







试题要求学生根据所给的情景和要表达的意义,写出一篇 100 字左右的文章。




记叙文的几个要点为: 1. 时间、地点、人物、事件,这几个要素在写作时要交代清楚。

2. 人称:记叙文一般可以有第一人称和第三人称两种叙事方式:第一人称是作者以当事人的口吻,把文章中的事情以“我”的所见所闻的方式来叙述,第三人称是写作者从旁观者的角度来叙述,反映事件中的不同人的感受和见解。

3. 记叙文的线索一般为时间,即按照事件的发展顺序来写。


4. 重点突出,层次分明,详略得当。

5. 注意文章的完整性。

6. 所用的时态通常为一般过去时。

例: NMET 2021 辽宁卷下面四幅图片描述的是星期天上午在中山公园里发生的一件事。


注意:1. 短文必须包括所有图片的主要内容,短文的内容要连贯,完整。

2. 短文单词数 100左右。

3. 参考词汇:货摊 stand 抢夺 snatch 逮捕 arrest 写作步骤: 1. 审题:理解图意,将几幅图连成一个完整的故事。

2. 列出要点:地点:公园的冰激凌货摊旁。



3. 将要点扩展成文,注意上下文的连接,用适当的连词,副词。

4. 通读一遍,改错。

Possible Version: One Sunday morning, there were some people in Zhongshan Park. At a stand, a woman was buying an ice cream when a young man behind her snatched her handbag away. She shouted, “Stop the thief! He's snatched mybag!” Hearing this, a few people began to run after him. There was an old man sitting quietly on a bench nearby. As the snatcher was running past him, the old man quickly picked up his umbrella and put it between the snatcher's legs. The young man fell down on the ground hard. Soon two policemen came in a police car and arrested him. The woman thanked the old man, and the people around praised the old man for his cleverness. (二)议论文:在近几年的高考中,议论文的比重占得越来越多,议论文的出题形式可以多种多样,有看图写作、图表、表格、书信等各种类型,但文体实际上是议论文,而有时是夹叙的议论文。



2) 人物语言的个性化
以上所谈的语言的形象性,主要是指作家在写景画物时所表现出来 的语言特点,而在一部小说中,尤其是在人物众多的小说中,作家为了 生动地再现形形色色的人物的个性,常常模仿他们各自的语言,使他们 说出合乎自己身份、地位、教养、性格的话来,有的可能非常文雅,有 的则会十分粗俗,有的则是方言俚语,极不规范,这是作家借人物语言 塑造人物形象的一个重要手段。如马克• 吐温的The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,小说的叙述部分即采用了经过锤炼的美国当代口语, 书中的人物对话更是原原本本的生活语言的照录,请看哈克与黑奴吉姆 的对话: "Hello, Jim, have I been asleep? Why didn't you stir me up?“ "Goodness gracious, is dat you, Huck? En you ain' dead-you ain' drownded-you's back agin? It's too good for true, honey, it is too good for true. Lemme look at you, chile ,lemme feel o'you…" 由此例可以看出,黑奴吉姆的语言充斥着讹读、省音、不合语法、 用词不妥(其中dat=that, En=and, ain'=ain't=are not, drownded=drowned, you's=you are,chile=child,o'=of),这些极不 规范的语言不仅仅只是传递了一种信息,透过它们读者可以推测到有关 这一人物更多的情况。



专业英语八级(翻译)-试卷100(总分:12.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、 TRANSLATION(总题数:6,分数:12.00)1.PART IV TRANSLATION(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________解析:2.夜色中看这堵围墙,十分奇妙,颇有点诗意。





(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:(正确答案:Seen dimly through the moonlight, the boundary wall looked enchanting and full of poetry. The white wall, black tiles and sapphire windows were all suffused with sparkling brilliance while the light that filtered out through the patterned blocks was transformed to a shining emerald green. A light breeze blew, swaying the tree branches and making the rays of light glimmer and dance as if a fairytale world were hidden deep within. Above the wall one could see the black roof of the building inside jutting into the night air, so that the wall suddenly seemed to transform, melting into the main building whose style it matched to perfection. The nearby road seemed to have changed too, as if it were the entrance to a scenic area or a cultural palace.) 解析:解析:1.本段为描写文,采用一般过去时或一般现在时为总体时态均可,但必须注意整个段落的时态要一致。

