厦门大学网络教育2012-2013学年第一学期《电子商务(专科)》复习题一、单选题1、电子商务常用的技术不包括( C )。
A.互联网B.WWWC.传真D.无线传输技术2、在电子商务时代,新的营销模式的要求是(C )。
A.多环节、小批量B.少层次,大批量C.多品种、小批量D.少品种、大批量3、数据库治理系统常见的数据模型有( B )种。
A.网状、关系和语义B.层次、关系和网状C.环状、层次和关系D.网状、链状和层次4、企业与企业的电子商务模式简称( B )A.B to CB.B to BC.B to AD.B to D5、客户关系管理是( D )A.SCMB.ERPC.MRPD.CRM6、“产品为潜在顾客提供的可用性程度”是品牌要素当中的( B )A.产异性B.关联性C.认知价值7、以下那个是水平B2B( C )A.电子行业B.钢铁C.小商品市场D.化工行业8、以企业为中心的市场是( B )A.独立交易市场B.私有交易市场C.联盟交易市场D.合作商务9、阿里巴巴中,针对出口型企业的是( A )A.中国供应商B.网上有名C.诚信通D.淘宝网10、在汽车生产中,哪个物料是直接物料?( C )A.切割机B.办公桌C.轮胎D.打印纸11、以下哪个活动不属于物流活动?( B )A.仓储B.验货C.发货D.车辆调度112、数字证书的作用是证明证书中列出的用户合法拥有证书中列出的( D )。
A.私人密钥B.加密密钥C.解密密钥D.公开密钥13、在电子钱包内可以装入各种( A )。
A.电子货币B.数字证书C.用户资料D.认证资料14、中国域名是( D )。
A. .usB. .deC. .uk15、WWW服务器不包括( A )。
A.数据库B.硬件C.操作系统D.WWW应用软件16、以下操作系统当中,开放源代码的是( D )。
A.Windows NTB.Windows 2003C.UnixD.Linux17、影响WWW服务器性能的因素不包括( D )。
6.1494年,意大利人卢卡·巴却里(Luca Pacioli)出版了算术、几何、比与比例概要《算术、几何、比与比例概要》(又称《数学大全》)一书,书中详述了复式簿记的原理和运用方法,后在全世界各国广为流传,为会计科学的建立和发展奠定了坚实的理论基础。
厦门大学网络教育2010-2011学年第一学期《电子商务》期末模拟试题试卷(B)卷(闭卷) 学习中心:年级:专业:学号:姓名:成绩:一、单选题(每题2分,共15题,共30分)1、电子商务的概念模型是( )。
A:World Wide Wait B:Web Wide WorldC:World Wide Web D:World Wade Web3、在电子商务分类中,B to B是( )A:消费者与消费者间的电子商务 B:企业间的电子商务C:企业内部的电子商务 D:企业与消费者间的电子商务4、当前使用的IP地址长度为______.()A:16bit B:24bit C:32bit D:48bit5、中国域名是( )A: .us B: .de C: .uk D:.cn6、有一种基于网络技术的电子结算工具具有数字化带来的便利而且具有纸质现金不具有的安全性和隐私性( )。
A:电子支付 B:电子支票 C:电子现金 D:电子钱包7、电子商务认证机构的职能是( )。
A:防止计算机病毒和网络黑客对电子商务系统的入侵B:发放和管理用户的数字证书C:对买卖双方的交易信息进行加密和解密D:构造电子商务系统防火墙8、为了降低最终产品的成本,提高竞争力,上游供货商同下游销售或代理商结成战略联盟,通过信息技术的手段,实现( )A:供应链管理 B:第三方物流 C:客户关系管理 D:信息集成9、http、ftp、smtp、telnet等协议属于_____的协议。
()A:物理层B:传输层 C:会话层 D:应用层10、在加密类型中,RSA是( )A:随机编码 B:散列编码 C:对称加密 D:非对称加密11、不适合电子商务的业务是( )A:软件、音像制品的购销 B:时装和易腐食品的购销C:旅游服务的促销 D:出版业务12、下列说法哪一个是正确的?()。
厦门大学网络教育2013-2014学年第一学期《管理会计(本科)》复习题一、单项选择题1.在混合成本分解方法中,高低点法所用的“高低”是指( B )。
A.最高或最低的成本B.最高或最低的业务量C.最高或最低的成本或业务量D.最高或最低的成本和业务量2.管理会计产生的经济因素是(C )。
A.科学管理B.高新技术C.两权分离D.行为科学3.( A )是指等量货币在不同时点上具有不同的价值。
A.货币时间价值假设B.成本性态假设C.风险价值可计量假设D.持续运作假设4.某企业只生产一种产品,单价5元,销量100件,变动成本率30%,则贡献边际为( D )。
A.150元B.250元C.450元D.350元5.编制全面预算的出发点是( C )。
A.生产预算B.现金预算C.销售预算D.弹性预算6.在价值工程分析中,属于降低成本的主要目标的是(C )A. 当价值系数等于1B. 当价值系数大于1C. 当价值系数小于1D. 不一定7.短期经营决策时,应考虑的成本是( D )A. 共同成本B. 不可避免成本C. 沉没成本D. 专属成本8.能使投资方案的净现值等于零的折现率叫( C )。
A、净现值率B、资金成本率C、内部收益率D、投资利润率9.编制弹性预算首先应当考虑及确定的因素是( A )。
A、业务量B、变动成本C、固定成本D、计量单位10.标准成本控制的重点是(B )。
A、标准成本的制定B、成本差异的计算分析C、成本控制D、成本差异帐务处理11.管理会计的最终目的是( B )A. 提供会计信息B. 提高经济效益C. 加强管理D. 帮助决策12.管理会计产生的经济因素是( C )A. 科学管理B. 组织管理C. 两权分离D. 技术进步13.在管理会计中,(C )是用来分解混合成本的一种较为精确的方法。
A.高低点法B.散布图法C.回归直线法D.直接分析法14.为排除业务量因素的影响,在管理会计中,反映变动成本水平的指标一般是指(B )。
消费者张某买了2瓶,他可以要求A超市赔偿损失( A )。
A.700元 B、140元 C、70元 D、210元2.根据《反不正当竞争法》的规定,以抽奖方式进行的有奖销售,最高奖的金额不得超过( C )。
A.1000元 B.3000元 C.5000元 D.10000元3.下列各项权利中,属于我国《消费者权益保护法》规定的消费者基本权利的是( C )。
A.选择权 B.监督权 C.环境权 D.公平交易权4.目前我国对国有资产实行的管理体制是( ABCD )。
A. 国家统一所有B. 政府分级管理C. 政府分级代表D. 企业自主经营5.最早使用“经济法”一词的文献是( C )。
A.《公有法典》 B.《工人阶级的政治能力》 C.《世界经济年鉴》D.《自然法典》6.根据我国《个人所得税法》的相关规定,我国对个人工资、薪金所得实行( A )。
A.超额累进税率 B.比例税率C.全额累进税率 D.定额税率7.下列各项物品出现质量问题,不适用《产品质量法》的有( D )。
A.原油 B.军工产品C.超市中的糖果 D.建设工程三、简答题1.简述我国消费者权益保护法中规定的消费者权利。
厦门大学网络教育2014-2015学年第一学期《国际商务英语(专科)》课程复习题一、请将下列英文单词翻译成中文(1) umpire仲裁人(2) vendor供应商(3) Cash With Order认购即付(4) mortgage债权(5) market share市场占有率; (6) Free of Particular Average单独海损不赔(7) C.I.F. I.到岸岛(8) F. A. A.(9) Open policy开放政策;(10) Mail transfer邮件传输(11) Advice of drawing提款通知(12) Foul bill of lading不结提单(13) Consignment merchandise代销商品(14) C.I.F. & C到岸价格和C(15) Negotiation of draft汇票的议付二、请将下列短语翻译成英文(1) 贴现行情discount quotation(2) 原产地证明书certificate of origin(3) 保兑银行confirming bank (4) 暂行条例interim regulations(5) 总经销商sole distributor(6) 透支overdraw(7) 关税协定tariff compact(8) 收盘closing quotation(9) 传票summons(10) 股票shares(11) 租船契约charter party(12) 债权人creditor(13) 出口申请书Export application(14) 水渍险W.P.A.(15) 付款交单document against payment三、单选题1. Thank you for your letter of March 3, in which you promised immediate shipment of the gloves we _________________ on January 10.B) ordered2. Could you please _________________ this and see what you can do about effecting the delivery as soon as possible.B) look after3. Your letter addressed to the ABC company has been _________________ us for attention.A) transformed to4. It is our policy to develop trade with friendly countries on the _________________ of equality, mutual benefit and exchange of needed goods.B) basis5. We are sending you, under _________________ , by airmail a copy of the latest catalog.A) separate cover6. We shall be glad if you will send us samples