九年级人教新目标示范课课件Unit 3 section B 2a---2d(共40张PPT)
人教 九年级全一册Unit3Section B(2a---2d)

Because we also need to learn how to be polite when we ask for help.
1.What should we do when we are talking with different people?
We should change the way we speak.
Translate the phrases.
make polite requests 提出客气的请求
ask for help
sound less polite 听起来不太礼貌
a direct question 直接的问题
such as
e-mail address
help.( F )
4.Sometimes we don’t need to lead to a
request.( F )
Why is it important to use the right language in different situations?
Because this will help us communicate better with other peple.
2.What might the expressions you use depend on?
We use might depend on whom you are speaking to or how well you know each other.
If you need help with your homework, how would you ask these people?
1.What should we do when we are talking with different people?
We should change the way we speak.
Translate the phrases.
make polite requests 提出客气的请求
ask for help
sound less polite 听起来不太礼貌
a direct question 直接的问题
such as
e-mail address
help.( F )
4.Sometimes we don’t need to lead to a
request.( F )
Why is it important to use the right language in different situations?
Because this will help us communicate better with other peple.
2.What might the expressions you use depend on?
We use might depend on whom you are speaking to or how well you know each other.
If you need help with your homework, how would you ask these people?
人教新目标九年级英语教学课件:Unit 3 Section B2 (共27张PPT)

2a Where do you need to make polite requests? Think of some possible situations. Discuss them with your partner.
Some situations:
Asking a stranger for information?
Think about:
When do we need to make polite requests? How can we make polite requests?
word 文档 链接
What is the main idea of the passage?
A. What to do when you meet with difficulties. B. How to get along well with others. C. What to do when you fail. D. How to ask for help politely.
2b Read the article and underline the topic
sentence for each paragraph.
1. When you visit a foreign country, it is important to know how to ask for help politely.
Asking your brothers or sisters about something?
Asking your tat’s the difference between their requests? Who is polite? Are their results the same?
Some situations:
Asking a stranger for information?
Think about:
When do we need to make polite requests? How can we make polite requests?
word 文档 链接
What is the main idea of the passage?
A. What to do when you meet with difficulties. B. How to get along well with others. C. What to do when you fail. D. How to ask for help politely.
2b Read the article and underline the topic
sentence for each paragraph.
1. When you visit a foreign country, it is important to know how to ask for help politely.
Asking your brothers or sisters about something?
Asking your tat’s the difference between their requests? Who is polite? Are their results the same?
2019人教版九年级英语上册讲解课件 Unit 3 Section B (2a-2d).pptx

can change some money,
Pers Place oAn home
B stree t
any public
B place/ho
B mestreet
二、新课讲 解
5. Excuse me, do you know what time it begins, please? 6. Let me know when you’re ready, OK?
your e-mail please tell me
your e-mail address?
3. Where’s the post office?
3. Pardon me, could you please tell me where to park my
二、新课讲 解
Read the requests below. In the second column,
He might come, but it’s very unlikely. 他也许会来, 但可能性很小。
三、意思完成下列英 语句子。
1. 对他来说,回答那个问题是十分困难的。
It’s very hfaordr ___to_ hiamns_w_e_r_ _______ that question. 2. 你这样说真是太好了。
二、新课讲 解
Read Paragraph 3 and answer the question.
What can lead into a request with a stranger on the street? “Excuse me, I wonder if you can help me” or
Pers Place oAn home
B stree t
any public
B place/ho
B mestreet
二、新课讲 解
5. Excuse me, do you know what time it begins, please? 6. Let me know when you’re ready, OK?
your e-mail please tell me
your e-mail address?
3. Where’s the post office?
3. Pardon me, could you please tell me where to park my
二、新课讲 解
Read the requests below. In the second column,
He might come, but it’s very unlikely. 他也许会来, 但可能性很小。
三、意思完成下列英 语句子。
1. 对他来说,回答那个问题是十分困难的。
It’s very hfaordr ___to_ hiamns_w_e_r_ _______ that question. 2. 你这样说真是太好了。
二、新课讲 解
Read Paragraph 3 and answer the question.
What can lead into a request with a stranger on the street? “Excuse me, I wonder if you can help me” or
人教版九年级上册英语授课课件 Unit 3 Section B (2a-2d)

