1毕博-管理咨询工具方法—5.5 Discounting Tables-Chinese
价格折扣PRICE DISCOUNTING企业经常落入一个认为“增加销售额的最佳策略就是降价”的陷阱。
然而假如我们客观地来看,企业这么做实际上是在“贬值”他们的产品和服务,更别谈利润流失了!Businesses often fall into the trap of discounting their prices in the belief that this it is the best strategy to increase sales turnover. However if we look at it objectively, what the business is really doing is ‘de-valuing’ their products and services, not to mention losing profits!当一个企业降价时,其利润的底线立即受到了影响。
When a business discounts prices, the bottom line profits are immediately affected. In certain instances such as retail outlets, price discounting can be an efficient method for selling excess stock, or to create immediate working capital. However it is a strategy that will damage businesses profitability if used as a long-term strategy.某些行业比其它行业要更具有价格敏感性,但重要的是,要强调除了价格以外的许多其它方面也会影响顾客的购买决定。
毕博-管理咨询工具方法—turn customer input into innovation-Chinese
将客户的想法转化为创新Anthony W. Ulwick 著最佳做法许多商家会询问客户,他们对未来的新 产品或服务有什么期冀――但他们开始 行动时,却走上一条完全不正确的路。
本文阐述了一种全新的方法,抓住客户 的投入想法,用于推进创新的进程。
将客户的想法 变为创新Anthony W. Ulwick 著每家企业都为能实现对客户的 承诺而自豪。
更健康的速食产品 , 低尼古丁含量的雪茄 , 轿车上更大 马力的引擎。
总而言之,给予顾客 期望的,便能走向成功――大概你 是这么想的。
通常在对目标群体无数 的调查和调研中,客户描述他们想得 到的解决方案,然后他们拭目以待, 研发人员倾尽全力,最终实现他们的 想法。
当一种新产品问世或服务终于 进入市场,市场的唯一反应竟是失败 的回声,这是怎样的让人伤感呀! 为什么会出现这种情况呢?原因 在于企业开始聆听客户的要求时就全 错了,大错特错了。
事实上,他们破 坏了创新,最终血本无归。
我的公司在过去的 12 年中观察机 构所进行的各种市场调查和产品开拓,有错误的,也有正确的。
如果存 在问题,其实很简单,即:企业询问 客户的需求是什么。
客户以产品或服 务的形式回答问题。
他们说: “我喜欢 可视电话” ,或者, “我希望可以在网 上购买日常杂货” 。
于是,企业将这些 变为现实,而客户通常却不会购买。
客户并不总是跟 随他们的想法;他们并不是专家,不 会太在意那样的革新。
这正是你的研 发人员所作的。
而且,客户只重视结 果,也就是说,他们希望新产品或服 务能带来怎样的好处。
也许,他们希将客户的想法变成创新·最佳作法望在通电话时,感觉离 对方近些,或是想节省 去杂货店的路途时间。
他们这些想法应以怎样 的形式表现,完全取决 于你,你可以作主。
多年以来, 我和我的 同事们开创了一种新方 法,抓住客户以结果为 导向,而不是以解决方 案为导向的想法。
该方 法,通过揭示客户采用 产品或服务的真正目的 途径,收集数据。
对C类员工的全新计划Beth Axelrod、Helen Handfield-Jones、Ed Michaels 合著在人才争夺战中取胜,不仅仅是招聘和挽留员工。
对C 类员工的全新计划Beth Axelrod 、Helen Handfield-Jones 、Ed Michaels 合著任何一个资深的管理者都会同意:企业管理层能力的好坏对于企业持续成功至关重要。
毕竟,公司管理层在招聘、培养以及保留业绩为“A ”和“B ”员工时,感到非常舒心。
但是在处理业绩为“C ”的员工时,却觉得非常痛苦,并总是设法避免。
我们发现,一个机构的成功程度,主要依靠精心管理业绩为“A ”和“B ”的两类员工,同时也依靠对“C ”类员工的恰当处理。
实际上,我们发现业绩优秀的企业中有33%比那些业绩平平的企业更注重对C 类员工的妥善处理。
xiex目录TABLE OF CONTENTS背景Background本指南旨在为咨询顾问公司和其它商业服务机构提供技术和方法,使他们能够成功地为中小企业提供咨询服务。
This guide is designed to provide consultants and other service providers with techniques and methodologies that will enable them to embark on successful consulting engagements with small/medium size enterprises (SMEs).这里提供的资料旨在帮助咨询顾问公司能够与中小企业建立互惠的关系。
The materials provided, aim to enable the consultant to engage with SMEs in a mutually beneficial relationship. While the methodologies used will provide “quick wins,” the materials are designed to facilitate a long-term relationship between consultant and client – a relationship where the consultant earns the status of “trusted advisor” and where the knowledge and resources of both parties are used to creat e a “pool of knowledge and resources.”该项目的目的是改善企业在财务和运营这两方面的业绩。
毕博-管理咨询工具方法—Enga...第一篇:毕博-管理咨询工具方法—Engagement Letter Template-Chinese(范文模版)咨询项目信函 Engagement Letter尊敬的[姓名] 对于您决定在贵公司[公司名称]实施经营业绩改善项目(BPIP项目),我们表示感谢并致以热烈祝贺。
