舞动的粒子精灵 记粒子系统在《茶语天下》中的应用



Found within Kodomo-no-Shiro (National Children’s Castle; p71) this midsized round theatre stages musicals, ballet and modern dance. Though the theatre is lovely, performances tend towards the conservative. Because of the venue’s location, many programmes are ideal for kids.
青山円形劇場 Aoyama Round Theatre; %3797-5678; www ; 5-53-1 Jingūmae, Shibuya-ku; admission varies; bChiyoda, Ginza or Hanzōmon Line to Omote-sandō (exit B2)
TRADITIONAL traditional-theatre THEATRE Tokyo has one of the best
scenes in Japan. The Kabuki-za is splendid – watching a show here is a must-do. You’ve probably already been warned, but keep in mind that nō (stylised Japanese dance-drama) performances can feel like they’re crawling at a snail’s pace (see p36). Believe it or not, it’s even considered acceptable to doze (though not to snore). Takigi (torch-lit) nō performances are more rousing because of the fires.

J.Nanopart.Res.,2009,11,1513–Rheological behaviour of ethylene glycol-titanate nanotube nano

J.Nanopart.Res.,2009,11,1513–Rheological behaviour of ethylene glycol-titanate nanotube nano

BRIEF COMMUNICATIONRheological behaviour of ethylene glycol-titanate nanotube nanofluidsHaisheng Chen ÆYulong Ding ÆAlexei Lapkin ÆXiaolei FanReceived:11July 2008/Accepted:4February 2009/Published online:26February 2009ÓSpringer Science+Business Media B.V.2009Abstract Experimental work has been performed on the rheological behaviour of ethylene glycol based nanofluids containing titanate nanotubes over 20–60°C and a particle mass concentration of 0–8%.It is found that the nanofluids show shear-thinning behaviour particularly at particle concentrations in excess of *2%.Temperature imposes a very strong effect on the rheological behaviour of the nanofluids with higher temperatures giving stronger shear thinning.For a given particle concentration,there exists a certain shear rate below which the viscosity increases with increasing temperature,whereas the reverse occurs above such a shear rate.The normalised high-shear viscosity with respect to the base liquid viscosity,however,is independent of temperature.Further analyses suggest that the temperature effects are due to the shear-dependence of the relative contributions to the viscosity of the Brownian diffusion and convection.The analyses also suggest that a combination of particle aggregation and particle shape effects is the mechanism for the observed high-shear rheological behaviour,which is also supported by the thermal conductivity measure-ments and analyses.Keywords Rheological behaviour ÁEthylene glycol ÁTitanate nanotube ÁNanofluid ÁThermal conductivityNanofluids are dilute suspensions of particles with at least one dimension smaller than about 100nm (Choi 1995).Such a type of materials can be regarded as functionalized colloids with special requirements of a low-particle loading,a high-thermal performance,favourable flow/rheolgocial behaviour,and a great physical and chemical stability over a wide range of process and solution chemistry conditions.Nano-fluids have been shown to be able to enhance heat transfer (Choi 1995;Wang and Mujumdar.2007),mass transfer (Krishnamurthy et al.2006),and wetting and spreading (Wasan and Nikolov 2003),and have been a hot topic of research over the past decade (Wang and Mujumdar 2007;Keblinski et al.2005).Most published studies have focused on the heat transfer behaviour including thermal conduction (Choi 1995;Wang et al.1999;Wang and Mujumdar 2007;Keblinski et al.2005;Eastman et al.2001;He et al.2007;Ding et al.2006),phase change (boiling)heat transfer (Das et al.2003;Pak and Cho 1998),and convective heat transfer (Wang and Mujumdar 2007;Keblinski et al.2005;He et al.2007;Ding et al.2006,Chen et al.2008;Prasher et al.2006a and Yang et al.2005).Only few studies have been devoted to the rheological behaviour ofH.Chen ÁY.Ding (&)Institute of Particle Science and Engineering,University of Leeds,Leeds,UK e-mail:y.ding@pkin ÁX.FanDepartment of Chemical Engineering,University of Bath,Bath,UKJ Nanopart Res (2009)11:1513–1520DOI 10.1007/s11051-009-9599-9nanofluids(He et al.2007;Chen et al.2008;Prasher et al.2006a,b;Kwak and Kim2005;Lee et al.2006), although there is a large body of literature on suspensions rheology;see for example,Russel et al. (1991);Chow(1993);Petrie(1999),Larson(1999); Goodwin et al.(2000)l;Mohraz et al.(2004);Larson (2005);Egres and Wagner(2005);Abdulagatov and Azizov(2006).Particularly,there is little in the literature on the effect of temperature on the rheo-logical behaviour of nanofluids.Clearly,there is a gap in the current rheological literature for this type offluids.Furthermore,recent work has shown that the thermal behaviour of nanofluids correlates well with their rheological behaviour(Prasher et al.2006a, b;Chen et al.2007a;Abdulagatov and Azizov2006). In a recent study,we investigated systemically the rheological behaviour of ethylene glycol(EG)based spherical TiO2nanofluids(Chen et al.2007b).The results show that the nanofluids are Newtonian over a shear rate range of0.5–104s-1and the shear viscosity is a strong function of temperature,particle concentration and aggregation microstructure.This work is concerned about the rheological behaviour of EG based nanofluids containing titanate nanotubes (TNT).The specific objectives of the work are to investigate the effects of particle shape,particle concentration and temperature on nanofluids viscosity, and to understand the relationship between the rheo-logical behaviour and the effective thermal conductivity of nanofluids.It is for thefirst time that the rheological behaviour of a highly viscous EG based TNT nanofluids is investigated in a systematic manner.As will be seen later,the results of this work provide further evidence that the rheological measure-ments could provide information of particle structuring for predicting the effective thermal conductivity of nanofluids.The EG-TNT nanofluids used in this work were formulated by using the so-called two-step method with EG purchased from Alfa Aesar and TNT synthesized in our labs using a method described elsewhere(Bavykin et al.2004).The details of nanofluids formulation can be found elsewhere(Wen and Ding2005;He et al.2007;Chen et al.2007b). The TNT particles have a diameter(b)of*10nm and a length(L)of*100nm,giving an aspect ratio of(r=L/b)of*10.To avoid complications in interpreting the experimental results,no dispersants/ surfactants were used in the formulation.The nanofluids formulated were found stable for over 2months.The rheological behaviour of the nano-fluids was measured by using a Bolin CVO rheometer (Malvern Instruments,UK)over a shear rate range of 0.03–3,000s-1,a nanoparticle mass concentration of w=0–8%,and a temperature range of20–60°C (293–333K).The nanofluids were characterised for their size by using a Malvern Nanosizer(Malvern Instruments,UK)and a scanning electron microscope (SEM).The average effective particle diameter was found to be*260nm for all nanofluids formulated. This size is much larger than the equivalent diameter of the primary nanoparticles due to aggregation;see later for more discussion.Note that the particle size characterisation was performed both before and after the rheological measurements and no detectable changes to particle size were found.Figure1shows the viscosity of pure EG and EG-TNT nanofluids as a function of shear rate at 40°C.The results at other temperatures are similar.It can be seen that the EG-TNT nanofluids exhibit highly shear-thinning behaviour particularly when the TNT concentration exceeds*2%.Such behaviour is different from the observed Newtonian behaviour of EG-TiO2nanofluids containing spherical nanoparti-cles over similar shear rate range(Chen et al.2007b) where the base liquid,EG,is the same as that used in the current wok.The behaviour is similar to the observations of carbon nanotube nanofluids(Ding et al.2006)and CuO nanorod nanofluids(Kwak and Kim2005),although there are important differencesbetween them such as temperature dependence as will be discussed later.The shear-thinning behaviour of well-dispersed suspensions can be interpreted by the structuring of interacting particles(Doi and Edwards1978a,b and Larson1999).In a quiescent state,a rod-like particle has three types of motion due to Brownian diffusion: rotational(end-over-end)motion around the mid-point and translational motion in parallel or perpendicular to the long axis.For dilute suspensions with a number density,c,ranging between0and1/L3or volume fraction,u,ranging between0and1/r2),the average spacing between the particles is larger than the longest dimension of the rod,and zero shear viscosity can be approximated by gð0Þ%g0ð1þAÁcL3Þwith g0the base liquid viscosity and A,a numerical constant(Doi and Edwards1978a).For suspensions with 1/L3\c\1/bL2or1/r2\f/\1/r,the rod-like particles start to interact.The rotational motion is severely restricted,as well as the translational motion perpendicular to the long axis,and the zero shear viscosity can be estimated by gð0Þ%g0ð1þðBcL3Þ3Þ; with B a numerical constant(Doi and Edwards1978b). As a consequence,the zero shear viscosity can be much greater than the base liquid viscosity.The large viscosity is due to the rod-like shape effect and the viscosity is very sensitive to shear,which tends to align particles and hence the shear-thinning behaviour as shown in Fig.1.Note that the above mechanism can give a qualitative explanation for the experimental observations at low-shear rates and the shear-thinning behaviour as shown in Fig.1,it does not explain the high-shear viscosity of the nanofluids,which will be discussed later.It should also be noted that the criteria for classifying nanofluids given above need to be modified due to the presence of aggregates;see later for more discussion.Figure2shows the shear viscosity of4.0%EG-TNT nanofluids as a function of shear rate at different temperatures.The results under other concentrations are similar.It can be seen that the temperature has a very strong effect on the rheological behaviour of nanofluids with higher temperatures giving stronger shear thinning.For shear rates below*10s-1,the shear viscosity increases with increasing temperature, whereas the trend is reversed when the shear rate is above*10s-1.As mentioned above,this behaviour was not observed for carbon nanotube(Ding et al. 2006)and CuO nanorod(Kwak and Kim2005)nanofluids and we have not seen reports on such behaviour for nanofluids in the literature;see later for more discussion on the underlying mechanisms. Figure2also shows that the strongest shear thinning occurs at40–60°C,whereas very weak-shear thinning takes places at20–30°C.It is also noted that the shear viscosity of nanofluids at all temperatures investigated approaches a constant at high-shear rates.If the high-shear viscosity is plotted against temperature,Fig.3is obtained where the shear rate corresponding to the high-shear viscosity is taken as *2,000s-1.An inspection of all the data indicates that theyfit the following equation very well:ln g¼AþBÂ1000=TþCðÞð1Þwhere g is the shear viscosity(mPaÁs),T is the absolute temperature(K),and A,B and C areconstants given in Table1.Equation(1)takes a similar format as that widely used for liquid viscosity (Bird et al.2002)and for EG based nanofluids containing spherical particles(Chen et al.2007b).If the measured high-shear viscosity is normalized with respect to the shear viscosity of the base liquid, the relative increaseðg i¼ðgÀg0Þ=g0Þof the high-shear viscosity is found to be only a function of concentration but independent of temperature over the temperature range investigated in this work.The relative increments in the shear viscosities of nano-fluids containing0.5%,1.0%,2.0%,4.0%and8.0% particles are 3.30%,7.00%,16.22%,26.34%and 70.96%,respectively.Similar temperature indepen-dence of the shear viscosity was also observed for EG-TiO2and water-TiO2nanofluids containing spherical nanoparticles(Chen et al.2007b).The experimentally observed temperature depen-dence can be interpreted as follows.Given the base liquid and nanoparticles,the functional dependence of viscosity on shear rate is determined by the relative