相信你是最棒的!第一学期第一次阶段考试高二英语试题注意事项:1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号、考场号、座位号填写在答题卡上。
2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。
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2024—2025第一次阶段性检测数学时量:120分钟 满分:150分得分______一、选择题:本大题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.已知复数,则( )C.3D.52.无论为何值,直线过定点( )A. B. C. D.3.在平行四边形中,,,,则点的坐标为( )A. B. C. D.4.已知,则( )A. B.C. D.5.直线关于对称的直线方程为()A. B. C. D.6.已知椭圆:,则( )A. B.C.8或2D.87.已知实数满足,则的范围是( )A. B. C. D.8.已知平面上一点,若直线上存在点使,则称该直线为点的“相关直线”,下列直线中不是点的“相关直线”的是( )A. B. C. D.3i1iz +=+z =λ()()()234210x y λλλ++++-=()2,2-()2,2--()1,1--()1,1-ABCD ()1,2,3A -()4,5,6B -()0,1,2C D ()5,6,1--()5,8,5-()5,6,1-()5,8,5--π1sin 33α⎛⎫+= ⎪⎝⎭πcos 23α⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭79-7929-292410x y --=0x y +=4210x y ++=4210x y +-=4210x y --=4210x y -+=C ()22104x y m m +=>m =,x y ()22203y x x x =-+ (4)1y x ++[]2,6(][),26,-∞+∞ 92,4⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦(]9,2,4⎡⎫-∞+∞⎪⎢⎣⎭()5,0M l P 4PM =()5,0M ()5,0M 3y x =-2y =430x y -=210x y -+=二、选择题:本大题共3小题,每小题6分,共18分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,有多项符合题目要求,全部选对的得6分,部分选对的得部分分,有选错的得0分.9.已知直线:,圆:,为坐标原点,下列说法正确的是( )A.若圆关于直线对称,则B.点到直线C.存在两个不同的实数,使得直线与圆相切D.存在两个不同的实数,使得圆上恰有三个点到直线的距离为10.已知圆:与圆:的一个交点为,动点的轨迹是曲线,则下列说法正确的是( )A.曲线的方程为B.曲线的方程为C.过点且垂直于轴的直线与曲线相交所得弦长为D.曲线上的点到直线11.在边长为2的正方体中,为边的中点,下列结论正确的有( )A.与B.过,,三点的正方体的截面面积为3C.当在线段上运动时,的最小值为3D.若为正方体表面上的一个动点,,分别为的三等分点,则的最小值为三、填空题:本题共3小题,每小题5分,共15分.12.通过科学研究发现:地震释放的能量E (单位:焦耳)与地震里氏震级M 之间的关系为.已知2011年甲地发生里氏9级地震,2019年乙地发生里氏7级地震,若甲、乙两地地震释放的能量分别为,,则______.13.直线的倾斜角的取值范围是______l 20x y λλ+--=C 221x y +=O C l 2λ=-O l λl C λC l 121F ()()222328x y m m ++=……2F ()()222310x y m -+=-M M C C 22110064x y +=C 2212516x y +=1F x C 325C 4510x ++=ABCD A B C D '-'''M BC AM D B ''A M D 'ABCD A B C D '-'''P A C 'PB PM '+Q B C C B ''EF A C 'QE QF +lg 4.8 1.5E M =+1E 2E 12E E =()243410ax ay +-+=14.如图,设,分别是椭圆的左、右焦点,点P 是以为直径的圆与椭圆在第一象限内的一个交点,延长与椭圆交于点,若,则直线的斜率为______.四、解答题:本题共5小题,共77分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.15.(13分)已知两圆和.求:(1)m 取何值时两圆外切?(2)当时,两圆的公共弦所在直线的方程和公共弦长.16.(15分)在中,内角A ,B ,C 的对边分别为a ,b ,c ,已知.(1)求的值;(2)若,,求的面积.17.(15分)如图,在四棱锥中,平面,,四边形满足,,,点为的中点,点为棱上的动点.(1)求证:平面;(2)是否存在点,使得平面与平面所成角的余弦值为?若存在,求出线段的长度;若不存在,说明理由.18.(17分)某校高一年级设有羽毛球训练课,期末对学生进行羽毛球五项指标(正手发高远球、定点高远球、吊球、杀球以及半场计时往返跑)考核,满分100分.参加考核的学生有40人,考核得分的频率分布直方图如图所示.1F 2F ()222210x y a b a b+=>>12F F 2PF Q 222PF F Q =1PF 222610x y x y +---=2210120x y x y m +--+=45m =A B C △()()cos 2cos 2cos A C b c a B -=-sin sin CA1cos 4B =2b =A BC △P ABCD -PA ⊥ABCD 2PA AB AD ===ABCDAB AD ⊥B C A D ∥4BC =M PC E BC DM ∥PAB E PDE ADE 23BE(1)由频率分布直方图,求出图中t 的值,并估计考核得分的第60百分位数;(2)为了提升同学们的羽毛球技能,校方准备招聘高水平的教练.现采用分层抽样的方法(样本量按比例分配),从得分在内的学生中抽取5人,再从中挑出两人进行试课,求两人得分分别来自和的概率;(3)若一个总体划分为两层,通过按样本量比例分配分层随机抽样,各层抽取的样本量、样本平均数和样本方差分别为:,,;,,.记总的样本平均数为,样本方差为,证明:19.(17分)已知动直线与椭圆:交于,两点,且的面积为坐标原点.(1)证明:和均为定值;(2)设线段的中点为,求的最大值;(3)椭圆上是否存在三点D ,E ,G,,使得?若存在,判断的形状;若不存在,请说明理由.[)70,90[)70,80[)80,90m x 21s n y 22s w 2s ()(){}22222121s m s x w n s y w m n ⎡⎤⎡⎤=+-++-⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦⎣⎦+l C 22132x y +=()11,P x y ()22,Q x y OPQ △OPQ S △O 2212x x +2212y y +P Q M OM PQ ⋅C ODE ODG OEG S S S ===△△△D E G △长沙市第一中学2024—2025学年度高二第一学期第一次阶段性检测数学参考答案一、二、选择题题号1234567891011答案BAAACCADABDBCDAC1.B 【解析】∵,∴. .故选B.2.A 【解析】由得:,由得∴直线恒过定点.故选A.3.A【解析】设,则,,得.故选A.4.A 【解析】,又,所以.故选A.5.C 【解析】取直线关于对称的直线上任意一点,易知点关于直线对称的点的坐标为,由点在直线上可知,即.故选C.6.C 【解析】椭圆:的离心率为,,解得或.故选C.7.A 【解析】表示函数图象上的点与的连线的斜率,结合图象可知,斜率分别在与(相切时)处取最大值和最小值,()()()()23i 1i 3i 33i i i 2i 1i 1i 1i 2z +-+-+-====-++-z ==()()()234210x y λλλ++++-=()()223420x y x y λ++++-=220,3420x y x y ++=⎧⎨+-=⎩2,2,x y =-⎧⎨=⎩()()()234210x y λλλ++++-=()2,2-(),,D x y z ()5,7,3AB =- (),1,2DC x y z =---()5,6,1D --22πππ17cos 2cos 212sin 1233399ααα⎡⎤⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫+=+=-+=-⨯= ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎢⎥⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎣⎦π2π22π33αα⎛⎫-=+- ⎪⎝⎭π2π2π7cos 2cos 2πcos 23339ααα⎡⎤⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫-=+-=-+=- ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎢⎥⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎣⎦2410x y --=0x y +=()00,P x y P 0x y +=()00,Q y x --Q 2410x y --=002410y x -+-=004210x y --=C ()22104x y m m +=>==8m =2m =41y x ++()22203y x x x =-+……()1,4--()0,2()2,2所以的范围是.故选A.8.D 【解析】根据题意,当点到直线的距离时,该直线上存在点使得,此时直线为点的“相关直线”,对于A ,,即,点到直线的距离,该直线是点的“相关直线”;对于B ,,点到直线的距离,该直线是点的“相关直线”;对于C ,,点到直线的距离,该直线是点的“相关直线”;对于D,,点到直线的距离,该直线不是点的“相关直线”.故选D.9.ABD 【解析】直线:过定点,圆:,圆心,半径,对选项A :直线过圆心,则,解得,故选项A 正确;对选项B :点O 到直线l的距离的最大值为B 正确;对选项C :直线与圆相切,则圆心到直线的距离,解得,故选项C 错误;对选项D :当圆上恰有三个点到直线的距离为时,圆心到直线的距离,解得,故选项D 正确.故选ABD.10.BCD 【解析】对A 选项与B 选项,由题意知圆与圆交于点,则,,所以,所以点的轨迹是焦点在轴上的椭圆,且,,即,,所以,所以曲线的方程为,故A 选项错误,B 选项正确;41y x ++[]2,6M l 4d …P 4PM =l()5,0M 30y x =-=30x y --=M l 4d <()5,0M 2y =M l 0224d =-=<()5,0M 430x y -=M l 4d ==()5,0M 210x y -+=M l 4d ()5,0M l 20x y λλ+--=()2,1P C 221x y +=()0,0C 1r =20λ--=2λ=-PC =l C 1d 34λ=-C l 12C l 12d λ=1F 2F M 1MF m =210MF m =-1212106MF MF F F +=>=M x 210a =26c =5a =3c =4b =C 2212516x y +=对C 选项,通径的长度为,故C 选项正确;对D 选项,设与直线平行的直线为,,将与联立得,令,解得,此时直线与椭圆相切,当时,切点到直线的距离最大,直线的方程为,故曲线上的点到直线D 选项正确.故选BCD.11.AC 【解析】以为坐标原点,,,所在直线分别为x ,y ,z 轴,建立如图所示的空间直角坐标系,则,,,,,∴,,∴,∴与A 正确;取的中点,连接,,,则,故梯形为过点,,的该正方体的截面,∵,,∴梯形,1632255⨯=4510x ++=l 40x t ++=51t ≠40x t ++=2212516x y +=221004000y t ++-=()22Δ3004004000tt =--=40t =±l 40t =-4510x ++=l 4400x +-=C 4510x ++=A 'A D ''A B ''A A '()0,0,2A ()1,2,2M ()2,0,0D '()0,2,0B '()2,2,0C '()1,2,0AM = ()2,2,0DB''=-cos ,AM D B AM D B AM D B '⋅'''''⋅==AM D B ''C C 'N M N D N 'AD 'M N BC AD ''∥∥M N D A 'A M D 'MN AD '=AM D N ='=M N D A '=∴梯形的面积为,故B 错误;由对称性可知,,故,又由于,,,四点共面,故,当为与的交点时等号成立,故C 正确,设点关于平面的对称点为,连接,当与平面的交点为时,最小,过点作的平行线,过点作的平行线,两者交于点,此时,D 错误.故选AC.三、填空题12.1000 【解析】由题知,.13. 【解析】设直线的倾斜角为,当时,直线为,;当时,,当且仅当时取等号, ∴;当时,,当且仅当时取等号, ∴,综上可得.14.【解析】连接,,由点在以为直径的圆上,故.M N D A '1922⨯+=PB PD '='PB PM PD PM '++'=A 'B C D '3PB PM PD PM D M +=+'''=…P A C 'D M 'F B C C B ''F 'EF 'EF 'B C C B ''Q QE QF QE QF +=+'E AD 'F AB G 13EG AD =='2G F '=EF =='11112222lg 4.8 1.59,lg lg 3lg 31000lg 4.8 1.57E E EE E E E E =+⨯⎧⇒-=⇒=⇒=⎨=+⨯⎩π2π,33⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦()243410a x ay +-+=α0α=310x +=π2α=0α>2433tan 44a k a a a α+===+= (3)4a a =ππ,32α⎡⎫∈⎪⎢⎣⎭0α<24333tan 444a k a a a a a α+⎛⎫===+=--+-= ⎪-⎝⎭ (3)4a a -=-π2π,23α⎛⎤∈ ⎥⎝⎦π2π,33α⎡⎤∈⎢⎥⎣⎦121PF 1QF P 12F F 12PF PF ⊥又,在椭圆上,故有,.设,则,,,.在中,由勾股定理得,解得,于是,,故.四、解答题15.【解析】(1)由已知化简两圆的方程为标准方程分别为:,,则圆心分别为,,,解得.(2)当,则,所以两圆相交,则两圆的公共弦所在直线的方程为:,即,圆心到直线的距离,所以公共弦长.16.【解析】(1)由正弦定理得,所以,所以,化简得,又,所以,因此.(2)由,得,由余弦定理及,又,得,解得,从而.又因为,且,所以.P Q 122PF PF a +=122QF QF a +=2QF m =22PF m =122PF a m =-12QF a m =-3PQ m =1Rt PQF △()()()2223222m a m a m +-=-3a m =223a PF =143a PF =1121tan 2PF k PF F ∠==()()221311x y -+-=()()()22566161x y m m -+-=-<()1,3M ()5,6N =+25m =+45m =4=44<<+()22222611012450x y x y x y x y +----+--+=43230x y +-=()1,3M 43230x y +-=2d l ==()()cos 2cos sin 2sin sin cos A C B C A B -=-cos sin 2cos sin 2sin cos sin cos A B C B C B A B -=-cos sin sin cos 2cos sin 2sin cos A B A B C B C B +=+()()sin 2sin A B B C +=+πA B C ++=sin 2sin C A =sin 2sin CA=sin 2sin C A =2c a =2222cos b a c ac B =+-1cos 4B =2b =22214444a a a =+-⨯1a =2c =1cos 4B =0πB <<sin B =因此.17.【解析】(1)因为平面,,平面,所以,,又,所以,,两两垂直.以为坐标原点,所在直线为轴,所在直线为轴,所在直线为轴,建立空间直角坐标系,如下图所示,则,,,,因为点为中点,所以,,又,,所以,所以,,为共面向量,则在平面内存在直线与平面外的直线平行,所以平面.(2)设,,,,依题意可知,平面的法向量为,设平面的法向量为,则令,则.因为平面与平面所成角的余弦值为,所以,解得或,所以存在点使得平面与平面所成角的余弦值为,或.18.【解析】(1)由题意得:,解得,11sin 1222ABC S ac B ==⨯⨯=△PA ⊥ABCD A D AB ⊂ABCD PA AD ⊥PA AB ⊥AB AD ⊥PA AB A D A AB x A D y AP z ()0,0,2P ()2,0,0B ()0,2,0D ()2,4,0C M PC ()1,2,1M ()1,0,1DM =()0,0,2AP = ()2,0,0AB =1122DM AP AB =+ DM ,AP A BPAB l PAB DM DM ∥PAB ()2,,0E a 04a ……()0,2,2DP =- ()2,2,0DE a =-ADE ()0,0,2AP =PDE (),,n x y z =()220,220,DP n y z DE n x a y ⎧⋅=-+=⎪⎨⋅=+-=⎪⎩1z =2,1,12a n -⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭ PDE ADE 232cos ,3AP n AP n AP n ⋅==⋅23=1a =3a =E PDE ADE 231BE =3BE =()100.010.0150.020.0251t ⨯++++=0.03t =设第60百分位数为,则,解得,即第60百分位数为85.(2)由题意知,抽出的5位同学中,得分在的有人,设为,,在的有人,设为a ,b ,c .则样本空间为,.设事件“两人分别来自和”,则,,因此,所以两人得分分别来自和的概率为. (3)由题得:①;②略19.【解析】(1)(ⅰ)当直线的斜率不存在时,,两点关于轴对称,所以,,因为在椭圆上,所以,①又因为,所以由①②得,,此时,.(ⅱ)当直线的斜率存在时,设直线的方程为,由题意知,将其代入得,其中,即,(*)又,,所以,x ()0.01100.015100.02100.03800.6x ⨯+⨯+⨯+⨯-=85x =[)70,8085220⨯=A B [)80,90125320⨯=()()()()()()()()()(){}Ω,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,A B A a A b A c B a B b B c a b a c b c =()Ω10n =M =[)70,80[)80,90()()()()()(){},,,,,,,,,,,M A a A b A c B a B b B c =()6n M=()()()63Ω105n M P M n ===[)70,80[)80,9035mx ny m n w x y m n m n m n+==++++l P Q x 21x x =21y y =-()11,P x y 2211132x y +=OPQ S =△11x y ⋅=1x =11y =22123x x +=22122y y +=l l y kx m =+0m ≠22132x y +=()()222236320k x kmx m +++-=()()2222Δ36122320k m k m =-+->2232k m +>122623km x x k +=-+()21223223m x x k -=+PQ ==因为点到直线的距离为,所以又,整理得,且符合(*)式,此时,,综上所述,,,结论成立。
