






































MOT系列有毒有害智能气体变送器产品说明书深圳市科尔诺电子科技有限公司目录◆注意事项 (1)◆概术及技术参数 (2)◆外开尺寸及安装方式 (3)◆电气连接及负载特性 (5)◆操作说明及菜单设置 (6)◆目标点校准 (7)◆设备维护及传感器更换 (8)◆技术性能及参数 (9)注意事项①变送器电源:12-30VDC红线:电源正极黄线:4-20mA信号正极黑线:电源负极、4-20mA信号负极②按键说明:显示屏下方共3个按键,Key1、Key2、Key3(从左到右)● Key1:长按Key1键5秒钟,进入参数设置,各项参数请看说明书● Key2:快捷键,连按2下,进行归零点操作注意:该项操作一定要保证仪器处于洁净空气中(氧气传感器除外)仪器需要通电10分钟以上,操作成功,显示屏会提示“YES”● Key3:快捷键,连按2下,进行归目标点操作注意:该项操作不能在洁净空气中进行(氧气传感器除外);该项操作之前,需要了解并设定好目标点气体浓度值:CER参数的值通入气体,并且仪器数值稳定后再进行该项操作,仪器会自动把当前的气体浓度值标定成CER参数里设定的数值,如果进行了误操作,请恢复出厂设置:DEFA参数③操作流程举例:1、长按Key1键5秒钟,进入参数设置,默认参数Z,此时左下角参数名会闪动2、选择您要进行设置的参数:具体参数的定义,请看说明书,按Key3切换3、选定要设置的参数后,按一下Key1进行修改该参数值,此时屏幕的数值会闪动通过按Key2位移,按Key3调整数值;数值修改完成后,按Key1键确认和保存,此时屏幕左下角会提示N/Y(NO/YES),要进行下一个参数操作,继续按Key3进行切换4、如果要进行恢复出厂设置,请把参数切换到DEFA进行操作5、要校准4mA信号输出,把参数切换到4MA即可,仪器自动输出4mA电流6、要校准20mA信号输出,把参数切换到20MA即可,仪器自动输出20mA电流7、操作完成后,按Key3切换到参数OUT,再按下Key1键确认即可退出参数设置●严禁在现场带电开盖操作●严禁带电更换传感器●安装、调试、设置等操作必须由专业人员进行●变送器的标定检查要定期进行,超过有效使用期和有故障的传感器要及时更换●避免用高于测量量程的气体冲击传感器1.概述MOT系列智能气体变送器,采用了最先进的超大规模集成电路技术、国际标准智能化技术水准设计技术及专有数字模拟混合通讯技术而设计的完全智能化的气体变送器。



Standard lncremental(LED) TS1500. TS1560 Series
Mechanical Multi-Turn TS1604 Series 5bitʙ12bit
Technological Development


όοςϦόοΫΞοϓ Smart Abs Series Battery Backup SA56 11bit
όοςϦόοΫΞοϓϚϧνλʔϯ Smart Abs Series Battery Backup Multi-Turn SA48 17bit/Turn
͜ͷߴ౓ͳσΟεΫ੡଄ٕज़ʹࢧ͑ΒΕͨߴੑೳΤϯ ίʔμΛɺ๛෋ͳγϦʔζͷத͔Β༻్ʹ߹Θͤͯ ͓બͼ͍ͩ͘͞ɻ
ແ઀৮ํࣜA-Dม‫ ث׵‬ඪ४ΠϯΫϦϝϯλϧ ϝΧࣜϚϧνλʔϯ


4. 定量取样系统 .............................................................................................................................................................. 11
Spectroquant® Photometer NOVA60/60A
操作说明书中欣大厦 40 楼 T/F:021-32224788/62479680
Merck Chemicals (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd
3.1 取样 ..........................................................................................................................................................................9 3.2 初始测试 ..................................................................................................................................................................9 3.3 稀释 ..........................................................................................................................................................................9 3.4 过滤 ........................................................................................................................................................................10 3.5 均质 ........................................................................................................................................................................10 3.6 消解 ........................................................................................................................................................................10



取编码器(单回转、多回转、及报警状态为) 数
4.2 通过FPGA方式实现:
5 总结
第一种方案使用AU5561串行转并行芯片适合 系统无FPGA芯片厂商,常规伺服驱动器厂商可以 采用第二种方案采用FPGA多摩川提供源代码,第 三种方案适合MCU支持高速串口、DMA功能的产 品。
在编码器领域,多摩川有40多年的制造研究 历史,其超精密的角度检测仪,角度计测分解能 够达到0.001秒,角度的再现能够实现0.005秒。 多摩川单圈17bit多圈16bit的绝对值编码器已投放 市场多年,在中国国产机器人及数控自动化领域 应用广泛,现已向国内推出解析度高达单圈23bit 多圈16bit的绝对值编码器:“TS5700N8401”。 如图1所示。
编码器具备状态自检功能,对于电池欠压、 失效、编码器计数错误、过速度、码盘故障等可 通过编码器状态位读取出来。
[相关链接] http://www.chuandong.com/ tech/detail.aspx?id=27296
2 多摩川绝对值编码器TS5700N8401 编码器简介



MASTER PARTS LIST CONVECTION OVENS MODELS: V10,V20,VS-10,VS-20V10H, V20HH, VS-10H, VS-20HHV15,V25,VS-15,VS-25, V15H, V25HH, VS-15H,VS-25HH also includes AvailableParts for F Series and Pyrolytic Ovens1southbend1100 Old Honeycutt RoadFuquay-Varina, NC 27526(919)552-9161FAX (919) 552-9798(800) 348-2558PRODUCT LINE CONVECTION OVENS _______MPL 1 - Page 1 - 2/82DESCRIPTION V 10 V 20VS 10 VS 20 V 10 H V 20 HH VS 10 H VS 20 HH V 15 V 25 VS 15 VS 25 V 15 H V25 HH VS 15 H VS 25 HH GAS CONTROLS & RELATED PARTSThermostat & Dial-Nat Gas 1 2 1 2 Dial. Only for 1010399/97 1 2 1 2 Thermostat & Dial-LP Gas - - - - Thermostat Brkt 1010399/97 1 2 1 2 Thermostat & Dial 1 2 1 2 Dial only for 10102991 2 1 2 High Limit Control 1 2 1 2 Thermostat-Cook (For "A" Series) 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Dial for 1161452 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Thermostat-Hold 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Knob for 1161453 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Brkt for 11614531 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Safety Valve1 2 1 2 Brass Elbow for 11139991 2 1 2 PRODUCT LINECONVECTION OVENSMPL 1 - Page 2 - 2/82PRODUCT LINE CONVECTION OVENS MPL 1 - Page 3 - 2/82DESCRIPTION V10V20VS10VS20V10HV20HHVS10HVS20HHV15V25VS15VS25V15HV25HHVS15HVS25HHCONTROLS & RELATED PARTSThermo Bulb Guard 1 2 1 2ELECTRICAL & RELATED PARTSTerninal Block-125A-3 wire 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Fuse SC15A 300V 1 2 1 2 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 Fuseholder Asm I 2 1 2 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 Cooling Pan-115V (Assy) 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Cooling Pan Motor only 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Cooling Pan Blade only 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Rotary Switch-Tined Cook/Cook-Hd 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Neon Light 115V 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 Neon Light 208/236V 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 Power Relay 115V 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Relay Socket 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4PRODUCT LINE CONVECTION OVENS MPL 1 – Page 4 - 2/82PRODUCT LINE CONVECTION 0VENS MPL 1 – Page 3 – 2/82 DESCRIPTIONV 10 V 20 Vs 10 Vs20 V10H V 20 HH Vs10HVs 20 HH V 15 V 25 VS 15 VS25 V 15H V 25 HH VS15 HVS25HHELECTRICAL & RELATED PARTS3/4-1/3H.P. Motor Kit-Motor only 208/236V-60 374-1/3B.P. Motor Kit-w/Brkt-2 speed 115V 3/4-1/3B.F. Motor Kit-w/Brkt 2 speed 208/236V3/4-1/3B.P. Motor Kit-w/Brkt lap- 220v/50Hz 3/4-1/3B.P. Motor Kit-Motor only lap 110/220/50H]Mounting Brkt for all 1/3H.P. Motors 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Motor Mount Place ABB S UPPLY C ABLE -24" 115V 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 APACITOR 1 2 1 2 1 2 I 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 UBBER B OOT 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 M OTOR -LL 5V12 1 2 1 2 I 2 M OTOR -208/236V1 2 1 2 S UPPLY C ABLE -36" 208/2367 (OLD STYLE )1 2121 SPEED 115/230-60 3/4H.P. (OLD STYLE )2115V -60 3/4H.P..PRODUCT LINE CONVECTION OVENS MPL 1 – P AGE 4 – 2/82PRODUCT LINE CONVECTION OVENS MPL 1 - Page 7 - 2/82DESCRIPTION V 10V20VS10VS20V10HV20HHVS10HVS20HHV15V25VS15VS25V15HV25HHVS15H HHHeating Element Guide 480V 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 Beating Element Clamp 480V 10 20 10 20 10 20 10 Striker Bar-Door Mtr Switch KitBlower Door Switch 115/236 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 Blower Switch Mounting Brkt 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 Contactor (before'80) 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 Circuit Breaker (For "A" Series) 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 Nylon Snap Bushing 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 Circuit Protector-Main-480V-35ampTransformer 480/240V1161444 1 2 1 2 1 2 12 4 2 4 2 4 22 4 2 4 2 4 2 PRODUCT LINE CONVECTION OVENS MPL 1 – Page 8 – 2/82PRODUCT LINE CONVECTION OVENSMPL 1 - Page 9 - 2/82 DESCRIPTIONV 10 V20 VS10 VS20 V 10 H V 20 HH VS 10 H VS20 HH V15 V 25 VS15 VS25 V15 H V 25 HH VS 15 H VS 25HH GAS & RELATED PARTSAir Mixer-InnerStr.Oven Supply Tube Asm 1212Oven Supply Tube 1 2 1 2 Oven Supply Tube 1 7 1 7 Control-Man Tube 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Pilot Asm-Nat Gas 121 2Pilot Asm-LP Gas --- -Thermocouple 121 2Manifold Asm-Nat Gas 1 2 1 2 Burner Manifold Asm-LP Gas 1212PRODUCT LINECONVECTION OVENS MPL 1 - Page 9 - 2/82INFORMATION ON MODEL SUFFIX'SPRODUCT LINE SUFFIX DATE INDICATESConvection Ovens A 1979 On gas ovens a unitrol combination valve is used instead of separate safety valve, manual valve, regulator and pilot filter.A April On electric ovens: 1) a different control panel using a polypanel instead of a silkscreened printing, and the removal of a 60 amp circuit breaker;2) a change from one large light box to two small ones.H One deck is a Cook and Cold. HHHH Two decks are Cook & Hold.DESCRIPTION V10V20VS10VS20V10HV20HHVS10HVS20HHV15V25VS15VS25V15HV25HHVS15HVS25HHFGASOVEN DOORS & RELATED PARISTurnbuckle Rod-short 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2Door Catch Friction Clip w/screws1022600)2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 Master Link ChainOven Door Asm-Lt (For "F" Series) 1 Oven Door Asn-Rt (For "F" Series) 1 Door Hinge Kit (For "F" Series) 1Oven Door Hndl w/screws (For “F”1Bottom Door Seal (6685) (For "F"1 Side Door Seal (6686) (For "F" Series) 1 Top Door Seal (6687) (For "F" Series) 1PRODUCT LINE CONVECTION OVENS MPL 1 - page 11 - 2/82DESCRIPTION V10V20VS10VS20V10HV20HHVS10HVS20HHV15V25VS15VS25V15HV25HHVS15HVS25HHFGASOVEN INTERIOR PARTSSide Insulatlon-SupertempCapulary Tube Shield Asm 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2Capulary Tube Holder 1 2 1 2 Window Frame LIghts-S/S 1 2 1 2 Rear Element Cover Asm 1 2Rear Element Cover Asm 1 2V-Moisture Vent Kit - - - - Vent Exhaust Shutter 1 2 1 2 Vent Gasket 1 2 1 2 Vent-Control Rod 1 2 1 2 Vent-Exhaust Deflector 1 2 1 2 Thermostat Shield Asn 1 2 1 22 4PRODUCT LINE CONVECTION OVENS MPL 1 - page 14 - 2/82PRODUCT LINE CONVECTION OVENS MPL 1 - page 15 - 2/82DESCRIPTION V10V20VS10VS20V10HV20HHVS10HVS20HHV15V25VS15VS25V15HV25HHVS15HVS25HHFGASBOOT & RELATED PARTSLeg Locknut-Plated 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4Legs(2x83/8) Chrome 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4Back Flue ABB 1 1 1 1(for Dbl) Caster-Swivel w/locks 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Caster-Swivel for Dbl 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2Leg- Chrome 2"x28-1/8" 4 1 4 4 4 4 4Leg & Caster w/lock 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2Leg & Caster without lock 2 2 2 2 22 2 2w/long Leg-Blk Caster-Swivel w/locks 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2Blk Caster-Swivel w/long Left 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2Top Back Flue Box Asm 1 1 1 1Bottom Back Flue Box Asm 1 1 1 1PRODUCT LINE CONVECTION OVENS MPL 1 - Page 16 - 2/82DESCRIPTION V10V20VS10VS20V10HV20HHVS10HVS20HHV15V25VS15VS25V15HV25HHVS15HVS25HHF GASOUTSIDE & RELATED PARTSSafety-Screen 1 2 1 2Front Metal Beat Shield 1 2 1 2Less Door Lower Front Panel1 2 1 2only Lover Door Asm-Upper Deck 1 1Instruction Manual 1 1 1 1Instruction Manual 1 1 1 1Instruction Manual-1162855 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Pressure Regulator-NAT。


