



2018年高考全国1卷-文科数学试卷及答案(清晰word版)文科数学试题 第2页(共19页)2018年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试文科数学注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。








1.已知集合{0,2}A,{2,1,0,1,2}B,则AB =A .{0,2}B .{1,2}C .{0}D .{2,1,0,1,2}--2.设1i2i 1iz -=++,则||z =文科数学试题第3页(共19页)文科数学试题 第4页(共19页)D .新农村建设后,养殖收入与第三产业收入的总和超过了经济收入的一半 4.已知椭圆22214x y C a +=:的一个焦点为(2,0),则C 的离心率为A .13B .12C 2D 225.已知圆柱的上、下底面的中心分别为1O ,2O ,过直线12O O 的平面截该圆柱所得的截面是面积为8的正方形,则该圆柱的表面积为 A .122πB .12πC .82πD .10π6.设函数32()(1)f x xa x ax=+-+. 若()f x 为奇函数,则曲线()y f x =在点(0,0)处的切线方程为 A .2y x =- B .y x =- C .2y x =D .y x =7.在ABC △中,AD 为BC 边上的中线,E 为AD 的中点,则EB =A .3144AB AC - B .1344AB AC - C .3144AB AC +D .1344AB AC + 8.已知函数22()2cossin 2f x x x =-+,则A .()f x 的最小正周期为π,最大值为3文科数学试题 第5页(共19页)B .()f x 的最小正周期为π,最大值为4C .()f x 的最小正周期为2π,最大值为3D .()f x 的最小正周期为2π,最大值为4 9.某圆柱的高为2,底面周长为16,其三视图如右图.圆柱表面上的点M 在正视图上的对应点为A ,圆柱表面上的点N 在左视图上的对应点为B ,则在此圆柱侧面上,从M 到N 的路径中,最短路径的长度为A .217B .25C .3D .210.在长方体1111ABCD A B C D -中,2AB BC ==,1AC 与平面11BB C C所成的角为30︒, 则该长方体的体积为 A .8B .62C .82D .8311.已知角α的顶点为坐标原点,始边与x 轴文科数学试题 第6页(共19页)的非负半轴重合,终边上有两点(1,)A a ,(2,)B b ,且2cos23α=,则||a b -= A .15B 5C 25D .112.设函数2,0,()1,0,x x f x x -⎧=⎨>⎩≤ 则满足(1)(2)f x f x +<的x 的取值范围是A .(,1]-∞-B .(0,)+∞C .(1,0)-D .(,0)-∞二、填空题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分。





















