







1.支持向量机(Support Vector Machines,SVM):SVM是一种二分类模型,但可以通过多个SVM模型来实现多类别的图像分类。



2.卷积神经网络(Convolutional Neural Networks,CNN):CNN 是一种深度学习模型,在图像分类中具有很高的准确性和效率。



3.决策树(Decision Tree):决策树是一种基于树状结构的分类模型。




4.随机森林(Random Forest):随机森林是一种集成学习的算法,它由多个决策树构成。











1. 引言语义分割是图像分割的一种高级形式,其目标是将图像中的每个像素分配给不同的语义类别,如人、车、建筑物等。



2. 图像超像素算法的原理图像超像素算法将图像分割成具有语义关联的区域,每个区域被称为超像素。



3. SLIC算法SLIC算法是一种基于k-means聚类的图像超像素算法。




4. Felzenszwalb算法Felzenszwalb算法是一种基于图的聚类的图像超像素算法。



5. Huttunen算法Huttunen算法是一种基于支持向量机的图像超像素算法。



6. 图像超像素算法的应用图像超像素算法在计算机视觉领域有着广泛的应用。



的准确率 , 因此特征提取的方法 很重要 。对 图像 分类
的过 程 如 图 2所 示 , 中特 征 提 取 包 含 两 个 方 面 , 其 具 体 说 明如 下 :

输 入
斯性 、 自相似性 和尺度 无关 性 的特 点 , 而人 造 物体 的 边缘线基本上都是平 滑的 , 而且 形状基 本上都是 有一 定规则的几何形 状 , 比如说 直线 形 、 圆形 等。可参 看
关键词 :支持 向量机 ; 特征 ; 直线度 ; 圆形度 中图分类 号 : P3 1 T 9 文献 标识码 : A 文章编号 : 6 215 ( 00 0 - 0 -5 17 .90 2 1 )30 1 0 0
室 内室外 图像进行 分类 。文 献 [ ] 6 利用 图像 的颜 4 [] 色 和纹理特征进行分类 。文献 [ ] 5 在分类 时不仅 提取 了颜 色和纹理特征 , 而且还 提取 边缘方 向柱 状图 的特
第 9卷 第 3期
21 0 0年 9 月
广 东 轻 工 职 业 技 术 学 院 学 报
Vo . 19
NO. 3
Se pt
2 0 O1
基 于 支 持 向量 机 的室 内室 外 图像 分 类 方法
分 形 结 构 的 自然 物 体 。本 文 的 方 法 是 利 用 这 个 差 异 性 和 图像 的颜 色作 为 出发 点 , 用 支持 使 向 量机 ( V 作 为 分 类 器依 据 图像 的 边缘 和 颜 色矩 特征 对 图像 进 行 分 类 。 实验 结 果 表 明 此 S M) 方 法对室 内、 外图像分类 可以获得较 高的准确率 。 室


( VM) 义 分 类 的 图像 检 索 方 法 . 方 法 首 先 提 取 训 练 图 像 库 的 底 层 特 征 信 息 , 后 利 用 S S 语 该 然 VM 对 所 提 取 的 特 征 进 行 训 练 , 造 多 分类 器 . 此 基 础 上 , 用 分类 器对 测 试 图 像 自动 分 类 , 到 图 像 属 于 各 个 类 别 的 概 率 , 现 图 像 检 索 . 2种 构 在 利 得 实 第 是 利 用 图 像 自动 标 注 方 法 进 行 检 索 . 基 于 语 义 的 图 像 自动 标 注 中 , 对 训 练 集 进 行 人 工 标 注 . 测 试 图 像 利 用 S 在 先 对 VM 分 类 器 进 行 分 类 , 找 到 与 该 图 像 最 相 似 的 N 张 构 成 图 像 集 , 该 图 像 集 的 标 注 进 行 统 计 , 到 关 键 词 , 而 提 供 概 念 并 对 找 从 化 的 图 像 标 注 以 用 于 检 索 . 过 在标 准 图 像检 索 库 和 自建 图 像 库 上 的 实 验 结 果 表 明 。 上 2 基 于 语 义 的 图 像 检 索 方 法 通 以 种
收 稿 日期 : 0 90 — 0 2 0 — 91
降低 分类 的难 度 , 在每一 级分 类 时 , 采取 贝 叶斯分类 的
方法 . 们假设 图像类 别 是 固 定 的 而且 每 类 图像 的先 他
基 于 支 持 向 量 机 语 义 分 类 的 两 种 图像 检 索 方 法
廖绮 绮 , 李翠 华
( f大 学 信 息 科 学 与 技 术 学 院 , 建 厦 f 6 0 5 厦 - 1 福 -3 10 ) 1
摘 要 :为了更好 的解决 基于内容的 图像检 索 问题 , 出 了 2种 基 于语 义的 图像检 索 方法. 1种 是基 于支持 向量 机 提 第


