CS4 Design Premium 自述
05第一章Adobe Premiere 基础知识
而After Effects其高效的Roto Brush 工具可以帮助用户在正常的素材片段内 分离移动前景元素(背景非纯色动态抠 像)。
Adobe 公司最近推出了Adobe Creative Suite 5.5。这套新产品线让设计师 和开发人员得以针对日益流行的新兴智能手机和平板平台产品。是跨越从印刷 到视频、移动和在线媒体等几乎所有创意流程的行业领先设计和开发软件。从 Creative Suite 5.5的发布开始,Adobe计划每隔两年对Creative Suite进行一次 里程碑式产品发布——即重要的中期产品投放。
认识影视编辑软件 Adobe Premiere Pro CS4
Premiere Pro CS4 概述
Premiere Pro CS4 是Adobe公司最新推出的新一代设计开发软 件的套装软件Creative Suite 4 中的主要产品之一,用于进行视频采 集、视频编辑、字幕设计、转场特效处理、视频滤镜处理、运动效 果创作、覆叠特效处理、音频编辑和影片合成,是一款优秀的非线 性视音频编辑软件,被广泛应用于影视编辑制作、游戏场景、单位 及个人视频制作等领域。
Premiere Pro CS4安装 (一)---序列号 将Premiere Pro CS4单装版拷入除C盘以外合适的逻辑盘里,关闭杀毒软件的 防御功能,点击keygen.EXE执行文件,弹出序列号产生器界面,先点击“Patch Hosts File”添加屏蔽网址,选择Premiere Pro CS4 V4.X,出现序列号。点击CS4 安装执行文件Pro Setup.EXE
安装 Premiere Pro CS4 我们选择Premiere Pro CS4单装版进行安装。叙述如何安装、激活、破解 的基本方法。 Premiere Pro CS4对硬件和系统的要求: AMD(超威) 、Centrino处理器(讯驰)或inter Core Duo(酷睿)双 核-四核处理器(2.8GHz)或更高; Windows Windows 7(32-64位版); 2 - 4GB内存,通常笔记本硬盘为250-500G台式计算机为1TB或更大; 1280X900屏幕设置以上、内存大于512MB的图形显示卡; Microsoft DirectX 兼容声卡(环绕声支持需要 ASIO 兼容多轨声卡)。
一位入门级hifi玩家的体验HIFI其实就是不断的摸索然后迷茫,迷茫后再摸索,然后再迷茫!上了这条路,很难迷途知返,往往就是知错就改,改了还犯,犯了再改,千锤百炼!搭配是HIFI最重要的元素,搭配好低价出贵声,搭配不好贵价出恶声,当然贵价的器材总有它的道理,省钱是不能HIFI的,更不要说HI-END了!小型的书架箱玩了不少,90年代,从Rogers 2a/2到Celestion100到ATC20,都是比较典型的英国声,厚润,富有感情,爵士、人声和小品都有很好的表现,搭配方面一台驾势的151合并就可以玩得很到位了。
2000年以来,玩过的书架箱有JBL4312、劲浪MINI UTOPIA、世霸Cremona,搭配柏林之声贵气十足,搭配麦景图催人泪下,基本上5万以内的功放就可以搞好。
Adobe CS4官方下载汇总官方试用版下载:Master Collection/Applications/MastCol/CS4/Win/ADBESTAMCS4_LS1.exe/Applications/MastCol/CS4/Win/ADBESTAMCS4_LS1.7z Design Premium/Applications/DesignPre/CS4/Win/ADBESTDSCS4_LS1.exe /Applications/DesignPre/CS4/Win/ADBESTDSCS4_LS1.7zWeb Premium/Applications/WebPre/CS4/Win/ADBESTWDCS4_LS1.exe/Applications/WebPre/CS4/Win/ADBESTWDCS4_LS1.7z Photoshop CS4/Applications/Photoshop/CS4/Win/ADBEPHSPCS4_LS1.exe /Applications/Photoshop/CS4/Win/ADBEPHSPCS4_LS1.7z Illustrator CS4/Applications/Illustrator/CS4/Win/ADBEILSTCS4_LS1.exe/Applications/Illustrator/CS4/Win/ADBEILSTCS4_LS1.7z InDesign CS4/Applications/InDesign/CS4/Win/ADBEIDSNCS4_LS1.exe/Applications/InDesign/CS4/Win/ADBEIDSNCS4_LS1.7zInCopy CS4/Applications/InCopy/CS4/Win/ADBEAICYCS4_LS1.7z/Applications/InCopy/CS4/Win/ADBEAICYCS4_LS1.exe Fireworks CS4/Applications/Fireworks/CS4/Win/ADBEFWKSCS4_LS1.exe /Applications/Fireworks/CS4/Win/ADBEFWKSCS4_LS1.7zAfter Effects CS4/Applications/AfterEffects/CS4/Win/ADBEAFETCS4_LS7.7z /Applications/AfterEffects/CS4/Win/ADBEAFETCS4_LS7.exe PremierePro CS4/Applications/PremierePro/CS4/Win/ADBEPPROCS4_LS7.7z /Applications/PremierePro/CS4/Win/ADBEPPROCS4_LS7.exe Dreamweaver CS4/Applications/Dreamweaver/CS4/Win/ADBEDRWVCS4_LS1.exe /Applications/Dreamweaver/CS4/Win/ADBEDRWVCS4_LS1.7z After Effects Content/Applications/AfterEffects/CS4/Win/ADBEAFETCS4_Cont_LS7.exe/Applications/AfterEffects/CS4/Win/ADBEAFETCS4_Cont_LS7.7z Premiere Content/Applications/PremierePro/CS4/Win/ADBEPPROCS4_Cont_LS7.exe /Applications/PremierePro/CS4/Win/ADBEPPROCS4_Cont_LS7.7z Photoshop Extended Content/Applications/Photoshop/CS4/Win/PHSPCS4_Cont_LS1.exe/Applications/Photoshop/CS4/Win/PHSPCS4_Cont_LS1.7zFlash Pro CS4/Applications/FlashPro/CS4/Win/ADBEFLPRCS4Win_LS1.exe/Applications/FlashPro/CS4/Win/ADBEFLPRCS4Win_LS1.7zFlash Pro Content/Applications/FlashPro/CS4/Win/ADBEFLPRCS4Win_Cont_LS1.exe /Applications/FlashPro/CS4/Win/ADBEFLPRCS4Win_Cont_LS1.7z Production Premium CS4/Applications/ProdPrem/CS4/Win/ADBESTVDCS4_LS7.exe/Applications/ProdPrem/CS4/Win/ADBESTVDCS4_LS7.7z/Applications/Photoshop/CS4/Win/PHSPCS4_Cont_LS1.7z/Applications/Photoshop/CS4/Win/PHSPCS4_Cont_LS1.7zAdobe CS5官方下载汇总Windows系统版下载地址:Adobe Creative Suite 5 Design Premium/AdobeProducts/MDIA/CS5/win32/DesignPremium_CS5_LS1.exe /AdobeProducts/MDIA/CS5/win32/DesignPremium_CS5_LS1.7z Adobe Creative Suite 5 Web Premium/AdobeProducts/STVD/CS5/win32/ProductionPremium_CS5_LS7.exe /AdobeProducts/WEBB/CS5/win32/WebPremium_CS5_LS1.7z Adobe Creative Suite 5 Production Premium/AdobeProducts/STVD/CS5/win32/ProductionPremium_CS5_LS7.7z /AdobeProducts/STVD/CS5/win32/ProductionPremium_CS5_LS7.exe Adobe Creative Suite 5 Master Collection/AdobeProducts/STAM/CS5/win32/MasterCollection_CS5_LS1.7z /AdobeProducts/STAM/CS5/win32/MasterCollection_CS5_LS1.exe Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended/AdobeProducts/PHSP/12/win32/Photoshop_12_LS3.7z Adobe Illustrator CS5/AdobeProducts/ILST/15/win32/Illustrator_15_LS3.7zAdobe Dreamweaver CS5/AdobeProducts/DRWV/11/win32/Dreamweaver_11_LS3.exe Adobe Fireworks CS5/AdobeProducts/FWKS/11/win32/Fireworks_11_LS3.exe Adobe Flash Professional CS5/AdobeProducts/FLPR/11/win32/FlashPro_11_LS3.7zAdobe InDesign CS5/AdobeProducts/IDSN/7/win32/InDesign_7_LS3.7zAdobe Creative Suite 5 Master Collection/AdobeProducts/STAM/CS5/win32/MasterCollection_CS5_LS3.7z Adobe Creative Suite 5 Design Premium/AdobeProducts/MDIA/CS5/win32/DesignPremium_CS5_LS3.7z Adobe Premiere CS5英文正式版/AdobeProducts/PPRO/5/win32/PremierePro_5_LS7.7zAdobe After Effects CS5 英文正式版/AdobeProducts/AEFT/10/win64/AfterEffects_10_LS7.7zMAC操作系统板下载地址:Creative Suite 5 Design Premium 3.5 Gb/AdobeProducts/MDIA/CS5/osx10/DesignPremium_CS5_LS1.dmg----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Creative Suite 5 Production Premium/AdobeProducts/STVD/CS5/osx10/ProductionPremium_CS5_LS7.dmg 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/ru-RU / tr-TR / uk-UA以下为WIN Adobe CS5.5系列下载汇总:Adobe CS5.5 Master CollectionLS1:/AdobeProducts/STAM/CS5_5/win32/MasterCollection_CS5_5_LS1.exe LS1:/AdobeProducts/STAM/CS5_5/win32/MasterCollection_CS5_5_LS1.7z LS2:/AdobeProducts/STAM/CS5_5/win32/MasterCollection_CS5_5_LS2.exe LS2:/AdobeProducts/STAM/CS5_5/win32/MasterCollection_CS5_5_LS2.7z LS3:/AdobeProducts/STAM/CS5_5/win32/MasterCollection_CS5_5_LS3.exe LS3:/AdobeProducts/STAM/CS5_5/win32/MasterCollection_CS5_5_LS3.7z LS4:/AdobeProducts/STAM/CS5_5/win32/MasterCollection_CS5_5_LS4.exe LS4:/AdobeProducts/STAM/CS5_5/win32/MasterCollection_CS5_5_LS4.7z LS6:/AdobeProducts/STAM/CS5_5/win32/MasterCollection_CS5_5_LS6.exe LS6:/AdobeProducts/STAM/CS5_5/win32/MasterCollection_CS5_5_LS6.7z Adobe CS5.5 DesignPremiumLS1:/AdobeProducts/MDIA/CS5_5/win32/DesignPremium_CS5_5_LS1.exe LS1:/AdobeProducts/MDIA/CS5_5/win32/DesignPremium_CS5_5_LS1.7z LS2:/AdobeProducts/MDIA/CS5_5/win32/DesignPremium_CS5_5_LS2.exe 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LS2:/AdobeProducts/STAM/CS5_5/osx10/MasterCollection_CS5_5_LS2.dmg LS3:/AdobeProducts/STAM/CS5_5/osx10/MasterCollection_CS5_5_LS3.dmg