























法则” 简言之 , 就是译文在 目标语读者 中产生一定 的意义。“ 忠实法则” 是指译文尽可能 的忠实源文。 在 目的论中, “ 忠实法则” 具体是指译者对源文 的理 解和翻译 的目的不能偏离源文的期待。 二、 科技 英 语 的功能 分析 ( 一) 科技文本 的类型和功能 科技英语一般指在 自 然科学和工程技术方面的 科学著作 、 论文、 教科 书、 科 技报告和学术讲演 中所 使用的英语 , 其 目的是使读者或听众容易理解而不
赖斯根据文本的交际功能把文本分 为传意 、 表 情和使役三种类 型, 并分别予 以阐述。从字面意思 可判断 , 传意文本 旨在传达信息 , 真实和准确是传意 文本 的题中之意。表情文本是指保 留源文中具有美
学功能的信息 , 以便 向读 者传达一 定 的美 学效果。 因此 , 源文的形式就有 了保 留的必要。使役文本 旨
点 。所 以 , 弗米 尔给 出的 翻译 定 义 为 , 在 “目的语 情 景 中为 某种 目的及 目的受 众 而 生产 的语 篇 ” 。 目的 论包 括 三个 法则 , 即“目的法则 ” 、 “ 连 贯法 则 ” 和“ 忠
实法则” 。“ 目的法则” 要求译者按照源文 目的, 受
众 的要 求 , 抑 或是 委 托 人 的要 求 进 行 翻译 。“ 连 贯
类 型 及其 功能 , 以便更 好 地分 析文 本 , 为科 技英 语 翻 译 提供 导 向作用 。 ( 一) 文本功 能类的社会环境 , 他们 对译文的要求和期待都有所不同。因此 , 译文 目的 和译 文 受众 成 为功 能 翻 译理 论 、 更 是 目的论 的 出发
2 0 1 3年第 0 2期 第2 9卷 ( 总3 3 8期 )
吉 林 省教 育 学 院学 报



文化研究从目的论角度看科技文本翻译方法郝美霞 王玉(华北理工大学,河北,唐山 063000)摘 要:改革开放40年来,中国经济的蓬勃发展离不开科学技术的保驾护航。








二、科技文本特点1.词汇方面科技英语词汇具有单一性,即任何一个词汇只具有一个固定的概念,如nickel(镍);科技英语词汇具有系统性,它在某一领域内是相互关联的,如conductor,conductivity;第三个特点是简明性,缩略词的出现是为方便信息传播且易于记忆,如CD(compact disc)。










的旬式及大量 的专业或半专业术语。
二、 科 技 英 语 的 特 征
( m a t h e ma t i c s ) , l a b ( 1 a b o r a t o r y )等等 。 科技英语词汇多源于希腊语和拉丁语 , 很多使用词根词
缀 。如 , f r i c i t o n( 摩擦力 ) , e x p a n s i o n( 膨 胀) , r a d i a t i o n( 辐 射) , c o m b i n a i t o n ( 组合) , p e r t u r b a i t o n( 排列) , a u t o e o r r ct e i o n ( 自动校正) 等等 。
其特点及翻译技 巧等方面 , 着重论述科技英语 。

科技 英语 的定 义
缩略语 的大量使 用是 科技英语 的又一 特点 。缩 略语 主
科技英语 ( E S T ) 一般 指在 自然科 学 和工程 技术 方面 的
科学著作 、 论文 、 教科书、 科技报告和学术讲 演中所使用 的英
语 。是科学工作者彼此 进行学术 交流 或 向广 大读 者介绍科 学知识时习惯运用 的一 种语言体 裁。这类体 裁要 求在描述 各种 自然现象和客观事 实的 发生过 程和特性 的时 候较少 涉
要 分为两类 : 首字母 缩略 语 , 如V C D( V i d e o C o m p a c t D i s k ) ,
A I ( a r t i i f c i a l i n t e l l i g e n e) c ,A D C( A n a l o g—t o—D i t t a l C o n v e n - t e r ) , A D O( A c t i v e X D a t e O b j e c t s ) ,C P U( C e n t r a l P r o c ss e i n g











