Opening Words
Unti 2
ap e iate v. 感激 珍惜 st le n. 风格 方式 感激,珍惜 风格,方式 co gra lation n. 祝贺 t nd v.倾向于 倾向于 co p ration n. 合作 su st ntial a. 重要的 d se ve v. 该得到 值得 nive sal a.通用的 该得到,值得 通用的 g ner s a. 慷慨的 un ual a.不寻常的 不寻常的
Unit 3
p rtment n. 公寓 av n e n.大街 大街 d ntown n.市中心区 市中心区 el v tor n.电梯 电梯 m n ger n.经理 s perm ket n.超市 经理 超市 undergr nd n.地铁 c m r n.照相机 地铁 照相机 inters ction n.交叉路口 la ndry n.洗衣店 交叉路口 洗衣店 l cate v. 确定位置 找出 确定位置;找出 tr fic n. 交通 abs lutely ad. 完全地 attend nt n. 服务员,随从 服务员 随从
b lt n. 带子 c pt in n. n.机长 船长 机长,船长 机长 cr sh v.n 坠毁 cr w n. 机组人员,全体船员 机组人员 全体船员 im diately ad. 立刻 l gg ge n. 行李 sli t a. 轻微的 su tcase n. 手提箱 am nt n. 数量 c bin n. 小屋 机舱 小屋,机舱 compl n v. 抱怨 c lt ral a. 文化的 curi si y n. 好奇心 d spa r n. 绝望
t tle n. 名称 头衔 名称,头衔 g ntle a. 和蔼的 p nic n.v. 惊慌 st b rn a. 顽固的 t dy a. 整洁的 in erpr ter n. 翻译 员) 翻译(员 le tr ni s n.电子技术 电子学 电子技术,电子学 电子技术 pr f sor n.教授 教授 res ch v.n. 研究 f n.v. 传真
basic words
1, consonant ['kɔnsənənt]n. 辅音;辅音字母adj. 辅音的;一致的;和谐的2, prison ['prizən]n. 监狱;监禁;拘留所vt. 监禁,关押3, jail [dʒeil]n. 监狱;监牢;拘留所vt. 监禁;下狱4, innovation [,inəu'veiʃən]n. 创新,革新;新方法5, dumb [dʌm]adj. 哑的,无说话能力的;不说话的,无声音的6, deaf [def]adj. 聋的7, grab [ɡræb]n. 攫取;霸占;夺取之物vt. 攫取;霸占;将…深深吸引vi. 攫取;夺取8, deserve [di'zə:v]vi. 应受,应得vt. 应受,应得9, scare [skεə]n. 恐慌;惊吓;惊恐vt. 惊吓;把…吓跑adj. (美)骇人的vi. 受惊10, swear [swεə]n. 宣誓;诅咒vt. 发誓;咒骂vi. 发誓,宣誓;诅咒11, occupation [,ɔkju'peiʃən]n. 职业;占有;消遣;占有期12, sophisticated [sə'fistikeitid] adj. 复杂的;精致的;久经世故的;富有经验的v. 使变得世故;使迷惑;篡改(sophisticate的过去分词形式)13, estate [i'steit]n. 房地产;财产;身份14, temptation [temp'teiʃən]n. 引诱;诱惑物15, stable ['steibl] n. 马厩;牛棚adj. 稳定的;牢固的;坚定的vt. 赶入马房vi. 被关在马厩16, previously ['pri:vju:sli]adv. 以前;预先;仓促地17, fragile ['frædʒail]adj. 脆的;易碎的18, masquerade [,mæskə'reid]vt. 化装;乔装n. 伪装;化妆舞会vi. 化装;伪装19, badminton ['bædmintən]n. 羽毛球20, sailor ['seilə]n. 水手,海员;乘船者21, guarantee [,ɡærən'ti:]n. 保证;担保;保证人;保证书;抵押品 vt. 保证;担保22, innocence ['inəsəns]n. 清白,无罪;天真无邪23, sensation [sen'seiʃən]n. 感觉;轰动;感动24, literate ['litərit]n. 学者adj. 受过教育的;精通文学的25, illiterate [i'litərət]n. 文盲adj. 文盲的;不识字的;没受教育的26, monster ['mɔnstə]n. 怪物;巨人,巨兽;残忍的人adj. 巨大的,庞大的27, craft [krɑ:ft, kræft]n. 工艺;手艺;太空船vt. 精巧地制作28, resistance [ri'zistəns]n. 阻力;电阻;抵抗;反抗;抵抗力29, affluent ['æfluənt]n. 支流;富人adj. 富裕的;丰富的;流畅的30, billiards ['biljədz]n. 台球,桌球;弹子戏31, desperate ['despərət]adj. 不顾一切的;令人绝望的;极度渴望的32, yacht [jɔt]n. 游艇,快艇;轻舟vi. 乘游艇,驾游艇33, naive [nɑ:'i:v]adj. 天真的,幼稚的34, amateur ['æmətə, ,æmə'tə:]n. 爱好者;业余爱好者;外行adj. 业余的;外行的35, Taurus ['tɔ:rəs]n. 金牛座;金牛宫36, balcony ['bælkəni]n. 阳台;包厢;戏院楼厅37, pillow ['piləu]n. 枕头vt. 垫;枕于…;使…靠在vi. 枕着头;靠在枕上38, bow [bəu]n. 弓;鞠躬;船首adj. 弯曲的vi. 鞠躬;弯腰vt. 鞠躬;弯腰39, breeze [bri:z]n. 微风;轻而易举的事;煤屑;焦炭渣;小风波vi. 吹微风;逃走40, braze [breiz]n. 铜焊vt. 用黄铜制;使成黄铜色41, silly ['sili]n. 傻瓜adj. 愚蠢的42, zombie ['zɔmbi]n. 行尸走肉;蛇神;木讷呆板的人43, blaze [bleiz]n. 火焰,烈火;光辉;情感爆发vt. 在树皮上刻路标;公开宣布vi. 燃烧;照耀,发光;激发44, fury ['fjuəri]n. 狂怒;暴怒;激怒者45, brace [breis]n. 支柱;[语] 大括号;曲柄vt. 支撑;振作起来;激励;撑牢adj. 曲柄的 vi. 支持;打起精神46, copper ['kɔpə]n. 铜;铜币;警察adj. 铜的vt. 镀铜于47, statue ['stætju:, -tʃu]n. 雕像,塑像vt. 以雕像装饰48, sculptor [skʌlptə]n. 雕刻家49, pedestal ['pedistəl]n. 基架,基座;基础vt. 搁在台上;支持;加座50, erect [i'rekt]vt. 使竖立;建造;安装adj. 竖立的;笔直的;因性刺激而勃起的 vi. 直立;勃起51, legislation [,ledʒis'leiʃən]n. 立法;法律52, barrier ['bæriə]n. 障碍物,屏障;界线vt. 把…关入栅栏53, inflation [in'fleiʃən]n. 膨胀;通货膨胀;夸张;自命不凡54, recruit [ri'kru:t]n. 招聘;新兵;新成员vi. 复原;征募新兵;得到补充;恢复健康 vt. 补充;聘用;征募;使…恢复健康55, abandon [ə'bændən]n. 狂热;放任vt. 遗弃;放弃56, withstand [wið'stænd, wiθ-]vt. 抵挡;禁得起;反抗vi. 反抗57, justify ['dʒʌstifai]vt. 证明…是正当的;替…辩护vi. 证明合法;整理版面58, moisture ['mɔistʃə]n. 水分;湿度;潮湿;降雨量59, halt [hɔ:lt]n. 停止;立定;休息vt. 使停止;使立定vi. 停止;立定;踌躇,犹豫60, seminar ['seminɑ:]n. 讨论会,研讨班61, tropical ['trɔpikəl]adj. 热带的;热情的;酷热的62, episode ['episəud]n. 插曲;一段情节;插话;有趣的事件 63, frustrate [frʌs'treit]vt. 挫败;阻挠;使感到灰心adj. 挫败的;无益的vi. 失败;受挫64, humble ['hʌmbl]adj. 谦卑的,谦虚的,谦恭的,恭顺的;(等级、身份、重要性等)低下的;粗劣的,粗陋的;微末的vt. 使谦恭,使谦卑;使温顺:;压下…的锐气,使威风扫地:65, accelerate [ək'seləreit]vt. 使……加快;使……增速vi. 加速;促进;增加66, nuisance ['nju:səns]n. 讨厌的人;损害;麻烦事;讨厌的东西 67, stripe [straip]n. 条纹,斑纹;种类vt. 加条纹于…68, rigid ['ridʒid]adj. 严格的;僵硬的,死板的;坚硬的;精确的69, realm [relm]n. 领域,范围;王国70, vibrate [vai'breit]vt. 使振动;使颤动vi. 振动;颤动;摇摆;踌躇71, saint [seint]n. 圣人;圣徒;道德崇高的人adj. 神圣的vt. 成为圣徒72, initiative [i'niʃiətiv, -ʃətiv] n. 主动权;首创精神adj. 主动的;自发的;起始的73, grind [ɡraind]n. 磨;苦工作vt. 磨碎;磨快vi. 磨碎;折磨74, stale [steil]n. 尿 adj. 陈腐的;不新鲜的vt. 使变旧;变得不新鲜vi. 变陈旧;撒尿;变得不新鲜75, penetrate ['penitreit]vi. 渗透;刺入;看透vt. 渗透;穿透;洞察76, fatigue [fə'ti:ɡ]n. 疲劳,疲乏;杂役adj. 疲劳的vt. 使疲劳;使心智衰弱vi. 疲劳77, quotation [kwəu'teiʃən, kəu-] n. [贸易] 报价单;引用语;引证78, squirrel ['skwə:rəl, 'skwi-, 'skw ʌ-]n. 松鼠;松鼠毛皮vt. 贮藏79, oath [əuθ]n. 誓言,誓约;诅咒,咒骂80, lapel [lə'pel]n. 西服上的翻领81, odd [ɔd]adj. 奇数的;古怪的;临时的;剩余的;零散的n. 奇数;奇特的事物;怪人82, investigation [in,vesti'ɡeiʃən] n. 调查;调查研究83, investigate [in'vestiɡeit]v. 调查;研究84, split [split]vt. 劈开;分离;使分离;离开vi. 被劈开;断绝关系;离开n. 裂缝;劈开adj. 劈开的85, slit [slit]vt. 撕裂;使有狭缝n. 裂缝;投币口vi. 纵裂86, slip [slip]vi. 犯错;滑倒;减退;滑动;失足vt. 使滑动;滑过;摆脱;塞入;闪开 n. 滑,滑倒;错误;下跌;事故;片,纸片adj. 滑动的;有活结的;活络的abbr. 串行线路接口协议,是旧式的协议(Serial Line Interface Protocol) 87, consume [kən'sju:m]vt. 消耗,消费;使…著迷;挥霍vi. 耗尽,毁灭;耗尽生命88, addiction [ə'dikʃən]n. 上瘾,沉溺;癖嗜89, survive [sə'vaiv]vi. 幸存;活下来vt. 幸存;生还;幸免于;比...活得长 90, heal [hi:l]vt. 治愈,痊愈;和解vi. 痊愈91, dock [dɔk]n. 码头;船坞;被告席;尾巴的骨肉部分 vt. 使靠码头;剪短vi. 入船坞92, chop [tʃɔp]n. 砍;排骨;商标;[网]削球(俚)丑人vt. 剁碎;砍93, rival ['raivəl]n. 对手;竞争者adj. 竞争的vt. 与…竞争;比得上某人vi. 竞争94, sake [seik]n. 目的;利益;理由;日本米酒95, embassy ['embəsi]n. 大使馆;大使馆全体人员96, drill [dril]n. 训练;钻孔机;钻子;播种机vt. 钻孔;训练;条播vi. 钻孔;训练97, monument ['mɔnjumənt]n. 纪念碑;历史遗迹;不朽的作品vt. 为…树碑98, teenager ['ti:n,eidʒə]n. 十三岁到十九岁的少年;十几岁的青少年99, guilty ['ɡilti]adj. 有罪的;内疚的100, guilt [ɡilt]n. 内疚;犯罪,过失 101, lung [lʌŋ]n. 肺;呼吸器102, livern. 肝脏;生活者,居民103, kidney ['kidni]n. 腰子;肾脏;个性104, small intestine[解剖] 小肠105, massage ['mæsɑ:ʒ, mə's-]vt. 按摩;揉n. 按摩;揉106, stuck [stʌk]v. 刺(stick的过去式)adj. 不能动的;被卡住的107, valentine ['væləntain]n. 情人节礼物;情人108, ambiguity [,æmbi'ɡju:iti]n. 含糊;不明确;暧昧;模棱两可的话 109, luggage ['lʌɡidʒ]n. 行李;皮箱110, conceal [kən'si:l]vt. 隐藏;隐瞒111, sail [seil]vi. 航行;启航,开船n. 帆,篷;航行vt. 航行112, humor ['hju:mə]n. 幽默,诙谐;心情vt. 迎合,迁就;顺应113, contempt [kən'tempt]n. 轻视,蔑视;耻辱114, goat [ɡəut]n. 山羊;替罪羊(美俚);色鬼(美俚) 115, pudding ['pudiŋ]n. 布丁116, cubic ['kju:bik]adj. 立方体的,立方的117, reality [ri'æləti, ri:-]n. 现实;真实;实际118, dawn [dɔ:n]n. 黎明;开端vt. 破晓;出现;被领悟119, tax [tæks]vt. 向…课税;使负重担n. 税金;重负120, nightmare ['naitmεə]n. 恶梦;梦魇般的经历adj. 噩梦似的;可怕的121, crane [krein]n. 鹤;吊车,起重机vi. 伸着脖子看;迟疑,踌躇vt. 用起重机起吊;伸长脖子122, cube [kju:b]n. 立方体;立方;骰子vt. 使成立方形;使自乘二次;量…的体积 123, dodgem ['dɔdʒəm]n. 电动碰碰车(常见于游乐场中)124, radiation [,reidi'eiʃən]n. 辐射;发光;放射物125, hesitate ['heziteit]vt. 踌躇,犹豫;有疑虑,不愿意vi. 踌躇,犹豫;不愿126, tsunami [tsu'nɑ:mi]n. 海啸127, elope [i'ləup]vi. 潜逃;私奔128, crux [krʌks]n. 关键;难题;十字架形,坩埚129, carton ['kɑ:tən]n. 纸板箱;靶心白点vt. 用盒包装vi. 制作纸箱130, sentimental [,senti'mentəl] adj. 感伤的;感情脆弱的131, invisible [in'vizəbl]adj. 无形的,看不见的;不显眼的,暗藏的;无形的132, oppose [ə'pəuz]vt. 反对;对抗,抗争vi. 反对133, liquify ['likwifai]vt. 液化;溶解(等于liquefy)vi. 液化;溶解(等于liquefy)134, snack [snæk]n. 小吃,快餐;一份,部分vi. [美]吃快餐,吃点心135, master ['mɑ:stə, 'mæstə]vt. 控制;精通;征服 n. 主人;大师;硕士;教师adj. 主要的;主人的;熟练的136, nymph [nimf]n. [希神][罗神]居于山林水泽的仙女;美丽的少女;女神;蛹137, omit [əu'mit]vt. 省略;遗漏;删除;疏忽138, gang [ɡæŋ]n. 群;一组;一伙vt. 使成群结队;结伙伤害或恐吓某人vi. 成群结队139, remit [ri'mit, 'ri:mit]vt. 宽恕;免除;减轻;传送;使恢复原状 vi. 汇款;缓和n. 移交的事物140, glue [ɡlu:]vt. 粘合;似胶般固着于n. 胶;各种胶合物141, disguise [dis'ɡaiz]vt. 假装;掩饰;隐瞒n. 伪装;假装;用作伪装的东西142, squeeze [skwi:z]vt. 挤;勒索;紧握vi. 压榨n. 压榨;紧握;拥挤;佣金143, photographer [fə'tɔɡrəfə]n. 照相师;摄影师144, peck [pek]vi. 啄食;扔石头;吹毛求疵vt. 啄食;扔n. 