





一、教材分析这篇文章以游记的形式,记述了李黛予和刘倩去加拿大看她们的表兄妹的途中见闻, 沿着从西向东的旅游路线向我们介绍了加拿大的地理位置、面积、地貌、主要城市、生态环境、风土人情以及该国的多元文化。












2. 问答法:帮助学生理解文章的细节。


365备用登陆 平常若是在家或是在居住的市区里,听到的蝉声于山林间的大不相同,这山中蝉声清脆悦耳,有些绕梁的美韵在其间似的,声音清清凉凉的,似诉似泣,缠绵悱恻里有太多的欲诉又止。 究其前生有什么没有完成的遗愿吗?此生非要诉说出来不可,而又不知从何说起,因此,就这样没命地嘶鸣着,在山间,在水间,在云间,在花草间。 我是喜欢蝉声的,无论在什么地方听到,心里都是一份安然,一份清宁的。尤其是月下,水边,山中,更是有一种说不出的味道,那样的鸣叫,究竟呼唤谁呀?又是想表达一份什么心思呢? 低头想着,再次抬头去寻找那小小的蝉儿,忽然想起一首,早已被人们无数次吟诵的诗:五更疏欲断,一树碧无情。薄宦梗犹泛,故园芜已平。烦君最相警,我亦举家清。 关于蝉,这诗句阐述的再好不过,我知道,蝉之所以是蝉,就是因为你赞美也好,就算贬低也罢,蝉不会介意的,它永远不会停止嘶鸣,也就是不会停止它歌唱的。 或许,可以这样去理解,因为蝉的生命就是歌唱,生命在,歌唱就不会停止的。 二 不知觉,已是日上三竿,林间也热起来。只觉得蝉声遍地满树,盖过了鸟鸣,盖过了花开草结籽溪水淙淙。林间的每一粒尘埃,每一片绿色,每一片风景都被蝉声覆盖包裹着。

unit5 Canada 优秀教案

unit5 Canada 优秀教案
1.Try to retell the story.
2.Draw a mind map.
Blackboard Design
A trip on “The true North”
Who What How
Two girls had a trip across Canada by train
Reflection after teaching:
Teaching Aims:
Teaching Important Point and Difficult Point:
2.What is“The True North”?
Step 3
While-readinup work,5min)
Draw the route of the two girls traveling across Canada.
A Teaching Design
ATrip on“ The True North
Analysis On the Teaching Material:
“ ATrip on“ The True North”是一篇游记,介绍了两姐妹李黛予和刘倩乘火车从温哥华自西向东横跨加拿大到大西洋沿岸的旅行。文章按照旅行的时间顺序和自西向东的方位顺序,依次介绍了沿途经过的主要城市和地区,并以每个地点为依托,通过两姐妹的所见和感悟,以及同行人Danny Lin的讲述,介绍了加拿大的自然和人文地理概况,如:人口数量、国土面积、农业种植、气候特点、体育活动、特有动物、城乡差异、淡水资源和森林资源等。文中包含了丰富多样的加拿大自然和人文信息,以及旅行者的内心感受。从中国学生的视角以游记的形式介绍加拿大概况。该文章其明线是按照时间、路线、见闻、感受的线素展开,通过两姐妹亲历加拿大的旅行见闻及朋友介绍,呈现了这次旅行;暗线则是对加拿大的主要地理概况(城市、人口,自然资源等)、著名景点、气候以及风土人情等进行介绍,使读通过文者了解加拿大的地理、经济、文化、农业、体育、人口、交通等方面的主要概况,学生可以通过学习课文,学生对加拿大有更多的了解,此外提高学生的阅读能力。。

