教案三 Basic regulation of engineering drawing
三、各教学环节学时分配教学课时分配四、教学内容Part 1 IntroductionUnit 1 Environmental Engineering1. Environmental science and environmental engineering2. The origins of environmental engineering3. Environmental engineering todayUnit 2 Case studies教学重点、难点:环境工程概念、环境工程的研究领域。
《工程索赔(双语)》课程教学大纲课程编号:BK221314 课程学分: 2学时分配:课程总学时:32学时。
二、课程内容及教学要求第一章:绪论(INTRODUCTION)1.该章的基本要求与基本知识点:(1)掌握国际工程、国际工程项目管理、国际工程项目管理与承包模式、国际工程索赔等基本概念(2)熟悉国际工程索赔管理与国际工程项目管理、合同管理之间的关系以及国际工程索赔常用的分类方法(3)了解国际工程索赔的意义2.教学重点与难点(1)国际工程项目管理与承包模式(2)国际工程索赔管理与国际工程项目管理、合同管理之间的关系第二章:国际工程索赔的依据(THE BASIS OF INTERNATIONAL PROJECT CLAIMS )1.该章的基本要求与基本知识点:(1)掌握工程索赔的主要依据(2)熟悉工程合同解释的条款分析、合同解释原则及合同失效情况(3)了解国际工程常用的合同范本2.教学重点与难点工程索赔的主要依据第三章:FIDIC合同条件及其索赔条款解析(CONTRACT CONDITIONS OF FIDIC AND EXPLANATION TO THE CONTRACT)1.该章的基本要求与基本知识点:(1)熟悉FIDIC系列合同(2)掌握FIDIC1999版施工合同条件中的变更与索赔条款2.教学重点与难点FIDIC1999版施工合同条件中的变更与索赔条款第四章:国际工程索赔组织管理与程序(ORGANIZATION & MANAGEMENT AND PROGRAMM OF INTERNATIONAL PROJECT CLAIMS)1.该章的基本要求与基本知识点:(1)掌握矩阵式组织结构(2)熟悉合同管理组织结构的对比(3)熟悉国际工程索赔组织结构类型(4)掌握国际工程索赔的程序(5)了解国际工程索赔管理的一般思路2. 教学重点与难点矩阵式组织结构、国际工程索赔的程序第五章:国际工程工期索赔(TIME CLAIMS OF INTERNATIONAL PROJECT)1.该章的基本要求与基本知识点:(1)熟悉国际工程工期索赔分类、特点和处理原则(2)掌握国际工程常用的工期索赔方法及其选择2.教学重点与难点国际工程常用的工期索赔方法及其选择第六章:国际工程费用索赔(COST CLAIMS OF INTERNATIONAL PROJECT)1.该章的基本要求与基本知识点:(1)掌握国际工程索赔费用的一般构成及其计算方法(2)掌握国际工程费用索赔计算原则与计价方法2.教学重点与难点国际工程索赔费用的一般构成及其计算方法、国际工程费用索赔计算原则与计价方法第七章:国际工程常见典型索赔问题(COMMON TYPICAL CLAIMS OF INTERNATIONAL PROJECT)1.该章的基本要求与基本知识点掌握现场条件变化引起的索赔、工程变更引起的索赔、加速施工引起的索赔、物价调整与汇率变化引起的索赔以及暂停施工或终止合同引起的索赔2.教学重点与难点现场条件变化引起的索赔、工程变更引起的索赔、加速施工引起的索赔、物价调整与汇率变化引起的索赔以及暂停施工或终止合同引起的索赔第八章:国际工程索赔基础文档管理(BASAL DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT OF INTERNATIONAL PROJECT CLAIMS)1.该章的基本要求与基本知识点:(1)熟悉国际工程合同文档管理、(2)熟悉国际工程基础文档管理(3)掌握国际工程索赔英文信函写作2.教学重点与难点国际工程基础文档管理、国际工程索赔英文信函写作第九章:国际工程索赔报告与索赔谈判(REPORT AND NEGOTIATION OF INTERNATIONAL PROJECT CLAIMS)1.该章的基本要求与基本知识点:(1)熟悉国际工程索赔报告的主要内容(2)掌握国际工程索赔报告的撰写(3)熟悉国际工程索赔报告的评审与反索赔(4)熟悉国际工程索赔谈判的过程2.教学重点与难点国际工程索赔报告的撰写、反索赔第十章:国际工程索赔争端解决替代方式(DISPUTE ALTERNATIVE RESOLUTIONFOR INTERNATIONAL PROJECT CLAIMS)1.该章的基本要求与基本知识点:(1)掌握常见的争端解决方式(2)熟悉DRB/DAB的应用(3)了解争端解决替代方式在国际工程中的规定2.教学重点与难点常见的争端解决方式第十一章:国际工程索赔仲裁(ARBITRA TION OF INTERNATIONAL PROJECT CLAIMS)3.该章的基本要求与基本知识点:(1)了解仲裁的的一些基本概念和知识(2)熟悉仲裁包含的内容、仲裁程序及法律适用问题(3)了解国际仲裁机构及其仲裁规则4.教学重点与难点仲裁包含的内容、仲裁程序及法律适用问题三、上机要求无四、能力培养本课程基于课堂讲授并结合案例分析的教学方式,注重对学生在学习理解专业知识能力、综合分析解决问题能力等方面的培养。
《土木工程概论》(双语)教学大纲Introduction to Civil Engineering(Clouble -Languages)总学时:18 理论课学时:18 实验课学时:0一、课程的性质该课程是土木工程专业一门基础课程,也是土木工程专业的必修课程,课程的对象是一年级新生,课程的任务是概括性地介绍土木工程的对象及任务和土木工程的成就,土木工程的发展趋势,使学生对土木工程有一个概念性的认识,激发学生的学习热情。
Introduction to Civil Engineering is a main course to fresh man who is studying civil engineering. Goal of the course is introducing objects, tastes, achievements and future developments of civil engineering, and makes students to have some basic understandings to civil engineering.二、课程的目的与教学基本要求课程内容:介绍土木工程的历史、基本概念和当前发展水平,对土木工程材料、基本结构形式、工程结构,公路、铁路、地下工程、市政工程等土木工程的主要学科有一各概括性的了解,以及一些基本名词的英语表达。
