消化系统的解剖单词 改
消化系统的解剖单词1.消化系统alimentary system2.消化管alimentary canal3.消化腺alimentary gland4.口腔oral cavity5.口腔前庭oral vestibule6.固有口腔oral cavity proper7.口唇oral lips8.人中philtrum9.鼻唇沟nasolabial sucus10.牙龈gingiva11.颊check12.硬腭hard palate13.软腭soft palate14.腭帆velum of palatinum15.腭垂uvula16.腭舌弓palatoglossal arch17.腭咽弓palatopharyngeal arch18.咽峡isthmus of fauces19.牙齿teeth20.上牙弓upper dental arch21.下牙弓lower dental arch22.牙腔dental cavity23.髓腔pulp cavity24.乳牙deciduous teeth25.恒牙permanent teeth26.智牙wisdom tooth27.舌tongue28.舌乳头papillae tongue29.腮腺parotid gland30.下颌下腺submandibular gland31.舌下腺sublingual gland32.咽pharynx33.鼻咽nasopharynx34.咽扁桃体pharyngeal tonsil35.咽鼓管咽口pharyngeal openning ofauditory tube36.咽鼓管圆枕tubal torus37.咽鼓管扁桃体tubal tonsil 38.咽隐窝pharyngeal recess39.口咽oropharynx40.腭扁桃体palatine tonsil41.扁桃体隐窝tonsillar crypts42.扁桃体小窝tonsillar fossulae43.喉咽laryngopharynx44.梨状隐窝piriform recess45.食管esophagus46.胃stomach47.贲门cardia48.幽门pylorus49.胃小弯lesser curvature of stomach50.胃大弯greater curvature of stomach51.胃小凹gastric pit52.幽门括约肌pyloric sphincter53.小肠small intestine54.十二指肠duodenum55.十二指肠悬韧带suspensory ligamentof duodenum56.空肠jejunum57.回肠ilium58.孤立淋巴滤泡solitary lymphaticfollicles59.集合淋巴滤泡aggregated lymphaticfollicles60.大肠large intestine61.结肠袋haustra of colon62.结肠带colic bands63.盲肠cecum64.回盲瓣ileocecal valve65.阑尾vermiform appendix66.结肠colon67.升结肠ascending colon68.横结肠transverse colon69.降结肠descending colon70.乙状结肠sigmoid colon71.直肠rectum72.直肠骶曲sacral flexure of rectum73.直肠会阴曲perineal flexure of rectum74.直肠壶腹ampulla of rectum75.肛管anal canal76.肛柱anal columns77.肛瓣anal valves78.肛窦anal sinuses79.肛直肠线anorectal line80.齿状线dentate line81.肛梳anal pecten82.白线white line83.肛门anus84.肛门括约肌sphincter ani internus85.肛门外括约肌sphincter ani externus86.肝liver87.膈面diaphragmatic surface88.裸面bare area89.肝左叶left lobe90.肝右叶right lobe91.脏面visceral surface92.肝门porta hepatis93.肝蒂hepatic pedicle94.肝圆韧带裂fissure for ligamentum tereshepatis95.静脉韧带裂fissure for ligamentumvenosum96.胆囊窝fossa for gallbladder97.腔静脉沟sulcus for vena cava98.肝裂hepatic fissure99.右叶间裂right interlobar fissure100.左叶间裂left interlobar fissure101.肝总管common hepatic duct102.胆囊gallbladder103.胆囊管cystic duct104.胆总管common bile duct105.肝胰壶腹hepatopancreatic ampulla 106.肝胰壶腹括约肌sphicter of hepatopancreatic ampulla107.胰pancreas108.胰头head of pancreas109.胰管pancreatic duct。