LS4:/AdobeProducts/STAM/CS5_5/osx10/MasterCollection_CS5_5_LS4.dmg LS6:/AdobeProducts/STAM/CS5_5/osx10/MasterCollection_CS5_5_LS6.dmg Adobe CS5.5 Design PremiumLS1:/AdobeProducts/MDIA/CS5_5/osx10/DesignPremium_CS5_5_LS1.dmg LS2:/AdobeProducts/MDIA/CS5_5/osx10/DesignPremium_CS5_5_LS2.dmg LS3:/AdobeProducts/MDIA/CS5_5/osx10/DesignPremium_CS5_5_LS3.dmg LS4:/AdobeProducts/MDIA/CS5_5/osx10/DesignPremium_CS5_5_LS4.dmg LS6:/AdobeProducts/MDIA/CS5_5/osx10/DesignPremium_CS5_5_LS6.dmg Adobe CS5.5 Design StandardLS1:/AdobeProducts/DSGN/CS5_5/osx10/DesignStandard_CS5_5_LS1.dmg LS2:/AdobeProducts/DSGN/CS5_5/osx10/DesignStandard_CS5_5_LS2.dmgLS3:/AdobeProducts/DSGN/CS5_5/osx10/DesignStandard_CS5_5_LS3.dmg LS4:/AdobeProducts/DSGN/CS5_5/osx10/DesignStandard_CS5_5_LS4.dmg LS6:/AdobeProducts/DSGN/CS5_5/osx10/DesignStandard_CS5_5_LS6.dmg Adobe CS5 Web PremiumLS1:/AdobeProducts/WEBB/CS5_5/osx10/WebPremium_CS5_5_LS1.dmg LS2:/AdobeProducts/WEBB/CS5_5/osx10/WebPremium_CS5_5_LS2.dmg LS3:/AdobeProducts/WEBB/CS5_5/osx10/WebPremium_CS5_5_LS3.dmg LS4:/AdobeProducts/WEBB/CS5_5/osx10/WebPremium_CS5_5_LS4.dmg LS6:/AdobeProducts/WEBB/CS5_5/osx10/WebPremium_CS5_5_LS6.dmg Adobe CS5 Production Premium语言:English / French / German / Japanese/AdobeProducts/STVD/CS5_5/osx10/ProductionPremium_CS5_5_LS7.dmg Adobe Acrobat X Pro语言:English / French / German/AdobeProducts/APRO/10/osx10/AcrobatPro_10_Web_WWEFD.dmg语言:Japanese/AdobeProducts/APRO/10/osx10/AcrobatPro_10_Web_J.dmgAdobe After Effects CS5.5语言:English / French / German / Italian / Japanese / Korean /Portuguese / Spanish/AdobeProducts/AEFT/10_5/osx10/AfterEffects_10_5_LS7.dmgAdobe Contribute CS5LS1:/AdobeProducts/CNTB/6/osx10/Contribute_6_LS1.dmgLS2:/AdobeProducts/CNTB/6/osx10/Contribute_6_LS2.dmgLS4:/AdobeProducts/CNTB/6/osx10/Contribute_6_LS4.dmgAdobe DreamWeaver CS5.5LS1:/dlm/AdobeProducts/DRWV/11_5/osx10/Dreamweaver_11_5_LS1.dmg LS2:/dlm/AdobeProducts/DRWV/11_5/osx10/Dreamweaver_11_5_LS2.dmg LS3:/dlm/AdobeProducts/DRWV/11_5/osx10/Dreamweaver_11_5_LS3.dmg LS4:/dlm/AdobeProducts/DRWV/11_5/osx10/Dreamweaver_11_5_LS4.dmg LS6:/dlm/AdobeProducts/DRWV/11_5/osx10/Dreamweaver_11_5_LS6.dmg Adobe Fireworks CS5LS1:/AdobeProducts/FWKS/11/osx10/Fireworks_11_LS1.dmgLS2:/AdobeProducts/FWKS/11/osx10/Fireworks_11_LS2.dmgLS4:/AdobeProducts/FWKS/11/osx10/Fireworks_11_LS4.dmgLS6:/AdobeProducts/FWKS/11/osx10/Fireworks_11_LS6.dmgAdobe Flash Builder 4.5语言:English / French / German / Japanese / Russian / Chinese(Simplified)/AdobeProducts/FLBR/4_5/osx10/FlashBuilder_4_5_LS10.dmgAdobe Flash Catalyst CS5.5语言:English / French / German / Japanese / Korean / Portuguese/AdobeProducts/THRM/1_5/osx10/FlashCatalyst_1_5_LS9.dmgAdobe Flash ProfessionalCS5.5LS1:/AdobeProducts/FLPR/11_5/osx10/FlashPro_11_5_LS1.dmgLS2:/AdobeProducts/FLPR/11_5/osx10/FlashPro_11_5_LS2.dmgLS3:/AdobeProducts/FLPR/11_5/osx10/FlashPro_11_5_LS3.dmg LS4:/AdobeProducts/FLPR/11_5/osx10/FlashPro_11_5_LS4.dmg LS6:/AdobeProducts/FLPR/11_5/osx10/FlashPro_11_5_LS6.dmg Adobe InCopy CS5LS1:/AdobeProducts/AICY/7_5/osx10/InCopy_7_5_LS1.dmgLS2:/AdobeProducts/AICY/7_5/osx10/InCopy_7_5_LS2.dmgLS3:/AdobeProducts/AICY/7_5/osx10/InCopy_7_5_LS3.dmgLS4:/AdobeProducts/AICY/7_5/osx10/InCopy_7_LS4.dmgLS6:/AdobeProducts/AICY/7_5/osx10/InCopy_7_5_LS6.dmg Adobe Illustrator CS5.1LS1:/AdobeProducts/ILST/15_1/osx10/Illustrator_15_1_LS1.dmg LS2:/AdobeProducts/ILST/15_1/osx10/Illustrator_15_1_LS2.dmg LS3:/AdobeProducts/ILST/15_1/osx10/Illustrator_15_1_LS3.dmg LS4:/AdobeProducts/ILST/15_1/osx10/Illustrator_15_1_LS4.dmg LS6:/AdobeProducts/ILST/15_1/osx10/Illustrator_15_1_LS6.dmg Adobe InDesign CS5.5LS1:/AdobeProducts/IDSN/7_5/osx10/InDesign_7_5_LS1.dmgLS2:/AdobeProducts/IDSN/7_5/osx10/InDesign_7_5_LS2.dmgLS3:/AdobeProducts/IDSN/7_5/osx10/InDesign_7_5_LS3.dmgLS4:/AdobeProducts/IDSN/7_5/osx10/InDesign_7_5_LS4.dmgLS6:/AdobeProducts/IDSN/7_5/osx10/InDesign_7_LS6.dmg Adobe Photoshop ExtendedCS5.1LS1:/AdobeProducts/PHSP/12_1/osx10/Photoshop_12_1_LS1.dmg LS2:/AdobeProducts/PHSP/12_1/osx10/Photoshop_12_1_LS2.dmg LS3:/AdobeProducts/PHSP/12_1/osx10/Photoshop_12_1_LS3.dmg LS4:/AdobeProducts/PHSP/12_1/osx10/Photoshop_12_1_LS4.dmg LS6:/AdobeProducts/PHSP/12_1/osx10/Photoshop_12_1_LS6.dmg Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5语言:English / French / German / Italian / Japanese / Korean /Portuguese / Spanish /AdobeProducts/PPRO/5_5/osx10/PremierePro_5_5_LS7.dmg。
Definitive 定制音箱
• 铝球顶高音,退火陶瓷涂层,丝滑频率响应
特殊制造工艺,严格控制升/降温速度 声音光滑、不刺耳
• 丝膜悬边,更好阻尼和活塞运动 • 磁液冷却,增加机械阻尼活动并加强散热
• 将高音扬声器输出提升3dB • 补偿吸收或反射的房间
DI 6.5R
1. 前后面板上的关键单元通过向两个方向发出声音,提 高了声场
2. 两个完整的单元/辐射器/高音单元组成全音域系统提 供动态声音输出
特点: 1. 可旋转高音腔体 2. 独有的6.5英寸复合矿物填充聚丙烯单元,提供卓越透明度 3. 一个退火铝高音,提供巨大的瞬态和平稳的响应 4. 采用Mylar电容器的高清交叉电路,提供最纯净的高频率 5. 声音扩散和离轴响应,传递令人难以置信的声音
DT 系列参数对比
参数 直径cm
长cm 宽cm 可选正方形格栅 切割直径cm 切割宽度cm 切割长度cm 总深度cm 墙内深度 低音 高音/英寸 频率响应 功放建议分频点 灵敏度dB 阻抗 推荐输入功率W/声道
DT6.5R 21.11
是(中国待定) 18.41
8.57 7.3 6.5 1 28Hz-30kHz
参考级入墙式线源扬声器 1. 双5.25英寸单元,冲击力更高 2. 双5.25英寸压力耦合低音辐射器,更深沉的低音 3. 集成的木制外壳,提供了更多细节,无音染中音 4. 易于安装的旋转夹,进行非共振安装
PremiereProCS4基础教程Premiere Pro是一款常用的视频编辑软件,它不仅画面质量比较好而且有教好的兼容性。
这部 Premiere Pro CS4中文教程为大家详细介绍了Premiere Pro CS4视频编辑的详细流程与操作方法,以及编辑视频需要的理论知识。
其中具体内容涵盖:视频编辑基础、Premiere 入门知识、使用素材、视频转场、视频特效、字幕工具、音频特效和调音台,以及输出影片的众多方法。
Adobe Premiere Pro是目前最流行的非线性编辑软件,是数码视频编辑的强大工具,它作为功能强大的多媒体视频、音频编辑软件,应用范围不胜枚举,制作效果美不胜收,足以协助用户更加高效地工作。
Adobe Premiere Pro以其新的合理化界面和通用高端工具,兼顾了广大视频用户的不同需求,在一个并不昂贵的视频编辑工具箱中,提供了前所未有的生产能力、控制能力和灵活性。
Adobe Premiere Pro是一个创新的非线性视频编辑应用程序,也是一个功能强大的实时视频和音频编辑工具,是视频爱好者们使用最多的视频编辑软件之一。
Adobe Premiere Pro把广泛的硬件支持和坚持独立性结合在一起,能够支持高清晰度和标准清晰度的电影胶片。
用户能够输入和输出各种视频和音频模式,包括MPEG2、AVI、WAV和AIFF文件,另外,Adobe Premiere Pro文件能够以工业开放的交换模式AAF(Advanced AuthoringFormat0,高级制作格式输出,用于进行其它专业产品的工作。
作为Adobe屡获殊荣的数码产品线的一员,Adobe Premiere Pro能够与Adobe Video Collection中的其它产品无缝集成,这些产品包括Adobe Audition、Adobe Encore DVD、Adobe Photoshop 和After Effects软件。
CS497 Course Report on PMRT WSN Design