2018年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试全国卷(Ⅰ)文科数学适用:福建、河南、河北、山西、江西、湖北、湖南、广东、安徽、山东、海南一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.已知集合,,则{}0,2A ={}2,1,0,1,2B =--A B =A. B. C. D. {}0,2{}1,2{}0{}2,1,0,1,2--2.设,则121i z i i-=++z =A.B. C. 01213.某地区经过一年的新农村建设,农村的经济收入增加了一倍,实现翻番,为更好地了解高该地区农村的经济收入变化情况,统计了该地区新农村建设前后农村的经济收入构成比例,得到如下饼图:则下面结论中不正确的是A.新农村建成后,种植收入减少B.新农村建成后,其他收入增加一倍以上C.新农村建成后,养植收入增加一倍D.新农村建成后,养植收入与第三产业收入的总和超过了经济收入的一半4.已知椭圆椭圆:的一个焦点为,则的离心率为C 22214x y a +=(2,0)C A. B. C.13125.已知圆柱的上、下底面中心发布为,,过的平面截该圆柱所得的截1O 2O12O O 面是面积为的正方形,则该圆柱的表面积为8A. B.C. D.12π10π建设前经济收入构成比例建设后经济收入构成比例6.设函数.若为奇函数,则曲线在点32()(1)f x x a x ax =+-+()f x ()y f x =(0,0)处的切线方程为A. B. C. D. 2y x =-y x =-2y x =y x=7.在中,为的中线,为的中点,则ABC ∆AD BC E AD EB =A. B. C. D. 3144AB AC - 1344AB AC - 3144AB AC + 1344AB AC + 8.已知函数,则22()2cos sin 2f x x x =-+A.的最小正周期为,最大值为()f x π3B.的最小正周期为,最大值为()f x π4C.的最小正周期为,最大值为()f x 2π3D.的最小正周期为,最大值为()f x 2π49.某圆柱的高为,底面周长为,其三视图如图,圆柱表面上的点在主视216M 图上的对应点为,圆柱表面上的点在左视图上的对应点为,则在此圆柱A N B 测面上,从点到点的路途中,最短路径的长度为M N A. B. C. D. 3210.在长方体中,,与平面所成的角为1111ABCDA B C D -2ABBC ==1AC 11BB C C ,则长方体的体积为30 A. B. C. D. 811.已知角的顶点与坐标原点重合,始边与轴的非负半轴重合,终边上两点αx ,,且,则(1,)A a (2,)B b 2cos 23α=a b -=ABA.15112.设函数,则满足的取值范围为20()10xx f x x -⎧≤=⎨>⎩(1)(2)f x f x +<x A. B. C. D. (,1]-∞-(0,)+∞(1,0)-(,0)-∞二、填空题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.13.已知函数,若,则 .22()log ()f x x a =+(3)1f =a =14.若满足约束条件,则的最大值为 .,x y 220100x y x y y --≤⎧⎪-+≥⎨⎪≤⎩32z x y =+15.直线与圆交于两点,则 .1y x =+22230x y y ++-=,A B AB =16.的内角的对边分别为,已知,ABC ∆,,A B C ,,a b c sin sin 4sin sin b C c B a B C +=,则的面积为 .2228b c a +-=ABC ∆三、解答题:共分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.第题701721 为必做题,每个试题考生都必须作答.第、题为选考题,考生根据要求作2223答.(一)必考题:共60分.17.(本小题满分12分)已知数列满足, ,设.{}n a 11a =12(1)n n na n a +=+n n a b n =(Ⅰ)求,,.1b 2b 3b (Ⅱ)判断数列是否为等比数列,并说明理由;{}n b (Ⅲ)求数列的通项公式.{}n a 18. (本小题满分12分)如图,在平行四边形中,,,以为折痕将ABCD 3AB AC ==90ACM ∠= AC 折起,使点到达点的位置,且.ACM ∆M D AB DA ⊥(Ⅰ)证明:平面⊥平面;ACD ABC (Ⅱ)为线段上的一点,为线段上一点,且,求Q AD P BC 23BP DQ DA ==三棱锥的体积Q ABP -19.(本小题满分12分)某家庭记录了未使用节水龙头天的日用水量数据(单位:)和使用节水龙503m 头天的日用水量数据,得到频率分布表如下:50未使用节水龙头天的日用水量频率分布表50日用水量[0,0.1)[0.1,0.2)[0.2,0.3)[0.3,0.4)[0.4,0.5)[0.5,0.6)[0.6,0.7)频数13249265使用了节水龙头天的日用水量频率分布表50日用水量[0,0.1)[0.1,0.2)[0.2,0.3)[0.3,0.4)[0.4,0.5)[0.5,0.6)频数151310165(Ⅰ)在答题卡上作出使用了节水龙头天的日用水量频率分布直方图:50(Ⅱ)估计该家庭使用了节水龙头后,日用水量小于的概率;30.35m (Ⅲ)估计该家庭使用了节水龙头后,一年能节省多少水?(一年按天计365算,同一组中的数据以这组数据所在区间的中点的值作代表.)20.(本小题满分12分)设抛物线:,点,.过点的直线与交于,两C 22y x =(2,0)A (2,0)B -A l C M N /3m点.(Ⅰ)当与轴垂直时,求直线的方程;l x BM (Ⅱ)证明:.ABM ABN ∠=∠21. (本小题满分12分)已知函数.()ln 1x f x ae x =--(Ⅰ)设是的极值点,求的值,并求的单调区间;2x =()f x a ()f x (Ⅱ)证明:当时,.1a e≥()0f x ≥(二)选考题:共分.请考生在第、题中任选一题作答.如果多做,按102223所做的第一题计分.22.(选修,坐标系与参数方程)(本小题满分分)44-10在直角坐标系中,曲线的方程为,以坐标原点为极点,轴xoy 1C 2y k x =+x 的正半轴为极轴建立极坐标系,曲线的极坐标方程为.2C 22cos 30ρρθ+-=(Ⅰ)求的直角坐标方程;2C (Ⅱ)若与有且仅有三个的公共点时,求的方程.1C 2C 1C 23.(选修:不等式选讲)(本小题满分分)45-10已知.()11f x x ax =+--(Ⅰ)当时,求不等式的解集;1a =()1f x >(Ⅱ)当时不等式成立,求的取值范围.(0,1)x ∈()f x x >a。