In the course, students will learn history, fundamental concepts and achievements of civil engineering, materials, basic structure elements, engineering structures, highway, railway, underground structures, municipal engineering. Meanwhile, students will learn some basic technical terms of civil engineering.基本要求:了解土木工程的基本概念和相关学科,掌握一些基本的英语名词Fundamental requirement of the course is to understand basic concepts and relative subjects of civil engineering, and keep some basic English technical terms in mind.三、课程适用专业土木工程Civil engineering四、课程的教学内容、要求与学时分配1.理论教学部分:Theoretical teaching第一章绪论2学时1、土木工程的定义;2、近现代典型土木工程项目的基本资料。
BS Brain Storming 脑力激荡Facilities Design and Planning设施规划与设计Material Flow System Analysis物流系统分析Production Planning and Control生产计划与控制Human Engineering人机工程(工效学)Cost Control成本控制Value Engineering价值工程Work Assessment工作评价与考核Engineering Economics Analysis工程经济分析Machine Interference机器干扰Single Minute Exchange of Dies (SMED) 六十秒即时换模Fool-Proof 防止错误法(防错法)Man 人Machine 机Material 料Method 法Environment 环境Temperature(temp)温度Humidity湿度leaning curve学习曲线Time measurement 时间测量Methods of time measurement标准时间测量(MTM) Shop floor observation 现场观测Line Balancing 线平衡Value有价值NO VALUE 无价值Incidental work(necessary)必要Waste浪费•Takt Time生产节拍Transport Empty 伸手Grasp 握取Move 移物Disassemble 折卸Use 应用Assemble 装配Release Load 放手Inspect 检查Search 寻找Select 选择Play 计划Pre-Position预定位Position 定位Hold 持住Rest 休息Unavoidable Delay 迟延Avoidable Delay 故延E: Elimination剔除C :Combination合并R: Re-arrangement重排S :Simplification简化PRA-Probabilistic Risk风险率评估Risk Priority Number (RPN) 风险关键指数What 完成了什么where 何处做When 何时做who 由谁做Why 为何这样做how 何时做delay等待operation操作inspection检查transportation搬运storage储存Color management 颜色管理Quality Control Circle品管圈(QCC)Activity-Base Management作业制成本管理(ABM)In-Process Quality Control制程质量管理(IPQC)Incoming Quality Control进料质量管理(IQC)International Organization for Standardization国际标准化组织(ISO) Predetermined Motion Time Standard 简称PTS 预定动作时间标准法Methods-time-measurement 方法时间衡量Work factor system 工作因素法(WF)Modolar arrangement of pre-determind time standard MOD法Leveling 平准化= westing 西屋法objective rating 客观评比synthetic leveling 合成评比Work Sampling 工作抽样Motion time analysis 动作时间分析Business Process Reengineering (BPR)企业流程再造Enterprise Resource Planning ERP企业资源规划Economic Order Quantity (EOQ)基本经济订购量Flexible Manufacture System 弹性制造系统(FMS)Finish or Final Quality Control成品质量管理(FQC)In-Process Quality Control制程质量管理(IPQC)Incoming Quality Control进料质量管理(IQC)Just In Time实时管理(JIT)Manufacturing Execution System制造执行系统(MES)Master Production Scheduling主生产排程(MPS)Master Production Planning主生产计划Material Requirement Planning物料需求规划(MRP) Manufacturing Resource Planning制造资源计划(MRPII) Operation Scheduling作业计划Flow shop流水车间Optimized Production Technology最佳生产技术Supply Chain Management供应链管理(SCM)Statistic Process Control统计制程管制(SPC)Total Production Management全面生产管理(TPM) Total Quality Management全面质量管理(TQM)Zero Defect Quality Control零缺陷质量管理:PDCA Cycle PDCA循环:continue Improvement持续改善:Project项目Project Manager项目经理Project Management项目管理Project Plan项目计划Process Improvement现场改善WORK IN PROCESS 半成品President 董事长Visual management 目视管理bottleneck 瓶颈Layout 布置图quality engineering 质量工程人员(QE)first article inspection 新品首件检查(FAI)first article assurance首件确认(FAA)capability index能力指数(CP)Quality Improvement Team 质量改善小组(QIT) Classification整理(sorting, organization)-seiri Regulation整顿(arrangement, tidiness)-seiton Cleanliness清扫(sweeping, purity)-seiso