1. esophagus [iːˈsɒfəɡəs](名词,食管)2. stomach [ˈstʌmək](名词,胃)- gastric [ˈɡæstrɪk](形容词,胃的,例如:gastric juice 胃液)3. intestine [ɪnˈtestɪn](名词,肠)- small intestine [smɔːl ɪnˈtestɪn](名词短语,小肠)- large intestine [lɑːdʒɪnˈtestɪn](名词短语,大肠)- intestinal [ɪnˈtestɪnl](形容词,肠的)4. liver [ˈlɪvə(r)](名词,肝脏)- hepatic [hɪˈpætɪk](形容词,肝的,例如:hepatic artery 肝动脉)5. gallbladder [ˈɡɔːlˌblædə(r)](名词,胆囊)6. pancreas [ˈpæŋkriəs](名词,胰腺)- pancreatic [ˌpæŋkriˈætɪk](形容词,胰腺的,例如:pancreatic juice 胰液)二、消化系统疾病相关词汇。
1. ulcer [ˈʌlsə(r)](名词,溃疡)- gastric ulcer [ˈɡæstrɪk ˈʌlsə(r)](名词短语,胃溃疡)- duodenal ulcer [ˌdjuːəˈdiːnl ˈʌlsə(r)](名词短语,十二指肠溃疡)2. gastritis [ɡæˈstraɪtɪs](名词,胃炎)3. enteritis [ˌentəˈraɪtɪs](名词,肠炎)4. hepatitis [ˌhepəˈtaɪtɪs](名词,肝炎)- hepatitis A [ˌhepəˈtaɪtɪs eɪ](名词短语,甲型肝炎)- hepatitis B [ˌhepəˈtaɪtɪs biː](名词短语,乙型肝炎)5. cirrhosis [sɪˈrəʊsɪs](名词,肝硬化)6. pancreatitis [ˌpæŋkriəˈtaɪtɪs](名词,胰腺炎)7. cholecystitis [ˌkɒlɪsɪˈstaɪtɪs](名词,胆囊炎)三、消化内科检查相关词汇。
chol/e chol/o
col/o colon/o
பைடு நூலகம்nas/o
医学英语 消化系统
Digestive System Glossary
• Special tБайду номын сангаасrminologies:
– peristalsis – rhythmic, wavelike muscle movements that propels food along the gut by the coordinated contraction of muscle in one area and relaxation in the next. Peristalsis is involuntary - you cannot control it. It is also what allows you to eat and drink while upsidedown.
Digestive System Glossary
• Upper GI tract:
– mouth - Chewing and secretion of salivary enzymes
– (o)esophagus - the long tube between the mouth and the stomach. It uses rhythmic muscle movements (called peristalsis) to force food from the throat into the stomach. “gullet”
• Know common symptoms and signs of the GI tract diseases
• Know several common disorders of digestive system
Text Study——Part 1
1. What are other terms for digestive tract?
Digestive tract is also termed as gastrointestinal tract, alimentary canal or gut(消化道).
They are also known as accessory organs, because they are not part of the digestive tract, yet have a role in digestive activities.
Unit Two
The Digestive System
In this unit, we are going to learn to:
1. Grasp some medical terms related to digestive system.
2. Describe the function of the digestive system, and differentiate between organs of the alimentary canal and accessory digestive organs;
Text Study——Part 1——Translation
There are many people who are waiting to be admitted to the hospital ward.
Fat-soluble vitamins, which include vitamins A,D,E, and K, are usually absorbed with the help of foods that contain fat.
