

TPR 教学手册

TPR 教学手册

Total Physical Response (TPR)A Curriculum for Adults ©ByMargaret Silver,Barbara Adelman andElisabeth PriceEnglish Language and Literacy Center, St. Louis, MO 63105table of contents Introduction (1)The “why” and “how” of tpr (1)How to teach using tpr (3)tpr’s limitations (3)1 TPR and the syllabus (3)2 Class size (3)3 How many new vocabulary items in one lesson? (3)4 Ask for/expect no oral participation (3)5 Using consistent imperatives (3)6 The lesson/steps 1, 2 and 3 (4)7 Getting ready:A. Set learning goals for teacher and students (4)B. Memorize your script (4)C. Use your normal intonation, rhythm & stress (4)8 Practice your first lesson in front of a mirror! (5)A. You say: (5)B. You pantomime: (5)9 LESSON procedures (for each new language unit) (5)A. model (5)B. Say and Practice (5)C. Randomize the imperatives (5)D. Individual response at random/evaluation (6)10 Predictability as a teaching tool (6)11 Consistent modeling (7)12 One-step additions to the syllabus (7)13 Maintain all steps in the teaching sequence (7)14 Vocabulary choice (7)15 Evaluate, evaluate, evaluate, (7)16 Problems and cures:A. Lack of an immediate student response (7)B. Are you modeling and demonstrating sufficiently? (8)C. Are you maintaining your pacing (8)D. Some students are parroting teacher aloud (8)E. Is your language “clean” of all commentary (8)F. Are all the students focused? (8)G. Is the lesson too long? (8)H. Is the lesson too short? (8)I. Is the lesson too easy? (8)J. Is the lesson too difficult? (8)K. “They’re bored!” Who’s bored? (8)L. Beginning students feel very insecure (9)S C R I P T S:1: The Room and numbers 1-10 (10)2: Parts of the Body (11)3: The Kitchen (12)4: Food (13)5: Tools (14)6: Outdoors/Intersections (14)7: Clothing (15)8: U. S. Mail (15)9: Public transportation (16)10: Prepositions of motion (16)11: Parts of a car (16)12: Jobs and occupations (17)Index of vocabulary items (18)Sample lesson plans (22)Sample lesson Plan form (22)TPR Class Progress Record (24)Total Physical Response (or TPR)I ntroductionThe method described here: Total Physical Response (TPR), is, like all tools, most effective when used correctly in the correct setting. Discard the notion of heading straight into the activities section. Instead, PLEASE take the time to read the directions first. The success of TPR instruction lies more in applying the method correctly than in the script of materials.The “Why” and “How” of TPRDr. James J. Asher first described the TPR method in his book “Learning Another Language Through Actions”. He and other linguists observed the following characteristics about successful language learners:1. Good language learners achieve fluency faster when they are immersed inactivities that involve them in situational language use;2. Good language learners often start their language learning with a period ofsilence as they watch the effect of language on others;3. Good language learners show comprehension by successfully accomplishinglanguage-generated tasks;4. Good language learners focus on overall sentence meaning rather than asentence’s grammatical parts;5. Good language learners make faster progress when the language ofinstruction is consistent (though limited) on a daily basis, and6. Good language learners make faster progress when the content involveslanguage that is clearly usable or valuable outside the classroom.In commenting on the impact of a period of silence at the beginning of the learning cycle, Dr. Asher and others speculated that the improved fluency – or the ability to communicate so that native English speakers can easily understand - results from students having the chance to absorb the prosody or “music” of the target language without having to reproduce it orally at that time. In other words, listening and comprehension are the first steps in language learning.These, then, are the strategies for good language learning: 1) students need to be involved in a situation where oral language meaning is immediately perceived and understood; 2) student silence (as opposed to oral production) is permitted and encouraged as a learning tool while they can watch the effect of language on the actions of others; 3) student comprehension is demonstrated by successfully completing tasks cued by oral language; and 4) students can focus on overall meaning rather than grammar. These key teaching/learning strategies are built into this method and into this script.The current script provides the structure and organization to include the other valuable instructional strategies that Dr. Asher observed: 5) consistent language on a daily basis, and 6) content involving English that is clearly usable or valuable outside the classroom. And finally, this script’s primary focus is on adults: their interests, their needs and their environment.Students are much more focused in their learning when instruction involves the use of physical items – “realia” – to create meaning. “Manipulables” eliminate the possibility of ambiguity in meaning. However, depending on the availability of resources, the teacher may have to resort to Picture Dictionaries or similar resources. On the whole, this script uses topics for which a supply of realia is often readily available. However, if pictures must be used, we recommend they be as large as possible and mounted on some sturdy material so that they are the same pictures each lesson for consistency and can be stored without likelihood of damage.H OW TO TEACH USING TPR:TPR’s LIMITATION: The TPR method described here is for use with adults who are complete ESL beginners only. If the student is able to spontaneously volunteer any English, he is going to find this script very limiting and is probably better in a class where he can continue to work on his oral production skills.1.TPR and the syllabus. TPR is recommended as just one component in the syllabusfor beginning adult students. Other syllabus components may include, forinstance, numeracy, date and time recognition, writing, listening discrimination,picture stories etc.Every TPR lesson needs to include three steps: 1) teaching/learning; 2) practice or rehearsal and 3) testing or evaluation.2.Class size:TPR works best with about 8 students. More than 10 students, andthere will be too much unfocused time as each student waits for his turn duringthe individual demonstrations. Fewer than six and it becomes difficult to limit the number of new vocabulary items to a “learnable” number making the lesson top-heavy with vocabulary.If you do have more than 10 students, maybe you can use a volunteer. If so, be sure to provide training and a lesson plan record sheet to monitor progress.3.How many new vocabulary items in one lesson? Nine new vocabulary items in onelesson is an average achievable goal. Some students can learn more, someless. The fourth step in the teaching/ review/ testing /evaluation procedures will soon tell you how many new vocabulary items your students can really master in one lesson. You may find that you can increase the number of vocabulary items for an ambitious class by moving into a different topic area. You may need fewer vocabulary items for a slower class.4.Ask for/expect no oral participation: If you do have a student with some very limitedoral production skills in your class, he is probably going to want to recite alongwith you. You will need to persuade him to do it with his mouth only and notvoice his sounds so that other class members listen only to native speakermodeling.Don’t encourage verbal responses from the students – only actions.After about 10 hours of instruction, some students may spontaneously startparroting the teacher. These students are telling you they are ready to move intoa regular communication skills class. It is not considered appropriate to havestudents learn to speak the TPR script because imperatives are of limited use in most general communication environments.ing consistent imperatives:The teacher uses the imperative form of the verbthroughout (Point to … Walk to …Touch the etc.). Some teachers find this bare language uncouth and feel they must preface it with “please” or offer elaborateinstructions or explanations, such as, “You see?” or “No, watch me again” or“Please do x not y”. We recommend the alternative of an international signal of friendliness to offset feelings of uncouthness, such as a smile. So, practicepurging your language of commentary, names, injunctions and any languageother than that in the script. That’s easier than having to remember to say“Please” in front of every single imperative.6.lesson steps/1, 2 and 3:•Step 1: Teaching/learning: The teacher needs to act out the action that demonstrates her imperatives clearly and consistently, that is, when theteacher says, “Point to the door” she needs to accompany her words bypointing to the door herself. She needs to point to the same door each time.The correct response from the student or students is the act of immediatelypointing to the door. (This is the “Physical” response of “Total PhysicalResponse”).