英汉翻译教程 文体与翻译

英汉翻译教程  文体与翻译
中国海洋大学 邓红风
例子:Glad to receive your letter of November 18 asking whether we can supply you with Art.No.6120.
很高兴收到你方11月28日来函询问我方可否供应 6120货号商品。
还表现为应用一系列的商业术语: CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight) 是价格术语,
中国海洋大学 邓红风
第一节 文体
中国海洋大学 邓红风
文体的概念:文体,是指独立成篇的文本 体栽(或样式、体制),是文本构成的规 格和模式,一种独特的文化现象,是某种 历史内容长期积淀的产物。它反映了文本 从内容到形式的整体特点,属于形式范畴。
中国海洋大学 邓红风
现函复贵方3月25日询价,并报盘如下: In credit operations all parties concerned
deal in documents and not in goods, services and/or other performances to which the documents may relate. 在信用证事务中,各有关方面处理的是单据,而 不是与单据有关的货物、服务或其他行为。
风轻轻的低声吹着,吹过百叶国,吹在窗 上,轻揉的好家羽毛一般;有时候数声叹 息,几乎叫人想起夏季长夜漫漫和风吹动 树叶的声音。
中国海洋大学 邓红风
The meadow mouse has slept in his snug gallery in the sod, the owl has sat in a hollow tree in the depth of the swamp, the rabbit, the squirrel, and the fox have all been housed. The watch-dog has lain quiet on the hearth, and the cattle have stood silent in their stalls.


许多科技名词和术语借用了专有名词, 科技英语词汇中借用的词有 人名,地名,商标名,外来语等。
物理学中的电力单位watt (瓦特)和电压单位volt (伏特) 分别源于 英国科学家James Watt(1736—1819)和意大利科学家Alexandro Volta(1745—1827)的姓氏。电流强度单位ampere(安培)源于法国科 学家Andre Marie Ampere(1775—1836)的姓氏,电阻单位ohm(欧 姆),电感单位henry(亨利), 电磁感应强度单位gauss(高斯)等等都 源于人名。
It is animals and plants which lived in or near water whose remains are most likely to be preserved, for one of the necessary conditions of preservation is quick burial, and it is only in the seas and rivers, and sometimes lakes, where mud and silt has been continuously deposited, that bodies and the like can be rapidly covered over and preserved.
to make use of
to give no evidence of 不足以说明
科技英语在句法上有着明显不同于一般英语的特点,主 要有以下几点:
a. 广泛使用长句

第9课 论述文体的翻译

第9课 论述文体的翻译

2) 谨慎遣词造句。论说文在遣词造句 上有其明显的特点,因此翻译中译者必须 最大限度的体现原文在字、词、句方面的 文体特征。 在措词方面,一定要使译文与原文在语 域上相适应。在句法方面,译文在避免翻 译腔的同时应反映原文的句法特征,以体 现论说文严谨、慎密的特点。此外,译文 还应尽量再现原文的修辞特征,例如,原 文如有排比结构,则译文也应设法以排比 结构将之译出,以体现原文的气势与感染 力。

试看下面这篇论说文及其译文: Fourscore and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth on this cived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.
• Fourthly, in so far as anthropology is becoming scientific, it is bound to have a profound effect on ethics by showing that any given ethical code is only one of a number practiced with equal conviction and almost equal success; in fact, by creating comparative ethics. But, of course, any serious study of the habits of foreigners, whether scientific or not, had this effect, as comes out plainly enough in the history of ancient Greek ethics. Hence science is not wholly responsible for the ethical results of anthropology.



1 .科技英语在句法上有着明显不同于一般英语的特 点,主要有以下几点: a. 广泛使用长句 由于科技英语描写的是科学技术和其他的自然现象, 因此,科技作者所注重的是事实和逻辑推导,所给出 的定义、定律、定理,或描绘的概念,或叙述的生产 工艺过程,都必须严谨、精确。在这方面与文学英语、 政论英语或应用文英语相比,科技英语的长句就使用 较多。在这些长句中,常常是一个主句带若干个从句, 从句带短语,短语带从句,从句套从句,互相依附、 互相制约,一环扣一环,这可谓错综复杂,盘根错节, 读起来或翻译起来颇伤脑筋。例如:
科技英语在词汇上的特点主要表现在: • 专业词汇出现的频率较低,次技术性 词汇出现较多,功能词出现的频率最 高。在某一专业领域内,科技词汇的 词义专一,一词多义的现象较少。
• 科技词汇通常多是通过构词法构成的。
• 1. 词缀法(Affixation) 例:anti- 反对,反,抗 antiallergenic 抗过敏的 antibacterial 抗菌的 antibody 抗体 ; antidote 解毒剂 antihypertensive 抗高血压的 antivirus(反)防病毒的 anti-yellowing; 防泛黄 的 anti-clockwise 逆时钟方向的; antiager 抗老化剂的
2. 首字母缩略法(Acronym) e.g. BASIC: Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code BASIC语 言 BIOS: Basic Input/Output System 基本 输入/输出系统 USB: Universal Serial Bus 通用串行 总线



