


















饺子的制作是包括: 1)擀皮、2)备馅、3)包馅水煮三个步骤。














1A 你家有几口人? 식구가몇이니?B 我家有五口人우리집은다섯식구야A 都有什么人? 누구누구있는데?B 爷爷, 奶奶, 爸爸, 妈妈和我. 할아버지, 할머니, 아빠, 엄마그리고나A 你没有兄弟姐妹吗? 형제는없니?B 我没有兄弟姐妹. 형제는없어.生词家, 집几,몇口, 식구(양사) 都,모두什么, 무엇和, ~와(과) 兄弟姐妹. 형제자매我的家人(나의가족)爷爷,할아버지奶奶, 할머니姥爷,외할아버지姥姥, 외할머니爸爸,아빠妈妈,엄마哥哥,오빠, 형姐姐,누나, 언니弟弟,남동생妹妹,여동생일기我家有五口人,爷爷, 奶奶, 爸爸, 妈妈和我. 우리집은할아버지, 할머니, 아빠, 엄마, 나이렇게다섯식구다.我的朋友秀真有一个妹妹,她5岁了, 非常可爱. 내친구수진이에게는5살난아주귀여운여동생이있다.非常, 아주, 매우可爱, 귀엽다질문1 링링이네가족은몇명인가요?2 링링이네가족은누가누가있나요?3 수진이는여동생이있나요?探险队: 短, 짦다长, 길다2A: 你生日是几月几号? 네생일은몇월며칠이니?B: 三月五号. 3월5일이야.A: 梅梅, 你生日是几月几号? 메이메이, 네생일은몇월며칠이니?C: 一月十四号. 1월14일이야A: 你生日和我生日一样! 생일이나랑똑같네!C: 哇, 真巧! 와, 정말신기하다!生日, 생일月, 월号, 일一样, 같다哇, 와巧,공교롭다节日(계절,기념일)春节, 춘절(설날) 情人节,발레타인데이愚人节,만우절儿童节, 어린이날母亲节,어버이날教师节,스승이날中秋节,추석圣诞节,크리스마스暑假,여름방학寒假,겨울방학일기我生日是六月八号. 내생일은6월8일이다.我同学玲玲的生日也是六月八号. 우리반친구링링의생일도6월8일이다. 我生日和她生日一样, 真巧! 내생일과링링의생일은똑같다. 정말신기하다同学, 우리반친구也, 도, 또한질문1 수진이의생일은몇월며칠인가요?2 링링이의생일은몇월며칠인가요?3 수진이의생일은누구의생일과똑같나요?탐험대快,빠르다慢,느리다3A: 妈妈, 今天星期几? 엄마, 오늘무슨요일이에요?B: 今天星期六. 토요일이야.A: 那明天是不是星期天? 그러면내일은일요일이죠?B: 是的, 明天是星期天. 그래. 일요일이란다.A: 哇, 明天不上课! 와, 내일은학교안간다!B: 我们明天去长城吧. 우리내일만리장성에가자.星期, 요일星期六, 토요일那, 그렇다면星期天,일요일是的, 그래长城, 만리장성吧, ~하자, ~해日期(날짜,기간)每天,매일昨天,어제今天,오늘明天, 내일上个星期, 지난주这个星期,이번주下个星期, 다음주去年,작년今年, 올해明年,내년日记明天星期天, 不上课. 내일은일요일, 학교안간다.明天下午我和爸爸, 妈妈一起去游乐公园. 내일오후에아빠, 엄마화함께놀이동산에간다.我真高兴! 정말신난다!下午오후一起, 함께高兴기쁘다1 오늘은무슨요일이에요?2 내일지민이는등교하나요?3 내일오후에지민이는어디가나요?탐험대好吃:맛있다不好吃:맛없다4A: 快起来! 얼른일어나!B: 妈妈, 现在几点了? 엄마, 지금몇시예요?A: 现在八点四十分了. 지금8시40분이야.B: 哎呀, 要迟到了. 아이쿠, 지각하겠다.A: 今天几点上课? 오늘수업몇시에시작하니?B: 今天九点上课. 9시에시작해요快, 빨리起来, 일어나다现在, 지금点, 시哎呀, 아이쿠要~~~了, ~ 할것같다迟到, 지각하다我的一天(나의하루)起床,일어나다刷牙,이빨을닦다洗脸, 세수하다穿衣服,옷을입다吃早饭,아침을먹다上课,수업하다吃午饭,점심을먹다下课,수업이끝나다.上培训班,학원에가다做作业,숙제를하다吃晚饭, 저녁을먹다睡觉,잠자다做梦, 꿈을꾸다따하이의일기今天我早上八点起床, 迟到了. 오늘아침8시반에일어나서지각했다同学们叫我“迟到大王”. 우리반친구들은나를‘지각대장’이라고부른다. 我不喜欢这个外号. 나는이별명이싫다.叫, 부르다迟到大王, 지각대장外号. 별명1 따하이는오늘몇시에일어났나요?2 따하이는별명은무엇인가요?3 따하이는자신의별명을좋아하나요?4 따하이는오늘지각했어요?탐험대开, 열다关,닫다5A: 你姐姐今年多大了? 너희누나몇살이니?B: 她十三岁了. 13살이야A: 那你姐姐属什么? 그럼누나는띠가뭐야?B: 她属鸡. 닭띠야.A: 你属什么? 너는띠가뭐야?B: 我属猪. 나는돼지띠야.多大, (나이가) 얼마인가? 属, 띠가~~이다鸡, 닭猪, 돼지属相(띠)老鼠, 쥐牛,소老虎,호랑이兔子,토끼龙,용蛇,뱀马,말羊,양猴子,원숭이鸡,닭狗,개猪,돼지일기我今天十岁了, 我属老鼠. 나는올해10살이고쥐띠이다.我不喜欢老鼠, 我喜欢兔子. 나는쥐를싫어하고토기를좋아한다. 兔子很可爱, 我也很可爱. 토기는너무귀엽다. 나도귀엽다.1 수진이는옿해몇살인가요?2 수진이는띠가무엇인가요?3 수진이는어떤동물을싫어하고어떤동물을좋아하나요?탐험대进去, 들어가다出去, 나가다6A: 他是谁? 저분은누구니?B: 他是我爸爸. 우리아빠야.A: 你爸爸做什么工作? 너희아빠는무슨일하시니?B: 我爸爸是警察. 우리아빠는경찰관이야A: 那你妈妈做什么工作? 그러면너희엄마는무슨일하시니?B: 我妈妈是老师. 우리엄마는선생님이야.谁, 누구做, ~을하다工作, 일警察, 경찰职业(직업)理发师,미용사商人,상인公务员,공무원公司职员,회사원家庭主妇,가정주부军人,군인司机,기사大夫,의사我爸爸是大夫. 우리아빠는의사다.他很忙, 星期天常常不休息. 우리아빠는바쁘시다. 일요일에도종종일을나가신다.明天星期天. 내일은일요일이다.爸爸说, 他明天也要上班. 내일도출근해야한다고아빠가그러셨다.常常, 종종休息, 휴식하다要, ~해야한다上班, 출근하다.1 따하이의아빠는무슨일을하니나요?2 내일은무슨요일인가요?3 따하이의아빠는내일도출근하시나요?4 따하이의아빠는일요일에는항상쉬시나요?탐험대去, 가다来, 오다7A: 这是你的雨伞吗? 이게네우산이니?B: 这不是我的雨伞. 이건제우산이아니에요.A: 那是你的吗? 저게네거니?B: 那也不是我的. 저것도제것이아니에요.A: 你的雨伞是什么颜色的? 네우산은무슨색깔이니?B: 我的雨伞是红色的. 빨간색이에요.这, 이것那, 저것的, 의雨伞, 우산颜色, 색깔红色, 빨간색颜色(색깔)红色, 빨간색桔黄色,주황색黄色,노란색绿色,초록색天蓝色,파란색蓝色,남색紫色,보라색白色,흰색黑色,검은색粉红色,분홍색我很喜欢蓝色. 나는파란색을좋아한다.我的钱包儿是蓝色的, 很漂亮. 내지갑은파란색으로아주예쁘다. 可是, 我钱包儿丢了. 怎么办? 그런데지갑을잃어버렸다. 어떡하지?可是, 그런데, 그러나丢,잃다, 잃어버리다怎么办, 어떡하지1. 링링이는무슨색깔을좋아하나요?2. 링링이의지갑은무슨색깔인가요?3. 링링이는무엇을잃어버렸나요?哭, 울다笑, 웃다노랑8A: 你会不会游泳? 수영할줄아니?B: 我不会游泳. 수영할줄몰라.A: 我教你游泳, 好不好? 내가수영가르쳐줄까?B: 好啊! 谢谢你! 응! 고마워!A: 那你叫我老师吧. 그러면선생님이라고불러.B: 好的, 老师! 그래요. 선생님!会,~을할줄알다教, 가르치다好, 좋다叫, 부르다运动(스포츠)(踢)足球, 축구하다(打)排球, 배구하다棒球, 야구하다网球,테니스하다羽毛球,배드민턴을하다高尔夫球,골프를치다跆拳道,태권도太极拳,태극권滑冰, 스케이트를타다滑雪,스키하다我不会滑冰. 난스케이트를탈줄모른다.我很想学滑冰, 大海要教我. 스케이트를무지배우고싶다. 따하이가가르쳐줄것이다.他是我的滑冰老师. 따하이는나의스케이트선생님이다.我一定努力学! 꼭열심히배워야지!要, 할것이다一定,반드시, 꼭努力, 노력하다.1. 수진이는스케이트를탈줄아나요?2. 수진이는무엇을배우고싶어하나요?3. 수진이의스케이트선생님은누구인가요?渴, 갈증나다(목마르다) 饿,배고프다9A: 你去哪儿? 너어디가니?B: 我去朋友家玩儿, 你呢? 친구집에놀러가, 넌?A: 我去书店买书. 서점에책사러가.B: 你要买什么书? 무슨책을살건데?A: 我要买一本漫画书. 만화책한권사려고해.B: 我也想看漫画书. 나도만화책보고싶다.哪儿, 어디玩儿, 놀다买, 사다要, ~하려고하다本, 권(양사) 漫画书, 만화책场所(장소)百货商店,백화점超市,슈퍼마켓小卖部, 매점文具店,문구점餐厅, 식당培训班,학원邮局,우체국银行,은행我很喜欢看科幻小说. 나는판타지소설을좋아한다.今天我去书店买了<哈利波特>. 오늘서점에가서<해리포터>를샀다. 那本小说非常有意思. 그소설책은무지재미있다.科幻小说, 판타지소설哈利波特, 해리포터(책이름)1.지민이는오늘어디에갔나요?2.지민이는무엇을샀나요?3.지민이가산판타지소설책은재미있나요?吃, 먹다胖,뚱뚱하다10A: 你在干什么呢? 너뭐하니?B: 我在玩儿游戏呢. 게임하고있어.A: 你的爱好是什么? 네취미는뭐야?B: 我的爱好是玩儿游戏, 你呢? 내취미는게임이야. 넌?A: 我的爱好是聊天儿. 내취미는수다떠는거야.B: 女孩子爱聊天儿. 여자애들은수다를좋아하지.在~呢, ~을하고있다干,~을하다游戏,게임爱好, 취미聊天, 수다떨다, 이야기를나누다女孩子, 여자아이兴趣(취미)看书,책을보다看动画儿片,만화영화를보다唱歌儿,노래를부르다弹钢琴, 피아노를치다爬山,등산跳舞,춤을추다做运动,운동하다画画儿,그림을그리다我的爱好很多. 나는취미가많다.我最爱看动画片儿. 나는만화영화보는것을가장좋아한다.可是, 妈妈不喜欢我看动画片. 그런데엄마는내가만화영화보는걸싫어하신다.明天妈妈不在家, 哈哈….太好了! 내일은엄마가집에안계신다. 하하……너무잘됐다.多, 많다最, 가장在, 있다哈哈, 하하太, 너무~하다1. 따하이의취미는무엇인가요?2. 따하이엄마는무엇을싫어하나요?3. 내일따하이의엄마는집에계신가요?走, 걷다休息, 쉬다11A: 你怎么了? 왜그러니?B: 我牙疼. 이가아파요.A: 跟妈妈一起去医院吧. 엄마랑같이병원에가자.B: 妈妈, 现在不疼了! 엄마, 이제는안아파요!A: 你是不是在撒谎? 거짓말하고있는거아니니?B: 不是, 我真的不疼. 아니에요. 정말안아파요.怎么, 어째서, 왜牙, 이疼, 아프다跟~一起, ~와함께医院, 병원撒谎, 거짓말하다真的, 정말로身体部位(신체관련단어)头,머리眼睛,눈鼻子,코嘴,입耳朵,귀脖子,목肩膀,어께背,등胸,가슴腰,허리肚子,배屁股, 엉덩이手,손膝盖,무릎腿,다리脚,발我感冒了. 감기에걸렸다.妈妈说: “你要去医院.”엄마는“너병원에가야해”라고말씀하셨다. 可是我不想去, 我怕去医院. 그렇지만가기싫다. 난병원이무섭다.感冒, 감기걸리다想, ~하고싶다怕, 두려워하다, 무서워하다1. 지민이는어디가아픈가요?2. 지민이엄마는뭐라고하셨나요?3. 지민이는왜병원에가길싫어하나요?有, 있다回家, 집으로돌아가다12A: 你吃饭了吗? 밥먹었니?B: 我吃了. 这是不是韩国的泡菜? 먹었어. 이거한국김치지?A: 是的. 응B: 泡菜辣不辣? 김치맵니?A: 很辣. 你能吃辣的吗? 매워. 너매운것먹을수있니?B: 我不能吃辣的. 난매운것못먹어.韩国, 한국泡菜, 김치辣, 맵다能, ~할수있다.味道(맛)柠檬很酸, 레몬이시다糖很甜,설탕이달다药很苦, 약이쓰다辣椒很辣,고추가맵다柿子很涩,감이떫다盐很咸,소금이짜다汤很淡,탕이싱겁다我的韩国朋友志敏很能吃辣的. 나의한국인친구지민이는매운것을잘먹는다.听说, 韩国人很爱吃辣的. 한국사람들은매운것을좋아한다고한다.我不爱吃辣的. 나는매운것을싫어한다.听说, 듣자하니~이라고한다1 지민이는배운것을잘먹나요?2 한국사람들은매운것을좋아하나요?3 링링이는매운것을좋아하나요?找, 찾다看, 보다13A: 妈妈, 你在哪儿? 엄마, 어디계세요?B: 我在厨房. 주방에있단다.宇飞, 帮我一下. 위페이, 나좀도와줘.A: 好的. 勺子和筷子在哪儿? 예, 숟가락과젓가락은어디에있어요B: 在那儿. 宇飞, 你真乖! 저기에있단다. 우리위페이참착하네.A: 那我玩儿游戏, 行吗? 그러면제게임해도돼요?厨房, 주방帮, 돕다一下, 좀~해보다勺子, 숟가락筷子, 젓가락那儿, 저기, 거기乖, 착하다, 말을잘듣다行, 괜찮다, 좋다厨房(주방)碟子,접시水壶,주전자杯子,잔勺子,숟가락筷子,젓가락叉子,포크饭碗,밥공기电饭锅,전기밥솥汤碗,국사발饭桌,식탁我妈妈很会做菜. 우리엄마는요리를잘하신다今天晚上妈妈做了麻辣豆腐. 오늘저녁에엄마는마파두부를만드셨다.我家人都爱吃妈妈做的麻辣豆腐. 우리가족들은모두엄마가만든마파두부를좋아한다.做, 만들다麻辣豆腐, 마파두부家人, 가족1 따하이의엄마는요리를잘하시나요?2 오늘저녁에따하이의엄마는무슨음식을만드셨나요?3 따하이의가족들은따하이의엄마가만든마파두부를좋아하나요?起来,일어나다饱, 배부르다14A: 放学以后, 你要做什么? 방과후에뭐할거니?B: 有事儿吗? 무슨일있니?A: 咱们去玩儿, 好吗? 우리놀러가는거어때?B: 好啊. 咱们玩儿什么呢? 그래. 뭐하고놀건데?A: 咱们去打滑梯吧. 우리미끄럼틀타러가자.B: 好主意! 좋은생각이야!放学, 하교하다事, 일咱们, 우리(들)[打]滑梯, 미끄럼틀[을타다] 主意, 생각各种游戏(놀이)单排滑轮, 电脑游戏,컴퓨터게임机器人玩具,로봇장난감滑梯,미끄럼틀秋千,그네翘翘板,시소单杠,철봉石头剪刀布,가위바위보今天放学以后, 我和玲玲一起去公园玩儿. 오늘방과후에링링과함께공원에가서놀았다.我们玩儿秋千, 吃冰淇淋. 우리는그네도타고아이스크림도먹었다.真开心! 정말즐거웠다!冰淇淋, 아이스크림开心, 즐겁다1 오늘방과후에수진이는무엇을했나요?2 수진이는공원에서무엇을했나요?3 수진이는누구와함께공원에갔나요?大, 크다跑, 뛰다, 달리다15A: 昨天下午我去你家了. 어제오후에너네집에갔었어.B: 是吗? 그래?A: 你不在家. 你去哪儿了? 집에없던데. 