•Step 2: Practice or rehearse. The teacher needs to use the words and the actions of the imperative consistently to establish understanding and studentconfidence in their mastery of this word-action communication system. Asstudent competence becomes clear, however, the teacher needs to transitionto using words WITHOUT actions. Be ready to put the action back in (thusreturning to Stage 1 instruction) if any student shows uncertainty or confusion.•Step 3: Evaluate. Evaluation is the end-stage of the teaching/learning and practice-to-competence sequence. Here, the student functions in Englishwithout any support from the teacher’s gestures or the predictability ofrepetitive, known sequencing. The teacher will be able to see if the studentscan unhesitatingly demonstrate what has been taught and practiced.7.Getting ready: Teachers need to prepare for a TPR lesson by doing the following:A. Set learning goals for teacher and students. What will your students know atthe end of the lesson that they do not know at the beginning? To ensurestudent progress, write out (use the blank Lesson Plan form at the back ofthis handbook) or write down in a notebook your exact lesson language[so that you have a record of the vocabulary items your students havecovered and/or need to review]. Are you going to use “point to” or “touchthe” or “pick up” or …? Are you going to work on parts of the body, roomitems, tools or …? Will you use realia or pictures? If using pictures, howare you going to display the pictures so that ALL students can see thesame pictures? All of these details need to be thought through and realiagathered, the script written and the support material (thumb tacks, scotchtape etc.) included.B. Memorize your script. Pacing is all-important in TPR and to maintain thatpacing, you will not have time to look at your notes. You need to have theentire nine to twelve word script in memory so you can speak at yournormal speaking speed and sustain your students’ attention andconcentration. So, memorize your script.C. Use your normal intonation, rhythm and stress pattern. Using your normalspeech pattern will help to establish theD. prosody or “music” of our language in the students’ heads. It is thisunique “music” that creates much of our communication. Consider howimportant intonation is when we change meaning with a change in ourintonation pattern while saying: “The POLICE are here?” The police areHERE?” “The police are here.” Stress and intonation are key factors inour communication. Help the students learn this by using your normalspeaking speed and tone of voice. You can slow your delivery the firsttime through so that the students can clearly hear individual syllables, butafter that you need to return to your normal speaking speed. Theemphasis on normal speaking speed is critical in ensuring that studentsdevelop native speaker reflex response to your oral directions.What happens when you slow your speech down? When you slow downyour delivery, you lose your natural intonation pattern, strain your voice,promote word-by-word translation and defeat the whole purpose of TPR,that is, near native speaker understanding. So, speak normally.8. Practice your first lesson in front of a mirror! Remember that, during the lesson, youwill not be able to explain what you want your students to do. After all, thereason they’re in a TPR class is because they have zero English. So, practicepantomiming the following. Make your actions explain what you want thestudents to do: “Watch. Listen. Do not speak.”Deliver your first three imperatives three times pointing as you do it each time.Maintain a consistent tone and speed.A.You say(For example):“Point to the table. Point to the chair. Point to the floor.”“Point to the table. Point to the chair. Point to the floor.”“Point to the table. Point to the chair. Point to the floor.”B.You pantomime: Next, pantomime that you want the students to copy youby pointing as you speak. You may have to run around the first time toshow students how to point, but after that they are usually very happy tofind that they just have to listen, copy your actions and not to speak.9 Lesson procedures for each new language unit (One verb or verb phrase constitutes acomplete new unit of information, whereas nouns may be introduced in groups of up to three at a time).A. Model: Say the three imperatives while modeling the action three timesB. Say the three imperatives and have the group practice the actions as manytimes as are necessary for success reinforcing the actions by pointingwhen any student displays uncertainty.C. Randomize the imperatives. Still working with the whole group, instead ofsaying:•“Touch your head.” “Touch your nose.” “Touch your chin.”say:•“Touch your nose.” “Touch your nose.” (yes, this is a deliberaterepeat.) “Touch your head.” “Touch your nose.” “Touch your chin.”When you break the pattern of predictability, you are asking the studentsto differentiate among the sounds they are hearing in order to respond.This is a test and the student responses give the teacher informationabout any student uncertainties. As the group focuses on this newchallenge, some will be quick to respond and some will start lookingaround for help and support. This is a valuable “teachable” moment. Stillworking with the whole group, review and re-teach where uncertainty isapparent. Pay particular attention to any student who is clearly dependingon other students for his responses. Everyone needs to be sure beforemoving to individualized demonstrations.D. Individual response at random/evaluation: Now’s the time to check forindividual competence (and confidence). Start with your strongest studentand work your way round the class (but DO NOT say student names).Give each student 4 or 5 imperatives in random order as in C above.Leave each student on a “success”. Do not allow an individual studentto fail at any stage. Help immediately if necessary when you see astudent hesitate by guiding him through the required action. Start the nextstudent with the last “success” the class heard. Student hesitation tells youthat you have not fully established the sound-object connection in thestudent’s memory. Repeat and model the imperative several times toembed the one item that the student hesitated over. Encourage thestudent to act out the demonstration too, and as soon as he seemscompetent, go to an item in that sequence that he knows and then back tothe “problem” imperative. The goal is to leave the student on a successso that he can see he is making progress. You need to do this correctionspeedily enough that you do not lose the attention of the other students.Some teachers with beginning level students feel that they are being kindto their students when they break the grouping and teach one item at atime. Our observation of students and our own personal learningexperience suggest it is easier to memorize three groups of three relateditems especially when supported by actions and realia (or visuals) than 9individual items.In addition, teaching groups of items helps students to memorize bycategories, an important aid to recall. At the same time, the predictabilityof grouping reduces the anxiety that accompanies learning.10. Predictability as a teaching tool. Teach each new action or response in the samesequence each lesson. A predictable pattern of instruction is itself a form ofcommunication and helps to allay student anxiety so that they learn more easily.11. Consistent modeling each day is important. That is, if you used “Stand up” on oneday, you should not use, “Get up” on the next day. If the teacher mixes the oral cues, the student becomes uncertain of the wanted responses.12. One-step additions to the syllabus:Introduce new language one unit at a time. Oneverb or verb phrase constitutes a complete new unit of information, whereasnouns may be introduced in groups of up to three at a time. Introduce new verbs with familiar nouns, and new nouns with familiar verbs. Avoid introducing a new verb and a unit of new nouns at the same time. This can send the students into overload and confusion.13. Maintain all steps in the teaching sequence:Whatever adjustments you make, thesuccess of the method is tied to maintaining every step of the teaching sequence outlined here. If your students are really “hungry” for new material, they may be telling you that they are ready to move into an oral production script.14. Vocabulary choice: The vocabulary was chosen for its usefulness to most newlyarrived work-bound immigrants, and for the easy availability of the objects. A few items that seemed useful but not essential are included in