UF系统UF systems6. UF设备UF Equipement / UF Plant7.环保Environmentai protection8.环境管理Environment Management9.水处理water treatme nt10.过滤器Filters11.超滤Ultra Filtration12.净化水Purified water13.过滤预处理Pretreatme nt14.过滤滤芯Filter housings (过滤器外壳),Filter cartridge (滤芯)15. UF组件UF Module16.膜过滤系统The membrane filtration system17.净水&污水处理Water & Waste Water Treatment18.饮用水Drinking Water19. UF 膜UF Membrane20.水处理工程Water Treatment Project21.水处理装置Water Treatment Plant22.净水设备Water Purification Equipments23.膜技术UF Membrane Technologies Ultrafiltratio n24.废水处理装置Waste Water Treatment Plant25.家用滤芯Cartridge Filters26. RO 5级过滤 5 stage ro system27. 膜元件Membrane Module28. 水处理设备water treatment system29. 工业过滤设备In dustrial Filtrati on Systems30. 工业污水Industrial Wastewater31. 水处理water treatme nt32. 流量flux33. 过滤分子量MWCO34. 纯水pure water35. 超纯水ultra-pure water36. 污水回用waste water recycling37. 预处理Pretreatme nt38. 净化Purificati on39. 浓缩Conce ntratio n40. 分离separatio n41. 浊度turbidity42. 水处理配件water treatment component43. 水质处理water conditioning44. 净水器water purifier45. 家用净水器domestic water purifier46. 滤膜filtration membrane47. 悬浮物suspended substance48. 微生物microorganism49. 细菌bacteria50. 大分子有机物macromolecular organics51. 含盐量salt content52. 五日生化需氧量five-day BOD(biochemical oxygen dema nd)53.化学需氧量demand)54.总有机碳55.总固体物56.悬浮总固体57.溶解总固体58.总碱度59.总矿化度60.污染密度指数61.总细菌量62.大肠菌群63.色度chroma / Colour65.总硬度COD(chemical oxygenTOC(total organic carbon) total solidsTSSTDStotal alkalinitytotal salinitySDItotal bacteria content coliform group64.气味odorTotal hardness66 •油脂含量67.隔油池68.混凝沉淀池69.格栅70.澄清池71.软化树脂72.中和73.气浮74.消毒oil & geaseoilseparating tank coagulation sedimentation tank gridClarifiersoftening resinn eutralizationair flotati ondisinfectio n75.化学氧化还原chemical oxidation-reduction76 •化学沉淀法77.吸附ion exchange method79.吹脱、汽提法80、萃取法chemical precipitation adsorptionair stripping extraction81.活性污泥法82.厌氧生化法inlet water pressure84.产水压力85.反洗压力86.浓水压力87.最大进水压力activated sludge process an aerobic biochemical processproduction water pressure backwash pressure concentrated water pressure max・ inlet pressure78.离子交换法83.进水压力88.操作压力范用operation pressure range89.死端(全流)过滤dead-end filtration90.错流过滤91.上反洗92.下反洗93.加气反洗94.管式膜95.卷式膜96.陶瓷膜97.聚氯乙烯98.截留分子量99.髙抗污染膜100.膜丝101.端封材料102.膜而积103.纯水通量104.设计通量backwash frequency106.回收率107.加药反洗108.条箍109.反渗透前处理110.中水回用111.电镀废水回用112.印染废水回用113.造纸废水回用114.生活污水回用115.工业循环水116.电泳漆浓缩117.溶解性矿物质118.絮凝flocculation by weir 溢流堰119.机架120.碳钢cross- flow filtrationupper backwashBottom backwashair entrainment backwashtubular membranespiral-wound membraneceramic membranePVCMWCO(molecular weight cut off) high antipollution membrane membrane fiber (Fiber lumen) Sealing material membrane area pure water flux design fluxrecovery ratechemical dosing backwashstrip hoopRO pretreatment greywater reuse electroplating wastewater reuse printing and dyeing wastewater papermaking wastewater reuse domestic sewage reuse industrial circulating water electronic painting concentration solubility of minerals FlocculationSedimentation 沉淀withFrameCarb on steel105.反洗频率技术方k十三、常用语句1•此流程图中泵的流量均为正常出力流疑,其量程参看配置淸单。



徐伟,王植朔,王瑞琦,等. 榛蘑与菌丝体中蜜环菌素的超声波辅助提取条件优化及其提取物中化合物分析[J]. 食品工业科技,2022,43(19):298−306. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022050143XU Wei, WANG Zhishuo, WANG Ruiqi, et al. Optimization of Ultrasonic-assisted Extraction Conditions of Melleolides from Wild Armillaria mellea and Liquid Culture Mycelium, and Analysis of Their Compounds in Extracts[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2022, 43(19): 298−306. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022050143· 工艺技术 ·榛蘑与菌丝体中蜜环菌素的超声波辅助提取条件优化及其提取物中化合物分析徐 伟,王植朔,王瑞琦,吴 凡,梁珊珊,谢红瑶,张 雪(哈尔滨商业大学食品工程学院,黑龙江哈尔滨 150028)摘 要:目的:为分析榛蘑与菌丝体中化合物差异,本研究以东北野生榛蘑子实体和液态菌丝体为研究对象,探究蜜环菌素的最佳提取工艺条件,并对提取物中化合物进行分析。

方法:以提取物得率和蜜环菌素含量为指标,采用超声波细胞破碎辅助石油醚进行萃取,通过单因素实验和正交试验对提取工艺参数进行优化;采用超高效液相色谱-串联质谱(UHPLC-MS/MS )技术,对液态菌丝体和榛蘑子实体中化合物进行分析和鉴定。

