
考研英语阅读理解标准90篇+提⾼30篇unit-20Unit 20Care and diligence bring luck.谨慎和勤奋才能抓住机遇。
P art ADirections:Read the following texts. Answer the questions blow each text by choosing [A],[B],[C] or [D].Text 1With advancing age, our bodies experience an inevitable loss of bone. Two major studies in elderly populations now underscore the importance of dietary protein in this structural erosion, which can lead to osteoporosis. The reports come to sharply different conclusion, however, about the effect of animal protein on the rate of bone loss.In one study, diets rich in animal protein correlated with greater bone loss and fracture risk. In the other, animal protein appeared to protect bone.Such contradictions, “which are not very satisfying”, often emerge from observational studies where researchers record the natural habits and health of people, notes Robert P. Heaney of Creighton University Medical Center in Omaha, Neb. “That’s not a criticism of such studies,” he says, “just a reminder of the uncontrollable variables common in populations.”However, he notes, the new studies are important because they’re in the vanguard of efforts to understand protein’s impact on age-related bone loss. This condition underlies a growing U.S. epidemic of hip fractures. Treating them costs more than $ 10 billion annually.The first of the new analyses computed bone loss over 7 years in some 750 elderly women, all taking part in a larger osteoporosis study that’s been running since 1986 at four U.S. sites.Women eating the most animal protein—roughly four times their vegetable protein intake—lost 0.8 percent of the bone in their hips annually, notes endocrinologist Deborah E. Sellmeyer, director of the University of California, San Francisco-Mount Zion Osteoporosis Center. This is four times the rate of bone loss in participants who ate about equal parts animal and vegetable protein.The risk of hip fractures in women eating the highest proportion of animal protein was 3.7 times that in women regularly downing equal quantities of animal and vegetable protein, the team reports in the January America Journal of Clinical Nutrition.The findings make sense, Sellmeyer argues, because digestion of animal protein releases large amounts of acid that the kidneys must excrete. Previous studies showed that when kidney function decreases with age and calcium intake drops, the body draws upon skeletal calcium to buffer the resulting buildup of acid, thus eroding bone. Most of the women in this study consumedonly about half of the 1,500 milligrams of daily calcium recommended for people their age.1. Which of the following statements about observational studies is true?[A] They often lead to contradictive conclusions.[B] They remind people of the uncontrollable variables in life.[C] They are often criticized by researchers.[D] Researchers record the natural habits and health of people by them.2. According to Heaney, why are the two studies important?[A] Because they reduce the number of U.S. epidemic of hip fractures.[B] Because they are the first to study protein’s effect on bone loss of elders.[C] Because they cost more than $10 billion annually.[D] Because they show observational studies can lead to contradictive conclusion.3. According to the text, the first study shows[A] elderly women take in more animal protein than vegetable protein.[B] digestion of animal protein releases more acid than that of vegetable protein.[C] diets rich in animal protein will lead to greater bone loss and fracture risk.[D] there are many uncontrollable variables in populations.4. According to previous studies, which of the following is true?[A] The amount of acid released by digestion of animal protein increases as people age.[B] Most elderly women can only take in about half of the required amount of calcium.[C] As people age, the kidney function and calcium intake increase.[D] The skeletal calcium will decrease if people can’t take in enough calcium.5. The author may go on to talk about[A] the suitable amount of animal protein for elderly people to take.[B] how to improve the intake of calcium.[C] the report of the second new analysis.[D] the significance of the new analyses.Text 2Insurance in respect of the property will be carried out by the Society in accordance with the rules and the mortgage conditions which such insurance companies as the Society may determine. The Society has a wide experience of insurance companies and of the terms offered by their policies, and places insurance with many companies who are able to provide the cover which the Society considers necessary. You may like the Society to insure with a particular company, and if so please contact immediately the Branch Office to which you submitted your application for loan, and so long as that company and its terms are acceptable to the Society the cover will be arranged accordingly. If you should suggest a company and it is not one with which the Society does business you will be informed and offered a choice of other companies. You may request change of insurance company at any time during the life of the mortgage. If your mortgage is under the endowment scheme or supported by an insurance guarantee or if the documents of title specify the company to be used it may not be possible to accept your choice.The initial sum insured will be the figure shown under the heading “Amount of Property Insurance” in the Details of Loa n. This figure is the amount recommended by the Society’s value, as his estimate of the replacement cost of the building at the date of valuation, unless some otheramount has been agreed in writing between you and the Society. No warranty is given or implied that the amount of insurance will cover complete loss.You are reminded that the market value of your property bears no relationship to the cost of replacement. The amount for which the property is insured should therefore represent not less than the cost, at the time of repair or replacement, of rebuilding all the property covered in the same materials, form, style and condition as when it is new. It should also include in complying with the requirements of the Local Authority and in removing debris, etc. The term“property”includes domestic outbuilding, garages, walls, landlords’ fixtures and fittings, etc., but excludes the value of the land.The market value of a house is therefore likely to be less than the cost of rebuilding, especially if the property is elderly. Even if the property is recently built, the work involved in reinstatement will be more expensive than the building cost which can be achieved by a builder building on an estate basis.6. Where is the text probably taken from?[A] An advertisement. [B] An information booklet.[C] A newspaper article. [D] A formal speech.7. If a customer suggests an insurance company,[A] the Society may not be able to agree to the company.[B] the Society will provide a list of alternative companies.[C] the Society will not accept responsibility for the policy.[D] it is impossible to change that company later on.8.Which of the following is true when you insure your property?[A] You should use the market value as a guide.[B] You should take the advice of your Local Authority.[C] Garages and garden sheds are not usually included.[D] You should not take the land value into account.9.When does rebuilding a property cost more than its market value?[A] Only if the property is old.[B] Particularly if the property is new.[C] Whatever the age of the property.[D] As the cost of rebuilding rises.10.We can infer from the text that[A] the Society is experienced in offering suggestions to insurance companies.[B] the insurance company will refuse your application if your choice violate its rules.[C] after evaluation, the initial sum insured will be figured out by the Society’s value.