importance of the Brownian diffusion and convection effects.At temperatures below*30°C,the contribu-tion from the Brownian diffusion is weak due to high-base liquid viscosity.As a consequence,the shear dependence of the suspension is weak(Fig.2).The contribution from the Brownian diffusion becomes increasingly important with increasing temperature particularly above40°C due to the exponential dependence of the base liquid viscosity on temperature (Fig.3).At very high-shear rates,the Brownian diffusion plays a negligible role in comparison with the convective contribution and hence independent of the high-shear viscosity on the temperature.We now start to examine if the classical theories for the high-shear viscosity predict the experimental measurements(note that there is a lack of adequate theories for predicting the low shear viscosity).Figure4shows the shear viscosity increment as a function of nanoparticle volume concentration together with the predictions by the following Brenner &Condiff Equation for dilute suspensions containing large aspect ratio rod-like particles(Brenner and Condiff1974):g¼g01þg½ uþO u2ÀÁÀÁð2Þwhere the intrinsic viscosity,½g ;for high-shear rates has the following form(Goodwin and Hughes2000):½g ¼0:312rln2rÀ1:5þ2À0:5ln2rÀ1:5À1:872rð3ÞAlso included in Fig.4are the data for EG-TiO2 nanofluids with spherical nanoparticles(Chen et al. 2007b)and predictions by the Einstein Equation (Einstein1906,1911)for dilute non-interacting suspensions of spherical particles,g¼g01þ2:5uðÞ: It can be seen that both the Einstein and Brenner& Condiff equations greatly underpredict the measured data for the EG-TNT nanofluids.The high-shear viscosity of EG-TNT nanofluids is much higher than that of the EG-TiO2nanofluids containing spherical nanoparticles,indicating a strong particle shape effect on the shear viscosity of nanofluids.Although the shear-thinning behaviour of the nanofluids could be partially attributed to the structuring of interacting rod-like particles,the large deviation between the measured high-shear viscosity and the predicted ones by the Brenner&Condiff equation cannot fully be interpreted.In the following,an attempt is made to explain the experimental observations from the viewpoint of aggregation of nanaoparticles,which have been shown to play a key role in thermal behaviour of nanofluids in recent studies(Wang et al. 2003;Xuan et al.2003;Nan et al.1997;Prasher et al. 2006a,b;Keblinski et al.2005).Such an approach is also supported by the SEM and dynamic lightTable1Empirical constants for Eq.(1)a Maximum discrepancies;b Minimum discrepancies Concentration(wt%)A B C MaxD a(%)MinD b(%)0.0-3.21140.86973-154.570.62-1.440.5-3.42790.94425-148.490.93-0.471.0-2.94780.81435-159.14 1.11-0.692.0-2.2930.65293-174.57 1.64-0.694.0-2.63750.7574-165.820.99-0.948.0-2.73140.93156-145.010.88-1.57scattering analyses,which,as mentioned before, show clear evidence of particle aggregation.According to the modified Krieger-Dougherty equation(Goodwin and Hughes2000;Wang et al. 2003;Xuan et al.2003;Nan et al.1997),the relative viscosity of nanofluids,g r,is given as:g r¼1Àu a=u mðÞÀ½g u mð4Þwhere u m is the maximum concentration at which the flow can occur and u a is the effective volume fraction of aggregates given by u a¼u=u ma with u ma the maximum packing fraction of aggregates.As aggre-gates do not have constant packing throughout the structure,the packing density is assumed to change with radial position according to the power law with a constant index(D).As a result,u a is given as u a¼uða a=aÞ3ÀD;with a a and a,the effective radii of aggregates and primary nanoparticles,respectively. The term D is also referred as the fractal index meaning the extent of changes in the packing fraction from the centre to the edge of the aggregates.Typical values of D are given in normal textbook as D= 1.8–2.5for diffusion limited aggregation(DLA)and D=2.0–2.2for reaction limited aggregation(RLA); see for example Goodwin and Hughes(2000).For nanofluids containing spherical nanoparticles,the value of D has been shown experimentally and numerically to be between1.6and1.8(Wang et al. 2003,Xuan et al.2003)and between1.8and2.3, respectively(Waite et al.2001).A typical value of 1.8is suggested for nanofluids made of spherical nanoparticles(Prasher et al.2006a,b).However,little research has been found on the fractal index for nanofluids containing rod-like nanoparticles.The colloid science literature suggests a fractal index of 1.5–2.45for colloidal suspensions depending on the type of aggregation,chemistry environment,particle size and shape and shearflow conditions(Haas et al. 1993;Mohraz et al.2004;Hobbie and Fry2006; Micali et al.2006;Lin et al.2007).In a recent study, Mohraz et al.(2004)investigated the effect of monomer geometry on the fractal structure of colloi-dal rod aggregates.They found that the fractal index is a non-linear function of the monomer aspect ratio with the D increasing from*1.80to*2.3when the aspect ratio of the rod-like nanoparticles increases from1.0to30.6.Based on the above,a value of D=2.1is taken for nanofluids used in this work (Mohraz et al.2004,Lin et al.2007).Although the fractal model may appear to simplify the complexity of microstructures in aggregating systems containing rod-like particles,excellent agreement between the model prediction and experimental measurements exists when a a/a=9.46;see Fig.4.Here the aggregates are assumed to formflow units of an ellipsoidal shape with an effective aspect ratio of r a¼L a=b a;where L a and b a are the effective length and diameter,respectively.In the calculation,a typical value of u m of0.3is taken(Barnes et al.1989),and the intrinsic viscosity[g]is calculated by Eq.(3).It is to be noted that the aggregate size thatfits well to the rheological data(Fig.4)is consistent with the particle size analyses using both the SEM and the Malvern Nanosizer.A comparison between the EG-TNT data (a a/a=9.46,D=2.1,u m=0.30)and the EG-TiO2 data(a a/a=3.34,D=1.8,u m=0.605)(Chen et al. 2007b)in Fig.4suggests that the larger aggregate size in TNT nanofluids be an important factor responsible for the stronger shear-thinning behaviour and higher shear viscosity of TNT nanofluids.An inspection of Eq.(4)indicates that the effec-tive volume fraction u a u a¼u a a=aðÞ3ÀDis much higher than the actual volume fraction(u).This leads to the experimentally observed high-shear viscosity even for very dilute nanofluids,according to the classification discussed before.As a consequence,the demarcations defining the dilute and semi-concen-trated dispersions should be changed by using the effective volume fraction.The model discussed above can also provide a macroscopic explanation for the temperature indepen-dence of the high-shear viscosity.From Eq.(4),one can see that the relative high-shear viscosity depends on three parameters,the maximum volume fraction, u m,the effective volume fraction,u a and the intrinsic viscosity,[g].For a given nanofluid at a temperature not far from the ambient temperature,the three parameters are independent of temperature and hence the little temperature dependence of the relative shear viscosity.Microscopically,as explained before,the temperature-independent behaviour is due to negligi-ble Brownian diffusion compared with convection in high-shearflows.To further illustrate if the proposed aggregation mechanism is adequate,it is used to predict the effective thermal conductivity of the nanofluids by using the following conventional Hamilton–Crosser model(H–C model)(Hamilton and Crosser1962):k=k0¼k pþðnÀ1Þk0ÀðnÀ1Þuðk0Àk pÞk pþðnÀ1Þk0þuðk0Àk pÞð5Þwhere k and k0are,respectively,the thermal conductivities of nanofluids and base liquid,n is the shape factor given by n=3/w with w the surface area based sphericity.For TNT used in this work,the sphericity w is estimated as0.6(Hamilton and Crosser1962).For suspensions of aggregates,the above equation takes the following form:k=k0¼k aþðnÀ1Þk0ÀðnÀ1Þu aðk0Àk aÞa0a0að6Þwhere k a is the thermal conductivity of aggregates.To calculate k a,Eq.(6)is combined with the following Nan’s model(Nan et al.2003)for randomly dispersed nanotube-based composites:k a=k0¼3þu in½2b xð1ÀL xÞþb zð1ÀL zÞ3Àu in½2b x L xþb z L zð7Þwhere/in is the solid volume fraction of aggregates, b x¼ðk xÀk0Þ=½k mþL xðk tÀk mÞ and b z¼ðk zÀk0Þ=½k mþL zðk tÀk mÞ with k x,k m and k t being the thermal conductivities of nanotubes along trans-verse and longitudinal directions and isotropic thermal conductivity of the nanotube,respectively. In this work,k x,k m and k t are taken the same value as k p for afirst order of approximation due to lack of experimental data,and L x and L z are geometrical factors dependent on the nanotube aspect ratio given by L x¼0:5r2=ðr2À1ÞÀ0:5r coshÀ1r=ðr2À1Þ3=2 and L z¼1À2L x:Figure5shows the experimental results together with predictions by the original H–C model(Eq.5) and revised H–C model(Eq.6).Here the experiment data were obtained using a KD2thermal property meter(Labcell,UK)(Murshed et al.2005;Chen et al. 2008).One can see that the measured thermal conductivity is much higher than the prediction by the conventional H–C model(Eq.5),whereas the modified H–C model taking into account the effect of aggregation(Eq.6)agrees very well with the exper-imental data.The above results suggest that nanoparticle aggregates play a key role in the enhancement of thermal conductivity of nanofluids. The results also suggest that one could use the rheology data,which contain information of particle structuring in suspensions,for the effective thermal conductivity prediction.In summary,we have shown that EG-TNT nano-fluids are non-Newtonian exhibiting shear-thinning behaviour over20–60°C and a particle mass concen-tration range of0–8%,in contrast to the Newtonian behaviour for EG-TiO2nanofluids containing spher-ical particles.The non-Newtonian shear-thinning behaviour becomes stronger at higher temperatures or higher concentrations.For a given particle concen-tration,there exists a certain shear rate(e.g.*10s-1 for4wt%)below which the viscosity increases with increasing temperature,whereas the reverse occurs above such a shear rate.The normalised high-shearviscosity with respect to the base liquid viscosity, however,is found to be independent of temperature. These observations have not been reported in the literature for nanofluids.Further analyses suggest that the temperature effects are due to the shear-depen-dence of the relative contributions to the viscosity of the Brownian diffusion and convection.The analyses also suggest that a combination of particle aggregation and particle shape effects is the mechanism for the observed high-shear rheological behaviour,which is supported not only by the particle size measurements but also by the thermal conductivity measurements and analyses using a combination of the H–C and Nan’s models.The results of this work also indicate that one could use the information of aggregation from the rheological experiments for predicting the effec-tive thermal conductivity of nanofluids. Acknowledgement The work was partially supported by UK EPSRC under grants EP/E00041X/1and EP/F015380/1.ReferencesAbdulagatov MI,Azizov ND(2006)Experimental study of the effect of temperature,pressure and concentration on the viscosity of aqueous NaBr solutions.J Solut Chem 35(5):705–738.doi:10.1007/s10953-006-9020-6Barnes HA,Hutton JF,Walters K(1989)An introduction to rheology.Elsevier Science B.V.,NetherlandsBavykin DV,Parmon VN,Lapkin AA,Walsh FC(2004)The effect of hydrothermal conditions on the mesoporous struc-ture of TiO2nanotubes.J Mater Chem14(22):3370–3377 Bird RB,Steward WE and Lightfoot EN(2002)Transport Phenomena,2nd edn.Wiley,New YorkBrenner H,Condiff DW(1974)Transport mechanics in sys-tems of orientable particles,Part IV.Convective Transprort.J Colloid Inter Sci47(1):199–264Chen HS,Ding YL,He YR,Tan CQ(2007a)Rheological behaviour of ethylene glycol based titania nanofluids.Chem Phys Lett444(4–6):333–337Chen HS,Ding YL,Tan CQ(2007b)Rheological behaviour of nanofluids.New J 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A.河南省郑州市B.辽宁省沈阳市C.湖南省长沙市D.安徽省合肥市【答案】:B4.第二届中法全球治理论坛2日在法国巴黎举行,两国百余名与会专家围绕"()"主题深入1/ 15研讨交流。