CS497Course Report on PMRT WSN DesignQixin WangInstructor:Prof.Marco CaccamoDecember,2002First,we study the system architecture of sensor devices and their networks.Based on the system architecture,we analyze the constraints on sensing frequency selections,so that real-time schedulability criterions are met.Specifically,we study the sensor network of UC Berkeley mica motes [5][3],which uses ATmega103L micro-controllers [2].Fig 1is an illustration of the infrastructure of an ATmega103L mote with wirelesscommunication module.The CPU,main memory and data busetc.are all integrated in the ATMega103L micro-controller.TheCPU clock frequency is 4MHz.One important peripheral to theATMega103L micro-controller is the RFM™TR1000[6]wireless co-processor (named as “Radio CoPU”in Fig 1),whichcontrols the wireless communication physical layer –the916.5MHz radio channel.The CPU communicates with theRadio CoPU using clock driven periodical querying –thequerying rate is 20kHz for receiving and 10kHz for sending.I.e.when the system is in radio receiving mode,there are exactly4MHz/20kHz=200CPU cycles between each two consecutiveradio CoPU queries;and when in sending mode,there are4MHz/10kHz=400CPU cycles between each two consecutiveradio CoPU queries.This design successfully enables ATMega103L mote with a 500Byte/sec application layer transmission rate [4].The success of mote’s design supports the practicability of a slightly more complex system architecture –Parallel Multiple hard Real-Time (PMRT)wireless sensor device,illustrated by Fig2.Fig 1Mote InfrastructureIn this architecture,there can be several Radio CoPUs operating at different radio frequencies,each one functions either as a receiver or a sender (note:there can be several senders in one host,though Fig 2only shows one).Each sender sends its packets according to Non-preemptive EDF .And every sender has a dedicated EDF Scheduling Pool 1in the main memory to buffer/schedule its outgoing packets.The CPU accesses each receiver/sender by clock driven periodical querying.After each query,the CPU execute the following routings:Routine 1:After queried a receiver:1.Assemble the newly received bit in the memory buffer according to the query result.2.If the bit is the last bit of a byte,assemble a newly received byte.3.If the byte is the last byte of a packet,insert the packet to the right position of the right sender’s EDF Scheduling Pool.Routine 2:After queried a sender:1.Pick the next bit-to-send from the current packet-to-send in the sender’s EDF Scheduling Pool.This bit is the bit to give to the sender in the next query.2.If the last bit of the current-packet-to send is already sent to sender,pick the next packet-to-send from the EDF Scheduling Pool as the new current packet-to-send and goto 1.3.If there is no next packet-to-send,the corresponding sender becomes idle in the next query cycle.First look at the inner-host schedulability.Suppose 21,Routine Routine C C are the worst case execution time (in the units of “CPU cycles”)for Routine 1and Routine 2respectively.Suppose R is the set of all receivers on the host and S is the set of all senders on the host.For a specific R ∈receiver the bandwidth is receiver B ,and for a specific S ∈sender ,1Sometimes is also called Scheduling Queue .But Pool is a more proper word since the behavior may be much more complicated than Queue ’s first-in-first-outbehavior.Fig 2A Future Design of Multi-channel Mote (e.g.,with 6Rec Channels and 1SendingChannel)the bandwidth is sender B (all are in the unit of “bits per second”).Let receiver k be the number of CPU queries to receive one bit on receiver and sender k be the number of CPU queries to send one bit on sender .Let CPU C to be the total CPU cycles available each second (i.e.in the unit of “CPU cycles per second”).Then the schedulability constraint set by the internal architecture of the host is (remember the internal CPU uses clock driven periodical scheduling):(1)21CPU sender Routine sender sender receiver Routine receiver receiver C C B k C B k ≤+∑∑∈∈S R I.e.,if none of the receivers/senders are overloaded (on their bandwidths),inner-host schedulability is always guaranteed .The manufacturers of PMRT wireless sensor devices should specify B receiver and B sender according to (1).The inter-host schedulability constraint analysis is as follows:In order to make things simple,we allow only one sender for each channel.On the other hand,a channel can have one (as shown by the shaded area in Fig 3(a))or multiple (as shown by the shaded area in Fig 3(b))receivers (where packet’s receiver address is used to distinguish the effective receiver).No matter how many receivers are there in a channel,the bandwidth of a channel B (in bps)is defined as the maximal affordable bit rate that the sender,anyone of the receivers and the receiver’s corresponding bit dispatcher (i.e.,the internal CPU and Memory that runs Routine1)can handle.Let’s first look at the EDF Scheduling Pool of the sender of a channel.Suppose T is the set of connections (tasks)that need to go through this sender.For a connection (or say,in real-time’s jargon –a task)T ∈τ,suppose it has a reporting frequency of τf(reportFig 3(a)Channel with SingleReceiver Fig 3(b)Channel with Multiple Receiverpackets per second)and a report packet length of τl .Then each of its report,if there is no any other connections contending,should be sent to the receiver and dispatched to thereceiver hop’s corresponding EDF Scheduling Pool in time Bl τ.However,the physical channel media is a non-preemptive resource.I.e.,if one packet started transmitting,it can not be preempted by any other packet until it is completely transmitted.Hereby,the real-time scheduler of EDF Scheduling Pool should be a Nonpreemptive EDF scheduler ,to ensure both the EDF behavior and non-preemptive usage of the channel’s physical media.Accordingly,the fine grain sufficient schedulability bound for the scheduler should be the following inequality system defined in [1].Reference:[1]G.C.Buttazzo,Hard real-time computing systems:predictable scheduling algorithm and applications,Kluwer Academic Publishers,1997[2]D.V.Gadre,Programming and Customizing the AVR Microcontroller,McGraw-Hill,2001[3]Jason Hill,Robert Szewczyk,Alec Woo,Seth Hollar,David E.Culler,Kristofer S.J.Pister,System Architecture Directions for Networked Sensors,in Proc.of ASPLOS-IX,Cambridge,Mass.2000[4]Qixin Wang,Mote’s throughput test report and source code,in/~weizhang/wsn/documents.html[5]B.Warneke,B.Atwood,K.S.J.Pister,``Smart Dust Mote Forerunners,''in Proc.of the Fourteenth Annual International Conference on Microelectromechanical systems (MEMES 2001),Interlaken,Switzerland,Jan.21-25,2001,pp.357-360.[6]/datasheet/tr1000.pdf。
音色纯美的纯直流Hi-Fi大功率纯甲类功放时间:2007-12-04 来源: 作者:莫爱雄点击:10530 字体大小:【大中小】甲类功放能抵消奇次谐波失真,末级晶体管始终工作在线性范围内,晶体管自始至终处于导通状态,因而不存在交越失真和开关失真等问题;而且甲类功放始终保持着大电流的工作状态,对大动态的音频信号能迅速反应,因而能轻而易举地获得高保真的重放效果。
充沛的力度 丰满的音色 再会CEC五周年的CD3300R
再 会 C 五 周 年 的 E C C 3 0R D 3 0
文/ 丹 张
