


Unit 1 Chemical industry
化工 good stead:使德国得到很大的好处
The lion’s share:最大的份额
The difficulty comes in deciding at which point in this sequence the particular operation ceases to be part of the chemical industry’s sphere of activities.
The drive to increased recycling and the ideal of emission-free plants will be a major factor influencing the development of the industry in the next decade.
Constant temperature bath: 恒温水浴
Distillation column:蒸馏塔
Scale up:放大
Chemistry:化学原理 Metallurgical:冶金
Civil:土木 Piping:管道
Pilot plant:中试厂
-blocker: 阻断药 Non-iron免熨烫的 All weather:全天候
Crease-resistant:抗皱的 Weathering:侵蚀
Pitch;沥青 Commitment:投入

化学化工专业英语(杨定乔 )15 Aluminium

化学化工专业英语(杨定乔 )15 Aluminium

15 Aluminium15.1 IntroductionThis is probably the most abundant metal on the earth, as the oxide ,alumina Al2O3,makes up the chief part all clays and many other rocks. The metal was first isolated as a powder by Wohler. It was not until about 1854 that it was obtained on a manufacturing scale.Aluminum is a very light metal. Weighing only about 2.7 times that of water. And it is therefore only about one-third the weight of iron. It is good conductor of electricity ,and although inferior to copper for the long distance transmission of electric power owing to its lightness and lower cost.It forms a valuable alloy with copper, known as aluminum bronze. To obtain the bronze a mixture of corundum(alumina), charcoal and granulated copper is heated in an electric furnace. The carbon takes up the oxygen of the alumina, while the copper unites with the aluminum to form a golden-colored alloy which has great strength and elasticity.The development of the motor and aircraft industries led to the introduction of a number of aluminum alloys of great value owing to their lightness and strength. The most important of these are ‘magnalium’,containing magnesium, and ‘duralumin’,which is aluminum with about 4percent of copper and a litter magnesium. Other alloys with copper, nickel and zinc are used in the construction of motor-car and aeroplane parts. Alloys of aluminum and silicon, with small amounts of other substances, are used in shipbuilding ,as after heat treatment they are very strong and resist the corrosive action of sea water.Aluminum has been made for many years by the electrolysis of alumina (prepared bauxite, Al2O3●2H2O)dissolved in fused cryolite (sodium aluminum fluoride the cathode. The current is brought in by thick carbon rods forming the anode which while carbon monoxide gas escapes. As the metal is removed the supply of alumina is kept up by adding more bauxite to the molten mixture.In the production of aluminum,as in so many other processes, the source of power is the energy of falling water. Factories have been built near many of the great waterfalls of the world such as Niagara. The Falls of the Rhine at Schaffhausen and in England at Kinlochleven in Argyllshire, and in North Wales. The bauxite used is chiefly from the south of France,but useful deposits occurring in the southern part of the United States, and Antrim, Northern Ireland.The remarkable increase in the use of aluminum during the past half century is shown by the following figures for the total world output of the metal.World output of aluminum1907 30,000 tons1919 136,000 tons1924 171,000 tons1929 270, 000 tons1934 171,000, 000 tons1950 1,417,000 tonsThe increasing use of aluminum is well shown by the above figures. Of this amount of nearly one and a half million tons produced in 1950s,the American output was 718,000 tons,while British production has increased from 15, 000 tons in 1936 to 33, 000 tons in 1959.Aluminum is valuable not only for its lightness but on account of its peculiar behavior towards acids and alkalis. It dissolves rapidly in dilute hydrochloric acid, but is only slowly attacked by sulphuric and nitric acids, and even less by alkaline solutions. Hence, although aluminum is used for making cooking vessels and for storage of many foodstuffs, it is well to remember that saucepans or pots of aluminum must not be cleaned by soda.In the air aluminum soon becomes covered with a thin, almost invisible, film of oxide, which protects the metal from further corrosion. This process of self-protection can be hastened and made more effective by ' anodic treatment. ' The metal is made the positive pole in the electrolysis of a suitable solution, and when oxidation occurs the resulting surface is immune to atmospheric corrosion. This anodic process is used for the treatment of aeroplane parts.Aluminum melts below a red head, and when heated in air it oxidizes readily. A thin piece of aluminum foil in a bottle of oxygen gas if touched with a red-hot wire disappears instantly with a brilliant flash, leaving a white oxide behind. When aluminum combines with oxygen more heat is given off than by any other burning metal. The readiness of aluminum to take up oxygen and the heat thus given off during the combination is used commercially to obtain metals which are difficult to get by other means. A mixture of aluminum heated with the oxide of another metal gives a violent chemical reaction. The aluminum is converted into oxide while the other metal is left in the metallic state. The action is so violent in some cases, copper oxide for example; that a kind of explosion occurs and part of the metal is volatilized. Chromium is obtained in this way in a pure state, as also manganese which previously had been known only in combination with carbon or iron.An ingenious application of this property of aluminum is found in the ‘ thermit ’process.A mixture of ferric oxide with aluminum powder is put in a crucible with a removable bottom. When a fuse is lit the whole .mass glows and in few minutes a layer of molten iron sinks to the bottom of the pot and can be run off into a mould. The method is used for the repair of broken castings or to join the ends of rails without removing them. A mould around the rail-end holds the melted metal, and after solidifying the excess iron can be cut or ground away. The temperature produced in the mixture is about 3, 500'C, and is sufficiently high to melt every known metal. The thermit process is used in many incendiary bombs, as once the reaction is started it cannot be stopped, as many fire-fighters discovered during the air-raids on London and other cities in the last war.15. 2 Preparation of AluminumIn 1827 Friedrich Wohler of Germany secured aluminum in sufficient quantity by reduction with potassium to study its properties. By 1852 aluminum sold for $ 545 apound. In 1859, Deville of France had perfected a method for extracting aluminum which reduced its price to $ 17 a pound. But it remained for Charles Martin Hall, in 1886, to perfect a satisfactory commercial method for extracting aluminum from its ore. Just nine months after graduating from Oberlin College, Hall obtained metallic aluminum by the electrolysis of a solution of alumina, Al 2 03 , in molten cryolite, Na 3 AlF 6. Most of you already know that young Hall worked in a crude laboratory set up in his father ’ s woodshed. At about the same time Paul Heroult in France perfected an identical process for producing metallic aluminum. Today, using refinements of the process, aluminum is produced at somewhat less than twenty cent a pound. The ore used in the electrolytic process is bauxite, a mixture of Al 203 • H 20 and Al 203 • 3H 20. Its main impurities are iron oxide, silicon oxide, and titanium oxide, each of which must be removed before the electrolytic process. These oxides are removed by screening and washing, by magnetic devices and recently by froth floatation. Even this concentration or ‘ ore dressing' does not yield aluminum oxide sufficiently pure for use in the electrolytic cells. The aluminum oxide used must contain neither iron nor titanium compounds when it is placed in the electrolytic cell. If either of these metals is present, it is reduced along' with the aluminum, and an alloy results. The remaining impurities must be removed chemically. Sodium hydroxide, which reacts with neither iron nor titanium oxides, is added. It reacts with the aluminum oxide, forming soluble sodium aluminum. The impurities are filtered out and the solution is cooled. Aluminum hydroxide crystals are added. Under these conditions the sodium aluminate decomposes to Al(OH)3 and NaOH. The .sodium hydroxide is removed to be used again, and the aluminum hydroxide, Al(0H)3, is then heated in a rotary kiln. Heating decomposes it to aluminum oxide and water. Thus purified, the aluminum oxide, also called alumina, is ready for use in the electrolytic cell.O H OH 23223O Al )Al(2+−→−∆The metallurgy of aluminum required large quantities of electric current, so the factories are generally located near sources of hydroelectric power. The cell used for preparing aluminum consists of a rectangular iron box lined with carbon which becomes the cathode. The anode consists of carbon rods which are suspended from bus bars above the iron box. Long rows of these cells are used, each cell producing about 500 pounds of the metal a day. ‘Cryolite, Na 3AlF 6, is melted in the cell by the heat from an arc between the anode rods and the carbonlined box. The molten cryolite then dissolves aluminum oxide, which is added in amounts to make about 5 percent of the weight of the cryolite. Additional batches of the oxide are added at regular intervals. Theoretically, the cryolite serves only as a solvent and as a conductor of electric current, but actually there are small losses which must be replaced from time to time. The cell operates at from 950°C to 1000。