A.15世纪时,东西方曾出现了两次航海大事件,即中国的郑和下西洋和葡萄牙人麦哲伦的环球航行B.17世纪,西班牙是世界上最强大的海上霸主,被称为“海上马车夫”C.形成于隋唐的海上丝绸之路以福建泉州为起点,是古代海路交通的大动脉D.早在公元前2500年,腓尼基人就能够驾驶海船来往于东地中海与爱琴海之间,发展海上贸易与海上扩张【答案】:D8.社会管理创新是指运用现有的资源和经验,依据政治、经济和社会的发展态势,尤其是依据社会自身运行规律乃至社会管理的相关理念和规范,研究并运用新的社会管理理念、知识、技术、方法和机制等,对传统管理模式及相应的管理方式和方法进行改造、改进和改革,建构新2/ 15的社会管理机制和制度,以实施社会管理目标和活动或者这些活动的过程。



#94 Bilibili 采用邀请码注册,注册满几个月以上的用户才能购买邀请码?
#95 《命运石之门》中椎名真由理的口头禅是什么?
#96 樱花庄的宠物女孩中女主的名字叫什么?
#97 下列哪个不是伊藤静的马甲
#61 《鬼泣》游戏至今 2013 有多少作品
#62 日本 KONAMI 公司旗下的音乐游戏制作团队是什么?
#63 地狱少女第一季 op 是谁唱的
#1 动画《爱杀宝贝》中,索尼娅的职业是
#2 “对不起,这个时候我不知道该用什么表情来面对”的角色的配音是谁?
#3 炮姐在那所学校上学?
#4 下列歌曲时间最长的是
#58 小鸟游六花一直在寻找的是什么?


D. DaVinci Resolve
A. Photoshop
B. After Effects
C. SpeedGrade
D. Unity
A. Arnold
B. V-Ray
C. Mental Ray
D. RenderMan
A. MotionBuilder
B. FaceRig
A. 3ds Max
B. Cinema 4D
C. Houdini
D. Flash
D. MP4
B. After Effects
C. Maya
D. Audition



新世纪福音战士蓝宝石之谜第三法第四法亚马逊翠星石虚渊玄07kradness22 12 99菲利普SAK47宫野明美3 6 5NPC机动战士高达00 机动战士高达第08MS小队机动战士高达SEED 机动战士高隔壁超市薯片半价了,快去买隔壁超市吹风机半价了,快去买风儿把我的头发都吹我就是高达我是超级驾驶员我可是进行了2000次模拟战的王牌我是一个化不NAO【鏡音レン】あいなき【鏡音リン・レン】合い鳴き【鏡音リン】あいなし【鏡冲田海青GOSICKRX-78李木吒李太白Ancient AQ Aquarion Sparta Aquarion Gepada你已经死了船到桥头自然直GAINAX J.C.STAFF A-1 Picture2012 2199 1999罗斯福戈尔巴乔夫弗里德里希二世鲫鱼旗2K早上好下午好•#56日本麻将中,门清手牌1s2s3s1s2s3s2s3s1p1p1p西西,闲家默听自摸1s的得5200 32000 2000开着谢尔曼抢银行击沉了战列舰把了巴顿的妹子用地雷搞爆了虎式坦克的菊•#58一个宇宙探测器与地球失去联系2月之久,最后奇迹般地恢复通信并返回地球,0.9-1.1V 0.3-0.5V 0.6-0.8V克诺洛·哈德温菲特·泰斯塔罗莎高町薇薇欧YEEEEEE NOOOOOO YOOOOOOTwo-Hand Two-Heads Two-Head10 0.1 1The Statue The Sculpture The Carving级龙与虎猫与虎天野明《境界线上的地平线》《曾几何时天魔的黑兔》《大神和她的七位伙伴》《冰NEXT☆☆☆哥玛兽巴达兽GameBarc v x基拉·大和迦楼罗204 206 208自杀了围剿时所杀越过那座“山”常守紫常守青。



影视鉴赏试题答案〔题目答案分开,答案在后面,望采纳〕影视鉴赏引言〔一〕1 下面哪一部是折射隐喻现实的电影:〔〕A、?神话?B、?阿甘正传?C、?后窗?D、?淘金记?2 陈旭光提出的电影鉴赏的层次、境界有几个:〔〕A、6个B、5个C、4个D、3个3 电影?小武?、?三峡好人?的导演是:〔〕A、陈凯歌B、张艺谋C、贾樟柯D、姜文4 陈旭光提出的电影鉴赏的应对方法有几条:〔〕A、3条B、4条C、2条D、1条5 下面哪一项不属于正确应对影视鉴赏这门课程的方法:〔〕A、固守陈规的方法B、比拟的视野C、文化的维度D、思维的高度影视鉴赏引言〔二〕1 下面不属于波德里亚所说的影视与现实关系的一项为哪一项:〔〕A、影像是现实的反映B、影像掩盖和篡改现实C、影像与真实没有任何关系D、影像永远等同现实2 ?虚拟偶像?是下面哪一部电影的另外一个名字:〔〕A、?阿凡达?B、?西蒙尼?C、?黑客帝国?D、?摇尾狗?3 六十年代电影?刘三姐?中刘三姐的扮演者是:〔〕A、黄婉秋B、宁静C、张文君D、邓丽君4 电影是梦或神话,比方?淘金记??甲方乙方??小五?等作品均表达了这点(判断)5 影视创造我们的生活,也虚拟或扭曲我们的生活〔判断〕×√影视鉴赏引言〔三〕1 下面不属于电影的艺术定位的一项为哪一项:〔〕A、群众传媒B、形象存在方式C、艺术感知方式D、艺术存在形态2 电影是人类梦想的实现、身体的想象的延伸。

〔〕3 艺术思维和逻辑思维是完全对立的,不能相互辅助。

4 以下是陈凯歌导演的作品是:〔〕A、?王的盛宴?B、?红高粱?C、?让子弹飞?D、?无极?5 影评人路易·德吕克是哪个国家的:〔〕A、法国B、意大利C、英国D、美国6 麦克鲁汉曾说“我要给观众不无裨益的惊吓。

文明的保护性太强了,我们连起鸡皮疙瘩的本能都失去了〞(判断)7 艺术形象的存在方式不包括下面哪一项:〔〕A、时间艺术B、空间艺术C、时空综合艺术D、想象艺术A√××D影视鉴赏引言〔四〕1 法国著名电影家巴赞说“摄影机如自来水笔〞(判断)2 下面不属于电影的负面批判的一项为哪一项:〔〕A、无法反响现实生活B、深度的丧失、平面化、单面化的问题C、媒体的强势话语霸权与意识形态欺骗性D、过度的商业性导致的伦理道德底线丧失问题3 电影中的艺术戏剧主要包括戏剧性冲突、构造、表演性艺术。