当 这 部 2 0 年 中 期 推 出 的 纪 念 新 生 CE 五 周 年 的 05 C C 3 0 R 次 来 到 编 辑 部 的 时 候 ,朋 友 告 诉 我 , 虽 然 厂 家 已 D 30 再 经 停 止 了该 型号 的 批 量 生 产 , 但 C 3 0 R 市 场 的 认 知 度 和 D 30 在 受 欢 迎 的 热 度 仍 然 不 减 ,其 实 早 年 我 与 发 烧 的伙 伴 对 C C的 好 E
失 , 无 论 是 大 音 量 还 是 低 音 压 ,声 场 的 表 现 都 很 稳 定 ,密 度 也 始 终 保 持 着 良 好 的 高 度 性 , 带 给 发 烧 友 的 当 然 是 物 超 所 值
i _ 舞
“ 化 ” , 虽 然 加 入 了 一 些 中 性 的 元 进
素 , 使 得 机 壳 看 起 来 更 加 飘 逸 , 而 一 改 原 来 “ 气 横 秋 ” 的造 型 ,显 示 器 的 线 老
的体 现 。 一 方 面 音 色 高 贵 ,声 音 密 实 , 能 量 感 充 沛 , 不 过 不
高 级 的 P M 1 9 晶 片 (与 高 端 C C 5 X 一 样 的 解 码 芯 C 6 7 E 1R
片 ),并 灶 化 了 底 板 的 钢 性 结 构 。 而 真 实 的 表 现 ,让 我 们 透
过 Mo i r u i ( 牌 )R 书 架 音 箱 、 L b n C 6 0 合 nt do 猛 oA X2 e e S 6 P 并 放 大 器 来 一 次 亲 密 接触 吧。
朴素而 自然 的作风
C C向来 在 原 器 件 的 挑 选 上 都 是 高 规 格 的 , 务 求 靓 声 也 E
CS4344 高性价比替代料
CS4344 系列支持 10 引脚 TSSOP 封装,可以适用于商用级(‐10 到 85℃) 和工业级(‐40 到 85℃)。
- -73 -67 - -73 -67 dB
- -33 -27 - -33 -27 dB
CS4344 /5-DZZ 的动态性能(-40 至 85℃)
动态范围(注 1)
18 到 24 位 unweighted
95 105 - 93 103 - dB
92 102 - 90 100 - dB
5 VQ
O 静态电压—连接滤波器的内部静态电压
6 FILT+ O 正参考电压—内部采样的正参考电压
7 AOUTL O 模拟左输出通道――满量程模拟输出电平见模拟特征参数
I 地――地参考电压,为 0V。
9 VA
I 模拟电源――模拟与数字部分的正电源
10 AOUTR O 模拟右输出通道――满量程模拟输出电平见模拟特征参数
16 位
- -90 -82 - -90 -82 dB
- -73 -63 - -73 -63 dB
- -33 -23 - -33 -23 dB
注释: (1)在数据上添加 0.5LSB 的三角形 PDF 扰动。
● DAC 模拟特性---所有模式
Photoshop 20年发展史汇总
展示不一样的PS Photoshop 20年发展史汇总2010年2月,世界著名的图形处理软件Adobe Photoshop迎来了自己的二十岁生日。
从1990年Photoshop 1.0发布至今,Photoshop已经成为最流行的必备软件之一。
Photoshop的创始人是Thomas和John Knoll。
下面我们来回顾一下Adobe Photoshop软件这20年来的界面发展和变化。
1987年Photoshop的主要设计师Thomas Knoll的爸爸Glenn Knoll是密执根大学教授,同时也是一个摄影爱好者,他家地下室是一个暗房。
此后Thomas也迷上的个人电脑,并在1987年买一台苹果电脑(Mac Plus)用来帮助他的博士论文。
而他兄弟John这时在星球大战导演 Lucas的电影特殊效果制作公司Industry Light Magic工作,对Thomas的程序很感兴趣。
会 同 时 出 现 ,也 有可 能 会 同 时 缺 乏。 不 过 我 要 强 调 ,光 有
致 空 灵 之 美 。 应 该 这 么 说 吧 :精 确 、 快 速 反 应 、 密 度 高 、
控 制力 强 ,尤 其 最 后 一 项 更 是 重 要 。 因 为 控 制 力 强 ,使 得 高,低 频 段 不
外观。采 用 “ 群体 延 迟 ”技 术 , 有 效 地 调 校 最 佳 线 性 的 时
间 校 正 阵 列 值 ,提 高声 音 的 声像 定 位 感 。
W io do ( 信 )旗 舰 Al a d i X 2 箱 为 六 l nAu i 威 s e n r 一 音 x a 单 元 落 地 式 设 计 ,音 箱 采 用 分 体 式 设 计 , 上 半 部 分 由3 个
信 很 多 音 响 迷 终 其 一 生 没 有机 会 听 到 这 种 声 音 感 受 。 粘 滞 感 通 常 会 出 现在 中 高 频 与 高频 段 ,而 且 主 要 是 在 弦 乐 的表 现 上 ,那 种 感 觉 就 是 声 音 很 清 晰 、 很 凝 聚 ,声 音 线 条 有 重 量 ,而 且 又 有 很 高 的 自制 力 , 声 音 不 会 飙 出来 。 其 实 ,假 若 你 曾 经 听 过 现 场 的 弦 乐 四 重 奏 ,就 会 明 自我 所 说 的粘 滞 感 与 高 密 度 是 什 么 声 音。 精 确 、 快 速 反 应 与控 制力 强 几 乎 是 三 胞 胎 ,通 常 它们
以 在 打 击 乐 器 的 打 击 瞬态 反 应 里 听 到 ,也 可 以 在 低 频 的干
会 乱 , 中频 段 凝 聚 力 强 而 密 度 高 ,高 频 段 不 会 飙 得 刺 耳 。
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Your success is our futureSulzer Textil P7300hp Projectile Weaving Machine –Top performance and versatility in fabric production22000-02022002-01462000-0138The P7300hp high-performance projectile weaving machine: increase your competitive advantageWith the Sulzer TextilP7300hp you can fulfil your customers’ varyingrequirements precisely and individually. The mature projectile weft insertion technology is suitable for any weft material: spun yarns made of natural and manmade fibres, filaments,The P7300hp is a high-performance, all-purpose projectile weaving machine. Compared to the proven P7300, its performance is up to twenty per cent higher. Optimized motion sequences and direct projectile acceleration with thrust shoe result in a maximum weft insertion rate of 1570 m/min.or tapes. Whether weaving them to simple standard fabrics, fashion materials or wide, heavy technical textiles, the P7300hp is in its element.For decades, projectile weav-ing machines have been used to produce countless technical textiles, from the finest filter fabrics to densely woven and tear-resistant special fabrics for balloons and even ultra-heavycoating fabrics – all in out-standing quality.Denim fabrics are produced worldwide and withgreat success on projectile weaving machines. In the production of fabrics from polypropylene tapes, for Big Bags,geotextiles or agrotextiles,the projectile weaving machine excels withunparalleled economy andquality.32001-00809094-0161Cost-efficient and geared to your needsThe perfect interaction of a technologically mature design and cutting-edge computer technology puts the P7300hp in a class of its own. Its versatility and fast adaptability make it your company’s new success factor.Curtains and drapes inlarge widths can be woven best and most easily on the P7300hp .You can only gain from the multi-facetted benefits of the P7300hp :•lowest specific power consumption of all weaving systems•tucked selvedges withoutcostly raw material wastage•quick warp and style changing •low spare parts consumption and low-maintenance operation•super-easy operation combined with high reliability•oil bath-immersed,practically maintenance-free sub-units.The P7300hp combines top productivity – thanks to quick style changing, easy programming and high speed – with outstanding reliability.On models with large working widths, its efficien-cy is further increased by its ability to weave several fabric runs of the same or different widths simultane-ously. As a result, the maxi-mum weft insertion rate is attained at low machine rpm. That reduces machine wear and building stresses,lowers space requirementsand helps save electricity.42004-00542002-00982004-0103Projectile weft insertion –reliable and controlledThe weft is guided in a controlled manner in every phase of weft insertion: from weft transfer to the projectile, through insertion into the shed, to beat-up.Worldwide, there are mil-lions of projectiles in operation 24 hours a day The projectiles grip reliably a wide variety of threads,tapes or monofilaments and insert them in the shed.Reflecting the varying requirements for different weft yarns, projectile grip-pers with various clamping forces and surface areas are available. One outstand-ing feature of projectile technology is that the weft is inserted without central transfer, i.e. withoutadditional acceleration and braking. With this unique insertion technology,the P7300hp inserts all weft yarns in a controlled manner and with lowyarn strain, thus helping to ensure maximum reliability in the production of quality fabrics.The picking lever with the thrust shoe for directacceleration plays a key role in achieving the high weft insertion rate.The electronic warp let-off control guarantees constant warp tension frombeginning to end of the warp.Optionally, the P7300hp projectile weaving machine can be equipped with a control system for two, four or six weft colours.Unique weaving widths up to 540 cmThe P7300hp is available in nine working widths, from 190 cm to 540 cm. It is