结果:确定最佳提取工艺条件为料液比1:20 g/mL ,超声波功率300 W ,超声时间20 min ,溶剂回流时间50 min ,在该条件下液态菌丝体提取物得率为26.8%,蜜环菌素含量为0.74 mg/g ;液态菌丝体和榛蘑子实体中化合物分别为305和592个。


(2)主要的非纤维素酯类膜材料 O (i)聚砜类 S 聚砜结构中的特征基团为 O ,为了引入 亲水基团,常将粉状聚砜悬浮于有机溶剂中,用氯 磺酸进行磺化。 聚砜类树脂常用的制膜溶剂有:二甲基甲酰胺、 二甲基乙酰胺、N—甲基吡咯烷酮、二甲基亚砜等。
聚砜类树脂具有良好的化学、热学和水 解稳定性,强度也很高,pH值适应范围为 1~13,最高使用温度达120℃,抗氧化性 和抗氯性都十分优良。因此已成为重要的 膜材料之一。这类树脂中,目前的代表品 种有:
CH3 聚砜 [ O C CH3 O 聚芳砜 [ S O O 聚醚砜 [ S O O 聚苯醚砜 [ O S O O ]n O O S O O
O S O ]n
O ]n
(ii)聚酰胺类 早期使用的聚酰胺是脂肪族聚酰胺,如尼龙— 4、尼龙—66等制成的中空纤维膜。这类产品对盐水 的分离率在80%~90%之间,但透水率很低,仅 0.076 mL/cm2· h。以后发展了芳香族聚酰胺,用它 们制成的分离膜,pH适用范围为3~11,分离率可 达99.5%(对盐水),透水速率为0.6 L/cm2· h。 长期使用稳定性好。由于酰胺基团易与氯反应,故 这种膜对水中的游离氯有较高要求。
分离膜是指能以特定形式限制和传递流体物质的 分隔两相或两部分的界面 膜可以是固态的,也可以是液态的 被膜分离的流体物质可以是液态的,也可以是气 态的 膜至少具有两个界面,膜通过这两个界面与被分 割的两侧流体接触并进行传递 分离膜对流体可以是完全透过性的,也可以是半 透过性的,但不能是完全不透过性的
Desalination 20.4%
Metallurgy 4.9% Mining 1.4% Oils and gas 1.5% Other industries 9.6%



收稿日期:2006-01-13作者简介:朱 贤(1965-),男,工程师。

文章编号:1671-7333(2006)02-0141-03膜分离在镀镍废水处理中的应用朱 贤,陈桂娥,叶 琳(上海应用技术学院化学工程系,上海 200235)摘要: 采用膜分离技术中的纳滤,反渗透以及络合-超滤耦合过程处理电镀废水中常见的含镍废水。



关键词: 镀镍废水;纳滤;反渗透;络合-超滤;膜分离中图分类号:TQ028.8 文献标识码:AAn Application of Ni 2+Wastewater Treatment by UsingMembrane Separation TechnologyZHU Xian ,CH EN Gui 2e ,Y E L i n(Department of Chemical Engineering ,Shanghai Institute of Technology ,Shanghai 200235,China )Abstract :For the purpose of recycling heavy metal Ni and wastewater ,the treatments of wastewater con 2taining Ni 2+were studied in this paper by using membrane separation technique including Nanofiltration ,Reverse Osmosis and Complexation -Ultrafiltration process.As to wastewater containing Ni 2+,the results of the three methods are below the national standard ,the rejections of them are more than 99%,the pur 2pose of separation has been reached and the permeation can be recycled.Keywords :Ni 2+wastewater ,Nanofiltration ,Reverse Osmosis ,Complexation -Ultrafiltration ,membrane separation 电镀是通用性强、应用面广的工业行业之一,几乎所有的工业部门都有一定范围的电镀加工。



