NF F 16-101-1988(C)




CG-温度特性代码 0805-2.0X1.25(2125)
GRM40X7R 102K50PT
PT-包装方式代码 PB-袋式散装 PT-纸编带包装
B-±0.1pf(<=10pf) C-±0.25pf(<=10pf) D- ±0.5pf(<=10pf) F- ±1%pf( > 10pf) G- ±2%pf( > 10pf) J- ±5% (>10pf) K- ±10% (>10pf) M - ±20% (>10pf) Z - +80%/-20% (>10pf)
用R表示。如: 0R5为0.5pF,102为1nF。
CM 21 B 102 K 50 A T
T-Ф 7’4mm编带 L-Ф 13’4mm编带
10-外形尺寸代码 C-温度特性代码

NF F 16-101 中文版

NF F 16-101 中文版

ISSN O335 – 3931NF F 16 - 1011988年10月法国标准铁路车辆用材料材料在火中的性状材料的选用英语:(略)德语:(略)法国标准的批准:1988年9月由法国标准协会主任批准,自1988年10月执行。




修订:校对:铁路车辆用材料NF F 16 – 1011988年10月材料在火中的性状材料的选用通告本标准根据一系列标准化的实验结果,提出了一种对铁路车辆用材料进行分类的方法,不仅确定了所选定的材料,同时还考虑到了它们在火中燃烧的性状,燃烧所产生烟雾的不透明状态和所散发的毒性物质。








对于标准FN X 70-100未曾涉及的一些化学成分,本标准也未予以考虑。






ChemicalCompatibility1Compatible2Compatible (except for diameters 22-28 mm in bronze)3Do not useThis information is given for information only. For further information and specifi c conditions of use, please contact ourtechnical department.SealBody PipeGripping RingSpaceWasherRetainingCapClamp RingGuide SleeveBodyNutPipeSealPre-formed LugSocket Head ScrewPipe ClampCartridgeSleeve Guide SleeveTransair ®Connection TechnologiesTransair ® innovative technology takes into account the specifi c requirements of each diameter and provides the user with an optimum safety coeffi cient and easy connection.22 - 28mmPipe-to-pipe and stud connectors in Ø22 and Ø28 can be immediately connected to Transair ® stainless steel-pipe – simply push the pipe into the connector up to the connectionmark. The gripping ring of each fi tting is then automatically securedand the connection is safe.42 - 60mmPipe-to-pipe and stud connectors in Ø42 and Ø60 can be quickly connectedto Transair ® stainless steel pipe by means of a double clamp ring. This secures the connection between the nut and the pipe – tightening of the nuts secures the fi nal assembly.76 - 101mmPipe-to-pipe and stud connectors in Ø76 and Ø101 can be quickly connectedto Transair ® stainless steel pipe. Position the pipes to be connected within the Transair ® cartridge and close/tighten the Transair ®clamp.Parker Hannifi n CorporationFluid System Connectors Division 300 Parker Drive Otsego, MI 49078 Phone: 480 830 7764Fax: 480 325 3571**********************************/transair3515-S-QRG1/23© 2022 Parker Hannifi n CorporationParker Fluid Connectors GroupNorth American Divisions & Distribution Service CentersYour complete source for quality tube fi ttings, hose & hose fi ttings, brass & composite fi ttings, quick-disconnect couplings, valves and assembly tools, locally available from a worldwide network of authorized distributors.Fittings:Available in inch and metric sizes covering SAE, BSP ,DIN, GAZ, JIS and ISO thread confi gurations, manufactured from steel, stainless steel, brass, aluminum, nylon and thermoplastic.Hose, Tubing and Bundles:Available in a wide variety of sizes and materials including rubber, wire-reinforced, thermoplastic, hybrid and custom compounds.Worldwide Availability:Parker operates FluidConnectors manufacturing locations and sales offi ces throughout North America, South America, Europe and Asia-Pacifi c.For information, call toll free...1-800-C-PARKER (1-800-272-7537)North American DivisionsFluid System Connectors Division Otsego, MIphone 269 692 6555fax 269 694 4614Engineering Support:***********************.com Customer Support:**************************.comQuote Support:*************************.comHose Products Division Wickliff e, OHphone 440 943 5700fax 440 943 3129Parfl ex Division Ravenna, OHphone 330 296 2871fax 330 296 8433Quick Coupling Division Minneapolis, MNphone 763 544 7781fax 763 544 3418Tube Fittings Division Columbus, OHphone 614 279 7070fax 614 279 7685Distribution ServiceCentersBuena Park, CA phone 714 522 8840fax 714 994 1183Conyers, GAphone 770 929 0330fax 770 929 0230Louisville, KYphone 502 937 1322fax 502 937 4180Portland, ORphone 503 283 1020fax 503 283 2201Toledo, OHphone 419 878 7000fax 419 878 7001fax 419 878 7420 (FCG Kit Operations)CanadaMilton, ONTphone 905 693 3000fax 905 876 1958MexicoToluca, MEXphone (52) 722 2754 200fax (52) 722 2722 168M aximum Working Pressure According to the Temperature Temperature (°F)F luids■Industrial water■System compatible with additives (glycol orinhibitors) which prevent the formation of algae or fungus (list available upon request) ■Lubricating oils■Compressed air (dry, wet, lubricated) ■Vacuum■Inert gases (argon, nitrogen) ■Others: please consult usWorking Pressure■145 psi from 14°F to 140°F ■100 psi from 14°F to 194°FE xpansion Coefficient■Expansion coeffi cient of Transair ® stainless steelpipe: 0.016 mm per metre per degree celciusR esistance■to corrosion■to aggressive environmnents ■to mechanical shocks ■to thermal variations ■to U.V.E nvironment and Sustainable Development Transair ® materials are 100% recyclable.Water HammerØ22, Ø28: comply with standard BS, 7291 part 1Ø42, Ø60, Ø76, Ø101: comply with standard NF T54-091Technical Specifi cationsP r e s s u r e (P S I )Transair ®Standards and Certifi cationsTransair ® stainless steel range certifi cations fall within the standard and regulation universe described on pages 8 and 9 of this catalog.Standards Related to Transair ®Stainless Steel PipeTransair ® stainless steel range conforms to the standards below related to mechanical and chemical properties per diameter.The quality of the raw materials used in Transair stainless steel pipesallows for them to be bent according to best practices.ApplicationsFDA Certifi cate – CFR 21Transair ® stainless steel drops diameter 22mm conform to FDA – CFR 21 requirements.SafetyUL94 HB Grade Certifi cateAll Transair ® components are non-fl ammable with no propagation of fl ame.Pipe-to-pipe connectors, ball valves and butterfl y valves conform to UL 94 HB Grade standards.21 CFR Part 11The above mentioned certifi cates are available upon request.■Select the Transair ® diameter for your application, based on required fl ow against pressure drop. ■Estimated values for a closed loop network, a pressure of 4 bar with less than 10% pressure drop. ■Velocity: 4 m/s.E xample (with the above values) ■Main System Linear Length (Closed Loop): 164ft ■Required Flow Rate: 9cfm ■Working Pressure: 58psi■Pressure Drop < 10% ■Velocity: 13.1ft/s■The most suitable Transair StainlessSteel Diameter is: 60mm (2")D IN 1988The pressure drop per diameter is stated for a fl ow rate and a velociy, at a temperature of 20°C.Technical data sheet available upon request.* These results should be taken into account in order to ensure the best practice for industrial water networks. An anti-water hammer device is necessary for the protection of regulation components of other fragile elements.Sizing A NetworkInstructions for Assembly andDisassembly of a Stainless Steel DropThese drops can be connected to quick assembly brackets of Transair ® aluminum range and to quick assembly brackets of Transair ® stainless steel range.Stainless Steel DropsTransair 316L drops are the ideal solutions for compressed air and vacuum applications in demanding environments. We offer an array of 3/4” push to connect components to customize the drop to the point of use needs. Transair 316L drops can integrate into existing Transair aluminum or stainless steel systems.These modular components are easy to clean and offer a high chemical resistance. Since these components comply with FDA-CFR21 requirements, Transair 316L drops can be used in areas where components are constantly in contact with food or beverages.Technical Specifi cationsOutside Diameter3/4" (22mm)Inside Diameter 0.77" (19.6mm)Pressure Range 0 to 145psi (0 to 10 bar)Temperature Range -4F to +248F (-20C to +120C)Vacuum Rating 99.9% (0.03” Hg / 1mbar)Seal Material FKMBody Material316L Stainless SteelProduct Features■Push to connect connections ■Full bore design ■Modular and reusable■Optimizes cleaning and maintenance operations ■Large chemical compatibility (seechemical compatibility chart)■Connectors individually packaged in sealed plastic bags.Assembly: simplypush the pipe into the fi tting.Disassembly 1: Manually unscrew the nut and slide the nut along the pipe.Disassembly 2: Put the reddismounting ring on the pipe and re-screw the nut on the fi tting.Disassembly 3: Pull the pipe from the fi tting.Disassembly 4: Manually unscrew the nut and remove the red dismounting ring.Disassembly 5: Re-screw the nut on the fi tting without the red ring; it is ready for assembly.TRANSAIR ® PART NO.DESCRIPTIONTF16 N7 003/4" (22MM) 316L STAINLESS STEEL PIPE (LENGTH: 20')RF06 N7 023/4" (22MM) UNION CONNECTOR W/ FKM SEALRF02 N7 003/4" (22MM) 90° BENT PIPE ELBOWRF02 N7 023/4" (22MM) 90° ELBOW W/ FKM SEALRF04 06N003/4” FEMALE NPT THREADED EQUAL TEERF05 N7N063/4" (22MM) MALE THREADED 3/4" NPT ADAPTER RF36 06N043/4” FEMALE NPT THREADED 3 PORT WALLBRACKET (PLUGS NOT INCLUDED)EF27 00N041/2” MALE NPT PLUG0205 14 001/4” MALE NPT PLUG VP502SS 123/4” FEMALE NPT THREADED BALL VALVE W/ LOCKABLE HANDLEEX01 N7 013/4” PIPE HANGEREW11 N7 003/4" (22MM) DISMOUNTING RINGChemicalCompatibility1Compatible2Compatible (except for diameters 22-28 mm in bronze)3Do not useThis information is given for information only. For further information and specifi c conditions of use, please contact ourtechnical department.SealBody PipeGripping RingSpaceWasherRetainingCapClampRingGuide SleeveBodyNutPipeSealPre-formed LugSocket Head ScrewPipe ClampCartridgeSleeve Guide SleeveTransair ®Connection TechnologiesTransair ® innovative technology takes into account the specifi c requirements of each diameter and provides the user with an optimum safety coeffi cient and easy connection.22 - 28mmPipe-to-pipe and stud connectors in Ø22 and Ø28 can be immediately connected to Transair ® stainless steel-pipe – simply push the pipe into the connector up to the connectionmark. The gripping ring of each fi tting is then automatically securedand the connection is safe.42 - 60mmPipe-to-pipe and stud connectors in Ø42 and Ø60 can be quickly connectedto Transair ® stainless steel pipe by means of a double clamp ring. This secures the connection between the nut and the pipe – tightening of the nuts secures the fi nal assembly.76 - 101mmPipe-to-pipe and stud connectors in Ø76 and Ø101 can be quickly connectedto Transair ® stainless steel pipe. Position the pipes to be connected within the Transair ® cartridge and close/tighten the Transair ®clamp.P a r k e r F l u i d C o n n e c t o r s G r o u pN o r t h A m e r i c a n D i v i s i o n s & D i s t r i b u t i o n S e r v i c e C e n t e r sY o u r c o m p l e t e s o u r c e f o rq u a l i t y t u b e fi t t i n g s , h o s e& h o s e fi t t i n g s , b r a s s &c o m p o s i t e fi t t i n g s , q u i c k -d i s c o n ne c t c o u p l i n g s , v a l v e sa n d a s s e mb l y t o o l s , l oc a l l y a v a i l a b l e f r o m a w o r ld w i d en e t w o r k o f a u t h o r i z e dd i s t r i b u t o r s .F i t t i n g s :A v a i l a b l e i n i n c h a n d m e t r i c s i z e s c o v e r i n g S A E ,B S P , D I N , G A Z , J I S a n d I S O t h r e a dc o n fi g u r a t i o n s , m a n u f a c t u r e df r o m s t e e l , s t a i n l e s s s t e e l , b r a s s , a l u m i n u m , n y l o n a n dt h e r m o p l a s t i c .H o s e , T u b i n g a n d B u n d l e s :A v a i l a b l e i n a w i d e v a r i e t y o f s i z e s a n d m a t e r i a l s i n c l u d i n gr u b b e r , w i r e -r e i n f o r c e d , t h e r m o p l a s t i c , h y b r i d a n dc u s t o m c o m p o u nd s .W o r l d w i d e A v a i l a b i l i t y :P a r k e r o p e r a t e s F l u i d C o n n e c t o r s m a n u f a c t u r i n gl o c a t i o n s a n d s a l e s o ffi c e st h r o u g h o u t N o r t h A m e r i c a , S o u t h A m e r i c a , E u r o p e a n dA s i a -P a c i fi c .F o r i n f o r m a t i o n , c a l l t o l lf r e e ...N o r t h A m e r i c a n D i v i s i o n sF l u i d S y s t e m C o n n e c t o r sD i v i s i o n O t s e g o , M Ip h o n e 269 692 6555f a x 269 694 4614E n g i n e e r i n g S u p p o r t :F S C .A p p s @s u p p o r t .p a r k e r .c o mC u s t o m e r S u p p o r t :F S C .S u p p o r t @s u p p o r t .p a r k e r .c o mQ u o t e S u p p o r t :F S C .Q u o t e s @s u p p o r t .p a r k e r .c o mH o s e P r o d u c t s D i v i s i o n W i c k l i ff e , O Hp h o n e 440 943 5700f a x 440 943 3129P a r fl e x D i v i s i o nR a v e n n a , O Hp h o n e 330 296 2871f a x 330 296 8433Q u i c k C o u p l i n g D i v i s i o nM i n n e a p o l i s , M N p h o n e 763 544 7781f a x 763 544 3418T u b e F i t t i n g s D i v i s i o nC o l u m b u s , O H p h o n e 614 279 7070f a x 614 279 7685D i s t r i b u t i o n S e r v i c eC e n t e r sB u e n a P a r k ,C Ap h o n e 714 522 8840f a x 714 994 1183C o n y e r s , G Ap h o n e 770 929 0330f a x 770 929 0230L o u i s v i l l e , K Yp h o n e 502 937 1322f a x 502 937 4180P o r t l a n d , O Rp h o n e 503 283 1020f a x 503 283 2201T o l e d o , O Hp h o n e 419 878 7000f a x 419 878 7001f a x 419 878 7420(F C G K i t O p e r a t i o n s )C a n a d a M i l t o n , O N Tp h o n e 905 693 3000f a x 905 876 1958M e x i c oT o l u c a , M E Xp h o n e (52) 722 2754 200f a x (52) 722 2722 168M a x i m u m W o r k i n g P r e s s u r e A c c o r d i n g t o t h e T e m p e r a t u r e T e m p e r a t u r e (°F )F l u i d s■I n d u s t r i a l w a t e r■S y s t e m c o m p a t i b l e w i t h a d d i t i v e s (g l y c o l o r i n h i b i t o r s ) w h i c h p r e v e n t t h e f o r m a t i o n o f a l g a eo r f u n g u s (l i s t a v a i l a b l e u p o n r e q u e s t )■L u b r i c a t i n g o i l s■C o m p r e s s e d a i r (d r y , w e t , l u b r i c a t e d )■V a c u u m■I n e r t g a s e s (a r g o n , n i t r o g e n )■O t h e r s : p l e a s e c o n s u l t u s T e c h n i c a l S p e c i fi c a t i o n sPressure (PSI)T r a n s a i r ® S t a n d a r d s a n d C e r t i fi c a t i o n sT r a n s a i r ® s t a i n l e s s s t e e l r a n g e c e r t i fi c a t i o n s f a l l w i t h i n t h e s t a n d a r d a n d r e g u l a t i o n u n i v e r s e d e s c r i b e d o n p a g e s 8a n d 9 o f t h i s c a t a l o g .S t a n d a r d s R e l a t e d t o T r a n s a i r ®S t a i n l e s s S t e e l P i p eT r a n s a i r ® s t a i n l e s s s t e e l r a n g e c o n f o r m s t o t h e s t a n d a r d s b e l o w r e l a t e dt o m e c h a n i c a l a n d c h e m i c a l p r o p e r t i e s p e r d i a m e t e r .T h e q u a l i t y o f t h e r a w m a t e r i a l s u s e d i n T r a n s a i r s t a i n l e s s s t e e l p i p e sa l l o w s f o r t h e m t ob e b e n t ac c o rd i n g t o be s t p r a c t i c e s .A p p l i c a t i o n sF D A C e r t i fi c a t e – C F R 214 H B G r a d e C e r t i fi c a t er a n s a i r ® c o m p o n e n t s a r e n o n -fl a m m a b l e w i t h n o p r o p a g a t i o n o f fl a m e .-t o -p i p e c o n n e c t o r s , b a l l v a l v e s a n d b u t t e r fl y v a l v e s c o n f o r m t o U L 94 H B G r a d e s t a n d a r d s .21 C F R P a r t 11e r t i fi c a t e s a r e a v a i l a b l e u p o n r e q u e s t .■Select the Transair ® diameter for your application, based on required fl ow against pressure drop. ■Estimated values for a closed loop network, a pressure of 4 bar with less than 10% pressure drop. ■Velocity: 4 m/s.E xample (with the above values) ■Main System Linear Length (Closed Loop): 164ft ■Required Flow Rate: 9cfm ■Working Pressure: 58psi■Pressure Drop < 10% ■Velocity: 13.1ft/s■The most suitable Transair StainlessSteel Diameter is: 60mm (2")D IN 1988The pressure drop per diameter is stated for a fl ow rate and a velociy, at a temperature of 20°C.Technical data sheet available upon request.* These results should be taken into account in order to ensure the best practice for industrial water networks. An anti-water hammer device is necessary for the protection of regulation components of other fragile elements.Sizing A NetworkInstructions for Assembly andDisassembly of a Stainless Steel DropThese drops can be connected to quick assembly brackets of Transair ® aluminum range and to quick assembly brackets of Transair ® stainless steel range.Stainless Steel DropsTransair 316L drops are the ideal solutions for compressed air and vacuum applications in demanding environments. We offer an array of 3/4” push to connect components to customize the drop to the point of use needs. Transair 316L drops can integrate into existing Transair aluminum or stainless steel systems.These modular components are easy to clean and offer a high chemical resistance. Since these components comply with FDA-CFR21 requirements, Transair 316L drops can be used in areas where components are constantly in contact with food or beverages.Technical Specifi cationsOutside Diameter3/4" (22mm)Inside Diameter 0.77" (19.6mm)Pressure Range 0 to 145psi (0 to 10 bar)Temperature Range -4F to +248F (-20C to +120C)Vacuum Rating 99.9% (0.03” Hg / 1mbar)Seal Material FKMBody Material316L Stainless SteelProduct Features■Push to connect connections ■Full bore design ■Modular and reusable■Optimizes cleaning and maintenance operations ■Large chemical compatibility (see chemical compatibility chart)■Connectors individually packaged in sealed plastic bags.Assembly: simplypush the pipe into the fi tting.Disassembly 1: Manually unscrew the nut and slide the nut along the pipe.Disassembly 2: Put the reddismounting ring on the pipe and re-screw the nut on the fi tting.Disassembly 3: Pull the pipe from the fi tting.Disassembly 4: Manually unscrew the nut and remove the red dismounting ring.Disassembly 5: Re-screw the nut on the fi tting without the red ring; it is ready for assembly.TRANSAIR ® PART NO.DESCRIPTIONTF16 N7 003/4" (22MM) 316L STAINLESS STEEL PIPE (LENGTH: 20')RF06 N7 023/4" (22MM) UNION CONNECTOR W/ FKM SEALRF02 N7 003/4" (22MM) 90° BENT PIPE ELBOWRF02 N7 023/4" (22MM) 90° ELBOW W/ FKM SEALRF04 06N003/4” FEMALE NPT THREADED EQUAL TEERF05 N7N063/4" (22MM) MALE THREADED 3/4" NPT ADAPTER RF36 06N043/4” FEMALE NPT THREADED 3 PORT WALLBRACKET (PLUGS NOT INCLUDED)EF27 00N041/2” MALE NPT PLUG0205 14 001/4” MALE NPT PLUGVP502SS 123/4” FEMALE NPT THREADED BALL VALVE W/ LOCKABLE HANDLEEX01 N7 013/4” PIPE HANGEREW11 N7 003/4" (22MM) DISMOUNTING RING。