【关键词】科技翻译,美学体现,语言美学,视觉美学,音频美学,交互设计美学,提升质量,发展方向,挑战1. 引言1.1 科技翻译的重要性在当今信息爆炸的时代,科技翻译扮演着极为重要的角色。








1.2 美学在科技翻译中的地位美学在科技翻译中的地位是至关重要的。

















安德鲁·切斯特曼(Andrew Chesteman)和汉斯·弗米尔(Hans J Vermeer)最早将模因与翻译理论研究相结合,提出了翻译模因论。



























一、翻译目的论概述翻译目的论(Skopos Theory)由德国功能学派学者弗米尔(Hans J Vermeer)于 20 世纪 70 年代提出。



在翻译目的论中,“目的法则”(Skopos Rule)处于核心地位,即翻译行为所要达到的目的决定整个翻译行为的过程。

此外,还有“连贯性法则”(Coherence Rule)和“忠实性法则”(Fidelity Rule)。









晰、准确、精练、严密。那么, 科技文章的语言结构特 色 在翻译过程中如何处理 ,这是进行英汉科技翻译时需
要 探 讨 的 问题 。
关键词 :科技 英语 ,特点 ,翻译
And t h e t r a ns l a t i o n s t r a t e g i e s o f En g l i s h f o r s c i e n c e a nd t e c h n o l o g y h e l d o n
容确切 、信息量大、强调存在的事实。而非某一行
Ar c h i me d s f i r s t d i s c o v e r e d t h e p r i n c i p l e o f d i s p l a c e me n t o f wa t e r b y s o l i d b o d i e s .
Ke y wo r d s : E n l g i s h , f e a t u r e s , t r a n s l a t i o n
任何作 品均有特定的文体 ,原文的文体不 同,
段与文 艺小说 ,新 闻报 道等迥然 不 同 ,科 技英语
( E n g l i s h f o r S c i e n c e a n d T e c h n o l o g y ,简 称 E S T)s , t h i s i s f o r En g l i s h a n d Ch i n e s e s c i e n c e a n d t e c h n o l o g y t r a n s l a t i o n n e e d s t o b e d i s c us s e d .
阿基 米德最先 发展 固体排 水 的原理 。句 中0 f 方面简化了同位语从句 ,另一方强调d i s p l a c e me n t



2008年第24卷第2期中北大学学报(社会科学版)V ol.24 N o.2 2008 (总第98期)JO URNAL OF NORTH UNIVERSITY OF CH INA(SO CI AL SCIENCE EDITION)(Sum.98)文章编号:1673-1646(2008)02-0038-03论科技翻译中的“形似”与“神似”薛宁地(顺德职业技术学院外语系,广东佛山528333) 摘 要: 文学翻译中所讨论的“形似”与“神似”的问题在科技翻译中也存在。




关键词: 科技翻译;形似;神似;核心词语 中图分类号: H315.9 文献标识码: AOn Appearance R esemblance an d Spiritu al Resemblancein Scientific and Tech nical Tran slationXUE Ningdi(Dept.o f Fo reig n L ang uage,Shunde Po ly technic,Fo sha n528333,China)Abstract:The issue of appear ance resemblance and spiritual resemblance that has been discussed in literary translation also ex ists in scientific and technical translation.Scientific and technical tr anslation should be divided into tw o parts for consideration of translation pr inciples.T he first part is all the text except the co re terms.Here ther e is basically no need to consider the issue o f appearance resemblance and spir itual resem blance ;the objective is to achieve both accuracy and plainness .T he other part is the co re terms,nam ely,new ly g enerated scientific and technical term s.When such core ter ms are translated,the translator s o bjective should achieve both appearance resemblance and spiritual resemblance .Key words:scientific and technical translation;appearance resemblance;spir itual resemblance;core ter ms1 “形似”与“神似”概念的提出20世纪50年代初,我国著名翻译家傅雷提出了一个后来被证明有深远影响的关于翻译理论和实践的观点。