U LTRA F ILIC®Membrane Element for the Separation of Oil & WaterFiltration and Separation GroupA Measure of HydrophilicityWater DropletsM-Series Contact Angle Membrane4˚66˚M EMBRANE M ATERIAL C ONTACT A NGLEM-Series Ultrafilic 4˚112˚108˚66˚46˚44˚>30˚Increasing HydrophilicityOleophilic:Oleophobic:Repels Water Absorbs OilFouls with Free Oils Lower Flux per Foot Difficult to CleanRepels Oils Absorbs WaterNot Fouled by Free Oils Higher Flux per Foot Easier to CleanPoly-Unmodified Hydrophilic PTFEPropylenePVDFPAN PolysulfoneCeramicM-SeriesThe separation of oil and water by ultrafiltration (UF) is a well-proven technology, but its wide spread utilization for wastewater minimization or recycling applications has been limited by three common problems:1.fouling from “free” oil which overflows from upstream pretreatment2.fouling from “free” oil which de-emulsifies as the feed is concentrated3.fouling and decomposition of the membrane from accidental contamination of the waste stream by aggressive solvents The M-Series membrane by Osmonics is a technologically superior UltraFilic membrane element that will resist theserecurring obstacles. M-Series membrane elements are not fouled by “free” oils or degraded by solvents (Figure 1). T he objectives of most applications are met by M-Series membrane elements available a wide range of compared to conventional membranes which are oleophilic (oil attracting).The improvement in membrane hydrophilicity is quantified by measuring water-membrane-air contact angles for the various membrane types (Figure 2). A smaller contact anglecorrelates with a morehydrophilic surface and less fouling by “free” oils and highly concentrated oil emulsions.M-Series membranes are also designed to have asymmetric pore morphology (Figure 3).This pore structure creates a surface filter with its smallest opening at the outer skin of the membrane (“A ” shaped rather than “V”shaped). Oil and dirt molecules are rejected at the surface rather than being irreversibly entrapped in thedepths of the pore.“Free Oil”PressureThrough MembraneWater Molecules BuildersFigure 2Figure 1Perforated Central TubePermeate Collection Materialt e Anisotropic (‘A’ Shaped)Pore Performs Surface FiltrationMembrex’s New Anisotropic Grey Zone MembraneIsotropic and ‘V’ Shaped Pores Designed to Entrap ContaminantsWaste ApplicationsAqueous Cleaner RecyclingSolids SeparationsIdeal for oil removal Virtually no oil passage Too small for recycling Easy to clean Ideal for recycling cleaners Cleaner passes through pore Most oil is held back Easy to cleanHigh initial flow rate Solids clog pores Permanent fouling Oil passage high Hard to cleanSmall pore with open substructureOil/dirt rejected at the surfaceLarger pore with open substructureOil/dirt rejected at the surfacePore opening & substructure similar sizeOil & dirt become imbedded in the pore &substructureMolecular FiltrationUltrafilter With Larger PoresParticle FiltrationULTRAFILTRATIONGREY ZONE FILTRATIONMICROFILTRATIONAliphatic Hydrocarbons(e.g., Hexane)CHEMICAL TYPEU LTRA F ILIC PVDF PSAromatic Hydrocarbons(e.g., Xylene)Halogenated Hydrocarbons(e.g., 1,1,1 Trichloroethane)Polar Organic Solvents(e.g., Acetone, MEK)Acids BaseEXCELLENTGOODPOORFigure 3© Copyright 2002, 2000 Osmonics, Inc.Printed in USA, P/N 1220752 Rev. CTECHNOLOGIES Reverse Osmosis Nanofiltration Ultrafiltration Microfiltration Ion Exchange OzonationCOMPONENTSSoftener/Filter Control Valves Process Control Instrumentation Membrane ElementsDepth & Pleated Cartridge Filters Ceramic Microfilters Centrifugal Pumps Laboratory ProductsFilters & Element Housings Reverse Osmosis KitsMembrane Equipment SkidsCorporate Headquarters International Headquarters Sales Locations & Service Manufacturing Sitesfor a Fluid SolutionsWorld of ApplicationsEuro/Africa Sales230 rue Robert Schuman ZA des UsellesF -77350 Le Mée sur Seine FRANCE+33 1 64 10 2000 Phone +33 1 64 10 3747 Fax Asia/Pacific Sales 1044/8 SOI 44/2Sukhumvit Road Prakanong Bangkok 10110THAILAND+66 2 38 14213 Phone +66 2 39 18183 FaxNorth American Sales 760 Shadowridge Drive Vista, CA 92083-7986USA(760) 598-3334 Phone (760) 598-3335 Fax ®Call (760) 598-3334 for additional information, (800) 423-3725 in the U.S., or visit Corporate Headquarters: 5951 Clearwater Drive, Minnetonka, MN 55343-8995 • (952) 933-2277 Phone。