Direct questions
Polite requests
1.Wherearetherestrooms? 1.Couldyoupleasetellme
wheretherestroomsare? 3.
2.Excuseme, Mr. West.
5. Excuse me, do you
know what time it
begins, please?
6. Let me know when
you're ready, OK?
7. Could you possibly tell
me the way to the
village school?
Thesearesimilarrequestsfordirections. ②
标题:线索式 “Could you please ...?”贯穿全文各个段落,是最具代 表性的礼貌用语,而且以疑问句为题目可以在一定程度上 引起读者的兴趣。
2. Do you know
Direct questions
Polite requests
1.Wherearetherestrooms? 1.Couldyoupleasetellme
wheretherestroomsare? 3.
2.Excuseme, Mr. West.
5. Excuse me, do you
know what time it
begins, please?
6. Let me know when
you're ready, OK?
7. Could you possibly tell
me the way to the
village school?
Thesearesimilarrequestsfordirections. ②
标题:线索式 “Could you please ...?”贯穿全文各个段落,是最具代 表性的礼貌用语,而且以疑问句为题目可以在一定程度上 引起读者的兴趣。
2. Do you know
人教新目标九年级 unit 3 section B (2a-2b) 公开课一等奖课件

Task 2 (3-4回答问题)
3. Is it right to say your classmates the direct questions?
4."where is the school trip" if you ask your teacher how to say ?
Read the paragraph 3
spend ...doing sth.花费干某事
Task1 翻译句子 1.Sometimes we even need to spend time leading in to a request.(翻译)
Task 2 回答问题 2.what might you first say to a stranger before asking for help?
1. 完成课时作业。
小魔方站作品 盗版必究
附赠 中高考状元学习方法
高考状元是一个特殊的群体,在许多 人的眼中,他们就如浩瀚宇宙里璀璨夺目 的星星那样遥不可及。但实际上他们和我 们每一个同学都一样平凡而普通,但他们 有是不平凡不普通的,他们的不平凡之处 就是在学习方面有一些独到的个性,又有 着一些共性,而这些对在校的同学尤其是 将参加高考的同学都有一定的借鉴意义。
Yes, we do .
it is +形容词+ to do sth , (不定式), it 是形式主语, Careful Reading (paragraph2 ) 真正的主语是后面的不定式。 To say your classmates the direct questons is right.

There is an _in_t_e_r_e_st_i_n_g program on television tonight. (interest )
• 1. Pardon?(没听清对方说话,希望对 方再重复一遍) = I beg your pardon?
• n. 原谅;赦免;宽恕
• vt. 原谅;赦免;宽恕
• Boy 1: OK, great. Oh, and one more thing. Do you know
when this shopping center closes tonight?
• Boy 2: I’m not sure, but you can ask for in__fo__r_m_a_tion
pleased / pleasing 高兴的/令人高兴的 bored / boring 厌烦的/令人厌烦的 tired / tiring 厌倦的/令人厌倦的 amazed / amazing 惊奇的/令人惊奇的 frightened / frightening 受惊恐的/令人 惊恐的
Success means working hard. 成功意味着工作努力。 mean to do sth. “打算或企图做某事”
We mean to call on you tomorrow. 我们打算明天看望你。
5. rush v. & n. 仓促;急促 in a rush 仓促;急促 rush off 仓促离开 rush to do sth匆忙做某事 rush hour 高峰期
Turn left.
Go past the bookstore.
The supermarket is between the flower store and the bookstore.
• 1. Pardon?(没听清对方说话,希望对 方再重复一遍) = I beg your pardon?
• n. 原谅;赦免;宽恕
• vt. 原谅;赦免;宽恕
• Boy 1: OK, great. Oh, and one more thing. Do you know
when this shopping center closes tonight?
• Boy 2: I’m not sure, but you can ask for in__fo__r_m_a_tion
pleased / pleasing 高兴的/令人高兴的 bored / boring 厌烦的/令人厌烦的 tired / tiring 厌倦的/令人厌倦的 amazed / amazing 惊奇的/令人惊奇的 frightened / frightening 受惊恐的/令人 惊恐的
Success means working hard. 成功意味着工作努力。 mean to do sth. “打算或企图做某事”
We mean to call on you tomorrow. 我们打算明天看望你。
5. rush v. & n. 仓促;急促 in a rush 仓促;急促 rush off 仓促离开 rush to do sth匆忙做某事 rush hour 高峰期
Turn left.
Go past the bookstore.
The supermarket is between the flower store and the bookstore.
人教新目标九年级全册 Unit 3 (Section B 2b-2d)课件(共18张PPT)

