



运动会新闻特写模板作文英文回答:Headline: Athlete Breaks Record, Sets New Mark。

Body:(Name of athlete) made history at the (Name of sporting event) today, breaking a record that has stood for (Number) years.With a time of (Time), (Name of athlete) shattered the previous record of (Time), which was set by (Name of previous record holder) in (Year).The crowd erupted in cheers as (Name of athlete) crossed the finish line, with many fans capturing the moment on their smartphones.In a post-race interview, (Name of athlete) said thatthey were "overjoyed" to have broken the record and that they had been "working towards this moment for years."(Additional details about the race or the athlete's background can be added here.)。






定 数量 的语 料 对 新 闻 报道 、社 论 和 特 写 三 类 次语 体 的 文 体 特 际语 旨”和 “功 能 语 旨”。前 者 指 参 与 者 的社 会 地 位 和 角色 关
征 进 行 对 比研 究 。
系 ;后 者 指 参 与 者 使 用 语 言 的 目 的 ,即 语 言 交 流 中 言 语 的 功
一 、 理)理 论 基 础
能 ]。 三类 次语 体 的参 与 者 都 是 媒 体 与 公 众 ,分 别扮 演 着 信 息 提供 者 和 接受 者 的 角 色 。新 闻 报 道 主要 报 道 新 近 发 生 的 客 观事 实 ,向公 众 提 供 各 种 信 息 ;社 论 虽 也 以事 实 为根 据 ,但
征 。因 此 ,为 了对 新 闻 英 语 的 文 体 特 征 进 行 比 较 全 面 而 准 确 对 概 念 意 义 的选 择 ,主要 体 现 在 对 词 汇 和及 物 性 结 构 的选 择
的 描 写 ,本 文 在 恰 当 的理 论 框 架 内 对 其 进 行 界 定 ,并 收 集 一 上 。语 旨又 称 话 语 基 调 (tenor of discourse),它可 以 分 为 “人
例 来 阐述 其 文 体 特 征 。他 们 的 研 究 虽 然 取 得 了 一 定 的 成 就 , 所 从 事 的 某 种 社 会 活 动 ,也 可 指 语 篇 所 涉 及 的 话 题 及 场 但 仍 留下 了一 些 缺 憾 :对 新 闻 英 语 这 一 合 成 语 体 来 说 ,他 们 地 ]。三 类 次 语 体 都 可 以 涉及 社 会 活 动 中许 多领 域 的 事 件 ,
备 受 国 内 外 学 者 的 广 泛 关 注 。我 国 学 者 秦 秀 白[ 、徐 有 军 事 、体 育 、医疗 卫 生 等 次 语 体 ;根 据 语 旨 的 变 化 ,可 分 为 新



V0 . 4 N . J1 o 1
J n. O 6 a 2 0
基 于语 料 库 的 网络体 育新 闻英 语 研 究
( 河南师范大学 外国语 学院, 河南 新 乡430 ) 502
摘要 : 通过语料库的方法对网络体育新闻英语分别从词汇、 句法和篇章三个层面上进行文体分析, 发现该类文体
( N ) 3% , B C 是 3 这说 明体育新闻报道不仅用词短小 , 淋漓尽致 , 如上句中的“ r — i ’“ p l e , t e t , t — e l 一 he o v” 般情况下要说“ h a w nt a p nt e m s t w o s o lc m i l ei e a h l h o l t e l 而且重复率高。 h t vl f e n 'B nela , eo l m s i 主题词表中名词 占大多数, 在表 2中 , 非名词的主 t p ee o G r ay udsg” 使用 了这两个 定语从句变成了名词词组, 意思依然明确 , 篇 题词有 1 : i, 个 wn 只占 l% , O 名词主题词 又以人名 和 复合词 , 球队名居多 , 3个 , 3 % , 有 占 0 其他 的是一些和足球 幅却减少 了, 这样 的例子在该语料库 中还有很多 , 例 有关 的 用 语 , : tkr ol oc ,m嘏e e, 立 :cp td , nn— am n” “ u —o — o ” 如 s e,ga,cah i l r Ⅱ“u — i ” “ o py et , ot f f m , i r d e r h h p f ” “l pw r l等 g oe i l f mt ,l g a h c b 等。由于正文部分要对 比赛的细节进行 “ i — r l ,a — o e u” 。 c u 报道 , 比如球员在球场上的位置 , 比赛的进程 , 球员和 33 篇 章层 面 . 教练的赛后评价等, 与此相关的用语成为高频词也就 网络体育新 闻在篇章结 构上多采用倒 金字塔结 不足 为奇 了 。 构, 即先传达主要 的内容 , 再说次要 的, 一些细节的内 在对球队和球员 的最新动向进行报道时 , 用词多 容放在后面说 。由于网络新 闻界竞争激烈 , 读者可选 是表示客观报道性的词 , 少感情色彩和主观判断, 择的网站和报道形式有很 多, 如: 如果报道开头不能很快 sn , none s , ni , e a ed anuc , a i s r i y st m n等。西方 的报业 抓住读者的注意力 , 读者 可能就不会继续看下去 , 因 界认为, 了代表 报刊意见 的社论之外 , 除 所有的新 闻 此, 重要的事情 总是 放在开 头介绍 , 如球员教 练的最 报道都应是不带任何个人偏见 的客观报道 , 否则 , 新动向以及 国际足坛新近发生的重大事件等 。 报 刊的内容就成了宣传 , 失去了新 闻的价值 [ 。 3 ] 本文通过对 网络体育新 闻英语 的语料 库研究发 另外 , 在对 比赛 的进程进行描述时 , 体育记者用 现 :1 词 汇层面上 , () 大量 选用 和体育 有关的短小词 了一些 比较夸 张的用语 , : l ao , l haso, 语 , 中又以名词居多 ;2 句法层 面上, 如 re tn s s ht egi a 其 () 标题 简洁明 c s, l h 这些词的使用使读者立刻能够想到赛场上那些 了, a 多运用修辞手法 , 正文句式 复杂, 包含信息量大 , 紧张激烈的场面和惊心动魄的时刻, 这充分体现出了 复合词频繁出现 ;3 篇章结构上 , 门见 山, () 开 先介绍 竞技体育的魅力 , 是体育新闻报道所独有 的特点 。 主要信息。 3 2 句 法层面 . 在英语教学中, 教师可以根据不 同的文体有针对 该语料库的平均句长为 2 .6个词 , 54 比英语各类 性地实施教学计 划 , 对于某 一类文体 , 教师可 以根 据 文体的 1. 个词 要 长, 78 这与其用短小 的词包含尽 其文体特征向学 生教 授主题性 明显 的词汇和结构特 可能多的信 息量有关。因此 , 句子结构 也 比较复杂 , 点 , 有利于学生促进英语学 习。同时 , 本研究使人们 同位语和非限制性定语从句 以及并列结构大量 出现 , 也能对体育报道的特征有一个量化的认识 , 对促进国 例如 : 际体育交流有一定帮助。 ( 责任编辑 杨文忠)