[D] the amount for which the property is insured is required by the Local Authority.Text 3Imagine that I have $100 and I offer you $ 20 of it, no strings attached. You’d take it, right? Any fool would; it’s a windfall. But imagine further that you know I must give away part of my $ 100 or lose it all. All of a sudden my motives aren’t entirely altruistic, but I’m still offering you free money. Take it or leave it, but no negotiation allowed. How would you feel? What would you do?If you were like a lot of people who have answered these questions in a psychological experiment over the years, you would now feel conflicted. Many of these people actually walked away from the deal, even though it would have meant a no-strings-attached twenty bucks in their pockets. Why? Because the arrangement is fundamentally unfair, and once you know this your basic sense of moral indignation clicks in. Your emotions and principles trump your pure rationality.Psychologists have demonstrated this in the laboratory, time and time again. It’s known as the Ultimatum Game, and its counterintuitive findings are part of a broad new understanding of how the human brain and mind work. Consider another experiment from the emerging field of social neuroscience. Psychologist John Bargh flashed words in front of volunteers, but so rapidly that they did not register in the conscious mind. Some of the words had to do with rudeness (like impolite and obnoxious) while others were the opposite (respect, considerate). The volunteers were later put in a simulated situation in which they could be civil toward one another—or not. Many who had seen the words associated with rudeness were not.Two-thirds of the volunteers who had been primed with rudeness words interrupted another person afterward, compared to only 16 percent of those primed with politeness words.Marketers and politicians are already familiar with these advances in brain science, and are using this knowledge to control our behavior. Advertisements are deliberately designed to target the emotional brain and create bonds, even cravings (one of our basest and most powerful emotional drives). Extensive research shows that our brains have certain hardwired inclinations that might be exploited. For example, our brains tend to register frequently heard facts as true, even if they are patently false. As a result, our memories and beliefs are highly malleable and unreliable. We also tend, if unchecked by the conscious reasoning mind, to focus overly on risk, inconvenience, hassles—anything negative. And researchers have found that we all carry around an innate hostility toward “otherness,” which means anyone not like us.Despite remarkable progress in understanding the brain’s anatomy and biochemistry, the organ is far too complex an array of interconnected circuits to be that easily manipulated with simple subconscious stimuli. Advertis ers may be disappointed to hear it, but there is no “Buy now!” switch hidden among the neurons and synapses.11. 100 dollar deal suggests that[A] money is nothing compared with moral principles.[B] where there is no pain, there is no gain.[C] emotional reaction often overpowers rational thinking.[D] a motive is often at work when money is given away.12. J ohn Bargh’s experiment wanted to find out[A] whether words were better memorized through conscious training.[B] how people’s minds reacted to words of rudeness or politeness.[C] how the emotional parts of our brains can be manipulated.[D] what kind of words had the greatest effect on people’s minds.13. Politician can persuade us to believe what is apparently false by[A] creating our desire for it. [B] repeating it frequently.[C] bringing it to our conscious mind. [D] pretending to reject it themselves.14. What can we infer from the last paragraph?[A] Some findings in modern neuroscience have been misused,[B] Not many advertisements are as well-written as they should be.[C] People’s subconscious mind is not so easily manipulated.[D] There are many things yet unknown to today’s neuroscientists.15. Which of the following is closest to the messge the text tries to convey?[A] The latest advances in neuroscience. [B] Marketing and mind control.[C] Advertisement writing techniques. [D] The conflict between emotions and principles.Text 4The making of classifications by literary historians can be a somewhat risky enterprise. When Black poets are discussed separately as a group, for instance, the extent to which their work reflects the development of poetry in general should not be forgotten, or a distortion of literary history may result. This reminder is particularly relevant in an assessment of the differences between Black poets at the turn of last century (1900-1909) and those of the generation of the 1920’s. These differences include the bolder and more forthright speech of the later generation and its technical inventiveness. It should be remembered, though, that comparable differences also existed for similar generations of White poets.When poets of the 1910’s and 1920’s are considered together, however, the distinctions that literary historians might make between “conservative”and “experimental”would be of little significance in a discussion of Black poets, although theseremain helpful classifications for White poets of these decades. Certainly differences can be noted between “conservative”Black poets such as Countee Cullen and Cluade McKay and “experimental”ones such as Jean Toomer and Langston Hughes. But Black poets were not battling over old or new styles; rather, one accomplished Black poet was ready to welcome another, whatever his or her style, for what mattered was racial pride.However, in the 1920’s Black poets did debate whether they should deal with specifically racial subjects. They asked whether they should only write about Black experience for a Black audience or whether such demands were restrictive.③It may be said, though, that virtually all these poets wrote their best poems when they spoke out of racial feeling, race being, as James Weldon Johnson rightly put it, “inevitably the thing the Negro poet knows best.”At the turn of the 20th century, by contrast, most Black poets generally wrote in the conventional manner of the age and expressed noble, if vague, emotions in their poetry. These poets were not unusually gifted, though Roscoe Jamision and G. M. McClellen may be mentioned as exceptions. They chose not to write in dialect, which, as Sterling Brown has suggested,“meant a rejection of stereotypes of Negro life,” and they refused to write only about racial subjects. This refusal had both a positive and a negative consequence. As Brown observes, “V aluably insisting that Negro poets should not be confined to issues of race, these poets committed (an) error... they refused to look into their hearts and write.” These are important insights, but one must stress that this refusal to look within was also typical of most White poets of the United States at the time. They, too, often turned from their own experience and consequently produced not very memorable poems about vague topics, such as the peace of nature.16. In the author’s opinion, the attitude toward classification in the literary history should be[A] enthusiastic. [B] sympathetic.[C] defensive. [D] cautious.17. According to paragraph 2, what counts most for Black poets is[A] the making of classification by literary historians.[B] the distinction between “conservative” and “experimental”.[C] racial achievement despite differences in poetic styles.[D] the classifications of the white poets of their decade.18 An issue facing Black poets in the 1920’s was whether they should[A] achieve a consensus on new techniques of poetry.[B] write exclusively about and for Blacks.[C] withdraw their support from a repressive society.[D] identify themselves with an international movement of Black writers.19. According to the text, most turn-of-the-century Black poets generally[A] wrote in ways that did not challenge accepted literary practice.[B] used dialects to express their inner feeling and values.[C] expressed complex feelings in the words of ordinary people.[D] interpreted the frustrations of Blacks to an audience of Whites20. Sterling Brown is mentioned in the last paragraph in order to[A] present an interpretation of some Black poets that contradicts that of the author’s.[B] introduce a distinction between Black poets who used dialect and White poets who did not.[C] suggest the effects of some Black poets’ decision not to write only about racial subjects.