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延 边 大 学 (

年 月

本 科 毕 业 论 文 本科毕业设计 题 目:网上购物消费者的服务抱怨行为及

服务补救措施 学生姓名: 学 院:经济管理学院 专 业:市场营销 班 级: 指导教师:

学校代码: 10184

学 号: 2074030300







Consumers maybe feel dissatisfaction after they buy the products or receive the servi-ces,and they would complain.If consumer complain is not properly handled,the impact to the enterprise is tremendous,and even is vital.If an enterprise Call understand consumer complain deeply and Can resolve the problem well,they would be easier to win consumer loyalty than usual.On the basis of literature review of consumer complain,the paper does the empirical research of Chinese network consumer complain to provide some reference of complain management for the businessmen who take in the E—commerce,SO as to effectively reducing network complain behavior and improve the level of service,and increase customer satisfaction,reaching win-win of consumer and businessmen.

With the development of market economy, the network rapid development, China's netizens sharply increase. As the number of Internet users increase of China's netizens shopping proportion, also as rising. However, due to late start, the penetration rate also isn't high enough, management and inexperienced and other reasons, China's online shopping service level of overall is not high, customer complaints occur frequently. Understand consumers complain that cause them and solve them is the enterprise needs to solve the problem.

This paper that is the core of online shopping consumers complain behavior and service of remedial measures. The whole thesis around found service complain behavior and service recovery and unfolding. In the first chapter of the papers related theory of service complain behavior on the paper's follow-up, loudly. The second chapter of shopping online analysis of China's present situation and developing trend, while the third chapter in the preceding chapter in China based on online consumers complain research of our country, the problems existing in the online shopping forward related Suggestions service remedial measures.

Keywords: Servi ce com pl ai n beh avi or, On lin e sh oppin g, Networ k con su m ers, Serv i ce recov ery