06.04 Membrane filters

06.04 Membrane filters

Membrane filtersmolecular and ionic levels. Since the beginning of the 1970s, this technique has been adapted for the dairy industry. DefinitionsDefinitions of some frequently used expressions :Feed=the solution to be concentrated or fractionated. Flux=the rate of extraction of permeate measured inlitres per square meter of membrane surface areaper hour (l/m2/h)Membrane fouling=deposition and accumulation of feedcomponents on the membrane surface and/orwithin the pores of the membrane. Causes anirreversible flux decline during processing Permeate=the filtrate, the liquid passing through themembraneRetentate=the concentrate, the retained liquid Concentration factor=the volume reduction achieved byconcentration, i.e. the ratio of initial volume offeed to the final volume of concentrate/retentate Diafiltration=a design to obtain better purification. Water isadded to the feed during membrane filtrationwith the purpose to wash out low molecfular feedcomponents which will pass through themembranes, basically lactose and minerals. Membrane technologyIn the dairy industry, membrane technology is principally associated with •Reverse Osmosis (RO)– concentration of solutions by removal of water•Nanofiltration (NF)– concentration of organic components by removal of part of monovalent ions like sodium and chlorine (partial demineralisation)•Ultrafiltration (UF)– concentration of large and macro molecules, for example proteins •Microfiltration (MF)– removal of bacteria, separation of macro moleculesThe spectrum of application of membrane separation processes in the dairy industry is shown in Figure 6.4.1.All the above techniques feature pressure driven membrane filtration processes, in which the feed solution is forced through the membrane under pressure. The membranes are categorised by their NaCl retention (RO and NF) molecular weight cut-off (NF and UF), or nominal pore-size(MF). The cut-off is, supposedly the molecular weight of the smallest molecule that will not pass through the membrane. However, owing to various interactions, a membrane cannot be selected purely on the basis ofFig. 6.4.1 Spectrum of application of membrane separation processes in the dairy industry.The basic difference between conventional filtration and cross-flowmembrane filtration is illustrated in Figure 6.4.2.Several differences can be noted between conventional and membranefiltration.•Conventional filters are thick with open structures.Filter material is typically paper.Gravity is the main force affecting particle separation. Pressure may beapplied only to accelerate the process. The flow of feed is perpendicularto the filter medium, and filtration can be conducted in open systems.•Membrane filters are thin and of fairly controlled pore size.Filter material is polymers and ceramics, nowadays more rarely celluloseacetate.In membrane filtration, the use of a pressure difference across themembrane, a trans membrane pressure, TMP , is essential as driving forcefor separation and in cross-flow or tangential membrane filtration a flowdesign is followed. The feed solution runs parallel to the membrane surfaceFig. 6.4.2 Basic differences between conventional dead-end filtration and cross-flow membrane filtration.Feed flowand the permeate flows perpendicular to the membrane surface. The filtration must be carried out in a closed system.Principles of membrane separation The membrane separation techniques utilised in the dairy industry serve different purposes:RO–used for dehydration of whey, UF permeate and condensate.NF–used when partial desalination of whey, UF permeate orretentate is required.UF–typically used for concentration of milk proteins in milk and whey and for protein standardisation of milk intended for cheese, yoghurtand some other products. It is also used for clarification of fruit-and berry-juices.MF–basically used for reduction of bacteria in skim milk, whey and brine, but also for defatting whey intended for whey proteinconcentrate (WPC) and for protein fractionation.The general flow patterns of the various membrane separation systems are illustrated in Figure 6.4.3.Principles of membranefiltration.-3-2-11Reverse Osmosis (RO)MembraneNanofiltration (NF)Ultrafiltration (UF)Microfiltration (MF)Bacteria, fatProteinsLactoseMinerals (salts)WaterRetentateFiltration modulesThe filtration modules used may be of different configurations.Design Typical applicationPlate and frame UF , RO Tubular, based on polymers UF , RO Tubular, based on ceramics MF , UF Spiral-wound RO, NF , UF Hollow-fibre UF Plate and frame designThese systems consist of membranes sandwiched between membranesupport plates, which are arranged in stacks, similar to ordinary plate heatexchangers. The feed material is forced through very narrow channels thatmay be configured for parallel flow or as a combination of parallel and serialchannels. A typical design is shown in Figure 6.4.4.A module is usually divided into sections, in each of which the flow bet-ween pairs of membranes is in parallel. The sections are separated by aspecial membrane support plate in which one hole is closed with a stopdisc to reverse the direction of flow, giving serial flow between successivesections. Modules are available in various sizes.Membrane material: typical polymers.Tubular design – polymersThe system made by Paterson and Candy International Ltd, PCI, is anceramic membranes is steadily gainingThe filter element (Figure 6.4.6) is a ceramic filterThe thin walls of the channels are made of fine-grainedceramic and constitute the membrane. The support material is coarse-The filter elements (1, 7, 19 or 37 in6.4.7 shows a module with 19 filterelements, one of which is exposed tothe left of the module. For industrialpurposes, two modules are puttogether in series, forming a filterloop together with one retentatecirculation pump and one permeate circulation pump (Figure 6.4.10).Depending on the required Fig. 6.4.4 Example of a plate and frame system (DDS) for UF .collectorFig. 6.4.10 An industrial membrane filter loop consists of:–two filter modules connected in series –one retentate circulation pump –one permeate circulation pumpFig 6.4.9 Pressure drop at the Uniform Transmembrane Pressure system.Fig 6.4.8 Pressure drop during conventionalcross-flow microfiltration.capacity, a number of filter loops can be installed in parallel.The feed is pumped into the modules from below at a high flow rate. Thehigh flow rate causes a high pressure drop along the membrane elementswhich leads to an uneven transmembrane pressure (TMP), the TMP beinghigher at the inlet than at the outlet. The very high TMP at the inlet quicklycauses clogging of the membrane. This phenomenon is illustrated in Figure6.4.8, which shows conventional cross-flow microfiltration. Experienceshows that a low transmembrane pressure gives much better performance,but in conventional cross-flow microfiltration, a low transmembranepressure occurs only at the outlet, i.e. on a very small part of the membrane area.A unique Uniform Transmembrane Pressure (UTP) system has beenintroduced to achieve optimum conditions on the entire area. The patented system, illustrated in Figure 6.4.9, involves high-velocity permeatecirculation concurrently with the retentate creating a pressure drop on thepermeate side which is equal to the pressure drop on the retentate side.This gives a uniform TMP over the whole of the membrane area, withoptimum utilisation of the membrane.The latter system is possible because the space between the elementsinside the module, i.e. on the permeate side, is normally empty, but in theUTP version, it is filled with plastic grains. The pressure drop on thepermeate side is regulated by the permeate pump and is constant duringoperation of the plant.Today membrane elements of special design which have this so calledUTP system built-in in their structure are available. When using this type ofmembranes there is no need for a circulation on the permeate side. TheseSpiral-wound designAs the spiral-wound design differs from the othermembrane filtration designs used in the dairyindustry, it calls for a somewhat more detailedexplanation.A spiral-wound element contains one or morelayers of membrane separated by a porousthe permeate channel spacer passing through the membrane to flow freely. Thetwo layers of membrane with the permeate channel Bar Bar Pressure profilesBar BarPressure profiles spiral-wound filter design.elements to prevent the velocity of treated fluid from causing the layers to slip.Several elements – normally three – can be connected in series inside the same stainless steel tube as shown in Figure 6.4.13.Membrane and permeate spacer material: polymer.Hollow-fibre designHollow-fibre modules are cartridges which contain bundles of 45 to over 3000 hollow-fibre elements per cartridge. The fibres are oriented in parallel;all are potted in a resin at their ends and enclosed in the permeatecollecting tube of epoxy.Circulation of retentate Backflush with permeate Cleaning solution ProductFig. 