第七组 管理信息系统


管理信息系统(第7版)PPT+试题库 CH03-7E

管理信息系统(第7版)PPT+试题库 CH03-7E

Essentials of Business Information Systems, 7ELaudon & LaudonLecture Files by Barbara J. EllestadChapter 3 Achieving Competitive Advantage with Information SystemsThe changes that have taken place in computing have affected the business environment in a big way. Over 40 percent of business equipment investments in the last decade have been on technology. Organizations are finding more efficient ways to accomplish tasks via networking, either internal networks or by connecting to external networks. Technology has caused many changes in the way businesses connect to their customers, suppliers, and business partners to achieve a competitive advantage.3.1 Using Information Systems to Achieve Competitive AdvantageGoogle, Amazon, e-Bay–the giants of the Internet. They are successful and make loads of money. They could easily rest on their laurels, kick back, and relax. If they are so successful, why do they keep working so hard to continually introduce new products and services and improve the old ones? Because someone, somewhere, is trying to take their place and become the new giant. These companies must keep the competitive advantage and they are using information systems to do so.Type of Competitive AdvantageThere are four ways companies can create or keep the competitive advantage:1.Barriers to entry that restrict the supply: create supply monopolies.2.Demand control: create and control the switching costs customers wouldexperience if they moved to another supplier.3.Economies of scale: keep operating costs low while expanding sales byincreasing the amount of product or service you provide with the same equipment.4.Process efficiency: improve business processes to make them more efficient andcheaper.Some companies use just one of these to maintain a competitive advantage but most companies will use a combination of them.Porter’s Competitive Forces ModelPorter’s competitive forces model contends that much of the success or failure of a business depends on its ability to respond to its external environment. Figure 3-1 shows four external forces that every business must contend with at one time or another.Figure 3-1: Porter’s Competitive Forces Model.It’s important to understand from this model that a firm’s success is not predicated on how well it does internally. It must also pay attention to:•Traditional competitors: always nipping at your heals with new products and services trying to steal your customers.•New market entrants: not constrained by traditional ways of producing goods and services, they can easily jump into your markets and lure customers away with cheaper or better products and services.•Substitute products and services: customers may be willing to try substitute products and services if they decide your price is too high or the quality of yourproducts and services is too low.•Customers: fickle to say the least, they are now armed with new information resources that make it easier for them to jump to your competitors, new marketentrants, or substitute products.•Suppliers: the number of suppliers used may determine how easy or difficult your business will have in controlling the supply chain. Too few suppliers and you losea lot of control.Information System Strategies for Dealing with Competitive ForcesMany companies have found that effective and efficient information systems allow them to deal with external forces in one of four ways: low-cost leadership, product differentiation, focus on market niche, and strengthen customer and supplier intimacy. Low-Cost LeadershipBy using information systems to lower your operational costs you can lower your prices. That will make it difficult for traditional competitors and new market entrants to match your prices. This strategy works best with commodities such as computers or with household products retailers such as Wal-Mart.Efficient customer response systems provide a company and its suppliers with an integrated view of customers. These systems provide instantaneous information to the company and its suppliers. Every staff member can have access to the information in the system to help reduce costs and prices well below that of the competition. Processes such as supply replenishment are automated between companies and suppliers. When products reach a certain re-order point, the system automatically sends a message to the supplier who can quickly send out new stock. These systems help companies achieve low-cost leadership in their industry.Product DifferentiationA very effective use of strategic information systems is to create products or services that are so different that they create barriers for the competition. Product differentiation is at the heart of Dell Computer Corporation’s success. Its competitors, such as Compaq and IBM, have tried to duplicate Dell’s made-to-order strategic business model but have not been quite as successful.Apple uses product differentiation to help market its iPod and online music system to a broad swath of the population and create barriers that its competitors are having difficulty overcoming.People like to feel that they are unique individuals with their own needs and desires. One of the best strategies for dealing with competitors is to offer customers exactly what they want, when they want it, and how they want it. The Internet provides a new outlet for mass customization by allowing customers to order one-of-a-kind products. For instance, by visiting the Ping Golf Club Web site, an individual can step through a series of pages that will help design golf clubs to fit him/her. The customer answers questions on the site about his/her height, arm length, hand size, and level of play. The site then adviseshim/her on the exact type of club that best fits his/her needs and provides all of the information necessary to order the clubs. Once ordered, Ping can produce the product in a matter of hours and use a shipping partner to deliver the clubs in less than five days. The individual feels special and Ping has gained a new customer.Focus on Market NicheIf an organization is in a fiercely competitive market, it can choose to focus on a very narrow segment of the market rather than a broad general audience. Using data mining techniques a firm can gather very specific information about its customers and create a focused differentiation business strategy to market directly to those consumers. Being able to address the needs and wants of a very small market segment is why companies are so intent on gathering as much consumer information from a variety of sources as they can.Apple Computer uses focused differentiation to help sell its computers to a narrow target market of graphic designers and educators rather than the general population of computer users.Strengthen Customer and Supplier IntimacySupply chain management (SCM) systems increase supplier intimacy while customer relationship management systems increase customer intimacy. SCM systems create immense switching costs between a company and its suppliers because of the investment of hardware and software necessary to make the system successful. Customer relationship management systems allow companies to learn details about customers that give them the competitive advantage over traditional competitors and new market entrants.Implementing these competitive strategies requires precise coordination of people, technology and the organization. A company can pursue one or more of these strategies but cannot isolate any of the three dimensions of an information system. They must all work in concert together to have any hope of success.The Internet’s Impact on Competitive AdvantageTry to think of one industry that has not been touched by the Internet. Its impact on Porter’s Competitive Forces Model is apparent from entertainment to retail to travel to financial services. The Internet allows traditional competitors to introduce new products and services and lure customers away. It provides a low cost avenue for new market entrants. Consumers can easily and quickly find substitute products and services through the Internet. Customers can use information provided on the Internet to create new competition between companies while suppliers can increase their market power. Table 3.3 summarizes the impact the Internet is having on many industries.Not all of the news is bad though. The Internet provides new opportunities for companies to increase their customers and markets while reducing their costs. The companies we first mentioned in this section, Google, Amazon, and e-Bay are continually creating new products and services through the Internet. They are successful because they use information systems to continually improve their strategic competitive forces.The Business Value Chain ModelBe better than the competition. That’s the mantra of most companies that are serious about winning the game. Areas of the organization most affected by leveraging technology are in producing the product, getting it to the stores, and making