[D] prove that Black poets rejected the racial discrimination of their time.Part BDirections:You are going to read a text about the tips on Building Leadership Power, followed by a list of examples or explanations. Choose the best item from the list [A]-[F] for each numbered subheading (1-5). There is one extra item which you do not need to use.Some people see the leader as a motivator, while others define a leader as one having extraordinary vision and decision-making power. Several noted authors in the field offer sound definitions of leadership.There are many different power bases that a leader can use and exploit. There are three types of positive power that effective leaders use: charismatic power, expert power and referent power.This article teaches the technique of building these powers.21. Promote an image of expertiseAfter all, if you’ve worked hard to gain knowledge, it’s fair that you get credit for it.22. Get the power to rouseThe inspiration is the subject of the “Get the Power to Rouse” module. In it, you’ll learn how motivation works, and find out how best to motivate and inspire your team, with the huge performance improvements that come with this.23. Task allocationIn any team sport, a lot of time is spent choosing the players who will play in each game. The selection process also involves deciding the position where each team member will play, based on the player’s skill, form (current ability to perform well) and the likely opposition that the team will face.24. Keep your eye on the targetNotice I didn’t say “Keep Your Eye on the Goal”. If I looked at the goal when shooting the basketball, I missed more shots than if I looked at the top corner of the square on the backboard. Just like creating and concentrating on supportive marketing steps help you achieve the ultimate goal.25. Harmonize the teamOnce you’ve identified strengths and areas of development, harmonizing skill gives you the skills and techniques you need to build a well-balanced leadership style. You’ll develop the emotional sureness of touch shown by the best leaders, and learn to build the team consciousness, mutually trusting relationships with team members needed if your team is to perform “as one”. This is the classic model of leadership. It creates an immensely positive impact on the team’s emotional climate.In conclusion, as the amelioration of the modern corporate governance nowadays, leadership has never been more important. Governments, businesses, nonprofit organizations, and international alliances all seek excellent leaders. And building excellent leadership is not as complicated as you may imagine. Besides, since society has changed hugely over the last 50 years, citizens are individually more powerful, and employees are more able to shift jobs, few of us enjoy having power exerted over us. These changes make flexible and powerful leadership skills more necessary than ever before. [A] When to the extent that people on the team are really mad at one certain person or more over there, or they can’t stand the team leader, they will not contribute their best. Then they won’t work well with other people; they won’t be seamless in their efforts. And the actual performance of the team will be lowered directly.[B] For example, a visionary leader may clearly articulate where the team is going but not how it will get there. This sets people free to innovate, experiment, and take calculated risks. To be effective using this module, a leader needs a well-developed sense of empathy. You have to be able to read people, to sense what they are feeling and if they resonate with the picture you are painting.[C] An important tactic is to make subtle references to prior education or experience (e.g., “When I was chief engineer at GE, we had a problem similar to this one”). Beware; however, this tactic can easily be overdone.[D] For example, if you need 720 new customers this year to make a half a million dollars, then you need 60 new customers per month (720/12 months). If you normally get a 2% response from your marketing methods, then you know you need to contact 3,000 people each month through your marketing methods to get 60 new customers (60 is 2% of 3,000).[E] If, as a leader, one of his primary concerns is not the welfare of his team, then he will never know just how successful they can be. Positive regard for your people leads to the best customer service, the highest level of contribution by each team member and the highest profits.[F] Besides, where you have a gap, you may need to train existing team members, or recruit to fill the gap. Often, training isthe best option: Not only is it usually cheaper, you also know more about the individual’s talents and working methods. On the downside, a newly trained person usually has plenty of theory, but lacks the experience of putting that training into practice.Part CDirections:Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese.26)The race for high-definition television is considered important by some experts because the technology may represent more than a path to sparkling images and sound as good as that on compact discs. Some experts see it creating a wide variety of new uses, including video systems for education, industry, medical imaging and the military.27)Moreover, the technology is so demanding electronically, requiring scores of advanced new computer chips, that it is seen as a new driving force for the semiconductor industry, potentially providing greater demand than computers. Both Europe and Japan have based their efforts on the development of analog systems that use wavelike transmission signals. These signals can easily be disrupted by static. Moreover, they are broadcast by satellites (Japan has one in orbit and Europe will soon) and are therefore not available to regular television viewers.28)Satellite transmissions aimed at a small geographic area or nation are relatively easy to accomplish, but experts say they cannot rival the economic advantages of terrestrial broadcasting that allows local programming and local advertising. The basic goal of high-definition television is to increase the number of lines in a television picture, thus sharpening it. The challenge is not just the making of high-quality picture tubes. It also is devising a way to process and transmit all the extra information that is needed to animate the added scanning lines.The solution is signal compression. It relies heavily on digital processing, which breaks the analog signals from a camera into digital pulses that are sliced, diced and rearranged with high precision. In a technique known as conditional replenishment, a series of images is digitally analyzed and object moving. The static background is sent only once.29)Another technique reduces the data flow even further by taking into account that the human eye perceives fewer details on a moving object than a stationary one.30)Both Europe and Japan do some of this kind of digital signal compression, but then they switch back to analog signals for transmission to television sets, since that was the accepted approach when they started their work.The advantage of digital transmissions is error reduction. Electronic flaws, called noise, that invade an analog signal are sometimes nearly impossible to differentiate from the signal itself. But since a digital signal is made up of a string of simple pulses, noise stands out and is easily removed. Similar techniques of digital transmission are how deep-space probes send back stunning photos like Voyager 2 recently radioed from Neptune(海王星).做题点拨与全⽂翻译Part AText 1语境词汇1.inevitable a.不可避免的,必然的2.underscore v.强调3.protein n.蛋⽩质4.erosion n.腐蚀,侵蚀,磨损;削弱,减少5.osteoporosis n.⾻质疏松症6.correlate vi.(to, with)相关,关联v.使相互关联7.fracture n.⾻折,破裂v.(使)破裂8.vanguard n.先驱,先锋9.endocrinologist n.内分泌学专家10.excrete v.排泄,分泌11.buffer v.缓解,起缓冲作⽤n.缓冲器12.skeletal a.⾻骼的难句突破1.The risk of hip fractures in women (eating the highest proportion of animal protein) was 3.7 times that in women (regularly downing equal quantities of animal and vegetable protein), the team reports [in the January America Journal of Clinical Nutrition].【分析】复合句。
恋词 考研英语 笔记整理 Unit 20

