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40. 41. advise sb. to do can/can 'tafford sth./ to do abandon sb. to sth. 42. be afraid of have the/an ability to do sth. 43. be afraid to do be able/unable to do sth. 44. be after what/how about


again and again

in one 's absence/ in the absence of

46. be against


for ages be absent from 48. under the age of absent-minded 49. travel agency be absorbed in 50. agree to have access to 51.

agree with

be accessible to sb. 52. agree on

by accident/ chance 53.

agree to do according to


reach an agreement take …into account 55. ahead of on account of 56. go ahead

on no account 57. come/go/run to one 's aid

account for 58. first aids

accuse sb. of

be/get accustomed to 59. aim at/to do make great achievements in 60. on the air act as 61. by air act on/upon 62. all over take action 63. in all be active in

64. at all take an active part in 65. above all adapt … to … 66. after all add …to … 67. first of all add up 68. all in all add up to 69. for all in addition 70. allow doing in addition to 71. allow sb. to do adjust...to... 72. leave...alone admire sb. for 73. along with

admit … to/into … 74. be amazed at/to do/that admit doing/having done 75. a large/small amount of in advance

76. and so on

take (full) advantage of 77. be angry at/to do/that advertise for 78. be annoyed at sth./with sb. take/follow one

's advice

79. answer (n.) to the question


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39.

advise doing 80. answer for

81. be anxious about 124. associate ... with ...

82. be anxious for/to do/that 125. assure sb. that/of sth.

83. anything but 126. be astonished at/to do/that

84. nothing but 127. attach...to...

85. apart from 128. attempt to do

86. apologize to sb. for 129. make an attempt

87. make an apology to sb. for 130. attend to

88. appeal to 131. pay attention to

89. It appears that 132. draw one's attention to

90. appear to do 133. attitude to/towards

91. have no appetite for sth. 134. attract sb. to

92. apply to ... for... 135. tourist attractioa large/small

93. apply... to... audience

94. make an appointment with sb. 136. be available to sb.

95. appreciate doing 137. on average

96. I would appreciate it if you 138. avoid doing

could/would 139. wide awake

97. approach (n.) to sth. 140. award sb. for

98. approve of 141. be (fully/well) aware of

99. argue with sb. about/over sth/that

100. arise from 142. away from

101. arm in arm


102. in arms

103. arrange for ... to do 1. baby-sitter

104. make arrangements for 2. back up

105. under arrest 3. at the back of

106. on one's arrival at/in sp. 4. behind one 's back

107. arrive at 5. be bad for

108. arrive in 6. keep the balance of

109. as... as... 7. lose/upset/disturb/destroy the 110. not as/so... as... balance of

111. just as 8. ban...from doing

112. as for 9. snack bar

113. as to 10. the barber 's

114. as if/though 11. barely...when...

115. be ashamed of/to do/that 12. barrier to

116. ask about 13. base...on...

117. ask for 14. on the basis of

118. ask after 15. have/take a bath

119. fall asleep 16. bathing suit

120. fast/sound asleep 17. be about to do

121. in all aspects 18. be going to do

122. assign sb. to do 19. be to do