the only weaving machine for which 540 cm is a standard width. This has crucial advantages in the produc-tion of technical textiles.For instance, it enables agro- and geotextiles to be produced in large widths so that fewer seams are required.Minimizing yarn wastage –every selvedge the way you need itIn both single- and multi-panel weaving, everyselvedge can be tucked by standard or intermediate tucking units. The width of the tucked selvedges can be set from 18 to 25 mm and even to 35 mm. Accurate weft length measurement ensures that there is no yarn wastage. Instead of tucking units, the P7300hp can be equipped with devices for producing leno or melted selvedges. In the case of leno selvedges the Selvedge Saver eliminates auxiliary selvedges, thus economizing warp and weft yarn – a saving thattranslates into hard cash.52001-00572004-0072No compromises on fabric qualityIn developing the P7300hp , top fabric quality was our paramount goal. We achieved it with a new shed geometry.Premium fabrics,flawless qualityThe interplay of shed for-mation and warp and weft run is crucial for a flawless appearance of the cloth. In the P7300hp this principle has beenconsistently applied. By entering just a few data at the terminal, the cloth take-up, shed levelling and warp let-off are optimally coordinated. In this waysensor systems. A variety of back rest roller and cloth take-up systems are avail-able to suit the density and type of the fabric being woven. The weft density is adjustable in steps of 0.1pick per cm.No limits to fabric patterning A tappet motion with up to 14 heald shafts or an elec-tronically controlled dobby for a maximum of 18 heald shafts can be fitted for shed formation.In combination with the colour selector, which can handle up to 6 weft colours,there are practically no re-strictions on the designer's imagination.Perfect control of warptension is achieved with the new force sensors on the fabric support, where fabric quality is decided. Thisconfiguration is suitable for both warp tensioner and whip roller systems.A cloth take-up with a take-up and press roller isstandard equipment on the P7300hp . The floating take-up roller (photo) ensures reliable take-up even of heavy fabrics.starting marks are reliably and effectively avoided,even with delicate fabrics.Warp let-off and clothtakeup are electronicallycontrolled. With wideweaving machines or when using two half warp beamsthe machine is equippedwith two warp let-offdevices. The warp tensionof each warp let-off iscontrolled by separate624-6Projectile technology for top resultsGeared to the future, with mature mechanical systems and the latest computer technology, the P7300hp fulfils the requirements of today’s and tomorrow’s weaving rooms.The P7300hp helps ensure high productivity, user-friendly operation and high fabric quality. The machine’s modular design means that it can be adapted to meet future needs at any time. So even in the long term it remains a sound invest-ment.79099-0065The Sulzer Textil P7300hp produces fabrics in supreme quality, from all raw materials and for all applications.With a weft insertion rate of up to 1570 m/min it isoutstandingly cost-efficient.82004-00102001-00162001-00562003-0077The weaving machine for tomorrow’s needsThe versatility of the P7300hp is clear – in itsequipment and in the many optional extras available.With accessories tailored to the application it can be customized to meet your exact needs.With the P7300hp you are investing in a future-oriented, upgradeableweaving system. Thanks to its modular design, the machine can be adapted at low cost to meet new requirements. Thus it is a machine that can “grow”with your customers’ needs.Expanding the colourselector from two to four or even six weft colours is just as simple as switch-ing from tappet motion to dobby for shed formation.With the new machine-coupled pick findingfunction, operation of the weaving machine has been substantially improved.The P7300hp can be equip-ped with tappet motions for four to 14 heald shafts.The built-in levelling device facilitates operation.Whether equipped with a dobby for up to 18 shafts or a tappet motion for up to 14shafts, setting of the shed isquick and easy.92004-0080The P7300hp fulfils thehighest quality standards in the production of high-quality jacquard fabrics.Maintenance costs minimized –benefit maximizedIn servicing and mainte-nance, the P7300hp sets new standards. Substan-tially longer servicing and oil change intervals reflect the machine’s outstanding reliability and cost-efficiency. The reduced number of different lubri-cants saves costs through simplified logistics. All joints in the shaft drive have permanently lubri-cated ball bearings.The lifting levers are lubri-cated with grease. The new casing prevents accumu-lation of dust and is easy toLow-maintenance shaft drives with permanently lubricated ball bearingsbring an additional benefit –high flexibility for quick and easy style changes.clean. Practical mechanical and electronic safety com-ponents provide maximum protection for operatingpersonnel.1020040-07520040-07620040-0772004-0095-1Integration in networks to optimize the weaving processCorporate integration in local and global networks is also a major challenge in the textile industry.Sultex’s answer: state-of-the-art control systems architecture in its weaving machines.Reacting and supplying fast while maintaining high fabric quality are theessential preconditions for gaining advantages in the marketplace. In order to satisfy these demanding criteria the new projectile weaving machine has been equipped with a ground-breaking weaving machine control system.In the P7300hp , latest-generation microprocessors control, monitor and regu-late all major machine functions, thus ensuring consistently high quality in the weaving process.A touch-screen terminal is the clear, user-friendly man-machine interface.This user interface is based on Internet browsertechnology: the P7300hp thus anticipates the future of the textile industry.They include:•automatic adjustment of the weft detector•optimal adjustment of the projectile brake•semi-automatic warppull-through with synchronized drives•extended statistical functions •simple, accurate diagnoses•additional help functions.Besides machineparameters and pattern data which can be pro-grammed at the terminal or transferred viaproduction management systems and memory cards,statistical, help