parentheses in some units and may be used for groups that are particularly hungry for material.Teachers can add vocabulary items particular to areas of the country. However, list them in the glossary and be sure to support their meaning with realia orpictures.15. Evaluate! Evaluate! Evaluate! Many new teachers assume that reviewing (orrecycling) material covered earlier insults adult students. However, reviewing ata challenging pace can avoid “insult” to most students. For other students,review is like a memory “booster” and can make learning more certain. Thus,review – and the evaluation opportunity it provides - will show the teacherwhether the teaching has created ‘lasting learning’ or was superficial and leftlearning gaps for the teacher to fill. Review and evaluation can thus work hand-in-hand to ensure student progress telling the teacher when the students areready to move on to language production.16. Problems and cures:A. The lack of an immediate student response gives the teacher importantfeedback. Is the hesitation confined to one student or more? Is theproblem with the student or the teacher? One common student problemcenters on student learning style. Some students are independentlearners. They enjoy the scary challenge of learning. Some aredependent learners. They are uncomfortable and uncertain about thechallenge of doing their own learning. They are more used to havingsomeone else telling them what to do or say. If you have a student whonever acts without checking the actions of another student first (adependent learner), this may be the time to seek native speakerassistance. Seek someone (preferably not a student or family member)who can translate reliably. Then, as soon as possible and outside class,explain to the dependent student that you want to help him (or her) learnEnglish, that you are very experienced at teaching ESL, and that youknow how to adjust the lesson to make it learnable, but only he (or she)can do the learning. Try to get a commitment from the dependent studentto try.B Are you modeling and demonstrating sufficiently before you begin askingthe students to demonstrate to you?C. Are you maintaining your “pacing” or are you going so slowly that thestudents are ‘tuning you out’?D. Some students are parroting teacher aloud. Signal them to be silent -don’t try to explain. Student vocalizing will slow your delivery and theother learners will be listening to learner-English rather than nativespeaker English.E. Is your language “clean” of all commentary and consistent on a dailybasis?F. Are all the students focused? If some were still chatting in their nativelanguage when the lesson started, then they didn’t have time to transitionfrom language or thought to English. Remember, too, that a key elementin TPR’s success is that the language be of interest to the students. Thismeans that teaching household items in an all-male class, for instance,may have only very limited interest. If so, you might want to move on totools or transportation.G. Is the lesson too long so that the students have too many words to hold onto? 30-40 minutes is usually as much intense concentration as class AND teacher can handle in one day.H. Is the lesson too short so that the students do not have time to fully absorbthe learning tasks?I. Is the lesson too easy so that the students are not sufficiently challenged?Can you pick up the pace of your delivery and the number of newvocabulary items you are teaching in each lesson? Or are the studentstelling you that they are ready for an oral production class?J. Is the lesson too difficult? A successful lesson should end with every student achieving success. Not even one student should be allowed tofail. You may have to increase the number of your repetitions, becausepart of the success of TPR is that students keep up their enthusiasm forlearning because they CAN succeed.K. “They’re bored!” Who’s bored? The students or the teacher? TPR lessons call for a very high level of concentration from the teacher andinvolve a lot of script repetition at a predictable rate of delivery. Someteachers give up after a few days claiming the students are “bored”. More often, the teacher becomes bored and reflects it in her delivery. Theteacher needs to focus on the students’ needs and accomplishments,checking off their achievements and moving them towards near native-speaker listen-and-respond speed. In writing student goals, specify thelisten-and-respond speed. Keep a careful record of what the studentsHAVE successfully learned. Their successes help to keep boredom atbay.L. Beginning students feel very insecure. After all, returning to the classroom as an adult can be stressful. In addition, when adults find themselveswithout the language skills to manage their own daily lives many feelprofoundly inadequate. Keep in mind, therefore, that what is boring to you is still very new to them. Maintaining the predictability of the teachingsequence and building up a categorically organized and usablevocabulary can be reassuring besides being an effective teaching tool.SCRIPT 1: The Room and Numbers 1-10VERBS NOUNS Stand upSit downPoint to the Touch the Look at the Walk to the doorwallwindowchairceilingblackboardlight switchwall plugtelephoneclocktable(floor)Jump Clap onefourseventimestwofiveeightthreesixnineOpen theClose theShut thedoor cabinet bookSCRIPT 2: Parts Of The BodyVERBS NOUNSTouch yourheadfacenosechest haireyemouthbackneckchinteethstomachleft Hold yourright armshoulderlegwristhandelbowfootkneethumbhipearankleOpen your mouth hand eyesSCRIPT 3: The KitchenVERBS NOUNSPoint to the burnersinkcan openerrefrigeratorcutting boardcupknifestovecabinetdrawerfreezerpanglassforkovencountertoasterteakettlepotplatespoonTurn onTurn offlight front burner back burnerSCRIPT 4: foodVERBS NOUNSPoint to the Touch the potatoesbeetspepperscelerycucumberscauliflowercabbagesquasheggplantspeasyamstomatoescarrotsstring beansmushroomscornonionsgarlicPoint to thePut the (___) on the (___) Give the (grapes) and the (lemons) to (Mary). (Mary), put the (grapes) on the table and the (lemons) on the (chair)grapespeachespearspineapplesbananasplumsorangeslemonscantaloupescherriesstrawberriescoconutsPoint to theGive the (____) to (___)meatfrozen fishcheesechickenlobstermilkfresh fisheggsbreadSCRIPT 5: ToolsVERBS NOUNSPick up thePut the (____) on the (___) Put down thePoint to thehammerpliersscrewdriverpaintbrushflash lightnailboltscrewpaintbatterywrenchnuthooksandpaperbulbSCRIPT 6: OUTDOORS/INTERSECTIONSVERBS NOUNShouse apartmentbuildingstreetmail box stairs front doorfireplug sidewalk curbbus stop stop sign cornergrass tree bushdriveway path alleybus car van Point to themotor-cycle truck trainSCRIPT 7: CLOTHINGVERBS NOUNShat jacket glovesundershirt bra slippanties briefs pantyhose Point to the shoes boots sandalssocks sweater shirtjeans pants skirtblouse dress suit SCRIPT 8: U. S. MAILVERBS NOUNSenvelope letter package Point to theletter carrier return address mailing addressstamp/postage postmark postcardSCRIPT 9: Public TransportationVERBS NOUNS taxibustrainPoint to theSCRIPT 10: PREPOSITIONS OF MOTIONVERBS NOUNS Go under the bridgeup the stairs over the bridgedown the stairsGetout of the taxiinto the taxi*Toy cars and bridges and stairs made of cardboard work quite well as “props”.SCRIPT 11: PARTS OF A CARVERBS NOUNS rearview mirrorwindshield hood bumper side view mirror tire dashboard steering wheel ignition Point to the Touch thefront seatback seatchild safety seatSCRIPT 12: JOBS AND OCCUPATIONSVERBS NOUNShousekeeper auto mechanic bakerbricklayer butcher carpenter Point to thecashier cook dentistgardener hairdresser housekeepernurse painter police officersecretary truck driver welderIndexA alley (14)and (13)ankle (11)apartment building (14)arm (11)auto mechanic (17)B back...................................................11, 12 back seat.. (16)baker (17)bananas (13)battery (14)beets (13)blackboard (10)blouse (15)bolt (14)book (10)boots (15)bra (15)bread (13)bricklayer (17)briefs (15)bulb (14)bumper (16)burner (12)bus.....................................................14, 16 bus stop (14)bush (14)butcher (17)C cabbage (13)cabinet...............................................10, 12 can opener.. (12)cantaloupes (13)car (14)carpenter (17)carrots (13)cashier (17)cauliflower (13)ceiling (10)celery.......................................................13chair (10)cheese (13)cherries (13)chest (11)chicken (13)child safety seat (16)chin (11)Clap (10)clock (10)Close (10)coconuts (13)cook (17)corn (13)corner (14)counter (12)cucumbers (13)cup (12)curb (14)cutting board (12)D dashboard (16)dentist (17)door (10)down the stairs (16)drawer (12)dress (15)driveway (14)E ear (11)eggplants (13)eggs (13)eight (10)elbow (11)envelope (15)eye (11)eyes (11)F face (11)fireplug (14)five (10)flash light (14)floor (10)。