1.德国标准德国的铁路防火标准DIN 5510是系列标准,其中DIN 5510-2《材料和构件的燃烧特性和燃烧并发现象:分类、要求和测试方法》是轨道车辆材料的防火要求。

在DIN 5510-1标准中,根据车辆运行线路设施条件以及逃生的可能性和失火后的风险,把车辆分为4个阻燃保护等级(见表1)。

表1 DIN 5510中的客车车辆阻燃保护等级DIN 5510-2中根据DIN 5510-1中规定的客车车辆阻燃保护等级以及零部件的安装位置等特点,明确了材料的防火性能要求。




1.英国标准英国铁路防火标准BS 6853《铁路客车设计和建造火灾预防实施规范》,加强了铁路车辆设计者和制造商的责任,规定了设计中的注意事项,例如:乘客头上的行李架应设计为从下面可以看到摆放的物品。



品 名 极性管脚功 能 参 数 MPSA42 NPN 21E 电话视频放大300V0.5A0.625W MPSA92 PNP 21E 电话视频放大300V0.5A0.625W MPS2222A NPN 21 高频放大75V0.6A0.625W300MHZ 9011 NPN EBC 高频放大50V30mA0.4W150MHz 9012 PNP 贴片低频放大50V0.5A0.625W 9013 NPN EBC 低频放大50V0.5A0.625W 9013 NPN 贴片低频放大50V0.5A0.625W 9014 NPN EBC 低噪放大 50V0.1A0.4W150MHZ 9015 PNP EBC 低噪放大 50V0.1A0.4W150MHZ 9018 NPN EBC 高频放大30V50MA0.4W1GHZ 8050 NPN EBC 高频放大40V1.5A1W100MHZ 8550 PNP EBC 高频放大40V1.5A1W100MHZ 2N2222 NPN 4A 高频放大60V0.8A0.5W25/200NSβ=45 2N2222A NPN 小铁高频放大75V0.6A0.625W300MHZ 2N2369 NPN 4A 开关 40V0.5A0.3W800MHZ 2N2907 NPN 4A 通用 60V0.6A0.4W26/70NSβ=200 2N3055 NPN 12 功率放大 100V15A115W 2N3440 NPN 6 视放开关 450V1A1W15MHZ 2N3773 NPN 12 音频功放开关160V16A150W COP 2N6609 2N3904 NPN 21E 通用 60V0.2Aβ=100-400 2N3906 PNP 21E 通用 40V0.2Aβ=100-400 2N5401 PNP 21E 视频放大160V0.6A0.625W100MHZ 2N5551 NPN 21E 视频放大160V0.6A0.625W100MHZ 2N5685 NPN 12 音频功放开关60V50A300W 2N6277 NPN 12 功放 开关 180V50A250W 2N6609 PNP 12 音频功放开关160V15A150W COP 2N3773