with your lowest prices and best discount for _________________.D) cash7. Your firm has been _________________ to us by Mr. Zhang, with whom we have done business for many years.A) recommended8. Please offer quotations which can be supplied from _________________.A) stock9. In _________________ with your request, we have marked the price of each article which you wished to know.B) compliance10. As requested, we are _________________ our quotation therefore in triplicate and shall appreciate your placing the order with us as early as possible.A) submitting11.We are sorry we cannot _________________ your counter-offer.A)entertain12.Your offer is out of line _________________ ruling market here.A)with13.We regret that there is no stipulation of transshipment _________________ allowed in your L/C.C) being14.We are glad we have been able to put the business to _________________.C) success15.It is necessary to _________________ the specifications to the requirements.B) conform16.We appreciate your effort _________________ pushing the sale of our products these years.D) in17.You may _________________ the expenses incurred.B) charge18.We should never omit a word _________________ the expense of clearness.B) at19.Insurance is to be _________________ by the buyer if a transaction is concluded on FOB or CIF basis.B) covered20.With regard to Contract No. 11, we are agreeable _________________ D/P payment terms.B) to21. We enclosed our official order for 40 cases, _________________ you will note that the shipment is to be effected in September.A) from which22. This offer will remain _________________ until July 30, 2015.A) firm23. We have been in business since 2002, and therefore have wide experience in all the _________________ we handle.C) lines24. Please inform us _________________ your trade terms and forward samples and product brochures.A) of25. We wish to buy _________________ tea and coffee cups and sauces of different shapes.A)quality26. We can assure you that all your orders will _________________ our immediate attention.D) receive27. We are convinced that with joint efforts business between us _________________ to our mutual benefit.B) will be developed28. Your letter of May 7th _________________ to the Import Company has been passed onto us for attention.C) addressed29. We hope you will _________________ our claim.B) full settle30. You will be responsible _________________ of the goods in transit.D) for the loss四、阅读理解Adam Smith, the father of free trade and author of the free trader’s bible, The Wealth of Nations, has just been honored twice. Firstly, his face will now appear on the new $20 note to be printed by the Bank of England. And secondly, he s the subject of a book just published by the American satirist O’Rourke in a series called “Books the changed the World”.So what did Adam Smith stand for exactly? Even though he wrote in the 18th century, many of his observations about the economy are true today. His basic theory was that if you give people the freedom to improve their own economic situation, they will also improve everyone else’s: “it is not form the benevolence of the butcher the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest.”Writing at the time of the industrial revolution and the beginning of manufacturing, he also recognized the importance of dividing work into specialized tasks. In other words, if each person concentrated on a task they were good at, the total effort would be more productive. This lesson has now been adopted on a global scale. In each developed or developing country goods are imported from other countries where they are produced most cheaply and efficiently. In this way free trade becomes the natural way to improve standards of living all over the world.O’Rourke agrees that Smith’s ideas are still relevant to us, but not because of economics. He disagrees with people who think that there is something immoral in believing in the individual’s right to promote his own profit and self-interest. “His importance was not just to economics,it was the connection of morality to economics,”says O’Rourke. “That was his true genius.”Smith believed that people were motivated by more than profit; they also wanted to please other people and to win their approval. By what he called “self-command” people are able to control selfish feelings and do “benevolent acts”, that is to show kindness and charity towards others.O’Rourke thinks that the important economic