Tammy 的恋练有词课程笔记(Unit20)
sweep:【v.】席卷;横扫;迅速传播 swept 扫除 weep 哭泣 抽泣
trivial:【adj.】琐碎的;无足轻重的 形近词 triviality(n.)琐事 vital 至关重要的 生死攸关的
高中英语 Unit 20 New Frontiers Section Ⅲ Communication

Section Ⅲ munication WorkshopⅠ.根据首字母及英文释义写出单词1.permit:_ to allow something2.press:_ to push something firmly3. declare:_to announce something clearly, firmly, publicly or officially 4.fade:_to (cause to) lose colour, brightness or strength gradually 5.initial:_of or at the beginning6.permanent:_lasting for a long time or foreverⅡ.根据词性及汉语意思写出单词1.boundary n.界线;边界2.barrier n. 障碍;屏障3.headline n. 大标题4.primitive adj.原始的5.orbit n. 轨道6.overhead adj.头顶上的7.souvenir n. 纪念品8.settler n. 移民;殖民者9.phenomenon n.现象→phenomena (pl.)10.ripe adj.成熟的→ripen v.(使)成熟11.poisonous adj.有毒的→poison n.毒药;毒物Ⅲ.补全短语1.kick off开始2.take place发生;进行3.drop off下降,减少4.as a result of 作为……的结果5.so as to 以便……6.in case 假使,以防(万一)7.in order that ... 为了,以便……8.start with以……开始9.set up建立10.due to由于11.rather than而不是12.in conclusion 最后,总之13.as long as 只要;达……之久14.ring sb.up给某人打1.This marked the beginning of the “space race” between the US and the USSR, which ended with the US putting a man on the moon in 1969.它标志着美国和前苏联“太空竞赛”的开始,最终以美国于1969年将人送到月球而告终。
高三英语 一轮复习 Unit 20 Humour课件 大纲人教版