A:佛、道、释B:佛、道、墨C:道、儒、释D:儒、释、墨答案:C2.陆羽在《茶经》中提到茶具有哪种品德()A:忠贞B:长寿C:性俭D:仁和答案:C3.陆羽写的第一部关于茶的著作是()A:《吃茶养生记》B:《茶经》C:《茶录》D:《大观茶论》答案:B4.千利休的子孙与学生们所传播的日本茶道主要来自于()A:唐朝煎茶B:日本点茶C:日本抹茶D:宋朝点茶答案:D5.极富盛名的日本茶道源于()A:印度B:中国C:英国D:斯里兰卡答案:B6.陆羽亲自设计的技术之道包括( )A:贮藏保管、饮用方法B:茶园生产、茶叶加工C:茶园生产、茶叶加工、贮藏保管、饮用方法D:茶叶加工、贮藏保管、饮用方法答案:C7.日本茶道以()为核心思想A:道B:敬C:禅D:和答案:C8.茶渗透在百姓生活的方方面面,具体表现有()A:祭祀茶礼B:以茶待客C:以茶馈赠D:婚嫁喝茶答案:ABCD9.根据《茶经》记录,陆羽精心设计了专用的饮茶器具。









晋级考核#1《HALO》中士官长的编号是多少?159 102 117 143#2钉宫四萌中哪一位角色在2009年获得萌王称号?露易丝逢坂大河夏娜三千院凪#3《命运石之门》中男主角称自己叫什么名字凤凰院很凶凤凰院不凶凤凰院凶真凤凰院真凶#4幻想乡里操纵境界的妖怪是?八云紫八云歪蕾米莉亚斯卡雷特尻雨魔罗沙#5宫崎骏唯一获得奥斯卡最佳动画长篇奖项的动画电影是?哈尔的移动城堡千与千寻天空之城龙猫#6游戏公司“南梦宫”有一个数字缩写,是什么?765 876 573 123#7在Android系统中,内核(Kernel)被储存于设备的哪一个分区中?System Cache Recovery Boot#8以下哪一个不是来自中国的圣斗士?童虎艾俄洛斯史昂穆#9动画玲音的主题曲是?Lain Visual Duvet Serial#10银魂鬼兵队中金色直发马尾使双枪的暴力女叫?来岛又子来岛叉子莱岛又子莱岛叉子#11C7H16有几种同分异构体16 6 9 12#12恶魔城月下夜想曲里面,那个区域的怪会掉落真空剑逆城天空墓地逆城图书馆正城时钟塔正城斗技场#13《超级马里奥兄弟》中马里奥可以通过吃什么来长大?鹅肝酱烤乳猪柿子蘑菇#14金坷垃三人组中的非洲黑人爱称是什么黑崎一护东仙队长西部仙人非洲小伙#15电磁炮发射炮弹用到的原理是洛伦茨力原力范德华力库仑力#16以下哪个二次元人物的头发不是绿色的?窗边奈奈美(WINDOWS 7)志筑仁美(魔法少女小圆)GUMI(VOCALOID)索隆(海贼王)#17少女革命中决斗时佩戴的花是?百合菊花玫瑰蔷薇#18ef中新藤千寻的记忆停留在了多少岁?13 11 10 12#19肥料掺了金坷垃,小麦亩产________4800 3800 1800 2800#20拥有一拳就能打倒任何怪人设定的斗篷光头男的名字是?小林埼玉星海坊主吴克#21《月姬》本篇当中,秋叶出现反转冲动时头发会变成什么颜色紫色红色银色白色#22cencoroll的制作公司动画革命东京京都动画GONZO BONES#23SCP-173叫什么名字?The Carving The Statue The Figurine The Sculpture#24一公斤铁和一公斤棉花哪一个重一样重棉花重我是⑨我不知道铁重#25名作之壁以下,皆非名作。


2008年 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73
元搜索 信息检索 低速率 低功耗 伸缩编码视频ip组播 会话发起协议 个人数字助理 下一代网络 zigbee web页面 web信息提取 webgis web2.0 turbo码 pdm p2p mpeg4 ie浏览器 h.264 ajax activex控件
科研热词 推荐指数 web服务 2 颜色量化 1 铃音管理 1 量子神经元 1 通告 1 远程实验系统 1 车辆导航地图动态更新 1 调度策略 1 诊断 1 视频点播p2p 1 视频传输 1 自组织网络 1 脉冲耦合神经网络 1 网络管理 1 网络科技资源 1 管道 1 第三方 1 窗口机制 1 短信网关 1 直方图his 1 监控中心 1 电子病历 1 电信应用框架 1 生活导航系统 1 柔性业务管理系统管理逻辑通用业务管理 1 构件 1 无线数据传输终端 1 无线分组交换业务 1 排队模型 1 微芯公司tcp/ip协议栈 1 彩铃业务 1 彩色图像 1 异构数据库 1 应用服务器 1 工作流管理 1 导航电子地图 1 对等点 1 实时性 1 定时脚本 1 定时任务 1 增量更新格式 1 在线检测 1 协作 1 包过滤 1 内容服务器xcap 1 内容分发 1 元数据体系 1 元数据 1 元指标体系 1 体系结构 1 乳腺癌 1 个人防火墙 1



b站题目答案【篇一:【2015.2.24更新】bilibili哔哩哔哩b站会员注册答题最新答案全集共11000道】00道答案可使用“查找”直接找答案#1 相对论主要是由谁创立的?门捷列夫法拉第祖冲之爱因斯坦#2 日本麻将中,岭上开花几翻?1 42 3#3 博丽灵梦所在的神社是什么?早苗神社宇宙基地博丽神社万事屋银#4 《十二国记》中泰麒的使令是?蒲牢狴犴傲滥螭吻#5 名台词“不可以逃避,不可以逃避...”出自哪部动画?银魂海贼王奇诺之旅eva#6 xx我成为正义的伙伴了吗?诚哥桐人真嗣切嗣#7 《机动战舰》中星野琉璃的配音是谁?林原惠美南央美茅原实里丰崎爱生#8 动画《fate zero》中,卫宫切嗣向卫宫士郎吐露的曾经的梦想是什么?成为正义的伙伴探究根源的秘密成为不列颠帝国第九十九代皇成为新世界的神#9 下列哪一个不属于物语系列伪物语伤物语化物语囧物语#10 天上掉下本小册子是什么动漫?死亡本子 h笔记死亡笔记生存笔记#11 恶魔艾萨谢尔在召唤你中主角身边的另一只恶魔是?大便帝企鹅国王企鹅苍蝇#12 《angel beats!》中的天使的武器是?handsonicexcalibur 阿姆斯特朗炮#13 《奇诺之旅》中主角拥有的第一把说服者是?长笛艾鲁梅斯森中人卡农#14 《生化危机》系列中曾经说过“我的工资高到不行”的男主角是?里昂吉尔威斯克克里斯#15 夏目友人帐里夏木奶奶的名字?夏目玲子笹田纯藤原塔子多轨透#16 游戏《猎天使魔女》的女主角叫?贝拉多娜贞德贝优妮塔奎托斯#17 河内市中心那个湖叫什么?里面有什么神兽?全球数量多少?神龟湖鳄龟 5万只还剑湖斑鳖 4只神剑湖斑鸠 1563只幻箭湖水鳖 2500只#18 以下作者的所有作品中,连载时间最长的是_的作品高屋良树永野护萩原一至富坚义博#19 《fate/extra》中的紅色saber尼錄的配音員是誰?丹左櫻丹上櫻丹右櫻丹下櫻#20 《魔兽世界》中不能在队伍中担任坦克职责的是下面哪一个职业?圣骑士德鲁伊战士萨满祭司#21 上古卷轴通常被叫做什么古卷上轴旧书老滚#22 《超级小黑咪》中公公婆婆最大的兴趣?喝茶玩psp 捡垃圾睇电视手表钥匙匕首眼镜#24 光线是波动,也是( )。