Conservation清洁(cleaning, cleanliness)-seiktsu Culture教养(discipline)-shitsukeSave 节约Safety安全Make-to-stock备货型生产(MTS)Make-to-order订货型生产(MTO)Assemble-to-order按订单装配(ATO)Flexible manufacturing system柔性制造系统Group technology成组技术(GT)Concurrent engineering并行工程(CE)Time compression technology时间压缩技术(TCT) Business process reengineering业务过程重组(BPR) Agile manufacturing敏捷制造(AM)Leap production精细生产(LP)Intelligent manufacturing 智能制造(IM)Computer-aided-manufacturing计算机辅助制造(CAM) Computer-aided-design计算机辅助设计(CAD)Computer-aided-engineering计算机辅助工程(CAE) Computer-aided-process planning计算机辅助工艺编制( CAPP) overall cost leadership成本优先differentiation独具一格Market focus集中一点cost efficiency成本效率quality质量Dependability可靠性Flexibility柔性product date management产品数据管理(PDM)Facility location设施选址Fixed position layout固定式布置process layout工艺过程布置layout based on group technology成组制造单元布置Job design工作设计work measurement工作测量Time study时间研究Basic motion study基本动作世界研究法(BMS)Modolar arrangement of predetermind time standard模特法Human factor engineering人因工程business plan经营计划Fixed capacity固定能力Adjustable capacity可调整能力production rate生产率Inventory库存Job-shop production单间小批生产Bill of materials (BOM)物料清单文件Lead time提前期modular bill of materials模块物料清单Maximum part-period gain最大周期收益(MPG)distribution requirements planning分配需求计划scheduling编制作业计划sequencing排序Dispatching派工controlling控制expediting赶工supply chain供应链Purchasing Management采购管理Quick Response快速用户反应JIT Purchasing准时采购physical distribution物流Materials handling物料搬运project项目critical path method关键路线法optimistic time最乐观时间Most likely time最可能时间pessimistic time最悲观时间Mean time between failure平均故障期(MTBF)Mean time to repair平均维修期(MTTR)plan 计划do 执行check 检查action 处理level production生产平准化optimized production technology最优生产技术(OPT) Overall Equipment Effectiveness整体设备效能Operation Research运筹学Service Sector服务业Operation Management运作管理Operation System运作系统World Class Manufacturing世界级制造Time-based Competition基于时间的竞争Operation Flexibility运作战略Product Development产品开发Dependent Demand独立需求Economic Order Lot 经济订货批量:Safety Stock安全库存Shortage Costs缺货成本ABC Classing Method A BC分类法Reorder Point订货点Holding Costs存储成本Productivity Improvement Team生产力提升小组(PIT) Productivity Improvement Center生产力提升中心(PIC)工厂常用词汇Assembly& Loading Clips 组合上耳夹Break PAD 折PADBreak PIN 折脚Paste Base 沾BASEapproved by: 核准Apr.(April) 四月assembly(ass’y)组合Aug.(August) 八月Base 底座bifilar 双线并绕Bobbin(BBN)绕线管bottom 底部Brush Epoxy On Core 铁芯刷胶Brush Epoxy On Loop 线圈刷胶checked by: 审核Choke电感clip耳夹close winding密绕component 组件condition条件condition条件copper铜箔立式core铁芯Curing烘烤current 电流CUT WIRE 裁线Dec.(December) 十二月defective product box不良品箱deficient manufacturing procedure制程不良description: 说明Design Failure Mode and Effect Analysis DFMEA设计Desk Topdip 浸入Direction 方向ECN Engineering Change Notice工程变更通知Electronic Magnetic In EMI 抗电磁干扰Enameled copper wire 漆包线Engineering Change Request 工程变更要求epoxy胶equipment/instrument设备Failure Mode and Effect Analysis FMEA失效模式与效应分析Feb.(February) 二月fixture治具flow chart 流程窗体flux助焊剂FN: Factory Notice 工厂通知FN: Immediated change 立即变更Function test 测试gap 间隙,缝隙HI-POT安规测试IE﹕Industrial Engineering 工业工程impregnation浸泡inductance 电感ink油墨inspection(INSP)检查Insulating Tape绝缘胶布issued date: 发行日期item发料Jan.(January) 一月Joint Quality Engineering (JQE)Jul.(July) 七月Jun.