第三章 词汇翻译 重复法
一、重复名词(一)重复英语中作宾语的名词Students must be cultivated to have the ability to analyze and solve problems.必须培养学生分析问题和解决问题的能力。
They would be very reluctant to postpone or cancel the meeting.他们不太愿意推迟这个会议或者取消这个会议。
(二)重复英语中作表语的名词This has been our position–but not theirs.这一直是我们的立场––而不是他们的立场。
John is your friend as much as he is mine.约翰既是你的朋友,又是我的朋友。
The doctor will get more practice out of me than out of seventeen hundred ordinary patients.医生从我身上得到的实践,地比从一千七百个普通病人身上得到的实践还多。
Repetition of Verb
英语中一个动词常跟几个宾语或表语,汉译 时往往重复这个动词。 e.g. Is he a friend or an enemy? — 他是朋友还是敌人呢? e.g. They talked about about his family, about his work and about his future. — 他们谈到他的家庭,(谈到)他的工作, 还谈到他的前程。
Repetition of Noun
n.+substitute 英语第二次提到讲过的事物时习惯用代替词表 示替代,汉语则重复原词。这里的代替词包括 物主代词,不定代词,指示代词,同义词,the same, so, do(as), etc. e.g. Jack kicked the ball to Henry and Henry kicked it back to Jack. — 杰克把球踢给亨利,亨利又(把球)踢回给 杰克。
e.g. My room is lighter than the one next door. — 我的屋子比隔壁的屋子亮。 e.g. If you need any more money, you must get some out of the bank; there is hardly any in the house. — 假如你还需要钱,就得去银行取些出来, 家里没多少钱了。 e.g. The best watches are those made in Switzerland. — 最好的表是瑞士表。 e.g. Happy families also have their own troubles. — 幸福的家庭也有幸福家庭的苦恼。
英语对仗句式前后两部分常有词的重 复,译成汉语时应尽可能保持同样词的重 复。 e.g. Eye for eye, tooth for tooth. — 以眼还眼,以牙还牙。 e.g. Out of sight, out of mind. — 眼不见,心不念。
TV GUIDE is the most popular magazine in USA,whose monthly sale reaches 189,000, 467 copies. Redaer’s Digest is second with a circulation of 109, 300, 247 copies. National Geographic, a good magazine about nature and geography, distributes 100, 200, 01 copies per month. BETTER HOMES and GARDEN has a circulation of 100, 200, 348 copies every month. WOMEN’s DAY , which is a popular magazine with females, sells 100, 100,103 copies per monthly while FAMILY CIRCLE has a monthly sale of 100, 12, copies.
Repetition 重复译法
1.Definition Repetition: the way the key words are repeated in a given sentence or paragraph or passage in such a way as to conform to the idiomatic usage of the target language in E-C translation. 为了明确、强调或生动,需要在翻译中重复某些 关键性词语。重复译法其实也是一种增词法,只 是所增加的是上文出现过的词语。目的有三: (1). 使意义明确;(2). 表示强调;(3).使译文生动。
重复(Repetition)重复(Repetition) 重复(Repetition)重复(Repetition) 重复(Repetition)重复(Repetition) 重复(Repetition)重复(Repetition) 重复(Repetition)重复(Repetition) 重复(Repetition)重复(Repetition)
例2.It is customary(往往) for adults to forget how hard and dull and long school was.
A: 听说当年XXX是你的女神?
7 2
汉语常使用重复修辞,形 成大量的平行对偶结构; 而英语则常设法减少重复。
7 3
例1.May is open windows and lilac(丁香) perfume
on the breeze and bees humming at tulips(郁金香).
五月是敞开的窗户,是微风送来的丁香的芬芳,是郁 金香丛中蜜蜂嗡嗡的欢唱。
7 7
B:她长得又好,人又好,又聪明,谁 会不喜欢?
She is so pretty, so nice and so smart.
7 6
See the pretty girl in that mirror there: Who can that attractive girl be? Such a pretty face, Such a pretty dress, Such a pretty smile, Such a pretty me!
He likes to stand on the platform, watching people come in, go out, go out, come in and saying nothing. 他喜欢站在台上,看着人们进进出出,出 出进进,却一言不发。 back
Although machines do work better and faster than a person does, they will never be able to replace him because they must be controlled by man.
