

恩智浦半导体BATT-18EMBERATOR 18芯电池组模拟器用户手册说明书

恩智浦半导体BATT-18EMBERATOR 18芯电池组模拟器用户手册说明书

UM11817Introduction to 18-cell slider battery pack emulatorRev. 1 — 17 February 2023User manualIntroduction to 18-cell slider battery pack emulatorIntroduction to 18-cell slider battery pack emulator 1 IntroductionThe BATT-18EMULATOR board can emulate a multi-cell battery pack that can be easily hooked-up to the evaluation boards for MC33774 18-cell battery cell controllers (BCCs):•RD33774ADSTEVB - distributed board with single MC33774•RD33774CNT3EVB - centralized board with three MC33774The user can connect the BATT-18EMULATOR board for a quick evaluation of NXP BCC ICs, or to help the users in their software development. These boards basically provide a very intuitive way:•To change the voltage across any of the 18 cells of an emulated battery pack•To change the voltage across some analog inputs of the BCC IC that are typically used as temperature sensorsFigure 1. BATT-18EMULATOR2 Getting started2.1 Kit contents/packing listThe kit contents include:•BATT-18EMULATOR, 18-cell slider battery pack emulator•25 W AC-DC adapter with +5 VDC/5 A single output - DC plug type P1J (2.1 × 5.5 × 11 mm), tuning fork type, center positive•Adapter cable DC plug 2.1 × 5.5 × 11 mm to 2.5 × 5.5 × 9.5 mmIntroduction to 18-cell slider battery pack emulator 3 Getting to know the hardware3.1 Board features•18 slider potentiometers to adjust the cells voltage between 1.2 V and 3.3 V. The maximum total voltage has been limited to 60 V.•Three cells voltage can be inverted to apply voltages from −1.2 V to −3.3 V•Maximum current capability per channel: 200 mA•Three connectors for MC33774 evaluation boards connections•Temperature sensor output voltage can vary from 0 V to +4.95 V to simulate negative temperature coefficient (NTC) sensor3.2 Board functionsThe board has been designed and optimized for the operating conditions described in Table 1 and Table 2. Usage of the board beyond these conditions can lead to malfunction and damage.Table 1. Limiting valuesIn accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134).[1]The maximum input supply current depends on the setup: number of boards connected, cells voltage, activated cell balancing channels; seeSection 3.3.3.[1]With jumpers setting, it is possible to get negative voltages from −3.3 V to −1.2 V for cells 13, 8 and 4; see Section 3.3.4.Introduction to 18-cell slider battery pack emulator 3.3 Board functional descriptionFigure 2. BATT-18EMULATOR board elements3.3.1 DescriptionEach cell emulation is made of a 5 V to 5 V unregulated isolated DC-DC converter and an adjustable regulator. The regulator output voltage is set thanks to a voltage slider. Minimum voltage is 1.2 V and maximum is set to 3.3 V.3.3.2 Connection and configurationThe emulator board requires a 5 V DC power supply with 5 A current capability. The power supply is connected to the board via J3 a Ø2.5 mm jack connector or using the 2 mm bananas J2(+) and J1(−). The center pinis connected to the positive voltage and the ring terminal to the ground. The input of the board is 5 A fuse protected. An LED allows the user to check that the board is powered up. If the voltage is present on the jack connector but the LED is off, then check the fuse F1.Up to three evaluation boards RD33774ADSTEVB or one RD33774CNT3EVB can be connected using connectors J4, J5, and J6 with no specific order.3.3.3 Current consumptionThe slider pack should be supplied with a +5 V AC-DC adapter or with a lab supply. The required supply current depends on several parameters described below.With no board connected, the default supply current on the 5 V primary is around 500 mA [19 × 28 mA (DC-DC typ supply current)].One RD33774ADSTEVB board, communicating, no balancing activated, consumes around 10.5 mA. Then the total supply current required on the 5 V primary is around 700 mA [500 mA + (19 × 10.5 mA)].If three boards are connected, then the supply current is 500 mA + (3 × 19 × 10.5 mA) = 1 A.If cell balancing is activated, the primary current depends