啄痕;配克(容量单位,等于2加仑);许多145, duke [dju:k, du:k]n. 公爵,(公国的)君主;[植]公爵(种)樱桃146, perspective [pə'spektiv]n. 透视图;远景;观点adj. 透视的147, hood [hud]n. 头巾;兜帽;覆盖vt. 以头巾覆盖;罩上148, cavalier [,kævə'liə]n. 骑士;武士;对女人献殷勤adj. 漫不经心的;无忧无虑的;傲慢的149, lens [lenz]n. 透镜;镜头;晶状体vt. 给……摄影150, bully ['buli]n. 欺凌弱小者;土霸adj. [口]第一流的;特好的vt. 欺负;威吓vi. 欺侮人adv. 十分;很int. [口]好;妙151, liquid ['likwid]adj. 液体的;清澈的;明亮的;易变的 n. 液体,流体;[语]流音152, bow tie [,bəu'tai]领结;蝶形领结153, sunbath ['sʌnbɑ:θ, -bæθ]n. 日光浴;太阳灯浴154, mushroom ['mʌʃru:m, -rum]n. 蘑菇,伞菌;蘑菇形物体;暴发户 adj. 蘑菇的;蘑菇形的;迅速生长的 vi. 采蘑菇;迅速增加;迅速生长155, reflection [re'flekʃən]n. 反射;映象;沉思156, dismantle [dis'mæntl]vt. 拆除;解散;取消;除掉…的覆盖物 vi. 可拆卸157, hairdo ['hεədu:]n. 发式;发型158, prosperous ['prɔspərəs]adj. 繁荣的;兴旺的159, gorgeous ['ɡɔ:dʒəs]adj. 华丽的,灿烂的;极好的160, precious ['preʃəs]adj. 宝贵的;珍贵的;矫揉造作的161, rasterize ['ræstəraiz]vt. 光栅化;点阵化;栅格化162, brake [breik]vi. 刹车n. 闸,刹车;阻碍vt. 刹车163, drizzle ['drizl]vi. 下毛毛雨vt. 下毛毛雨n. 细雨,毛毛雨 164, violation [,vaiə'leiʃən]n. 违背;违反;妨碍,侵害;强奸165, nest [nest]n. 巢,窝;安乐窝;温床vt. 筑巢;嵌套vi. 筑巢;找鸟巢166, couplet ['kʌplit]n. 对联;对句167, gesture ['dʒestʃə]n. 姿态;手势vi. 作手势;用动作示意vt. 用动作表示168, absorb [əb'sɔ:b, -'zɔ:b]vt. 吸收;吸引;承受;理解;使…全神贯注169, clan [klæn]n. 宗族;部落;集团170, glue pudding汤圆171, costume ['kɔstju:m, kɔ'stju:m] n. 服装,装束;戏装,剧装vt. 给…穿上服装172, accompany [ə'kʌmpəni]vt. 陪伴,伴随;伴奏vi. 伴奏,伴唱173, relish ['reliʃ]n. 滋味;风味;食欲;开胃小菜;含义 vt. 喜爱;品味;给…加佐料vi. 有特定意味;味道可口174, eternal [i'tə:nəl]adj. 永恒的;不朽的175, melancholia [,melən'kəuliə]n. 忧郁症176, melancholy ['melənkəli]n. 忧郁;悲哀;愁思adj. 忧郁的;使人悲伤的177, simultaneous [,siməl'teiniəs] n. 同时译员adj. 同时的;联立的;同时发生的178, synthetic [sin'θetik]n. 合成物adj. 综合的;合成的,人造的179, tremendous [tri'mendəs]adj. 极大的,巨大的;惊人的180, tombstone ['tu:mstəun]n. 墓碑;墓石181, tentative ['tentətiv]n. 假设,试验adj. 试验性的,暂定的;踌躇的182, enthusiasm [in'θju:ziæzəm, in'θu:-]n. 热心,热忱,热情183, likewise ['laikwaiz]adv. 也;同样地184, pinky ['piŋki]adj. 带淡红色的;比较激进的185, convincing [kən'vinsiŋ]adj. 令人信服的;有说服力的v. 使相信;使明白(convince的现在分词) 186, greet [ɡri:t]vt. 欢迎,迎接;致敬,致意;映入眼帘 187, awe [ɔ:]vt. 使敬畏;使畏怯n. 敬畏188, miserable ['mizərəbl]adj. 悲惨的;痛苦的;卑鄙的189, concise [kən'sais]adj. 简明的,简洁的190, remedy ['remidi]vt. 补救;治疗;纠正n. 治疗;补救;赔偿191, cucumber ['kju:kʌmbə]n. 黄瓜;胡瓜192, honor ['ɔnə]n. 信用;荣誉;头衔vt. 给…以荣誉;尊敬(等于honour) 193, idler ['aidlə]n. 懒汉;游手好闲的人;[机]惰轮;[机]中间齿轮194, reform [ri'fɔ:m]n. 改革,改良;改正adj. 改革的;改革教会的vt. 改革,革新;重新组成vi. 重组;改过195, mortal ['mɔ:təl]n. 人类,凡人adj. 凡人的;致死的;终有一死的;不共戴天的 196, obstacle ['ɔbstəkl]n. 障碍,干扰;妨害物197, cherish ['tʃeriʃ]vt. 珍爱;怀抱198, watermelon ['wɔ:təmelən, 'wɔ-] n. 西瓜199, persevere [,pə:si'viə]vi. 坚持;不屈不挠;固执己见(在辩论中) 200, accumulate [ə'kju:mjuleit]vt. 积攒vi. 累积;积聚201, chin [tʃin]n. 下巴;聊天;引体向上动作vt. 用下巴夹住;与…聊天;在单杠上作引体向上动作vi. 闲谈;作引体向上动作202, prince [prins]n. 王子,国君;亲王;贵族203, cheek [tʃi:k]n. 面颊,脸颊;臀部vt. 无礼地向…讲话,对…大胆无礼204, trash [træʃ]n. 垃圾;废物vt. 丢弃;修建树枝205, rape [reip]n. 强奸,掠夺;葡萄渣;油菜vt. 强奸;掠夺,抢夺vi. 犯强奸罪206, agenda [ə'dʒendə]n. 议程;日常工作事项207, betray [bi'trei]vt. 背叛;出卖;泄露(秘密);露出…迹象208, towel ['tauəl]n. 毛巾,手巾;[纸] 纸巾vi. 用毛巾擦干身体vt. 用毛巾擦209, idol ['aidəl]n. 偶像,崇拜物;幻象;谬论210, coach [kəutʃ]n. 教练;旅客车厢;长途公车;四轮大马车vt. 训练;指导vi. 作指导;接受辅导;坐马车旅行211, slip of the penslip of the pen: 笔误212, slip of the tongue口误;失言;小错误213, waist [weist]n. 腰,腰部214, terrific [tə'rifik]adj. 极好的;极其的,非常的;可怕的 215, league [li:ɡ]n. 联盟;社团;范畴vt. 使…结盟;与…联合vi. 结盟;团结216, former ['fɔ:mə]n. 模型,样板;起形成作用的人adj. 从前的,前者的;前任的217, campaign [kæm'pein]vi. 作战;参加竞选;参加活动n. 运动;活动;战役218, staff [stɑ:f, stæf]n. 职员;参谋;棒;支撑adj. 职员的;行政工作的vt. 供给人员;给…配备职员vi. 雇用工作人员219, concession [kən'seʃən]n. 让步;特许(权);承认;退位220, contrast [kən'trɑ:st, -'træst, 'k ɔntrɑ:st, -træst]n. 对比;差别;对照物vt. 使对比;使与…对照vi. 对比;形成对照221, thirsty ['θə:sti]adj. 口渴的,口干的;渴望的,热望的 222, impress [im'pres, 'impres]vt. 盖印;强征;传送;给予某人深刻印象 vi. 给人印象n. 印象,印记;特征,痕迹223, impression [im'preʃən]n. 印象;感想;压痕,印记;效果,影响 224, humid ['hju:mid]adj. 潮湿的;湿润的;多湿气的225, hummer ['hʌmə]n. 蜂鸟;蜂鸣器,发嗡嗡声的东西226, mosituren. 湿气;潮湿 227, humidity [hju:'midəti]n. [气象] 湿度;湿气228, laser ['leizə]n. 激光229, modernize ['mɔdənaiz]vt. 使…现代化vi. 现代化230, tranquil ['træŋkwil, 'træn-] adj. 安静的,平静的;安宁的;稳定的 231, flickering ['flikəriŋ]adj. 闪烁的,忽隐忽现的;摇曳的v. 闪烁(flicker的ing形式)232, gratify ['ɡrætifai]vt. 使满足;使满意,使高兴233, angle ['æŋɡl]n. 角度,角vi. 钓鱼;谋取234, excessively [ik'sesivli]adv. 过分地;极度235, succumb [sə'kʌm]vi. 屈服;死;被压垮236, dragon ['dræɡən]n. 龙;凶暴的人,凶恶的人;严厉而有警觉性的女人237, consequence ['kɔnsi,kwəns]n. 结果;重要性;推论238, angel ['eindʒəl]n. 天使;守护神;善人vt. 出钱支持239, flame [fleim]n. 火焰;热情;光辉v. 焚烧;泛红240, lounge [laundʒ]n. 休息室;闲逛;躺椅;(英)酒吧间 vt. 虚度光阴vi. 闲逛;懒洋洋地躺卧;闲混241, therapist ['θerəpist]n. 临床医学家;治疗学家242, nook [nuk]n. 角落;隐匿处;核武器;凹处243, slippery ['slipəri]adj. 滑的;狡猾的;不稳定的244, race [reis]n. 种族,人种;家庭,门弟;属,种vt. 和…竞赛;使急走,使全速行进;使参加比赛vi. 比速度,参加竞赛;全速行进245, ethnic ['eθnik]adj. 种族的;人种的246, deformed [di'fɔ:md]adj. 畸形的;丑陋的;残废的v. 使...残缺,使...变形(deform的过去式和过去分词形式)247, photography [fə'tɔɡrəfi]n. 摄影;摄影术248, ridiculous [ri'dikjuləs]adj. 可笑的;荒谬的249, reminisce [,remi'nis]vt. 追忆说vi. 回忆250, abortion [ə'bɔ:ʃən]n. 流产,小产;流产的胎儿251, panic ['pænik]n. 恐慌,惊慌;大恐慌adj. 恐慌的;没有理由的vt. 使恐慌vi. 十分惊慌252, shimmer ['ʃimə]n. 微光;闪光vt. 使闪烁vi. 闪烁;发闪烁的微光253, splendid ['splendid]adj. 辉煌的;灿烂的;极好的;杰出的 254, carpet ['kɑ:pit]n. 地毯;地毯状覆盖物vt. 在…上铺地毯,把地毯铺在…上;斥责 255, soaring ['sɔ:riŋ]adj. 翱翔的;高耸的;猛增的v. 高耸(soar的现在分词形式);高飞;猛增256, tumbling ['tʌmbliŋ]n. 翻筋斗;摔跤adj. 歪斜状的v. 跌倒;毁灭;被绊倒(tumble的ing形式)257, rumor ['ru:mə]n. 谣言;传闻vt. 谣传;传说 258, kiddingn. 开玩笑;山羊产羔v. 欺骗;开玩笑;山羊产羔(kid的ing形式)259, imagination [i,mædʒi'neiʃən] n. 空想;想象力;幻想物260, surpass [sə'pɑ:s, -'pæs]vt. 胜过,优于;超越;非…所能办到或理解261, landlord ['lændlɔ:d]n. 房东,老板;地主262, landlady ['lænd,leidi]n. 女房东;女地主;女店主263, hike [haik]vi. 远足;上升;徒步旅行vt. 提高;拉起;使…高涨n. 涨价;远足;徒步旅行264, poppy ['pɔpi]n. [植]罂粟属植物;罂粟花;深红色 adj. 罂粟科的265, snoop [snu:p]vi. 调查,窥探n. 私家侦探,到处窥视;爱管闲事的人 vt. 窥察,窥探266, elite [ei'li:t, i'li:t]n. 精英;精华;中坚分子267, lite [lait]adj. 低盐的;清淡的;简化的n. 不重要的事物;简化物;软饮料268, pinch [pintʃ]vt. 捏;勒索;使苦恼;掐掉某物,修剪 n. 匮乏;少量;夹痛vi. 夹痛;节省269, pitch [pitʃ]vi. 投掷;倾斜;坠落;搭帐篷vt. 投;定位于;掷;用沥青涂;扎营;向前倾跌n. 沥青;程度;音高;投掷;树脂;倾斜 270, inevitable [in'evitəbl]adj. 必然的,不可避免的271, recite [ri'sait]vt. 背诵;叙述;列举vi. 背诵;叙述272, slogan ['sləuɡən]n. 标语;呐喊声273, toss [tɔs, tɔ:s]n. 投掷;摇荡;投掷的距离;掷币赌胜负 vt. 投掷;使…不安;突然抬起;使…上下摇动;与…掷币打赌vi. 被乱扔;颠簸;辗转;掷钱币决定某事 274, exhaust [iɡ'zɔ:st]vt. 耗尽;排出;使精疲力尽;彻底探讨 vi. 排气n. 排气;废气;排气装置275, screw [skru:]vt. 旋,拧;压榨;强迫n. 螺丝钉;吝啬鬼;螺旋vi. 转动,拧276, surgery ['sə:dʒəri]n. 外科;外科手术;手术室;诊疗室 277, extraordinary [ik'strɔ:dənəri, ,ekstrə'ɔ:di-]adj. 非凡的;特别的;离奇的;临时的;特派的278, deal [di:l]vt. 发牌;处理;给予;分配vi. 处理;做生意;对待;讨论n. 交易;份量;待遇;(美)政策279, surrender [sə'rendə]n. 投降;放弃;交出;屈服vt. 使投降;放弃;交出;听任vi. 投降;屈服;自首280, silver ['silvə]n. 银;银器;餐具;银币;银质奖章;银灰色adj. 银的;含银的;有银色光泽的;口才流利的;第二十五周年的婚姻vi. 变成银色vt. 镀银;使有银色光泽281, pioneer [,paiə'niə]n. 拓荒者;先锋vt. 开辟;倡导;提倡vi. 作先驱282, drama ['drɑ:mə, dræmə]n. 戏剧,戏剧艺术;剧本;戏剧性事件 283, moderate ['mɔdərət, 'mɔdəreit] adj. 稳健的,温和的;适度的,中等的;有节制的 vt. 节制;减轻vi. 变缓和,变弱284, ripe [raip]adj. 熟的,成熟的;时机成熟的vt. 搜查;调查vi. 进行搜查285, immortal [i'mɔ:təl]adj. 不朽的;神仙的;长生的n. 神仙;不朽人物286, corpse [kɔ:ps]n. 尸体287, Christianity [,kristi'ænəti]n. 基督教;基督教精神,基督教教义 288, lust [lʌst]n. 性欲;强烈的欲望vi. 贪求,渴望289, gluttony ['ɡlʌtəni]n. 暴食,暴饮暴食;贪食,贪吃290, avarice ['ævəris]n. 贪婪,贪财291, sloth [slɔθ]n. 怠惰,懒惰;[脊椎] 树懒292, wrath [rɔθ, ræθ, rɑ:θ]n. 愤怒;激怒293, covetousness ['kʌvitəsnis]n. 贪婪;贪心;妄羡294, vanity ['vænəti]n. 虚荣心;空虚;浮华;无价值的东西 295, purity ['pjuəriti]n. [化学] 纯度;纯洁;纯净;纯粹296, self-restraint ['selfri'streint] n. 自制297, vigilance ['vidʒiləns]n. 警戒,警觉;警醒症298, integrity [in'teɡrəti]n. 完整;正直;诚实;廉正299, composure [kəm'pəuʒə]n. 镇静;沉着300, giving ['ɡiviŋ]n. 给予;礼物;给予物v. 给;赠送(give的ing形式);付出;产生301, humbleness ['hʌmblnis]n. 