答案: B
appreciate vt.赏识;鉴赏;感激 教材原句P53:To appreciate the jokes of crosstalk artists,listeners have to know very well what the comedians are talking about.
delivered as soon as possible”。to be frank为插入语。
答案: C
operate vt.& vt.操作,运转;经营,管理,做手术 教材原句P54:an operating table
①The doctor said that the patient had to be operated on at once,which made us all worried.
7. have...in mind记住 8. act out 把……表演出来 9. in common with 和……一样 10. dress up 打扮 11. knock off 撞倒 12. pick up 拾起,学到
Ⅲ.课文原句突破 1.你认为在你的工作中什么是最重要的? What________ ________ ________is the most important thing in your job? 答案: do you think 2.再者,我想不是每个人都会认为我的这种幽默好笑。 Still,________ ________ ________ ________everybody will find my kind of humour funny. 答案: I do not think
Unit 20 Humour课本要点精练

UnitHum our20湖北省兴山县一中邹琼一、单词拼写根据句意和汉语或首写字母提示,写出句中所缺单词的完全形式。
1.We know that her husband is an Australian from the a he speaks with.2.Don ’t w orry .Ev ery one will be sho wn ho w to o________the new machines.3.M ark Tw ain was a h________w riter.We all like his books.4.It w as a b _______disappo intment to him when he f ailed the examinatio n.5.At first I didn ’t quite catch w hat she said because she speaks English with a faint Dutch a .6.They try to allow people of the same(国籍)to g overn themselves.7.Frightened by the sound o f fo otsteps,the rabbits ran off in different (方向).8.There ’s a (某个)M rs.M yles o n the telepho ne.9.This is a (典型的)18th century church,whose sty le amazes all the v isitors to it.10.I wo uld (感激)it if you wo uld turn the music dow n.二、单项选择从A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
11.—I w ant to go to the library,but I ’mafraid I ’m no t g oing in the rig ht.—Yes,you are.Go ahead.A.w ay B.direction C.distance D.position 12.—He has a goo d sense of humor.—So people wo rking with him.A.expect B.promise C.satisfy D.appreciate 13.A SARS vaccine w ill be tested o n 30volunteers and researchers will pro vide medical treatment if anyo ne bad eff ects.A.suff ers B.produces C.appears D.happens 14.We w ere told that the stone figureback to the 16th century .A.datedB.cameC.ranD.kept15.—Do you kno w where he comes f rom?—No ,but his sugg ests that he is from the south.A.v oice B.sound C.appearance D.accent16.—Did y ou g o to the co ncert last Sunday?—I had to,but one of my classmates called on me.A.tho ug ht B.intended """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""课堂加油站Eng lish Jo urnal 单元笔记课本要点精练45.He spends mo st o f his time doing a re-search in his lab.46.He told me that he w ould leave Shanghainex t day.47.T hey asked him it was necessary to re-mov e seeds no w and then.48.He po inted o ut that was important toremove seeds befo re sow ing seeds in the so il.49.China is the f irst country studied the sci-ence of ag riculture.50.She had no idea where Co ke liv ed exceptthat his ho use w as near to a church.!C.ag reedD.pro mised17.T he boss the w orkers by tell-ing them a funny story.A.controlledcatedug hedD.amused18.—I hear y ou’re go ing to Disneyland Parkin Hong Kong this w eekend.—,I w as going to,but I hav echang ed my mind.A.U suallyB.NormallyC.ActuallyD.Naturally19.—I don’t know how to themachine.Would y ou please tell mehow?—With pleasure.A.beginB.operateC.makeD.settle20.She Japanese w hen she w asin Japan.Now she can speak it freely.A.picked outB.made o utC.made upD.picked up21.makes this shop diff erent isthat it o ffers more personal services.A.WhatB.WhoC.WhateverD.Whoever22.There w as a lo ok o n his facewhen he met with the problem.A.confusing;co nfusingB.confused;confusedC.confusing;confusedD.confused;co nfusing23.I was just talking to Marg aret w hen Jack-son.A.cut inB.cut downC.cut outD.cut up24.I made a call to my parents y esterday.Tomy disappointment,of themansw ered it.A.eitherB.noneC.neitherD.no bo dy25.Ty pical for China is the cro sstalk sho w,a pair o f co medians entertainsthe audience with wo rd play.A.whereB.w henC.howD.w hy三、同步语法从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
初二下学期 Unit 20 Mainly revision

初二下学期Unit 20 Mainly revision教学目标知识技能目标1.掌握本单元的词汇、日常用语和重要句型的运用。
词语yet, myself, cousin, engineer, cancer, care, take care of, sad, death, p age, palace, the Summer Palace, herself, turn on, while, after a while, tur n off, not…any more, make faces, whole, wonderful, have a cold, once, hi mself, tooth, kill句型及日常交际用语1. Did you have a nice weekend?2. Sorry to hear that.3. Did you have to do the cooking?4. I can't leave her by herself.5. They’ll be very happy to see you again.6. I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time.7.1 hope so.语法复习Unitl5~Unitl9 语法项目情感态度目标第78课是本单元的主课文,它叙述了一个男学生帮助一位阿姨带一个襁褓中婴儿的故事。
高考英语 unit 20 Integrating skills课件