어디갔었니?B: 我去培训班了. 학원에갔었어.A: 你学什么? 뭘배우는데?B: 我学弹钢琴. 피아노를배워.培训班, 학원钢琴, 피아노弹钢琴, 피아노를치다乐器(악기명칭)小提琴,바이올린大提琴,첼로口琴,하모니카鼓,북铃鼓,탬버린三角铁,트라이앵글笛子,피리响板,캐스터네츠今天我去了秀真家, 可是她不在家. 오늘수진이네집에갔었다. 그런데수진이는집에없었다.秀真妈妈说, 秀真星期五下午学拉小提琴. 수진이엄마가그러시는데수진이는금요일오후에바이올린을배운다고하셨다1. 오늘링링이는어디에갔었나요?2. 수진이는집에있었나요?3. 수진이는금요일오후에무엇을배우나요?赢, 이기다输, 지다16A: 我不喜欢夏天. 난여름이싫어.B: 为什么? 왜?A: 因为夏天太热. 왜냐하면여름은너무덥잖아.B: 我不喜欢冬天. 난겨울이싫어.A: 为什么? 왜?B: 冬天太冷. 我怕冷. 겨울은너무춥잖아. 난추위를잘타거든.夏天, 여름为什么, 왜, 어째서因为, 왜냐하면(~때문이다) 太, 너무, 매우热, 덥다冬天, 겨울冷, 춥다季节(계절)春天很暖和,봄이아주따뜻하다夏天很热, 여름이아주덥다秋天很凉快,가을이아주시원하다冬天很冷, 겨울이아주춥다我不喜欢夏天, 我喜欢冬天.나는여름을싫어하고겨울을좋아한다.因为冬天下雪.왜냐하면겨울에는눈이내리니까.冬天可以滑冰, 滑雪.겨울에는스케이트도탈수있고, 스키도탈수있다.可以, …할수있다1 지민이는겨울을좋아하나요?2 지민이는왜겨울을좋아하나요?3 겨울에는무엇을할수있나요?矮, (키가) 작다学习, 공부하다17你想当什么? 넌뭐가되고싶니?我想当护士, 你呢? 간호사가되고싶어. 넌?你猜猜! 맞춰봐!老师? 音乐家? 선생님? 음악가?都不是. 我想当演员. 모두아니야. 난배우가되고싶어.哇, 你真棒! 와, 멋지다!当, ~이되다猜, 알아맞히다音乐家, 음악가演员, 배우, 탤런트棒, 뛰어나다职业(직업2)设计师,설계사科学家,과학가厨师, 요리사律师,변호사飞行员,조종사空中小姐,스튜어디스演员, 연예인歌手,가수记者, 기자我想当演员. 因为妈妈说我很漂亮. 나는배우가되고싶다. 왜냐하면엄마가예쁘다고하니까.我想当大夫, 因为爸爸说我很聪明. 난의사가되고싶다. 왜냐하면아빠가똑똑하다고하니까.聪明, 똑똑하다1 爸爸相当大夫( )2 妈妈说我很聪明( )3 我想当演员( )做, 만들다对不起, 미안하다.18你的座位在哪儿? 네자리는어디니?我的座位在这儿. 제자리는여기예요.你旁边儿是谁? 네옆은누구니?我旁边儿是文龙. 제옆은원룡이에요.兰兰呢? 란란이는?她坐在我前边儿. 란란이는제앞에앉아요.座位, 자리这儿, 여기旁边儿, 옆(쪽)坐,앉다前边儿,앞(쪽)方位(방위사)上边儿,위下边儿,아래前边儿,앞后边儿,뒤右边儿,오른쪽左边儿,왼쪽旁边儿,옆쪽对面,맞은편我个子高. 所以我的座位在教室后边儿. 나는키가크다. 그래서내자리는교실뒤쪽이다.玲玲做在我旁边儿. 링링이는내옆에앉는다.我们是同桌儿. 우리는짝꿍이다.个子, 키高, (키다)크다, 높다所以, 그래서同桌儿,짝꿍1 我个子不高( )2 因为我个子高,所以我坐在教室后边儿( )3 玲玲不是我的同桌儿( )打架, 싸우다救命, 목숨을구하다.19欢迎光临! 어서오세요!妈妈, 这条裙子很漂亮. 엄마, 이치마예뻐요.你试一试. 한번입어보렴.怎么样?合适吗? 어때? 맞니?有点儿小. 좀작아요.那你试试那条吧그럼저옷을입어보렴.正好. 딱맞아요.欢迎光临, 어서오세요试, 시험삼아해봐다, 입어보다, 신어보다合适, 알맞다, 적당하다有点儿,조금正好, 꼭알앚다服装类(의류)夹克,자켓裤子,바지裙子,치마连衣裙,원피스T恤, 牛仔裤,청바지睡衣,잠옷袜子,양말运动鞋,운동화今天我和妈妈一起去百货商场买裙子. 오늘엄마와함께바지를사러백화점에갔다.那条裤子很漂亮, 可是有点儿小. 그바지가예뻤지만좀작았다.我有点儿胖了. 내가살이좀쪘다.胖, 똥똥하다1 今天我和爸爸一起去百货商店了. ( )2 我买了一条裤子. ( )3 我有点儿胖了. ( )飞, 날다睡觉, 잠자다20快进来坐吧. 얼른들어와서앉어对不起, 我来晚了. 늦어서미안해没关系. 괜찮아.祝你生日快了! 这是我送你的礼物. 생일축하해. 이건네게주는선물이야. 谢谢你! 고마워.不客气. 아니야.进来, 들어오다晚, 늦다祝, 축하하다快乐, 즐겁다送给, ~에게주다礼物, 선물感情(감정)高兴,기쁘다生气,화나다讨厌,싫다, 혐오스럽다吃惊,놀라다担心,걱정하다紧张,긴장하다笑,웃다哭,울다今天是我生日. 오늘은내생일이다.朋友们来我家玩儿. 친구들이집에놀러왔다.他们送给我生日礼物, 祝我生日快乐.친구들은선물을주면서내생일을축하해주었다.我十一周岁了! 真高兴! 이제나는11살이다! 정말기쁘다!周岁, 만~살1, 今天是我朋友的生日( )2, 朋友们送给我生日礼物( )3, 去年我是十一周岁( )玩儿, 놀다喝, 마시다21我有点儿渴. 난목이좀말라我也渴了. 나도목말라.咱们喝点儿饮料吧. 우리음료수좀마시자你要喝可乐还是喝橙汁儿? 너콜라마실래? 아니면오렌지주스마실래?我要喝可乐. 콜라마실래.我要喝橙汁儿난오렌지주스마실래.渴, 목마르다, 갈증나다一点儿, 조금还是, 또는, 아니면橙汁儿, 오렌지주스饮料(음료)牛奶,우유橙汁儿,오레지주스草莓汁儿,딸기주스可乐,콜라汽水,사이다咖啡,커피可可, 코코아茶,차下课以后, 我跟同学们在操场一起踢足球. 방과후에우리반친구들과함께운동장에서축구를했다.出了很多汗. 땀을많이흘렸다.有点儿累, 可是很开心. 좀힘들었지만즐거웠다.出汗,땀을흘리다累,힘들다1 我今天跟同学们一起踢足球了. ( )2 我在公园儿踢足球了. ( )3 今天我有点儿累, 所以不高兴. ( )疼, 아프다坐, 앉다.22你去哪儿? 어디가니?我回家. 집에가요.你家离学校远不远? 집이학교에서머니?很远. 멀어요.你怎么回家? 뭐타고집에가니?坐地铁回家. 지하철타고집에가요.回家, 집에가다离, ~로부터远, 멀다怎么, 어떻게地铁, 지하철交通工具(교통수단)(骑)自行车,자전거타다摩托车, 오토바이(坐)汽车,자동차出租汽车,택시公共汽车,버스地铁,지하철火车,기차飞机,비행기船,배我家离学校很远. 우리집은학교에서멀다每天我坐公共汽车去学校. 나는매일버스를타고학교에간다.玲玲家离学校很近, 她每天骑自行车去学校. 링링이네집은학교에서가깝다. 링링이는매일자전거를타고학교에간다.近,가깝다1 我家离学校不远,很近. ( )2 每天我坐地铁去学校. ( )3 玲玲家离学校不远, 很近. ( )丑, 못생기다不行, 안된다23你要买什么? 뭘살거니?我要买两本笔记本和一支铅笔. 노트두권이랑연필한자루주세요. 给你. 还要别的吗? 여기있다. 더필요한것있니?不要了, 多少钱? 없어요. 얼마예요?一共十块. 다해서10위안이야.给你钱. 再见! 여기있습니다. 안녕히계세요.再见! 잘가렴笔记本儿, 노트支, 자루(양사) 给, 주다, ~에게还, 또, 더别的, 다른것多少, 얼마钱, 돈一共, 모두, 전부块, 콰이(중국의화폐단위)人民币元,角,分, 块,毛,分,100元, 50元,20元,10元,5元,1元,5角,1角,1分,我爱玩儿机器人玩具. 나는로봇장난감을좋아한다.今天我买了一个机器人玩具. 오늘로봇장난감을하나샀다.那个玩具三十块钱, 有点儿贵. 그장난감은30위안으로좀비싸다. 可是….真棒! 我很高兴. 하지만…. 정말멋지다! 기분이좋다!便宜, 싸다.1 我不爱玩儿机器人玩具. ( )2 今天我买了机器人玩具. ( )3 那个玩具很便宜. ( )唱歌儿, 노래를부르다老, 늙다24我每天上英语培训班. 난매일영어학원에다녀.学英语难不难? 영어어렵니?学英语很难. 어려워.你说英语说得怎么样? 네영어실력은어때?我说英语说得不太好. 잘못해.不过, 你说汉语说的很流利! 하지만중국어는유창하잖아.那当然, 我是中国人. 그거야당연하지. 중국인이니까!上, 가다不过, 그러나流利, 유창하다当然, 당연하다科目(학과목)历史,역사数学,수학科学,과학英语,영어体育,체육音乐,음악美术,미술考试, 시험我很喜欢踢足球. 나는축구를좋아한다.星期天我常常踢足球. 나는일요일날종종축구를한다.我想当足球运动员. 난축구선수가되고싶다.同学们都说, 我踢足球踢得非常好. 우리반친구들은모두내가축구를아주잘한다고말한다.足球运动员, 축구선수1 志敏喜欢做什么?2 他想当什么?3 他踢足球踢得怎么样?问, 묻다告诉, 알리다, 말하다25今天天气怎么样? 오늘날씨는어떻니?今天太冷了, 冻死了. 오늘너무추워. 얼어죽겠어.你喝点儿开水吧. 따뜻한물좀마셔.谢谢. 고마워.明天天气怎么样? 내일날씨는어떻대?不太清楚. 잘모르겠어.希望明天下雪. 내일은눈이내렸으면좋겠다.天气, 날씨冻, 얼다死了, ~해죽겠다开水, 끓인물, 따뜻한물清楚, 분명하다, 알다希望, 바라다下雪, 눈이내리다天气晴天,맑은날阴天,흐린날下雪,눈이오다下雨,비가오다打雷,천둥치다打闪,번개치다刮风,바람이불다彩虹,무지개今天天气很冷, 下雪了. 오늘은추웠다. 그리고눈이내렸다.我和朋友们一起打雪仗, 堆雪人. 친구들과함께눈싸움도하고눈사람도만들었다.今天我们玩儿得很愉快. 오늘우리는즐겁게놀았다.打雪仗,눈싸움을하다堆雪人,눈사람을만들다愉快, 즐겁다1 今天天气怎么样?2 今天大海做什么了?3 今天他们玩儿得怎么样?远, 멀다说, 말하다.26你吃过中国菜吗? 중국음식먹어본적있니?我吃过很多中国菜. 중국음식많이먹어봤어.你觉得中国菜怎么样? 중국음식어때?好吃是好吃, 不过有点儿油腻. 맛있긴맛있는데그런데좀느끼해.你喜欢吃什么菜? 어떤음식을좋아하니?我喜欢吃北京烤鸭. 베이징카오야를좋아해.我也喜欢吃北京烤鸭. 나도베이징카오야좋아해.过, ~한적이있다中国菜, 중국음식觉得, ~라고생각하다油腻,느끼하다.北京考鸭, 베이징카오야(북경식오리구이)菜(음식)烤肉,고기구이炒饭,볶음밥拌饭,비빔밥咖哩饭,카레덮밥紫菜包饭,김밥炒年糕,떡볶이面条,국수包子,만두我吃过中国菜. 나는중국음식을먹어봤다.可是, 我不爱吃中国菜. 하지만난중국음식을좋아하지않는다.因为中国菜太油腻了. 왜냐하면중국음식은너무느끼하기때문이다. 我不喜欢吃油腻的菜. 난느끼한음식이싫다.1 秀真吃过中国菜吗?2 她觉得中国菜怎么样?3 她不喜欢吃什么?谢谢, 고마워再见, 안녕27你们看, 这儿的风景真美啊! 얘들아, 여기경치너무아름답다!我给你们照相. 내가사진찍어줄게.好的. 좋아.你们站在这儿吧. 여기서봐.好不好看? 예뻐?很好看. 笑一笑! 웃어봐!茄子! 치~즈风景,경치美, 아름답다照相,사진을찍다站, 서다好看, 예쁘다茄子, 가지好吃好喝(맛있다)好吃,맛있다不好吃, 맛없다好喝,맛있다不好喝, 맛없다好看,예쁘다不好看, 못생긴다,추하다好听,듣기좋다不好听, 시끄럽다好玩儿,재미있다不好玩儿,재미없다今天我们班去了故宫, 照了很多相. 오늘우리반은고궁에갔다. 사진도많이찍었다.故宫的风景真美. 고궁은경치가정말아름답다.我想再去故宫. 고궁에다시가고싶다.故宫,고궁再,다시,또1 今天他们去哪儿了?2 故宫的风景怎么样?3 志敏想再去故宫吗?害怕,무서워하다伤心, 슬프다28喂! 你好! 海峰在家吗? 여보세요! 안녕하세요! 하이펑집에있나요?他不在家. 你是谁? 집에없단다. 누구니?我是海峰的朋友, 京美. 저는하이펑의친구경미예요麻烦你转告她, 回来以后给我打电话..죄송한데요, 들어오면저한테전화좀달라고전해주세요.你的电话号码是多少? 전화번호가몇번이니?我的电话号码是3651108 3651108이에요.喂, 여보세요麻烦, 귀찮다, 번거롭게하다.转告, 전달하다电话,전화打电话, 전화를걸다电话号码, 전화번호电话(전화)手机,휴대폰,핸드폰打电话,전화를걸다接电话,전화를받다挂电话,전화를끊다占线,통화중이다请等一下,잠시만요.留言,메모今天星期天, 天气很好. 오늘은일요일, 날씨가아주좋았다.我想跟大海一起去公园儿玩儿.给大海打电话了. 나는따하이와공원에놀러가려고따하이에게전화를걸었다.可是他不在家.我整天在家看电视. 그런데따하이는집에없었다. 나는집에서하루종일텔레비전을봤다.整天, 하루종일, 온종일1 今天天气怎么样?2 玲玲为什么给大海打电话了?3 她今天做什么了?错, 틀리다对, 맞다29你个子多高? 넌키가몇이야?我一米四, 你呢? 140cm 야, 넌?我一米三七. 난137 cm 야.那我比你高. 그럼내가너보다크다.不过你比我胖! 하지만네가나보다똥똥하잖아!你说什么? 뭐라고,开玩笑. 농담이야!多, 얼마나米, 미터比, ~보다开玩笑, 농담하다高矮胖瘦(크다)大,나이많다--小,어리다高,키가크다--矮,키가작다漂亮,예쁘다--丑,추하다快,빠르다--慢,느리다胖,뚱뚱하다--瘦,마르다强,강하다--弱,약하다贵,비싸다--便宜,싸다我有一个妹妹, 她今年九岁了. 나는여동생이있는데올해9살이다. 我比她大一岁. 내가여동생보다한살많다.可是, 她比我高. 하지만여동생이나보다키가크다.我个子一米三, 她一米三五. 나는130cm 인데,여동생은135cm 이다1 秀真今年几岁了?2 她妹妹几岁了?3 她妹妹比她个子高吗?多,많다下去, 내려가다30你看, 我张跑得很快! 봐봐, 샤오장은정말빨리달린다.我也跑得很快. 나도빨리달려.是吗? 谁更快? 그래? 누가더빠르니?不太清楚. 잘모르겠어.我看, 小张比你更快. 내가보기에는샤오장이너보다더빠를것같아. 我看, 我张没有刘勇快. 내가보기에는샤오장이리우용보다빠르지않은것같아.跑, 달리다更, 더욱动作(동작)趴,엎드리다躺,눕다站,서있다坐,앉아있다走,걷다跑,달리다点头, 고개를끄덕이다摇头, 고개를젓다我唱歌儿唱得很好. 나는노래를잘한다.听说, 秀真也唱得很好. 수진이도노래를잘한다고한다.那么谁更好呢? 그렇다면누가더잘할까?我想, 我唱得更好. 내생각에는내가더잘부르는것같다.想,추측하다, ~일것이라고여기다1 玲玲唱歌儿唱得怎么样?2 秀真唱歌儿唱得怎么样?3 玲玲想, 谁唱得更好?知道, 알다弱, 약하다。