教案设计全身反应教学法TPR* 全身教学法(TPR)介绍:全身反应教学法(Total Physical Response,缩写为 TPR),是加州心理学家 James J.Asher(詹姆士J.艾谢,1988)提出来的。

















一、教学对象+ 越南初中二年级学生。

二、学生数量+ 一个班20个人。

三、教学课时+ 两节课(90分钟)四、教学内容分析+ 本课选自基础汉语40课(华东师范大学出版社---上册)第九课《我的一天》。



tprs中文教学手册TPRS(Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling)是一种创新型语言教学法,它结合了全身反应教学法(TPR)和叙事教学法(Storytelling)的优点,旨在提高语言学习者的听说读写能力。


















TPR(Total Physical Response)是一种语言教学方法,通过




老师可以选择简单、生动的儿歌,比如《Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star》或者《Old MacDonald Had a Farm》,然后在教学过程中引导孩子们跟









TPR 教学在英语当中的应用(Total Physical Response)TPR 教学法:即全身肢体反应教学法。






理论依据二:儿童生理、心理特点1.形象思维2.天生好动3.注意力难以持久4.运动智能5.减轻开口的压力6.累积足够的信心理论依据三:记忆形成规律1.先身体反应2.后语言反应3.相互联系TPR 教学法的特点:1.直接反映母语教学,取出母语翻译过程,有助于学生进行所学语言的思维。



3.有助于发展儿童运动智能:儿童在学习语言的同时通过TPR 教学充分锻炼和开发了儿童的运动智能。





教学流程:听的输入(辨别符号的音)→意义的理解(动作上的)→动作的表达(语言的表达、让孩子表达出来)TPR 教学内容:●活动用语●介系词●身体部位●长相特征●教室用语●一般知识●一般动作●故事★TPR 的最终目的:让学生在无压力的情况下开口说。