• There are two tasks we have to keep working at: on the one hand, the reform and opening process, and on the other, the crackdown on crime. We must be steadfast with regard to both. In combating crime and eliminating social evils, we must not be soft. Guangdong is trying to catch up with Asia’s “four little dragons” in 20 years, not only in terms of economic growth, but also in terms of improved public order and general social conduct---that is, we should surpass them in both material and ethical progress. Only that can be considered building socialism with Chinese characteristics. Thanks to a strict administration, Singapore has good public order. We should learn from its experience and surpass it in this respect.
三、本课主要讨论 公文体、商贸函电及广告文体

各类文体的翻译 [自动保存的]

各类文体的翻译 [自动保存的]

I urge all Representatives to call for a vote and to support House Resolution HR 4707, the Legal Immigrant Children’s Health Improvement Act of 2000, introduced by Reps. Diaz-Balart and Waxman. This humane bipartisan bill will allow states to provide SCHIP( State Children’s Health Insurance Program) and Medicaid benefits to immigrant children and pregnant women who are in the U.S. legally. sincerely yours (signature)

2、便条、通知、启事 ——简洁易懂,内容简短明确,格式简单

一、便条 *请假条 ——书信格式,语言较礼貌,需把请假期限、理由都说明 清楚,并且要书日期和全名 *留言条 ——风格随便,语言接近口语,可以对对方直呼其名,署 名可以只写姓或名,内容简明扼要
• • • • •

亲爱的众议员: 国会不准许妇女和儿童移民——其中甚至包括那些合 法进入美国的移民——获得医疗保健,这一决定是可耻的。 在一个文明国家中不允许某一类人获得他人均可享受 的医疗救济,而这一类人恰恰正迫切需要这种救济,这么 做绝对是冷酷而无人性的。 我敦促众议员们呼吁进行一次表决并支持众议院 4707号决议,即由众议员迪亚兹· 巴拉特和瓦克斯曼提交 的《2000年改善合法儿童移民健康法案》。这一个人道的、 为两党所共同拥护的法案将允许各洲为儿童移民和合法居 住在美国的怀孕妇女提供儿童健康保险计划。 您诚挚的, (签名) (日期)


4、不求形似,但求神似,风格再现 所谓不求形似并非要一概不顾原作形式的保留,而
是在求神似的精神指导下采取必要的“变形”措施, 使原作的风貌尽出。
诗歌的翻译作为文学翻译的特例,尤其要不惜代价 保留原来的诗味,甚至要在创新中平添一点儿诗味。 诗味也即是意象、风格。
暮色中,河湾里落满云霞,与天际的颜色混合在 一起,分不清哪是流云哪是水湾。
another mouthful of food before leaving for
• 这是黄河滩上的一幕。牧羊人不见了,他不知在何处歇息。只 有这些生灵自由自在地享受着这个黄昏。这儿水草肥美,让它 们长得肥滚滚的。如果走近了,你会发现它们洁白的牙齿,以 及那丰富而单纯的表情。
• This is one scene on the beach of the Huanghe River. The shepherd is resting somewhere beyond our sights, leaving these creatures enjoying the dusk at ease. The fertile and delicious waterweeds here feed them big and fat.
• 也就在这一幅绚烂的图画旁边,在河湾之畔,一群羊
• Just beside this gorgeous picture, at the bank
of the river bay are a school of sheep busy



【续】月光透过落地 窗的上部,部分地照
相和谐一致。我听着 听着——乐声越来越 弱,越遥远,逐渐地
消逝。我的头落在了 枕头上,安然睡去
(Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet) 那就是东方,朱丽叶就是太阳! 起来吧,美丽的太阳!赶走那妒忌的月亮……
I had scarcely got into bed when a strain of music seemed to break forth in the air just below the window. I listened, and found it proceeded from a band, which I concluded to be the waits from some neighboring village. They went round the house, playing under the windows. I drew aside the curtains to hear them more distinctly.
3) Tell him I’m awfully sorry.
此外,造成文体差异的还有时间、地域、社会地位、生活阅历等 其他因素,翻译过程中都 应加以考虑。当然,对以上三个主要方 面的分析应该是有机的、相互联系的,这样才能从整体 上尽可能 与原文靠拢。