the customer happy. Remember the WorldWide Candy Corporation from Chapter 2? Think of all the activities that go into getting the Cybernuts candy bar made, from procuring raw materials to actual production. Then consider how the candy bar gets from the factory to the store shelves. And what about all those commercials you see? These are primary activities. Just as important are support activities: human resources, accounting, and finance. These functions support the primary functions of production, shipping, and sales andmarketing. The value chain model shown below will help an organization focus on these activities and determine which are critical to its success.Figure 3-2: The Value Chain Model.By effectively using an information system in a strategic role at any, or preferably all, levels of the organization, a digital firm can provide more value in their products than the competition. If they can’t provide more value, then the strategic information system should help them provide the same value but at a lower price.Benchmarking provides a way for businesses to determine how they stand up against their competitors within the same industry. For instance, if the industry standard in producing golf clubs is ten days, Ping can benchmark their production schedule of five days and determine that they are successful. They can also research the best practices of other golf club manufacturers and decide if they should fine tune their business processes to wring even more resources from the production process.Information to formulate benchmarks and best practices can come from internal sources, other companies within the same industry, external industries, university research units, or the government.Extending the Value Chain: The Value WebMore and more companies are incorporating the Internet in their business strategies through the use of value webs. Ford Motor Company is forming many partnerships and alliances via the Web to offer services and products that otherwise would be too difficult, costly, or time-consuming.“Suppliers are an integral part of our business, and our success isinterdependent with theirs. We rely on more than 2,000 productionsuppliers to provide many of the parts that are assembled into Fordvehicles. Another 9,000 suppliers provide a wide range of nonproductiongoods and services, from production equipment to computers toadvertising.” ( Web site)Ford is using value webs to connect itself, suppliers, and business partners and share best practices so that each participant can improve its business processes. That in turn lowers supply costs for Ford and ensures a certain level of standardization through the manufacturing process. Suppliers can collaborate with each other via the value web to enhance their core competencies and improve the entire supply chain. Sharing information through the value web helps not just Ford but the entire vehicle manufacturing industry.Figure 3-3: The Value Web.Synergies, Core Competencies, and Network-Based StrategiesVery seldom will you find a business that provides all of its own services, supplies, and processes throughout the entire chain. It isn’t practical or efficient to do so. Almost every business relies on partnerships with other companies to produce goods and services. The most successful companies will determine the best synergies, core competencies and network-based strategies to reduce costs, improve products and services, and increase profits.SynergiesAOL has provided dial-up Internet access for consumers and businesses since the early 1990s. In addition to providing Internet access it also creates specific content that is available only to its customers. The last few years has seen a huge increase in the demand for broadband access by customers across the U.S. AOL simply doesn’t have the necessary infrastructure to provide what its customers want. But other telecommunications companies such as BellSouth and Verizon can help AOL answer the demand through their networks. AOL, in synergy with the other companies can now provide the services customers want.“David Scobey, President of BellSouth’s Retail Markets, said, “This newrelationship will make it easier for loyal AOL consumers to get all thebenefits of BellSouth DSL without losing their AOL service. We think thispromotion offers a compelling reason for AOL members to move tobroadband.” ( Web site)In early 2006, two telecommunication industry giants, Verizon and MCI, announced a partnership that will provide new services to large corporations and governments.“Verizon has joined forces with MCI to form Verizon Business, a leadingprovider of advanced communications services for large businesses,government, and international organizations. The vision: To create onetruly seamless, local-to-global IP network. One that works alongside oneof the world’s most reliable wireless networks, providing your businesswith every piece of the solution you need, including the most importantone of all: people.Consumers and small businesses will also benefit from combining MCI’sworld-class Internet backbone with Verizon’s broadband offerings,providing opportunities to advance our broadband services and keep pacewith the increasing demands of the multimedia marketplace.” ()Both companies have superior services. However, it would have been impossiblefor either company to alone provide the new service. Rather than forego the opportunity altogether, they combined their synergies to create new services for customers.Enhancing Core CompetenciesWhy did Ford Motor Company form an alliance with UPS instead of continuing its long-time practice of delivering vehicles to dealers itself? Because Ford wanted to concentrate on its core competency of manufacturing vehicles and let UPS concentrate on its core competency of delivering products.UPSLogistics’Web site says “By shaving four days off the delivery cycleand reengineering the network, Ford is realizing a $1 billion dollarreduction in vehicle inventory and more than $125 million in inventorycarrying-cost reductions on an annualized basis. ‘The savings willcontinue to grow as our precision, Web-enabled system reaches maturityand we surface and eliminate more non-value-added activities,’ saidTaylor. Ford and UPS Logistics Group launched the alliance a year ago toreengineer Ford’s vehicle delivery system amid rising consumer demandfor on-time vehicle delivery. UPS Logistics Group created UPSAutogistics as a business unit to manage the project. ‘With a singlenetwork manager in place to analyze any potential problems before theyoccur, we’ve managed to avoid bottlenecks, reduce the amount of assets inthe supply chain, and cut inventory carrying costs,’ said Tom Kolakowski,manager of Ford North Americ an Vehicle Logistics.”Network-Based StrategiesTechnology doesn’t automatically transform organizations. There is no magic wand companies can wave that will solve all their problems just because they installed the latest information system. People using technology efficiently and effectively, however, can transform organizations. Network technology can enhance communications up and down the organization and from one department to another on the same managerial level. Networks also provide a low-cost, efficient way to connect a firm to its external environment.It’s long been known in the economics field that the economics of manufacturing produces a diminishing return on investment at some point in time. But in network economics the opposite is true. Let’s say you have a small company with 15 employees operating on a client/server network. You’ve already paid for the server that can support 25 employees. When you hire the 16th employee, you won’t have to spend much money, if any, to support the new employee on the network. You’re actually increasing the server’s output without an associated increase in cost.Technology makes virtual organizations more feasible, cheaper, and easier to set up and tear down than before. Let’s say you own a small company in northern Arizona that offers white-water rafting trips through the Grand Canyon. You have a fleet of rafts and 35 full-time employees. Rather than you trying to manage the payroll and benefits program for your employees you could use a company that specializes in payroll, employee benefit programs, and even retirement plans. Intuit, who manufactures Quicken and QuickBooks, also provides an online service for businesses that does all of these things. You access Intuit’s Web site, enter the necessary data, and it takes care of the rest of the processes even down to filing the government tax forms. You can concentrate on your rafting business instead.The Boeing Company, manufacturer of airplanes, uses virtual organizations throughoutits design and manufacturing processes. It contracts with other businesses for certain types of work such as the development of new seat configurations. When the process is up, the outside vendor is released from the job.As more companies outsource work to other vendors, virtual organizations are becoming the norm. Network