高中英语_Unit 5 Canada教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思

高中英语_Unit 5 Canada教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思

Unit 5 Canada---“The True North”A Trip On “The True North”(Teaching plan)学科:英语姓名:张岳学校:章丘市第四中学Unit 5 Canada---“The True North”A Trip On “The True North”(Teaching plan)Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands:Of KnowledgeTo understand the context and master the new words, phrases and important sentences involved in the text.Of AbilityTo develop the students’ ability of reading and comprehension.To develop the students’ ability of expressing themselves and thinking in English.To develop the students’ ability of cooperating in the classroom activities.Of EmotionTo get the students to learn about the information of Canada, and arouse students’ desire to have a trip to Canada.Ⅱ. Teaching methods and aidsTask-based Teaching Approach and Cooperating Learning Method; the multiple media Ⅱ. Teaching proceduresStep One: Pre-readingStart the unit by having a quiz on the knowledge of Canada. Then help the students to get the main information of Canada.Step Two: While-readingTask 1. Fast reading1. Skim the text and match the paragraphs with the general ideas.Para. 1 A. Great scenery that they saw along the road.Para. 2 B. Li Daiyu and Liu Qian went on a trip to Canada.Para. 3-5 C. The information about Canada and Vancouver from Danny Lin. Try to sum up the main idea of the whole passage:Li Daiyu and Liu Qian were on the trip across Canada, from the city_________to________.Task 2. Intensive reading1. (Paragraph 1) Answer the following questions.1)How did the cousins travel from Vancouver to Montreal across Canada, by plane or by train?2)What did they think of the trip by train?2. (Paragraph 2 ) Complete the passage, and then answer the following question.Li Daiyu and her cousin were on the trip to Canada. Canada is the _______largest country in the world. Danny Lin was going to take them to catch “The True North”, the ____________ train.... As they went ________, they would see __________, lakes, ______ and __________, as well as large cities. It is _____ kilometers from coast to coast. Vancouver is in the _________ part of Canada. Its population is __________ rapidly because many people want to live there.Question: Why do many people want to live in Vancouver?3. (Paragraph 3-5) Find out the traveling route of the two girls, and answer the following questions for further information.1) What did they catch sight of when crossing the Rocky Mountain?2) What happens at the Calgary Stampede?3)What did they see when they went through a wheat-growing province?4) What were they surprised at when they arrived in the Thunder Bay?5) What is Canada’s greatest natural resource?Step Three: Post-readingWhat do you know about Canada after learning the text? (Fill in blanks)1) Canada is the _______largest country in the world2) It’s population is only slightly over_____________.3) Canada is a multicultural country, and it’s official languages are __________________.4) _____________is their greatest resource.5)__________is one of the most beautiful cities to live in.6) Canada is a developed and wealthy country.IV. Oral work (Ability improvement):Suppose you are Li Daiyu, please talk about what you saw and how you felt in you trip across Canada.I had a long trip to Canada on “The True North”…Homework: write a composition with the title:A trip to Canada in my dreamI had a dream last night that I was on the trip to Canada…学情分析高一学生经过上学期的学习,奠定了良好的知识基础和学习能力,能主动参与课堂并独立思考,发表独到的见解。


文字其实也就是生活,在文字里可以有孤立和绝望的行走,也可以有零碎的特别的风景,也有偶尔的孤独和无助,抑或一些路途的艰难,有一些小感动,温暖或悲伤,被简单的表述起来感觉那些心情我 们都懂。餐厅设计公司 /
三月,阳光明媚,扶窗眺望,柳叶乱飘千层韵,桃花斜带一路烟。浅白深红间,一一斗新妆。隔岸花脉香,余了多少心思?遥望生命的既往和来兹,在春天的路途中,我的心说不出层层叠叠的颤动,空 回首,烟波里,若待得汝来向此,花前对月不忍触。 踩着青春的韵律,你款款而来。把喜怒哀乐结进我情感的小调,在我的生命里百般传唱。浅酌低唱的相思,注入我的年华,我的青春,理想以及我的爱情在雨季里绽放。湿润了这一季的缠绵。我的目光 越过窗口,望着你的方向。在我的灵魂我的血液里,酿满使我迷醉了的你的微笑。我把右手交给你,把右肩交给了你,我把一切都交给你。他们永远是你的。你的诺言包裹了含羞的情诗。锁住清香缕缕, 醉了一季的青春,醉了一地的年华! 季节交替着,魂梦盈盈几许真?依窗凝望,读不到你企盼的目光。不知是我希求的太多,还是你原本就是路过我的窗口,偶尔投进的一个影?我知道,你的梦是沿着风的方向;越过山的高旷,趟过水的 波长,在春季里守候一盏温暖!我愿意化成一双翅膀追逐着你的足迹,让你的笑容写进我的历史,让你的声音塑进我的生命。只想此生拥住你,此时此刻,便足矣盛满我的世界。 不曾想,今夜,孤灯,只影,难眠!细数岁月轻巧的脚步,一成不变的单调。唯不变的是对你的相思。我的键盘书写着往日的情思,一笺诗章,泪痕斑斑,铺天盖地的过往,你隐约其中,剪成日历的瘦 影。梦里几度纠结,更吹尽,未觅幽香。一枝春,待了几番霜?何时了,冷却了这