and diagnosis functions are available to simplify operation.Maximum user-friendliness and pioneering browser technology – twocharacteristic features of the terminal on the newprojectile weaving machine.Thanks to ergonomically arranged keys with clear,easy-to-understand symbols,operation of the P7300hpis simplicity itself.112004-0074-13World-class weaving machines –worldwide after sales service tailored to your needsProject consultingIf desired, our experts will draw up plans for optimal positioning of your weaving machines, and advise you on the modernization of an existing production facility or the planning of a new one.Production economics Our broad-basedknowledge of weaving processes is a safe founda-tion for investment and profitability analyses on any scale. The results are a dependable guide for rational investment decisions reflecting a genuine need.Weaving trialsOur Textile Centres inSwitzerland, Japan and the USA make the large body of weaving knowledge ob-tained from research,development and pro-cessing available to you.At Sultex, you can test any yarn on any machine you want. The results will guide you to the most suitable weaving system.Training Correct training is crucial for optimal utilization of our weaving systems. We train your operating personnel on the spot at your facility, in special courses at Sultex, or at one of the training centres we operate around the world.Besides the basic courses we offer, we can collaborate with you to develop training concepts to suit your organization or to meet other specific puter Based Training Sultex’s Computer Based Training is the key to independent, on-the-spot basic and further training.Based on the “learning on the job” principle, it teaches how to carry out settings,adjustments and checks, via clear, easy-to-understand videos, animations and illustrations.With regard to both content and method the course is professionally designed and makes learning a pleasure.AVANTI services / Textile Technical Consulting Increase the efficiency of your weaving mill and strengthen your position in the market. Sultex can assist you by running and maintaining your facility for you, partially or completely.Tailor-made options are available for the entire production process from warping to weaving, on request with guarantees according to your requirements.Our experts from Textile Technical Consulting can provide professional support in developing new fabrics and optimizing entire production processes.In this way you can achieve optimal fabric quality and ensure maximum cost-efficiency for your facility.Customer Support Services Supplying you quickly and reliably with spare parts,components andaccessories is one of the most important servicesoffered by Sultex. With “ELSPACEnet” (Electronic Spare Part Catalogue via Internet) and “EDOSnet”(Electronic Direct Ordering System via Internet), our spare parts logistics are continuously adapted to customers’ and market requirements, thus ensuring fast,comprehensive availability and supply.Upgrading Thanks to their modular design, our weavingmachines can be upgradedat any time to meet changing market require-ments. Our specialists will be glad to advise you.Based on close customer contacts, Sultex ensures that support for its partners and customers continues after they purchase their weaving machines. Sultex service is not limited to merely commissioning the machines. It also ensures that they remain fully functional and available throughout their service lives, to give the usercomplete satisfaction.Your success is our future24-19-2995-984PrintedinSwitzerlande/35.6.9BodSultex LimitedHead OfficeCH-8630 Ruti ZH, SwitzerlandPhone+41 (0)55 250 21 21Fax+41 (0)55 250 21 01******************Outstanding featuresof the Sulzer Textil P7300hp:•uncompromisingimplementation of customers’requirements•high flexibility for rapid responseto changing market trends•logical technological concept forexcellent fabric quality•designed for exceptionally cost-efficient production of a broad range of fabrics•low operating costs thanks to low service requirement.Specifications subject tochange without notice.。
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Premium Support商业支持服务说明书
Support That Steps Up to Today’s Business Challenges—That’s Premium SupportWhen you need the best possible care of your complex environment, turn to Premium Support.Premium SupportWith Premium Support, you get direct accessto both business and technical dedicated se-nior support experts, who will learn the nuances of your specific software environment to pro -vide you with personalized, strategic support. Y ou will receive faster responses, shorter time to resolution, escalated priority, and proactive, tailored support. Select the type and level of engineer you need, add account management, and experience the Premium difference.Time to resolution is business critical. When a support issue arises, you need it resolved immediately to minimize business disruption. Premium Support gives you direct access to our most experienced support engineers, with deep technical expertise to resolve your most challenging issues with speed. These engineers are dedicated to a limited number of customers, ensuring they gain an in-depth understanding of your unique IT environment before issues arise. This allows them to skip the preliminary steps of gathering information, and move immediately into problem isolation, to bring you back online without delay. Combine this exceptional technical attention with our experienced and personalized support account management, to fast-track escalation management and to drive coordination and accountability.What’s more, with a team of dedicated experts focusing on your business, our goal is to pre-vent problems from occurring in the first place. We’ll advise you on your patch strategy, config -uration best practices, provide supportabilityassessments, and plan out your product road-map—to ensure we are optimizing your envi -ronment and minimizing downtime.With your complex, hybrid IT environment, you need a team of experts to ensure your OpenText solutions run seamlessly in your unique environment, and that your OpenT ext software is providing maximum dependability and value to your business.Premium Support will help lighten your IT staff’s workload, allowing you to focus on what’s important to you—growing your business. Since every organization has different