on the cell voltage, the balancing resistance, and the number of balancing metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) activated.Introduction to 18-cell slider battery pack emulator On RD33774ADSTEVB, the balancing resistance is 22 Ω per cell balancing channel. With V cell = 3.3 V, the peak balancing current is 150 mA peak, 75 mA average assuming a 50 % duty cycle. If N cell balancing MOSFETs are activated, then N × 75 mA are added to the primary current needed. If one board is connected and all18 cell balancing MOSFETs are activated, then the total current is 700 mA + 18 × 75 mA = 2 A. Each individual channel (200 mA of current capability) has to provide 10.5 mA + 75 mA averaged or 10.5 mA + 150 mA peak. Note: The current is limited to 180 mA per channel. If several boards are connected, it is recommended toavoid to activate same cell balancing channels at the same time on all the boards.3.3.4 Cell polarity selectionThree pairs of jumpers allow the polarity to be reversed for cell polarities for cell4 (C5M − C4M), cell8(C9M − C8M) and cell13 (C14M − C13M) therefore providing voltages between −1.2 V and −3.3 V; see Table 3.Note: Jumper selections should be done prior to supplying the BATT-18EMULATOR. Adjacent cell voltages are impacted when changing the polarities.3.3.5 External voltage injectionThe three jumpers can also be used as injection points to inject voltages above slider ranges: −1.2 V < V inj <+1.2 V or 3.3 V < V inj, typically to evaluate MC33774 cell terminal measurements at very low voltage (busbars) or a high-voltage cell.As example, to inject a voltage between C5M and C4M, remove jumper J8, keep jumper J7 1-2, and connect a floating supply between J8-2 and J7-1 or 2. Do not exceed maximum ratings and keep cell voltage in the range −5 V to +5 V.3.3.6 Temperature sensor simulationA separate slider allows the variation of the voltage across the temperature sensors.The temperature sensor output voltage can vary from 0 V to +4.95 V. It can mimic the temperaturevariation from −48 °C to +200 °C of a 10 kΩ NTC sensor. This output voltage is connected to four different general‑purpose input/output (GPIO) on the MC33774 (GPIO 1, 2, 7, 8) configured as ratiometric inputs with10 kΩ pull‑up resistors to VAUX (3.3 V typ.).3.4 MC33774 board connectionsThree 32 pins connectors (JAE Electronics MX34032NF2) J4, J5, J6 are connected in parallel as perthe following schematic Figure 3. Up to three boards (for example, RD33774ADSTEVB) or one boardRD33774CNT3EVB can be connected on any of these connectors.Introduction to 18-cell slider battery pack emulator Slider cell 0 is setting the voltage between C0M (cell0M) and C1M (cell0P), slider cell 1 is setting the voltage between C1M (cell1M) and C2M (cell1P), and so on, slider cell 17 is setting the voltage between C17M(cell17M) and C17P (cell17P).C17P-PWR and GND (pin 21) are used to supply the RD33774ADSTEVB and are separated from C17P andC0M respectively to avoid any voltage drop due to the current consumption of the evaluation boards.The slide temperature sensor is connected on pin 17 to pin 20 (NTC1, 2, 7 and 8 for RD33774DSTEVB).Figure 4. BATT-18EMULATOR connected to three RD33774DSTEVBIntroduction to 18-cell slider battery pack emulator 4 SchematicFigure 5. SchemaIntroduction to 18-cell slider battery pack emulator 5 Legal information5.1 DefinitionsDraft — A draft status on a document indicates that the content is still under internal review and subject to formal approval, which may resultin modifications or additions. NXP Semiconductors does not give any representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information included in a draft version of a document and shall have no liability for the consequences of use of such information.5.2 DisclaimersLimited warranty and liability — Information in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, NXP Semiconductors does not give any representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of such information and shall have no liability for the consequences of use of