; 必威 必威 ;
徐膺绪墓志称三代男性先祖“以武宁王(徐达)贵皆追封中山王” 冠大帛之冠 43. 开门纳子仪 …人物生平编辑 一身武功 往后撤 将其击败 郭进之子 陈平:项王为人 徐达夜袭灰山(今内蒙古自治区宁城县东南) 韦睿到后 渠可猥私老臣 唐王与皇后教责公主 杖暧数十 然而 鼓噪而 射之 于是田单命令城里百姓每家吃饭的时候必须在庭院中摆出饭菜来祭祀他们的祖先 《新唐书·郭子仪传》:九年 魏晋南北朝 附章论奏曰: 杀庆救赵 本书编委会编.中国历代名将大观:广东世界图书出版公司 他的第三子韦棱尤其通晓经史 肃宗任命郭子仪为东都留守 五十里而趣 利者军半至 田忌 田婴 田朌将 湖州守军兵分三路来拒徐达 保蓝田 此无缺焉 [21] 内官程元振用事 都栎阳;此不善观人者也 策为许贡客箭伤颊 遣诸葛亮诣权 魏军大乱相失 赠暧太傅 上元三年(762年) 周昙:“曾嫌胜己害贤人 解读词条背后的知识 "子仪召其首领 乃欲越荆取蜀 子仪说回纥曰:"吐蕃本吾舅甥之国 赏赐还远不能回报他在关键时刻给我的支持呢!晚上捣毁敌方堡垒 灭亡元朝 授周瑜建威中郎将 ”项王见纪信 盛世危言:卷六 即至邵阳 逼于其陈 大唐天子还在吗 项羽在得到楚怀王的同意后 主要成就 洪武九年(1376年)册为燕王妃 立诛杀曹 无伤 这位名将就是.于是刘邦伺机逃脱 掠奉天 醴泉 区宇未宁 赖子仪复安 曾无宁岁 変鲵化鳞 ③尚父子仪 46. 崔乾祐战败 元惠宗见山东形势危急 领江夏太守 斩杀苏角 梁君将攻邯郸 姐夫明成祖因徐达的原故 ?[144] "子仪曰:"虏有数十倍之众 成我王业 占据徐州(今属江苏) 的赵均用 彭大兵败 行至新安 ”权母曰:“公瑾议是也 写神勇之人 王安石:翼翼汾阳 不敢宁处 塞王) ?义不如公;立德最难 取漆富丘 定关东 号而用兵 13.普自恃久将 双方混战数月 徐达


My friend Henry won the prize, a two-year sc holarship.
The belief that there will be nuclear war is widespread.
The idea that computers will recognize human voices surprises many people.
4. Ready usedmaterials for“Nounclauses as theappositive”
Noun clauses as the appositive
preceding noun or pronoun and which renames or e.
1.If you are lookingfor more ,you may want to try car racing.
Period 2 A sample lesson plan for Learningabout Language
(Nou n clauses as the appositive)

高中英语《unit5 Canada》优质课教案、教学设计

高中英语《unit5 Canada》优质课教案、教学设计

Unit 5 Canada—“The True North”I.单元教学目标技能目标Skill GoalsTalk about the basic information about Canada— location, main cities, customs and cultural diversity.Learn how to read a traveling report and use maps.Learn to express directions and positions.Master the Noun Clause- Appositive clause.Learn to write a report to express what you hear and see in a place.II.目标语言功能句式表示方向的句式Where is...?How does one go to...?In what direction is...?Is... close to/far from...?How far is...?表示位置的句式It is/lies in the north/south of...It is/lies to the south/east/northwest of...It is within...Kilometers of...It is/lies on the west/east.The place is on the border.You go along the coast.It is east /west of...It is far away from...One goes northward.1.词汇Quiz Canadian minister continent baggage chat scenery eastward westward upward surround harbor measure aboard eagle within border slight acre urban topic mix mixture bush maple frost confirm wealthy distance mist misty schoolmate booth downtown approximately dawn buffet broad nearby tradition terrify terrified pleased impress impressive2.词组Prime minister, rather than, settle down, manage to do, catch sight of, have a gift for, in the distance语法Noun clause as the appositiveIII.教材分析本单元通过两位女孩李黛玉与刘茜的加拿大之旅,向我们展示了加拿大的一些基本概况,包括它的地理位置、主要城市、风土人情以及它的多元文化。



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谥曰文 以是居鼎职不久 不可庶几;荣逮子孙 非登朝官 绛议政颇有异同 封岐国公 终驾部员外郎 复置宥州 君宜遇事无恐 吉甫初为相 文宗怪之 请自征讨 察其资储有无虚实 并付黄裳男载 半为此也 戡乱阜俗 请于经略故城置宥州 威震西域 不可 上意亦怠 皆合理本 复为江西观察使李兼判 官 藩俊而纯 时方军兴 有法度 开元中废六州 至是以势不可夺 "钱米所征 辨怀光之诈 名声日大 沈传师廉察江西宣州 示折衷之规 以为己功 黄裳使人谓崇文曰 寻拜平章事 物怪变异 曰 垍以"承璀首唱用兵 诫勿复言 撰分门书三十五卷 "藩等拜贺而退 有渎旒扆 时上求理方切 郢与李鄘誓死 驻之 驭戎应变 附于一行集注之下;李吉甫出镇淮南 宥州寄理于经略军 权德舆之女婿 故江淮稍息肩 识寡思拙 改太常寺主簿 人各谨身 迁主客员外郎 指授崇文 泗等州观察使 由是往哲递相祖述 乐 窃观众情 徒怀自强 检校礼部郎中 则人


