
托福写作常考十大类话题优选份托福写作常考十大类话题 11. 全球化影响There is a disagreement on the impact of increased business and culture contact between countries on a country’s identity. What is your opinion?2. 政府投资People should keep all the money they earn and should not pay taxes to the state. Do you agree or disagree?3. 科技影响Many employees may work at home with modern technology. Some people claim that it benefits only workers, but not employers. To what extent do you agree or disagree?4. 文化类i. It is more important for a building to serve its purposes than to look beautiful. Architects do not need to worry about whether it is a real work of art. Do you agree or disagree?ii. The international tourism is the biggest industry in the world. To what extent do you think its advantages far outweigh its disadvantages? 5. 生活工作Some people think that changing jobs periodically is good. What is your opinion?6. 传媒类Some people suggest that there should be restrictions on a detailed description of crimes in the newspapers and on television. To what extent do you agree or disagree?7. 广告类There are many advertisements directed at children. Parents argue that children are misled, while advertisers consider advertising a source of useful information. What is your opinion?8. 环境类It is said tha t the best way to solve the world’s environmental problems is to increase the price of fuel. To what extent do you agree or disagree?9. 动物类Far too little has been done to prevent animals and plants from dying out, although people have noticed this problem for a long time. Why have people failed to improve this situation? What are your suggestions?10. 教育类i. Some people believe that educating children altogether will benefit them. Others think intelligent children should be taught separately and given special courses. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.ii. Today, more school leavers are unable to find jobs. Discuss the causes of rising unemployment among young adults and suggest any solutions.。