NF 法国国家标准目录

NF 法国国家标准目录

NF 法国国家标准目录-第20页NF A 04.102-2003 晶粒度显微检验Steels - Micrographic determination of theapparent grain size1448NF A 05.150-1985 钢铁产品显微照相检查技术Steel products. Techniques of micrographic examination.931NF A 05.152-1984 钢产品用强无机酸的低倍检查Steel products. Macroscopic examination byetching with strong mineral acids290NF P 43.011-1985 建筑物的阀门不可控制范围内的不同压力的CB电动机起动器一般技术指标valves and taps for water supply in buildings CBdisconnectors with different Non controllablepressure ranges general technical Specifications782NF EN ISO 262-1999 螺钉,螺栓和螺母的选择尺寸General purpose metric screw threads -Tolerances210NF EN 571.1-1997 无损检验渗透探伤法检验第1部分一般原则Non-destructive testing - Penetrant testing - Part 1. General principles1007NF EN 895-1995 金属材料焊接的破坏性试验横向拉伸试验Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials. Transverse tensile test463NF EN ISO 898.1-1999碳钢和合金钢制紧固件的机械性能第1部分:螺栓、螺钉和双头螺栓Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbonsteel and alloy steel -- Part 1: Bolts, screws andstuds2752NF EN ISO 898.5-1999 横向拉伸试验Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbonsteel and alloy steel -- Part 5: Set screws andsimilar threaded fasteners not under tensilestresses796NF EN ISO 910-1996 金属材料焊接的破坏性试验弯曲试验Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials - Bend tests744NF EN ISO 965.2-1998 公差General Purpose Metric Screw Threads -Tolerances - Part 2: Limits of Sizes for GeneralPurpose External and Internal Screw Threads -Medium Quality806NF EN 1043.1-96 金属材料焊接的破坏性试验硬度试验第1部分电弧焊接头的硬度试验Destructive Tests on Welds in Metallic MaterialsHardness Testing Part 1: Hardness Test on ArcWelded Joints544NF EN ISO 2081-2008 金属覆盖层镍+铬和铜+镍+铬电镀层Metallic and other inorganic coatings.Electroplated coatings of zinc with supplementary treatments oniron or steel1443NF EN ISO 3452.2-2007 无损检验渗透剂检验第2部分渗透剂材料试验Non-destructive testing - Penetrant testing - Part 2:Testing of penetrant materials2459NF EN ISO 3452.3-2007 无损检验渗透剂检验第3部分校准试验块Non-destructive testing - Penetrant testing - Part 3:Reference test blocks512NF EN ISO 3452.4-2007 无损检验渗透剂检验第4部分设备Non-destructive testing - Penetrant testing - Part 4:Equipment629NF EN ISO 3506.1-1998 耐腐蚀不锈钢紧固件的机械性能第1部分:螺栓、螺钉和螺柱Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistantstainless steel fasteners -- Part 1: Bolts, screwsand studs1920NF EN ISO 3506.2-1998 抗腐蚀不锈钢紧固件的机械性能第2部分Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistantstainless-steel fasteners -- Part 2: Nuts1560NF EN ISO 3506.3-1997 抗腐蚀不锈钢紧固件的机械性能第3部分Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistantstainless-steel fasteners -- Part 3: Set screws andsimilar fasteners not under tensile stress1258NF EN ISO 4759.1-2005 紧固件公差.第1部分:螺栓、螺钉和垫圈和螺母.产品等级A和CTolerances for fasteners -- Part 1: Bolts, screws,studs and nuts -- Product grades A, B and C1852NF EN ISO6157.2-1995紧固件表面不均匀性Fasteners -- Surface discontinuities -- Part 2: Nuts 702NF EN ISO 6506.1-2006 金属材料布氏硬度试验第1部分试验方法Metallic materials - Brinell hardness test - Part 1:Test method982NF EN ISO 6506.2-2006 金属材料布氏硬度试验第2部分试验机器的认证和校准Metallic materials - Brinell hardness test - Part 2:Verification and calibration of testing machines838NF EN ISO 6506.3-2006 金属材料布氏硬度试验第3部分参考块的校准Metallic materials - Brinell hardness test - Part 3:Calibration of reference blocks563NF EN ISO 6506.4-2006 金属材料布氏硬度试验第4部分硬度值表Metallic materials - Brinell hardness test - Part 4:Table of hardness values339NF EN ISO 6507.1-2006 金属材料维氏硬度试验第1部分试验方法Metallic materials - Vickers hardness test - Part 1:Test method961NF EN ISO 6507.2-2006 金属材料维氏硬度试验第2部分试验机器的认证和校准Metallic materials - Vickers hardness test - Part 2:Verification of testing machines1039NF EN ISO 6507.3-2006 金属材料维氏硬度试验第3部分参考块的校准Metallic materials - Vickers hardness test - Part 3:Calibration of the reference blocks777NF EN ISO 6507.4-2006 金属材料维氏硬度试验第4部分硬度值表Metallic materials - Vickers hardness test - Part 4:Tables of hardness values635NF EN ISO 6508.1-2006 金属材料洛氏硬度试验第1部分试验方法Metallic materials - Rockwell hardness test - Part1: Test method1300NF EN ISO 6508.2-2006 金属材料洛氏硬度试验第2部分试验机器的认证和校准Metallic materials - Rockwell hardness test - Part2: Verification and calibration of testing machines1292NF EN ISO 6508.3-2006 金属材料洛氏硬度试验第3部分参考块的校准Metallic materials - Rockwell hardness test - Part3: Calibration of reference blocks884NF EN ISO 7438-2005 金属材料弯曲试验Metallic materials - Bend test 411 NF EN ISO 8493-2004 金属材料管材扩口试验Metallic materials - Tube - Drift-expanding test 285NF EN ISO10484-2004螺母扩孔试验Widening test on nuts 370 NF EN ISO10485-2004螺母锥形保证载荷试验Cone proof load test on nuts 317NF EN 12223-2000 无损检验超声波检验1号校准块规范Non-destructive testing. Ultrasonic examination. Specification for calibration block No.1376NF EN10216.2.A2-2007 承压用无缝钢管交货技术条件Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes -Technical delivery conditions - Part 2: Non alloyand alloy steel tubes with specified elevatedtemperature properties; German version3074NF EN10217.1.A1-2005 承压用焊接钢管规定室温性能的非合金钢管Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes -Technical delivery conditions - Part 1: Non-alloysteel tubes with specified room temperatureproperties362NF F 18-001-1988 铁路运输车辆.锰钢磨耗板.性能.焊接规定Rolling stock. Wearing plates made ofmanganeses steel. Characteristics. Welding prescriptions950NF F 19-290-2002 铁路设施保护和装饰用的室外涂料系统Railway applications - Outdoor paint systems for conservation and ornementation1380NF E 25.100.0-92 Mechanical properties of fasteners made ofcarbon steel and alloy steelMechanical properties of fasteners made of carbonsteel and alloy steel1666NF E 25.400.0-93 Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistantstainlessMechanical properties of corrosion-resistantstainless983NF E 25-135-1986 固定部件。