尽管机器人比人工作得更好,更快,但机 器决不能取代人,因为机器必须由人来控 制。 back
But there had been too much publicity about his case. 但他的事已经搞得满城风雨,人人皆知了。oasts were flat. 祝酒辞平平淡淡。 I wasn’t evasive in my reply. 我的回答并不躲躲闪闪。
7. 重复法 Repetition
在翻译中,有时为了忠实于原文,不 得不重复某些词语。这种反复使用某 些词语的翻译方法就叫重复法。
一般说来,重复法有三个作用: 1. 为了明确 2. 为了强调 3. 为了生动
1. 为了明确
重复名词 重复动词 重复形容词 重复代词 重复介词
Ignoring a problem does not solve it. 对于一个问题置之不理,并不能解决问题。 When her eyes looked up, they were very large, odd, and attractive. 她抬起眼晴的时候,眼睛显得很大,很特 别,很动人。
牛奶按磅计价。(牛奶是 论磅卖。)
当然,有些场合,冠词是不能省略的。比如不定冠词a 或an 表示数量 “一”时,定冠词the 表示“这”或“那”时,均不能省略。
He left without a word. 他一句话不说就走了。 He said he was getting a dollar a mile. 他说他每开一英里就赚一元钱。
and read it with delight.
三. 省去泛指的人称代词 英语句子的主语都是泛指的,在译成汉语时,多省掉。
We have 7 days a week and 24 hours a day. 一个星期有7天, 一天有24小时。
We live and learn.
英汉两种语言在语法上差异较大,例如: 英语经常使用人称代词、关系代词等代词,而汉语代词则
英语重形合、连接词较多,而汉语重意合、连接词较少; 英语有冠词,而汉语没有; 英语介词丰富,而汉语介词较少。 因此,英译汉时可在不损害准确传达原文内容的前提下根
You can always tell the somebody from the nobody at a cocktail party. The somebody come late.
在鸡尾酒会上(人们)常常可以看出大人物 和无名小卒来。那些迟到的就是大人物。
四. 省去作主语的人称代词
英语中通常每句都有主语。人称代词作主语时,重复出现,但 根据汉语习惯,但前句出现一个主语且后句仍为同一主语时, 后句主语一般省掉,符合汉语的表达习惯。如:
These seemed to call into question the dominance not only of Western power, but of Western ideology.
这一切似乎不仅使人怀疑西方强权的垄断地 位,而且也使西方意识形态一统天下的局面 受到质疑。
The moon had just risen, very gold, over the hill, and like a bright, watching spirit, peered through the bars of an ash treቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ’s naked boughs.
月亮刚刚升起,金黄金黄的,悬挂在山坡 上方,象一个光芒四射的巡夜精灵,透过 桉树光秃秃的枝枝杈杈朝地上窥视。
可是他老婆不断地在他耳朵边叨唠个没完 ,说他懒惰,说他粗心,并且说他的一家 人都要毁在他的身上。
The snow falls on every pond and field; by the river and lake, on the hill and in the valley.
雪花撒落在水池上,田野里,撒落在河边湖畔,撒落在 山峦和山谷中。
The signs of China’s influence and success abound in America.
中国的影响,中国的成就,在美国到处可 见。
She became a millionaire — all by herself.
她成为一个百万富翁—一个白手起家的百 万富翁。
They were starting from scratch and needed men, gun, and training.
第3章 替换与重复汉译英 教学课件_790
![第3章 替换与重复汉译英 教学课件_790](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/9a5cf3b60066f5335b812118.png)
3 句式重复
Now is the time for everyone to vote, for everything depends upon this election. All are against corruption, and so they should vote the Reform ticket. This is not a foolish thing, for the voters can elect anyone they want. But the people must turn out heavily, for if they do there is little doubt that they will elect the men they want.
英语多用代称,以避免重复;汉语多 用实称,因而较多重复。汉语的代词 远没有英语广泛。人称代词的使用是 1917年新文化运动之后才出现的。
中国现代语里不大用‘它’,尤其是 非动物。英语的‘it’译成‘它’很不 顺口。
Flattery is more dangerous than hatred because it covers the stain which the other causes to be wiped out.