Thingsarealwayschangingintheworld./Thingsalwayschangeintheworld.15,他只能放弃他的妻子和孩子Hehadtoabandonhiswifeandchildren./Hehadnochoicebuttoabandonhiswifeandchi ldren.16,他会写诗/游泳Hecanwrite/swim./Heisabletowrite./Hehastheabilityofwriting.171819,202122232425Hetakeanactivepartinthecompetition./Hetakespartinthecompetitionactively. 26,这个男(女)演员擅长表演/在表演方面很有技巧Thatactor/actressisskilled/skillfulat/isgoodat/doeswellinacting.27,事实上,他希望被那所大学录取Actually,hehopestobeadmittedbythatuniversity./Thefactisthathehopestobead mittedbythatuniversity.28,他可以很好地适应新环境Hecanadapt(himself)tothenewenvironmentquickly. 29,他可以适应每天早早起床30,31,32333435,36,37,38,39,他吸烟/吸毒成瘾Heisaddictedtodrugs/smoking40,他沉迷于看电视/看小说HeisaddictedtowatchingTV/readingnovels.41,他非常钦佩他的偶像/他的偶像值得钦佩Headmireshisidolverymuch./Hisidolisadmirable.42,我们在中秋节会赏月WeadmirethemoonintheMid-autumnFestival.43,他承认考试作弊/考试不及格Headmitscheatingontheexam.44,他承认欺骗了她Headmitscheatingher.45,这对年轻的夫妇收养了一个聪明的小男孩Theyoungcoupleadoptedacleveryoungboy.46,他的发明推进了社会的发展474849,5051,52,5354,55Weadvocategettingalongwitheachotherinpeacefully./Weadvocatelivinginpeace .56,他的演讲深深地影响了我Hisspeechaffectsmedeeply.57,噪音影响了他的学习Thenoiseaffectshisstudy.58,他家付不起学费Hisfamilycannotaffordtheschoolfees.59,他承担不起失去工作的后果Hecan’taffordtolosehisjob.60,士兵们勇敢地与洪水作斗争Thesoldiersfightbravelyagainsttheblood.61,他同意放弃自己的学业Heagreetogiveuphisstudy.62,他还活着Heisstillalive.63,他不允许我吸烟Hedoesn’tallowmetosmoke.64,656667,68,69,7071,727374,观众热烈地为他鼓掌Theaudienceapplaudforhimheatedly.75,我们应该学会把理论运用到实践中去Weshouldlearntoapplytheorytopractice. 76,我非常感激你的帮忙Iappreciateyourhelp.77,他正在欣赏那幅名画Heisappreciatingthatfamouspainting.78,小偷慢慢靠近了那栋楼Thethiefapproachesthatbuildingslowly.79,我不知道解决这个问题的方法Idon’tknowtheapproachofsolvingtheproblem/Idon’tknowtheapproachtosolvet heproblem.80,他们相互争吵起来Theyarguewitheachother.81,我们应该用知识武装自己Weshouldarmourselveswithknowledge.82,8384,85868788B1,2Ifyouknowmyfamilybackground,pleasestepbackward.3,那个面包师在他的面包店里烤面包Thatbakerisbakingbreadinhisbakery.4,我建议你们去银行开一个银行账户Iadviseyoutoopenabankaccountinthebank. 5,这本书是以我自己真实的经历为基础的Thisbookisbasedonmyownexperience.6,他把自己的棒球球拍放在黑暗的地下室里。