1.(5分)已知集合A={0,2},B={﹣2,﹣1,0,1,2},则A∩B=()A.{0,2}B.{1,2}C.{0}D.{﹣2,﹣1,0,1,2}2.(5分)设z=+2i,则|z|=()A.0B.C.1D.3.(5分)某地区经过一年的新农村建设,农村的经济收入增加了一倍,实现翻番.为更好地了解该地区农村的经济收入变化情况,统计了该地区新农村建设前后农村的经济收入构成比例,得到如下饼图:则下面结论中不正确的是()A.新农村建设后,种植收入减少B.新农村建设后,其他收入增加了一倍以上C.新农村建设后,养殖收入增加了一倍D.新农村建设后,养殖收入与第三产业收入的总和超过了经济收入的一半4.(5分)已知椭圆C:+=1的一个焦点为(2,0),则C的离心率为()A.B.C.D.5.(5分)已知圆柱的上、下底面的中心分别为O1,O2,过直线O1O2的平面截该圆柱所得的截面是面积为8的正方形,则该圆柱的表面积为()A.12πB.12πC.8πD.10π6.(5分)设函数f(x)=x3+(a﹣1)x2+ax.若f(x)为奇函数,则曲线y=f(x)在点(0,0)处的切线方程为()A.y=﹣2x B.y=﹣x C.y=2x D.y=x7.(5分)在△ABC中,AD为BC边上的中线,E为AD的中点,则=()A.﹣B.﹣C.+D.+ 8.(5分)已知函数f(x)=2cos2x﹣sin2x+2,则()A.f(x)的最小正周期为π,最大值为3B.f(x)的最小正周期为π,最大值为4C.f(x)的最小正周期为2π,最大值为3D.f(x)的最小正周期为2π,最大值为49.(5分)某圆柱的高为2,底面周长为16,其三视图如图.圆柱表面上的点M在正视图上的对应点为A,圆柱表面上的点N在左视图上的对应点为B,则在此圆柱侧面上,从M到N的路径中,最短路径的长度为()A.2B.2C.3D.210.(5分)在长方体ABCD﹣A1B1C1D1中,AB=BC=2,AC1与平面BB1C1C 所成的角为30°,则该长方体的体积为()A.8B.6C.8D.811.(5分)已知角α的顶点为坐标原点,始边与x轴的非负半轴重合,终边上有两点A(1,a),B(2,b),且cos2α=,则|a﹣b|=()A.B.C.D.112.(5分)设函数f(x)=,则满足f(x+1)<f(2x)的x的取值范围是()A.(﹣∞,﹣1]B.(0,+∞)C.(﹣1,0)D.(﹣∞,0)二、填空题目:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分。





D 项错在“解构汉字”,兼顾可读性就不能解构汉字,解构了汉字,就不能保持书法的本质属性。




















****绝密★启用前2018 年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试文科数学注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。