If Fortune, with a smiling face, Strew roses on our way, When shall we stop to pick them up? Today, my friend, today. But should she frown with face of care, And talk of coming sorrow, When shall we grieve, if grieve we must? Tomorrow, friend, tomorrow.
4. 象征性 文学作品中大量采用象征的手法,而对象 征手法的理解往往牵涉到对文化背景和作 者本人的了解。有的象征是处于同一文化、 乃至不同文化中的人们所共同使用的,如 红玫瑰代表爱情,过去是西方文化中的象 征,现在则被许多东方的文化接受了。有 的象征是文学作品本身所创造的。

.… Through one violet-stained window a soft light glowed, where, no doubt, the organist loitered over the keys, making sure of his mastery of the coming Sabbath anthem.
Translation of Different kinds of Style
General Introduction
• what is style? • Style is the essential characteristic of every piece of writing, the outcome of the writer’s personality and his emotions at the moment.

英汉互译unit two

英汉互译unit two
Literary translation; authoritative statements translation权威文本翻 译; specialized translation 专门翻 译(technical translation技术翻译+ institutional translation公文翻译) ----Peter NewmБайду номын сангаасrk
冷漠体:诸位来宾请即刻举步缘梯上楼 正式体:来宾们请立即上楼 商量体:请你们马上上楼好吗? 随便体:现在你们都该上楼了 亲密体:伙计们,上楼去!
Status of Pragmatic Translation
Social situation Scope of PT Characteristics of PT
Characteristics of PT
Pragmatic value 实用性 Intentional action 目的性 Specialized translation 专业性 Anonymous text 匿名性 Commercial profits 商业性
上海SFECO拥有5个控股子公司 Shanghai SFECO Group is a holding company of 5 subsidiary companies. Shanghai SFECO Group holds shares of 5 subsidiary companies.
Scope of PT
Social Situation
Globalization Poor quality Corporeal/material vs. incorporeal/spiritual
*Emei Mount,NO.1 mountain under the sun



英语实用文体格式及翻译信函信头-Heading(寄信人地址和日期)信内地址-Inside Address(收信人姓名和地址)称呼-Salutation(对收信人的称谓)正文-Body结束语-Complimentary Closing(写信人谦称)签名-Signature附件-Postscript又及-Enclosure/p.s(用于补漏)Dear Helen,It’s been a few months since I last heard from you. I wonder if you have received the letter and the parcel I sent you last month. The parcel contained several articles you might be interested in. Please let me know whether you have received it or not.Paul has found a new job in a computer company. We are thinking about moving into a bigger house sincethe present one seems a bit too crowded.Please remember us to all our old friends. Best wishes to all of you.With love,Linda 亲爱的海伦:有好几个月没有收到你的信了。








爱你的,琳达请假条Class 1, Grade 1May 14To Department OfficeSecretary GlennDear Madam,I beg to apply for three day’ leave of absence from the 15th to the 17th instant, both days inclusive, in order to return to my hometown to attend my grandpa’funeral, who passed away yesterday.To support my application, I herewith submit a telegram to that effect sending by my father.Should be very much obliged if you will grant me my application.Yours respectfully,Jack Smith 系办公室秘书格兰女士:因祖父昨日去世,特请假三日,自本月15日起至17日止,以便回老家参加葬礼。