(June) 六月Kapton Tape高温胶布layer 层line线Magnetic Components 磁性组件magnetic 磁性的Mar.(March) 三月Margin Tape安胶marking印章materials物料May五月ME: Mechanical Engineering 机械工程measurement测试mechanical dimension 外观尺寸MFG: manufacturing制造Mini-TowerModel: 机种Not Deviate Measure 量平整度Nov.(November) 十一月O/I Operation Instruction 作业指导书Oct.(October) 十月OEM:委托代工(Original Equipment Manufacture) oven 烤箱P/n: part number 品名P/R Pilot-Run试作验证pad 垫片PE Production/Process Engineering 制造工程/制程工程pin adjustment对脚PIN BENDING& WIRE TRIMMING 折弯钢片pin 脚plastic 塑料,塑料poor processing 制程不良Pre-soldering 预焊primary(pri)初级process 流程production capacity生产力卧式production control (PC)生管purchasing采购QCC:品管圈(Quality Control Circle)QE:质量工程(Quality Engineering)remark: 备注Reported by: 草拟Revision(REV﹒): 版本sample样品schematic 结构图second(sec)次级Sept.(September) 九月solder bar锡棒solder iron 烙铁solder wire锡丝soldering焊锡solvent 稀释剂space winding疏绕Specification (Spec)生产规格stand-off 凸点station 站别step步序straighten 弄直,使变直tape 胶带TE: Test Engineering 测试工程terminal 脚,端子Time (时间)timer定时器top顶部,上层transformer 变压器trifler三线并绕tube 套管turn ratio圈数比turn圈数twist绞线Unloading The Clips 下耳夹vacuum抽真空varnish dipping泡凡立水varnish凡立水warehouse仓库winding direction 绕线方向winding绕线wire trimming理线manufacturing process 制造程序manufacturing systems and management 制造系统与管理market and marketing 市场与行销material flows automation 物流自动化mathematical programming 数学规划multicriteria decision making 多目标规划multi-criteria decision methods 多准则决策分析network analysis 网络分析numerical analysis 数值分析organization and management 组织与管理product and technology development management 产品与技术开发管理production management 生产管理production planning and control 生产计划与管制quality control 质量管理quality engineering 品质工程quality management techniques and practice 品质管理queueing theory 等候线理论reliability engineering 可靠度工程research,development and innovation management 研究发展管理semiconductor production management 半导体生产管理sequencing and scheduling 排序与排程simulation 模拟分析statistical method 统计方法stochastic processes 随机系统strategic management of technology 技术策略system analysis and design in large scale 大型系统分析与设计system performance evaluation 系统绩效评估技术system quality assurance engineering 系统品质保证工程systems engineering 系统工程systems simulation 系统仿真vision and colors 视觉与色彩work physiology 工作生理学work study 工作研究。
统一编号_____________ (共1 册)
(第 1 册)
课程性质B3 总学时32 总学分 2
课程授课学期 5 起止时间2018.9 至2019.1
本教案用于第 5 学期
化工进展Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress2023 年第 42 卷第 8 期代谢工程改造微生物合成生物基单体的进展与挑战高聪,陈城虎,陈修来,刘立明(江南大学食品科学与技术国家重点实验室,江苏 无锡 214122)摘要:单体是合成聚合物所用的小分子基础原料,目前主要来源于化石燃料。
关键词:微生物细胞工厂;塑料单体;底物利用;调控策略;环境耐受性中图分类号:Q815; TQ92 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-6613(2023)08-4123-13Progress and challenges of engineering microorganisms to producebiobased monomersGAO Cong ,CHEN Chenghu ,CHEN Xiulai ,LIU Liming(State Key Laboratory of Food Science and Technology, Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122, Jiangsu, China)Abstract: Monomers are the basic raw materials used in the synthesis of polymers, which mainly come from fossil fuels. Engineering microorganisms to synthesize monomers has the advantages of mild production conditions, environmental friendliness, and sustainability, which is an important way to achieve green manufacturing