谦逊;卑贱;粗鄙302, welfare ['welfεə]n. 福利;幸福;福利事业;安宁adj. 福利的;接受社会救济的303, bureau ['bjuərəu]n. 衣柜;局,处;办公桌304, tease [ti:z]vt. 取笑;戏弄;梳理;欺负;强求;使起毛n. 戏弄;爱纠缠的小孩;挑逗者;卖弄风骚的女孩vi. 取笑305, trifle ['traifl]n. 琐事;蛋糕;少量vt. 浪费;虚度vi. 开玩笑;闲混;嘲弄306, kidnap ['kidnæp]vt. 绑架;诱拐;拐骗307, ransom ['rænsəm]vt. 赎回,赎;勒索赎金;得赎金后释放;[宗]救赎n. 赎金;赎身,赎回308, redeem [ri'di:m]vt. 赎回;补偿;挽回;恢复;履行;兑换 309, redemption [ri'dempʃən]n. 赎回;偿还;拯救;实践310, farewell ['fεə'wel]n. 告别,辞别;再见;再会adj. 告别的int. 别了!(常含有永别或不容易再见面的意思);再会!311, heel [hi:l]n. 脚后跟;踵vt. 倾侧vi. 倾侧312, heelpost ['hi:lpəust]n. 门柱313, helicopter ['helikɔptə]n. [航] 直升飞机vi. [航] 乘直升飞机vt. 由直升机运送314, gunship ['ɡʌnʃip]n. (美)武装直升机315, torch [tɔ:tʃ]n. 火把,火炬;手电筒;启发之物 vi. 像火炬一样燃烧vt. 用火炬点燃316, Armageddon [,a:mə'gedn]n. 大决战;世界末日善恶决战的战场(源于《圣经》)317, resurrect [,rezə'rekt]vt. 使复活;复兴;挖出vi. 复活318, glucose ['ɡlu:kəus]n. 葡萄糖;葡糖(等于dextrose) 319, bacteria [bæk'tiəriə]n. 细菌320, decomposition [,di:kɔmpə'ziʃən] n. 分解,腐烂;变质321, hydrogen ['haidrədʒən]n. [化学] 氢322, oxygen ['ɔksidʒən]n. [化学] 氧气,[化学] 氧323, dioxide [dai'ɔksaid]n. [化]二氧化物324, sulfur ['sʌlfə]n. 硫磺;硫磺色vt. 用硫磺处理325, phosphorus ['fɔsfərəs]n. 磷326, Sinoadj. 中国人的,中国的327, thunder ['θʌndə]n. 雷;轰隆声;恐吓vi. 打雷;怒喝vt. 轰隆地发出;大声喊出328, destiny ['destini]n. 命运,定数,天命329, slumber ['slʌmbə]n. 睡眠;麻木状态;静止状态vi. 睡眠;蛰伏;麻木vt. 睡眠;睡着度过330, imp [imp]n. 顽童,小淘气;小孩vt. 给...装上翅膀;加强331, daemon ['di:mən]n. 守护进程;后台程序332, devil ['devəl]n. 撒旦;魔鬼;恶棍;家伙vt. 折磨333, evil ['i:vəl]adj. 邪恶的;不幸的;有害的;讨厌的 n. 罪恶,邪恶;不幸334, Eden ['i:dən]n. 伊甸园(《圣经》中亚当和夏娃最初居住的地方)335, siren ['saiərən]n. 汽笛;迷人的女人;歌声动人的女歌手 adj. 迷人的vi. 响着警报器行驶vt. 引诱336, demise [di'maiz]n. 死亡,终止;传位;转让vt. 遗赠;禅让337, orchard ['ɔ:tʃəd]n. 果园;果树林338, shampoo [ʃæm'pu:]n. 洗发;洗发精vt. 洗发339, razor ['reizə]vt. 剃,用剃刀刮n. 剃刀340, debut ['deibju:]n. 初次登台;开张vi. 初次登台341, adventure [əd'ventʃə, æd-]n. 冒险;冒险精神;投机活动vt. 冒险;大胆说出vi. 冒险342, rough [rʌf]adj. 粗糙的;粗野的;未经加工的;粗略的;艰苦的vt. 使粗糙;粗暴对待;草拟n. 高低不平的地面;未经加工的材料;粗糙的部分;艰苦vi. 举止粗野adv. 粗糙地;粗暴地;粗略地343, roughage ['rʌfidʒ]n. 粗饲料;粗粮;粗糙的原料344, pump [pʌmp]vt. 用抽水机抽…;打气n. 泵,抽水机;打气筒vi. 抽水 345, bliss [blis]n. 极乐;天赐的福vt. 使欣喜若狂vi. 狂喜346, spear [spiə]n. 矛,枪vt. 用矛刺347, parade [pə'reid]n. 游行;阅兵;行进;炫耀;阅兵场 vt. 炫耀;游行;列队行进vi. 游行;列队行进;炫耀348, deficiency [di'fiʃənsi]n. 缺陷,缺点;缺乏;不足的数额 349, chopsticks ['tʃɔpstiks]n. 筷子350, goblet ['ɡɔblit]n. 酒杯;高脚杯351, plate [pleit]n. 碟;金属板;金属牌;感光底片 vt. 电镀;给…装甲352, spoon [spu:n]n. 匙,勺子;一杓的量vt. 用匙舀;使成匙状vi. 轻轻向上击353, fork [fɔ:k]n. 叉;餐叉;耙vt. 叉起;使成叉状vi. 分叉;分歧354, wok [wɔk]n. 锅(源自广东话);炒菜锅355, ladle ['leidl]n. 钢水包;杓子;长柄杓vt. 不分对象予以赠送;以杓舀取 356, dessert [di'zə:t]n. 餐后甜点;甜点心357, portion ['pɔ:ʃən, 'pəu-]n. 部分;一份;命运vt. 分配;给…嫁妆358, Mars [mɑ:z]n. 战神;[天] 火星359, tube [tju:b, tu:b]n. 管;电子管;隧道;电视机vt. 使成管状;把…装管;用管输送 vi. 乘地铁;不及格360, till [til]prep. 直到conj. 直到...为止n. [地理][水文] 冰碛;放钱的抽屉;备用现金vt. 耕种;犁vi. 耕种;耕耘361, tiller ['tilə]n. [船] 舵柄;农夫vi. 分蘖362, swine [swain]n. 猪;卑贱的人363, saw [sɔ:]n. 锯子;谚语v. see的过去式vi. 锯;用锯;将某物锯成小块vt. 锯;锯成;锯开364, sow [səu]n. 母猪vt. 播种;散布;使密布vi. 播种365, cow [kau]n. 奶牛,母牛;母兽vt. 威胁,恐吓366, ox [ɔks]n. 牛;公牛367, lamb [læm]n. 羔羊,小羊;羔羊肉vt. 生小羊,产羔羊vi. 生小羊,产羔羊368, mutton ['mʌtən]n. 羊肉;绵羊369, rib [rib]n. 肋骨;排骨;肋状物vt. 戏弄;装肋于370, cutlet ['kʌtlit]n. 肉片;炸肉排;炸肉片371, steak [steik]n. 牛排;肉排;鱼排372, joint [dʒɔint]n. 关节;接缝;接合处,接合点;(牛,羊等的腿)大块肉adj. 共同的;连接的;联合的,合办的 vt. 连接,贴合;接合;使有接头 vi. 贴合;生节373, slice [slais]n. 薄片;部分;菜刀,火铲vt. 切下;把…分成部分;将…切成薄片 vi. 切开;割破374, entree ['ɔntrei]n. (美)主菜;(法)入场许可375, main course主菜;主要课程;主帆376, Sliced PorkSliced Pork: 酱肘花 | 肉片377, Sliced beefSliced beef: 雪花肥牛378, shred [ʃred]n. 碎片;少量剩余;最少量;破布vi. 撕碎vt. 切成条状;用碎纸机撕毁379, dice [dais]n. 骰子vt. 切成方块vi. 掷骰子380, PORK MINCEPORK MINCE: 猪肉馅381, diced chicken鸡丁382, grill [ɡril]n. 烤架,铁格子;烤肉vi. 烧,烤;严加盘问vt. 烧,烤;烤问383, oven ['ʌvən]n. 炉,灶;烤炉,烤箱384, roast [rəust]n. 烤肉;烘烤adj. 烘烤的;烤过的vt. 烤,焙;烘,烘烤;暴露于某种热力下以得温暖vi. 烤;烘385, bake [beik]n. 烤;烘烤食品vi. 烘面包;被烤干;受热vt. 烤,烘焙386, shank [ʃæŋk]n. 柄;小腿;[解剖][脊椎] 胫387, thigh [θai]n. 大腿,股388, lap [læp]n. 一圈;膝盖;下摆;山坳vt. 使重叠;拍打;包围vi. 重叠;轻拍;围住389, knee [ni:]n. 膝盖,膝vt. 用膝盖碰390, organ ['ɔ:ɡən]n. 风琴;器官;机构;管风琴;嗓音 391, brunch [brʌntʃ]n. 早午餐392, mince [mins]vt. 切碎;矫揉做作地说vi. 装腔作势;碎步走n. 切碎物393, a deck of cardsa deck of cards: 一副扑克牌394, sponsor ['spɔnsə]n. 赞助者;主办者;保证人vt. 赞助;发起395, bra [brɑ:, 'seribrə]n. 胸罩396, mosquito [mə'ski:təu]n. 蚊子397, desert ['dezət]vt. 遗弃;放弃;逃跑vi. 遗弃;逃掉;开小差n. 沙漠;荒原;应得的赏罚adj. 沙漠的;不毛的;荒凉的398, surd [sə:d]adj. 不尽根的;清音的;无道理的 n. 清音;[数] 不尽根;无理数 399, hooker ['hukə]n. 渔船;妓女400, breast [brest]n. 乳房,胸部;胸怀;心情vt. 以胸对着;与…搏斗401, nipple ['nipl]n. 奶嘴;乳头,奶头402, absurd [əb'sə:d]adj. 荒谬的;可笑的n. 荒诞;荒诞作品403, prostitute ['prɔstitju:t] vt. 使沦为妓女adj. 卖淫的;堕落的n. 妓女404, whore [hɔ:]vi. 卖淫,娼妓n. 娼妓,淫妇405, slut [slʌt]n. 懒妇;母狗;荡妇406, pants [pænts]n. 裤子;短裤407, trendy ['trendi]adj. 时髦的,流行的n. 追求时髦者;新潮人物408, trend [trend]n. 趋势,倾向;走向vi. 趋向,伸向vt. 使…趋向409, eyebrow ['aibrau]n. 眉毛v. 为…描眉;用皱眉蹙额迫使410, eyelash ['ailæʃ]n. 睫毛411, pupil ['pjupəl]n. 学生;[解剖] 瞳孔;未成年人 412, wrinkle ['riŋkl]n. 皱纹vi. 起皱vt. 使起皱纹413, forehead ['fɔrid]n. 额,前额414, pinkie ['piŋki]n. [美口]小手指415, beard [biəd]vt. 公然反对;抓…的胡须n. 胡须;颌毛vi. [美俚]充当掩护;充当男随员 416, mustache [mə'stɑ:ʃ, 'mʌstæʃ] n. 胡子,髭417, nostril ['nɔstril, -trəl] n. 鼻孔418, eyelid ['ai,lid]n. [解剖] 眼睑;眼皮419, lid [lid]n. 盖子;眼睑;限制vt. 给…盖盖子420, eyedrop ['aidrɔp]n. 眼药水;眼泪421, dropout ['drɔpaut]n. 中途退学;辍学学生422, elbow ['elbəu]n. 肘部;弯头;扶手vt. 推挤;用手肘推开423, ankle ['æŋkl]n. 踝关节,踝424, swamp [swɔmp, swɔ:mp]n. 沼泽;湿地vt. 使陷于沼泽;使沉没;使陷入困境 vi. 下沉;陷入沼泽;陷入困境;不知所措(过去式swamped,过去分词swamped,现在分词swamping,第三人称单数swamps,名词swampiness,形容词swampy)425, napkin ['næpkin]n. 餐巾;餐巾纸;尿布426, wrestle ['resl]n. 摔跤;斗争;搏斗vi. 斗争;摔跤;斟酌vt. 与摔跤;与…搏斗;使劲搬动427, comedy ['kɔmidi]n. 喜剧;喜剧性;有趣的事情428, stage [steidʒ]n. 阶段;舞台;戏剧;驿站vt. 举行;上演;筹划vi. 举行;适于上演;乘驿车旅行429, abuse [ə'bju:z, ə'bju:s]n. 滥用;辱骂;虐待;弊端;恶习,陋习 vt. 滥用;辱骂;虐待430, sleeve [sli:v]n. 袖子,袖套;套筒,套管vt. 给……装袖子;给……装套筒431, sleeveless ['sli:vlis]adj. 无袖的432, blouse [blauz]n. 宽松的上衣;女装衬衫vt. 使…宽松下垂vi. 宽松下垂433, treasure ['treʒə, 'trei-]n. 财富,财产;财宝;珍品vt. 珍爱;珍藏 434, bother ['bɔðə]vt. 烦扰,打扰;使……不安;使……恼怒 vi. 烦恼;操心,麻烦n. 麻烦;烦恼435, chick [tʃik]n. 小鸡;小鸟;少妇adj. 胆小的;懦弱的436, hen-peckedn. 妻管严;怕老婆的,惧内437, admire [əd'maiə]vt. 钦佩;赞美vi. 钦佩;称赞438, sorrow ['sɔrəu, 'sɔ:-]n. 悲伤;懊悔;伤心事vt. 为…悲痛vi. 懊悔;遗憾;感到悲伤439, tragedy ['trædʒidi]n. 悲剧;灾难;惨案440, confront [kən'frʌnt]vt. 面对;遭遇;比较441, dare [dεə]n. 挑战;挑动vt. 敢冒;不惧vi. 敢;胆敢442, insect ['insekt]n. 昆虫;卑鄙的人443, suck [sʌk]vt. 吸吮;吸取vi. 吸吮;巴结;[俚]糟糕n. 吮吸444, scrap [skræp]n. 碎片;残余物;打架;少量vt. 废弃;使解体;拆毁adj. 废弃的;零碎的vi. 吵架445, chive [tʃaiv]n. 细香葱446, ministry ['ministri]n. (政府的)部门447, commerce ['kɔmə:s]n. 贸易,商业448, onion ['ʌnjən]n. 洋葱;洋葱头449, spring onion葱;(英)大葱;生吃的小洋葱450, ginger ['dʒindʒə]n. 姜;姜黄色;精力;有姜味vt. 用姜给…调味;使某人有活力adj. 姜黄色的451, garlic ['ɡɑ:lik]n. 大蒜;蒜头452, leek [li:k]n. 韭;[园艺] 韭葱453, turkey ['tə:ki]n. 火鸡;笨蛋;失败之作454, carrot ['kærət]n. 胡萝卜455, radish ['rædiʃ]n. 萝卜,小萝卜456, broccoli ['brɔkəli]n. 花椰菜;西兰花457, cauliflower ['kɔli,flauə]n. 花椰菜,菜花458, lettuce ['letis]n. [园艺] 生菜;莴苣;(美)纸币459, salad ['sæləd]n. 色拉;尤指莴苣460, eggplant ['eɡplɑ:nt,-plænt]n. 茄子adj. 深紫色的461, sauce [sɔ:s]n. 酱油;沙司;调味汁vt. 使增加趣味;给…调味462, ketchup ['ketʃəp]n. 蕃茄酱463, cheese [tʃi:z]n. [食品] 奶酪;干酪;要人adj. 叛变的;胆小的vt. 停止464, pizza ['pi:tsə]n. 比萨饼(一种涂有乳酪核番茄酱的意大利式有馅烘饼)465, squash [skwɔʃ, skwɔ:ʃ]n. 壁球;挤压;咯吱声;南瓜属植物;(英)果汁饮料vt. 镇压;把…压扁;使沉默vi. 受挤压;发出挤压声;挤入466, cushaw [kə'ʃɔ:] n. 南瓜;[园艺] 倭瓜467, fennel ['fenl]n. 茴香468, cumin ['kʌmin]n. 小茴香;莳萝469, thyme [taim, θaim]n. [植] 百里香470, pomegranate ['pɔmɡrænit, ,pɔmi'ɡ-]n. 石榴471, Dragon FruitDragon Fruit: 火龙果 | 龙珠果472, lemon ['lemən]n. 柠檬adj. 柠檬色的473, mango ['mæŋɡəu]n. [园艺] 芒果474, plum [plʌm]n. 李子;梅子;洋李;紫红色adj. 人所希望的;有利的;上等的475, cherry ['tʃeri]n. 樱桃;樱桃树;如樱桃的鲜红色;处女膜,处女476, kiwi ['ki:wi:]n. 猕猴桃;几维(一种新西兰产的无翼鸟);新西兰人477, pineapple ['pain,æpl]n. [园艺] 菠萝;[园艺] 凤梨;失业救济金adj. 凤梨科的478, apricot ['eiprikɔt]n. 杏,杏子;[园艺] 杏树;杏黄色 adj. 杏黄色的479, jujube ['dʒu:dʒu:b]n. 枣子,枣树;枣味糖480, peanut ['pi:nʌt]n. 花生481, walnut ['wɔ:lnʌt, -nət]n. 胡桃;胡桃木adj. 胡桃科植物的482, tofu ['təufu:]n. 豆腐483, cheongsam ['tʃɔ:ŋ'sæm]n. 旗袍。