2023-2024学年度第一学期第一次月考高二年级数学学科试卷(考试时间90分钟,总分150分)一、单选题(本大题共11小题,每小题5分,共55分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合要求的)1.直线l 经过点(0,1)A -,(1,1)B ,则直线l 的斜率是()A.2B.2- C.12D.12-2.直线50x ++=的倾斜角为()A.30︒B.60︒C.120︒D.150︒3.在空间直角坐标系O xyz -中,(111)A ---,,,(111)B ,,,那么AB 等于()A.2B.C. D.4.设直线l 的方向向量为a ,平面α的法向量为b,若0a b ⋅=,则()A.//l αB.l ⊂α C.l α⊥ D.l ⊂α或//l α5.已知(2,1,3)a =- ,(4,1,)b t =- ,且a b ⊥,则实数t 的值为()A.3- B.3C.4D.66.已知直线0Ax By C ++=不经过第一象限,且A ,B ,C 均不为零,则有().A.0C < B.0C > C.0BC > D.0BC <7.如图,在平行六面体1111ABCD A B C D -中,M 为AC 和BD 的交点,若AB a = ,AD b = ,1AA c =,则下列式子中与1MB相等的是()A.1122-+ a b c B.1122a b c+-C.1122a b c-++D.1122--+a b c8.已知直线1l :()2140x a y +-+=,2l :340ax y --=,则“3a =”是“12l l ∥”的()A.充分不必要条件B.必要不充分条件C.充要条件D.既不充分也不必要条件9.已知两点()2,3A -,()3,2-B ,直线l 过点()1,1P 且与线段AB 相交,则直线l 的斜率k 的取值范围是()A.144k -≤≤-B.4k ≤-或14k ≥-C.344k -≤≤D.344k -≤≤10.若直线l:y kx =2360x y +-=的交点位于第一象限,则直线l 的倾斜角的取值范围是()A.ππ,63⎡⎫⎪⎢⎣⎭ B.ππ,62⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭C.ππ,32⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭D.ππ,32⎡⎫⎪⎢⎣⎭11.已知点()P x y ,在直线10x y --=上的运动,则()()2222x y -+-的最小值是()A.12B.2C.14D.34二、多选题(本大题共1小题,每小题5分,共5分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,请选出所有符合题意的选项,如有错选不得分)12.己知正方体ABCD -A 1B 1C 1D 1的棱长为4,EF 是棱AB 上的一条线段,且EF =1,点Q 是棱A 1D 1的中点,点P 是棱C 1D 1上的动点,则下面结论中正确的是()A.PQ 与EF 一定不垂直B.平面PEF 与平面EFQ 夹角的正弦值是1010C.三角形PEF的面积是D.点P 到平面QEF 的距离是定值三、填空题(本大题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分)13.已知点()1,1A ,()1,5B -,则线段AB 中点C 的坐标为______.14.若1,,02a x ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭(0x >)是单位向量,则x =__________.15.已知向量()2,3,1a =-- ,()2,0,3b = ,()0,0,2c = ,则6a b c +- 的坐标为______.16.已知直线1:10l ax y ++=,2:10l x ay ++=.若12l l ⊥,则实数=a ___________.17.直线1:l y kx k =-+过定点为_____.18.设()()121,2,2,2,3,2v v =-=-分别是空间两直线12,l l 的方向向量,则直线1l ,2l 所成角的大小为___________.19.两个非零向量a ,b ,定义||||||sin ,a b a b a b ⨯=〈〉 .若(1,0,1)a = ,(0,2,2)b = ,则a b ⨯=___________.20.平行六面体1111ABCD A B C D -中,12AB AA ==,1AD =,1160BAD BAA DAA ∠=∠=∠=︒,动点P 在直线CD 上运动,则PA PC ⋅的最小值为_________.四、解答题(本大题共3个小题,共50分解答应写出文字说明,证明过程或演算步骤)21.分别求满足下列条件的直线方程:(1)过点(3,1)且与直线31y x =-垂直的直线方程;(2)过点(1,2)且与直线2100x y +-=平行的直线方程;(3)求过点(0,2)A -,斜率是直线61y x =--的斜率的14的直线方程;(4)求过点(1,3)A -,且在x 轴上的截距等于在y 轴上截距的直线方程.22.如图,在四棱锥P ABCD -中,24PD AD ==,PD ⊥平面ABCD ,底面ABCD 为正方形,M ,N 分别为AD ,PD 的中点.(1)求证://PA 平面MNC ;(2)求直线PB 与平面MNC 所成角的正弦值.23.如图,在三棱锥-P ABC 中,平面PAC ⊥平面ABC ,ABC 是以AC 为斜边的等腰直角三角形,8AC =,5PA PC ==,O 为AC 中点,H 为PBC 内的动点(含边界).(1)求证:PO 平面ABC;(2)求平面PAB与平面PBC夹角的余弦值;OH平面PAB,求直线PH与平面ABC所成角的正弦值的取值范围.(3)若//2023-2024学年度第一学期第一次月考高二年级数学学科试卷(考试时间90分钟,总分150分)一、单选题(本大题共11小题,每小题5分,共55分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合要求的)1.直线l 经过点(0,1)A -,(1,1)B ,则直线l 的斜率是()A.2B.2- C.12D.12-【答案】A【分析】运用斜率公式计算即可.【详解】由题意知,1(1)210k --==-,即直线l 的斜率为2.故选:A.2.直线50x ++=的倾斜角为()A.30︒B.60︒C.120︒D.150︒【答案】D【分析】求出直线的斜率,然后根据斜率的定义即可求得倾斜角.【详解】直线50x +=可化为35333y x =--,则斜率tan 3k α==-,又倾斜角α,满足0180α≤<︒,所以倾斜角为150︒.故选:D3.在空间直角坐标系O xyz -中,(111)A ---,,,(111)B ,,,那么AB 等于()A.2 B.C. D.【答案】D【分析】根据空间中两点之间的距离公式即可求解.【详解】根据空间中两点之间的距离公式可得AB =,故选:D4.设直线l 的方向向量为a ,平面α的法向量为b,若0a b ⋅=,则()A.//l αB.l ⊂αC.l α⊥D.l ⊂α或//l α【答案】D【分析】依题意可得a b ⊥,即可判断.【详解】∵直线l 的方向向量为a ,平面α的法向量为b 且0a b ⋅=,即a b ⊥ ,∴l ⊂α或//l α.故选:D5.已知(2,1,3)a =- ,(4,1,)b t =- ,且a b ⊥,则实数t 的值为()A.3-B.3C.4D.6【答案】B【分析】运用空间向量垂直的坐标公式计算即可.【详解】因为a b ⊥,所以2(4)1130t ⨯--⨯+=,解得3t =.故选:B.6.已知直线0Ax By C ++=不经过第一象限,且A ,B ,C 均不为零,则有().A.0C <B.0C > C.0BC > D.0BC <【答案】C【分析】根据给定条件,求出直线的斜率、纵截距,再列不等式求解作答.【详解】依题意,直线0Ax By C ++=的斜率为AB -,纵截距为BC -,又该直线不经过第一象限,因此0A B -<,且0CB-<,即0AB >,0BC >,选项A ,B 不一定正确,D 不正确,C 正确.故选:C .7.如图,在平行六面体1111ABCD A B C D -中,M 为AC 和BD 的交点,若AB a = ,AD b = ,1AA c =,则下列式子中与1MB相等的是()A.1122-+ a b c B.1122a b c+-C.1122a b c-++D.1122--+a b c【答案】A【分析】根据空间向量的加减运算,表示出向量1MB,即得答案.【详解】111111()22MB MB BB DB AA AB AD AA =+=+=-+1122a b c =-+ ,故选;A8.已知直线1l :()2140x a y +-+=,2l :340ax y --=,则“3a =”是“12l l ∥”的()A.充分不必要条件B.必要不充分条件C.充要条件D.既不充分也不必要条件【答案】C【分析】利用充要条件的定义判断.【详解】解:当3a =时,直线1l :20x y -+=,2l :3340x y --=,则12l l ∥,当12l l ∥时,()()()23102440a a a ⎧⨯---⨯=⎪⎨⨯--≠⎪⎩,即26020a a a ⎧--=⎨+≠⎩,解得3a =,故“3a =”是“12l l ∥”的充要条件,故选:C9.已知两点()2,3A -,()3,2-B ,直线l 过点()1,1P 且与线段AB 相交,则直线l 的斜率k 的取值范围是()A.144k -≤≤- B.4k ≤-或14k ≥-C.344k -≤≤D.344k -≤≤【答案】B【分析】数形结合法,讨论直线l 过A 、B 时对应的斜率,进而判断率k 的范围.【详解】如下图示,当直线l 过A 时,31421k --==--,当直线l 过B 时,211314k -==---,由图知:4k ≤-或14k ≥-.故选:B10.若直线l:y kx =2360x y +-=的交点位于第一象限,则直线l 的倾斜角的取值范围是()A.ππ,63⎡⎫⎪⎢⎣⎭ B.ππ,62⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭C.ππ,32⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭D.ππ,32⎡⎫⎪⎢⎣⎭【答案】B【分析】联立两直线方程得到交点坐标,然后根据交点位于第一象限得到633023623023k k k⎧+>⎪⎪+⎨-⎪>⎪+⎩,解方程得到33k >,最后根据斜率与倾斜角的关系得到倾斜角的范围.【详解】联立2360y kx x y ⎧=⎪⎨+-=⎪⎩得6332362323x k k y k ⎧+=⎪⎪+⎨-⎪=⎪+⎩,所以633023623023k k k⎧+>⎪⎪+⎨-⎪>⎪+⎩,解得33k >,所以直线l 的倾斜角的范围为ππ,62⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭.故选:B.11.已知点()P x y ,在直线10x y --=上的运动,则()()2222x y -+-的最小值是()A.12B.22C.14D.34【答案】A【分析】()()2222x y -+-表示点()P x y ,与()22,距离的平方,求出()22,到直线10x y --=的距离,即可得到答案.【详解】()()2222x y -+-表示点()P x y ,与()2,2距离的平方,因为点()2,2到直线10x y --=的距离2d ==,所以()2,2的最小值为212d =.故选:A二、多选题(本大题共1小题,每小题5分,共5分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,请选出所有符合题意的选项,如有错选不得分)12.己知正方体ABCD -A 1B 1C 1D 1的棱长为4,EF 是棱AB 上的一条线段,且EF =1,点Q 是棱A 1D 1的中点,点P 是棱C 1D 1上的动点,则下面结论中正确的是()A.PQ 与EF 一定不垂直B.平面PEF 与平面EFQ 夹角的正弦值是1010C.三角形PEF的面积是D.点P 到平面QEF 的距离是定值【答案】BCD【分析】根据点P 和点1D 重合时,PQ EF ⊥判断A 选项;根据二面角平面角的定义得到1QAD ∠为平面PEF 与平面EFQ 的夹角,然后求正弦值判断B 选项;根据四边形11ABC D 为矩形得到P 到EF 的距离和1AD 相等,然后求三角形面积即可判断C 选项;根据线面平行的判定定理得到11D C ∥平面QEF ,然后结合线面平行的性质得到点P 到平面QEF 的距离为定值即可判断D 选项.【详解】当点P 和点1D 重合时,PQ EF ⊥,故A 错;取11B C 中点H ,连接QH ,AQ ,1AD ,BH ,1BC ,因为1111ABCD A B C D -为正方体,所以11D C AB ∥,QH AB ∥,AB ⊥平面11AA D D ,所以平面PEF 即平面11ABC D ,平面EFQ 即平面ABHQ ,因为1,AQ AD ⊂平面11AA D D ,所以AB AQ ⊥,1AB AD ⊥,因为平面11ABC D ⋂平面ABHQ AB =,所以1QAD ∠为平面PEF 与平面EFQ 的夹角,由题意得,AQ ==,1AD ==2QD =,所以2221111310cos 210QA AD QD QAD QA AD +-∠===⋅⋅,因为()10,QAD ∠∈π,所以110sin QAD ∠==,故B 正确;由题意得四边形11ABC D 为矩形,所以P 到EF 的距离和1AD 相等,所以112EFP S =⨯⨯=V C 正确;因为11D C AB ∥,即11D C EF ∥,11D C ⊄平面QEF ,EF ⊂平面QEF ,所以11D C ∥平面QEF ,又11P D C ∈,所以点P 到平面QEF 的距离为定值,故D 正确.故选:BCD.三、填空题(本大题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分)13.已知点()1,1A ,()1,5B -,则线段AB 中点C 的坐标为______.【答案】(0,3)【分析】利用中点坐标公式直接求解作答.【详解】点()1,1A ,()1,5B -,所以线段AB 中点C 的坐标为(0,3).故答案为:(0,3)14.若1,,02a x ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭(0x >)是单位向量,则x =__________.【答案】2【分析】运用单位向量的定义及空间向量模长公式计算即可.【详解】由题意知,||1a =r1=,解得32x =或32x =-,又因为0x >,所以x =.故答案为:32.15.已知向量()2,3,1a =-- ,()2,0,3b = ,()0,0,2c = ,则6a b c +- 的坐标为______.【答案】()10,3,17-【分析】直接利用向量的运算法则计算即可.【详解】向量()2,3,1a =-- ,()2,0,3b = ,()0,0,2c =,则()()()()2,0,30,0,210,3,1762,3,16a b c +-=--+-=- .故答案为:()10,3,17-.16.已知直线1:10l ax y ++=,2:10l x ay ++=.若12l l ⊥,则实数=a ___________.【答案】0【分析】利用两直线的位置关系求解.【详解】因为直线1:10l ax y ++=,2:10l x ay ++=,且12l l ⊥,所以110a a ⨯+⨯=,解得0a =,故答案为:017.直线1:l y kx k =-+过定点为_____.【答案】()1,1【分析】先把直线化为点斜式,从而可确定定点.【详解】直线l 可化为点斜式()11y k x -=-,所以直线1:l y kx k =-+过定点()1,1.故答案为:()1,1.18.设()()121,2,2,2,3,2v v =-=- 分别是空间两直线12,l l 的方向向量,则直线1l ,2l 所成角的大小为___________.【答案】90︒##π2【分析】空间中直线与直线所成的角,与其对应的方向向量夹角相同,直接利用空间向量的夹角公式计算即可.【详解】因为121212cos ,0v v v v v v ⋅==⋅ ,所以1v 与2v 的夹角为90︒,即直线1l ,2l 所成角的大小为90︒.故答案为:90︒.19.两个非零向量a ,b ,定义||||||sin ,a b a b a b ⨯=〈〉 .若(1,0,1)a = ,(0,2,2)b = ,则a b ⨯= ___________.【答案】【分析】根据新定义及向量夹角公式计算即可.【详解】因为a b ==== 2a b →→⋅=,所以21cos ,42a b a b a b ⋅===⋅ ,故sin ,2a b == ,所以2a b ⨯== ,故答案为:20.平行六面体1111ABCD A B C D -中,12AB AA ==,1AD =,1160BAD BAADAA ∠=∠=∠=︒,动点P 在直线CD 上运动,则PA PC ⋅ 的最小值为_________.【答案】14-【分析】设1PC D C λ=uu u r uuu r ,然后根据空间向量的线性运算和数量积的运算律得到211224PA PC λ⎛⎫⋅=-- ⎪⎝⎭uu r uu u r ,最后求最小值即可.【详解】设1PC D C λ=uu u r uuu r,()PA PC PC CB BA PC ⋅=++⋅uu r uu u r uu u r uu r uu r uu u r ()11D C AD AB D Cλλ=--⋅uuu r uuu r uu u r uuu r ()11A B AD AB A Bλλ=--⋅uuu r uuu r uu u r uuu r ()()11AB AA AD AB AB AA λλλλ=---⋅-uu u r uuu r uuu r uu u r uu u r uuu r ()()2222111111AB AA AB AD AB AB AA AA AD AA λλλλλλλλ=--⋅-⋅--⋅++⋅uu u r uuu r uu u r uuu r uu u r uu u r uuu r uuu r uuu r uuu r ()()222211112AB AA AB AD AB AA AD AA λλλλλλλ=---⋅-⋅++⋅uu u r uuu r uu u r uuu r uu u r uuu r uuu r uuu r ()()221424cos 602cos 6042cos 60λλλλλλλ=-⨯--⨯︒-⨯︒++⋅︒242λλ=-21112244λ⎛⎫=--≥- ⎪⎝⎭,当且仅当14λ=时等号成立,所以PA PC ⋅ 的最小值为14-.故答案为:14-.四、解答题(本大题共3个小题,共50分解答应写出文字说明,证明过程或演算步骤)21.分别求满足下列条件的直线方程:(1)过点(3,1)且与直线31y x =-垂直的直线方程;(2)过点(1,2)且与直线2100x y +-=平行的直线方程;(3)求过点(0,2)A -,斜率是直线61y x =--的斜率的14的直线方程;(4)求过点(1,3)A -,且在x 轴上的截距等于在y 轴上截距的直线方程.【答案】(1)360x y +-=(2)240x y +-=(3)3240x y ++=(4)30x y +=或20x y +-=【分析】(1)由两直线垂直可得所求直线的斜率,结合点斜式方程求解即可.(2)由两直线平行可得所求直线的斜率,结合点斜式方程求解即可.(3)由已知可得所求直线的斜率,结合点斜式方程求解即可.(4)分别研究截距为0与截距不为0时直线方程即可.【小问1详解】因为31y x =-的斜率为3,所以所求直线的斜率为13k =-,所以由点斜式方程可得11(3)3y x -=--,即360x y +-=.【小问2详解】因为2100x y +-=的斜率为2-,所以所求直线的斜率为2k =-,所以由点斜式方程可得22(1)y x -=--,即240x y +-=.【小问3详解】因为61y x =--的斜率为6-,所以所求直线的斜率为13642k =-⨯=-,所以由点斜式方程可得32(0)2y x +=--,即3240x y ++=.【小问4详解】①当截距为0时,设直线方程为y kx =,因为直线过点(1,3)A -,所以3k =-,即3k =-,所以直线方程为3y x =-,即30x y +=.②当截距不为0时,设直线方程为1x y a a+=(0a ≠),因为直线过点(1,3)A -,所以131a a -+=,解得2a =,所以直线方程为221x y +=,即20x y +-=.综述:所求直线方程为30x y +=或20x y +-=.22.如图,在四棱锥P ABCD -中,24PD AD ==,PD ⊥平面ABCD ,底面ABCD 为正方形,M ,N 分别为AD ,PD 的中点.(1)求证://PA 平面MNC ;(2)求直线PB 与平面MNC 所成角的正弦值.【答案】(1)证明见解析(2)16【分析】(1)利用中位线定理证得//PA MN ,结合线面平行的判定定理证明即可.(2)建立空间直角坐标系,运用空间向量夹角的坐标公式计算即可.【小问1详解】证明:因为M ,N 分别为AD ,PD 的中点,所以//PA MN ,又因为PA ⊄平面MNC ,MN ⊂平面MNC ,所以//PA 平面MNC .【小问2详解】由题意知,以点D 为坐标原点,分别以DA 、DC 、DP 所在直线为x 轴、y 轴、z 轴建立空间直角坐标系,如图所示,则(0,0,4)P ,(2,2,0)B ,(1,0,0)M ,(0,0,2)N ,(0,2,0)C ,所以(2,2,4)PB =- ,(0,2,2)NC =- ,(1,0,2)MN =- ,设平面MNC 的法向量为(,,)n x y z =,则00n NC n MN ⎧⋅=⎪⎨⋅=⎪⎩ ,即22020y z x z -=⎧⎨-+=⎩,取1z =,则2x =,1y =,所以(2,1,1)n = ,设直线PB 与平面MNC 所成角为θ,则222222|||222141|21sin |cos ,|6||||26622(4)211PB n PB n PB n θ⋅====⨯++-⨯++ ,故直线PB 与平面MNC 所成角的正弦值为16.23.