in the material industry. With the help of metabolic engineering and synthetic biology parts, microbial manufacturing of various monomers has been realized at present. However, compared with petroleum-based production processes, the production performance of these microbial cell factories is limited. Focusing on the bottleneck problems in engineering microorganisms to synthesize bioplastic monomers, this review summarizes the latest research progress in the metabolic engineering of microorganisms to produce monomers from three aspects: efficient utilization of cheap substrates, improvement of monomer synthesis efficiency, and enhancement of cell environment tolerance,based on specific case studies. At the same time, the current challenges and future direction of the microbial monomer cell factory are discussed.Keywords: microbial cell factories; bioplastic monomer; substrate utilization; regulation strategy;environmental tolerance特约评述DOI :10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2023-0289收稿日期:2023-02-28;修改稿日期:2023-04-08。
教师学科教案[ 20 – 20 学年度第__学期]任教学科:_____________任教年级:_____________任教老师:_____________xx市实验学校Lesson 1 Civil Engineering【学习目的】通过本课的学习,要求掌握本课生词表以及课文中涉及到的常用专业词汇,能通顺地翻译全文,并且掌握一种翻译方法。
I. Main idea of the textCivil engineering is one of the oldest engineering specialties. Depending on the type of project, civil engineering is subdivided into a number of technical specialties. They are structural engineering, water resources engineering, geotechnical engineering, environmental engineering, transportation engineering, pipeline engineering, construction engineering, community and urban planning, photogrametry, surveying, and mapping, engineering management, and engineering teaching. Each specialty has its special purposes. But they must be coordinated in order to accomplish a project.土木工程是最老的工程专业之一。
课程名称:工业工程英语课时:2课时教学目标:1. 学生能够理解并掌握工业工程的基本概念和术语。
2. 学生能够运用所学英语进行简单的工业工程相关对话和写作。
3. 培养学生的跨文化沟通能力和团队协作精神。
教学重点:1. 工业工程的基本概念和术语。
2. 工业工程中常用的英语表达和句型。
教学难点:1. 工业工程专业词汇的准确发音和书写。
2. 工业工程实际案例的英语描述。
教学过程:第一课时一、导入(10分钟)1. 教师简要介绍工业工程的基本概念和重要性。
2. 学生自由讨论:为什么工业工程在现代社会如此重要?二、词汇学习(20分钟)1. 教师展示工业工程相关词汇,如:production, efficiency, quality control, supply chain, etc.2. 学生跟读并模仿发音,注意重音和语调。
3. 学生分组进行词汇接龙游戏,巩固记忆。
三、句型学习(20分钟)1. 教师展示工业工程中常用的英语表达和句型,如:What is the purpose of this process? How can we improve the efficiency of this operation?2. 学生跟读并模仿发音,注意语调和语速。
3. 学生分组进行情景对话,运用所学句型进行交流。
四、案例分析(10分钟)1. 教师展示一个简单的工业工程案例,如:流水线优化。
2. 学生分组讨论:如何运用所学知识解决这个案例中的问题?3. 各组汇报讨论结果,教师点评。
第二课时一、复习(10分钟)1. 教师提问:上节课学习了哪些内容?2. 学生回答,教师点评。
二、词汇学习(20分钟)1. 教师展示工业工程中常用的专业词汇,如:safety, ergonomics, lean manufacturing, etc.2. 学生跟读并模仿发音,注意重音和语调。
3. 学生分组进行词汇接龙游戏,巩固记忆。
三、写作练习(20分钟)1. 教师布置写作任务:请学生用英语描述一个工业工程实际案例,如:工厂布局优化。
