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2008年3月M a rch 2008
色谱C h inese J ou rna l of C h rom a tog raphy
Vo l .26N o.2
通讯联系人:毕开顺,教授,博士生导师.Te l:(024)23986016,E 2m a il:b ika ishun @.基金项目:国家自然科学基金重大研究计划资助课题(N o.90612002).
孙国祥, 毕开顺
体系具有体系科学性质,是从系统性和整体性角度研究中药(包括植物药)的物质基础和作用机制以及药代动力学规律和相关制剂技术的崭新学科。该体系以中药指纹图谱信息学为核心和桥梁,包括中药指纹图谱测试学、中药指纹图谱质控学、中药指纹图谱谱效学、中药指纹药物动力学、中药指纹药剂学和中药生物指纹图谱学。该体系的研究需采用复杂科学和体系科学的理论和方法,突破线性思维和还原分析,强调宏观和系统的有机综合,应用数学科学原理和方法来开辟中药创制的新模式。中药指纹图谱学的理论体系和方法是解析中药的主导技术和实现中药现代化的核心力量,该体系理论和技术的成熟及完善可为现代中药创制提供强有力的理论和技术支撑。中药指纹图谱学体系的最终目的是为人类和有益生物研制出疗效显著、安全、可控的现代化中药。关键词:色谱指纹图谱;中药;中药指纹图谱学;中药创制中图分类号:O 658 文献标识码:A 文章编号:100028713(2008)022******* 栏目类别:中药质量控制专栏
E ffe c t of f in ge rp r in to logy o f t ra d it io n a l C h in e se m e d ic in e (TCM )
in th e in n o va t ive d e ve lopm e n t o f TCM
SUN G uox iang,B I Ka ishun
(College of Pha rm a cy,Shen ya n g Pha rm a ceu tica l U n ivers i ty,Shen ya n g 110016,Ch in a )
A b s t ra c t:The background and m a in task of the sys tem of TCM finge rp rin to logy from ho lism ,sys tem a to logy and com p lex ity sc ience a re e labo ra te ly d iscussed.The finge rp rin to logy of TCM is a nove l sys tem ,in w h ich the p ha r m aco logic subs tance bases,m echan ism and the law of p ha r 2m acok ine tics on TCM (he rba l m ed ic ine )and techno logies fo r o the r re la ted p rep a ra tions a re sys tem a tica lly and in tegra lly s tud ies.The co re p os ition and b ridge effec t of the finge rp rin t info r 2m a tics of TCM w e re se t fo rth.The sys tem of TCM finge rp rin to logy com p rises the finge rp rin t tes to logy,the finge rp rin t qua lity con tro lo logy,the finge rp rin t p ha r m acodynam ics,the finge r 2p rin t p ha r m acok ine tic,the finge rp rin t 2p ha r m aceu tics and the b iofinge rp rin to logy of TCM.The theo ries and m e thods of com p lex ity sc ience and sys tem sc ience shou ld be app lied in the s tudy of the sys tem.The new m ode of the innova tive deve lopm en t of TCM is es tab lished by b reak ing th rough the linea r th ink ing and reduc tion ana lys is,h igh ly em p has izing m a them a tica l p rinc i p les and m e thods from a in teg ra l and sys tem a tic p o in t of v iew.The theo ries and m e thods of the TCM finge rp rin to logy a re the m a in fo rces in the ana lys is of the lead ing techno logy and m ode rn i 2za tion of TCM.The m a tu rity and p e rfec tion of the theo ries and m e thods w ill p ow e rfu lly supp o rt the deve lopm en t of innova tive TCM.The u lti m a te p u rp ose of the sys tem of the TCM finge rp rin t 2o logy is to deve lop e effec tive,safe ty and con tro llab le TCM s fo r hum an and o the r benefic ia l o rgan ism s.
Ke y w o rd s:ch rom a tograp h ic finge rp rin ts;
trad itiona l C h inese m ed ic ine (TCM );
the finge r 2
p rin to logy of TCM ;the deve lopm en t of innova tive TCM