6.4.14 UF cartridge during filtration(A), backflushing (B) and cleaning (C).Fig.6.4.13 Spiral-wound module assembly. Either or both of the pairs of connecting branches (X and Y) can be used for stackable housing, specially used in UF con-cepts.The membrane has an inner diameter ranging from 0,5 to 2,7 mm, and the active membrane surface is on the inside of the hollow fibre. Theoutside of the hollow-fibre wall, unlike the inner wall, has a rough structure and acts as a supporting structure for the membrane. The feed stream flows through the inside of these fibres, and the permeate is collected outside and removed at the top of the tube.A special feature of this design is its backflushing capability, which is utilised in cleaning and with permeate recirculated through the outer per-meate connection to remove product deposits on the membrane surface.Various modes of operation of a hollow-fibre module are illustrated in Figure6.4.14.Membrane material: polymers.Separation limits for membranes The separation limit for a membrane is determined by the lowest molecular weight that can be separated. Themembrane can have a definite or a diffuse separation limit,as illustrated in Figure 6.4.15 for two UF membranes. The same phenomena occur in other types of membrane separators, but the slope of the curves may be different.Membranes with a definite separation limit separateeverything with a definitely lower molecular weight, whilemembranes with a diffuse limit let some material with ahigher molecular weight through and stop some with a lower molecular weight.The separation accuracy of a membrane is determinedby pore size and pore size distribution. Because it is not possible to carry out an exact fractionation according to molecular mass or molecular diameter, the cutoff is more or less diffuse.The definition that the molecular weight determines the separation limit should be taken with some reservations, as the shape of the separated particles also has an influence. A spherical particle is easier to separate than a chain-shaped particle. In addition comes the build-up of a "secondarymembrane" by macromolecules, e.g. proteins, which may constitute the membrane that really determines the molecular cutoff value.Material transport through the membraneSeparation capacity depends on a number of factors:•Membrane resistance, which is characteristic for each membrane and is determined by– the thickness of the membrane– the surface porosity– the pore diameter•Transport resistance, i.e. the concentration polarisation and fouling effects are phenomenon which occurs at the surface or in the porous structure of the membranes as filtration proceeds.The formation of a layer which increase the resistance can be explained as follows:•Large molecules (i.e. protein and fat) are transported by convection to the membrane at right angles to the direction of flow. Due to theretention the concentration of particles will increase at the membrane surface.•This concentration gradient produces a back diffusion in the opposite direction, back to the bulk.•Parallel to the membrane, the proteins present in the layer close to the membrane surface move at velocities which vary according to theincrease in axial flow rate.0R e j e c t i o n C o e f f i c i e n tMolecular weight Fig. 6.4.15 Typical rejection characteris-tics of ultrafiltration membranes showing ideal, sharp and diffuse molecular weight cutoffs.•The fouling effect is not uniformly distributed along the membrane, especially when the pressure drop gives different transmembranepressures (TMP) along the membrane surface. The upstream end of the membrane is therefore clogged first. The fouling graduallyspreads over the whole surface, reducing capacity and eventuallymaking it necessary to stop and clean the plant.•The main effect of fouling is that the removal of permeate decreases as filtration proceeds.•The fouling effect can be reduced in certain concepts by using backflush, reverse flow or UTP (possible when ceramic membranes are used).Pressure conditionsPressure is the driving force of filtration, and an important distinction must be made between:1The hydraulic pressure drop along the module P = P1- P2.The higher the velocity through the module the higher the value of P. A higher velocity results in a higher shear at the membrane surface and a lower polarisation effect. However, there are constraints such as theresistance to pressure of the membrane and the price of pumps capable of delivering both high flows and high pressure.2The transmembrane pressure (TMP) is the pressure drop between the retentate and the permeate sides of the membrane at a particular point along the membrane. The main criterion of the efficiency of a membrane system is expressed as the flux – the flow per membranes area andhour, l/m2/h, and is a function of TMP.The TMP, i.e. the force which pushes the permeate through the membrane, is greatest at the inlet and lowest at the discharge end of the module. Since the decrease in TMP is linear, an average TMP is given by:Fig. 6.4.16Hydraulic (A) and transmembrane (B) pressure drops over a membranePP31P PP1A B0barP1= inlet pressure feedP2= outlet pressure concentrate P3= outlet pressure permeate Pressure profilesThe hydraulic pressure drop over the membrane (A) and the transmembrane pressure profile (B) are illustrated in Figure 6.4.16.Principles of plant designsThe operation of membrane filtration plants dependsbasically on the pressure generated by the pumps used.The following guides should be taken into consideration:1The capacity of the pump(s) should match the requiredvary widely according to module design and size.2The pump(s) should be insensitive to changes in theviscosity of the processed stream up to the viscosity3The pump(s) must satisfy the sanitary standards fordairy equipment.Pumps of several types are used, including centrifugalpumps and positive displacement pumps. Sanitary cen-trifugal pumps are normally used as feed and circulationpumps, but sanitary positive displacement pumps areoccasionally used as high-pressure feed and circulationpumps for high-viscosity liquids, e.g. in the final stages ofultrafiltration of acidified milk.Membrane separation plants can be used for bothbatch and continuous production. The feed solution mustnot contain coarse particles , which can damage the verythin filtration layer/active layer. A fine-meshed strainer istherefore often integrated into the feed system.Batch productionPlants for batch production (Figure 6.4.17) are used mainlyfor filtration of small volumes of product, for example inlaboratories and experimental plants. A certain amount ofthe product to be treated is kept in a buffer tank. Theproduct is circulated through the membrane separator untilthe required concentration is obtained.Continuous productionSchematic designs of the membrane filtration plants re-ferred to are collected in Figures 6.4.18. and 6.4.19. Theplants illustrated in Figure 6.4.18 represent spiral-woundconcepts for RO, NF and UF applications, with polymermembranes of different pore sizes, while Figure 6.4.19shows a MF plant with ceramic membranes.As the RO membranes are much tighter than those of the two other systems, a higher inlet pressure is required for production. This is main-Fig. 6.4.17 Batch membrane filtration plant Feed product Concentration loop Permeate Cooling medium 1Product tank 2Feed pump 3Circulation pump 4Strainer 5Membrane module 6CoolerRO concept NF concept UF concept Fig. 6.4.18 Design principles for different filter loops.1Membrane 2Cooler3StrainerRetentatePermeate Fig. 6.4.191MF membrane cartridge2Circulation pump for retentate Fig. 6.4.20tained by three sanitary centrifugal feed pumps in series and one sanitary centrifugal circulation pump.The other two filtration plants, NF and UF , have more open membranes and can therefore manage with two feed pumps and one feed pump respectively.As was mentioned earlier, the MF concept is based on two filter modules operated in series in a filter loop system which also contains one centrifugal pump for circulation of the retentate and one for circulation of the permeate.The feed solution may be supplied from a separation plant with a system for constant pressure at the outlet, or from a balance tank equipped with a pump and a system for capacity regulation.Processing temperature in membranefiltration applicationsIn most cases, the processing temperature is about 50 °C for dairy applications. Filtration plants are normally supplemented with a simple cooling system integrated into the internal circulation loop to compensate for the slight rise in temperature that occurs during operation and to maintain a constant processing temperature.。