如图,在三棱锥-P ABC 中,平面PAC ⊥平面ABC ,ABC 是以AC 为斜边的等腰直角三角形,8AC =,5PA PC ==,O 为AC 中点,H 为PBC 内的动点(含边界).(1)求证:PO ⊥平面ABC ;(2)求平面PAB 与平面PBC 夹角的余弦值;(3)若//OH 平面PAB ,求直线PH 与平面ABC 所成角的正弦值的取值范围.【答案】(1)证明见解析(2)817(3)3317[,]517【分析】(1)运用面面垂直的性质定理即可证明.(2)建立空间直角坐标系,运用面面夹角的坐标公式计算即可.(3)设点H 坐标,由//OH 平面PAB ,PH ⊂面PBC 可表示H 坐标,结合线面角坐标公式计算可得31122sin x α⎛⎫+ ⎪=02x ≤≤),运用换元法求此函数的值域即可.【小问1详解】证明:因为平面PAC ⊥平面ABC ,平面PAC 平面ABC AC =,PO AC ⊥,PO ⊂平面PAC ,所以PO ⊥平面ABC .【小问2详解】在三棱锥-P ABC 中,连接OB ,因为O 为AC 中点,ABC 是以AC 为斜边的等腰直角三角形,则OB OC ⊥,由(1)知,PO ⊥平面ABC ,所以以O 为原点,分别以OB 、OC 、OP 所在直线为x 轴、y 轴、z 轴建立空间直角坐标系,如图所示,由题意知,4OB OA OC ===,又5PA PC ==,则3OP =,则(0,0,3)P ,(0,4,0)-A ,(4,0,0)B ,(0,4,0)C ,所以(0,4,3)PA =-- ,(4,0,3)PB =- ,(0,4,3)PC =- ,设平面PAB 的法向量为111(,,)n x y z =,则1111430430n PA y z n PB x z ⎧⋅=--=⎪⎨⋅=-=⎪⎩ ,取13x =,则13y =-,14z =,则(3,3,4)n =- ,设平面PBC 的法向量为222(,,)m x y z = ,则2222430430m PB x z m PC y z ⎧⋅=-=⎪⎨⋅=-=⎪⎩ ,取23x =,则23y =,24z =,则(3,3,4)m = ,设平面PAB 与平面PBC 夹角为θ,则||168cos |cos ,|3417||||n m n m n m θ⋅===== ,即平面PAB 与平面PBC 夹角的余弦值为817.【小问3详解】如(2)建系及图可知,平面PAB 的法向量为(3,3,4)n =- ,平面PBC 的法向量为(3,3,4)m =,(0,0,3)P ,设(,,)H x y z ,则(,,)OH x y z = ,(,,3)PH x y z =- ,因为//OH 平面PAB ,PH ⊂面PBC ,所以3340334(3)0n OH x y z m PH x y z ⎧⋅=-+=⎪⎨⋅=++-=⎪⎩ ,解得33(,2,)24H x x -,所以33(,2,)24PH x x =-- ,又因为OP ⊥平面ABC ,所以(0,0,1)p =是平面ABC 的一个法向量,设直线PH 与平面ABC 所成角为α,则3331|||1|2422sin |cos ,|x x p PH α--+== 又H 为PBC 内的动点(含边界),所以04330324x x ≤≤⎧⎪⎨≤-≤⎪⎩,解得02x ≤≤,所以31122sin x α⎛⎫+ ⎪=(02x ≤≤),令112t x =+,则2(1)x t =-,(12t ≤≤),所以3322sin 31t t α=⨯33==(12t ≤≤),因为12t ≤≤,所以1112t ≤≤,所以21110()24t ≤-≤,所以2111732()17252t ≤-+≤,所以117517≤≤,即33173517≤,所以直线PH 与平面ABC 所成角的正弦值的取值范围为3317[,]517.。
湖南省长沙市长郡中学2024-2025学年高二上学期第一次月考历史试题 (含答案)
11.明清时期,闽粤客商每年都要在江南地区大量购丝,史载“闽省客商赴浙江湖州一带买丝,用银三四十万至四五十万两不等,至于广商买丝银两动至百万,少亦不下八九十万两。此外苏杭二处走广商人贩入广省尚不知凡几”。这表明( )
13.针对“各省所用银钱,式样各账,平色不一”的问题。1903年清廷决定在京师设立银钱总厂转造统一银币,由于自行货币带来的巨额收益,各省进币厂并未停止铸币。币制改革迟迟未能取得进展。这可以用来说明( )
12.如表主要反映了( )
—第一学期月考高二年级英语试卷(说明:考试时间:100分钟满分:120分)第一部分:听力(共20小题,满分20分)第一节共5 小题听下面5段对话。
每段对话后有一小题,从题中所给的ABC 三个选项中选出最佳答案。
1.What are the speakers going to buy?A.A shelfB. A chairC. A writing desk.2.How does the woman usually go to work ?A.She walksB.She takes a busC.She takes thesubway3.What does the man think of the price?A.It is too high .B.It is as reasonable as he expected.C.It is lower than he expected.4.What does the woman want ?A.Some inkB.A penC. A pencil-box5.What is the woman doing?A.Asking for an apologyB.Asking for helpC.Asking forinformation.第二节共15 小题;听下面5 段对话。
每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的ABC 三个选项中选出最佳答案。
听第6段材料回答第6,7题6.What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. Buying a houseB. Borrowing moneyC. Buying a car7.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?A.Bank manager and customer.B.Workmates .C.Husband and wife.听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。
一、各班成绩分析: 班级考试人数平均分 及格人数 及格率% 80分以上 优秀率%名次备注 高二(8)班 29 71.93 28 96.55% 3 0.0% 1 其名次按其平均分排名 高二(7)班 43 66.74 36 83.72% 0 0.0% 2 高二(5)班 47 60.91 28 59.42% 1 0.0% 3 高二(4)班 45 59.42 25 55.56% 0 0.0% 4 高二(6)班 46 57.76 17 36.96% 0 0.0% 5 高二(3)班 38 50.37 9 23.68% 0 0.0% 6 高二(1)班 40 48.88 9 22.50% 0 0.0% 7 高二(2)班 42 46.21 5 11.90% 0 0.0% 8 高二(9)班 4145.17 717.07% 00.0% 9在这次地理考试中,年级平均分为51.6,年级最高分82,80分以上只有四人,最低分12,40分以下的低分段有41人,大部分学生成绩集中在50分-70分之间,成绩各分数段具体如下:从不同层次班级的平均分来看,这套试卷基本上拉开了差距,清北班与重点班、重点班与平行班平均分差距基本都在6-15分,同层次班级差距基本都在3分以内,成绩分布相比较都比较合理,这些与本学期我们扎扎实实的集体备课有着密不可分的关系。
2024—2025学年上学期高二年级数学学科阶段验收考试试卷(答案在最后)考试时间:90分钟满分:120分命题人:一、单项选择题:本大题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.若随机试验的样本空间为{}Ω0,1,2=,则下列说法不正确的是()A.事件{}1,2P =是随机事件B.事件{}0,1,2Q =是必然事件C.事件{}1,2M =--是不可能事件D.事件{}1,0-是随机事件【答案】D 【解析】【分析】根据随机事件,必然事件,不可能事件的概念判断即可.【详解】随机试验的样本空间为{}Ω0,1,2=,则事件{}1,2P =是随机事件,故A 正确;事件{}0,1,2Q =是必然事件,故B 正确;事件{}1,2M =--是不可能事件,故C 正确;事件{}1,0-是不可能事件,故D 错误.故选:D2.已知点()1,0A ,(1,B -,则直线AB 的倾斜角为()A.5π6B.2π3C.π3 D.π6【答案】B 【解析】【分析】由两点坐标求出斜率,由倾斜角与斜率的关系即可求【详解】0tan 11AB k α-===--,()0,πα∈,故直线AB 的倾斜角2π3α=.故选:B3.投壶是从先秦延续至清末的汉民族传统礼仪和宴饮游戏,在春秋战国时期较为盛行.如图为一幅唐朝的投壶图,甲、乙、丙是唐朝的三位投壶游戏参与者,假设甲、乙、丙每次投壶时,投中的概率均为0.6且投壶结果互不影响.若甲、乙、丙各投壶1次,则这3人中至少有2人投中的概率为()A.0.648B.0.432C.0.36D.0.312【答案】A 【解析】【分析】由独立事件概率乘法公式可得.【详解】记甲、乙、丙投中分别即为事件123,,A A A ,由题知()()()()()()1231230.6,0.4P A P A P A P A P A P A ======,则3人中至少有2人投中的概率为:()()()()123123123123P P A A A P A A A P A A A P A A A =+++320.630.60.40.648=+⨯⨯=.故选:A.4.设,A B 是一个随机试验中的两个事件,且()()()131,,+252P A P B P A B ===,则()P AB =()A.13B.15C.25D.110【答案】D 【解析】【分析】先利用和事件的概率公式求出()P AB ,然后利用()()()P AB P A P AB =-求解即可.【详解】因为1()2P A =,3()5P B =,所以()251,()2P A P B ==,又()()()()()122512P A B P A P B P AB P AB +=+-=+-=,所以()25P AB =,所以()()()1102512P P P A AB A B ==-=-.故选:D.5.若()2,2,1A ,()0,0,1B ,()2,0,0C ,则点A 到直线BC 的距离为()A.5B.5C.5D.5【答案】A 【解析】【分析】由题意得()2,2,0BA = ,()2,0,1BC =-,再根据点线距离的向量公式即可求解.【详解】()2,2,0BA = ,()2,0,1BC =- ,则BA 在BC上的投影向量的模为BA BC BC⋅= 则点A 到直线BC5=.故选:A.6.某乒乓球队在长春训练基地进行封闭式集训,甲、乙两位队员进行对抗赛,每局依次轮流....发球,连续赢2个球者获胜,通过分析甲、乙过去对抗赛的数据知,甲发球甲赢的概率为23,乙发球甲赢的概率为14,不同球的结果互不影响,已知某局甲先发球.则该局打4个球甲赢的概率为()A.13B.16C.112 D.524【答案】C 【解析】【分析】由于连胜两局者赢,则可写出四局的结果,计算即可.【详解】由于连胜两局者赢,甲先发球可分为:该局:第一个球甲赢、第二个球乙赢、第三个球甲赢、第四个球甲赢,则概率为22133231441⨯⨯⨯=;故选:C.7.据史书记载,古代的算筹是由一根根同样长短和粗细的小棍制成,如图所示,据《孙子算经》记载,算筹记数法则是:凡算之法,先识其位,一纵十横,百立千僵,千十相望,万百相当.即在算筹计数法中,表示多位数时,个位用纵式,十位用横式,百位用纵式,千位用横式,以此类推.例如⊥‖表示62,=T 表示26,现有6根算筹,据此表示方式任意表示两位数(算筹不剩余且个位不为0),则这个两位数不小于50的概率为()A.13B.12C.23D.35【答案】B 【解析】【分析】根据6根算筹,分为五类情况:51,42,33,24,15+++++,逐一分类求解满足要求的两位数,即可求解概率.【详解】根据题意可知:一共6根算筹,十位和个位上可用的算筹可以分为51,42,33,24,15+++++一共五类情况;第一类:51+,即十位用5根算筹,个位用1根算筹,那十位可能是5或者9,个位为1,则两位数为51或者91;第二类:42+,即十位用4根算筹,个位用2根算筹,那十位可能是4或者8,个位可能为2或者6,故两位数可能42,46,82,86;第三类:33+,即十位用3根算筹,个位用3根算筹,那么十位可能是3或者7,个位可能为3或者7,故两位数可能是33,37,73,77;第四类:24+,即十位用2根算筹,个位用4根算筹,那么十位为2或6,个位可能为4或者8,则该两位数为24或者28或者64或者68,第五类:15+,即十位用1根算筹,个位用5根算筹,那十位是1,个位为5或者9,则两位数为15或者19;综上可知:用6根算筹组成的满足题意的所有的两位数有:15,19,24,28,33,37,42,46,51,64,68,73,77,82,86,91共计16个,则不小于50的有:51,64,68,73,77,82,86,91共计8个,故概率为81=162,故选:B.8.正三棱柱111ABC A B C -中,12,3,AB AA O ==为BC 的中点,M 为棱11B C 上的动点,N 为棱AM上的动点,且MN MOMO MA=,则线段MN 长度的取值范围为()A.4⎡⎫⎢⎣⎭B.,27⎢⎣⎦C.34747⎢⎣⎦D.【答案】B 【解析】【分析】根据正三棱柱建立空间直角坐标系,设动点坐标,结合线线关系求线段MN 的表达式,利用函数求最值即可.【详解】因为正三棱柱11ABC A B C -中,O 为BC 的中点,取11B C 中点Q ,连接OQ ,如图,以O 为原点,,,OC OA OQ 为,,x y z轴建立空间直角坐标系,则()()((110,0,0,,1,0,,1,0,O A B C -,因为M 是棱11B C上一动点,设(M a ,且[1,1]a ∈-,所以(()0OM OA a ⋅=⋅=,则OA OM ⊥,因为ON AM ⊥,且MN MOMO MA=所以在直角三角形OMA 中可得:~OMN AMO 即222MO MN MA===,于是令tt =∈,2233tt t t-==-,t ∈,又符合函数3=-y t t 为增增符合,所以在t ∈上为增函数,所以当t =min 32t t ⎛⎫-== ⎪⎝⎭,即线段MN 长度的最小值为62,当t =时,max 37t t ⎛⎫-== ⎪⎝⎭,即线段MN长度的最大值为7,故选:B.【点睛】关键点睛:1.找到~OMN AMO ,再利用函数单调性求出最值.2.建系,设出动点(M a ,利用空间向量法求出ON AM ⊥,再结合线线关系求线段MN 的表达式,利用函数求最值即可.二、多项选择题:本大题共3小题,每小题6分,共18分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,有多项符合题目要求.全部选对的得6分,部分选对的得部分分,有选错的得0分.9.下列命题中正确的是()A.若表示两个空间向量的有向线段的终点不同,则这两个向量可能相等;B.在所有棱长都相等的直平行六面体1111ABCD A B C D -中,BD ⊥平面11ACC A ;C.对于空间三个非零向量,,a b c,一定有()()a b c a b c ⋅⋅=⋅⋅r r r r r r 成立;D.在棱长为2的正方体1111ABCD A B C D -中,点,M N 分别是棱11A D ,AB 的中点,则异面直线MD 与NC 所成角的余弦值为25.【答案】ABD 【解析】【分析】由相等向量的概念即可判断选项A ,利用线面垂直的判定定理证明即可判断选项B ,由数量积的性质即可判断选项C ,建立空间直角坐标系利用向量的坐标即可计算异面直线MD 与NC 所成角的余弦值判断选项D.【详解】若表示两个空间向量的有向线段的终点不同,而当两向量方向和长度相等时,这两个向量相等;故A 正确;在所有棱长都相等的直平行六面体1111ABCD A B C D -中,即直棱柱1111ABCD A B C D -中底面为菱形,因为BD AC ⊥,1AA ⊥平面ABCD ,BD ⊂平面ABCD ,所以1AA BD ⊥,又1AA AC A = ,所以BD ⊥平面11ACC A ;故B 正确;对于空间三个非零向量,,a b c ,有()a b c c λ⋅⋅= ,()a b c a μ⋅⋅=,所以不一定有()()a b c a b c ⋅⋅=⋅⋅成立,故C错误;建立如图所示的空间直角坐标系,则()0,0,0D ,()1,0,2M ,()2,1,0N ,()0,2,0C ,所以()1,0,2DM = ,()2,1,0NC =-,所以2cos ,5DM NC ==-,所以异面直线MD 与NC 所成角的余弦值为25,故D 正确.故选:ABD.10.连续抛掷一枚质地均匀的骰子两次,用数字x 表示第一次抛掷骰子的点数,数字y 表示第二次抛掷骰子的点数,用(),x y 表示一次试验的结果.记事件A =“7x y +=”,事件B =“3x ≤”,事件C =“()21N xy k k *=-∈”,则()A.()14P C =B.A 与B 相互独立C.A 与C 为对立事件D.B 与C 相互独立【答案】AB 【解析】【分析】用列举法列出所有可能结果,再结合互斥事件、对立事件、相互独立事件及古典概型的概率公式计算可得.【详解】依题意依次抛掷两枚质地均匀的骰子,基本事件总数为6636⨯=个;其中事件A =“7x y +=”包含的样本点有:()1,6,()2,5,()3,4,()4,3,()5,2,()6,1共6个;事件C =“()*21Nxy k k =-∈”,包含的样本点有:()1,1,()3,3,()5,5,()1,3,()1,5,()3,1,()3,5,()5,1,()5,3共9个,事件B =“3x ≤”,包含的样本点有:()1,1,()1,2,()1,3,()1,4,()1,5,()1,6,()2,1,()2,2,()2,3,()2,4,()2,5,()2,6,()3,1,()3,2,()3,3,()3,4,()3,5,()3,6共18个,对于A ,()91364P C ==,故A 正确;对于B ,事件AB 包含的样本点有()1,6,()2,5,()3,4共3个,所以()()()6118131,,3663623612P A P B P AB ======,所以()()()P A P B P AB =,所以A 与B 相互独立,故B 正确;对于C ,A C U 包含的样本点个数满足691536+=<,所以A 与C 不为对立事件,故C 错误;对于D ,事件BC 包含的样本点有:()1,1,()1,3,()1,5,()3,1,()3,3,()3,5,共6个,而()14P C =,()12P B =,()61366P BC ==,从而()()()1816P P P BC B C ≠==,所以B 与C 不相互独立,故D 错误.故选:AB.11.在棱长为1的正方体1111ABCD A B C D -中,P 为棱1BB 上一点,且12B P PB =,Q 为正方形11BB C C 内一动点(含边界),则下列说法中正确的是()A.若1D Q ∥平面1A PD ,则动点Q 的轨迹是一条长为3的线段B.存在点Q ,使得1D Q ⊥平面1A PD C.三棱锥1Q A PD -的最大体积为518D.若12D Q =,且1D Q 与平面1A PD 所成的角为θ,则sin θ【答案】ACD 【解析】【分析】在111,BC CC 取点,E F ,使得1112,2C E B E C F CF ==,证得平面//DEF 平面1A PD ,进而得到1//D Q 平面1A PD ,可判定A 正确;以1D 为原点,建立空间直角坐标系,求得平面1A PD 的一个法向量(3,2,3)m =-,根据1D Q m λ= ,得出矛盾,可判定B 不正确;利用向量的数量积的运算及三角形的面积公式,求得16A PD S =,在求得点Q 到平面1A PD的最大距离max d =,结合体积公式,可判定C 正确;根据题意,求得点点Q 的轨迹,结合线面角的公式,求得11(,1,)22Q 时,取得最大值,进而可判定D 正确.