such information. NXP Semiconductors takes no responsibility for the content in this document if provided by an information source outside of NXP Semiconductors.In no event shall NXP Semiconductors be liable for any indirect, incidental, punitive, special or consequential damages (including - without limitation -lost profits, lost savings, business interruption, costs related to the removal or replacement of any products or rework charges) whether or not such damages are based on tort (including negligence), warranty, breach of contract or any other legal theory.Notwithstanding any damages that customer might incur for any reason whatsoever, NXP Semiconductors’ aggregate and cumulative liability towards customer for the products described herein shall be limited in accordance with the Terms and conditions of commercial sale of NXP Semiconductors.Right to make changes — NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes to information published in this document, including without limitation specifications and product descriptions, at any time and without notice. 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Customers should provide appropriate design and operating safeguards to minimize the risks associated with their applications and products.NXP Semiconductors does not accept any liability related to any default, damage, costs or problem which is based on any weakness or defaultin the customer’s applications or products, or the application or use by customer’s third party customer(s). Customer is responsible for doing all necessary testing for the customer’s applications and products using NXP Semiconductors products in order to avoid a default of the applicationsand the products or of the application or use by customer’s third party customer(s). NXP does not accept any liability in this respect.Terms and conditions of commercial sale — NXP Semiconductors products are sold subject to the general terms and conditions of commercial sale, as published at /profile/terms, unless otherwise agreed in a valid written individual agreement. In case an individual agreement is concluded only the terms and conditions of the respective agreement shall apply. NXP Semiconductors hereby expressly objects to applying the customer’s general terms and conditions with regard to the purchase of NXP Semiconductors products by customer.Suitability for use in automotive applications — This NXP product has been qualified for use in automotive applications. If this product is usedby customer in the development of, or for incorporation into, products or services (a) used in safety critical applications or (b) in which failure could lead to death, personal injury, or severe physical or environmental damage (such products and services hereinafter referred to as “Critical Applications”), then customer makes the ultimate design decisions regarding its products and is solely responsible for compliance with all legal, regulatory, safety, and security related requirements concerning its products, regardless ofany information or support that may be provided by NXP. As such, customer assumes all risk related to use of any products in Critical Applications and NXP and its suppliers shall not be liable for any such use by customer. Accordingly, customer will indemnify and hold NXP harmless from any claims, liabilities, damages and associated costs and expenses (including attorneys’ fees) that NXP may incur related to customer’s incorporation of any product in a Critical Application.Export control — This document as well as the item(s) described herein may be subject to export control regulations. Export might require a prior authorization from competent authorities.Evaluation products — This product is provided on an “as is” and “with all faults” basis for evaluation purposes only. NXP Semiconductors, its affiliates and their suppliers expressly disclaim all warranties, whether express, implied or statutory, including but not limited to the implied warranties of non-infringement, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk as to the quality, or arising out of the use or performance, of this product remains with customer.In no event shall NXP Semiconductors, its affiliates or their suppliersbe liable to customer for any special, indirect, consequential, punitiveor incidental damages (including without limitation damages for loss of business, business interruption, loss of use, loss of data or information, and the like) arising out the use of or inability to use the product, whether or not based on tort (including negligence), strict liability, breach of contract, breach of warranty or any other theory, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.Notwithstanding any damages that customer might incur for any reason whatsoever (including without limitation, all damages referenced above and all direct or general damages), the entire liability of NXP Semiconductors,its affiliates and their suppliers and customer’s exclusive remedy for all of the foregoing shall be limited to actual damages incurred by customer based on reasonable reliance up to the greater of the amount actually paid by customer for the product or five dollars (US$5.00). The foregoing limitations, exclusions and disclaimers shall apply to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, even if any remedy fails of its essential purpose.Translations — A non-English (translated) version of a document, including the legal information in that document, is for reference only. The English version shall prevail in case of any discrepancy between the translated and English versions.Security — Customer understands that all NXP products may be subject to unidentified vulnerabilities or may support established security standards or specifications with known limitations. Customer is responsible for the design and operation of its applications and products throughout their lifecyclesto reduce the effect of these vulnerabilities on customer’s applicationsand products. Customer’s responsibility also extends to other open and/or proprietary technologies supported by NXP products for use in customer’s applications. NXP accepts no liability for any vulnerability. Customer should regularly check security updates from NXP and follow up appropriately. Customer shall select products with security features that best meet rules, regulations, and standards of the intended application and make the ultimate design decisions regarding its products and is solely responsiblefor compliance with all legal, regulatory, and security related requirements concerning its products, regardless of any information or support that may be provided by NXP.NXP has a Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) (reachableat *************) that manages the investigation, reporting, and solution release to security vulnerabilities of NXP products.Introduction to 18-cell slider battery pack emulatorNXP — wordmark and logo are trademarks of NXP B.V.5.3 TrademarksNotice: All referenced brands, product names, service names, andtrademarks are the property of their respective owners.Introduction to 18-cell slider battery pack emulatorTablesTab. 1.Limiting values (4)Tab. 2.Electrical characteristics (4)Tab. 3.Cell voltage polarity selection (6)FiguresFig. 1.BATT-18EMULATOR (3)Fig. 2.BATT-18EMULATOR board elements (5)Fig. 3.Cell connector schematic ..................................7Fig. 4.BATT-18EMULATOR connected to threeRD33774DSTEVB (7)Fig. 5.Schema (8)UM11817All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers.© 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. User manual Rev. 1 — 17 February 202311 / 12Introduction to 18-cell slider battery pack emulatorContents1Introduction (3)2Getting started (3)2.1Kit contents/packing list (3)3Getting to know the hardware (4)3.1Board features (4)3.2Board functions (4)3.3Board functional description (5)3.3.1Description (5)3.3.2Connection and configuration (5)3.3.3Current consumption (5)3.3.4Cell polarity selection (6)3.3.5External voltage injection (6)3.3.6Temperature sensor simulation (6)3.4MC33774 board connections (6)4Schematic (8)5Legal information (9)Please be aware that important notices concerning this document and the product(s)described herein, have been included in section 'Legal information'.© 2023 NXP B.V.All rights reserved.For more information, please visit: Date of release: 17 February 2023。