Linking Words
• 表达观点、顺序、因果、让步、对比、举 表达观点、顺序ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ因果、让步、对比、 强调、 例、强调、结论
• in my opinion / view, from my viewpoint / perspective / perception, from my point of view, as far as I am concerned
• because of , due to, owing to, as a result / consequence of, result from, in response to + n.(短语 短语) 短语 • seeing that …, considering that …, given that …, now that …, in that …, for the reason that +句子 句子… 句子
• for example / instance, particularly, especially, in particular, to illustrate, take…as an example / illustration, + 句 子 • namely / including / such as / just as / just like + n.(短语 短语) 短语
• 首先 • first of all, initially, on the one hand, for one thing, above all, to begin / start with, for a start • 其次(再次 ) 其次(再次…) • additionally, subsequently, furthermore, moreover, besides, in addition, afterwards, simultaneously
牛津版小三英语上(M1U2 Whats your name 同步知识梳理)
教师辅导讲义年级:三年级辅导科目:英语课时数:3课题三年级上Module1 Unit2同步知识巩固教学目的根据教材内容,梳理本单元词汇、句型和语法知识,通过综合训练,提高能力。
教学内容小朋友,你会用英语介绍自己吗?试着说一说吧!Unit 2 What’s your name?I. Words 单词1.open动词(1)打开[例句] Open the window,please.请打开窗户。
Open your mouth and say“Ah!”张开嘴巴,说“啊”![反义词] close关上[记忆链接] opening洞;口子(2)营业[例句] Do you know what time the shop opens?你知道商店几点开门吗?形容词(1)开着的[例句] The window is open.窗户是开着的。
The door is open.门是开着的。
(2)营业的[例句]The bank is open at 9 a.m.银行上午九点开门。
2.close 动词(1)关;闭[例句]Close the door,please.请关上门。
Please close your books.请合上你们的课本。
(2)不开;关闭[例句] What time does the shop close?商店什么时候关门?[反义词] open打开;开着3.door 名词门[例句]-Open the door,please. 请开门。
-Sorry,I can’t open the door. 对不起,我不能开门。 名词名字[例句]-What’s your name?你叫什么名字?-I'm Jim.我是吉姆。
[常见词组] first name名real name真名false name假名full name全名 名词书;本子;簿[例句]I have got a new book.我有一本新书。
linking words
Grammar and usage(linking words)常用的一些关联词语1. 顺序关联词表明想法、行为或时间、动作的顺序。
firstly, secondly, finally, in the end, now, at present, recently, after that, in a few days, as soon as, suddenly, till, not…until, at the same time, at last等2. 因果关联词语表示做某事的原因或结果。
for one thing…for another…,therefore, so, as a result (of), because, because of, since, for, now that, thanks to, due to, on account of, otherwise, so…that…, such…that…, thus等3. 对照关联词用来引出与前句意思相反的意思。
however, in contrast, instead, nevertheless, on the contrary, while, like, unlike, on one hand…on the other hand, different from, in contrast to, whereas, some…other…, here…there…, the former…, the latter…等4. 附加关联词语引出附加或表示递进的信息。
also, on top of something, above all, besides, furthermore, in addition, moreover, now, for example, for instance, in this case, actually, as follows,even,what’s more等5.表示方位关系和空间顺序的。
服装英文词汇汇总wordslist for woven
有领子的那种,领子:collar没领子的那种,领圈:neckline领口:neck opening领座:collar stand门襟:fly袖山:sleeve top袖子:sleeve袖口:sleeve opening袖克夫:sleeve cuff下摆:hem上领:collar seam (其实就是上领子的那个缝的意思)(缝:seam)袖笼:armhole上袖:armhole seam肩:shoulder肩带:shoulder tape 或者shoulder strip肩缝:shoulder seam约克/育克:yoke胸:chest三刀口:notch (三刀口未对齐:notch not match well)领角:collar corner领驳头:lapel垫肩:shoulder pad罩杯:cup帽子(羽绒服的那种帽子):hood裤子:上腰:waistband seam (其实就是腰头缝的意思)腰头:waistband腰带:waist belt腰部:waist腰节:waist line腰带袢(马王攀):waist belt loop外腰:outside waist金属扣:metal button金属裤勾:metal buckle门襟:closure(或者fly)袋唇:pocket welt袋盖:pocket cover裤腿:leg脚口:leg opening宝剑头:fly bottom tab后:back中:center (所以,前中:front center 后中:back center 前后:front/back)内:inside外:outside底部:bottom上部:top末端:end侧缝:side seam拼缝:panel seam左右:left/right容皱:crinkle不均匀:not even (不:not 均匀:even)松紧: not even in tension(松紧度不一致)大小:not even in size (大小不一致的意思)宽窄:not even in width(宽度:width)高低:not even in height(高度:height)长短:not even in length(长度:length)不对称:not symmetrical不平(服):not flat不平顺:not flat/smooth (平:flat)不圆顺:not round/smooth (圆:round 顺:smooth)不良:not good不直:not straight不方正:not square不平齐:not in alignment不符:not identical不垂直:not vertical (垂直:vertical)不相同:not same不闭合:not closed well不牢固:not fixed well 或者unstable重叠:overlap歪斜:bias拉伸:stretch out拉松:stretch loose (松:loose)反止口:edge overturned错位:not in the correct position 或者not match well纬斜:weft bias抛线/泡线(通常用于形容拷边线空虚):over locking stitching loose色光:color tone (色调的意思)卷(边卷起来的卷):curling上翘:bending upwards靠前:towards front靠后:backwards上袖走后:sleeve direction towards back或者sleeve direction backwards 起角:cornered外露:exposed容皱:crinkle缸差:color lot difference色差:color shading同件色差:color shading on the same garment面料有痕档:fabric has weaving bar拉链拉不到头:zipper cannot move to the top起扭:twisted起泡:bubbled (省尖起泡:dart point bubbled)毛边/毛缝:raw edge污渍:stain油渍:oil stain水渍:water stain烫印/激光:ironing mark尖:sharp角:corner太:too (太尖:too sharp)短:short长:long粗:thick细:thin缝线稀疏:rare stitching漏针/跳针:skipstitching滑针:slip stitching装饰的:decorative装饰条:decorative tape装饰花边:decorative lace蕾丝:lace两层:two layers两层松紧不一:two layers not even in tension拼缝两层松紧:two layers of panel seam not even in tension折边:folding edge卷边/包边/滚边:binding边(普通的边):edge回针:back-forth stitching 或者reverse stitching刹针/切线:stitching叉:slit (后叉:back slit,领叉:neck slit,袖叉:sleeve slit)褶:pleat省:dart省尖:dart point缝份/止口:seam allowance压线:top stitching撬边线:blind stitching拷边线:over locking stitching胸省:chest dart (胸:chest)印花:printing公主缝:princess seam划痕(比如金属腰带头上的划痕):scratch拉链:zipper口袋:pocket橡筋(我们土话叫松紧):elastic扣子:button纽洞:button hole (hole是洞的意思)黏衬:interlining贴:facing (门襟贴:fly facing,以此类推喔)套结:bar tack蝴蝶结:butterfly knot (蝴蝶:butterfly 结:knot)气眼(腰带上的洞洞):eyelet叠针:temporary stitching方向:direction形状:shape (领子形状:collar shape)(口袋形状:pocket shape)工艺:workmanship洗标/洗唛:care label主唛:main label箱唛:carton mark晾衣带:hanger tape大身:body面料:fabric面布:shell里布:lining面料小样:fabric sample (面料:fabric 样本:sample)大货:bulkPPS :PP样配比箱:RM carton纸样:paper pattern整烫:ironing熨烫改进:improved by ironing包裹:parcel快递单号:express No.此款外发:this style sent to sub-contractor条形码:bar code接线:connecting stitching干燥剂:silica gel拷贝纸:tissue paper挂装:hanging packing混装:multi-packing纸箱:carton俄罗斯箱:R carton乌克兰箱:U carton包装方法:packing way距离:distance从xxx到xxx的距离:the distance from xxx to xxx(从门襟到褶的距离:the distance from fly to pleat)位置:positionxxx的位置: the position of xxx试穿:fitting 或者trying-on固定:fix或者fasten车缝:sewing剪:cut已改进:has improved未改进:not improve常用颜色:颜色:color白色:white黑色:black红色:red粉色:pink蓝色:blue紫色:purple橙色:orange黄色:yellow绿色:green见寄回大货:pls see the bulk QC sent to office疵点xxx一查未发现:QC didn’t find defect xxx during 1st inline 疵点xxx 二查未发现:QC didn’t find defect xxx during 2nd inline 有确认小样:has got confirmed sample工厂无模特:factory didn’t have model工厂无合适模特:factory didn’t have suitable model工厂无我公司提供的模特:factory didn’t have models which provided by our company外箱贴纸尺寸9*4cm :Size of bar code sticker on outside carton is 9*4cm尺寸有偏差:measurement has deviation (尺寸:measurement,偏差:deviation)车缝结束:finish sewing称重时,什么敷料不齐,尺码不齐,统一不用管,直接写上not ready(没准备好的意思)什么抽丝啊,什么抽纱啊,都属于布疵,所以布疵:fabric defect (面料问题的意思)Usage: Ctrl +F前(front)+门襟(fly)+不直(not straight)Front fly not straight有时候,见到的是这样的句子:pleats at front fly not even a【at是在的意思,也就是说褶(在前门襟)不均匀】当然直接写出front fly pleats not even 也可以的。
人教版高中英语必修二 第二册第二单元 Lesson 1 Opening page Listening
(of groups of animals, a group of animals or plants whose
plants, etc.) at risk of members have the same main
no longer existing, characteristics and are able to have
present situation
measures being taken at present
EXAMPLE Now talk about one of the endangered animals.