5. 除非特地要求,不要发表自己的观点,只是进行客观的总结。

1. 重点信息。
2. 逻辑关系。
1. 缩写和符号。
2. 分层记录。

Listening1.开头——复习+主旨例外:①课堂复习——不考标志过去时态开始标志:now,today, OK, while②老师道歉③归纳法的开头,先给出例子,再给出结论--记例子的主体&论点2.结尾——推断+细节3.注意重复的细节与观点4.举例——记例子主体,注意提示词5.定义解释——其中的关系6.注意可以的停顿7.注意课堂引导词——remember now OK while imagine today8.讲课中的问答9.因果关系10.听清层次——firstly secondly...11.注意转折12.Listen again 专业术语不变避免原词重复Speaking notesQ1&Q2To start with I believe most of people would choose... However i would like to choose...today i have two arguments to supports to support my idea.Today i mainly have one important argument to back up my ideaTake me for example... For instance... For exampleFurthermore what's moreTo summarize to conclude all in allBased on the two points i have already mentioned ...will always be my choice...Q31.The school wants/plans to doThe school policy is...The school wants to carry out a policy which is...2.sb suggests/advises that the university should stop do...3.In the conversation, the man disagrees, and he has two pointsIn the listening material, the man agree with the policy because of the following reasons...4.First, the school think, however the man think...Second...Based on the two points the man disagree.Q4In this set of material, the reading passage introduce a theory/principle/definition...which meanssuggests that...In the lecture, the professor uses/gives us/provides us/offers us one/two examples to explain/illustrate/demonstrate/clarify this theory.The first is about...The second is ...Q51.time conflict①to find sb else to replace/take place of youto find sb to help him②drop, give up,cancel one of the plans③reschedulePut off, delay, postpone,to find another day to do.Do/finish...before...④ask for extension/extra days/putting off the dead line2.course is not available①to take the same/similar course next semester②take it in another school③choose the graduate lessonQ6The lecture is about/the topic is about...The professor mainly talked about ...According to the lecture...In this listening material the professor explain...All in all/in conclusion...Tips1.DefinitionThe term ...is defined as..The definition of the term is...2.ResultThe/it result turn out to be...pareIn the experiment, students are divided into two groups.The first group is... In the second group the situation is totally different/is on the contrary.Writing一、Heading一方案1凸显主题引述观点我的立场1.凸显主题①As is often the case, Under many circumstances,Currently / In contemporary society, +X/ the issue of X+is widely discussed.is so much concerned that it has aroused a wide discussion.is much concerned to a point where a wide discussion has been aroused. is much concerned at such a degree that a wide discussion has beenaroused.is much/ widely discussed to a point where a deep contemplation has been aroused.②so…that…He is so 2 that he is used to running outside at cold winter mid-night with nothing on.= subj+ v. + adj. / ved. + to a / the point whereHe is 2 to a point where he is used to running outside at cold winter mid-night with nothing on.= subj+ v. + adj. /ved. + at such a degree that…He is 2 at such a degree that…2.引述观点againstSome people maintain/ hold that it is …that…A few people hold the opinion that…One point is that…One perspective is that…One conventional idea/ acceptance / view / notion is that…forA common belief is that…A prevailing notion/ acceptance is that…题目核心名词不动题目中观点的方向不动3.我的立场程度+ 态度①程度to large extent,at large degree,on large scale,②态度I agree with this opinion.I am on the side of this claim / assumption / assertionI side with this claim.I stand with this claim.I would nod in agreement with this claim.I lean toward this claim.I disagree with this opinion.I am on the opposite side of this claim.I side on the opposite.I stand against this claim.I would cast doubt on this claim.I would frown on this claim.全局Currently, the issue of X is much concerned to a point where a wide discussion has been aroused. Some people maintain that it is … that…. To large extent, however, I am on the opposite side of this claim. 二方案2一分钟快捷法:Some people hold / maintain that…I reckon/ deem thatagainstSome people maintain that…. To large extent, however, I am on the opposite side of this claim and reckon that it assumes a distorted and narrow view.forA prevailing acceptance is that…. To large extent, I am on theside of this claim and reckon that it sensible and rational. Body structureBody+support+strong二、基本思路框架:一1.让步Concede:客观性—题目观点有点道理To begin with, I have to concede that…2.主旨段1:分析—题目观点/言论谬误NeverthelessNonethelessthe claim—problematicAttention: 探讨论点 > 议论话题3.主旨段2:推理—后果严重,危害巨大At last, the influence—negative4.其他备选思路Optional 1: 可行性欠佳not feasibleOptional 2: 效用差ineffectiveOptional 3: 当A>B时,支持弱者B is also significantOptional 4:当题目中X is the …est,质疑“最”X is not the …est. Optional 5:因果关系不合理No direct relation between A and B二中心句:1 .让步To begin with, I have to admit that…To begin with, it is undisputable that…First of all, I have to concede that X, at some / certain degree, is/ can…First of all, I have to concede that doing some writing, at certain degree,is beneficial与题目立场一致.限制级让步—避免喧宾夺主…, to some / certain extent,……, at some/ certain degree,……, on some/ specific occasions,….…, in particular / certain cases, ……, under some / particular circumstances,……, theoretically speaking,……, in short-terms,…… is/ can somewhat…… is/ can relatively…2. against1—分析:题目观点谬误本质使然驳斥言论>质疑话题Nevertheless, X/ the assumption that…is not immune to several defects, which makes this claim / assertion open to question.Nevertheless, X/ the assumption that… is not immune to several defects, which degrades this claim as problematic / misrepresentative. Nevertheless, the assumption that… is also contaminated with several defects/ irrationalities, which degrades this claim as problematic / misrepresentative.Do—undertake Be engaged inTip:下定义A isB B=n. –A functionA serves asB / A functions as BFriends serve as companionships.media serve as sources of influence.作判断A is B B=adj. / n.A is accepted / acknowledged as BThis proposal is accepted as beneficial.This proposal, to large extent, is accepted as beneficial.3. against2—推理:后果很严重/危害巨大effect vs influenceNegative influence—destructive consequencesdisastrous consequencesAt last, the consequences/ misleading of…would be negative / destructive / pernicious.At last, the consequences/ misleading that … is expected to bring about would turn out to be destructive.4.其他备选思路中心句Option1: 这样做不可行 feasible = viable--It is not feasible the feasibility of … is open to question.--It is not viable the viability of… is open to question.The feasibility/ viability of … is vulnerable to any question or challenge.… can hardly be converted from blueprint into reality.… can merely rest on the blueprint.Option1 效果欠佳--切断联系Step1 It can not solve this problemStep2 It fails to offer solutions to this problem.Step3For 建议This proposal / solution/ approach/ X is awkward in serving as a key to….For 结论This definition/ conclusion/ X is awkward in serving as a reference for...PracticeThis proposal / solution/ approach/ X is awkward in serving as a key to….Option2: B重要 for A>B 话题B is of great significance for …Great significance for…is closely attached to B--Great significance for the rise of a nation is closely attached to the promotion of education.--Great significance for leading a healthy life is closely attached to the preservation of environment.--Great significance for the duty of celebrities is closely attached to the participation of social services.Option4: X并非最佳There is no point to claim that X serves as the best/ ultimate/ the most approved solution / definition.It is groundless to assert that…serve as—function asOption5: 因果关系不合理There is no direct causal relation between A and BThis claim suffers from a fallacy of causal oversimplification.This assumption/ assertion fails to establish a causal relation betweenA and B.三、Body一1.让步First of all/ to begin with, I have to concede that X, at certain degree, is beneficial / is effective.2.观点谬误Nevertheless, the assumption that… is not immune to several defects, which makes this claim/ assumption / assertion open to question. Nevertheless, the assumption that… is also contaminated with several irrationalities, which degrades this claim as problematic / misrepresentative.3 .后果严重At last, the consequences / the misleading that X is expected to bring about would turn out to be destructive. / disastrous/ pernicious.4.可行性欠佳The feasibility / viability of X is vulnerable to any question or challenge.5. Ineffective即使有结果,也很难达到目的for 建议类话题To carry the idea further, this proposal / solution/ approach is awkward in serving as a key that guarantees the effectiveness and efficiency.for 定义/结论类话题To carry the idea further, this definition/ conclusion is awkward in serving as a convincing reference that can offer objective and accurate / reliable / trustworthy guidance.6. not the best/ --est for 最…话题There is no point to claim that... serves as the best/ ultimate/ the most approved solution / definition.7. 挽救B—B重要 for A>B 话题Great significance is also supposed to be attached to B.8. 因果关系不能建立This claim suffers from a fallacy of causal oversimplification.First of all, I have to concede that…, at some / certain degree, is/ can…For one thing, X, on some occasions, is/ can…For the other, it is/ can also somewhat/ relatively…, on the ground that…, for the reason that…, for the sake that…First of all, I have to concede that doing some writing, at certain degree, is beneficial. For one thing, such exercises, on some occasions, contribute to promoting writing skills. For the other, writing can somewhat sharpen the mind.二方案1—双论据论点First of all, I have to concede that X, on certain occasions, is beneficial. 论据1For one thing, X serves as 是什么 through which 作用/效果论据2For the other, X also contributes to/ X is also effective in人例case of/ the case concerning … serves as an example/ evidence / an evident example which, to large extent, can support / solidify /consolidate my claim that it is… that…事例the personal experience of … serves as an example / evidence that/ which can largely consolidate/lend credible support to my claim that…方案2—单论据论点First of all, I have to concede that X, on certain occasions, is beneficial, CS2. against1—本质不好i Nevertheless, the inherited/intrinsic /inborn defect of X can largelyundermine the claim/ assumption that….ii Nevertheless, X/ the conclusion that…/ the proposal that… is not immune to several defects, which makes this claim/ assumption / assertion open to question.Nevertheless, X/ the conclusion that…/ the proposal that… is not immune to several defects, which degrades this claim as problematic /misrepresentative.For 建议类话题:复杂任务简单化As is often the case, / Under many circumstances,/ As a matter of fact, 待解决之问题/达成之目标 is acknowledged as a complicated task/ project/ cause whose solution involves/ requires a combination/ joint of efforts on both the internal and external layers and cannot possibly be tackled/ accomplished by XAs is often the case, 待介定之事物 is acknowledged as a complicated phenomenon / concept/ existence whose definition involves/ requires/ concerns a combination of elements / factors on both the subjective and objective layers and cannot possibly be defined by highlighting X.数据With reference for a survey by International …, % of the people / respondents between and in European countries / . claimed that…With reference for a survey by International …, % of the people / respondents between 15 and 65 in European countries / . claimed that X is the last option employed to…With reference for a survey by International …, %of the people / respondents between 15 and 65 in European countries / . had gloomy views over the effectiveness / the prospect of XAccording to a survey by International Deserts , the deserts all over the world are extending at a rate of 250 football fields every 3 hours.实事—caseThe case concerning … serves as an example/ evidence / an evident example which can, to large extent, support/ solidify/ justify / reinforce / bolster / consolidate my claim that…人例—personal experienceThe personal experience concerning … serves as an evident example which can largely consolidate my claim that…Optional结论/建议未必适用于所有情形无视个案差异… is not unexceptionally acceptable… is not undisputable all the time / under any circumstances The other flaw is that the validation of the view presented in this topic is not universally self evident. On occasions that…,/ On conditions that… , the utmost significance is supposed to be attached to X, whereas when this prerequisite/ the condition removes, the emphasis/ focus would also be switched to other….Tip: 本段质疑言论的组织架构:言论谬误The assumption/ assertion that… is problematic.谬误/漏洞1—复杂的事物被简化X复杂,解决/定义需要诸多 a combination of 努力 efforts/ 因素elements谬误/漏洞2—观点的合理性是有条件的X 不总正确not universally self-evident, 只有在…条件下,on conditions that…, 才合理,否则就不行X has been proved to be the most effective …/ the best …Any other efforts / possibilities have been proved to be vain attempts X has been proved to be the most effective …/ the best … that can ruleout any other …X enjoys the widest preference后果很严重At last, the consequences/ influence of… is negative / destructive / pernicious.At last, the consequences that X is expected to bring about would turn out to be destructive.