关 键 词 :体 育 新 闻 ;英 语 翻 译 ;研 究 策 略
随着国家的飞速发展,人们开始关注 体 育 赛 事 的 发 展 现 状,由于体育能给人们带来快乐与健 康。 国 人 对 体 育 的 热 情 度,让体育新闻 的 关 注 度 也 获 得 提 升。 在 一 些 国 外 赛 事 中, 部分新闻内容需要依靠英语转译才能了 解 到 比 赛 的 实 况,所 以为了让国人能了解比赛的全过程,新闻 翻 译 工 作 者 需 要 在 翻译的时候保持信息的实效性,更要让信 息 内 容 传 递 的 准 确 性更好,这样才能更 好 地 提 高 信 息 传 播 速 度,使 中 国 体 育 赛 事与世界形成较好的交流。 一 、影 响 翻 译 意 识 形 态 的 因 素 探 究
二 、英 语 体 育 新 闻 翻 译 的 技 巧 与 策 略 研 究 (一 )直 译种常见的翻译方式。在逐句翻译的基础上做好适度的调 整与改进。譬如,翻 译 的 时 候 需 要 做 好 词 汇 的 延 伸,或 者 调 整句子的整体结构,能让人们对句子 有 更 多 的 理 解。 直 译 法 的主要宗旨是保留原文内容,并将原文中 的 语 言 风 格 或 者 修 辞手法保留,更要重 视 原 文 的 语 言 类 型,尽 量 使 原 文 的 特 色 得到保持。也要保持文章中的各类修 辞 风 格,使 用 原 文 的 语 言形式,使文章的特色能原汁原味地 保 留 下 来。 研 究 中 能 了 解到,英语体育新闻 的 部 分 词 汇 能 进 行 直 接 的 汉 语 类 翻 译, 新闻类标题中出现频率较高的词汇多为 战 斗 类 词 汇,由 于 体 育竞技十分激烈,其中的角逐的场景 更 是 与 战 场 无 异。 所 以 在英语中运动员retirement的时 候,翻 译 的 时 候 需 要 翻 译 成 为 退 役 ,而 非 退 休 。



运动会新闻报道英语范文简短English:The annual sports meet was held at the city stadium, with students from various schools competing in a variety of events. The atmosphere was electric as athletes showcased their skills and sportsmanship, with loud cheers and applause from the spectators. The highlight of the day was the relay race, with teams giving their all in a thrilling display of speed and teamwork. After a day filled with intense competition, the event concluded with an awards ceremony to honor the outstanding performers and a closing remark from the principal, emphasizing the importance of sports in promoting a healthy lifestyle and teamwork among students.Chinese:每年一度的运动会在市体育场举行,来自各个学校的学生参加了各种比赛项目。