message of Adam Smith’s is for governments. The less that they interfere in the economy, the better it does. “Economics is forever telling us to leave people alone,” he says. The trouble, he thinks, is that governments are always trying to regulate business and economic activity in order to justify their own existence.1.The title of Adam Smith’s book is _________________.A)Books that Changed the world2.Adam Smith believed that people _________________.A).B)Value freedom more than anything else.3.If work is divided into specialized tasks, _________________.A)it creates more employment.B)it makes goods more expensive.C)you can make more specialized products.D)you can produce more.4.The principle of free trade will _________________.A)make everyone in the world richer.B)help to make goods cheaper.C)be adopted in under-developed countries.D)not improve the quality of goods.5.Smith also believed that people naturally wanted to _________________.A)be kind to others.B)control others.C)work harder than others.D)educate themselves.五、汉译英(一)敬启者:贵方4月28日来函收悉,谢谢。
武汉船舶职业技术学院2013--2014学年第一学期《电子商务》期末试卷C(开卷)班级姓名学号一、单项选择题(每题2分,共10分;请将答案填入答题栏,否则不得分)A.商品情报B.广告分析C.库存管理D.品牌管理2.下列功能中,不属于EDI软件基本功能的是()A.传输功能B.翻译功能C.通信功能D.格式转换功能3.一般来说,在网上提供有附加值服务的销售企业或零售商会采用的定价战略是( )A.低价战略B.等价战略C.高价战略D.竞价战略4.在B2B企业电子商务中,居于领导和核心地位的是( )A.资金流B.信息流C.技术流D.物流5.下列符合拍卖法的网上拍卖方式是( )A.个人竞价B.集体议价C.接受委托拍卖特定物品D.商业竞标二、问答题(每题10分,共20分)1.B2B电子商务的两种交易模式各自是如何获取利润的?2.网络广告作为网络营销的重要手段,具有哪几个方面的特点?三、论述题(每题12分,共24分)1.论述电子商务与物流之间的相互作用。
2. 论述我国电子商务发展中存在的问题。
五、综合分析题(第一题14分,第二题20分,共34分)淘宝网()是国内首选购物网站,亚洲最大购物网站,由全球最佳B2B 平台阿里巴巴公司投资4.5亿创办,致力于成就全球首选购物网站。
厦门大学远程教育在线练习-电子商务(专)一、单选题(共12道)1、以下哪个是电子数据交换的缩写()(1.0分) (正确的答案:B )A、EFTB、EDIC、ASPD、VAN2、淘宝网属于()类型的电子商务(1.0分) (正确的答案:C )A、B2CB、B2BC、C2CD、B2G3、当当网属于()类型的电子商务(1.0分) (正确的答案:A )A、B2CB、B2BC、C2CD、B2G4、电子商务常用的技术不包括()(1.0分) (正确的答案:C)A、互联网B、WWWC、传真D、无线传输技术5、以下哪个产品可以直接通过网络进行传输(1.0分) (正确的答案:C )A、书本B、衣服C、软件D、手机6、广告是哪个阶段的交易成本()(1.0分) (正确的答案:A )A、交易前B、交易中C、交易后D、服务阶段7、房地产比较适合于采用哪种商务模式()(1.0分) (正确的答案:C )A、传统商务模式B、纯电子商务模式C、鼠标加水泥的模式8、现有企业自己设立等级制的结构生产原材料以替代供应商市场,这种做法叫做()(1.0分) (正确的答案:C)A、市场B、等级制C、垂直一体化D、水平一体化9、买卖双方接触的地方叫做()(1.0分) (正确的答案:B )A、商品B、市场C、码头D、货场10、由相同股东的多个业务单位构成的叫做()(1.0分) (正确的答案:B )A、行业B、公司C、部门D、科室11、Swot分析中,T表示的是()(1.0分) (正确的答案:D )A、优势B、劣势C、机会D、威胁12、以下哪个不属于价值链的基本活动()(1.0分) (正确的答案:C )A、识别客户B、设计C、财务D、销售一、单选题(共12道)1、简单邮件传输协议是()(1.0分) (正确的答案:D )A、TELNETB、URLC、POPD、SMTP2、以下哪个是浏览器/服务器结构的表达式()(1.0分) (正确的答案:B )A、B2CB、B/SC、C2SD、C/S3、DNS是指()(1.0分) (正确的答案:A )A、域名B、网关C、子网隐码D、地址4、下面哪个是不正确的IP地址()(1.0分) (正确的答案:C )A、、、、、控制信息包从源到目的地的传输路径的是()(1.0分) (正确的答案:B )A、TCPB、IPC、HTTPD、FTP6、HTTP是()(1.0分) (正确的答案:B )A、传输控制协议B、超文本传输协议C、文件传输协议D、远程登录协议7、传输控制协议是()(1.0分) (正确的答案:A )A、TCPB、IPC、HTTPD、FTP8、距离较近的计算机组成的是()(1.0分) (正确的答案:A )A、局域网B、广域网C、互联网D、万维网9、超文本标注语言是()(1.0分) (正确的答案:B )A、SGMLB、HTMLC、XMLD、FML10、公众可用的任何计算机网络或电信网络是()(1.0分) (正确的答案:D )A、专用网络B、虚拟专用网C、专线D、公共网络11、非对称数字用户线路是()(1.0分) (正确的答案:A )A、ADSLB、HDSLC、DSOD、T312、特定时间内从用户向互联网传送信息的带宽是()(1.0分) (正确的答案:A )A、上行带宽B、下行带宽C、对称带宽D、非对称带宽一、单选题(共12道)1、在价值链中加入交易费用网站等新中介叫做()(1.0分) (正确的答案:D )A、直销B、免中介化C、非中介化D、再中介化2、以下网站中,常采用广告支持盈利模式的网站是()(1.0分) (正确的答案:C )A、折扣店B、书店C、门户网站D、房地产中介网站3、计算机和家电常采用的电子商务盈利模式是()(1.0分) (正确的答案:B )A、数字内容盈利模式B、网上目录盈利模式C、广告支持盈利模式D、交易费用模式4、在()时候,网站需要从免费模式转向收费模式?(1.0分) (正确的答案:A )A、资金不足时B、访问量不够时C、管理出现问题时D、产品不够时5、在()时候,网站需要从收费模式转向广告模式?(1.0分) (正确的答案:B )A、资金不足时B、访问量不够时C、管理出现问题时D、产品不够时6、可用于移动商务的设备有()(1.0分) (正确的答案:C )A、台式机B、服务器C、手机D、不带无线宽带的笔记本电脑7、以下哪个方法不能解决渠道冲突?(1.0分) (正确的答案:D )A、渠道合作B、渠道并行C、渠道整合D、渠道交叉出售产品8、以下哪个不是战略联盟的例子?(1.0分) (正确的答案:D )A、账户整合B、网站与分销渠道管理公司合作C、厂商与物流公司长期合作D、厂商与供应商短期的采购9、企业的利益相关体不包括()(1.0分) (正确的答案:D )A、公众B、供应商C、合作伙伴D、竞争对手10、设计网站时,应该以()为核心。
电⼦商务考试复习题及答案《电⼦商务》课程期末考试复习题及参考答案⼀、单项选择题1、基于现代概念的电⼦商务,最早产⽣于20世纪(B )年代,发展于20世纪90年代。
A. 50B. 60C. 70D. 802、电⼦商务在⼈们最早出现的概念是电⼦贸易(ET)它⼜称为(D )贸易,起先被⽤于⼀些⼤企业与其客户的交易中。
A. EDIB. ECC. EBD. ⽆纸3、⽹络层基础设施包括Telecom, CableTV. 互联⽹和(C )通信⽹。
A. LANB. W ANC. WirelessD. ISDN4、数据电⽂的( D ),系指可认定是由其或代表其发送或⽣成该数据电⽂然后获许予以存储的⼈。
A.接收⼈B.中间⼈C.认证中⼼D.发送⼈5、⽤户数据维护属于(A )商应提供的服务内容。
A. IAPB. ISPC. ASPD. IPP6、Intranet的基础是企业内部管理信息系统,⽽它的基础系统是(B )管理系统。
A. MISB. DBMSC. DSSD. ERP7、⼀九九六年12⽉,联合国第51/162号决议正式通过了(C )。
A.《电⼦商务法》B.《电⼦商务交易法》B. C.《电⼦商务⽰范法》 D.《电⼦商务⽹络法》8、1995年10⽉,在美国诞⽣了全球第⼀家⽹上银⾏,——(A )。
A.安全第⼀⽹络银⾏B. 密苏⾥Mark Twain银⾏B.C. 西尔寺银⾏ D. 花旗银⾏9、《电⼦商务⽰范法》第⼀条就对适⽤范围做出了规定,即“适⽤于在( A )⽅⾯使⽤的以⼀项数据电⽂为形式的任何种类的信息”。
A.商业活动B.电⼦交易C.B2BD.C2C10、1997年7⽉1⽇,美国政府发布了( D ), 从政策法规的制订和信息安全,技术标准为策略均给予原则上的指导。
A.信息⾼速公路B. 全球电⼦商务⾏动计划C. 国际互联⽹⼆代D. 全球电⼦商务纲要11、Internet临时⽂件默认的⽂件夹为(C )。
