1.Cognitive Linguistics



• 朗奴·兰盖克 (Ronald Langacker,1942年12月27日-): 认知文法的提倡者。
• 戴浩一:台湾国立中正大学语言学研究所教授, 是少数专长于认知语言学的华人。
• 王士元:香港中文大学现代语言学系暨中研院院 士,另一少数专长于认知语言学的华人。
• 原型 • 范畴化、基本范畴 • 上下位 • 隐喻模式、转喻模式
• 认知语言学代表人物
• 乔治·雷可夫 (George P. Lakoff1941年-):认知语言 学的其中一位创立者,提倡比喻(隐喻)是日常语言 活动中的必须认知能力。
• 2.范畴化:
范畴化,也叫做归类,是比较的一个特例。 一个范畴或类别往往有个“原型”,是用以确定 类别的参照标准,需要归类的目标与标准进行比 较,符合标准所有特征的目标例示这一标准,不 完全符合的目标是对标准的扩展。
范畴化,简单地说,就是把不同的事物归为同 一类型的过程。例如:人有各种各样的人,我们把 不同的人统称为“人”,这就是一种范畴化。
认知语言学 Cognitive linguistics
一、什么是认知语言学(定义、 背景、代表人物)
二、认知语言学的主要概念 三、思考探究 四、认知语言学的优与缺 五、认知语言学在中国




这些识解以我们实际上站在不同的角度去观察自行车 和汽车为前提。
3.Categorization (范畴化)
Categorization is the process of classifying our experiences into different categories based on commonalities and differences. 范畴化是基于人类经验的异同将我们的经验划分成 不同的类型。 •There are three levels in categories: the basic level, the super-ordinate level, and the subordinate level.
The figure-ground alignment seems to apply to space with the ground as the prepositional object and the preposition expressing the spatial relational configuration. It also applies to our perception of moving objects. Since the moving object is typically the most prominent one, because it is moving, it is typically the figure, while the remaining stimuli constituent the ground.图形-背景关系似乎可以运用于空间研究,背景充当
约翰逊把意象图式定义为通过感知的相互作用和运动 程序获得的对事物经验给以连贯和结构的循环出现的 动态模式。


认知语言学在20世纪70年代中期开始在美国孕育(朗 奴·兰盖克提出空间语法),80年代中期以后开始成熟, 其学派地位得以确立,其确立标志为1989年春由勒内·德 尔文(ReneDirven) 组织的在德国杜伊斯堡(Duisbury) 召 开的第一届国际认知语言学大会。此次大会宣布于1990年 发行《认知语言学》杂志, 成立国际认知语言学( ICLA) , 出版认知语言学研究的系列专著,90年代中期以后开始进 入稳步个特例。一个范 畴或类别往往有个“原型”,是用以确定类别的参照标准, 需要归类的目标与标准进行比较,符合标准所有特征的目 标例示(instantiate)这一标准,不完全符合的目标是 对标准的扩展(extension)。
经典范畴理论的如下特征 1 范畴划分由一组充分必 要条件决定 2 特征是二元 3 范畴具有清晰边界 4 范畴 成员之间地位平等。
eg2.钟书能 阮薇. 认知与忠实——汉英上下位词翻译的认知 视角『j』.韶关学院学报
以基本层次范畴为中心 范畴可以向上发展为上位范畴向 下发展为下位范畴上位范畴依赖于基本层次范畴 且物体 的完形形象和大部分属性都来自基本层次范畴 因此又被 称为寄生范畴(parasiticcategory) 下位范畴也是寄生范 畴它是在基本层次范畴的基础上更进一步细致的切分。
原型 范畴化、基本范畴、上下位 命题模式、意象模式、隐喻模式、转喻模式 意象图示
是物体范畴最好、最 典型的成员, 所有其他成 员也均具有不同程度的典 型性。
eg1. 在英语的世界图景中, 鸟的原型为画眉鸟;而对于 母语为俄语的人而言则是 麻雀; 麻雀在中国人的认 知意义中也具有典型意义。



乔治·雷可夫 (George P. Lakoff;/ˈleɪˌkɔf/,1941年-):认知语言 学的其中一位创立者,提倡比喻(隐喻)是日常语言活动中的必须认知能 力。
马克·詹森 (Mark Johnson:
朗奴·兰盖克 (Ronald Langacker,1942年12月27日-):认知文法的提 倡者
eg2.钟书能 阮薇. 认知与忠实——汉英上下位词翻译的认知 视角『j』.韶关学院学报
以基本层次范畴为中心 范畴可以向上发展为上位范畴向 下发展为下位范畴上位范畴依赖于基本层次范畴 且物体 的完形形象和大部分属性都来自基本层次范畴 因此又被 称为寄生范畴(parasiticcategory) 下位范畴也是寄生范 畴它是在基本层次范畴的基础上更进一步细致的切分。
Gilles Fauconnier (1944年8月19日-)
Charles J. Fillmore
William Croft Michael Tomasello (1950年1月18日-)
戴浩一:台湾国立中正大学语言学研究所教授,是少数专长于认知语言 学的华人。
王士元:香港中文大学现代语言学系暨中研院院士,另一少数专长于认 知语言学的华人。
认知语言学 Cognitive linguistics
一、什么是认知语言学 二、认知语言学的主要概念 三、认知语法学 四、认知语言学的研究方法 五、认知语言学优与缺 六、认知语言学在中国
认知语言学是语言学的一门分支学科它脱胎自认知心理 学或认知科学,大约在1980年代后期至1990年代开始成型。 认知语言学涉及电脑自然语言理解、人工智能、语言学、 心理学、系统论等多种学科,它针对当时仍很火热的生成 语言学,提出:语言的创建、学习及运用,从基本上都必 须能够透过人类的认知而加以解释,因为认知能力是人类