翻译练习翻译练习1. Female students constitute the majority of our class. .(相比之下,他们班全由男生组成)(相比之下,他们班全由男生组成)2.As our time was running out, we drove even faster (希望能够准时赶到机场). 3.(这些问题连续不断地出现)suggests that our plan should be adjusted. 4.In his recently written autobiography, (他把自己的成功归功于父母的鼓励). 5.(我们现在必须唤醒人们认识到环保的重要性),or it would be too late. 6.If he had known this would happen, (他当初也许会以不同方式行事). 7.(只要你一直努力工作),you will recall your past with satisfaction. 8.Every mother is proud of her child and (父亲也一样). 9.No one knows exactly (信息高速路的发展将把我们带往何处). 10.(他刚到家)when it started raining. 11.If I had remembered to close the window, (小偷就不会进来)(小偷就不会进来)12. I’ll never forget (第一次和你见面)(第一次和你见面). 13.Mary rushed into the room, (抱着一个大纸箱). 14.A minute ago the old lady (撕开信封)with great excitement. 15.My washing machine broke down this morning. (我打算明天把它送去修理). 16.The report said that the sample water had too much lead in it, (可能对我们的健康有害). 17.(信已经写完了)by the time you come back. 18.(尽管不富裕),they feel quite satisfied with their standard of living condition. 19.(我以前常去看电影),but I never get the time now. 20.The pictures make (孩子们理解文字更容易)(孩子们理解文字更容易). 21.(既然你们明天才走),we can have dinner together to night. 22. In terms of experience, Mr. Green has the right stuff for the work, (但目前他的健康状况不佳). 23.(地震的破坏非常严重)that the city took decades to recover. 24.The speaker, (以精彩的演讲而闻名), was warmly received by the audience. 25.By the time you get to Greenwich (你会看到伦敦最古老的部分). 26. (那天已经不远了)modern communication becomes widespread in China s countryside. 27. (我以前从没见过任何人)who has the skill John has when it comes to repairing cars. 28.The second book was (完成)by this March, but two months later, the end was still nowhere in sight. 29.He set out again on his journey around the world, (尽管他的朋友们劝他不要去). 30.(学生不喜欢传统课堂的原因之一)is that students are seldom allowed to express their ideas in a traditional classroom. 31.The supermarket sells various kinds of things, (从衣物食品到电脑游戏)(从衣物食品到电脑游戏)32.The new type of machine has been put in service, (让我们年底完成工程成为可能)(让我们年底完成工程成为可能)33. It is true that humans have an extraordinary genius for working wonders, but (污染仍是当前及未来最严重的问题之一)及未来最严重的问题之一)34. It is true that the world faces problems of pollution, but (这个问题可以通过全球的努力加以控制)以控制)35.(在任何一个存在种族歧视的社会里), there will always be tension.36.Some people say that in the next 30 years the population of Antarctica will grow steadily, (印度也同样)(印度也同样)37. Someday, perhaps, (科学家能够准确地预报地震)(科学家能够准确地预报地震)38.(整夜他清醒地躺在床上)worrying about his financial problems.39.It is widely accepted that (社会的整个结构都依赖于相互信任)(社会的整个结构都依赖于相互信任)40. By six thirty every morning, (操场上满是晨练的学生)(操场上满是晨练的学生)41.For some reason, she was not well prepared for the test. But (她是个诚实的女孩),she would not cheat on an exam. 42.(无论你怎样看他),there is no reason to suspect him of doing this deliberately. 43.You have neglected your work for too long and (你不可能在一周内赶上来). 44.(位于伦敦西北),Oxford University is noted far and wide for its academic excellence. 45.This medical research (目的在于找出治疗遗传性血液病的新方法)(目的在于找出治疗遗传性血液病的新方法)because the drugs now in use cannot cure these complicated diseases. 46.(当被问及对这次试题的感觉), nearly all students in this class said it was too difficult. 47.During 47.During her her her school school school days, days, (她经常学习到很晚)because because she she she wanted wanted wanted to to to be be be qualified qualified qualified for for for the the scholarship. 48. A mature man is one (善于把失败转化为成功). 49.The little girl was alert to every sound in the house (因为她被那部恐怖电影吓倒了). 50.Some construction workers (偶然发现一些古币)(偶然发现一些古币)that were made in the 9th century. 1.【答案】By By contrast, contrast, contrast, their their their class class class is is is made made made up up up of of of male male male students students students only.only.或By By contrast, contrast, contrast, only only only male male students constitute their class. 【解析】本题的主要考点在于固定搭配。