a f t e r s t o r mi n g p a s t A nd y Ro d di e k ( Gu a r di a n, J u ne
11, 2 O1 1 )
局) ,g a me / s e t / ma t c h / c h a mp i o n s h i p p o i n t ( 局 点/
在 于 新 闻语 言 和 体 育 语 言 的 特 征 兼 而 有 之 , 在 内 容 方面 主要 关注 体育 赛 事 、 体 育 明 星 和 相 关 的 轶 闻 趣 事、 社 会 反响 , 在 用 词 方 面 除 了 具 备 一 般 新 闻 报 道 简 短 、 新颖 、 形 象等 特点 之 外 , 还 充 分 体 现 出 体 育 领 域
困 难 。语 料 中 就 出 现 了 大 量 关 于 网 球 运 动 中 包 括 场 地 、 规则 、 技 术 等方 面 的专 业 术语 , 如 c l a y c o u r t ( 红 土 场 ),g r a s s — c o u r t ( 草场) ,b a s e l i n e ( 底线) ,f i r s t /
V o 1 . 1 l N0 . 1 7
S e p . 2 0 1 3
2 0 1 3年 9月
DO1 : 1 0 . 3 9 6 9 / j . i s s n . 2 0 9 5 — 3 3 3 X. 2 0 1 3 . 1 7 . 0 2 1
网 络 英 语 体 育 新 闻 的 文 体 特 征 探 析
的词汇 特色 。
( 一 ) 专 业 术 语 不 可 少
们 了 解 国 内外 体 育 赛 事 、 探 寻 国 外 媒 体 对 国 际 体 育
新 闻大 事看 法的 重要 便 捷 的 途 径 , 它 有 着 一 般 网 络 新 闻更 新 及 时 、 图文并 茂 的优势 , 也 同 样 侧 重 体 育 赛



到汉语 中一 些不常见 的地名 、人名和体育术语 ,这是英 语体育 据英语发音方式音译 。根据德语 的发音规则 ,正确 的翻译应该
新 闻翻译 的难点 。究其原 因是译者 对语 境的误解 以及 背景知 是 “克洛泽”。另外 一个典型 的例子是西班牙足球俱 乐部 Va—
识 缺 乏 。
中所表现的问题 ,能够更好地提高体育新闻翻译水平 。
得更大的成功 。
一 、英 语体 育 新 闻翻 译 中 出 现 的 问题
2.背 景 知 识 缺 乏
虽然从 事体 育新 闻翻译 的编辑 自身专 业知识 十分 扎实 ,
2006年德国世界杯期间 ,所有 的主流媒 体都 将德 国队前
翻译理论 十分丰富 ,但是 在翻译英语体育新 闻时 ,也 时常会遇 锋 Klose音译为 “克洛斯 ”。其实这是不正确 的,错误原 因是根
are united together and determined to gain Inore success.’’
例 ,他们最大 的经济来源 是企业业主的资金支持 ,所以他们 的
翻译时 的误译 :卡卡说过 ,我 十分 高兴能在前锋 位置踢 新 闻报道需要 掌握经济要素 ,并从赞助人的角度考虑 问题 ,需
I aln happy not only about my new-found freedom on the pitch 的主要潮 流和趋势有着系统性 的把握 ,以更好地 吸引读者 的
but also because there is a great feeling in the dressing room.W e 关注 ,将 相关的想法和理 念都 引入 到新 闻译文 中。以路透社 为











例如,“WhichShevchenkoheadedpowerfullygoalwardsbutBarce lonakeeperVictorValdesmadeagooddivingsave.”一句当中,体育新闻报道这即兴创作了“goalwards”以此,充分表达了场中的赛事,表明球正向着球门前进。







英文体育新闻报道文体特征分析2008年北京奥运会部分报道分析刘林娴(中南民族大学,湖北 武汉 430074)[摘 要] 随着社会的发展,体育新闻受到越来越多的关注,它已经成为新闻研究和语言学领域内一个不可或缺的部分。


[关键词] 英语体育新闻; 新闻; 语言学; 文体中图分类号:H 315 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-8610(2010)05-0066-02目前,新闻报道经常占着日报的四分之一版面。












在例(1)和例中, C roa ti a 与 Jon Be l austegu i 两词是以下两句的重点。


(1)A s a resu lt o f Spa i n s ti ght b l ocking ,Cro ati a was re -w arded w i th e i ght 7m penalties i n t he ga m e .2.直接引语。