A: I'm concerned about the African elephants. What do you know about them?
Before you listen, look at
pictures, charts, videos, and
other visuals to help you
predict what you will hear.
Pre-listening Discuss these questions in pairs. 1. What message do these posters share? 2. Which one moves you the most? Why?
B: Well, I know that they're being hunted and their habitat is
Rolep-prleasyent the esxitaumaptiloen
opinions about endangered wildlife. a poster about an endangered
opening speech 模版
Ladies and Gentlemen,Good morning!It is a very special honor for me to be your host here at XXX conference, and to welcome you to this meeting. Special welcome to the professors and students for Korea XXX University. Thank you for the interest you have shown – and thank you for coming here from near and far to take part in our discussions. Hope you will like the life in Harbin.Welcome to HIT! As we know, Chemical engineering is developing really fast in recent years. With rapid increases in the number of diagnostic imaging and interventional therapies, CIN has become a healthcare burden for governments and a challenge for interventionists. However, plenty of doctors practicing in intervention and imaging are not aware of the importance of CIN, and many issues concerning CIN still remain unclear and need to be solved. To raise awareness of CIN, this conference offers you a unique opportunity to gather here to share experiences and discuss evolving strategies for CIN, which definitely will result in the improved outcomes for our patients. (更换成会议是主题)It is our great pleasure and privilege to have Professor XXX from the Korea and Professor XXX from HIT to join us for this conference. Professor XXX is the director of XXX Lab and XXX Institute. He is one of the pioneering scientist in the field of XXX. Professor XXX is chairman of XXX at the XXX. He has served in leadership roles in many professional societies and scholarly journals. Wonderful presentations will be given by them. There is no doubt that their lectures will bring us the latest progress. Let’s be waiting to see.With a large number of participants, we are sure that this conference will be a memorable, highly educational, and “not-to-be-missed” event. We hope that this conference will help you better understand XXX (for example, nanotechnology…) and obtain knowledge on the XXX. We truly value your participation and support for this conference. Thank you so much for coming and for your attention. Thank you!。
英语写作opening paragraph
The effects of IPRs①Ask a questionAre IPRs necessary for the development of China? China has made trademark law, patent law, and copyright law one by one since the 1980s. The legislation provides legal ground for the protection of intellectual property rights. Today, more and more people focus on creating new intellectual property and applying for intellectual property right.The legislation of intellectual property rights is important for the creation of new technique, the protection of intellectual property, and the development of hi-tech industry.②Attention grabberAccording to a piece of news, almost 60000 cases of intellectual property are heard in the courts of first instance in 2011. The number increases by forty percent from a year ago.This means that more people realize the importance of intellectual property rights protection. And the quantity of patent application and trademark registration in china ranks one of the top in the world. Except that, the gross income of hi-tech industry in Zhong Guan-cun is more than 1.96 trillion Y uan in 2011. The legislation of intellectual property rights is important for the creation of new technique, the protection of intellectual property, and the development of hi-tech industry.③AnecdoteLiqiang, a creative and thinking college student, invented a new technique and applied for a patent during his study. Then he signed a patent license contract with a company to authorize it to use the patent. Both he and the company benefited a large sum of money from the patent. However, another manufactory used the same patent without Liqiang’spermission. Finally, he sued the manufactory for infringement of intellectual property rights according to the Patent Law. Liqiang is not the only one who benefits from the IPRs. The legislation of intellectual property rights is important for the creation of new technique, the protection of intellectual property, and the development of hi-tech industry.④General topic introductionMore and more attention has been paid to the effects that the legislation of intellectual property rights is having on the creation of new techniques, the protection of intellectual property, and the development of hi-tech industry. Till 2011, there are more than 2.7 million patents, 5.5million registered trademarks, and plenty of works. Cases of intellectual property heard in courts are increasing rapidly. Moreover, many companies make a point of the development of the high-technology. All the effects have much significance for the development of our country.。
Linking Words(承接词)1. 进行补充what’s more, …;besides,…;furthermore,…;moreover,…;in addition,…;apart from that,…2. 表示转折however (nevertheless, nonetheless ), …;still,…but…; yet…although…; even though…; though…;despite sth,…; in spite of sth,…;for all that,…while (whereas) …;in contrast,…; in comparison,…;on the other hand,...;on the contrary,…;3. 表示因果原因:for…; because…; since…; as…because of, due to, thanks to,owing to, as a consequence of,as a result of, in consequence of结果:so…; as a result,…; as a consequence,…;therefore,…; in consequence,…;thus,…; consequently,…; hence,…4. 表示举例for example,…;for instance,…;that is,…;such as…;namely,…5. 进行强调undoubtedly, indeed, obviously,admittedly, in fact, particularly,especially, clearly, apparently,above all6. 表示并列For one thing,…; for another (thing),…;On the one hand,…; on the other hand,…;In the first place,…; in the second place,…;First,…; second,…;last but not the least importantFirstly,…; secondly,…; finally (lastly)…First of all,…; besides…7. 表示承启:as far as I know, as far as I’m concerned,to the best of my knowledge, in my opinion,in my point of view, from where I stand, for my partas we all know, as can be seen from the picture,as is often the case, as is known to (us) all,as is shown/revealed in the chart,as has been stated, as mentioned above,generally (frankly/honestly) speaking8. 进行总结归纳:in short; in brief, in summary, in a word,in conclusion, in a nutshell, to conclude,to summarize, all in all概括性词汇在做阅读填空题时,我们平时要注意积累典型的概括性词汇,这样考试就可以运用自如了。
Wordsbook 书ruler 尺子pencil 铅笔eraser 橡皮school 学校backpack 书包pencil case 铅笔盒classroom 教室chair 椅子desk 课桌blackboard 黑板dictionary 字典wall 墙door 门window 窗户boy 男孩girl 女孩Boby(身体部位)hand 手eye 眼睛arm 手臂ear 耳朵foot 脚feet 脚(复数)mouth 嘴face 脸nose 鼻子leg 腿head 头finger 手指hair 头发toe 脚趾tail 尾巴animals(动物)cat 猫panda 熊猫elephant 大象rabbit 兔子monkey 猴monkey 猴子tiger 虎parrot 鹦鹉chicken 小鸡bird 鸟duck 鸭fish 鱼goldfish 金鱼snake 蛇turtle 乌龟bee 蜜蜂Reptile (爬行动物)crocodile 鳄鱼snake 蛇lizard 蜥蜴turtle 乌龟Mammal (哺乳动物)whale 鲸hippo 河马zebra 斑马lion 狮子giraffe 长颈鹿koala 树袋熊kangaroo 袋鼠Insect (昆虫)butterfly 蝴蝶bee 蜜蜂Bird (鸟类)ostrich 鸵鸟penguin 企鹅hummingbird 蜂鸟pet 宠物smart 聪明的cute 可爱的catch a mouse 捉老鼠wag its tail 摇尾巴colours(颜色)red 红色的pink 粉色的brown 棕色的yellow 黄色的green 绿色的purple 紫色的black 黑色的white 白色的blue 蓝色的orange 桔色的blond 金色的fruit (水果)apple 苹果pear 梨pineapple 菠萝banana 香蕉orange 桔子peach 桃子grapes 葡萄melon 瓜,西瓜strawberry 草莓room (房间)where 在哪里lamp 台灯TV 电视room 房间telephone 电话table 饭桌armchair 扶手椅bed 床computer 电脑behind 在后面closet 衣柜picture 图画next to 在旁边in 在里面on 在上面under 在下面living room 客厅dining room 餐厅kitchen 厨房bedroom 卧室study 书房bathroom 洗手间balcony 阳台garage 车库armchair 扶手椅telephone 电话own 自己的desk 书桌teddy bear (软毛)玩具熊closet 壁橱toys (玩具)plane 飞机bus 公共汽车pinwheel 风车boat 小船car 小轿车doll 娃娃train 火车teddy bear 玩具熊ball 球box 盒子shape(形状)square 正方形circle 圆圈rectangle 长方形t star 星星riangle 三角形numbers (数字)one 一two 二three 三four 四five 五six 六seven 七eight 八nine 九ten 十eleven 十一fifteen 十五nineteen 十九twelve 十二sixteen 十六twenty 二十thirteen 十三seventeen 十七fourteen 十四eighteen 十八nineteen 十九twenty 二十thirty 三十forty 四十fifty 五十sixty 六十seventy 七十eighty 八十ninety 九十hundred 一百clothes(服装)wear 穿skirt 短裙sweater 毛衣shoe 鞋shoes 鞋子(复数)shorts 短裤jacket 夹克衫sock 袜子T-shirt 体恤衫dress 连衣裙cap 帽子scarf 围巾vest 背心gloves 手套(复数)jeans 牛仔裤sneakers运动鞋(复数)down coat 羽绒服shirt 衬衫(男式)pants 裤子raincoat 雨衣sunglasses 太阳镜umbrella 雨伞food 食品meat ( 肉)beef 牛肉sausage 香肠meatball 肉丸子chicken 鸡肉fish 鱼,鱼肉vegetables 蔬菜tomato 西红柿potato 土豆carrot 胡萝卜cucumber 黄瓜egg 鸡蛋drink 饮料milk 牛奶tea 茶juice 果汁water 水coffee 咖啡coke 可乐ice cream 冰激凌pop 汽水fast food (快餐)hamburger 汉堡包salad 沙拉bread 面包cake 蛋糕sandwich 三明治Chinese food(中国食物)rice 米饭tofu 豆腐noodles 面条jiaozi 饺子pancake 煎饼family members(家庭成员)father 父亲mother 母亲grandfather 祖父grandmother 祖母uncle 叔叔,舅舅aunt 姑母,舅母brother 兄,弟sister 姐,妹cousin 堂(表)兄弟堂(表)姐妹classmate 同学friend 朋友pretty 漂亮的ugly 丑的park (公园)tree 树butterfly 蝴蝶hill 小山grass 草地bench* 长凳lake 湖flower 花bridge 桥bee 蜜蜂beautiful*美丽的,漂亮的Transportation (交通工具)van 小货车taxi 出租车bicycle 自行车subway 地铁car 小汽车ship 轮船plane 飞机bus 公共汽车subway station地铁站traffic light 交通灯stop* 停下来wait* 等候go* 走bus stop 公共汽车站Beijing 北京Tiananmen Square天安门广场the Great Wall 长城the Summer Palace颐和园the Forbidden City 故宫Temple of Heaven 天坛Beihai Park北海公园Beijing Zoo 北京动物园Beijing Duck*北京烤鸭Beijing Opera* 京剧Temple Fair* 庙会Festival (节日)great* 伟大的,大的Christmas Day 圣诞节Christmas tree 圣诞树Santa Claus 圣诞老人bell 铃铛present 礼物card 贺卡stocking 长袜happy 快乐的Spring Festival 春节dragon dance 舞龙paper cutting, 剪纸lantern 灯笼New Year* 新年Teacher’s Day教师节Moon festival 中秋节Season(季节)spring 春季summer 夏季fall 秋季winter 冬季plant trees 种树swim 游泳climb the hill 爬山make a snowman堆雪人fly a kite 放风筝sleep* 睡觉bright* 明亮的golden* 金色的Weather (天气)sunny 晴朗的cloudy 多云的rainy 下雨的windy 有风的snowy 有雪的cold 冷的cool 凉爽的warm 温暖的hot 热的day 天scarf 围巾sunglasses 太阳镜coat 外套,大衣like 像,如何(指天气)today 今天raincoat 雨衣umbrella 雨伞P.E. 