Separation membrane element, separation membrane m

Separation membrane element, separation membrane m

专利名称:Separation membrane element, separationmembrane module, and filtration system发明人:小池 巧真,宇田 康弘,小西 貴久申请号:JP2018208890申请日:20181106公开号:JP2020075203A公开日:20200521专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a separation membrane element which is advantageous when performing an operation of changing the flow direction of raw water to the opposite direction. A separation membrane element (10) includes a watercollection pipe (11), a separation membrane (12), a first end member (16a), a second end member (16b), and a first seal member (17a). ) And a second seal member (17b). The first end member (16a) covers one end of the separation membrane (12) in the axial direction of the water collection pipe (11), and the second end member (16b) is a separation membrane in the axial direction of the water collection pipe (11). It covers the other end of (12). The first seal member (17a) is an annular member attached to the outer circumference of the first end member (16a). The second seal member (17b) is an annular member attached to the outer circumference of the second end member (16b). At least one of the first seal member (17a) and the second seal member (17b) has a hole or the like through which a liquid can pass. [Selection diagram] Figure 2申请人:日東電工株式会社地址:大阪府茨木市下穂積1丁目1番2号国籍:JP代理人:鎌田 耕一,西尾 光彦更多信息请下载全文后查看。



非均相离子交换膜英文English:Non-homogeneous ion exchange membranes, also known as heterogeneous ion exchange membranes, are a type of membrane that contains different degrees of ion exchange capacity throughout its structure. Unlike homogeneous ion exchange membranes, which have uniform ion exchange capacities across the entire membrane, non-homogeneous membranes can be tailored to have varying ion exchange capacities in different regions. This allows for a more precise control over the separation and transport of ions, making non-homogeneous ion exchange membranes useful in a wide range of applications, such as water purification, desalination, and industrial chemical processes. These membranes are typically made from polymers that contain functional groups capable of exchanging ions, and the non-homogeneous structure is achieved through techniques such as gradient casting or layer-by-layer deposition. By strategically designing the ion exchange capacity distribution, non-homogeneous ion exchange membranes offer the potential for improved efficiency and selectivity in ion separation processes.Translated content:非均相离子交换膜,也称为异质离子交换膜,是一种膜,其结构在整体上具有不同程度的离子交换容量。



文章编号:1673-8640(2020)12-1224-05 中图分类号:R446.1 文献标志码:A DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1673-8640.2020.12.005血浆外泌体提取方法的比较吕丽华,朱丽娜,王 皓,杨文静,金安莉,王蓓丽,潘柏申,郭 玮(复旦大学附属中山医院检验科,上海 200032)摘要:目的 比较超速离心法、膜亲和法、沉淀法提取血浆外泌体的效率。

方法 分别采用超速离心法、膜亲和法、沉淀法提取血浆外泌体。


结果超速离心法、沉淀法和膜亲和法提取的外泌体在透射电子显微镜下均能观察到其立体膜结构,大小为40~100 nm,但沉淀法提取的外泌体混有聚乙二醇(PEG)聚合物及蛋白大颗粒。






结论 超速离心法、膜亲和法和沉淀法均能提取出血浆外泌体,应根据实验需求选择合适的方法。

关键词:外泌体;超速离心法;膜亲和法;沉淀法Comparison of plasma exosome extraction methods LÜ Lihua,ZHU Lina,WANG Hao,YANG Wenjing,JIN Anli,WANG Beili,PAN Baishen,GUO Wei.(Department of Clinical Laboratory,Zhongshan Hospital,Fudan University,Shanghai 200032,China)Abstract:Objective To compare the efficiency of ultracentrifugation,affinity membrane method and precipitation for extracting plasma exosome. Methods Plasma exosomes were extracted by 3 different methods,including ultracentrifugation,affinity membrane method and precipitation. Transmission electron microscopy,nano-flow cytometry,zetasizer nano were used to verify its morphology,particle size and distribution and Zeta potential. The western blot analysis was performed to measure the representative protein markers of exosomes. The bicinchoninic acid assay was utilized to measure concentration of exosomal protein. The ratio of particles number to protein concentration was analyzed to evaluate the extraction efficiency of exosomes. Results The transmission electron microscope showed exosomes extracted by ultracentrifugation and affinity membrane method as a saucer-like bilayer membrane structure,while the exosomes extracted by precipitation were mixed with PEG polymer and protein particles. The size of the exosomes were between 40-100 nm,while the mean diameter of the exosomes derived using affinity membrane method was larger than those using the ultracentrifugation and precipitation. Dynamic light scattering(DLS) analysis showed that the Zeta potential of exosomes was negative,which implied their membranous structure. However,exosomes size measured by DLS were larger than that by nano-flow cytometry. In addition,all the exosomes expressed representative protein markers. The precipitation produced the highest protein concentration and particles,and the ultracentrifugation gave exosomes the highest purity than the other 2 methods.Conclusions Exosomes can be extracted by ultracentrifugation,affinity membrane and precipitation. However,which extraction method should be used depends on the specific experimental requirements.Key words:Exosomes;Ultracentrifugation;Affinity membrane method;Precipitation基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目(81772263);国家自然科学基金面上项目(81972000);国家自然科学基金青年基金(81902139);2017年上海市“上海青年临床医技人才(临床检验专业)培养”资助计划;上海市科学技术委员会临床医学领域研究项目(16411952100);上海市临床重点专科建设项目(医学检验科);复旦大学附属中山医院院内临床研究项目(2018ZSLC05)作者简介:吕丽华,女,1992年生,硕士,主要从事外泌体在癌症进展中的作用及机制研究。