一、主谓远离1.Therefore a change in the direction of flow as occurs when hydraulic oil flows through a benttubing, Fig. 17, is a change in momentum as defined in equation 1.20.原译:所以,流动方向的变化——当液压油通过一段(图1.7所示的)弯曲管路流动时,这种变化会发生,就是方程1.20中表示的动量变化。





2.Women with fibroid tumors usually have no knowledge of their presence until the tumor gets so large that there is a sense of heaviness in the lower abdomen, or until they are conscious of frequent urination from pressure on the bladder or until pressure on the rectum causes obstinate constipation.原译:有子宫纤维瘤的妇女,通常要到肿瘤长到相当大以致下腹有沉重感时,或膀胱受压总要小便时,或直到由于直肠受压而引起顽固性便秘时,才知道子宫内存在瘤了。



实性 法 则 ( d lyr l) 有 连 贯 性 法 则 ( o ee c l ) 功 能 翻 译 论提 出的连 贯性 法 则 和 忠 实性 法 则 在 很 大程 i i f e t ue 还 c h rn er e 。 u
度 上 有 助 于译 者 较 好 地 实现 译 文 的 文 本 功 能 , 以 为 译 者 进 行 翻 译 提 供 两个 基 本 的翻 译 标 准 : 1连 贯 性 法 则 可 ()
功 能 翻 译 理 论 在 科 技 翻 译 中 的 应 用
吴 菊 红
( 南检 察 职 业 学 院 ,河 南 郑 州 4 0 0 ) 河 5 0 0

要: 文章 着 重 讨 论 了功 能 翻 译 的 目的论 在 科 技 翻 译 中的 应 用 。 能 翻 译 理 论 研 究认 为 : 功 目的 论 除 了 忠
是 语 言 的 翻译 , 且也 是 文 化 的 翻译 。 而 三 、 能翻 译 理论 在 科 技翻 译 中 的 实 际 运 用 功

何 行 为 都 有 一 个 目标 , 个 目的 。 一 因此 , 译 应 遵 循 的 翻
首要法则是 “ 目的 法 则 ” 。
改 革 开 放 以后 中 国 出现 了第 四 次 翻 译 高 潮 。这 次 翻 译 高 潮 无 论 在 规 模 上 、 围上 , 是 在 质 量 水 平 上 以 范 还 及对中国社会发展的贡献上都是前 三次翻译高潮所无 法 比 拟 的 。 史 上 , 国 最 大 的 翻 译 事 业 曾 是 佛 典 翻 历 中 译 , 如 今 中 国 最 大 的 翻 译 事 业 却 落 在 了 科 技 翻译 上 。 但 科 技 英 语 ( nlho c neadT cnlg , 称E T E g s f i c n eh o y 简 i Se o S) 是 一 种 用 英 语 阐 述 科 学 技 术 的理 论 、 术 、 验 和 现 象 技 实 的 英 语体 系 。 技 翻 译 对 于 我 们 的 国 际 资 讯 流 通 , 至 科 甚 对 国民的知识追求 与素养 提升都 极为重 要 。 技文章 科






















B u t r e c e n t s t u d i e s o f s c h o o 1 c h i l d r e n i n b o t h t h e Un i t e d S t a t e s

பைடு நூலகம்
荃生之用乖 , 传 神之 趋 失 矣 … … 一 像 之 明昧 , 不 若 悟 对 之 通 神 也 。” ( 《 历代名画记》 卷五 ) 南北 朝 时刘 勰 在《 文心雕龙》 中亦 有 类似的议论 , 他说 : “ 谨发 而易貌 , 要求传 神。” ( 王元化 , 2 0 0 4 ) 清代王士祯 的“ 神韵” 说 对前人加 以继承 . 主 张 诗 歌 创 作 要 达 到高妙的境界。 他在《 带经 堂诗 话 》 中指出创作“ 总 其 妙 在 神 韵 矣” 。( 罗爱军 , 陈茂 新 , 2 0 0 4 ) 最 早 将 这 个 概 念 引 入 翻译 领 域 的 是矛 盾 。 1 9 2 1 年, 茅 盾 在 《 新 文 学 研 究 者 的责 任 与 努力 》 一 文 中提 出 : “ 文 学 作 品 最 重 要 的艺术特色就是该作品的神韵。 ” 并在《 译文学书方法的讨论》 文中详述 : “ 就 我 的 私 见 下 个 判 断 ,觉 得 与 其 失 神 韵 而 留形 貌, 还 不 如 形 貌 上 有 些 差 异 而 保 留 了神 韵 。” … 2 0 世纪5 0 年代 初, 我 国 著 名 翻译 家 傅 雷 在 他 撰 写 的 《 ( 高 老头 ) 重译 本序》 中说 : “ 以效果 而论, 翻译应 当像临 画一样, 所 求的不在形似而在神似 。” 傅 雷 将 “ 神似 ” 与“ 形似 ” 对举 , 此
三 分 之一 都使 用 被动 语 态 。如 : A t t e n t i o n mu s t b e p a i d t o t h e
















