DMC230 系列
在安装使用前,请详细阅读本手册,遵循以下注意事项。否则可能发生危险,严重时可能造成设 备损坏,甚至人身伤亡!
◆ 严格遵照执行国家及电力行业相关安全规程,严肃认真对待,以避免设备损坏以及人身伤害 ◆ 如果电流/电压回路经互感器输入,要确保电流回路接线时不能开路;电压回路接线时不能短路 ◆ 在拆卸装置面板时,应避免触及电路,包含电子电路,如果遭受静电,可能会受到损坏,电子电路也可能含
有致命的高电压 ◆ 装置带电工作时,请不要接触装置端子,以防触电 ◆ 装置接线完成后,请上紧螺丝,以防松动 ◆ 装置检修时,请确认是否已停电,不允许带电拆拔端子 ◆ 本手册仅限于相配套的DMC230系列数字式三相测控装置
2 装置使用与设置操作....................................................................................................................................................................... 4 2.1 显示屏与操作按键.................................................................................................................................................................... 4 2.2 测量数据的查看........................................................................................................................................................................ 6 2.2.1 电流/电压值的显示........................................................................................................................................................ 7 2.2.2 功率的显示..................................................................................................................................................................... 8 2.2.3 电度量的显示................................................................................................................................................................. 9 2.2.4 谐波/不平衡度的显示.................................................................................................................................................. 11 2.2.5 最大/最小值的显示...................................................................................................................................................... 12 2.3 参数设置的操作...................................................................................................................................................................... 14 2.3.1 地址的设置................................................................................................................................................................... 15 2.3.2 通信速率的设置........................................................................................................................................................... 15 2.3.3 CT/PT 变比设置 ........................................................................................................................................................... 15 2.3.4 电流额定值设置........................................................................................................................................................... 16 2.3.5 需量时间窗设置........................................................................................................................................................... 16 2.3.6 有功/无功电度清零...................................................................................................................................................... 16 2.3.7 最大/最小值清除.......................................................................................................................................................... 17 2.3.8 AO 通道设置 ................................................................................................................................................................ 17 2.3.9 告警限值设置............................................................................................................................................................... 17 2.3.10 通信口令的设置........................................................................................................................................................... 18






比如,一款10位BCD码输出的编码器分辨率为360C/T,那么每个单位对应1°,如果轴偏离原点一个单位,也就是处在1°的位置,那么输出00 0000 0001,如果偏离50°,也就是在50°的位置,那么输出就是00 0101 0000。