TPR 教学法的步骤:1.教师说出所教内容,并用动作将其表现出来。


(Teacher speak and act ,students just listen and watch .)教师重复说出所教内容,带领学生一起做动作。



TPR Introduction 课程概述

1. TPR consists of two books, TPR-A and TPR-B. TPR共分为A,B两册。 2. Every book has 11 units, each of which has 2 lessons. 每册书有11个单元,每个单元有2课,共22课。 3. Each class lasts 2 hours with 10 minutes break, covering one lesson. 每次课为2个小时(中间休息10分钟),每次讲授1课。 4. Finishing all lessons followed with a test and a test review. 在所有课文学习完后,会有1次考试和一次考试讲解。 5. 24 classes will be needed to finish each book. 每册书合计为24次课讲解完毕。
TPR-B: Level 2-Same as TPR-A Level 1
About the class 有关上课

1. Every foreign teacher will be assisted by a teaching assistance (TA). 每位外教配备一名助教。协助外教的工作。 2. The teacher is supposed to spend the first 10~20 minutes every class to review the contents of last class and the last 10 minutes to review and summarize the contents. 教师要在每次课的前十至二十分钟复习上节课内容,然后开 始新课,最后十分钟归纳总结此次课的内容。 3. The teacher is supposed to check students’ homework during the break or during the class. 在课间或上课的时候,要批改上次课布置的作业。 4. At the end of each class, the teacher (assisted by TA) will hand out students’ homework. 在课程的最后,要给学生发放作业(通常由助教完成)。



TPR教学法在小学英语课堂中的巧妙运用一、TPR教学法的理论TPR,是Total Physical Response的缩写,指全身反应教学法,是加州心理学家詹姆士博士提出来的。


James Asher认为,右脑是缄默的,非语言性的,但是它可以通过指令做出适应动作来表达自己。

















剑桥小学英语《Join in》三年级起点三年级下册课本第三单元就有一篇课文:Turn off the alarm clock. Get out of the bed. Put on your T-shirt. Put on your shorts. Put on your socks. Put on your trainers. Put on your cycle helmet. Open the door. Shout:“Oh,no.”这篇故事文本,全都是祈使句,教师运用TPR教学法的过程是,①听故事说说他今天要去干什么?这一步的目的是让学生理解故事大意。



TPR,是Total Physical Response的缩写,指全身反应教学法,是加州心理学家詹姆士博士提出来的。








TPR教学法的基本原则(一)让第二语言进入学生的右半脑James Asher认为,右脑是缄默的,非语言性的,但是它可以通过指令做出适应动作来表达自己。








)如:Point to the door , stand up , sit down.逐渐过渡到比较复杂的指令,有时还包括一些想象的情节,如:now you are Amy, please introduce yourself , OK?(三)教授的语言形式以祈使句为主,带动其它句型指令型语言其形式只能是祈使句,其它句型的出现只能服从于祈使句的使用,不仅新授动词如此,新授名词、形容词、介词等也是如此。








一、儿童英语发展理论与"TPR"理论儿童的言语发展(language development of children)是儿童从言语获得到基本完善的量变和质变的过程。






根据这一现象,美心理学家詹姆斯·阿士尔(James Asher)提出了“完全生理反应”理论(Total physicalResponse,简称TPR理论):即儿童时期掌握一门语言,言语和书面表达能力是随着听说产生的。


由此得出,儿童是自然的语言学习者(natural language learner)。


所谓"TPR"儿童英语教学法即利用“完全生理反应”理论,按照儿童言语发展理论(theory of child language development),通过一定的操作性条件,强化儿童对英语——作为第二语言的学习。

儿童的年龄为5—10 岁,甚至可提前2—4岁,前者是言语发展的关键时期,即语言青春期(linguistic puberty),后者是语言获得时期。



全身反应法( TPR)在小学英语教学中的应用研究摘要:小学英语教学存在着这样的困惑,虽然学生具备了一定量的词汇积累,却对一些常用的语句掌握情况不佳,进而学生不能将词汇合理运用到句子当中进行英语交流,因此小学英语教学需要做出进一步的完善。


关键词:全身反应法(TPR);小学英语教学;应用与研究TPR的全称是 Total Physical Response 是由美国心理学教授James Asher 提出的,是一种创新的教学方法,在教学理念上提倡教师通过丰富的课堂活动,来让学生对所学习语言进行快速的理解与应用,进而能够解决小学英语教学过程中遇到的问题,让学生的英语能力得到更好的提高。






Module 1 JobsUnit 1 He’s a doctor.一、准备阶段:Ⅰ教学目标:情感目标:乐于感知并积极尝试使用英语,真诚的向别人介绍家人,从而增进友谊.知识目标:运用She’s …\He’s…能力目标:培养学生听说读She’s…\He’s…及能视觉感知:doctor,nurse的能力。

Ⅱ教学重点;能够听说读写She’s …\He’s…Ⅲ教学难点:能正确运用She’s …\He’s…Ⅳ辅助资源:挂图、录音机、磁带、图片二、教学过程:I. Warming up师生问候II. Revision:教师展示上一册Module10 Unit2的韵句This is Mother Panda.的图片,带领学生复习韵句.III. Presentation:1. 教师课前准备一些花木兰替父出征故事的图片,请学生猜猜图中的人物是谁,由此导出SB Unit1活动1.教师引导学生看SBUnit1活动1的动画或挂图,告诉学生:”今天,Lingling和Amy一起去参观画展,展厅有关于花木兰和神笔马良的画作, Amy不认识他们,Lingling向Amy一一介绍.”2. 教师播放活动1的动画或录音,在听录音的过程中注意语音语调.3.教师注意板书,可在黑板上贴出花木兰和马良的图片,在图片下方分别写上”She’s a girl.”和He’s a boy.”这两个句子.注意用红色粉笔醒目的书写”She’s和He’s”4. 呈现课文:出示一张自己小时候与父母在一起的照片.教师指着自己小时候的照片,让学生猜猜是谁.用英语怎么说,告诉学生,学习过今天的课文之后就知道怎么说了.(学生带着问题看挂图听录音既巩固了刚学过的单词还学习了新单词和句子放录音,学生边听边指出句子。