一、选择题:本题共12 小题,每小题 5 分,共60 分。


1.已知集合 A = {0,2} , B = { - 2,-1,0,1,2} , 则 A BA . {0,2}B . {1,2}C . {0}D . { 2, 1,0,1,2}1i2.设z,则 | z|2i1iA . 0B .1C .1D . 2 23.某地区经过一年的新农村建设,农村的经济收入增加了一倍,实现翻番. 为更好地了解该地区农村的经济收入变化情况,统计了该地区新农村建设前后农村的经济收入构成比例,得到如下饼图:则下面结论中不正确的是A.新农村建设后,种植收入减少B.新农村建设后,其他收入增加了一倍以上C.新农村建设后,养殖收入增加了一倍D.新农村建设后,养殖收入与第三产业收入的总和超过了经济收入的一半文科数学试题第 1 页(共9 页)----****224.已知椭圆x y(2,0) ,则 C 的离心率C:2 1 的一个焦点为为a42 D .2 2A .1B . 1C .32235.已知圆柱的上、下底面的中心分别为O1, O2,过直线O1 O2的平面截该圆柱所得的截面是面积为8 的正方形,则该圆柱的表面积为A . 12 2πB . 12 πC . 8 2 πD . 10π6.设函数32f (x)x(a 1)x ax .若 f ( x)为奇函数,则曲线y f (x) 在点(0,0)处的切线方程为A . y2xB .y xC . y 2 xD .y x7 .在△ ABC 中, AD 为 BC 边上的中线, E 为 AD 的中点,则EB311AB 3A .AB AC B .4AC44 41331C.AB AC D .AB AC4422448.已知函数 f (x)2cos x sin x 2 ,则A . f (x)的最小正周期为π,最大值为3B . f (x)的最小正周期为,最大值为4πC. f (x)的最小正周期为 2 π,最大值为3D. f (x)的最小正周期为 2 π,最大值为49.某圆柱的高为2,底面周长为16,其三视图如右图.圆柱表面上的点M 在正视图上的对应点为 A ,圆柱表面上的点N 在左视图上的对应点为B,则在此圆柱侧面上,从M 到 N 的路径中,最短路径的长度为A . 217B . 25C. 3 D .210 .在长方体ABCD A1 B1 C1 D1中, AB BC 2 , AC 1与平面BB 1C1C 所成的角为30,则该长方体的体积为A . 8B . 6 2C . 8 2D . 8 311 .已知角的顶点为坐标原点,始边与x 轴的非负半轴重合,终边上有两点A(1,a),B(2, b) ,且 cos22,则 | a b | 31B .5C .25D .A .5551文科数学试题第 2 页(共9 页)----****xx12 .设函数 f (x)2 , ≤ 0, 则满足 f ( x 1) f (2 x) 的 x 的取值范围是1,x0,A . (, 1] B . (0, ) C . ( 1,0) D . ( ,0)二、填空题:本题共 4 小题,每小题5 分,共 20 分。



百校联盟2018届TOP 20四月联考(全国I卷)英语试题第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