体育之研究英语作文Title: The Significance of Sports Research。

Sports research plays a pivotal role in understandingthe intricacies of human physiology, psychology, and performance. This essay delves into the importance ofsports research in enhancing athletic performance, preventing injuries, and advancing scientific knowledge.Firstly, sports research is essential for improving athletic performance. Through empirical studies and data analysis, researchers identify optimal training methods, nutritional strategies, and recovery techniques. For instance, studies on high-intensity interval training (HIIT) have demonstrated its efficacy in enhancing cardiovascular fitness and endurance in athletes across various sports. Moreover, research on biomechanics helps athletes refine their techniques, leading to better efficiency and reduced risk of injury. By integrating findings from sports research, coaches and athletes can tailor training programsto maximize performance potential.Secondly, sports research plays a crucial role ininjury prevention and rehabilitation. Understanding the mechanisms of sports-related injuries enables the development of preventive measures and rehabilitation protocols. For example, research on ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) injuries in soccer players has led to the implementation of neuromuscular training programs aimed at reducing the risk of such injuries. Additionally, studieson the biomechanics of running have contributed to the design of footwear that minimizes impact forces and lowers the incidence of running-related injuries. By disseminating evidence-based practices, sports research empowers athletes, coaches, and healthcare professionals to mitigate injury risks and promote safe participation in sports.Furthermore, sports research contributes to the advancement of scientific knowledge in various disciplines. The interdisciplinary nature of sports research fosters collaborations between physiologists, psychologists, biomechanists, nutritionists, and other experts. Thesecollaborations facilitate the exploration of complex phenomena such as the mind-body connection, the role of genetics in athletic performance, and the effects of environmental factors on sports performance. Moreover,sports research often serves as a model system for studying broader health-related issues, such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. By investigating the physiological and behavioral responses to exercise, researchers gain insights that can inform preventive and therapeutic interventions for population health.In addition to its scientific significance, sports research has practical implications for societal well-being. Participation in sports has been associated with numerous physical, psychological, and social benefits, including improved physical fitness, enhanced self-esteem, and increased social cohesion. By elucidating the mechanisms underlying these benefits, sports research providesevidence to support public health initiatives and sports promotion efforts. Moreover, sports research contributes to the development of inclusive and equitable sports policies, ensuring access to sports opportunities for individuals ofall ages, abilities, and backgrounds.In conclusion, sports research is integral to advancing our understanding of human performance, enhancing athletic outcomes, and promoting public health. By elucidating the physiological, psychological, and biomechanical aspects of sports, researchers contribute to the optimization of training practices, the prevention of injuries, and the promotion of lifelong participation in sports. Furthermore, sports research fosters interdisciplinary collaborations and generates scientific knowledge that extends beyond the realm of sports. As we continue to explore the frontiers of sports science, we pave the way for a healthier, more resilient, and more inclusive society.。



体育新闻播报素材英语作文1. Wow, what a game! The crowd went wild as the home team scored the winning goal in the final seconds of the match. It was an intense and thrilling moment that had everyone on the edge of their seats. The players showed incredible skill and determination, giving it their all until the very end. This victory will surely go down in history as one of the most memorable moments in sports.2. In other news, a new record has been set in the world of athletics. The sprinter broke the previous record by a fraction of a second, leaving everyone in awe of their speed and agility. It's truly amazing to witness such athleticism and the dedication it takes to achieve such a feat. This record-breaking performance will surely inspire future generations of athletes to push their limits and strive for greatness.3. Moving on to tennis, a young and talented player has emerged as a rising star in the sport. With their powerfulserves and precise shots, they have been dominating the courts and defeating some of the biggest names in the game. It's incredible to see someone so young achieve such success and it's clear that they have a bright future ahead of them. Tennis fans around the world are eagerly watching their every move, excited to see what they will accomplish next.4. In the world of basketball, a team has surprised everyone with their unexpected winning streak. Despite being the underdogs, they have been defeating some of the top-ranked teams and proving that anything is possible with hard work and determination. It's a true testament to the power of teamwork and the belief in oneself. This team's success story is a reminder that in sports, anything can happen and that's what makes it so exciting to watch.5. Lastly, let's talk about a heartwarming moment in sports. During a marathon race, a runner fell and injured themselves, unable to continue. But instead of giving up, a fellow runner stopped to help them, sacrificing their own race for the sake of a stranger. It's moments like thesethat remind us of the true spirit of sportsmanship and the importance of compassion and kindness. This act of selflessness has touched the hearts of many and serves as a reminder that sports is not just about winning, but also about the values it teaches us.These are just a few highlights from the world of sports. From thrilling victories to record-breaking performances and acts of sportsmanship, the world of sports never fails to captivate and inspire us. So, keep cheering for your favorite teams and athletes, because you never know what incredible moments await us in the world of sports.。



体育新闻特写范文100字英文回答:Sports news feature: A thrilling match between two top soccer teams.Last weekend, I had the opportunity to witness a thrilling soccer match between two top teams in the league. The atmosphere in the stadium was electrifying, with fans cheering and chanting for their favorite teams. The match was intense from the very beginning, with both teams displaying their exceptional skills and tactics.The first half of the match was dominated by Team A, who managed to score an early goal. Their star striker, who is known for his lightning-fast pace and accurate shots, showcased his talent by scoring a brilliant goal from outside the penalty box. The crowd erupted in cheers, and the momentum was clearly in favor of Team A.However, Team B did not give up easily. They fought back and equalized just before halftime. Their captain, a seasoned midfielder, displayed his exceptional passing abilities by setting up a perfect through ball for their striker to score. The crowd went wild, and the match became even more intense.In the second half, both teams continued to give their all. The match was filled with nail-biting moments, near misses, and brilliant saves by the goalkeepers. The players showed great teamwork and determination, making it a truly memorable match.As the match approached its final minutes, Team A managed to score another goal, taking the lead once again. Their midfield maestro dribbled past several defenders and unleashed a powerful shot into the top corner of the net. The stadium erupted in celebration, and it seemed like Team A had secured the victory.However, in a dramatic turn of events, Team B equalized in the dying seconds of the match. Their defender, whorarely scores, headed in a corner kick, sending the crowd into a frenzy. The final whistle blew, and the match ended in a thrilling 2-2 draw.中文回答:体育新闻特写,两支顶级足球队之间的激动人心的比赛。