CognitiveLinguisticLinguistic Coursework---Cognitive LinguisticsLinguistic course/work-----Cognitive LinguisticsIntroductionCognitive Linguistics is a new approach to linguistics which appeared in the late 1980s and it has grown rapidly at home and abroad, and has gradually turned into the major school of linguistics. To cognitive linguists, language not only enables communication, but also reflects mankind’s conceptual world. In other words, linguistic categories not only enable us to communicate, but also impose a certain way of understanding of the world. It integrates the research ways of language typology and functional linguistics, depicting and elaborating the constitution of human language.Cognitive Linguistics presents a forum for high-quality linguistic research on topics which investigate the interaction between language and cognition. Compared with linguistic structuralism, which sparked off substitution drills, and speech act theory, which initiated a complete reorganization of teaching strategies, the impact of cognitive linguistics is much less revolutionary. Yet the influence of cognitive linguistics may prove very valuable, because it lends theoretical support to a number of accepted teaching approaches in the fields of both vocabulary and grammar.The most influential linguists focusing centrally on cognitive principles and organization were Wallace Chafe, Charles Fillmore, George Lakoff, Ronald Langacker, and Leonard T almy etc. Masterpieces including: Handbook of Pragmatics、WhatCategories Reveal about the Mind、Metaphors we Live by、Foundations of Cognitive Grammar、An introduction to Cognitive Linguistics etc. At present, the study of cognitive linguistics is very active in Europe and the United States .Cognitive linguistics in the two research center in the United States has formed two different schools: Berkeley School( Lakoff、Fillmore、Kay、Sweetser) and San Diego School(Langacker、Fauconnier). The Foundations of Cognitive Grammar was written by Langacker, father of Cognitive Linguistics. This book introduces a new and fundamentally different conception of language structure and linguistic investigation.The central claim of cognitive grammar is that grammar forms a continuum with lexicon and is fully describable in terms of symbolic units (i.e. form-meaning pairings). In contrast to current orthodoxy, Langacker argues that grammar is not autonomous with respect to semantics, but rather reduces to patterns for the structuring and symbolization of conceptual content. "Understanding Langacker's grammar is made easier by the fact that, instead of using mathematical formalisms to prove his points, he uses common knowledge of language to persuade the reader. . . . The book is valuable for several factors in addition to its clarification of grammar. The insights into verbal thought and meaning are prime reasons for recommending the book to the semantically inclined."--Et ceteraI. Main theories of Cognitive LinguisticsOn the basis of non-objectivist philosophy, Cognitive Linguistics extensively assimilates the research findings and analytical methods of the disciplines studying humans ‘cognitive activities. Therefore, we need to have a betterunderstanding of cognition and cognitive science.Cognition is the mental process caused in thinking, remembering, perceiving, recognizing, clarifying etc. Cognitive science is a discipline which draws on research in linguistics, psycholinguistics, and cognitive psychology and Artificial Intelligence. Cognitive Science deals with the scientific study of thinking reasoning and intellectual processes of the mind. It is concerned with how knowledge is represented in the mind, how language is understood and with what the mental processes underlying, inferencing, learning, problem-solving and planning. Cognitive linguistics is an approach to language that is based on our experience of the world and the way we perceive and conceptualize it. Because cognitive linguistics sees language as embedded in the overall cognitive capacities of man, topics of special interest for cognitive linguistics include: the structural characteristics of natural language categorization (such as prototypicality, systematic polysemy, cognitive models, mental imagery and metaphor); the functional principles of linguistic organization (such as iconicity and naturalness); the conceptual interface between syntax and semantics (as explored by cognitive grammar and construction grammar); theexperiential and pragmatic background of language-in-use; and the relationship between language and thought, including questions about relativism and conceptual universals. In this summary, Cognitive linguistics is divided into three main areas of study: Cognitive semantics, dealing mainly with lexical semantics, separating semantics (meaning) into meaning-construction and knowledge representation. Cognitive approaches to grammar, dealing mainly with syntax, morphology and other traditionally more grammar-oriented areas. Cognitive phonology,dealing withclassification of various correspondences between morphemes and phonetic sequences.II. Language study methods of Cognitive LinguisticsCognitive Linguistics grew out of the work of a number of researchers active in the 1970s who were interested in the relation of language and mind, and who did not follow the prevailing tendency to explain linguistic patterns by means of appeals to structural properties internal to and specific to language. Rather than attempting to segregate syntax from the rest of language in a 'syntactic component' governed by a set of principles and elements specific to that component, the line of research followed instead was to examine the relation of language structure to things outside language: cognitive principles and mechanisms not specific to language, including principles of human categorization; pragmatic and interactional principles; and functional principles in general, such as iconicity and economy. Cognitive Linguists began developing their own approach to language description and linguistic theory, centered on a particular set of phenomena and concerns. One of the important assumptions shared by all of these scholars is that meaning is so central to language that it must be a primary focus of study. Linguistic structures serve the function of expressing meanings and hence the mappings between meaning and form are a prime subject of linguistic analysis. Linguistic forms, in this view, are closely linked to the semantic structures they are designed to express. Semantic structures of all meaningful linguistic units can and should be investigated. These views were in direct opposition to the ideas developing at the time within Chomskyan linguistics, in which meaning was 'interpretive' and peripheral to the study of language. The central objectof interest in language was syntax. The structures of language were in this view not driven by meaning, but instead were governed by principles essentially independent of meaning. Thus, the semantics associated with morphosyntactic structures did not require investigation; the focus was on language-internal structural principles as explanatory constructs.III. Features and Controversy of Cognitive LinguisticsCognitive linguistics is characterized by adherence to three central positions. First, it denies that there is anautonomous linguistic faculty in the mind; second, it understands grammar in terms of conceptualization; and third, it claims that knowledge of language arises out of language use. Cognitive linguists deny that the mind has any module for language-acquisition that is unique and autonomous. This stands in contrast to the stance adopted in the field of generative grammar. Although cognitive linguists do not necessarily deny that part of the human linguistic ability is innate, they deny that it is separate from the rest of cognition. They thus reject a body of opinion in cognitive science suggesting that there is evidence for the modularity of language. They argue that knowledge of linguistic phenomena —i.e., phonemes,morphemes, and syntax—is essentially conceptual in nature. Departing from the tradition of truth-conditional semantics, cognitive linguists view meaning in terms of conceptualization. Instead of viewing meaning in terms of models of the world, they view it in terms of mental spaces. Finally, cognitive linguistics argues that language is both embodied and situated in a specific environment. This can be considered a moderate offshoot of the Sapir–Whorf hypothesis, in that language and cognition mutually influence one another, and are both embedded in the experiences and environments ofits users. However, there is significant peer review and debate within the field of linguistics regarding cognitive linguistics. Critics of cognitive linguistics have argued that most of the evidence from the cognitive view comes from the research in pragmatics and semantics on research into metaphor and preposition choice. They suggest that cognitive linguists should provide cognitive re-analyses of topics in syntax and phonology that are understood in terms of autonomous knowledge. There is also controversy and debate within the field concerning the representation and status of idioms in grammar and the actual mental grammar of speakers. On one hand it is asserted that idiom variation needs to be explained with regard to general and autonomous syntactic rules. Another view says such idioms do not constitute semantic units and can be processed compositionally.IV. Cognitive Linguistics in L2 teachingAt present, Cognitive Linguistics has been widely recognized in the world. There have been a large number of scholars and experts in cognitive linguistics, and a number of Cognitive Science Colleges have been established in the United States and other European countries. Cognitive Linguistics has made a positive contribution to the development of modern linguistics. Compared with other linguistic theories, cognitive linguistics is new and has had little influence on language teaching and learning .Yet it provides a new perspective on language, especially on vocabulary and grammar.In vocabulary teaching, it has slways been a golden rule that we should teach the words for basic level categories to the children first. Cognitive Linguistics reviews that we approach hierarchies of classifications from the center, that we concentrateon basic level categories such as dogs and cats and that our hierarchies are anchored in these basic level categories, These basic categories words correspond to the core vocabulary in a language, and they play an important role in daily life communication. There is a pitfall in English vocabulary learning, i.e. , some people pursue the quantity of vocabulary and neglect the quality of the core vocabulary learning. The result is that although these people can memorize a lot of difficult words, they still cannot read or wrote properly.The findings in cognitive linguistics are also useful in teaching grammar. We can choose a cognitive approach to grammar that is based on schemata, on prototypes or on basic level categories. One prominent characteristic shared by these approaches is that they all manage to bridge the gap between formal syntax and morphology on the one hand and the semantic aspects of grammar on the other by relating them both to a common conceptual basis. This liberation from the form/content division is probably the most important contribution that cognitive linguistics has made to pedagogical grammar and language teaching.V. ConclusionCognitive linguistics involves a wide range of disciplines,with abundant research content and novel subjects, and bears the unparalleled advantages compared with other linguistic theories.Therefore, we need not only comprehend its basic principles, but also apply them to analyze the branches of linguistics, directing at the hot issues which have just emerged in cognitive linguistics. Since this linguistic theory itself is in constant change, and because of its methodological problems and theoretical problems, there is a long way before it becomesa mature theory for language teaching and learning. Nevertheless it remains the most prospective and promising area of research.Reference1. Langacker, Ronald W. 1987. Foundations of Cognitive Grammar Vol. 1: Theoretical Prerequisites. Stanford: Stanford University Press.2. Langacker, Ronald W. 1990. Concept, Image, and Symbol. The Cognitive Basis of Grammar. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.3. Randal Holme. 2011 Cognitive Linguistics and Language Teaching. Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press4. F.Ungerer&H.J.Schmid. 2008. An Introduction to Cognitive Linguistics. Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press5. George Lakoff.2007. Ten Lectures on Cognitive Linguistics by George Lakoff. Foreign Language T eaching and Research Press。