9月28日常用二极管参数整流二极管主要参数50V 100V 200V 300V 400V 500V 600V 800V 1000V1A 1N4001 1N4002 1N4003 1N4004 1N4005 1N4006 1N40071.5A 1N5391 1N5392 1N5393 1N5394 1N5395 1N5396 1N5397 1N5398 1N5399 2A PS200 PS201 PS202 PS204 PS206 PS208 PS2093A 1N5400 1N5401 1N5402 1N5404 1N5405 1N5406 1N5407 1N5408 1N5409 稳压二极管主要参数型号最大功耗(mW) 稳定电压(V) 电流(mA) 代换型号国产稳压管日立稳压管最小值最大值新型号旧型号HZ4B2 500 3.8 4 5 2CW102 2CW21 4B2HZ4C1 500 4 4.2 5 2CW102 2CW21 4C1HZ6 500 5.5 5.8 5 2CW103 2CW21A 6B1HZ6A 500 5.2 5.7 5 2CW103 2CW21AHZ6C3 500 6 6.4 5 2CW104 2CW21B 6C3HZ7 500 6.9 7.2 5 2CW105 2CW21CHZ7A 500 6.3 6.9 5 2CW105 2CW21CHZ7B 500 6.7 7.3 5 2CW105 2CW21CHZ9A 500 7.7 8.5 5 2CW106 2CW21DHZ9CTA 500 8.9 9.7 5 2CW107 2CW21EHZ11 500 9.5 11.9 5 2CW109 2CW21GHZ12 500 11.6 14.3 5 2CW111 2CW21HHZ12B 500 12.4 13.4 5 2CW111 2CW21HHZ12B2 500 12.6 13.1 5 2CW111 2CW21H 12B2HZ18Y 500 16.5 18.5 5 2CW113 2CW21JHZ20-1 500 18.86 19.44 2 2CW114 2CW21KHZ27 500 27.2 28.6 2 2CW117 2CW21L 27-3HZT33-02 400 31 33.5 5 2CW119 2CW21MRD2.0E(B) 500 1.88 2.12 20 2CW100 2CW21P 2B1RD2.7E 400 2.5 2.93 20 2CW101 2CW21SRD3.9EL1 500 3.7 4 20 2CW102 2CW21 4B2RD5.6EN1 500 5.2 5.5 20 2CW103 2CW21A 6A1RD5.6EN3 500 5.6 5.9 20 2CW104 2CW21B 6B2RD5.6EL2 500 5.5 5.7 20 2CW103 2CW21A 6B1RD6.2E(B) 500 5.88 6.6 20 2CW104 2CW21BRD7.5E(B) 500 7 7.9 20 2CW105 2CW21CRD10EN3 500 9.7 10 20 2CW108 2CW21F 11A2RD11E(B) 500 10.1 11.8 15 2CW109 2CW21GRD12E 500 11.74 12.35 10 2CW110 2CW21H 12A1RD12F 1000 11.19 11.77 20 2CW109 2CW21GRD13EN1 500 12 12.7 10 2CW110 2CW21H 12A3RD15EL2 500 13.8 14.6 15 2CW112 2CW21J 12C3RD24E 400 22 25 10 2CW116 2CW21H 24-1RD24F 400 24 28 10 2CW117 2CW21LRD36EL1 500 32 34 15 2CW119 2CW21M 33-2RD57E 500 48 54 10 1DS55-1805Z5.1Y 500 4.94 5.2 2CW103 2CW21A 5C205Z5.6Z 500 5.61 5.91 2CW104 2CW21B 6B205Z6.2Y 500 5.96 6.27 41 2CW104 2CW21B 6C205Z7.5Y 500 7.07 7.45 34 2CW105 2CW21C05Z7.5Z 500 7.3 7.7 34 2CW105 2CW21C 7C205Z9.1Y 500 8.9 9.3 30 2CW107 2CW21E 9C105Z12 500 11.13 12.35 21 2CW110 2CW21H05Z12Z 500 12 12.6 20 2CW110 2CW21H 12A305Z13X 500 12.11 12.75 19 2CW110 2CW21H 12A305Z13Z 500 13.5 14.1 18 2CW111 2CW21H 12C205Z13Y 500 12.55 13.21 19 2CW111 2CW21H 12B205Z15 500 14.4 15 17 2CW112 2CW21J 15-205Z15Y 500 13.89 14.62 17 2CW111 2CW21H 12C305Z18 500 16.5 18.5 14 2CW113 2CW21J05Z18Y 500 16.82 17.7 14 2CW113 2CW21J 18-1EQA01-11B 500 10.1 11.8 15 2CW109 2CW21GEQA01-12Z 500 11.2 13.1 15 2CW110 2CW21HEQA02-07B 400 6.66 7.01 20 2CW105 2CW21C 7A3EQA02-25A 500 24 25.5 2CW116 2CW21L 24-3TVSQA106SB 500 5.88 6.6 20 2CW104 2CW21BTVSQA111SB 500 10.4 11.6 10 2CW109 2CW21GTVSQA111SE 500 11 11.5 10 2CW109 2CW21G 11C2MA1130 1000 12.4 14.1 5 2CW111 2CW21HMA1330 500 31 35 25 2CW120 2CW21NM4030 500 2.9 3 5 2CW101 2CW21SuPC574JAG 200 31 35 25 2CW120 2CW21NRIMV 135 160 ZDW59恒流二极管主要参数型号恒定电流(ma) 起始电压Us(V) 动态电阻(MΩ) 耐压分档(UHV) 2DH00 ≤0.05 〈0.5 ≥8 A:≥202DH01 0.1±0.05 〈0.8 ≥82DH02 0.2±0.05 〈1.5 ≥52DH03 0.3±0.05 〈1.5 ≥5 B:≥302DH04 0.4±0.05 〈2 ≥2.52DH05 0.5±0.05 〈2 ≥2.52DH06 0.6±0.05 〈2 ≥2.5 C:≥402DH07 0.7±0.05 〈2 ≥1.52DH08 0.8±0.05 〈3 ≥1.52DH09 0.9±0.05 〈3 ≥1 D:≥502DH1 1±0.05 〈3 ≥12DH2 2±0.05 〈3 ≥0.52DH3 3±0.05 〈3.5 ≥0.42DH4 4±0.05 〈3.5 ≥0.32DH5 5±0.05 〈4.5 ≥0.252DH6 6±0.05 〈4.5 ≥0.152DH7 7±0.05 〈5 ≥0.15变容二极管主要参型号电容量(工作电压)电容比率工作频率最小值最大值303B 3~5p(25V) 18p(3V) 〉6 1000MHz2AC1 2p(25V) 27p(3V) 〉7 50MHz2CC1 3.6p(25V) 20p(3V) 4~6 50MHz2CB14 3p(25V) 18~30p(3V) 5~7 50MHz2CC-32 2.5p(25V) 25p(3V) 4.5 〉800MHzISV-101 12p(10V) 32p(2.5V) 2.4 100MHzAM-109 30p(9V) 460p(1V) 15 AMBB-112 17p(6V) 12p(3V) 1.8 AMISV-149 30p(8V) 540p(1V) 18 AMS-153 2.3p(9V) 16p(2V) 7 〉600MHzMV-209 11p(9V) 33p(1.5V) 3 UHFKV-1236 30p(8V) 540p(1V) 20 AMKV-1310 43p(8V) 93p(2V) 2.3 〉100MHzIS149 30p(8V) 540p(1V) 18 AMS208 2.7p(9V) 17p(4V) 〉4.5 〉900MHzMV2105 6p(9V) 22p(4V) 2.5 UHFDB300 6.8p(25V) 18p(3V) 1.8 50MHzBB112 10p(25V) 180p(3V) 〉16 AM快恢复二极管主要参数国外型号Vr(V) If(A) Ifsm(A) VF(V) Trr(us) Ir(ua) 适用机型代用型号ES1A 400 0.75 30 2.5 1.5 10 日立三洋CN08EEU1 400 0.35 15 2.5 0.4 10 东芝三洋2CZ34HEU01A 600 0.35 15 2.5 0.4 10 三洋CF03-06EU2 400 1 15 1.4 0.3 10 三洋CFR10-04EU2Z 200 1 15 1.4 0.3 10 三洋CFR10-02EU3A 600 1.5 20 1.5 0.4 10 三洋CFR15-06RC2 600 1 20 1.5 0.4 10 松下CRR02-20RU3 800 1.5 20 1.5 0.4 10 三菱CRF15-06S5295G 400 0.5 30 2 0.4 10 东芝CFR05-04S5295J 600 0.5 30 1.5 0.4 10 东芝CFR05-06RGP10 600 1 30 1.3 0.4 10 胜利夏普CFR10-06RU2 600 1 20 1.5 0.4 10 松下胜利NEC CFR10-06 TVSC2406SM1-02FRA 200 0.8 35 1 0.4 10 东芝CFR08-02TVR06 400 0.6 25 1.4 0.3 10 NEC CFR06-04V09 400 0.8 35 1.6 0.4 10 日立胜利2CZ305V09C 200 0.8 35 1.6 0.4 10 日立CFR08-02V11 日立2CZ306IS2471 60 0.15 1 0.8 0.03 10 三菱IS2096IS1553 70 0.1 1 1.4 ---- 0.5 东芝IS1553IS1555 35 0.1 1 1.4 ---- 0.5 东芝IS15553JH61 600 3 60 1.5 0.2 10 东芝CFR30-0611:21 | 阅读评论(1) | 固定链接 | 电器维修资料常用三极管参数MPSA42 NPN 21E 电话视频放大300V 0.5A 0.625W MPSA92 PNP 21E 电话视频放大300V 0.5A 0.625WMPS2222A NPN 21 高频放大75V 0.6A 0.625W 300MHZ 9011 NPN EBC 高频放大50V 30mA 0.4W 150MHz9012 PNP 贴片低频放大50V 0.5A 0.625W9013 NPN EBC 低频放大50V 0.5A 0.625W9013 NPN 贴片低频放大50V0.5A0.625W9014 NPN EBC 低噪放大50V0.1A0.4W150MHZ9015 PNP EBC 低噪放大50V0.1A0.4W150MHZ9018 NPN EBC 高频放大30V50MA0.4W1GHZ8050 NPN EBC 高频放大40V1.5A1W100MHZ8550 PNP EBC 高频放大40V1.5A1W100MHZ2N2222 NPN 4A 高频放大60V0.8A0.5W25/200NSβ=452N2222A NPN 小铁高频放大75V0.6A0.625W300MHZ2N2369 NPN 4A 开关40V0.5A0.3W800MHZ2N2907 NPN 4A 通用60V0.6A0.4W26/70NSβ=2002N3055 NPN 12 功率放大100V15A115W2N3440 NPN 6 视放开关450V1A1W15MHZ2N3773 NPN 12 音频功放开关160V16A150W COP 2N6609 2N3904 NPN 21E 通用60V0.2Aβ=100-4002N3906 PNP 21E 通用40V0.2Aβ=100-4002N5401 PNP 21E 视频放大160V0.6A0.625W100MHZ2N5551 NPN 21E 视频放大160V0.6A0.625W100MHZ2N5685 NPN 12 音频功放开关60V50A300W2N6277 NPN 12 功放开关180V50A250W2N6609 PNP 12 音频功放开关160V15A150W COP 2N3773 2N6678 NPN 12 音频功放开关650V15A175W15MHZ2N6718 NPN 小铁音频功放开关100V2A2W50MHZ3DA87A NPN 6 视频放大100V0.1A1W3DG6A NPN 6 通用15V20mA0.1W100MHz3DG6B NPN 6 通用20V20mA0.1W150MHz3DG6C NPN 6 通用20V20mA0.1W250MHz3DG6D NPN 6 通用30V20mA0.1W150MHz3DG12C NPN 7 通用45V0.3A0.7W200MHz3DK2B NPN 7 开关30V30mA0.2W3DK4B NPN 7 开关40V0.8A0.7W3DK7C NPN 7 开关25V50mA0.3W3DD15D NPN 12 电源开关300V5A50W3DD102C NPN 12 电源开关300V5A50W3522V 5.2V稳压管录像机用A634 PNP 28E 音频功放开关40V2A10WA708 PNP 6 NF/S 80V0.7A0.8WA715C PNP 29 音频功放开关35V2.5A10W160MHZA733 PNP 21 通用50V0.1A180MHZA741 PNP 4 S 20V0.1A <70/120nSA781 PNP 39B 开关20V0.2A <80/160NSA928 PNP ECB 通用20V1A0.25WA933 PNP 21 Uni 50V0.1A140MHzA940 PNP 28 音频功放开关150V1.5A25W4MHZ /C2073A950 PNP 21 通用30V0.8A0.6WA966 PNP 21 音频激励输出30V1.5A0.9W COP:C2236A968 PNP 28 音频功放开关160V1.5A25W100MHZ /C2238 A1009 PNP BCE 功放开关350V2A15WA1012 PNP 28 音频功率放60V5A25WA1013 PNP 21 视频放大160V1A0.9WA1015 PNP 21 通用60V0.15A0.4W8MHZA1020 PNP 21 音频开关50V2A0.9WA1123 PNP 21 低噪放大150V0.05A0.75WA1162 PNP 21d 通用贴片50V0.15A0.15WA1216 PNP BCE 功放开关180V17A200W20MHZ /2922A1220 PNP 29 音频功放开关120V1.5A20W150MHZ/C2690 A1265 PNP BCE 功放开关140V10A100W30MHZ /C3182 A1295 PNP BCE 功放开关230V17A200W30MHZ /C3264 A1301 PNP BCE 功放开关160V10A100W30MHZ /C3280 A1302 PNP BCE 功放开关200V15A150W30MHZ /C3281 A1358 ? PNP 高频120V1A10W120MHZA1444 PNP BCE 高速电源开关100V15A30W80MHZA1494 PNP BCE 功放开关200V17A200W20MHZ /C3858 A1516 PNP BCE 功放开关180V12A130W25MHZA1668 PNP 28B 电源开关200V2A25W20MHZA1785 PNP BCE 驱动400V1A1W/120V1A0.9W140MHA1941 PNP BCE 功放开关140V10A100WCOP:5198A1943 PNP BCE 功放开关230V15A150W /C5200 原A1988 PNP 30 功放开关B449 PNP 12 功放开关50V3.5A22.5W 锗管B631K PNP 29 音频功放开关120V1A8W130MHZ /D600K B647 PNP 21 通用120V1A0.9W140MHZ /D667B649 PNP 29 视放180V1.5A1W /D669B669 PNP 28 达林顿功放70V4A40WB673 PNP 28 达林顿功放100V7A40WB675 PNP 28 达林顿功放60V7A40WB688 PNP BCE 音频功放开关120V8A80W /D718B734 PNP 39B 通用60V1A1W /D774B744 PNP 21 通用30V0.1A0.25WB772 PNP 29 音频功放开关40V3A10WB774 PNP 21 通用30V0.1A0.25WB817 PNP 30 功放开关160V12A100W /D1047B834 PNP 28 功放开关60V3A30WB937A PNP 功放开关60V2A35 DRALB1020 PNP 28 功放开关达林顿100V7A40Wβ=6000B1079 PNP 30 达林顿功放100V20A100Wβ=5000/D1559 B1185 PNP 28B 功放开关60V3A25W 70MHZ /D1762B1238 PNP ECB 功放开关80V0.7A1W 100MHZB1240 PNP 39B 功放开关40V2A1W100HZB1243 PNP 39B 功放开关40V3A1W70HZB1316 PNP 54B 驱动功放达林顿100V2A10Wβ=15000B1317 PNP BCE 音频功放180V15A150W COP:D1975B1335 PNP 28 音频功放低噪80V4A30W 12MHZB1375 PNP BCE 音频功放60V3A2W9MHZB1400 PNP 28B 达林顿功放120V6A25W β=1000-20000 B1429 PNP BCE 功放开关180V15A150WB1494 PNP BCE 达林顿功放120V25A120Wβ=2000-20000 C106 NPN EBC 音频功放开关60V1.5A15WC380 NPN 21 高频放大35V0.03A250MHZC458 NPN 21 通用30V0.1A230MHzC536 NPN 21 通用40V0.1A180MHZC752 NPN 21 通用30V0.1A300MHzC815 NPN 21 通用60V0.2A0.25WC828 NPN 21 通用45V0.05A0.25WC900 NPN 21 低噪放大30V0.03A100MHZC943 NPN 4A 通用60V0.2A200MHZC945 NPN 21 通用50V0.1A0.5W250MHZC1008 NPN 6 通用80V0.7A0.8W50MHZC1162 NPN 29 音频功放开关35V1.5A10WC1213 NPN 39B 监视器专用35V0.5A0.4WC1222 NPN 21 低噪放大60V0.1A100MHZC1494 ? NPN 40A 发射36V6A PQ=40W/175MHZC1507 NPN 28 视放300V0.2A15WC1674 NPN 21 HF/ZF 30V0.02A600MHzC1815 NPN 21 通用60V0.15A0.4W8MHZC1855 NPN 21f HF/ZF 20V0.02A550MHzC1875 NPN 12 彩行1500V3.5A50WC1906 NPN 21 高频放大30V0.05A1000MHZC1942 NPN 12 彩行1500V3A50WC1959 NPN 21 通用30V0.4A0.5W300MHzC1970 NPN 28 手机发射40V0.6A PQ=1.3W/175MHZC1971 NPN 28A 手机发射35V2.0A PQ=7.0W/175MHZC1972 NPN 28A 手机发射35V3.5A PQ=15W/175MHZC2012 NPN 21 HF 30V0.03A200MHZC2027 NPN 12 行管1500V5A50WC2036C2068 NPN 28E 视频放大300V0.05A1.5W80MHZC2073 NPN 28 功率放大150V1.5A25W4MHZ /A940C2078 NPN 28 音频功放开关80V3A10W150MHZC2120 NPN 21 通用30V0.8A0.6WC2228 NPN 21 视频放大160V0.05A0.75WC2230 NPN 21 视频放大200V0.1A0.8WC2233 NPN 28 音频功放开关200V4A40WC2236 NPN 21 通用30V1.5A0.9W /A966C2238 NPN 28 音频功放开关160V1.5A25W100MHZ /A968 C2320 NPN 21 通用50V0.2A0.3W200MHZC2335 NPN 28 视频功放500V7A40WC2373 NPN 28 功放200V7.5A40WC2383 NPN 21 视频开关160V1A0.9W /A1015C2443 NPN 大铁功放开关600V50A400WC2481 NPN 29 音频功放开关150V1.5A20WC2482 NPN 21 