高中英语作文运动会新闻报道English:The annual high school sports day was held with great enthusiasm and excitement. Students from different grades and classes participated in various track and field events, showcasing their sportsmanship and competitive spirit. The day kicked off with a grand opening ceremony, with the school's principal delivering an inspiring speech to motivate the athletes. The atmosphere was electric as the races, long jump, high jump, and relay events unfolded, with students cheering on their fellow classmates. The sports day not only promoted physical fitness and healthy competition but also fostered a sense of unity and school pride among the students. The event concluded with the announcement of the overall winning team and individual champions, followed by a closing ceremony that celebrated the achievements and sportsmanship of all participants.中文翻译:本年度高中运动会如火如荼地举行。



体育英语新闻报道文章Title: Breakthrough Performance at the World Athletics Championships.The world of athletics was abuzz with excitement as the World Athletics Championships unfolded in a vibrant city, hosting the elite athletes from around the globe. The championships promised to be a showcase of speed, strength, and endurance, with records and medals up for grabs.The opening ceremony was a grand spectacle, with fireworks, music, and dancing, setting the tone for the intense competition that lay ahead. Athletes paraded into the stadium, each carrying the hopes and dreams of their respective nations. The crowd roared with approval, anticipating the thrilling displays of athletic prowessthat were about to unfold.The first day of competition saw several records being broken. The track and field events were particularly激烈,with athletes pushing their bodies to the limit. The 100-meter dash was a particular highlight, as several runners clocked record-breaking times. The atmosphere was electric, with fans screaming and cheering for their favorite athletes.The following days brought more excitement, with events like the 4x100-meter relay, the high jump, and the long jump attracting large crowds. The competition was fierce, with athletes giving their all to secure a medal for their country. The stadium resounded with the roars of the crowd, creating an atmosphere that was both intimidating and inspiring.One of the most anticipated events was the marathon. The race attracted the world's best runners, each hoping to secure the coveted gold medal. The marathon route took the runners through the city's scenic landscapes, providing a challenging course that tested both their physical and mental strength. The race was a thrilling spectacle, with the lead runners neck and neck until the final stretch.The closing ceremony was a grand finale to the championships. Medals were awarded to the deserving athletes, who had shown exceptional skill and determination. The atmosphere was jubilant, with the stadium erupting in cheers and applause. The World Athletics Championships had been a resounding success, showcasing the best of what athletics has to offer.The championships also served as a reminder of thepower of sports in bringing people together. Athletes from around the world competed against each other, but also supported and cheered for each other. The spirit of competition and camaraderie was evident throughout the event, creating a sense of unity and brotherhood among the participating nations.In addition to the medal winners, the championshipsalso recognized the efforts of the many athletes who participated, but did not secure a medal. Their dedication and commitment to their sport were equally admirable, and their participation added to the rich tapestry of the championships.The World Athletics Championships were not just a competition, but a celebration of human spirit and excellence. It was a reminder of the potential that lies within each of us, and the power of determination and hard work in achieving our dreams. As the championships drew to a close, the world looked forward to the next edition, anticipating more records, more medals, and more thrilling displays of athletic prowess.。



体育调研报告英语Sports Research ReportIntroduction:Sports play a crucial role in promoting physical and mental well-being. Along with enhancing physical fitness, sports also foster teamwork, discipline, and leadership skills. This report aims to provide insights into the preferences and attitudes of individuals towards sports, highlighting the benefits and challenges associated with them.Methodology:To gather data for this report, a survey was conducted among 500 participants aged between 18 and 60. The survey consisted of multiple-choice and open-ended questions, seeking information about their favorite sports, frequency of engagement, reasons for participation, and perceived challenges.Findings:1. Favorite Sports:The survey revealed that football was the most popular sport among the participants, with 35% choosing it as their favorite. Basketball followed closely at 30%. Other sports like tennis, swimming, and athletics garnered less popularity, ranging from 10-15% each.2. Frequency of Engagement:The majority (48%) of respondents played sports at least once a week, while 25% engaged in sports activities 2-3 times a week. Surprisingly, 10% reported playing sports daily, highlighting theirdedication and passion.3. Reasons for Participation:The primary reasons cited for participating in sports were physical fitness (40%), enjoyment (35%), and social interaction (25%). Many participants emphasized the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and using sports as a stress-relieving activity. 4. Challenges:The survey also aimed to identify the challenges faced by individuals in engaging in sports. Lack of time (40%) and work commitments (25%) were the most common challenges reported. Additionally, financial constraints (15%) and lack of suitable facilities (10%) were also mentioned.Conclusion:Based on the findings, it is evident that football and basketball are the most favored sports among the respondents, with physical fitness being the primary reason for participation. Despite the challenges faced, individuals continue to prioritize sports as a means of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. To encourage greater participation, it is recommended to address the challenges by promoting flexible schedules, providing affordable facilities, and creating awareness about the benefits of sports.In conclusion, sports hold significant importance in enhancing physical fitness and overall well-being. By focusing on the preferences and attitudes of individuals towards sports, we can foster a more sports-friendly society that promotes a healthy lifestyle and positive social interactions.。
