体育(课)class 课can 能throw 扔,掷jump 跳跃catch 接住walk 走run 跑kick 踢bounce 拍(球)very well 非常好play 玩rope 绳football 足球swing* 秋千jungle gym* 攀登架seesaw* 跷跷板slide* 滑梯line up* 整队at ease* 稍息attention* 立正count off* 报数turn left* 向左转turn right* 向右转My Day (一天的生活)breakfast 早餐lunch 午餐supper 晚餐minute 分钟plus 加上half 一半hour 小时second* 秒get up 起床wash 洗brush 刷teeth 牙齿(复数)watch TV 看电视go to bed 上床睡觉when 什么时候every day 每天at在……(指时间的某一点)eat 吃go to school 去上学go home 回家week s (星期)Monday(Mon)星期一Tuesday(Tue)星期二Wednesday(Wed) 星期三Thursday(Thur) 星期四Friday(Fri) 星期五Saturday(Sat) 星期六Sunday(Sun) 星期日weekday (除星期六、日)任何一天weekend 周末Classes(课程)Chinese 中文music 音乐math 数学art 美术English 英语Computer 计算机Science 科学easy 容易的hard 难的fun 有趣的boring 无趣的interesting 有趣的favourite 最喜爱的on 在……(指时间)am* 上午pm* 下午School (学校)myself 我自己new 新的,新来的name 名字class 班,班级Ms. 女士Mr. 先生old 岁的……phone 电话number 号码primary school 小学teacher 老师where 哪儿library 图书馆computer room 计算机教室washroom 洗手间clinic 诊所office 办公室music room 音乐教室first 第一second 第二third 第三floor 楼层gym 体育馆,健身房art room 美术教室science room科学教室between 在两者之间Month(月份)January 一月February 二月March 三月April 四月May 五月June 六月July 七月August 八月September 九月October 十月November 十一月December 十二月when 何时after school activities放学以后活动play the drum 敲鼓sing songs 唱歌draw pictures 画画play chess 下棋do art projects做手工play soccer 踢足球dance 跳舞be going to 计划…打算..go for a picnic 去野餐go shopping 买东西play in the school band 参加校乐队play the flute 吹笛子do the dishes 洗碗make a model plane 制作航模learn to act 学表演kick a shuttlecock 踢毽子go to the drama club 参加戏剧社go roller—skating去滚轴溜冰play badminton 打羽毛球finish the art project 完成手工制作practice the piano 练习弹钢琴study for a test 复习准备do homework做家庭作业job (职业)people 人,人们cook 厨师waiter 服务员dentist 牙医nurse 护士manager 经理taxi-driver出租车司机policeman 警察teacher 教师mailman 邮递员salesclerk 售货员hairdresser 理发员computer programmer计算机管理员singer 歌唱家,歌手professor 教授detective 侦探artist 艺术家actor 演员musician 音乐家inventor 发明家scientist 科学家Family activities(家庭活动)feed the fish 喂鱼wash clothes 洗衣服water the flowers 浇花cook the chicken 烹饪鸡clean the kitchen 打扫厨房talk on the phone打电话watch TV 看电视listen to music 听音乐walk the dog 遛狗visit grandparents拜访祖父母go to the movies 去看电影go to concert 听音乐会Have a party (聚会) invitation 邀请glue 胶水crayon 蜡笔scissors 剪刀pen 钢笔paper 纸party 聚会get ready 做准备draw 画cut 剪,切stick 粘贴write 写first 第一next 其次then 然后,于是finally 最后with 用……sport (运动)game 游戏,竞赛also 也,同时sometimes有时,不时often 常常play basketball 打篮球go roller-skating 滑旱冰play volleyball 打排球play badminton 羽毛球play tennis 打网球play hockey 玩曲棍球play soccer 踢足球play basketball 打篮球play baseball 打棒球go roller-sating 去滑旱冰go swimming 去游泳go hiking 去徒步旅行go fishing 去钓鱼Safe ty (安全)weekend 周末play with fire 玩火down stair 楼下的touch 触摸,碰climb 爬,攀登careful小心的仔细的dangerous 危险的sidewalk 人行道underpass 地下通道footbridge 人行桥crosswalk 人行横道fence 护栏traffic light 交通灯use 使用safe 安全的cross 穿越,横跨stop 停止climb over 翻越rule 规则,惯例pass 传递,递给math problem数学难题CD player 激光唱机eraser 橡皮ruler 尺子help 帮助Community(社区)post office 邮局hospital 医院hotel 旅馆store 商店office 办公室beauty shop 美容院community 社区building 建筑物bank 银行grocery store 杂货店drug store 药店bookstore 书店police station 警察局gas station 加油站coffee shop 咖啡店across from 在…的对面next to 在紧接着(某人/物)的一侧between 在……中间cinema 电影院newspaper stand 报摊bakery 面包房park 公园hairdresser’s 美发店restaurant 餐馆go straight 往前走turn right 向右转turn left 向左转crossing 十字路口forward 向前Building (建筑物)zoo 动物园museum 博物馆gallery 美术馆university 大学stadium 体育馆subway station地铁站department store百货商场square 广场street 街道seedinosaurs参观恐龙watch a soccer match看足球比赛buy the skateboard买滑板see an art show参观艺术展fly a kite 放风筝visit the library参观图书馆Country (国家)France 法国Japan 日本Canada 加拿大United States 美国America 美国Australia 澳大利亚China 中国United Kingdom 英国Britain 英国Spain 西班牙Russia 俄国Thailand 泰国Egypt 埃及Toronto 多伦多CN Tower多伦多电视塔Paris 巴黎Eiffel Tower埃菲尔铁塔Tokyo 东京cherry blossom 樱花Los Angeles 洛杉矶Disneyland 迪斯尼乐园London 伦敦Big Ben 大本钟Sydney 悉尼Opera House 歌剧院Travel plans 旅游计划beach 海滩swim 游泳Mount Tai 泰山see the sunrise 看日出Shaolin Temple 少林寺learn Wushu 学武术West Lake 西湖take pictures 拍照safari park 野生动物园see wild animals 观看野生动物vacation 假期train 火车see a flower show观看花展Thailand 泰国see elephants 看大象Tibet 西藏see the Buddha Palace参观布达拉宫yellow Mountain 黄山the Stone Forest 石林Elephant Trunk Hill象鼻山Snow-capped mountains雪山the warriors 兵马俑the Mogao Caves 莫高窟silk 丝绸Chinese tea 中国茶Mount Emei 峨嵋山Pyramid 金字塔souvenir 纪念品;礼物visit 看望;访问last 上一个的;刚过去的stay 在某处呆着row 划(船) yesterday 昨天a11 day 一整天wonderful 好极了;奇妙的lose 丢失sleep 睡觉terrible 可怕的buy 买Inner Mongolia 内蒙古ride 骑teach 教;讲授meet 会见;遇见whole 完全的;全部的far away 远的;遥远的Hobby (业余)爱好read stories 阅读故事play computer games玩电脑游戏paint pictures 画画collect dolls 收集洋娃娃keep a diary 记日记collect stamps 集邮collect stickers 收集贴画make models 制作模型sew (用针线)缝knit 编织,针织collect coins 收集硬币play chess 下象棋travel 旅行hike 远足,徒步旅行Communication 交流,联络write a letter 写信send an e-mail 发电子邮件mail a postcard 寄名信片mailbox 邮筒make a phone call 打电话pay phone(投币式)公用电话send a short message(用手机)发短信cell phone 手机Characters (性格)twins 孪生子;双胞胎blond 金黄色的curly 卷曲的slim 苗条的straight 直的freckles 雀斑talkative健谈的;多嘴的honest 诚实的careless 粗心的popular 受欢迎的hardworking 刻苦的shy 害羞的lazy 懒惰的quiet 文静的helpful 乐于帮助人的friendly 友善的funny有趣的,滑稽可笑的比较级than 比,比较who 谁whose 谁的short -shorter-shortest矮的old –older-oldest年长的long –longer-longest 长的small –smaller-smallest小的good-better-best 好的fast -faster-fastest 快的hard –harder-hardest刻苦地big –bigger-biggest 胖的tall –taller-tallest 高的funny –funnier-funniest可笑的smart –smarter-smartest聪明的quiet –quieter-quietest文静的new –newer-newest 新的pretty –prettier-prettiest漂亮的ugly –uglier-ugliest 丑陋的thick –thicker-thickest) 厚的thin –thinner-thinnest) 薄的slow –slower-slowest) 慢的Shopping(购物)notebook 笔记本stapler 订书器glue stick 胶棒disk 磁盘whiteout 涂改液backpack背包,书包(双肩背)pencil case 文具盒brush 毛笔folder 文件夹sticker 不干胶贴片expensive 昂贵的cheap 便宜的a pair of一双(把,幅,条)…running shoes 跑鞋,运动鞋size 尺寸a good deal公平交易,好价钱these 这些try … on试穿them 他(她,它)们fit 适合buy 买Cook (烹饪)oil 油bowl 碗plate 盘子wok 锅wash 洗crack 敲碎mix 混合put 放,摆add 加,增添salt 盐serve将(饭菜)摆上桌stir-fry(用旺火)快炒stir-fried vegetables用旺火炒的菜cucumber 黄瓜soy sauce 酱油sauce 酱,调味品vinegar 醋sugar 糖pepper 胡椒cut 切children 儿童TV show 电视节目Weather report 天气报告entertainment 娱乐节目nature show 自然节目Peking opera 京剧movie 电影commercial(电视或无线电中的)广告kind of 种(类)think of 想;认为channel 频道schedule时间表;一览表Cartoon City动画城(节目名称)Magic Earth神奇地球(节目名称)quiz show问答比赛;智力测验节目Animal World动物世界(节目名称)comedy 喜剧Artist’s Life艺术人生(节目名称)video 电视;录像action 动作片频率词never 从未often 经常usually 通常的always 一直once a week 一周一次twice a week 一周两次three times a week一周三次every day 每天Do chores ( 家务活)set the table 摆放餐具clean the living room 打扫客厅take out the garbage 倒垃圾sweep the floor 扫地make the bed 铺床clear the table收拾桌子have to 不得不a lot of 许多do chores 做家务look after 照看;照顾tomorrow 明天考试the day after tomorrow 后天go ahead(对做某事的)许可keep fit 保持健康tired 疲倦的p1enty of 许多;大量sleep 睡眠(n.) before 在……之前drink 喝exercise 锻炼leave garbage everywhere乱扔垃圾too much 太多pop 汽水stay up late 熬夜should 应该sho uldn’t不应该have a headache 头痛have a running nose 流鼻涕sleepy 困的have a cold 患了感冒have a stomachache胃痛;肚子痛Have a toothache 牙痛more 更多的candy 糖果take some medicine 吃药junk food 不利健康的食品right after 刚……就Grow Up(成长)noisy 吵闹nursery school 幼儿园rhyme 押韵的诗primary school 小学become 成为Young Pioneer 少先队员win 赢;获胜prize 奖;奖励competition竞赛;比赛Feeling (感受)surprised 惊讶的angry 生气的happy 高兴的worried 忧愁的sad 伤心的excited 兴奋的nervous 紧张的proud 骄傲的Language (语言)Chinese 中文French 法语Russian 俄语Japanese 日语English 英语Nationality (国籍)Chinese 中国人German 德国人Danish 丹麦人American 美国人Japanese 日本人English 英国人Famous People(著名的人)Mei LanfangLudwig van BeethovenQi BaishiIsaac NewtonHans Christian AndersonThomas EdisonHelen Kellerinvent 发明compose 创作national anthem 国歌shrimp 虾light bulb 灯泡write story 写故事Future (未来)astronaut 宇航员sun 太阳moon 月亮ocean 海洋earth 地球robot 机器人housework 家务活pollution 污染pill 药片peace 和平spaceship 宇宙飞船Mars 火星人称代词I—my---me 我You---your---you 你He---his---him 他She---her—her 她We---our---us 我们They---their---them 他们疑问词how 如何,怎样what 什么when 什么时候where 哪里who 谁whose 谁的which 哪一个why 为什么how often 多久,多常how many 多少what day 哪一天what time 什么时间what colour 什么颜色what kind of 哪一种类介词from 从来like 像,如何at 在(指时间的某一点)in 在里面on 在上面under 在下面before 在…之前across from 在...对面behind 在....之后next to 在紧接着。
开场词 The Opening Words (大学英语作文)
开场词The Opening Words大学英语作文Goodevening, ladies and gentlemen!Welcometo the English Star Contest.Thereare 12 contestants attending tonight’s talent competition, and they are themost outstanding students of our college. I believe you can enjoy theirexcellent performance tonight, and best wishes to all contestants.Wehave held the first English Star Contest successfully the year before last. Itwas a whole success that our students showed their English talent and did awonderful performance to us. Actually, I would like regard it as a performancerather than a contest because all of our constants were so wonderful. Due tosome objective reasons, it was canceled last year. And this year, tonight, I amvery happy that this competition comes back to us again. By holding thiscompetition, we can provide students a self-show stage which is full ofvitality and passion, making English activities much more participatory. What’sworth congratulating is that most of the students who joined the competitionhave achieved outstanding results, and, all thestudents are able to appreciatethe great charm of English, so that stimulate their enthusiasm for Englishlearning. I hope and believe that our students can improve their Englishgreatly by attending this English competition.Last,wish tonight’s English Star Contest a whole success. Thank you very much. Havea good night.女士们,先生们,大家晚上好。
english wirld英语作文