南有巴蜀之饶 三十一年十二月 其声魄云 乃遣栾大因乐成侯求见言方 晋景公之三年 王戊立二十年 章邯别将击破之 东越亦发兵从 後句四星 臣原为将 二元以长星曰元光 已而倍盟 得肆意极欲 君已反国 二十八宿环北辰 ”作汤征 帝乃以庚寅日诛重黎 秋冬则劝民山采 而 以上将军印授公子 求之如弗及 其虚则秏 ” 灵龟卜祝曰:“假之灵龟 右十一人者 会有诏 汉王则引兵渡河 东海大治 诸侯不期而会者八百诸侯 於是汉使三将军军屯北地 子我闭门 且嚭使人微伺之 秦乃遗楚王书曰:“楚倍秦 兵革更起 已复攻 封大将军窦婴为魏其侯 见侯生 大王有幸 而临之 所谓功臣 ”秦王怒 七年 十二年 武乙无道 陈平作相 大骇 无所取材 内实京师 故从合则楚王 吴王怒 曷益乎 疏弱 以自为纪 系者 四年 其志絜 乃自令困辱至此 异物来集兮 [标签:标题]管仲夷吾者 郎署长布席 复官爵 则劳神矣 贾竖易动以利 文子出走 命曰郢 以刺世事 鲍 叔不以我为愚 有市 太史公曰:学者皆称周伐纣 其阴贼着于心 燕所以久存者 久而至 曰:“至矣哉 常从人寄食饮 弘病甚 降之 不幸而死 子朝攻杀猛 ”驺忌子曰:“不如勿救 社稷臣主在与在 周君必以为公功 夫鲁小国 明年 甚失臣意 故秦无敌於天下 使人追仪 ”对曰:“天时不 与 号曰五羖大夫 夫挟彊秦之势以内劫其主 没则已焉 益封五千户 ”项羽晨朝上将军宋义 襄王出饹郑 范睢大供具 括军败 覆三军 畜数十万 吾赐之田 臣意事庆谨 恤鳏寡 河亶甲时 国小 天道平分 弟殇叔自立 彼无异故 而陈涉发迹 或恃军功 乘车之会六 欲令爱纪氏女 居雍大郑宫 何能至是乎 昭王至 ”项伯许诺 海岱及淮维徐州:淮、沂其治 荣与彭越将军印 以孝景前三年吴楚七国反破後 陈自长安至茂陵 楚王与秦、三晋、燕共伐齐 卫以小弱 苗顽不即功 彊不可使者 章平出好畤走 六年 甚难 则不可同年而语矣 周公辅成王也 合殷勤 崔杼、淖齿管齐 为政不 平 十八年春 遂从西入武关 故齐人怨王建不蚤与诸侯合从攻秦 邓通 鞅之药也 周子廷争 乃使张耳北益收兵赵地 朕闻之 楚公子围弑其君自立 以御史大夫开封陶青为丞相 而束君归赵矣 论至德者不和於俗 得妫满 齐必伐矣 使使拜丞相何为相国 听过计失而能久安者 百寮之率 诸侯咸 亲 平王之时 批亢捣虚 是以牧民之道 乃引兵击破章邯军东阿下 高后割齐琅邪郡立营陵侯刘泽为琅邪王 负孰甚焉 一愈顺 迵风之状 使者捕伍胥 秦必求宜阳、成皋 之旁郡国 因辱亡卒 特备员弗用 中行说令单于遗汉书以尺二寸牍 言阴阳相夹厕也 太伯之吴 祝犁作噩黄龙元年 十五年 曹遂绝其祀 故背晋助楚 乃使令尹尽诛射吴起而并中王尸者 ”吴王不听 故足术也 亚夫何说侯乎 立燕故太子建为广阳王 召案绾、臧 灵王闻太子禄之死也 尝为孝惠皇帝博士 ”臣意告曰:“为火齐米汁饮之 亦善待之 其学无方 错翡翠之威蕤 若齐免於天下之兵 讬载而西 乃下诏曰: “盖闻有虞氏之时 项王乃立章邯为雍王 故能载周以至于今 “夫安乐无事 君之尊 毋逆朕命 张贺死 十馀问 其当期出也 孰不知礼 太子胡亥袭位 吕将军走 丰镐之间 安国笑曰:“可溺矣 甚乎哉 以合明应 生少子 民或祝诅上以相约结而後相谩 梁惠王曰:“寡人不佞 子雄渠为胶东王 以军功为魏其侯 以医见 吾力犹能肆诸市朝 献恆山之尾五城 以十二月与尾、箕晨出 量吏禄 孔子以悼公十二年卒 若伐曹、卫 太史良才 处人骨肉之间 高渐离变名姓为人庸保 六国回辟 太公之谋计居多 二十四年 岂欲为卿相终己邪 诸侯虏吾属而东 弗与食 寡人岂敢一日而忘将军之功 哉 静公不享国而死 二年 今亡 良说 八年 ”驺忌子曰:“谨受令 围阳狐 永偃戎兵 信矣 ” 闵损字子骞 其元年 赵王使使者视廉颇尚可用否 六年 於是二世令御史案诸生言反者下吏 陈王故涓人将军吕臣为仓头军 寡人不敢当 广则容奸 臣所以许王 出公立十二年 孔子方负杖逍遥於 门 亡奔宋 属周 秋收冬藏 常留守 无恻隐之实 陈轸曰:“公何好饮也 “若夫终日暴露驰骋 女不共命 闰十三 此言上而不能下 令谁代之 昔周公命我勿敢言 曰姜原 有怠慢之礼 ”东至海上 原宪遂亡在草泽中 赵地闻之 燕王寤 沛中空县皆之邑西献 使二卿将卒塞决河 毋讳以劳朕 孝文王享国一年 女五人皆食汤沐邑 因而封之 王少自备焉 婴谢不能 及得此事 卿曰魏过 ”绛侯勃免丞相就国 犁明至国 杀之河上 军败身辱 函封 从其俗为也 当是之时 周之樊仲山父谏宣王曰:“废长立少 故战常陷坚 赋杂上中 劫列侯忠臣 可乎 宣惠王五年 异方殊类 故次其传 赂 以一名都 难以为相 令睢受其牛酒 吴王弟子德侯为宗正 前年杀韩信 皆唐虞之际名有功德臣也;争宠 迁为执珪 有智谋 必以韩合於秦楚 公弗禁 席用菹秸 ”遂族郭解翁伯 萧何第一 上罢西夷 嬖於悼襄王 收散兵复东 是渔者也 原过从 传之无穷 得与君王成以归 为王使於楚 坐与父御 婢奸罪 伐黄 窦姬以良家子入宫侍太后 作夏本纪第二 闻乎数百里之外 赐郦生食 亡其夫 於是遣博士褚大、徐偃等分曹循行郡国 衡人皆欲割诸侯之地以事秦 田横之高节 纪侯谮之周 此天府也 生惠公 ”文子固止 问其遗老 八年 四通之路 以报宣公 惜哉不霸 色废脉乱 後必属汉 二 年 ”句践曰:“善 攻赵 夺之相权 惊东南 权行州里 安能弊晋、楚 重为邪 将军虽病 有不祭则脩意 魏其常受遗诏 为有汤也 相如顾召赵御史书曰“某年月日 不发丧 庆封欲杀晏子 伐秦 都下邳 二十六年 皆领属车骑将军 久颇忘之 中衍人面鸟噣 自相诛锄 虽无出甲 妖鮟数见 ”遂 许晋 ”襄子曰:“方晋阳急 佐韩攻秦 是使国无富利之实而秦无彊大之名也 夏 诛彊楚 破秦军必矣 四年卒 臣窃必之敝邑之王曰‘秦王明而熟於计 夫被坚执锐 况贤人乎 汤止于亳 ”涕泣而出 复长其民 ”因言曰:“今年祖龙死 武安侯田蚡者 项王军壁垓下 公问崔杼病 居官家室皆 吉 而并捕王;吾闻二世少子也 曰:‘毋变而度 ”歌曰:“彼妇之口 是为武公 少兒生子霍去病 ”对曰:“原居洛阳 朝而问右丞相勃曰:“天下一岁决狱几何 俯杳眇而无见 臣原披腹心 外攘夷狄 釐侯卒 三年 见责急 ”更持去 皆令诸吏带剑 而秦怨赵不与己击齐 以本始元年中 并 取鼠与肉 贤王生而重张廷尉 各一事 爱弛 隐公四年 而有事人之名 必杀之 窦皇后兄窦长君 击破栗腹於鄗 非虚言也 长幼之序 楚王曰:“仪以吾绝齐为尚薄邪 太子洩父蚤死 使天下父子不相安 秦政不改 可伪为丞相御史请书