校运会英文新闻报告范文优选18篇校运会英文新闻报告范文第一篇We can't wait to come to school early in the morning to prepare for the annual Class League.Today, the sun is shining, and our mood is also very excited. When our neat team walked to the front of the chairman's desk, the headmaster formally declared "class league tournament is officially started." There was a warm applause under the stage.The time train is the first, we work together, striving hard, won the "men's first name".And then the change of the relay is my most stressful one. Just listen to the sound of the whistle, the first rod like an arrow flew out, a bar, two bar...... Immediately to me, I do take up the preparation, took the baton, ran out, skip obstacles, put down the bar, picked up the bag, and Yang Wenying successfully completed the handover, the last bar is Wang Mengqi, she is at a high speed and a class apart, in the "gas" cries, perfect the completion of the last bar, two class wins, at this time, we all got excited! Dancing, laughing and clapping to celebrate each other.There were victories and failures. The tug of War didn't play the second place well, but we didn't lose heart.So, the games are over, in our laughter sound in fact, take the first is not so important, because we feel the power of unity, struggle to enjoy the fruit, like the injured athlete, will never bow, always up, we should not be discouraged, to win without pride. For the next class League victory"!校运会英文新闻报告范文第二篇In this an invigorating autumn climate in October, we ushered inthe autumn sunshine, with the harvest season, in the lively wonderful school games.Early in the morning, all the teachers and students wearing clean uniforms, a neat row of the team, in the sports venues to go from the square team, crying from the class of our class slogan, the slogan shouted loud: three 3 three 3, confident sunshine, together, create brilliant! The end of the diamond team ceremony, the tense games will begin!Today the sport project can be enriched by a woman, men's 50 meters and 200 meters run, 4 to 6 grade students in the 800 metre race, standing long jump, jump a short rope I participated in the project is short jump rope, because the match in the afternoon, so this morning, I have become a cheerleader.It was not easy to wait until afternoon, and finally the project of jumping short rope could be carried out! My mood was tense and excited, and in a few minutes it was my turn. Fortunately, the number of people I jump rope is not someone else, but mom, my mood gradually calmed down. With a whistle, I and other athletes as jumped. 139, 140, 141! The whistle sounded again, and time came! I ran to my mother and asked, "Mom, how many did I jump?" 141. Mother answered. After a while, the results list came out, I quickly ran to see, ah, I actually got the first three grades, women skipping first! I was so happy that I jumped three feet high and shouted, "I got the first prize at last."!校运会英文新闻报告范文第三篇November 9th was our 16 school sports meeting in the West Primary school! This is our last grade school sports meeting in grade six! Each of US reported on what he was good at. Of course! I am noexception, I also reported that I am best at the 60 meter dash and the 200 meter dash!The opening of the school sports meeting is close to the beginning! Under the announcement of the headmaster, the 16 school sports meeting of our western primary school was finally opened! The announcers wonderful voice spread through everyones ears, and then the womens 60 meter heats. I ran out of excellent results in the 60 meter preliminary race and was lucky to be in the finals! Ha-ha! The six of us (1) and three girls class are super awesome, have entered the finals!Uh! Its the womens preliminaries in the 200 meters! Its time for me to play again! I ran with a grade five, and I wasnt nervous atfirst because I had an advantage over my height. But began to run after, I feel myself comfortable. I was exhausted when I ran through the third and was defeated by my only opponent. I was discouraged at once, but the boys and girls in my class cheered me up! I got up at once! By the time I got to the finish line, I had turned her back! Yeah! I won! I got fourth in the senior class, 200 meters in the women. I ran out of excellent grades. I ran 200 meters in the usual 19 meters, and I ran for more than 43 seconds. But in this competition, I only used 40 seconds. I was amazed by the result. The school sports meeting made me realize how to meet the rainbow without the wind and rain.But in the 60 metres final when I was discouraged, because Isteal a step at the starting time, I canceled my grades, I suddenly burst into tears, I hate myself, why would react when, why should I steal a step! I really good ruthless myself, this 60 meters thing, I use my physical strength to spell it back, why I will put this goodplace to throw away?! I cried for an hour, but still did not stop the tears! Seeing all the classmates to comfort me, both male and female students brought me a trace of comfort. My heart felt so warm at once.The school games made me understand: we need encouragement, comfort and applause in our growth!This is a poignant, touching, comforting and unforgettable school sports meeting!