Thank you and congratulations on your decision to proceed with the Business Performance Improvement Program for [Company Name].I am sure you will be delighted with the outcomes.正如我们已经讨论过的那样,您的投资是无条件得到保证的。
As already discussed, your investment is unconditionally guaranteed.At the end of each month we will review the advice from this firm.If at any time and at your complete discretion, you do not believe you have received value for your investment, upon mutual agreement we will refund the last month’s fee.Our intention is that the service we provide is at NO risk to yourself!经营业绩改善项目的概述Overview of the Business Performance Improvement Program 本项目的目的是在财务和运作方面改善您的经营业绩。
承诺的力量!THE POWER OF GUARANTEES!销售和市场推广最有效方法之一就是‘产品和服务承诺’。
One of the most powerful tools used in successful selling and marketing are‘guarantees’. They can dramatically increase responses to your marketing strategies. Unfortunately guarantees are also tools that are underestimated and underused by many businesses.在最近的无线电台的广告节目中,Block Buster影带租赁公司为他们的最新录影带提供了一份诱人的产品和服务承诺。
他们保证,如果您走进他们的商店去租一本广告中的录影带,任何时候都可以成功地租借到,否则免费!为了支持这个承诺他们用了这样一条口号‘这就是Block Buster的承诺!’来结束他们的广告。
In recent radio commercials, Block Buster Video rentals offered a blatant guarantee on their promised latest video releases. They guaranteed that if you walk into their store to rent one of their promised latest video releases, it will be available in store, or you rent it free! Supporting this guarantee they finish the advertisement with the slogan, ‘And that is the Block Buster Video promise!’一些企业家可能把产品和服务承诺看成无法忍受的声明,认为这些声明会损害其业务,而不是促进业务的发展。
TABLE OF CONTENTS目录TABLE OF CONTENTS (2)1.0报告摘要 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (3)2.0介绍 INTRODUCTION (4)3.0企业背景介绍COMPANY BACKGROUND (6)4.0行业分析INDUSTRY ANALYSIS (8)5.0产品与服务PRODUCTS AND SERVICES (13)6.0市场分析MARKET ANALYSIS (17)7.0SWOT 分析DIAGNOSTIC SWOT ANALYSIS (20)8.0选择目标市场 TARGET MARKET SELECTION (24)9.0战略发展 STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT (26)10.0历史业绩表现 HISTORICAL PERFORMANCE (29)11.0市场营销战略 MARKETING STRATEGY (32)12.0附件一APPENDIX 1 (42)13.0附件二APPENDIX 2 (43)14.0附件三APPENDIX 3 (44)1.0 报告摘要EXECUTIVE SUMMARY➢完成一页纸的报告摘要,阐述市场营销战略及建议1 page summary overview of the report defining the marketing strategies and theresulting recommended actions.➢本部份应在本报告全部撰写完成之后才完成This section should be completed once the entire report has been finalised.➢本部份应包括主要的行动及其结果,以及通过执行本计划后将达成的目标摘要This section shou ld include Key Actions and an “Output Statement,” a summary of what will be achieved through the implementation of this plan.2.0 介绍INTRODUCTION➢制定市场营销战略规划的目的是至关重要的,也就是说,必须解释企业为什么要制定市场营销战略规划。
原因正如哈佛商学院的David Garvin 教授所说:企业不断地增强竞争优势,逐渐善于“创造、获取、诠释、保留以及传递知识。
培训公司:高效工作和学习的结合地-一项由位于Mass. Newton 的教育发展中心(EDC)1998年进行的关于在职学习的突破性研究报告-进一步证实了政府报告的说服力。
这个词最早出现在Jean Lave 和EtienneWenger 合著的《在环境中学习》(“SituatedLearning”)一书中。
Daimler Chrysler的一家技术俱乐部就是一个例子:其成员是来自不同部门的工程师,他们定期碰头,讨论各自专业领域遇到的问题,比如刹车。
共同创始者,顾问、研究员Wenger说:“实践社团由20-30 年前的团队演变成今天的模样。
毕博-管理咨询工具方法—5.4 Customer Communication Analysis Worksheets-Chinese