technologies based on Internet standards provide the infrastructure necessary to make them successful. Companies are no longer tied to suppliers and business partners located in specific geographical areas but can find the best service provider or business partner around the world.3.2 Competing on a Global ScaleThe world just keeps getting smaller and smaller. No company can afford to ignore foreign markets or the impact of foreign competition on the domestic business environment. You have to adapt to the changing faces, literally, of your competition and customers and devise a plan to bring your organization into its view.Globalization OpportunitiesThe Internet allows big companies to act small and small companies to act big. It also provides wider markets for products and services, cheaper labor, and reduced production and shipping costs. A rancher in northern Montana traditionally could only sell his beefto local markets. He can now sell his products to anyone in the world through the Internet. Customers access his Web site, make their selections, and the products are shipped overnight to any geographic location. The rancher has a wider market for his products with reduced costs.Other companies can use networks to outsource some or all of their work to far-flung geographic locations. A small entrepreneur can use a company in Poland to producetrinkets cheaper than anyone in the United States. The entrepreneur can use a global Web site to sell the products anywhere.The Internet totally changes the traditional ideas of where work needs to take place and where the customers are located. Online collaboration systems, which we will investigate in future chapters, allow workers to instantly share documents, graphics, messages, and even phone calls over the Internet at significant costs savings.Global Business and System StrategiesOne globe, one company. Daimler-Chrysler is the perfect example of a transnational corporation. Its Web site describes it as “the first automotive, transportation, and services company with a truly global structure.” Corporate headquarters are “located in Stuttgart, Germany and Auburn Hills, Michigan, U.S.A.” Daimler-Chrysler did business in 200 countries with 441,500 employees at the end of 1998. Much of this was made possible by system strategies that erase the global lines of demarcation.Information systems that allow a business to “time shift” its work can economize on its fixed capital costs. As their work day ends, employees in New York City can shift projects to employees in Seattle. When the Seattle employees leave for the day they can shift the projects over to Tokyo-based employees. Tokyo can move the project on to Frankfurt, Germany who will continue the work. As so it goes around the clock. Companies can produce information-based products and services almost 24/7 using these kinds of strategies.3.3 Competing on Quality and DesignWho wants to eat a candy bar that tastes horrible, drips all over your hands and clothes, and costs way more than it should? WorldWide Candy Corporation from Chapter 2 avoids those pitfalls better than the competition because it uses information systems to enhance the quality of the company and the product. The customer knows that Cybernuts is far superior to any other candy bar in taste, and it’s not that expensive. The customer doesn’t really focus on the fact that chocolate isn’t melting all over her hands. That’s an intriguing aspect of keeping the customer happy when you think about it. The customer doesn’t consider the quality of a product until it isn’t there. Then it may be too late for the producer to win back the customer.What Is Quality?Total quality management, making quality control everyone’s responsibility, relies onan excellent information system to supply workers and management with the data necessary to improve products and drive down costs. The lack of good, useful information may not be apparent until the organization can’t figure out what it’s doing wrong, or doing right. Data from all the types of information systems we’ve discussed can be fed into quality management programs and make it easier to develop and improve products that blow away the competition.Six Sigma is another initiative companies use to spot problems and correct them before they are too deeply embedded in the company’s processes. It just stands to reason that the longer a flaw is allowed to fester in the system, the more problems it may cause. And the more problems, the higher the costs. If you can identify the defects early on and eliminate them, you can achieve more efficient production at lower costs. That’s the premise behind Six Sigma.Neither of these initiatives should be viewed as one time events but rather as continuing processes.How Information Systems Improve QualityHere are some ways companies can use information systems to achieve total quality management:•Simplify processes by using information to determine what the processes are in the first place•Identify benchmark targets•Gather, process, and store customer feedback in information systems that are available company-wide•Reduce cycle time by providing information earlier in the process•Redesign the process or redesign the product by using information about the process•Improve production processes by using available information from internal and external sourcesComputer-aided design software programs can help a business achieve superior quality by incorporating the ideas above into its work processes. For instance, Ping can use CAD software to design new golf clubs and identify benchmarks used in the production process. The engineers can use customer feedback in the design process to determine what type of clubs sell the best.3.4 Competing on Business ProcessesWe often refer to the three dimensions of an information system: technology, the organization, and people. Nowhere is coordination among the three more important than in business process reengineering.Business Process ReengineeringVery few processes in business are as efficient as they can possibly be. It’s a fact of life. The idea behind successful BPR is to find improvements or even new opportunities. For instance, Federal Express and UPS both have online package tracking systems. That simple process was never economically feasible before the Internet. They had to reengineer their business processes to incorporate this new paradigm shift.In order to make BPR successful, you must first redesign the process, then apply computing power to the new processes. If problems existed in the process before the new system was installed and those problems aren’t resolved, the new system could actually make them worse.New information system software is giving businesses the methodology to more easily redesign their processes. Work flow management offers the opportunity to streamline procedures for companies whose primary business is oriented toward paperwork. Instead of 10 people handling a single bank loan application, you can install software that will speed up the process, allow several people to work on the document at the same time, and decrease the total number of people who handle it. Or, you can migrate the application process to the Web and make it even more efficient and customer-friendly. Wells Fargo Bank allows customers to complete an online application and receive a preliminary approval or disapproval within minutes. Wells Fargo’s computer system is connected to the credit reporting agencies’ computers for quick access of customer credit data. If customers have questions about the application or the types of loans available, they can initiate an instant messaging session with a bank employee and get all their questions answered on the spot. Once the application has been submitted, the customer can check the progress of it online. Once the loan is approved, the money is allocated to the customer through an online account. Wells Fargo processes more bank loans faster and more efficiently. The customer is happier with less effort. And all of this can take place 24/7.Steps in Effective ReengineeringBPR attempts fail 70 percent of the time. That’s an astonishing figure when you think about it. What if your car failed to start 70 percent of the time? Some of the reasons for the high failure rate are lack of planning, management’s inability to fully comprehend the enormity and complexity of the effort, and the fact that BPR usually takes much longer than expected.What can organizations, their managers, and workers do to help make BPR a success? It may be helpful to make a diagram of how your processes work now and then envision how they will work after they are redesigned. Figure 3-5 in the text shows an example of how mortgage processing was redesigned using BPR techniques. Try just a few processes to get your feet wet and then expand it to other units or processes within the organization. Document how much your current processes cost. You’ll be able to measure costs savings (or costs increases) better if you have a baseline for comparison.。