恩智浦半导体TEA2093TS GreenChip同步整流控制器产品数据手册说明书

恩智浦半导体TEA2093TS GreenChip同步整流控制器产品数据手册说明书

GreenChip同步整流控制器第1版——2022年6月7日产品数据手册1 简介TEA2093TS是针对开关电源的新一代同步整流器(SR)控制器IC系列中的一员。



它内置用于驱动SR MOSFET的检测级和驱动器级,对次级变压器绕组的输出进行整流。



2 特性和优势2.1 能效特性●自适应栅极驱动器,在任意负载下达到最高效率●空载运行时的典型电源电流低于200 μA2.2 应用特性●在低至0 V的宽输出电压范围内工作●能够处理高达120 V输入电压的漏检测引脚●对低输出电压工作自供电●对不使用辅助绕组的高侧整流自供电●使用标准和逻辑电平SR MOSFET●支持USB BC、USB PD和快充应用●TSOP6封装2.3 控制特性●自适应栅极驱动器,实现导通终止时的快速关闭●带有源栅极下拉的欠压锁定(UVLO)3 应用TEA2093TS适用于反激式电源。


它可用于所有需要高效率的电源,如:●充电器●电源适配器●非对称半桥反激式电源●具有极低和/或可变输出电压的反激式电源4 订购信息表1.订购信息型号封装名称说明版本TEA2093TS/1 TSOP6 塑料小型封装;6引脚SOT4575 标示表2.标记代码型号标记代码TEA2093TS/1 TEA20936 功能框图图1. TEA2093TS 功能框图导通调节关断调节V 和I参考欠压锁定 驱动器供电节能控制使能逻辑关闭7 引脚分布信息7.1 引脚分布图2.TEA2093TS引脚分布(SOT457)7.2 引脚说明表3.引脚说明符号引脚说明CAP 1 内部供电电压的电容输入GND 2 接地XV 3 外部电源输入GATE 4 SR MOSFET的栅极驱动器输出SOURCE 5 SR MOSFET的源极检测输入DRAIN 6 SR MOSFET的漏极检测输入8 功能说明8.1 简介TEA2093TS是一款用于非对称半桥反激式和标准反激式应用中的同步整流(SR)的控制器IC。

恩智浦MIMXRT1060 1064评估板硬件用户指南说明书

恩智浦MIMXRT1060 1064评估板硬件用户指南说明书

NXP Semiconductors Document identifier: MIMXRT10601064EKBHUG User's Guide Rev. 0, 06/2020MIMXRT1060/1064 Evaluation Kit Board Hardware User's GuideContentsChapter 1 Introduction (3)1.1 Board overview (3)1.2 MIMXRT1060/1064 EVK contents (4)1.3 MIMXRT1060/1064 EVK board revision history (4)Chapter 2 Specifications (5)2.1 i.MX RT1060/1064 processor (7)2.2 Boot mode configurations (7)2.3 Power tree (8)2.4 SDRAM memory (11)2.5 SD card slot (11)2.6 Hyper flash (11)2.7 QSPI flash (11)2.8 Ethernet connector (12)2.9 USB PHY connector (12)2.10 Audio input/output connector (12)2.11 OpenSDA circuit (DAP-Link) (12)2.12 JTAG connector (12)2.13 Arduino expansion port (13)2.14 Camera module connector (14)2.15 User interface switch (14)2.16 Sensor (15)2.17 User interface LED indicator (15)2.18 LCD interface (15)Chapter 3 PCB information (16)Chapter 4 EVK design files (17)Chapter 5 EVK contents (18)Chapter 1IntroductionThis document describes MIMXRT1060/1064 Evaluation Kit (EVK) based on the i.MX RT1060/1064 processor from NXP Semiconductor. The document includes system setup, debugging, and provides detailed information on the overall design and usage of the EVK board from a hardware system.1.1Board overviewThis EVK board is a platform designed to showcase the commonly used features of the i.MX RT1060/1064 Processor in a small, low-cost package. The MIMXRT1060/1064 EVK board is an entry level development board that familiarizes the developer to the processor before investing on resources for specific designs.The features of the MIMXRT1060/1064 EVK board are listed in Board features.The features of the MIMXRT1060/1064 EVK board are listed in Table 1.Table 1.Board featuresProcessor NXP Processor MIMXRT1062DVL6AMIMXRT1064DVL6ADRAM Memory SDRAM 256 Mbit, 166 MHz IS42S16160J-6BLIDCDC MPS MP2144GJLDO UNION UM1550S-18UM1750S-00Mass Storage TF Card Slot64 Mbit Quad SPI flash512 Mbit Hyper flashDisplay Interface LCD connectorEthernet10/100 Mbit/s Ethernet connector. PHY chip: KSZ8081RNBUSB USB 2.0 OTG connectorUSB 2.0 host connectorAudio Connector 3.5 mm audio stereo headphone jackBoard-mounted microphoneLeft and right speaker out connectorsS/PDIF interface (unpopulated )Power Connector 5 V DC-jackDebug Connector JTAG 20-pin connector (SWD by default)OpenSDA with DAP-LinkSensor FXOS8700CQ: 6-Axis Ecompass (3-Axis Mag, 3-Axis Accel)(Some boards are unpopulated)Table continues on the next page...IntroductionTable 1.Board features (continued)Camera CMOS sensor interfaceCAN CAN bus connectorUser Interface Button ON/OFF, POR Reset, Reset, USER buttonLED Indicator Power Status, Reset, OpenSDA, USER LEDExpansion Port Arduino interfacePCB 3.937 inch x 5.9055 inch (10 cm x 15 cm), 4-layer board1.2MIMXRT1060/1064 EVK contentsThe MIMXRT1060/1064 EVK contains the following items:•MIMXRT1060/1064 