4. rail / road/telephone… link The office has direct computer links to over 100 firms . 这个办公室通过计算机与100多家公司直接联系。 多家公司直接联系。 这个办公室通过计算机与 多家公司直接联系 5. link theory with practice 理论联系实际 6. friendly neighboring countries linked together as flesh and blood 血肉相连的友好邻邦
2.Jinsha led archaeologists to believe that Sichuan not only had trade links with the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers valleys,……. 在金沙发现的其他文物还使考古家们相信, 在金沙发现的其他文物还使考古家们相信,四川不仅同长 江和黄河流域…有着商贸联系 有着商贸联系。 江和黄河流域 有着商贸联系。 1) lead sb to do sth 让/使……做 使 做 2) lead (sb.) to sth 3) lead to sb. doing sth. 4) lead sb. into sth. 5) lead a happy/ miserable life 6 ) lead the way
Exx. 1. In Britain people will have a break during 4 to D 5 p.m. ; it’s time for afternoon tea _______ . A serving B being served C to serve D to be served B 2.In some parts of the world ,tea ___with milk and sugar. A is serving B is served C serves D served 3. “ Look out for white cars . Don’t pick up strangers, C and all you folks in gas stations better not do _____ to a white Ford car.” A harm B favor C service D business
外贸英语对话(第四版) UNIT 20

Our company has a nice line in cosmetics. 3. brief n. 摘要,陈述(课文中指广告商要求广告
This is a brief of our advertising case in hand.
告代理商 advertising account 广告客户 advertising budget 广告预算 dwindle v. 缩减,减少 advertising strategies 广告策略
Words & Expressions
boost v. 推进,促进 market share 市场份额 brand recognition 品牌认同 home appliance 家用电器 media planners 媒介策划者 art directors 艺术总监 copywriters n. 广告撰稿人 graphic designer 美术设计者
4. 客户服务(account service):广告代理商的核心工作是 为企业客户提供优质服务。通过为客户提供广告策划和执行 服务而与之建立长期伙伴关系,增加企业利润,开拓企业发 展前景。
5. 媒介策略(media strategy):媒介策划的问题包括: 在不 同的案例中分别选择何种媒介,选择的理由是什么,该媒介 如何达到广告目标要求。如: 所选媒介的类别(电视、杂志 、网络、体育赛事);广告预算的具体分配(具体到地区、 媒介和时间段);期望达到的目标;主要目标市场和次要目 标市场的规模等等。
6. 媒介服务(media service):媒介是受众者接收到广告的 载体。广告代理商提供的媒介服务包括媒介评估、媒介选择
Unit 20 Humour要点解读

要点解读UnitHum our20一、词语例解1.intend vt.1)想要;打算;计划I intend to get there as soon as I can.我打算尽快赶到那里。
The writer clearly intends his readers to identify w ith the main character 作者显然想读者同情主人公。
2)意指He hadn ’t intended that we should all be there.他没想要让我们都到那里。
What do yo u intend by this wo rd?你说这话是什么意思?【联想拓展】intend to do sth 打算做某事intend sb to do sth 打算要某人做某事intend that 计划had intended to do sth.=intended to have do ne sth 本想或打算做某事(而实际上没做)be intended fo r 为……而;供……用【辨析】intend ,mean 和design 这组动词的一般含义是“意欲”或“打算”。
intend 强调“意欲”做某一件确定的事,或者“决定”达到某一确定的目的,此外还常用于表达“意欲”使某人从事某职业,或“打算”某物用作何种目的;mean 常常可以和intend 互换使用,但不强调决心达到某一目的;desig n 强调为达到某目的,事先作过精心安排和仔细考虑,包含“预谋”、“策划”以达到自己的目的这一意义。
例如:The dictio nary is intended for the begin-ners.这本词典是为初学者编的。
He always meant to go back one day ,but not to stay.他总想某一天回去,但不住下。
Did y ou desig n this,or did it just happen itself ?这件事是你有意图安排的还是它自行发生的?2.certain adj.确定的;无疑的I am certain he ’ll co me,in spite of the bad w eather.尽管天气不好,我还是确信他会来的。
Unit 20 Humor教材分析

Unit 20 Humor教材分析本单元以Humor为话题,通过对本单元的教学,使学生了解喜剧、喜剧家、小丑、相声表演艺术家之间的联系和区别以及了解喜剧明星们表演的节目,同时让学生学会表达目的、打算及动词-ing形式的使用;能让学生运用本单元的知识写一段有趣的故事或笑话。
Warming up是三段绕口令,目的是让学生体味英语语言的幽默诙谐,激起学生学习英语的兴趣。
Speaking 包含两个部分。
Pre-reading 提供了Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy, Mr Bean Bustin Hoffman 和马季等喜剧演员的照片。

adv. 到国外
ar b
a doபைடு நூலகம்
study abroad
work abroad
t mne t r aa p
[ə'pɑ:tmənt] n. 公寓
pick you up at your apartment
take you with me
I will not always be successful.
Pattern Practice
ms i op r e
['prɔmis] v.承诺
I promise I will finish homework tomorrow.
Unit 20
An ordinary life
t o so h
n. 拍摄
fashion shoot 时装拍摄
u f l s s e c sc u
[sək'sesful] adj. 成功的
You’re a very successful businessman.
Tina 是一个成功的模特。
I am going to have a picnic next week.
I will have a picnic next week.
This will be my last fashion shoot.
I am going to get an ordinary job in an office.
Unit 20 Developing Advanced Skills in Tile Hangin