错9.二、单项选择题1.“天猫”是由“淘宝商城”改名而来的,它属于什么类型的电子商务模式?BA.B2BB.B2CC.C2CD.B2G2.商业有四个方面,下列因素中,哪个不属于商业的四个方面的内容?DA.客户B.产品或者服务C.基础设施D.人力资源3.用于发布企业的产品、服务等相关信息的网站是:AA.企业门户B.自营性电子商务平台C.第三方电子商务平台D.拍卖网站4.第三方电子商务平台的收入来源于比较多,以下哪个不是第三方电子商务平台的收入来源?AA.会员费B.销售收入C.广告费D.竞价排名5.“聚划算”属于以下哪种团购网站?CA.专业的B2C零售团购网站B.专业的团购导购网站C.商业网站中的团购模块D.某类产品的专门团购网站6.以下哪个不是B2B电子商务涉及的对象?DA.销售商B.采购商C.物流配送中心D.拍卖网站7.“唯品会”属于什么类型的电子商务模式?BA.B2BB.B2CC.C2CD.B2G8.商业有四个方面,下列因素中,哪个不是商业的四个方面的内容?DA.客户B.产品或者服务C.竞争对手D.关键业务9.天猫是:CA.企业门户B.自营性电子商务平台C.第三方电子商务平台D.拍卖网站10.以下哪个不是阿里巴巴的收入来源?AA.会员费B.销售收入C.广告费D.竞价排名11.“团800”属于以下哪种团购网站?BA.专业的B2C零售团购网站B.专业的团购导购网站C.商业网站中的团购模块D.某类产品的专门团购网站12.以下哪个不是B2C电子商务涉及的对象?DA.消费者B.企业C.物流配送中心D.政府机构13.百度有很多盈利模式,不属于百度的盈利模式是:CA.竞价排名B.火爆地带收入C.销售收入D.品牌专区收入14.以下哪个方法能解决渠道冲突?DA.两个渠道销售同样的商品,价格不相同B.供应商在网络销售上的定价等于其中间商的定价C.两类渠道之间互相隐瞒,不做沟通D.供应商把其在线订单的配送交给其分销伙伴来完成15.以下哪个电子商务企业是“鼠标+水泥”类型的电子商务企业?C (沃尔玛联想集团)A.淘宝网B.乐蜂网C.苏宁易购D.当当网16.以下哪个商品不适合于采用电子商务的模式进行销售?AA.钻石B.箱包C.数码D.电器17.“去哪儿”网是大家都熟悉的旅游电子商务网站,其主要的收入来源于:CA.产品销售B.交易费用C.对下游电商的中介服务D.会员费18.“乐蜂网”属于:BA.企业门户B.自营性电子商务平台C.第三方电子商务平台D.拍卖网站19.以下哪个网站是行业垂直式B2B交易平台?CA.阿里巴巴B.敦煌网C.中国农业网D.聚美优品20.当当网的利润来源有很多,以下哪个不是?BA.销售收入B.注册费C.交易费D.游戏服务收入21.以下哪个不属于中介服务类型的网站?A.房地产交易经纪公司B.证券经纪公司C.鲜花礼品公司22.以下哪个不是电子商务法的内容?A.交易主体和市场准入问题B.网上支付问题C.网络安全问题D.知识产品保护问题三、简答题1.B2C电子商务模式有哪些类型?并各举一例。
厦门大学网络教育2013-2014学年第一学期《英语2》复习题I. Reading Comprehension:Passage 1Some people think they have an answer to the troubles of automobile crowding and dirty air in large cities. Their answer is the bicycle, or “bike”.In a great many cities, hundreds of people ride bicycles to work every day. In New York city, some bike riders have even formed a group called Bike for a Better City. They claim that if more people rode bicycles to work, there would be fewer automobiles in the downtown section of the city and therefore less dirty air from car engines.For several years this group has been trying to get the city government to help bike riders. For example, they want the city to draw bicycle lanes on some of the main streets, because when bike riders must use the same lanes as cars, there are accidents. Bike for a Better City feels that if there were special lanes, more people would use bikes.But no bicycle lanes have been drawn. Not everyone thinks it is a good idea---they say it will slow traffic. Some store owners on the main streets say that if there is less traffic, they will have less business. And most people live too far from downtown to travel by bike.The city government has not yet decided what to do. It wants to keep everyone happy. Only on weekends, Central Park is closed to cars, and the roads may be used by bicycles only. But Bike fora Better City says that this is not enough and keeps fighting to get bicycle lanes downtown.1. According to the passage, bicycles __________.A.are more convenient than carsB.are safer traffic tools than carsC.are ridden by most people in U.S.D.are the solution to some city problems2. The idea of special bicycle lanes is most favored by __________.A.the city governmentB.some bike ridersC.people living far from downtownD.some store owners3. “Bicycle lanes” probably means __________.A.narrow passages between buildings for bicyclesB.roads full of bicyclesC.special parts of the road for bicycle riders onlyD.roads for bicycles only4. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?A.Bike for a Better City members ride bicycles to work.B.Sometimes accidents may occur when cars and bikes are on the same lanes.C.The Central Park is situated in the downtown section of New York.D.In some cities many people use bikes as they have special lanes.5. The best title for this passage is __________.A.Traffic Crowding in New York CityB.Air Pollution in New York City by CarsC.Special Lanes for PassengersD. A Solution to Traffic Problems in New YorkPassage 2Cancer is among the top killer diseases in our society today and scientists have found out that stress helps to bring it on. It is worthwhile to consider, therefore, what are the causes of stress in our life, and whether we can do anything about them.Are we under-employed, or overburdened(负担过多)with too many responsibilities? Do we have a right balance of work and leisure in our lives? Are our relationships with family, friends or fellow workers all they should be?All these things can be a cause of stress, and it is best to face them honestly, and to bring our frustrations into the open. People who have a good row and then forget it are doing their health more good than those who bottle up their feelings.If our self-examination has brought any