Person Place A kitchen B street
Person Place
5. Excuse me, do you know what time it begins, please? B
6. Let me know when you’re人 的错儿 。16:46:0116:46:0116:46Tues day, August 03, 2021
13、知人者智,自知者明。胜人者有 力,自 胜者强 。21.8.321.8.316:46:0116:46:01August 3, 2021
14、意志坚强的人能把世界放在手中 像泥块 一样任 意揉捏 。2021年8月3日星期 二下午4时46分 1秒16:46:0121.8.3
You made my day!
Reading (Section B 2b-2d)
When we meet for the first time,
we’d better say__________.
Hello, nice to meet you, my name is ....
Hi, how are you?
How do you do, my name is ....
1. Where are the restrooms?
2. When is the school trip?
3. Peter, tell me your e-mail address.
1. Could you tell me where the restrooms are?
2. Excuse me, Mr. West. Do you know when the school trip is?
人教新目标版英语九年级全一册Unit 3 Section B 2a-2d. 40张PPT

Could you please tell me where
the restrooms are?”
What’s the writer’s opinion about
Both of them are__co_r_r_e_c_t_, but the first one isl_e_ss__p_o_li_t_e. So, it’s not
It might seem more difficult to speak politely than directly. However, it is important to learn how to use the right language in different situations. This will help you communicate better with other people.
Could You Please ...? Usually polite questions are longer. They include expressions such as “Could you please ...?” or “May I ask ...?” It sounds more polite to say, “Peter, could you please tell me your e-mail address?” than “Peter, tell me your e-mail address.” Sometimes we even need to spend time leading in to a request. For example, we might first say to a stranger, “Excuse me, I wonder if you can help me” or “I’m sorry to trouble you, but ...” before asking for help.
the restrooms are?”
What’s the writer’s opinion about
Both of them are__co_r_r_e_c_t_, but the first one isl_e_ss__p_o_li_t_e. So, it’s not
It might seem more difficult to speak politely than directly. However, it is important to learn how to use the right language in different situations. This will help you communicate better with other people.
Could You Please ...? Usually polite questions are longer. They include expressions such as “Could you please ...?” or “May I ask ...?” It sounds more polite to say, “Peter, could you please tell me your e-mail address?” than “Peter, tell me your e-mail address.” Sometimes we even need to spend time leading in to a request. For example, we might first say to a stranger, “Excuse me, I wonder if you can help me” or “I’m sorry to trouble you, but ...” before asking for help.

Paragraph 4
Pardon me, could you please tell me where to park my car?
Where is the post office?
Sure. There’s an underground parking lot over there.
Sorry. I can’t help you.
Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?
Section B (2a-2d)
politely request direction correct
polite direct
adv. 礼貌地;客气地 n.&v. 要求;请求 n. 方向;方位 adj. 正确的;恰当的 adj. 有礼貌的;客气的 adj. 直接的;直率的
speaker whom
impolite address underground parking lot
n. 讲(某种语言)的人;发言者 pron. 谁;什么人 adj. 不礼貌的;粗鲁的 n. 住址;地址;通讯处 adj. 地下的;n. 地铁 停车场;停车区
➢ Do you often make polite requests? ➢ Where do you think we need to make polite
The situations where you need to make polite requests: ➢In a foreign country. ➢In public places like a bank, a post office, a library, a shopping

Usually polite questions are longer. They include expressions such as “Could you please ...?” or “May I ask ...?” It sounds more polite to say, “Peter, could you please tell me your e-mail address?” than “Peter, tell me your e-mail address.” Sometimes we even need to spend time leading in to a request. For example, we might first say to a stranger, “Excuse me, I wonder if you can help me” or “I’m sorry to trouble you, but ...” before asking for help.
5.include v. 包括 E.G. The price includes the bike and the cup. including prep.包括 There are many people including many students.
6.less + 形容词或副词, 构成降级比 较形式, 相当于中文“不那么; 稍许 不……”之意。 e.g. His second movie is less
interesting. 他的第二部电影就没那么有趣。
7. However, it is important to learn
how to use the 来自ight language in