化工专业英语书The chemical engineering field is a fascinating blend of science and practical application, where the mastery of English is just as crucial as the understanding of complex chemical processes. "Chemical Engineering English" is a book that aims to bridge the gap between the technical jargon and the ability to communicate effectively in an international context.The book begins with an introduction to the fundamental terms and concepts that are essential for anyone studying or working in the field of chemical engineering. It then delves into more specialized topics, such as process design, reaction kinetics, and mass transfer, all explained in a clear and concise manner that is accessible to both native and non-native English speakers.One of the standout features of this book is its use of real-world examples to illustrate the application of chemical engineering principles. Case studies range from the development of new pharmaceuticals to the optimization of industrial processes, providing readers with a tangible sense of how the subject matter translates into real-world scenarios.The book also places a strong emphasis on the importance of safety in the chemical industry. It includes a dedicated section on safety protocols and the terminology associatedwith hazard identification and risk assessment. This is particularly important for students and professionals who may be working with potentially hazardous materials or in high-risk environments.For those looking to further their education or career in chemical engineering, the book offers a comprehensiveglossary of terms and an extensive list of resources forfurther reading. It also provides guidance on writingtechnical reports and presenting research findings in English, which are invaluable skills for anyone in the field."Chemical Engineering English" is not just a language book; it's a comprehensive guide that empowers readers to engage with the global community of chemical engineers. It'sa testament to the fact that language is not just a tool for communication but a gateway to understanding and contributing to the world of chemical engineering on a deeper level.。



化工专业英语re-crystalliRe-Crystallization TechniquesThe most common method of purifying solid organic compounds is byre-crystallization.重结晶是有机固体化合物最常用的提纯方法之一。

In this technique, an impure solid compound is dissolved in asolvent and then allowed to slowly crystallize out as the solution cools. 在重结晶过程中,不纯的固体化合物溶解在溶剂里,然后随着溶液的冷却被慢慢结晶析出。

As the compound crystallizes from the solution, the molecules of the other compounds dissolved in solution are excluded from the growing crystal lattice, giving a pure solid.随着化合物从溶液中结晶析出,其它杂质化合物分子溶解依然在溶液当中,因此被排除在生长的晶格外,因此可获得纯净的固体化合物。

Crystallization of a solid is not the same as precipitation of a solid. 固体结晶与固体沉淀不相同In crystallization, there is a slow, selective formation of thecrystal framework resulting in a pure compound. 固体结晶是一个缓慢的,对晶体结构有选择性形成的,最终生成纯净物的过程。

In precipitation, there is a rapid formation of a solid from asolution that usually produces an amorphous solid containing manytrapped impurities within the solid’s crystal framework.固体沉淀是一个在溶液当中能快速形成无定形晶体颗粒,而这些晶体颗粒中都会夹杂一些杂质。


Gaseous product 气体产物
从以石油作为有机化学品的来源到以煤为有机化学品的来源这种转变是无可置疑 的。但是唯一无法确定的是这种转变需要的时间与发生的速度。 研制中的煤转化工艺目的是为了生产出气体原料或液体原料。这些原料与石油衍 生物原料的成分近似可直接应用于当今的石化工厂及其工艺中。
To achieve this, however, two problems must be overcome, which are a consequence of the differing natures of coal and oil. Firstly, the H:C ratios are different for coal and for petroleumderived liquid feedstocks. Secondly, significant amounts of heteroatoms are present in coal, particularly sulphur which may reach levels as high as 3%. The sulphur has to be removed for two reasons: (ⅰ)on combustion it will form the atmospheric(大 气的) pollutant SO2, and (ⅱ)it is a potent(强烈的) catalyst poison, and most of the downstream petrochemical processes are catalytic. However, its removal from coal is difficult and it is therefore removed from the conversion products in stead.



化工专业英语写作范文Title: The Evolution and Importance of Chemical Engineering: A Global Perspective.Chemical engineering, often referred to as the "mother of all engineering disciplines," has played a pivotal role in the advancement of technology and industrialization. Its impact is felt across multiple sectors, including energy, healthcare, environmental protection, and more. In this article, we delve into the evolution of chemical engineering, its current significance, and its future prospects.Evolution of Chemical Engineering.The roots of chemical engineering can be traced back to the Industrial Revolution, when the need for efficient and sustainable production methods arose. Initially, the field was primarily focused on the optimization of processes in the chemical industry, such as the production offertilizers and dyes. However, as technology advanced, the scope of chemical engineering broadened to include areas like biochemistry, environmental engineering, and nanotechnology.One of the most significant milestones in the evolution of chemical engineering was the development of the principles of reaction engineering in the early 20th century. This marked a shift from a reliance on empirical methods to a more rigorous and systematic approach, based on the principles of physics and chemistry. This development laid the foundation for the design and optimization of chemical reactors, which are crucial in the production of various chemicals.Another key development was the integration of computers into chemical engineering in the later part of the 20th century. This integration enabled engineers to model and simulate complex chemical processes, thus predicting their behavior more accurately. Computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) tools also revolutionized the design and fabrication of chemicalplants, making the process more efficient and cost-effective.Current Significance of Chemical Engineering.Today, chemical engineering is at the forefront of addressing many of the world's most pressing challenges. For instance, it plays a crucial role in the development of sustainable energy solutions. Chemical engineers are involved in the research and development of efficient solar cells, batteries, and fuel cells, as well as in the optimization of biofuel production processes.In healthcare, chemical engineering has madesignificant contributions to the development of drugs and therapies. By manipulating molecules at the nanoscale, engineers are able to create targeted drugs that are more effective and have fewer side effects. They are also involved in the design of medical devices and the optimization of bioprocessing techniques for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.Moreover, chemical engineering is essential in addressing environmental challenges. Engineers are working to develop more efficient waste treatment and recycling methods, as well as to mitigate the impact of industrial processes on the environment. They are also involved in the research and development of sustainable materials that can replace traditional, environmentally harmful ones.Future Prospects of Chemical Engineering.The future of chemical engineering looks bright, with numerous opportunities for innovation and growth. One area that is expected to witness significant advancements is biotechnology. With the advent of synthetic biology and genome editing tools like CRISPR-Cas9, chemical engineers will be able to design and engineer cells and organisms with enhanced functionalities. This could lead to the development of novel bioproducts, such as bioplastics and biofuels, that are more sustainable and environmentally friendly.Another area of potential growth is nanotechnology.Chemical engineers are exploring the use of nanomaterialsin various applications, including drug delivery, energy storage, and environmental remediation. The uniqueproperties of nanomaterials, such as their large surface area and enhanced reactivity, make them ideal foraddressing many of the challenges faced by the chemical industry.Lastly, the integration of digital technologies, suchas artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT), is expected to transform chemical engineering. These technologies can be used to optimize processes in real-time, predict and prevent failures, and improve safety and sustainability. By leveraging the power of data analytics and predictive modeling, chemical engineers will be able to make more informed decisions and develop more efficient and cost-effective processes.In conclusion, chemical engineering has come a long way since its inception and continues to play a pivotal role in addressing the world's most pressing challenges. As we look to the future, it is exciting to imagine the innovativesolutions that chemical engineers will develop and the impact they will have on society.。