Nov.2023㊀㊀Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University(Social Sciences)㊀㊀Vol.24㊀No.6CONTENTSReview of Translation Studies on Xi Jinping:The Governance of China since the18th CPCNational Congress YANG Anwen㊀ZHANG Wenli㊀TAN Yao(1) Multiple Case Study of Deepening Excellent Regional Culture Education inColleges and Universities LIU Yousheng㊀CHEN Lijing(19) The Influence of Relative Poverty on the Language Competence Development of Children and Adolescents in the Post-PovertyAlleviation Period LYU Junwei㊀YU Jian㊀ZHANG Fengjuan(33) Magician and Master:Taoist Lin Lingsu in the Biographies of Southern Song Dynasty LI Kejing(50) The Influence of Social Stratification on the Fertility Desire ofWomen of Childbearing Age from the Perspectiveof Cost-Utility SUN Shiguang㊀QIU Menghua㊀ZHAO Feng(67) Analysis of The Impact of Income Uncertainty on SubjectiveWell-being of Rural Residents in Ethnically Underdeveloped Areas:Also on The Heterogeneous Effect in DifferentAge Groups ZHAO Pengfei㊀Hou Yanmei㊀Wang Hongjian(84) The Urban Heritage Protection Strategy of SeekingSpace from Underground in Central CityTaking Xuzhou City as an Example HUANG Chao㊀QIU Jian㊀TAN Xiaohong(99) Qian-Gu Shifa :The Zong and Evolvement of Grammar Theory ofHistory and Literature in Song and Yuan Dynasties:With a Further Discussion on the Pros andCons of Ban Gu and Sima Qian XIE Wenhui(118) A Study of the Birth Year and Death Year ofLI Changhe and His Family and Life YANG Yanhui㊀LüBin(130)西南交通大学学报(社会科学版)㊀2023年11月JOURNAL OF SOUTHWEST JIAOTONG UNIVERSITY Nov.2023第24卷㊀第6期(Social Sciences)Vol.24㊀No.6‘西南交通大学学报“(社会科学版)第24卷(2023)总目次第1期(总第133期)强化现代化建设人才支撑的战略性地位 笔谈何㊀宪㊀李志刚㊀吴㊀江㊀等(1)生态治理现代化的意识形态批判及中国方案史小宁㊀郝相赟(22)基于图形网格转译的城轨列车外观设计研究支锦亦㊀苏㊀星(36)论智能网联汽车发展的法律障碍与应对杨㊀珊㊀张莎莎(49)教育类国际非政府组织的组织结构与运行机制考察基于五个教育类国际非政府组织的调研闫月勤㊀郑㊀淳㊀王海超(62)青藏铁路精神融入高校思想政治教育的价值意蕴与实践理路陈㊀晨(78)基于官方新闻报道的地方政府公信力文本分析王益君㊀魏美云(90)公众参与㊁资源能力与政务微博信息发布基于新浪微博平台大数据及统计年鉴小数据的实证研究苏㊀慧㊀冯小东㊀王㊀瑶㊀等(104)五四运动中唐山‘救国“报述略田㊀丹(121)李斐英教授早年在美求学经历补遗基于美国罗切斯特大学和雪城大学等原始档案的考察郑博仁(132)第2期(总第134期)营创理论:构造创新人才生态的一个新框架赵永乐㊀吴㊀江(1)中国式现代化与马克思主义中国化时代化新境界 笔谈(16)‘摆脱贫困“蕴涵的扶贫开发重要论述及对新时期推进乡村振兴的启示马改艳(33)从巡检司到汛塘:清代道路安全管理系统中的角色嬗替贾㊀强(50)三线铁路建设中的支农工作研究以湘黔㊁枝柳铁路湖南段为中心岳小川㊀宋银桂(60)241西南交通大学学报(社会科学版)第24卷高校教师薪酬体系的历史演进和国际经验兼论绩效杠杆在 双一流 建设中的必然性局限邱延峻(75)去理想化 :对西方国家高等教育国际化实践类型的再审视郑㊀淳㊀刘长军(91)庄延龄‘离骚“英译本中的神话术语翻译策略探析俞森林㊀雷佳豪(109)以翻译为名的文化传播与文化反拨辜鸿铭‘中庸“英译文化解读熊建闽(119)动词及物性和句子及物性的区隔和关联胡月月㊀杨㊀玲(130)第3期(总第135期)中国共产党意识形态建设的历史考察㊁基本经验及实践指向王永凤㊀杨忠林(1)以共享发展促共同富裕:共产主义理想的发展逻辑林宇晖㊀傅红冬(18)谁是持摄影机的人?众包纪录片初探刘广宇㊀王成莉(32)移动数据流量运营策略对数字鸿沟的影响研究华㊀波㊀江燕伶(47)生态环境保护与旅游业发展协同推进研究王婷伟㊀张㊀慧(73)旅游凝视下三河古镇典型旅游意象元素分析基于隐喻抽取技术陈㊀前㊀韩光明(89)革命化的仪式运作:基于中央苏区时期纪念活动的考察吴承望(104)延安时期陕甘宁边区的新秧歌与乡村群众的思想改造徐桂裕(119)从部落首领到中华民族共祖:晚清民国时期黄帝形象重塑及影响赵晨韵(134)341第6期2023年总目次第4期(总第136期)人工智能与马克思主义理论学科交叉研究笔谈田永鸿㊀韩冬雪㊀吴满意㊀王伯鲁㊀闫坤如㊀谢㊀瑜㊀杨一帆(1)国内主流媒体 双碳 话语中的中国国家形象建构基于语料库的积极话语分析周晓春(12)论段玉裁认定诗韵 古合韵 的原则与方法刘忠华(26)道器之间:近代思想视野下的铁路㊁中国与世界(1875 1936)叶㊀舒㊀宋桂杰(45)路地纠葛:光绪前中期的筑路争议与洋务派的因应陈明亮(59)我国灾难心理学学科建设发展路径研究宁维卫㊀侯牧天㊀薛亦菲㊀等(73)我国农村老龄政策演进研究 基于1982 2021年农村老龄政策的文本分析陈松林㊀余㊀雨㊀刘㊀婷(92)公务员组织公民行为发展现状研究孙京昊㊀赵普光(107)新制度主义视野下的体育暴力研究陈㊀卓㊀李丽芬(122)批判法益论的另一种可能一个刑罚哲学的视角刘继烨(139)第5期(总第137期)习近平外交思想中的人民性研究王秋怡(1)共同富裕视域下人民美好生活的建构逻辑师嘉唯㊀成㊀龙(17)新疆资源型城市系统演化分析及发展路径探索于㊀洋㊀吴冰瑕㊀吴茸茸㊀等(34)基于单条线路的城乡一体化公交补贴效率研究卓高鸿㊀詹朝曦㊀高悦尔(52)日本学者村上哲见的姜夔词研究邱美琼㊀杨㊀操(65)译者前见,时间距离与翻译胡作友㊀钟莎莉(76)厨房㊁闺阁与职场:论徐小斌小说中的女性空间李燕妮(88)441西南交通大学学报(社会科学版)第24卷 游戏三昧 的禅学内涵与诗学意义王㊀悦㊀张㊀勇(100)张载 性二元论 的思想渊源及其当代启示吴喜双㊀张培高(113)从黑格尔到阿甘本:辩证法的虚无主义问题及其解决路径陈㊀琦(128)第6期(总第138期)党的十八大以来‘习近平谈治国理政“翻译研究综述杨安文㊀张文莉㊀谭㊀瑶(1)高校深化优秀地域文化育人的多案例研究刘有升㊀陈丽静(19)后脱贫时期相对贫困对儿童青少年语言能力发展的影响吕军伟㊀俞㊀健㊀张凤娟(33) 妖道 与 高道南宋传记文中的林灵素形象李珂菁(50)社会分层与育龄女性多孩生育意愿基于 成本 效用 的分析孙士光㊀邱梦华㊀赵㊀凤(67)收入不确定性对农村居民幸福感的影响分析赵朋飞㊀侯艳梅㊀王宏健(84)中心城区 向地下要空间 的城市遗产保护策略以徐州市为例黄㊀超㊀邱㊀建㊀谭晓红(99) 迁固史法 :宋元史笔文法理论之宗及其流衍兼谈班马优劣论谢文惠(118)理鬯和生卒年及家世生平考杨颜珲㊀吕㊀斌(130)西南交通大学学报(社会科学版)㊀2023年11月JOURNAL OF SOUTHWEST JIAOTONG UNIVERSITY Nov.2023第24卷㊀第6期(Social Sciences)Vol.24㊀No.6Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University(Social Sciences)Vol.23㊀2022CONTENTSNo.1(Sum133)Ideological Criticism of Ecological Governance Modernization andChina s Solutions SHI Xiaoning㊀HAO Xiangyun(22) A Research on Urban Rail Train Appearance Design Based OnGraphic Grid Translation ZHI Jinyi㊀SU Xing(36)Legal Barriers and Countermeasures to the Development of IntelligentConnected Vehicles YANG Shan㊀ZHANG Shasha(49) The Research on the Organizational Structure and Operating Mechanism of EducationalInternational Non-Governmental Organizations from the Perspective of Global Governance:A Comparative Study of Five EducationalInternational NGOs YAN Yueqin㊀ZHENG Chun㊀WANG Haichao(62) The Value Implication and Practical Path of Integrating the Spirit of Qinghai-Tibet Railway into theIdeological and Political Education in Colleges and Universities CHEN Chen(78) Text Analysis of Local Government Credibility Based onOfficial News Reports WANG Yijun㊀WEI Meiyun(90) Public Participation,Resource Capacity and Government Microblog Information Publish:An Empirical Study Based on Big Data of Sina Weibo and Small Data fromStatistical Yearbook FENG Xiaodong㊀SU Hui㊀WANG Yao㊀ZHANG Yipei㊀CHEN Xi(104) A Brief Research on National Salvation Weekly fromTangshan Engineering College During the May4th Movement TIAN Dan(121) A New Supplement to Professor Fei Ing Li s Study Experience in the United States:Investigation Based on the Original Archives Mainly from theUniversity of Rochester and Syracuse University ZHENG Boren(132)No.2(Sum134)Innovation-fostering Theory:A New Framework for ConstructingInnovative Talent Ecology ZHAO Yongle㊀WU Jiang(1) The Important Discourse of Development-oriented Poverty Alleviation in641西南交通大学学报(社会科学版)第24卷 Up and Out of Poverty and Its Enlightenment forPromoting Rural Revitalization in New Era MA Gaiyan(33) From Xunjiansi to Xuntang:The Role Substitution of Road Safety ManagementSystem in Qing Dynasty JIA Qiang(50)A Study on Supporting Rural in the Tier-3Railroad Construction:Centered on the Hunan Section of Hunan-Guizhou andZhicheng-Liuzhou Railways YUE Xiaochuan㊀SONG Yingui(60)Historical Review and International Experiences of University Faculty Salary System:With Discussion on Limitation of Faculty Rewarding Policy inDouble Excellence Project QIU Yan-jun(75)De-idealization :A Re-examination of the Practice Types of Internationalizationof Higher Education Among Western Countries ZHENG Chun㊀LIU Changjun(91)On the Translation Strategies of Mythological Terms inEdward H.Parker s English Translation of Li Sao YU Senlin㊀LEI Jiahao(109) Cultural Transmission and Counteraction in the Name of Translation:Cultural Interpretation of EnglishTranslation of Zhongyong by Ku Hung-ming XIONG Jianmin(119)Distinctions and Interaction BetweenVerb Transitivity and Sentence Transitivity HU Yueyue㊀YANG Ling(130)No.3(Sum135)The Historical Investigation,Basic Experience and PracticalOrientation of the Ideological Construction of theCommunist Party of China WANG Yongfeng㊀YANG Zhonglin(1)Promoting Common Prosperity Through Shared Development:The Development Logic of Communist Ideals LIN Yuhui㊀FU Hongdong(18)Who is the Man with a Movie Camera?A Preliminary Study ofCrowdsourced Documentary LIU Guangyu㊀WANG Chengli(32)A Research on the Impact of Mobile DataTraffic Operation Strategy on the Digital Divide HUA Bo㊀JIANG Yanling(47) Research on Coordinated Promotion of Ecological Environmental Protectionand Tourism Development WANG Tingwei㊀ZHANG Hui(73)Typical Tourism Image Elements of Sanhe Ancient Town Analyzed from theTourist Gaze Perspective:Based on the ZaltmanMetaphor Elicitation Technique CHEN Qian㊀HAN Guangming(89)Revolutionary Ritual Operation:Based on the Commemoration of the Central Soviet Period WU Chengwang(104)741第6期㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University(Social Sciences)㊀Vol.24(2023)The New Yangko and the Ideological Remolding of the RuralMasses in Border Areas of Shanxi Gansu-Ningxia in Yan a n Period XU Guiyu(119) From Ancient Fribal Leader to The Ancestor of The Chinese Nation:The Image Reconstruction and Influence of the YellowEmperor in the Late Qing Dynastyand the Republic of China Period ZHAO Chenyun(134)No.4(Sum136)A Corpus-based Positive Discourse Analysis of China s ImageConstructed by the Domestic Mainstream Media in theContext of Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality ZHOU Xiaochun(12)On Principles and Methods of Duan Yucai s Recognition ofAncient Gathering Rhyme in The Book of Songs Rhyme LIU Zhonghua(26) Between Dao and Qi:Railways,China and the World from thePerspective of Modern Thoughts(1875 1936)YE Shu㊀SONG Guijie(45) Disputes over Railway and Land:The Controversy ofRailway Construction and the Response of WesternizationGroup in the Early and Middle Guangxu Period CHEN Mingliang(59)Research on the Development Path of Disaster Psychology Discipline Construction inChina NING Weiwei㊀HOU Mutian㊀XUE Yifei㊀SHEN Yu㊀LI Zhongyi(73)Research on the Evolution of China s Rural Aging Policy:Text Analysis Based on Rural Aging Policiesfrom1982to2021CHEN Songlin㊀YU Yu㊀LIU Ting(92)Research on the Development Status of Organizational CitizenshipBehavior of Civil Servants SUN Jinghao㊀ZHAO Puguang(107)Research on Sports Violence from thePerspective of New Institutionalism CHEN Zhuo㊀LI Lifen(122) Another Possibility of Criticizing the Theory of Rechtgut:A Perspective of Penalty Philosophy LIU Jiye(139)No.5(Sum137)The Study on the People s Character inXi Jinping s Thoughts on Diplomacy WANG Qiuyi(1)The Constructive Logic of People s Better LifeUnder the Perspective of Common Prosperity SHI Jiawei㊀CHENG Long(17)Analysis of Urban System Evolution and Exploration ofDevelopment Paths of Resource-based Cities in Xinjiang YU Yang㊀WU Bingxia㊀WU Rongrong㊀et al(34)841西南交通大学学报(社会科学版)第24卷Research on Subsidy Efficiency of Urban-rural Integrated Public Transport Based onSingle Line ZHUO Gaohong㊀ZHAN Chaoxi㊀GAO Yue e r(52)The Study of Jiang Kui Ci by Japanese ScholarTetsumi Murakami QIU Meiqiong㊀YANG Cao(65) Translator s Prejudice,Time Distance and Translation HU Zuoyou㊀ZHONG Shali(76)Kitchen,Boudoir and Workplace:On the Women s Spaces in Xu Xiao-bin s Fiction LI Yanni(88)The Zen Connotation and Poetic Significanceof Playing in the Joyous Samadhi WANG Yue㊀ZHANG Yong(100)The Origin of Zhang Zai s Idea on the Dualism of Human Natureand Its Contemporary Significance WU Xishuang㊀ZHANG Peigao(113) From Hegel to Agamben:The Problem of Nihilism in Dialectics and Its Solving Route CHEN Qi(128)No.6(Sum138)Review of Translation Studies on Xi Jinping:The Governance of China since the18th CPCNational Congress YANG Anwen㊀ZHANG Wenli㊀TAN Yao(1)Multiple Case Study of Deepening Excellent Regional Culture Education inColleges and Universities LIU Yousheng㊀CHEN Lijing(19)The Influence of Relative Poverty on the Language Competence Development of Children andAdolescents in the Post-Poverty Alleviation Period LYU Junwei㊀YU Jian㊀ZHANG Fengjuan(33) Magician and Master:Taoist Lin Lingsu in the Biographies of Southern Song Dynasty LI Kejing(50) The Influence of Social Stratification on the Fertility Desire of Women ofChildbearing Age from the Perspective of Cost-Utility SUN Shiguang㊀QIU Menghua㊀ZHAO Feng(67) Analysis of The Impact of Income Uncertainty on SubjectiveWell-being of Rural Residents in Ethnically Underdeveloped Areas:Also on The Heterogeneous Effect in Different Age Groups ZHAO Pengfei㊀Hou Yanmei㊀Wang Hongjian(84) The Urban Heritage Protection Strategy of SeekingSpace from Underground in Central CityTaking Xuzhou City as an Example HUANG Chao㊀QIU Jian㊀TAN Xiaohong(99)Qian-Gu Shifa :The Zong and Evolvement of Grammar Theory ofHistory and Literature in Song and Yuan Dynasties:With a Further Discussion on the Pros andCons of Ban Gu and Sima Qian XIE Wenhui(118)A Study of the Birth Year and Death Year of LI Changhe and His Family and Life YANG Yanhui㊀LüBin(130)。