视频放大300V0.1A0.9WC2500 NPN 21 通用30V2A0.9W150MHZC2594 NPN 29 音频功放开关40V5A10WC2611 NPN 29 视频放大300V0.1A1.25WC2625 NPN 30 音频功放开关450V10A80WC2682 NPN 29 NF/Vid 180V0.1A8WC2688 NPN 29 视放管300V0.2A10W80MHZC2690 NPN 29 音频功放开关120V1.2A20W150MHZ/A1220P C2751 NPN BCE 电源开关500V15A120Wβ=40C2837 NPN 30 音频功放开关150V10A100WC2898 NPN 28 音频功放开关500V8A50WC2922 NPN 43 音频功放开关180V17A200W50MHZ /A1216 C3026 NPN 12 开关管1700V5A50Wβ=20C3030 NPN BCE 开关管达林顿900V7A80Wβ=15C3039 NPN 28 电源开关500V7A50Wβ=40C3058 NPN 12 开关管600V30A200W β=15C3148 NPN 28 电源开关900V3A40Wβ=15C3150 NPN 28 电源开关900V3A50Wβ=15C3153 NPN 30 电源开关900V6A100Wβ=15C3182 NPN 30 功放开关140V10A100Wβ=95/A1265C3198 NPN 21 高频放大60V0.15A0.4W130MHZC3262 NPN BCE 达林顿功放800V10A100WC3264 NPN BCE PA功放开关230V17A200Wβ=170/A1295 C3280 NPN 30 音频功放开关160V12A120Wβ=100C3281 NPN 30 音频功放开关200V15A150W30MHZβ=100 C3300 NPN 30 音频功放开关100V15A100W β=600C3310 NPN 28C 电源开关500V5A40W β= 20C3320 NPN 28C 电源开关500V15A80W β= 15C3355 NPN 21F 高频放大20V0.1A6500MHZC3358 NPN 40B 高频放大20V0.1A7000MHZC3457 NPN BCE 电源开关1100V3A50Wβ=12C3460 NPN BCE 电源开关1100V6A100Wβ=12C3466 NPN BCE 电源开关1200V8A120Wβ=10C3505 NPN 28B 电源开关900V6A80W β=20C3527 NPN BCE 电源开关500V15A100Wβ=13C3528 NPN BCE 电源开关500V20A150Wβ=13C3595 NPN 29 射频30V0.5A1.2Wβ=90C3679 NPN BCE 电源开关900V5A100W6MHZC3680 NPN BCE 电源开关900V7A120W6MHZC3688 NPN BCE 彩行1500V10A150WC3720 NPN BCE 彩行1200V10A200WC3783 NPN BCE 高压高速开关900V5A100W 黄河21"C3795 NPN BCE 高压高速开关900V5A2W8MHzC3807 NPN BCE 低噪放大30V2A1.2W260MHZC3858 NPN BCE 功放开关200V17A200W20MHZ /A1494 C3866 NPN BCE 高压高速开关900V3A40WC3873 NPN BCE 高压高速开关500V12A75W30MHZC3886 NPN BCE 开关,行管1400V8A50W8MHZC3893 NPN 28B 行管1400V8A50W8MHZC3907 NPN 28B 功放开关180V12A130W30MHZC3953 NPN 29 视放120V0.2A1.3W 4000MHZC3987 NPN 28 达林顿50V3A20W β=1000C3995 NPN BCE 行管1500V12A180W 34寸C3997 NPN BCE 行管1500V15A250WC3998 NPN BCE 行管1500V25A250WC4024 NPN BCE 功放开关100V10A35W 24MHZC4038 NPN BCE 门电路50V0.1A0.3W180MHZC4059 NPN BCE 高速开关600V15A130W 0.5/2.2USC4106 NPN BCE 电源开关500V7A50W20MHZ?C4111 NPN BCE 开关行管1500V10A150WC4119 NPN BCE 微波炉开关1500V15A250WC4231 NPN 50C 音频功放800V2A30WC4237 NPN BCE 高压高速开关1000V8A120W30MHZC4242 NPN BCE 高压高速开关450V7A40WC4288 NPN BCE 行管1400V12A200W8MHZC4297 NPN BCE 电源开关500V12A75W10MHZC4517 NPN BCE 音频功放550V3A30W6MHZC4532 NPN BCEC4582 NPN 28b 电源开关600V15A75W20MHZON4673 NPN BCEON4873 NPN BCEC4706 NPN BCE 电源开关900V14A130W6MHzC4742 NPN 46 彩行1500V6A50W(带阻尼)C4745 NPN 46 彩行1500V6A50WC4747 NPN 46 彩行1500V10A50WC4769 NPN BCE 微机行管1500V7A60W(带阻尼)C4913 NPN BCE 大屏视放管2000V0.2A35WC4924 NPN BCE 音频功放800V10A70WC4927 NPN BCE 行管1500V8A50WC4927 NPN BCE SONY29"行管1500V8A50W 原装C4941 NPN BCE 行管1500V6A65W 500/380NSC4953 NPN BCE 500V2A25WC5020 NPN BCE 彩行1000V7A100WC5068 NPN BCE 彩行1500V10A50WC5086 NPN BCE 彩行1500V10A50WC5088 NPN BCE 彩行1500V10A50WC5129 NPN BCE 彩显行管1500V8A50W(带阻)C5132 NPN BCE 彩行1500V16A50WC5144 NPN BCE 大屏彩行1700V20A200WC5148 NPN BCEC5149 NPN BCE 高速高频行管1500V8A50W(带阻)C5198 NPN BCE 功放开关140V10A100WC5200 NPN BCE 功放开关230V15A150W /A1943 原C5207 NPN BCE 彩行1500V10A50W 原C5243 NPN BCE 彩行1700V15A200W 原C5244 NPN BCE 彩行1700V15A200WC5249 NPN BCEC5250 NPN BCE 开关1000V7A100W 原C5251 NPN BCE 彩行1500V12A50W 原C5252 NPN BCE 彩行1500V15A100W 原C5294 NPN BCEC5296 NPN BCE 开关管25"--34"大屏彩显电源管C5297 NPN BCE 开关管25"--34"大屏彩显电源管C5331 NPN BCE 大屏彩显行管1500V15A180WC5423 NPN BCED40C NPN ECB 对讲机用40V0.5A40W75MHZ(达林顿) D325 NPN BCE 功放开关50V3A25WD385 NPN 11 达林顿功放100V7A30WD400 NPN 21 通用25V1A0.75WD415 NPN 29 音频功放开关120V0.8A5WD438 NPN 21 通用500V1A0.75W100MHzD547 NPN 大铁功放开关600V50A400WD560 NPN BCE 达林顿功放150V5A30WD600K NPN 29 音频功放开关120V1A8W130MHZ/B631K D637 NPN 39E 通用60V0.1A150MHZ ****D667 NPN 21 视频放大120V1A0.9W140MHZ/B647D669 NPN 29 视频放大180V1.5A1W140MHZ/D669D718 NPN 30 音频功放开关120V8A80W /B668D774 NPN 39B 通用100V1A1W /B734D789 NPN 21 音频输出100V1A0.9WD820 NPN 12 彩行1500V5A50WD870 NPN 12 彩行1500V5A50W RRRRD880 NPN 28 音频功放开关60V3A10WD882 NPN 29 音频功放开关40V3A30WD884 NPN 28 音频功放开关330V7A40WD898 NPN 12 彩行1500V3A50WD951 NPN 12 彩行1500V3A65WD965 NPN 21 音频40V5A0.75WD966 NPN 21 音频40V5A1WD985 NPN 29 功放150V1.5A10WD986 NPN 29 功放150V1.5A10WD1025 NPN 28 达林顿功放200V8A50WD1037 NPN BCE 音频功放开关150V30A180WD1047 NPN 30 音频功放开关160V12A100W /B817D1071 NPN 28 功放300V6A40W DRA-LD1163A NPN 28 行偏转用350V7A40W60MHzD1175 NPN 12 行偏转用1500V5A100W β=15 原D1273 NPN 28 音频功放80V3A40W50MHZβ=1500D1302 NPN 21 音频25V0.5A0.5W200MHZD1397 NPN BCE 开关1500V3.5A50W3MHzD1398 NPN BCE 开关1500V5A50W3MHzD1403 NPN 28B 彩行1500V6A120WD1403 NPN 28B 彩行1500V6A120W 原D1415 NPN 28B 功放电源开关100V7A40Wβ=6000达林顿D1416 NPN 28B 功放电源开关80V7A40Wβ=6000(达林顿) D1426 NPN 28B 彩行1500V3.5A80Wβ=12 RRRRRD1427 NPN 28B 彩行1500V5A80Wβ=12 RRRRRD1428 NPN 28B 彩行1500V6A80Wβ=12 RRRRD1431 NPN 28B 彩行1500V5A80Wβ=20D1433 NPN 28B 彩行1500V7A80Wβ=20D1439 NPN BCE 彩行1500V3A80Wβ=8D1541 NPN 28B 彩行1500V3A80Wβ=20D1545 NPN 28B 彩行1500V5A50Wβ=20D1547 NPN BCE 彩行1500V7A80Wβ=20D1554 NPN BCE 彩行1500V3.5A80Wβ=12D1555 NPN BCE 彩行1500V5A80Wβ=12D1556 NPN BCE 彩行1500V6A80Wβ=12D1559 NPN BCE 达林顿功放100V20A100Wβ=5000/B1079 D1590 NPN 28 达林顿功放150V8A25W β=15000D1632 NPN 28B 彩行1500V4A70WD1640 NPN 29 达林顿功放120V2A1.2W β=4000-40000D1651 NPN SP 彩行1500V5A60W3MHZD1710 NPN BCE 彩行1500V5A50WD1718 NPN 28C 音频功放180V15A3.5W20MHZD1762 NPN BCE 音频功放开关60V3A25W90MHZ /B1185 D1843 NPN BCE 低噪放大50V1A1WD1849 NPN 50A 彩行1500V7A120WD1850 NPN 50A 彩行1500V7A120WD1859 NPN 50A 音频80V0.7A1W120MHZD1863 NPN 50A 音频120V1A1W100MHZD1877 NPN 30 彩行1500V4A50W(带阻尼)D1879 NPN 30 彩行1500V6A60W(带阻尼)D1887 NPN 30 彩行1500V10A70WD1930 NPN 21 达林顿达林顿100V2A1.2Wβ=1000D1975 NPN 53A 音频功放180V15A150W COP:B1317D1978 NPN 21 达林顿120V1.5A0.9Wβ=30000D1980 NPN 61B 达林顿100V2A10Wβ=1000-10000D1981 NPN ECB 达林顿100V2A1WD1993 NPN 45B 音频低噪55V0.1A0.4WD1994A NPN ECB 音频驱动60V1A1WD1997 NPN 45B 激励管40V3A1.5W100MHZD2008 NPN ECB 音频功放80V1A1.2WD2012 NPN BCE 音频功放60V3A2W3MHZD2136 NPN ECB 功放80V1A1.2WD2155 NPN 53A 音频功放180V15A150WD2256 NPN 46 达林顿功放120V25A125Wβ=2000-20000 D2334 NPN 28B 彩行1500V5A80WD2335 NPN BCE 彩行1500V7A100WD2349 NPN BCE 大屏彩显行管D2374 NPN BCED2375 NPN BCED2388 NPN EBC 达林顿90V3A1.2WD2445 NPN BCE 彩行1500V12.5A120WD2498 NPN BCE 彩行1500V6A50WD2588 NPN BCE 点火器用DK55 NPN BEC 开关400V4A60WBC307 PNP 21a 通用50V0.2A0.3WBC327 PNP CBE 低噪音频50V0.8A0.625W COM BC337 BC337 NPN 21a 音频激励低噪50V0.8A0.625W COM BC327 BC338 NPN 21a 通用激励50V0.8A0.6BC546 NPN 21a 通用80V0.2A0.5WBC547 NPN CBE 通用50V0.2A0.5W300MHZBD135 NPN 29 音频功放45V1.5A12.5WBD136 PNP 29 音频功放45V1.5A12.5WBD137 NPN 29 音频功放60V1.5A12.5WBD138 PNP 29 音频功放60V1.5A12.5WBD139 PNP 29 音频功放80V1.5A12.5WBD237 NPN 29 音频功放100V2A25WBD238 PNP 29 音频功放100V2A25WBD243 NPN 28 音频功放45V6A65WBD244 PNP 28 音频功放45V6A65WBD681 NPN 29 达林顿功放100V4A40WBD682 NPN 29 达林顿功放100V4A40WBF458 NPN 29 视放250V0.1A10WBU208A NPN 12 彩行1500V5A12.5WBU208D NPN 12 彩行1500V5A12.5W (带阻尼)BU323 NPN 28 达林顿功放450V10A125WBU406 NPN 28 行管400V7A60WBU508A NPN 28 行管1500V7.5A75WBU508A NPN 28 行管1500V7.5A75W 原BU508D NPN 28 行管1500V7.5A75W (带阻尼)BU806 NPN 28 功放400V8A60W DAR-LBU932R NPN 12 功放500V15A150W DAR-LBU941 NPN 12BU1508DX NPN 28 开关功放BU2506DX NPN 30 开关功放1500V7A50W /600NSBU2508AF NPN 30 开关功放700V8A125W /600NSBU2508AX NPN 30 开关功放700V8A125W /600NSBU2508DF NPN 30 开关功放700V8A125W/600NS(带阻尼) BU2508DX NPN 30 开关功放1500V8A50W/600NS(带阻尼) BU2520AF NPN 30 开关功放800V10A150W 1/500NSBU2520AX NPN 30 开关功放1500V10A150W 1/500NS BU2520DF NPN 30 开关功放800V10A150W1/500NS(带阻) BU2520DX NPN 30 开关功放1500V10A50W/600NS (带阻) BU2522AF NPN 30 开关功放1500V11A150W /350NSBU2522AX NPN 30 开关功放1500V11A150W /350NSBU2525AF NPN 30 开关功放1500V12A150W /350NSBU2525AX NPN 30 开关功放1500V12A150W /350NSBU2527AF NPN 30 开关功放1500V15A150WBU2532AW NPN 30 开关功放1500V15A150W(大屏)BUH515 NPN BCE 行管1500V10A80WBUH515D NPN BCE 行管1500V10A80W(带阻尼)BUS13A NPN 12 开关功放1000V15A175WBUS14A NPN 12 开关功放1000V30A250WBUT11A NPN 28 开关功放1000V5A100WBUT12A NPN 28 开关功放450V10A125WBUV26 NPN 28 音频功放开关90V14A65W /250nsBUV28A NPN 28 音频功放开关225V10A65W /250nsBUV48A NPN 30 音频功放开关450V15A150WBUW13A NPN 30 功放开关1000V15A150WBUX48 NPN 12 功放开关850V15A125WBUX84 NPN 30 功放开关800V2A40WBUX98A NPN 12 功放开关400V30A210W5MHZDTA114 PNP 10K-10K 160V0.6A0.625W(带阻)DTC143 NPN 录像机用4.7K-4.7KHPA100 NPN BCE 大屏彩显行管21#HPA150 NPN BCE 大屏彩显行管21#HSE830 PNP BCE 音频功放80V115W1MHZHSE838 NPN BCE 音频功放80V115W1MHZ COP/MJ4502MN650 NPN BCE 行管1500V6A80WMJ802 NPN 12 音频功放开关90V30A200WMJ2955 PNP 12 音频功放开关60V15A115WMJ3055 NPN 12 音频功放开关60V15A115WMJ4502 PNP 12 音频功放开关90V30A200W COP/MJ802MJ10012 NPN 12 达林顿400V10A175WMJ10015 NPN 12 电源开关400V50A200WMJ10016 NPN 12 电源开关500V50A200WMJ10025 12 电源开关850V20A250WMJ11032 NPN 12 电源开关120V50A300W DAR-LMJ11033 PNP 12 电源开关120V50A300W DAR-LMJ13333 NPN 12 电源开关400V20A175WMJ15024 NPN 12 音频功放开关400V16A250W4MHZ(原25.00) MJ15025 PNP 12 音频功放开关400V16A250W4MHZ(原25.00) MJE271 PNP 29 达林顿MJE340 NPN 29 视放300V0.5A20WMJE350 PNP 29 视放300V0.5A20WMJE2955T PNP BCE 音频功放开关60V1075W2MHZMJE3055T NPN BCE 音频功放开关70V1075W2MHZMJE5822 PNP BCE 音频功放开关500V8AMJE9730 NPN BCEMJE13003 NPN 29 功放开关400V1.5A14WMJE13005 NPN 28 功放开关400V4A60WMJE13007 NPN 28 功放开关1500V2.5A60WSE800TIP31C NPN BCE 功放开关100V3A40W3MHZTIP32C PNP BCE 功放开关100V3A40W3MHZTIP35C NPN 30 音频功放开关100V25A125W3MHZTIP36C PNP 30 音频功放开关100V25A125W3MHZTIP41C NPN 30 音频功放开关100V6A65W3MHZTIP42C PNP 30 音频功放开关100V6A65W3MHZTIP102 NPN 28 音频功放开关100V8A2WTIP105 28 音频功放开关TIP122 NPN 28 音频功放开关100V8A65W DARLTIP127 PNP 28 音频功放开关100V8A65W DARLTIP137 PNP 28 音频功放开关100V8A70W DARLTIP142 NPN 30 音频功放开关100V10A125W DAR-LTIP142大NPN 30 音频功放开关100V10A125W DAR-L TIP147 PNP 30 音频功放开关100V10A125W DAR-L 0 TIP147大PNP 30 音频功放开关100V10A125W DAR-L 0 TIP152 电梯用TL431 21 电压基准源UGN3120 SGO 霍尔开关UGN3144 SGO 霍尔开关60MIAL1 电磁/微波炉1000V60A300WT30G40 NPN BCE 大功率开关管400V30A300W5609 COML:56105610 COML:56099626 NPN 21 通用。