图1 图2并行输出因为占用的数据线太多只被低分辨率的编码器采用,而高精度的编码器多不采用并行输出,而一般采用串行输出,以节省输出线。


GASTRO PARTS 冷却设备产品说明书

GASTRO PARTS 冷却设备产品说明书

[EN][DE][ES][FR][IT][PL][RU]***************************+48 56 657 00 661thermostatsPart No.390524Part No.390589Part No.390288descriptionthermostat RANCO type K50L3163 probe ømm probe Lmm capillarypipe 2100mm temperature range -24 up to -14°CPart No.390588thermostat RANCO type K50L3274 probe ø 2mm probe LmmPart No.390286thermostat RANCO type K50L3383 probe ømm probe Lmm capillary Find the complete and up-to-date range of products on https://THERMOSTATS BREMA231e l e c t r i c c o m p o n e n t s Part No.390287descriptionthermostat RANCO type K61L1506 probe ømm probe Lmm capillary pipe 2300mmswitches and momentary switchespush/momentary push switchesPart No.3468711illuminatedPart No.346879push switch green 2NO/indicator light 250V 16A illuminatedmicroswitchesPart No.345042Ref. No.descriptionmicroswitch with plunger 250V 16A 1CO connection male faston 6.3mm L 28mm ambient temperature max. 125°C mounting distance 22mm type EF83161.3 actuating force: 75g blue/blackG1000, G1000-Split, G150, G250, G500, G500-Split, IF26, IF29,Part No.345042Part No.345105Find the complete and up-to-date range of products on https://BREMA THERMOSTATS /SWITCHES AND MOMENTARY SWITCHES1timersprogramme timersPart No.360567Ref. No.descriptiontimer CDC 11904 engines 1 chambers 4 operation time 10min220-230V 60Hz shaft ømm shaft Lmm manuf. no.Part No.360525Ref. No.timer CDC 11904 engines 1 chambers 4 operation time 10min 230VPart No.360524Ref. No.timer CDC 11904 engines 1 chambers 4 operation time 12min 230Vshaft ømm shaft Lmm manuf. no. 11904F1 / BDR000.0000 motor typePart No.360566Ref. No.timer CDC 11904 engines 1 chambers 4 operation time 15min 115VPart No.360550Ref. No.descriptiontimer CDC 11904 engines 1 chambers 4 operation time 15min 230V Find the complete and up-to-date range of products on https://SWITCHES AND MOMENTARY SWITCHES/TIMERS BREMA451e l e c t r i c c o m p o n e n t s Part No.360565Ref. No.timer CDC 11904 engines 1 chambers 4 operation time 18min 230V Part No.360549Ref. No.description timer CDC 11904 engines 1 chambers 4 operation time 8min 230V Part No.360620Ref. No.timer CDC operation time 8min engines 1 chambers 4 230V shaft contactorsLOVATOPart No.380704power contactor resistive load 20A 230VAC (AC3/400V) 9A/4kW main Part No.380964descriptionpower contactor resistive load 20A 230VAC (AC3/400V) 9A/4kW main contacts 4NO auxiliary contacts connection screw connection typePart No.380312descriptionpower relays FINDER 230VAC 10A 3CO connection male faston 4.8mm bracket mounting dimensions 52x32.2x36.5mm manuf. no. Find the complete and up-to-date range of products on https://BREMA TIMERS /CONTACTORS /RELAYS1Part No.401610description supervisory relay revolutionsPart No.381253description supervisory relay three-phase 575V PMV30 LOVATOtime relaysPart No.380783descriptiontime relay CROUZET TAR1-88865115 time range0.1s-100h 24-240VAC/24VDC 8APart No.370443solenoid valve triple straight 230VAC inlet 3/4“ outlet 11.5mm t.max.Part No.370444solenoid valve triple straight 230VAC inlet 3/4“ outlet 11.5mm t.max.Part No.370441Part No.370440Find the complete and up-to-date range of products on https://RELAYS/PROBES/SOLENOID VALVES BREMA671e l e c t r i c c o m p o n e n t s Part No.370777descriptionsolenoid valve double angled 230VAC inlet 3/4 output 1.5/2.5l/min Part No.370436solenoid valve double angled 230VAC inlet 3/4“ inputl/min output Part No.370434solenoid valve double angled 230VAC inlet 3/4“ inputl/min output Part No.370435solenoid valve double angled 230VAC inlet 3/4“ t.max. 90°C TP plastic Part No.370446solenoid valve double angled 230VAC inlet 3/4“ t.max. 90°C TP plastic Part No.370438solenoid valve double angled 230VAC inlet 3/4“ t.max. 90°C TP plastic Part No.370447solenoid valve double angled 230VAC inlet 3/4“ t.max. 90°C TP plasticPart No.370439solenoid valve double angled 230VAC inlet 3/4“ t.max. 90°C TP plastic Find the complete and up-to-date range of products on https://BREMA SOLENOID VALVES1Part No.370445solenoid valve double angled 230VAC inlet 3/4“ t.max. 90°C TP plasticPart No.370449solenoid valve single angled 230VAC inlet 3/4“ outlet 11.5mm inputPart No.370451Part No.370450solenoid valve single angled 230VAC inlet 3/4“ outlet 11.5mm inputPart No.370426solenoid valve single angled 230VAC inlet 3/4“ outlet 11.5mm inputl/Part No.370399descriptionsolenoid valve single angled 230VAC inlet 3/4“ outlet 11.5mm inputl/Part No.370427solenoid valve single angled 230VAC inlet 3/4“ outlet 11.5mm inputl/Part No.370401descriptionsolenoid valve single angled 230VAC inlet 3/4“ outlet 11.5mm output Find the complete and up-to-date range of products on https://SOLENOID VALVES BREMA891e l e c t r i c c o m p o n e n t sPart No.370448description solenoid valve single angled 230VAC cable length 600mm inlet 1/4“mmsuitable for refrigerants R22, R134a, R404A, R407C, Part No.370151Ref. No.solenoid valve body NC type 1028/2 S p max 45bar connection 1/4“Part No.370383Ref. No.descriptionsolenoid valve body NC type 1068/M10S p max 45bar connection 10mm soldering connection DN 7mm -35 up to +105°C L 111mm Part No.370478solenoid valve body connection 6mm soldering connection Part No.543035Find the complete and up-to-date range of products on https://BREMA SOLENOID VALVES /PRESSURE SWITCHES1Part No.541045descriptionpressure control pressure range 28/12mbar connection 6mm øPart No.541481descriptionpressure control ND conversion kit pressure range -0.9 up to +7.0barswitching diff. 0.7bar reset manual pressure connection verticalPart No.541480descriptionpressure control HD reset manual p max 33bar refrigeration typeFTB-3UC37 connection male faston 6.3mm switch-off pressure 30barPart No.541479descriptionpressure control HD reset automatic refrigeration type HTB-X114connection 2.4mmPart No.605068Ref. No.descriptioncompressor coolant R404a/R507 type ML45TB 220-240V 50HzHMBP fully hermetic 10kg 1/5HP cylinder capacity 4.5cm³ CSIR H175.5mmW 192W 246W 309W 382W 465W 557W 659W 771Wtest method ASHRAEFind the complete and up-to-date range of products on https://PRESSURE SWITCHES/COMPRESSORS BREMA101e l e c t r i c c o m p o n e n tsPart No.605086Ref. No.descriptioncompressor coolant R134a type EMT45HDR 220-240V 50Hz HBP fully hermetic 7.7kg 1/8HP power inputW cylinder capacity 3.97cm³ CSIRWW 162W 207W 256W 314W 383W 467W test method ASHRAE Part No.605139Ref. No.descriptioncompressor coolant R404a/R507 type EMT6165GK 220-240V 50Hz HMBP 7.92kg 1/4HP cylinder capacity 5.19cm³ CSIR H 180mmWW 315W 384W 477W 570W 689W 808W test method ASHRAEPart No.605161Ref. No.descriptioncompressor coolant R404a/R507 type NEK6210GK 220-240V 50Hz HMBP fully hermetic 8.5kg 3/8HP cylinder capacity 8.78cm³ CSIR H 200mmW 566W 674W 815W 988W 1195W 1435W 1707W For models:CB425, CB425-CubeA, CB640, CB640-CubeA, GB1540, GB1555Part No.605178Ref. No.descriptioncompressor coolant R404a/R507 type NEK6217GK 220-240V 50Hz HMBP 11.6kg 5/8HP cylinder capacity 14.3cm³ CSR H 206mmWPart No.605190Ref. No.descriptioncompressor coolant R404a/R507 type NJ9232GK 220-240V 50Hz HMBP 22.1kg 1 1/4HP cylinder capacity 26.2cm³ CSR H 277mmWW 1093W 1470W 1911W 2413W 2973W 3588W 4255W ambient temperature max. 45°CL´UNITE HERMETIQUE / TECUMSEHPart No.605025Ref. No.descriptioncompressor coolant R404A type AE4430Z-FZ 220-240V 50Hz HMBP fully hermetic 10.2kg 1/4HP power input 427W cylinder capacity 5.7cm³ CSIR H 186mmWW 258W 346W 441W 550W 682W 794W test method EN 12900 908WBREMA COMPRESSORS1Part No.605021Ref. No.descriptioncompressor coolant R404A type AEZ4425Z 220-240V 50Hz HMBP fully hermetic 9.8kg 1/5HP cylinder capacity 4.5cm³ CSIR H 186mmWW 198W 263W 341W 432W 537W 629W test method EN 12900 723W Part No.605026Ref. pressor coolant R404A type CAJ9480Z 220-240V 50Hz HMBP fully hermetic 22kg 3/4HP cylinder capacity 15.2cm³ CSR H 271mm Part No.605032Ref. No.descriptioncompressor coolant R404A type CAJ9510Z 220-240V 50Hz HMBP fully hermetic 23kg 1HP cylinder capacity 18.3cm³ CSR H 282mm 527W 732W 970W 1252W 1583W 1972W 2437W 2826W test method miscellaneousCOMPRESSORS BREMA1e l e c t r i c c o m p o n e n t sPart No.6014201Ref. No.fan motor 45W 230V 50Hz L1 53mm L2 18mm L3 120mm W 1incl. capacitorPart No.601385descriptionfan wheel sucking ø 172mm fan wheel mounting 25.4mm blade angle 34° W 42mm aluminiumCB184, FB802, GB902, GB903, IC18, IC24, IC24A-CubeA, IC30, Part No.601282descriptionfan wheel sucking ø 200mm fan wheel mounting 25.4mm blade angle 34° W 44mm aluminiumCB640, FB802, GB1540, GB1555, GB902, GB903, IC30, IF55,Part No.601414descriptionfan wheel sucking ø 254mm fan wheel mounting 25.4mm blade angle 31° W 46mm aluminiumC150, C150-CubeA, C300, C300-CubeA, C80, C80-CubeA, CB1265, BREMA COMPRESSORS /FANS1Part No.601415descriptionfan wheel sucking ø 275mm fan wheel mounting 25.4mm bladeangle 31° W 62mm aluminiumC150, C150-CubeA, C300, C300-CubeA, CB1565, CB1565-Part No.601410descriptionfan wheel sucking ø 300mm fan wheel mounting 25.4mm bladeangle 28° W 45mm aluminiumC150, C150-CubeA, CB1565, CB1565-CubeA, G250, G500,Part No.601412Ref. No.descriptionfan wheel sucking ø 154mm fan wheel mounting 25.4mm bladeangle 28° W 34mm plasticC150, C150-CubeA, C300, C300-CubeA, C80, C80-CubeA, CB1265,Part No.601418descriptionfan motor 10W 230V 50Hz L1 48mm L2 70mm L3 85mm W83mm feet depth 72mm cable length 500mm connection with plugPart No.601419descriptionfan motor 20W 230V 50/60Hz L1 42mm L3 91.5mm W 83mm feetdepth 88mm cable length 500mm connection with plugPart No.601422descriptionfan A4E350-AA06-01 fan wheel ø 350mm blades 5 230V 50Hz140W 1390rpm cable length 450mm ebm-papst suckingFor models: G1000, M1500, M800, VM1700FANS BREMA1e l e c t r i c c o m p o n e n t s motorsPart No.501589descriptiongear motor Guaitani type PN40112 220V 50Hz shaft ø 4x3.7mm shaft L 12.6mm for ice maker motor type UDS40NE1RMZ165 cable length Part No.501560Ref. No.Part No.500676description gear motorFor models:G1000, G250, G500Part No.500679Ref. No.description gear motorPart No.500675description gear motor 220/240V 50Hz for flake ice makerPart No.500677description gear motor FIR 220-240V 50/60Hz 1350/1650rpm for flake ice maker 300WPart No.500914descriptiongear motor KENTA type K9117403 100W 230V 20rpm shaft ø 12mm L 155mm W 60mm H 85mm BREMA MOTORS1pumpsPart No.601413descriptionfixing plate suitable for fanwheel ED ø 32mm shaft ø 7 mountingdistance 26mmPart No.530639Ref. No.description impellor suitable for REBO ø 42mm ID ø 6x7mm H 17mmPart No.500590Ref. No.pump FIR type 4240.2300 120W 230V 50/60Hz inlet ø 22mm outlet øPart No.500591Ref. No.descriptionpump FIR type 4240.2301 120W 230V 50/60Hz inlet ø 22mm outlet ø22mm L 260mm rotation direction right capacitor 5µFPart No.500660Ref. No.descriptionpump FIR type 4240A.2300 120W 230V 50/60Hz inlet ø 22mmoutlet ø 22mm L 230mm rotation direction right for ice-cube makerPart No.499233Ref. No.descriptionpump REBO 45W 220/240V 50Hz inlet ø 19mm outlet ø 17mm L110mm rotation direction left for ice-cube makerPUMPS BREMA1e l e c t r i c c o m p o n e n t s Part No.500165Ref. No.pump REBO type 63/35 120W 230V 50/60Hz inlet ø 28mm outlet ø Part No.500166Ref. No.description pump REBO type 63/45 150W 230V 50/60Hz inlet ø 28mm outlet ø 26mm L 200mm rotation direction right capacitor 5µF Part No.500164Ref. No.descriptionpump REBO type NR40 55W 220/240V 50Hz outlet ø 17mm L 113mm Part No.500161Ref. No.Part No.500592Ref. No.description pump REBO type NR40 55W 230V 50Hz outlet ø 17mm L 110mmrotation direction left for ice-cube maker Part No.500593Ref. No.BREMA PUMPS1Part No.501534Ref. No.pump REBO type NR50 60W 220/240V 50Hz outlet ø 12mm L 110mmPart No.500596Ref. No.pump REBO type NR50 60W 230V 50Hz outlet ø 17mm L 110mmPart No.501408Ref. No.descriptionpump REBO type PV35 110W 220/240V 50Hz inlet ø 20mm outlet ø26mm L 205mm for ice-cube maker capacitor 2µF with temperatureprotectionPart No.500970Ref. No.descriptionpump motor 55W 230V 50Hz REBO L 205mm type outlet ømmPart No.499117Ref. No.condensators & interferencePart No.365211equipment-specific unitsfor potato peelersPart No.696727Ref. No.lid ø 310mm ID ø 275mm H 60mm mounting distance 90mm plastic CONDENSATORS & INTERFERENCE SUPPRESSION FILTERS/EQUIPMENT-SPECIFIC UNITS BREMA2m e c h a n i c a l c o m p o n e n t s , e q u i p m e n t a c c e s s o r i e s Part No.695620Part No.695039Part No.Part No.695083Part No.Part No.698899Part No.694281Ref. No.descriptionslide grate for ice-cube maker L 325mm W 210mm For models:CB246, CB246-CubeA, CB249, IC24, IC24A-CubeAPart No.692769Ref. No.D12008description slide grate for ice-cube type A L 435mm W 207mm H 26mm CB316, CB316-CubeA, CB416, CB425, CB425-CubeA, IC30, IC30A-BREMA EQUIPMENT -SPECIFIC UNITS2Part No.696597Ref. No.descriptionslide grate with spray arm for ice maker for ice-cube type D L 195mmW 270mm nozzles 5Part No.694878Ref. No.Part No.699157description reduction ring ED ø 54mm int. ø 1 42mm int. ø 2 34mm H 30mmPart No.695484Ref. No.Part No.695483Ref. No.Part No.695498Ref. No.Part No.695482Ref. No.Part No.695497Ref. No.EQUIPMENT-SPECIFIC UNITS BREMA2m e c h a n i c a l c o m p o n e n t s , e q u i p m e n t a c c e s s o r i e s Part No.695503Ref. No.Part No.695485Ref. No.C20189Part No.695499Ref. No.C20571Part No.695487Ref. No.C20155Part No.695501Ref. No.C20582Part No.695486Ref. No.C20029Part No.695500Ref. No.C20573Part No.695504Ref. No.C20617accessories forPart No.695502Ref. No.C20465Part No.695490Ref. No.C20156Part No.695489Ref. No.C20058Part No.695488Ref. No.C20190Part No.695493Ref. No.C201572Part No.695492Ref. No.C20144Part No.695491Ref. No.C20200Part No.695496Ref. No.C20460Part No.695495Ref. No.C20459Part No.695494Ref. No.C20461Part No.Part No.694880Part No.695510description door for ice-cube maker W 293mm H 182mm thickness 24mmPart No.695511description door for ice-cube maker W 293mm H 182mm thickness 25mmPart No.695512description door for ice-cube maker W 293mm H 182mm thickness 25mm2m e c h a n i c a l c o m p o n e n t s , e q u i p m e n t a c c e s s o r i e s Part No.695513description door for ice-cube maker W 337mm H 207mm thickness 22mmFor models:CB246, CB246-CubeA, CB249, IC24, IC24A-CubeA, IF26, IF29, IMF28Part No.695516description door for ice-cube maker W 445mm H 235mm thickness 22mmFor models:DSS42-CubeDPart No.695514description door for ice-cube maker W 447mm H 217mm thickness 22mm CB316, CB316-CubeA, CB416, CB425, CB425-CubeA, GB902, GB903, Part No.695515descriptiondoor for ice-cube maker W 675mm H 307mm thickness 28mm CB1265, CB1265-CubeA, CB1565, CB1565-CubeA, CB640, CB640-Part No.695506Part No.696595Ref. No.Part No.695508Ref. No.description curtain for ice maker W 660mm H 165mm with holder shaft length Part No.695509Ref. No.Part No.6965942Part No.695619Part No.695116Part No.695117Ref. No.curtain for ice-cube maker W 430mm H 80mm shaft length 440mmPart No.696754Ref. No.10526curtain holder for ice maker W 107mm H 35mm suitable forPart No.695082Part No.695573description drain tray L 200mm W 120mm H 60mmPart No.695591Ref. No.description drain tray L 290mm W 180mm H 75mmPart No.694439Part No.695517Ref. No.Part No.696739Ref. No.2m e c h a n i c a l c o m p o n e n t s , e q u i p m e n t a c c e s s o r i e s Part No.696753Ref. No.description sump for ice maker L 490mm W 250mm VM350 whitePart No.695011Part No.695013Ref. No.Part No.description Part No.694546Part No.695534Part No.6955372Part No.694877descriptionbezel for aspiration with filter L 260mm W 22mm H 252mmmounting pos. frontPart No.696350Part No.698194Ref. No.Part No.750218Part No.696550Part No.530748Ref. No.Part No.530751Ref. No.2m e c h a n i c a l c o m p o n e n t s , e q u i p m e n t a c c e s s o r i e sPart No.530738Ref. No.Part No.530739Ref. No.Part No.530740Ref. No.Part No.530734Part No.530733Ref. No.Part No.530741Ref. No.Part No.530735Ref. No.2Part No.695107Part No.530742Part No.530732Part No.530761Part No.530745Part No.695104Ref. No.Part No.695099Ref. No.Part No.695097Part No.695100Ref. No.2m e c h a n i c a l c o m p o n e n t s , e q u i p m e n t a c c e s s o r i e sPart No.695101Ref. No.Part No.530744Ref. No.formed hose for ice-cube maker ID ø 15mm ED ø 23mm L 180mm Part No.695528Ref. No.description hose set for spray armFor models:C300, C300-CubeA, CB1265, CB1265-CubeA, CB1565, CB1565-CubeAPart No.695529Ref. No.C13037description hose set for spray armPart No.695530Ref. No.C13101description hose set for spray armPart No.Part No.695058Part No.6955212Part No.695519Part No.695520Part No.695525Part No.695526Part No.695527Part No.695541Part No.695523Part No.695524Part No.6950722m e c h a n i c a l c o m p o n e n t s , e q u i p m e n t a c c e s s o r i e s Part No.696755Ref. No.description float container for ice maker with microswitch plastic suitable for Part No.402163Part No.694879Part No.696351bracket for jarPart No.695533Part No.695536Part No.Part No.695430Ref. No.Part No.695539BREMA EQUIPMENT -SPECIFIC UNITS2equipment feet and end capsPart No.screw-in feetPart No.gasketsO-ringsPart No.528339Part No.532534Part No.532517Part No.532568Part No.532307Part No.527123Part No.532655EQUIPMENT FEET AND END CAPS/GASKETS BREMA2m e c h a n i c a l c o m p o n e n t s , e q u i p m e n t a c c e s s o r i e s Part No.695538Part No.695534Part No.695537shaft gasketsPart No.696721refrigeration cycle componentscooling water regulatorsPart No.541190Ref. No.descriptioncooling water regulator 3/8“ type V46AA-9606 connection 7/16“ UNF (1/4“ SAE) pressure range 5-23bar water pressure max. 10bar water Part No.541186Ref. No.descriptioncooling water regulator 3/8“ type V46SA-9951 connection 6mm soldering connection pressure range 5-23bar water pressure max.Part No.750097BREMA GASKETS /REFRIGERATION CYCLE COMPONENTS2Part No.750098description Schrader valve CASTEL 8394/B R22Part No.750038Ref. No.descriptiondryer type 4303/2S connection ODS 1/4“-ODM 3/8“ 50cm³ p max45bar -40 up to +80°CPart No.750039Ref. No.descriptiondryer type 4305/2S connection ODS 1/4“-ODM 3/8“ 80cm³ p max45bar -40 up to +80°C 254gPart No.750074Ref. No.14255description dryer type 4316/M105 connection ODS 10mm 250cm³G1000, M1500, M2000, M800, VM1700Part No.750075Ref. No.description dryer size 12g ø 16mm L 120mm connection 3/6,3mmPart No.696606Ref. No.D10126descriptionevaporator for ice-cube maker 120 cubes L 780mm W 280mm H60mmFor models: C150, C300, CB1265, CB1565REFRIGERATION CYCLE COMPONENTS/EVAPORATORS BREMA2m e c h a n i c a l c o m p o n e n t s , e q u i p m e n t a c c e s s o r i e s Part No.750199Ref. No.description evaporator for ice-cube maker 20 cubes L 225mm W 180mm H 40mmFor models:CB134, CB184, FreshMaker, IC18Part No.750200Ref. No.description evaporator for ice-cube maker 24 cubes L 320mm W 190mm H 40mmPart No.750201Ref. No.D10046descriptionevaporator for ice-cube maker 36 cubes L 440mm W 190mm H 40mmCB316, CB316-CubeA, CB416, CB425, CB425-CubeA, IC30, IC30A-Part No.750202Ref. No.D10047description evaporator for ice-cube maker 60 cubes L 665mm W 190mm H 40mmFor models:CB640, CB640-CubeA, CB840, CB955, CB955-CubeAfor flake ice makerPart No.694562description evaporator for flake ice maker G250Part No.696550BREMA EVAPORATORS2condensorsPart No.750661Ref. No.description condenser W 215mm D 270mm H 117mm Qty 1 pcsFor models:CB416, CB425, CB425-CubeA, DSS42, DSS42-CubeD, GB1540,GB1555, IceWater45, IF55, IMF58Part No.750409Ref. No.2017520558descriptioncondenser W 260mm D 60mm H 250mm mounting distance 275mmconnection ø 8mmFor models: CB640, CB640-CubeA, G150, GB1540, GB1555, IF75, IMF80, TB1405Part No.750392Ref. No.14034descriptioncondenser tube ø 15mm water-cooled ø 255mm mounting distance128mmFor models:evaporation and condensing traysevaporation traysPart No.750393unheated condensing traysPart No.750316description condensing tray L 160mm W 80mm H 85mmCONDENSORS/EVAPORATION AND CONDENSING TRAYS BREMA2m e c h a n i c a l c o m p o n e n t s , e q u i p m e n t a c c e s s o r i e s transmission technology and ball Part No.523075ball bearing shaft ø 25mm ED ø 42mm W 9mm type 6905-2RS DIN Part No.523522Part No.523511deep-groove ball bearing type 6203-2RS shaft ø 17mm ED ø 40mm Part No.523513description deep-groove ball bearing type 6205-2RS shaft ø 25mm ED ø 52mm W 15mm with sealing discs deep-groove ball bearing DIN 625-1Part No.523524description deep-groove ball bearing type 6206-2RS shaft ø 30mm ED ø 62mm W 16mm with sealing discs deep-groove ball bearing DIN 625-1Part No.523052description thrust ball bearing shaft ø 30mm ED ø 62mm W 42mm type 500-4251 DIN 711Part No.523015Part No.699156description spring ø 26mm L2 35mm L1 25mm L3 20mmBREMA TRANSMISSION TECHNOLOGY AND BALL BEARINGS /SPRINGS2Part No.699155tension springsPart No.695108Ref. No.Part No.695435Ref. No.Part No.530754Ref. No.13107Part No.530752Ref. No.13106Part No.530757Ref. No.13108Part No.530758Ref. No.13109Part No.530759Ref. No.13110Part No.530749Ref. No.13105descriptionsilicone hose ID ø 13mm ED ø 19mm L 0.7m t.max. 200°C for ice-cube makerFor models: CB246, CB246-CubeA, IC24, IF26SPRINGS/HOSES BREMA3w a t e r a n d b e v e r a g e t e c h n o l o g yPart No.530737Ref. No.13137silicone hose ID ø 16mm ED ø 23mm L 0.29m t.max. 200°C Part No.530738Ref. No.13139silicone hose ID ø 16mm ED ø 23mm L 0.4m t.max. 200°C for ice-Part No.530739Ref. No.13140silicone hose ID ø 16mm ED ø 23mm L 0.5m t.max. 200°C for ice-Part No.530740Ref. No.13141silicone hose ID ø 16mm ED ø 23mm L 0.61m t.max. 200°C Part No.530764Ref. No.13138Part No.530734Ref. No.13113silicone hose straight for ice-cube maker ID ø 16mm ED ø 23mm L Part No.530733Ref. No.13111silicone hose straight for ice-cube maker ID ø 16mm ED ø 23mm L Part No.530741Ref. No.13142silicone hose straight for ice-cube maker ID ø 16mm ED ø 23mm L BREMA HOSESPart No.530735Ref. No.13134silicone hose straight for ice-cube maker ID ø 16mm ED ø 23mm L Part No.530736Ref. No.13136Part No.695533Part No.695531fastening material washersPart No.560513Part No.560514Part No.560288Part No.698004WATER CYCLE COMPONENTS/FASTENING MATERIAL BREMA3414t o o l s , f a s t e n i n g m a t e r i a l s , c o n s u m a b l e s consumablesPart No.description Find the complete and up-to-date range of products on https:// BREMA CONSUMABLES。



