而在这2000单词中,又只有600单词最为关键,由其关联着约6 000英语常用词汇。
因此,利用星火式记忆法,只要掌握这2000单词中的600单词,就可充分发挥您曾忽视的潜能, 使600单词=6 000单词!2、英语词汇的记忆方法。
A、构词法:一)怎样才能利用构词法记忆下列单词?exhume挖掘;humane仁慈的;humanity人类,人性;humanitarian人道主义者;humanitarianism人道主义;humid潮湿的;inhume埋葬二)能否用构词法记忆下列单词?vine藤本植物;fore前面的;hind后面的可分解类词汇试一试,哪种方法记忆效果好? a)构词法词根(1)hum(人)humane仁慈的;humanity人类,人性;humanitarian 人道主义者;humanitarianism人道主义词根(2)hum(土)exhume挖掘[ex?出];inhume埋葬[in?入]词根(3)hum(湿)humid湿的;humidity湿度b)星火法记忆human这个熟词记起human人→humanity人类,人性humane人道的,仁慈的→humanitarian 人道主义者;humanitarianism人道主义《圣经》曰:人类的祖先亚当是上帝用“泥”捏成的,human正由此而来,其原义是“泥人”。
38 不用‘脑子’才能学好英语
英语小课题研究可选题目1231. 中学口语交际教学的研究42. 提高中学生英语听力的策略的研究53. 高中英语开放式阅读教学的实践探索64. 高中英语立体式课堂模式的构建和研究75. 教师学习群体与高中英语教师专业发展研究86. 提高高中生英语书面表达能力的实践研究97. 高中学生英语词汇习得策略的策略108. 开展英语短剧表演对提高英语语言能力的实践研究9. 原声电影欣赏对英语学习的促进作用111210. 高中英语教学形成性评价的研究1311. 高中生英语口语表达能力培养的研究1412. 形成性评价在英语教学中的实践与研究1513. 如何提高英语阅读训练的效率1614. 如何突破英语定语教学的难点1715. 用多媒体CAI技术优化英语的听说训练1816. 优化英语课的导入法17. 英语构词法教学的研究192018. 英语课堂教学的提问策略2119. 高中生英语课外阅读的指导2220. 如何有效培养学生的英语写作能力2321. 如何提高英语听写训练的效率2422. 如何处理英语课后练习2523. 促进英语教学的有效手段——录音教学2624. 分组进行英语教学全面提高学习成绩2725. 如何在英语教学中实施素质教育2826. 如何克服英语学习的高分低能2927. “近体原则”在英语课文话题设计中的运用3028. 浅谈中学生英语写作能力的培养与提高3129. 如何在英语教学中实施素质教育3230. 英语课堂教学“六要素”3331. 高中英语趣味教学谈3432. 浅谈中学生英语写作能力的培养与提高3533. 英语课堂教学中的创新教育3634. 英语语法集中复习教学的尝试35. 激发学生学习兴趣增强课堂教学效果373836. “三心二意”教英语3937. 英语课,让学生说“I like”4038. 浅谈英语单元测试的选题策略4139. 浅谈如何适应高中英语新教材特点之教法4240. 尝试教学法在高中英语中的应用4341. 浅谈高中英语新课改新教法4442. 高中英语教学的几点体会。
中学英语课题新颖题目English:"Exploring Cultural Diversity Through English Literature: This topic aims to delve into the rich tapestry of English literature as a means to understand cultural diversity. Students will explore literary works from various English-speaking countries, spanning different time periods and genres. Through close reading and analysis, they will gain insights into the unique cultural perspectives, values, and societal norms depicted in these texts. By examining the themes, characters, and settings, students will develop a deeper appreciation for the diversity of human experiences across different cultures. Furthermore, they will learn to empathize with characters from diverse backgrounds, fostering tolerance and understanding. Through discussions, presentations, and creative projects, students will not only enhance their English language skills but also cultivate a broader worldview and respect for cultural differences."中文翻译:"通过英语文学探索文化多样性: 这个课题旨在通过英语文学的丰富篇章来理解文化多样性。
初中英语个人课题题目篇一:初中各学科小课题题目初中各学科小课题题目1、在英语课堂教学中如何提高学生的学习兴趣研究(英语)2、初中英语学困生学习状况与对策的研究(英语)3、初中学生单词记忆方法的研究(英语)4、借助训练卡提高中学生英语口语能力的研究 (英语)5、培养中学生英语学习习惯的研究 (英语)6、中学英语词汇教学研究(英语)7、初中英语教学导入方法的研究(英语)8、英语学科学生厌学心理对策研究(英语)9、怎样解决新教材里生词较多、教学难度大的问题(英语)10、新教材缺乏趣味性,教师如何进行教学设计的研究(英语)11、怎样解决学生对复习课不感兴趣的问题(英语)12、如何高质量的上好英语试卷讲评课(英语)13、在作文教学中培养学生想象力研究(语文)14、日记在写作中的应用研究(语文)15、中学语文古诗词鉴赏能力的研究(语文)16、培养学生自我修改作文的能力研究(语文)17、如何发挥日记在写作课中的作用(语文)18、如何有效地布置语文作业的研究(语文)19、农村初中数学作业分层设计的研究(数学)20、在初中数学教学中培养学生问题意识的研究(数学)21、如何进行整式的运算的教学(数学)22、如何进行初中阶段图形变换的教学(数学)23、如何在教学中渗透情感态度与价值观的教育(物理)24、教师在物理教学中怎样渗透德育教育(物理)25、物理教学中如何提问才能收到最佳的教学效果(物理)26、如何培养学生的物理学习习惯(物理)27、怎样布置物理作业并进行作业评价(物理)28、农村中学物理课堂教学情景设计(物理)29、初中化学作业的批改(化学)30、如何进行化学概念的教学(化学)31、总复习阶段如何引导学生进行探究性复习(化学)32、如何帮助学生构建学科知识体系(化学)33、如何提高地理课堂教学的有效性(地理)34、如何在地理课上提高对学生的情感关注(地理)35、地理教学中地图应用的研究与实践(地理)36、初中地理解题的思路与方法(地理)37、地理教学应重视培养读图能力(地理)38、如何上好一堂地理课(地理)39、初中地理教学中比较法的应用(地理)40、培养学生学习地理兴趣途径的研究(地理)41、历史教学如何对学生进行情感态度与价值观的渗透42、如何确定历史课堂的教学目标(历史)43、如何发挥细节拓展在历史教学中的作用(历史)(历史)44、如何把握新课标下的历史课堂教学重点(历史)45、如何让谈话式教学发挥最大的作用(历史)46、初中历史快乐有效教学的研究(历史)47、初中思品课实施民族精神教育的实践研究(思品)48、思品学科学生主体参与的实践与研究(思品)49、引导学生思辨热点话题的实践与研究(思品)50、初中思品课情感态度价值观目标制定与实施的研究(思品)51、初中思品课引导学生自主参与课堂的实践研究(思品)52、思想品德课堂教学资源的有效开发与利用(思品)53、美术作业生活化的实践与研究(美术)54、初中美术课堂单人作业研究(美术)55、对初中学生美术作业评价方法的实践与研究(美术)56、在美术学习过程中良好学习习惯的养成研究(美术)57、如何培养学生色彩感受能力(美术)58、农村初中音乐课堂教学活力激发的研究(音乐)59、流行音乐在初中音乐教学中的应用(音乐)60、初中体育课上快乐体育教学方法的研究(体育)61、如何提高农村初中女生上体育课的兴趣(体育)62、在中学体育中实施快乐体育的研究(体育)63、初中学生体育兴趣的培养(体育)64、新课程体育教学的师生关系研究(体育)篇二:中学教师小课题研究参考题目中学小课题研究题目(仅作参考)“三环六步” 教学模式在不同年级和学科中实施的研究XX年级阅读课阅读形式研究;语文作业的有效性研究;课前五分钟演讲如何成为课外阅读的平台研究;如何提高阅读课效率的研究;如何指导学生进行作文修改的研究;让作文评语成为学生习作的催化剂的研究;学生喜欢文言文的研究;在教学活动中锻炼学生的口语交际能力研究;大面积提高学生写作水平的研究;背诵文言文研究;如何提高学困生对语文的学习兴趣研究;作兴趣的研究。
1. The Impact of Social Media on Teenagers’ Mental HealthThis research topic aims to investigate how social media usage affects the mental health of teenagers. The study will explore the relationship between social media addiction, cyberbullying, and depression/anxiety among adolescents. It will also examine the role of parental guidance and peer influence in moderating the impact of social media on teenagers’ mental well-being.2. Gender Disparities in STEM Education: An Analysis of High School Students’ PerceptionsThis research project seeks to explore the gender disparities in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education among high school students. The study will investigate the factors that contribute to the underrepresentation of girls in STEM fields and analyze the perceptions of male and female students towards STEM subjects. Recommendations for promoting gender equality in STEM education will