现代经济信息从纽马克文本功能理论看科技英语文本翻译策略丁 杰 孙勇强 黑龙江科技大学外国语学院摘要:纽马克文本功能理论是当今翻译界重要的功能翻译理论之一。



关键词:纽马克文本功能理论 ;科技英语;信息型文本;呼唤功能中图分类号:H059 文献识别码:A 文章编号:1001-828X(2016)033-000362-02一、体裁和文本Genre(体裁)一词源于法语,起先主要是指文学领域的文学类型。








二、纽马克的文本功能理论英国翻译理论家纽马克将语言功能和翻译结合起来, 文本功能理论中,文本类型为text category。

根据 Karl Bühler的语言功能学说,在莱斯的“信息型”、“表达型”和“祈使型”三类文本类型基础之上,将各类文本体裁划分为 “表达型文本”(expressive text)、“信息型文本”( informative text) 和 “呼唤型文本” (vocative text)三大类, 并分别指明了各自的文本“核心”和作者在翻译中的“身份”:功能(Function)核心(Core)作者身份(Author'sstatus)文本类型(Type)表达型(Expressive)作者(Writer)神圣(Sacred)严肃文学作品(Serious imaginativeLiterature),官方文告(Authoritativestatements),自传(Autobiography),私人书信(Personal Correspondence)信息型(Informative)事实(Truth)匿名(Anonymous)主题(Topic)文本(Format)科学(Scientific)技术(Technological)商务(Commercial)工业(Industrial)经济(Economic)教材(Text book)报告(Report)论文(paper)文件(Article)备忘录(Memo)纪要(Minutes)呼唤型(Vocative)读者层(Reader-ship)匿名(Anonymous)告示(Notice),说明书(Instruction),宣传(Propaganda),广告(Publicity),通俗小说(Popular fiction)(Newmark:2001:40)针对三种不同功能的文本,纽马克提出了语义翻译(semantic translation)和交际翻译(communicative translation)这两种翻译方法,用于他的文本分类体系中。



新闻视界1视界观.2020.7目的论视角下科技新闻翻译策略蔡雪佳 谷晓帆(华北理工大学,河北,唐山 063000)摘 要:科技的发展推动了世界经济的发展,同时也推动了科技文本翻译研究的发展.本文从翻译目的论出发阐述了翻译目的论的具体内容,结合目的论的原则和科技文本的特点证实了翻译目的论指导科技文本汉译的合理性.其中案例分析部分为本次翻译实践报告的主体部分,它根据维米尔的目的论三原则,结合自身翻译实践,从目的原则、连贯原则和忠实原则三个方面提出了一些切实可行的翻译策略。


关键词:目的论;科技新闻文本;翻译策略一、目的论概念翻译目的论是功能派翻译理论中重要的理论,由德国翻译理论家Vermeer 和Reiss 创立于20世纪80年代。