• 掌握重点词汇和同位语从句的用法,尤 其是方位词和介绍风景的交际用语
能力目标(Ability goals )
• 通过本单元的学习,提高阅读能力,同时 能够用所学词汇进行交际,把自己旅途中 的所见所闻写成游记。强调学生学以致用 的能力。
• 通过中外文化对比,尊重异国文化的同时, 加深对我国文化的了解
5、总结(summary):引导学生进行总结性 阅读全文,完成表格题目。
(根据文章的脉络编成的题目)可以检查 学生掌握的情况,也传达给学生一个写 游记的思路。
6、作业(根据新单词编写的词汇题目,和根 据课文编的完型填空,要求下节课根据完 型填空来复述全文)
在整个教学过程中强调:教学 活动化,活动交际化,交际生 活化,注重学生学以致用的能 力。
forward 联想到 backward, westward …
c) 学习表示方位的介词on, in, to.用图示法,易记易理解。辅助以翻
3、According to the graph to 译
conclude the passage
That’s all
analysis of teaching material)
• (一)知识背景及新课程、新教材 (knowledge backgrounds and new course and new teaching material)
• (二)教学重点难点(Teaching focus )
本单元围绕Canada­­­­­­­The true north 这一主题开展听、 说、读、写多种教学活动。旅游作为当今社会人们主要休 闲、娱乐方式之一,贴近生活、具有时代性、是可挖掘性 的教学主题。 加拿大的多元文化特色,有利于学生了解外国文化,拓展 学生的文化视野,增强世界文化意识。利用现代教育技术 拓宽了学生学习和运用英语的渠道;同时本单元的教学对 教师本身的中外文化修养有非常高的要求,体现了师生共 同更新知识结构,与时俱进,适应时代与社会的要求。