needs, Premium Support gives you access to a blend of technical and strategic support personnel. Choose one or more of our Premium Support offerings to maximize the value from your soft -ware investment:■ Named Support Engineer ■ Solution Support Engineer ■ Dedicated Support Engineer ■ T echnical Account Manager ■ Enterprise Support Manager ■ Flexible CreditsPremium Support EngineersGetting the most from today’s customized, com p lex hybrid IT environments, is a real chal -lenge. The skills and resources to support these complex systems are hard to find, espe -cially if you’ve tailored your solutions to spe -cifically fit your business. We have the answer. With a Premium Support Engineer, you have direct access to a named, senior engineer with deep technical expertise, who:Premium Support at a Glance:■ F aster time to resolution ■ M inimize downtime■ M anage complex hybrid IT environments ■ T urn your software investment into value■ Products:Named Support Engineer Solution Support Engineer Dedicated Support Engineer T echnical Account Manager Enterprise Support ManagerFlexible CreditsFlyerFlyerSupport That Steps Up to T oday’s Business Challenges—That’s Premium Support■Acts as your single point of contact forthe support incidents that are openedfor a specific product center■Becomes your trusted advisor,by understanding your technicalenvironment and implementation■Owns your problem resolution and providestimely updates on open incidents■Develops a strong working relationshipwith your team to resolve issues quicklyand efficiently■Submits enhancement and defect reports as neededY ou Choose the Level of Dedication, the Breadth of Services, and the Response Times That Best MatchY our Business NeedsWe assign each Premium Support Engineer based on product expertise. You choose the level of dedication, breadth of services, and the response times and hours of coverage that best match your business needs. Select from the following:■Named Support Engineer (NSE) who handles up to 35 incidents a year during business hours with a one hour target response time on severity levels 1 and 2 ■Solution Support Engineer (SSE) who handles unlimited incidents up to 25% of the engineer’s time, a 30 minute target response time and 24x7x365 coverage for Severity 1 issues, 4 days on site per year and proactive technical guidance■Dedicated Support Engineer (DSE),who is dedicated full-time at your site, handles a 15 minute target response time and 24x7x365 coverage for Severity 1 issues, and strategically partners withyou to ensure business continuityWith each of these engineers, you also have access to a Support Account Manager, whoprovides quarterly incident reviews and escala-tion management for Severity 1 issues.For a full deliverables overview, please see thetable on the following page.T echnical Account Manager (T AM)Technical Account Managers (TAMs) ares enior engineers with deep technical exper-tise in a particular product center. TAMs pro-vide expert product knowledge and technicalskill to improve the efficiency and stability ofyour OpenT ext software solutions. They workwith your team to understand your IT infra-structure and implementation, and will con-duct supportability reviews, advise on patchmanagement, and provide prescriptive road-map planning.Other responsibilities of your Technical Ac-count Manager include the following:■Applies best practices to help youminimize operational risks and avoidcommon pitfalls■Visits your site, learning your systems,and building relationships with your team■Offers technical support mentoring toincrease your team’s knowledge■Builds a detailed profile of your systemsto improve the support that OpenT extdelivers■Provides prescriptive product roadmapsto inform your planning and to assistin upgrade and migration planning■Acts as a strategic partner in developingplans to proactively improve andmaintain your software investmentFor a full deliverables overview, please see thetable on the following page.Enterprise Support ManagerEnterprise Support Managers (ESMs) are se-nior, experienced account managers, whogain in-depth knowledge of your businessand priorities by visiting your site and buildingrelationships with your teams. They focus onthe non-technical aspects of your supportpartnership. ESMs will review your supportincidents and assume direct responsibilityfor escalating your issues to ensure their fastresolution. They will also coordinate service Micro Focus Support PortfolioPremium SupportProblem Resolution Technical Guidance Support ManagementBusiness SupportFlexibleCredits Named Support Engineer Technical Account ManagerSolution Support EngineerDedicated Support Engineerpp gEnterprise SupportManagerFigure 1. Micro Focus Support Portfoliodelivery against your defined business goals and provide quarterly business reviews. Other primary responsibilities of y our Enterprise Support Manager include the following:■ Acts as your ambassador, leveragingsupport resources to ensure delivery success■ On-boards and trains your staff on supportresources and tools■ Navigates OpenT ext processes to ensureescalations happen quickly, and solutions to requests are handled in a timely manner■ Provides quarterly detailed reporting,supports Key Performance Indicator (KPI) trending, and is responsible for analyzing the trends in order to provide recommendations■ Proactively monitors support incidents,and facilitates regular meetings to review status and ensure progress■ Understands your business goals anddesired outcomes, and manages to consistent service levels■ Facilitates meetings with R&D and productmanagement as neededFor a full deliverables overview, please see the following table.Secure the Services Y ou Need, When Y ou Need ThemFlexible CreditsIn IT, you constantly juggle business-critical projects and push against deadlines. The business expects you to improve the quality of services while implementing projects that drive innovation. Change is part of the landscape, and you have to expect the unexpected. T o be successful you need to be agile and addressdemands in real time, with proven results.