bilibili部分题目答案#1下列哪种立体匹配算法不是全局匹配算法?BP SSD 动态规划图割B#2 以下哪个声优不是游戏《starry sky》的声优绿川光小野大辅宫野真守森川智之D#3 命运石之门中,助手2CH上的ID是什么孙悟饭与龟波功栗悟饭与龟派气功孙悟饭与龟派气功栗悟饭与龟波功#4 负责动画制作中背景部分的画面质量、效果的检验与调控的职务是______?美术监督背景监督色彩设定作画监督A#5 幽灵行军不是谁的固有结界白骑士布拉德梵·斐姆斯菲尔丁B#6 最终幻想VIII中登场的女主角为:蒂法莉诺雅尤娜雷霆B#7 《幸运星》中常和此方一起玩网游的是唯姐小镜此方爸老师D#8 USB3.0 的插口通常为何种颜色?紫蓝橙黑B#9 下列出自东方project的角色中,种族为人类的是?红美铃帕秋莉·诺蕾姬蓬莱山辉夜十六夜咲夜#10 以下哪名聲優沒有出演過高達駕駛員的角色?鈴村健一宮野真守保志總一朗杉田智和#11 “只要杀了他,雪忆随便你搞”出自?雾之本境雪之本境森之本境雨之本境A#12 庵野秀明曾经在吉卜力动画工作时参与过哪部动画的设计?《风之谷》《黑猫警长》《蓝猫淘气三千问》《千与千寻》A#13 下列哪种物质是典型的Lewis酸五氟化锑一氧化碳氨氰离子C#14 暴漫中“荆轲刺秦王”的下一句是小孩纸不要看暴漫两条毛腿肩上扛从此荆轲上班不再迟到小菊花傲娇B#15 bilibili视频缓冲的时候会看到一个抖动的——?电脑电冰箱电视电扇C#16 以下哪个是《某科学的超电磁炮》《黑子的篮球》《潜行吧!奈亚子》的共同点篮球黑子的声优黑子炮姐C#17 千反田爱瑠最常说的一句话是什么?私は気になります!どうしよう!そうなんですか~折木さん違いますよ~A#18 《DOTA》中哪个英雄拥有的技能最多?地卜师影魔召唤师(祈求者)光之守卫D#19 动画《银魂》中Hata王子来自哪个星球?翠星多古拉星耻球央国星D#20 《中二病也要谈恋爱》中富樫勇太妄想时的设定是?Black Flame Master Deep Dark Fantasy Dark Frame Master Dark Flame MasterDark Frame Master#21 《魔法少女小圆》的导演是谁?新海诚虚渊玄宫崎骏新房昭之D#22 《生化危机》系列中曾经说过“我的工资高到不行”的男主角是?克里斯吉尔里昂威斯克C#23 “世界已完蛋”来自于哪部作品OP的空耳?中二病也要谈恋爱幸运星日常潜行吧奈亚子D#24 神乐没有追上黄泉,黄泉独自一人走远的ED画面是从第_话开始的5 7 9 11#25 油淋鸡回锅肉棒棒鸡是哪个声优说的神谷浩史福山润宫野真守小野大辅#26 《星际牛仔》于2001年推出的剧场版名为《星际牛仔:天堂之戟》《星际牛仔:天朝之墙》《星际牛仔:天上人间》《星际牛仔:天国之扉》D#27 圣斗士星矢的原作者是谁?井上雄彦鸟山明车田正美藤子·F·不二雄C#28 以下不属于轻小说改编的动画凉宫春日的忧郁钢之炼金术师刀剑神域龙与虎B#29 北斗神拳里的南斗水鸟拳—雷伊必杀技奥义名字为下列哪个飞翔白丽飞鸟水丽飞鸟白丽飞翔冰丽A#30 『clannad』中的主题曲「团子大家族」是由什么歌曲改编的?小小的心灵小小的手心大大的手心大大的心灵B#31 动漫(雪之少女)泽渡真琴,的口头禅是什么啊呜啊呀啊唔啊哦A#32 EVA中,明日香的母亲叫什么?赤木直子恭子·齐柏林绫波唯碇唯B#33 《暗黑破坏神》的开发商是哪家?Blizzard W-inds 嵐晴天小猪A#34 动画<天使的心跳>英文缩写是AB CF BF AGA#35 下面四个动漫角色中不属于钉宫四萌的是哪一个三千院凪逢坂大河夏娜神崎·H·亚里亚D#36 《高达seed》基拉大和最初机体是哪架?强袭嫣红高达强袭高达强袭自由自由高达B#37 以下哪个女性角色和凌波丽的声优是同一人天上欧蒂娜菲·瓦伦丁拉克丝·克莱因木之本樱B#38 木之本樱被称为初代是因为?初代魔法少女网友的入宅作CLAMP初代作品初代萌王D#39 被称为“生化危机之父”的人是?三上真司三下真司三右真司三左真司A#40 T-34坦克Mod1939配备的主炮口径多大75.5mm 76mm 85mm 76.2mm#41 御坂妹妹内裤的颜色黑白蓝白黄白红白B#42 在第5次圣杯战争中本不应该出现的,规则外的英灵是:弓兵基尔迦美什狂战士吕布奉先复仇者安拉·曼纽暗杀者佐佐木小次郎A#43 下列不是暴雪公司所制作的游戏的是哪一项?星际争霸极品飞车暗黑破坏神魔兽世界B#44 下列哪种语言在语言学文法分类上属于多式综合语?切罗基语萨米语泰米尔语巴布亚皮钦语A#45 以下哪位CV还未在银魂中来毁过?关俊彦平野绫关智一川澄绫子#46 美树沙耶加所爱的人是谁?上条美琴上条恭介上条诗菜上条当麻B#47 刀剑神域中莉法是桐人的什么人?妻子姐姐女儿妹妹D#48 1986年随FC一同发售了3款游戏,《大金刚》、《大金刚JR》、《大力水手》那么这3款游戏的制作来源正确的是由本社另行开发 .与其他公司共同开发从本公司的街机游戏移植其他厂商代为开发A#49 以下哪部动画不是京阿尼的作品?轻音少女冰菓我女友与青梅竹马的惨烈修罗场玉子市场C#50 CLANNAD的原作出自?KEY社京阿尼骨头社型月社A#51 东方Project正作中某紫发魔女被她的吸血鬼朋友称为?帕秋莉爱妃帕琪姆Q!D#52 金坷垃不能辅助农作物吸收哪种元素?钾钙磷氮B#53 常陆院光通常头发是左分还是右分?右分中分左分齐刘海!C#54 小鸟游六花的姐姐全名是什么?小鸟游十花小鸟游九花小鸟游七花小鸟游八花A#55 德国四号坦克有几个成员3个5个6个4个#56 天朝手机号是几位数字8位12位10位11位D#57 夏亚的机体被称为什么红色有角三倍速白色有角三倍速白色独角三倍速红色独角三倍速A#58 动画《code geass 叛逆的鲁路修》的监督是谁?谷口悟朗山本宽宫崎吾朗新房昭之A#59 银魂里面的万事屋的白色的、巨型的狗的名字是什么?大白定春小白球球#60 以下选项中,哪个不是对网游《坦克世界》中S系坦克歼击车704工程顶级炮的称呼?季老师基佬十百合⑩ BL-10C#61 《蝉鸣之时》中“男人变态没什么不好的!男人就要变态!”是谁的台词?入江京介富竹次郎大石藏人前田圭一#62 《逆境无赖开司》中伊藤开司通过什么游戏赢了利根川幸雄?D卡A卡C卡E卡D#63 以”你是我的自慰对象“来表白的行为,出自?恋爱随意链接中二病也要谈恋爱刀剑神域樱花庄的宠物女孩A#64 IBM5100的CPU型号?P-II P-0 P-I P-IIID#65 “今天的风儿好喧嚣啊”的出处?AIR 男子高中生的日常中二病也要谈恋爱空之境界B#66 K-ON中平泽唯说琴吹紬的眉毛是什么?红萝卜三角板腌萝卜量角器C#67 化学中,苦味酸是___超盐酸三硝基苯酚三硝基乙苯过二硫酸B#68 动漫刀剑神域游戏sao到第几层才通关的?76层75层100层74层B#69 下面哪个是国外运动品牌?阿迪达斯阿迪王阿迪宙斯阿迪雷斯A#70 黄金圣斗士中是谁的手中藏有女神赐予的圣剑双子座水瓶座魔蝎座双鱼座C#71 魔兽世界中,下列技能中哪个需要消耗连击点?伏击剔骨影袭杀戮盛宴A#72 《JoJo的奇妙冒险》第五部中福葛的替身英文名是King Crimson The World Mister President Purple HazeD#73 人妻声优門脇舞以的马甲是?杏子御津桃子御津橘子御津梨子御津#74 TV动画《Air》神尾观铃喜欢喝的蜜桃果汁浓缩度是多少?200% 400% 300% 500%#75 Skip Beat是由谁创作的?仲村佳树高屋奈月CLAMP 矢泽爱A#76 《魔笛MAGI》主角是谁阿里嘛嘛阿里巴巴阿里爸爸阿里妈妈B#77 KID公司的无限轮回系列三部曲不包括以下哪个?REMENBER11 EVER17 NEVER7 FOEVER9D#78 日本动画staff中的“监督”是什么意思?监制编剧制片人导演D#79 “galgame”是指哪一类游戏?破密游戏角色扮演游戏第一人称射击游戏恋爱冒险游戏D#80 《兽的演奏者艾琳》中的里岚是雄性还是雌性?雌雄同体雄性雌性人妖C#81 石头门TV版里世界线最后一次跳动到了哪里呢?10086 1.048596 1024 3.141592653#82 《中二病也要谈恋爱!》中的女主角是谁?丹生谷森夏富樫梦叶小鸟游六花巫部风铃C#83 高达史上第一只哈罗是谁设计制作的?刹那·F·清英基拉·大和阿姆罗·雷多蒙·卡修C#84 下列不属于生物化学范畴的是药物与生物体的关系遗传物质的分子基础生物体组成的鉴定生物体分子结构A#85 胸不平何以平天下的下一句是?乳不巨何以聚人心乳不丰何以封人心乳不大何以聚人心乳不巨何以小韩奶A#86 坂田银时的配刀叫什么洞爷湖胧村正逆刃刀斩月A#87 《孤岛危机2》中的主角是谁?Prophet Alcatraz Physco CephC#88 以下哪项不属于诺贝尔奖的范畴?化学数学物理医学B#89 以下墨镜男哪位不是《银魂》中的人物?长谷川松田阵平松平片栗虎河上万齐#90 动画《GOSICK》中,少女绑架拍卖案子中,最后和蓝蔷薇放在一个玻璃柜里的是什么水晶帽子银杯戒指#91 动漫地狱少女中女主角阎魔爱的配音是谁?田中理惠能登麻美子钉宫理惠花泽香菜B#92 《银魂》里哪位不是170组成员?桂小太郎冲田总悟神威高杉晋助#93 《魔法的禁书目录》中的特殊能力是什么?气功魔法和超能力查克拉霸气C#94 《c》中“冰菓”一词的真实含义是Ice cream I scream 冰镇的水果冰激凌的日式叫法A#95 《蜡笔小新》中的阿呆喜欢什么东西?汽水植物石头鞋子C#96 《化物语》中男主人公“阿良良木历”那广为流传的绰号是什么?阿垃垃圾君阿萝萝莉控阿良良木健阿变变态狂A#97 金,木,水,火,___土士十王A#98 请问《七龙珠》的作者是?鸡山明鸟山明鸭山明乌山明B#99 《家庭教师》的作者是?天野明天野暗南遥武若丸A#100 薛定谔因某个著名假说而获得了一下哪个外号?虐猫狂人虐蛇狂人虐狗狂人虐兔狂人T-34坦克Mod1939配备的主炮口径多大76.2mm以下哪一部游戏作品不属于Galgame?刺客信条动画《神奇宝贝》中基拉祈多少年醒来一次,并且每次醒来只维持多少天?1000, 7《暗黑破坏神2》中,1秒由多少帧组成?25烧红镍球放入水中会有什么现象有奇妙的声音“夜阑卧听风吹雨,铁马冰河入梦来”是谁的诗句?陆游《名侦探柯南》中服部平次是哪里人?大阪与宫崎骏常年合作的著名音乐家是谁?久石让IS中的铃是哪国人?中国人物语系列中忍野忍所拥有的妖刀名号是?心渡俺はGandom(我就是高达)这句话是谁说的?刹那·F·清英灼眼的夏娜中女主角的刀名字叫?贽殿遮那《摇曳百合》中京子喜爱的冰淇淋口味是什么?朗姆酒葡萄干命运石之门男主角的网名是凤凰院凶真以下哪部游戏中没出现东风谷早苗?东方神灵庙《CLANNAD》中的冈崎朋也的配音是谁?中村悠一《火影忍者》中的第五代火影是谁?千手纲手桂木桂马的协助者是谁?艾露西琉妮杀手47的后脑勺上有什么条形码psycho pass里最美警花是谁? 宜野座伸元《数码兽大冒险》中第八位被选召的孩子是?八神光/八神嘉儿雾雨魔理沙的口癖是?DA☆ZE切丝papa的生日在几月几日?11.11为动画《魔法少女小圆》中佐仓杏子一角配音的声优是?野中蓝“月有阴晴圆缺”,用科学的观点看待这件事,原因是?地球绕太阳转动,月球绕地球转动,两者转速不一样,出现偏角,使地球掩住了月球的一部分《我的朋友很少》中,井上麻里奈为哪个角色配音?三日月夜空游戏《生化危机1》的第一女主角是谁?吉尔·瓦伦蒂安回转企鹅罐中一共有多少个ED?出了多少个OST 10,8身为纯爷们,绝对从不回头看什么爆炸以下哪一位不是《最终幻想:零式》的CV 钉宫理惠《大航海时代2》阿兰的特长是什么?会计?钢之炼金术师FA中角色张梅身边总跟着一只什么动物熊猫Fate stay night中,士郎击杀Berserker所投影的武器叫?Caliburn石中剑幽灵行军不是谁的固有结界幽灵行军初音未来的音源提供者是哪个声优?藤田咲【绝对是猜的著名电子游戏《上古卷轴》是由哪家公司开发的?Bethesda石蕗惠汰,羽濑川小鹰,须贺京太郎,大路饼藏四人的共同点[不]包括都是男孩子?在Mugen中,最高的人物等级是?论外?圣斗士星矢的看家技能是?天马流星拳魔兽世界里的联盟英雄吉安娜是什么职业法师谁被称为日本动画界的黑泽明?宫崎骏世界已完蛋”来自于哪部作品OP的空耳?潜行吧奈亚子炮姐的最爱是?呱太美少女战士的作者是哪位漫画家的夫人?富坚义博陈坤在微博向大家推荐了哪部动画得到群众热烈反应?《Fate/Zero》在FATE STAY NIGHT 中阿尔托莉雅的职介是什么Saber正面上我啊是哪个人物的名台词御坂美琴【出自HKG字幕组,大战后炮姐被黑子正面上了。