苹果公司的成功不仅在于不断进行产品创新服务创新商业模式的创新与顾客和供应商建立更好的关系东方文化跟踪顾客的偏好,提供个性化服务; JCPenney则用信息系统构建跨国供应链零库存。

技术观定义 管理信息系统是一系列相互关联的部件的集合,它可以进行数据或信息的收集、处理、存储和分发,以支持企业中管理者和员工的管理控制和决策数据: 指表示企业中原始事实(如发生过的交易)的符号信息: 指对人们有意义和有用的数据,通常由原始数据经过加工处理而形成。









第二章 管理信息系统的概念
物料供应 子系统
销售与市 场子系统
生产子系 统
财务和会 计系统
人事子系 统
信息处理 系统
高层管理 子系统
在制造企业,管 理信息系统可由 下面所列主要的 子系统构成,每 一个功能子系统 完成有关功能的 全部信息处理, 包括业务处理、 运行控制、管理 控制和战略管理。
源于多学科交 叉。早期的研 究者从计算机 科学与技术、 应用数学、管 理理论、决策 理论、运筹学 等相关学科中 抽取相应的理 论,构建了管 理信息系统的
第二章 管理信息系统的概念
管理控制(战术管理) 运行控制 业务处理
1.收集、处理、存储和分析与国民经济有关的各类经济信息,及时、准确地掌握国民经济运行 状况,为国家经济部门、各级决策部门及企业提供经济信息。 2.为统计工作现代化服务,完成社会经济统计和重大国情国力调查的数据处理任务,进行各种统 计分析和经济预测。 3.为中央和地方各级政府部门制定社会、经济发展计划提供辅助决策手段。
管理信息 系统概念 结构框架
第二章 管理信息系统的概念
• 第一节 管理信息系统的概念 • 第二节 管理信息系统与环境 • 第三节 管理信息系统的分类 • 第四节 企业资源计划(ERP)
第二章 管理信息系统的概念



管理信息系统分析报告一、引言管理信息系统(Management Information System,简称MIS)是指利用计算机技术、网络通信技术和信息处理手段,以管理为目标,对各类管理信息进行收集、传输、存储、加工、处理、分析和利用的系统。


二、管理信息系统的特点1. 整体性:MIS将组织各个管理环节进行有机整合,形成一个完整的信息网络,实现信息的共享和资源的优化配置。

2. 实时性:MIS能够及时获取和处理各类管理信息,使管理决策能够依据最新的信息状况进行,提高决策的准确性和灵活性。

3. 经济性:通过自动化和网络化的手段,MIS能够降低信息处理和管理成本,提高工作效率,减少人力资源和物质资源的浪费。

4. 灵活性:MIS可根据组织的需求和变化进行灵活调整和扩充,满足不同层次、不同领域的管理需求。

三、管理信息系统的应用1. 决策支持:MIS通过提供准确、及时、全面的信息支持,帮助管理层做出科学决策,并预测和评估决策的效果,提高决策的质量和效率。

2. 资源管理:MIS能够对组织的各类资源进行有效管理,包括人力资源、物资资源、财务资源等,实现资源的合理配置和利用效益的最大化。

3. 业务流程优化:MIS对组织内部的业务流程进行优化和再造,通过信息共享和协同工作,提高业务处理的效率和准确性。

4. 组织协调与控制:MIS可以对组织内部的各个部门和人员进行协调与控制,实现信息的交流和共享,促进组织内外部资源的整合。

四、管理信息系统的挑战1. 技术更新迭代快:MIS面临技术更新迭代速度快、技术更新换代频繁的挑战,需要保持技术创新和敏锐的技术洞察力。

2. 安全风险增加:随着信息化程度的提高,MIS面临越来越多的安全威胁,需要加强信息安全管理,防范信息泄露和网络攻击。

3. 数据质量保障:MIS的数据质量对管理决策的准确性和专业性起到关键的作用,需要建立完善的数据质量控制机制和数据治理体系。

第七章 信息系统、信息设备和保密设施设备管理制度

第七章 信息系统、信息设备和保密设施设备管理制度






5.安全保密产品包括:计算机病毒查杀工具、密码产品、身份鉴别设备(IC卡、USB Key、指纹仪等)、访问控制设备、输入输出控制产品、安全审计系统、入侵监测系统、边界控制和防护系统、电磁辐射和传导泄漏发射防护产品、存储保护系统、信息消除工具、移动存储设备销毁工具、检查工具等。