Chapter 1Introduction 1. Define the following terms briefly.(1) linguistics: the scientific or systematic study of language.(2) language: a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.(3) arbitrariness: the absence of similarity between the form of a linguisticsign and what it relates to in reality, e.g. the word dog does not look likea dog.(4) duality: the way meaningless elements of language at one level (soundsand letters) combine to form meaningful units (words) at another level.(5) competence: knowledge of the grammar of a language as a formalabstraction and distinct from the behavior of actual language use, i.e.performance.(6) performance: Chomsky’s term for actual language behavior as distinct fromthe knowledge that underlies it, or competence.(7) stylistics: the study of how literary effects can be related to linguisticfeatures.(8) phatic communion: Language is used to establish an atmosphere ormaintain social contact between the speaker and the hearer.(9) functionalism: the study of the forms of language in reference to theirsocial function in communication.(10) formalism: the study of the abstract forms of language and their internalrelations.(11) synchronic linguistics: the study of language and speech as they are usedat a given moment and not in terms of how they have evolved over time.(12) diachronic linguistics: the study of linguistic change over time in contrastto looking at language as it is used at a given moment.2. No, language is human-specific. Human language has seven design features, including arbitrariness, duality, productivity, interchangeability, displacement, specialization and cultural transmission. These features are found utterly lacking in dogs’ or pigs’ noises and thus set human language apart from animal cry systems.3. Arbitrariness refers to the fact that there is no logical or intrinsic connectionbet ween a particular sound and the meaning it is associated with. For example, for the same animal dog, in English we call it /d0g/, in Chinese as “gou”, but “yilu”in Japanese; it barks wow wow in English but wang wang in Chinese. Of course, onomatopoetic words such as “quack-quack” and “bang” are exceptions, but words like these are relatively few compared with the total number of words in a language.4. A human baby does not speak any language at birth. What language the baby is going to speak is determined by the culture he is born into. A Chinese baby born and brought up in London by an English family will speak English, while an English child brought up in Beijing by a Chinese aunt will speak Chinese. That is to say, language cannot be transmitted through heredity. It is culturally transmitted.5. Firstly, linguistics describes languages and does not lay down rules of correctness while traditional grammar emphasizes correctness. Secondly, linguistics regards the spoken language as primary, while traditional grammar emphasizes the priority of the written language. Thirdly, traditional grammar is based on Latin and it tries to impose the Latin categories and structures on other languages, while linguistics describes each language on its own merits.6. A descriptive approach attempts to tell what is in the language while the prescriptive approach tells people what should be in the language. Most modern linguistics is descriptive, whereas traditional grammars are prescriptive.7. Synchronic linguistics studies language at one particular time while diachronic linguistics studies language developments through time. Synchronic linguistics focuses on the state of language at any point in history while diachronic linguistics focuses on the differences in two or more than two states of language over decades or centuries.8. No, human language has the design feature of specialization. It refers to the fact that man does not have a total physical involvement in the act of communication. For example, a mother can tell a story to her child while slicing up a cake. However, wolves can only respond to a stimulus and is totally involved physically in the communication process. Thus, a wolf cannot have a language similar to man’s, even though it could express a thousand different emotions. Besides, the aspect of productivity also distinguishes human language from wolf ’s postures.Chapter 2The Sounds of Language 1. Define each of the following terms briefly.(1) articulator: the tongue, lips, and velum, which change the shape of the vocaltract to produce different speech sounds.(2) assimilation: a phonological process whereby a sound becomes phoneticallysimilar (or identical) to a neighboring sound, e.g. a vowel becomes [+nasal] when followed by a [+nasal] consonant.(3) consonant: a speech sound produced by partial or complete closure of partof the vocal tract, thus obstructing the airflow and creating audible friction.Consonants are described in terms of voicing, place of articulation, and manner of articulation.(4) elision: the leaving out of a sound or sounds in speech.(5) intonation: the variation in pitch and stress which gives beat and rhythmto the tune the voice plays in ordinary speech.(6) phoneme: the abstract element of a sound, identified as being distinctivein a particular language.(7) phonetics: the study of linguistic speech sounds, how they areproduced, how they are perceived, and their physical properties.(8) phonology: the study of the abstract systems underlying the sounds oflanguage.(9) stress: the prominence given to certain sounds in speech.(10) voicing: the vibration in the larynx caused by air from thelungs passing through the vocal cords when they are partly closed; speech sounds are said to be either voiced or voiceless.(11) voiceless: When the vocal cords are spread apart, the airstreamfrom the lungs is not obstructed at the space between vocal cords and passes freely. The sounds produced in this way are described asvoiceless sounds.(12) vowel: a speech sound produced without significant constriction of theair flowing through the oral cavity.2. Minimal pair test or substitution test.Minimal pair test or substitution test is to see whether substituting one sound for 4another results in a different word. If it does, the two sounds representdifferent phonemes. For example, as to the English word bear, if we substitute p for b, we get the word pear, the two are different words. Then /b/ and /p/ represent different phonemes. Other examples are chunk/junk, ban/bin, bet/beat, fine/vine, side/site, etc.3. Take the word big for example, in the word big /big/, /b/ is the onset, /i/ is the nucleus and /g/ is the coda. The difference between open syllables and closed syllables is whether the words have codas. If there are codas, they are closed syllables, such as pig, hat and at; if not, they are open syllables, such as do, I, tea and key.4. (1) stop, consonant(2) back, rounded, vowel5. (1) voiceless / voiced(2) bilabial / labiodental(3) close / semi-open(4) stop / nasal(5) alveolar / palatal(6) alveolar / dental(1) kit/git, bucker/bugger, bag/back(2) mark/nark, smack/snack, sum/sun(3) best/vest, ober/over, lib/live(4) bore/more, abate/amate, mob/mom(5) pat/fat, apt/aft (AmE), harp (BrE)/half7. (1) The stresses are placed on the second syllable except for “promise”. We may easily conclude that the verbs usually are stressed on the second syllable. (2) Syllable representations of the words:collide [k2#laid] elect [i#lekt] consider [k2n#sid2]Chapter 3Morphology 1. Define the following terms briefly.(1) morphology: the study of the structure of words.5(2) morpheme: the smallest unit of language that carries meaning orserves a grammatical function.(3) free morpheme: a morpheme that can stand alone as a word.(4) bound morpheme: a morpheme that can not stand alone as a word,e.g. ment (as in establishment), and -er (as in painter).(5) morph: the smallest meaningful phonetic segments of an utterance onthe level of parole.(6) allomorph: a phonetic form in which a morpheme is realized, e.g. -s, -es,and en are all allomorphs (in writing) of the plural morpheme.(7) derivation: the formation of new words by adding affixes to other words ormorphemes in morphology and word formation.(8) clipping: the process by which parts of a word of more than one syllablehave been cut off, and reduced to a shorter form.(9) acronym: words which are composed of the first letter of a series ofwords and are pronounced as single words. Examples: NATO, radar and yuppy.(10) initialism: Some new words are composed of the first letters of aseries of words and pronounced by saying each letter in them. Such words are called initialism.(11) blending: A single new word can be formed by combining two separateforms. Typically, blending is finished by taking only the beginning of one word and joining it to the end of another word. For example,brunch is formed by the shortened forms of breakfast and lunch.(12) root: the morpheme that remains when all affixes are stripped from a complexword, e.g. system from un- + system + atic + ally.(13) stem: the base to which one or more affixes are attached to create amore complex form that may be another stem or a word. For example, book is the stem of bookish.(14) prefix: Affixes can be joined to the beginning of the root or stem, inwhich case they are called prefixes.(15) suffix: Affixes can be joined to the end of the root or stem, in which casethey are called suffixes.2. (3), (5), (7)3. (1) simple: fly tree suite(2) bound morpheme rootfly / flyreuse re- usespiteful -ful spitepreplan pre- plandesks -s desktriumphed -ed triumphsuite / suiteoptionality -ality optionuntie un- tiedelight de- lightfastest -est fastprettier -ier prettytree / treejustly -ly justdeform de- formmistreat mis- treatdislike dis- likepayment -ment paydisobey dis- obeypremature pre- mature4. (1) Column I: ablaut (vowel modification)Column II: suppletionColumn III: stress modification(2) The process in the Column I is finished by changing the vowel of each word,while in Column II, the process is finished by changing vowel and consonant of each word.(3) Column I: awake/awoke bear/bore arise/aroseblow/blew bite/bit hide/hidlie/lay know/knew foot/feetgoose/geese tooth/teeth louse/liceColumn II: bad/worse are/were many/moreColumn III: ‘combine/com’bine ‘compress/com’press7‘conduct/con’duct ‘insert/in’sert‘insult/in’sult ‘intern/in’tern5. (1) Omitted.(2) Other examples:‘rerun (n.) – re’run (v.) ‘contrast (n.) – con’trast (v.)‘convert (n.) – con’vert (v.) ‘desert (n.) – de’sert (v.)‘export (n.) – ex’port (v.) ‘increase (n.) – in’crease (v.)‘conduct (n.) – con’duct (v.) ‘object (n.) – ob’ject (v.)‘content (n.) – con’tent (v.) ‘protest (n.) – pro’test (v.)‘insult (n.) – in’sult (v.) ‘produce (n.) – pro’duce (v.)When a word belongs to different word classes, the stress of the word will be sometimes placed on different syllables. When all the words above are stressed on the first syllables, they are nouns, but if they have the second syllables stressed, the words become verbs.6. (1) It means “the inhabitant of ”.(2) It means “the person who does”.(3) The morphological rule working here is “n. + -er –– n.”, and thelast phoneme of the noun, which the suffix -er is added to, should be aconsonant.(4) The rule in (3) doesn’t work in the word discoverer because the last phoneme of discoverer is a vowel /2/.7. (1) inflection (2) derivation (3) inflection (4) inflection (5) derivationChapter 4Syntax 1. Define the following terms briefly.(1) syntax: the term used to refer to the structure of sentences and to the studyof sentence structure.(2) word class: a group of words which are similar in function; words which aregrouped into word classes according to how they combine with other words, how they change their forms, etc.(3) prescriptive approach: This view regards grammar as a set ofrules for the 8“proper”use of a language, that’s to say, it tries to lay down rules to tell people how to use a language.(4) descriptive approach: the approach of linguistic studies, with whichlinguists collect samples of the language they are interested in and attempt to describe the regular structures of the language as they are used, not according to some view of how they should be used.(5) IC analysis: the approach to divide the sentence up into its immediateconstituents by using binary cutting until obtaining its ultimateconstituents. For example, the immediate constituents of “The man bought a car”are the man and bought a car. The immediate constituents of the man are the and man, and so on until no further cuts can be made. The ultimate constituents of “The man bought a car”at the word level are the, man, bought, a, and car.(6) structural analysis: a type of descriptive approach to study thedistribution of linguistic forms in a language through such methods as the use of “test frames”.(7) immediate constituent: Linguistic units can be divided into smallconstituents, which can be further analyzed into smallerconstituents. This process continues until no further divisions arepossible. The first division or units are known as immediate constituents.(8) ultimate constituent: Linguistic units can be divided into smallconstituents, which can be further analyzed into smallerconstituents. This process continues until no further divisions arepossible. The final division or units are known as ultimate constituents.