10-2014, Rev. © 2014 Tyco Electronics Corporation,a TE Connectivity Ltd. companyDatasheets and product specification according to IEC 61810-1 and to be used only together with the ‘Definitions’ section.Datasheets and product data is subject to the terms of the disclaimer and all chapters of the ‘Definitions’ section, available at /definitionsDatasheets, product data, ‘Definitions’ sec-tion, application notes and all specifications are subject to change.1Power PCB Relay RZH 105°C 16An 1 pole 16A, 1 form C (CO) or 1 form A (NO) contact n DC coil 400mWn 5kV/10mm coil-contact, reinforced insulation n Ambient temperature 105°C n Product in accordance to IEC 60335-1Typical applicationsOven control, cooking plate controlApprovalsVDE Cert. No. 40023970, cULus E214025, CQCTechnical data of approved types on requestContact DataContact arrangement 1 form C (CO) or 1 form A (NO)Rated voltage 250VAC Max. switching voltage 400VAC Rated current 16A 1) Limiting making current,form A contact, max. 4 s, duty factor 10 % 30A Breaking capacity max. 4000VA Contact material AgNi 90/10 or AgSnO 2Frequency of operation, with/without load 360/72000h -1Operate/release time max. 8/6ms Bounce time max., form A/form B 4/6ms Contact ratings Type Contact Load Cycles IEC 61810RZH3-1C4 A/C (NO/NC) 16 A, 250 VAC, resistive, 105°C 10x103RZH3-1A3 A (NO) 16 A, 250 VAC, resistive, 85°C 40x10³ RZH3-1A3 A (NO) 12 A, 250 VAC, resistive, 105°C 20x 10³ RZH . -1A4 A (NO) 10 A, 250 VAC, resistive, 105°C 150x103 RZHH-1A4 A (NO) 12 A, 250 VAC, resistive, 85°C 150x103 RZHH-1A4 A (NO) 18 A, 250 VAC, resistive, 85°C 30x103 RZHH-1A4 A (NO) 12 A, 250 VAC, resistive, 105°C 100x103 RZHH-1A4 A (NO) 10 A, 250 VAC, resistive, 105°C 300x103 RZHH-1A4 A (NO) 16 A, 250 VAC, resistive, 105°C 30x103 RZH . -1A4 A (NO) 16 A, 250 VAC, resistive, 85°C 50x103UL 508RZH3-1A4 A (NO) 10 A, 250 VAC, resistive, 105°C 150x103 RZH3-1C4 A/C (NO/NC) 16 A, 250 VAC, resistive, 105°C 10x103 RZHH-1A4 A (NO) 10 A, 250 VAC, resistive, 105°C 300x103 RZHH-1A4 A (NO) 12 A, 250 VAC, resistive, 105°C 150x103 RZHH-1A4 A (NO) 12 A, 250 VAC, resistive, 85°C 150x103 RZHH-1A4 A (NO) 16 A, 250 VAC, resistive, 105°C 30x103 RZHH-1A4 A (NO) 16 A, 250 VAC, resistive, 85°C50x103Contact Data (continued)Mechanical endurance>10x106 operations1) Continuous thermal load >10A at 105°C requires reduction of coil power to 49% of rated power after 100ms.Coil DataCoil voltage range 3 to 48VDC Operative range, IEC 61810 90...110% U RTDCoil insulation system according UL1446class FCoil versions, DC coil Coil Rated Operate Release Coil Rated coil code voltage voltage voltage resistance power VDC VDC VDC Ω±10% mW 1) D003 3 2.1 0.3 22 410 D005 5 3.5 0.5 60 420 D006 6 4.2 0.6 90 400 D009 9 6.3 0.9 200 400 D012 12 8.4 1.2 360 400 D024 24 16.8 2.4 1440 400 D048 48 33.6 4.8 5730 4001) Continuous thermal load > 10 A at 105°C requires reduction of coil power to 49% of rated power after 100 ms.All figures are given for coil without pre-energization, at ambient temperature +23°C.Other coil voltages on request.Insulation DataInitial dielectric strength between open contacts 1000V rms between contact and coil 5000V rms Clearance/creepagebetween contact and coil ≥10/10mmMaterial group of insulation parts IIIa Tracking index of relay basePTI250VF0305-AZ10-2014, Rev. 1014© 2014 Tyco Electronics Corporation,Datasheets and product specification Datasheets and product data is subject to the/definitionsDatasheets, product data, ‘Definitions’ sec-2Power PCB Relay RZH 105°C 16A (Continued)Other DataMaterial compliance: EU RoHS/ELV, China RoHS, REACH, Halogen contentrefer to the Product Compliance Support Center at/customersupport/rohssupportcenterResistance to heat and firestandard cover version according EN 60335-1, par.30Ambient temperature -40 to 105°CCategory of environmental protectionIEC 61810 RTII - flux proofVibration resistance (functional), 30 to 500Hzclosing form A contact >15gopening form A contact >20gopening form B contact >5gShock resistance (destructive) 100gTerminal type PCB-THTMounting distance ≥2mmWeight 10gResistance to soldering heat THTIEC 60068-2-20 270°C/10s2)Packaging/unit tube/20 pcs., box/500 pcs.2) The use of foaming flux is not permitted.PCB layout / terminal assignmentBottom view on solder pinsDimensionsS0163-BF16 A, pinning 5 m m16 A, pinning 5 m mS0163-BERecommended pcb hole for manual mounting:k1.3mmFor automated mounting please ask fordetailed drawing.Product code structure Typical product code RZ H 3 -1A 4 -D012TypeRZ Power PCB Relay RZVersionH Hot version 105°CVersion3 double pinning 5mm, 16A (1 form A or 1 form C)H double pinning 5mm, 16A High performance (1 form A)Contact Configuration1A 1 form A (1 NO) contact1C 1 form C (1 CO) contactContact material4 AgNi 90/103 AgSnO2Coil versionCoil code: please refer to coil versions tableProduct code Version Contacts Contact material Coil Part number RZH3-1C4-D012 16A, 105°C 1 form C (CO) AgNi 90/10 12VDC 2-1415899-5RZH3-1C4-D024 pinning 5mm 24VDC 2-1415899-6RZH3-1A4-D009 1 form A (NO) 9VDC 2-1415899-7RZH3-1A4-D012 12VDC2-1415899-8RZH3-1A4-D024 24VDC2-1415899-9 RZHH-1A4-D009 16A, 105°C 9VDC 6-1415899-2 RZHH-1A4-D012 pinning 5mm 12VDC 6-1415899-6 RZHH-1A4-D024 High performance 24VDC 6-1415899-7RZH3-1A3-D012 16A, 105°C, pinning 5mm 1 form A (NO) AgSnO2 12VDC 9-1415899-0。