Huge, riven and blazing wrecks that only minutes before had been majestic aircraft carriers settled into the glittering Pacific.
3.为使译文生动而重复 1)单字的重复 在英语句子中,有些动词在翻译成汉语时,出于从 现代汉语规范和表达习惯等角度的考虑,为使译文 生动活泼,原文的动词要采用“AA”“A-A”“A了A”等 形式的重复方法。 ①Please wait a minute.请等一等。 ②Try and do it again. 再试着做做看。 ③He stamped off, growling as he went. 他跺了跺脚,满腹牢骚地走开了。
4.运用两个四字词组 作为汉语一大特点的四字词组,意义比较精炼, 读起来朗朗上口,有节奏感;如果运用得当,可是 文字生动活泼,增强修辞效果。在符合忠实、通顺 的标准前提下,在译文中可酌情运用两个同义或近 义的四字词组。 ①But there had been too much publicity about my case. 但我的事现在已经搞得满城风雨,人人皆知了。 ②He showed himself calm in an emergency situation. 在危急情况下,他从容不迫,镇定自若。
3.运用四字对偶词组 汉语中许多四字对偶词组是我们所熟知的,这种词组中前后两 对词组形成对偶,往往具有相同或类似的含义。英译汉时对此 类词组的恰当使用,同样也可以达到生动活泼的效果。 例如:ingratitude(忘恩负义);prosperity(繁荣昌盛); great contribution(丰功伟绩);gratitude(感恩戴德); eternal glory to(永垂不朽);vivid(生动活泼);arrogance (骄傲自大);careless(粗心大意);in chaos(乌烟瘴气); rumors(流言蜚语);street gossip(街谈巷议);grotesque (奇形怪状)等。 1)Do not fancy any longer. To you, he is absolutely a man of loyalty. 别再胡思乱想了,他对你绝对是一心一意。 2)The trial, in his opinion, was absolutely fair. 在他看来,这次审判绝对是公平合理的。 3)The stamp collector is said to have a unique stamp. 据说那位集邮者有一张独一无二的邮票。
一、为了明确1.重复名词Water can be decomposed by energy, a current of electricity.参考译文:水可由能量来分解,所谓能量也就是电流。
2.重复动词They wanted to determine if he complied with the terms of his employment and his obligations as an American.参考译文:他们想要确定,他是否履行了受雇条件,是否履行了作为美国公民所应尽的职责。
3.重复代词Big powers have their strategies while small countries also have their own lines.参考译文:强国有强国的策略,小国有小国的路线。
Work while you work, play while you play.参考译文:工作时工作,游戏时游戏。
They would read and read the secret notes.参考译文:他们往往一遍又一遍地反复琢磨这些密件。
三、为了生动1.运用两个四字词组He showed himself calm in an emergency situation.参考译文:他在情况危急时,态度从容,镇定自若。
2.运用词的重叠I wasn’t evasive in my reply.参考译文:我的回答并不躲躲闪闪。
3.运用四字对偶词组The trial, in his opinion, was absolutely fair.参考译文:据他看来,这次审判是绝对公平合理的。
第三章 词汇翻译(3)
![第三章 词汇翻译(3)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a9ff4cd83186bceb19e8bb4c.png)
6)英语用some... and others... (some..., others...)连 用的句子,译成汉语时主语往往是谓语重复形式 的“的”字结构,有时也可以用“有的...,有的 ...”或者“一些...,一些....”的句式。 • Some have entered college and others have gone to the countryside. 上大学的,上大学了;下乡的,下乡了。 • Some played football and others played basketball. 踢足球的,踢足球去了;打篮球的,打篮球去了。
(4) 其他重复法
• Please wait a moment. 请等一等。 • He was proficient both as a flyer and as a navigator. 他既精于飞行,又擅于导航。
Exercise: 1. They wanted to determine if he complied with the terms of his employment and his obligations as an American. 他们想要确定,他是否履行了受雇条件,是否履行了作 为美国公民所应尽的职责。 2. I have experienced oxygen and /or engine trouble. 我曾碰到过,不是氧气设备出故障,就是引擎出故障, 或两者都出故障。 3. They would be very reluctant to postpone or cancel the meeting. 他们不太愿意推迟这个会议或者取消这个会议。 4. Jesse opened his eyes. They were filled with tears. 杰西睁开眼睛,眼里充满了泪水。 5. Wherever there is matter, there is motion. 哪里有物质,哪里就有运动。 6. We’ll come to see you again whenever we have time. 我们什么时候有时间,就什么时候再来看你。
I identify myself as one of critical lovers and loving critics of the United Nations.