(9) constituent structural grammar: It refers to a grammar which analyzessentences using only the idea of constituency, which reveals a hierarchy of structural levels.(10) transformational grammar: a type of grammar which attempts to define anddescribe by a set of rules or principles all the grammatical sentences(without ungrammatical ones) of a language.(11) ideational function: the use of language as a means of giving structure toour experience of the real or imaginary world.(12) interpersonal function: the use of language for maintaining social rolesand interacting with others.(13) textual function: to create written or spoken texts which cohere withinthemselves and which fit the particular situation in which they are used. 2. Yes. As we know, morphology is the study of the internal structure, forms and 9classes of words, while syntax focuses on the structure and ordering of components within a sentence. The major distinction between morphology and syntax is that the former is concerned with the internal composition of a word, while the latter is concerned with the combination of words.3. (2) Instead of using the form “suggest somebody to do something”, weusually use “suggest + that-clause” or “suggest doing”, here we’d better substitute “advise” for “suggest”(4) The word “request”is a transitive verb which should take an object directly,so the word “for” should be omitted.(6) The word “donate” cannot be followed by double objects as “donatesomebody something”. Instead we always use “donate something to somebody”.(10) The subject of the verb “write”is usually a human; an “article”cannot writeitself. In this case the passive construction is normally used: The article was very well writen.(11) Usually we don’t use “be bored of something/somebody”, but “be bored withsomething/somebody” which means losing interest in somebody/something.(13) Here “myself ” is a reflexive pronoun, which can’t be used as subject, andit should be replaced by “I”.(14) The word “surprise” is usually used as a transitive verb, so theexpression “…surprise for you” is ungrammatical, and it can bereplaced by “surprise somebody (with something)”or “I was surprised by your getting married.”(15) The word “sleep” is usually used as an intransitive verb, which can’t takean object. The cases of “sleep” being used as a transitive verb aresemantically limited, as in “to sleep a good sleep” or “the room can sleep3 people”.4. It’s ungrammatical, because “us” is the objective case which can’t serve asthe subject, while “she”is the subjective case which can’t serve as the object.The sentence should be “We visit her on Sundays”. The personal pronouns “you”and “it” have the same form whether used as the subject or object.5. (1) NP: A Guns “N”Roses concert, an arena, some 2500 fans, a full-fledged riot,A Guns “N” Roses concert at an arena , A Guns “N” Roses concert at an arena near ST. Louis ,The trouble, venue security, a camera, the front, the stage, the front of the stage. PP: at an arena, at an arena near ST. Louis, near ST. Louis, in disaster, near the front, of the stage, near the front of the stage. VP: staged a full-fledged riot, asked venue security, confiscate a camera.(2) N: Guns, Roses, concert, arena, ST. Louis, disaster, fans, riot, trouble, Axl 10Rose, venue, security, camera, front, stage. Prep: at, near, in, of. V: end, stage, start, ask, confiscate, see.6. (1) You mustn’t end a sentence with a preposition.You mustn’t split infinitives7. (i)(ii)8. (1) a. Terry loves his wife and I love his wife,too. b. I love my wife as well as Terry loveshis wife.(2) a. It’s yesterday that they said she would go. b. She would go yesterdayas they said.(3) a. The governor is a street fighter who is dirty.b. The governor is a fighterin a dirty street.(4) a. The design has squares and circles, both of which are big. b. The designhas big squares, and it also has some circles. (The sizes of the circlesare not mentioned.)Chapter 5Semantics 1. Define the following terms briefly.(1) semantics: the study of linguistic meaning.(2) truth-conditional semantics: an approach that knowing the meaning ofthe sentence is the same as knowing the conditions under which the sentenceis true or false, and knowing the meaning of a word or expression is knowingthe part that it plays in the truth or falsehood of the sentence containingit.(3) naming theory: the view that the meaning of an expression is what it refersto, or names.(4) behaviorist theory: the view that the meaning of a linguistic form is definedas observable behaviors which is an approach drawing on psychology.(5) use theory: the semantic theory according to which the meaning ofan expression is determined by its use in communication and moregenerally, in social interaction.(6) sense: the inherent part of an expression’s meaning, together with thecontext, determines its referent. For example, knowing the sense ofa noun phrase such as the president of the United States in 2004 allows oneto determine that George W. Bush is the referent.(7) reference: (in semantics) the relationship between words and thethings, actions, events and qualities they stand for. An example in Englishis the relationship between the word tree and the object “tree”(referent) in the real world.(8) conceptual meaning: It means the meaning of words may be discussed interms of what they denote or refer to, also called denotative or cognitivemeaning. It is the essential and inextricable part of what language is and is widely regarded as the central factor in verbal communication.For instance, the conceptual meaning of “he”in English is any male personor male animal.(9) connotative meaning: It is the communicative meaning that a word ora combination of words has by virtue of what it refers to, over its purelyconceptual meaning. For example, the connotative meaning of “woman” isemotional, frail, inconstant, irrational, etc.(10) semantic field: the organization of related words and expressionsinto a system which shows their relationship to one another. For example,kinship terms such as father, mother, brother, sister, uncle, aunt belongto a semantic field whose relevant features include generation, sex,membership of the father’s or mother’s side of family.(11) lexical gap: the absence of a word in a particular place in a semantic fieldof a language. For instance, in English we have brother versus sister,son versus daughter, but no separate lexemes for “male”and “female”cousin.(12) componential analysis: (in semantics) an approach to the study of meaningwhich analyzes a word into a set of meaning components or semanticfeatures. For example, the meaning of the English word boy may be shownas [+human][+male][-adult].(13) semantic feature: the smallest units of meaning in a word. The meaningof word may be described as a combination of semantic components orfeatures. For example, the feature [+male] is part of the meaning of father, and so is the feature [+adult], but other features are needed tomake up the whole meaning of father. Often, semantic features areestablished by contrast and can be stated in terms of [+] and [-], e.g. womanhas the semantic features [+human], [-male] and [+adult].(14) synonym: the sense relations of equivalence of meaning betweenlexical items, e.g. small/little and dead/deceased.(15) antonym: the sense relation of various kinds of opposing meaning betweenlexical items, e.g. big/small, alive/dead and good/bad.(16) hyponymy: the sense relation between terms in a hierarchy, where amore particular term (the hyponym) is included in the more general one (thesuperordinate): X is a Y, e.g. a beech is a tree, a tree is a plant.(17) meronym: the sense relation between body and its parts which are not onlysections of the body but defined in terms of specific functions. For example,the head is the part of the body which carries the most important sense organs,i.e. eyes, ears, nose and tongue.(18) semantic role: the way in which the referent of a noun phrase is involvedin the situation described or represented by the clause, forexample as agent, patient, or cause.(19) entailment: the relationship between two sentences where the truthof one (the second) is inferred from the truth of the other, e.g. Cordayassassinated Marat and Marat is dead; if the first is true, the second mustbe true.(20) presupposition: implicit assumptions about the world required to make anutterance meaningful or appropriate, e.g. “some tea has already been taken”is a presupposition of “Take some more tea!”2. (1) He waited by the bank.a. He waited by the financial institution which people can keep their money inor borrow from.b. He waited by the bank of the river.(2) Is he really that kind?a. Is he really that type of person?b. Is he really that kind-hearted?(3) We bought her dog biscuits.a. We bought dog biscuits for her.b. We bought biscuits for her dog.(4) He saw that gasoline can explode.a. He saw that gasoline container explode.b. He saw that gasoline may explode.(5) Fifty soldiers shot three wild foxes.a. Fifty soldiers shot three wild foxes in total.b. Each of the fifty soldiers shot three wild foxes.(6) He saw her drawing pencils.a. He saw her pencils for drawing.b. He saw her drawing the picture of pencils.3. (2) (4) (5) (8) are antonyms; (1) (3) (6) (7) are synonyms.4. charity: kindness, sympathy, church, helpfuliron: strong, brave, hard, determinedmole: traitor, betrayal, spysnow: pure, virgin, cleanstreet: homeless, living hard, pitiable5. (1) a. hoard b. scribble c. barn, method d. olfactory(2) a. acquire b. tell c. way d. smell(3) a. buy, win, steal. b. talk, tell c. road, way, path d. smell These words are less marked in their sets because they are more usual and tend to be used more frequently. They consist of only one morphemeand are easier to learn and remember than others. They are also often broaderin meaning and cannot be described by using the name of another member ofthesame field.6. homophones: sea-see, break-brake; polysemies: sea, break, prayer, mature, trace,house homonyms: ear.7. In a semantic field, not all lexical items necessarily have the same status.The less marked members of the same semantic field (1) are usuallyeasier to learn and remember than more marked members; (2) consistof only one morpheme in contrast to more marked members; (3) cannot bedescribed by using the name of another member of the same field; (4) tendto be used more frequently than more marked terms; (5) broader in meaningthan more marked members; (6) are not the result of the metaphorical usageof the name of another object or concept, but more marked are.8. (1) a. bachelor, man, son, paperboy, pope, chiefb. bull, rooster, drake, ram.The (a) and (b) words are male.The (a) words are human.The (b) words are animals.(2) a. ask, tell, say, talk, converseb. shout, whisper, mutter, drawl, hollerThe (a) and (b) words are realized by sounds.The (a) words are normal voice quality.The (b) words are produced by modifying one’s normal voice quality.(3) a. walk, run, skip, jump, hop, swimb. fly, skate, ski, ride, cycle, canoe, hang-glideThe (a) and (b) words are sports (movement).The (a) words are sports without instruments.The (b) words are sports with instruments.Chapter 6Pragmatics 1.Define the following terms briefly.(1) pragmatics: a branch of linguistics that studies language in use.(2) deixis: the marking of the orientation or position of entities andsituations with respect to certain points of reference such as the place(here/there) and time (now/then) of utterance.(3) reference: (in semantics) the relationship between words and the things,actions, events, and qualities they stand for.(4) anaphora: a process where a word or phrase (anaphor) refers back to anotherword or phrase which was used earlier in a text or conversation.(5) presupposition: implicit assumptions about the world required to makean utterance meaningful or appropriate, e.g. “some tea has already been taken”is a presupposition of “Take some more tea!”(6) Speech Act Theory: The theory was proposed by J. L. Austin and has beendeveloped by J. R. Searle. Basically, they believe that language is not only used to inform or to describe things, it is often used to “dothings”, to perform acts. In saying “Sorry”, you are performing an act of apology.(7) indirect speech act: an utterance whose literal meaning (location)and intended meaning (illocution) are different. For example, Can you pass the salt? is literally a yes/no question but is usually uttered as a request or polite directive for action.(8) the Cooperative Principle: a principle proposed by the philosopher PaulGrice whereby those involved in communication assume that bothparties will normally seek to cooperate with each other to establish agreed meaning. It is composed of 4 maxims: quality, quantity, relation and manner.(9) the Politeness Principle: politeness is regarded by most interlocutorsas a means or strategy which is used by a speaker to achievevarious purposes, such as saving face, establishing and maintainingharmonious social relations in conversation. This principle requiresspeakers to “minimize the expression of impolite beliefs”. It is composed of 6 maxims: Maxims of Tact, Generosity, Approbation, Modesty, Agreement and Sympathy.。