子论据1:负面影响+小的个体 individual 大到整体 society/ system/ industry One point that is worth of mentioning is that…The negative influence of X would be infectious.The negative influence of X would result in a series of chain reaction. The negative influence of X would give rise to Domino Effect/ Butterfly Effect.it can inevitably endanger/ jeopardize both the individual… and the whole society/ industry/ system.The negative influence of X would be infectious, which can inevitably jeopardize / endanger both the individual… and the whole…子论据2:弊大于利To carry the idea further,Other than that,In addition, advantages vs. disadvantagesthe disadvantages outweigh the advantages.= the advantages are outweighed by the disadvantages.the disadvantages overshadow the advantages.= the advantages are overshadowed by the disadvantages.Advantages:The expected/ the foreseeable benefits and opportunities / solutions…can offerFor conclusion The expected reference and guidance … can offer Disadvantages:the potential risks and uncertainties … can incurFor conclusion--the potential confusions and misleading … can incurDisadvantage > advantage--the potential risks and uncertainties … incurs far outweigh the expected benefits and opportunities it can offer.--the potential confusions and misleading … incurs can rule out any reference and guidance it can offer.To be exact, it is tantamount to an act of trading A for Btrade long-term … for short term…trade … in the long run for … at presenttrade the possibility of sustainable development for the reality of present interests.trade the unique… for common…trade the cherished… for common / ordinary …trade the invaluable … for the valueless …trade everything for nothing子论据3影响负面且深远Even worse, It runs the risk of driving …to a dead end.This proposal / conclusion is acknowledged as an illogical and irrational assumption/ assertion which indicates / reveals / mirrors a set of misplaced values that run the risk of driving … to a dead end.三思路框架:1.让步To begin with, I have to concede that knowing how to use money effectively, at certain degree, is beneficial. For one thing, it somewhat minimizes the risk of financial problems in the future. For the other, the acquisition of such knowledge and skills, at certain degree, contributes to relatively sensible consuming habits.2.因素分析Nevertheless, the claim of emphasizing the role that learning money management at young age plays in making a financially responsible adult is contaminated with several intrinsic irrationalities. As is often the case, implanting a sense of financial responsibility into an individual is acknowledged as a complicated task whose solution involves a combination of efforts on both the internal and external respects and cannot possibly be tackled/ accomplished by simply making children learn management. The personal experience of Madoff serves as an evident example which can largely consolidate my claim. Although Madoof received good education for money management since he was young, he did not have any sense of responsibility and was labeled as a cheater in 2008. The other flaw this assumption suffers from is that it ignores the differentials among cases. On conditions that that the learning of managing money is combined with the instillation of conscience and moral, or that this proposal has been proved as the most effective measure which can rule out any other solutions, making children learn to manage money is acceptable, whereas when this prerequisite removes, the things would be otherwise.3. 演绎推理At last, the consequences that this proposal is expected to bring about would turn out to be destructive. One point that is worth of mentioning is that the misleading and confusion that relating managing money to financial responsibility can incur far outweigh the expected benefits and solutions it can offer. Other than this, learning money management on early stage bears the possibility of bringing in materialism into our education and misplacing the values, which runs the risk of driving the healthy growth of our next generation to a dead end.EndingTo sum up, at large degree, I would cast doubt on this assumption. What is more, it is essential for us to have circumspection over all the factors before any critical decision-makings.Tip:其他备用思路:Option1--可行性欠佳What is more, the feasibility of X is vulnerable to any question or challenge.A host of impediments that are expected to encounter like A, B, C andD are acknowledged as significant factors that play decisive rolesin minimizing the viability.In this sense, it is almost a mission impossible to…重要因素表达—用于论点+论据… serves as a significant factor that plays decisive role in….… serves as an indispensable element that is not supposed to be overlooked.Tip :不可行的障碍--show no respect the legal principles--overlook the basic laws of nature--violate the ethical bottom line--the unsatisfactory voices from the public--limited budgets or financial problemsOption2--即使有结果,也很难达到目的个性化方案—选配--牵强的联系For 建议This proposal / solution/ approach/ X is awkward in serving as a key to….For 结论This definition/ conclusion/ X is awkward in serving as a convincing/ credible reference for...教师是否应该根据他们的表现而支付薪水Paying teachers in accordance with their performance is awkwardin serving as a key to enhancing / improving/ promoting /upgrading the education.This proposal / solution/ approach/ X is awkward in serving as a key to….+切断联系 For 建议As a matter of fact/ In effect, A/ the former does not function as the exclusive prerequisite for B/ the latter.+冲淡联系1 原因多样Under many circumstances, a host of solutions/ possibilities such as A1, A2, A3 and A4 are also indispensable/ significant approaches that are not supposed to be overlooked....is a significant factor that plays a decisive role in…… is also an indispensable element that is not supposed to be overlooked.+冲淡联系2 结果无效On the other hand, such oversimplified strategy would be doomed/ deemed as counterproductive.+阶段性结论In this sense, there exists no direct causal relation between A andB the result and the proposal.For 结论This definition/ conclusion/ X is awkward in serving as a convincing/ credible reference for...+切断联系For 结论A does not serve as an exclusive prerequisite for gaining a betterunderstanding about B+冲淡联系1可能性多样Under certain circumstances, B can be concluded as A1, whereas under others, the definition/ conclusion like A2, A3, A4 are also sensible/ acceptable/ rational.+冲淡联系2 定义/概括无效GeneralOn the other hand, such over generalized conclusion fails to be representative.+阶段性结论In this sense, there exists no direct relation between the conclusion/ definition and the phenomenon.In this sense, A can tell just part of the story.Option 3-- ... is not the ..estThere is no point to claim that A serves as the best/ ultimate/ the most approved solution / definition.A multitude of other options/ elements/ possibilities / solutions such as B, C, and D are also significant factors that are not supposed to be overlooked.In this sense, it is groundless to put ultimate premium on A.Option 4--挽救B-B重要 for A>B 话题Great significance is also supposed to be attached to B.Option5—因果无法建立:Furthermore, the claim that… suffers from a fallacy of causal oversimplification.Furthermore, the claim that … rests on a gratuities causal relationship which is in short of legitimacy.In effect, the former does not serve as the exclusive prerequisite for the latter.Under many circumstances, a host of approaches / solutions/ reasons/ possibilities as A, B, C and D are also acknowledged as significant factors that are not supposed to be overlooked.In addition, this conclusion runs the risk of misleading the understanding / the definition of…In addition, this proposal bears the possibility of driving the result to quite different paths.In this sense, there exists no direct causal relation between A and B.Topics:Because we are busy, we can do few things well.Because we are busy, politeness has become unnecessary and out of fashion. In order to make ourselves happy, we should learn how to make others happy first.For这样很好本性使然… is blessed/ gifted withadvantagemerit in …./thatgeniusX is blessed with a multitude of merits.As it stands, X enjoys many advantages like A, B, C and D.According to a survey by…, X% of the respondents …这是不可避免的 indispensable / 重要部分A is a part of B= A is included in B= A serves as / functions as an indispensable episode in composing B the absence of… would result in…Families serve as indispensable episode in composing our society.Failures in every segment of our life serve as indispensable episodes in composing our growth.Competition serves as indispensable episode in composing our market. The multimedia and the internet serve as indispensable episodes in composing our modern life.The quantum leaps in science and technology serve as indispensable episode in composing our civilization.这样做可行且运转良好What is more, the feasibility of X can withstand question or challenge.A host of factors such as A, B, C and D are acknowledged as significantelements that play decisive roles in maximizing the viability.Not only does it enjoy feasibility, but also it can operate in a smooth way.如果这样,结果诱人Other than this, the positive consequences of X would turn out to be profound.it will benefit both the individual and the whole systemit contributes to promoting …., boosting …..and …will thereafter beenhancedIt contributes to promoting the advance of economy, boosting the communication among cultures and the reputation of a city is thereafter enhanced.It contributes to promoting the efficiency, boosting the effectiveness and our self-confidence is thereafter enhanced.It contributes to promoting our skills in getting along with others, boosting our abilities in thinking over things and our minds are thereafter sharpened.Advantage> Disadvantage应该这样,因为这样做不仅有益,而且无害;A andB can co-exist harmoniouslyA andB are not 2 mutually exclusive matters.A andB are compatibleA andB are 2 mutually exclusive matters. As a matter of fact, the former andthe latter can co-exist harmoniously.The existence/ advance of A does not act/ serve as a terminator forBThe existence / advance of A does not bring negative influence / consequenceon BTo sum up, I side on the opposite of the claim that… What is more, it is essential for us to pay more attention to …/ What is more, special attention is called for to四、Tip1.若要/为了X目的, 就得YX and Y are closely relatedthere is a direct causal relation between X and YY serves as the exclusive prerequisite for Xcreate—creativity,advent,reckon,doomed to be,the sin revelation 2.这样不好/不应该本性/本质使然be born with / to be inherit intrinsic natureinborn problematiclast, the consequences/ influence of… is negative / destructive / pernicious.At last, the consequences that X is expected to bring about would turn out to be destructive.and more--an/ the increasing number of +可数名词--the increasing + 不可数名词--the increasingly + adj. + n.Give rise toof great significance for…great significance for… is closely attached to…great significance for your future career is closely attached to your study.great significance for the effectiveness of leadership is closely attached to the respect from the public.7.可能…, to large extent, …… bears the possibilities that…… runs the risk of…--This measure runs the risk of triggering disasters.switch alter convertDo undertake be engaged in estimate assess9.10.没有上过大学Lyndon Johnson AbrahamLincolnGrover Cleveland—honest + independent Andrew Jackson—the incarnation of courageMike Dell Stephen Jobs Zuckburge接受过优秀教育OxfordMargaret Hilda Thatcher David Cameron Bill ClintonStephen Hawking Mr. BeanHarvardFranklin Roosevelt Obama John F. KennedyGeorge W. Bush Gary Faye Locke素材accumulate the knowledge train the skills broaden the horizon experience the defeats/ failures strengthen the willsharpen the mind develop personalities shape valuespurify the soul detach the view12.媒体books:magazine; text book; bibliography; encyclopedia; novelTV programs; TV networksvideo; audience; display; screenread—reading—reader words; lines; passages重要影响力杂志New Yorker;the Times—实事评论性杂--through which we can extract insightful thoughts.Vogue;ELLE;—时尚杂志--let us breathe fashionable airReader’s Digest—综合性期刊National Geography—人文景观the Palace museumthe Louver Palacethe Expos—有必要出现暴力内容的娱乐the western movies—pioneering spiritGone with Wind--setting Atlanta on fire—chaosSchindler's List--Whoever saves one life, saves the world entireSaving Private Ryan-- the value of lifeBrave Heart-- shedding blood and sacrificing for just one chance for freedom Negative—过分暴力的娱乐-- Transformer 3-- justice do not have to be exchanged by extreme violencenor at the price of the whole Chicago City with thousandsof innocent lives.small step though it is for young people, a giant leap for the future life.That's one small step for me, one giant leap for mankind.Achilles’ Heelthe absence of innovation/ sympathy is acknowledged as the Achilles’Heel of our education.the absence of creditability is acknowledged as the Achilles’ Heel of political leadership.significant五、综合写作一HeadingThelecturerefutesobjects tosides on the opposite ofthepointsillustratedinthereadingmaterial.In accordance with With reference forAccordingto the listening,theprofessorthe lecturerclaims /asserts that。