谢 谢!
高跟鞋 15世纪的一位威尼斯商人经常要 出门做生意,担心妻子会外出风流。一个雨 天,他走在街道上,鞋后跟沾了许多泥,因 而步履艰难。商人由此受到启发,因为威尼 斯是座水城,船是主要的交通工具,商人认 为妻子穿上高跟鞋将无法在跳板上行走,这 样就可以把她困在家里。 不要再等待,为自己创新!
• 防紫外线产品应该在标签上标有以下三个斱面的内容:1. 本标准的编号,即gb/t18830;2.upf值:30+戒者50+;3. 长期使用以及在拉伸戒者潮湿的情况下,该产品所提供的 防护性能可能减少。
• 隐身衣的制作材料能够吸收特定的光线,造成物体只有反 射出微弱的光,而人的肉眼无法感受较微弱的光线,这就 造成了像物体像丌存在一样。 • “隐身衣”主要材料为金属和电路板材料的混合物,比如 陶瓷戒光纤合成物等等。这种材料吸收了特定的光线,人 的肉眼是感受丌到比较微弱的光线,就好像物体丌存在一 样。
华裔 诺贝尔得奖者 钱永健(2008)
2010新的连接碳原子的方法 2011准晶体的发现 2012“G蛋白偶联受体研究” 2013多尺度复杂化学系统模型的 开发
2013将实验带 入信息时代: 改善催化剂、 药物、太阳能 电池板的工艺
• 主要材料为“硅”, 但因制作成本很大, 以致于它还不能被 大量广泛和普遍地 使用。
• 英国、美国:2006年,科学家开发出全球首件二维“隐身 衣”。两国科学家利用光学原理,成功地“隐身”了一个 铜圆柱体。 • 日本2004年,日本东京大学教授推出了一款大外衣,人只 需穿上这件外衣,就会“难以辨认”。其做法为在整件衣 服上涂上回射性物质,衣服上还装配了照相机。摄影机拍 摄下衣服后面的场景,然后显示在衣服前面的放映机上, 再将影像投射到特殊衣料上,这样就实现了“隐身”。这 项技术已引起军事与家的注意,他们想以此开发出帮助部 队隐身的技术。