1.4 避免译一些政治性极强的口号
一些政策性的口号避免译出:要淡化宣传,让读者通过特写本身自然 而然地明白党和政府的作用。因为许多国外读者是在对中国的负面报 道甚至是污蔑性报道的舆论环境里泡大的,本来对我们的宣传就有一 种反感和抵触心理。而我们那种“正面宣传”的做法,即使传播的是 正确无比的信息,但是那种强加于人的传播方式却令人望而生厌,弃 之不顾。费半天力翻译,却无人问津。所以当要翻译这些政策性的东 西应采取的态度是:从国家利益出发,使读者取得正确的信息,但要 淡化宣传。 比如“各级妇联与教育部门积极联手,为贫困地区失学女童提,供 实用技术教育”“中国政府采取坚决措施,打击黑恶势力,整顿社会 秩序”这些句子,在翻译中应该节略,只要在特写的字里行间传达了 正确的信息,那么是非功过就给读者自己去评价吧。
非法闯入我军事演习区域采访 三名香港记者被遣送出境
新华社福州3月 日电 日电, 新华社福州 月10日电,三名香港记者擅自闯入我军 事演习区域进行非法采访活动, 事演习区域进行非法采访活动,在福建省平潭县东澳 码头被当地公安机关扣留。经审查, 码头被当地公安机关扣留。经审查,香港女记者孙蕴 邓德慧、 、邓德慧、刘玉梅三人受香港东方报业集团周刊部主 管指派, 日晚上飞抵福州, 管指派,于3月6日晚上飞抵福州,在3月8日凌晨潜入 月 日晚上飞抵福州 月 日凌晨潜入 我军事演习区域窃取我军事演习情况。 我军事演习区域窃取我军事演习情况。她们的行为违 反了《中华人民共和国国家安全法》 反了《中华人民共和国国家安全法》和港澳记者来内 地采访的有关规定。 地采访的有关规定。福建省公安机关已在责令其书面 承认错误并没收其非法获得的有关资料后, 承认错误并没收其非法获得的有关资料后,于今日下 午将她国务院决定 党和国家领导人出访将不举行送迎仪式



作文都有什么文体英文回答:Narrative (记叙文): Presents a sequence of events or experiences in chronological order, often using vivid language and descriptive details.Expository (说明文): Presents factual information or ideas in a clear and organized manner, often using headings, subheadings, and examples.Persuasive (议论文): Presents an argument or point of view, providing evidence and reasoning to support it.Comparative (比较文): Compares and contrasts two or more subjects, highlighting similarities and differences.Analytical (分析文): Breaks down a topic into its component parts and examines their relationships.Reflective (反思文): Explores personal experiences, thoughts, and feelings, often using introspection and self-reflection.Creative (创意文): Uses imagination and literary devices to create a unique and engaging work, such as a story, poem, or play.Technical (技术文): Provides specific instructions, procedures, or information related to a technical subject.Business (商业文): Used in business settings for communication, such as reports, emails, and memos.Academic (学术文): Formal and scholarly writing used in research papers, dissertations, and articles.中文回答:文体类型:记叙文,按时间顺序描述事件或经历,语言生动,描写细致。

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(二)抒情性(expressiveness) 抒情性(expressiveness)
在科技文章中,当叙述科学事实或理论时,使用的语言是客观、中性、 在科技文章中,当叙述科学事实或理论时,使用的语言是客观、中性、不 带感情色彩的;而在描述与叙述文体中, 带感情色彩的;而在描述与叙述文体中,语言往往为渲染的需要带上了浓重 的抒情性。运用得当,就能大大提高作品的感染力。 的抒情性。运用得当,就能大大提高作品的感染力。 Livid lightening flares in storm-clouds o’er the vast expanse of ocean, and the flaming darts are captured and extinguished by the waters, while the serpentine reflections writhe, expiring, in the deep. The storm! The storm will soon be breaking! Still the valiant Stormy Petrel proudly wheels among the lightening, o’ver the roaring, raging ocean, and his cry resound sextant, like a prophecy of triumph. Let it break in all its fury.

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(五)韵律感(rhythm) 韵律感(rhythm)
描述与叙述文体中经常采取押韵、节奏、 描述与叙述文体中经常采取押韵、节奏、 拟声等手段 中经常采取押韵 增强语言的形象性和生动性。 增强语言的形象性和生动性。 Romance is the privilege of the rich, not unemployed. the profession of the unemployed . The prosaic. poor should be practical and prosaic.

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O my Luve's like a red, red rose That’s newly sprung in June; O my Luve's like the melodie That’s sweetly play'd in tune.