/ 7pendi k up 病
choledoch(o)- choledocholithiasis /5kClidCk li5WaiEsis/胆
1-1 肝 liver
hepatitis /7hepE5taitis/ 肝炎
hepatolithiasis /7hepEt li5WaiEsis/肝内胆管结石
hepatocyte / 5hepEtEsait/肝细胞
hepatorrhexis /7hepEtEu5reksis/ 肝破裂
cholangi(o)kE5lAndVi u/
jejunotomy /dVi7dVu:5nCtEmi/ 空肠切开术
cec(o)2-1 盲肠 Blind gut
typhl(o)2-2 盲肠 Blind gut
cecocolostomy / si:kCkE5lCstEmi/ 盲肠结肠吻合术
cecocolon / si:kCkE5lEun/ 盲结肠 retrocecal /7retrEu5sek l/盲肠后的 typhlocele/5tiflE7si:l/ 盲 肠 膨 出 typhlenteritis/ tiflent raitis/ 盲肠炎
ileocolic /7i liEukElik/ 回结肠的 ileal /`IlIEl/回肠的 ileum /5iliEm/ 回肠 ileocecal /7iliEu5si:kEl/回盲肠的
colonoscopy/9kEJlE`nCskEpI/结肠镜检查 colitis /kEu5laitis/结肠炎 megacolon /7me^E5kEulEn/巨结肠 supracolic /5sju:prEk lik/ 结肠上的
中文:胃 英文:Stomach
英文:Small intestine
英文:Large intestine
中文:肝脏 英文:Liver 中文:胆囊
口腔是消化系统的起 始端,主要功能是咀 嚼食物,为后续的消 化做准备。
口腔还是发音和语言 交流的重要器官。
口腔内有牙齿、舌、 唾液腺等结构,共同 完成咀嚼和吞咽的动 作。
食管是连接口腔和胃的管道, 主要功能是输送食物进入胃。
食管通过规律的肌肉收缩,将 食物推入胃中。
食管还有防止胃酸和食物反流 进入气管的作用。
胃是消化系统的主要器官之一, 主要功能是储存食物并释放胃酸
胃的形状像一个囊袋,通过胃酸 和消化酶的作用将食物分解成食
胃还有吸收部分水和酒精的功能 。
小肠内有多种消化酶,将食物进一步分解为可被吸收的小分子,如氨基酸、单糖和 脂肪酸。
大肠主要吸收水分和形成粪便,同时还有一定的分泌功能,如分泌黏液和产生便意 最大的器官,具有多种 功能,包括解毒、代谢、分泌胆汁等 。
胰腺分泌胰液,含有多种消化酶,对 蛋白质、脂肪和碳水化合物有消化作 用。
胆囊储存胆汁,并在需要时释放到小 肠中帮助消化脂肪。
医学英语单词消化系统Gastrointestinal Systemascites/ə'saɪtiz/腹水asterixis扑翼样震颤Billroth 1 毕1氏胃十二指肠吻合术Billroth 2 毕2氏胃十二指肠吻合术cholecystectomy/,kɑləsɪs'tektəmɪ/胆囊切除术cholecystitis/,kɑləsɪs'taɪtɪs/胆囊炎cholecystititides(复数)choledocholithotomy/cholidok’lisotomy/胆总管石切除术cirrhosis /sɪ'rəʊsɪs/肝硬化Crohn’s disease克罗恩氏病,局限性肠炎Cullen’s sign腹膜内出血diverticulitis /daɪvətɪkjʊ'laɪtɪs/憩室炎Diverticulitis jejunum空肠憩室炎diverticulosis/,daɪvətɪkjʊ'ləʊsɪs/憩室病复数diverticulosesdumping syndrome [外科] 倾倒综合征esophageal varices/,isə'fædʒɪəl/食管静脉曲张esophageal carcinoma食管癌esophageal neoplasm carcinoma食管肿瘤fetor hepaticus肝病性口臭gastrectomy/gæ'strektəmɪ/[外科] 胃切除术gastric resection胃切除术hiatal hernia[内科] 食管裂孔疝Kock ileostomy科克回肠造口术ileostomy/,ɪlɪ'ɒstəmɪ/回肠造口术Murphy’s sign 墨菲氏征pancreatitis/,pæŋkrɪə'taɪtɪs/n. [内科] 胰腺炎复数pancreatititidesperistalsis/,perɪ'stælsɪs/n. 蠕动peristalses蠕动(复数)portal hypertension门静脉高压pyloroplasty/pai'lɔ:rə,plæsti/n. [外科] 幽门成形术Ulcerative colitis溃疡性结肠炎vagotomy /veɪ'gɒtəmɪ/迷走神经切断术excretevt. 排泄;分泌cheek n. 面颊,脸颊;臀部palate 味觉;上颚;趣味tongue/tʌŋ/salivary gland唾腺maxillary bone上颌骨amylase enzyme淀粉酶(ptyalin)/'taɪəlɪn/唾液淀粉酶esophagus/iː'sɒfəɡəs/食管复数esophagi食管Cardia贲门fundusn. [解剖] 底;基底;底部pylorusn. [解剖] 幽门mucous adj. 黏液的mucous gland粘液腺mucosa n.粘膜sphincter 括约肌gastric contents 胃内容物hydrochloric acid盐酸particle/'pɑrtɪkl/n. 微粒,粒子pepsin胃蛋白酶coenzyme/'kəʊ,enzaɪm/辅酶candidal infection念珠菌感染adhesion n. 粘附intrinsic factor 内因子gastrin促胃液素acidity n. 酸度;酸性;胃酸过多duodenum十二指肠jejunum/dʒɪ'dʒuːnəm/空肠ileum /'ɪlɪəm/回肠复数ileacecum盲肠(等于caecum)复数ceca sigmoid colon乙状结肠intestine肠enteron肠,消化道bladder 膀胱gallbladder胆囊cholecyst 胆囊chole胆汁bile duct胆管cystic duct 胆囊管hepatic ducts n. 肝胆管pancreatic duct 胰管starch 淀粉,含淀粉的食物maltose麦芽糖glucoe葡萄糖monosaccharide/mɒnə(ʊ)'sækəraɪd/单糖lactose乳糖galactose /gə'læktos/ 半乳糖lactase /'lækteɪz/乳糖酶乳糖酵素split vt. 