* 联 系 人 ,E mal u u l g 1 6 c m — i :h x e n @ 2 . o o
第 2期
张 瑜 慧 等 :基 于 支 持 向 量 机 的 图像 分 类
b 一 厂 , 口 K ( l. ) x, j. r
1 1 非 线 性 支 持 向量 机 .
设 已知 训练 集 丁一 {z , , ,z , } ( Y ) … ( Y ) ,其 中 z ∈R , { 1 1 , Y∈ 一 , } 一1 … , , 月维 欧 , 月 R 为
氏空 间.选择适 当的核 函数 K( ) , ,构 造并求 解 最优化 问题 :
4 3
() 2
最 后 , 造 决策 函数 构
() s ( 一 g n
1 2 核 函 数 和 支 持 向量 .
0Y , +b ) ' , ) . i K(
V o .1 o. 1 0N 2
M a 07 y 20
基 于 支 持 向 量 机 的 图 像 分 类
张瑜 慧 ,胡 学 龙 ¨ ,陈 琳
( .扬 州大 学 信 息 工 程 学 院 ,江 苏 扬 州 2 5 0 ;2 1 2 0 9 .宿 迁 学 院 计 算 机 科 学 系 .江 苏 宿 迁 23 0 ; 2 8 0 3 .苏 州 大 学 江 苏 省 计 算 机 信 息 处 理 技 术 重 点 实 验 室 .江 苏 苏 州 2 5 0 ; 1 0 6 4 .上 海 电 力 学 院 计 算 机 与 信 息 工 程 学 院 ,上海 2 0 9 ) 0 0 0
算表 达式 为
收 稿 日期 : 0 7一O —1 20 1 9
基金项 目: 苏省计算机信息处理技术实验室开放研究课题 ( S 12) 江 KJ 0 0 3 ;扬 州 大学 科 研基 金 资 助项 目 (3 O O 8 ;扬 州 大 学 信 01O6)





1. 学术成就:我在任职期间,在机器学习领域进行了深入研究,参与了多个项目,并发表了多篇高水平的学术论文。


2. 创新成果:2.1 图像识别领域在图像识别领域,我提出了一种基于深度学习的图像分类方法。




2.2 自然语言处理领域在自然语言处理领域,我提出了一种基于深度学习的文本生成模型。




2.3 推荐系统领域在推荐系统领域,我设计了一种基于深度强化学习的推荐算法。



3. 学术价值以上创新成果具有重要的学术价值,主要体现在以下几个方面:首先,这些成果在相应领域提出了新的解决方案,为AI和人工智能的发展提供了新的思路和方法。






S ma tc b s d i g ere a l o i m sn u z u p r e t rma h n e n i — a e ma e r ti v la g rt h u i g f z y s p o tv c o c i e
H A G We —u Q NT a— , A G Z e —u U N ny , I unf T N hnh a a
t r so ma e n n r d c n he mi — m b rhi—u c in f z u o v c o c i e it ma e r t e a , o ti e h u e fi g sa d ito u i g t n me e s p f n to uzy s pp  ̄ e tr ma h n n o i g er v l i ba n d te
第 2 卷 第 5期 8
2】1年 5月 【 I
计 算 机 应 用 研 究
Ap l ain Ree rho mp tr pi t s ac fCo u es c o
V0 . 8 N0 5 12 . Ma 0 1 v2 1
基 于 模 糊 支 持 向量 机 的 面 向 语 义 图 像 检 索 算 法 书
关键 词 :面向语 义的 图像检 索 ;模糊 支持 向量机 ;最 小隶属度 ;不可分 区域
中图分类 号 :T 3 1 P 9
文 献标 志码 :A
文 章编 号 :1 0 — 6 5 2 1 ) 5 18 —4 0 1 3 9 ( 0 1 0 — 9 7 0
di1 . 9 9 ji n 10 —6 5 2 1 .5 O 1 o : 0 3 6 / .s . 0 1 3 9 . 0 1 0 . 1 2 s




支持向量机(Support Vector Machine,SVM)是一种经典的机器学习算法。
























传统的机器学习算法中,常用的图像分类算法包括支持向量机(Support Vector Machine, SVM)、K最近邻(K-Nearest Neighbor, KNN)和随机森林(Random Forest)等。










深度学习算法主要包括卷积神经网络(Convolutional Neural Network, CNN)和循环神经网络(Recurrent Neural Network, RNN)等。





关键词 : 面料 图像 ; 情 感语 义; 图像 识别 ; 支持 向量机 中图分类号 : T P 3 9 1 ; T S 9 4 1 . 1 2 文献标志码 :A 文章 编号 :1 6 7 1 — 0 2 4 X( 2 0 1 3 ) 0 6 — 0 0 2 3 — 0 5
Fa b r i c i ma g e e mo io t na l s e ma n ic t r e c o g n i t i o n b a s e d O i l S VM
张海波 , 黄铁军 。 , 刘 莉 , 赵 野军 , 章 江华
( 1 . 北京服装学院 计算机信息 中心 ,北京
1 0 0 0 2 9 ; 2 . 北京服装 学院 服装材料研究开发与评价北京市重点实验室 ,
1 0 0 8 7 1 ; 4 . 北 京服装学院 服装艺术与工程 学院 , 北京 1 0 0 0 2 9 )
f e a t u r e s d a t a o f t h e 6 0 d i f f e r e n t t y p e s o f f a b i r c i ma g e s a mp l e s a r e t r a i n e d b y s u p p o t r v e c t o r ma c h i n e ( S VM) . A f t e r
第3业 大 学 学 报
Vo l - 3 2 No . 6 De c e mb e r 2 01 3
2 0 1 3年 1 2月
基 于支持 向量机 的面料 图像情 感语义识别
Z HA N G H a i — b o , HU A N G T i e - j u n 。 , L I U L i , Z H A O Y e - j u n , Z H A N G J i a n g - h u a