《管理信息系统》(第七版)-PPT 第7章 管理信息系统的系统实施

《管理信息系统》(第七版)-PPT 第7章 管理信息系统的系统实施
• 一定范围内的网络,可以实现楼宇内部和邻近的几座大楼 之间的内部联系。
• 设备之间的通信,通常利用公共电信网络,实现远程设备 之间的通信。
第八章 管理信息系统的系统实施
• 第一节 物理系统的实施 • 第二节 程序设计 • 第三节 软件开发工具 • 第四节 程序和系统调试 • 第五节 系统切换
<命令组1> ELSE
结构二: IF <条件> <命令组> ENDIF
第八章 管理信息系统的系统实施
• 第一节 物理系统的实施 • 第二节 程序设计 • 第三节 软件开发工具 • 第四节 程序和系统调试 • 第五节 系统切换
• 调试过程中通常要编写测试数据。 • 1、用正常数据调试 • 2、用异常数据调试 • 3、用错误数据调试
• 面向程序应用环境,把程序看作一个“黑匣子”; • 认为程序只要满足应用功能上的需求,就是可行的。
第八章 管理信息系统的系统实施
系统的应用软件通常由多个功能模块组成, 每个模块由一个或几个程序构成。 在单个程序调试完成以后,尚需进行分调,即将一个功能内所有程序按次序串联起 来进行调试。目的是要保证各程序间具有正确的控制关系,测试模块的运行效率。
第八章 管理信息系统的系统实施



第一章 信息系统与管理
• 数据资料中含信息量的多 少是由消除对事物认识的
示例 • 例如,现在某甲到1 000人的学校去找某乙,这时,在
• 信息处理系统对数据进行 处理,使它获得新的结构 与形态或者产生新的数据。
• 比如计算机系统就是一种 信息处理系统,通过它对 输入数据的处理可获得不 同形态的新的数据。
• 信息传输系统不改变信息本身的内容, 作用是把信息从一处传到另一处。
第一章 信息系统与管理
• 第一节 信息及其度量 • 第二节 信息系统的概念及发展 • 第三节 信息系统及管理 • 第四节 管理信息系统面临的挑战 • 第五节 信息系统的伦理
第一章 信息系统与管理
• 在这种单位制度下,信息量的定义公式可写成:
H(x)=–∑P(Xi) log2 P(Xi)
i=1, 2, 3,•••, n
• 例如硬币下落可能有正反两种状态,出现这两种状态的



第七章管理信息系统的系统设计一、单项选择题1. 物理模型是系统开发的()阶段的任务。

A. 信息系统流程图设计B. 系统设计C. 系统分析D. 系统规划2. 磁盘文件是一种()。

A. 输入文件B. 输出文件C. 输入输出文件D. 周转文件3. 用质数法确定代码结构中的校验位时,较验位的取值是质数法中的()。

A. 权B. 模C.除得的商D. 除得的余数4. 区间码是把数据项分成若干组,用区间码的每一区间代表一个组,在码中()。

A. 数字的值代表一定意义,但数字的位置是无意义的B. 数字的位置代表一定意义,但数字的值是没有意义的C. 数字的值和位置代表一定意义D. 用字符而不用数字表示意义5. 文件设计时,首先应设计()。

A. 共享文件B. 非共享文件C.中间文件D. 处理文件6. 代码设计工作应在()阶段就开始。

A. 系统设计B. 系统分析C. 系统实施D. 系统规划7. 周转文件用来存放具有A. 固定个体变动属性的数据B. 固定半固定属性的数据C. 随即变动属性的数据D. 固定属性的数据8. 邮政编码是一种()。

A. 缩写码B.助忆码C. 顺序码D. 区间码9. 对直接存取文件组织方式组织的文件采用顺序文件处理方式进行处理是()。

A. 很合适的B. 合适的C. 不合适的D. 常用的10.为了检查会计工作中借方会计科目合计与贷方会计科目合计是否一致,通常在程序设计中应进行()。

A. 界限校验B. 重复校验C.平衡校验D. 记录计数校验11.系统的吞吐量指的是()。

A. 每天的数据输出量B. 每秒执行的作业数C. 每秒的数据处理量D. 每日的数据输入量12.绘制新系统的信息系统流程图的基础是()。

A. 组织机构图B. 功能结构图C.业务流程图D. 数据流程图13.文件按信息流向分类有输入文件、输出文件和()。

A. 顺序文件B. 索引文件C.直接文件D. 输入输出文件14.文件的活动率指的是()。

A. 文件在单位时间内被查询的记录的数量B. 文件在更新过程中被处理的记录的百分数C. 文件排序中被移动位置的记录的百分数D. 文件中记录随机变动的程度15.校验输入月份最大不能超过12是属于()。



管理信息系统专业资料整理管理信息系统(Management Information System,简称MIS)是指运用计算机技术、信息处理技术和管理科学方法,为组织的管理层提供决策支持和信息服务的一种管理工具。




二、MIS专业课程设置1. 计算机基础课程MIS专业的学生需要学习计算机基础课程,包括计算机原理、数据结构、数据库原理等。


2. 信息管理课程信息管理课程是MIS专业的核心课程之一,包括信息系统分析与设计、信息资源管理、信息系统项目管理等。


3. 数据分析与决策支持系统数据分析与决策支持系统是MIS专业的重点课程,学生将学习数据挖掘、数据分析、商业智能等技术,以及决策支持系统的设计和应用。


4. 企业资源计划(ERP)系统企业资源计划系统是管理信息系统中的重要组成部分,学生将学习ERP系统的原理、实施和运维。


5. 信息安全与风险管理信息安全与风险管理是MIS专业的热门课程,学生将学习信息安全的基本概念、安全策略和技术,以及风险管理的方法和工具。


三、MIS专业就业方向1. 信息系统分析师MIS专业的毕业生可以从事信息系统分析师的工作,负责分析企业的业务需求,设计和实施相应的信息系统。



管理信息系统重点内容概述管理信息系统(Management Information System,MIS)是指为组织机构的管理决策和业务运行提供信息支持的系统。



数据库管理系统数据库管理系统(Database Management System,DBMS)是管理信息系统的关键组成部分。






常见的数据库管理系统包括MySQL、Oracle、SQL Server等。

决策支持系统决策支持系统(Decision Support System,DSS)是管理信息系统中的重要工具。







企业资源规划系统企业资源规划系统(Enterprise Resource Planning,ERP)是管理信息系统中的一种集成管理系统,它将企业的各种资源(包括人员、资金、设备、原材料等)整合到一个统一的系统中,实现对企业全面信息化管理。