校运会英文新闻报告范文第四篇Today is a happy day and a long - awaited day. Because today is the annual sports meeting. Although the weather is very cold today, it can't stop the students who want to win the competition and the hot heart for the class.After the headmaster finished the speech, the referee announced that the game was officially started.There are three events in today's sports meeting: the men and women trains, the men and women for the relay and the tug of war. We were in grade six, so it was the first to start. The boys in our class first played with the boys in class 61.As soon as the whistle sounded, the boys went forward. Zhang Feng was very angry and breathed, and the first class was left behind by us. Games - but Hu Jinhai, because Zhang Feng climbed the good times don't last long, too fast, the people behind to keep up, a team of people is broken into several sections. The referee stopped Zhang Feng and got the students back. I was very nervous, and I didn't want to let a class surpass us. Fortunately, the students in the back, soon after, we won easily.Similarly, the whistle blows, the girls are also going forward,and do not know what, the girls have broken a lot of festivals, and so they are good, the first class to the end. We lost a prize. Sports meeting - Hu JinhaiThe next round is the change of the relay. Both boys and girls have made mistakes. Fortunately, the students in the back have come back again. The big stone in his heart has finally fallen down. Is such.In the third tug of war, our class had lost. It was a pity that the whole class fell down in the first game.Finally, we only got three awards.校运会英文新闻报告范文第五篇Every year in October, our school will have the tradition to hold a sports meeting. It is the biggest event of the year, so all the students will practise very hard to win the biggest honor. Relay race is the most important match, because it involves so many students to take part in, showing the unity of a team. Last year, our class won the second place. We lagged behind the champion just a little distance, so we hoped to defeated them this time and won the first prize.We have practised very hard, and every student in the team wanted to make the breakthrough. When the match finally began, we ran very fast and kept our space. Even though other team tried to disturbed us, we focused our attention. The moment when our team first crossed the line, we cheer and cried. We made it.校运会英文新闻报告范文第六篇We had a sports meeting last Friday. All of the students took an active part in it. Our class did very well in the sports meeting. The boys won the boys' 400 metres, and the girls won the girls' 200metres.I joined in the sports meeting, too. In the long jump, I won the second prize. But unluckily, I was the last one in the high jump.Though the sports meeting has been over, I'll always remember the spirit of Faster, Higher and Stronger .校运会英文新闻报告范文第七篇With the development of mass media, we can get instant news immediately. We can read news through the Internet. This is the fastest way to get first-hand information to attract people's attention.Some media will exaggerate the facts. They always bring false reports a few days ago. They should be punished.It is reported that a Chinese woman dragged a foreigner's clothes to ask him for help To compensate for the cost of the bicycle, a photo was posted on the news. People criticized the woman for behaving so rudely in front of a foreigner. The woman could not bear the pressure.She stood up and told the truth. What she said was that the foreigner beat her, and the news that she was the first one to slander was reported without further study, which caused greattrouble to women Celebrities are faced with the same situation. In order to attract the attention of the audience, the media should control this behavior and correct the attitude of journalists to news reports by exaggerating the facts,.中文翻译:校运会英文新闻报告范文第八篇I am a love sports. Sports let me know how many, for example: the persistence is victory; As long as you work hard, be successful.Remember once, our school held a sports meeting, I division in the 200 m and 400 m running on the project of every project can be two athletes, ms shen suddenly said to me: / QiuKeJun, you go ahead.I assumed a surprise appearance, said: [I haven't practiced ah.] Ms shen said: [that you try it. / ok. I said. The match began, my heart beat faster. Start is 80 cm. Before four classmates are skipped, it was my turn, I tiptoe ran forward, burst, I front foot a lift, hind feet a step, jump in the past. 82 cm and 84 cm, and I will jump over on the sidelines of ms shen can't help. The referee shao teacher said: / 85 cm. I attempt the two did not succeed, the most time I front foot like just another lift hind feet a step, after all, it is a difficulty for me a great test of type, I failed. Ms shen said: [failed no matter, anyway, you have already tried, and the fourth is also a good result.] I think: yes, I have tried, I succeeded.Exercise has many benefits, we need to explore, to discover.我是个爱运动的孩子。