总第 2 8 2 期 2 0 1 3年 第 4期
Co mp u t e r& Di g i t a l E n g i n e e r i n g
Vo 1 . 4 1 No . 4
63 8ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้
基 于 模 糊 支 持 向量 机 的 图像 分 类 方 法
曹建芳 焦 莉 娟
提高 。
模 糊支持 向量机 ;模糊隶属度 ; 特征提取 ;图像语义 ;图像分类
T P 3 9 1 . 4 1
中图 分 类 号
I ma g e Cl a s s i f i c a t i o n Al g o r i t h m Ba s e d o n Fu z z y S u p p o r t Ve c t o r Ma c h i n e
ma c h i n e i s p r o p os e d .Th e a l go r i t h m ma k e s u p f o r t h e l a c k o f t r a d i t i o n a 1 s u p p o r t v e c t o r ma c hi ne i n mu l t i — c l a s s i f i c a t i o n p r ob l e ms a n d s o l v e s t he
Abs t r ac t The d e v e l o p me nt o f e l e c t r o ni c t e c h no l o gy a n d i ma g i n g t e c h n o l o gy ha s r e s ul t e d i n t h e r a p i d gr o wt h o f d i g i t a l i ma g e s .I t h a s b e c o me a n u r g e n t pr o b l e m t o r e l y o n a d v a n c e d t e c h n o l o g y t o i de n t i f y i ma g e s .An i ma g e r e c o g n i t i o n a l g o r i t h m b a s e d o n f u z z y s u p p o r t v e c t o r










为了实现图像语义理解,需要通过以下步骤:1. 物体检测:首先需要检测出图像中包含的各种物体。


目前最流行的物体检测算法是深度学习中的目标检测算法,如Faster R-CNN,YOLO等。

2. 特征提取:在检测出物体之后,需要将每个物体提取出来,获取它们的特征向量。



3. 特征融合:将各个物体的特征向量合并起来,形成整张图像的特征向量,以便于后续的处理。

目前最常用的特征融合算法是Bag of visual words (BoVW)。

4. 语义分类:最后,需要将整张图像的特征向量输入到分类器中,以便为图像分配语义类别。


在实际应用中,图像语义理解有很多重要的应用,以下列举了几个代表性应用:1. 图像检索图像检索是指利用计算机对海量图像进行搜索,根据用户的指令返回与之相符的图像的过程。



c mp e e s ̄ e n i n t e e s fg t n o d ca s i ain a c rc . o r h n ie s ma t i h a e o et g g o l si c t c u a y c i f o
Ke rs maec sf ai ;sm ni;i g eivl u p ̄V co M cie( V ;h rrh ywod :i g l s ct n e a t mae tea;S po et ahn S M) i acy ai i o c rr r e
0 引言
随着数字图像的 目益增 多 , 图像检索 技术在不 断 向前 推 进 。图像检索技术的发展经过 了基 于关键字 检索 的“ 以字找 图” 方式和基于 图像底层特征相似性 比较的 “ 以图找 图” 方 … 式 。在理想的状况下 , 用户期 望根据 图像 的高层语 义进行 检 索得到有用的图 像。在利用 图像高层语 义进行 检索之 前 , 对 图像数据库进行 语义分类是 一个 有效 的方 法。
第3 1卷 第 1 1期
21 0 1年 1 1月
计 算机 应 用
J u n lo o u e p ia in o r a fC mp trAp l t s c o
sa ew r ue pe e t h a ea d w r a org re s n u v c r o S p o e t a hn S M .T ru h h p ee d t r rsn ei g n ee l ad d a p t e t s f u p r V c rM c i s o e t m s e i o t o e( V ) ho g


格 搜 索 优 化 时 , VM 的 分 类 效 果 最 优 , 实 现 对 自 然 景 观 图 像 的 准 确 分 类 。 此 结 论 对 S S 可 VM 在 图
像 语 义分 类 中的推 广应 用具 有指 导意 义 。
关 键 词 : 持 向 量 机 ; 义 分 类 ; 函数 ; 格 搜 索 ; 子 群 优 化 支 语 核 网 粒 中图分 类号 : TP3 7 文献标 识码 : A
二 次规 划 ( ) QP 求解 问题 , 以支持 向量 机 的解具 有 所
征子空 间中 C的取值 小表示对经 验误差 的惩 罚小 , 学 习机器 的复 杂 度小 而 经验 风 险值 较 大 ; C取无 穷 大 , 则所 有 的约束 条件都必须满 足 , 这意 味着训 练样 本必 须 准确地分类 。每个特 征 子空 间至 少 存在 一 个合 适
类性 能 的影 响 , 最后 给 出 了一 套 核 函数 和 参数 优 化
算法 的最优组 合 。
类 。在 文献 [ ] , 用彩 色直 方 图作为 特征 去训 练 4中 使
和测试 S VM , 利 用 S 并 VM 对 照 片 进 行 分 类 ; 献 文
E] S 5 用 VM 利 用纹 理特 征对 新 闻 图像 进 行 分类 ; 文
学 习理 论 的 结 构 风 险 最 小 化 原 则 上 的 机 器 学 习 系 统 ] 具有 小样 本 学 习 和 推 广泛 化 能 力 强 的优 点 。 , 因其 良好 的分 类 能 力 , 广泛 应用 于 图像 的语 义分 被
搜索 和 P O 粒 子 群 两 种 参 数 优 化 算 法 对 S S VM 分
( tu t rl i nnzt n S M) 为 了控 制 泛 S r cu a R s Miii i , R , k ao 化 能力 , 需要控 制 两个 因素 , 即经验 风险 和置信 范 围 值 。传 统 的神经 网 络是 基 于 经 验风 险最 小化 原 则 ,