The Magic of the English WorldIn the vast and diverse realm of languages, the English language stands out as a unique and powerful force, shaping cultures, connecting people, and opening doors to knowledge and understanding. The English world is not just a collection of words and grammar rules; it is a vibrant, ever-evolving community of speakers, writers, thinkers, and innovators.The beauty of English lies in its versatility and adaptability. It has the capacity to express the deepest emotions and the most abstract concepts, while also serving as a practical tool for communication and collaboration. Whether it's the soft, lyrical cadences of poetry or the crisp, precise language of scientific writing, English has the ability to captivate and inspire.Moreover, the English world is a global phenomenon. Its widespread use has made it a bridge between cultures, allowing people from diverse backgrounds to communicate and share ideas. In the business world, English is the lingua franca, facilitating international trade and collaboration. In the academic sphere, it is the language of research andeducation, enabling scholars from around the world to build upon each other's work.The influence of English is also felt in the field of technology. As the language of the internet and much of the software industry, English plays a pivotal role in the development and dissemination of technological innovations. It is the language that powers the global digital economy, connecting billions of people and enabling the exchange of information and ideas on a scale unprecedented in human history.However, the English world is not without its challenges. The language can be complex and difficult to master, especially for non-native speakers. Its rich vocabulary and intricate grammar rules can be daunting, and the constant evolution of language can make it difficult to keep up.尽管如此,这并没有阻止人们学习英语的热情。
hypodermic a. 皮下的,皮下注射的subcutaneous 皮下的instillation n. 滴注,注入,滴法reversible a. 可逆的coagulation n. 凝固,凝结preanesthetic a. 前驱麻醉,准备麻醉ethyl chloride 氯乙烷Novocain, procaine n. 奴佛卡因, 普鲁卡因barbiturate n. 巴比土酸盐epinephrine (suprarenin), n. 肾上腺素(商品名)ointment n. 软膏,油膏anodyne n. 镇痛剂periosteum n. (复periostea) 骨膜periosteal a. 骨膜的loop n. 环,圈sheath n. 鞘ganglion n. (复ganglia) 神经节foramen n. (复foramina) 孔maxilla n. (复maxillae) 上颌骨infraorbital a. 眶下的tuberosity n. 结节;粗隆contraindication n. 禁忌症hematoma n. (复hematomata) 血肿trismus n. 牙关紧闭paralyze v. 使麻痹,使瘫痪pericementitis n. 牙周膜炎ecchymosis n. 瘀斑dermatitis n. 皮炎extraction n. 拔出access n. 进路,入口impacted v. 阻生的(牙)succedaneous a. 替代的;代用的malposed a. 错位的;异位的orthodontic a. 正牙的devise v. 设计;发明density n. 密集(度);密度cancellate a. 网眼状的,格子状的,松的devitalization n. 失活;去生肌1 / 12detritus n. 腐质;碎屑dentistry n. 牙科学erupt v. 长出,萌出appliance n. 矫正器elevator n. 牙挺mallet n. 槌analgesic a. 止痛的chisel n. 凿子bur n. (牙科用)圆头锉pericoronal a. (牙)冠周的spine n. 刺;脊柱periodontoclasia n. 牙周溃坏granulation n. 肉芽组织supernumerary a. 多余的,额外的traumatism n. 创伤病,外伤病ankylosis n. 关节僵直malposition n. 错位neuralgia n. 神经痛cellulitis n. 蜂窝织炎apicoectomy n. (牙)根尖切除术inspection n. 检查sequel n. 后果;结局dissemination n. 散播,传播radiolucent a. 射线可透过的morbidity n. 发病率;病态dam n. 橡皮障multivitamin n. 多种维生素dento-alveolar a. 牙槽的pericemental a. 牙根周的vestibule n. 前庭;内耳腔mylohyoid a. 下颌舌骨的parapharyngeal a. 咽旁的retrozygomatic a. 颧骨后cavernous a. 海绵状的;多孔的cortex n. 皮质;皮层fascial a. 筋膜的pterygomandibular a. 翼突下颌的infratemporal a. 颞下的2 / 12intracranial a. 颅内的ramus (复rami)n. 支slough n. 腐肉;脱落sepsis (复sepses) n. 脓毒症;败血症septicemia n. 败血病pyemia n. 脓毒症;脓血症suppuration n. 化脓pyogenic a. 生脓的osteomyelitis n. 骨髓炎subacute a. 亚急性的fistula(复fistulae)n. 瘘管osteoradionecrosis n. 射线性骨坏死dysplastic a. 发育异常的,发育不良的angina n. 咽峡炎Ludwig’s…路德·维希氏咽峡炎(脓性性颌下炎)thrombophlebitis n. 血栓性静脉炎periostitis n. 骨膜炎hematogenous a. 血原性的paresthesia n. 感觉异常sequestrum(复sequestra)n. 死骨(片)sarcoma (复sarcomata)n. 肉瘤curettement n. 刮除术biopsy n. 活组织检查chemotherapy n. 化学疗法sequestrectomy n. 死骨切除术roentgen n. 伦琴(X线量单位)staphylococcus(复staphylococci)n. 葡萄球菌streptococcus(复streptococci)n. 链球菌lacrimal a. 泪的bougie n. 探针parotid a. 腮腺的epithelial a. 上皮的periductal a. 导管周的lumen n.(复lumina)(管)腔sialadenitis n. 涎腺炎sialoductitis n. 涎管炎sialolithiasis n. 涎石形成sialolith n. 涎石sialolithotomy n. 涎石切除3 / 12stricture n. 狭窄lymphoblastoma n. 成淋巴细胞瘤;淋巴母细胞瘤hyperemic a. 充血的ectopic a. 异位的recur v. 复发occlusion n. 闭塞,堵塞dilation n. 膨胀,扩大;扩张(症)nodule n. 小结节,小瘤virulent a. 有毒的,毒性的sialography n. 涎管X线造影术sialogram n. 涎管X线(造影)片excision n. 切除correspond v. 符合,一致restoration n. 恢复;修复violence n. 暴力;猛烈aggravate v. 加重,使更恶化regeneration n. 再生,更新appliance n. 器具,器械;应用splint n. 夹板,夹pin n. 钉,针symphysis(复symphyses)n. 联合mental n. 颏的;精神的arch n. 弓temporal n. 颞颥的pterygoid a. 翼状的opponent n. 对抗肌notch n. 切迹;凹口glenoid a. 浅窝的;关节窝的condyle n. 髁,髁状突coronoid a. 冠状的,喙状的elevator n. (上)提肌肉masseter n. 嚼肌hyoid a. 舌骨的sigmoid a. S形的;乙状结肠曲的ossevos a. 骨(状)的fracture n. 骨折;(使)折断comminution n. 粉碎disability n. 无能,无力discoloration n. 变色numbness n. 麻木4 / 12deformity n. 畸形deviation n. 偏向cripple v. 使丧失活动能力,使残废laceration n. 撕裂palpation n. 触诊,扪诊crepitus n. 捻发音,咿轧音tenderness n. 触痛pathognomonic a. 特殊病征的,能判定诊断的(症征)fixation n. 固定ligation n. 结扎wire n. 金属丝;电线V用金属丝缚(联接,加固等)excursion n. 移动extreme a. 极度的,极端的episode n. 发作concave a. 凹的,凹面的radium n. 镭gag n. 张口器,开口器band n. 带,环silicon n. (聚)硅(类)acrylic n. 丙烯酸酯foil n. 箔,叶articular a. 关节的geniohyoid a. 颏舌的sternothyroid a. 胸骨甲状的omohyoid a. 肩胛舌骨的fascia lata 阔筋膜eminence n. 隆凸,隆起capsular a. 囊的digastric a. 二腹肌的platysma n. [颈]阔肌subluxation n. 半脱位derangement n. 搅乱,混乱laxity n. 松弛scar n. 伤痕ulceration n. 溃疡granulate v. 生肉芽,使成粒状immobility n. 不动(性)dislocation n. 脱位noma n. 走马疳5 / 12metastatic a. 转移的,迁徒的palpate v. 摸self-reduce v. 自行使(脱臼)复位cautery n. 烧灼术dissect v. 切开graft n. 移植物pseudoarthrosis n. 假关节pouch n. 小袋,(衣服的)口袋traumatogenic a. 创伤性的,造成创伤的transitional a. 转变的,过渡的advanced a. 晚期的isotope n. 同位素paranasal a. 鼻旁的,鼻侧的mucoperiosteal a. 粘骨膜的lining n. 衬里prostate n. 前列腺suprahyoid a. 舌骨上的hyperplasia n. 增生,增殖torus palatinus 腭隆凸hypertrophy n. 肥大ossify v. 使骨化,使硬化neuroma n. 神经瘤osteoclastoma n. 破骨细胞瘤myxoma(复myxomas)n. 粘液瘤hemangioma n. 血管瘤lipoma n. 脂(肪)瘤rhabdomyoma n. 横纹肌瘤adenocarcinoma n. 腺癌fibrosarcoma n. 纤维肉瘤chondrosarcoma n. 软骨肉瘤Hodgkin’s disease 何杰金氏病(淋巴肉芽肿)melanoma n. 黑瘤Ewing’s tumor 尤文氏瘤(内皮细胞性骨髓瘤)osteoma(复osteomas)n. 骨瘤fibroma n. 纤维瘤granuloma n. 肉芽肿,肉芽瘤ameloblastoma n. 成釉细胞瘤odontoma n. 牙瘤6 / 12lymphangioma n. 淋巴管瘤papilloma n. 乳头(状)瘤myxofibroma n. 粘液纤维瘤rhabdomyosarcoma n. 横纹肌肉瘤lymphosarcoma n. 淋巴肉瘤myeloma n. 骨髓瘤cystic hygroma 囊状淋巴管瘤osteosarcoma n. 骨肉瘤osteoblastoma n. 成骨细胞瘤metastasis v. 转移,迁徙extravasation n. 外渗液;溢血giant cell 巨细胞exostosis(复exostoses)n. 外生骨疣hyperostosis n. 骨肥厚edentulous a. 无牙的osteoid a. 骨样的nonmalignant a. 非恶性的enucleation n. 剜出术,摘出术eradicate n. 根除,消灭anastomosis n. 吻合,吻合术marsupialization n. 袋形缝术,造袋术dissection n. 解剖,分析goodly a. 颇大的cosmetic a. 美容的paramount n. 最高的,首要的vermilion a. 朱红色的pedicle n. 蒂,花梗match v. 使相称pedunculated a. 有蒂的regeneration n. 再生,更生tighten v. 使变紧,使绷紧fidelity n. 逼真,精确rim n. 缘,边texture n. 质地,结构dermatome n. 植皮刀,皮刀Wharton’s duct 颌下腺导管accessory n. 附件occipital a. 枕骨的7 / 12tragus(复tragi)n. 耳屏sphincteric a. 括约肌的naso-labial a. 鼻唇的commissure n. 连合hypoglossal n. 舌下神经,a. 舌下的temporoparietal a. 颞顶的scalp n. 头皮drool v. 流口水macrostomia n. 巨口,颊横裂nevus(复nevi)n. 痣mole n. 痣contracture n. 挛缩wrinkle n. 皱纹cicatricial n. 瘢痕的Bell’s palsy 面神经麻痹,面瘫,贝尔氏麻痹sag v. (面部等)松垂Estlander’s operation 埃斯特兰德氏手术Abbe’s operation 阿贝氏手术Bernard’s operation 伯纳尔氏手术rhytidectomy n. 皱纹切除术,皮肤拉紧术resection n. 切除术reparative a. 修补的transplantation n. 移植irradiation n. 辐射,照射suspension n. 悬吊(术)inflict v. 使遭受allogenic a. 外源的,他生的inert 无作用的excess a. 过多的trim v. 修整rongeur [法] n. 咬骨钳,修骨钳magnet n. 磁铁magnetic a. 磁的,有磁性的vitallium n. 活合金(钴铬钼合金)ceramics n. 陶瓷学titanium n. 钛(22号元素)polymer n. 聚合物,聚合体aluminum n 铝8 / 12frenum(复frena)n. 系带incisivus = incisive a. 切牙的,切的alar a. 翼buccinator n. 颊肌crest n. 脊突,嵴mentalis n. 颏肌raphe n. 缝depressor n. 降肌nasalis a. 鼻的,n. 鼻肌buccinatoris a. 颊肌的sulcus(复sulci)n. 沟genioglossus n. 颏舌肌prominence n. 凸出物,突起contour n. 外形iliac a. 髂骨的,髂的prognathia n. 上颌前突micrognathia n. 小颌atrophy n. 萎缩undercut n. 倒凹prosthesis(复prosthises)n. 修复术,假体prosthetic a. 修复术的reposition n. 复位术replantation n. 再植,重植autotransplant n. 自体移植物retentive a. 固位的,保持的ankyloglossia n. 舌系带短缩frenectomy n. 系带切除术ankylotomy n. 舌系带切开术alveolectomy n. 牙槽缘切除术donor n. 供体endodontic-orthodontic 牙髓病学-正牙学的relapse n. 旧病复发;故态复萌reepithelization n. 上皮再形成partial a. 局部的formocresol n. 甲醛煤酚合剂scalpel n. 解剖刀,外科用小刀eugenol n. 丁香酚formalin n. 甲醛水溶液,福尔马林9 / 12vault n. 穹窿pleomorphic a. 多形的mucoepidermoid a. 粘膜表皮样的periapical a. 根尖周的nostril n. 鼻孔;鼻孔内壁mesenchymal-like a. 似间(充)质的cartilaginous a. 软骨的,软骨性的lymphadenopathy n. 淋巴结病thrill n. 震颤panoramic a. 全景的,全貌的stereographic a. 立体X线照片的acid-etch n. 酸腐蚀pulpotomy n. 牙髓切断术pulpectomy n. 牙髓切除术mesial a. 中间的,正中的;近中的serum n. 血清;浆液histopathologic a. 组织病理学fatal a. 致命的anesthesiology n. 麻醉学anesthesiologist n. 麻醉学家assemble v. 集合;装配infiltrate v. 使(液体等)渗入,透过reassure v. 使放心;再向…保证angiogram n. 血管造影片labial a. 唇状的;嘴唇的urinate v. 排尿radiopaque a. 射线透不过的,不透X线的parenchyma n. 实质cribriform a. 筛状的,多孔的otolaringological a. 耳鼻喉科学的rad n. 拉德(辐射剂量单位)potassium n. 钾electrolyte n. 电解质;电解(溶)液enzyme n. 酶fibrocystic a. 纤维囊性的cardiopulmonary a. 心肺的Gasserian ganglion 加塞氏神经节cervical a. 颈的;子宫颈的10 / 12nucleolus(复nucleoli)n. 核仁hyperpyrexia n. 过高热,温度过高pigmented a. 染有色素的click n. 咔嗒声myopathy n. 肌病hypoesthesia n. 感觉减退hyperthermic a. 高温的,热的hypertensive a. 高血压的;n. 高血压患者workup n. 病情的检查probe n. 探针;探查sedation n. 镇静(作用)neuroleptanesthesia n. 神经松弛麻醉intubation n. 插管hemostasis n. 止血(法)odontectomy n. 牙切除术alveoplasty n. 牙槽整形术elicit v. 诱出(问题);得出,引起impregnation n. 浸渗;注入stroma(复stromata)n. 基质pulsation n. 搏动index n. 食指perioral a. 口周的adnexal a. 附件的nasoendotracheal a. 鼻气管内的clubbed fingers 杵状指allergy n. 变应性,过敏性;pregnancy n. 妊娠bruise v. 青肿,伤痕questionnaire n. 调查表interrogation n. 讯问;质问bruit n. (杂)音perineurium n. 神经束膜neurasthenic a. 神经衰弱的idiosyncrasy n. 特应性;特异性质chorea n. 舞蹈病precox a. 早发的epilepsy n. 癫痫,羊癫疯dementia n. 痴呆病11 / 12exanthema(复exanthemas)n. 疹病midsystolic a. 心脏收缩中期的mitotic a. 有丝分裂的nitrous a. 亚硝的hydroxyzine n. 羟嗪thiopental sodium 硫喷妥钠,戊硫代巴比土酸钠hydralazine n. 肼苯哒嗪dextrose n. 葡萄糖,右旋糖meperidine n. 唛啶succinylcholine n. 琥珀酰胆硷enflurane n. 安氟醚hematoxylin-eosin n. 苏木精曙红esophageal a. 食管的sartorius n. 缝匠肌urinalysis n. 尿分析Wassermann reaction n. 乏色曼氏反应emphysema n. 气肿,肺气肿jaundice n. 黄疸weather-beaten a. 饱经风霜的;(脸等)晒黑的[文档可能无法思考全面,请浏览后下载,另外祝您生活愉快,工作顺利,万事如意!]12 / 12。
borrowed words
汉语中的外来词啤酒(beer)、咖啡(coffee)、巧克力(chocolate)、沙发(sofa)、扑克(poker)、爵士(jazz)、安琪儿(angel)、吉普车(jeep)、引擎(engine)、罗曼蒂克(romantic)、沙龙(salon)、歇斯底里(hysteria)、幽默(humor)、逻辑(logic)、模特(model )等等。
如:爹爹(daddy)、妈妈(mummy)、康乃馨(carnation)、卡片(card)、霓虹(neon)、席梦思(Simmons)、胎(tyre)、香波(shampoo)、的确良(dacron)、开司米(cashmere)、尼龙(nylon)、几何(geometry)、趔趄(lurch)、倒霉(damn)、脱口秀(talk show )、休克(shock)、酷(cool)、费(fee)、俱乐部(club)、系统(system)、呼啦圈(hula loop)、蹦极(bungee)、时髦(smart)、马赛克(mosaic)、香格里拉(shangeri-la)、卡通(cartoon)、阀(valve )、蒙太奇(montage)、马拉松(marathon)、汽车拉力赛中的拉力(rally)、台风(typhoon)、木乃伊(mummy)等。