第七章 管理信息系统的系统实施 《管理信息系统》PPT课件

第七章 管理信息系统的系统实施 《管理信息系统》PPT课件
图7-2 流程图的基本控制结构
图7-3 N-S图的五种基本控制结构
IPO(INPUT PROCESS OUTPUT)是输入加工输出图的简称,它是 由美国IBM公司发起并完善起来的一种工具。
图7-4 IPO图的格式
7.3.4 数据准备
数据的收集、整理、录入是一项烦琐、劳动 量大的工作。如果没有一定的基础数据的准备,系 统调试就不能很好地进行
可以分阶段地在培训后进行考试,也可以采用竞争上 岗等方式,促使管理人员处理好当前工作与未来知识储备 之间的关系。
7.3 程序设计
可维护性 可靠性(容错能力) 可理解性 效率(有效利用计算机资源)
Байду номын сангаас
Power Builder Delphi VC++ Visual Basic
7.2.1 硬件环境的建立
按照系统物理配置方案的要求,选择购置该系 统所必需的硬件设备。
硬件设备包括主机、外围设备、稳压电源、空 调装置、机房的配套设施以及通信设备等。
选择硬件设备时要充分进行市场调查,了解设 备运行情况及厂商所能提供的服务等。
计算机品牌选择 计算机购置应考虑的问题
7.3.3 结构化程序设计方法
程序设计的主要依据是系统设计阶段的模块结 构图、数据库结构和编程语言的选择。
结构化程序设计可以使用程序流程图、N-S图、 PAD(问题分析图)、判定表等来描述。



管理信息系统管理信息系统一、概述管理信息系统(Management Information System,简称MIS)是由计算机技术支持的信息处理、信息传递、信息共享及管理决策等一系列业务过程及相关活动的系统。










三、MIS的组成和功能MIS通常由以下几个部分组成:1. 数据库系统:主要用于收集、存储、管理企业的信息资源。

2. 决策支持系统(DSS):为管理者提供决策所需的信息,以供分析、研究和决策。

3. 专家系统(ES):针对某些特定领域的知识和经验,对管理层进行指导和决策支持。

4. 人工智能技术(AI):使用人工智能技术对企业的业务数据进行分析、预测和决策。

MIS的主要功能包括以下几个方面:1. 信息采集:收集并处理企业的各种信息,包括销售数据、供应商信息、客户信息、工作流程等。

2. 信息处理:对收集到的信息进行加工处理,依据处理后的结果生成各种报表和分析结果。

3. 信息分发:将处理后的信息以不同的形式传递给企业的各个管理层和相关人员。

4. 决策支持:依据采集到的信息和分析结果,为管理层提供决策支持,帮助他们做出更好的经营决策。

四、MIS的优势和挑战MIS能够为企业管理层提供有效的决策支持,它具有以下几个优势:1. 提高决策的准确性和效率。



以系统的观点,构成管理信息系统的要素有 硬件、软件、数据文件和数据库、相关人员以及 制度规范、管理思想与理论。
硬件、系统软件和应用软件为系统的实施提 供了物理设施,影响系统的响应速度、传输范围 等特性;数据资源和数据库是实用软件的基础, 其结构好坏决定应用软件的生命周期;管理制度 规范影响系统的结构,制约着系统功能是否充分 发挥。正是这6 个要素互相作用,互相制约,才 使得管理信息系统有条不紊地运行。
开放性是指系统具有不断与外界环境进行物质、能量、 信息交换的性质和功能,系统向环开放是系统得以向上发 展的前提,也是系统得以稳定存在的条件。
系统不能孤立地存在于环境中,必须与环境交换物质、 能量与信息才能生成、存在与发展,这就要求系统的结构 是开放性结构。系统既要内部开放,又要对外开放。系统 内部开放,即各子系统相互作用,才能形成系统的结构。 系统对外开放,即与其他系统相互作用形成更大的系统, 使自己成为更大系统的子系统,这样才不会孤立。建设和 完善信息系统是有环境要求的, 这就需要管理信息系统 具有开放性。
管理所需信息以支持企业的生产经营和决 策的人机系统。主要功能包括经营管理、 资产管理、生产管理、行政管理和系统维 护等。
完善的MIS具有以下四个标准:确定的信息 需求、信息的可采集与可加工、可以通过程序为 管理人员提供信息、可以对信息进行管理。
具有统一规划的数据库是MIS成熟的重要标 志,它象征着MIS是软件工程的产物。 通过MIS 实现信息增值,用数学模型统计分析数据,实现 辅助决策。 MIS是发展变化的,MIS有生命周期。
涌现性是指整体具有而其组成部分以及部分 之总和不具有的特性,一旦把整体还原为它的组 分,这些特性便不复存在 。