【详解】对于A 中,如图所示,分别在111,BC CC 取点,E F ,使得1112,2C E B E C F CF ==,可得1//EF B C ,因为11//A D B C ,所以1//EF A D ,因为1A D ⊂平面1A PD ,EF ⊄平面1A PD ,所以//EF 平面1A PD ,又由11//D F A P ,且1A P ⊂平面1A PD ,1D F ⊄平面1A PD ,所以1//D F 平面1A PD ,又因为1EF D F F ⋂=,且1,EF D F ⊂平面DEF ,所以平面//DEF 平面1A PD ,且平面DEF ⋂平面11BCC B EF =,若1//D Q 平面1A PD ,则动点Q 的轨迹为线段EF ,且223EF =,所以A 正确;对于B 中,以1D 为原点,以11111,,D A D C D D 所在的直线分别为,,x y z 轴,建立空间直角坐标系,如图所示,可得12(1,0,0),(0,0,1),(1,1,)3A D P ,则112(1,0,1),(0,1,)3A D A P =-= ,设(,1,)(01,01)Q x z x z ≤≤≤≤,可得1(,1,)D Q x z =,设(,,)m a b c = 是平面1A PD 的一个法向量,则110203m A D a c m A P b c ⎧⋅=-+=⎪⎨⋅=+=⎪⎩,取3c =,可得3,2z b ==-,所以(3,2,3)m =-,若1D Q ⊥平面1A PD ,则1//D Q m,所以存在R λ∈,使得1D Q m λ= ,则3[0,1]2x z ==-∉,所以不存在点Q ,使得1D Q ⊥平面1A PD ,所以B 错误;对于C 中,由112(1,0,1),(0,1,3A D A P =-=,可得1111132,33A D A P A D A P ==⋅=,则11cos ,A D A P =11sin ,A D A P = ,所以111111sin 2236A PD S A D A P DA P =⋅∠=⨯ ,要使得三棱锥1Q A PD -的体积最大,只需点Q 到平面1A PD 的距离最大,由1(1,1,)AQ x z =- ,可得点Q 到平面1A PD的距离1)5A Q m d x z m ⋅==+-,因为01,01x z ≤≤≤≤,所以当0x z +=时,即点Q 与点1C重合时,可得max d =,所以三棱锥1Q A PD -的最大体积为111533618A PD S =⋅=,所以C 正确;对于D 中,在正方体中,可得11D C ⊥平面11BCC B ,且1C Q ⊂平面11BCC B ,所以111D C C Q ⊥,则12C Q ==,所以点Q 的轨迹是以1C为圆心,以2为半径的圆弧,其圆心角为π2,则1(,0,)C Q x z =,所以12C Q == ,即2212x z +=,又由1(,1,)D Q x z =,设1D Q 与平面1A PD 所成的角θ,所以111sin cos ,m D Q m D Q m D Qθ⋅===,因为2212x z +=,可得222()2()x z x z +≤+,当且仅当x z =时,等号成立,所以1x z +≤,即12x z ==时,1D Q 与平面1A PD 所成的角最大值,sin θ=D 正确.故选:ACD.【点睛】方法点睛:求解立体几何中的动态问题与存在性问题的策略:1、解答方法:一般时根据线面平行,线面垂直的判定定理和性质定理,结合圆或圆锥曲线的定义推断出动点的轨迹,有时也可以利用空间向量的坐标运算求出动点的轨迹方程;2、对于线面位置关系的存在性问题,首先假设存在,然后再该假设条件下,利用线面位置关系的相关定理、性质进行推理论证,寻找假设满足的条件,若满足则肯定假设,若得出矛盾的结论,则否定假设;3、对于探索性问题用向量法比较容易入手,一般先假设存在,设出空间点的坐标,转化为代数方程是否有解的问题,若由解且满足题意则存在,若有解但不满足题意或无解则不存在,同时,用已知向量来表示未知向量,一定要结合图形,以图形为指导思想是解答此类问题的关键.三、填空题:本大题共3小题,每小题5分,第14题第一个空2分,第二个空3分,共15分.12.已知()3,2,1a =- ,()2,1,2b =r,当()()2ka b a b +⊥- 时,实数k 的值为____________.【答案】6【解析】【分析】由题意依次算得22,,a b a b ⋅ 的值,然后根据()()2ka b a b +⊥-列方程即可求解.【详解】因为()3,2,1a =-,()2,1,2b = ,所以()2294114,4149,3221126a ba b =++==++=⋅=⋅+⋅+-⋅=,因为()()2ka b a b +⊥-,所以()()()()22221214186122120ka b a b ka b k a b k k k +⋅-=-+-⋅=-+-=-=,解得6k =.故答案为:6.13.柜子里有3双不同的鞋子,分别用121212,,,,,a a b b c c 表示6只鞋,从中有放回地....取出2只,记事件M =“取出的鞋是一只左脚一只右脚的,但不是一双鞋”,则事件M 的概率是____________.【答案】13【解析】【分析】列举法写出试验的样本空间,根据古典概型的概率公式直接可得解.【详解】设111,,a b c 表示三只左鞋,222,,a b c 表示三只右鞋,则从中有放回取出2只的所有可能为:()()()()()()111211121112,,,,,,,,,,,a a a a a b a b a c a c ()()()()()()212221222122,,,,,,,,,,,a a a a a b a b a c a c ()()()()()()111211121112,,,,,,,,,,,b a b a b b b b b c b c ()()()()()()212221222122,,,,,,,,,,,b a b a b b b b b c b c ()()()()()()111211121112,,,,,,,,,,,c a c a c b c b c c c c ()()()()()()212221222122,,,,,,,,,,,c a c a c b c b c c c c ,共计36种,其中满足取出的鞋一只左脚一只右脚,但不是一双鞋的有12种,()121363P M ∴==.故答案为:13.14.已知正四面体ABCD 的棱切球1T (正四面体的中心与球心重合,六条棱与球面相切)的半径为1,则该正四面体的内切球2T 的半径为______;若动点,M N 分别在1T 与2T 的球面上运动,且满足MN x AB y AC z AD =++,则2x y z ++的最大值为______.【答案】①.3②.26+【解析】【分析】第一空:将正四面体ABCD 放入正方体中,由等体积法可知,只需求出正四面体的表面积以及体积即可列式求解该正四面体的内切球2T 的半径;第二空:由不等式可知,()maxmin222MN x y z AT MN x y z x y z AT AT AT++++≤++==≤,只需求出max MN 、minAT 即可.【详解】第一空:连接,AD EF ,设交点为M ,则M 是AD 中点,如图所示,将正四面体ABCD 放入正方体中,由对称性可知正方体中心就是正四面体ABCD 的中心,设正方体棱长为2a ,则棱切球球心到正四面体ABCD 的六条棱的距离都等于a ,设正四面体ABCD 的棱切球1T 的半径为1r ,所以11r a ==,正方体棱长为2,AD =,而正四面体ABCD 的体积为1182224222323A BCD V -⎛⎫=⨯⨯-⨯⨯⨯⨯⨯=⎪⎝⎭,正四面体ABCD的表面积为(21422A BCD S -=⨯⨯⨯=设该正四面体的内切球2T 的半径为r,则由等体积法可知,1833⨯=,解得33r =;第二空:取任意一点T ,使得()22x y z AT MN xAB y AC z AD xAO y AC z AD ++==++=++,所以点T 在面OCD 内(其中O 是AB 中点),所以()13213x y z AT MN r r ++=≤+=+,而点A 到平面OCD 的距离为d AO ==所以()1232226x y z AT x y z x y z AT+++++≤++=≤+,等号成立当且仅当2x y z ++是正数且,T O重合且13MN =+ ,综上所述,2x y z ++的最大值为26+.故答案为:33,2626+.【点睛】关键点点睛:第二空的关键是得出()maxmin222MN x y z AT MN x y z x y z AT AT AT++++≤++==≤,由此即可顺利得解.四、解答题:本大题共4小题,共47分.解答应写出文字说明,证明过程或演算步骤.15.如图,在三棱柱111ABC A B C -中,,M N 分别是111,A B B C 上的点,且1112,2A M MB B N NC ==.设1,,AB a AC b AA c ===.(1)试用,,a b c 表示向量MN;(2)若11190,60,1BAC BAA CAA AB AC AA ∠=∠=∠====,求异面直线MN 与AC 的夹角的余弦值.【答案】(1)122333a b c-++(2)11【解析】【分析】(1)由空间向量的基本定理求解即可;(2)先用基向量,,a b c 表示AC 与MN ,然后求解MN 与AC 以及数量积MN AC ⋅,然后计算夹角的余弦值即可.【小问1详解】由图可得:()()1111111112123333MN MB BB B N A B AA B C AB AA AA AC AB=++=++=-++- 1122122333333AB AC AA a b c =-++=-++.【小问2详解】由(1)可知122333MN a b c =-++ ,因为11190,60,1BAC BAA CAA AB AC AA ∠=∠=∠====,所以0a b ⋅=,12a c ⋅= ,12b c ⋅= ,2222212214444814424110333999999999999MN a b c a b c a b a c b c ⎛⎫=-++=++-⋅-⋅+⋅=++--+= ⎪⎝⎭ ,所以113MN = ,AC b = ,1AC =,212212221·133333333MN AC a b c b a b b c b ⎛⎫⋅=-++=-⋅++⋅=+= ⎪⎝⎭所以cos ,11MN AC MN AC MN AC⋅==,所以异面直线MN 与AC的夹角的余弦值为11.16.如图,在正四棱柱1111ABCD A B C D -中,122AA AB ==,,E F 分别为1BB ,1CC的中点.(1)证明:1A F ∥平面CDE ;(2)求三棱锥1A CDE -的体积;(3)求直线1A E 与平面CDE 所成的角.【答案】(1)证明过程见解析(2)16(3)π6【解析】【分析】(1)借助正四棱柱的性质可建立空间直角坐标系,求出空间向量1A F与平面CDE 的法向量后,借助空间向量计算即可得;(2)求出空间向量1A E与平面CDE 的法向量后,借助空间向量夹角公式计算即可得直线1A E 与平面CDE 所成的角的正弦值,进一步求得三棱锥的高以及底面积即可得解.(3)由(2)可知直线1A E 与平面CDE 所成的角的正弦值,从而即可得解.【小问1详解】在正四棱柱1111ABCD A B C D -中,AB ,AD ,1AA 两两垂直,且122AA AB ==,以A 为坐标原点,AB ,AD ,1AA 所在直线分别为x 轴,y 轴,z 轴,建立如图所示的空间直角坐标系,则()1,1,0C ,()0,1,0D ,()10,0,2A.因为E ,F 分别为11,BB CC 的中点,所以()1,0,1E ,()1,1,1F ,则()1,0,0CD =- ,()0,1,1CE =- ,()11,1,1A F =-,设平面CDE 的法向量为(),,m x y z = ,则00CD m CE m ⎧⋅=⎪⎨⋅=⎪⎩,即00x y z -=⎧⎨-+=⎩,令1y =,则有0x =,1z =,即()0,1,1m =,因为()11011110A F m ⋅=⨯+⨯+-⨯= ,所以1A F m ⊥ ,又1⊄A F 平面CDE ,所以1//A F 平面CDE ;【小问2详解】由(1)可知,()11,0,1A E =-,1111cos ,2A E m A E m A E m⋅==-,所以1A E 与平面CDE 所成角的正弦值为12.注意到1A E =所以点1A 到平面CDE122=,而()1,0,0CD =- ,()0,1,1CE =-,从而0CD CE =⋅,1,CD CE == 所以CD CE ⊥,三角形CDE的面积为1122⨯=,所以三棱锥1A CDE -的体积为113226⨯⨯=;【小问3详解】由(2)可知,1A E 与平面CDE 所成角的正弦值为12,所以直线1A E 与平面CDE 所成的角为π6.17.2023年10月31日,东北师大附中以“邂逅数学之美,闪耀科技之光”为主题的第17届科技节在自由、青华两校区开幕.在科技节中数学教研室组织开展了“送书券”活动.该活动由三个游戏组成,每个游戏各玩一次且结果互不影响.连胜两个游戏可以获得一张书券,连胜三个游戏可以获得两张书券.游戏规则如下表:游戏一游戏二游戏三箱子中球的颜色和数量大小质地完全相同的红球4个,白球2个(红球编号为“1,2,3,4”,白球编号为“5,6”)取球规则取出一个球有放回地依次取出两个球不放回地依次取出两个球获胜规则取到白球获胜取到两个红球获胜编号之和不超过m 获胜(1)分别求出游戏一,游戏二的获胜概率;(2)甲同学先玩了游戏一,当m 为何值时,接下来先玩游戏三比先玩游戏二获得书券的概率更大.【答案】(1)13,49(2)m 可能取值为7,8,9,10,11【解析】【分析】(1)利用列举法,结合古典概型的概率公式即可得解;(2)利用互斥事件与独立事件的概率公式求得先玩游戏二与先玩游戏三获得书券的概率,从而得到游戏三获胜的概率,由此得解.【小问1详解】设事件A 表示“游戏一获胜”,B 表示“游戏二获胜”,C 表示“游戏三获胜”,游戏一中取出一个球的样本空间为{}1Ω1,2,3,4,5,6=,则()1Ω6n =,()2n A =,()2163P A ∴==,所以游戏一获胜的概率为13.游戏二中有放回地依次取出两个球的样本空间(){}21Ω,,Ωx y x y =∈,则()2Ω36n =,而(){}{},,1,2,3,4B x y x y =∈,所以()16n B =,()164369P B ∴==,所以游戏二获胜的概率为49.【小问2详解】设M 表示“先玩游戏二,获得书券”,N 表示“先玩游戏三,获得书券”,则M ABC ABC ABC =⋃⋃,且ABC ,ABC ,ABC 互斥,,,A B C 相互独立,()()()()()P M P ABC ABC ABC P ABC P ABC P ABC ∴=⋃⋃=++()()()()()()()()()11P A P B P C P A P B P C P A P B P C ⎡⎤⎡⎤=-+-+⎣⎦⎣⎦()()()1424141393939P C P C P C ⎡⎤=⨯-+⨯+⨯⎣⎦()482727P C =+,则N AC B ACB ACB =⋃⋃,且,AC B ACB ACB 互斥,,,A B C 相互独立,()P N =()()()()P ACB ACB ACB P ACB P ACB P ACB ⋃⋃=++()()()()()()()()()11P A P C P B P A P C P B P A P C P B ⎡⎤⎡⎤=-+-+⎣⎦⎣⎦()()()152414393939P C P C P C =⨯⨯+⨯⨯+⨯⨯()1727P C =,若要接下来先玩游戏三比先玩游戏二获得书券的概率更大,则()()P N P M >,即()()1748272727P C P C >+,解得()49P C >,设游戏三中两次取球的编号和为X ,则()26113C 15P X ===,()26114C 15P X ===,()26225C 15P X ===,()26226C 15P X ===,()26337C 15P X ===,()26228C 15P X ===,()26229C 15P X ===,()261110C 15P X ===,()261111C 15P X ===,所以当3m =时,()()143159P C P X ===<,不合题意;当4m =时,()()()2434159P C P X P X ==+==<,不合题意;当5m =时,()()()()44345159P C P X P X P X ==+=+==<,不合题意;当6m =时,()()()()()643456159P C P X P X P X P X ==+=+=+==<,不合题意;当7m =时,()()()()()()9434567159P C P X P X P X P X P X ==+=+=+=+==>,符合题意;所以当7m ≥时,都有()49P C >,所以符合题意的m 的取值有7,8,9,10,11.18.球面三角学是研究球面三角形的边、角关系的一门学科.如图,球O 的半径为R ,A 、B 、C 为球面上的三点,设a O 表示以O 为圆心,且过B 、C 的圆,劣弧BC 的长度记为a ,同理,圆b O ,c O 的劣弧AC 、AB 的长度分别记为b ,c ,曲面ABC (阴影部分)叫做球面三角形.如果二面角,,C OA B A OB C B OC A ------的大小分别为,,αβγ,那么球面三角形的面积为()2++πABC S R αβγ=- 球面.(1)若平面OAB 、平面OAC 、平面OBC 两两垂直,求球面三角形ABC 的面积;(2)若平面三角形ABC 为直角三角形,AC BC ⊥,设1AOC θ∠=,2BOC θ∠=,3AOB θ∠=.①求证:123cos cos cos 1θθθ+-=;②延长AO 与球O 交于点D ,若直线DA ,DC 与平面ABC 所成的角分别为ππ,43,,(0,1]BE BD λλ=∈,S 为AC 的中点,T 为BC 的中点.设平面OBC 与平面EST 的夹角为θ,求cos θ的最大值及此时平面AEC 截球O 的面积.【答案】(1)2π2R (2)①证明见解析;②cos 5θ=,253π78R 【解析】【分析】(1)根据题意结合相应公式分析求解即可;(2)①根据题意结合余弦定理分析证明;②建系,利用空间向量求线面夹角,利用基本不等式分析可知点E ,再利用空间向量求球心O 到平面AEC 距离,结合球的性质分析求解.【小问1详解】若平面,,OAB OAC OBC 两两垂直,有π2αβγ===,所以球面三角形ABC 面积为()22ππ2ABC S R R αβγ=++-= 球面.【小问2详解】①证明:由余弦定理有:2222122222222232cos 2cos 2cos AC R R R BC R R R AB R R R θθθ⎧=+-⎪=+-⎨⎪=+-⎩,且222AC BC AB +=,消掉2R ,可得123cos cos cos 1θθθ+-=;②由AD 是球的直径,则,AB BD AC CD ⊥⊥,且AC BC ⊥,CD BC C ⋂=,,CD BC ⊂平面BCD ,所以AC ⊥平面BCD ,且BD ⊂平面BCD ,则AC BD ⊥,且AB AC A ⋂=,,AB AC ⊂平面ABC ,可得BD ⊥平面ABC ,由直线DA ,DC 与平面ABC 所成的角分别为ππ,43,所以ππ,43DAB DCB ∠=∠=,不妨先令R =,则2AD AB BD BC AC =====,由AC BC ⊥,AC BD ⊥,BC BD ⊥,以C 为坐标原点,以CB ,CA 所在直线为x ,y 轴,过点C 作BD 的平行线为z 轴,建立如图空间直角坐标系,设(,BE t t =∈,则())()0,2,0,,0,0,0,A B C D ,可得()20,1,0,,0,02S T ⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭,)26,,1,22E t O ⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭,则),22CB CO ⎛⎫== ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭,,1,0,22ST TE t ⎛⎫⎛⎫=-= ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭设平面OBC 法向量()111,,m x y z =,则11110022m CB m CO x y z ⎧⋅==⎪⎨⋅=++=⎪⎩,取12z =-,则110y x ==,可得()2m =- ,设平面EST 法向量()222,,n x y z =,则222202202n ST x y n TE x tz ⎧⋅=-=⎪⎪⎨⎪⋅=+=⎪⎩,取2x =,则22,1y t z ==-,可得),,1n t =- ,因为cos cos ,m n m n m n θ⋅======,令(]1,1,13m m=+∈,则()2218mt t-==,可得()2221888293129621218m mt m mm mm+===≤=+-+--+-+,当且仅当3,m t==取等.则cosθ5=,此时点E,可得CE=,()0,2,0CA=,设平面AEC中的法向量(),,k x yz=,则20k CE zk CA y⎧⋅==⎪⎨⎪⋅==⎩,取1x=,则0,y z==-,可得(1,0,k=-,可得球心O到平面AEC距离为AO kdk⋅==设平面AEC截球O圆半径为r,则2225326r R d=-=,所以截面圆面积为225353πππ2678r R==.【点睛】方法点睛:1.利用空间向量求线面角的思路:直线与平面所成的角θ主要通过直线的方向向量与平面的法向量的夹角ϕ求得,即sin cosθϕ=.2.利用空间向量求点到平面距离的方法:设A为平面α内的一点,B为平面α外的一点,n为平面α的法向量,则B到平面α的距离AB ndn⋅=.。