also be discussed.3. The Effects of Diet and Exercise on Academic PerformanceThis study aims to examine the relationship between diet, exercise, and academic performance among high school students. The research will investigate how healthy eating habits and physical activity impact students’ cognitive function, concentration, and overall academic achievement. It will also explore the role of school policies and parental involvement in promoting healthy lifestyle choices among teenagers.4. Environmental Awareness and Sustainable Practices among High School StudentsThis research topic focuses on assessing high school students’ environmental awareness and engagement in sustainable practices. The study will examine students’ knowledge of environmental issues, their attitudes towards conservation, and their participation in eco-friendly activities. It will also explore the impact of environmental edu cation programs on students’ behavior and attitudes towards environmental sustainability.5. The Influence of Peer Pressure on Academic PerformanceThis research project investigates the impact of peer pressure on high school students’ academic performance. The study will analyze how peer influence, social dynamics, and group norms affect students’ motivation, study habits, and educational outcomes. It will also explore strategies for empowering students to resist negative peer pressure and cultivate a positive learning environment.以上是几个适合高中学生研究性课题的英语题目,每个课题都涉及到不同领域的问题,旨在启发学生的思维、培养他们的研究能力和创新精神。
二、课题一:英语新闻报道与文化传播1. 课题背景随着全球化的推进,英语新闻报道在文化传播中起到重要作用。
2. 研究内容(1)英语新闻报道的定义与特点;(2)中国文化在国际传播中的现状;(3)英语新闻报道在中国文化传播中的应用;(4)提升英语新闻报道质量,增强中国文化传播力的策略。
三、课题二:英语影视作品中的跨文化交际1. 课题背景英语影视作品是跨文化交际的重要载体。
2. 研究内容(1)英语影视作品的定义与特点;(2)跨文化交际的理论基础;(3)英语影视作品中的跨文化交际实例分析;(4)跨文化交际能力在我国高中生中的应用与培养。
四、课题三:英语广告语的语言特色与创意1. 课题背景英语广告语具有独特的语言特色和创意,对高中生的英语学习具有启发作用。
2. 研究内容(1)英语广告语的定义与作用;(2)英语广告语的语言特色;(3)英语广告语的创意方法;(4)英语广告语在高中生英语写作中的应用。
五、课题四:英语绘本阅读与小学生英语素养的提升1. 课题背景英语绘本阅读是一种有效的英语教学方法,对小学生英语素养的提升具有重要作用。
2. 研究内容(1)英语绘本阅读的定义与特点;(2)小学生英语素养的构成;(3)英语绘本阅读在小学生英语教学中的应用;(4)英语绘本阅读对小学生英语素养提升的实证研究。
关于课题研究的英语作文英文回答:Research Topic: The Influence of Social Media on Mental Health.Social media has become an integral part of our lives, with billions of people using platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter every day. While social media can have many positive benefits, such as connecting us with friends and family and providing us with information and entertainment, there is also growing concern about its potential negative impact on mental health.Research has shown that social media use can be linkedto a number of mental health problems, including depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem. For example, a study by the University of Michigan found that people who spent moretime on social media were more likely to report symptoms of depression and anxiety. Another study by the University ofPennsylvania found that people who used social media to compare themselves to others were more likely to have low self-esteem.There are several reasons why social media use can be harmful to mental health. First, social media can create a sense of isolation and loneliness. When we spend a lot of time on social media, we may start to feel like we are missing out on real-life experiences. We may also start to compare ourselves to others and feel like we don't measure up. This can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness, which can in turn contribute to mental health problems.Second, social media can promote unrealistic expectations. We often see people posting about their perfect lives on social media, which can make us feel like we are not good enough. We may start to believe that everyone else is happier and more successful than we are, which can lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem.Third, social media can be a source of cyberbullying.Cyberbullying is the use of electronic devices to bully or harass someone. It can take many forms, such as sending mean or threatening messages, posting embarrassing photos or videos, or spreading rumors. Cyberbullying can have a devastating impact on mental health, causing victims tofeel isolated, depressed, and anxious.In light of the growing evidence of the negative impact of social media on mental health, it is important to take steps to protect ourselves from its harmful effects. Here are a few tips:Limit your time on social media. Spending too much time on social media can be harmful to your mental health. Set limits on how much time you spend on social media each day.Be mindful of what you post. When you post on social media, be mindful of the impact it could have on others. Avoid posting anything that is mean or hurtful.Don't compare yourself to others. It's easy to compareyourself to others on social media, but it's important to remember that everyone is different. Don't compare yourlife to someone else's.Seek help if you need it. If you are struggling with mental health problems, seek professional help. A therapist can help you understand the underlying causes of your problems and develop coping mechanisms.中文回答:研究课题,社交媒体对心理健康的影响。