管理信息系统的分析报告1. 简介本文是一份关于管理信息系统的分析报告。



2. 定义管理信息系统是指通过计算机技术和信息处理手段,对组织的资源、运营、决策等进行信息化管理的系统。


3. 功能管理信息系统具有以下几个主要功能:3.1 数据管理管理信息系统可以对组织内部和外部的数据进行收集、存储、处理和分析。


3.2 信息处理和分析管理信息系统可以对收集到的数据进行处理和分析,生成有用的信息和报表。


3.3 业务流程管理管理信息系统可以对组织的业务流程进行管理和优化。


3.4 决策支持管理信息系统可以提供决策支持的工具和技术。


4. 优势管理信息系统具有以下几个优势:4.1 提高工作效率管理信息系统可以自动化和标准化组织的业务流程,从而提高工作效率。


4.2 提高决策质量管理信息系统可以提供准确、及时和全面的信息和报表,帮助组织做出更好的决策。


4.3 加强组织协作管理信息系统可以提供协同工作的平台和工具。


4.4 降低成本管理信息系统可以降低组织的运营成本。


5. 应用管理信息系统在各个行业和领域都有广泛的应用。

《管理信息系统》(第七版)-PPT 第10章_信息系统项目的管理与运维2019.4.7

《管理信息系统》(第七版)-PPT 第10章_信息系统项目的管理与运维2019.4.7

经济可 行性
组织可 行性
• 第一节 项目管理概念 • 第二节 项目启动 • 第三节 项目计划 • 第四节 项目实施和控制 • 第五节 项目收尾和后评价 • 第六节 信息系统运行与维护
计划执 行
团队建 设
冲突管 理
变更管 理
• 范围管理、进度管理、风险管理、人员管理、采购管理、质量管理等具体领域 的计划。
• 项目团队建立起来,需要培养、改进和提高项目团队成员个人及整体的工作和 能力。
• 冲突处理的常用方法有以下几种:1)强制执行;2)相互合作;3)相互理解, 彼此容纳;4)回避冲突;5)折衷妥协。
基础数据的管理 数据收集和统计渠道的管理 计量手段和计量方法的管理 原始数据的管理
系统运行结果分析 就是要得出某种能反映组织经营 生产方面发展趋势的信息,以提 高管理部门指导企业的经营生产 的能力。
本章对信息系统项目管理的有关内容做了解释,对 项目管理的启动阶段、计划阶段、实施与控制阶段、收 尾阶段、信息系统项目后评价以及信息系统的后续运行 维护进行了介绍。
• 第一节 项目管理概念 • 第二节 项目启动 • 第三节 项目计划 • 第四节 项目实施和控制 • 第五节 项目收尾与后评价 • 第六节 信息系统运行维护
项目管理就是把知识、技能、工具和技术应用于项目各项工作之中,满足超过或者 项目利益相关者对项目的要求和期望。






















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·严怡瑶 0901011013 ——RFID仓储管理系统的研究 ·龚佑玲 0901011069 ·朱云秀 0901011073 ·雷阳 0901011074
1 2 3 RFID系统应用背景 RFID系统结构与功能 RFID系统特征 系统信息的分类、数据类型 功能与信息处理的基本内容
供应管理:主要为仓储与物流配送管理,通过条码在生产加工及商店供应链中建立可追 溯系统。货品信息记录在托盘或货品箱的标签上,这样条码系统能够清楚地获知托盘上 货箱甚至单独货品的各自位置、身份、储运历史、目的地、有效期及其它有用信息。
主要 功能
销售管理:在服装进入最终端销售时,可根据具体情况分析,采用现有的成熟的 条码技术。
车载式RFID系统:使用车载式 RFID读写器和 安装RFID标签:在托盘和货架安装RFID Smart Terminal (WLAN 内置)来读取托盘和货上的标签, 标签。按客户的需求来使用螺丝,强力两面 然后把数据传送到服务器上。 胶来安装签。
托盘入库:叉车托起托盘的同时读取上面的标签, 然后移到货架上。移到货架上之后,读取架子上的标 签信息。把托盘信息和货架的信息传送到服务器上。
系统的结构 系统结构