胡壮麟《语⾔学教程》笔记和考研真题详解(语⾔与认知)【圣才出品】第6章语⾔与认知6.1 复习笔记本章要点:1. Psycholinguistics⼼理语⾔学2. Language acquisition, language comprehension, language production 语⾔习得,语⾔的理解,语⾔的⽣成3. First language acquisition第⼀语⾔习得4. Cognitive linguistics认知语⾔学常考考点:语⾔习得;第⼀语⾔习得;语⾔的理解和⽣成;范畴;隐喻;整合理论等。

本章内容索引:I. Definition of cognitionII. Definition of PsycholinguisticsIII. Language acquisition1. The Behaviorist Approach2. The Innateness HypothesisIV. Language comprehension1. Sound Comprehension2. Word recognition3. Comprehension of sentences4. Comprehension of textV. Language Production1. Access to words2. Generation of sentences3. Written language productionVI. Cognitive Linguistics1. Definition2. Construal and Construal Operations(1) Attention/ Salience(2) Judgment/ Comparison(3) Perspective/ Situatedness3. Categorization(1) Basic level(2) Superordinate level(3) Subordinate level4. Image Schemas5. Metaphor(1) Ontological metaphors(2) Structural metaphors(3) Orientional metaphors6. Metonymy7. Blending TheoryI. Definition of cognition (认知的定义)Cognition is used in several different loosely related disciplines. In psychology it is used to refer to the mental processes of an individual, with particular relation to a concept which argues that the mind has internal mental states (such as beliefs, desires and intentions) and can be understood as information processing, especially when much abstraction or concretization is involved, or processes such as involving knowledge, expertise or learning for example are at work. Another definition of “cognition” is the mental process or faculty of knowing, including aspects such as awareness, perception, reasoning, and judgment.“认知”⼀词既可⽤于不同学科也可⽤于相关学科。


2. The scope of CL 3. Important topics for research
What is cognitive linguistics?
Definition: Cognitive linguistics is an
approach to language that is based on our experience of the world and the way we perceive and conceptualize it.
What is cognitive linguistics?
Background of CL. 1.Academic background
1)reaction to TG represented by N.Chomsky (syntax), a direct stimulus 2)stumulated by cognitive science (cognitive psychology neurobiology), an indirect stimulus
Cognitive Models…
①ICM (认知模型: 理想化认知模式)
We organize our knowledge by means of structures called idealized cognitive model, or ICM. The ideas about cognitive models that we will be making use of have developed within cognitive linguistics and come from four sources. Each ICM is a complex structured whole, a gestalt, which uses four kinds of structuring principles:



• 认知语言学代表人物
• 乔治· 雷可夫 (George P. Lakoff1941年-):认知语言 学的其中一位创立者,提倡比喻(隐喻)是日常语言 活动中的必须认知能力。 • 朗奴· 兰盖克 (Ronald Langacker,1942年12月27日-): 认知文法的提倡者。 • 戴浩一:台湾国立中正大学语言学研究所教授, 是少数专长于认知语言学的华人。 • 王士元:香港中文大学现代语言学系暨中研院院 士,另一少数专长于认知语言学的华人。
• 3.上下位:
以基本层次范畴为中心,范畴可向上发展为 上位,范畴向下发展为下位。
例如:Agriculture is the foundation of the national economy, We must follow the principle of combining。(农业是国民经济的 基础,我们要坚持农林牧副渔相结合的方针) 分析:第一个“农业”指的是农业经济,具 有广泛意义,因此译“agriculture”;第二个 “农业”具有专指意义,所以要译成下位词 “farming”,才能准确地表达原意。
• 原型 • 范畴化、基本范畴 • 上下位 • 隐喻模式、转喻模式
• 1.原型(prototype):
原型范畴理论是认知语言学提出的重要观点 , 其哲学根源基于 “家族相似性 ”。它是物体范 畴最好、最典型的成员, 而其他成员有的典型性 显著,有的具有非典型性、处于范畴的边缘位置。 如:在“鸟”这个范畴中,知更鸟是最典型 的成员,因为它具有这个范畴的所有特性。而鸵 鸟、企鹅、蝙蝠则处于“鸟”的范畴的边缘位置, 它们和知更鸟共有的特性非常少。
• 四、认知语言学优与缺
• 1.优点
• • • • 提供自然的、符合人们语感的分析 注重概念化对语法的影响 对语言的共性和历史的成功解释 常利用图解的办法,准确而简明地把一个复杂的语 法范畴系统表达出来 • 洞察跨词类之间的共性 • 把动态的认知过程引入语法分析 • 确立语义和句法之间的“一对一”映射关系



语⾔学English Linguistics英语语⾔学Chapter SixLanguage and Cognition语⾔与认知What is language ?What is cognition ?I . Cognition(I). Definition:Mental processes of an individual, information processingMental process or faculty of knowing, including awareness, perception, reasoning, and judgment.(Ⅱ).Three approaches to the study of language and cognition:1.The formal approach: addresses the structural patterns, including the study of morphological, syntactic, and lexical structure.2.The psychological approach: looks at language from the perspective of general cognitive systems ranging from perception, memory, attention to reasoning. PSYCHOLOGICAL LINGUISTICS ⼼理语⾔学3.The conceptual approach: addresses how language structures (processes & patterns) conceptual content.COGNITIVE LINGUISTICS 认知语⾔学Ⅱ. Psycholinguistics(I). Definition:Psycholinguistics is the study of psychological aspects of language, it usually studies the psychological states and mental activity associated with the use of language.(Ⅱ).Three subjects of researchLanguage acquisitionLanguage comprehensionLanguage production1. Language Acquisition(1). Definition:Language acquisition is the process by which humans acquire the capacity to perceive and comprehend language, as well as to produce and use words to communicate.(2). Studies on Language acquisition:One of the central topics in psycholinguisticsAll normal humans speak, no nonhuman animal does.Children’s acquisition of language has received much attention.Scholars kept diaries of children’s speech for their research data.(3). Stages of Language acquisition:a. Holophrastic stage (from two months to a year)–Language’s sound patterns–Phonetic distinctions in parents’ language.–One-word stage: objects, actions, motions, routines.b.Two-word stage (around 18 months)c. Three-word stage–Give doggie paper.–Put truck window.–Tractor go floor.d. Fluent grammatical conversation stageEmbed one constituent inside another:–Give doggie paper.–Give big doggie paper.Use more function words: missing function words and inflection in the beginning but good use (90%) by the age of 3, with a full range of sentence types.All parts of a language are acquired before the child turns four.2. Language comprehension(1). Definition:The mental process in which humans can understand sentences that carry novel messages in a way exquisitely sensitive to the structure of the language.(2). Stages of language comprehension:a. word recognitionb. comprehension of sentencesc. comprehension of texts3. Language production(1). Definition:In psycholinguistics, language production is the production of spoken or written language. It describes all of the stages between having a concept, and translating that concept into linguistic form.(2). Stages of language production:a. access to wordsb. generation of sentencesc. written language productionⅢ. Cognitive LinguisticsDefinition:It is the scientific study of the relation between the way we communicate and the way we think. ?It is based on human experiences of the world and the way they perceive and conceptualize the (I) Construal and Construal Operations (识解与识解活动)Construal: the ability to conceive and portray the same situation in different waysConstrual Operations include the following aspects:Attention / salience(注意⁄突显)We activate the most relevant concepts more than concepts that are irrelevant to what we are thinking about.a We drove along the road.(a line:one-dimenaional)b. She ran across the road.(a surface:two-dimenaional)c. The workers dug through the road.(a volume:three-dimenaional)a. He cleaned the window. (glass)b. He opened the window. (frame)a. I’ve broken the window. (I)b. A stone has broken the window. (stone)2. Judgment / Comparison (判断⁄⽐较)Figure / Ground (图形⁄背景)We cannot attend to all facets of a scene at the same time.We cannot pay attention to everything. Instead, we focus on events of particular salience. ?Figure-ground organization –The ground seems to be placed behind the figure extending in the background.–The figure is thus more prominent, or even more interesting, than the ground.Figure-groundFigure-ground also seems to apply to our perception of moving objects.In order to distinguish between stationary and dynamic figure-ground relations, some cognitive linguists (eg Ronald Langacker) use the term trajector (射体)for a moving figure and landmark (界标)for the ground of a moving figure. There’s a cat[figure] on the mat[ground]There are still some peanuts[figure] in the bag[ground]Batman[figure] was standing on the roof[ground]The computer[figure] under the table[ground] is mineThe spacecraft[figure] was hovering over Metropolis[ground]Tarzan[trajector] jumped into the river[landmark]Spiderman[trajector] climbed up the wall[landmark]The bird[trajector] winged its way out the window[landmark]We[trajector] went across the field[landmark]I[trajector]’m going to London[landmark]3. Perspective⁄Situatedness(视⾓⁄情景)Perspective :the way in which we view a scene in terms of our situatedness. It generally depends on two things: where we are situated in relation to the scene we're viewinghow the scene is arranged in relation to our situatedness.–The tree is behind the man.–The tree is in front of the man.(Ⅱ) Categorization(范畴化)1. Definition:The process of classifying our experiences into different categories based on commonalities and differences.2. Three levels in categories:–basic level–superordinate level–subordinate levelBasic level Superordinate levelAnimalHorse Dog CatChihuahua German dachshundshepherdSubordinate levelVertical organization(Ⅲ) Image Schema(意象图式)Definition:A recurring, dynamic pattern of our perceptual interactions and motor programs that gives coherence and structure to our experience (Mark Johnson).2. Patterns of image schemas:Center-periphery schema(中央—边缘图式)Involves–a physical or metaphorical core and edge, and–degrees of distance from the core.Examples (English):–The structure of an apple–An individual’s perceptual sphere–An individual’s social sphere, with family and friends at the core and others having degrees of peripherality (周边性)Containment schema(容器图式)Involves a physical or metaphorical–boundary–enclosed area or volume, or–excluded area or volume.Bodily experience: human bodies as containers.Structural elements: interior, boundary, exterior–The ship is coming into view.–She’s deep in thought.–We stood in silence.Cycle schema (循环图式)Involves repetitious events and event series. Its structure includes the following:–A starting point–A progression through successive events without backtracking–A return to the initial stateThe schema often has superimposed on it a structure that builds toward a climax and then goes through a release or decline.Examples (English)–Days–Weeks–Years–Sleeping and waking–Breathing–Circulation–Emotional buildup and releaseForce schema (⼒量图式)Involves physical or metaphorical causal interaction. It includes the following elements:–A source and target of the force–A direction and intensity of the force–A path of motion of the source and/or target–A sequence of causationExamples (English):–Physical: Wind, Gravity–Structural elements: force, path, entity, etc.–Interaction, directionality, causality–Compulsion–Blockage–Counterforce–Diversion–Removal of restraintLink schema(连接图式)Consists of two or more entities, connected physically or metaphorically, and the bond between them.Entity A Entity BExamples (English):–A child holding her mother’s hand–Someone plugging a lamp into the wall–A causal “connection”–Kinship “ties”Part-whole schema(部分—整体图式)Involves physical or metaphorical wholes along with their parts and a configuration of the parts.Examples (English):–Physical: The body and its parts–Metaphorical: The familyPath schema(路径图式)Involves physical or metaphorical movement from place to place, andconsists of a starting point, a goal, and a series of intermediate points.Examples (English):Physical: Paths; TrajectoriesMetaphorical: The purpose-as-physical-goal metaphor, as expressed in the following sentences: –Tom has gone a long way toward changing his personality.–You have reached the midpoint of your flight training.–She's just starting out to make her fortune.–Jane was sidetracked in her search for self-understanding.Scale schema(刻度图式)Involves an increase or decrease of physical or metaphorical amount, andconsists of any of the following:–A closed- or open-endedprogression of amount–A position in the progressionof amount–One or more norms of amountExamples:–Physical amounts–Properties in the number system–Economic entities such as supply and demandVerticality schema(垂直图式)Involves “up” and “down” relations.Examples:–Standing upright–Climbing stairs–Viewing a flagpole–Watching water rise in a tub(Ⅳ) MetaphorGeorge Lakoff and Mark Johnson (1980). Metaphors We Live By. University of Chicago Press. <中⼩学英语教学与研究>2011第6期英语中的概念隐喻表达法崔传明⽯磊(⼭东科技⼤学,⼭东泰安271000)隐喻(metaphor)就是把⼀个领域的概念投射到另⼀领域,或者说从⼀个认知域—来源(source domain)投射到另⼀个认知域—⽬标域(target domain)。