98个英语课题研究选题在选择英语课题研究时,可以考虑以下98个选题:1. 英语作为第二语言的教学方法研究。
2. 英语听力技能的提高策略研究。
3. 英语口语教学中的交际策略研究。
4. 英语阅读教学中的阅读理解策略研究。
5. 英语写作教学中的写作技巧研究。
6. 英语语法教学中的有效策略研究。
7. 英语词汇教学中的记忆技巧研究。
8. 英语语音教学中的发音纠正策略研究。
9. 英语文化教学中的跨文化意识培养研究。
10. 英语教师培训中的专业发展研究。
11. 英语教材设计与开发研究。
12. 英语教学中的游戏化教学策略研究。
13. 英语教学中的多媒体辅助教学研究。
14. 英语教学中的项目化学习研究。
15. 英语教学中的合作学习研究。
16. 英语教学中的个性化教学策略研究。
17. 英语教学中的评估与反馈研究。
18. 英语教学中的情感教育研究。
19. 英语教学中的动机与学习策略研究。
20. 英语教学中的自主学习研究。
21. 英语教学中的文化意识培养研究。
22. 英语教学中的跨学科教学研究。
23. 英语教学中的可持续发展教育研究。
24. 英语教学中的社区参与研究。
25. 英语教学中的创造性思维培养研究。
26. 英语教学中的教师语言策略研究。
27. 英语教学中的学生自主评估研究。
28. 英语教学中的教师语言输入研究。
29. 英语教学中的语言输出研究。
30. 英语教学中的课堂互动研究。
31. 英语教学中的教师反思研究。
32. 英语教学中的教师指导研究。
33. 英语教学中的学生自主学习研究。
34. 英语教学中的学生合作学习研究。
35. 英语教学中的学生动机研究。
36. 英语教学中的学生学习策略研究。
37. 英语教学中的学生学习风格研究。
38. 英语教学中的学生学习困难研究。
39. 英语教学中的学生学习成就研究。
40. 英语教学中的学生学习兴趣研究。
41. 英语教学中的学生学习动机研究。
42. 英语教学中的学生学习体验研究。
关于课题研究的英语作文English: Research topics are essential in academia as they help to advance knowledge and understanding in various fields. When choosing a research topic, it is important to consider its relevance, feasibility, and significance. Relevance ensures that the research addresses current issues and contributes to existing literature, while feasibility ensures that the research can be effectively conducted within a reasonable time frame and with available resources. Significance determines the potential impact of the research on the field and society as a whole. Therefore, researchers should carefully evaluate potential topics based on these criteria to ensure the success and impact of their research.中文翻译: 研究课题在学术界中是至关重要的,因为它们有助于推动各个领域的知识和理解。
1. 英语中的象征主义和隐喻
2. 英语诗歌中的主题和风格
3. 英语语法中的规则与例外
4. 英语中的词汇和文化背景
5. 英语口语表达和听力的提高
6. 英语语法在教学中的应用
7. 英语中的语言学和计算机科学
8. 英语阅读和写作的提高
9. 英语中的音乐和文化
10. 英语中的文化和历史
1. 英语作为外语的学习
2. 英语作为第二语言的学习
3. 英语教育和学习技巧
4. 英语语言和文化的研究
5. 英语中的文学和写作
6. 英语中的文化和历史
7. 英语中的语言学和计算机科学
8. 英语阅读和写作的提高
9. 英语语法在教学中的应用
10. 英语中的音乐和文化
11. 英语中的社会和文化背景
12. 英语阅读和听力的提高
13. 英语作为外语和学习策略的应用
14. 英语作为第二语言和学习策略的应用
15. 英语教育和学习策略的应用。
二、课题研究意义1. 提高英语教学质量:翻转课堂通过优化教学过程,实现知识传授与技能训练的有效结合,有助于提高学生的英语学习兴趣和效果。
2. 促进学生自主学习:翻转课堂强调学生的主体地位,引导学生自主探究、合作学习,培养学生的自主学习能力和终身学习能力。
3. 优化教师教学方式:翻转课堂要求教师转变角色,从知识传授者转变为学习引导者和促进者,提升教师的专业素养和教学水平。
4. 促进教育公平:翻转课堂有利于打破地域、时间和空间的限制,使更多学生享受到优质教育资源,促进教育公平。
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Why have you entered this university to pursue your further study for a master degree(研究生学位)? You have entered the university to pursue your further study in order to make greater contribution to the society in the future? To serve the people better?Unit 1 Food1.What do you know about “the global food crisis(全球粮食危机)”?International agency Oxfam has warned that an urgent action is needed to prevent hundreds of millions more people slipping into hunger as a result of volatile food prices and increasing energy and water scarcityOxfam said decades of under investment in agriculture coupled with the increasing threat of climate change mean that despite recent price falls, future food security is by no means guaranteed, and in fact the situation could get worse. At the same time detailing the threats to global food security and exposing the lack of adequate coordinated international action to tackle hungerAlthough global food prices have fallen in the last few months, they are not back to previous levels, and are likely to rise sharply again in the future. Furthermore, price volatility itself is a problem, and more needs to be done to address the underlying structural issue that cause the chronic hunger affecting 1 in 6 people in the world today,"Open source throttling. On the one hand to save, on the other hand made scientific and technological innovation, improving food production. In addition, also should control the population. If we do this,The s ituation will be better and better2.What’s your opinion on the policy of birth control to deal with food crisis?(你是怎么看待采取计划生育的政策应对粮食危机)As we know, food shortages have hit many countries in the world and even caused social unrest in some areas. So we should take measures to prevent it.At a time when half of the world is suffering from starvation, poor health and a badly lower standard of living, we simply cannot take lightly the population problem.In order to control population growth more strictly is essential to the country…s reforms and economic should restress, the importance of birth control and call on the whole nation to make more effective actions.To me, the ignorance of family planning is a social problem.The answer to the question whether man can survive one of the crises of the 21st century, namely population, is in our hands.3.What do you think of the population theories of Thomas Malthus? (你怎么看待人口理论的托马斯·马尔萨斯)Progress in science and the improvement of living conditions have led to the rapid growth of the world population. Malthus says a strong and constantly operating check on population from the difficulty of subsistence should be set up. In my opinion, his “preventative