示例:Purchased last week, the new preparation materials helped the student study.常见错误:Purchased last week, the student studied with her new preparation materials.规则2确保代词指代一个特定的名词,并与其指代名词的单数或复数形式保持一致。
示例:The professor is a favorite at the university, but he is now taking a semester off.常见错误:The professor is a favorite at the university, but they were now taking a semester off.规则3牢记句子主语,确保主语始终与动词保持一致。
示例:Each of the authors involved in writing the book was a sociologist.常见错误:Each of the authors involved in writing the book were sociologists.规则4当一个句子中存在两个或多个并列成分时,应使用同类语法形式。
示例:The teacher thought he was a good student because he turned in his papers on time, tested well on exams and appeared enthusiastic.常见错误:The teacher thought he was a good student because he turned in his papers on time, tested well on exams and his enthusiasm was high.规则5当主语是动作的执行者时,选择主动语态(而非被动语态)。

例题:Question: Summarize the points made in the lecture. Being sure to explain how they cast doubt on specific points made in the reading passage. (TPO 12)阅读材料Jane Austen (1775-1817) is one of the most famous of all English novelists, and today her novels are more popular than ever, with several recently adapted as Hollywood movies. But we do not have many records of what she looked like. For a long time, the only accepted image of Austen was an amateur sketch of an adult Austen made by her sister Cassandra. However recently a professionally painted, full-length portrait of a teenage girl owned by a member of the Austen family has come up for sale. Although the professional painting is not titled Jane Austen, there are good reasons to believe she is the subject.笔记:Jane Austen, not know what she looked like, professionally painted, portrait of a girl, no titled, good reasons to believe is herFirst, in 1882, several decades after Austen's death, Austen's family gave permission to use the portrait as an illustration in an edition of her letters. Austen's family clearly recognized it as a portrait of the author. So, for over a century now, the Austen family itself has endorsed the claim that the girl in the portrait is Jane Austen.笔记:First, after Austen's death, her family gave permission, portrait as illustration of letters, family endorsed.Second, the face in the portrait clearly resembles the one in Cassandra's sketch, which we know depicts Austen. Though somewhat amateurish, the sketch communicates definite details about Austen's face. Even though the Cassandra sketch is of外教一对一an adult Jane Austen, the features are still similar to those of the teenage girl in the painting. The eyebrows, nose, mouth, andoverall shape of the face are very much like those in the full-length portrait.笔记:Secondly, face of portrait, resembles Cassandra's sketch, sketch carries details Austen's face, details similar portrait, eyebrow, nose like the portraitThird, although the painting is unsigned and undated, there is evidence that it was painted when Austen was a teenager. The style links it to Ozias Humphrey, a society portrait painter who was the kind of professional the wealthy Austen family would hire. Humphrey was active in the late 1780s and early 1790s, exactly the period when Jane Austen was the age of the girl in the painting.笔记:Thirdly, painting unsigned, painted when Austen was teenager, style likes to Ozias Humphrey, wealth Austen able to hire,popular when she was girl.听力材料Professor:The evidence linking this portrait to Jane Austen is not at all convincing. Sure, the painting has long been somewhat loosely connected to Austen's extended family and their descendents, but this hardly proves it's a portrait of Jane Austen as a teenager. The reading's arguments that the portrait is of Austen are questionable at best.笔记:Not convincing,hard proveFirst, when the portrait was authorized for use in the 1882 publication of her letters, Jane Austen had been dead for almost 70 years. So the family members who asserted that the painting was Jane had never actually seen her themselves. They couldn't have known for certain if the portrait was of Austen or not.笔记:When authorized, Austen died 70 years, family members who authorize never seen.Second, the portrait could very well be that of a relative of Austen's, a fact that would explain the resemblance between its subject and that of Cassandra's sketch. The extended Austen family was very large and many of Jane Austen's female cousins were teenagers in the relevant period or had children who were teenagers. And some of these teenage girls could have resembled Jane Austen. In fact, many experts believe that the true subject of the portrait was one of those relatives, Marianne Kempian, who was a distant niece of Austen's.笔记:Could be the relative of Austen, why similar to the sketch, big family with many teenagers similar to AustenThird, the painting has been attributed to Humphrey only because of the style. But other evidence points to a later date.A stamp on the back of the picture indicates that the blank canvas, you know the actual piece of cloth on which the picture was painted, was sold by a man named William Legg. Record showed that William Legg did not sell canvases in London when Jane Austen was a teenager. He only started selling canvases when she was 27 years old. So it looks like the canvas was used for the painting at a time when Austen was clearly older than the girl in the portrait.外教一对一笔记:Humphrey only because of style, stamp, blanket canvas indicates sold by William leg, didn't sell canvas when Austen was teenager, when he begin to sell, Austen is already adult.我们通过组织阅读和听力的笔记,就可以完整阅读和听力的材料主要观点,支撑各自观点的三个原因和相应细节。

托福综合写作话题词汇1. 观点 (Opinion)2. 讨论 (Discussion)3. 问题 (Issue)4. 研究 (Research)5. 调查 (Survey)6. 实践 (Practice)7. 理论 (Theory)8. 现象 (Phenomenon)9. 方法 (Method)10. 结论 (Conclusion)11. 规则 (Rule)12. 解决方案 (Solution)13. 影响 (Impact)14. 原因 (Reason)15. 优点 (Advantage)16. 缺点 (Disadvantage)17. 主题 (Theme)18. 趋势 (Trend)19. 社会问题 (Social issue)20. 科技发展 (Technological development)21. 经济增长 (Economic growth)22. 文化差异 (Cultural differences)23. 教育问题 (Educational issues)24. 健康问题 (Health issues)25. 环境保护 (Environmental protection)26. 交通拥堵 (Traffic congestion)27. 全球化 (Globalization)28. 广告行业 (Advertising industry)29. 政府政策 (Government policies)30. 社交媒体 (Social media)31. 女性权益 (Women's rights)32. 科学发现 (Scientific discoveries)33. 文化遗产 (Cultural heritage)34. 青少年问题 (Teenage problems)35. 高效能学习 (Efficient learning)36. 污染问题 (Pollution issues)37. 能源危机 (Energy crisis)38. 食品安全 (Food safety)39. 水资源短缺 (Water scarcity)40. 全球变暖 (Global warming)。