Objective: To introduce and discuss the importance of professionalethics in various fields, emphasizing the role it plays in maintaining trust and integrity in the workplace.Duration: 1 hourMaterials Needed:- Whiteboard or blackboard- Markers or chalk- Handouts on professional ethics- Case studies or examples of ethical dilemmas- Access to a computer or projector for PowerPoint presentationPreparation:- Prepare a PowerPoint presentation on the basics of professional ethics.- Gather case studies or real-life examples that illustrate the importance of ethical behavior in the workplace.- Create handouts with key points about professional ethics.Lesson Plan:I. Introduction (5 minutes)1. Begin the class with a brief discussion about what professional ethics is and why it is important.2. Ask students to share their understanding of ethics in their respective fields.3. Present the objectives of the lesson.II. The Basics of Professional Ethics (15 minutes)1. Use the PowerPoint presentation to introduce key concepts such as honesty, integrity, confidentiality, and responsibility.2. Define each term and provide examples to clarify the concepts.3. Discuss how these ethical principles apply across different professions, such as medicine, law, business, and education.III. Case Studies and Group Discussion (20 minutes)1. Present several case studies or real-life examples that involve ethical dilemmas.2. Divide the class into small groups and ask them to discuss the following questions:- What ethical principles are at play in each case?- How would they resolve the dilemmas?- What are the potential consequences of each decision?3. Assign each group a case study to present to the class, allowing them to share their analysis and conclusions.IV. Interactive Activity (10 minutes)1. Conduct an activity where students are asked to role-play different scenarios that involve ethical decision-making.2. Encourage them to consider the ethical implications of their actions and the impact on others.V. Conclusion and Reflection (10 minutes)1. Summarize the key points discussed during the lesson.2. Ask students to reflect on the importance of professional ethics in their own lives and careers.3. Provide resources for further reading or discussion on professional ethics.Assessment:- Participation in class discussions and group activities.- Completion of a reflective essay on the importance of professional ethics.Handout: Professional Ethics Quick Guide1. Honesty:- Tell the truth and be transparent in all communications.- Avoid deceptive practices and dishonesty.2. Integrity:- Act in accordance with moral and ethical principles.- Be consistent and reliable in all professional interactions.3. Confidentiality:- Protect sensitive information from unauthorized access.- Maintain trust by respecting privacy.4. Responsibility:- Take ownership of one's actions and their consequences.- Act in a way that benefits the organization and its stakeholders.5. Fairness:- Treat all individuals with respect and equality.- Avoid discrimination and bias in decision-making.Note: This template can be adapted to fit the specific needs and interests of the students, as well as the duration of the lesson.。