causes of stresses to light, let us consider what we can do about them. It is possible to change jobs. We can make more leisure and fill it more happily, if we will accept a different attitude. It is we who allow other people to make ourselves unhappy. Often the little things that disturb us are not worth an hour’s anger. The teaching in Bible “Let not the sun go down upon your wrath(愤怒)” is good advice from the health point of view as well as the religious.6. Which of the following statements is true?A. Freedom from responsibilities helps relieve stress.B. Stress is the direct cause of cancer.C.The causes of stress are worthy of serious study.D. Cancer is the number one killer in our society today.7. According to the passage, which of the following types of people is more likely to suffer fromstress?A. People who have cancer.B. People who like to quarrel with others.C. People whose living standard is low.D. People who have more responsibilities than they can handle.8. Judging from the context, the word “row” in the third paragraph most probably meansA. a noisy quarrel.B. a very loud noise.C. a neat line of things side by side.D. a journey in a boat.9. Which of the following is not mentioned as a way to reduce our stress?A. Changing our jobs.B. Changing our attitude about little things that make us unhappy.C. Speaking out about our frustrations.D. Reading the Bible.10. “Let not the sun go down upon your wrath” probably meansA. Don’t let your anger last long.B. Don’t get angry while the sun is going down.C. Don’t get angry easily about little things.D. Don’t watch the sun set while you are angry.Passage 3Since the late 1960s a growing number of women have expressed a strong dissatisfaction with any marriage arrangement in which the husband and his career are the most important considerations in the marriage. By the end of the 1970s, for example, considerably less than half of the women in the United States still believed that they would put their husbands and children ahead of their own careers.More and more American women have come to believe that they should be equal partners in their marriages. This stage of marriage, although still unusual in most American marriages at present, will grow most rapidly in the future. In an equal marriage, the wife gets a full-time job or career which has equal importance to her husband's. The long-standing division of labor between husband and wife comes to an end. The husband is no longer the main provider of family income, and the wife no longer has the main responsibilities for household duties and raising children. Husband and wife share all these duties equally. Power over family decisions is also shared equally.The rapid change in women's attitudes toward marriage in the 1970s reflected the rapid changes in the larger society. The Women's Liberation Movement appeared in the late 1960s, demanding an end to all forms of prejudice against females. An Equal Rights Amendment (修正案) to the US Constitution was proposed which would make any form of prejudice on the basis of sex illegal, and though it has failed to be confirmed, it continues to have millions of supporters. (260 words)11. Since the late 1960s more women have been dissatisfied with the marriage in which_____________.A. they are unhappyB. they are in a lower positionC. only the husband earns moneyD. the wife only takes care of the household12. What is the long-standing division of labor between husband and wife in America?A. Husband―provider, wife―domestic duties.B. Husband and wife share the housework.C. Husband and wife have equal responsibility.D. Husband plays a higher role than the wife13. Which statement is NOT true about the new type of marriage?A. Husband and wife share all their duties equally.B. Wife can also make the decisions in the family.C. Wife earns their living while husband does the housework.D. Husband is also responsible for raising children.14. Women's attitudes toward marriage involve ____________________.A. the Women's Liberation MovementB. forbidding any form of prejudice against womenC. the changing roles of husband and wife in the marriageD. all of the above15. Which of the following describes the general idea for this passage?A. The Changing Patterns of Americans' Marriage.B. An Ideal Marriage.C. The Women's Liberation Movement.D. The need for Equal Rights between Husband and Wife.II. Vocabulary and Structure:1. Since we can't hear you at the back of the hall, you'll