It depands on the circumstances.2.这种情况必须改变。

This state of affairs must be changed.3.他们的情况怎么样?How is the situation about them?How do matters stand with them?4.他把全部的书籍都献给了图书馆.They contributed\presented all of their books to the liberary.5.教师应当献身于教育事业。

A teacher should devote himself to educational business.6.连续下了三天大雨。

It settled in to rain and lasts for three days.It rains dogs and cats for three days.7.他爱说大话。

He loves talking big.8.他们在给教室大扫除。

They are giving the classroom a great cleaning.9.像他这样的人大有人在。

A person like him is not absolutely rare.10.根据你的建议,我们应该办大厂了。

We should go in for industry in a big way in accordance with your suggestion.11.如果你那样干,你大错特错了。

If you do it like that,you will be completely wrong.12.我不断参阅论述那些问题的著作。

I have constantly referred to works dealing with those subjects.13.一路上没出什么问题。




(1)She shook his hand and went upstairs.(2)Mary writes a good hand.(3)His hand is out.(4)My hands are tied.(5)The hands of a clock tell the time.(6)The company was short of hands.(7)We have the situation well in hand.(8)I had no hand in the matter.(9)Give me a hand.(10)They give the film star a big hand.2. Translate the following sentences:1)The invention of machinery had brought the world into a new era—the Industrial Age. Money had become King.2)Because they know where they’ve come from, they know where they’re at, and they know where they’re going.3)Hitler pursued an aggressive policy after he seized power.4)I’m afraid she’s too fa r from the cradle for you.5)I was not one to let my heart rule my head.6)There is no living in the island.7)He wanted to go to sea.8)Don’t tell him home truth.3.翻译练习:名词──动词•1) After the accomplishment of the present task, there will follow a more arduous one.•2) His weariness determined him to sit down in the first convenient shade.•3) I am so grateful to my father for his continuous encouragement during my childhood.•4) He urged upon citizens of the country the necessity of persisting in participation in political controversies.•5) A glance through his office window offers a panoramic view of the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial.•6) A view of Mt. Fuji can be obtained here.•7) Every morning she would go to the lake area for a walk.•8) I am afraid I can't teach you swimming. I think my little brother is a better teacher than I.•9) She had high praise for Dr. Higpan, although she complained about his strictness. 4. Translate the following sentences into Chinese:• 1. The landing was designed to cut the peninsula in two.• 2. They signed two agreements that served to warm up the atmosphere of their relations.• 3. His image as a good student was badly tarnished.• 4. He had deep sympathy for the insulted and the injured.• 5. Hospitals are getting more efficient these days.5.增译练习•(1)What about calling him right away?•(2)If only I could see the realization of the four modernizations.•(3) Indeed, the reverse is true.•(4) 就是法西斯国家本国的人民也被剥夺了人权。