化工专业科技英语作文英文回答:As a chemical engineering student, I've had the privilege of delving into a fascinating and ever-evolving field that shapes our technological advancements and everyday lives. One aspect that particularly piques my interest is the development of sustainable and renewable energy sources to address the challenges of climate change and ensure a cleaner future.In this regard, I'm particularly excited about the potential of solar energy. With its abundance and environmental friendliness, solar power holds immense promise as a viable alternative to fossil fuels. Theability of solar cells to directly convert sunlight into electricity through the photovoltaic effect has opened up countless possibilities for clean energy generation.One of the most significant breakthroughs in solartechnology has been the development of perovskite solar cells. Perovskites, a class of crystalline materials, exhibit exceptional light-absorbing properties and have demonstrated remarkable efficiencies in converting solar energy into electricity. This discovery has revolutionized the field, offering the potential for cheaper and more efficient solar panels.Another promising area of research is the exploration of artificial photosynthesis. This innovative approach aims to mimic the natural process of photosynthesis, where plants convert sunlight and water into glucose. By designing artificial systems that can perform similar reactions, we can potentially harness the power of sunlight to produce clean and renewable fuels, such as hydrogen and methanol.Furthermore, the development of nanotechnology is playing a pivotal role in advancing solar energy technologies. Nanoparticles and nanostructures can enhance the efficiency of solar cells by manipulating light absorption and charge transport properties. By tailoringthe size, shape, and composition of these nanomaterials, scientists can optimize the performance of solar devices.The integration of solar energy into our energy grids presents challenges and opportunities alike. Smart grid technologies, combined with energy storage systems, will be essential in managing the intermittent nature of solar power and ensuring a reliable and resilient energy supply. Additionally, the development of smart homes and buildings that incorporate solar energy generation and storage will empower consumers to take a more active role in their energy consumption and contribute to a more sustainable future.In conclusion, the pursuit of sustainable and renewable energy sources through chemical engineering is acaptivating endeavor that holds the key to addressing the urgent challenges of climate change while ensuring a brighter future for our planet. As a student in this field, I'm eager to contribute to these advancements and make a meaningful impact on the world.中文回答:身为一名化工专业的学生,我很荣幸能够深入钻研这个迷人且不断发展的领域,它塑造了我们的技术进步和日常生活。



Chapter I Nomenclature of inorganic compounds
c.阴离子: 单原子阴离子,词根 + ide ,同时有“某化物”的意思, 如 chloride 氯化物。 其实很多元素的并不能形成真正游离态的阴离子,不过基 于下文二元化合物命名的需要,所以仍然将“词根+ide” 形式列入,表示“某化物”的含义,如O2-对应的氧化物 MgO(magnesium oxide)。
Chapter I Nomenclature of inorganic compounds
七 hepta-;八 octa-;九 nona- ;十 decab.命名时在相应多原子的元素名称前加上数字前缀即可: CS2 carbon disulfide; SnCl4 tin tetrachloride。 也可以明化合价:tin(IV) chloride; CO carbon oxide(carbon monoxide) ; CO2 carbon dioxide; CrO3 chromium trioxide; As2S2雄黄diarsenic disulfide; As2S3雌黄diarsenic trisulfide; As2O5砒霜diarsenic pentaoxide 。
Chapter I Nomenclature of inorganic compounds
5.不同氧化度的二元化合物 过氧化物 peroxide O22-: H2O2 hydrogen peroxide;CaO2 calcium peroxide;Na2O2 sodium peroxide 超氧化物 superoxide O2-:KO2 potassium superoxide 三、含氧酸和含氧酸盐 1.含氧酸有高酸per+正酸”、正酸“词根+ic”、亚酸“词 根+ous”、次酸“hypo+亚酸”、过酸“peroxo+正酸”、 代酸“thio+对应酸”等形态,最后加“acid”:

化学化工专业英语1、The Physical Properties of Substances

化学化工专业英语1、The Physical Properties of Substances

1The Physical Properties of SubstancesThe study of the properties of substances constitutes an important part of chem-istry, because their properties determine the uses to which they can be put.The properties of substances are their characteristic qualities.The physical properties are those properties of a substance that can be observedwithout changing the substance into other substances.Let us again use sodium chloride,common salt,as an example of a substance.We have all seen this substance in what appear to be different forms-table salt,infine grains;salt in the form of crystals a quarter of an inch or more across. Despitetheir obvious . difference,all of these samples of salt have the same fundamental prop-erties. In each case the crystals,small or large,are naturally bounded by square or rectangular crystal faces of different sizes,but with each face always at right anglesto each adjacent face. The cleavage of the different crystals of salt is the same:whencrushed,the crystals always break(cleave)along planes parallel to the originalfaces,producing smaller crystals similar to the larger ones. The different samples,dissolved in water,have the same salty taste. Their solubility is the same:at roomtemperature 36 g of salt can be dissolved in 100 g of water. The density of the salt isthe same,2. 16g·cm-3.The density of a substance is the mass (weight) of a unitvolume (1 cubic centimeter) of the substance.There are other properties besides density and solubility that can be measuredprecisely and expressed in numbers. Such another property is the melting point,the temperature at which a solid substance melts to form a liquid. On the other hand,there are also interesting physical properties of a substance that are not so simple innature. One such property is the malleability of a substance-the ease with which asubstance can be hammered out into thin sheets. A related property is the ductility-the ease with which the substance can be drawn into a wire. Hardness is a similarproperty:we say that one substance is less hard than the second substance when it isscratched by the second substance. The color of a substance is an important physicalproperty.It is customary to say that under the same external conditions all specimens of aparticular substance have the same physical properties(density, hardness,color,melting point,crystalline form,et)。



通常,双釜双峰聚乙烯PE100管材料抗慢速裂纹增长 性能(长期使用性能)优于单釜单峰PE100聚乙烯管材料, 这主要是因为其长支链中更容易含有共聚单元。
This kind of comonomer units distribution is suggested to favour the occurrence of intercrystalline tie-molecules during crystallization. In another word, the long-term property is determined by both the molecular structure and the crystallization process. However, limited reseacher work has been found about the crystallization behavior of these pipe resins.
目前国内汽车塑料油箱料聚乙烯市场完全依赖进口,生 产油箱料聚乙烯关键改性Phillips铬系催化剂技术被国外垄断。
HDPE made from traditional Phillips catalyst could not meet the demands for fuel tanks due to poor short chain branch distribution. In order to develop catalyst technology for HDPE fuel tanks, different Fmodified Cr-V/SiO2 and Ti/F-modified Cr-V/SiO2 catalysts are prepared for ethylene polymerization in our group. That may be my research field.



CFCs对臭氧层造成的威胁能够正确地预防要得益于大气化学的基础研究。 由此导致了国际上一致同意逐步取消这些产品的生产。而代之以作用相同但 对环境更为友善的其它产品。
者可生物降解的。物质的性质是由其化学组成和结构决定的,要减少废品和有污 染的副产品,就要开发新的化学工艺线路,已开发的化学分离技术需要有效地提 高以分离出剩余的污染物,这反过来又要求新的化学处理方法使它们变得无害。
Pollutants such as radioactive elements (放射性元素) and toxic heavy metals that cannot be readily converted into harmless materials will need to be immobilized固定 in inert materials so that they can be safely stored. Finally, the leftover剩余的 pollution of an earlier, less environmentally aware era demands improved chemical and biological remediation(补救) techniques.
单元,可以在森林中天然产生含氯氟烃。我们所熟悉的CFCs,在汽车空 调和家用冰箱里是惰性的,但在中平流层内在紫外线的照射下回发生分 解从而对地球大气臭氧层造成破坏。
The globally averaged atmospheric concentration of stratospheric ozone itself is only 3 parts in 10 million, but it has played a crucial protective role in the development of all biological life through its absorption of potentially harmful shortwavelength solar ultraviolet radiation. During the past 20 years, public attention has been focused on ways that mankind has caused changes in the atmosphere: acid rain, stratospheric zone depletion, greenhouse warming, and the increased oxidizing capacity of the atmosphere.