分离;使分离;分解protease/'prəʊtɪeɪz/n.蛋白酶kinin n.激肽;细胞分裂素ribonucleicacids /,raibəunju:'kli:ik/核糖核酸deoxyribonucleic acids /di:'ɔksi,raibəu'nju:kli:ik/脱氧核糖核酸nucleotides 核苷酸nucleosides核苷enterokinase/,entərəʊ'kaɪneɪs/肠激酶trypsinogen /trɪp'sɪnədʒ(ə)n/胰蛋白酶原ileocecal valve /,iliəu'sekəl/ 回盲瓣anus 肛门anal sphincters 肛门括约肌anal canal 肛管peritoneum/,perɪtə'niːəm/. 腹膜复数peritoneums或peritoneamesentery 肠系膜filter v. 过滤neutralize /'nʊtrə'laɪz/vt. 抵销;使…中和;使…无效;使…中立emulsify vt. 使…乳化cholecystokinin /,kolɪ,sɪstə'kaɪnɪn/ n.肠促胰酶肽;缩胆囊素exocrine gland 外分泌腺bicarbonate 碳酸氢盐somatostatin 生长激素抑制素langerhans朗格汉斯。
医学英语 消化系统#
Related roots
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • oro-, stoma-, stomato: stomatic, to the mouth口的 esophago-: esophageal, to the esophagus食道的 gastro-: gastric, to the stomach胃的 chole-: biliary, to the bile胆汁的 cholecysto-: to the gallbladder胆囊的 hapato-: hapatic, to the liver肝的 spleno-: splenic, to the spleen脾的 laparo-, abdomino-: laparal, abdominal腹的 entero-, intestino-: intestinal, to the intestine小肠的 duodeno-: duodenal, to the duodenum十二指肠的 jejuno-: jejunal, to the jejunum空肠的 ileo-: ileal, to the ileum回肠的 colo-: colonic, to the colon结肠的 procto-: to the rectum直肠的
*ilium髂骨 adj. is iliac; adj. of ileum is ileal
Digestive System Glosห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ary
• Accessory structures:
– salivary glands - glands located in the mouth that produce saliva that contains enzymes that break down carbohydrates (starch淀粉). – liver - a large organ located above and to the right of the stomach. It filters toxins from the blood, and makes bile and some blood proteins. – gallbladder胆囊 - a small, sac-like organ located by the duodenum. It stores and releases bile into the small intestine. – pancreas - an enzyme-producing gland located below the stomach and above the intestines. Enzymes from the pancreas help in the digestion of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the small intestines. – Ampulla of Vater瓦特氏壶腹
希望大家每天坚持下去哦!周三词汇:aliment/o: food, nutrient•alimentation: process of giving or taking nourishment. 养料,营养品•alimentary: pertaining to food. 营养的,饮食的•hyperalimentation: hyper- excessive, hence excessive amount of food. 营养的,饮食的appendic/o: appendix 阑尾•appendectomy: ectomy excision, hence removal of the appendix.阑尾切除术•appendicitis: inflammation of the appendix. 阑尾炎•appendical: pertaining to the appendix 阑尾的auto-: self, own•autodigestion: digestion of oneself. 自身消化,自溶作用,自身溶解•autoinfection: infection from oneself. 自身感染,内源性感染•autopsy: -opsy process of viewing; hence the examination of a dead body with one’s own eyes. 尸体解剖,尸检bil/i: gall, bile 胆汁•bilirubin: bile pigment. 胆红素•biliary: pertaining to bile or bile ducts. 胆汁的, 胆的•biliation: the production and excretion of bile. 胆汁分泌bucc/o: cheek 颊•buccal: pertaining to the cheek. 颊的, 口的, 口腔的•bucca: cheek 口,颊•buccopulpal: pertaining to cheek and pulp. 颊髓的,颊与牙髓的cec/o: cecum盲肠•cecorrhaphy: -rrhaphy suture, hence surgical repair of the cecum.