Upflow/Horizontal Left/Right,Dedicated Downflow Two Stage CondensingGas Fired FurnaceU p f l o w,C o n v e r t i b l e t o H o r i z o n t a l R i g h t o rH o r i z o n t a l L e f tS9V2B040U3VSABS9V2B060U3VSABS9V2B080U4VSABS9V2C100U4VSABS9V2D120U5VSAB D o w n f l o w O n l yS9V2B080D4VSABS9V2C100D4VSABN o t e:Graphics in this document are for representationonly.Actual model may differ in appearance.Product DataMay202022-1938-1D-E NGeneral FeaturesN A T U R A L G A S M O D E L SCentral Heating furnace designs are certified by the American Gas Association for both naturaland L.P.gas.Limit setting and rating data were established and approved under standard ratingconditions using American National Standards Institute standards.S A F E O P E R A T I O NThe Integrated System Control is a solid state device which continuously monitors for presenceof flame when the system is in the heating mode of operation.Dual solenoid combination gasvalve and regulator provide additional safety.Q U I C K H E A T I N GDurable,cycle tested,heavy gauge t u b u l a r s t a i n l e s s s t e e l p r i m a r y h e a t e x c h a n g e r quicklytransfers heat to provide warm conditioned air to the structure.L o w e n e r g y p o w e r v e n tb l o w e r,to increase efficiency and provide a positive discharge of gas fumes to the outside.B U R N E R SMultiport Inshot burners will give years of quiet and efficient service.All models can beconverted to L.P.g a s with LP conversion kit.I N T E G R A T E D S Y S T E M C O N T R O LExclusively designed operational program provides total control of furnace limit sensors,blowers,gas valve,flame control and includes self diagnostics for ease of service.Also containsdry contacts for EAC and HUM.E N E R G Y EF F I C I E N T O P E R A T I O NFurnace is certified by the manufacturer to leak1%or less of nominal air conditioning CFMdelivered when pressurized to.5"water column with all inlets,outlets,and drains sealed.A I R D E L I V E R YThe variable speed blower motor has sufficient airflow for most heating and coolingrequirements and will switch from heating to cooling speeds on demand from room thermostat.S E C O N D A R Y H E A T E X C H A N G E RThe S-Series furnace has a special type29-4C™stainless steel secondary heat exchanger toreclaim heat from flue gases which would normally be lost.S T Y L I N GH e a v y g a u g e s t e e l a n d"w r a p-a r o u n d"c a b i n e t c o n s t r u c t i o n is used in the cabinet with baked-on enamel finish for strength and beauty.Every orientation has at least two venting options.There are no knockouts on cabinet.F E A T U R E S A N DG E N E R A L O P E R A T I O NThe S-Series furnace utilizes a Silicon Nitride Hot Surface Ignition system,which eliminates thewaste of a constant burning pilot.The integrated system control lights the main burners upon ademand for heat from the room plete front service access.a.Low energy power venterb.Vent proving pressure switches.Features and Benefits97.0%A F U E A C R O S S A L L M O D E L SMeets utility rebatesLowers utility billsE L E C T R I C A L L Y EF F I C I E N TEfficient airflow design reduces electrical energy use34I N C H T A L LLighter,easier to move and fit into tight spaces like short basements or tight closetsWorks great with larger,high-efficiency coilsNo knockouts3–W A Y M U L T I-P O I S E/D E D I C A T E D D O W N F L O W5SKU’s—Upflow/Horizontal Left/Horizontal Right2SKU’s—DownflowAdded application flexibility and reduction in specification errorsA I R F L O WAt least400CFM/ton at0.5in.H20external static pressure;setup airflow options down to290CFM/tonR E G U L A T O R YAll models are air tight;1%or less air leakage as per ASHRAE193Open vestibule design provides a full34”high open vestibuleV A R I A B L E S P E E D D R A F T I N D U C E R M O T O RIncreased efficiencyD I ME N S I O N SWidths are industry standard:17.5”,21”,and24.5”Depth remains approximately28”Cabinet will be compatible with industry standard coils,as well as,other accessoriesI N T E G R A T E D F U R N A C E C O N T R O LSetup/Status/Diagnostics/Digital DisplayNo dip switchesLast six errors storedDry contact EAC and HUM connectionsAll Molex connections;no spade terminalsLow voltage labeled above and belowRain shield over IFC keeps condensate off the controlT U B U L A R S T A I N L E S S S T E E L P R I M A R Y H E A T E X C H A N G E R29–4C S T A I N L E S S S T E E L S E C O N D A R Y H E A T E X C H A N G E RStainless steel is a more durable,corrosive-resistant material than aluminumized steelIntegrated rail system for easy access if requiredReduces or eliminates need for bafflesV O R T I C A I I B L O W E R,D E S I G N E D E X C L U S I V E L Y F O R T H E S-S E R I E S F U R N A C EImproved airflow efficiencyDurable,easy to clean,two piece housingSingle piece belly band/motor arm assemblyBlower deck has full-length rails for easy removal and replacement,regardless of poiseT H R E E–W A Y M U L T I-P O I S E(U P F L O W,H O R I Z O N T A L L E F T A N D R I G H T)P L U S D E D I C A T E D D O W N F L O WEasier to specifyShipped ready to install(no kits required)Every model has at least two venting optionsWhen in horizontal,trap extends only about2”Barbed fitting on trap at hose connection and on cabinet transition for hose has barbed fitting and clamps at both ends for leak resistance.Vent table improvements including longer vent lengths;2”pipe can be used up to100KAccessoriesTable1.Accessories(a)Airflow greater than1600CFM requires dual returnsProduct Specification(a)Meets Energy Star(b)Use high altitude pressure switch kits above4000'.For U.S.applications,above input ratings(BTUH)are up to2,000feet,derate4%per1,000feet forelevations above2,000feet above sea level.For Canadian applications,above input ratings(BTUH)are up to4,500feet,derate4%per1,000feet for elevations above4,500feet above sea level.(c)Central Furnace heating designs are certified to ANSI Z21.47/CSA2.3—latest edition.(d)Based on ernment standard tests.(e)Refer to the Vent Length Table in the Installer's Guide.(f)All S9V2-VS furnace models have a vent outlet diameter that equals2in.(g)The above wiring specifications are in accordance with National Electrical Code;however,installations must comply with local codes.(a)Meets Energy Star(b)Use high altitude pressure switch kits above4000'.For U.S.applications,above input ratings(BTUH)are up to2,000feet,derate4%per1,000feet forelevations above2,000feet above sea level.For Canadian applications,above input ratings(BTUH)are up to4,500feet,derate4%per1,000feet for elevations above4,500feet above sea level.(c)Central Furnace heating designs are certified to ANSI Z21.47/CSA2.3—latest edition.(d)Based on ernment standard tests.(e)Refer to the Vent Length Table in the Installer's Guide.(f)All S9V2-VS furnace models have a vent outlet diameter that equals2in.(g)The above wiring specifications are in accordance with National Electrical Code;however,installations must comply with local codes.Heating and Cooling Airflow Tables Table2.S9V2B040U3VSAB Heating Airflow(a)Factory Setting.Table3.S9V2B040U3VSAB Cooling Airflow(a)Factory SettingTable4.S9V2B060U3VSAB Heating Airflow(a)Factory Setting.Table5.S9V2B060U3VSAB Cooling Airflow(a)Factory SettingTable6.S9V2B080U4VSAB Heating Airflow(a)Factory Setting.Table7.S9V2B080D4VSAB Heating Airflow(a)Factory Setting.Table8.S9V2B080U4VSAB/S9V2B080D4VSAB Cooling Airflow(a)Factory SettingTable9.S9V2C100U4VSAB Heating Airflow(a)Factory Setting.Table10.S9V2C100D4VSAB Heating Airflow(a)Factory Setting.Table11.S9V2C100U4VSAB/S9V2C100D4VSAB Cooling Airflow(a)Factory SettingTable12.S9V2D120U5VSAB Heating Airflow(a)Factory Setting.Table13.S9V2D120U5VSAB Cooling Airflow(a)Factory SettingMaximum Vent Length TableS9V2–VS Wiring DiagramD346055P01Electrical ConnectionsField WiringCOMMUNICATING CONTROLS WITH NON-COMMUNICATING S9V2 FURNACE AND COMMUNICATING VS COOLING/HPRelay Panel CommunicatingOutline DrawingsN o t e s 22-1938-1D-EN31Trane-by Trane Technologies(NYSE:TT),a global innovator-creates comfortable,energy efficient indoor environments for commercial and residential applications.For more information,please visit or .Trane has a policy of continuous data improvement and it reserves the right to change design and specifications without notice.We are committed to using environmentally conscious print practices.22-1938-1D-EN15May2020Supersedes22-1938-1C-EN(May2019)©2020Trane。