关键词 : 情感语义 ;图像 分类 ; 支持 向量机 ; 颜色特征
中图分 类号 : P 1. T 374
收 稿 日期 : 0 71 .5 20 .02
文献标识码 : A
文章编 号 :10 .352 0 )30 4 .6 0 82 9 (0 80 .0 70
基 金项 目: 宁省教育厅科 研项 目 2004) 辽 (0600; 大连市科 技基金项 目( 0.6. ; 2 4161 辽宁省智 能信息处理 重点实验 室开 0 )
第 2 9卷 第 3 期
20 0 8年 6月

、l |9 No 3 , l . 02
J un. 08 20
基 于支持 向量机 的 图像 情感分 类
放 课 题 (0 61 2 0 .)
作者简 介 : 全 6(9 1) 硕士研究 生 ; 刘 7 18 一, 王吉军(9 4) 教授 , malwagi n l. uc 16 一, E i : n ju @due . j d a
1 引言
随着 多媒 体技 术及 其 应 用 的迅 速发 展 ,大规 模 图 像 集不 断涌 现 ,图像 的有 效组 织 和检 索 手段 逐渐 引起 人 们 的重视 。在 现 有 的基 于 内容 的 图像 检 索 系 统 中 , 人 们主 要关 注 基于 图像低 层 视觉 特 征 的处 理 , 用 户 对
22 特 征 提 取 及 量 化 .
利 用 颜 色 特 征 进 行 图像 分 类 的 关键 之 一 是 颜 色
特 征 的提取 ,图像 的颜色 特 征可 以是各 种颜色 的 比例






1. 卷积神经网络(Convolutional Neural Networks,CNNs)卷积神经网络是图像分类中最常用、最成功的算法之一。



图像分类的主要步骤如下:1) 数据准备:收集并标注图像数据集,同时划分训练集和测试集。

2) 搭建网络结构:选择适当的CNN架构,并根据实际情况进行调整。

3) 训练模型:使用训练集数据来训练网络模型,通过反向传播算法更新网络参数。

4) 测试评估:用测试集数据来评估模型的分类性能,计算准确率、精确率、召回率等指标。

2. 支持向量机(Support Vector Machine,SVM)支持向量机是一种传统的图像分类算法,它基于特征向量的空间映射和间隔最大化准则来进行分类。


图像分类的流程如下:1) 特征提取:将图像转换为特征向量,常用的方式包括色彩直方图、纹理特征和形状特征等。

2) 数据准备:将图像及其对应的标签作为训练集输入SVM模型。

3) 训练模型:使用训练集数据拟合SVM模型,找到最优超平面和支持向量。

4) 测试评估:用测试集数据评估模型性能,计算准确率、精确率、召回率等指标。

3. 决策树(Decision Tree)决策树是一种基于树状结构的图像分类算法,它通过一系列的决策规则将图像分类到不同的类别中。









二、常见的图像分类算法1. 支持向量机(Support Vector Machine,SVM)SVM是一种常用的图像分类算法,它通过在特征空间中构建一个超平面来进行分类。