化工 行业 英语

化工 行业 英语

化工行业英语English: The chemical industry plays a vital role in the global economy, providing essential products such as fertilizers, pharmaceuticals, plastics, and many others. This industry involves the production of chemicals, refining of crude oil, and manufacturing of various chemical products. The chemical industry is critical in supporting other sectors like agriculture, healthcare, and manufacturing, as it supplies the necessary raw materials and intermediates for these industries. Additionally, this industry also involves complex processes such as chemical synthesis, distillation, and polymerization, which require advanced technology and expertise. As environmental concerns become more prominent, the chemical industry is working towards developing sustainable practices and reducing its environmental impact through initiatives like green chemistry and waste minimization. Collaboration with research institutions and investment in innovation are also key strategies to drive growth and competitiveness in the chemical industry.中文翻译: 化工行业在全球经济中发挥着至关重要的作用,提供着肥料、药品、塑料等必不可少的产品。



化工专业英语(参考译文)Specailized English for Chemical Industry刘庆文目录模块一化工生产第一单元碳酸钠的生产第二单元聚乙烯的生产第三单元炼油第四单元精细化学品第五单元结晶第六单元液液萃取第七单元分析化学模块二职业健康与卫生第八单元化学工业的危险因素第九单元职业危害与保护第十单元个人保护模块三化学工业安全第十一单元化学危险品的危害第十二单元电器事故第十三单元化工工艺安全信息模块四环境保护第十四单元废气减排第十五单元废物利用第十六单元化学废物的循环第十七单元清洁生产模块五质量第十八单元质量保证第十九单元质量管理体系第二十单元药品生产质量管理规范模块一化工生产第一单元碳酸钠的生产碳酸钠是钠的碳酸盐(也称之为洗涤碱,苏打结晶或纯碱)。

















CaCO3→ CaO + CO2在塔顶,氯化钠和氨的浓溶液进入塔内。

随着二氧化碳气泡穿过溶液,生成碳酸氢钠沉淀:NaCl + NH3 + CO2 + H2O → NaHCO3 + NH4Cl碳酸氢钠通过加热转化为碳酸钠,并释放出水和二氧化碳:2 NaHCO3→ Na2CO3 + H2O + CO2同时,通过加热氯化铵和石灰(氢氧化钙),可以重新制备氨。



Safety in the laboratoryEveryday, all over the world people work in laboratories are injured and expensive damages are caused by accidents that could have been avoided if the people would have followed safe working practices. This video wants to give advice on how to work safely in a laboratory environment, so that you can avoid unnecessary risks to yourself and others. The work area has to be kept neat and tidy. No eating or drinking is allowed in laboratories. No running, no bags are admitted on the laboratory floors or in corridors.ProtectionChemicals should always be treated with respect. Do your best to avoid unnecessary contact. Ta protect yourself from chemicals, protect clothing is required. Safety goggles and laboratory coat has to be worn at all time in a laboratory. Wear proper footwear. Shoes must have a solid sole and must close the entire foot. When working with hazards chemicals, in addition, gloves have to be worn. Malce sure that material of the gloves is suitable for the chemicals you are handling, as some chemicals can penetrate unsuitable glove materials easily.Chemical Hazards: Many chemicals have dangerous characteristics. They may be flammable, explosive, oxidizing, irritant, toxic, corrosive, damaging to the environment. In addition, they may be cancerogenic, mutagenic(诱导突变),and teratogenic(产生畸形)‘Before you use chemicals, always inform yourself about possible dangers. Besides the name and the hazards symbol, you can find the information about the specific dangers of the chemicals, and also precautions on the labels of the bottle. Many labels contain besides the direct safety information, additional information izz risk phrases (R phrases), and safety phrases {S phrases). Books and information materials of the labor associations provide more detailed information about the specific hazards of chemical. Safety posters attached in the laboratory provide quick access to safety information and precaution measures of often used chemicals. Material safety data sheets are provided by the supplier of your chemicals and the detail information about the chemical and hazard properties of respective chemical also in English language. MSDS and safety guide lines are also available on CD-Rom and online on the Internet. It is important to label any glass or flask you fill, as many hazardous solutions Took just Iike water.Accidents: Most accidents occur because there is a breakdown in safe work procedures and administrated control. Glassware is sharp when broken. Chemicals can be corrosive or toxic, even a wet floor can cause an accident. Even small accidents can lead to a major disaster. It is therefore important to report all accidents immediately. Cleaning a minor accident immediately avoid any danger for a later accident.Working with chemicals: To make a laboratory a safe place, safe working practices have to be followed. When heating a liquid in a test-tube, always point the test-tube away from other people. Never fill a pipette with your mouth, use a pipette filler instead. Always fill a burette beloweye-level. If gases have to be smelled, wave them toward your nose. Gas cylinders have to be transported In proper trolleys. Make sure that the safety cap is always firnlly attached when you transport gas cylinders. If a cylinder is too heavy far you to be handled alone, get a 2nd person to assist you. In the laboratory, gas cylinders have to be secured against toggling with a chain. Heavy bottles that have to be handled with both hands may not be stored over head height. Large bottles should be carried in a carrier. If no carrier is available, a plastic baggage may do the job. Experiments that may produce hazardous gases have to be carried out in a fume cupboard. Make sure that hood is closed properly, and sure that the hood is functioning properly. Spills ofchemicals on the bench or the floor have to be cleaned down immediately to avoid accidental contact with a skin. Diluted acids can be further diluted with water. Concentrated acids must be neutralized with NaHC03 before disposing them down the sink. For concentrated bases, neutralize with diluted acid first. Every chemical experiment leaves laboratory waste. Some of these wastes are incompatible to each other, and may leave to vigorous reactions or development toxic fumes. Always inform yourself about the proper way of disposing your chemical wastes. Some waste cannot be disposed to the waste water system. Inform yourself what waste can be disposed down the sink and which ones cannot. Never dispose solvents down to the sink. To reduce the risk of incompatible reactions of waste and to allow easier to dispose waste, waste should be separated already in the laboratory.Fire Hazards: There are several possible sources for a laboratory fire. The most probable sources are flammable liquids. Flammable&highly flammable liquid can easily be ignited when there is a source of ignition like an open flame, or sparks, or heat sources, and even electrostafiic charges. Sparks may also occur when you plug in electrical devices or turn electrical devices on or ofF Highly volatile solvents evaporate quickly. If the vapors are exposed fio an ignition source, a fire will result, even this source is not near the solvent. So if you work with flammable solvent, make sure there is no source of ignition close by. To avoid the build-up of any flammable vapors, when working with highly flammable solvent, work in the fume cupboard. To heat a flammable liquid, use either a water bath, a steam bath, and oil bath or a heating mantle. In some cases, even very simple measures may be sufficient to avoid a big fre. Before working in a chemical laboratory, make sure you know the location of the nearest fire extinguisher, fire blanket, and emergency exit. Also a bucket of sand can efficiently extinguish a fire. If the fire is too large or beyond contral, ring the f re alarm to warn others. In the case of fire alarm, stop all of your ongoing work, turn off gas and electric devices. Follow the orders of safety personnel and loud speaker messages and leave the laboratory quickly and orderly through the nearest safety exit. In the case of fire alarm, never use electric elevators, use the stairway insfiead. After leaving the building, assemble afi your designated point and wait for further instructions. By this way, it can be verified that every person has left the building. Don't flee the area without authorization.Safety measures in the case of fire: Clearly mark the emergency exits. Emergency exits may never be locked. Ensure that emergency exists are always kept free from bags and stored equiprnenfi. Attach emergency plans at central locations in the laboratory. Practice correct evacuation procedures in fire growth.First aid: accidents involving injuries can happen in the laboratory at any time. A first aid box like this is useless. Appropriate first aid boxes contain bandage, sterile dressing in variaus sizes, antiseptic solution, disposable gloves, a pair of scissors and a record book. All accidents have to be recorded in the book. When a cut occurs, first rinse it with plenty of running water. Then clean with antiseptic solution, dry the wound and surrounding skin and cover it with a sterile dressing. If you get burned, rinse it immediately with plenty of water. You should rinse at least for IOmin. If the wound is deep or blistered, consult the doctor. If a liquid gets into your eyes, the eye should be washed immediately with clean running water for at least lOmin. Move the eyeballs so that all chemicals are washed out. The eyes should then be checked by a doctor. Note the nanr}e of the chemical and give it to the doctor. This information will help him to choose the correct treatment. Ifchemical spill over your cloth, remove the contaminated cloth immediately and use the nearestemergency shower, wash chemicals off carefully. To ensure that the water in emergency shower and the eye wash fountain is always clean, the shower and fountain have to be open at regular intervals to remove the old water from the system. Otherwise, bacterial may grow in the pipes and cause damage to the injuries. A chemical laboratory can be a dangerous place. It is in your hands to make it a safer working environment by following the rules and regulations on safe working practices.。