IV. Practice:1. 学生两人一组完成P3练习4。

教师课前准备一些男女性别特征明显的各类人物图片,请学生选择自己感兴趣的并用”He’s…和She’s…”描述图片.2.Play a game.猜人物V. Summary:教师总结:大部分学生应该掌握She’s..\He’s…Unit 2 She’s a nurse.一、准备阶段:Ⅰ教学目标:情感目标:培养学生学习英语的兴趣。



教授的语 言以祈使 句为主, 带动其他 句型。
老师用目标语发出指令,先自 己做,等学生能够理解后,让 学生完成动作,然后边说边做 。开始老师通过说跟我做游戏 ,让学生一起做动作,这丫那 个可以使学生理解指令与被期 望的动作之间的关系,并准确 的做相应动作。
教 学 法 的 原 则
表演教学法 卡片教学法 游戏教学法 比赛教学法 图画教学法 直观教学法 整体教学法
儿童对黑板上的图画比板书更感兴趣,图画可以化抽象的文字符号为形象 的色彩 符号,学生对形象的记忆能力比抽象的东西强得多,形象的东西更 直观更形象,符合“脑图记忆”原理。 对老师的要求就是:心中有书(把课本记得烂熟),手中有画(把知识点 用快速写意的线条表示出来)。 对图画的要求:必须能够显示出你所教授的内容,最好是一幅写意图,学生 一看就明白。图画要求夸张或逼真或幽默……
大部分语法结构和成千上 万的单词可以通过老师熟 练的使用祈使句来掌握动 词,语言学习和使用都应
“自然法和理解法”:1、 理解能力先于输出能力。 2、说的能力的教学应该 在理解技能掌握开始。3、 听力中获得的技能可以转 化为其他技能。4、教学 应该强调意义而不是形式。 5、教学应该尽量减少学生
成功的外语习得和 儿童习得母语的过 程有一种相似的地 方。他们最初都通 过动作对父母的指 令表示反应,能说 话之前已经听懂大 人的指令,所以语 言学习存在一个只 听不说的沉默期, 久了以后就很容易 学会新的语言。
根据儿童爱动,注 意力难以持久,通 过跑、跳、唱、画 、做游戏等方式, 不能反复重复老师 的话引起儿童心理 压力和紧张情绪, 限制儿童语言学习 技能的发展和提高 。



TPR幼儿园教案什么是TPR?TPR,全名为Total Physical Response(意为全身反应),是一种基于动作反应的教学方法。























新标准英语第二册第三模块第一单元教案一、教学内容:MODULE3 Unit1 <<I like football>>二、教学目标:1.语言运用目标:能口头运用,能听懂like football basketball table tennis morning exercises等单词。

能口头运用“I like…”“I don’t like…”句式谈论运动及自己的喜好。

能识别football basketball table tennis morning exercises2.综合素质目标进一步培养学生热爱运动、锻炼身体的好习惯。

三、教学重点:学习运动名称:football basketball table tennis morning exercises四、教学难点:能口头运用“I like…”“I don’t like…”句式谈论运动及自己的喜好以及对exercises的正确拼读。