Roof covering: tile (single lap, interlocking, double lap); slating (regular, random, double lap, single lap interlocking, ornamental)
Quantity of resources: hoist and scaffolding provided by main contractor; material handling (manual, mechanical); portable power tools (cutting, forming, shaping, site electrical, portable); personal protective clothing
1.3 Explain how the abutment detail will be waterproofed using flashings for an indented double lap tile hanging area, including the use of personal protective equipment

的影响,英文中although和but不能同时 用于一个句子里。
because 表示“因为”,表示原 因。 如:He didn’t come because he was ill.(他没来,因为他病 了。) Because it was late, they did not go to the film.
Activity 2(2)--动词及名词
die 死 Danger 危险 suffer 遭受痛苦(与介词from连用) future 未来,in the future 将来 travel 旅行 history 历史 costume 服装, costume drama古装剧 同学们注意,在十七页中的关于电影种类 的词汇,很又可能出词汇匹配的题型,占 5分。
连词 提出建议
英语中常常用连词连接两个或更 多的句子,连词往往带有一定含 义,用来表示句子间的关系。 如:I like reading, but he likes watching TV. 我喜欢看书,但是 他喜欢看电视。(but在这里表示 转折关系)
一般由some和no开头的不定代词用于 肯定句;而有any开头的不定代词用于否 定句和疑问句(表示肯定意义的疑问句 除外)。 如:would you like some water? 形容词修饰这些不定代词时放在其后。 如:I need something beautiful.
Activity 1 (2)
How about + doing?…怎么样? What about + doing?…怎么样? Why don’t you + do?你为什么 不…? Shall we + do?我们…好吗? Let’s + do.我们…吧. Would you like + to do / 名词 / doing / 代词 to do?

More 猜猜看,下列是什么?
mental healthy center trouble is over now / To breathe one’s last to powder one’s nose /May I be excused? bubble dancer /domestic engineer meat technologist /beautician below average students /the senior citizens love child /correctional center
借代 (synecdoche),试着译
1. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. 2. It can’t be defined by the span of a single journey from diaper to shroud. 3. The kettle is boiling. 4. The whole room broke into laughter. 5. Children who were now gray with age . 6. I hope your idea takes wing. 我希望你的想法成真。
1. His cruel kindness is simply beyond words. 他那害人不浅的仁慈。 She cried ,with a touch of sorrowful gladness. 她悲喜交加地哭了。 3. Parting is such sweet sorrow. (Romeo) 别离是如此地又甜蜜又令人心酸。 4. We are terribly pleased to hear the good news. 我们听到这一好消息真是欣喜若狂。
unit20 Eating out

A. Dialogue 3 & language points
Task2. Listen and discuss. (group work)
Questions: a. What is special in today’s menu?
Well, the beef steak and cold orange pie.
A. Dialogue1 & language points
2.reasonable adj. 合理的,有道理的,通情达理的 eg. He is a reasonable sort of person. 他是那种通情达理的人。 adj. (期望或解释) 有道理的 eg. It seems reasonable to expect rapid urban growth. 看起来期待城市会飞速发展是有道理的。
A. Dialogue 3 & language points
Task1: Free talk 七分熟牛排(medium well):牛排内部主要为浅
灰综褐色,夹杂着少量粉红色,质感偏厚重,有咀嚼 感。 全熟牛排(well done):牛排通体为熟肉褐色,牛 肉整体已经烹熟,口感厚重。
Read and answer
Why does Li Mei ask for a Chinese menu ? Because she knows little English. What is the cook famous for ? Apple juice.
Useful nouns
Menu 菜单 Bill 结账/买单 Chopsticks 筷子 Fork 叉子 Spoon 勺子 Knife 刀子 Glass 杯子 Bottle 瓶 Napkin 餐巾 Paper napkin 餐巾纸 Toothpick 牙签 Table 桌子 Chair 椅子
城轨交通专业英语 Unit 20 Telecommunication System 通信系统