This part of the audit explores the way in which the business uses direct communication to communicate with customers.
This part of the audit explores the way in which the business communicates its products and services to their customers.
This part of the audit explores how well the business understands its customers and the segments in which they belong.
This p art of the audit explores how the business approaches its’ brand and image communication.。
The purpose of this exercise is to assist you to understand the importance of competitive positioning. Through the following exercises you will gain an understanding of your current competitive position and also your future ideal position.依照波特理论,有3种竞争战略:According to Michael E. Porter there are 3 generic competitive strategies:1.总本钱领先战略——宽泛的目标市场;2.Cost Leader – broad target market;3.不同化战略——宽泛的目标市场;4.Differentiation – broad target market;5.总本钱领先战略——专小的目标市场(特殊市场);6.Cost Leader – narrow target market (niche); and7.不同化战略——专小的目标市场(特殊市场)。
8. Differentiation – narrow target market (niche).需要注意的是,制定一个有效战略的关键在于处置好企业的好坏势与产业结构间的关系(请参看行业分析工作手册)。
It is important to note that the key to developing an effective strategy lies in the relationship of the strengths and weaknesses of the business and the industry structure (as reviewed in the Industry Analysis Workbook).例如,为了在本钱竞争中领先,企业必需通过更低的本钱组合来形成明显的优势(企业的一种竞争力)。
模块:Module: 行政管理Administration流程:Process: 邮件和快递Mail and Couriers系统:System: 如何安排一份快递How to Arrange a Courier系统执行人:System Champion: 接待员Receptionist目标:Objectives:➢依正确程序安排一份快递To follow the correct procedures to arrange a courier➢确保所有包裹都传送到正确的地方To ensure that all packages are delivered to the correct address➢确保所有包裹都传送给正确的人To ensure that all packages are delivered to the correct person程序:Procedure:➢与送信人确认适当的联系方式和详细地址Confirm with the sender the appropriate contact and address details➢在客户/顾客/供应商数据库中确认详细资料Confirm details with client/customer/supplier database➢将文档放入合适规格的信封或包裹中,确保内容的安全。
Place documents in appropriately sized envelope or package ensuring that thecontents are secure➢同与企业有往来账户的快递商联系Contact the courier service for which the business has a trading account➢确认日期、时间,收取地址和交付地址Confirm date, time, collection address and delivery address➢记录日期、送信人、地址、内容简要描述和快递公司工作牌上的员工工作号码Record the date, sender, addressee, brief description of contents and courier jobnumber in the courier log➢当快递员到达时,请他们写下快递号When the courier arrives them sign the courier log主要业绩指标:Key Performance Indicators:1. 及时收取包裹和文件Packages and documents have been collected on time2. 按正确地址交付包裹和文件Packages and documents have been delivered to the correct addressee3. 及时交付包裹和文件Packages and documents have been delivered on time4. 记录所有因地址不详而退回的包裹Record all returned packages due to incorrect addressee details。
毕博-管理咨询工具方法—5.3 Customer Selection Workbook-Chinese
制定客户选择标准的好处THE BENEFITS OF CUSTOMER SELECTION CRITERIA在“经营业绩改善项目”中,确定你的顾客或客户选择标准是非常重要的一个方面。
Defining your customer or client selection criteria is a very important aspect of the Business Performance Improvement Program.在我们拥有许多可被称为“A”级顾客或客户(那些对我们的产品和服务充分重视,并愿意对此付出公道价格的顾客)的同时,也拥有某些“D”级客户。