翻译目的论(skopos theory)是将Skopos 概念运用于翻译的理论,其核心概念是:翻译过程的最主要因素是整体翻译行为的目的。




威密尔称自己的理论为Skopos theory, 即翻译“目的论"。

二、科技新闻文本特征科技新闻文体特征可以从三个方面来分析: 1.词汇层面,广泛采用名词连用形式,普遍采用以名词为中心构成的词组,表达动词概念。







1.翻译美学背景下科技英语翻译中的美学取向 [J], 马晶晶
2.科技英语翻译中的审美标准 [J], 张爱霞;李树枝
3.探讨科技英语翻译中的翻译美学取向问题 [J], 孙茜
4.论科技英语翻译中的美学取向 [J], 杨早春
5.翻译美学背景下科技英语翻译中的美学取向探析 [J], 黄柳

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On How to be a Good Sci-Tech Translator 论如何当好科技翻译ContentsContents (1)Abstract (2)Acknowledgements (3)1.Introduction (4)2.Full realization of opportunities and challenges confronting sci-tech translators (4)3.Being aware of sci-tech translators’ importance (4)4.Requirements for a good sci-tech translator (5)4.1 Good comprehensive abilities (5)4.2 Acquaintance of professional knowledge concerned (7)4.3 Rich translating experience (7)5. Conclusion (8)Bibliography (9)AbstractDirected at the status quo shown in the working situation of sci-tech translators, this paper first analyses the opportunities and challenges facing them since China’s entry into the World Trade Organization and then presents sci-tech translators’role and, with reference to the author’s experience, discusses the requirements for a good sci-tech translator, namely he or she shall have good comprehensive abilities : a good command of both TL and SL, highly adaptable to various occassions like a brainman and strong commuication skills ; professional knowledge ; rich translation experience, etc.Key Words: Sci-tech translator, role, requirements, brainman, professional knowledge摘要针对许多科技翻译人员在工作实践中反映出的现状,本文分析了入世后科技翻译所面临的机遇和挑战,阐述了科技翻译的作用,并结合笔者的一些亲身经历,讨论了当好科技翻译的要求: 科技翻译人员应具备较高的综合素质,不但要有过硬的双语能力,而且要有参谋般的应变能力和较强的交际能力, 更要学习专业知识,才能更好的理解原文;科技翻译工作者还须有丰富的实践经验。