我自认为是一个批评联合国的爱护者和爱护 联合国的批评者。
但是,有时由于汉语的搭配习惯,翻译 “多枝共干”结构中的重复并不一定都 采用完全相同的词(语)。
(2).The purpose of radar is to obtain,process and display information. 雷达的用途在于获取信息、处理信息、显示信息。
She has already published a number of political and technical treatises. 她已发表了数篇政治论文和科技论文。
The silks of China are better than those of any other countries.
Translation from English into Chinese is not so easy as that from English into French. 英译汉不如英译法容易。
It requires such materials as can bear high temperature and pressure. 这需要能耐高温高压的材料。
It requires such materials as can bear high temperature and (such materials as can bear) pressure.
一、为了明确(一)重复名词1. 重复英语中作宾语的名词1)Let us revise our safety and sanitary regulations.我们来修订安全规则和卫生规则吧。
2)I had experienced oxygen and / or engine trouble.我曾碰到过,不是氧气设备出故障,就是引擎出故障,或两者都出故障。
3)They began to study and analyze the situation of the enemy.他们开始研究敌情,分析敌情。
4)Thus, I wrote "Spain in Arms, 1937" and saw China in revolution in 1925-27, and later in war with Japan.这样,我就写了《战斗中的西班牙(一九三七年)》。
2. 重复英语中作表语的名词1)He became an oil baron -- all by himself.他成为一个石油大王——一个白手起家的石油大王。
2)This has been our position -- but not theirs.这一直是我们的立场——而不是他们的立场。
3)John is your friend as much as he is mine.约翰既是你的朋友,又是我的朋友。
3. 重复英语前置词短语前所省略的名词英语中常重复使用前置词,而将第二个、第三个前置词前的名词省略,翻译时则往往要把此名词重复。
1)The doctor will get more practice out of me than out of seventeen hundred ordinary patients.医生从我身上得到的实践,会比从1700个普通病人身上得到的实践还多。
涨价(股 涨价 股)
e.g. Oil shares showed a gain of five points 石油股票涨了五个百分点
Inflate :抬高(物价);使(通货)膨胀 e.g. The buyers bid against each other and often inflate the prices they pay. 买主彼此竞相递价往往抬高了他们所付的价钱. The government inflated the economy by increasing the supply of money thus resulting in severe inflation. 政府用增加货币供应的办法刺激经济增长,从而造 成严重通货膨胀.
Operating profits were virtually unchanged at two point one three billion Swedish kronor compared with two point one billion Swedish kronor in the first quarter of last year. Volvo expects to make a productivity gain this year of at least five per cent.
财经项目的利润增长达到24.5亿瑞典克朗(3亿 的利润增长达到 亿瑞典克朗( 亿 财经项目的利润增长达到 亿瑞典克朗 同期则为 亿瑞典克朗。 1500万美元),而去年同期则为 万美元), 亿瑞典克朗 万美元),而去年同期则为22.1亿瑞典克朗。
• The group was helped by a two hundred and fifteen million Swedish kronor foreignexchange gain on loans—compared with a gain of thirty million Swedish kronor a year earlier—as well as by interest earnings of a hundred and nine million Swedish kronor— compared with seventy-sevห้องสมุดไป่ตู้n million Swedish kronor in the first quarter of last year.