高二英语下学期第一次月考试题(普通班).doc定远育才学校第二学期第一次月考试卷高二普通班英语试卷第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5 段对话。
1.What does the woman do most often in her spare time?A.She collects stamps.B.She read books.C.She plays badminton.2. What is the woman probably?A.A newspaper journalist.B.A famous athlete.C.A phone salesperson.3. When is the dance class today?A.At4:15 p.mB.At 4:45 p.mC.At 5:15 p.m4. What is the woman probably doing?A.Drinking something.B.Eating some fruit.C.Making a fruit cake.5. Why does the woman think she was treated unfairly?A.She got a more difficult book.B.She got the book too late.C.She got the thicker book.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或对白,每段对话或对白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置,听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题。
高二第一学期第一次月考试题(难度系数120/150)语文班级姓名第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共48分)一、(12分,每小题3分)1.下列词语中,没有错别字的一组是()A. 游弋赏赍兢兢业业步入正轨B. 怂恿酒撰无耻滥言不辨菽麦C. 沉缅辖制盘恒数日鼓噪而进D. 音像膨胀出奇制胜披沙拣金2.下列各句中,加点的成语使用恰当的一句是()A.我本来就对那里的情况不熟悉,你却硬要派我去,这不是差强人意....吗?B.虽然这两件事情虽然在同一时间内发生的,但其影响是不可....的。
..同日而语C. 张大民一家三代,十多年来和睦相处,互敬互爱,真可谓举案齐眉....。
1.What will the man do this afternoon?A.Wait at home.B.Buy a new phone.C.Call the telephone company.2.What are the speakers talking about?A.A concert.B.Their wedding.C.A famous band.3.Where does the conversation take place?A.In a hospital.B.In an office.C.In a store.4.When will the party be held?A.This evening.B.This Friday evening.C.This Saturday evening.5.What do we know about the woman's mother?A.She has much free time.B.She always goes home late.C.She cares much about her daughter.第二节听下面5段对话或独白。
2021年高二第一次月考英语试题(特长班)上饶中学xx学年高二第一次月考英语试题时间:120分钟总分:150分第一卷(选择题,满分115分)第一部分:听力(共二节, 每小题1.5 分,满分30分)第一节听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
1.Where are the speakers?A. At a garage.B. At a car store.C. At a gas station.2. Why is the woman unable to find Bob Hope?A. She has mixed up the names.B. She has called the wrong number.C. She has e to the wrong place.3. What does the woman think about the decision to build a hospital?A. It will take too long.B. It is not a good decision.C. It should have been built earlier.4. What’s the most probable relationship between the two speakers?A. Teacher and student.B. ClassmatesC. Colleagues5. How much time will the speakers have to enjoy a coffee?A. 15 minutes.B. 45 minutes.C. 60 minutes.第二节听下面5段对话或独白。
得夺市安庆阳光实验学校高二上学期第一次月考英语试题第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题 1.5分,满分7.5分)请听下面5段对话,选出最佳选项。
1. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. At an airport.B. In a library.C. In a hotel.2.What is the man doing probably?A. Taking a photo.B. Giving directions.C. Looking for a building.3.What is the weather like today?A. Sunny.B. Windy.C. Rainy.4.How does the woman want to get to the zoo at first?A. By taxi.B. On foot.C. By bus.5.What will the man do next?A. Send someone to the woman’s room.B. Buy some buttons for the woman.C. Take an instruction book to the woman.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)请听第6段材料。
6.What does the man say about New York?A. It’s really big and has a large population.B. It’s the best place to live in.C. There’s always something exciting to do there.7.Where are the speakers now?A. In Fiji.B. In New Zealand.C. In the United State.请听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。
得夺市安庆阳光实验学校大庆外国语学校高二英上学期第一次月考语试题(含解析)【本卷满分:150分,答题时间:120 分钟】第I卷(选择题,共115分)第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
1.What is the woman doing?A. Trying to go to sleepB. Eating in the next roomC. Writing a paper2.What is the forecast for tomorrow?A. It will rain a lotB. It will be a little coldC. It will be windy3.What is the man?A. A salesmanB. A writerC. A publisher4.What are the two speakers going to do?A. Have lunch in the parkB. Have a meal in a restaurant.C. Go to a park to have some fun5.What time does the last train leave for London?A. At 7:35B. At 8:35C. At 8:45第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
1 高二英语上学期第一次月考试题
1. What are the speakers talking about?A. A film.B. A journey.C. Unexpected news.2. What will the woman do?A. Stay at home.B. Visit a clothes shop.C. Go to a fashion show.3. Who is over there?A. Tom.B. Henry.C. Alice’s brother.4. When does the restaurant close?A. At 9:00 pm.B. At 9:30 pm.C. At 11:00 pm.5. What happened to the woman last weekend?A. She had an unpleasant trip.B. Dirty water went into her kitchen.C. Her new apartment was flooded.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
6. Who will go to the Big Boogie?A. Tom.B. Mark.C. Peter.7. What will the woman do next?A. Finish an essay.B. Go bird-watching.C. Make phone calls.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。
高二上学期第一次月考英语试卷山东省五莲县_年高二上第一次月考英语试题山东省五莲县教研室(262300) 张贵福注意事项:1.答第I卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名.考试证号.考试科目涂写在答题卡上.考试结束,将试题卷和答题卡一并交回.2.每小题选出答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号,不能答在试题卷上.第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案划在试卷上.录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上.第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话.每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A.B.C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置.听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题.每段对话仅读一遍.1. On which day doesn’t the woman like togo to the zoo?A. On Fridays.B. On Sundays.C. On Saturdays.2. What address is the woman looking for?A. 514 Fifth Street.B. 415Fourth Street.C. 415 Fifth Street.3. What does the woman say about Mary?A. She’ll be home on time.B. She was late for work.C. She’s working overtime.4. What is the man used to?A. He is used to wearing nohat.B. He is used to going outon a cold winter day.C. He is used to being doneharm to.5. How does the man prefer to go to work?A. By train.B. By car.C. By bus.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题.从题中所给的A.B.C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置.听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间.每段对话或独白读两遍.听第6段材料,回答第6-8题.6. What is the probable relationshipbetween the two speakers?A. Sister and brother.B. Teacher andstudent.C. Husband and wife.7. How many children do they have?A. 3.B. 4.C. 5.8. How does the man feel?A. Tired.B. Free.C. Bad.听第7段材料,回答第9~12题.9. At what time does the early flight get to Paris7A. At 7: 50.B. At 11: 05.C. At 9: 00.10. At what time can the woman get to the center if she takes the early plane?A. At 9:40.B. At 10: 10.C. At 11:45.11. Which of the following is true?A. There are two flights toParis every morning.B. There is a flight toParis every half hour.C. There are two flights toParis e_cept Friday.12. How long does it take the bus to get to the city center?A. 14 minutes.B. 40 minutes.C. 4 minutes.听第8段材料,回答第13~14题.13. When did the conversation take place?A. In the morning.B.In the afternoon.C. In the evening.14. What should the man like before eating?A. Some orange.B. Some coffee.C. Some ham.听第9段材料,回答第15~17题.15. What happened to the woman7A. She lost her job.B. The boss allowed her togo on a holiday.C. She was given a chance tostudy abroad.16. How did the man feel about the woman’s boss’ decision?A. He understood it well.B. It was completely wrong.C. He didn’t understand it.17. What should the woman do in the future7A. She should go to work ontime.B. She should learn newthings and work hard.C. Both A and B.听第10段材料,回答第18~20小题.18. To many British people, what is anideal way to rela_ for a few minutes?A. A cup of tea.B. A cup of coffee.C. A glass of beer.19. When did the English custom of drinkingtea begin to form?A. In the 14th century.B. In the 15th century.C. In the 17th and 18th centuries.20. Which Coffee House first offered tea?A.Lynn’s Coffee House. B. Tom’sCoffee House. C.Twining’s Coffee House.第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A.B.C.D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.21. ---Jane wasn’t in when Jack came, wasshe?---________, butshe left a few minutes later.A. No, shewas B. Yes, she was C. Yes, she wasn’t D. No, she wasn’t22. There are only ___________ naturalresources as there were thirty years ago.A. as halfmuch B. as halfmany C. half asmuch D. half as many23. The best way to learn a foreign language is to go to the country and learn it from ____ speakers.A. motherB.e_cellent C.realD. native24. ---Did you write to Grace last summer?---No, but I______ her over winter vacation.A. will beseen B. will be seeing C. will have seen D. will have been seen25. There was a lot of fun at last night’sparty. You ____ have come, but why didn’t you?A. mustB. mightC. needD. should26. Every time she tried to argue with herbrother, she would ______by crying her eyes out.A. keep onB.stay up C.end upD. benefit from27. I’d like to know the way you think of_____ your handwriting.A. toimprove B.improving C. howto improve D. improve28. ---How soon will he leave for South Korea?---________.A. Every threeweeksB. Forthree weeks.C. Three weekslaterD. In three weeks’ time29. I _______ you for si_teen years and I still don’t know what goes on in your mind.A. havemarriedB. have got married toC. have marriedwithD. havebeen married to30. He sat quietly in the room, listening to the rain _________ against the window.A. beatingB.hittingC. strikingD. knocking31. She often helps the students _____ she thinks are not good at English.A. whomB. whichC.whoD. when32. Francis Presto Blair, Jr ______ born in Kentucky, lived and worked in Missouri.A. wasB. he was Calthough D.which was33. ---What else did you do _______ sending e-mails?