ADay 1 ArrivalUpon arrival in Kunming, your Kunming tour guide will wait for you at the airport and help you to transfer to the hotel.Day 2 KunmingA. Preparing for lunch.B. Relaxing in the hotel.C. Going to the Stone Forest.D. Visiting the Flower and Bird Market.22. What are the tourists recommended to do for evening activities in Kunming?A. To watch Dynamic Yunnan.B. To enjoy the local food.C. To buy handmade crafts.D. To wander about in the city.23. Why are tourists recommended to hike to the top while visiting Dali?A. Because it takes little effort to hike to the top.B. Because they can get full view of the old town.C. Because it is the only site to enjoy the scenery.D. Because they can take pictures of the three pagodas.BWhen I was about 5 years old, I experienced my very first random act of kindness. I was sitting at the roadside one evening, crying alone for some reason when suddenly, a boy came up to me and gave me a plastic rose, I remember the moment when I took the rose from his hand; I was smiling from ear to ear, whispering “I want to be like him” to myself as I watched him walking away.From then on, I made it as my life mission to do random acts of kindness whenever I can. I was very determined to make other people smile. That was the only reason why I joined my school’s Red Crescent Society and became a volunteer. Unfortunately, not everyone thinks in the same way as I did. Whenever I do something nice to others, people around me will start to judge my actions. Often I will just keep quiet and ignore what they say, but every once in a while, they do drive me up the wall.These people like to complain about how humans nowadays are lacking of humanities and compassion. However, when they actually see somebody doing a good deed in front of them, they start to question and criticize that person’s honesty. Perhaps it is the increasing crime rate and the never-ending rat race that caused them to be so suspicious to nice strangers. In other words, people nowadays have lost sight of the real meaning of kindness and just let it go unnoticed. That is why I think random acts of kindness are really important. These selfless acts are not only capable of bringing joy to the recipients but also to the givers. Because of this, I want to help spread the idea of these random acts to the whale world.I want to show the people how the little things they give could make a big difference in someone else’s life.24. What was the influence of the boy’s ros e on the author?A. It made the author feel ashamed.B. The author decided to follow suit.C. The author said a lot to the boy.D. It gave the author strength and hope.25. Why did the author join the school’s Red Crescent Soci ety?A. To be a volunteer.B. To live a happy life.C. To make others smile.D. To have a good time.26. Which can replace the underlined phrase in paragraph 2?A. Make me very angry.B. Bring difficulty to me.C. Force me to climb the wall.D. Force me to the dead corner.27. What can be inferred from the third paragraph?A. Rats are always running on the streets.B. Those who do good deeds are respected.C. The author feels sad about other people.D. Trust between people is decreasing.CCorporate culture is the values and beliefs a company develops over time. The role of corporate culture is to improve a company’s mi ssion and strategies, with long-term hopes of improvements in a company’s profit.Mostly corporate culture comes from a company’s top management.One role of corporate culture is to influence employee behavior, honesty, and compliance(服从). A company does not have to necessarily create a direct influence for these actions. A direct influence may be a set of written regulations or other policies, and while these may be in place, the corporate culture is usually more of an indirect influence.While many companies try to create corporate culture through the use of written policies, its role is harder to define. The human factor has an influence on how corporate culture is expressed. The way upper management acts and reacts to various situations defines how lower-level employees will act, and this aspect may be more important than any written policy.A company’s corporate culture can also extend beyond the walls of the business. Consumers who believe a company to be honest and forthright(直率)may be more loyal in their buying behavior. Employees in a company’s customer service department can also exhibit p ositive corporate culture to outside individuals. In this case, the culture creates a link between the company’s employees and its customers. How customers react may be a direct res ult from the company’s corporate culture.Product quality can also be influenced by a company’s corporate culture. Companies that focus only on profits may decide to avoid high-quality materials in products, but try to suggest that the products are of higher quality than they really are. This negative culture can then result in lower brand loyalty with consumers.28. What do we know about corporate culture from this passage?A. It is a set of rules and regulations.B. It is the way the employees act.C. It is the values and beliefs of a company.D. It is the long term hope of a company.29. Which of the following is more efficient in creating corporate culture?A. Making a set of rules and regulations.B. Setting an example for the employees.C. Learning the corporate culture regularly.D. Encouraging the employees to work harder.30. What can we infer from the fourth paragraph?A. The customer is always right.B. Corporate culture has different functions.C. Without corporate culture, a company will die.D. Positive corporate culture can promote sales.31. Which word can describe the companies mentioned in the last paragraph?A. Creative.B. Efficient.C. Dishonest.D. Disloyal.DFeelings often run high where insects are concerned, with many people even sick when seeing them, let alone touch or swallow them. And yet insects present a huge nutritional opportunity as an increasing global population seeks more sources of food and feed.Insects have generally high levels of animal protein and key micronutrients with lower environmental footprints than traditional alternatives, and they can be raised on leftovers. But cultural, social and economic problems remain, reports an article published today in Nutrition Bulletin.“Inse cts present a nutritional opportunity, but it is unclear how their nutritional quality is influenced by what they are fed,”says Darja Dobermann, a researcher at the University of Nottingham. “In ideal conditions, insects have a smaller environmental impact than most traditional western forms of animal protein; less known is how to raise insect production while maintaining these environmental benefits.”“Studi es overall show that insects could make valuable economic and nutritional contributions to the food or feed systems, but there are no clear regulations in place to bring insects into such supply systems without them turning into a more expensive version of poultry(家禽)for food,” says Dobermann.The article highlights how insects have been a source of food for hundreds of years in more than 100 countries with over 2,000 species that can be eaten; in central Africa, up to 50% of dietary protein has come from insects, with their market value higher than many alternative sources of animal protein.Insects need to be large enough to make the effort of catching them worthwhile and easy to locate, preferably in predictably large quantities. They are consumed at various life stages, as raw, fried, boiled, roasted or ground food.32. Which of the following is the advantage of raising insects for food?A. It will offer people work opportunities.B. It is environmentally friendly.C. It will replace traditional food.D. It will result in less leftovers33. What can be inferred from Dobermann’s words?A. Raising insects for food has become popular.B. Raising insects can’t solve food problems.C. More should be done to raise insects for food.D. More money can be made by raising insects.34. What does the underlined word in paragraph 4 stand for?A. Insects.B. Regulations.C. Feed systems.D. Supply systems.35. Which is the possible title of this passage?A. How to Raise InsectsB. Raising Insects for MoneyC. Insects Seem No Longer UglyD. A New Source of Food第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

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