NF F 31-052-1994 铁路车辆.旅客通道的门.概论.术语-中文)

NF F 31-052-1994 铁路车辆.旅客通道的门.概论.术语-中文)

NF F 31-052-1994 铁路车辆NF F 31-052,1994年12月铁路车辆——客车车厢门—概述—专门名词ISSN 0335 - 3931法国标准NF F 31-0521994年12月分类指数:F 31-052铁路车辆——客车车厢门—概述—专门名词AFNOR总会长于1994年11月20日决定批准,并于1994年12月20日生效的法国标准。


对应本文件与专门论述相同主题的UIC 560文件一致。





校正法国标准化协会(AFNOR)出版和发行,Tour Europe 92049 Paris L a Défense Cedex-Tél.:(1)42 91 55 55铁路标准化局(BNCF)制订,15 rue Traversière 75571 Paris Cedex 12-Tél:(1)40 19 15 03AFNOR 1994 ©AFNOR 94年12月第一次印刷门BNCF CN GT 1 0B标准化委员会成员主席:FAIVELEY —MORV AN先生秘书处:BNCF —CICUTTI先生铁路标准化局CICUTTI先生SNCF—制造部DELBRUEL先生Matra运输JOURDAIN先生RATP LETURGIE先生Faiveley MORV AN先生SNCF —制造检验POIGNONEC先生通用Alsthom运输PUDLO先生目录0.引言 (3)1.适用范畴 (3)2.标准的参考文件 (4)3.提供给报价表和订单的指示 (4)4.专门名词 (4)5.要紧性能 (7)6.门的操作 (10)7.尺寸性能 (11)8.设计 (11)9.制造 (12)10.供应商和生产厂的事先资格评定 (12)11.认可 (12)12.制造质量的操纵和监督 (13)13.检查和试验 (13)14.交货 (14)15.保证 (14)附录A(信息的)文献名目 (14)0.引言本标准是论述客车车厢通道门标准集的一部分:NF F 31-054 铁路车辆——在都市和郊区铁路网上行驶的车辆的旅客通道门——性能——操作——检查和试验;NF F 31-053 以160到220km/h速度行驶的车辆的旅客通道门——性能——操作——检查和试验;NF F 31-057 以超过220km/h速度行驶的车辆的旅客通道门——性能——操作——检查和试验;NF S 31-051 结构部件隔音能力和房屋绝缘性能的测量——对结构部件空中噪声隔音能力的实验室测量。

TBT2560 TBT2702铁道客车用非金属材料的选择要求

TBT2560 TBT2702铁道客车用非金属材料的选择要求

TB/T2560 TB/T2702铁道客车用非金属材料的选择要求TB/T2560:1995 铁道客车用非金属材料的选择要求。

本标准等效采用了法国标准NFF16-101:1988TB/T2702:1995 铁道客车电器设备非金属材料的阻燃要求。


根据TB/T 2639.5:1995的规定进行测试,将材料分为M0-M4 五个等级。

根据TB/T 2701:1996或TB/T 2919:1998的规定,作氧指数(I.O.)等级测试;根据GB/T 5169。


导线和电缆根据TB/T 2836:1997标准进行A-D四个等级测试。

材料烟雾毒性等级可分为:F0-F5级根据GB/T 8323:1987 (烟密度测试)及TB/T 2946:1999(毒性测试)这两个测试结果,评定材料烟雾毒性等级F0-F5。

TB/T 2560 及TB/T 2702参考标准:NF F 16-101: Railway rolling stock fire behaviour choice of materialsNF F 16-101: 所有车辆---燃烧行为---材料选择NF F 16-102: Railway rolling stock fire behaviour choice of materials-Electrical Equipment NF F 16-102: 所有车辆---燃烧行为---材料选择---在电力装备上的应用更多TB/T 2560 ,TB/T 2702等其它铁道客车防火阻燃测试,请联系中国防火网以上内容由南京睿督公司(咨询电话:025-8658 3475)提供,转载请注明出处。

NF F16-101 法国轨道列车阻燃测试

NF F16-101 法国轨道列车阻燃测试

NF F16-101/102法国轨道列车阻燃测试NF F16-101:1988 系法国铁路车辆阻燃材料标准(Railway rolling stock fire behaviour choice of materials ),此外NF F 16-102关于电气设备的阻燃要求的规定是对NF F 16-101的补充。

权威检测认证机构亿博科技据未知消息NF F16-101:1988 系法国铁路车辆阻燃材料标准(Railway rolling stock fire behaviour choice of materials ),此外NF F 16-102关于电气设备的阻燃要求的规定是对NF F 16-101的补充。

NF F 16-101将车辆分为A1、A2、B三种类型,分别定义为:A1类车辆:经常在隧道运行的所有车辆,包括车辆驾驶室;A2类车辆:较少在隧道运行的市内和郊区车辆,包括车辆驾驶室,内燃动车及其拖车,干线卧铺车;B类车辆:较少在隧道运行的干线座席车辆,包括车辆驾驶室,机车驾驶室和牵引车驾驶室。


NF F16-101:1988根据车辆材料使用的不同场所,对材料大致作出如下分类:车内材料;车外材料;特殊应用的材料;通风管道或热风管;在高压电路不绝缘元件附近使用的材料;电缆与导电体;小尺寸物品。

NF F16-101:1988测试方法同时参考大量法国建筑材料阻燃测试方法。

根据标准要求,如果产品面积足够大而可取到足够面积的样品应将该构件材料划归为M0~M4进行分级测试(分级测试标准按照NF P 92-507进行确定);如果无法取到足够大面积的材料则按照小尺寸物品进行测试;另外对于导电体和电缆标准进行了专门的规定,下面是对三类测试的详细介绍。


氧指数测试采用法国标准NF T51-071(被ISO 4589-2取代)、NF G07-128;白炽棒试验采用法国标准NF C20-455(被IEC 60695-2-10取代)。



应 用 ●小型家用设备,如 :咖啡机、电水壶、电饭锅、面包机、烤盘、熨斗、吹风筒 ●大型家用设备,如 :空调、电冰箱、洗衣机、暖风机、燃气锅炉 ●办公设备,如 :复印机、激光打印机、传真机、电源分接头 ●电池设备,如 :电池箱、充电器 ●各种供电设备,如 :变压器、适配器、逆变器、水泥电阻 ●车用设备,如 :车用空调、螺线管、发动机
部件型号 温 度
0 :标准引线
长度型 1 :长引线型 (℃)

动作温度 保持温度 温度
(℃) (℃) (℃)
SFH106R* 110
SFH109R* 113
SFH113R* 117



法国NF阻燃、防火测试标准NF C20-453:基本环境测试程序.测试方法.烟雾腐蚀性的常规测试NF C20-453:Basic environmental testing procedures. Test methods. Conventional determination of corrosiveness of smoke.NF C20-454:基本环境测试程序.测试方法.火灾特性.气体在高温分解过程中的分析和滴定或电工用材料的燃烧.异常热力或火灾辐照.管式炉法NF C20-454:Basic environmental testing procedures. Test methods. Fire behaviour.Analysis and titrations of gases evolved during pyrolysis or combustion ofmaterials used in electrotechnics. Exposure to abnormal heat or fire. Tubefurnace method.NF C32-070:设备用绝缘电缆和柔性软线.按绝缘电缆和软线耐火性进行分类测试NF C32-070:Insulated cables and flexible cords for installations - Classification tests on cables and cords with respect to their behaviour to fireHalogen Free Control Cable With Numbered Conductors, NF C32-070 C1 is a halogen free multi-conductor, flexible power and control cable designed for use in all electrical equipment in dry, damp and wet conditions. Recommended applications include machinery, data processing equipment, ventilation and air conditioning systems. In case of fire, no corrosive gases are produced. This cable is particularly suitable for use where human life and valuable property are exposed to an extremely high risk of fire.NF C32-073:燃烧时电缆的通用测试方法.在规定条件下电缆燃烧时烟密度的测量NF C32-073:Common test methods for cables under fire conditions - Measurement of smoke density of cables burning under defined conditionsNF C32-074:火灾情况下电缆的一般测试方法-电缆材料燃烧时产生的气体的测试NF C32-074:Common test methods for cables under fire conditions - Test on gases evolved during combustion of materials from cablesNF C32-310:设备用绝缘电缆和软线-额定电压高达0.6/1 kV 的耐火(CR1级)电缆和软线NF C32-310:Insulated cables and flexible cords for installation-Fire resistant (class CR1) cables and flexible cords for rated voltage up to and including 0,6/1 kv.NF F16-101:铁路车辆.防火性能.材料的选择NF F16-101:Rolling stock,Fire behaviour. Materials choosingNF F16-101/NF F16-102法国轨道车辆阻燃防火测试标准根据标准化试验的结果,提出轨道车辆材料分类的方法。