(remote also available)Attend staff meetings Yes Participate in project planningYes Regular checks of environment stability & optimizationYesContinued on the next pageWhat Does This Mean For Y ou?Flexible Credits are ideal for those times whenyou need more support—such as help with an upgrade, or onsite troubleshooting of a complex issue. You can also use your Flexible Credits for environment assessments, training, and guidance on how to implement key func -tionality or plan migrations. Y ou get exactly what you need, when you need it most. With Flexible Credits we build a package customized to what you need. What’s more, Flexible Credits give you buying power throughout the year, avoid -ing extra procurement processes, so you can get access to a wide array of services as and when you need them.Y ou can purchase Flexible Credits upfront with your license contract or as you go. Then sim -ply redeem these Flexible Credits for additional short-term support, education or consulting services when and where you need them most.Watch: Introducing Flexible Credits Read our Flexible Credits GuidePremium SupportSoftware environments can be complex. In to -day’s fast-paced market, having someone you can trust and who understands your software configuration can make all the difference. Micro Focus Premium Support gives you named and dedicated support personnel who really know your IT environment. A flexible blend of problem resolution, technical guidance and strategic support personnel that champion your suc-cess and ensure you’re getting the most out ofyour software investment.at conferences and local advisory boardsFacilitates direction-setting conversations with Engineering & Product Management YesManages overall support strategy & experience Yes Maintains Customer Support Plan Yes Provides Support Business Reviews Quarterly Strategic AdvisorYesWatch: Introducing Premium Support Learn more about Premium Support Learn more at。
Photoshop CS5 自述
• DVD-ROM 驱动器 • Adobe Photoshop Extended 中的一些 3D 功能需要使用能够支持
OpenGL 2.0 且至少具有 256MB VRAM(推荐使用 512MB VRAM)的 图形卡 • Shader Model 3.0 • Bridge 中的一些功能依赖能够支持 DirectX9 且至少具有 128MB VRAM 的图形卡 • 多媒体功能所必需的 QuickTime 7.4.5 • 联机服务所必需的宽带 Internet 连接
Mac: 将软件 DVD 放入驱动器,浏览到位于光盘根目录下的应用程序文件夹, 双击 Install.app,然后按屏幕说明操作。 如果您是从 Web 下载的软件,请打开文件夹,浏览到应用程序文件夹, 双击 Install.app,然后按屏幕说明操作。
4. 如果作为升级进行安装,安装程序会检查您的系统以查找有效的升级产 品。 如果找不到,安装程序会要求您输入要升级的产品的序列号。 您还 可以安装软件的试用版,然后在启动时显示的序列号屏幕中,输入新序 列号和以前版本的序列号。
1. 在安装前,请确保关闭系统中正在运行的所有应用程序(包括其他 Adobe 应用程序、Microsoft Office 应用程序和浏览器窗口)。 我们还 建议您在安装过程中临时关闭病毒防护。
2. 您必须具有管理权限,或者能够通过管理员身份验证。 3. 执行下列操作之一:
Windows: 将软件 DVD 放入驱动器,然后按屏幕说明操作。如果安装程序没有自 动启动,请导航至位于 DVD 根目录下的 Adobe Photoshop CS5 文件夹, 双击 Set-up.exe 启动安装程序。 如果是从 Web 下载的软件,则安装程序会自动自我提取并启动。如果 安装程序没有自动启动,请打开文件夹,浏览到 Adobe CS5 文件夹, 双击 Set-up.exe,然后按屏幕说明操作。
低端平台直推音特美ER4系列之听感来源:图:极品摩根文:极品摩根类型:论坛发布时间:2010.09.07 13:44原文链接关于小四,很多朋友都听过、拥有过,写过小四听感的高人也大有人在。
试音设备清单播放设备:PC(ALC662)、Rca s2001a、zune 30G听音设备:ER4P(黑色右耳R版本)、ER4S(红蓝直线)、ER4B(黑色右耳红点版本)、大四(原线换百威头的监听版YLJ~E4)、ER6I(原线原头YLJ)加入E4和ER6I的目的是让仨小四的声音有个相对的参照标准,另外由于写这篇文章的时候,er6i已出,有关声音凭记忆,可能有所偏差。
试音曲:La Campanella、机遇、矜持、偏偏喜欢你、阿姐鼓、鬼太鼓座、出埃及记、摆渡人之歌Rca s2001a平台这只MP3是YLJ,推力在mp3中算是比较大的,连600Ω的K240DF都能够推出听的清楚的声音。
ZUNE 30G平台在zune 30G上,所有在测耳塞都能够有比较正确的表现,没有出恶声、怪声,下面写具体听感。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Adobe®Creative Suite 4 Design Premium 自述欢迎使用 Adobe® Creative Suite® 4 Design Premium。
本文档包含 Creative Suite 4 Design Premium 文档所未提供的最新产品信息、更新资料和疑难解答提示。
Creative Suite 4 Design Premium 应用程序最低系统要求安装软件卸载软件从试用版购买电子许可注册信息字体安装已知问题客户服务其他资源单独产品信息Creative Suite 4 Design Premium 应用程序• Adobe InDesign® CS4• Adobe Photoshop® CS4 Extended• Adobe Illustrator® CS4• Adobe Acrobat® 9 Pro• Adobe Flash® CS4 Professional• Adobe Dreamweaver® CS4• Adobe Fireworks® CS4•Adobe Bridge CS4(提供对 Version Cue®和 Adobe® Device Central 的直接访问)•Adobe Media Player最低系统要求Windows®• 2GHz 或更快的处理器•带 Service Pack 2 的 Microsoft® Windows® XP(推荐 Service Pack 3)或带 Service Pack 1 的 Windows Vista® Home Premium、Business、Ultimate 或 Enterprise 版(经认证可用于 32 位 Windows XP 和 Windows Vista)• MS热修补程序 KB-930627:/kb/930627 是以下系统所必需的:Microsoft® Windows® XP Home、Professional 或带 Service Pack 2 的 Tablet PCEdition(64 位);Windows Server® 2003(带用于 64 位的 Service Pack 2);或Windows Vista® Home Basic、Home Premium、Business、Ultimate 或不带 ServicePack 1 的 Enterprise(64 位)• 1 GB 内存或更多内存(推荐)•安装所需的 9.3GB 可用硬盘空间;安装过程中需要更多的可用空间(无法在基于闪存的存储设备上安装)• 1,024x768 的显示器分辨率(推荐 1,280x800),16 位或更高的显卡•某些 GPU 加速功能要求 Shader Model 3.0 和 OpenGL 2.0 图形支持• Adobe Bridge中的某些功能需要支持DirectX9的图形显示卡,至少64 MB显存• DVD-ROM 驱动器•多媒体功能所必需的 QuickTime 7.4.5•联机服务所必需的宽带 Internet 连接Mac OS• PowerPC® G5 或多核 Intel® 处理器•Mac OS X v10.4.11–10.5.4•Adobe Version Cue Server所必需的 Java™ Runtime Environment 1.5• 1 GB 内存或更多内存(推荐)•安装所需的 10.3GB 可用硬盘空间;安装过程中需要更多硬盘空间(无法安装在使用区分大小写的文件系统的卷或基于闪存的存储设备上)• 1,024x768 的显示器分辨率(推荐 1,280x800),16 位显卡•某些 GPU 加速功能要求 Shader Model 3.0 和 OpenGL 2.0 图形支持• DVD-ROM 驱动器•多媒体功能所必需的 QuickTime 7.4.5•联机服务所必需的宽带 Internet 连接有关系统要求的更新信息,请访问/go/designpremium_systemreqs_cn如果有高速 Internet 连接,此产品可能允许您访问联机提供的某些功能(“联机服务”)。
对联机服务的使用应受单独的使用条款和 Adobe 联机隐私策略的制约,要访问这些服务,可能需要用户注册。
有关详细信息,以及要查看使用条款和联机隐私策略,请访问 /cn/。
安装软件1.请在安装前关闭系统中正在运行的所有应用程序,包括其他 Adobe 应用程序、MicrosoftOffice 应用程序和浏览器窗口。
3. 执行如下操作:Windows:o将 DVD 放入光盘驱动器,然后按屏幕指示操作。
如果安装程序没有自动启动,请浏览到位于光盘根目录下的 Adobe CS4 文件夹,双击 Setup.exe 启动安装程序。
o如果您是从网站下载的软件,请打开文件夹,浏览到 Adobe CS4 文件夹,双击 Setup.exe,然后按屏幕指示操作。
Mac:o将 DVD 放入光盘驱动器,然后按屏幕指示操作。
如果安装程序没有自动启动,请浏览到位于光盘根目录下的应用程序文件夹,双击 Setup Mac OS® 启动安装程序。
o如果您是从网站下载的软件,请打开文件夹,浏览到应用程序文件夹,双击 Setup,然后按屏幕指示操作。
5.有关其他的 CS4 安装帮助,请访问 /go/cs4install_cn/。
(#BG063142)•如果安装 Creative Suite 4 后启动的第一个应用程序是 Acrobat 9,则会出现消息“必须启动另一 Creative Suite 应用程序”。
请启动 Creative Suite 4 中包含的任何其他程序。
(#BG044824)•在 Vista 64 位上安装 32 位应用程序时,会显示错误的默认安装位置。
应用程序将安装到以下的正确位置:c:\program files(x86)。
(#BG059229)•安装过程可能需要花费 20 分钟到 1 小时以上的时间,具体取决于产品和选择安装的组件数量。
(#BG050030)•Creative Suite 4 无法安装到加密的文件夹。
(#BG065106)•建议在安装包含 Acrobat 9 Pro 的任意 Creative Suite 4 版本后重新启动计算机。
•尽管可以选择将 Creative Suite 4 的某个版本安装在次要分区,但是安装程序仍然要求主分区上有最大 6GB 的可用空间才能完成安装。
•即使在安装 Creative Suite 4 的某个版本时,也无法将日文版和英文版 InDesign 安装在同一台计算机上。
(#BG069587)•有关安装的详细信息,请访问/support/loganalyzer/注意:为了在初始安装后安装附加的组件或重新安装软件,您必须保证可以访问原始安装程序(CD、DVD 或从网站下载的文件)。
卸载软件1. 请在卸载前关闭系统中正在运行的所有应用程序,包括其他 Adobe 应用程序、MicrosoftOffice 应用程序和浏览器窗口。
2. 执行如下操作:o在 Windows XP 中,打开 Windows 控制面板,双击“添加/删除程序”。
o在 Windows Vista 中,打开 Windows 控制面板,双击“程序和功能”。
o重要:Mac OS 具有新的卸载功能。
要在 Mac OS X 上安全地卸载,请双击“应用程序/实用程序/AdobeInstallers”或“应用程序”文件夹中的“卸载”别名。
(#BG69109)•请注意,某些文件在卸载 Creative Suite 4 应用程序后会保留在系统中。
从试用版购买如果已经安装了 Creative Suite 4 Design Premium 的试用版,则可以输入序列号使其转换为正式版。
通过输入在购买 Design Premium 时获得的序列号,即可将试用版转换为正式版。
只需启动任意Design Premium 应用程序,然后在序列化屏幕中输入序列号。
下次启动作为 Design Premium 一部分安装的其他应用程序时,这些应用程序将识别新序列号。
要订购批量许可,请联系当地零售商或授权的 Adobe 许可中心。
有关详细信息,请参阅 Adobe 软件许可协议。
软件可能会自动尝试通过 Internet 激活。