【文化常识】“太后”及其他。自从秦朝起,天子称“皇帝”,皇帝的妻子称“皇后”。 “太 后”(或皇太后)指皇帝的母亲(周朝诸侯王的母亲也称“太后”),皇帝的父亲称 “太 上皇”。皇帝的祖母称“太皇太后”,皇帝的祖父叫“太上太皇”。“太”有至高至 大的意 思,因此皇帝的医生叫“太医”,皇帝的老师叫“太师”,皇帝的祖庙叫“太庙”。 【思考与练习】 1、解释:①诏 ②奇 2、翻译:①琼思其对而未知所况 ②即以其言应诏 3、选择:“琼以状闻”有以下理解,哪一项是不正确的? ①黄琼因此听说了这情况;②黄琼把这情况报告皇上;③黄琼把这情况让皇上听到。
【注释】①田氏:齐国姓田的(贵族)。②祖:古人出远门设宴祭路神叫 “祖”。 ③非相为而生:不是为了对方的生存而生存的。④蚋:一种吸血的小虫。⑤囋: 叮咬。 【文化常识】食客。春秋战国时期凭一技之长投靠贵族的人叫“食客”。权贵 人 家为了网罗人才及显示实力,多的有食客三千,少的也有数百。在食客中有的 善出谋划策,有的善外交辞令,那些擅长于偷鸡摸狗的有时也能成为食客。食 客中凭才能大小区分等级。 【思考与练习】 1、解释:①和 ②亦 ③并 ④类 2、翻译:①天之于民厚矣 ②不如君言 ③徒以小大智力而相制
洛阳有僧,房中有罄,日夜辄自鸣。僧以为怪,惧而成疾。求术士百方禁之,终 不能已。绍夔与僧善,来问疾,僧俱以告,俄,击斋钟,罄复作声。绍夔笑曰: “明日可设盛馔,当为除之。”僧虽不信绍夔言,然冀其有效,乃具馔以待之。 夔 食讫,出怀中锉,锉罄数处,其响遂绝。僧苦问其所以,绍夔云:“此罄与钟律 合,击彼此应。”僧大喜,其疾亦愈。
③比 ②不徒言也
④四海 ③却思少小时行事,大觉非也
粤中庄有恭,幼有神童之誉。家邻镇粤将军署,时为放风筝之戏,适落于将军署之内宅,庄直入 索取。诸役以其幼而忽之,未及阻其前进。将军方与客对弈,见其神格非凡,遽诘之曰:“童子 何来?”庄以实对。将军曰:“汝曾读书否?曾属对否?”庄曰:“对,小事耳,何难之有!” 将军 曰:“能对几字?”庄曰:“一字能对,一百字亦能之。”将军以其言大而夸也,因指厅事所张 画幅 而命之对曰“旧画一堂,龙不吟,虎不啸,花不闻香鸟不叫,见此小子可笑可笑。”庄曰:“即 此 间一局棋,便可对矣。”应声云:“残棋半局,车无轮,马无鞍,炮无烟火卒无粮,喝声将军提 防 提防。” 【注释】①粤中:今广东番禺市。②庄有恭:清朝人,官至刑部尚书。③神格:神态与气质。④ 曾属对否:曾经学过对对子吗?⑤厅事:指大堂。 【文化常识】象棋。围棋与象棋是中国的两大棋类活动。多数专家认为,先有围棋后有象棋。 “象棋”一词最早出现在《楚辞· 招魂》中,自秦汉至唐初,象棋中只有将、车、马、卒四个兵 种。 唐时加了“炮”,到北宋时加了“偏”、“禅”,相当于“士”、“象”。至北宋末南宋初,中 国象棋才真 正定型:一副象棋32枚子,分将、士、象、兵、不能直接用来修饰动词的,但上 文“以史事余”中的“兄”,它属名词,直接修饰动词“事”,这“兄”就是名 词作状 语用(或称之名词活用为副词)。这句话的意思是崔景偁用对待兄长的态度侍 奉我。又,《狼》:“一狼犬坐于前。”“犬坐”要理解为像狗一样坐着,“犬” 也 是名词作状语用。又,“车载之而行”,意为用车载着他前往,“车”同样是名 词 作状语。 【思考与练习】



Exercise 1 Correct mistakes in the following E-C translation (改正误译):1.He said that no one could beat him at tennis, but he had to eat his word after losing several games.原译:他说打网球谁也不能打败他,但输了几局之后,他不得不食言了。


(to eat one’s w ord: to retract what one has said; to admit that what one has said is not correct.)2.I bought a tape-recorder for a song.原译:我买了一台录音机来听唱歌。


(for a song: for a very small price, very cheaply)3.His uncle always remembers him on his birthday.原译:他叔叔总是记得他的生日。


(Here “remember” means to make a present to,; give money or present to.)4.My dogs are killing me.原译:我的狗要咬死我了。


(dogs here means feet)5.The parents left their children feeling very depressed.原译:家长离开了他们的孩子,感到很沮丧。


6.I appreciate this oil paining much more now that you have explained it to me.原译:现在我更欣赏这幅油画了。



高考英语中译英测验11. 这位科学家终日废寝忘食地埋首于研究。

(absorb)2. 商店的商品琳琅满目,让我们眼花缭乱。

(accustomed)3. 在旧社会,出身贫寒的人很少有受教育的机会。

(access)高考英语中译英测验21. 看到她在音乐会上的精彩演出,我们惊讶不已。

(amaze)2. 他为自己食言而感到羞愧不已。

(ashamed)3. 出乎意料的是,他对我们采取友善的态度。

(attitude)4. 如果你能帮我学习英语我将不胜感激。

(appreciate)高考英语中译英测验31. 做志愿者的经历让我受益匪浅。

(benefit)2. 无论你到何处,都要牢记在心:入国问禁,入乡随俗。

(bear)3. 显而易见,这个国家的人每时每刻都可喝到新鲜牛奶。

(available)4. 这部历史小说引人入胜,我简直爱不释手。

(bear)高考英语中译英测验1. 听到那一激动人心的消息,我情不自禁地大哭起来。

(burst)2. 她的计划听上去很好,可是我们实施起来将困难重重。

(carry)3. 这位作家专心致志于写作,以致忘了自己重病在身。

(bury)4. 警方正在竭尽全力查明火灾的导因。

(cause)5. 除了等待进一步通知,我们别无他法。

(but)6. 大家都束手无策,最后还是彼得想出了个主意。

(come)7. 当时,那位出租车司机别无选择,只能求助于游客。

(choice)8. 如果你不将理论与实践结合起来,你的研究将毫无用处。

(combine)9. 希望这里的志愿者都要精通英语。

(command)10. 这次歌咏比赛给了我一次千载难逢的机会挑战自我。

(chance)11. 就是在那家超市我和过去的班主任不期而遇。

(come)12. 他选择勇敢面对失败,而不是自暴自弃。

(choose)1. 即便周围响声很大,他也能集中精力看书。

(concentrate)2. 看到银装素裹的群山,孩子们欣喜若狂。

(cover)3. 认为现在的年轻人样样都好或者一无是处都是错误的。



Translation Exercise(1) Name:Group:Part 1:Translate the English into Chinese(1)When …hot‟ isn‟t enough趣说英语“热”文化:怎一个Hot了得?导读:今年夏天,全球热浪不断。

人们见面的话题往往三句不离―热‖,而英文中又有哪些关于―热‖的有趣表达呢,下面就让我们来聊聊英文中的Hot文化吧!Britons love talking about the weather, and with Europe caught in the midst of a heat wave there’s plenty for them to get excited about. (1)Many parts of China have also been struggling with record-breaking temperatures this hot summer.英国人喜欢谈论天气,今夏,热浪席卷欧洲,他们更是有的聊了。

(1)But beside from a simple ―hot‖, what other ways are there to describe the summer heat? Apart from phrases like ―piping hot‖, ―sweltering heat‖ and ―scorching sun‖, there are many interesting expressions that relate to unbearably hot weather and offer a glimpse into foreign culture. 而英文中,除了一个简单的―hot‖,还有什么哪些形容炎炎夏日的表达方式呢?除了像―piping hot‖(滚烫的)、―sweltering heat‖(酷热难耐)、―scorching sun‖(烈日炎炎),英文中还有许多有关―酷热难耐‖的有趣表达,从中我们也可以了解到一些外国文化。



翻译练习册英译汉练习I.Sentences for TranslationDiction1. Needing some light to see by, the burglar crossed the room with a light step to light the light with the light green shade. 夜贼需要一点亮光来辨识四周,于是轻步穿过房间,去点亮带有浅绿色灯罩的灯。

2. " I got on horseback within ten minutes after I got your letter. When I got to Canterbury, I got a chaise for town, but I got wet through, and have got such a cold that I shall not get rid of it in a hurry. I got to the Treasury about noon, but first of all got shaved and dressed. I soon got into the secret of getting a memorial before the Board, but I could not get an answer then; however I got intelligence from a messenger that I should get one next morning..."“接来函后,不到10分钟,我骑马动身了。








(make a list)I like to make a list of the books I want to buy before I go to the bookstore.2.他到了机场才想起他把机票忘记在家里了。

(occur)It didn’t occur to him that he had left the ticket at home until he got to the airport.3.我认为互相抱怨是没有用的,重要的是,我们应该共同努力。

(complain)I don’t think there is any point in complaining to each other; what matters is that we should make joint efforts.4.新建的图书馆年底以前向师生开放。

(be open to)The newly-built library will be open to the by the end of the year.5.当人们遇到困境时,志愿人员就会立即去救助他们。