胡敏读故事记单词托福词汇001 Having Faith 信任You can call me A.J. , which is an abbreviation of my full name, Alexander Justice.【 你可以叫我A.J., 这是我的全名Alexander Justice 的缩写。
】 abbreviation [əˌbri:vi ˈei ʃən] n.缩写词I like to abbreviate my name because it's easier for people to remember.【我喜欢缩写我的名字,因为这样人们更容易记忆.】abbreviate [əˈbri:vieit]vt.缩写I work for a museum that collects aboriginal artifacts.【我在一家收藏土著手工艺品的博物馆工作。
】 aboriginal [æb əˈrid ʒən əl] n.原始居民,土著 adj 土著的artifact ['ɑ:tifækt]n. 人工制品 [医] 人为现象, 人工产物I would like to tellyou why I have an abiding faith in the legal system.【我要告诉你为什么我会始终不遇的信任法制。
】abiding [əˈbaidi ŋ] a.持久不变的,永久的abide [əˈbaid]vt.容忍The story you're about to read has been abridged to reduce its length. 【下面你将读到的故事已被删剪,以免冗长。
】abridge [əˈbrid ʒ] vt.节略I used to live in an area where criminals abouded and where the legal system seemed powerless.【我曾住在一个罪犯多如牛毛而法律又软弱的地区。

六十个托福写作高频词汇六十个托福写作高频词汇很多同学一提到写作就头疼,因为他们没有掌握到写作的基本方法是从词汇开始,下面是店铺为大家搜索整理的六十个托福写作高频词汇,希望能给同学们带来帮助!十个托福写作高频词汇篇11、Challenge(1)Challenge sb to do sth .向…挑战,邀请…比赛They challenge us to a swimming contest.(2)to give (accept) a challenge (接受)挑战2、Share(1)Share 部分,分Everybody ought to have his proper share.(2)Share 参与、贡献I had no share in the mater.(3)Share (with,between)分配,共有They shared the profits between them.I will share with you in the undertaking.3、Instead(1)instead 代替If you cannot go,let him go instead.(2)instead of 代替I will go instead of you.4、Manage(1)manage to do 完成,达成We finally managed to get there in time.(2)manage with 办事,处现事务We can''t manage with these poor tools.(3)manage on 生活,过活How will she manage with her husband gone. 5、Afford(1)afford to do 足以承担I cannot afford to pay such a high price.(2)afford 产生Reading affords pleasure.6、Rather(1)would rather do 宁愿He said he would rather stay at home.(2)rather than 宁愿I had rather dance than eat.7、Ever(1)ever 曾经Have you ever been there?(2)ever 究竟Why ever didn''t you go.(3)ever 如果If the band(乐队)ever plays again,we will dance. (4)ever so=veryThank you ever so much.8、Available(1) available 通用的,有效的The season ticket is available for three months. (2)available 可用的,可达到的9、Else(1)else 此外,别的Where else did you go?(2)else 否则,不然Hurry,else you''ll be late.10、Involve(1)involve 包括Housekeeping involves cooking, washing dishes, sweeping and cleaning.(2)involve 使陷于One foolish mistake can involve you in a good deal of trouble.(3)involve 使纠缠,使难得A sentence that is involved is hard to understand.(4)involve 包围Clouds involved the hilltop.十个托福写作高频词汇篇21. concept ['knsept] n.概念2. conclude [kn'klu:d] v.结束;下结论3. concurrent [kn'krnt] a.同时发生的;并存的4. conduct ['kndkt, kn'dkt] n.行为 v.实施;指挥;导电5. confer [kn'f:] v.授予;协商6. confine [kn'fain, 'knfain] v.限制;禁闭7. confirm [kn'f:m] v.证实8. conflict [kn'flikt, 'knflikt] n.冲突 v.冲突9. conform [kn'f:m] v.遵守;符合10. consent [kn'sent] n.&v.同意十个托福写作高频词汇篇31. consequent ['knsi,kwnt] a.作为结果的2. considerable [kn'sidrbl] a.相当的3. consist [kn'sist] v.由…组成4. constant ['knstnt] a.不断的.5. constitute ['knstitju:t] v.构成6. constrain [kn'strein] v.限制;强制7. construct [kn'strkt] v.建造8. consult [kn'slt, 'knslt] v.商量;咨询;查阅9. consume [kn'sju:m] v.消耗;消费10. contact ['kntkt, kn'tkt] v.&n.接触;联系十个托福写作高频词汇篇41. contemporary [kn'temprri] a.当代的 n.同代人2. context ['kntekst] n.上下文;背景3. contract ['kntrkt, kn'trkt] n.合同 v.收缩4. contradict [,kntr'dikt] v.反驳;与…矛盾5. contrary ['kntrri] a.&n.相反6. contrast [kn'trɑ:st, -'trst, 'kntrɑ:st, -trst] n.对比 v.形成对比7. contribute [kn'tribju:t] v.捐献;贡献;投稿8. controversy ['kntr,v:si] n.争论9. convene [kn'vi:n] v.召集10. converse [kn'v:s] a.相反的十个托福写作高频词汇篇51. convert [kn'v:t] v.转化2. convince [kn'vins] v.使确信3. cooperate [ku'preit] v.合作4. coordinate [ku':dinit, ku':dineit] a.同等的 v.使协调5. core [k:] n.核心6. corporate ['k:prit] a.公司的7. correspond [,k:ri'spnd] v.通信;符合;对应8. couple ['kpl] n.两个;夫妇9. create [kri'eit] v.创造;引起10. credit ['kredit] n.信用;学分;功劳十个托福写作高频词汇篇61. criterion [krai'tirin] n.标准2. crucial ['kru:l] a.决定性的3. culture ['klt] n.文化;修养4. currency ['krnsi] n.货币5. cycle ['saikl] n.循环;周期6. data ['deit] n.[复]数据7. debate [di'beit] n.&v.辩论8. decade ['dekeid] n.十年9. decline [di'klain] v.谢绝;下倾;衰退 n.衰退10. deduce [di'dju:s] v.演绎。

所以要想保证听得懂,就要保证说得对) (4)不看只听,跟读,要求同上 (5)不看不听,复述或背诵 (6)以上步骤适当重复,直到达到目的
#听 lecture 需要的能力和锻炼方法(二十段法) (1)听觉识别力――句法结构、专业词汇 训练方法(二十段法) : (材料下载地址: /dispbbs.asp?boardid=19&id=190221) a. 节选出 20 段 lecture(见附带文件,此 20 段包含了所有教授讲 lecture 时的说话套路) ,将这 20 段分成 5×4 四部分 b. 对于第 1-5 段,听一句,写一句(听写) ,每句听不超过三遍, 每段听完后打开原文,扫清障碍,没听懂处便是听力薄弱环节。 (以上前 5 天完成) 第 6 天泛听(不看材料)以上 5 段材料 c. 对于第 6-10 段,每听 2-3 句总结大意,听完整篇后,所写出的 东西应该通顺完整。之后打开原文,核实,扫清障碍(以上 5 天 完成) 第 6 天泛听(不看材料)以上 10 段材料 d. 对于第 11-15 段,听全文,写 keypoint(听三遍,每遍补充) (一 般不只一个 keypoint。之后打开原文,核实,扫清障碍(以上 5 天完成)
单词建立联系,或者将一个单词与一件事物、一个事情联系起来去 记,这样便不仅记住了你要记的东西“是什么” ,还记住了这个东 西“在哪里” ,效果就会很好。 (5 ) 词汇的维度: #强、弱(程度) #正式、非正式 # 褒义、贬义 #单词、词
根(同样一个词会有这样两种写法,就像中文中, “水”字写成汉字 和偏旁部首时写法也是不同的一样) (6 ) #高级、低级(用法)
第 6 天泛听(不看材料)以上 15 段材料 e. 对于第 16-20 段,听全文 3 遍,之后用英文复述,打开原文,核 实,扫清障碍(以上 5 天完成) 第 6 天泛听(不看材料)以上 20 段材料 f. 20 篇都听完后,找出听得不熟的。用跟读法再解决 *此方法综合训练听说读写能力 (2)提高记忆力:关键是提高听力水平! (3)提高听段子时的注意力:关键还是提高听力水平! (4)猜的能力:把注意力放在听懂了的地方!没听懂的地方随便一猜 就行了,别花太多心思,以免因小失大。而且越是不容易听懂的 地方,越不容易是出题点。
【优质文档】新托福考试笔记要怎样做-实用word文档 (3页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==新托福考试笔记要怎样做一、记笔记的意义1、新托福考试允许考生在读、听的同时记笔记。
六、笔记格式Task 3和5笔记格式,男左女右或女左男右式。