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vividness) (一)形象性 (vividness)
描述与叙述文体最显著的特点是其形象性。无论是小说、散文、 描述与叙述文体最显著的特点是其形象性。无论是小说、散文、 最显著的特点是其形象性 戏剧还是诗歌, 戏剧还是诗歌,都力图以各种语言手段在读者的脑海中塑造生 动鲜明的形象, 动鲜明的形象,以达到表情达意的效果 Tucked away in our subconsciousness is an idyllic vision. We see ourselves on a long trip that spans the moment. We are traveling by train. Out the windows, we drink in the passing scene of cars on nearby highways, of children waving at a crossing, of cattle grazing on a distant hillside, of smoke pouring from a power plant, of row upon row of corn ad wheat, of flatlands and valleys, of mountains and rolling hillsides, of city skylines and village halls.
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(三)含蓄性(implicitness) 含蓄性(implicitness)
描述与叙述文体往往留下足够的空间让读者去想像、 描述与叙述文体往往留下足够的空间让读者去想像 、 去思索、 去回味。 因此, 去思索 、 去回味 。 因此 , 含蓄性也是文学语言的一大 特色。 特色。 When they entered, they found hanging upon the wall a splendid portrait of their master as they had last seen him, in all the beauty. wonder of his exquisite youth and beauty. Lying on the floor was a dead man, in heart. evening dress, with a knife in his heart. He was withered, wrinkled, and loathsome of visage. visage. It was not till they had examined was. the rings that they recognized who it was.
Translation of Descriptive and Narrative Texts (I)
描述与叙述文 描述与叙述文体的翻 译
一、描述与叙述文体的语言特点 描述与叙述文体的语言特点 描述与叙述文体 二、描述与叙述文体翻译的特点 描述与叙述文体翻译的 翻译 三、翻译实例评析

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描述与叙述文体主要包括散文、 小说、戏剧、 描述与叙述文体主要包括 散文、小说 、戏剧、 散文 诗歌 它们之间存在明显差异,但是使用的文学语 它们之间存在明显差异, 言 (literary language) 却有着共同的基本 特点。 特点。
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பைடு நூலகம்
(六)讽刺和幽默(irony and humour) 讽刺和幽默(irony
描述与叙述文体的含蓄性与讽刺和幽默是密不可分的。 描述与叙述文体的含蓄性与讽刺和幽默是密不可分的 。 借助讽刺和幽默, 借助讽刺和幽默 , 往往能收到比直接批判或直接赞扬 更好的效果, 因为与其把观点强加给读者, 更好的效果 , 因为与其把观点强加给读者 , 不如引导 读者自己去得出结论。 读者自己去得出结论。

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Tune:“The Beautiful Lady Yu” : When will there be no more autumn moon and spring flowers For me who had so many memorable hours? The east wind blew again in my garden last night. How can I bear the cruel memory of bowers And palaces steeped in moonlight! Carved balustrades and marble steps must still be there, But rosy faces cannot be as fair. If you ask me how much my sorrow has increased, Just see the overbrimming river flowing east!

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Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind, it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, knees, cheeks, red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of the will,a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions, it is the freshness of the deep spring of life.

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一堆堆的乌云,像青色的火焰, 一堆堆的乌云,像青色的火焰, 在无底的大海 上燃烧。大海抓住金箭似的闪电, 上燃烧。大海抓住金箭似的闪电, 把它熄灭在 自己的深渊里。闪电的影子, 像一条条火蛇, 自己的深渊里。闪电的影子, 像一条条火蛇, 在大海里蜿蜒浮动, 一晃就消失了。 在大海里蜿蜒浮动, 一晃就消失了。 暴风雨, 暴风雨就要来啦! 暴风雨, 暴风雨就要来啦! 这是勇敢的海燕, 在闪电之间, 这是勇敢的海燕, 在闪电之间, 在怒吼的大海 上高傲地飞翔。 上高傲地飞翔。 这胜利的预言家在叫喊: 这胜利的预言家在叫喊: “让暴风雨来得猛烈些吧!” 让暴风雨来得猛烈些吧! 戈宝权译) (戈宝权译)
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我们的潜意识里藏着一派田园诗般的风光! 我们的潜意识里藏着一派田园诗般的风光 我 们仿佛身处一次横贯大陆的漫漫旅程之中! 们仿佛身处一次横贯大陆的漫漫旅程之中 乘 着火车, 我们领略着窗外流动的景色: 着火车 我们领略着窗外流动的景色:附近高速 公路上奔驰的汽车、十字路口处招手的孩童、 公路上奔驰的汽车、十字路口处招手的孩童、 远山上吃草的牛群、 远山上吃草的牛群、源源不断地从电厂排放出 的烟尘、一片片的玉米和小麦、平原与山谷、 的烟尘、一片片的玉米和小麦、平原与山谷、 群山与绵延的丘陵、天空映衬下城市的轮廓, 群山与绵延的丘陵、天空映衬下城市的轮廓 以 及乡间的庄园宅第! 及乡间的庄园宅第
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession pf a good fortune must be in want of a wife. Blessed are the young, for they shall inherit the national debt.