have to __________ your voice.A. improveB. increaseC. raiseD. open2. _____________ he works hard, I don't mind when he finishes the experiment.A. As soon asB. As long asC. As well asD. So far as3. People who want the typist's job will be judged __________ how accurate and fast they are.A. in favor ofB. in terms ofC. in ways ofD. in spite of4. Shall we request the chairman __________ our suggestion again?A. to considerB. consideringC. considerD. considered5. Some say yes and others say no; I don't know __________ to follow.A. whetherB. whatC. whomD. how6. I could not persuade him to accept it, _____________ make him see the importance of it.A. if only I could notB. or I could notC. not more than I couldD. nor could I7. Mr. Edward was not in, so his brother acted as _______ at the party.A. actorB. guestC. hostD. dancer8. ________ students often find it difficult to live in China at first.A. OutsideB. OverseasC. NationalD. Abroad9. His company promised to pay for his health _______ in addition to other benefits.A. examinationB. serviceC. checkD. insurance10. Many students found the book _____________; it provided them with a large amount ofinformation on the subject.A. informativeB. confusingC. distractingD. amusing11. As so many overseas business people have come to start and build new businesses, the placelooks much more _________ than it did a few years ago.A. propertiedB. tediousC. prosperousD. unremarkable12. The girl has made up her mind to go abroad with her boyfriend despite her parents'_________.A. agreementB. allowingC. lettingD. objection13. My bag looks __________ to Mary's, so I often take hers by mistake.A. the sameB. identicalC. differentD. like14. I don't have courage to tell him the bad news to his face, so I have to do it in a(n)____________ way.A. directB. strangeC. indirectD. brave15. I can hardly believe my eyes. This ___________ man is actually a scientist who once won theNobel Prize.A. remarkableB. unusualC. magnificentD. unremarkable16. Finding a job in such a big company has always been _____________ his wildest dreams.A. underB. overC. aboveD. beyond17. The chances of seeing a plane in my small hometown are one _____________ a million.A. forB. toC. inD. against18. There is a forecast that the _______ for a good crop harvest will be rather poor this year.A. prospectB. protectionC. proportionD. promise19. The box is too heavy, so _____________ give me a hand?A. would you mindB. will you like toC. will you please tooD. would you please20. An ______ of territory had always been a wish of the ruler of that country.A. introductionB. expansionC. intentionD. expectation21. The football match had to be _________ owing to (由于) the bad weather.A. cancelledB. advancedC. arrangedD. held22. There have been many ___________ in their marriage but they still love each other.A. ups and downsB. from head to toeC. time and againD. over and over23. I _______ Alice, who was on her way to see how I was getting along.A. came up withB. got out ofC. ran overD. ran into24. My parents are not interested in modern music. They are _______.A. before the dateB. behind the timesC. after the fashionD. against the tides (潮流)25. She has nothing to do with the murder case. She is not _______ it.A. concerned aboutB. related inC. involved inD. concerned in26. The _______ of the film star really disappointed her fans.A. preciousB. absenceC. presentD. absent27. __________ how little he had studied, he did very well in the exam.A. ThinkingB. Talking aboutC. SayingD. Considering28. The train for London will __________ from Platform 6 in ten minutes.A. leaveB. comeC. departD. remove29. You can put on your jeans. It is just a(n) ______ party.A. wonderfulB. incredibleC. formalD. informal30. He thought he could talk Mr. Robinson _______ buying some expensive equipment.A. toB. aboutC. intoD. on31. With the price ___________, the fruits are selling much better now.A. loweringB. is loweredC. having been loweredD. is being lowered32. "Are you going to the football game?""No. The tickets are _______ expensive for me."A. very muchB. so muchC. far tooD. highly33. This is an illness that can result in total blindness ________ left untreated.A. afterB. ifC. sinceD. unless34. I am not surprised at all that she chose the white skirt. She always has a _______ for white.A. preferB. preferableC. preferenceD. preferred35. Only members of the company are __________ to use the facilities.A. deservedB. entitledC. undertakenD. guaranteed36. Unless