checks” may have been more important.When one is loss, we know it is important for us .As is the population, when there is simply not enough food to go around, we realize the importance of controlling the population growth. So we must make full preparation. Government should make solutions to improve the yield of food. They can introduction new style of planting. They also can limit population growth.Birth control is a good way to limit population growth. In addition to the government, everyone should make a contribution to our world. We must protect our environment. Because climate change-with its hotter growing seasons and increasing water scarcity-is projected to reduce future harvests in much of the world, raising the specter of what some scientists are now calling a perpetual food crisis. One thing we can do is delaying marriage. It can reduce fertility rates, creating an equally powerful check on populations. It has now been shown that this is the basic mechanism that regulated population growth in Western Europe for some 300 years before the industrial revolution.Let us joint our efforts to solve global food crisis. I believe our planet will be better.4.Is there a food crisis in the world now?(世界现在有粮食危机吗)Half of the world's population could face food shortages by the end of this century due to climate change, a new study warned Thursday.According to researchers, there is a 90 percent probability that by 2100 the minimum temperatures in the tropics and sub-tropical regions will be higher than the maximums so far recorded in those areas.The effect on crop-growing in those regions would be dire, according to the projections based on direct observations and data culled from 23 computer models on the planet's evolving climate patterns."The stresses on global food production from temperature alone are going to be huge, and that doesn't take into account water supplies stressed by the higher temperatures," said David Battisti, a University of Washington atmospheric sciences professor.In the tropics, the warmest temperatures will cut maize and rice harvests by 20 to 40 percent, the researchers said.The hotter weather will also reduce the moisture in the soil, cutting yields even further.Some three billion people, or half the world's population, currently live in tropical and sub-tropical regions, and their number is set to double by the end of the century.These regions stretch from northern India, southern China to much of Australia and all of Africa, and also extend from the southern United States to northern Argentina and southern Brazil.5.How should we solve the problem of food crisis or food quality in youropinion?I think now grain problems actually are farmers problems. less food production, can guarantee the Chinese peasants have other occupations,get money, can ensure the stability of the Chinese society? So, now, the important thing is to improve the competitiveness of agriculture in our country and improving farmers' income.How to scientifically and reasonably deal with relationship between production and consumption , to realize the national food safety and food macro regulation, it is the unavoidable task of central governmentSolve the food problem首先、按照生产与消费的关系,调整粮食生产内部结构其次、适度规模经营是提高粮农劳动生产率,解决种粮比较利益低的根本途径最后、多方筹资,扩大投人,加速墓础设施建设,增强农业和粮食生产后劲First of all, according to production and consumption in the relationship, adjusting grainproduction internal structureSecondly, the moderate scale operation is to improve the food and agricultural labor productivity, solve grain comparative advantage of low basic wayFinally, various financing, expand the cast, accelerate development and grave facilities construction, enhance agriculture and food production in the futureSolve the food safety首先,加强政府对食品安全的检测力度,不让垃圾食品进入社会其次,加强社会全面教育,让每个人都意识到食品安全的重要性最后,每个人都应该相互监督,遇到不安全的食品必须严厉劝阻First of all, the strengthening of the government of food safety detection dynamics, don't let the junk food into societySecond, strengthen the overall social education, let everyone is aware of the importance of food safetyFinally, everyone should mutual supervision, meet not safe food should be severe discouragedIn addition,the government ,mass media and schools of all levels should serve as a driving force to food municating their positive messages to the public.similar happening will eventually be ended or at least greatly reduced and the prospect we are looking forward to will be both brilliant and encouraging6.Do you think “one child policy”will give rise to the aging problem inChina(引起中国的老龄化问题)? How to solve the problem?Yes. I think “one child policy”will give rise to the aging problem in China但我认为这只是一个小原因,随着社会的发展,生活越来越好,年龄问题必将越来越严重,老人们虽然生活能力下降,但他们依旧是社会的财富,所以我认为,首先,子女们应该对父母负责,他们养育了我们,我们也应该照顾父母,其次,政府应该对老人们的生活负重要责任,老人们为社会做出重要贡献,政府应该保证他们的最低生活水平,最后,老人们应该意识到他们不是社会的累赘,而是社会的财富,要正确认识自己But I think that this is just a little reason, with the development of the society, life is getting better and better, age problems will be more and more serious, old people though life ability to drop, but