一、重复名词一重复英语中作宾语的名词Students must be cultivated to have the ability to analyze and solve problems.必须培养学生分析问题和解决问题的能力。
They would be very reluctant to postpone or cancel the meeting.他们不太愿意推迟这个会议或者取消这个会议。
二重复英语中作表语的名词This has been our position–but not theirs.这一直是我们的立场––而不是他们的立场。
John is your friend as much as he is mine.约翰既是你的朋友,又是我的朋友。
The doctor will get more practice out of me than out of seventeen hundred ordinary patients.医生从我身上得到的实践,地比从一千七百个普通病人身上得到的实践还多。
第三章词汇翻译重复法第三章词汇翻译第六节重复法一、名词的重复A. 名词作宾语时的重复1.I must do my best to develop the students’ ability to analyze and solve problems.2.We should inspect and oil the machines before work.3.Can you tell the chemical and physical characteristics about this substance?B. 名词作先行词的重复1.Days and nights are very long on the moon, where one day is as long as two weeks on theearth.2. A synthetic material equal to that alloy in strength has been created, which is very useful inindustry.二、动词的重复1.Refrigerators, freezers and air-conditioners must obey not only the first law (energyconservation) but the second law as well.2.The conflict spread everywhere, into little villages, as well as the cities.三、代词的重复A. 人称代词的重复1.There is air around us although we cannot see it.2.She works extremely hard though still rather poor in health.3.He hated failure; he had conquered it all this life, risen above it, and despised it in others.B. 代词that (或those)的重复1.Einstein first considered that the maximum speed possible in the universe is that of light.2.Translation from English into Chinese is not so easy as that from English into French.C. 物主代词的重复1.The conductor has its properties, and the insulator has its own.2.Medium waves have their uses, short waves have their uses.D. Whoever, whichever等词的重复1.Give the book to whoever wants to buy it.2.You may solve the question in whichever way you know well.四、译成汉语的叠字1.The road was packed with a noisy crowd of men and women, who were selling and buying allkinds of things.2.Walking up and down the empty room, he stopped here and there to touch or look.3.She hoped she had mixed enough fact and fiction in her story to mislead him.4.They read the afternoon through, while the cold November rain fell from the sky upon thequiet house.。
①A Dream of the Red Mansions won the attention and love of a wide reading public soon after it was brought into the world, first in northern China and then in the south. ②For a time, the novel was on the lips of everyone and many adaptations, either in the form of a talking and singing opera of other dramatic forms, were put on the stage. ③Furthermore, many experts have emerged in China who make a career of studying this novel and are dubbed “Red Ma n sion experts”. ④The book has also gained influence worldwide. ⑤Having been translated into many foreign languages such as English, French, Japanese, Russian and German, it has been introduced to and accepted by people in various parts of the world. In countries like the United Kingdom, the United States and Japan there have also emerged “Red Mansion experts”. Indeed, there is every reason to say that A Dream of the Red Mansions is a masterpiece in the treasure house of world literature.本段介绍《红楼梦》在国内外的传播与影响。
1. 重复词汇
原文:The company is committed to providing quality products that meet the needs of its customers.
3. 重复句子
4. 重复段落
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A. 名词作宾语时的重复
1.I must do my best to develop the students’ ability to analyze and solve problems.
2.We should inspect and oil the machines before work.
3.Can you tell the chemical and physical characteristics about this substance?
B. 名词作先行词的重复
1.Days and nights are very long on the moon, where one day is as long as two weeks on the
2. A synthetic material equal to that alloy in strength has been created, which is very useful in
1.Refrigerators, freezers and air-conditioners must obey not only the first law (energy
conservation) but the second law as well.
2.The conflict spread everywhere, into little villages, as well as the cities.
A. 人称代词的重复
1.There is air around us although we cannot see it.
2.She works extremely hard though still rather poor in health.
3.He hated failure; he had conquered it all this life, risen above it, and despised it in others.
B. 代词that (或those)的重复
1.Einstein first considered that the maximum speed possible in the universe is that of light.
2.Translation from English into Chinese is not so easy as that from English into French.
C. 物主代词的重复
1.The conductor has its properties, and the insulator has its own.
2.Medium waves have their uses, short waves have their uses.
D. Whoever, whichever等词的重复
1.Give the book to whoever wants to buy it.
2.You may solve the question in whichever way you know well.
1.The road was packed with a noisy crowd of men and women, who were selling and buying all
kinds of things.
2.Walking up and down the empty room, he stopped here and there to touch or look.
3.She hoped she had mixed enough fact and fiction in her story to mislead him.
4.They read the afternoon through, while the cold November rain fell from the sky upon the
quiet house.。