2. 卷积神经网络(Convolutional Neural Network,CNN)CNN是近年来非常流行的图像分类算法,它模拟了人类视觉系统的工作原理。



3. k近邻算法(k-Nearest Neighbor,k-NN)k-NN算法是一种简单而有效的图像分类算法。


三、基于机器学习的图像分类实现方法1. 数据集准备首先,我们需要准备一个包含标记类别的图像训练集。



2. 特征提取从图像中提取有意义的特征是图像分类的关键步骤。



3. 模型训练选择适合图像分类任务的算法模型,并将其与特征向量的训练数据拟合。






支持向量机(Support Vector Machine,简称 SVM)是一种强大的模式识别方法,具有较高的分类精度和良好的泛化性能。



1. SVM算法简介SVM算法是一种特别适合于分类问题、以SVM为核心的机器学习算法。



SVM的分类模型可以表示为:f(x) = sign(w*x + b)其中 w 和 b 分别为支持向量的权值和偏移量,x 为输入向量,f(x) 为预测值。

SVM算法的实现过程大致分为以下几步:(1) 数据预处理:对原始数据进行预处理,去掉噪声、缩放、归一化等。

(2) 特征提取:将图像转化成目标特征向量。

(3) 选择核函数:根据实际数据选择合适的核函数。

(4) 训练模型:根据样本数据训练SVM分类器模型。

(5) 预测:根据训练好的模型进行图像分类。

2. SVM算法在图像处理中的应用研究2.1 图像分类图像分类是指将图像分为不同的类别,是图像处理领域最基本的问题之一。






2.2 目标检测目标检测是指在图像或视频中检测、定位目标的过程。



a c rc c u a y-
Ke od :sm ni i g e ea; o — vletr; i — vl e at ;sp o et ahn ( V yw r s e at ert vl l l e fa e hg l e sm n c u prvc r cie S M) c ma i r we u he i t om
S ma tc b s d i g l s i c to sn VMS e n i — a e ma e c a sf a i n u i g S i
LI Yi g—i g, S U n y n HIYue xa g, M O o ln,W EN —i n Ha —a Li
第2 5卷 第 2期
20 0 8年 2月
计 算 机 应 用 研 究
Ap l ai n Re e r h o o u e s p i t s ac f C mp tr c o
Vo . 5 No 2 I2 .
F b 2 0 e, 0 8
b c me t e k y i r b e f h e ni ma e r t e a F r t e a ae h ma e i t v at h n e t ce o lv l e o h e n p o l mso e s ma t i g er v l is s p r td t e i g n of e p r ,t e x r td lw— e t c i i a e fa u e ,u e e a p o c o e tb ih a l k f m g o lv l e t r o h g — v l e n i a e n s p o e tr e t r s s d a n w p ra h t s l i r a s n o i e lw— e au e t ih l e ma t b s d o u p r v co ma e f e s c t
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V ol.14, No.11 ©2003 Journal of Software 软 件 学 报 1000-9825/2003/14(11)1891 基于支持向量机的图像语义分类∗ 万华林1+, Morshed U. Chowdhury 21(中国科学院 计算技术研究所 数字化技术研究室,北京 100080) 2(School of Information Technology, Deakin University- Melbourne Campus, Melbourne 3125, Australia)Image Semantic Classification by Using SVMWAN Hua-Lin 1+, Morshed U. Chowdhury 21(Laboratory of Digital Technology, Institute of Computing Technology, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China)2(School of Information Technology, Deakin University- Melbourne Campus, Melbourne 3125, Australia) + Corresponding author: E-mail: wanhl@Received 2002-09-28; Accepted 2002-12-04Wan HL, Chowdhury MU. Image semantic classification by using SVM. Journal of Software , 2003,14(11): 1891~1899. /1000-9825/14/1891.htmAbstract : There exists an enormous gap between low-level visual feature and high-level semantic information, and the accuracy of content-based image classification and retrieval depends greatly on the description of low-level visual features. Taking this into consideration, a novel texture and edge descriptor is proposed in this paper, which can be represented with a histogram. Furthermore, with the incorporation of the color, texture and edge histograms seamlessly, the images are grouped into semantic classes using a support vector machine (SVM). Experiment results show that the combination descriptor is more discriminative than other feature descriptors such as Gabor texture. Key words : content-based; image feature descriptor; color; texture; edge; classification; SVM摘 要: 图像的低层可视特征与高层语义特征之间存在着一道鸿沟,人们不能直接理解由计算机自动生成的低层特征.另外,基于内容的图像分类和检索的性能极大地依赖于可视特征的提取和描述.出于这些考虑,提出了新的图像纹理、边缘描述子提取方法,并将它们表示为直方图.在此基础上,集成纹理、边缘和颜色直方图作为图像的特征向量,用支持向量机(SVM)实现图像的语义分类.实验结果表明,集成的图像特征表示在图像分类实验中取得了很好的效果,具有比其他特征表示(如Gabor 纹理、颜色直方图)更好的性能.∗ WAN Hua-Lin was born in 1974. He received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from Institute of Computing Technology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing China in 2002. He is currently an academic staff in Institute of Computing Technology. His research interests include multimedia information retrieval, image processing, computer vision, and pattern recognition. He is an author of over 10 research publications in these areas. Morshed U. Chowdhury received his Ph.D. degree in Computing from Monash University Australia in 1999. He is currently an academic staff in School of Information Technology Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia. His research interests are in the areas of image segmentation, classification and retrieval, suppression of video coding distortion, multimedia synchronisation, e-commerce, online distance learning, etc.1892 Journal of Software软件学报2003,14(11)关键词: 基于内容;图像特征描述子;颜色;纹理;边缘;分类;SVM中图法分类号: TP391文献标识码: A1 Introduction and Related WorkThe rapid development of multimedia computing and communicating technology has led to increased demands for multimedia information, and larger and larger collections of images and videos are available to the public. Consequently, how to help users find their needs is becoming a challenge. In order to solve this problem, a content-based image retrieval method is proposed, which represents image content with low-level feature descriptors, such as color, texture, shape, etc. Here, “content” is some kind of objective statistic character of images, which couldn’t be understood by human beings directly.During image retrieval, human beings are used to the human-computer interaction at a semantic level, so image semantic feature extraction and representation are necessary; but because of the enormous gap between low-level visual feature and high-level semantic information, image semantic representation is still an unresolved problem.We believe that the nature of CBIR (content-based image retrieval) is to search the relevant or similar images based on low-level visual features, which implies that relevant images have similar visual features. This is to say, similar or relevant images are adjacent in some ideal feature space, so it is possible to cluster or classify images according to low-level visual features. Image classification is limited to image understanding, and the purpose is to group images into some semantic class, so that semantic features of images could be extracted automatically, which will not only help organize image databases, but also help label images automatically. This will drive CBIR from the laboratory into industry.Image classification and clustering include supervised and unsupervised classification of images[1]. In supervised classification, we are given a collection of labeled images (or priori knowledge), and the problem is to label a newly encountered, yet unlabeled image. On the other hand, for unsupervised classification (or image clustering), the problem is to group a given collection of unlabeled images into meaningful clusters according to the image visual feature without a prior knowledge[2].We have tried to cluster images into semantic categories using SOFM (Self-organism Feature Mapping) and C-Means. The experiment results show that the error rates are very high. The reason perhaps is that the low-level visual features are not related to the human perception about image content. The clustering algorithm couldn’t automatically bridge the enormous gap between low-level visual feature and high-level semantic content without priori knowledge.We believe supervised classification is a promising method, and there have been many achievements in this field. Smith[3] proposed a multi-stage image classification algorithm based on visual features and related text. Bruzzone and Prieto[4] developed a variety of classifiers to label the pixels in a landset multi-spectral scanner image. MM-classifier developed by Zaiane et al.