they still is the social wealth, so I think that, first of all, their children should be responsible for parents they brought us, we also ought to take care of their parents, and second, the government have a important responsibility for old people's life ,old people made important contributions for the society, the government should ensure that their lowest life level, finally, old people should realize that they are not social liability, but the social wealth, to recognize their valueIn addition,the government ,mass media and schools of all levels should serve as a driving force to raise old municating their positive messages to the public.similar happening will eventually be ended or at least greatly reduced and the prospect we are looking forward to will be both brilliant and encouragingUnit 2 Environment1.How many kinds of environmental problems do you know?Some of the largest problems now affecting the world are dust/sand storm, air pollution, drought, water pollution, flood, acid rain, deforestation, ozone depletion, global warming, desertification, extinction of species, chemical waste, garbage problems…2.In your view, what is the most threatening problem in the world(environmental problem, war, natural disaster, inept government or poverty(无能政府或者贫穷))?In my view environmental problem is the most threatening problem in the world. A variety of environmental problems now affect our entire world. As globalization continues and the earth's natural processes transform local problems into international issues, few societies are being left untouched by major environmental problems. Most of us today recognize that environmental pollution has been a greatly serious problem, lots of plants trees corps are destroyed by bad air, many fish die of poisonous water, thousands of people die from eating poisoned fish or breathing in gas. Therefore, environmental pollution should be responsible for these diseases that are disabling, or bringing death not only to human beings, but also to wild life. From above, we can find that the reasons why environment are polluted more and more seriously are as follows. The primary reason, I think, is the use of harmful substances, for example, to prevent insects, farmers make use of great amounts of insecticides, so as to have bumper harvests, and however, they pollute air, water and land. Second, the gas coming from the car engines and factories also make environment polluted badly. The third reason actually is the result of a growing population in the world. Everyday, so much litter and waste are poured out from houses, also pollute the environment. The significance for controlling pollution noted that it's high time that more effective measures should be taken. Therefore, new laws should be passed to limit the amount of pollutants from factories. Moreover, in the households, there is an obvious need to reduce litter and waste. Let's make our good efforts, and the world will be a safer place to live for us.3.What is your top concern (最关心的问题)now?I pay attention to environmental problem now. In recent years we have become increasingly conscious of our duty towards the environment. People have begun to realize that just because we are so dependent on natural resources, we must learn to conserve them, so that they will still be available for future generation.In modern times, man has exploited the earth to alarming degree with the effect that he is in danger of destroying the very environment that gives him life. An example of over exploitation is the destruction of forest reserves, which play a vital part in the ecology of the earth. Not only are our forests in danger, but as a result of industrialization seas and rivers have become polluted, and this is causing the fish in them to be poisoned and drinking water to be contaminated. Pollution of the atmosphere with gases is not only affecting the quality of the air we breathe, but may also result in raising the temperature of the earth to dangerous levels.In view of the seriousness of this problem, people are starting to take measures. They are now getting to know that it is man‟s responsibility to conserve nature in order to ensure his own survival and well-being.4.Do you believe that nowadays environmentalism (环保)is kind of wildexaggeration夸张?NO!Environmental pollution leads to the destruction of ecological environment and the disorders of ecological balance, like the loss of water and soil, land desertification, deterioration of grasslands, water shortage, and so on. What‟s more, the air pollution results in acid rain. Water pollution makes lakes lose their economic value of breeding and tourism.So the environmentalism should be advocated.Unit 3 Creativity1.What’s being creative?