USE AND CARE INFORMATION•Use a 2A and 10A fuse for replacement of the fuses in this accessory. Do not use any other fuse for replacement.•If the accessory LED lights do not turn on, check the 2A in-line fuse on the accessory light harness and the 10A OP fuse in the fuse box.•Check the accessory mounts frequently and retighten if necessary.No.Description Qty(1)Front spoiler1(2)Lower spoiler stay1(3)Band1(4)Collar (thin)1(5)Washer (thick)6(6)Right spoiler stay1(7)Left spoiler stay1(8)Rubber cushion1(9) 6 mm flange nut3(10) 6 mm screw (long)3(11) 6 mm screw (short)1(12)Collar (thick)2(13)Collar (large)3(14)Grommet3(15)Washer (thin)1TOOLS AND SUPPLIES REQUIREDSocket (10 mm)RatchetBox-end wrench (10 mm)Hex wrench (5 mm)Phillips ® screwdriverSide cuttersIsopropyl alcoholShop towelTorque wrenchTORQUE CHARTTighten all screws, bolts, and nuts to their specified torque values. Refer to the Service Manual for the torque values of the removed parts.Item N·m kgf·m Ibf·ft4 mm screw10.10.76 mm screw90.9 6.66 mm flange nut12 1.29INSTALLATIONNOTE:•The Front Spoiler (P/N 08F72-MFR-100 or 08F72-MFW-100) is required for installation of this accessory.•Disconnect the negative battery cable before installing this accessory.•The memories of the trip meter and clock will be erased when you disconnect the battery. Reset the clock after reconnecting the battery.•T rim the excess ends of the wire ties after attaching them to the wire harnesses.•Allow the engine, cooling system, and exhaust system to cool before installing the accessory LED.1.Remove the right footpeg as shown.BOLTCOLLAR (Save)RIGHT FOOTPEG2.Remove the left footpeg as shown.<VT1300CX><VT1300CS><VT1300CX>•Be careful not to disconnect the horn.<VT1300CS>3.Remove the left side cover and crankcase cover asshown. Disconnect the negative (-) cable from theBOL T4.Remove the right side cover as shown.5.Remove the seat bolts as shown.•Applies to VT1300CS only.6.Remove the seat from the motorcycle as shown.•Applies to VT1300CS only.9.Install the grommet to the lower spoiler stay.<VT1300CX>•Install the three thin washers to the three grommets.<VT1300CS>•Install the thin washer to the grommet.7.Remove the rear fender as shown.•Applies to VT1300CS only.10.Install the grommet to the left spoiler stay.ST AY<VT1300CX><VT1300CS>LEFT SPOILER STAY11.Install the grommet to the right spoiler stay.<VT1300CX>WASHER 12.Install the right and left spoiler stays as shown.•Repeat on the left side.WASHER<VT1300CS><VT1300CX>14.Attach the double-sided adhesive tape to the LEDlight unit as shown.DOUBLE-SIDED ADHESIVE T APEUsing isopropyl alcohol, thoroughly clean the area where the double-sided adhesive tape will be attached and remove the13.Install the LED light to the front spoiler as shown.Repeat on the other side.15.Install the lower spoiler stay and LED light unit asshown.<VT1300CX><VT1300CS>16.Connect the accessory light harness as shown.17.Secure the connected accessory light harness witha wire tie as shown.LIGHT HARNESS18.Attach the rubber cushion in the position shown.BANDRUBBER CUSHION19.Install the band over the rubber cushion.20.Loosely install the lower spoiler stay of the assembledfront spoiler.21.Route the accessory light harness as shown.ACCESSORYLIGHT HARNESSBLUE T APEWIRE TIE22.Secure the accessory light harness with a wire tie.23.Reinstall the left footpeg, trapping the left spoiler stay,as shown.24.Reinstall the right footpeg, trapping the right spoilerstay, as shown.BOLT (Reuse)25.Tighten the loosely installed hardware to the torquevalues specified in the torque chart and ServiceManual.<VT1300CX><VT1300CS><VT1300CX><VT1300CS>© 2010 American Honda Motor Co., Inc - All Rights Reserved.08F72-MFR-1010-9A11 of 1312 of 1308F72-MFR-1010-9A © 2010 American Honda Motor Co., Inc - All Rights Reserved.29.Connect the accessory light harness.30.Connect the terminal of the accessory light harness© 2010 American Honda Motor Co., Inc - All Rights Reserved.08F72-MFR-1010-9A13 of 13。


















Yokogawa CN63200和CN63400系列自动调节温度和过程控制器说明书

Yokogawa CN63200和CN63400系列自动调节温度和过程控制器说明书

1⁄16 DIN Autotune Temperature and Process ControllersCN63200 andCN63400 SeriesU P ID Control WithReduced OvershootU C N63200 AcceptsThermocouples and RTDs U Cand 0/4 to 20 mA SignalsU O n-Demand Auto-Tuning of PID SettingsU D C Analog Output(Optional)U U ser ProgrammableFunction ButtonU F ront Panel ProgrammingThe CN63200 controllersaccepts signals from a variety of temperature sensors (thermocouple or RTD), while the CN63400 controllers accepts either a0 to 10 Vdc or 0/4 to 20 mAdc input signal. Both controllers can provide an accurate output control signal (time proportional or DC analog output) to maintain a process at a setpoint value. Dual 4-digit displays allow viewing of the process/ temperature and setpoint simultaneously. Front panel indicators inform the operator of the controller and output status. The comprehensive programming allows these controllers to meet a wide variety of application requirements.Low Voltage Models:DC Power: 18 to 36 Vdc, 4 WAC Power: 24 Vac, ±10%,50/60 Hz, 7 VAControls: 3 rubber push buttons for modification and setup ofcontroller parameters, 1 additional button (F1) for user programmable function, 1 external user input (models with alarms) for parameter lockoutor other user programmable functions Memory: Non-volatile E2PROM retains all programmable parametersIsolation Level: AC power with respect to all other I/O; 250V working (2300V for 1 minute)Sensor Input to Analog Output:50V working (500V for 1 minute)Relay Contacts to All Other I/O: 300V working (2300V for 1 minute)DC Power with Respect to Sensor Input and Analog Output: 50V working (500V for 1 minute)Environmental Conditions: Operating Temperature Range:0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F)Storage Temperature Range:-40 to 80°C (-40 to 176°F)SpecificationsDisplay: 2-line by 4-digit, LCD negative image transmissive with backlighting Top (Process) Display: 7.6 mm H (0.3") digits with red backlighting Bottom (Parameter) Display: 5.1 mm H (0.2") digits with green backlightingOperating and Storage Humidity: 85% max relative humidity (non- condensing) from 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F) Altitude: Up to 2000 meters Connection: Wire-clamping screw terminalsConstruction: Black plastic alloy case and collar style panel latch; panellatch can be installed for vertical or horizontal instrument stacking; black plastic textured bezel with transparent display window; controller meets NEMA 4X (IP65) requirements for indoor use when properly installed; Installation Category II, Pollution Degree 2 Weight: 179 g (6.3 oz)OMEGACARE SM extended warranty program is available for models shown on this page. Ask your sales representative for full details when placing an order. OMEGACARE SM covers parts, labor and equivalent loaners.(32 to 122°F) ambient range after 20 minute warm-up.warm up; includes NIST conformity, cold junction effect, A/D conversion errors and linearization conformity Span Drift (Maximum): 130 PPM/°C User Input (Only Controllers with Alarms Have a User Input Terminal): Internally pulled up to 7 Vdc (100 K Ω) V IN Max: 35V V IL : 0.6V max V IH : 1.5V minI OFF : 40 µA max Response Time: 120 ms max Functions: Programmable Output Specifications Control and Alarm Outputs: Relay Output: Type: Form “A” Contact Rating: 3 A @ 250 Vac or 30 Vdc;1/10 HP @ 120 Vac (inductive load) Life Expectancy: 100,000 cycles at max load rating (decreasing load and/or increasing cycle time, increases life expectancy) Logic/SSR Output (Main Control Output Only): Rating: 45 mA max @ 4V min, 7V nominalMain Control: Control: PID or on/off Output: Time proportioning or DC analog Cycle Time: Programmable Auto-Tune: When selected, sets proportional band, integral time, derivative time, and output dampening time; also sets input filter and (if applicable) cooling gain Probe Break Action: Programmable Alarms (Optional): 2 relay alarm outputs Reset Action: Programmable; automatic or latchedStandby Mode: Programmable; enable or disableHysteresis: Programmable Sensor Fail Response: Upscale Input Specifications Sensor Input:Sample Period: 100 ms (10 Hz rate)Step Response Time: 300 ms typical, 400 msec max to within 99% of final value with step input Failed Sensor Response: Main Control Output(s): Programmable preset output Display: “OPEN” Alarms: Upscale drive Thermocouple Inputs (CN63200 Only)Types:T, E, J, K, R, S, B, N, C, and linear mV Input Impedance: 20 M Ω for all types Lead Resistance Effect: 0.25 µV/ΩCold Junction Compensation: <±1°C typical (1.5°C max) error over Annunciator:“A1” and “A2” programmable for normal or reverse acting Cooling:Software selectable (overrides alarm 2)Control: PID or on/offOutput:Time proportioning Cycle Time: ProgrammableProportional Gain Adjust: Programmable Heat/Cool Deadband Overlap: Programmable Analog DC Output (Optional): Action:Control or retransmission Update Rate: 0.1 to 250 s(32 to 122°F) ambient range after 20 minute warm-up.**Outputs are independently jumper selectable for either 10V or20 mA. The output range may be field calibrated to yield approximately 5% overrange and a small underrange (negative) signal.*Analog out may be used for retransmitted signals. When using analog output for retransmitted signals,AL1 becomes main control O1, if selected for heating in the analog out models.Ordering Examples: CN63400-DC1-AL, 18 to 36 Vdc power, process inputs, single DC pulse output with 2 alarms.CN63200-R1-AL, 85 to 250 Vac power, temperature inputs, single relay output with 2 alarms.。

Yokogawa DPF60数字流量计、积分总计器与批次控制器说明书

Yokogawa DPF60数字流量计、积分总计器与批次控制器说明书

M-211⁄8DIN RATEMETERS, TOTALIZERS, AND BATCH CONTROLLERSFor Voltage and Current InputsThe DPF60 is a combinationmicroprocessor-based digital rateindicator and integrating totalizer.It accepts inputs of 4 to 20 mA,0 to 20 mA, 0 to 5 V, or 1 to 5 V and can be scaled for engineering unitsdirectly from the NEMA 4X (IP66)rated front panel without tweakinginternal potentiometers. The dualstandard 5 A (@ 250 Vac) relays can be assigned to the ratemeter, or tothe totalizer, or one relay to each for batch control and rate alarm.The display features a floatingdecimal point that moves left or right depending on how many “significant figures” the user has selected. In the totalizer mode, 6-digits can bedisplayed. The unit is fully scalable from 0 to 59,999, which indicates the flow rate represented at 20 mA. A peak and valley feature allows the user to call up the recent high and low readings.A square-root extracting input is optional on all units for use with differential pressure flowmeters,such as orifice plates and pitot tubes.With the DPF66, the user can toggle between rate of flow and total flow (6-digits) from the front panel. The rate display is selectable for units per second, minute, or hour,and the totalizer integrates in the same engineering units. The DPF65displays just total flow, while the DPF64 only displays rate of flow.SPECIFICATIONS Accuracy:±0.15% FS for rate and total Temperature Range:Operating:5 to 54°C (41 to 129°F)Storage:-40 to 93°C (-40 to 199°F)Relay Output:2 SPDT relays, 5 A @250 Vac; relays latch or auto-recycle after 0.1 to 99.9 s Power:94 to 126 Vac, 50/60 Hz (or 12 to 24 Vdc) standard; 187 to 253 Vacor 12 to 24 Vdc optional Display: 15 x 8 mm (0.6 x 0.32") LED—6-digits total, 5-digits rate Standby:Non-volatile RAM retains scale settings, presets, output status andtotal flow up to 1 year without power Regulated Power Output: ±5%24 Vdc @ 50 mAOrdering Examples:DPF64-RS232,ratemeter/ batch controller with RS232 output,$289 + 79 = $368.OCW-3, OMEGACARE SM extends standard 2-year warranty to a total of 5 years ($105), $368 + 105 = $473.DPF64-SQRT,digital ratemeter with square root extraction option, $289 + 79 = $368.DPF66 1⁄8DIN, $420, shown actual size.ߜFront-Panel Programmingand Scaling ߜRate and Totalin One Unit ߜRemote orFront-Panel Reset ߜRelays Latch orAuto-RecycleߜZero and Span Adjustable ߜRate Alarm Acts asWindow Alarm with Hysteresis Around Setpoint ߜAnalog Output OptionalDPF60 Series Starts at$OMEGACARE SM extended warranty program is available for models shown on this page.Ask your sales representative for full details when placing an order. OMEGACARE SMcovers parts, labor and equivalent loaners.Panel Cutout: 45 H x 92 mm W(1.772 x 3.622"); DIN standard; 112 mm (4.4") depthCANADA www.omega.ca Laval(Quebec) 1-800-TC-OMEGA UNITED KINGDOM www. Manchester, England0800-488-488GERMANY www.omega.deDeckenpfronn, Germany************FRANCE www.omega.frGuyancourt, France088-466-342BENELUX www.omega.nl Amstelveen, NL 0800-099-33-44UNITED STATES 1-800-TC-OMEGA Stamford, CT.CZECH REPUBLIC www.omegaeng.cz Karviná, Czech Republic596-311-899TemperatureCalibrators, Connectors, General Test and MeasurementInstruments, Glass Bulb Thermometers, Handheld Instruments for Temperature Measurement, Ice Point References,Indicating Labels, Crayons, Cements and Lacquers, Infrared Temperature Measurement Instruments, Recorders Relative Humidity Measurement Instruments, RTD Probes, Elements and Assemblies, Temperature & Process Meters, Timers and Counters, Temperature and Process Controllers and Power Switching Devices, Thermistor Elements, Probes andAssemblies,Thermocouples Thermowells and Head and Well Assemblies, Transmitters, WirePressure, Strain and ForceDisplacement Transducers, Dynamic Measurement Force Sensors, Instrumentation for Pressure and Strain Measurements, Load Cells, Pressure Gauges, PressureReference Section, Pressure Switches, Pressure Transducers, Proximity Transducers, Regulators,Strain Gages, Torque Transducers, ValvespH and ConductivityConductivity Instrumentation, Dissolved OxygenInstrumentation, Environmental Instrumentation, pH Electrodes and Instruments, Water and Soil Analysis InstrumentationHeatersBand Heaters, Cartridge Heaters, Circulation Heaters, Comfort Heaters, Controllers, Meters and SwitchingDevices, Flexible Heaters, General Test and Measurement Instruments, Heater Hook-up Wire, Heating Cable Systems, Immersion Heaters, Process Air and Duct, Heaters, Radiant Heaters, Strip Heaters, Tubular HeatersFlow and LevelAir Velocity Indicators, Doppler Flowmeters, LevelMeasurement, Magnetic Flowmeters, Mass Flowmeters,Pitot Tubes, Pumps, Rotameters, Turbine and Paddle Wheel Flowmeters, Ultrasonic Flowmeters, Valves, Variable Area Flowmeters, Vortex Shedding FlowmetersData AcquisitionAuto-Dialers and Alarm Monitoring Systems, Communication Products and Converters, Data Acquisition and Analysis Software, Data LoggersPlug-in Cards, Signal Conditioners, USB, RS232, RS485 and Parallel Port Data Acquisition Systems, Wireless Transmitters and Receivers。