英语规章制度交通安全教案I. IntroductionIn today's society, traffic accidents are a significant cause of injuries and fatalities. It is essential for everyone to understand and follow traffic safety rules and regulations to ensure the safety of all road users. This lesson plan aims to teach students about basic traffic safety rules and regulations and how to apply them in real-life situations.II. Learning ObjectivesBy the end of this lesson, students will be able to:1. Understand the importance of traffic safety rules and regulations2. Identify common traffic signs and signals3. Demonstrate safe pedestrian and bicycle practices4. Apply correct procedures when crossing the street5. Demonstrate safe behavior as a passenger in a vehicleIII. Lesson ActivitiesA. Introduction to Traffic Safety Rules and Regulations (30 minutes)1. Begin the lesson by discussing the importance of traffic safety rules and regulations. Explain to students that these rules are in place to protect everyone on the road and prevent accidents.2. Show examples of common traffic signs and signals and explain their meanings. Discuss what actions drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists should take when they encounter these signs and signals.3. Have a class discussion on the consequences of not following traffic safety rules and regulations.B. Safe Pedestrian and Bicycle Practices (30 minutes)1. Explain to students the importance of being a vigilant pedestrian and cyclist. Discuss the proper way to walk and ride a bike on the road, including using crosswalks and bike lanes when available.2. Have students participate in a role-playing activity where they practice being safe pedestrians and cyclists in different scenarios.3. Provide examples of unsafe pedestrian and bicycle practices and discuss why they are dangerous.C. Crossing the Street Safely (30 minutes)1. Teach students the correct procedures for crossing the street safely. Emphasize the importance of looking both ways before crossing and using crosswalks whenever possible.2. Have students practice crossing the street safely in a designated area, taking turns being the pedestrian and the driver.3. Discuss the dangers of jaywalking and the consequences of not following proper crossing procedures.D. Safe Behavior as a Passenger (30 minutes)1. Explain to students the importance of wearing a seatbelt and staying seated while in a vehicle. Discuss the dangers of moving around or being distracted while riding in a car.2. Show examples of unsafe passenger behavior and discuss why it is dangerous.3. Have students participate in a demonstration where they practice correct passenger behavior in a vehicle.IV. AssessmentAt the end of the lesson, students will be assessed on their understanding of traffic safety rules and regulations through a written quiz and a practical demonstration. They will be required to demonstrate their knowledge of common traffic signs and signals, safe pedestrian and bicycle practices, crossing the street safely, and safe behavior as a passenger.V. ConclusionIn conclusion, it is crucial for everyone to follow traffic safety rules and regulations to ensure the safety of all road users. By teaching students about these rules and providing them with opportunities to practice safe behaviors, we can help prevent accidents and promote a culture of safety on the road. Encourage students to be vigilant and responsible road users, both as pedestrians and drivers, to contribute to a safer community for everyone.。
Basic Rules 基本规则_大学体育英汉双语教程_[共2页]
8.2.2 Net 球网
net is 15.25mm above the playing surface and extend to attached posts 15.25cm outsidlines..