(什么是创造力)Creativity refers to the phenomenon whereby a person creates something new (a product, a solution, a work of art etc.) that has some kind of value. What counts as "new" may be in reference to the individual creator, or to the society or domain within which the novelty occurs. What counts as "valuable" is similarly defined in a variety of ways.Scholarly interest in creativity ranges widely: Topics to which it is relevant include the relationship between creativity and general intelligence; the mental and neurological processes associated with creative activity; the relationship between personality type and creative ability; the relationship between creativity and mental health; the potential for fostering creativity through education and traning, especially as augmented by technology; and the application of an individual's existing creative resources to improve the effectiveness of learning processes and of the teaching processes tailored to them.Creativity and creative acts are therefore studied across several disciplines - psychology, cognitive science, education, philosophy (particularly philosophy of science), technology, theology, sociology, linguistics, business studies, and economics. As a result, there are a multitude of definitions and approaches.2.Do you think you are creative in thinking?The truth is, we are all creative beings, and no matter how little you've been using your creative abilities, you can BE BETTER!Creativity is about applying the imagination to finding a solution. This could be a solution to an artistic problem, but it could just as easily refer to finding an answer to a routine work issue, resolving problems in your life, friendships or relationships, or completing study assignments. The creative aspect is in finding the solution, rather than in simply applying a pre-given formula. If you devise your own solutions, find your answers, you are thinking creatively. Sometimes, a great idea can seem to drop from nowhere. When this happens, it is easy to feel that we are very imaginative and clever, especially if the wonderful idea came to us quickly. More typically, a creative outcome is the result of a series of processes, the application of strategies, and bringing the right attitude to the task – and these may not always feel very creative at the time.3.Do you know any creative person around you? What characteristics doyou think one creative person has?There is a severe definition of creativity, therefore, I hasn‟t find a person around me who is creative.First, one creative person should be extremely sensitive to new things, if someone change hisroom, he can find it out immediately without any error. second, it‟s fluency, when asked what‟s use of computer, he can come up with many answers than others in limited time. Third, flexibility must be one significant part of one creative person. He could think of a way different from others to solve the problem he confronts with. The last but not the least is elaboration that is an outstanding ability to think, to talk, to solve things in a more precise and delicate view.In a word, one creative person should be very sensitive to new things, pay more attention to the phenomenon that ordinary people ignore and solve problem in his unique ways.Unit 4 City Disease1.Big cities that u’ve been to. What do u think of them?I have been to jinan. Jinan‟s environment is bad, dusty. it is overcast,It has a lot of car ,the traffic is very heavy, there are often traffic jam. Summer is hot especially, It can achieve more than forty degrees. In jinan sichuan are popular. Jinan‟s spring is very beautiful, and the water is clear. Jinan‟s person is enthusiastic but not sincere, low-key but not condescension.2. A city that u like / dislike. Reasons. A city u’d like to live in. Reasons.?I like to Qingdao. Qingdao environment is very good and has pleasant climate. For more than eight hundred kilometers of Qingdao coastline, not only has a charming scenery and rich natural resources and speciality. In addition, many bathing beaches, can let visitors enjoy the fun of the sea. After successfully held from Qingdao Olympic sailing competition in 2008, the construction of the stadiums at sea, is the collection travel and sports game as one of the new tourism resort.3.List some of the urban problems. (traffic jam, pollution, housing,education, medicare (医疗保险)etc.) How to solve them?List some of the urban problems. (traffic jam, pollution, housing, education, medicare etc.) H ow to solve them?Traffic congestion resource shortage kindergarten shortageSoaring housing price air pollutionSolutions:1. More and Wider roads should be laid down to relieve the traffic congestion.2. Build more underground railway and tunnels and underpass .3. Issue stricter traffic laws and regulations,impose more severe and harsher penalty on the violator.4. Raise the public awareness of the traffic regulations. Popularize the education of traffic regulations;improve the quality of the citizens.5. Build up better public transportation systems,including buses,trains and subway,will encourage more people to use them rather than drive their own cars.4.MOTORISTS(司机)caught drunk driving will face up to six months indetention (面对六个月监禁)from next month when a new traffic rule becomes effective, which makes drunk driving a crime.Drunk driving