Elatec GmbH MultiTech Nano 产品说明书

Elatec GmbH MultiTech Nano 产品说明书

TWN4 MultiTech NanoDocRev9,June17,2020Elatec GmbHContentsContents1Introduction (3)2Versions (4)2.1Color Marking (4)3Connector and Pin-Out (5)3.1Assembly Information (9)3.1.1Dimensions (9)3.1.2Through-Hole Technology(THT) (10)3.1.3Surface Mount Technology(SMT) (10) (10) (11) Profile (12) (12)4Antenna (13)4.1LF-Antenna (13)4.2HF-Antenna (13)5Power Supply (14)6Power states and current consumption breakdown (15)7Label on TWN4Nano Module (17)8Additional Hardware Requirements (18)8.1Programming Firmware (18)8.2Using PI Option (18)8.2.1SIO Chip soldered on PCB (18)8.2.2SAM Card Connection (18)8.3Bluetooth BLE (19)8.3.1Connecting BLE Module (19)8.3.2Initial Programming of BLE Module (20)8.3.3Connection to the BGM Module (21) Connector of Development Kit (21) (22)9Packaging (25)9.1Carrier Tape (25)9.1.1Dimensions of Tape Leader&Trailer (26)9.2Tray (26)9.3Package (26)9.4Label (28)9.5Position of Label (29)10Disclaimer (30)1Introduction1IntroductionHere is a picture of the TWN4MultiTech Nano:Currently,there are two models of TWN4Nano Module available:•TWN4MultiTech Nano•TWN4MultiTech Nano LEGIC42The TWN4Nano Module contains voltage regulator,control unit,RFID front ends and communication interfaces.2Versions2VersionsAs mentioned above,there are two models with different HF frontends (MIFARE and LEGIC)of the TWN4Nano Module.In case of MIFARE it is available in three different versions,which support either both LF (125kHz /134.2kHz)and HF (13.56MHz),LF only or HF only.In case of LEGIC there is only the full version with both LF (125kHz /134.2kHz)and HF (13.56MHz).The following table lists all possible options.Feature TWN4MultiTech TWN4MultiTech TWN4MultiTech TWN4MultiTech Nano ModuleNano Module HF Nano Module LFNano Legic 42LF √-√√HF√√-√Table 2.1:Different features of TWN4MultiTech Nano Module Versions2.1Color MarkingThe different versions of the TWN4Nano Module are marked with a color dot on the label.The TWN4Nano Module has two rows of pins(24pins each),which can be used either for THT or SMTmounting on the carrier board.The contact pitch is1.27mm(50mil).Pin Pin Name Function1HF_ANT1TWN4MultiTech Nano:Together with pin HF_ANT2,this pin is doing load modulation on antenna13.56MHzTWN4MultiTech Nano LEGIC42:Not connected2HF_RXP TWN4MultiTech Nano:Together with pin HF_RXN,this pin builds the input from the directmatched antenna13.56MHzTWN4MultiTech Nano LEGIC42:Not connected3HF_TX1TWN4MultiTech Nano:Together with pin HF_TX2,this pin builds the output to the direct matchedantenna13.56MHzTWN4MultiTech Nano LEGIC42:Output for antenna(50Ohm)4HF_GND Antenna Ground(connected to GND)5HF_TX2TWN4MultiTech Nano:Together with pin HF_TX1,this pin builds the output to the direct matchedantenna13.56MHzTWN4MultiTech Nano LEGIC42:Not connected6HF_RXN TWN4MultiTech Nano:Together with pin HF_RXP,this pin builds the input from the direct matchedantenna13.56MHzTWN4MultiTech Nano LEGIC42:Not connected7HF_ANT2TWN4MultiTech Nano:Together with pin HF_ANT1,this pin is doing load modulation on antenna13.56MHzTWN4MultiTech Nano LEGIC42:Not connected8LF_ANT1Output1for connecting external125kHz/134.2kHz antennas9LF_ANT2Output2for connecting external125kHz/134.2kHz antennascontinued on next page...10GPIO0GPIO0,I/O pin for general purposes.11GPIO1GPIO1,I/O pin for general purposes.12GPIO2GPIO2,I/O pin for general purposes.13GPIO3GPIO3,I/O pin for general purposes.14GPIO4GPIO4,I/O pin for general purposes.15GPIO5GPIO5,I/O pin for general purposes.16GPIO6GPIO6,I/O pin for general purposes.17GPIO7GPIO7,I/O pin for general purposes.18SAM1_CLK Clock output for SAM119SAM1_IO I/O line for SAM120SAM1_RST Reset output for SAM121GND Ground22SAM2_CLK Clock output for SAM223SAM2_IO I/O line for SAM224SAM2_RST Reset output for SAM225BOOT Shortcut against ground during reset will guidefirmware di-rectly into boot loader26SPK+Digitally modulated output for a speaker.Second connection for the speaker is ground.The impedance of the speakershould be greater than24ohm.27COM2_TX-Low active output(logic level,push/pull)of asynchronous TXD from COM2.28COM2_RX-Low active input(logic level)with internal pull-up resistor of asynchronous RXD to COM2.29SPI_SS-Pin SS-of SPI interface30SPI_MISO Pin MISO of SPI interface31SPI_MOSI Pin MOSI of SPI interface32SPI_SCK Pin SCK of SPI interface33GND Ground34CAN_TX TTL TX pin of CAN interface.A external interface circuit is required.35CAN_RX TTL RX pin of CAN interface.A external interface circuit is required.continued on next page...36I2C_SCL Clock pin of I2C interface.No internal pull up.37I2C_SDA Data pin of I2C interface.No internal pull up.38PWRDWN-Low active TTL input with internal pull-up resistor for turning off the voltage regulator.39RESET-Low active TTL input with internal pull-up resistor for hard re-set.40VCC 3.3V power supply input.41VREG 3.3V output from on-board voltage regulator42HOSTSEL Host channel selector:Low=COM1,high=USB.This pin is internally pulled high.43USB_DM USB Data-44USB_DP USB Data+45COM1_TX-Low active output(logic level,push/pull)of asynchronous TXD from COM1.46COM1_RX-Low active input(logic level)with internal pull-up resistor of asynchronous RXD to COM1.47VIN Unregulated input to on-board voltage regulator.48GND Ground3.1Assembly Information3.1.1DimensionsThe dimensions of TWN4Nano Module are as follows(All dimensions in mm unless otherwise stated.)3.1.2Through-Hole Technology(THT)Suggested connector for THT assembly is Samtec TMS-124-02-G-S.In case a detachable connection is required,mating part(to be mounted on carrier board)is Samtec SLM-124-01-G-S.3.1.3Surface Mount Technology(SMT) and Pin-Out3.1.3.2PlacementPlease take special care about correct placement of TWN4MultiTech Nano on the soldering pads.Wrong placement might cause holes for THT assembly to absorb tin from the SMT pads.Please follow these rules:T240°C217°C200°C25°C150°CRamp-up rate1-3K/sPreheat time(t s)60-180secondsTime within liquidus temperature(t L)60-150secondsPeak temperature(T P)245+0/-5°CTime within peak(t P)10-30seconds3.1.3.4BakingThe TWN4MultiTech Nano has a moisture sensitivity level(MSL)of3.This means,that the modules mustbe baked prior to reflow soldering,if the modules are removed from their sealed dry-bags and not solderedwithin their out-of-bag time,which is168hours.In this case it is recommended to bake the TWN4MultiTech Nano for10days at85°C4Antenna4Antenna4.1LF-AntennaThe nominal inductance for an external125kHz/134.2kHz antenna is490µH.The series resistance of the antenna should be lower than10ohms.4.2HF-AntennaPlease see separate document TWN4Nano Antenna Match Calc Guide DocRev1.pdf and AntennaTuner.exe. AntennaTuner allows to do an antenna design interactively.5Power Supply5Power SupplyThe picture below is showing how power is routed through TWN4Nano Module:6Power states and current consumption breakdownThe TWN4Nano Module supports3power states that can be used to reduce the current consumption of the reader when the application calls for it.In Normal state the reader can accommodate a request to search for a high-/low-frequency tag,perform a BLE action or interact with peripherals on short notice;the current consumption in this state is the highest.In Sleep state the reader is not capable of any of the above,but consumes considerably less current.The reader can be woken by communication on USB/COM ports,predefined timeout,or a Low-Power-Card-Detection(LPCD)event and taken to Normal state.In Stop state the reader consumes the least current and can be woken up via external/internal interrupt,or a Low-Power-Card-Detection(LPCD)event and taken to Normal state.Changing the LPCD poll time will change the current consumption,which can be estimated with the fol-lowing formula:I LP CD=0.5mA+0.1mAs t P oll[s].Table6.1shows the expected typical current draw in the3states described above,depending on the reader interface connected.It is assumed that a+5V DC Power Source is used.Results vary marginally when+3.3V source is used in the UART-TTL option.The UART-RS232option was exercised using MAX3221A chip.Host Connection USB UART-TTLNormal Idle6559,4Sleep15,07,1Sleep LPCD Option15,47,5Stop N/A0,45Stop LPCD Option N/A0,8Table6.1:Typical Current Consumption in Base System States(mA)Table6.2shows the extra current observed when the TWN4Nano Module is integrated into a reader (these results are to be taken as example only and are expected to change);these values are to be added to those in the"Normal Idle"base state.Function Current ConsumptionSearchTag-HF+130SearchTag-LF+25RS232+4BLE Active Packet Reception+9BLE Active Transmission(0dBm output power)+9BLE Active Transmission(8dBm output power)+24Speaker Constant Tone+80Table6.2:Extra Current Consumption per Function added to"Normal Idle"base state(mA)7Label on TWN4NanoModule7Label on TWN4Nano ModuleThe content of the label is as follows:R YYWWZZZCode Meaning Example YY Year17WW Calendar week05ZZZ Part number code6th to8th digit of part number,e.g.part number:T4NM-FDC0part number code:FDCFDCTable7.1:Label content description8Additional Hardware Requirements8.1Programming FirmwareTo programfirmware to the TWN4Nano Module,it is mandatory to have at least one of the following connections:•USB•COM1•COM2This should be kept in mind while designing a mainboard for the TWN4Nano Module.For a description how to programfirmware to the TWN4Nano Module please refer to documents TWN4 AppBlaster Config Cards User Guide DocRev6.pdf for Windows and TWN4Programming with Command Line under Linux DocRev1.pdf for Linux.8.2Using PI OptionTo use the PI Option,e.g.to read the PAC bits from an iCLASS transponder,a SIO processor is needed. This can be either a SIO chip which is soldered directly on a PCB or a SAM card incorporating the SIO processor.8.2.1SIO Chip soldered on PCBThe SIO processor has to be added to the design of the mainboard.The chip can be connected either to SAM1or SAM2of the TWN4Nano Module.Recommended schematic:8.2.2SAM Card ConnectionA SAM socket has to be added to the design of the mainboard.The SAM socket can be connected either to SAM1or SAM2of the TWN4Nano Module.•Molex47388-2001•Molex47308-0001Recommended schematic:8.3Bluetooth BLE8.3.1Connecting BLE ModuleThefirmware of the TWN4Nano Module has direct support for the Silicon Labs BGM111,BGM121and BGM11S BLE module.To use this feature,it is needed to connect following signals to the TWN4Nano Module:•COM2_TX-•COM2_RX-•GPIO7The signals TDI,TDO,TMS and TCK are needed to do an initial programming of the BLE Module.Please note:In order to have BLE module with support by TWN4Nano Modulefirmware,TWN4must be purchased with activated B Option.Otherwise,BLE functionality must be programmed from within the App.Please contact your distributor for TWN4Nano Module with B option.BGM111BGM121/BGM11S8.3.2Initial Programming of BLE ModuleAll the BGM Bluetooth Modules from Silicon Labs mustfirst be programmed.With Silicon Labs Development Kit SLWSTK6101C all BGM modules can be programmed via the SWD pins TMS and TCK.The Silicon Labs software Simplicity Studio is a universal development package which can be used for the initial programming of the BGM modules.This software contains the tool"Flash Pro-grammer"for programming the BGM Modules.The following part describes a possible way to programm the BGM Modules.8.3.3Connection to the BGM Module8.3.3.1Debug Connector of Development KitThe BGM Module must be connected to the Starter Kit SLWSTK6101C:Connect GND,TMS and TCK to the BGM Module.Note:Pin9of the connector is used for cable detection.In case of a high level(3.3V), the plugged in module is signaled to the programming adapter.In case of low level no module is detected.Figure8.1:Silicon Labs Development Kit8.3.3.2SoftwareFigure8.2:Silicon Labs Simplicity StudioFigure8.3:Silicon Labs Simplicity Studio Tools DialogProcedure for initial programming of BGM module•Insert BGM module(e.g.BGM111)to Development Kit•Connect the Development Kit SLWSTK6101C via USB to PC•Connect target BGM module to the debug connector of the Development Kit•Power on the target BGM module with3.3V•Start the software"Simplicity Studio"and the tool"Flash Programmer"(see screenshots above)•Selectfile type bin and load binaryfile.The current version of thisfile can be requested from Elatec Support support-rfi************•Press button"Program"to program the BGM Module.Figure8.4:Silicon Labs Flash Programmer9PackagingTWN4Nano Modules on reel always have Elatec standardfirmware"CDC Simple Protocol".9.1Carrier Tape9.1.1Dimensions of Tape Leader&Trailer•Start:Top Cover Tape1x circumference plus100mm(minimum300mm)•Leader:10pitch(minimum100mm)•Components:area with packed modules•Trailer:1x circumference(minimum160mm)9.2Tray9.3PackageA moisture barrier bag(MBB)is used to pack the reel or tray(size of MBB according to reel/tray dimen-sion)The MBB contains:•The reel with TWN4MultiTech Nano•Desiccant packs•Humidity indicator cardThe packed MBB is de-aerated and sealed.9.4Label•Part number:Part number(P/N)of contained product as text and barcode(Code128)•Version:Hardware version/firmware version•Date code:Date code and charge number as[YYWWNNPP],where:YY=Year,e.g.17WW=Calendar week,e.g.05NN=Production lot in decimal(incremented for each lot),e.g.01PP=Production site,e.g.01(internal use only)•Quantity:Number of modules on reel9.5Position of LabelThere are two identical labels,one on MBB,one on contained reel.In case of tray,there is only a label on the MBB and no label on the tray.Following positions:Label on MBB:Label on reel:10DisclaimerElatec reserves the right to change any information or data in this document without prior notice.The distribution and the update of this document is not controlled.Elatec declines all responsibility for the use of product with any other specifications but the ones mentioned above.Any additional requirement for a specific custom application has to be validated by the customer himself at his own responsibility.Where application information is given,it is only advisory and does not form part of the specification.All referenced brands,product names,service names and trademarks mentioned in this document are the property of their respective owners.。