盲肠缝合术•cecopexy: -pexy fixation, hence fixation of the cecum.盲肠固定术•cecocolic: col/o colon, hence pertaining to the cecum and colon.盲(肠)结肠的chol/e, chol/o: gall, bile•cholelithiasis: lith/o stone; -iasis disease condition, hence the condition of having stones in the gall bladder. 胆石病•cholestasis: -stasis stopping, hence stoppage of the flow of bile. 胆汁郁积, 胆汁阻塞•cholemesis: -emesis vomiting, hence vomiting of bile. 呕胆周四词汇:cholecyst/o: gallbladder胆囊•cholecystectomy: excision of the gallbladder. 胆囊切除术•cholecystitis: inflammation of the gallbladder. 胆囊炎•cholecystic: pertaining to the gallbladder. 胆囊的cis/o: to cut•incision: in- into; -ion process, hence the process of cutting in.切开,切口,断口•incisor: one of four front teeth in the dental arch.切牙•excision: ex- out, hence the process of cutting out.切除,切除col/o, colon/o: colon•colonopathy: diseased condition of the colon. 结肠病•colonoscope: a viewing instrument to examine the colon. 结肠镜•colostomy: -stomy surgical opening to the outside of the body, hence from the colon to the outside of the body. 结肠造口术dent/o, dent/i: tooth•dentition: the teeth in the dental arch. 齿系, 齿列•lobiodental: lobi/o lip, hence pertaining to the lip and the teeth. 唇齿的•dentifrice: fricare to rub, hence substance used to clean the teeth. 洁牙剂diverticul/o: things that turn aside憩室•diverticulum: abnormal side-pocket in the intestine wall. (复diverticula) 憩室•diverticulitis: inflammation of the diverticula (small pouches) in the intestine wall, especially in the colon.憩室炎•diverticulosis: the presence of the diverticula.憩室病duoden/o: duodenum十二指肠•duodenectomy: excision of the duodenum. 十二指肠切除术•gastroduodenal: pertaining to stomach and duodenum. 胃十二指肠的•duodenitis: inflammation of the duodenum. 十二指肠炎enter/o: intestine•enteropathy: disease of the intestine. 肠病•enterocolitis: inflammation of the small intestine and colon.小肠结肠炎•gastroenterologist: specialist in alimentary tract disorders.胃肠病学家周五词汇:gingiv/o: gums 龈•gingivae: gums 龈•gingivitis: inflammation of the gums.龈炎•gingivectomy: excision of the gums. 龈切除术ile/o: ileum回肠•ileocecal: cec/o cecum(盲肠), hence pertaining to the ileum and cecum.回盲肠的•ileostomy: -stomy surgical opening to the outside of the body. 回肠造口术•ileitis: inflammation of the ileum.回肠炎jejun/o: jejunum空肠•gastrojejunostomy: surgical connection or opening between the stomach and jejunum.胃空肠吻合术•jejunoileal: pertaining to the jejunum and ileum. 空肠回肠的•jejunotomy: incision of the jejunum. 空肠切开术lingu/o: tongue舌•lingual: pertaining to the tongue.舌的•sublingual: sub- under, hence pertaining to something that is under the tongue. 舌下的•linguodental: pertaining to the tongue and tooth. 舌牙的-megaly: enlargement增大•splenomegaly: splen/o the spleen, hence enlargement of the spleen. 脾大,脾肿大,巨脾•hepatomegaly: enlargement of the liver. 肝肿大•cardiomegaly: enlargement of the heart. 心肥大micro-: small小•microscope: an apparatus used to magnify small objects. 显微镜•microscopic: pertaining to extremely small size.显微镜(下)的,微观的•micronodular: pertaining to small nodules.