通过改变工艺或者精炼模式它可以用于许多燃料的生产, 而通过化学改变可以用于许多纯的化学物质——石油化 工产perate continuously. First a tubular
heater(管式加热器) supplies hot oil to an efficient
异构烷烃系列,CnH2n+2 。这些带有支链的烷烃在内燃 机中表现的比正构烷烃好因而是(人们)更加渴望得到 的。他们也可以通过重整、烷基化、聚合反应或者异构 化反应来制备。在原油中只有一小部分是以异构烷烃的 形式存在。
• Olefin(石蜡), or Alkene(烯烃) Series, CnH2n.
paraffins and hence are considered more
desirable. They may be formed by catalytic
reforming, alkylation, and polymerization. Only
small amounts exist in crudes.
因为它是一种几千种有机物质的混合物,所以已经证明 它可以适应我们(不断)改变的需要。
It has been adapted, through changing patterns of processing or refining, to the manufacture of a variety of fuels and through chemical changes to the manufacture of a host of pure chemical substances, the petrochemicals(石化产品) .
(期间)所采用的处理工艺包括各种个样的裂化单元(使大 分子转化为小分子的操作),如聚合、重整、氢化裂解、氢 化处理、异构化和更深度的处理——炼焦,(还有)许多其 他的设计的工艺用来改变沸点和分子的几何(形状)。



Unit 1 Chemical Industry化学工业Although the use of chemicals dates back to the ancient civilizations, the evolution of what we know as the modern chemical industry started much more recently. It may be considered to have begun during the Industrial Revolution, about 1800, and developed to provide chemicals roe use by other industries. Examples are alkali for soapmaking, bleaching powder for cotton, and silica and sodium carbonate for glassmaking. It will be noted that these are all inorganic chemicals. The organic chemicals industry started in the 1860s with the exploitation of William Henry Perkin’s discovery if the first synthetic dyestuff—mauve. At the start of the twentieth century the emphasis on research on the applied aspects of chemistry in Germany had paid off handsomely, and by 1914 had resulted in the German chemical industry having 75% of the world market in chemicals. This was based on the discovery of new dyestuffs plus the development of both the contact process for sulphuric acid and the Haber process for ammonia. The later required a major technological breakthrough that of being able to carry out chemical reactions under conditions of very high pressure for the first time. The experience gained with this was to stand Germany in good stead, particularly with the rapidly increased demand for nitrogen-based compounds (ammonium salts for fertilizers and nitric acid for explosives manufacture) with the outbreak of world warⅠin 1914. This initiated profound changes which continued during the inter-war years (1918-1939).1.化学工业的起源尽管化学品的使用可以追溯到古代文明时代,我们所谓的现代化学工业的发展却是非常近代(才开始的)。



