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 第35卷 第2期



Jo urnal of Jilin U nive rsity (Ear th Science Editio n )Vo l.35 No.2

M ar.2005 


孙 革1

,全 成1






(1.吉林大学古生物学与地层学研究中心,吉林长春 130026;2.中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京 100101)

摘要:黑龙江嘉荫乌云煤矿等地的早第三纪乌云组及其植物群的划分、对比及时代等问题长期争论。笔者等在乌云组下部发现以T iliae phy llum tsagajanicum 等为标志的大植物及孢粉化石组合,显示古新世达宁早期的时代。并据此将乌云组划分为两段:下段为“白山头段”(新建),代表乌云组下部的地层,时代为达宁早期;上段为“含煤段”,时代可能主要为达宁晚期。结合与北邻俄罗斯布列亚盆地同期地层及植物群的对比,认为整个乌云组应与上查加扬组(并包括中查加扬组上部)相对比。嘉荫乌云露天煤矿所出露的含煤地层及其植物化石的时代,仅大体上属于古新世达宁晚期,并非达宁期全部。


中图分类号:P534.61 文献标识码:A 文章编号:16715888(2005)02013706



作者简介:孙革(1943),男,辽宁沈阳人,教授,博士,博士生导师,长期从事古植物学与地层学研究,T el :0431-*******,E -mail :sunge @ 。

Some New Knowledge on Su bdivisions and Age of Wuyun Formation

in Jiayin of Heilongjiang ,China

S UN Ge 1,QUAN Cheng 1,SUN Chun -lin 1,S UN Yue -w u 1,LUO Kun -li 2,L ÜJian -sheng 1

(1.Res earch C enter o f Palaeon tolog y and S tr atig rap hy ,Jilin University ,Chang chun 130026,China ;2.Institute o f Geog ra phic Sci -

ences and Natur al Res ou rce Res earches ,CAS ,B eijing

100101,China )

A bstract :There hav e been controversies o n the subdivisio ns and geolo gical age of the coal -bearing Wuy un Form ation in Jiayin of H eilo ng jiang ,China.Recently ,the autho rs have found the early Danian flo rule characte rized by Tiliaephy llum tsagajanicum ,including mega -and microfo ssil plants ,from the

low er part of the Wuy un Fo rmatio n in the Baishantou sectio n area of Jiayin alo ng the rig ht bank o f the Heilo ng jiang River.Based mainly on the discovery ,the author s pro po sed the Wuyun Fo rm atio n subdivi -ded into tw o m em bers :the low er mem ber (Baishantou M ember )of the fo rmation representing the low er Danian ;and the upper mem ber (Coal -bearing Member )representing mainly the upper Danian.Co rrela -ting the Wuyun Formation to its equivalents in the Burey a Basin of Russia ,the autho rs consider that the Wuy un Form ation is basically cor responding to the Upper Tsag ay an Fo rmatio n and the upper part o f Middle Tsag ay an Form ation in the Burey a Basin.The plant fo ssils collected previously from the Wuy un Opencut Co al -mine ,are probably aged in late Danian only.

Key words :Wuy un Form ation ;Baishantou M embe r ;early Danian ;Jiayin ;H eilongjiang 黑龙江嘉荫地区乌云组是一套早第三纪古新世含煤地层,主要分布于黑龙江省北部嘉荫—逊克沿江一带。该组由黑龙江省区域地质调查大队于1958


1)591号钻孔,厚度约122.6m [1]。乌云组含煤地层及植物化石的研究开展较久,但有关其时代等问

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