EVK board•USB cable (Micro B)•Camera1.3MIMXRT1060/1064 EVK board revision historyEVK: Mass ProductChapter 2SpecificationsThis section provides detailed information about the electrical design and practical considerations of the EVK board. The document describes each block shown in Block diagram.The document describes each block shown in Figure 1.Figure 1.Block diagramThe overview of the MIMXRT1060 EVK board is shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3.Figure 2.Overview of the MIMXRT1060 EVK board (Front side)Figure 3.Overview of the MIMXRT1060 EVK board (Back side)2.1i.MX RT1060/1064 processorThe i.MX RT1060/1064 is a new processor family featuring NXP advanced implementation of the Arm Cortex-M7 Core. It provides high CPU performance and best real-time response. i.MX RT1060/1064 provides various memory interfaces, including SDRAM, Raw NAND flash, NOR flash, SD/eMMC, Quad SPI, HyperBus, and a wide range of other interfaces for connecting peripherals, such as WLAN, Bluetooth™, GPS, displays, and camera sensors. i.MX RT1060/1064 has rich audio and video features, including LCD display, basic 2D graphics, camera interface, S/PDIF, and I2S audio interface.The i.MX RT1060/1064 applications processor can be used in areas such as industrial HMI, IoT, motor control, and home appliances. The flexibility of the architecture enables it to be used in a wide variety of other general embedded applications too. The i.MX RT processor provides all interfaces necessary to connect peripherals such as WLAN, Bluetooth™, GPS, camera sensors, and multiple displays.The more detail information about i.MX RT1060/1064 can be found in the Datasheet and Reference Manual.2.2Boot mode configurationsThe device has four boot modes (one is reserved for NXP use). The boot mode is selected based on the binary value stored in the internal BOOT_MODE register.Switch (SW7-3 and SW7-4) is used to select the boot mode on the MIMXRT1060/1064 EVK board.Table 2.Boot mode pin settingsBOOT_MODE[1:0] (SW7-3 SW7-4)BOOT TypeTable continues on the next page...Table 2.Boot mode pin settings (continued)00Boot From Fuses 01Serial Downloader 10Internal Boot 11ReservedTypically, the internal boot is selected for normal boot, which is configured by external BOOT_CFG GPIOs. Table 3 shows the typical Boot Mode and Boot Device settings.Table 3.Typical boot mode and boot device settings for RT1060SW7-1SW7-2SW7-3SW7-4Boot Device OFF ON ON OFF Hyper flash OFFOFF ON OFF QSPI flash ONOFFONOFFSD cardFor more information about boot mode configuration, see the System Boot chapter of the MIMXRT1060 Reference Manual .For more information about MIMXRT1060 EVK boot device selection and configuration, see the main board schematic .Table 4.Typical boot mode and boot device settings for RT1064SW7-1SW7-2SW7-3SW7-4Boot Device OFF OFF ON OFF QSPI flash ONOFFONOFFSD card2.3Power treeA DC 5 V external power supply is used to supply the MIMXRT1060/1064 EVK board at J2, and a slide switch SW1 is used to turn the Power ON/OFF. J41 and J9 is used to supply the EVK board.Table 5 lists different J1 jumper settings for different power supply.Table 5.Jumper settings for power supply Power Supply J1 Setting J21-2J93-4J415-6The power tree is shown in the following figure.Figure 4.Power treeThe power control logic of the MIMXRT1060/1064 EVK board is shown in the Figure 5.•SNVS is powered first and then PMIC_REQ_ON is switched on to enable external DC/DC to power up other power domains.•ON/OFF button is used to switch ON/OFF PMIC_REQ_ON to control power modes.