we get more money, we'll be ____________ finishing this project.A. separated fromB. recovered fromC. prevented fromD. charged from37. Having walked in the hot sun for most of the day without any water, the man felt____________.A. fatiguingB. having fatiguedC. fatiguedD. to have fatigued38. _______ Tom is supposed to make an appointment with the dentist, he says he is too busy.A. HoweverB. WhoeverC. WheneverD. Whatever39. If you are always ____________ to others' troubles, you won't get any help whenever you arein trouble yourself.A. indifferentB. regretfulC. romanticD. phenomenal40. The price they offered for my old car was so low that I _________ it down.A. broughtB. turnedC. calledD. refused41. Writing is a slow process, requiring _____________ thought, time, and effort.A. reasonableB. considerableC. memorableD. numerable42. When I try to understand _____________ that prevents so many Americans from being ashappy as one might expect, it seems to me that there are two causes.A. why it doesB. why it isC. what it doesD. what it is43. He is _____________ to speak the truth.A. too fearfulB. so much fearfulC. too much fearfulD. so much of fearful44. He has failed me so many times that I no longer place any ___________ in what he promises.A. wishB. beliefC. creditD. trust45. After that they drove to the Guest House at __________ speed.A. topB. headC. wholeD. everyIII. Cloze:(1)You will find that college classes are very different from high school classes. You will have more work and responsibilities without being pushed as much. 1__, you will have more freedom — freedom to choose what to study, when to study, or 2 to study. You will need to exercise maximum self-discipline (自律). This is the hardest kind of discipline because it is self-imposed (自我约束的), and you have only yourself to 3 . The decisions you make 4 your study habits will be a 5 factor in your success, or lack of success in college.6 , you will discover that your instructors7 the ones you have had previously. They will expect you to8 more 8 in your study habits and time management. Remember that much of your learning takes place outside the classroom. Your instructor will give you additional help outside of class if there is evidence that you are putting maximum effort into the course.Success in anything will not just happen. 9 your abilities and skill mastery, you will need to manage your time effectively in order to succeed in college. A schedule 10 efficient use of time will enable you to include both work and play. When you get a job, you will soon discover that you do not work only when you wish and as you wish.1. A. On the other hand B. On the one had C. Nevertheless D. Therefore2. A. if B. how C. why D. who3. A. turn for B. answer to C. respond to D. act as4. A. of B. to C. with D. concerning5. A. determining B. demanding C. deciding D. depending6. A. However B. Nevertheless C. In addition D. Except that7. A. differ from B. are similar to C. differ in D. are alike8. A. take …out B. throw … yourself C. plunge … yourself D. take…initiative9. A. In spite of B. ConcerningC. Regardless ofD. On the condition of10. A. related to B. carried on C. relied on D. based on(2)Jungle country is not friendly to man, but it is possible to survive there. You must have the right ___1_ and you must know a few important things about the jungle. Then your chances of staying ___2___ are very good.In the jungle, you should always carry a ___3___. Then you can ___4___ which way to go. Again and again you must check your position by it.Keep alert. Watch the ground in front of you carefully. Stop and listen ___5___.If you lose your___ 6___, do not be afraid. Mark the spot where you are with blazes on a tree. Then you can always know where you started.Finding water that is safe to drink can be a problem. Many streams and rivers carry germs that can be ___7___ to man. Luckily, the jungle has many kinds of plants and vines that give water.