1 CHEMISTRY AND CHEMISTWithout chemistry our lives would beunrecognisable, for chemistry is at work all aroundus. Think what life would be like without chemistry- there would be no plastics, no electricity and noprotective paints for our homes. There would be no synthetic fibres to clothe us and no fertilisers to help us produce enough food. We wouldn‟t be able to travel because there would be no metal, rubber or fuel for cars, ships and aeroplane. Our lives would be changed considerably without telephones, radio, television or computers, all of which depend on chemistry for the manufacture of their parts. Life expectancy would be much lower, too, as there would be no drugs to fight disease.Chemistry is at the forefront of scientific adventure, and you could make your own contribution to the rapidly expanding technology we are enjoying. Take some of the recent academic research: computer graphics allow us to predict whether small molecules will fit into or react with larger ones - this could lead to a whole new generation of drugs to control disease; chemists are also studying the use of chemicals to trap the sun‟s energy and to purify sea water; they are also investigating the possibility of using new ceramic materials to replace metals which can corrode.Biotechnology is helping us to develop new sources of food and new ways of producing fuel, as well as producing new remedies for the sick. As the computer helps us to predict and interpret results from the test tube, the speed, accuracy and quality of results is rapidly increasing - all to the benefit of product development.It is the job of chemists to provide us with new materials to take us into the next century, and by pursuing the subject, you could make your positive contribution to society.Here are some good reasons for choosing chemistry as a career.Firstly, if you have an interest in the chemical sciences, you can probably imagine taking some responsibility for the development of new technology. New ideas and materials are constantly being used in technology to improve the society in which we live. You could work in a field where research and innovation are of primary importance to standards of living, so you could see the practical results of your work in every day use.Secondly, chemistry offers many career opportunities, whether working in a public service such as a water treatment plant, or high level research and development in industry. Your chemistry-based skills and experience can be used, not only in many different areas within the chemical industry, but also as the basis for a more general career in business.1 As a qualification, chemistry is highly regarded as a sound basis for employment.You should remember that, as the society we live in becomes more technically advanced, the need for suitably qualified chemists will also increase. Although chemistry stands as a subject in its own right, it acts as the bond between physics and biology. Thus, by entering the world of chemistry you will be equipping yourself to play a leading role in the complex world of tomorrow.Chemistry gives you an excellent training for many jobs, both scientific and non-scientific. To be successful in the subject you need to be able to think logically, and be creative, numerate, and analytical. These skills are much sought after in many walks of life, and would enable you to pursue a career in, say, computing and finance, as well as careers which use your chemistry directly.Here is a brief outline of some of the fields chemists work in:Many are employed in the wealth-creating manufacturing industries - not just oil, chemical and mining companies, but also in ceramics, electronics and fibres. Many others are in consumer based industries such as food, paper and brewing; or in service industriessuch as transport, health and water treatment.In manufacturing and service industries, chemists work in Research and Development to improve and develop new products, or in Quality Control, where they make sure that the public receives products of a consistently high standard.Chemists in the public sector deal with matters of public concern such as food preservation, pollution control, defence, and nuclear energy. The National Health Service also needs chemists, as do the teaching profess ion and the Government‟s research and advisory establishments.Nowadays, chemists are also found in such diverse areas as finance, law and politics, retailing, computing and purchasing. Chemists make good managers, and they can put their specialist knowledge to work as consultants or technical authors. Agricultural scientist, conservationist, doctor, geologist, meteorologist, pharmacist, vet ... the list of jobs where a qualification in chemistry is considered essential is endless. So even if you are unsure about what career you want to follow eventually, you can still study chemistry and know that you‟re keeping your options open.What Do Chemistry Graduates Do?Demand for chemists is high, and over the last decade opportunities for chemistry graduates have been increasing. This is a trend that is likely to continue. Chemistry graduates are increasingly sought after to work in pharmaceutical, oil, chemical, engineering, textile and metal companies, but the range of opportunities also spans the food industry, nuclear fuels, glass and ceramics, optical and photographic industries, hospitals and the automotive industry. Many graduates begin in scientific research, development and design, but over the years, about half change, into fields such as sales, quality control, management, or consultancy. Within the commercial world it is recognised that, because of the general training implicit in a chemistry course, chemistry graduates are particularly adaptable and analytical - making them attractive to a very broad spectrum of employers. There has been a growth of opportunity for good chemistry graduates to move into the financial world, particularly in accountancy, retail stores, and computer software houses.(Summarized from: A brief of the Royal Society of Chemistry,1992)2 NOMENCLATURE OF INORGANICCOMPOUNDSNaming elementsThe term element refers to a pure substance with atoms all of a single kind. At present 107 chemical elements are known. For most elements the symbol is simply the abbreviated form of the English name consisting of one or two letters, for example:oxygen = O nitrogen = N magnesium = MgSome elements, which have been known for a long time, have symbols based on their Latin names, for example:iron = Fe (ferrum) copper = Cu (cuprum) lead = Pb (Plumbum)A few elements have symbols based on the Latin name of one of their compounds, the elements themselves having been discovered only in relatively recent times1, for example: sodium = Na (natrium = sodium carbonate)potassium = K (kalium = potassium carbonate)A listing of some common elements may be found in Table 1.Naming Metal Oxides, Bases and SaltsA compound is a combination of positive and negative ions in the proper ratio to give a balanced charge and the name of the compound follows from names of the ions, for example, NaCl, is sodium chloride; Al(OH)3is aluminium hydroxide; FeBr2is iron (II) bromide or ferrous bromide; Ca(OAc)2is calcium acetate; Cr2(SO4)3is chromium (III) sulphate or chromic sulphate, and so on. Table 3 gives some examples of the naming of metal compounds. The name of the negative ion will need to be obtained from Table 2.Negative ions, anions, may be monatomic or polyatomic. All monatomic anions have names ending with -ide. Two polyatomic anions which also have names ending with -ide are the hydroxide ion, OH-, and the cyanide ion, CN-.Many polyatomic anions contain oxygen in addition to another element. The number of oxygen atoms in such oxyanions is denoted by the use of the suffixes -ite and -ate, meaning fewer and more oxygen atoms, respectively. In cases where it is necessary to denote more than two oxyanions of the same element, the prefixes hypo- and per-, meaning still fewer and still more oxygen atoms, respectively, may be used, for example,hypochlorite ClO-Chlorite ClO2-chlorate ClO3-perchlorate ClO4-Naming Nonmetal OxidesThe older system of naming and one still widely used employs Greek prefixes for both the number of oxygen atoms and that of the other element in the compound 2. The prefixes used are (1) mono-, sometimes reduced to mon-, (2) di-, (3) tri-, (4) tetra-, (5) penta-, (6) hexa-, (7) hepta-, (8) octa-, (9) nona- and (10) deca-. Generally the letter a is omitted from the prefix (from tetra on ) when naming a nonmetal oxide and often mono- is omitted from the name altogether.The Stock system is also used with nonmetal oxides. Here the Roman numeral refers to the oxidation state of the element other than oxygen.In either system, the element other than oxygen is named first, the full name being used, followed by oxide 3. Table 4 shows some examples.Naming AcidsAcid names may be obtained directly from a knowledge of Table 2 by changing the name of the acid ion (the negative ion ) in the Table 2 as follows:The Ion in Table 2Corresponding Acid-ate-ic-ite-ous-ide-icExamples are:Acid Ion Acidacetate acetic acidperchlorate perchloric acidbromide hydrobromic acidcyanide hydrocyanic acidThere are a few cases where the name of the acid is changed slightly from that of the acid radical; for example, H2SO4 is sulphuric acid rather than sulphic acid. Similarly, H3PO4 is phosphoric acid rather than phosphic acid.Naming Acid and Basic Salt and Mixed SaltsA salt containing acidic hydrogen is termed an acid salt.A way of naming these salts is to call Na 2HPO4disodiumhydrogen phosphate and NaH2PO4sodium dihydrogenphosphate. Historically, the prefix bi- has been used innaming some acid salts; in industry, for example, NaHCO3 iscalled sodium bicarbonate and Ca(HSO3)2 calcium bisulphite.Bi(OH)2NO3, a basic salt, would be called bismuthdihydroxynitrate. NaKSO4, a mixed salt, would be calledsodium potassium sulphate.3 NOMENCLATURE OF ORGANIC COMPOUNDSA complete discussion of definitive rules of organic nomenclature would require more space than can be allotted in this text. We will survey some of the more common nomenclature rules, both IUPAC and trivial.AlkanesThe names for the first twenty continuous-chain alkanes are listed in Table 1.Alkenes and AlkynesUnbranched hydrocarbons having one double bond are named in the IUPAC system by replacing the ending -ane of the alkane name with -ene. If there are two or more double bonds, the ending is -adiene, -atriene, etc.Unbranched hydrocarbons having one triple bond are named by replacing the ending -ane of the alkane name with -yne. If there are two or more triple bonds, the ending is -adiyne, -atriyne etc. Table 2 shows names for some alkyl groups, alkanes, alkenes and alkynes.The PrefixesIn the IUPAC system, alkyl and aryl substituents and many functional groups are named as prefixes on the parent (for example, iodomethane). Some common functional groups named as prefixes are listed in Table 3.In simple compounds, the prefixes di-, tri-, tetra-, penta-, hexa-, etc. are used to indicate the number of times a substituent is found in the structure: e.g., dimethylamine for (CH3)2NH or dichloromethane for CH2Cl2.In complex structures, the prefixes bis-, tris-, and tetrakis- are used: bis- means two of a kind; tris-, three of a kind; and tetrakis-, four of a kind. [(CH3)2N]2is bis(dimethylamino) and not di(dimethylamino).Nomenclature Priority of Functional GroupsIn naming a compound, the longest chain containing principal functional group is considered the parent. The parent is numbered from the principal functional group to the other end, the direction being chosen to give the lowest numbers to the substituents. The entire name of the structure is then composed of (1) the numbers of the positions of the substituts (and of the principal functional group, if necessary); (2) the names of the substituts;(3) the name of the parent.The various functional groups are ranked in priority as to which receives the suffix name and the lowest position number1.A list of these priorities is given in Table 4.