关键词:科技翻译,作用,要求,参谋,专业知识AcknowledgementsI want to express my appreciation to many people, who supported my efforts in writing this paper during the past few months.I am greatly indebted to library assistants, who supplied me with a lot of useful reference materials.Hearty thanks should also be given to my colleague, who gave me quite a few good suggestions.Special thanks should be extended to my tutor Huangwen, who kindly helped me eliminate many of the errors in this paper and gave me good instructions.Without their support and assistance, this paper would not have been possible.1.IntroductionIn the 21st century, the knowledge-based economy will gradually dominate the international community. Modern science and technology are experiencing explosive development and frequent cooperation between countries are taking place here and there. The successful entry of China into the World Trade Organization in the year of 2001 heralds the china’s subsequent active participation in globalization in a greater and deeper degree and also means its further exchanges with other countries in technology, economy and foreign trade.The rapid economic development and fast progress of our society have already brought unprecedented opportunities and challenges to sci-tech translators. Facing with the new trend, it has been realized that the status quo of these translators remains far from satisfactory. Most of them have problems such and such while doing the practical work. Some are short of professional knowledge and others have no good idea about the consequence of their poor quality or even wrong translation. Therefore, this paper combing with the author’s personal experience, aims to share some immature thoughts on the requirements for a good sci-tech translator. It is hoped that this paper could make a contribution to the improvement of sci-tech translators’ qualities.This paper will include four parts: opportunities and challenges confronting sci-tech translators, full realization of sci-tech translators’importance, requirements for a good sci-tech translator and conclusion.2.Full of realization of opportunities and challenges confronting sci-tech translatorsSince Chin a’s entry into the World Trade Organization, the most obvious opportunity for sci- tech translators is that the extent of foreign exchanges has been expanded greatly, which has resulted in great potential for the development of translation-related market and a great demand of translators. As it is know to us all, many Western financial institutions and big enterprises are flocking into China to make investments in Chinese capital market and to establish joint ventures and also some of them to run schools. At the same time, Chinese enterprises are starting practising the strategy of “going out” to learn advanced technology, good managerial skills and admonitory experience from abroad. Absolutely, all of this requires a great amount of high quality sci-tech translators and thus creates opportunities for them.Meanwhile sci-tech translators have to be aware of the challenges. On the one hand, nowadays the law of “survival of the fittest” has been replaced by “survival of the fastest” and the globalization process is sped up. To be laid back only leaves to be attacked. On the other hand, foreign technical exchanges and other economic or commercial activities involve diverse disciplines, multiple fields, large translation task and various languages. Taking a large project like the Dayawan Nuclear Power Plant for instance, it concerned itself with the translations in the fields of mechanics, electronics, computer science, control automation and nuclear physics, etc, the translation quantity up to 160,000,000 words in English, French and other lauguages. Therefore the trend has prompted a headache to the sci-tech translators, that is, how to do the translation work in most high efficiency and in highest possible quality so that we can keep up with world’s steps.3. Being aware of sci-tech translators’ importanceTranslation as a kind of cultural phenomenon and means of cultural exchange has existed long time ago. “Translated works serve a useful purpose for a vast reading public who seek knowledgeworld-wide but lack the ability to read books in the original language. An indispensable medium, sci-tech translation has helped promote academic and technical exchange.” (Mengzhi Fang, 1993) The Four Great Inventions of China-paper, printing, the compass and gunpowder-greatly advanced civilization worldwide. Likewise, the achievements of modern science in the West have changed the life of the Chinese people. In a rapidly developing society today, language shall be also a basic tool for promoting the economic development and our society’s whole progress instead of being just a tool for idea exchanges. A modernized society engages its work in a well-organized way instead of in a disorderly way. Each organization or cell in the society shall carry out their jobs in a dividing way and at the same time mutually cooperate with each other so as to give full play to the role of a society as a whole. Translation, as a means for mutually understanding between people using different languages, has been receiving more and more attention, which is a key to international understanding. In future, it may be very likely that an ethnic group could disappear due to a delayed translation of one or few words. That is why some people say “no translation means death”. The seriousness of this point is usually neglected till some fatal accidents or even war happens because of the failure in instantaneous information transmission. For example, in 1970, several Americans ate a kind of poisonous mushrooms and American doctors had no idea about the cure and hence caused deaths within a few days. Later on, a pharmaceutist learned of this news through radio and he knew one treatment was once successfully applied in 1959 and had been published broad. Then why the American doctors did not know the treatment seven years later? The reason is that the relevant report published was not translated into English. One more recent example, the terrorists’attack of 9.11 directly led America to fight against the terrorist organization in Afghan and its influence to the political situation of Western Asia and also the society, economy and politics of America is unprecedented. But it is reported that CIA once intercepted an episode of several terrorists’ conversation on Sept. 10th indicating that something