Chapter 10 Cognitive linguistics - Exercises

Chapter 10 Cognitive linguistics - Exercises

Chapter 10 Cognitive LinguisticsI. Define the following terms.1. cognitive linguistics2. category3. categorization4. prototype5. prototype theory6. metaphor7. metonymy8. iconicity9. grammaticalizationII. Fill in each of the following blanks with one word which begins with the letter given.1. C________ occurs everywhere around us, without which a lot of informationwould be in disorder.2. There are two major theories that deal with categorization. One is the c________theory, and the other is the p________ theory.3. It is assumed in the classical theory of categorization that categories have clearb________.4. Some category levels are called s________ levels, which mean higher levels ormore general levels. Basic-level categories are more specific, but not too specific.Subordinate levels mean lower levels or more specific categories.5. Traditionally, metaphor is a figure of speech used fro some artistic andr________ purpose.6. According to cognitive linguistics, the conceptual domain from which we drawmetaphorical expressions to understand another conceptual domain is called s________ domain, which the conceptual domain that is understood this way is called t________ domain.7. Iconicity of order refers to the similarity between temporal events and thel________ arrangement of elements in a linguistic construction.8. Usually, in grammaticalization, words from major grammatical categories, suchas nouns, verbs and adjectives become minor grammatical categories such as prepositions, adverbs and auxiliaries, which in turn may be further grammaticalised into a________.III. Decide whether each of the following statements is True or False.1. According to the classical theory of categorization, categories are defined by alimited set of necessary and sufficient conditions.2. Most of the time, we understand basic-level categories with the aid of thefeatures of superordiante categories and subordinate categories.3. Cognitive linguists usually take metaphor as an important rhetorical device that ispervasive in our language.4. The main function of a metonymic expression is to activate one cognitivecategory by referring to another category within the same domain, and by doingthat, to highlight the first category or the subdomain to which it belongs.5. Unmarked forms and structures are typically both structurally more complex andsemantically more complex than marked ones.IV. Answer the following questions.1. Why does the prototype theory of categorization have a very important status incognitive linguistics?2. Explain the similarities and differences between conceptual metaphor andmetonymy.3. Give some examples to illustrate the major types of iconicity in language.4. What effects does grammaticalization impose on language?Suggested answersI. Define the following terms.1. Cognitive linguistics is an approach to language that is based on our experience ofthe world and the way we perceive and conceptualize it.2. Category refers to a general class of ideas, terms, or things that mark divisions orcoordinations within a conceptual domain.3. Categorization refers to the mental process of classification, which is one of theimportant capabilities of the human mind.4. Prototype refers to the best example of a category.5. Prototype theory refers to a theory of categorization that assumes that naturalcategories are organized by comparing that entity with a prototype, i.e., the best example of a category.6. Metaphor is defined in cognitive linguistics as understanding one conceptualdomain in terms of another conceptual domain.7. Metonymy is a cognitive process in which one cognitive category, the source,provides mental access to another cognitive category.8. Iconicity refers to a principle of language organization, according to which, thelinguistic elements are structured in some way that reflects the structure of the world and human experience.9. Grammaticalization refers to the process whereby an independent word is shifted tothe status of a grammatical element.II. Fill in each of the following blanks with one word which begins with the letter given.1. Categorization2. classical, prototype3. boundary4. superordinate5. rhetorical6. source, target7. linear8. affixesIII. Decide whether each of the following statements is True or False.1. T,2. F,3. F,4. T,5. F.IV. Answer the following questions.1.Prototype theory is useful for explaining how people deal with untypical examplesof a category. This is how unbirdy birds such as penguins and pelicans can still be regarded as birds. They are sufficiently like the prototype, even though they do not share all its characteristics. But it has a further advantage: it can explain how people deal with damaged examples. Previously linguists had found it difficult to explain why people could still categorize a one-winged robin who couldn’t fly asa bird, or a three-legged lion as a lion. Now we just assume that these get matchedagainst the prototype in the same way as an untypical category member. A one-winged robin who can’t fly can still be a bird, even though it’s not such a typical one. In addition, prototype theory can work for actions as well as objects.For example, people can judge that murder is a better example of killing than execute or suicide, and that stare is a better example of looking than peer or squint.2.Metaphor and metonymy are similar in the following aspects: (i) both are regardedas being conceptual in nature; (ii) both can be conventionalized (i.e. automatic, unconscious, effortless and generally established as a model of thinking); (iii) both are means of extending the resources of a language; and (iv) both can be explained as mapping processes. The main difference between them is that metaphor involves a mapping across different conceptual or cognitive domains while metonymy is a mapping within one conceptual domain. In metonymy, one category within a domain is taken as standing for another category in the same domain. The main function of a metonymic expression is to activate one cognitive category by referring to another category within the same domain, and by doing that, to highlight the first category or the subdomain to which it belongs.3.Open4.Grammaticalization brings about typical changes in the meanings and distributionof forms. One of these is that, when a lexical form becomes a grammatical morpheme, the original form may remain as an autonomous element and undergo the same changes as other lexical items. As a result, both the lexical and the grammatical forms coexist. Another characteristic of grammaticalized form is that the constraints on their grammatical uses tend to reflect their lexical histories.Another typical outcome of grammaticalization is the development of different historical levels of nearly equivalent forms. As new ways of expressing functions appear, the older ones are often not discarded, but remain as alternatives.。

the cognitive linguistics

the cognitive linguistics

Example of three level categorization
Superordinate level Basic level Subordinate level KITCHEN CHAIR
II. The working hypotheses of cognitive linguistics
3. Semantics is based on speaker’s construals of situations, or on our way of experiencing the real world, not on objective truth conditions. 4. Semantics and pragmatics form a continuum, and both play a role in linguistic meaning. Linguistic meaning is part of our overall conceptual system and not a separate modular component.
III. Some Basic Concepts of Cognitive Linguistics
6. Metaphor Metaphor is more than just a literary device; it is a way of organizing concepts. In a metaphor, something is conceptualized in terms of something else. Our thinking of the world is mostly metaphoric. There are two domains in a metaphor, source domain and target domain. Between the two, there is mapping of similar features.

cognitive linguistics的定义

cognitive linguistics的定义

cognitive linguistics的定义
认知语言学(Cognitive Linguistics)是一种语言学理论,旨在研究语言的认知特征和语义的认知基础。