---I watched aTV series on CCTV-1.A. besidesB. e_ceptC. e_cept forD.e_cept that34. ---I didn’t mean ___________ her.---But talkinglike that means _______ her.A. to hurt; tohurt B. hurting; hurting C. to hurt; hurting D. hurting; to hurt35. I wonder how she _____like that to herparents.A. dare tospeak B. dare speaking C. dared speak D. daresspeak第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,短文后所给各题的四个选项(A.B.C和D)中,选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.About a year ago, I went to stay at a Detroit hotel. I didn’t wantto 36 too much money withme, so I 37 the deskclerk to put a hundred-dollar bill in the 38 for me.The ne_t morning, however, the clerk said that he knew nothing about my money. I didn’t have any proof 39I had given the man the money. There was clearly 40 left to do but go to the nearestlawyer at once.The lawyer 41 meto return to the hotel with him and give 42 hundred-dollar bill to the clerk. 43 we did. An hour later, I went back to thedesk and asked for my money together with the lawyer. 44I had the lawyer as aneyewitness (证人) to the 45 hundred-dollar bill, theclerk could not 46 heknew nothing about it.Another hour later, I put the second park of the lawyer’s plan into action. This time both the lawyer and I went to the 47 to ask for the hundred-dollar once again. No matter 48 I said, the clerk who kept my bill 49 that he had given it to me. I said it wasnot 50 . The lawyer said to him, 〝I 51 this gentleman give you ahundred-dollar bill. If you don’t hand it in immediately, I will be forced tocall the 52 .〞 Now the clerk felt quite 53 , so he gave me back the firsthundred-dollar bill.〝I don’t know 54 to thank you enough forgetting my money back,〞 I said to the lawyer. And what do you suppose he answered? He said, 〝Oh, don’t 55 me. That will be one hundred dollars, please.〞36. A. borrow B.spend C.waste D.carry37. A. made B.asked C.allowed D.let38. A. safe B.desk C.bo_ D.bag39. A. that B.which C.where D.when40. A. something B. nothing C.anything D.everything41. A. hoped B. agreed C.insisted D.advised42. A. the other B. another C.others D.other43. A. Such B. All C.So D.Much44. A. For B. Though C.Even if D.Because45. A. first B.second C.third D.one46. A. say B.admit C.permit D.recognize47. A. restaurant B.bank C.hotel D.hospital48. A. what B.whatever C. which D. how49. A. suggested B.insisted C.required D.requested50. A. true B.sure C.e_act D.nice51. A. forced B. made C.allowed D.saw52. A. police B. judge C.official D.officer53. A. content B. nervous C.angry D.sad54. A. when B. what C.where D.how55. A. thank B. praise C.leave D.fool第三部分阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A.B.C.和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题上将该项涂黑.ASome people were eating and drinking in a coffeehouse. A young woman was sitting alone at a table. She was wearing a beautifuldiamond necklace. There was an ugly man at a table not far from her. He waslooking at her necklace all the time.Suddenly the lights went out. The coffee housewas in darkness. The woman started to shout. She was very frightened. A fewminutes later the lights came on again. The woman was crying. Her necklace wasmissing.The manager quickly closed all the doors. Hetelephoned the police. No one could get out of the coffee house. The policemensoon came. The police inspector told his men to search everyone. The necklacewas not on anyone. They then searched the whole coffee house. The necklace couldn’t be found.The police inspector then looked at the faces ofall the people in the coffee house. He saw the ugly man and looked at the mancarefully. He went up to the man and picked up the bowl of soup that was on histable. He then poured the soup into a glass. The necklace fell out. The policemen caught hold of the man and took him away. The young woman was happyto get back her necklace.56. A young woman lost her necklace in _____ .A. a hospitalB. a shopC. a coffee houseD. a restaurant57. The managerclosed all the doors and _____ .A. searched everyone in the coffee houseB. searched the whole coffee houseC. telephoned the policeD. looked at all the people in the coffee house58. The policeinspector found the necklace in _____ .A. a cup of coffeeB. a bowl of riceC. a glass of milkD. a bowl ofsoup59. The necklace wasstolen by _____ .A. a beautiful girlB. an old womanC. a young studentD. an ugly manBWashington D. C. is the capital of the UnitedStates. It’s the center of the national gov_shy;ernment. It’s a busy, working citywith a large population. But what is more, Washington is also acity of history and culture.Washington was created in 1790, when Congress(the highest law-making body of the U. S. A.) decided to place the nation’newcapital in the east of the country. It was built half_shy;way between thenorthernand the southern states of the America. And of course it was named after GeorgeWashington, the first President of the United States.There are many tourist sights in Washington. Oneof them is the White House. This is the home and office of the President of theUnited States. Most visitors are, however, surprised by how small the White House actually is.Washington is also a great culture city. TheLibrary of Congress contains (包括) one of the largest library collections in theworld. The Smithsonian Museum holds the nation’s largest collection of culturalmaterials. And me John F. Kennedy Center is a famous center of art and culture.It. has many great musical and theatre performances throughout the year.60. The writer mainly talks about ___A. WashingtonB. the history of WashingtonC. buildings and sights-in WashingtonD. the history and culture of Washington61. From the passage we know that Washington is situated(位于) in ________ .A.the east of the U. S. A.B.the center of the U. S. A;C. the east, on the middle point from north to south, ofthe countryD. the east and half-way away from the north62. The White House impresses(给人印象) the people mostfor _____ .A. its white colorB.its sizeC. its historyD.it is the home and office of the president63. The writerintroduces Washington in the order of_____ . .A. generalintroduction, history, sights and cultureB. population,history and cultureC. generalintroduction, history, sights, buildings and cultureD. history and cultureCHe wanted to go to college, and the only thing that might havestopped him was his disability.But this year, Zhang Yan and other physically disabled kids can realize their dream just like any other students.As registration(报名)for this year’s college entrance e_aminations draws near, thegovernment has loosened its requirements on physical e_aminations for new college students.A new rule was jointly decided in March by the Ministry of Education,the Ministry of Health and the China Disabled Persons’ Federation. It clearlystates that no student should be rejected(拒绝)simply because they have a physical disability.Schools may still advise disabled students on the choice of their major if it is likely to affect their future chances of employment . However ,the final decision will be up to the student.,〝Now I can just go ahead and do my best in the e_ams. I don’t have to worry that my healthier classmates will have the upper hand because of my disability,〞 said Zhang happily.The 18-year-old boy will graduate this year from a Chengdu high school in Sichuan Province .He lost an eye during an accident as a child.Zhang’s mother called Peking University to ask if her son’s eye problem would make it difficult for him to accepted by the university’sBio-chemistryDepartment. She was happy to find out that their choice of students would bebased 〝fairly〞 on e_am results.〝The university official said my son would be judged at the same level as other students ,〞 said Zhang’s mother.64. From the report we can infer that ZhangYan probably _____.A. is not sure of his success in the coming e_amB. does a very good job in his studies.C. Will not be chosen by the Peking University.D. Shows not much interest in Peking University.65. From the 5th paragraph wecan infer that ___.A. some colleges have strict limits to disabled studentsB. a major is not important to disabled students.C. Students are not free to choose their major.D. disabled students may have difficulty finding a job if their major is not chosen properly.66. Which of the following statements isWRONG according to the report?A.There will be no physicale_aminations for new college students this year .B.Zhang Yan has some interest inBio-chemistry .C.E_amination marks are quiteimportant to students.D.Many colleges used to setlimits to disabled students.67. Which can be the best headline for this report?A.Zhang Yan Will Go ToUniversity.B.Colleges Open Up To TheDisabledC.Lucky Disabled StudentsD. A New Rule For Colleges.DFred Michel is one of 7.2 million Americans whomoonlight, or hold more than one job.Once a week, after his day job as medical director ofa mental health center, the 40-year-old psychiatrist(精神病大夫) heads to a part-time job at atreatment center for young people. Twice a month, he travels three hours toanother teenage treatment center.Last year, 5.4 percent of the American workforce heldsecond jobs, according to the US Labor Department, and that looks set to increase this year.Many workers like the safety that moonlightingprovides, says Carl Hausamn, the writer of 〝Moonlighting: 148 Great Ways toMake Money on the Side.