小结节的nas/o: nose鼻子•nasal: pertaining to the nose.鼻的•nasogastic: pertaining to the nose and stomach. 鼻胃的•nasopalatine: pertaining to the nose and palate. 鼻腭的周六词汇:or/o: mouth口•oropharynx: the area of the throat at the back of the mouth. 口咽的•oral: pertaining to the mouth. 口腔的•oralogy: study of the mouth.口腔学(stomatology口腔医学,牙医学)pancreat/o: pancreas胰腺\胰脏•pancreatic: pertaining to the pancreas.胰脏的•pancreatitis: inflammation of the pancreas.胰腺炎•pancreatin: one of the digestive ferments of the pancreatic juice. 胰液素pharyng/o: pharynx 咽•pharyngitis: inflammation of the pharynx.咽炎•pharyngonasal: pertaining to the nose and the pharynx. 咽鼻的(nasopharyngeal 鼻咽的)•pharyngoxerosis: -xer/o dry, hence dryness of the pharynx. 咽干燥proct/o: rectum直肠•proctology: study of disease of the rectum.直肠病学•proctoscope: instrument to visually examine the rectum.直肠镜•proctopexy: -pexy fix, fasten, hence fix the rectum. 直肠固定术sial/o: saliva唾液,涎•sialorrhea: -rrhea flow, discharge, hence excessive secretion of saliva. 流涎•sialolith: lith/o stone, hence salivary stone.涎石•salivary: pertaining to saliva.唾液的,涎的sigmoid/o: sigmoid colon乙状结肠•sigmoidoscopy: -scopy visual examination, hence visual examination of the sigmoid colon. 乙状结肠镜检查(术)•sigmoiditis: inflammation of the sigmoid乙状结肠炎•sigmoidotomy: surgical incision into the sigmoid colon. 乙状结肠切开术splen/o: spleen脾•splenomegaly: enlargement of the spleen. 脾大,脾肿大,巨脾•splenectomy: surgical removal of the spleen. 脾切除术•splenic: pertaining to the spleen. 脾的周日词汇:-stomy: surgical opening造口术•ileostomy: surgical opening from the ileum to the outside of the body. 回肠造口术•colostomy: surgical opening from the large intestine to the outside of the body.结肠造口术•coloproctostomy: proct/o anus and rectum, hence surgical connection or opening between the colon and rectum. 结肠直肠吻合术•tracheostomy: surgical opening from the trachea to the outside of the body.气管造口术•salpingostomy 输卵管造口术•gastrostomy 胃造口术•dacryocystostomy 泪囊造口术sub-: below, under下•sublingual: under the tongue. 舌下的•submandibular: mandibul/o lower jaw, hence under the lower jaw.下颌下的•subacid: moderately acid or sour. 微酸的,有点酸的。
消化系统专业英语The digestive system is a complex network of organs and glands that work together to break down food and absorb nutrients. It is responsible for processing the food we eat and turning it into the energy our bodies need to function. The main organs of the digestive system include the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas.The process of digestion begins in the mouth, where food is broken down by chewing and mixed with saliva, which contains enzymes that start the digestion of carbohydrates. The food then travels down the esophagus to the stomach, where it is further broken down by stomach acid and enzymes. From the stomach, the partially digested food enters the small intestine, where it is mixed with bile from the liver and enzymes from the pancreas to continue the digestion process. Nutrients are then absorbed