terrible would take place next day and unfortunately this conversation in Arabian was translated till Sept. 12nd. Presumably, what if this information was translated on Sept. 10th? V ery probably, the whole situation could be changed. After its entry into WTO, China needs to introduce advanced political, cultural, scientific and technological and economic information and meanwhile shows its historical, cultural, political and economic information in front of the world. In this case, sci-tech translators become indispensable as a mutual communication bridge. They are necessitated to take part in the translation of feasibility seminar, business negotiation, international academic conference, scientific report and exhibition and so on. All in all, timely and accurate translation could play a big role in the development of a nation’s economic, political and military and other fields.4. Requirements for a good sci-tech translator4.1 Good comprehensive abilitiesSci-tech translation, being an important branch of translation, is a kind of language activity in which people using different languages conduct information exchanges in science and technology field, which entails the accurate expression of scientific concept and the precise reflection of the characteristics of things described. The nature of sci-tech translation has determined that the translation must be precise and constricted to the original meaning. Information loss or random translation is strictly forbidden. Clearly, invariable translation will not produce desirable effects as any two languages are almost totally different in their styles and rules. Therefore, suitableadjustment is essential on the basis that the original meaning is not damaged. For instance, this sentence “two widely used alloys of copper are brass and bronze” shall be translated inversely as “brass and bronze are two widely used alloys of copper”. Any negligence in translation can result in the loss of scientific information or affect the translating quality. In view of this, a sci-tech translator shall not only have a good command of SL and TL, he or she shall also have acquaintance of relevant professional knowledge and cultivate rigorous thinking mode and the ability to skillfully exercise certain translating techniques. Along with the rapid development of modern telecommunication technology, the information highway has already greatly shortened the person to person distance and has made the Earth a global village. Thanks to the advanced technology, sci-tech translators can gather a great amount of information required by referring to Internet browser.Sci-tech translation could be related to all kinds of fields like natural science, social science, artistry, etc. and is involved in the whole process of foreign affairs such as foreigners’ reception, hotel service, project cooperation, traveling, scientific and cultural exchanges and so on. In the foreign exchanges, a sci-tech translator is not only just a language transformer, but also a spokesman. Objectively, he or she is on behalf of the interest and image of their company and country. Hence sci-tech translators must pay attention to the improvement of their qualities in terms of morals, knowledge, communication skills or in their character, personality or deportment, trying to excel in using SL and TL to accomplish exact, clear and fluent translation. Sci-tech translators’ bridge role is self-evident. Especially in business negotiations, such a role has become the gauge of translators’comprehensive abilities. How the translation is performed can directly influence the atmosphere and even the success of negotiation. The bridge role is not simply transformation of words, but also includes the communication of emotions. In most negotiations, translators can ameliorate the discussion atmosphere by choosing proper expression, appropriate tone, sincere attitude, reasonable persuasion and generous behavior, etc.. Apparently, the translators are just language transformers, but deep down they are assisting the negotiations of their side to achieve expected results, playing the role of a brainman. Such an ability becomes more noticeable on occasions of foreign reception, cultural exchanges, top-level meetings, grand ceremonies and such. Humorous and elegant language, wide knowledge, hospitable personality and decent manners can present great charm and form an invisible ribbon drawing close two negotiating parties and engendering willingness for mutual cooperation, which could produce an intangible effect enhancing mutual parties’trust and solving unnecessary contradictions and finally leading negotiation to success. Take one of the author’s personal experiences for example, one Jordanian customer wanted to buy a large equipment and he insisted on adopting all electrical components from famous European companies. However the manager of the equipment supplier the author represented refused this and said it was impossible to satisfy that requirement. This made the negotiation come to a halt. Both parties showed unwillingness to make any concessions on the matter. And it seemed this big contract would come down the drain because of such a trivial matter. If so, what a pity it would be! At this moment, the author, with a flickering of wit, gave the following remarks: “ How about this way: the supplier shall try its best to buy the components from Europe. If not successful, it shall ask its client for help.” and thus broke the deadlock. Good comprehensive abilities of translators can be one kind of invisible capital, to be determined by comprehensive qualities and be obtained only by frequent practice.4.2 Acquaintance of professional knowledge concernedTranslation is a process of language conversion and the first step is to understand the meaning of SL. For ordinary readings, it just takes common knowledge to understand. While for professional articles or speech in technical exchanges, common readers, no matter how good they are at source language, could hardly understand the content if without knowing certain relevant specialty knowledge. As the old Chinese saying goes, difference in profession makes one feel worlds apart. An outstanding translator always feels difficulties and makes mistakes when working at a strange specialty or in a new filed. Some mistakes can even rock people in the aisle. In 1930s, there was once a famous literator, who translated “the Milky Way” into “the way made of milk” and thus attracted a lot