现在随着科技的发展和国际交往的需要,越来越多的外来语进入了汉语,主要以英语外来语为主,如:饮食类的布丁(pudding)、比萨饼(pizza)、三明治(sandwich)、汉堡包(hamburger)、色拉(salad)、冰激凌(ice cream);电子科技类的雷达(radar)、克隆(clone)、雷射(laser)计算机的“黑客”(hacker)、因特网(internet);艺术类的芭蕾(ballet)、迪斯科(disco )、探戈(tango)、伦巴(rumba)、霹雳(break dance)、踢他舞(tittup);医药类的扑热息痛(paracetamol)、盘尼西林(青霉素)(penicillin)、阿司匹林(asprin)、维他命(vitamin)。
【英语作文】开场词 The Opening Words
【英语作文】开场词 The Opening Words 【英语作文】开场词theopeningwords
vitalityandpassion,makingenglishactivitiesmuchmoreparticipatoryihopeandbelieve thatourstudentscanimprovetheirenglish
会议主持词 英文
会议主持词英文正文第一篇:英文会议主持词.welcome to china.欢迎到中国来。
2.we are delighted to see you again.我们很高兴又再见面了。
3.we’ve been counting the days to see you.我们一直算着日子要和你再见面。
4.i hope you’ll stay as log as possible.我希望你尽可能住久一点。
5.i hope you will have a very enjoyable stay.我希望你在此期间过得很愉快。 is my great pleasure to say to mr. smith “welcome back to taiwan!’’我很高兴能够对史密斯先生说“欢迎回到台湾”。 is my special pleasure to welcome mr. smith.我非常高兴来欢迎史密斯先生。 is my pleasure to welcome mismith back.很高兴欢迎史密斯小姐回来。
9,it is my pleasure to welcome you all here to day.今天我很高兴欢迎各位。 is my pleasure to welcome mr. smith to our company.很高兴欢迎史密斯先生到我们公司来。
11.welcome to our company from all the members of this section, mr. smith.史密斯先生,本课所有同仁欢迎你到本公司来。
12.i take great pleasure in bidding you all a hearty welcome to our company.很高兴能够衷心的欢迎您来我们公司。 is my great pleasure to say a few words of hearty welcome to mr. smith.很荣幸能说几句话表示对史密斯先生衷心欢迎。
• 高兴 • 介绍 • 我自己 • 出生 • 中国的 • 国际的
• 工程 • 数量 • 测量员
Content 内容
• Greeting • Opening words • Name &Age • Job
• 问好 • 开语 • 名字 &年龄 • 工作
1. Greetings
• Good morning/afternoon,everyone. • 大家,早上好/下午好
2. Opening words
• I am glad to be here to introduce myself to you. • 很高兴在这里向大家介绍我自己 • I am honored ……… • 很荣幸、、、
3. Name &Age
• was born in 19.. • 我出生于一九、、
4. Job
• I work in Sino Great Wall International Engineering Company in Beijing. • 我在北京神州长城国际工程有限公司工作 • I am a quantity sur veyor. • 我是一个预算员
• Good morning/afternoon,everyone. • I am glad to be here to introduce myself to you. • My name is …… • I was born in 19.. • I work in Sino Great Wall International Engineering Company in Beijing. • I am a quantity sur veyor.
I. Opening Remarks开场:1、Others 细节,如确认话筒音量Can you hear me all right?Is my voice too loud?2、Forms of Address and Greetings对听众的称呼Distinguished colleagues, Ladies and gentleman, Good morning!Members of the conference!3、Expressing thanks to the Chairperson 向主持人致谢Mr. Chairman, thank you for your introduction.First, I would like to thank Mr. Chairman for his gracious introduction.Thank you very much, Prof. Fawcett, for your very kind introduction.I would like to thank Dr. Huang (主持人或推荐你来发言的上司)for permitting me the privilege to speak to this audience.4、Reference to the Audience 与听众呼应I can see many of you are from …department.I know many of you are familiar with this topic.You all look as though you’ve heard this before.I understand that you’ve all traveled a long way./ After hours of conference, you must feel a little tired. Now I’d like you to see an interesting topic…5、Expressing Pleasure and Honor 向听众致意I am very happy/glad/pleased to be here in Hong Kong.I am honored/privileged to be here (with you this afternoon).I am proud to be here on this special occasion.I t’s a very great pleasure for me to be able to attend this conference.I consider it a great honor to be asked to speak about …on this session of our symposium/ at this conference..It is a great pleasure to be given the honor of first speaker on this important topic.6、Sample Opening Remarks 开场白范例1) Thank you very much, Prof. Fawcett, for your very kind introduction. Mr. Chairman, Ladies and gentleman, Good morning! I consider it a great honor to be asked to speak about …on this session of our symposium.2) Ladies and gentleman. It’s an honor to have the opportunity to address such a distinguished audience.3) Good morning. Let me start by saying just a few words about my own background.4) Mr. Chairman, thank you very much for your kind introduction. President, Distinguished colleagues, Ladies and gentleman, Good morning! Is my voice loud enough?5) Good morning, everyone. I appreciate the opportunity to be with you today. I am here to talk to you about…6) Good morning, everyone. I am very happy to have this chance to give my presentation. Before I start my speech, let me ask you a question. By a show of hands, how many of you own a car?II. Introducing the Subject and the outline of the Presentation 引入话题Background InformationI would like to start by briefly reviewing the history of open heart surgery.Let us start with the theoretical basis of this new technique.To begin with, we have to consider the principle.I think it would be best to start out by looking at a few slides.I should like to preface my remarks with a description of the basic idea.May I begin with a general outline of this project?The first thing I would like to talk about is the definition of the terms I shall use in my lecture.The first point I’d like to make is the historical backgr ound of the invention.First, I shall explain to you why this new program is correct and feasible.TopicI would like to concentrate on theproblem Of antibiotic abuse in hospitals.I shall devote my talk to the surgical treatment of coronary disease.I want to confine my talk to the latest developments in civil engineering.Today, I am going to give a talk on the application of computers in medicine.My topic today will deal with the observation of supernova.In today’s talk, I’ 11 restrict myself to the etiology of 15-epa~i;s.In my presentation this morning, I’ 11 limit myself to three major points only.I take the liberty of restricting my discussion mainly to highway bridge construction.Now, I would like to address myself to the most important aspect of this problem.Among the many languages, I shall mention only BASIC.What I am going to present today is the methodology and the data analysis.I’m not going to say much about that except to discuss the literature on that topic.OutliningMy talk today consists of two parts. One is... and the other is...I’ve divided my presentation into four parts.I shall first talk about ... and then touch on... and finally discuss ...The subject can be looked at under the following headings: ... (Pointing to the PowerPoint display)I would like to divide my talk into two parts. The first part deals with…, the second part concerns ...My presentation will be given in four parts. The first part deals with ... The second part relates to... The third part concerns ... An d the last part discusses…Purpose/ObjectiveThe purpose of this presentation is to...This talk is designed to…。
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Ok,I will tell you a story here.
I remembered once in the summer, the weather was hot enough to cook eggs on the sidewalk. And it seemed like the ground was on fire. My family and I stayed at home and we turned on the air conditioner. My father adjusted the temperature to 26 degrees to cool the room down. I said to him, "Dad, maybe we can turn off the air conditioner, because the fan can do the same work and it is more environmental friendly." So my dad did what I said. At that point, I thought I was closer to the energy saving and low-carbon life, because I saved carbon and other natural resources for world.
To show my contribution in low-carbon life, let me tell you a story of my own.
I remembered once in the summer, the weather was hot enough to cook eggs on the sidewalk. It seemed like the ground was on fire. My family and I stayed at home and we turned on the air conditioner. My father adjusted the temperature to 26 degrees to cool the room down. I said to him, "Dad, maybe we can turn off the air conditioner, because the fan can do the same work and it is more environmental friendly." And my dad did what I said. At that point, I thought I was closer to the energy saving and low-carbon life, because I saved carbon and other natural resources for the world.
Opening Words
Ladies and Gentleme,good morning.My name is陈秋贝、I'm from class 2 majored in Safety Engineering.I'm so proud of having this opportunity to give you this speech.Today,my topic is:My Contribution to Low-carbon Proposition!
Following the Copenhagen Conference, China set a target of cutting the nation's carbon intensity by 45 percent by 2020 compared to the level of 2005. Energy conservation and carbon reduction has become a challenge for the government and people of China. Therefore, it's time for us to make some difference.
And I think, it weighs greatly for all of us to put the low carbon lifestyle into practice,so my single contribution is far from enough.Therefore, as students, we ought to do more such as turn out the lights the moment we leave, turn off the tap in time, and reuse our textbook and so on.
This is the end of my speech. I really appreciate your time and attention. THANK YOU.
And,let's do it right away.
That's all my speech,thanks for your attention. THANK YOU.
Good morning, ladies and Gentlemen .My name is陈秋贝. I'm from class 2 majored in Safety Engineering. I'm very proud of having this opportunity to give you this speech. Today, my topic is: My Contribution to Low-carbon Proposition!
Following the Copenhagen Conference, China set a target of cutting the nation's carbon intensity by 45 percent by 2020 compared with the level of 2005. Energy conservation and carbon reduction has become a challenge for the government and people of China. SO, it's time for us to make some difference.
In conclusion, I think it is very important for all of us to put the low carbon lifestyle into practice. For instance, as students we should turn off the lights when we leave a room, turn off water taps properly, recycle papers and so on. My single contribution is not enough to change the world, so please follow me and get into action.