through the walls ofthe small intestine and transported to the rest of the body. The remaining waste is passed into the large intestine, where water is absorbed and the remaining waste is turned into feces.The digestive system is essential for maintaining good health and any disruption to its function can lead to a range of health issues. Common digestive system disorders include acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease, and ulcerative colitis. These conditions can cause symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, and nausea.To keep the digestive system healthy, it is important to maintain a balanced diet that includes plenty of fiber, fruits, and vegetables. It is also important to stay hydrated and to limit the intake of alcohol and processed foods. Regular exercise can also help to keep the digestive system functioning properly.Overall, the digestive system plays a crucial role in the overall health and well-being of an individual. By understanding its function and taking steps to keep it healthy, we can ensure that our bodies are able to effectively process the food we eat and absorb thenutrients we need to thrive.消化系统是一个复杂的器官和腺体网络,它们共同工作,将食物分解并吸收营养物质。
d. 食管胃的
( ) 5. enteroviral
e. 消化不良
Digestive System
( ) 1. duodenal ( ) 2. jejunal
a. 回肠的 b. 阑尾炎
( ) 3. ileal
c. 结肠的
( ) 4. colonic
d. 十二指肠的
( ) 5. appendicitis
e. 空肠的
Digestive System
( ) 1. sigmoidal ( ) 2. rectal ( ) 3. anorectal ( ) 4. cholecystokinin ( ) 5. heparin
a. 直肠的 b. 肛门直肠的 c. 缩胆素 d. 乙状结肠的 e. 肝素
Stomatognathic System
• Helps you digest food by breaking down sugars
Digestive System
Digestive System
digestion pharynx
(L) gest(G) pepsi-
(G) pharyng-
maldigestion dyspepsia
• Tube that is 5 feet long • Gets waste from small intestine • Waste stays for 10 to 12 hours
Large Intestine
• Storage tank for bile (a greenishyellow liquid) that helps your body break down and use fats
腹部分区 (abdominal areas)
(1)右上腹部(右季肋部, right hypochondrial region) (2)左上腹部(左季肋部, left hypochondrial region) (3)上腹部(epigastric region) (4)右腰部(right lumber region) (5)左腰部(left lumber region) (6)中腹部(umbilieal region) (7)右髂部(right iliac region) (8)左髂部(left iliac region) (9)下腹部(hypogastric region)
腹部分区 (abdominal areas)
1.左上腹部。 (left upper abdominal region) 2.左下腹部 (left lower abdominal region) 3.上腹部(epigastric region) 4.脐部(umbilical region) 5.下腹部(hypogastric region) 6.右上腹部 (right upper abdominal region) 7.右下腹部 (right lower abdominal region)
• 5. nausea 恶心 • 6. vomiting 呕吐
– vomitus(contents of stomach), heave:呕吐物 (胃内容物),呕吐
• 7. gastrointestinal hemorrhage 胃肠道出血
– Hematemesis: coffee-ground vomitus – 呕血:咖啡样呕吐物
Digestive System Esophagus 食管
Para 4-5: ant- : ant-之变体(ant-用于
元音前,而ant-用于辅音前,其含义见 ant-)
antacd/ntAsd/ 中 和酸性的, 抗酸性的 meta- 表示“在其中, 在后”之义 stasis 停滞, 郁积
metastases:metastasis(转移)的复数 参阅课本Page 8
an(o) anocutaneous/7AnU
anal /enl/
peranorectal / prenurektl/
/Astrats/ 胃炎
/Astr gastroscopy
gastr gastropathy /
gaster /AstrnCm/胃泌素
胃Stomach 瘤(no-纤维;oma-瘤)