Parts ManualFloor type Gas Convection SteamerSeries: SteamCraft Model 24CGA10.2Statement of ResponsibilitiesThis document is for use by experienced and trained Qualified Cleveland Range, LLC Authorized Service Representatives who are familiar with both the safety procedures, and equipment they service.Cleveland Range, LLC assumes no liability for any death, injury, equipment damage, or property damage resulting from use of, improper use of, or failure to use the information contained in this document.Cleveland Range, LLC has made every effort to provide accurate information in this document, but cannot guarantee that this document does not contain unintentional errors and omissions.The information in this document may be subject to technical and technological changes, revisions, or updates.Cleveland Range, LLC assumes no liability or responsibility regarding errata, changes, revisions, or updates.Qualified Cleveland Range, LLC Authorized Service Representatives are obligated to follow industry standard safety procedures, including, but not limited to, OSHA regulations, and disconnect / lock out / tag out procedures for all utilities including steam, and disconnect / lock out / tag out procedures for gas, electric, and steam powered equipment and / or appliancesAll utilities (gas, electric, water and steam) should be turned OFF to the equipment and locked out of operation according to OSHA approved practices during any servicing of Cleveland Range equipment Qualified Cleveland Range, LLC Authorized Service Representatives are obligated to maintain up-to-date knowledge, skills, materials and equipment.Cleveland Range Inc.1333 East 179th St., Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A.44110Ph :1-216-481-4900Fx :1-216-481-3782Visit our Web Site at MODEL : 24-CGA-10.2ITEM NUMBER __________________________________________JOB NAME / NUMBER __________________________________Cleveland Standard Features■Cooking Capacity for up to ten 12˝ x 20˝ x 2 1/2˝ deep Cafeteria Pans, five each compartment.■T otally independent cooking compartments, each has its'own generator, gas valve and water level controls - noshared components■Exclusive High Efficiency Gas Power Burner (forced air)Generator:Produces more steam for faster cooking whilelowering operating costs (72M BTU's per compartment)■Easy Access Cleaning Port:Each generator has a delimingport located on the outside, top of the unit■Generator Cleaning Light for each compartment warns theoperator to delime generator■Instant Steam Standby Mode:Holds generator at asteaming temperature, allows unit to start cooking instantly■Each compartment has one, 60-Minute Electro-MechanicalTimer with load compensating feature.Manual BypassSwitch for constant steaming.■Durable 14 Gauge, 304 Stainless Steel construction forcompartment door, cooking cavity and steam generator■Exclusive T wo-Piece Compartment door:Slammable,self-adjusting door provides and airtight seal, reversabledoor gasket for extended life■Exclusive Gemini Drain/Power Control System:Simple,reliable 1/2" ball valve style drain automatically turns powerON/OFF■Exclusive Brass Steam Jets distribute even-high velocity steam throughout cooking compartment for faster cooking times ■Easy, Front -Access Generator Controls comes with a pullout drawer for simple servicing of unit ■6˝ Stainless Steel Adjustable Legs with Flanged Feet ■Approvals:CSA (AGA, CSA) and U.L/NSF#4■Compartment Steam Shut-Off Switch (SCS)Options & Accessories❐Electronic Timer with Compensating Feature (ETC)❐On/Off Steam Switch Controls, no timer (MC) Shall be Two Compartments, Cleveland Convection Steamer seriesGemini 10, Model 24-CGA-10.2, Twin Gas AtmosphericSteam Generator, 72M BTU"s input per compartment. steam generator, gas valve and water level control system.Automatic Generator Blowdown.Steam Generator with Automatic WaterExclusive remote probe-type water level controls.❐Propane Gas (PG)❐Dissolve ®Descale Solution, 6 one gallon container w/quart markings (106174) ❐Water FiltersShort Form Specifications SteamCraft ®Gemini TM 10TWO COMPARTMENT FLOOR MODEL DESIGNPRESSURELESS CONVECTION STEAMERTWIN, INDEPENDENT GAS-FIRED GENERATORS(NOT TO SCALE)SECT.IV PAGE 140402Litho in U.S.A.NOTES :Cleveland Range reserves right of design improvement or modification, as warranted.Many regional, state and local codes exist and it is the responsibility of the owner and installer to comply with the codes.Cleveland Range equipment is built to comply with applicable standards for manufacturers.Included among those approval agencies are UL/NSF#4 and CSA (AGA, CGA).Each Compartment hascapacity for:•Five, 12˝ x 20˝ x 2Cafeteria Pans.WATER QUALITYREQUIREMENTSThe quality of water variesgreatly from region to region.Steam equipment generatorsmust be drained daily andchemically descaled periodicallyto ensure proper operation.minimize service problemscaused by the accumulation ofminerals and chemicals in waterreview the following qualityguidelines with a local watertreatment specialist.that is beyond these specifiedguidelines should be treated toachieve these acceptable limits.Total Dissolved Solids less than60 ppm, Alkalinity less than 20ppm, Silica less than 13 ppm,pH factor greater than 7.5,Chlorine less than 30 ppm.CLEVELAND RANGE GEMINI 24CGA 6.2AND 24CGA10.2SEQUENCE OF OPERATIONSMechanical TimerStarting with the timed manual switch in the timed position, and no time on the timer.1.To turn the unit on, turn the ON/OFF lever clockwise to the ON position•This mechanically closes the drain.•The red “Power On” indicator is energized.•115 VAC is sent through the timer to the three-second timer, which activates the buzzer for three seconds.•115 VAC is sent through the normally closed R1 contacts to the fan motor, turning it ON•115 VAC is sent to H and N of the water level board2.With the water level board energized and no water in the generator•115 VAC is sent from the FILL terminal to the fill solenoid.•The fill solenoid opens and the generator fills.3.The water fills to the low probe shorting it to ground•115 VAC is sent from the HEAT terminal to the timed manual switch.•115 VAC is sent through the high limit to the primary of the 24VAC transformer.•The water continues to fill until the water level reaches the high probe then 115 VAC is removed from the FILL terminal and the fill solenoid is turned off4.24VAC is sent to the ignition module.•Spark is sent to the igniter.•24VAC is sent to the pilot coil of the gas valve and the coil of the R1 relay.•The normally closed R1 contacts open, turning off the fan•The pilot lights, which acts as a standby heater. When the pilot is ignited and the module detects 1.0 micro amps DC, the MV terminal on the module is energized itremains in this standby heat mode until a cooking compartment is turned “ON” (seestep 5).5.When the timed/manual switch is in the timed position and time is on the timer or the timedmanual switch is set to the manual position:•115 VAC is sent to the clean light timer.•When the clean light timer times down 115 VAC is sent to the clean light switch.•When the clean light switch is depressed the timer is reset.•115 VAC is sent from the compartment timer through the door switch to the normally closed contacts of the compartment thermostat and R2 relay coil.•The “Sure Cook” light is energized.•115 VAC is also sent from the door switch through the now closed contacts of the R1 relay to the fan motor.•The fan motor turns ON, and comes up to speed.•The fan prover switch makes allowing 24 VAC to the normally open R2 contacts.•The normally open R2 contacts close and 24 VAC is sent to the main coil of the gas valve.•The main burner is ignited and the water heated to steam.•Steam enters the cabinet and the compartment thermostat closes at 193 degrees.•The “Sure Cook” light is de-energized.•If in the timed mode, 115 VAC is sent to the timer motor and the timer begins counting down.•The condensate solenoid is energized sending cold water down condensate spray nozzle pulling the steam around the product and down the drain.6.When the timer times out or the unit is switched to the timed mode (with no time on thetimer) from the manual mode, 115 VAC is sent to the 3 second timer and then to the buzzer for 3 seconds.7.Whenever the water level drops below the high probe for 5 seconds 115 VAC is sent to theFILL terminal again.8.When the on/off lever is turned off :•The drain is mechanically opened, and the generator begins to drain.•The red “Power On” indicator light is de-energized.•115 VAC is sent to the 3-minute timer and the fill solenoid is energized for 3 minutes flushing the drain.Is there 120 VAC between the terminals Heat and N on the water level board with the the low probe submerged?Is there 120 VAC between Heat and N terminals on the water level board with a jumper between terminal XL and C?NoClean or replace the probe assy.Replace water level board.NoYesIs there 120 VAC across the primary of the 24 VACignition transformer?yesIs there 24 VAC to the secondary of the ignition transformer?YesIs there 24 VAC tothe ignition module?YesReplace the transformerNoReplace the wires to the ignition module.NoIs there spark from the module until the 90-second lockout?YesReplace the ignition moduleNoIs there 24 VAC to the pilot coil on the gas valve until the 90-second lockout?YesNoDoes the steamer have gas supplied?YesSupply gas to the steamerNoDoes the pilot gas valve open when the 24 VAC is applied?Replace the gas valve.NoIs spark generated at the igniter?YesReplace the igniter and wireNoIs there at least 1.0 micro amps DC at the burner ground terminal onthe ignition module?YesReplace the ignition module YesIs the pilot flameblue andenveloping theigniter?Replace the ground wireYesReplace the pilot assyNoReplace the high limitNoYesIs the red light on?Is there power to the steamer?Connect power to the steamerNoNoAdjust or replace the on/off micro switchIs there water in the sight glass?YesYesYesSeeSteamer won'tfillNoPROBLEM:24CGA624CGA10.2Steamer won'tigniteNoSteam generator won't igniteDescaling Procedure-SteamCraft Ultra and Gemini Series1. Turn the unit OFF and open the doors:This will drain and rinse the generator for about 3 minutes.2. Turn the unit power back On:The generator will begin to refill with water.3. Select Timed with the Timed/Manualswitch:DO NOT start the timer, since you do not want to heat the water during descaling. Leave the doors open.4. Remove descaling port cap and addwith the specified amount of DISSLOVE: (See chart above)Do this while the unit is refilling. The generators can take-up to 8 minutes to refill.5.After refill has stopped, add extra tap water into the descaling port until liquid is seen entering the cooking cabinet. Note: Ultra 10 gas will have liquidcoming out of the drain,Adding extra water when descaling will raise the descaling solution higher than the normal fill level,allowing the DISSOLVE to work on sensors and surfaces above the water line8. After the 3-minute drain cyclecompletes, turn the unit back ON. After the filling has stopped, add water until liquid enters the cooking compartment (or drain for the ultra 10 gas), and then turn the unit OFF. This will drain and flush any residue from the water level control assembly. Replace descaling cap.9. After the 3 minute drain cyclecompletes, Turn the unit ON and set the Timer for 20 minutes: Make sure theTime/Manual switch is in the timed setting and the doors are closed.10. When the timer times out (after 20minutes) turn the power Off:This will drain and rinse the generator for about 3 minutes.This ends the descaling procedure. You can now turn the unit back on and resume normal startup and cooking operations.。