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第 2 卷第 3 2 期 20 年 6 月 06
商 丘 师 范 学 院 学 报 J U N LO H N QUT A H R O L G O R A FS A G I E C E SC L E E
Vo . 2 No. 12 3
( 1 Tm s Jn 020 ) 1 e te. ue ,02 1 2
20 ) 02
体 的情景语境 的差异 。第 一 , 料 1选 自《 晤 士报》 是 日 语 泰 , 以保证读者在早餐桌上能够一 目十行地 了解 到新的信息 。设
够吸引一个用喝咖啡的时间来浏览报纸的人 呢?语 料 2 则不
景化( r r nig 的语言结构和非前景 化的语言结构 。这里 最短的句子也有 1 个单词 。 f e o dn) ogu 1
的前景化指的是 某种结构在具体语 篇中在数量上明显超过其
这两篇语料不仅 在句子 的含词 量上 有 明显 的不 同 , 而且
他结构 的现象 , 不是 指那些 背离语 言常规 的变 异现象 。本 在句子的结构上也是 迥然有 异。语料 1 而 多为 简单句 , 最短 的
为了使研究结果更 有说 服 性 , 本文还 节选 了若干西 方报 同 , 它来 自《 星期 日泰 晤士报》 是周报 。周末 是人们放松 自己 , 纸上 出现 的体育新 闻语料 。
3 体 育新闻英语文体特征 . 3 1 语法特征 .
的时间 , 以坐下来慢慢地 阅读 。这时 , 可 简单 的体育 比赛新 闻 报道已经很难提起人们 的兴致 了 , 只有 对赛 事的 某些不 为人 知的方面所做的详细 的描写 才有 可能吸 引读者 。第 二 , 篇 两
文将以此为基础 , 探讨体育新 闻英语在语法 、 词汇 、 义、 词 形式 句子只有两个单词“ ep yd 。全文 4 个 句子 , 1 H l e” a 7 有 9句含有 四个方面的文体特征。 复合从句 , 占总数的 4 %。其中只有一句 比较复杂 , 0 包含有两 翻开任意一 份综合性报 纸 , 都不难 发现 其 中的体育版 占 个复合从句 。而语料 2的情 况就复杂 得多 了。 1 7个句子 中 , 据了显著的位置。为了在众多的体育新闻中选 出最具代表性 除 了 3个简单句 , 1 句都 含有复合从 句 , 有 4 占总数 的 8 %, 2 其 的语料来进行文体特征 的研究 , 本文将 语料 的语场 限制为 体 中第 2句和第 4句都含有三个复合从句 。 育运动中影响最广泛的 足球 运 动 , 并将 重点 放在关 于世界 杯 同为体育新 闻, 报道 的又都是世界杯 比赛 的相关消 息 , 为 足球赛的体育新闻上 ; 语式 限定 为纯新 闻 ; 主要语料选 自英 国 什 么会 有这 么大的差别 呢?这就涉及到 了两篇语 料所处 的具 《 晤士报》 星期 日泰 晤士报》 泰 和《 :
体育新 闻英语 的文体研 究相对 来说 却 是个较 少提及 的领 域 。 大部分句子 的含词量 在 2 o个到 4 o个词 , 从本 文所选 的语 而 本文 以系统功能语言学和文体学为基础 , 同时吸收语用 学、 语 料来看 , 似乎 不完 全是这 样 。语料 1中 , 有单词 5 个 ,7 共 7 9 4 篇分析 等理论之长 , 尝试分析了体育新闻英语 的语 言特 点。
体育新 闻英语作为 新 闻英语 的一种 次语 体 , 必须 符合新 语料是 由不 同的记者采 写 的。尽 管新 闻写作 有 固定 的要求 , 闻英语 的准确 (cua ) 简练(r f和浅, ie ib ) acrt 、 e bi ) e _ n lg l 的基本 但是不同 的记者还是 以 自己独特 的写 作风格 ,  ̄( tl ie 吸引着不 同的 特征( 张健 ,94 14 。此外 , 19 :3 ) 由于体育新 闻的时效性 和报 纸 读者 , 而导致了“ 从 读者一记者” 之间关 系的差别。 版面的局限性 , 使得体 育新 闻英 语形成 了一 些有别 于一般 英
Jn . u e
2 0 06
体育新 闻英语文体研 究
张 璐
( 河南大学 外语 学院 河南 开封 4 50 ) 70 1
摘 要: 能 文体 学的创始 人韩礼 德认 为 , 言是 社会 符 号 , 篇 受制 于情 景 语境 。 因而对 于新 功 语 语
闻语篇 文体特征 的研 究要 从情 景语 境的 角度 出发 , 区分 前景化 与非 前景化 的语 言 结构 , 系统讨 论语 法、 词汇 、 义和形 式 四方面 的文体 特征 。 语 关键词: 育新 闻英 语 ;情景语 境 ;文体 特征 体 中图分类号: 35 H 1
1 引 言 .
文献标识码 - A
文章编号 :62—30 (0 6 0 —0 5 —0 17 60 20 )3 17 3
3 11 句 子结 构的复杂 程度 与报 刊发行 时间联 系密切 .. 根 据王佐 良(9727 对报刊文体句子 的统计 , 18 : ) 4 报刊英语
新闻英语是文体研究 的一个 热 门课 题 , 而新 闻语s ro ebatu gm 报 。记者必须在最快 的时间 内发 出最 新而 且最简 短 的消息 , )A fm l ed gfr r at ft eufl a e i e n n e h i
2 )Woda r u nb( h udyTm s ac 4 想一个长 达 6 ogt W0l C pSu TeS a ie,M r 2 。 e d n h 6个单词 , 包括 了三个 复合从句 的句子 , 怎么 能
2 理论背景与语料选择 . 个句子 , 平均每个句子含有 1 3个单词 ; 最长 的句子是 2 个 单 6
词, 最短 的句子只有 3 个单 词。语 料 2共有单词 4 6 ,7 6 个 1 个
H ldy17 ) 为, 体研究 的一 个 中心问题 是 区分前 句子 , aia(9 1认 l 文 平均每个句子 2 个 单词 ; 7 最长 的句子 是 6 个 单词 , 6 而