They went along one street, turned down another, 26 . a square and at last, after about half an hour, they arrived at the post office. Mr. Smith couldn’t understand 27 the old woman found her way. “It is wonderful,” he said. “But how do you find the way in the thick fog?” ( C )26. A. looked up B. put on C. passed by D. laid out
convenience he become bring travel rush sudden direction many postcard There was never a railroad accident when Owney was on the train. Wherever he went, post officers made a dog tag(标签) for him. And then it would be 37. convenient for others to know where he had traveled. The National Postal Museum has 38. more than 1,000 Owney tags that show all the places Owney visited.
15. 在我们社区有一个地下超市。 There is an underground supermarket in our neighborhood.
They went along one street, turned down another, 26 . a square and at last, after about half an hour, they arrived at the post office. Mr. Smith couldn’t understand 27 the old woman found her way. “It is wonderful,” he said. “But how do you find the way in the thick fog?” ( C )26. A. looked up B. put on C. passed by D. laid out
convenience he become bring travel rush sudden direction many postcard There was never a railroad accident when Owney was on the train. Wherever he went, post officers made a dog tag(标签) for him. And then it would be 37. convenient for others to know where he had traveled. The National Postal Museum has 38. more than 1,000 Owney tags that show all the places Owney visited.
15. 在我们社区有一个地下超市。 There is an underground supermarket in our neighborhood.
人教目标九年级英语教学课件:Unit 3 Section B2 (共27张PPT)

Para. 3 Para. 4
c) Good English speakers need to know how to communicate well with other people.
d) The choice of language depends on the situation and the relationship between the speakers.
3. By adding “pleon
e.g. Could you help me, please? (NOT “Please, could you help me?”)
1. Will you pass the salt?
A restaurant/ home
2ch. Danogyeosuo2mkdneomwownPehye2,r3pelIeacsaen?
3h.aCppoeuRcnlodeedlyau?odmutnthe,elwl rmreieqtewueAhsatitsfjubysoetluoww.oAIun/lBdthseayseiapctnloatynocepd/uhbolmice
Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?
Section B Period Two
How to ask for help politely?
Please… Thank you.
Remember: “Please” and “thank you” are magic words that are very important in polite speech.
人教版英语九年级全册课件:Unit 3 Section B 2a2d(PPT19张)市级说课比赛课件

2. It is not enough to just ask a question correctly, we also need to learn how to be polite when we ask for help.
第二段 方法---挑读 找出关键礼貌用句 时间--- 两分半钟 目标--- 1 .考察
Hot discussion
• please /could /may …(委婉语 气的礼貌用词)
第三步:略读 scanning/ skimming 第一段
Why do we be polite? 时间---一分半钟 目标---underline
1. When you visit a foreign country, it is important to know how to ask for help politely?
the last column, write where you think these people are.
Person Place
1. Will you pass the salt?
A home
2. Do you know where I can change some money, B street
5. 说目标
学习目标:master 掌握礼貌用语 能力目标:develop 发展学生的阅读能力,提
高理解的准确度。 情感目标: be polite 让学生不仅在日常生活
2. 检验
第三段 方法--- 翻译 三句重要的总结句 时间---两分钟 目标---理解和总结
第四步: 精读
第二段 方法---挑读 找出关键礼貌用句 时间--- 两分半钟 目标--- 1 .考察
Hot discussion
• please /could /may …(委婉语 气的礼貌用词)
第三步:略读 scanning/ skimming 第一段
Why do we be polite? 时间---一分半钟 目标---underline
1. When you visit a foreign country, it is important to know how to ask for help politely?
the last column, write where you think these people are.
Person Place
1. Will you pass the salt?
A home
2. Do you know where I can change some money, B street
5. 说目标
学习目标:master 掌握礼貌用语 能力目标:develop 发展学生的阅读能力,提
高理解的准确度。 情感目标: be polite 让学生不仅在日常生活
2. 检验
第三段 方法--- 翻译 三句重要的总结句 时间---两分钟 目标---理解和总结
第四步: 精读
人教九年级Unit3Section B2a-2d