[5] classifies multimedia images based on some provided class labels. Vailaya et al.[6] used a binary Bayesian classifier for the hierarchical classification of vacation images into indoor/outdoor classes. Outdoor images are further classified into city/landscape classes. Li and Wang[7] classified textured and non-textured images using region segmentation. Experiments performed by Chapelle[8] have shown that SVM could generalize well to image classification, however the only features are high-dimension color histogram, which simply quantizes RGB color space into 4096 color bins. In fact, image content cannot be represented effectively by only color feature. For example, lawn and trees may have the same color histogram, while lawns in spring and autumn have different color histograms whilst they have the same shape or semantic feature.万华林 等:基于支持向量机的图像语义分类 1893Therefore, we have to find an efficient method to describe the image content and bridge the gap between the low-level visual feature and high-level semantic information. Taking these into consideration, we propose more effective texture and edge descriptors in this paper. Based on this, by combining color, texture and edge features seamlessly, images are grouped into semantic categories using SVM.The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, a novel texture and edge descriptor is proposed; Sections 3 and 4 briefly discuss the SVM framework and its application to image classification; Classification experiments and results are reported in Section 5, and finally Section 6 states the conclusions.2 Feature Selection and ExtractionCurrently, most researchers have dedicated the finding of an efficient method to represent the image low-level visual content and to measure the similarity of the image pairs, e.g. Refs.[9,10], because the accuracy of CBIR depends greatly on the representation of the low-level visual features. The more discriminative the low-level features, the more accurate the content-based classification and retrieval. We know that only one type of low-level features does not work well. It is difficult to incorporate color, texture and shape feature seamlessly, because they belong to different metric systems. They are not comparable.In content-based retrieval, color descriptors originating from the histogram or spectrum analysis have played a central role in image content description. Can we develop a texture and shape descriptor just like color histogram? If we can, things will get easy, because histogram descriptor is no metric. In this paper, we propose novel texture and edge descriptors, from which we can conveniently describe image texture and edge feature. Moreover, color, texture and edge histograms are combined into image feature, which can be respectively described as follows.2.1 Texture descriptorImage texture means a kind of change of pixels’ intensity (or gray) in some neighborhood, which is spatially a statistical relative. It comprises two elements −−texture unit and its arrangement. Combining this idea with the concept of texture spectrum proposed by He [11], we present a new method to describe the image texture histogram.In order to get the local texture information of an image pixel, we take its 3*3 neighbor into consideration, as shown in Fig.1. Where I i are the intensities of the corresponding pixels and can be calculated according to the following formula:B G R I 114.0587.0299.0++= (1)I 0 I 1 I 2 I 5 I 4 I 3 I 6 I 7 I 8(a)(b)Fig.2 Texture modelsFig.1 3*3 neighbor of a pixel, the location of I 4 is the central pixel Intensity differences calculated along different directions will be different, such as (a), (b), (c) in Fig.2. After the image retrieval experiments and the analysis of the many texture images, we found that the texture distribution in a neighborhood is ordinarily like a) or b) in Fig.2. So we record the salient intensity changes of the neighboring pixels using a binary sequence )7,...,1,0(=i V i , where is denoted as:i V>−≤−=++I i i I i i i T I I T I I V || if 1|| if 0117,...,1,0=i (2)1894 Journal of Software 软件学报 2003,14(11) where is a predefined constant. From Eq.(2), we can see it focuses on the salient changes of a pixel’s intensity, which is consistent with human vision perception for texture, because human vision perception is more sensitive to the changes of intensities than to the intensity itself. Furthermore, Eq.(2) indicates that the smaller the thesmoother the neighborhood. Therefore, from the binary sequence V , we can easily extract many statistical features to describe the image texture.I T ∑ii V 710,...,,V V For example: If we transform the sequence from binary to decimal, obviously the value range of the sequence is . This is to say, the total number of the texture model for the image pixels is 256. The texture unit (TU ) of the image pixel can be obtained according to the following formula:710,...,,V V V ]255 ..., 2, 1, ,0[ (3)∑==702i i i V TU The value range of is . Thus, calculating the distribution of the image texture unit in the value range, we can get the image texture spectrum. Suppose we denote the texture unit of as , and denote the image texture spectrum as , thenTU ]255 ..., 2, 1, ,0[TU ),(j i Pixel ),(j i T {})255 ..., 2, 1, ,0(][i h n m k j i f k h m i n j ×=∑∑−=−=1010),,(][ (4)where , are image height and width respectively. ==otherwise,0),( if ,1),,(k j i T k j i f n m ,In fact, we can extract other statistical features from the binary sequence V , e.g. smoothness, moment feature, etc.710,...,,V V It is believed that the image texture is an interwoven distribution of the intensity change of the pixels, therefore, compared with structural approaches [12], a statistical one for a texture description is more reasonable. Compared with texture descriptors [12], the texture description method in this paper has the following characteristics:(1) it describes the intensity changes of the neighboring pixels, not the absolute intensity, which indicates that texture is some kind of changes of pixel intensity, (2) the texture unit obtained using our method is local, which makes it possible to get texture spectrum. Compared with the method proposed in Ref.