〞The information from he US Labor Department shows that40 percent of US moonlighters in 1997 took a second job to meet householde_penses or pay off debts. Others save money or buy some special things.People also take second jobs with an eye to thefuture-wanting to try out a new field or gain e_perience.Michel started moonlighting when medical systems wereunstable(不稳定的). Hewanted to make sure he wasn’t tied to one system that ended up failing.Just as the purposes for moonlighting vary, themoonlighters cross all age and racial groups. And they work in a variety ofindustries-no longer just service, office and sale jobs.〝Technology just affects your ability to make money,〞Hausman says. 〝That makes a frequent change in moonlighting.〞As its name means, moonlighting still occurs mostlyat night. And that results in some pressures. Chief among them is time.Full-time employers could misunderstand, too. Some companiesdo not allow after-hour work because they fear it will affect their employees’9-to-5 performance.〝The primary employer is saying, ‘Wait, I’m payingyou for the sharp, fresh, energetic you,’〞 says Tom Gimbel, president andfounder of LaSalle Staffing in Chicago. 〝If you’re burning yourself at bothends, It’s going to show.〞Still, the good done to the moonlighters can begreat. Besides e_tra income, moonlighters enjoy variety , freedom and chance todo something new. They also may find their part-time jobs strengthen what theydo full time.Besides, 〝it’s fun,〞 Michel says. Not only do thispart-time jobs offer a chance to network, stretch his professional skills andmake more money, but they also give him the variety he wouldn’t find just in afull-time job.〝It’s a way of pulling from the spice cabinet,〞 he says, 〝and offering a little variety throughout the day.〞68. What is the article mainly about?A.The ways of moonlighting.B.The reasons for moonlighting .C.The problems with moonlighting.D.The kinds of people whomoonlight.69. The reason why Fred Michel began to moonlight is that ____.A.he found it e_citing to do apart-time jobB.he needed to make ends meetwith more moneyC.he feared he would lose hispresent job one dayD.he felt more and more pressurefrom his employer70. Some companies don’t allow their workers to moonlight because they are afraid ___.A.their workers can not doe_tra-hour work for themB.their workers will be too tiredto try their best at workC.their workers will one day turnto some other different jobsD.their workers will not get towork and be off work on time71. The underlined sentence 〝It’s a way to of pulling from the spice cabinet.〞 In the last paragraph means___.A.moonlighting gets you away fromthe job you don’t enjoyB.moonlighting offers you freedomto make e_tra moneyC.moonlighting strengthens yourprofessional skillsmoonlighting brings you chances to do something differentEWhen he died in April of 1983,Dr. JoelHildebrand was 101years old ,who had been married for seventy-five years ,andhad taught freshman chemistry to over 40,000 college students. For his life ,hehad published a popular chemistry te_tbook and dozens of articles ,had managedthe U.S. Olympic ski team, and discovered a way to allow deep-sea divers tostay underwater longer .In his own way ,Dr. Hildebrand was certainly a genius.Dr. Hildebrand’s interest in chemistry began at an early age. In an interview,he once said that his interest had to make his own decision about what to payattention to .Even as a student in high school, Dr. Hildebrand had the fame asthe one who learned more chemistry than his teacher knew .As a result hewasgiven the keys to the high school chemistry lab, and there he discovered thatthe correct formula(公式)for a certain chemical compound was not the one given in hischemistry book but a totally different one . Dr. Hildebrand went on to teach atthe University of California at Berkeley and remained there for almost fortyyears.During thattime, Dr, Hildebrand discovered that the gas helium(氦)could be combined with o_ygen foruse as diving gas to allow divers to dive deeper and take the great pressure ofthe water without the physical discomforts that had been e_perienced when thatused another gas , nitrogen. The use of helium for deep-sea diving is now standard practice .Dr. Hildebrand was also valuable to his country during bothworld wars .In World War I he analyzed the poisonous gases used on the battlefield and helped develop a truck that could clean and treat soldiers’clothes which had been contaminated(弄脏)by poisonous gases during fighting. In World War II he helpeddevelop a type of snowmobile ,a vehicle used to carry the soldiers through thesnow in northern countries.Dr.Hildebrand’s retirement(退休)from teaching at the age of seventy was required by state law inCalifornia. He objected to this ,joking he thought a teacher’s time of retirement ought to be determined not by age but by how many of that teacher’sstudents were still awake after the first fifteen minutes of class!Dr.Hildebrand’s writing career continued ,however, and was still feeling strong atthe age of 100,when he published an article on the theory of chemical solutions. Dr. Hildebrand’s love of life and his interest in it were an inspirations to all who knew him. When asked once how he could have such ageless energy and vigor, he said , 〝I chose my ancestors carefully.〞72.In the eyes of Dr. Hildebrand,television was probably___.A.a powerful tool for knowledgelearning.B.A favourable means to encouragelearning.C.Something that was not helpfulto people’s attentionD.Something that man had to usein their daily life.73. When Dr. Hildebrand was still a highschool student, he was well known because ____.A.he was good at chemistry.B.Could use the chemistry as heliked.C.His teachers were not so cleveras he was.D.Discovered the formula for somechemical compound(成分)74. The use of helium in deep-sea diving______.A.is now still regarded asstandard practice for deep-sea diving .B.was discovered with the help ofDr. Hildebrand’s teachers.C.Was a great help to theinvention of snowmobiles.D.Helped to make the divers lovetheir job.75. The best topic of the passage should be ___.A.A Man Who Loved His countryDeeplyB.A Well-know Professor ofChemistryC.A Man Who Lived a Long andValuable LifeThe Greatest Discovery of the Century第II卷第一节:短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)此题要求改正所给短文的错误.对标有题号的每一行做出判断:如无错误,在该行右边横线上画一个(√)如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正:该行缺一个词:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉,在该行的右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉.该行缺一个司:在缺字处加一个漏字符号(∧),在该行右边横线上写出该加的词.该行错一个词:在错的词下划一横线,在该行的右边横线上写出改正后的词.原行无错的不要改,答对号.It was very finewhile I got up early last Sunday morning. 76._______so I decidedto go for a walk and took some photos in the 77. _______beautifulcountry. After breakfast, I carried my camera with 78. _______me and setoff. Every thing went smooth. I enjoyed my trip 79. _______so much thatI didn’t realize the weather had been turned 80. _______bad. I beganto run and it was too late. I was caught81._______by the rainand was wet through. I kept on running until 82. _______I get to a busstop. I stood there waiting a long time for the bus 83. _______shiveringwith cold. Shortly before I got home, I 84_______had high fever,which made me stay in bed for a whole week! 85_______第二节:书面表达(满分25分)假若一个澳大利亚教育参观团要到你校,他们想了解中国教育的基本情况,请根据以下图表和所给提示,用英语写一篇短文,为来客做介绍.1.参考词汇:compulsory education一义务教育juniormiddle school一初中senior middleschool一高中professional school一职业学校2.短文须包括以下要点:50%的学生能进人大学学习;在高校,部分费用由家庭承担;中国教育尽管成就巨大,但仍然满足不了社会的需求.3.注意:(1)词数:120左右.(2)短文的题目和开头已给出,不计人总词数.参考答案1--5 BCCAB 6--10 CBACA 11--15 ABABA 16--20 ACACB21---25BDDBD 26---30 CADDA 31---35 DCACC36—40 DBAAB 41—45 DBCDB 46—50 ACABA 51—55 DABDA56—60 CCDDD 61—65 CBCBD 66—70 ABBCB 71—75DCDAC76. while 改成when 77. took改成take 78. 正确 79. smooth 改成smoothly 80. 去掉been 81. by改成 in 82.get 改成got 83 before改成 after 84 and 改成but 85. had 后加aOne possible version:Education in China TodayEducation inChina today has been developing rapidly. Most children start school by the ageof seven. They spend five or si_ years in a primary school and three or fouryears in a junior middle school, which are compulsory education. The studentsdon’ t need to take e_ams before they enter a junior middle school.Aftergraduation, some study in a professional school for two or three years beforework. Most of them attend a senior middle school tot thee years. Students haveto pass a series of e_aminations before, entering a university. Now about 50%of the students can go to university. The university life lasts two or five years, and part of the cost is provided by their families, lint they can getsupport from the university. After they graduate, they can go and find jobs.Though greatchanges have taken place in the education system of China, it still can’t meetthe needs of the society.