二、引用标准SJ/T 207.4—1999 《设计文件管理制度》第四部分:设计文件的编号。

三、命名方法3.1 按照编码规则对公司外购器件、设计整件、产成品、模具等物料进行命名。

3.2 公司外购标准料、设计非标料和产成品物料、模具类物料的编码根据产品特性不同,命名规则和方法不尽相同。

四、总体管理要求4.1 所有字体、符号均采用四号宋体,半角。

4.2 器件名称不能使用空格键。

4.3 规格中A×B中“×”乘法符号不能使用字母“X” “x”,也不能使用“Χ”。

4.4 产品型号命名包括具体产品类型以及该产品命名规范。

4.5 如器件未收录入命名原则范围的,由物料使用人员提供申请单,命名规范小组对规范进行修订。

4.6 RoHS类物料命名规则同一般物料命名规则,只需在K3系统规格型号栏物料规格型号后面标注“(RoHS)”用于区别,例如:CD11-25V-470μ-K(ROHS)。

4.7 设计申请新器件命名时候,请按照要求详细填写该器件名称、规格型号、封装、计量单位、仓库、图号等属性,同时请设计提供该器件纸质以及电子文挡的详细资料,以备留底查阅。


第二章元器件命名原则一、电阻编码三级分类名称3.DZ 电阻3.DZ.01 抗浪涌电阻3.DZ.02 金属膜电阻3.DZ.03 压敏电阻3.DZ.04 压敏电阻组件3.DZ.99 其它电阻※贴片电阻包装方式一般默认为盘料、插件电阻默认为编织料,如有特殊要求在最后一位用备用代号(字母)表示。

※阻值标识方法:采用直标法,例8.2Ω;100Ω;33KΩ;100KΩ等※功率标识方法(单位W):保留四位小数法标注,例:1/8W、1/4W、1/2W、1W、2W; ※精度标识对照表:允许误差 ?0.2 ?0.5 ?1 ?2 ?5 ?10 ?20等级符号 C D F G J K M 3.DZ.01-3.DZ.04仅对常用电阻器件类命名进行规范,有特殊要求的器件,不能套入常用电阻器件类命名按照厂商提供命名规格型号归入3.DZ.99,同时请在物料编码时候提供厂商等备注信息。



粉末冶⾦材料牌号牌号密度(g/cm3) Fe C Cu Ni Sn Cr Mo 其他合计SMF1010 6.2以上余1以下SMF1015 6.8以上余1以下SMF1020 7.0以上余1以下SMF2015 6.2以上余0.5~3 1以下SMF2025 6.6以上余0.5~3 1以下SMF2030 6.8以上余0.5~3 1以下SMF3010 6.2以上余0.2~0.6 1以下SMF3020 6.4以上余0.4~0.8 1以下SMF3030 6.6以上余0.4~0.8 1以下SMF3035 6.8以上余0.4~0.8 1以下SMF4020 6.2以上余0.2~1.0 1~5 1以下SMF4030 6.4以上余0.2~1.0 1~5 1以下SMF4040 6.6以上余0.2~1.0 1~5 1以下SMF4050 6.8以上余0.2~1.0 1~5 1以下SMF5030 6.6以上余0.8以下0.5~3 1~5 1以下SMF5040 6.8以上余0.8以下0.5~3 2~8 1以下SMF6040 7.2以上余0.3以下15~25 4以下SMF6055 7.2以上余0.3~0.7 15~25 4以下SMF6065 7.4以上余0.3~0.7 15~25 4以下SMF7020 6.6以上余1~5 1以下SMF7025 6.8以上余1~5 1以下SMF8035 6.6以上余0.4~0.8 1~5 1以下SMF8040 6.8以上余0.4~0.8 1~5 1以下SMS1025 6.4以上余0.08以下8~14 16~20 2~3 3以下SMS1035 6.8以上余0.08以下8~14 16~20 2~3 3以下SMS2025 6.4以上余0.2以下12~14 3以下SMS235 6.8以上余0.2以下12~14 3以下SMK1010 6.8以上 1.5以下余9~11 2以下SMK1015 6.2以上 1.5以下余9~11 2以下注:SMS1种相当SUS316和SUS304,SMS2种相当SUS410牌号含油率Fe C(化合碳)Cu Sn Pb Zn 其他合计SBF1118 18%以上余3以下SBF2118 18%以上余5以下3以下SBF2218 18%以上余18~25 3以下SBF3118 18%以上余0.2~0.6 3以下SBF4118 18%以上余0.2~0.6 5以下3以下SBF5110 10%以上余5以下3~10 3以下SBK1112 12-18%以上<1 2以下残8~11 0.5以下SBK1218 18%以上<1 2以下残8~11 0.5以下SBK2118 18%以上<1 2以下残6~10 5以下5以下0.5以下注:SBF系的碳是化合碳,SBK系的碳是游离⽯墨烧结铁铜合⾦和烧结铜钢牌号Fe Cu C 其他合计FC-0200 93.8~98.5 1.5~3.9 0~0.3 2以下FC-0205 93.5~98.2 1.5~3.9 0.3~0.6 2以下FC-0208 93.2~97.9 1.5~3.9 0.6~0.9 2以下FC-0505 94.4~95.7 4.0~6.0 0.3~0.6 2以下FC-0508 91.1~95.4 4.0~6.0 0.6~0.9 2以下FC-0808 88.1~90.4 7.0~9.0 0.6~0.9 2以下FC-1000 87.2~90.5 9.5~10.5 0~0.3 2以下烧结镍合⾦和烧结镍钢(有扭⼒要求)牌号Fe Ni C CuFN-0200 92.2~99.0 1.0~3.0 0~0.3 0~2.5 FN-0205 91.9~98.7 1.0~3.0 0.3~0.6 0~2.5 FN-0208 91.6~98.4 1.0~3.0 0.6~0.9 0~2.5 FC-0505 89.6~96.7 3.0~5.5 0.3~0.6 0~2.5 FC-0508 89.6~96.4 3.0~5.5 0.6~0.9 0~2.5烧结低合⾦钢牌号Fe C Ni Mo 其他合计FL-4205 95.9~98.7 0.4~0.7 0.35~0.55 0.50~0.85 2以下FC-0205 94.5~97.5 0.4~0.7 1.70~2.00 0.40~0.80 2以下烧结渗铜铁⾦和烧结渗铜钢牌号Fe Cu C(可根据铁相来估计化合碳)其他合计FX-1000 82.8~92.0 8.0~14.9 0~0.3 2以下FX-1005 82.5~91.7 8.0~14.9 0.3~0.6 2以下FX-1008 82.2~91.4 8.0~14.9 0.6~0.9 2以下FX-2000 72.7~85.0 15.0~25.0 0~0.3 2以下FX-2005 72.4~84.7 15.0~25.0 0.3~0.6 2以下FX-2008 72.1~84.4 15.0~25.0 0.6~0.9 2以下烧结不锈钢牌号Fe Cr Ni Mn Si S C P Mo N SS-303N1,N2 余17-19 8-13 0-2 0-1 0.15-0.3 0-0.15 0-0.2 0.2-0.6 SS-303L 余17-19 8-13 0-2 0-1 0.15-0.3 0-0.03 0-0.2SS-304N1,N2 余18-20 8-12 0-2 0-1 0-0.03 0-0.08 0-0.045 0.2-0.6 SS-304L 余18-20 8-12 0-2 0-1 0-0.03 0-0.03 0-0.045SS-316N1,N2 余16-18 10-14 0-2 0-1 0-0.03 0-0.08 0-0.045 2-3 0.2-0.6 SS-316L 余16-18 10-14 0-2 0-1 0-0.03 0-0.03 0-0.045 2-3SS-410 余17-19 11.5-13 0-1 0 -0.03 0-0.25 0-0.04 0.2-0.6 其他元素和最⼤为2%烧结黄铜、烧结青铜、烧结锌⽩铜牌号Cu Zn Pb Sn Ni CZP-1002FX-1005FX-1008FX-2000FX-2005FX-2008Love is not a maybe thing. You know when you love someone.。

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NF F 16-101 铁路车辆.防火性能.材料的选择
法国标准:NF F16-101
法国标准于一九八八年九月五日由 AFNOR 决定核准并于一九八八年十月五日生效。 一致性:截至本标准出版发行之日,尚未有同类题材的欧洲标准或国际标准。 分析:依据防火要求,本标准对于轨道车辆建造时材料的选择制定了一系列准则。 叙词: 国际技术汇编:轨道车辆,阻燃材料,分类范畴,文件,对火的作用,防火试验,技术规范 修订: 更正:
3.1 法国标准 ......................................................................................................................................................... 3 3.2 国际铁路联盟规范(UIC)........................................................................................................................... 3
6.2 烟的不透性 ..................................................................................................................................................... 6 6.2.1 试验步骤 .............................................................................................................................................. 6 6.2.2 表述结果 .............................................................................................................................................. 6
7. 材料选择指导..................................................................................................................................... 9
7.1 分类目标 ......................................................................................................................................................... 9 7.2 分类要求 ....................................................................................................................................................... 10
本标准的目的是根据标准化试验的结果,提出轨道车辆材料分类的方法。此种分类方法使上述目的得以建 立,同时又尽可能多地考虑到材料的燃烧以及燃烧散发时材料的不透性和毒性。 的确,考虑到在一个有限环境里大部分窨被占有,这时铁路运输的特点。在失火时对一些易于在乘客中引 起某种反应,尤其是对易于引起恐慌的临界浓度的产品,本标准进行了详细的说明。 因此,如果没有对此标准进行初步的学习和研究,本标准不适用于除轨道车辆以外的其它领域。 对火的反应及不透性的测定采用综合方法。有关毒性的测定方法基于对七种气体浓度的测量。因而,此种 方法的适用范围仅限于那些在材料燃烧时易于散发一种或几种气体的化合化。 但其它气体也可加到目前的列单里,条件是对它们的区别,量化分析,临界浓度有依据地进行整理并吸收 到此文件中。 另一种可用于确定化学混合物方法在 NF X70-100 没有涉及,因而不能在此文件中,这种方法允许建立较 之本标准所预见的更为广泛的毒性检索目录。 应当认识到,毒性的部分数量是用来计算常规毒性目录的溶液,不能表示气体混合物的综合有效毒性,其 结果发展并产生生物复合现象,比如来自在动物身上的试验。这些都应加以考虑。 目前,经过对结果的平衡和组合,此标准允许一系列材料在安全方面根据它们的综合优点进行对比,从而 取得进展。
6. 材料燃烧的特点——试验的定义和计算方法 ................................................................................ 4
6.1 对火的反应 ..................................................................................................................................................... 5 6.1.1 概述 ...................................................................................................................................................... 5 6.1.2 将粘合的覆盖物的特殊情况 .............................................................................................................. 5 6.1.3 小尺寸部件的特殊情况 ...................................................................................................................... 5 6.1.4 导线和电气电缆的具体情况 .............................................................................................................. 6
6. 3 散发气体的毒性 ............................................................................................................................................ 6 6.3.1 试验步骤 .............................................................................................................................................. 7 6.3.2 结果的表述 .......................................................................................................................................... 7
4. 定义..................................................................................................................................................... 3 5. 分类..................................................................................................................................................... 4
6.4 烟指数 ............................................................................................................................................................. 7 6.5 材料的分类 ..................................................................................................................................................... 8 6.6 综合指数 ......................................................................................................................................................... 8
第 1 页 共 13 页
NF F 16-101 铁路车辆.防火性能.材料的选择
前 言................................................................................................................................................ 1 1. 范围..................................................................................................................................................... 3 2. 适用领域............................................................................................................................................. 3 3. 参考..................................................................................................................................................... 3