五、教学方法:TPR 情景教学法练习法六、教学准备:CAI 单词卡片录音机磁带七、教学过程:(一)热身复习:1.师生互打招呼。


monkey tiger lion panda先老师用肢体语言或声音表现所学的动物,让学生进行猜测。





)让学生说说是哪种运动,学生说一个老师就依次对football basketball table tennismorning exercises进行单词教学。







小学英语课堂游戏TPR教材重难点卡片游戏1. Flash the CardLook here , everybody , there are some cards in my hands ,I will flash the card quickly , you should read the word on the card as quickly as you can . Let’s see who can read the word more quickly . Now I want two students to do it .Who wants to try ?2. Pat the CardIf I pat this card , I say … , and I am right . You should follow me say … .If I pat this card , I say …, and I am wrong. You should keep silent . OK , let’s do it .3. Hide the CardLook here , everyone ,there are some cards in my hands . I will ask one of you to come here and face to the blackboard and then I show and hide one of the cards .All of you should say the word. If the kid get near /far the card , you should read the word with high/low voice .4. Stand up and Sit downI’ll divide you into two groups , panda group and tiger group. There are some cards in my hands ,If I point to one card and say “ panda” panda group should qu ickly stand up and read out the card and then quickly sit down.5. High and LowIf I put the card here , you read it in low voice.If I put the card here , you read it in highvoice.6. Touching the CardI will put some cards on the floor . When I say a word , youshould put one partof your body on the card , and you can’t move . Let’s see how many cards can you touch. Touch the cards with your body as many as you can .7 It’s me .OK, boys and girls , let’s play a game . Now I want one of you to come here and face to the blackboard . And then I will ask one of you to read the card in my hand by changing voice . Like this “...”.Next ,the student who faces to the blackboard should tell us who said it . At the same time ,all of you should say “it’s me”.8 What is missing ?-Everybody ,let’s look at these cards one by one .OK, now close your eyes .I will take away a card. OK, open your eyes now .Guess ,what’s missing? Are you sure?9 Balling game-I put some cards against the wall . When I say out a word .You should quickly use the ball to hit the word card .If you can hit the card , you are the winner.If you can’t , you are lost.儿童英语TPR教学Ⅰ Words:1. A---apple B---bear2. C---cat D---dog3. E---egg F---fish4. G---goat H---hat5. I---Indian J---jam6. K---key L---lion7. M---monkey N---net 8. O---ox P---pig 9. Q---queen R—ring 10. S---sun T---top 11. U---umbrella V---van12. W---witch X---x-ray 13. Y---yo-yo Z---zebraⅡ Sentences:1. Good morning. Good morning , teacher.2. Stand up, please . Sit down , please .3. Sing ! Sing! Sing a song . Sing! Sing! Sing along.4. Be quiet ! Listen !5. Come here . Go there.6. Dance ! Dance! In the sun . Dance !Dance! It is fun.7. Hands up ! Hands down !8. Shake ! Shake ! Head to toe. Shake! Shake ! Go! Go! Go!9. Run! Run! Far away ! Run ! Run! Let me play .10. Good –bye! See you again!11. Hello! My name is Sandy. What’s your name ?12. 1.2.3. Look at me ! 4.5.6. Do some tricks.7.8.9. I am fine! 10.10.10. Do it again.13. Time to clean up . Time to go home .14. The light is red, stop . The light is green , go !The light is yellow, wait.15. Eyes, eyes, I can see. Nose ,nose, I can smell .Mouth, mouth ,I can taste . Ears ,ears, I can hear.16. I listen to Mom and Dad.I say “please” and “thank you”课堂用语及歌曲教学(一)Ⅰ Cl assroom English1.Good morning Sandy . 2. Good –bye Sandy . See you again.3. Show me your hands (finger)4. Stand up, please. I stand up.5. Follow me . Follow you .6. Are you ready? Yes I am.7. Look at me. Look at you. 8. Follow me say. Follow me do.9. Who wants to try? Let me try.10. Let’s sing a song. What song? Walking , walking OK↗ OK↘Are you ready? Yes I’m ready. If you are ready say “music please”Ⅱ Chants and Songs1. very good , very cool , very super.2. oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, yeah , yeah.3. You did good job . You did good job.Really, really , really, really, did good job.4. I’m wonderful , really wonderful . really ,really, really ,really wonderful.5. Hello to Joy , Hello ,hello. Hello to Joy , hello, helloWave your hands , blow a kiss. Hello, hello , hello.课堂用语及歌曲教学(二)Ⅰ Classroom English1. Let’s play a game ! Good idea !2. Stand a line ! Attention ! 1 . 2.3. Let’s hand in hand to make a circle !4. Time is up ! Let’s have a break!5. Who wants to try ? Who else wants to try ?6. Whose turn ? It’s my turn .7. Look out ! Attention ! Be careful ! 8. Turn right ! turn left ! turn back.9. Congratulations ! You win ! 10. Hurry up ! Come on !Ⅱ Chants and Songs1. Follow me , follow me . please follow me .Follow you , follow you . I will follow you .2. Hands ,hands, I can clap. Hands ,hands, I can wave .Feet, feet , I can walk . Feet , feet , I can jump.3. Rain, rain go away . Come again another day .Little Johnny wants to play . Rain rain go away .4. Row , row ,row your boat . Gently down the stream .Merrily, merrily, merrily ,merrily. Life is but a dream .课堂用语及歌曲教学(三)ⅠClassroom English1. Muster , Line up .2. Raise your hands .3. Put your hands down .4. Put the hands on your legs5. Sit up straight , please .6. Louder , please I can’t hear you .7. Don’t be shy . Take it easy !8. Before the class , let’s move our body .9. Please touch / guess/ smell/ taste it.10.N-I-C-E , nice , nice . G-O-O-D , good , goodⅡ Chants and Songs1. Line up ! Line up 1.2.3. Line up ! Line up . A B C.2. Happy , happy , I am happy . I am happy , yeah …Sad , sad , I am sad . I am sad, hen …3. Open your eyes . chua… Open your ears . ah…Open your nose .en…Open your mouth. yummy …4. London Bridge is falling down , falling down , falling down .London Bridge is falling down . My fair lady .5. Drive ,drive ,drive a car ,drive a car and play guitar .Row , row , row a boat . row a boat and drink a coke.Ride , ride ,ride a bike . ride a bike and fly a kite .第一册教材单元教学内容重、难点Unit 1 A Dog’s Hat重点: 26辅音、18元音、五短元音及其韵句难点: 44个基本音中个别辅音和元音的发音了解: 辅音歌、26辅音的字母组合Unit 2 A Bridge重点: 部分辅音韵句、五长元音韵句、英语单词的构成.难点: 英语单词的构成.了解: 英语单词的切分Unit 3 An Apple and an Ape重点: a和a_e 的粘连音及真词训练、两个韵文,句型: What’s this ?/ This is a … .难点: a / an 的用法了解: 英文歌Unit 4 An Egg and a Bee重点: e和ee的粘连音及真词训练、一韵文、句型What’s that ?难点: 韵文了解: 句型Do you know what’s a hen?Unit 5 A White Kite重点: i和 i_e的粘连音及真词训练、一韵文、句型 What are you doing ? 难点: 字母组合及相关规则了解: 一歌曲,句型I wish you were … .Unit 6 A Small Dog重点: o和o_e的粘连音及真词训练, 韵文一、二, ,句型: What do you like ? 难点:字母组合及相关规则了解: 韵文三Unit 7 A Cute Duck重点: u和u_e的粘连音及真词训练、韵文一、句型 May I borrow your pen ? 难点: 韵文一了解: 韵文二Unit 8 A Short Farmer重点: ar和or 的粘连音及真词训练, 一韵文,句型 How much is it ?/What can you see with the telescope ?难点: 韵文/字母组合及相关规则了解: 一歌曲Un it 9 A Girl’s Purse重点: ur,ir和er的粘连音及真词训练,一韵文, 句型: Can you … ?难点: 字母组合及相关规则了解: 一歌曲 ,Unit 10 Look at the Mouse重点: oo和ou的粘连音及真词训练,韵文一、二,句型 : How many books are there on the grass ?难点: 韵文二, 句型How many … ?了解: 韵文三Unit 11 Near the Stairs重点: air和eer的粘连音及真词训练, 一韵文, 句型: Where is the … ?难点: 句型Where is the … ?了解: 歌曲Unit 12 A Boy’s Toy重点: oi,oy的粘连音及真词训练,一韵文,句型 : What do you want to do ?难点: 句型 What do you want to do ?了解:一歌曲Unit 13 A Story.了解: 一故事、复习一句型: How many … ?第二册教材单元教学内容重、难点Unit 1重点: 复习18个元音,对话练习,部分元音的真词训练难点: 对话练习了解: 18元音的字母组合Unit 2重点: 两句型 How do you go to school ? /What do you do at the weekend ? 部分元音的真词训练难点: 字母组合及相关规则了解: 韵文T eddy BearUnit 3重点:字母a的发音规则、句型: What are the girls doing ?辅音字母组合的真词认读难点: 字母a的发音规则,句型对话了解:一韵文、一歌曲Unit 4重点:长元音a_e的字母组合及韵句/一韵文、含有长元音a_e的字母组合的真词认读难点: 含有长元音a_e的字母组合的真词认读了解:一歌曲、一句型: What do you wear when it’s … ?Unit 5重点: 字母y及字母组合ie的发音规则及其韵句含字母y及字母组合ie的真词认读、句型: What are you going to do ?难点: 字母y及字母组合ie的发音规则了解:一歌曲一韵文Unit 6重点: 长元音o_e的字母组合及其韵句/真词认读/句型: Who can draw a boat ? 难点: 长元音o_e的字母组合及发音规则了解: 一歌曲,Unit 7重点:普通元音or的字母组合及其韵文韵句/真词认读/ 两韵句句型: What is she doing ? / What are they doing ?难点: 普通元音or的字母组合了解:一歌曲Unit 8重点: 单词的重音与弱读规则及其真词训练句型: What animals do you like best ?难点:单词的重音与弱读规则了解:一韵文/一歌曲Unit 9重点: 部分前缀及其真词训练、句型: What do you do on Monday ?方位介词运用 on in under between behind beside难点: 部分前缀/句型: What do you do on Monday ?了解:一韵文/一歌曲Unit 10重点: 部分后缀及其真词训练 / 一韵文一句型: What is the weather like today ?难点: 部分后缀及其真词训练了解: 一歌曲Unit 11重点: 合成词的构成及训练 / 对话练习难点: 对话练习了解: 一歌曲Unit 12重点: 多音节词真词训练 / 组句训练句型: When is your birthday ?难点: 多音节词真词训练了解: 12月份的韵句Unit 13了解: 故事八天英语教材一二册单词TPR教学apple tree egg bed fish dishfox box duck hug jeep sheepqueen king dress dog cake beekite sky smoke fat cat sat matrat long short big small snakelake eat hat plane bat flower seeball bag hen chick riverfly swim high low knifefog frog door window hole dighot dog golf bus drum jumpbump car bar star horse kicktortoise fork teacher doctor nurse pupil bird shirt skirt bookmouse house wolf school coolfood spoon broom footballgo straight on turn back turn left/right hair drink stair chairgood bad play the pianowatch swan banana pull pushgo home go to school rain play dragonfly baby happy brightsunny head shoulder knees toeseyes ears mouth nose coat touch touch your toes close the window take a shower cow crow draw dance giraffe rabbit donkey monkey goldfish tiger elephant camel butterfly crocodile kangaroo pigeon ride a bikewind storm snow runquickly slowly snail rainbow newspaper sunglasses telescope miniskirt hot cold。