此类客户的典型特征是:While many of our customers or clients are what could be described as “A class” (customers who fully value the products and services we provide to them and who are willing to pay a fair price for those products and services), some of our customers or clients are “D class.” This class of customer or client comprises of clients and customers who often cause us problems. Typically they are customers who are:很难打交道Hard to deal with;经常抱怨Complain often;对价格敏感Price sensitive;让我们的员工士气低落De-motivate our team members;拖延付款Pay late.但是最重要的是,这类客户和顾客消耗着我们的利润。
学习的压力Diane L. Coutu 著2Copyright 2002 哈佛商学院出版公司. 保留所有权利.管经理们始终投入大量的金钱和热情到企业改革计划中,残酷的现实是很少企业曾经成功的彻底改造了他们自己。
为什么变革型学习如此困难?为了探究这个问题,高级编辑Diane Coutu 在著名心理学家Edgar H. Schein 麻萨诸塞州剑桥的家中采访了他。
Schein 是麻省理工斯隆管理学院的功勋退休教授,也是一名机构发展研究领域的专家。
他不仅仅是科学家还是多家著名企业,如Digital ,美国通用食品公司,荷兰皇家壳牌公司,BP 和Ciba 的顾问。
Geigy.Schein 被公认在人类组织行为研究领域方面创建了一批最具有原始洞察力的理论。
schein 的职业生涯是非常不同寻常的:他最初的研究开始于1953年,战争刚刚结束后的韩国。
Diane L. Coutu 著哈佛商学院座谈Schein 深入研究了被洗过脑的美军战俘,这些研究成果基本确定了他以后40年的工作框架。
他把这些成果应用到组织认知领域并出版了组织心理学(Prentice Hall ,1965),这是一本开创这个学科的里程碑性的教科书。
近年来schein 的研究集中于企业文化和领导艺术领域。
与甚嚣尘上的关于企业培训和改革的乐观言论形成鲜明的对比是,Schein 质疑企业究竟能完成什么和不能完成什么。
1毕博-管理咨询工具方法—Positioning Your Business Workbook-Chinese
The purpose of this exercise is to assist you to understand the importance of competitive positioning. Through the following exercises you will gain an understanding of your current competitive position and also your future ideal position.根据波特理论,有3种竞争战略:According to Michael E. Porter there are 3 generic competitive strategies:1.总成本领先战略——宽泛的目标市场;Cost Leader – broad target market;2.差别化战略——宽泛的目标市场;Differentiation – broad target market;3.总成本领先战略——专小的目标市场(特殊市场);Cost Leader – narrow target market (niche); and4. 差别化战略——专小的目标市场(特殊市场)。
Differentiation – narrow target market (niche).需要注意的是,制定一个有效战略的关键在于处理好企业的优劣势与产业结构间的关系(请参看行业分析工作手册)。
It is important to note that the key to developing an effective strategy lies in the relationship of the strengths and weaknesses of the business and the industry structure (as reviewed in the Industry Analysis Workbook).例如,为了在成本竞争中领先,企业必须通过更低的成本组合来形成明显的优势(企业的一种竞争力)。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
什么是帕累托法则?WHAT IS THE PARETO PRINCIPLE?1897年,一位名叫V·帕累托的意大利经济学家,就财富在人口中的分布作了一项重要的观察。
In 1897, Vilfredo Pareto, an Italian economist, made an important observation regarding the distribution of wealth throughout the population. After pursuing his observation and further researching his hypothesis, Pareto concluded that there was a mathematical formula that defined his observations and that in the simplest of terms 80% of the wealth of a country would be held by 20% of the population.从那时起,许多学者和研究者们都检验了帕累托的这一理论并用于其他情形。
Since this time, many academics and researchers have tested Pareto’s theory and applied it to other situations and today Pareto’s discovery is a widely respected theory that can be applied (and has been) to almost any situation.帕累托法则现在通常指80:20定律。
The Pareto Principle is now commonly referred to as the 80:20 Rule and it used throughout the world in order to analyse and evaluate the results of our time, effort and inputs.案例研究:XYZ 咨询公司CASE STUDY: XYZ consulting CompanyXYZ服务公司是一家小企业,向位于珀斯及其周边地区的企业提供咨询服务。