TOFEL independent writingQuestion 1: agree/ disagreeQuestion 2: multiple choicesQuestion 3:preferenceQuestion 4:senarioTHE STRUCTURE:Key elements :Five paragraphs / words count 450+/ a logical cohesive, idiomatic arrangement Template:The beginningHook: today’s young generation is expected to follow plenty of rules to the extent of being polite to rude people, which may mislead others to generate the idea that the modern world has too strict and rigid rules on young adults.Transition:however, such a statements suffers from both logic and factual fallacies.Points:as far as the development of societies, environmental impact and social stability are concerned,//引入下方需要讲述的三个原因I strongly hold that these rules are by no means too strict.Point1+reasoningPoint 1: first it is necessary for the young to follow rules with the development of societies.Reasoning: it is not only a good individual behavior but also demonstration of social convention.Point2+exemplificationMoreover, there are//用于举例子rules we young people have to rule to ensure the welfare of the whole society.The government has launched great compagins on preserving(保护) our environment, and especially the young have to follow the rules of throwing out garbage in After the last month, the whole city has举例子..Point3+concession欲扬先抑Last but not least, some people claim that strict rules might kill young people’s creativity.引出对手的观点However, without rule, the society we live in will be unstable or in a chaotic state.Imaging , if………举粒子反驳The endAnalysis and brainstormingReservoir of high-level pointsPrompt analysis and responseIdea generation and examplePractice: government should invest more in education than infrastructure to improve the society?Agree disagree :one side 一边倒的写文章,只推荐一个但是引用的道理不可以一边倒,要从很多方面多家思索。

为什么?因为你没有一份真正完整!真正干货的托福写作笔记 !今天就把这份压箱底的货都拿出来了,还不滚粗来店铺!托福写作笔记:托福写作概述托福考试写作分为两个部分:综合写作和独立写作1.The Integrated Writing Task:Reading, Listeningand Writing(150-225 words, 20 minutes)2.The Independent writing Task:(300 words, 30 minutes)托福写作笔记:英汉两种语言的区别1、美国人与中国人思维方式的不同。
英语重形和,重结构,汉语重意和, 重语义。
托福写作笔记:中国学生写作最易犯的十大错误1. Nowadays, collegestudent should learn competition and cooperation.2. The problem that is created bycomputers attract(draw, spark, captivate, intrigue, arouse, yield, give riseto) much attention.3. In present-day society, there are agreat many young people go abroad.4. In my opinion, I think that smokingshould be banned in public places.5. The computer can not instead thepivotal role played byteachers in education.6. Some people welcome raising pets,others hold different opinions.7. In large cities ofChinahas manyfast food shops.8. At college, we should learn as muchknowledge as possible so that we can be well prepared for our future career.9. Some students are interested inplay computer games.10. You really have two down sons.托福写作笔记:托福写作25分必备的50个意群词汇1、持某观点:claim ( contend reckon share the belief that )2、支持某观点:advocate (maintain vote for side with be in favor of )3、反对某观点:contradict (criticize be against cast doubts on )4、合理的:justified ( sensible feasible convincing hold water bear much analysis)5、好处:advantage (benefit, merit, positive side)6、弊端:disadvantage( defect, demerit, negative side)7、肯定:undoubtedly (indeed undeniably there is no denying that)8、不确定:be likely to ( potentially presumably)9、重要的:essential (significant, vital, crucial, critical, fundamental, indispensable)10、有益的:beneficial (conducive instrumental )11、有害的:detrimental (harmful virulent)12、有争议的:controversial (disputable, contentious)13、普遍的:widespread ( prevalent, universal)14、显著地:considerably (significantly, remarkably, dramatically, tremendously, substantially)15、明显的:evident (apparent, manifest)16、增强:enhance (strengthen intensify)17、减少:decline (descend, collapse, relieve)18、大约:approximately(nearly, around, estimated, roughly)19、趋势:trend(tendency, inclination)20、预见:predict (expect, project)21、带来:bring about (result in, lead to)22、引起:create (spark ; yield;; give rise to)23、建立:establish (found, institute)24、要求:call for (request,demand)25、去除:eliminate(remove, eradicate)26、探讨:explore (examine, identify)27、描绘:depict (portray, illustrate)28、后果:consequence( aftermath; outcome)29、足够:adequate (enough; sufficient)30、解决:tackle ( resolve, address)31、意识:awareness(consciousness)32、控制:curb ( regulate, censor)33、解释:account for ( be responsible for)34、投资:finance (invest in, subsidize)35、缓解:relieve ( ease, alleviate)36、压力:stress ( pressure, strain)37、和谐:harmony ( concordance)38、继承:inherit (hand down)39、培养:cultivate (train, foster)40、促进:promote ( contribute to, upgrade)41、适应:adapt to (adjust to, acclimate to)42、提供:provide (render, afford)43、替代:replace (substitute, take the place of)44、保护:preserve (protect)45、证据:evidence (proof)46、赢得:gain (acquire, attain)47、国外的:foreign( alien, exotic)48、灾难:disaster (misfortune, catastrophe)49、发展:advance (progress)50、倾向于:tend to ( be inclined to , be apt to)托福写作笔记:实用加分句子托福写作常用“十大句式”一、否定句1、Instead of indulging in playing computer games, children should betaught how to benefit from useful information on the internet.应该教孩子们如何从互联网获取有益的信息,而不是沉溺于玩电脑游戏。

托福英语知识点归纳总结一、听力:1. 主旨题主要考察考生对所听内容的理解和总结能力,要求考生成能够准确地理解听力内容的主旨和大意,从而在考试中正确回答问题。
2. 细节题主要考察考生对所听内容的细节和细致能力,要求考生成能够捕捉所听内容的细节信息,并在考试中做出正确的判断和回答。
3. 推断题主要考察考生的推理和推断能力,要求考生在所听语言的基础上,进行合理的推断和判断,找出最符合逻辑和语境的答案。
4. 听力笔记主要是考生在听力过程中对关键信息进行记录和概括,可以帮助考生在听力结束后回忆所听内容,并在考试中更准确地回答问题。
5. 听力技巧学会适当运用一些听力技巧,如预测、关键词捕捉、上下文理解等,可以提高听力的效率和准确度。
二、口语:1. 口语考试内容主要包括口语独白和口语对话两个部分,考生需要对所给的题目进行回答和交流。
2. 口语评分标准口语评分主要根据语音、语调、流利度、词汇和语法准确性等方面进行评分,考生需要在口语表达中尽量做到清晰、流利,避免重复和断句现象。
3. 口语练习平时可以多进行口语练习,模拟考试场景,提高口语表达的准确度和流利度。
三、阅读:1. 阅读题型主要包括主旨题、细节题、推断题等,涉及多种题型的阅读理解,要求考生能够准确理解文章的意思和脉络。
2. 阅读技巧适当运用一些阅读技巧,如预测、略读、精读、扫读、词汇量积累等,可以提高阅读效率和准确度。
3. 阅读练习平时要进行大量的阅读练习,培养自己的阅读能力和速度,提高对各种题型的应对能力。
四、写作:1. 写作内容主要包括独立写作和综合写作两个部分,考生需要对所给的题目进行作文表达,要求考生能够逻辑清晰、语句通顺。
2. 写作结构在写作过程中要合理安排文章的结构,包括引言、主体、结论等部分,保证文章的逻辑连贯和条理清晰。
3. 写作技巧适当运用一些写作技巧,如举例、对比、论证等,可以提高写作的说服力和表达能力。