细胞膜色谱法操作流程英文The operational process of cell membrane chromatography involves the following steps:Cell Membrane Preparation: Collect the desired cells and disrupt them to release the intracellular contents. Subsequently, separate the cell membrane fragments from other cellular components through centrifugation or filtration.Chromatographic Column Packing: Prepare a suitable chromatographic column and pack it with the isolated cell membrane fragments. Ensure uniform distribution and tight packing of the membrane fragments within the column.Sample Preparation: Prepare the test samples by dissolving or diluting them in an appropriate solvent. Ensure that the samples are compatible with the chromatographic system and do not interact with the cell membrane fragments.Chromatographic Separation: Load the prepared samples onto the cell membrane chromatographic column. As the samples pass through the column, they interact with the cell membrane fragments, resulting in differential retention and separation based on their affinity to the membrane.Data Analysis: Collect the eluted fractions from the column and analyze them using appropriate techniques, such as UV-visible spectroscopy or mass spectrometry. Compare the elution profiles and identify the components that interact specifically with the cell membrane.中文细胞膜色谱法的操作流程包括以下几个步骤:细胞膜制备:收集目标细胞,并将其破坏以释放细胞内物质。

ultrafiltration method -回复

ultrafiltration method -回复

ultrafiltration method -回复Ultrafiltration MethodIn this article, I will discuss the ultrafiltration method, its definition, process, applications, and benefits. Ultrafiltration is a membrane filtration process that uses pressure to separate particles and solutes from a liquid solution. The process is widely used in various industries, including pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, food and beverage, and water treatment.What is Ultrafiltration?Ultrafiltration is a type of membrane filtration method that operates on the principle of size exclusion. It uses a semipermeable membrane with pore sizes ranging from 0.1 to 0.01 micrometers (µm). These membranes allow small molecules and solvent to pass through while retaining larger particles, colloids, and macromolecules. The membrane acts as a barrier by sieving the solution and separating the desired product from the impurities.The Process of Ultrafiltration:1. Pre-Treatment: Before the ultrafiltration process, the solution may undergo pre-treatment steps, such as sedimentation or coagulation, to remove large particles and flocculate smallerparticles together. This pre-treatment enhances the efficiency of the ultrafiltration process by reducing fouling and clogging of the membrane.2. Filtration: The solution is then pumped through the ultrafiltration system, which consists of a pressure-driven pump, a module housing the membrane, and a collection tank. The pressure applied causes the solution to flow through the membrane, while particles larger than the membrane pores are retained and concentrated on the feed side.3. Separation: The desired product, which is typically the permeate, passes through the membrane and is collected in the collection tank. The retentate contains the rejected particles, which can be further processed or disposed of based on their composition.4. Cleaning: After each filtration cycle, the membrane needs to be cleaned to remove any accumulated particles or fouling materials. Cleaning methods can include backwashing, chemical cleaning, or physical scrubbing, depending on the nature of the fouling and the membrane material.Applications of Ultrafiltration:1. Water Treatment: Ultrafiltration is commonly used for potable water purification, wastewater treatment, and desalinationprocesses. It effectively removes suspended solids, bacteria, viruses, and macromolecules, providing clean and safe drinking water.2. Protein Separation: Ultrafiltration is widely used in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries for the separation and purification of proteins and enzymes. It selectively isolates target molecules based on their size and molecular weight, allowing for the production of high-quality biomolecules.3. Food and Beverage Processing: Ultrafiltration is utilized in the food and beverage industry to concentrate and purify liquids, remove unwanted components, improve product quality, and extend shelf life.4. Industrial Processes: Ultrafiltration is employed in various industrial applications, such as the recovery and reuse of valuable substances, clarification of process liquids, and removal of unwanted impurities.Benefits of Ultrafiltration:1. Selectivity: Ultrafiltration allows the separation of particles based on their size, resulting in high selectivity and purity of the permeate product.2. Energy Efficiency: The process operates at low pressures, reducing energy consumption compared to other separationmethods.3. Compact Design: Ultrafiltration systems have a small footprint, making them ideal for applications where space is limited.4. Scalability: Ultrafiltration can be easily scaled up or down based on the desired production capacity, making it suitable for both laboratory-scale research and large-scale industrial processes.5. Environmental Friendly: Ultrafiltration minimizes the need for chemical usage in the purification process, resulting in reduced waste generation and environmental impact.In conclusion, ultrafiltration is an effective and versatile method for separating particles and solutes from a liquid solution. It offers numerous benefits, including selectivity, energy efficiency, compact design, scalability, and environmental friendliness. With its wide range of applications, ultrafiltration plays a crucial role in many industries, ensuring quality, purity, and safety in various processes and products.。



饮用水处理工程超滤膜系统设计关键技术芮 旻1 周杰敏2 许嘉炯1 邬亦俊1 吴国荣1(1上海市政工程设计研究总院,上海 200092;2上海建科建设监理咨询有限公司,上海 200032) 摘要 初步总结了饮用水处理超滤膜系统工艺设计的关键技术。