[11], (1) our method decreases the dimension of texture spectrum from 6561 to 256. This greatly reduces the time- and spatial-complexity. Also, (2) our method pays more attention to salient changes of the pixels’ intensities. This is more consistent with human vision perception for image texture, so it can describe the smoothness degree of images efficiently.2.2 Edge descriptorEdge is a basic feature of images. It contains contour information of a valuable object in the image and can be used to represent image contents, recognize the objects, etc. Although Prewitt, Sobel and Canny edge detectors can successfully filter an image background, and extract an object contour, the extracted edges may be composed of a large number of short lines or curves .It is very difficult to describe and represent them. Rosin [13] proposed an algorithm to simulate edge points into a combination of representations, such as lines, circular, elliptical and superelliptical arcs, and polynomials. But it is so complex and time-consuming that it isn’t feasible for real-time CBIR. Recently, Park [14] proposed a local edge histogram descriptor, but the number of image-blocks is a predefined constant. This means, for different images, the sizes of image blocks may be different, which affects the edge type of the image block.万华林 等:1895基于支持向量机的图像语义分类(a) Blank (b) 0°(c) 45°(f) Chaos(d) 90° (e) 135°Fig.3 Edge directions and types in image blocksA simple and effective image edge spectrum descriptor for the spatial distribution of six types of edges is presented and implemented as shown in Fig.3. First, after detecting the image edge by canny detector, partition the edge image into 3*3 non-overlapping sub-images, and then partition each sub-image into 8*8 image blocks (Fig.4). It is consistent with JPEG format of image compression so that the width and height of images can be divided exactly by the width and height of image blocks, respectively, which ensures the information of image border will not lose. Since there exist six edge types, we can define a global edge type histogram with 6 global bins. In the same way, according to the sub-images, 54 local histogram bins are defined.(0,0) (0,1) (0,2) (1,0) (1,1) (1,2) (2,0) (2,1) (2,2)(a) Sub-Image (b) 8*8 image-block Fig.4 Definitions of sub-image and image-blockSuppose image width and height are denoted by nd, respectively, then thenumber of image blocks in the horizontal direction is width image _a height image _88×8_width image N = and the number of image blocks in the vertical direction is 88×8_height image M =, so N M ×is the total number of image blocks. If we denote an edge type array with , where ),(j i ET 1 ..., ,1 ,0−=M i , 1..., ,1 ,0−=N j , then a global edge histogram can be computed by the following formula:{)(k H EG } N M j i E k H M i N j EG ×=∑∑==11),()( (5)where , . ==otherwise,0),( if ,1),(k j i ET j i E 5 ..., ,1,0=k For each Sub-image, a local edge histogram can be calculated by a similar method, denoted as {}5,...,1,0 ,2,1,0 ,2,1,0|),,(===l n m l n m H EL .1896Journal of Software 软件学报 2003,14(11)2.3 Color descriptor As for the descriptor of an image content, a color spectrum or histogram is a simple and efficient low-level feature. However, if calculated directly in a triple-dimension color space (e.g., RGB), both the storage space and computing time will be very high. So color quantization is necessary before extraction of the image color features. In this paper, we adopt a quantization algorithm based on subjective vision perception proposed in Refs.[15,16]. First, transforming the color image from RGB to HSV, then, according to human vision perception for color, quantizing the triple-color components (H, S, V) into non-equal intervals. The transformation formula is described briefly as follows:, , (6)∈∈∈∈∈∈∈∈=]315,296[ if 7]295,271[ if 6]270,191[ if 5]190,156[ if 4]155,76[ if 3]75,41[ if 2]40,21[ if 1 ]20,316[ if 0h h h h h h h h H ∈∈∈=(0.7,1] if 2(0.2,0.7] if 1[0,0.2] if 0s s s S ∈∈∈=(0.7,1] if 2(0.2,0.7] if 1[0,0.2] if 0v v v V Based on the quantization level aforementioned, the triple-color components are mapped into an one-dimension vector using (7),V SQ Q HQ l v v s ++= (7) where and Q are the numbers of quantization levels for color components S and V , respectively. From (6), it is known that Q s Q v s =3, Q v =3, so (6) can be further transformed as:V S H l ++=39 (8)Therefore H , S , V can be represented by a vector, according to (8), with the value range of l =[0,1,2,…,71]. Using a similar method as Eq.(4), we can get the color spectrum with 72 color bins.Compared with the quantization algorithms proposed in Refs.[8,9], the advantages of this algorithm are: (1) the triple-color components are quantized into non-equal intervals, respectively, which is consistent with human vision perception for color; (2) combining similar colors together avoids the problem of color redundancy appearing in other color quantation algorithms. 3 Support Vector Machine (SVM)Support vector machine is a well-known pattern classification method. It is an approximate implementation of the structural risk minimization (SRM) principle [17] and creates a classifier with minimized Vapnik-Chervonenkis (VC) dimension. For pattern classification, SVM has a very good generalization performance without domain knowledge of the problems. This is one of the reasons why we select SVM as an image classifier. Let the separable training set be {}N i i i y x 1),(=r , where i x r is the input pattern vector, is the class label, +1 denotes the positive example, and −1 denotes the negative example. If the training set is linearly separable, and the discriminating function is {1,1+−∈i y }b x w x T +=v g v )(b , we can easily get the classifier hyper-plane by calculating: , where is a weight vector, is a bias. The goal of the SVM is to find the parameters and such that the distance between the hyper-plane and the nearest sample point is more than 1: 0=+b x w T v v 0b w v 0w v v v 100≥+b x w i for 1+=i y , v v 100≤+b x w i for 1−=i y .If it is not linearly separable, it is necessary to map the input training vector into a high-dimension feature万华林 等:基于支持向量机的图像语义分类 1897space using a kernel function ),(i x x K v v , then create the optimal hyper-plane and implement the classification in thehigh-dimension feature space. For more details, refer to Ref.