(go to one’s rescue) When people are in trouble, the volunteers will go to their rescue immediately.6.超市里有各种各样的商品供顾客挑选。

(choose)There are all kinds of goods for customers to choose from in the supermarket.7.在申博成功以后,上海市民必须提高自身素质。

(win the bid for the 2010 Expo citizen) After Shanghai wins the bid for the 2010 Expo, the citizens of Shanghai must raise their qualities.8.我们应该时刻把人民的利益放在心上。


atte 4.att 4.attempts to escape being fined 【超级单词】 超级单词】 escape 后面要接动名词形式。 后面要接动名词形式。 搭配, 常与介词 from 搭配,如 He has escaped from the fire. 5.caught /found him cheating me 超级句型】find/catch+宾语 宾补, 宾语+ 【超级句型】find/catch+宾语+宾补,如 I found him standing by the river.
答案及解析: 答案及解析: 1.keeping class. 1.keeping up with the rest of the class. 超级句型】 可以用在句型"have 【超级句型】trouble 可以用在句型"have trouble/difficulty trouble/difficulty in doing sth. " 做某事 有困难" 这时, 有困难"中, 这时, trouble 可以用 difficulty 来代替。 来代替。 超级短语】 意为“ 【超级短语】keep up with 意为“跟 ……”,指并肩前进,并驾齐驱, 上……”,指并肩前进,并驾齐驱,不至落 掉队。 意为“赶上” 后、掉队。catch up with 意为“赶上”,指 从后边追上或改变落后状。; 。;keep 从后边追上或改变落后状。;keep pace with 2.delaying making 【超级单词】mind 作及物动词,后面通常 超级单词】 作及物动词, 接名词、代词、 形式、复合结构、 接名词、代词、V-ing 形式、复合结构、从
无论何时, 「超级单词」whenever 无论何时, 随 超级单词」 时 n.只要,这个好像不怎么难~呵 n.只要,这个好像不怎么难~ 只要



1 翻译练习一英译汉一、将下列句子译成汉语1. Its more a poem than a picture. 2. He drank himself out of the best lines. 3. He pretends to be as modest as anything. 4. Fire goes wherever it can but it prefers to follow a draft. 5. The room was easily traced by the noise that was coming from it. 6. Taking care to pitch my voice to politeness I asked about the next bus to Hattiesburg. 7. If you feel depressed at a social gathering keep it a secret. 8. The bacteria pneumonia may complicate influenza at both extremes of age. 9. He wants a lawyer who understands his case who sympathizes with him and who has been there himself. 10. World-famous for his works he was never personally well known for throughout his life he avoided publicity. 11. She couldnt have come at a better time.12. She has been a widow only six months. 13. I believe the speech was needlessly stubborn. 14. The Macedonian argument has a Greek dimension too. 15. The Englishman feels no less deeply than any other nationality. 16. From a physical standpoint there ought to be as many colours as there are different wave lengths. 2 17. But the next century well be able to alter our DNA radically encoding our visions and vanities while concocting new life-forms. 18. As a human being we should demonstrate our intellectual and moral superiority by respecting others for who they are -- instead of rejecting them forwho/what they are not. 19. He who idles away the time is nothing but a living death. 20. No greater misfortune befalls a country than to be governed by a tyrant. 21. He had a disconcerting habit of expressing contradictory ideas in rapid succession. 22. The expectation of collision informed British frontier policy in this period. 23. Every day now the suppression of truth and the organizing of public ignorance shame journalism. 24. I walked to the ticket counter. When the ticket-seller saw me her otherwise attractive face turned sour violently so. 25. Accident may put a decisive blunderer in the right but eternal defeat and miscarriage must attend the man of the best parts if cursed with indecision. 26. In their rush these companies have neglected the hardest part of doing business in China: the people part. The result is that many have jeopardized their performance in the long run. 27. Let it deceive them then a little longer it can not deceive them too much. 28. We shall never get anywhere with all the criticism and fault finding. I 3 believe in the principle quotLive and let livequot. 29. He said that no one could beat him at tennis but he had to eat his word after losing several games. 30. I had read too many novels and had learned too much at school not to know a good deal about love. 31. In fact one office-system expert recently said that he had yet to encounter a business work place that was functioning at more than 60 percent efficiency. 32. Nobody with any sense expects to find the whole truth in advertisement any more than he expects a man applying for a job to describe his shortcomings and serious faults. 33. There is probably no better way for a foreigner or an Englishman to appreciate the richness and variety of the English language than by studying the various ways in which Shakespeare used it. 34. We are human and human beings are far from perfect. To be human implies that we will make mistakes. But its more than that we feel human. We now feel entitled. 35. She showered us with telegrams. 36. Your comment is more bravely made than correct. 37. The man more dead than alive was brought in and locked in the cellar. 38. Civility is not a sign of weakness and sincerity is always subject to proof. 39. There was something original independent and heroic about the plan that pleased all of them. 4 40. It was a dry cold hand and the grip was severe with more a feeling of bones in it than friendliness. 二、将下列语段译成汉语1. Transplant surgeons work miracles. They take organs from one body and integrate them into another granting the lucky recipient a longer better life.Sadly every year thousands of other people are less fortunate dying while they wait for suitable organs to be found. The terrible constraint on organ transplantation is that every life extended depends on the death of someone young enough and healthy enough to have organs worth transplanting. Such donors are few. The waiting lists are long and getting longer. 2. Freedom from this constraint is the dream of every transplant surgeon. So far attempts to make artificial organs have been disappointing: nature is hard to mimic. Hence the renewed interest in trying to use organs from animals. 3. Doctors in India have just announced that they have successfully transplanted a heart from a pig into a person. Pressure to increase the number of such xenotransplants异种器官移植seems to be growing. In Europe and America herds of pigs are being specially bred and genetically engineered for organ donation. During 1996 at least two big 5 reports on the subject -- one in Europe and one in America -- were published. They agreed that xenotransplants were permissible on ethical groundsand cautiously recommended that they be allowed. Americas Food and Drug Administration has already published draft guidelines for xenotransplantation. 4. The ethics of xenotransplantation are relatively unworrying. People already kill pigs both for food and for sport killing them to save a human life seems if anything easier to justify. However the science of xenotransplantation is much less straightforward. 5. Ill never forget the feeling I got one winter night as I walked the deserted streets after many grueling hours at the hospital. I suddenly realized that I no longer felt tense or tired. All the worries about my patients illnesses as well as my own personal cares seemed to evaporate as quickly as the smoky vapor of my breath in the frosty night. As I incorporated walking into my schedule not only were my spirits lifted but my weight and blood pressure were gradually reduced. I began reviewing the medical literature on walking. From this research and my clinical observations as a family physician I found that it is possible to walk your way to better health a trimmer body and a longer life -- no matter what your age. 6 翻译练习一英译汉参考答案一、将下列句子译成汉语 1. 与其说那是一幅画不如说那是一首诗。



• 3. 这一定位的基础是认为未 来20年全球汽车消费主要在亚 年全球汽车消费主要在亚 洲。 • This planning is based on the belief that Asia will become the leading auto market of the world in the next 20 years. • 4.绝对不允许违反这个原则。 绝对不允许违反这个原则。 绝对不允许违反这个原则 • No violation of this principle can be tolerated.
• • • • • • • •
雄心壮志 Ambition 长期不懈的努力 Unremitting efforts 完美无缺 Perfect 深仇大恨 Deep hatred
翻译策略之三:换个角度( 翻译策略之三:换个角度(正反 正说反译 翻译) 翻译)
• He is the last man to give up the experiment halfway. 他绝不会中途放弃实验。 2. Fancy meeting so many friends here! 真没想到在这里遇见这么多朋友! 3. It is more than ten years since she was a teacher. 她不当老师已有十多年了。 4. He ought to know better than to go out without an overcoat on such a cold day. 他不应该糊涂到这样的冷天出去不穿大衣。
6. Too much exposure to TV programs will do great harm to the eyesight of children. (名词 名词——动词 动词) 名词 动词 7. Thanks to the introduction of our reform and opening policy, our comprehensive national strength has greatly improved. (动词 (动词 动词——名词) 名词) 名词 8. 我完全赞成你的意见。(动词 介词) 我完全赞成你的意见。(动词—介词 赞成你的意见。(动词 介词) 9. 改革开放政策受到了全中国人民的拥护。 改革开放政策受到了全中国人民的拥护 拥护。 名词——动词) 动词) (名词 动词 10. In his article the author is critical of man’s negligence toward his environment. 形容词——名词) 名词) (形容词 名词



My father was a middle-class black. Though he was born poor, he achieved middle-class standing through much hard work and sacrifice (one of his favorite words) and by identifying fully with solid middle-class values—mainly hard work, family life, property ownership, and education for his children (all four of whom have advanced degrees). In his mind these were not so much values as laws of nature. People who embodied them made up the positive images in his class identification. The negative images came largely from the blacks he had left behind because they were “going nowhere.”我父亲是一名中产阶级黑人。