RFID通道 阅读系统 RFID天线 RFID标签
系统管理及中心数据:1)数据备份恢复 2)用户权限、口令管理 3)操作日志、痕迹保留 4)服装分类库及样品库 5)服装生产单位属性数据库 6)服装安全标准与安全指标 7)服装生产与管理信息 8)服装安全监测与检测数据 。
系 统 管 理
入 库 管 理
出 库 管 理
盘 点 管 理
智 能 货 架
调 拨 移 位
检 验 管 理
报 表 分 析
针对收货入库 系统的功能分 析
智能货架:货架标签信息和托 盘标签信息比对,如放置错误 即报警提示;报表分析:提供 库存周转分析、仓库利用分析 等功能,并可对滞留货品进行 报警提示。
系统依托RFID技术优势,具有对资产信息实现远距离 识别、识别速度快、批量识别等特点 系统发挥RFID对各个作业环节进行实时信息采集的技 术优势,可确保企业及时准确的掌握库存状态
主要 特征
通过仓储读写器对物资数据的采集,系统可实现物资出 入库防串货管理 通过手持设备可快速准确的盘点物资信息,提升盘点 效率 系统软件平台采用开放式平台架构,可很好的与企 业ERP及WMS系统对接。
由设备供给商提供的系统演示软件 开发平台或者接口软件 为模拟其系统性能而开发的仿真软件和由集成商或者客户自身 开发的RFID前端操作软件
订单信息管理 用户信息管理 操作人员信息管理 入库管理 库存查询 出库查询 入库查询 呆货订单查询 出库管理 移库管理 打印管理
经济全球化的发展和互联网的兴起,全球物流服务业加速发 展。
全球经济一体化的发展使得企业的采购、仓储、销售、配送等协 作关系日趋复杂,企业间的竞争已不仅是产品性能和质量的竞争, 也包含物流能力的竞争。利用信息技术代替实际操作,减少浪费, 节约时间和费用,从而实现供应链的无缝对接和整合为实现物流 流程信息化管理,采用信息化管理手段对公司的仓储、物流信息 等进行一体化管理,以促进数据共享、货物和资金的周转率、提 高工作效率,达到与现代化物流企业管理同步的信息化流程。
RFID叉车阅读系统:1) 提高操作员效率;2) 最大化托盘队列;3) 改进叉车利用率; 4) 减少原材料损失。
RFID通道阅读系统:1. 系统可靠性高,出错概率远小于人工操作2. 便于流动管理, 实时监控。3. 提高工作效率,减少人工记录等多余动作4. 减少多余操作人员,缩减 成本支出。5. 数据保存完成,不易丢失,同时又方便查找,便于可追溯性管理。
战略推进目的:投入先进的 IT技术来确保企业的竞争力
1. 系统 H/W 构成 :托盘入出库管理系统是以RFID为基板, 实时间给托盘进行定位管理的系统。
2. 业务流程 (1) 安装RFID标签 1) 托盘上安装RFID 标签及登记信息 2) 在货架上安装RFID 标签以及登记信息 (2) 登录货物信息 1) 托盘上装货物 2) 贴上货物明细表 3) 把货物条形码和托盘上的RFID标签的ID 统一之后登陆到服务器上 (3) 托盘入库 1) 用叉车托起托盘 2) 读取托盘上的RFID 标签 3) 移动到货架 4) 读取货架上的RFID 标签 5) 把货架上的标签信息和托盘上的标签信 息统一之后登录到服务器上 (4) 托盘出库 1) 使用Smart Terminal来确定货物的位置 2) 移动到货架 3) 用叉车托起托盘 4) 读取托盘上的RFID 标签 5) 托盘出库(Gate 通过) 6) 使用Smart Terminal 来在服务器上登 记出库信息
RFID系统在具体的应用过程中,根据不同的应用目的和应用 环境,RFID系统的组成会有所不同,但从RFID系统的工作原理 来看,系统一般都由信号发射机、信号接收机、发射接收天线几 部分组成。
信号发射机在RFID系统中,信号发射机为了不同的应用目的,会以 不同的形式存在,典型的形式是标签(TAG)。 信号接收机在RFID系统中,信号接收机一般叫做阅读器。 天线天线是标签与阅读器之间传输数据的发射、接收装置。
不足—— 优势—— ·RFID系统的安全缺陷
实际上,尽管与计算机和网络的安全问题类似,但RFID所面临的安全问题要严峻得多。这不仅仅表现 在由于RFID产品的成本极大地限制了RFID的处理能力和安全加密措施,并且RFID技术本身就包含了比计 RFID仓储物流管理系统对企业物流货品进行进行智能化、信息化管 算机和网络更多、更容易泄密的不安全因素。一般地,RFID在安全缺陷方面除了与计算机网络有相同之处 理,实现自动记录货品出入库信息、智能仓库盘点、记录及发布货 外,还包括以下3种不同的安全缺陷类型。 1.标签本身的访问缺陷 品的状态信息、输出车辆状态报表等功能。 由于标签本身的成本所限,标签本身很难具备保证安全的能力。这样,就面临着许多问题。非法用户 & 实现跨区域集中式管理、分布式操作和实时监控功能; 可以利用合法的读写器或者自构一个读写器与标签进行通信,很容易地就获取了标签内的所存数据。而对 & 高效地完成各种业务操作,改进仓储管理,提升效率及价值; 于读写式标签,还面临数据被改写的风险。 2.通信链路上的安全问题 & 提高物品出入库过程中的识别率,同时识别多个物品,确保 RFID的数据通信链路是无线通信链路,与有线连接不同的是,无线传输的信号本身是开放的,这就给 实物与单据数量保持一致,提高出入库效率; 非法用户的侦听带来了方便。实现非法侦听的常用方法包括: & 缩减盘点周期,提高数据实时性,实时动态掌握库存情况, (1)黑客非法截取通信数据。 实现对库存物品的可视化管理; (2)业务拒绝式攻击,即非法用户通过发射干扰信号来堵塞通信链路,使得读写器过载,无法接收正 常的标签数据。 精确掌握库存情况,优化合理库存;Ø 实时掌握仓库环境状 & (3)利用冒名顶替的标签来向读写器发送数据,使得读写器处理的都是虚假数据,而真实的数据则被 态及变化。 隐藏。 & 实时观察仓库内工作人员工作情况,掌握工作进度; 3.读写器内部的安全风险 & 安全管理仓库,防止偷盗、恶意破坏等违法行为。 在读写器中,除了中间件被用来完成数据的传输选择、时间过滤和管理之外,只能提供用户业务接口, 而不能提供让用户自行提升安全性能的接口。 由此可见,RFID所遇到的安全问题,要比通常计算机网络的安全问题复杂得多,如何应对RFID的安 全威胁,一直是尚待研究解决的焦点问题。虽然在ISO和EPC Gen2中都规定了严格的数据加密格式和用户 定义位,RFID技术也具有比较强大的安全信息处理能力,但仍然有一些人认为RFID的安全性非常糟糕。 美国的密码学研究专家Adi Shamir表示,目前RFID毫无安全可言,简直是畅通无阻。他声称已经破解了目 前大多数主流电子标签的密码口令,并可以对目前几乎所有的RFID芯片进行无障碍攻击。当前,安全仍被 认为是阻碍RFID技术推广的一个重要原因之一。
按战略层、战术层、操作层 对信息系统的分类,并说明 每一层的信息类型
战略背景 1.对托盘的定位要求:托盘及货架上安装 RFID标签来管 理入库时候的托盘信息和正确的保 2. 托盘出库时候对其进行实时间的监控:托盘出库时候 进行实时间的监控管理,以此来提高工作效率 3. 对仓库进行在库管理:使用RFID来对入库,出库进行 实时间的管理以及在库管理和品种确认
托盘出库:用叉车 Smart Terminal来确认托盘位置 后移到货架上。托起托盘的同时读取上面的标签。把 出库的托盘信息传送到服务器上。
Gate 门禁:在出库通道上安装固定式 RFID 读写器,只 允许通行已确认出库的托盘,通过通道的时候托盘上的信 息会传送到服务器上。
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· RFID(Radio Frequency Identification),是无线射频识别的英 文缩写。 RFID 技术是一种非接触式的自动识别技术,它通过射频信号 自动识别目标对象并获取相关数据,识别工作无须人工干预,可工 作于各种恶劣环境。 RFID 技术可识别高速运动物体并可同时识别多个标签, 操作 快捷方便。具有非接触、精度高、抗干扰、速度快以及适应环境能 力强等显著优点,可广泛应用于诸如生产管理、物流管理、交通运 输、医疗卫生、商品防伪、资产管理以及国防军事等领域。 利用RFID实现仓储实时信息管理,其工作原理在于通过托盘、 货架上安装电子标签,在标签中写入货物的具体资料、存放位置等 信息,并使货架和托盘的标签信息一一对应,叉车或手持机在仓储 能快速准确的寻找到货物。 在托盘和货架上安装 UHF RFID标签来管理托盘入库,出库时的正 确的位置,以此来提高工作效率及减少成本。