[18].4 Image Semantic Classification by Using SVMIn order to improve the precision of image classification, the recognition of each class is taken as an independent two-class classification. Suppose there are K classes in the image database, denoted as },...,,{21K L ααα=, is the number of images in class i N i α. We transform the K -class classification to two-class classification by the following scheme: For each image class i α, the positive training samples are all the images in class i α; while the negative training samples are all the other images, i.e. the image number of positive samples is , while the image number of negative samples is.i N ∑≠k i j N ,1=j j Given an image class L ∈α, the training sample set is )},(),...,,(),,{(2211l l y x y x y x E v v r =, where is animage feature vector composed of color, texture and edge histograms, N i R x ∈v }1,1{−+∈i y =i y . If , 1+α∈i x , while means 1−=i y α∉i x .Before utilizing SVM to classify a pattern, a feature vector should be extracted from the original space. In order to solve nonlinear problems, it is mapped into a higher dimension feature space. For different applications, the input spaces are different, e.g. for image classification, each point in input space is an image.Through feature map Φ, the pattern classification can be transformed into an optimization problem in N R . The image classification algorithm is briefly described as follows:[Condition ] Training sample set },...,2,1|),{(l i y z E i i ==, where , N i R z ∈}1,1{+−∈i y[Problem ] ),(min arg ),(),(00b w R b w b w =where ∫−=),(d |)(|),(,21y x y z f b w R b w ρ, ),(y x ρ is the density of the joint probability distribution for feature vector x and its class , y sgn[)(,w z f b w ]b z +⋅=.In order to get , or to get classifier , we need to solve the following quadratic optimization problem:),(00b w )(a W )(,z f b w max arg 0αα=, where ∑∑−i 21α=⋅=l i j i j i j i z z y y a W 1)()(αα,),...,2,1(0l i i =≥α,. 01=∑=l i i i y αAfter getting 0α, we can easily get using formula . At the same time, there must existsuch that , thus we can get .0w 0∑==li i i i z y w 1αi z 1|=)(|,i b w z f b Finally, in order to decide whether sample x v belongs to class α, first compute )(x Φz =, then compute thedecision function . If f (z )=1, then+⋅=∑=l i i i i b z z y z f 1)(sgn )(αx v belongs to class α; otherwise, is not in class α. x v 5 Experimental ResultsWe tried to learn each of the 8 concepts (Flower, Bird, Mountain, etc) using SVM. For training and testing, we use natural images mostly from “Corel Image Gallery”, where are about 67000 images. In this paper, we selecte 2516 images from image database, and manually organize them into 8 semantic categories, including flowers, birds,1898 Journal of Software 软件学报 2003,14(11) mountains, tools, landscape, etc. Each class comprises training set and testing set. The image category used and its number are shown in Table 1.Table 1 Training and testing set for Image classification experimentsNO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 N Training 400 150 70 70 240 400 400 80N Testing 189 86 30 30 76 103 160 32We experimented with the combined histogram of images, which consist of 72 color features, 256 texture features and 6 global edge features, and selected radial-basis −−=2221exp ),(i i x x x x K v v v v σas the SVM kernel function.To demonstrate the practicability of image classifier and evaluate the discriminating performance of image features, classification accuracy and precision are computed as:samples total samples classified correctly Accuracy =, samplespositive total samples positive classified correctly Precision =. We compared the accuracy and precision curves of 3 image features (combined histogram, color histogram+ Gabor texture, and 4096 color bins used in Ref.[8]). The Gabor texture algorithm was proposed by Manjunath [12], the source code can be downloaded from web address /texture/feature.html. In the experiments, Gabor textures of images are not pre-processed. Under this condition, training time is much longer than that of using a combination histogram, and its classification accuracy and precision are lower. The possible reason is that Gabor texture and color histogram belong to different metric spaces, and they are not comparable, so combining them is not reasonable. While histogram features are statistical and normalized, they do not belong to any metric space, so the combination of color, texture and edge histograms is more discriminative than the combination of color and Gabor texture [12].From Figs.5 and 6, we can see that the accuracy and precision of image classification combining color, texture and edge histograms are on average 7.37% and 7.51% higher than those combining color and Gabor feature, and on average 13.36% and 9.38% higher than those for only 4096 color bins [8]. Ordinarily speaking, (1) the combination of color, texture and edge histogram has more discriminative power than that of color and Gabor, or only color feature; however for image classification, it is not overwhelmingly better, e.g., for leaves, precision of the latter is better than the former; (2) for images whose background is clear and the objects are salient, the classification performances are satisfying, e.g., birds, tools, etc. It may be explained by the fact that the semantic objects in these images are clear and non-ambiguous. For example, human beings will never take birds as tools, but may take mountain as landscape, this is to say, an image may belong to more than one semantic category, which will inevitably disturb the classification results; (3) the bigger the number of positive samples, the better the classification performance, because there are enough training examples. These are all consistent with subject perception of human beings.6 ConclusionsIn this paper, we propose and present a new histogram method to describe image texture and edge types. Our texture method is based on the description of the intensity changes of the neighboring pixels in the local texture instead of absolute intensity. We also incorporated color in our texture and edge histogram, and grouped the images万华林 等:基于支持向量机的图像语义分类 1899 into semantic categories using SVM. 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