下面,我们就为大家介绍一下在托福写作中常用的规律词汇有下面几类,盼望各位同学能娴熟把握.托福写作必备词汇:常用规律关系词1. 并列关系and, furthermore, more than that, also, likewise, moreover,inaddition, what is more, for instance, for example2. 转折关系although, however, on the contrary, but, in spiteof,nevertheless, yet, otherwise, despite3. 挨次关系first, second, third, and so on, then, after, before, next4. 因果关系as a result, for, thus, because, for this reason, so,therefore,as, since, consequently, on account of5. 归纳关系as a result, finally, therefore, accordingly, in short,thus,consequently,in conclusion, so, in brief, in a word几个用得比较多的规律(句子):1. As far as I am concerned, the advantages of … outweighits disadvantages.2. Nevertheless, the disadvantages of … is undeniable.3. To sum up/ In general/ On the whole/ In brief/ In short/ Inaword, it is true that … bring about both positive andnegativeresults. But we can try our best to reduce the negativeinfluenceto the least extent.4. Obviously, in every aspect, …5. This diagram unfolds a clear comparison between…and…6. As to the other three, though the growth rates were not sohigh,they were indeed remarkable and impressive.托福写作(范文):A Rare Fossil RecordThe preservation of embryos and juveniles is a rate occurrence in the fossil record. The tiny, delicate skeletons are usually scattered by scavengers or destroyed by weathering before they can be fossilized. Ichthyosaurs had a higher chance of being preserved than did terrestrial creatures because, as marine animals, they tended to live in environments less subject to erosion. Still, their fossilization required a suite of factors: a slow rate of decay of soft tissues, little scavenging by other animals, a lack of swift currents and waves to jumble and carry away small bones, and fairly rapid burial. Given these factors, some areas have become atreasury of well-preserved ichthyosaur fossils.The deposits at Holzmaden, Germany, present an interesting case for analysis. The ichthyosaur remains are found in black, bituminous marine shales deposited about 190 million years ago. Over the years, thousands of specimens of marine reptiles, fish and invertebrates have been recovered from these rocks. The quality of preservation is outstanding, but what is even more impressive is the number of ichthyosaur fossils containing preserved embryos. Ichthyosaurs with embryos have been reported from 6 different levels of the shale in a small area around Holzmaden, suggesting that a specific site was used by large numbers of ichthyosaurs repeatedly over time. The embryos are quite advanced in their physical development; their paddles, for example, are already well formed. One specimen is even preserved in the birth canal. In addition, the shale contains the remains of many newborns that are between 20 and 30 inches long.Why are there so many pregnant females and young at Holzmaden when they are so rare elsewhere? The quality of preservation is almost unmatched and quarry operations have been carried out carefully with an awareness of the value of the fossils. But these factors do not account for the interesting question of how there came to be such a concentration of pregnant ichthyosaurs in a particular place very close to their time of giving birth.托福写作范文:Skyscrapers and EnvironmentIn the late 1960’s, many people in North America turned their attention to environmental problems, and new steel-and-glass skyscrapers were widely criticized. Ecologists pointed out that a cluster of tall buildings in a city often overburdens public transportation and parking lotcapacities.Skyscrapers are also lavish consumers, and wasters, of electric power. In one recent year, the addition of 17 million square feet of skyscraper office space in New York City raised the peak daily demand for electricity by 120, 000 kilowatts-enough to supply the entire city of Albany, New York, for a day.Glass-walled skyscrapers can be especially wasteful. The heat loss (or gain)through a wall of half-inch plate glass is more than ten times that through a typical masonry wall filled with insulation board. To lessen the strain on heating and air-conditioning equipment, builders of skyscrapers have begun to use double-glazed panels of glass, and reflective glasses coated with silver or gold mirror films that reduce glare as well as heat gain. However, mirror-walled skyscrapers raise the temperature of the surrounding air and affect neighboring buildings.Skyscrapers put a severe strain on a city’s sanitation facilities, too. If fully occupied, the two World Trade Center towers in New York City would alone generate 2.25 million gallons of raw sewage each year-as much as a city the size of Stanford, Connecticut , which has a population of more than 109, 000.托福写作范文:MuseumsFrom Boston to Los Angeles, from New York City to Chicago to Dallas, museums are either planning, building, or wrapping up wholesale expansion programs. These programs already have radically altered facades and floor plans or are expected to do so in the not-too-distant future.In New York City alone, six major institutions have spread up and out into the air space and neighborhoods around them or are preparing to do so.The reasons for this confluence of activity are complex, but one factor is a consideration everywhere - space. With collections expanding, with the needs and functions of museums changing, empty space has become a very precious commodity.Probably nowhere in the country is this more true than at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, which has needed additional space for decades and which received its last significant facelift ten years ago. Because of the space crunch, the Art Museum has become increasingly cautious in considering acquisitions and donations of art, in some cases passing up opportunities to strengthen its collections.Deaccessing - or selling off - works of art has taken on new importance because of the museum’s space problems. And increasingly, curators have been forced to juggle gallery space, rotating one masterpiece into public view while another is sent to storage.Despite the clear need for additional gallery and storage space, however, the museum has no plan, no plan to break out of its envelope in the next fifteen years, according to Philadelphia Museum of Art’s president.托福写作必备词汇:常用规律关系词文档内容到此结束,欢迎大家下载、修改、丰富并分享给更多有需要的人。

对于阅读材料,如何归纳呢?以TPO29托福综合写作阅读其中一段材料为例:First, the edmontosaur's diet supports the migration hypothesis. Edmontosaurs fed exclusively on plants. Since there would have been no plants growing during the cold and dark North Slope winter, it appears that the edmontosaur must have left for at least part of the year and migrated to more temperate zones to find food.概括内容为:Edmontosaurs fed exclusively on plants----- have to leave the cold and dark North Slope winter to more temperate zones to find food .对应的托福听力材料:First, the edmontosaur did not have to migrate to find food. One hundred million years ago the summer temperatures in the North Slope area were warmer than they are today. And remember in arctic regions like the North Slope the sun shines 24 hours a day at the peak of the summer, the warm temperatures and the extensive daylight created incredibly good growing conditions for plants, so much vegetation was produced during the summer that when the vegetation died as the winter came, there was a lot of nutritious dead vegetation around in the winter. The edmontosaur could have easily lived on the dead plant matter during in the winter.概括为:Edmontosaurs did not have to migrate to find food---the summer temperatures in the North Slope area were warmer than they are today,there was a lot of nutritious dead vegetation around in the winter.这里需要注意的是:由于听力材料只听一遍,在发挥托福综合写作概括能力之前,考生需要根据阅读材料的内容预测听力内容的重点并带着预测来听。

❖人物题▪好老师的特质▪朋友的特质▪选择好朋友的特质▪好父母的特质▪领袖应有的特质▪身为团队中的队员最重要的特质▪对你影响最深的人▪最敬佩的人▪一个令你羡慕的名人▪你喜欢和他谈话的人❖地点题▪印象最深的一所学校▪喜爱居住的城市▪你喜欢居住的地方▪你最喜欢的房间▪和朋友在一起喜欢去的地方▪喜欢去的公园或公共场所▪描述一个你没去过却很想去的地方▪介绍朋友游历你的国家▪想去哪旅行▪选择餐厅或咖啡厅的因素❖Tangible object(具体事物)▪最重要的东西▪百年来最重大的发明▪最有用的一本书▪令你感兴趣的一本书▪你在闲暇时喜欢阅读些什么▪离家后最思念的事▪城市中最有效率的交通工具▪喜欢哪一类戏剧▪描述一幅画▪用什么招待外国友人▪喜欢穿的衣服的类型▪电脑、电视、电话,哪个重要▪喜欢的交通工具❖Intangible object(抽象事物)▪喜欢的职业▪人生的目标▪放松的方式▪如何放松自己▪喜欢哪一类型的电影❖Event or activity(事件或活动)▪一生中最重要的决定▪人生中最重要的机遇▪印象最深的活动、庆典▪令人高兴的事▪童年最快乐的事▪最喜欢的一天▪挫折的经验▪如何运用你的free time❖Agree/disagree▪Agree/disagree with+观点•我同意/不同意这个说法.–I agree/disagree with this statementopinionsayingideapoint of view–❖Agree/disagree▪Agree/disagree with+持某观点的人•有人认为名人的收入普遍过高,我赞同–I agree with those people who think that celebrities aregenerally overpaid.–Overreact–Overestimate–Overqualified–Agree/disagree–Agree/disagree+宾语从句–我同意此观点:孩子们应该一上学就开始学习一门第二语言。