Lecture 1认知语言学An Introduction to Cognitive LinguisticsⅠ. Introduction1.What is Cognitive Linguistics?Cognitive linguistics (CL) refers to the branch of linguistics that interprets language in terms of the concepts, sometimes universal, sometimes specific to a particular tongue, which underlie its forms. It is thus closely associated with semantics but is distinct from psycholinguistics, which draws upon empirical findings from cognitive psychology in order to explain the mental processes that underlie the acquisition, storage, production and understanding of speech and writing. Cognitive linguistics is characterized by adherence to three major hypotheses as guiding the cognitive linguistic approach to language:1) Language is not an autonomous cognitive faculty; (语言不是自主的认知能力)2) grammar is conceptualization; (语法是概念化)3) knowledge of language arises out of language use.(语言知识来源于语言的使用)Cognitive linguists deny that the mind has any module for language-acquisition that is unique and autonomous. This stands in contrast to the stance adopted in the field of generative grammar. Although cognitive linguists do not necessarily deny that part of the human linguistic ability is innate, they deny that it is separate from the rest of cognition. They thus reject a body of opinion in cognitive science which suggests that there is evidence for the modularity of language. They argue that knowledge of linguistic phenomena —i.e., phonemes, morphemes, and syntax —is essentially conceptual in nature. However, they assert that the storage and retrieval of linguistic data is not significantly different from the storage and retrieval of other knowledge, and that use of language in understanding employs similar cognitive abilities to those used in other non-linguistic tasks.Departing from the tradition of truth-conditional semantics, cognitive linguists view meaning in terms of conceptualization. Instead of viewing meaning in terms of models of the world, they view it in terms of mental spaces.Finally, cognitive linguistics argues that language is both embodied and situated in a specific environment. This can be considered a moderate offshoot of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, (The linguistic relativity principle , also known as the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis, is the idea that the varying cultural concepts and categories inherent in different languages affect the cognitive classification of the experienced world in such a way that speakers of different languages think and behave differently because of it.)in that language and cognition mutually influence one another, and are both embedded in the experiences and environments of its users.2.认知语言学的诞生(The birth of cognitive linguistics)A.起始阶段(The initial stage)认知语言学兴起于20世纪70年代,20世纪80年代以后迅猛发展。



认知功能语言学——Defining cognitive linguistics认知功能语言学⏹认知语言学简介⏹认知语言学的语言观及本质⏹认知语言学的属性⏹主要代表人物及流派⏹认知方式——比较/范畴化一、认知语言学简介⏹上世纪70年代,认知语言学研究兴起于美国西海岸,80年代开始活跃起来,继而扩展到西欧和全球,形成对乔姆斯基革命的又一场革命。

⏹1989年国际认知语言学学会成立,每两年举行一次会议,1990年起开始出版期刊Cognitive Linguistics。










(Taylor)⏹第一,质疑乔姆斯基语言学提出的语言专用模块(language-specific module)说,认为语言能力内嵌于一般的认知能力和过程之中,心智(mind)中不存在独立的语言模块。




• Attention/ Salience • Judgment/Comparison • Perspective/Situatedness
Construal and Construal Operations : Attention/ Salience
The operation in salience have to do with our direction of attention towards sth. that is salient to us.
Three Categories of Metaphor
Orientational metaphors
Orientational metaphors give a concept a spatial orientation
• Metonymy is defined as a cognitive process in which the vehicle provides mental access to the target within the same domain
Three Categories of Metaphor
Ontological metaphors Structural metaphors Orientational metaphors
Three Categories of Metaphor
Ontological metaphors
Ontological metaphors means that human experiences with physical objects provide the basis for ways of viewing events, activities, emotions, ideas, etc. as entities and substances.



3.1 Basic level 基本层次范畴
The categories at the basic level are those that are most culturally salient and are required to fulfill our cognitive needs the best. This is the level where we perceive the most differences between “objects” in the world.
这些识解以我们实际上站在不同的角度去观察自行车 和汽车为前提。
3.Categorization (范畴化)
Categorization is the process of classifying our experiences into different categories based on commonalities and differences. 范畴化是基于人类经验的异同将我们的经验划分成 不同的类型。 •There are three levels in categories: the basic level, the super-ordinate level, and the subordinate level.
Cognitive Linguistics
What is cognitive linguistics?
1.Definition of Cognitive Linguistics 2.Construal(识解) and Construal Operations(识解操作) 3.Categorization (范畴化) 4.Image Schemas (意象图式) 5.Metaphor (隐喻) 6.Metonymy (换喻/转喻) 7.Blending theory(整合理论)



袁毓林先生的认知语言学课程(2009-08-30 11:40:52)标签:分类:认知语言学(Cognitive Linguistics)北京大学中文系研究生课程任选课学分:2;周学时:2教学方式:讲授和讨论相结合;考试方式:论文或报告任课教师:袁毓林课程简介本课程讲授认知语言学的基本信念、方法论原则和相关的研究课题,特别介绍和评论汉语语法的认知研究的基本方法和有关课题。








姬东鸿、黄昌宁(1996)《汉语形容词和名词的语义组合模型》,Communications of COLIPS (中文与东方语言信息处理学会通讯),Vol. 6, No 1, Jun 1996, pp.25-33)。

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Cognitive Linguistics: an overview
• • • •
Goals of module The struห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ture of this module Course Content Cognitive Linguistics: An Introduction
Goals of this module
Some guidance
• These following "Ts" may help you to successfully and more efficiently organize your groupwork. In each neighbourhood, at least one student (or better, two) should be in charge of one of these "Ts" when working in groups: • Task (Stay focused on the task) • Teamwork (Make sure that all group members are involved) • Take notes (Write down your findings) • Time management (Make sure you are done with the worksheet within the time limit you have agreed on in the beginning) • Talk (Talk to each other and make sure to appoint one student to represent your group in the meeting with the lecturer)
• Chomskyan linguistics as „cognitive linguistics‟ and the „cognitive turn‟ in linguistics • Syntactic Structures (Chomsky 1957), Aspects of the Theory of Syntax (Chomsky 1965): grammar exists in speakers„ minds; innate UG; language as autonomous component of the mind: knowledge of language forms an autonomous module/faculty independent of other mental processes • Cognitive Linguistics: definitions and descriptions
Textbook and reading list
• Evans, V. and Green, M. 2006. Cognitive linguistics: an introduction. Edinburgh University Press. • Croft, W. and Cruse, D. Cognitive linguistics. 2004. Cambridge University Press. • Geeraerts, D. and Cuyckens, H. 2007. Oxford handbook of cognitive linguistics. Oxford University Press. • Reading list • Journals • Cognitive linguistics • Metaphor and symbol • Cognitive science
Standards of Grading
• • • • Participation In-class discussion Weekly meetings Final examination/term paper 10% 15% 15% 60%
1. Cognitive Linguistics: an Introduction
Organization 1
• This lecture is based on a teaching model that involves some elements that do not typically occur in more traditional lectures. There are three central elements that are important in this model: • neighborhood groups of 10 students at most who cooperate in study groups throughout the semester. • weekly meetings of the neighborhood groups (only one student per group each week) with the lecturer on Wednesday evening prior to the plenary lecture. • the plenary lecture each Wednesday, lasting up to 90 minutes
Organization 2
• Neighborhood groups (short "neighborhoods") are study groups that consist of 10 students at most. Neighborhoods are best formed by students who sit next to each other in the lecture hall • The central function of the neighborhoods is to meet once a week for 60-90 minutes to work on worksheets that will be available after each plenary lecture. These worksheets are homework assignments that contain linguistic data and analytic tasks to familiarize you with and prepare you for the topic that will be dealt with in the plenary lecture in the coming week. worksheets serve as a basis for our discussion and data analysis during the plenary lecture.
• This class aims to introduce you to Cognitive Linguistics, by explaining and applying its key concerns: prototypes, conceptual metaphors, metonymy, image schema, conceptual blending, iconicity, polysemy, frame semantics, cognitive grammar, construction grammar, cognitive poetics. In doing so, not only will you gain insight into a new approach to linguistics, but you will also learn more about how human cognition seems to work.
• “[A] descriptive label for a rather broad movement within modern linguistics. It includes a variety of approaches, methodologies, and emphases, which are, however, unified by a number of common assumptions. Foremost among these is the belief that language forms an integral part of human cognition, and that any insightful analysis of linguistic phenomena will need to be embedded in what is known about human cognitive abilities.” (Taylor 2002: 3.)
More on organization
• Weekly meetings of one representative per neighborhood group with the lecturer on Wednesday evenings (7:00-9:00) in Room 409 Humanity Building. These meetings are designed to collect questions and discuss problems that may have emerged when dealing with the worksheets. Neighborhood representatives in charge for the respective meeting need to take down questions and problems that have occurred so that they can report these to the lecturer during the meeting. The most frequently mentioned questions/difficulties will then be discussed in the plenary lecture. • Important: These Wednesday meetings are obligatory (attendance will be checked). Each week, a new student will act as the representative of their neighborhood, so that every student needs to attend a weekly meeting only once per semester.