By using the sentences in this paragraph
1. What do you think the two questions in paragraph 1?
Both are correct, but the first one sounds less polite.
2. Why is using the correct language not enough?
Finish 3a on Page 23
Listen and read in a low voice .
Work In Groups (3’)
Get the main idea for each paragraph. By finding the topic sentence in each paragraph.
Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3
• Use more words to help you sound more polite.
B. It’s important to know how to make requests politely.
C. Speaking politely is difficult, but important.
Paragraph 4
D. The choice of language depends on the situation and the relationship between the speakers.
Work In Groups, Read and Answer
Paragraph 1 ( 2’ )
Paragraph 4
1. What do you think the two questions in paragraph 1?
Both are correct, but the first one sounds less polite.
2. Why is using the correct language not enough?
Finish 3a on Page 23
Listen and read in a low voice .
Work In Groups (3’)
Get the main idea for each paragraph. By finding the topic sentence in each paragraph.
Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3
• Use more words to help you sound more polite.
B. It’s important to know how to make requests politely.
C. Speaking politely is difficult, but important.
Paragraph 4
D. The choice of language depends on the situation and the relationship between the speakers.
Work In Groups, Read and Answer
Paragraph 1 ( 2’ )
Paragraph 4
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2 c
Find all the direct questions and polite requests from the passage.
Direct questions 1. Where are the restrooms?
Polite requests
Could you tell me where the restrooms are?
句型填词 1. 仅仅正确地问一个问题是不够的。 It is not enough________just________a question________. 2. 有时我们甚至需要花一些时间来导入一个请求。
Sometimes we even need to__________ __________ ____in to a
request. 答案: 1. to; ask; correctly 2. spend time leading
3. 礼貌地说话比直接地表达可能看起来更困难。 It might seem more difficult_________ _________ ______ ______directly/to be direct. 4. 然而, 学会如何使用正确的语言很重要。
Read paragraph 1 and answer the question. What else do we need to learn besides asking a question correctly when you ask for help? We need to learn how to be polite when we ask for help.
1、你到国外参观的时候,知道如何有礼貌 的求助是很重要的。 2、只正确的询问一个问题是不够的。 3、英语说得好的人在他们和不同的人在不 同的情境中说话的时候会改变他们说话的方 式。 4、他们所使用的表达方式取决于他们说话 的对象是谁或者他们之间相互了解的程度。 5、看起来说的客气比起说的直白更加困难 些。
Unit 3 section B 2a---2d
填一填: 1、有礼貌的求助———— 2、取决于——--3、改变他们说话的方式—————— 4、问直接的问题—————— 5、导入请求———————— 6、换一些钱——————— 7、变得更擅长英语———— 8、去乡村学校的路——————
阅读2B回答问题: 1、Where are the restrooms 和Could you please tell me Where the restrooms are? 两句在语意中有什么不同?说出理由。 2、什么情形下你可以作出直接的请求? 3、通常用哪些词语来表达有礼貌的请求?
4. What do good speakers of English usually do when they speak with
different people in different situations?
_________________________________________________ 5. How can we be polite when we ask for help? _________________________________________________ 答案: 4. They change the way they talk.
5. By being less direct or more indirect.
Read the article and underline the topic sentence for each paragraph.
Paragraph 1 When you visit a foreign country, it is important to know how to ask for help politely (adv. 礼貌地) …. 反义词:impolite polite adj. 礼貌的
Read paragraph 3 and answer the question. What can lead in to a request with a stranger on the street? “Excuse me, I wonder if you can help me” or “I’m sorry to trouble you, but …” before asking for help.
adj. 不礼貌的
n. 发言者 Paragraph 2 Good speakers change the way they speak in different situations. … Paragraph 3 Usually polite questions are longer. They include expressions such as “Could you please …?” or “May I ask …?” It sounds more polite to say, “Peter, could you please n. 地址
However, it is important__________ __________ __________
__________ _________the right/proper language. 答案: 3. to speak politely than 4. to learn how to use
Read paragraph 2 and answer the question. What do we need to think about when you talk to different people? We need to think about whom we speak to or how well we know them.