新托福写作介绍口语考试的两个标准:accuracy,fluency要求:1、课堂上多记笔记2、熟悉题库和机经机经比题库更重要3、要认真阅读和分析讲义上的范文,包括段落和完整的篇章两个方面的分析:a. 内容方面,搞清句与句的关系,段与段的关系,知道文章如何develop;b. 语言方面,挑出漂亮句型和短语。
Reading makes fullment, writing makes exactment.5、背诵因果关系表达方法、综合写作句型三大关系:因果关系,转折关系,并列关系6、考前完成20篇作文1—5篇写完不做任何修改,立即销毁,不要求不限时写作;6—10篇,要求1小时之内完成,写完后进行修改语法拼写错误、表达不清和跑题错误;11—20篇,写完后修改,并对文章进行润饰to polish your writing, to perfect your writing, to make your writing more beautiful, more powerful绝不能重复错误明确而坚定的目标是不绝的动力之源写作基本知识:1、托福作文不需要标题,写标题不扣分2、任何标点符号的后面空一格英语中省略号是三点,没有书名号和顿号,一般通过斜体或引号来表示3、段落格式使用缩行式或者空行式缩行式指每一段的第一行向右缩进四个字符,其余行顶格写空行式指每一段的每一行都顶格写,但段与段之间空一行四、“黄金规则一”The longer, the better!基于内容的充实性,内容越充实,文章越好官方指南:一篇短的文章是不太可能把一个问题说清楚的一般文章写到550字以上,基本都是满分How to develop your idea into paragraph, even to a composition.举例:I have a big family. There is my father, my mother, my sister and I...My father is a worker.之后可以写what kind of job, how he behaves, what's his achievement Be the best of yourselfBest structure 最好的框架Best sentences 最好的句子Best words 最好的词Best examples 最好的例子例如: 我认为…...I feel think hold claim believe dee m maintain reckon argue assume that…in my opinionfrom my point of viewfrom my perspective anglefor my partAs far as I'm concerned...I hold / share the opinion / belief / position / standpoint / idea that...As I see view perceive the problem question issue case discussion argument controversy…My viewpoint belief opinion is that…problem 就是一个trouble, 可能是question, 也可能不是controversy的形容词:controversiall 基本要求:阅读完教材:尤其是OFFICIAL GUIDE练习独立作文,每周两篇句型练习、变换将讲义最后十二个句子每个用三种或三种以上方法来表达举例:More and more people realize the importance of the environment protection. 五、句子训练方法三种句子是写作的基础句子训练方法(一)用多种方法表达同一句意.例如: A 对 B很重要.1)A is important to B.2)A plays an important rolepart in B.3)A is of (great amazing enormous considerable remarkable) importance significance to B. 注:be of + n. = be + adj.amazing 令人惊讶的enormous 巨大的considerable 可观的置于importance前面都表示“非常”4)B cannot live develop grow survive without A.5)A means a lot a great dealmuch to B.6)The importance of A to B can never be exaggerated denied ignored doubted.注:exaggerate 夸大,夸张例如: A 对 B很重要.练习:教育对一个国家的发展来说是非常重要的1. A nation can not develop without education.2. Education means a lot a great deal much to the development of a nation.3. The importance of education to the development of a nation can never be exaggerated denied ignored doubted.练习:如果大学生在校外住将会有利于他锻炼独立自主能力改造:在校外住对锻炼独立自主能力是很重要的1. The personality of independence can not be developed without experience of living outsidethe campus.2. Living outside the campus means a lot to the development of the personality of independence.以上就是小编为大家准备的资料《戴云托福语法笔记》.pdf版本,语法其实是非常重要的,大家不能不重视,考生们要深切的了解语法知识,这样我们才能更好的考场发挥。

托福写作高分满分范文点评和思路解析:读写力量在现代社会的重要性托福写作难点话题一览Is literacy more important today than in the past?Is the ability to read and write more important today than in the past? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.写作思路绽开结构分析肯定程度上,同意这个说法。
(In a sense, it is true that…)阅读并理解(Comprehend)的力量,在信息过度丰富的今日,更加重要。
本话题高分范文赏析As the world becomes smaller and smaller due to the process of globalization, it becomes more and more important that everyone learnshow to read and write. If one is to keep up with the fast pace of the world, literacy skills are of utmost importance.Technology is expanding at an ever-increasing rate. Computers, and the Internet, have become common terms in almost all nations in the world. If one wants to be able to communicate with others using this efficient method, one must learn the basics of reading and writing. The objects we have in our home are also becoming increasingly more complicated. For example, if one wants to use a DVD player with their television, one must be able to read the manual to learn how to work it. Even the most basic technologies come with an instruction guide: if one is unable to read, they will constantly be struggling to figure out how to work these technologies.As mentioned above, the world is becoming much smaller. More people are finding it necessary to leave their homes in small towns and villages, moving to the big cities where there is more opportunity. Some of these people find it quite difficult to navigate around the city, as one must know how to read in order to understand the street signs. If one cannot find the place where one has to report for work, it would be very difficult to make a living.Finally and perhaps most importantly, being able to read and write gives us the opportunity to think for ourselves. Wherever we are, people in authority positions tell us what we should believe. However, in manycases, it is not in our own best interest to follow the leaders ideas. People must learn to read and then examine the information for themselves. This is the only way that culture can evolve. Therefore, I think the skills of reading and writing are of vast importance, no matter where one lives in the world. The world population will continue to grow, and the only way to keep ahead is to learn to read and write.托福写作高分满分范文点评和思路解析:介绍代表国家的象征托福写作难点话题一览The thing representing your countryIf you were asked to send one thing representing your country to an international exhibition, what would you choose? Why? Use specific reasons and details to explain your choice.写作思路绽开结构分析这道题目自由度很高,对中国考生来说应当也很简单想到各种代表性的事物,比如中国特产的吉利物大熊猫,或者中国瓷器,这些都是对老外来说也特别具有中国特色,耳熟能详的事物。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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3.写作考试只考察语言水平,不考察思想水平(unique, critical ideas mean nothing)
10.跑题就完蛋(finish egg).
“T he longer, the better.”------黄金规则
Use best structure and sentence
I feel/think/hold/claim/believe/deem/maintain/reckon/argue/assume that………….
In my opinion
From my point of view
From my perspective/angle
As far as I am concerned
I hold/share the opinion/belief/position/standpoint/idea that
My viewpoint/belief/opinion is that………
As I see/view/perceive/ the problem/question/issue/case/discussion/argument/controversy…….
e.g A 对B很重要
1) A is important to B
2) A plays an important role/part in B
3) A is of great /amazing/enormous importance /significance to B
4) B cannot live/develop/grow/survive/without A
5) A means a lot /a great deal/ much to B
6) The importance of A to B can never be exaggerated/denied/ignored/doubted
7) A is essential/significant/crucial/critical/vital/indispensable to B
8) A is everything/the whole world to B
9) A is fundamental/ basic/elementary/rudimentary/underlying to B
10) A matters/counts to B
11) Nothing is more important to B than A
12) A is to B what the foundation is to a skyscraper/water is to fish/the heart is to a human
(A is to B what C is to D)
1.字数:integrate-writing: 200-300
Independent-writing: 400-500
Make some water-------上厕所的意思,最好用go to restroom 4.语法
There is much evidence that
die out: 灭绝
Like a peacock among sparrows: 鹤立鸡群
As busy as a bee
Practice makes perfect
Clarity 高于variety
Variety 高于complexity
★比较对比型---------标志性词汇:compare; discuss; than…..
一定要写出A 比B 更多