T P R教学五步骤Company Document number:WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998TPR 教学在英语当中的应用(Total Physical Response)TPR 教学法:即全身肢体反应教学法。






理论依据二:儿童生理、心理特点1.形象思维2.天生好动3.注意力难以持久4.运动智能5.减轻开口的压力6.累积足够的信心理论依据三:记忆形成规律1.先身体反应2.后语言反应3.相互联系TPR 教学法的特点:1.直接反映母语教学,取出母语翻译过程,有助于学生进行所学语言的思维。



3.有助于发展儿童运动智能:儿童在学习语言的同时通过 TPR教学充分锻炼和开发了儿童的运动智能。





教学流程:听的输入(辨别符号的音)→意义的理解(动作上的)→动作的表达(语言的表达、让孩子表达出来)TPR 教学内容:●活动用语●介系词●身体部位●长相特征●教室用语●一般知识●一般动作●故事★TPR 的最终目的:让学生在无压力的情况下开口说。

TPR 教学法的步骤:1.教师说出所教内容,并用动作将其表现出来。


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aa aaa apple ,apple on a tree.
ii iii fish, fish in my dish.
ee eee egg, egg on the bed.
oo o oo fox, fox in the box
uu uuu duck, duck in my hug.
u-e u-e u-e u-e u-e a cute duck follows you.
Unit 3
part4.1 part4.2
A fat cat sat on the mat waiting for his rat
A long black snake lived by the lake eating a nice cake
“You could fall off the bed. and bump your head!”
But I jumped and I jumped. and I jumped on the bed.
Until I fell off the bed . and I bumped my head
Unit 4- part 4
What happened to the green leaves on the tree? And the red flowers and the bee?
Where did they go? I can’t see. What happened to the green leaves on the tree?
fly swim high low knife fog frog door window hole dig hot dog golf bus drum jump bump car bar star horse kick tortoise fork teacher doctor nurse pupil bird shirt skirt book mouse house wolf school cool food spoon broom football go straight on turn back turn left/right hair drink stair chair good bad play the piano

挑 →①

生 词
do – dog

出 单


→ 出 方法
短 语
教动词 从左往右 读
→ Make a cake

教名词 从右往左 短
Make a cake

{ 表演
短暂停顿 表演到位
一册 韵文韵句TPR教学
Words TPR
apple tree egg bed fish dish fox box duck hug jeep sheep queen king dress dog cake bee kite sky smoke fat cat sat mat rat long short big small snake lake eat hat plane bat flower see ball bag hen chick river
And the red flowers and the bee? If you know ,please tell me.
Unit 6
A small naughty dog.
Went into the fog.
Fell over a rock.
And met a frog.
Door, door, open the door. Window, window, close the window. Hole, hole, dig a hole .
Left foot ,right foot. Left foot, right.
Marching all day . and marching all night.
Go straight on. now turn right.
Left foot ,right foot. left foot ,right.
ar ar ar ar ar Car, bar, and star.
or or or or or A short horse kicks a ball.
Unit 10
Little horse, little horse. You have a big house but never I. You have a colourful blouse but never I. People give you food but never I. But I never envy you . You are busy. I am free. Aha … Who am I ? I’m a happy little mouse.
a-e a-e
a-e a-e a-e make a cake everyday..
ee ee ee ee ee bee, bee in the tree.
i-e i-e i-e i-e i-e kite, kite in the sky.
o-e o-e
o-e o-e o-e smoke, smoke don’t smoke.
Smoke, smoke, don’t smoke.
Unit7- part6
“Don’t jump on the bed.” my sister said
“You could fall off the bed. and bump your head! “
“Don’t jump on the bed.” my mother said
Come on kids! You are doing alright!