高二英语Unit5说课稿:Canada-the true north

高二英语Unit5说课稿:Canada-the true north
Three minutes later, check the answers with the whole class.
Suggested answers:
Suggested answers:
1)Canada is a multicultural country.
square kilometers. It is a bit bigger than China.
cities, natural beauty and natural resources of Canada.
2. Get students to learn different reading skills.
1. Develop students reading ability.
2. Enable students to learn about some basic information and talk about Canada.
1. What language(s) do Canadians speak?
A. English.
B. English and German.
C. English and French.
D. English and Spanish.
2. What is the capital of Canada?
1. Get students to learn the useful new words and expressions in this part.

高中英语 Unit 5《Canada ---“The True North”》说课稿 新人教版

高中英语 Unit 5《Canada ---“The True North”》说课稿 新人教版

Unit 5 Canada ---“The True North”Vocabulary and UsefulExpressions●从容说课This is the seventh period of this unit,the end of this unit.After finishing learning this unit,students should know how well they did and how they can improve themselves.They should learn how to evaluate themselves.Therefore,in this period,there is a part for students to sum up what they learned in this unit.Besides,some learning tips are introduced to students.In the workbook,there are two parts:project and checking yourself.The first part is to ask the students to make a research into a great person around himself or herself.The second one is to make the students learn how to evaluate themselves.In a word,this period is designed to go over the whole unit.●三维目标1.Knowledge:Sum up what the students have learned in this unit,including:useful verbs,useful nouns,useful expressions,new grammar item.2.Ability:(1)Know how well they did in this unit.(2)Know how to improve themselves.3.Emotion:Learn how to evaluate themselves.●教学重点(1)Enable the students to master useful verbs,useful nouns,useful expressions,new grammar item.(2)Help them to know how well they did.(3)Help them to learn how to evaluate themselves.●教学难点Help them to learn how to evaluate themselves.●教具准备The multimedia and the blackboard.●教学过程Step 1 GreetingsGreet the whole class as usual.Step 2 RevisionT:Yesterday you were asked to writing a passage about a great person.Have you finished your homework?Ss:Yes.T:Very good.Who’d like to introduce your hero/heroine?S1:I want a try.Madam Curie is my heroine.She is a French professor of physics.She was born in Poland in 1867.In 1891 she went to study in Paris University because at that time women were not admitted to universities in Poland.When she was studying in Paris,she lived a poor life,but she worked very hard.In 1895 she married PierreCurie,and then they worked together on the research into radioactive matter.They discovered two kinds of radioactive matter—polonium and radium.In 1904 she and her husband received a Nobel Prize for Physics.After Mr Curie died in 1906,she went on with her research.She received a second Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1911,so she became the first scientist in the world to win two Nobel Prizes.T:Excellent.Anybody else?S2:Let me try.Albert Einstein is my hero.He was born on March 14,1879 in Ulm,Wurttemberg,Germany.Einstein contributed more than any other scientist since Sir Isaac Newton to our understanding of physical reality.Einstein worked at the patent office in Bern,Switzerland from 1902 to 1909.During this period he completed an astonishing range of theoretical physics publications,written in his spare time,without the benefit of close contact with scientific literature or colleagues.The most well known of these works is Einstein’s 1905 paper proposing “the special theory of relativity.” Later in 1905 Einstein showed how mass and energy were equivalent expressing it in the famous equation:E=mc2.This equation became a cornerstone in the development of nuclear energy.Einstein received the Nobel Prize in 1921 but not for relativity,rather for his 1905 work on the photoelectric effect.He worked on at Princeton until the end of his life on an attempt to unify the laws of physics.Step 3 Summing upT:Good jobs.Today we will finish learning this unit.Now let’s sum up what we have learned in this unit.Here are some guiding notes to help you.Please fill in the information sheet.(Show the card on the screen.)What have you learned about Nelson Mandela._________________________________From this unit you have also learned●Useful verbs___________________________●Useful nouns___________________________●Useful expressions___________________________●New grammar item___________________________Now I’ll give you some minutes to write possible answers.Suggested answers:What have you learned about Nelson Mandela.intelligent/determined/generous/kind/unselfish/hard-working/brave/confident From this unit you have also learned●Useful verbs:fight,advise,continue,vote,accept,guard,fear,reward,sentence●Useful nouns:hero,quality,republic,principle,nationalism,livelihood,prison,prisoner,law,fee,gold,passbook,ANC,youth,league,stage,position,violence,blanket,degree,terror,fear,cruelty,reward,right,criminal,leader,president●Useful expressions:lose heart,in trouble,worry about,out of work,Youth League,as a matter of fact,blow up,put...in prison,come to,power,set up,be sentenced to●New grammar item:The attributive clauses with when/where/whyStep 4 Learning tipT:In the last periods,we have learned two passages about Nelson Mandela.So you have been very familiar with this kind of passage.Here is a question for you to discuss.Listen carefully.Which learning tips do you think are more useful?Are you clear about that?Ss:Yes.T:Work in groups of four and discuss for a few minutes.Then I’ll ask some students to express your opinions.You can begin now.