Part B Dialogue
David: Well, how does the communication process achieve?
Try to discuss
John : Every station has a machine room with a switch connecting control centre, in
Try to discuss
Part B Dialogue
(David and John are talking about telecommunication system in metro system.) Try to discuss
David:What are the main components for metro telecommunication system?
David: What is wireless system used for?.
John : As every car is a moving object,telecommunication lines are impossible.
Wireless communication is adopted.
charge of receiving and sending of train control signals.
David: What kind of telecommunication media is used?
John : It is advanced fiber. It has great shield performance, fast transmission speed and
good privacy.
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Language focus 3
影片The Edge of Ruin 影评的最后一段谈到这部 影片的优缺点时,用although将两个具有对比意义 的句子连接在一起,相当于中文的“虽然…., 但 是….”结构。例如: Although the plot is weak, the action is really fantastic. 为了表示对比,这句话也可以写成: Although the action is really fantastic, the plot is weak. 同样也可以将although 开头的句子放在后面。 The action is really fantastic, although the plot is weak.
Language focus 4
回复别人提出的建议并表达个人偏好 在Activity 1 和Activity 10 中,Polly 和 Xiaoyan 使用了不同的方法来回复对方提出的建议。 表示同意他人建议时,可以说: Ok ./Ok then./ That’s a good idea./ Great. 如果对他人意见非常赞赏,也可以说: Brilliant./ Fantastic./ That’s a brilliant idea./That’s a fantastic idea.
Cultural Note
在餐馆付小费Tipping in Restaurants 在英国的餐馆或咖啡就餐后通常应付小费。有些餐馆仿 照欧洲大陆餐馆的做法加收10%的服务费,在这种情况 下,是否付小费由顾客自己酌情而定。如果顾客用信用 卡付帐,可以将所愿支付的小费金额写在帐单上一并支 付。 小费是侍者重要的收入来源。在交纳个人收入所得税时, 小费也是纳税的一部分。
Unit 20
Out in the evening
Learn the simple present used for telling a story; Practise using although, but and because; Practise making and responding to suggestion; Learn how to use very and really.
Language focus 4
prefer 和 rather 的用法。 prefer 单独使用时直接接名词或动词的-ing 形式; prefer 与 would 连用时,would 常省略为’d. I’d rather 后面接不带 to 的动词不定式。在 rather 后面加 not 构成否定意义。例如: I’d rather have coffee. 我更愿意喝咖啡。 I’d rather not (have coffee / go to the cinema). 我不想(喝咖啡/看电影)。
Language focus 5
点菜用语 在餐馆点菜,常用这样几种句型: Could we have … ? I’ll have …,I’d like …, 或者直接用介词for. 例如: Could we have the goat’s cheese and green salad, please ? I’ll have a steak, please. The seafood pie for me ,please. I’d like fried cod, please.
Activity 8
Henry is a father of a girl although he doesn’t know about her. He finds out about her when she is five because her mother dies. He learns how to look after her, but it isn’t easy for him. There are problems because she can not speak English. Although they have many difficulties, they learn in the end how to be a family.
Language focus 3
使用but 也可以连接两个具有对比意义的句子,表示 语气的转折。例如: It is very enjoyable, but it’s not a film to watch before bedtime! 这是部非常有意思的电影,但却不适合在睡觉前看。 Rather simple but very funny. 很简单但很有趣。
Language focus 3
使用because 解释事情的原因(参见Unit 11) I like this film because the actors are very good and the plot is interesting. Because it was late, they did not go to the film. 注意:although 表达的是“虽然……, 但是……”的意 思,但在英语中不能和 but 同时使用。 由but 开头的句子一般放在后面。如果although 或 because 用在句首则需用逗号将两个分句隔开。
Language focus 2
一般现在时 一般现在时常用于叙述电影,戏剧或小说的故事情 节,这样使得叙述听起来生动,具有戏剧效果。
Language focus 3
连词although, but , because 的用法 although, but, because 都可以用来连接两个分句, 但所表达的意思不一样。
Activity 10
1. 2. 3. 4.
would would would would
prefer rather prefer prefer
to go to the cinema. have a glass of wine. to have a holiday in Scotland. a game of tennis.
Language focus 6
Extreme adjectives(极限形容词) 极限形容词只能和really 搭配,不能用very 修饰, 例如: really great really amazing special effects really fantastic acting a really perfect film a really excellent idea
Language focus 4
表示不同意他人建议 如果不赞同他人建议,出于礼貌应说明理由或提出相反的建议。 Shall we go to the theatre tonight? 今天晚上我们去看戏,好吗? I’d (I would )prefer to see a film. 我想看电影。 I’d (I would ) rather go to the cinema. 我宁愿看电影。 I’d (I would ) rather not. I’m quite tired. 还是别去了,我挺累的。 Do you like the theatre? 你喜欢看戏吗? I prefer the cinema. 我更喜欢看电影。
Language focus 4
提出建议 Activity 10 的对话中出现了提出建议的 5 种方法。 这些方法在Book 1中我们已经学习过。 How about seeing this one ? What about dinner? Why don’t we go to a restaurant? Shall we have a sandwich? Let’s do that.
Language focus 1
Something/nothing 肯定句中 anything 否定句或疑问句中 I have got something to do. I have got nothing to do. I haven’t got anything to do either. Do you have anything interesting?
Activity 15
1.really 2. really 3. very/really 4. really 5. really/very 6. really
Language focus 6
Gradable adjectives (级别形容词) very 和 really 都可以修饰级别形容词, 例如:a very good job (a really good job) a very funny film (a really funny film) very bad relationships (really bad relationships) a very brilliant idea (a really brilliant idea) in very great danger (in really great danger)
f e b g i d a c h
Cultural Note
电影的级别分类Film Classification 在英国放映的每一部影片都可以在 the British Board of Film Classification (英国电影分类机构) 中查到其核准 的级别,如:U= Universal (无限制类别的) :表示任何 人都可以观看的影片,对各年龄段的孩子都适宜。 PG = parental guidance (由父母陪同的):孩子不宜单独 观看的影片,需要在父母的陪同下观看。 12: 12周岁以下禁止观看的影片。 15: 15周岁以下禁止观看的影片。 18: 18周岁以下禁止观看的影片。