of mocks from the public. Actually “the Milky Way” is a terms in astronomical field, which shall be construed as galaxy. Reading professional articles or engaging in technical exchanges are always those technicians with rich professional knowledge. Each terms in the articles or in the speech of technical exchanges has its own particular meaning. Those terms are used between technicians as jargons taking on specialty features not contained in literary or artistic language. Therefore, as a sci-tech translator, he or she must use precise, proper, basically equivalent words (technical terms) and appropriate expressional forms depending on the specialty to complete information’s conversion, making the translation version play the same role as the original version or rendering the objective facts in the translated article or speech in conformity with the original ones. To achieve that, sci-tech translators have to acquaint themselves with relevant professional knowledge. Otherwise they will have difficulties in understanding the original version, let alone correct and fluent translation. Take a look at this example: the gear is, by a key, attached to the shaft put on two bearings driven by an electromotor. If without certain knowledge of mechanics, the translator would have no idea about the meaning of the sentence, especially the meaning of key words like gear, key, shaft and bearing. In this case, he or she could not find equivalent words in target language and hence could not translate the sentence with proper technical terms and good logic.Sci-tech translation and professional knowledge are closely associated and shall not be separated. The process of translation is more a process of logical analysis rather than a simple language transformation activity. The author has several colleagues being technicians. Though their English standards are not so high as those college graduates majoring in English, they can always translate the technical articles or interpret the conversation in technical exchanges more precisely and completely and so avoid the situation of repetitive confirmation due to bad communication and make sure that the conference could be performed in a coherent, fluent and productive way. They can do this because they have profound professional knowledge and can easily follow the speaker’s logic instead of giving all ears to the language in itself. Perhaps, they are not very fluent while doing the translation, but they always can precisely express technical terms and accurate logic relationship, which can compensate their language incompetence and result in productive effects. The author even comes across some technicians who do not know English at all, yet they sometimes can basically understand the speech of a foreign technician by observing his gestures or facial expressions. The above two cases show that sound professional knowledge can help the sci-tech translators greatly in the accurate understanding of source language and high quality translation.4.3 Rich translation experienceTranslation is a sort of highly practical work, so practice is essential for a good translator. Agood translator shall take each translation activity as a good opportunity for learning, practicing and making progress, always remember to sum up and turn over to think about the weak points in the translation process and try to do better next time. However, Rome is not built in one day. Translation level improves as practice increases. Generally, written translation shall be first done more than oral interpretation as it does good for improving the ability of sentence construction, analysis and inference and hence benefits oral interpretation. There are always a lot of translation techniques like increasing and decreasing words, converting word classes, dealing with word order applied in written translation so as to get rid of the ties of original version’s form. To use those techniques skillfully, a great amount of practice is absolutely indispensable. Oral interpretation is a higher-level translation work best reflecting a translator’s comprehensive abilities. Different from written translation, the interpreters have to rapidly discriminate, judge, summarize and accurately express the meaning of speakers though some speakers are speaking with strong accent or even neglect to spare time for interpreters to record and organize expressions. Besides, interpretation is a real-time and interactive process and it can bring great psychological pressure. Such pressure can make interpreters feel timid as they are afraid of mistranslating or missing any word. The author’s first interpretation in a formal technical meeting is still fresh in the mind really having the heart in the mouth. However, these difficulties must be faced up to. To overcome them, the interpreters have to practise more in order to build up the confidence, to overcome psychological barriers, to walk out of the nervous and worrying state and finally to experience the happiness and pleasure of success.5. ConclusionAlong with the rapid development of science and technology, many new disciplines and fields have come into existence one after another, which has brought numerous scientific terms and also great difficulties for sci-tech translations. Confronted with such a situation, sci-tech translators have to keep learning, broaden their knowledge, skillfully master translation techniques, enhance their comprehensive abilities and acquire a solid grasp of SL and TL and rich professional knowledge concerned. Only in this way, the quality of translation could be guaranteed.Above all, sci-tech translators standing in the front of advanced science and technology shall take advantage of all kinds of modern facilities to improve their working efficiency, precisely and rapidly acquire scientific information, ensure information exchanges in an unobstructed way and enhance the development of our society’s economy, science and technology, playing well the role of international cooperation’s bridge and making our country’s development to keep pace with the world’s trend.To be a good sci-tech translator, he or she must be fully aware of their challenges and roles, seize tightly good opportunities, try to achieve the requirements necessitated and love their work and give full play to their bridge role in the globalization process.BibliographyFang, Mengzhi, 1993. Selected Readings Translation Theories. Shanghai Far East Press. 黄荣恩,1981, 《科技英语翻译浅说》北京:中国对外翻译出版公司。