附:听力材料Te_t 1M: Do you like to go to the zoo on Sundays?W: Yes, I like to go to the zoo, but not onSundays, because it’s always so crowded. How about going on Friday or Saturday?Te_t 2W: Is this 415 Fifth Street?M: No, it’s 514 Fourth Street.Te_t 3M: Is Mary at home yet?W: No. She has to work late again today.Te_t 4W: You should have known that it may do youharm if you don’t cover your head on such a eold winter day. M: It doesn’t matter. I’m used to it.Te_t 5W: If I were you, I’d take the bus to work.Driving in that rush-hour is terrible.M: But by the time the bus gets to my stop,there aren’t any seats left.Te_t 6W: Hi, dear. You’re home early.M. Hi, sugar. Where were you?W: I was in the bathroom.M: Where are the kids?W: Jack’s at the library. Bill and Tom areat football practice.M. And Susan?W: She was here a few minutes ago. Maybeshe’s in her room.M: Oh, I’m tired.W: How was your day?M: Busy, but not bad.Te_t 7W: Good morning! Can you tell me the times of morning flights to Paris, please?M: Yes, certainly. There are daily flights at 7:50 and 11: 05.W: And when do they arrive at Paris?M: The early flight arrives at 9:00 and the midmorning one at 12: 15.W: So the journey takes an hour and ten minutes.M: Yes, that’s correct. But remember, you must be at the airport an hour before.W: Of course. And in Paris is there a busto the city center?M: Yes, there are buses every half hour andthe journey takes about 40 minutes.W: Fine. I’d like to book five tickets onthe early morning flight to Paris on Friday, June 10th. M: Five tickets. Fine.Te_t 8W: What would you like for breakfast, Bill?M: I would like some ham and eggs.W: OK. How many eggs would you like?M: I usually eat two eggs.W: OK. How do you like them cooked?M: I like them fried.W: And what would you like to drink?M: Well, how about some coffee now and someorange juice when we eat?W: All right.Te_t 9W: My boss told me never to go to workagain.M: Why?W: I don’t know. When he told me that, Iwas very sad and surprised.M: Did you often go to work late?W: Yes, I often did.M: Did you work hard?W: Well, it’s hard to say.M: Are you good at computers?W: No, I don’t know how to use it.M: Then I know the reason. You didn’t useyour time well and you don’t learn new things.Te_t 10During the 1930s there was a popular song that had the title;Everything Stops for Tea; and to millions of British people a restful cup of tea is still an ideal way to rela_ for a few minutes from the tiredness of the day.The English custom ofdrinking tea has its roots in the 17th and 18th centuries. When first importedto Britain the e_otic ;cha’(as the Chinese tea was called) was considered a man’s drink to be enjoyed with colleagues at London coffee shops. These werepopular meeting places for many walks of life--politicians, poets, actors andwriters. Many London clubs began in this manner.In 1706 the fist coffee house that offeredtea was Tom’s Coffee House owned by Tom Twining. He realized that he needed tointroduce an added attraction to compete with the other coffee houses in London. And tea was rare, e_otic and e_tremely e_pensive so that it became ane_clusive drink.。
1.Who are in the girl’s family?A.Her parents, her younger brother and herself.B.Her parents, her elder brother and younger brother and herself.C.Her parents, her elder brother and herself.2.Whom does the boy’s mother work with?A.AdultsB. StudentsC. Children3.What should the girl call her uncle in Chinese?A.ShushuB. DaboC. Jiujiu4.What programs does the girl usually listen to?A.English and folk songs B News. C. English, news andfolk songs.5.What does the girl really want to listen to?A.Something lightB. something for relaxation.C. A crosstalk.第二节(共15题,每小题1分,满分15分)听下面五段对话或独白。
每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A.B.C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标试卷的相应位置。
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1.Why can’t the man see Professor Brown?A.He’s not here now.B. He’s ill in hospital.C. He went abroad.2.What are they talking about?A. A project.B. ItalyC. A trip.3. How will the woman go to the station?A. By taxi.B. Take the man’s car.C. By bus.4. Where did the conversation take place?A. In a store.B. In a telephone hall.C. In a post office.5. How long has the man been waiting for?A. An hour.B. 50 minutes.C. 15 minutes.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或对白。
每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置,听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。
6. What happened to the man?A. He missed a meeting.B. He’s late.C. He went to the computer company.7. What’s Vander?A. A secretary.B. A manager.C. An organizer.8. What will the computer company do ?A. Equip their new laboratory.B. Put their new product on the market.C. Discuss the type of the computer.听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。
9. What’s the woman doing?A. Watching TV.B. Looking at newspaper.C. Surfing on the Internet.10. How many winners have we had since the prize foundedA.15. B. 16. C. 17.11. Who’s Thomas Anderson?A. A manager of the global pop group.B . A winner of the Polar Music Prize.C. The founder of the prize.听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。
12. What did the man do on his way to the woman’s?A. Got an autograph.B. Bought a new notebook.C. Finished his book.13. Who’s Wayne Gretzky?A. a famous writer.B. A famous hockey player.C. A famous judge.14. What will they probably do ?A. Go to ask an autograph.B. Watch a hockey match.C. Go to meet their fans.听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。
15. What happened to Tom last week?A.He had a sore throat. B. He was weak in bed. C. He got a flu.16. Why did the woman come to see Tom?A. Help him catch up his lesson.B. Give him his notebook.C. Visit Tom and tell him something about school.17. What does the woman do to keep her from flu?A. Eating Vitamin C and having a good sleep.B. Eating more vegetables and take some medicine.C. Doing some exercise and having a good sleep.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。
18. When did the murder probably take place?A.8:00pm. B. 10:00pm. C. 9:30pm.19. How was the man murdered?A. By a heavy blunt instrument from behind.B. By a continuous struck from behind.C. By a heavy marble ornament hitting his head.20. Which of the following is not true according to the passage?A. When the police came, the window and door were widely open.B. Mr. Roderick was murdered in his study with her body facing the door.C. The safe was open, but there seems nothing was stolen.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分35分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
21. ---How can I keep fit?-- You’d better_______ your diet rather than eat the same almost every day.A. differB. rangeC. varyD. exchange22. All my classmates were_____ my idea that we should go on an outing next week.A. in honor ofB. in memory ofC. in favor ofD. in case of23. _______ other good students, in my opinion, Tom is ________ student.A. Comparing with; a most satisfiedB. Compared to ; the most satisfiedC. Comparing to ; the most satisfyingD. Compared with; a more satisfying24. So far this year, we _________ a rapid increase in oil prices by between 10 an 15 percent.A. experiencedB. experienceC. had experiencedD. have experienced25. _______ college student called Hhuang YuZhou became famous for carrying six laptops, three cameras and _____tortoise to safety when an earthquake happened, which has had ______ profound effect on society.A. A; /; theB. The; a ; aC. The; /; /D. A; a; a26. –You phone number again, please. I _______ quite catch it.---It’s 9586440.A. didn’tB. couldn’tC. don’tD. can’t27. I ________ that volleyball team of my class could win, but it didn’t.A. had hopedB. hopedC. hopeD. were hoping28. Do remember to consider this problem to be _______ an opportunity.A. as much a challenge asB. as a challenge much asC. a challenge as much asD. much as a challenge as29. John is very confident person, but ______ he was nervous during the interview.A. anyhowB. somehowC. anywayD. somewhere30. ---Look at the clouds! I think it’s going to rain.--- Yes. It’s________ necessary to take raincoats with us.A. the mostB. a mostC. mostD. a more31. ---- Why didn’t you tell me the fact earlier?---- I _______ it for granted ________ you had already known it.A. regarded; asB. considered; asC. thought; asD. took; that32. You can’t imagine the difficulty I had_________ myself to the new working conditions.A. adaptedB.to adaptC. adaptingD. adapt33. She ________ have left school, for he bike is still here.A. can’tB. wouldn’tC. mustn’tD. needn’t34. The new theory seems good _______, but some people doubt if it’ll work ___.A. in practice; in theoryB. in particular; in harmonyC. in theory ; in practiceD. for theory; for practice35. ---I hear he will resign from the company.--- ________. He holds a senior position in the company.A. I don’t get itB. It doesn’t matterC. Bad luckD. You’ve got it第二节完形填空(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。