2 本文报道一例极为罕见的左肝叶发育不全伴游 动胆囊。
3 病人系一名71岁女性,无相关症状史,因餐后 上腹痛、恶心与腹泻入院。
4 入院实验室检查显示有慢性肝病伴抗丙型肝炎 抗体阳性。
5 腹部超声与CT显示,左肝叶缺乏,胆囊左移。
6 内窥镜逆行胆管造影显示,胆囊管起自胆管右 侧,但胆囊移位至左侧。
4. Laboratory data on admission showed chronic liver disease with positive anti-hepatitis C virus antibody.
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• Know several common disordersຫໍສະໝຸດ of digestive system
Related roots
• oro-, stoma-, stomato: stomatic, to the mouth口的 • esophago-: esophageal, to the esophagus食道的 • gastro-: gastric, to the stomach胃的 • chole-: biliary, to the bile胆汁的 • cholecysto-: to the gallbladder胆囊的 • hapato-: hapatic, to the liver肝的 • spleno-: splenic, to the spleen脾的 • laparo-, abdomino-: laparal, abdominal腹的 • entero-, intestino-: intestinal, to the intestine小肠的 • duodeno-: duodenal, to the duodenum十二指肠的 • jejuno-: jejunal, to the jejunum空肠的 • ileo-: ileal, to the ileum回肠的 • colo-: colonic, to the colon结肠的 • procto-: to the rectum直肠的
Functions of digestive system
Functions of the GI tract
1. Digestion of food:
mastication in the mouth swallowing through the throat mixing in the stomach and small intestine, enzymatic digestion in the stomach and
Digestive System Glossary
• Upper GI tract:
– mouth - Chewing and secretion of salivary enzymes
– (o)esophagus - the long tube between the mouth and the stomach. It uses rhythmic muscle movements (called peristalsis) to force food from the throat into the stomach. “gullet”
Abdominal regions
HC: hypochondriac regions 季肋区 E: epigastric region 上腹部 L: lumbar regions 腰部
U: umbilical region 脐区 RIF, LIF: right and left iliac fossae 髂窝 HG: hypogastric region 下腹部
– pancreas - an enzyme-producing gland located below the stomach and above the intestines. Enzymes from the pancreas help in the digestion of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the small intestines.
– duodenum - the first part of the small intestine runs from the stomach to the jejunum.
Digestive System Glossary
• Lower GI tract:
– Small intestines:
– chyme - food in the stomach that is partly digested and mixed with stomach acids. Chyme goes on to the small intestine for further digestion.
Adjective form of the terms
Medical English
Digestive system
(Gastrointestinal tract, GI)
Fang, Xiao yi (Judy)房晓祎 Department of Pediatrics, First Affiliated Hospital of
Shantou University Medical College
• Remember the roots pertaining to the digestive system
• Describe the structures and functions of the organs in digestive system
• Describe the digestive process of the food
macrophages in mucosa; Secretion of IgA through the mucosal
How does
It work
—— digestion of food
How does it work?
• Food is ingested by mouth and chewed by teeth. It passes down the throat, down through the esophagus, and into the stomach, where food continues to be broken down by the acids and enzymes.
3. Storage of food wastes:
In the stomach, sigmoid colon and rectum
4. Excretion:
Defecation through the rectum and anus
Functions of the GI tract
5. Secretion:
– liver - a large organ located above and to the right of the stomach. It filters toxins from the blood, and makes bile and some blood proteins.
– gallbladder胆囊 - a small, sac-like organ located by the duodenum. It stores and releases bile into the small intestine.
The Digestive System
The digestive system consists of organs that break down food into components that the body uses for energy and for building and repairing cells and tissues.
– stomach - a sack-like, muscular organ that is attached to the esophagus. Both chemical and mechanical digestion takes place in the stomach. The entrance is cardia (贲门) and the exit is pylorus (幽门).
• jejunum空肠 • ileum回肠
– Large intestines:
• cecum盲肠 and appendix阑尾 • Colon结肠: ascending, transverse, descending
and sigmoid colon • rectum直肠 • anus 肛门
*ilium髂骨 adj. is iliac; adj. of ileum is ileal
– Ampulla of Vater瓦特氏壶腹
Digestive System Glossary
• Special terminologies:
– peristalsis – rhythmic, wavelike muscle movements that propels food along the gut by the coordinated contraction of muscle in one area and relaxation in the next. Peristalsis is involuntary - you cannot control it. It is also what allows you to eat and drink while upsidedown.
Digestive System Glossary
• Accessory structures:
– salivary glands - glands located in the mouth that produce saliva that contains enzymes that break down carbohydrates (starch淀粉).
• Mouth • Esophagus • Stomach • Cardia • Pylorus • Liver • Duodenum • Jejunum • Ileum • Cecum • Colon • Rectum • Anus • Appendix • Abdomen • Saliva • Bile • Pancreas