关键词 饮用水处理 超滤膜 工程设计 关键技术K ey techniologies of the ultraf iltration membrane drinking w ater treatment design Rui Min1,Zhou Jiemin2,Xu Jiajiong1,Wu Y ijun1,Wu Guorong1 (11S hang hai M unici p al Engi neeri ng Desi gn General I nstit ute,S hang hai200092,Chi na, 21S hang hai J i anke Proj ect M anagement Co1,L t d1,S hang hai200032,Chi na) Abstract:The key technologies of ultrafilt ration membrane drinking water t reat ment design were p rimarily generalized.Before t he design of t he ult rafiltration membrane system for drinking water treat ment plant,t he pilot test must be carried out to get t he design parameters,such as accurate membrane flux and system recycling rate.During t he design,caref ul calculation and re2 check should be carried out and t he invest ment should be reduced based on t he consideration of t he reserve level and safety security.The membrane system layout should be reasonable,compact, beautif ul,easy operation,t he pipeline layout should be affluent,t he pipe material and equip ment selection should be suitable for t he circumstances,safe and durable.K eyw ords:Drinking water treatment;Ultrafiltration membrane;Engineering design;K ey technology0 引言超滤膜技术作为饮用水处理的一个独立工艺,是水处理领域近20年来重要技术突破[1],其出水水质优良,微生物安全性高。






粉末活性炭(PowderedActivated Carbon ,PAC )和超滤(Ultrafiltration ,UF )膜组合可以有效去除水中的有机污染物,因此可作为再生水净化处理工艺。

然而,国内外关于活性炭对超滤膜污染贡献的说法不一,不少研究显示,由于PAC 对溶解性小分子有机物的吸附去除,减少了膜孔堵塞和膜孔内吸附,从而有效缓解了UF 膜污染[2]。

但也有研究发现,对于天然有机物质量浓度较高的原水,PAC 的引入反而会导致不可逆膜污染的加剧[3-4]。

活性焦(ActivatedCoke ,AC )是以褐煤为主要原料研制出的一种外观呈暗黑色的多孔含碳物质,是没有得到充分干馏或活化的活性炭类吸附剂。


笔者比较了PAC 和AC 两种吸附材料对北京市某污水处理厂二级出水中有机物的吸附去除效果,并探讨了PAC 和AC 投加对超滤膜比通量的影响,进而提出了一种有效的再生水净化处理工艺。

1实验材料与方法1.1实验材料果壳粉末活性炭(200~300目、碘值700~1000mg/g 、亚甲蓝值100~150mg/g )、活性焦(200~300目、碘值620mg/g 、亚甲蓝值60mg/g );超滤膜(纤维素膜,截留分子量为10万D al );5、10、15、20mg/L 的邻苯二甲酸氢钾(化学纯)和碳酸钠(化学纯)混合溶液。


1.2实验方法分别投加一定量的PAC 和AC 于原水中,使其质量浓度分别为20、40、60、80、100mg/L 。

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Table 1: Membrane Materials for Various Applications
Membrane separation flow patterns are parallel flow, series flow and two-stage flow. Parallel flow schematic is shown in Figure 5. It used when there is no need for a high selectivity in either the permeate or retentate. The advantage is that it if one of the stages gets clogged the entire process does not have to be stopped, where as in series or stage this is not the case. Series flow is depicted in Figure 6 and is used for high selectivity in the retentate. Two stage flow yields a higher selectivity in the permeate and is shown in Figure 7.
Membrane Separation
Table of Contents
Introduction … … … … … ..… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … ...1 FlowSheet. … … … … … ..… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … .5 Process Operation … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … .7 Limitations ..… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 12 Decision Tree… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … ..13 Theory on Design Parameters… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … .14 Properties … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 18 Examples.. … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … ..19 Costs … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 27 Alternatives … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … .29 References … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … .31
CHE-396 Senior Design
♦ Porous Membranes
Membrane Separation
Porous membranes are used in microfiltration and ultrafiltration. The dimension of the pores (0.1~10um) mainly determines the separation characteristics. High selectivities can be obtained when the size of the solute is large relative to the pore size in the membrane. Microporous membranes are similar to porous membranes and differ in regards to pore dimension (50~500 angstrom). Refer to Figure 2.
Figure 2: Porous Membrane (separation of smaller species) ♦ Non-Porous Membranes These membranes are capable of separating molecules of the same size, gases as well as liquids. Non-porous membranes do not contain any macroscopic pores. The transport is determined by the diffusion mechanism, which means that components first must dissolve into the membrane and then diffuse through the membrane due to a driving force. Separation is due to differences in diffusivity and/or solubility. These membranes can be found in gas separation. Refer to Figure 3.
Feed Mixture
Sweep (optional)
Figure 1: Basic Membrane Separation Although the majority of time the feed, retentate, and permeate are usually liquid or gas, they may also be solid. The optional sweep is a liquid or gas, used to help remove the permeate. Membrane Structures Because the membrane must allow certain constituents to pass through, they must have a high permeability to certain types of molecules. Membrane structures consist of the following three basic types:
Figure 5: Parallel Flow
CHE-396 Senior Design
Membrane Separation
Figure 6: Series Flow
Retentate Feed Retentate
CHE-396 Senior Design Introduction
Membrane Separation
Membrane separation involves partially separating a feed containing a mixture of two or more components by use of a semipermeable barrier (the membrane) through which one or more of the species moves faster than another or other species. As shown in Figure 1, the basic process of the membrane separation involves a feed mixture separated into a retentate (part of the feed that does not pass through the membrane, i.e., is retained) and a permeate (part of the feed that passes through the membrane).
Materials Plyproylene Polysulfone Polyimide Polyamide Polyacrylonitrile Cellulose Membrane Separation Process Microfiltration (MF) Ultrafiltration (UF), Gas Separation (GS) Gas Separation Reverse Osmosis (RO) Ultrafiltration Microfiltration , Ultrafiltration, Reverse Osmosis
CHE-396 Senior Design
Membrane Separation
Membrane Separation and Ultrafiltration
Syed Ali Paul Boblak Efrem Capili Stanislav Milidovich
CHE-396 Senior Design
Figure 7: Two-Stage Flow
CHE-396 Senior Design Process Operation
Membrane Separation Processes