*-CKetonesIn the systematic names for ketones, the -e of the parent alkane name is dropped and -one is added. A prefix number is used if necessary.In a complex structure, a ketone group my be named in IUPAC system with the prefix oxo-. (The prefix keto- is also sometimes encountered.)AlcoholsThe names of alcohols may be: (1) IUPAC; (2) trivial; or, occasionally, (3) conjunctive. IUPAC names are taken from the name of the alkane with the final -e changed to -ol. In the case of polyols, the prefix di-, tri- etc. is placed just before -ol, with the position numbers placed at the start of the name, if possible, such as, 1,4-cyclohexandiol. Names for some alkyl halides, ketones and alcohols are listed in Table 5.EthersEthers are usually named by using the names of attached alkyl or aryl groups followed by the word ether. (These are trivial names.) For example, diethyl ether.In more complex ethers, an alkoxy- prefix may be used. This is the IUPAC preference, such as 3-methoxyhexane. Sometimes the prefix- oxa- is used.AminesAmines are named in two principal ways: with -amine as the ending and with amino- as a prefix. Names for some ethers and amines can be found in Table 6.Carboxylic AcidsThere are four principal types of names for carboxylic acids: (1) IUPAC; (2)trivial;(3)carboxylic acid; and (4)conjunctive. Trivial names are commonly used.AldehydesAldehydes may be named by the IUPAC system or by trivial aldehyde names. In the IUPAC system, the -oic acid ending of the corresponding carboxylic acid is changed to -al, such as hexanal. In trivial names, the -ic or -oic ending is changed to -aldehyde, such as benzaldehyde. Table 7 gives a list of commonly encountered names for carboxylic acids and aldehydes.Esters and Salts of Carboxylic AcidsEsters and salts of carboxylic acids are named as two words in both systematic and trivial names. The first word of the name is the name of the substituent on the oxygen. The second word of the name is derived from the name of the parent carboxylic acid with the ending changed from -ic acid to -ate.AmidesIn both the IUPAC and trivial systems, an amide is named by dropping the -ic or -oic ending of the corresponding acid name and adding -amide, such as hexanamide (IUPAC) and acetamide (trivial).Acid AnhydridesAcid anhydrides are named from the names of the component acid or acids with the word acid dropped and the word anhydride added, such as benzoic anhydride.The names for some esters, amides and anhydrides are shown in Table 8.Acid HalidesAcid halides are named by changing the ending of the carboxylic acid name from -ic acid to -yl plus the name of the halide, such as acetyl chloride.Some names of aryl compounds and aryls are as follows:benzenephenylbenzylarylbenzoic acid4. Introduction to Chemistry Department of FloridaUniversityProgram of StudyThe Department of Chemistry offers programs of study leading to the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees. Students may elect studies in analytical, inorganic, organic, and physical chemistry. Specialty disciplines, such as chemical physics and quantum, bioorganic, polymer, radiation, and nuclear chemistry, are available within the four major areas.The M.S. and Ph.D. degree requirements include a course of study, attendance at and presentation of a series of seminars, and completion and defense of a research topic worthy of publication1. Candidates for the Ph.D. degree must also demonstrate a reading ability of at least one foreign language and show satisfactory performance on a qualifying examination. The M.S. degree is not a prerequisite for the Ph.D. degree. A nonthesisdegree program leading to the M.S.T. degree is offered for teachers.Students are encouraged to begin their research shortly afterselecting a research director, who is the chairman of the supervisorycommittee that guides the student through a graduate career.Research FacilitiesThe chemistry department occupies 111,000 square feet of space in four buildings: Leigh Hall, the Chemical Research Building, Bryant Hall, and the Nuclear Science Building. Plans for a 65,000-square-foot addition to Leigh Hall are being prepared. A new central science library is located near the chemistry facilities. The University library system holds more than 2.2 million volumes.The major instrumentation includes ultraviolet-visible, infrared, fluorescence, Roman, nuclear magnetic resonance, electron spin resonance, X-ray, ESCA, and mass spectrometers. Many are equipped with temperature-control and Fourier-transform attachments, and some have laser sources. Data-storage and data-acquiring minicomputers are interfaced to some of the instruments, such as the recently constructed quadrupole resonance mass spectrometer. The chemistry department has V AX-11/780 and V AX-11/750 computers as well as multiple terminals connected to IBM machines in the main computer centre on campus.The departmental technical services include two well-equipped stockrooms and glassblowing, electronics, and machine shops to assist in equipment design, fabrication, and maintenance.Financial AidMost graduate students are given financial support in the form of teachingand research assistantships. Stipends range from $9400 - 11,000 for the1986-87 calendar year. State residents and assistantship holders pay in-statefees of about $1400 per calendar year. A limited number of full orsupplemental fellowships are available for superior candidates.Cost of StudyIn 1985-86, in-state students paid a registration fee of $48.62, per credit hour for each semester, out-of-state students paid an additional $ 94.50 ($ 143.12 per credit hour each semester). A small increase in fees is expected for 1986-87.5 ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTIONWith the coming of the Industrial Revolution the environmentalpollution increased alarmingly. Pollution can be defined as an undesirablechange in the physical, chemical, or biological characteristics of the air, water,or land that can harmfully affect health, survival, or activities of humans orother living organisms. There are four major forms of pollution - waste onland, water pollution (both the sea and inland waters), pollution of the atmosphere and pollution by noise.Land can be polluted by many materials. There are two major types of pollutants: degradable and nondegradable. Examples of degradable pollutantsare DDT and radioactive materials. DDT can decompose slowly buteventually are either broken down completely or reduced to harmless levels. For example, it typically takes about 4 years for DDT in soil to be decomposed to 25 percent of the original level applied. Some radioactive materials that give off harmful radiation, such as iodine-131, decay to harmless pollutants. Others, such as plutonium-239 produced by nuclear power plants, remains at harmful levels for thousands to hundreds of thousands of years.Nondegradable pollutants are not broken down by natural processes. Examples of nondegradable pollutants are mercury, lead and some of their compounds and some plastics. Nondegradable pollutants must be either prevented from entering the air, water, and soil or kept below harmful levels by removal from the environment.Water pollution is found in many forms. It is contamination of water with city sewage and factory wastes; the runoff of fertiliser and manure from farms and feed lots; sudsy streams; sediment washed from the land as a result of storms, farming, construction and mining; radioactive discharge from nuclear power plants; heated water from power and industrial plants; plastic globules floating in the world‟s oceans; and female sex hormones entering water supplies through the urine of women taking birth control pills.Even though scientists have developed highly sensitive measuringinstruments, determining water quality is very difficult. There are a largenumber of interacting chemicals in water, many of them only in trace amounts.About 30,000 chemicals are now in commercial production, and each yearabout 1,000 new chemicals are added. Sooner or later most chemicals end up in rivers, lakes, and oceans. In addition, different organisms have different ranges of tolerance and threshold levels for various pollutants. To complicate matters even further, while some pollutants are either diluted to harmless levels in water or broken down to harmless forms by decomposers and natural processes, others (such as DDT, some radioactive materials, and some mercury compounds) are biologically concentrated in various organisms1.Air pollution is normally defined as air that contains one or more chemicals in high enough concentrations to harm humans, other animals, vegetation, or materials. There are two major types of air pollutants. A primary air pollutant is a chemical added directly to the air that occurs in a harmful concentration. It can be a natural air component, such as carbon dioxide, that rises above its normal concentration, or something not usually found in the air,such as a lead compound. A secondary air pollutant is a harmful chemical formed in the atmosphere through a chemical reaction among air components.We normally associate air pollution with smokestacks and cars, but volcanoes, forest fires, dust storms, marshes, oceans, and plants also add to the air chemicals we consider pollutants. Since these natural inputs are usually widely dispersed throughout the world, they normally don‟t build up to harmful levels. And when they do, as in the case of volcanic eruptions, they are usually taken care of by natural weather and chemical cycles2.As more people live closer together, and as they use machines to produce leisure, they find that their leisure, and even their working hours, become spoilt by a byproduct of their machines – namely, noise,The technical difficulties to control noise often arise from the subjective-objective nature of the problem. You can define the excessive speed of a motor-car in terms of a pointer reading on a speedometer. But can you define excessive noise in the same way? You find that with any existing simple “noise-meter”, vehicles which are judged to be equally noisy may show considerable difference on the meter.Though the ideal cure for noise is to stop it at its source, thismay in many cases be impossible. The next remedy is to absorb iton its way to the ear. It is true that the overwhelming majority ofnoise problems are best resolved by effecting a reduction in thesound pressure level at the receiver. Soft taped music in restaurantstends to mask the clatter of crockery and the conversation at thenext table. Fan noise has been used in telephone booths to maskspeech interference from adjacent booths. Usually, the problem is how to reduce the sound pressure level, either at source or on the transmission path.6 ANALYTICAL INSTRUMENT MARKETThe market for analytical instruments is showing a strength only dreamed about as little as five years ago. Driven by the need for greater chemicalanalysis coming from quality control and government regulation, arobust export market, and new and increasingly sophisticatedtechniques, sales are increasing rapidly1.The analytical instrument business' worldwides sales arenearly double their value of five years ago, reaching $ 4.1 billion in1987. Such growth is in stark contrast to the doldrums of severalyears ago when economic recession held back sales growth to littleor nothing. In recent years, the instrumentation market hasrecovered, growing at nearly 9% per year, and it‟s expected t o continue at this rate at least until the 1990. With sales increases exceeding inflation, the industry has seen the real growth demonstrating the important role of chemical instrumentation in areas such as research and development, manufacturing, defense, and the environment in a technologically advancingworld2.Chromatography is the fastest-growing area, comprising 40%, or $ 1.5billion, in 1987 world sales. Chromatographic methods are used extensively inindustrial labs, which purchase about 70% of the devices made, for separation,purification, and analysis. One of the biggest words in all forms of chromatography is “biocompatibility.” Biocompatible instruments are designed to have chemically inert, corrosion-resistant surfaces in contact with the biological samples.Gas Chromatography sales are growing at about the same rate as the instrument market.Some of the newest innovations in GC technology are the production of more instruments with high-efficiency, high-resolution capillaries and supercritical fluid capability.Despite having only a 3% share of the GC market, supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC) has attracted a great deal of attention since its introduction around 1985 and production of the first commercial instrument around 1986. SFC, which operates using asupercritical fluid as the mobile phase, bridgesthe gap between GC and HPLC. The use ofthese mobile phases allows for higherdiffusion rates and lower viscosities thanliquids, and a greater solvating powerthan gases.Another area showing tremendous growth is ion chromatography (IC). From growth levels of 30% per year in the U.S. and similar levels worldwide, the rate is expected to drop slightly but remain high at 25%. The popularity of IC has been enhanced through extending its applicability from inorganic systems to amino acids and other biological systems by the introduction of biocompatible instruments.Mass spectrometry (MS) sales have been growing about 12% annually. Sales have always been high, especially since MS is the principal detector in a number of hyphenated techniques such as GC-MS, MS-MS, LC-MS, and GC-MS accounts for about 60% of MS sales since it is used widely in drug and environmental testing. Innovations in interface technology such as inductively coupled plasma/MS, SFC/MS, and thermospray or particle beam interfaces for LC-MS have both advanced the technology and expanded the interest in applications. Recent MS instruments with automated sampling and computerized data analysis have added to the attractiveness of the technique for first time users.Spectroscopy accounts for half of all instrument sales and is the largest overall category of instruments, as the Alpert & Suftcliffe study shows. It can be broken down evenly into optical methods and electromagnetic, or nonoptical, spectroscopies. These categories include many individual high-cost items such as MS, nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometers, X-ray equipment, and electron microscopy and spectroscopy setups. Sales of spectroscopic instruments that are growing at or above the market rate include Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), Raman, plasma emission, and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometers. Others have matured and slowed down in growth, but may still hold a large share of the market.The future of analytical instrumentation does not appear to be without its new stars as there continue to be innovations and developments in existing technology. Among these are the introduction of FT Raman, IR dichroism, IR microscopy, and NMR imaging spectrometers. Hyphenated and automated apparatus are also appearing on the market more frequently. New analytical techniques like capillary electrophoresis, gel capillary electrophoresis, scanning tunneling microscopy for the imaging of conducting systems, atomic force microscopy for the imaging of biological systems, and other techniques for surface and materials analysis are already, or may soon be, appearing as commercialized instruments. And, if the chemical industry continues to do well in the next few years, so too will the sales of analytical instrumentation.The effect of alcohol have both medical and medicolegal implications. The estimationof alcohol in the blood or urine is relevant when the physician needs toknow whether it is responsible for the condition of the patient. From themedicolegal standpoint the alcohol level is relevant in cases of suddendeath, accidents while driving, and in cases when drunkenness is thedefense plea. The various factors in determining the time after ingestion showing maximum concentration and the quality of the alcohol are the weight of the subject,。