has been made a crime in China since May. 1st, 2011. It is a measure responsible for both the drivers and others, avoiding most tragedies caused by car accidents.Drunk driving always brings bad and fatal effects on people’s lives and threatens the publicsafety. Those who dare to drive after drinking know that they should not drive, but they lack the awareness of protecting themselves and other people. They just take it for granted that they can drive well after being drunk just like each time before. They don’t care about others and never take it seriously that once they fail to control the car, many families will be broken up.Drunk driving being defined as a crime will put an end to accident tragedies. Maybe only in this way will the drunk driving be effectively inhibited. After this law’s launching, more and more people on the roads and streets can feel safe, which makes it possible to achieve the goal of a harmonious society.5.Is it necessary to increase the penalties for drunk driving(增加处罚酒后驾车)?Should drunk driving be considered as a crime?ting the injured and repairing broken cars mean a grievous (极大的,令人悲痛的)waste of money, time and resources.In view of the seriousness of this problem, effective measures must be taken before things get worse. First, it is essential that the supervisory role of laws and regulations should be strengthened to punish those performing drunk driving. Secondly, the public, especially drivers, should enhance their awareness of public safety. With stringent(严厉的,严格的) laws and alert public, it will only a matter of time for drunk driving to become things of the past.Useful expressionsDrunk Driving is becoming a major concern in our society today. Drunk driving is not a funny thing. It has killed many people and ruined the lives of many others. There are many stupid reasons drunk driving occurs. I believe the main one is just pure stupidity.It seems so ridiculous that people don‟t have the common sense to know they can cause mass destruction if they are drunk behind the wheel.I believe that anyone that is caught while intoxicated(喝醉了的)should never have the right to drive again. Driving is a privilege, and that person took advantage of it, while endangering other lives.I hope that you should learn that drunk driving is a terrible thing. You can end up hurting yourself, and other innocent people. All people should think of their consequences before they go behind the wheel under the influence of alcohol. I hope that one day, we won‟t have this problem anymore.The effects of drunk driving can be serious and long lasting for all those involved. Many people who drink and drive do not think of the serious consequences of their actions until it is too late. The effects of drunk driving are widespread. A majority of Chinese feel that the effects of drunk driving pose(形成) a significant threat to public safety.The effects of drunk driving can be fatal. In China, drunk driving now causes tens of thousands of traffic accidents and 50 percent of traffic deaths.The effects of drunk driving are costly. Obviously the effects of drunk driving are most costly when injury or death is involved in an alcohol related accident. Even when no damages are committed, the legal effects of drunk driving can include possible jail time, probation(缓刑), fines, restitution(赔偿)(if damages were caused in the accident), and other criminal penalties.Driving under the influence of alcohol is a serious health hazard. In the United States, for example, alcohol is estimated to play a role in 39 percent of vehicle-related deaths. More recentlyit has been reported that alcohol contributes to nearly 30 percent of all Canadian traffic fatalities 死亡(事故)and 44 percent of traffic fatalities in the United States.6.How to ensure the traffic safety beside the north gate of our campus?More seriousAfter investigation, the problem is the students themselves do not obey the traffic rules, do not take the zebra crossing, cross the street chaos, on the road to play, play, chase, driving a motorcycle without a license.We need to do something about traffic safetythe reasons for traffic accidents Students1. The lack of awareness of road safety.2. The lack of traffic safety knowledge.3. The lack of traffic safety responsibility.4. There is paralysis of thought.5. There is left to chance.walking safety knowledge(1) very easy to cross the street out of danger..(2) small groups of sideways in the non-sidewalk, so the most prone to traffic accidents..(3), the rush hour after a few cars on the road, because the way of traffic and few pedestrians thinking of paralysis. Palsy increase is equivalent to risk paralysis.(4) bent on dual-use when walking, walking, reading, or walking to the problem, or walking and talking, walking and playing ... ... this car is not likely to hit you, but you had your run into the car and, therefore, very dangerous .