TRIZ试题库TRIZ试题库一?选择题1.被誉为TRIZ之父的是( A )科学家。

A.俄国B.英国C.美国D.日本2.以下哪项没有体现TRIZ创新原理同以往创新方法的不同( B )A.广泛的适用性B.打破思维定势C.通用?统一的求解参数D.规范?科学的创新步骤3.以下哪项不属于创新问题解决思考过程中的主要障碍( D )A.思维惯性B.有限的知识领域C.试错法D. 无章可循4.创新作为一个概念﹐最初是以( B )的概念出现的。

%A.制度创新B.技术创新C.营销创新D.管理创新5.按照TRIZ理论对创新的分级﹐“使用隔热层减少热量损失"属于( A )级﹕显然的解级﹕少量的改进级﹕根本性的改进级﹕全新的概念6.按照TRIZ理论对创新的分级﹐“鼠标"属于( C )级﹕显然的解级﹕少量的改进级﹕根本性的改进级﹕全新的概念7.按照TRIZ理论对创新的分级﹐“内燃机?集成电路"属于( B )级﹕显然的解级﹕全新的概念级﹕根本性的改进级﹕少量的改进8.按照TRIZ理论对创新的分级﹐“737发动机机罩的不对称设计"属于( D )级﹕显然的解级﹕全新的概念级﹕根本性的改进级﹕少量的改进9.按照TRIZ理论对创新的分级﹐“飞机?PC"属于( A )|级﹕发明创造级﹕少量的改进级﹕根本性的改进级﹕全新的概念10.系统生命曲线婴儿期的特点是( B )A.值和潜力显现﹐大量的人?物?财力的投入﹐效率和性能得到提高﹐吸引更多的投资﹐系统高速发展B.价效率低﹐可靠性差﹐缺乏人?物力的投入﹐系统发展缓慢C.系统日趋完善﹐性能水平达到最佳﹐利润最大并有下降趋势﹐研究成果水平较低D.技朮达极限﹐很难有新突破﹐将被新的技朮系统所替代11.系统生命曲线衰退期的特点是( D )A.效率低﹐可靠性差﹐缺乏人?物力的投入﹐系统发展缓慢B.价值和潜力显现﹐大量的人?物?财力的投入﹐效率和性能得到提高﹐吸引更多的投资﹐系统高速发展C.系统日趋完善﹐性能水平达到最佳﹐利润最大并有下降趋势﹐研究成果水平较低)D.技朮达极限﹐很难有新突破﹐将被新的技朮系统所替代。



招聘游戏特效设计师笔试题及解答(某大型集团公司)(答案在后面)一、单项选择题(本大题有10小题,每小题2分,共20分)1、以下哪个软件不是目前主流的游戏特效设计工具?A、Adobe After EffectsB、Unreal EngineC、MayaD、Photoshop2、在游戏特效设计中,以下哪个概念与“粒子系统”最相似?A、骨骼动画B、光照效果C、材质纹理D、粒子动画3、在Unity中,如果你想创建一个基于物理的特效,比如火焰或者烟雾,你可能会使用以下哪种组件?A. Particle SystemB. AnimatorC. RigidbodyD. Collider4、当设计游戏中的魔法特效时,为了使特效看起来更加生动和真实,通常会结合使用哪两种技术?A. 顶点动画与纹理贴图B. 粒子系统与着色器C. 骨骼动画与刚体动力学D. 光照探针与环境遮挡5、某游戏特效设计师在制作火焰特效时,需要使火焰呈现出自然、流畅的动态效果。

以下哪种技术或工具最适用于实现这一效果?A. 3D建模软件B. 纹理编辑器C. 动画软件D. 游戏引擎6、在游戏特效设计中,以下哪项不是影响特效表现力的关键因素?A. 动态范围B. 精细程度C. 时间感D. 色彩搭配7、下列哪一项不是粒子系统的主要用途?A. 创建火焰效果B. 创建水流效果C. 创建地形D. 创建烟雾效果8、在Unity引擎中,为了实现更真实的雨滴效果,以下哪个组件最有可能被使用?A. RigidbodyB. ColliderC. Particle SystemD. Animator9、在游戏特效设计中,以下哪项不是常用的三维特效类型?()A、粒子特效B、光线追踪特效C、2D动画特效D、流体动力学特效 10、以下关于游戏特效设计师的技能要求,哪项不属于基本技能?()A、熟悉3D建模软件B、了解游戏引擎原理C、具备良好的审美能力D、精通编程语言二、多项选择题(本大题有10小题,每小题4分,共40分)1、在游戏开发中,使用粒子系统来实现特效时,可以调整哪些参数来优化粒子的表现效果?A. 粒子的数量B. 粒子的形状与纹理C. 粒子的发射速度与方向D. 粒子的生命周期E. 粒子的颜色变化F. 粒子的重力加速度G. 粒子之间的相互作用H. 粒子的碰撞检测2、为了实现高质量的游戏特效,除了粒子系统外,还可以运用哪些技术手段?A. 模型动画B. 纹理贴图C. 光照计算D. 声音效果E. 深度缓冲F. 后处理效果G. 硬件加速H. 动态模糊3、以下哪些技术是游戏特效设计师在创作游戏特效时常用的?()A. 3D建模B. 2D动画C. Unity Shader编程D. Python脚本E. Maya动画4、在游戏特效设计中,以下哪些原则是确保效果流畅性和真实性的关键?()A. 时间控制B. 动力学模拟C. 材质和纹理的优化D. 负载平衡E. 用户交互设计5、在使用Unity进行游戏特效设计时,以下哪些方法可以用来优化粒子系统的性能?(多选)A. 减少同时活跃的粒子数量B. 降低粒子的生命周期C. 使用GPU粒子系统代替CPU粒子系统D. 增加粒子系统的发射速率6、关于游戏特效中的色彩理论应用,下列说法正确的是?(多选)A. 冷色调往往给人以平静、远离的感觉。



常识超级题库及答案(1)1981年4月,美国研制的世界上第一架航天飞机试飞成功,它的名字是:哥伦比亚号我国载人航天飞行实验飞船---神舟号第一次飞行是在哪一年的11月20日?1999年2001年,中国国家科学技术奖在北京举行,获奖的是哪两位科学家?:袁隆平、吴文俊三峡水利枢纽工程是在哪一年的6月1日开始下闸蓄水的?最终蓄水目标是水位多少米?:2003年、175米2003年5月发行的“非典”纪念邮票是我国第几套灾难性纪念邮票?:第3套我国登山运动员最早登上珠穆朗玛峰峰顶是在哪一年的5月25日?:1960年人类第一次登顶珠穆朗玛峰是在哪一年?:1953年我国第一张银行卡是长城卡还是龙卡?它是哪一年在哪个城市发行的?:长城卡、1985年、珠海国内第一个小灵通网1997年在何地开通?:浙江下列那些领导人开辟的革命根据地是地跨江西的:方志敏按时间顺序排列一下历史事件:1中华苏维埃第一次全国代表大会;2伪满洲国建立;3$%第四次围剿被打破;4中华共和国人民政府成立:1234红军长征胜利结束的标志是:会宁会师提出“政权是由枪杆子中取得的”的思想是在" :“八七”会议我国第一部章回体小说是哪一部?作者是谁?:《三国演义》罗贯中中国获得的第一个世界冠军是在哪一年由谁在哪一个项目中获得的?:1959年、容国团、第25届世乒赛男子单打中国第一次在亚运会上获得金牌总数第一是在哪一届亚运会?共获得多少枚金牌?:1982年第九届亚运会、61枚传说中的斑竹是怎样形成的?:舜的妃子的眼泪染成"《雪绒花》是哪部影片插曲?" :《音乐之声》《嘎达梅林》是哪个民族的叙事歌曲?:蒙古族"我国第一枚普通邮票----大龙票何时发行的?" :1878年"《乡愁》是谁的诗作?" :余光中高等教育自学考试制度是从哪一年开始在全国推广施行的?:1983年汉语水平考试(HSK)是中国为测试母语非汉语者(包括外国人、华侨、国内少数民族人员)的汉语水平而设立的统一标准化考试。

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