化学化工专业英语2、The Chemical Properties of Substances

化学化工专业英语2、The Chemical Properties of Substances

The Chemical Properties of SubstancesThe chemical properties of a substance are those properties that relate to its participation in chemical reactions.Chemical reactions are the processes that convert substances into other substances。

Thus sodium chloride·has the property of changing into a soft metal,sodium,and a greenish-yellow gas,chlorine, when it is decomposed by passage of an electriccurrent through it. It also has the property, when it is dissolved in water,of produ-cing a white precipitate when a solution of silver nitrate is added to it,and it hasmany other chemical properties.Iron has the property of combining readily with the oxygen in moist air to form iron rust; whereas an alloy of iron with chromium and nickel(stainless steel)isfound to resist this process of rusting. It is evident from this example that the chemi-cal properties of materials are important in engineering.Many chemical reactions take place in the kitchen. When biscuits are made with use of sour milk and baking soda there is a chemical reaction between the baking sodaand a substance in the sour milk,lactic acid,to produce the gas carbon dioxide,which leavens the dough by forming small bubbles in it. And, of course,a greatmany chemical reactions take place in the human body. Foods that we eat are digestedin the stomach and intestines. Oxygen in the inhaled air combines with a substance,hemoglobin, in the red cells of the blood, and then is released in the tissues, whereit takes part in many different reactions. Many biochemists and physiologists are en-gaged in the study of the chemical reactions that take place in the human body.Most substances have the power to enter into many chemical reactions. The study of these reactions constitutes a large part of the study of chemistry. Chemistrymay be defined as the science of substances-their structure, their properties,and thereactions that change them into other substances.2.2 Chemical Changes and Physical ChangesDifferent kinds of matter have different physical and chemical properties. The properties of a substance are its characteristics. We know one substance from anotherby their physical and chemical properties. In a physical change the composition of asubstance is not changed. Ice can be changed into water. This is a physical changebecause the composition of water is not changed. In a chemical change the composi-tion of a substance is changed. One or more new substances are formed.Iron rusts in moist air. When iron rusts,it unites with the oxygen from the air.A new substance is formed. It is iron oxide. It has other different properties. Woodwill burn if it is heated in air. When wood burns,it reacts with the oxygen from theair. New substances are formed. They are carbon dioxide and water. Carbon dioxideand water have different properties. Heat is given off if the combustion of any fueltakes place.The above two cases are chemical changes.Chemical changes are very common. They are going on around us all the time.Whenever anything burns,there is a chemical change. When iron rusts,the changeis a chemical change. A chemical change goes on when things decay.Physical changes are very common, too. Tearing a piece of paper in two is aphysical change. The paper is still paper.We all know that this is not a chemical change. But we do not always know with ease whether a change is a chemical change or a physical change.If you dissolve sugar in water,the sugar disappears. You may think that a new material has been formed. But really there is no new material. The sugar is still sug- You can still taste it. Dissolving anything is a physical change.When water freezes,the change is a physical change. The water changes from a liquid to a solid. Its chemical formula is still H20. The freezing of any liquid is a physical change.In a word,any change in state is a physical change. When anything melts,it changes from a solid to a liquid. When it evaporates,it changes from a solid or a liq- uid to a gas. When it condenses,it changes from a gas to a liquid or a solid. But it is the same material still.Now we see that a chemical change is different from a physical change in that the chemical change causes a change of matter in chemical composition,but the physical change does not.。

化工专业英语Lesson 6

化工专业英语Lesson 6

Lesson 6 Ammonia氨A1 Dinitrogen makes up more than three-quarters of the air we breathe , but it is not readily available for further chemical use.在我们呼吸的空气中,有超过3/4是氮气,但是要进一步的化学应用并不简单。

2 Biological transformation of nitrogen into useful chemicals is embarrassing for the chemical industry, since all the effort of all the industry’s technologists has been unable to find an easy alternative to this.对于化学工业来说,利用生物转化法将氮气转化为有用的化学产品是很困难的,因为所有工厂的技术专家做了很多努力也没有找到一个容易的方法。

3 Leguminous plants can take nitrogen from the air and convert it into ammonia and ammonium-containing products at atmosphere pressure and ambient temperature;豆科植物可以在大气压和常温下将空气中的氮转化为氨和含有铵基的物质。

4 despite a hundred years of effort ,the chemical industry still needs high temperatures and pressures of hundreds of atmospheres to do the same job.但是对于化学工业,尽管经过了一百多年的努力,要完成相同的工作,仍需要高温和高出大气压几百倍的高压。

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Precursors of petrochemicals
As markets change, there is constant alteration in the materials used for the manufacture of petrochemicals. Almost any synthesis desired can be brought about; the problem is to do it low cost with the equipment available. In earlier times, acetylene was used extensively for making petrochemicals, but, it is difficult to make and store, so ethylene has now become the principal raw material for further synthesis. Precursors are reactive materials usually made by breaking down larger molecules, called feedstocks. Ethylene is currently being made form LPG,naphtha,gas oil,diesel fuel,ethane,propane,and butane, with coal a possibility soon to be explored, and some testing of liquefied coal already completed. The principal precursors are: Ethylene, manufacturing form distillates, natural gas, or gas liquids, is the largest volume organic material .the conditions for its manufacture lie somewhere between those usually thought of as refining and those encountered in chemical production. Extremely large plants are built and being built. Some plants have a production capacity as large as ……
Propylene is rarely produced except as a coproduct with ethylene. Steam cracking .of ethylene produces most of it, and virtually all of it is used for polymer production, refinery propylene is used mainly for alkylation .
Aromatics are usually thought of as coal-derived, but the amount form that source in 1980 was almost vanishingly small, 4 percent of the benzene, 0.9 percent of the toluene, and only 0.1 percent of the xylenes. Benzene can be made by dehydrogenation of cyclohexane or substituted cyclohexanes, by aromatization of methycyclohexanes, and by demethylation of toluene or xylenes. The demand for aromatics is large and attention is being given to find catalysts to produce more BTX(benzene-toluene-xylene) for chemical and high—grade fuel use.
Naphthalene is used in smaller quantities than the lighter aromatics, but its consumption is far form trivial.。