___8___ in the jungle is a science. Learn as much as you can about what to ___9___ in the jungle. Then no part of the jungle will seem completely unfriendly or frightening. In fact, you will be able to “___10___” it for a long time.1. A. advice B. partner C. tool D. equipment2. A. life B. live C. alive D. lively3. A. gun B. watch C. telescope D. compass4. A. say B. tell C. speak D. talk5. A. now and again B. here and there C. more or less D. more and more6. A. way B. sense C. direction D. position7. A. good B. bad C. deadly D. healthy8. A. Staying B. Living C. Sleeping D. Surviving9. A. expect B. want C. wait for D. look forward to10. A. depend on B. get rid of C. live off D. fight against(3)Many Chinese students don't diverse enough attention to spoken English at school. They think it necessary to practice speaking English 1 class, but not out of class. Here is a story to show you how important it is to speak the English language __2___ in everyday life.A foreigner once got hungry and went into a restaurant in London. He sat down _3 . When the waiter came, he opened his mouth, put his fingers 4 it and took them out again in order to express that he wanted something to eat for he could not speak 5 .The waiter soon brought a cup of tea. The man shook his head. The waiter then took 6 the tea and brought a cup of coffee. The man again shook his head. The man tried again and again, but he wasn't able to make 7 understood. Finally another man came in. He spoke English ___8 . In a few minutes, there was a large plate of meat and vegetables on the table before him.So you 9_ , a man often goes hungry if he doesn't _ 10 a foreign language.1. A. from B. into C. in D. on2. A. correct B. free C. freely D. right3. A. at a table B. on a table C. at the table D. on the table4. A. upon B. into C. to D. onto5. A. Japanese B. French C. Chinese D. English6. A. over B. in C. away D. out7. A. that B. himself C. him D. it8. A. clearly and fluently B. clear and fluentlyC. clearly and fastD. clear and fast9. A. see B. understand C. look D. know10. A. know B. study C. master D. learnIV. Translate the following sentences from Chinese into English:1. 她误解了自己最好的朋友, 感到非常内疚。
厦门大学网络教育2015-2016学年第二学期《电子商务(专科)》课程复习题答案一、单选题1-5 CBADAD 6-10 BDCCC 11-15 ABABD 16-20 BBDDA21-25 DDDBA 26-30 ABDAB二、判断31、× 32、√ 33、× 34、√ 35、√ 36、√三、简答题37、说明网络域名与IP地址之间的关系。
TCP/IP的名字管理机制成为域名系统(domain name system,DNS),这是一个层次性的结构。
四、论述题43、论述从传统营销的4P 到网络营销的4C 的转变。
)1、答:(1)网站下载的软件传播(2)电子邮件中的附件传播(3)局域网传播(4)硬件设备传播(5)移动设备传播(答案合理即可)2、答:(1)限制他人进入内部网、过滤不安全服务和非法用户(2)防止入侵者接近防御设施(3)限定用户访问特殊站点(4)监视Internet安全提供方便(答案合理即可)3、答:开始→运行→输入命令“cmd” →在命令行窗口输入命令“IPConfig” →回车键4、答:打开Word文档→工具→选项→安全性→输入密码→确认密码→确定→保存四、综合题(每题10分,共20分。
2、答:(1)创建用户:我的电脑右键→管理→本地用户和组→用户→右键“新建用户” →输入用户名和密码→创建(2)搭建FTP服务器:开始菜单→控制面板→添加或删除程序→添加/删除Windows组件→Internet信息服务→详细信息→FTP服务→确定第二篇:电子商务试卷及答案电子商务试卷及答案一、填空题(15空,每空1分共15分)1、远程国内电子商务其交易的地域范围______________,对软件、硬件和技术要求______________。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
厦门大学网络教育2013-2014学年第一学期《电子商务(专科)》复习题一、单选题1、在新闻组(Usenet)中常用的一些顶级类别中,Misc表示什么涵义?( D )A.商业类B.计算机类C.科学类D.杂类2、( B)是一种基于超连接(Hyperlink)的超文本(Hypertext)系统,是最为流行的信息检索服务程序。
A.传输控制协议B.超文本传输协议C.文件传输协议D.远程登录协议4、控制信息包从源到目的地的传输路径的是(B )。
A.TCPB.IPC.HTTPD.FTP5、以下哪一项是以综合数字电话网为基础发展而成的,能提供端到端的数字连接( A )。
A.ISDNB.PSTNC.DSLD.ATM6、三层架构的优点是( C )。
A.速度快B.编写简单C.维护简单D.数据库可见7、以下操作系统当中,开放源代码的是( D )。
A.Windows NTB.Windows 2003C.UnixD.Linux8、带有商业信息、广告的电子邮件或连锁信是( D )。
A.电子邮件B.威胁信C.广告邮件D.垃圾邮件9、可以把文件从一台计算机拷贝到另一台计算机的是( A )。
A.FTPB.TELNETC.FingerD.Tracert10、影响WWW服务器性能的因素不包括( B )。
A.硬件B.防火墙C.操作系统D.服务器软件11、以下不属于EDI主要应用的贸易业务是( D )。
A.企业与企业业务B.企业与批发商业务C.批发商与零售商业务D.企业与消费者业务12、数据库治理系统常见的数据模型有( B )种。
A.网状、关系和语义B.层次、关系和网状C.环状、层次和关系D.网状、链状和层次13、传输控制协议是(A )。
A.TCPB.IPC.HTTPD.FTP14、电子商务的流通渠道是(B )。
A.企业-批发商-零售商-消费者B.企业-消费者C.企业-中介商-消费者D.企业-零售商-消费者15、控制信息包从源到目的地的传输路径的是(B )。
A.TCPB.IPC.HTTPD.FTP16、下面哪个是不正确的IP地址(C )。
A.、DNS是指( A )。
A.域名B.网关C.子网隐码D.地址二、多选题18、与传统的商务活动相比,电子商务具有以下的特点: ( ABD )。
A.交易虚拟化B.交易效率高C.交易成本高D.交易透明化19、以下哪些不属于263数据港提供的基本电信服务(ABCD )A、主机托管B、网络安全C、网站建设D、虚拟主机E、广告设计20、因特网的发展对企业及其经营的影响表现在(ACD )。
A.网络技术使得大众市场终结,最终可达到针对每一个用户的需求进行生产B.互联网使得大企业的规模优势更加明显C.企业的组织层次越来越少D.企业竞争将以客户为焦点21、以下说法正确的是( ABC)。
22、以下关于电子支票的叙述正确的有( ADE )。
A.电子支票非常适合小额结算B.电子支票需要准备金C.电子支票只可以在金融网络里应用D.电子支票可为新型的在线服务提供便利E.电子支票的运作方式与传统支票相同,简化了顾客的学习过程23、从业务流程涉及的角色看, CA包括( ACE )。
A.认证机构B.数字证书库和黑名单库C.密钥托管处理系统D.证书目录服务E.证书审批和作废处理系统24、有关电子钱包的说法错误的是( AB )。
A.电子钱包适用于大额支付B.电子钱包最早出现于法国C.Mondex卡是一种电子钱包D.电子钱包内只能完全装电子货币25、以下( ABD)是政府上网的主要目的。
A.节省办公费用,提高工作效率B.政务公开C.节省政府招标时间和费用D.便于政府与公众加强沟通,利于政府树立良好形象26、检索引擎由哪几部分组成(ABC )。
A.网络蜘蛛B.索引C.检索引擎实用程序D.目录E.浏览器27、企业电子商务网站的收益模式主要包括(BCD ):A.收取广告代理费B.收取服务费C.会员制D.扩大销售额E.增加商品数量28、目前,我国ISP的服务质量尚不尽如人意,造成这种现状的原因是( BCD )A.人为不重视B.ISP企业自身的业务定位的原因C.ISP企业自身的业务内容的原因D.因特网发展进程本身所造成的,如网络速度、上网费用29、企业电子商务安全认证主要包括( CD )。
A.时间认证B.支付手段认证C.身份认证D.信息认证E.传输过程认证30、以下哪些是263数据港为客户提供的服务?(BC )A.通信服务B.管理服务C.专业服务D.网络服务E.IP接入服务31、以下哪些属于网上购物的购物车应该具备的功能( ACD )。
A.自动跟踪并记录消费者在网上购物过程中所选择的商品B.不允许购物者更新购物车中的商品C.自动计算用户所购买商品的总价D.允许用户随时查询购物车中有关信息32、利用电子邮件创建主动的互联网外向营销战略的内容有( ABCDE )。