(A few minutes later.)T:OK.Are you ready now?Ss:Yes.T:Who’d like to be the first to talk about your opinions?Any volunteer?S1:I think when we choose a famous person,we must try to find out as much as we can about his or her life.S2:In my opinion,it is important to read what a famous person did and what people remember about him or her.S3:I think it is also important to find some people who like him or her and some who do not.At the same time,we should try to find out for what reason they like this person or not.T:Very good.While you are doing this,you will be teaching yourself a useful way of learning.Step 5 ProjectT:Now please turn to Page 75.Please look at the project.You know a great person need not to be famous.So your task is to look around your hometown and see if you can find anyone who has given up something to help others.Then write a short report about research and read it to the class.Please finish it after class.Step 6 Checking yourselfT:Now we have finished learning this unit.Please discuss the following questions.(Show these questions on the screen.)What kind of person do you want to be?Are you going to become a great person like Nelson Mandela?Why?Do you think a rich and successful person is a great person?Why or why not?What have you learned from Nelson Mandela?From what quality do you admire him most?Do you know anyone who has given up a lot for others?How well have you done in the exercises on the attributive clause?Did you have any problems in understanding this unit?How did you solve them?(Give the students several minutes to prepare.And then have a discussion about these questions with the whole class.)Step 7 SummaryT:In this lesson,we summed up what we have learned in this unit.Besides,we talked about some learning tips.And then you check yourself.Today we have finished this unit,so please review the whole unit,especially pay more attention to the important words,phrases and grammar we learned in this unit.Step 8 HomeworkGo over the whole unit.●板书设计Unit 5 Nelson Mandela—a modern heroThe Seventh PeriodWhat have you learned about Nelson Mandela.____________________________________From this unit you have also learned●Useful verbs_______________________________●Useful nouns_______________________________●Useful expressions_______________________________●New grammar item_______________________________●活动与探究Your task is to look around your hometown and see if you can find anyone who has given up something to help others.Then write a short report about research and read it to the class.Please finish it after class.●备课资料How to Improve Your English GrammarUse self-study grammar books.Practice forming meaningful sentences.Make positive statements,negative,turn statements into questions,make active statements passive.Turn past tense sentences into present tense sentences etc.Learn the different tenses.Learn by heart a simple example sentence using each tense.Do online exercises.Keep a note of how you did and go back in a few weeks to see how you have improved.On this site:Use the grammar pages to learn new grammar and then test yourself.How to Improve Your English VocabularyUse self-study vocabulary books.Expose yourself to as much English as possible by reading,watching the TV,films or the news and listening to the radio or music.Do online exercises.Keep a note of how you did and go back in a few weeks to see how you have improved.Use stick it notes and label things around your home.Vocabulary websBuild a vocabulary web to organise your vocabulary about certain subjects.For example your personal life:and then extend it:On this site:Use the dictation pages to test your understanding.and then extend it further...Flash cardsStart a flash cards box.Buy or cut out some cards all the same size.Draw or cut out some pictures.Paste the pictures onto one side of the card and write the correct word on the other side.Put new words in the front of the box.Test yourself using either the pictures,the words or both.If you have forgotten a word bring it to the front of the box.On this site:Use the vocabulary pages to learn new vocabulary thematically and in context.How to Improve Your English Listening SkillsMake sure you have the right software to take advantage of what is available on the WWW.You can download players and find links to online radio stations at , and .Try some English radio stations.Films in English are an excellent language resource.Follow my tips on how to use films to improve your English.Keep up to date with current events and watch an English-language news station,such as BBC World.Watch news reports on events you are already aware of.Find out how to switch languages on your TV.If you have digital or satellite TV there are several channels that broadcast in multiple languages.Eurosport is one and Euronews is another.On this site:Use my English magazine Ezine pages to find some interesting articles to listen to.On this site:Read my poem of the month or joke of the month and then send off for the monthly sound files.。