TWN4 MULTITECH 2 M HF INTEGRATION MANUALTABLE OF CONTENTS1INTRODUCTION (3)1.1ABOUT THIS MANUAL (3)1.2ABOUT TWN4 MULTITECH 2 M HF (3)1.3ELATEC SUPPORT (3)1.4REVISION HISTORY (3)2SAFETY INFORMATION (3)3INTEGRATION INSTRUCTIONS (4)3.1GENERAL (4)3.2LIST OF APPLICABLE RULES (4)3.3SPECIFIC OPERATIONAL USE CONDITIONS (4)3.4LIMITED MODULE PROCEDURES (4)3.5TRACE ANTENNA DESIGN (4)3.6RF EXPOSURE CONSIDERATIONS (4)3.7ANTENNAS (4)3.8LABEL AND COMPLIANCE INFORMATION (5)3.9TEST MODES AND ADDITIONAL TESTING REQUIREMENTS (5)3.10ADDITIONAL TESTING, PART 15 SUBPART B DISCLAIMER (5)3.11MECHANICAL INSTALLATION (5)3.12ELECTRICAL CONNECTION (6)3.13PROGRAMMATION/SOFTWARE INTEGRATION (6)4COMPLIANCE STATEMENTS (7)4.1EU (7)4.2FCC (7)4.3IC (7)4.4UNITED KINGDOM (7)4.5RF EXPOSURE COMPLIANCE (8)5INTEGRATOR AND HOST REQUIREMENTS (8)APPENDIX (9)A – TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS (9)B – RELEVANT DOCUMENTATION (9)1INTRODUCTION1.1ABOUT THIS MANUALThis integration manual explains how to integrate ELATEC RFID reader module TWN4 MultiTech 2 M HF into a host device and is mainly intended for integrators and host manufacturers.The content of this integration manual is subject to changes without prior notice and printed versions might be obsolete. Integrators and host manufacturers are required to use the latest version of this integration manual.For the sake of better understanding and readability, this manual might contain exemplary pictures, drawings and other illustrations. Depending on your product configuration, these pictures might differ from the actual design of your product.1.2ABOUT TWN4 MULTITECH 2 M HFThe TWN4 MultiTech 2 M HF reader/writer module allows users to read and write to almost any 13.56 MHz tags and/or labels. It supports all major transponder technologies from various suppliers like EM, Fujitsu, ST, NXP, TI etc. and ISO standards like ISO 14443A/B (T=CL), ISO 15693, ISO 18092 / ECMA-340 (NFC). The latter is supported by mobile phones with Android version 4.3 or greater.1.3ELATEC SUPPORTIn case of any technical questions, refer to the ELATEC website () or contact ELATEC technical support at:***********************1.4REVISION HISTORYVERSION CHANGE DESCRIPTION EDITION02 Editorial changes, chapter “Safety Notes” replaced by “Safety Information”, chapter“Integration in other devices” replaced by chapter “Integration Instructions”, chapter “Further Requirements” replaced by chapters “Compliance Statements” and “Integrator and Host Requirements”07/202101 First edition 12/20202SAFETY INFORMATION•ELATEC TWN4 MultiTech 2 M HF is an electronic component and should be installed exclusively by a trained and qualified personnel.•ELATEC recommends the integrators to follow general ESD protective measures during the installation of TWN4 MultiTech 2 M HF into a host device, e.g. the use of an antistatic wristband or special gloves.•The integrator should not touch the antennas (if not shielded), printed circuit boards, connectors or other sensitive components on TWN4 MultiTech 2 M HF.•Before installing TWN4 MultiTech 2 M HF into a host device, the integrator should also make sure that he/she has read and understood the ELATEC technical documentation related to TWN4 MultiTech 2 M HF, as well as the technical documentation related to the host device. In particular, the instructions and safety information given in the user manual of TWN4 MultiTech 2 M HF should be read carefully and listed in the technical documentation of the host manufacturer as well, as soon as these instructions and safety information are required for a safe and proper use of the host device containing TWN4 MultiTech 2 M HF.3INTEGRATION INSTRUCTIONS3.1GENERALTWN4 MultiTech 2 M HF may be installed in any host devices, as long as it is operated under the operational conditions stated in the user manual and other technical documents (e.g. data sheet). TWN4 MultiTech 2 M HF is equipped with one integrated antenna. Thus, no antenna installation is required.3.2LIST OF APPLICABLE RULESRefer to the approval certificates, grants and declarations of conformity issued for TWN4 MultiTech 2 M HF, and to Chapter “Compliance Statements” for a detailed list of the rules applicable to TWN4 MultiTech 2 M HF.3.3SPECIFIC OPERATIONAL USE CONDITIONSThere are no specific operational use conditions for TWN4 MultiTech 2 M HF other than the conditions mentioned in the user manual and data sheet of TWN4 MultiTech 2 M HF. The host manufacturer or integrator must ensure that these use conditions comply with the use conditions of the host device. In addition, these use conditions must be stated in the user manual of the host device.3.4LIMITED MODULE PROCEDURESn/a3.5TRACE ANTENNA DESIGNn/a3.6RF EXPOSURE CONSIDERATIONSThe module antenna(s) must be installed to meet the RF exposure compliance separation distance of 20 cm and any additional testing and authorization process as required.Refer to Chapter “Compliance Statements” for detailed information about the radio frequency exposure conditions applicable to TWN4 MultiTech 2 M HF.These RF exposure conditions must be stated in the end-product manual(s) of the host product manufacturer.3.7ANTENNASTWN4 MultiTech 2 M HF is equipped with the following antenna:TWN4 MultiTech 2 M HFHF antenna (13.56 MHz)Dimensions: 42 x 44 mm /1.65 x 1.73 inchNumber of turns: 3For more information, refer to the related product data sheet or other relevant technical documents.3.8LABEL AND COMPLIANCE INFORMATIONRefer to Chapters “Compliance Statements” and “Integrator and Host Requirements” for detailed label and compliance information.3.9TEST MODES AND ADDITIONAL TESTING REQUIREMENTSNo specific testing method has been defined by ELATEC for TWN4 MultiTech 2 M HF.TWN4 MultiTech 2 M HF has been tested and found in compliance with the specifications noted on the approval certificates and other relevant approval documents. However, the integrator is still responsible for any additional testing and authorization process required for the end product.Refer to the KDB Publication 996369 D04 Module Integration Guide of the FCC Office of Engineering and Technology (OET) for detailed information about test modes and additional testing requirements for the host device.3.10ADDITIONAL TESTING, PART 15 SUBPART B DISCLAIMERTWN4 MultiTech 2 M HF is only FCC authorized for the specific rule parts (i.e., FCC transmitter rules) listed on the grant, and the host product manufacturer is responsible for compliance to any other FCC rules that apply to the host not covered by the modular transmitter grant of certification. In addition, the final host product still requires Part 15 Subpart B compliance testing with TWN4 MultiTech 2 M HF installed.3.11MECHANICAL INSTALLATIONThere are 4 holes for mechanical fixation of the board.3.12ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONThe module can be connected via USB, RS-232 and other interfaces. The input voltage is 4.3V to 5.5V.3.13PROGRAMMATION/SOFTWARE INTEGRATIONn/a4COMPLIANCE STATEMENTS4.1EUTWN4 MultiTech 2 M HF is in compliance with the EU directives and regulations as listed in the respective declaration of conformity.4.2FCCThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.CautionThe Federal Communications Commission (FCC) warns the users that changes or modifications to the unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.FCC §15.105 (b)This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:•Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.•Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.•Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the Receiver is connected.•Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.FCC ID: WP5TWN4F124.3ICThis device complies with Industry Canada’s license-exempt RSSs. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause interference; and(2) This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes:(1) l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage;(2) l’utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.IC: 7948A-TWN4F124.4UNITED KINGDOMTWN4 MultiTech 2 M HF complies with the requirements of the UK legislations and other regulations as listed in the respective UKCA declaration of conformity.The importer is responsible for applying the following information to the packaging of the product:•UKCA marking•the importer company’s details, including the company’s name and a contact address in the United Kingdom.4.5RF EXPOSURE COMPLIANCERF exposure statement (mobile and fixed devices)This device complies with the RF exposure requirements for mobile and fixed devices. However, the device shall be used in such a manner that the potential for human contact during normal operation is minimized.5INTEGRATOR AND HOST REQUIREMENTS Authorization requirementsTWN4 MultiTech 2 M HF has been certified as a module and does not need further approval, provided that the module is used in accordance with the FCC grant conditions and no limitations or usage conditions have been defined by ELATEC. However, the host manufacturer must ensure that the host device still complies with all applicable regulations after TWN4 MultiTech 2 M HF has been integrated.In particular, the host integrator installing TWN4 MultiTech 2 M HF into their product must ensure that the final composite product complies with the FCC requirements by a technical assessment or evaluation to the FCC rules, including the transmitter operation and should refer to guidance in KDB 996369.Labeling requirementsUsing a permanently affixed label, TWN4 MultiTech 2 M HF must be labeled with its own FCC and IC identification numbers. In case this label is not visible anymore after integration of TWN4 MultiTech 2 M HF in the host device, it is necessary to bring a label on the host device (on a visible and accessible place) stating the FCC and IC identification numbers of the integrated TWN4 MultiTech 2 M HF:Contains FCC ID: WP5TWN4F12Contains IC: 7948A-TWN4F12In case several modules have been integrated into the host device, the label should state all FCC and IC identification numbers of the integrated modules.Example: “Contains FCC IDs: XXX-XXXXXXX, YYY-YYYYYYY, ZZZ-ZZZZZZZ”.Compliance statementsAll statements listed in Chapter “Compliance statements” of this integration manual must be also listed in the user manual of the host device.Special accessoriesWhere special accessories such as shielded cables and/or special connectors are required to comply with the emission limits, the instruction manual shall include appropriate instructions on the first page of the text describing the installation of the device. Simultaneous transmissionWhen the host product supports simultaneous-transmission operations the host manufacturer needs to check if there are additional RF exposure filing requirements due to the simultaneous transmissions. When additional application filing for RF exposure compliance demonstration is not required (e. g. the RF module in combination with all simultaneously operating transmitters complies with the RF exposure simultaneous transmission SAR test exclusion requirements), the host manufacturer may do his own evaluation without any filing, using reasonable engineering judgment and testing for confirming compliance with out-of-band, restricted band, and spurious emission requirements in the simultaneous-transmission operating modes. If additional filing is required please contact the person at ELATEC GmbH responsible for certification of the RF module.APPENDIXA – TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONSTERM EXPLANATIONhost device Also “host” or “host product”. Device in which an RFID module is intended to be installed for operation.Integrator Responsible party for the integration of an RFID module into a host device. The integrator might be the module manufacturer, the host manufacturer, the end user or any other third party.KDB Knowledge Databasemodular type Physical configuration in which a modular transmitter operates when installed within a host device. It can be a single-modular, a limited single-modular, a split-modular or a limited split-modular type.n/a Not applicableRFID (reader) module Device intended to be used within another device or product. Depending on the equipment configuration and intended use, an RFID module has to meet different requirements to get a modular grant.B – RELEVANT DOCUMENTATIONELATEC documentation•TWN4 MultiTech 2 M HF data sheet•TWN4 MultiTech 2 M HF functional description•TWN4 MultiTech 2 M HF user manual•TWN4 MultiTech 2 technical handbookExternal documentationDocument name Document title/description Sourcen/a Technical documentation related to thehost product Host product manufacturer784748 D01 General labeling and Notification General Guidelines for Labeling andOther Information Required to beProvided to UsersFederal Communications CommissionOffice of Engineering and TechnologyLaboratory Division996369 D01 Module Equip Auth Guide Transmitter Module EquipmentAuthorization Guide Federal Communications Commission Office of Engineering and Technology Laboratory Division996369 D02 Module Q and A Frequently Asked Questions andAnswers about Modules Federal Communications Commission Office of Engineering and Technology Laboratory Division996369 D03 OEM Manual Guidance for Modular TransmitterInstruction Manuals and TCBCertification Application ReviewsFederal Communications CommissionOffice of Engineering and TechnologyLaboratory Division996369 D04 Module Integration Guide Modular Transmitter Integration Guide—Guidance for Host ProductManufacturersFederal Communications CommissionOffice of Engineering and TechnologyLaboratory DivisionRSS-Gen General Requirements for Compliance ofRadio Apparatus Innovation, Science and Economic Development CanadaRSS-102 Radio Frequency (RF) ExposureCompliance of RadiocommunicationApparatus (All Frequency Bands)Innovation, Science and EconomicDevelopment CanadaFor more information about this integration manual or TWN4 MultiTech 2 M HF, go to or contact ELATEC.Elatec reserves the right to change any information or data in this document without prior notice. Elatec declines all responsibility for the use of this product with any other specification but the one mentioned above. Any additional requirement for a specific customer application has to be validated by the customer himself at his own responsibility. Where application information is given, it is only advisory and does not form part of the specification. Disclaimer: All names used in this document are registered trademarks of their respective owners.ELATEC GMBHZeppelinstr. 1 • 82178 Puchheim • Germany P +49 89 552 9961 0 • F +49 89 552 9961 129 • E-mail:********************。

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