球网被离球台外侧15.25cm 球网上端离球台面的高度为15.25cm 。
8.2.3 Balls 球
table, it should boance 22 to 25 cm.
球为明胶作成的空心体,直径为40mm ,重量为3741.27g 动。
如果乒乓球从12英寸( 30.5cm 球台上,它反弹高度应为 22cm 至25cm )。
8.2.4 Racket 球拍
other red (Figure 8-2).
Figure 8-2 Table tennis rackets 图8-2 乒乓球拍
8.3 Basic Rules 基本规则
8.3.1 Singles Game 单打比赛
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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Dimensioning squares(平面)
Dimentioning for basic arcdimensions (圆弧) 1.
Diameter (直径) :two ways
Spherical surface (球面)
Countersink hole(埋头孔的标注)
The scales recommended for use in metric system(公制)
1.Full size (原尺寸) 2.Reduction(缩小)
1:10n。。。 1:1 1:2, 1:5,1:10,
3.Enlargement(放大)2:1, 5:1, 10:1
How to decide the size of drawing and scale of drawing
A0(0号图纸) A1 A2 A3
841×1189 594×841 420×594 297×420
二十三 Scales(比例) 1.Why scale is needed in the engineering drawing? To make the drawing fit the size of drawing paper probably.
二十二. Basic regulation of engineering drawing
22.1 What is drawing paper(图纸)?
1.Paper : drawing to be made up 2.Two kinds of drawing: Paper: drawing CAD: electric format: AirBus A380,Boeing 747 3.Where to buy a blank drawing paper? available in the stationer
22.1 Sizes of drawing paper(图幅) Table1 Basic sizes of drawing paper GB(National standard of China)14639—93
国家标准GB/T 4458.6-2002
Symbel of sizes
Dimensions (wedth × length) Unit:mm (millimeter,毫米)
Symbol of section of GB(国内表示方法)(一)
二十七.Title block (标题栏)
What is title block?
The title block represents the general information source for a drawing. It is normally placed in the bottom right-hand corner of the drawing frame.
1.Make the drawing, such as line, plain,etc,clear and visible;
二十四 Types of line(线型)
What is type of line: Some kinds of line used in the engineering drawing listed as following table
The following information should be provided in the title block
1. The name of the firm for whom the drawing is made; 2. the title of the drawing, for example, the official name of the drawn object; 3. the drawing number which represents the unique identifier of the drawing in the file; 4. the scale of dimensions; 5. the angle of projection used, either in words or by symbol; 6. the signature or initials of the draftman, checker, approver and issuing officer with the respective dates when each completed their work on the drawing.
Dimensioning chamfers (倒角)
Dimensioning of fillet(圆角)
29.2 Surface texture (表面粗糙度)
What is roughness? Similar to section
The basic symbol of surface texture
Staggered dimensions (交错标注)
Overall dimensions
Dimension 80 and dimension 125 stand for the overall of the element,so they are overall dimensions
Dimensioning small spaces
二十五. Fonts(字体)
1.What is fonts:
Words’ type used in the engineering drawing
2.Fonts used in engineering drawing must be:
Clear(清楚) Neat(整洁) Even(大小一致)
二十六.Symbols for section(剖面符号)
Individual tolerances (独立公差)
29.4 Symbols for tolerance of position and form (形位公差)p235
二十八.Revisiomensioning (尺寸标注)
29.1 Dimensioning for basic linear
A basic linear dimension is composed of four features : 1.projection line(投影线) 2.dimension line(尺寸线) 3.arrow(箭头) 4.dimention(尺寸)
How to apply surface texture
Pay attention to the pose of the symbol os surface texture. The angle keep pointing to and on the surface finished
29.3 Tolerances