XYZ Services is a small business that provides consulting services to business located in Perth and the surrounding area. The business specialises in major business strategy consulting.客户一般按照提供服务的时间付费。
Customers are generally charged on a time basis for the service. The hourly rates charged to the customer depend upon the experience and seniority of the consultant and the nature of the work. The majority of the work is charged at $150 per hour. This is the charge-out rate for a fully qualified consultant. If the job is classified as a “special-project” a premium charge-out rate is charged, namely $175 per hour. The businesshas some highly qualified and specialised consultants working for them and they are charged out at $200 per hour. In addition, the business employs a number of trainee consultants who carry out less technical work and their charge-out rate is $100 per hour.下表详列了XYZ服务公司的收益:The table below details the revenue details of XYZ Services.下图表明:计费小时数占总工时的百分比与每位客户对总收益的贡献程度并无显著差别。
The graph below demonstrates that the hours billed as a percentage of total hours is not significantly different from each client’s contribution to total re venue0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%计费小时收益新企业朋友企业ABC 企业阳光咖啡厅Belm ont 饭店Canning Markets Lion 企业YZ P ty 有限公司John Sm ith 公司然而,这并不一定意味着每位客户对企业都具有同等的价值。
However this does not necessarily mean that every client is of equal value to the business.为进一步分析XYZ 服务公司的结果,我们需要补充一些信息。
In order to analyse the results of XYZ Services even further, lets add some additional information.我们假定所有的员工都完成了时间表。
Lets assume that all team members complete timesheets and that this allows us to calculate how much time is actually billed compared to how much time is spent on a customer job (e.g. preparation and travel time etc that is not directly charged to the customer). In addition, let us assume that any other hours that cannot be attributed specifically to one customer are allocated pro-rata according to the revenue generatedby each customer. The results of this analysis are given in the “Hours Billed to Hours Worked” column.固定成本和半固定成本也尽可能准确地分摊。
Fixed and semi-fixed costs have been allocated as accurately as possible. Where no basis for allocation was readily apparent they have been allocated in accordance to pro-rata revenue.结果请见下表。
通过分析XYZ服务公司的结果,几个有趣的细节凸显出来:Through analysing the results XYZ Services revealed a few interesting details about their business:1. XYZ服务公司63%的可用时间被计费;XYZ Services was billing 63% of its total available time;2. XYZ服务公司并不总会将所有的工时计入客户头上,因为他们相信客户对价格很敏感,而又不愿失去这笔生意。
XYZ Services did not always bill the client for all the hours worked because they believed that the clients were price sensitive and they did not want to lose the business. For example, Sunshine Café often called XYZ Services for telephone advice. Often the call only took a few minutes and team members frequently forgot to allocate the time to their timesheets3. XYZ服务公司有一项政策,依此政策,旅行所花的时间不能向客户计费。