Whether I live up to these values or not, I know that my acceptance of them is the result of lifelong conditioning. I know also that I share this conditioning with middle-class people of all races and that I can no more easily be free of it than I canbe free of my race. For the middle-class black, conditioned by these values from birth, the sense of meaning they provide is as immutable as the color of his skin.无论我自己是否践行这些价值观念,可是我知道我对它们的接受是长期熏陶教育的结果。



英语基础翻译练习(一)1.It could be argued that the radio performs this service as well, but on television everything is much more living, much more real.可能有人会指出, 无线电广播同样也能做到这一点, 但还是电视屏幕上的节目要生动、真实得多。

2.Television, it is often said, keeps one informed about current events, allows one to follow the latest developments in science and politics, and offers an endless series of programmes which are both instructive and entertaining.人们常说, 电视使人了解时事, 熟悉政治领域的最新发展变化, 并能源源不断地为观众提供各种既有教育意义又有趣的节目。

3.It is generally accepted that the experiences of the child in his first years largely determine his character and later personality.人们普遍认为,孩子们的早年经历在很大程度上决定了他们的性格及其未来的人品。

另外, 下列的结构也可以通过这一手段翻译:It is asserted that …有人主张……It is believed that …有人认为……It is generally considered that …大家(一般人)认为It is well known that …大家知道(众所周知)……It will be said …有人会说……It was told that …有人曾经说……4.A right kind of fuel is needed for an atomic reactor.原子反应堆需要一种合适的燃料。




)1.The Labor party’s electoral strategy, which was based ona tacticalalliance with other small parties, has proved successful.2.By a stroke of good luck, Genelle, who had been buried in the rubblefor more than 26 hours, came out alive.3.After a three-day siege by the police, the terrorists who had seized therestaurants had to give in.4.The problems of past few months have taken their toll on her healthand there are shadows beneath her eyes.5.Workers who have to work on weekends are paid twice the normalwages. In the case of national holidays, they get triple pay.6.The government troops recaptured the city from the rebels at the costof two thousands casualties.7.Productions in many factories has been brought to a halt by thedelayed arrival of raw materials due to the dock worker’s strike.8.Despite fierce opposition, the government is pressing on with itscampaign to eliminate corruption.9.If you let yourself bogged down in paper work, you’ll never find timeto deal with the really important issues.10.T he rapid advance in gene therapy may lead to the conquest of cancerin the near future.11.O bviously the reporter’s question caught the foreign minister offguard.12.H e launched a new enterprise after obtaining his doctoral degree.13.D uring the Japanese occupation of China, millions of innocentChinese people were killed by Japanese soldiers.14.S he got a grade of A minus in English. (plus)15.A good teacher should instruct as well as teach.16.T he news rendered her speechless.17.I n January 1944, a Soviet offensive raised the siege of Leningrad.18.S he is certainly a woman to be reckoned with.19.I f you are engaged in local politics, you cannot expect to have muchtime for your family.20.A cid rain has a devastating effect on the forest.21.H is rivals are biding their time for an attack on his policies.22.L ack of vocabulary will stand in the way of passing CET Band four.23.H itler’s military might was unequaled.24.N apoleon soon realized he could not feed, clothe, and quarter hisarmy in Moscow during the winter.25.T he invasion had three broad thrusts: against Leningradand Moscowand through the Ukraine.。



You‟ve won nothing yet:Campo laughs off England World Cup hopes你还没赢过什么:坎普取笑英格兰的世界杯之梦David Campese has told the England rugby team they must win the World Cup before he rates them the best in the business.大卫·坎皮斯对英格兰橄榄球队说,如果他们不赢得世界杯,他绝不会将他们列入优秀球队之流。

The serial Pom-basher was in London last night to have his “outstanding achievement” in Rugby Union honored by the British Parliament.电视节目《狼牙棒》播出了他昨晚在伦敦英式橄榄球联盟接受英国议会颁予“突出贡献奖”的一幕。

He admitted he felt very strange to be lauded by a country whose rugby team he has spent a lifetime rubbishing.他表示感到莫名其妙,因为他耗尽了所有的精力也没把他的烂泥橄榄球队扶上墙还居然能获得一个国家的赞扬。

But he insisted nothing will change until England prove themselves on the global stage.虽然获得了赞誉,但他仍然坚持除非英格兰队能赢得奖项向全世界证明自己的实力,不然他是不会改变他的看法。

“If England win the World Cup they will deserve it,” he said.他说:“如果英格兰队能够赢得世界杯,他们才算名副其实。




(certain)It is certain that cutting down a large number of trees and using insecticide will disturb the balance of nature.2.每个人都应该知道如何遵守交通规则,这样就可以避免很多交通事故。

(avoid)Everybody should know how to obey the traffic rules, and thus many traffic accidents can be avoided.3.在被允许进入之前,她已经在门外站了整整一个小时。

(before)She had been standing out of the room for an hour before she was admitted.4.在考试时,你越仔细越仔细。

(can’t…too)You can’t be too careful when doing a test.5.集邮是他的嗜好,它几乎占据了他所有的业余时间。

(occupy)Stamp collecting, which is his hobby, occupies almost all his spare time.6.多吃点水果,那么你就不用担心缺少维生素。

(lack)Eat more fruit and you won’t be worried about lack of vitamins.7.一个人被恶梦和睡眠问题所烦扰是常见的事。

(trouble)It is common that one is troubled by terrible dream or sleep proble8.与其他人相比,他更适合这项工作。

( fit )Compared with others, he was much fitter for the job.9.我们现在所居住的城市过去曾经是一个小村庄。

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《翻译理论与实践》练习一Part I Multiple Choice(1)The problem of how human speech began is one which men will never stop exploring.A.人类从来不会停止寻找人类语言是怎么起源的。




(2)Whether we like it or not, all of our fortunes are tied together.A.不管我们喜欢与否,我们的利益是相连的。




(3)The introduction of the new technique reduced the cost of the product by two-thirds.A.对新技术的介绍,使产品的成本减少到原来成本的三分之一。




(4)Peace and development are the main themes(主题)of the times, an era full of both hope and challenges.A.和平与发展是充满了时代希望和挑战的主题。




(5)Full-service banks can offer services unavailable at smaller financial institutions.A.全面服务的银行能提供在小财政机构所不能获得的服务。




(6)Bicycles were cheaper to purchase and operate than horses, which had to be fed and housed.A.购置和使用自行车比既要喂养又要为其配备马厩的马便宜得多。




(7)I went to a department store upon my arrival in Japan and the price of fruit shocked me.A.我到达日本后,立即失去了一家百货商店,那里的水果价格使我感到震惊。




(8)If you are buying a car, you may pay for it with your savings.A.假使你正在买一辆汽车,你也许会透支购买。




Part ⅡShort Sentence Translation9. I had never thought I’d be happy to find myself considered unimportant. But this time I was.10. The sky is clear blue now the sun has flung diamonds down on meadows and banks and woods.11. I wish I could also speak Chinese. The language is so expressive and so compact that I could speak moresuccinctly, but unfortunately I am not cultured enough.12. Making preparations for the oceangoing voyage, the sailors have stored in their ship a large quantity of dailynecessities such as fresh water, vegetables, fruits, frozen poultry and salt horse.13. The climactic conference approved a draft of the treaty that is expected to go to the member states forratification next year.14. If people do not eat enough eggs, liver, or green leafy vegetables, they may go blind through lack of vitaminA.15. It is necessary first to convert the chemical energy into heat by combustion for the purpose that useful workfrom the chemical energy stored in fuels might be produced.16. Despite the privation, and the mounting toll of dead and wounded, however, morale remained intact, andpeople still smiled in the street.17. Without the gas pipelines, the movement of large volumes of gases over great distances would be aneconomic impossibility.18. Some of them were already planning to staff a Humphrey Administration in the event the Democraticcandidate won an election.19. A glance through his office window offers a panoramic view of the Washington Monument and the LincolnMemorial.20. One after another, speakers called for the downfall of imperialism, abolition of exploitation of man by man,liberation of the oppressed of the world.21. He has been at sea for many years, so he’s an old salt.22.He once again imparted to us his great knowledge, experience and wisdom.23.The story about him became smaller and by and by faded out from the American television.24. Such drizzle can not stop me from walking home without an umbrella. I’m not made of salt.《翻译理论与实践》练习一答案Part I Multiple Choice (30%) (This part includes 15 items, 2 points for each item, totaling 30Part II Short Sentence Translation (30%) (This part includes 15 items, 2 points for each item, totaling 30 points.)9. I had never thought I’d be happy to find myself considered unimportant. But this time I was.译文:以往我从未想过,当我发觉人们认为我是无足轻重时,我会感到高兴。


10. The sky is clear blue now the sun has flung diamonds down on meadows and banks and woods.译文:此时已是万里蓝天,太阳把颗颗光彩夺目的钻石洒向草原,洒向河岸,洒向树林。

11. I wish I could also speak Chinese. The language is so expressive and so compact that I could speak moresuccinctly, but unfortunately I am not cultured enough.译文:要是我也能讲中国话就好了。




12. Making preparations for the oceangoing voyage, the sailors have stored in their ship a large quantity of dailynecessities such as fresh water, vegetables, fruits, frozen poultry and salt horse.译文:为准备这次远洋航行,船员们储备了大量的生活必需品,如淡水、蔬菜、水果、冷冻禽肉以及腌制牛肉等。