(5)the goventment and our university should do some measures to ensure the students‟safety .Unit 5 Two Truths to Live By1.Do you have any life philosophy哲学?Happiness is integral part of life Donot ignore happiness.Yogic mind in spiritual progress is a part of last post titled “Mental Purity & Three Fold Yoga”.The next stage is the level of intellect where the power of discernment between what is right and what is wrong, is exercised. This includes the reasoning faculty and in general, the development of intellectual mind which imparts the right knowledge about the material world. This is the scientific mind that thinks rationally to filter truth from untruth in the phenomenal world, up to this level both science and spirituality share the common objective of knowing the truth unclouded by emotion and self interest. In spiritual terms, this is the gnosis or the Vijnana level where knowledge about the reality of material existence is obtained, upto this level one‟s thoughts and actions are connected with the material world. In terms of Yogic techniques, one could associate Bhakti Yoga with emotional purification while intellectual pursuits could be covered in the Jnana Yoga, both the processes of emotion and intellect purification involve an effort towards identification of the supreme reality of existence. The lead to the realization that material existence is not the ultimate reality. There is a higher existence of intuitive life, that of universe mind and universe will, that is more creative, more powerful and free from the opposites and dualities of nature like pleasure and pain, good and bad, likeness and dislike etc., this life ofspiritual intuition is blissful, beyond material limitations and always intuitively right in thought and action. In this life, one is in tune with Prajna, knowledge of cosmic existence and is always at peace with this knowledge. Here one is not affected by pettiness of material desires, limitations and restrictions of a conditioned mind, but enjoys the freedom of a universal life where personal desires are elevated to the universal will to do good to all. The transition from the intellect level to the pure intuitive level marks the change over from reasoning mind of materialism to complete surrender to the supreme power.Normally, for a man of intellect, to do devotional surrender to God since he lacks the emotional back up to do so. But, if the intellect is used to know the infiniteness of absolute reality, and if the surrender is done out of respect for the vastly powerful entity, its infinite and eternal existence, the surrender is likely to be much more effective and everlasting. The knowledge brings all doubts to naught and gives a sense of insignificance to the individual in the vast universe. When a person with the knowledge of the reality surrenders, he becomes a true devotee. Such a person is the Jnani Bhakta, who is a devotee not because he is helpless and wants protection but he knows that this object of worship is truly infinite and eternal.In the supramental existence, the operating laws relate to the unified whole rather that individual entities. The decision of good and bad, right and wrong, concerns the existence as a whole and not for any specific individual, group or subgroup of individuals. In a sense, it is the will of God that is supreme and not the rationality of the individual mind. Therefore, what happens intuitively is for the whole creation and is inherently for the betterment of every one. God is impartial to our preferences and dislikes because universal mind is, in its very nature, pure and uninfluenced by human ego. The whole exercise of spirituality is about merging our mind with the universal mind, for then we think as He thinks. The threefold Yogic Path (Karma, Bhakti and Jnana) brings this transition by making our mind move over from being body centric to emotion centric and then to intellect based discernment, with the knowledge acquired about the Reality, the mind sheds its materialism and surrenders to intuitive reality.“Yogic mind in spiritual progress” is continued from previous post titled “Mental purity & Three Fold Yoga” written by Sh. V. V. Rampal which were published in “Kalyana Kalpataru” a monthly for the propagation of spiritual ideas and love for God.well-being, and our lofty ideal.2.How would you spend $5000 in 24 hours?(你将如何在24小时内消费5000美元)3.What would you do if you had only 24 hours left to live?4.What’s the most important thing in your life? Why?Friendship is the most important thing in your lifeFriendship is significance in our whole life, do you think so ?Friendship means being friendly to each other or making friends with one another. Human beings are social animals. They do not live in isolation.They need each other both physically and emotionally.However, some people distort friendship by forming small groups that are harmful to others, or even to the whole community. In university some students from the same city or province form an association to help each other. But such associations often exclude students from other parts of the country, and thus do not promote friendship in a broad sense. True and lasting friendship is。