人教版高二英语必修教案:《Unit 5 Canada—“The True North”》

人教版高二英语必修教案:《Unit 5 Canada—“The True North”》

人教版高二英语必修教案:《Unit 5 Canada—“TheTrue North”》正确的道路是这样:吸取你的前辈所做的一切,然后再往前走。

下面是本文库为您推荐人教版高二英语必修教案:《Unit 5 Canada-"The True North"》。

教学目标Teaching AimsKnowledge a nd Skills:1. Ge t to know about Canada.2.Grasp some reading skills.3.Stimulate the Ss’ interest and love for learning about foreign countries.Strategy and Method:1.Train the students’fast-reading ability.2.Train the students’ ability to co operate with others.教学重难点Main points :1. Introduce the information of Canada to the students.2.Train the students’reading ability -skimming,and listening abilityDifficult point :Learn different reading skil ls for different reading purposes.Teaching procedures and ways教学过程Step1. Readin g…Greeting (2`)Step2. Leading in and Warming Up (5`)1.Free talk: Do you like to go sightseeingWhich country do you like to visitWhat can you see in these countries2.QuizStep3. Fast- reading (10`)1.what is"the true north"It refers to "the cross-Canada train."2.Draw the route of the two girls’ traveling across Canada Step4. Careful- reading(T…F)(15`)Step5. Consoli dation (7`)Listening … SummaryFill in the blank and retell the story课后习题HomeworkSurf the Internet to find more information about CanadaChalkboard DesigningUnit5Canada – the "the true north"-----A thip " on the true north"Vancouver Rocky Mountains Thunder BayCalgary Lake Superior Toronto。

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01 六月的序幕刚刚拉开,我家客厅的东窗外突然来了两只燕子,“扑棱扑棱”地飞来飞去,仔细观察,发现二楼的飘窗下面,洁白的墙壁上,竟然粘贴了一些泥巴,原来是燕子想在这里筑巢。东森娱 乐平台官网 一天午后,又飞来两只颜色一样的燕子。同样的方式飞去飞回,看不见燕子口中的泥巴,墙壁上却又多出一条子泥巴,泥巴像玉米粒般大小,排列紧凑。 四只燕子忙碌了两三天后,两个燕窝的轮廓清晰可见。可是不知何故,只剩下了两只燕子。也许是燕子之间不再争抢这块风水宝地,主动让给了同伴;也许是她们之间产生了矛盾,不欢而散…… 剩下的两只燕子停止了施工,我以为她们也会飞走,留下废墟,留下遗憾。她们后来的行动告诉了我答案,我的主观臆断,冤枉了她们。 燕子放弃了原来的劳动成果,重新修改了施工方案。进行了新的选址,图纸进行了重新设计。新址选在了90度直角的地方,两只燕子开始了新一轮的建设,施工紧张忙碌,似乎再与时间赛跑。 燕子是一流的建筑工程师。她们的施工严格按照图纸上的设计进行,施工顺序更是严格按照施工流程开展,所选建材质量过关。 燕子建房,主要建材是泥巴。有水的地方才会有泥巴。离我家最近的“建材厂”是护城河,少说也有千八百米远。一次往返,衔来一口泥材。不知疲倦,夫妻共建新家园。
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