•RESET button and WDOG output are used to reset the system power.Figure 5.Power control diagramThe power rails on the board are shown in Table 6.Table 6.Power railsTable continues on the next page...Table 6.Power rails (continued)2.4SDRAM memory256 Mbit, 166 MHz SDRAM (IS42S16160J-6BLI) is used on the EVK board.2.5SD card slotThere is an SD card slot (J39) on the MIMXRT1060/1064 EVK board. J39 is the Micro SD slot for USDHC1 interface. To boot from the SD card, the boot device switch (SW7) settings should be: ON, OFF, ON, OFF, as shown in Typical boot mode and boot device settings.2.6Hyper flashOn the MIMXRT1060/1064 EVK board, there is one 512 Mbit hyper flash device. To boot from the Hyper Flash, the boot device switch (SW7) settings should be: OFF, ON, ON, OFF, as shown in Table 3. By default, this hyper flash is disabled on the EVK. To enable the onboard hyper flash, update the following settings.1.Weld resistors: R356, R361 - R366.2.Removed 0Ωresistors: R153 - R158.The boot from hyper flash only supports RT1060.2.7QSPI flashA 64 Mbit QSPI flash is used on the MIMXRT1060/1064 EVK board. If the developer wants to boot from the QSPI flash, the boot device switch (SW7) settings should be: OFF, OFF, ON, OFF, as shown in Table 3. The QSPI flash is the default onboard flash.The boot from QSPI flash only supports RT1060.2.8Ethernet connectorThere are two Ethernet Mac controllers in the MIMXRT1060/1064 processor. The Ethernet subsystem of the MIMXRT1060/1064 EVK board is provided by the KSZ8081RNB 10/100 M Ethernet Transceiver (U16) and an RJ45 (J19) with integrated magnetic.2.9USB PHY connectorMIMXRT1060/1064 contains two integrated USB 2.0 PHYs capable of connecting USB host/device systems at:•USB low-speed (LS) rate of 1.5 Mbits/s•USB full-speed (FS) rate of 12 Mbits/s•USB 2.0 high-speed (HS) rate of 480 Mbits/s2.10Audio input/output connectorThe audio codec used on the MIMXRT1060/1064 EVK board is Wolfson’s low power, high-quality stereo codec, WM8960. The MIMXRT1060/1064 EVK board includes:•one headphone interface (J12)•one onboard MIC (P1)•two speaker interfaces (J16, J17)•S/PDIF interface (J14 and J18, DNP).J12 is a 3.5 mm audio-stereo headphone jack, which supports jack detect.2.11OpenSDA circuit (DAP-Link)The OpenSDA circuit (CMSIS–DAP) is an open-standard serial and debug adapter. It bridges serial and debug communications between a USB host and an embedded target processor.CMSIS-DAP features a mass storage device (MSD) bootloader, which provides a quick and easy mechanism for loading different CMSIS-DAP applications such as flash programmers, run-control debug interfaces, serial-to-USB converters, and more.Two or more CMSIS-DAP applications can run simultaneously. For example, run-control debug application and serial-to-USB converter run in parallel to provide a virtual COM communication interface while allowing code debugging via CMSIS-DAP with single USB connection.For the MIMXRT1060/1064 EVK board, J41 is the connector between the USB host and the RT1060/1064. To update the Open SDA firmaware, press the SW8 and Power on the board. There is a disk named "MAINTENANCE". Drag/drop the new firmware to the "MAINTENANCE" and re-power the board. The firmware is updated.2.12JTAG connectorJ21 is a standard 20-pin/2.54 mm box header connector JTAG. The pin definitions are shown in Figure 6. It supports SWD by default.Figure 6.JTAG pin definitions2.13Arduino expansion portJ22 – J25 is defined as Arduino interface. Table 7 lists the pin definitions of Arduino interface. Table 7.Arduino Interface pin definitionsJ22J23UART_RX/D0A0/ADC0UART_TX/D1A1/ADC1D2/INT0A2/ADC2D3/INT1/PWM/OC2B A3/ADC3D4/T0/XCK A4/ADC4/SDAD5/TI/PWM A5/ADC5/SCLD6/AIN0/PWM/OC0AD7/AIN1/PWMJ24J25D8/CLKO/ICP1NCD9/OC1A/PWM IOREFD10/SPI_CS RESETD11/OC2A/PWM/SPI_MOSI 3.3 VD12/SPI_MISO 5 VD13/SPI_CLK GNDGND GNDAREFD14/I2C_SDAD15/I2C_SCL2.14Camera module connectori.MX RT1060/1064 supports one parallel CSI (Camera Sensor Interface). There is a camera module connector (J35) on the MIMXRT1060/1064 EVK board. The CA031C based on OV7725 and CA111C based on MT9M114 are used directly.J35 supports both MT9M114 and OV7725 camera module, but 3.3 V is a violation to MT9M114 spec 3.1 V. Itproved fine for evaluation/demo with 3.3 V supply, but in product design, it is recommended to adjust DCDC outputor add level shifter.2.15User interface switchThere are four user interface switches on the MIMXRT1060/1064 EVK board.•Power switch•ON/OFF button•Reset button•USER button2.15.1Power switchSW1 is a slide switch to control the power of the MIMXRT1060/1064 EVK board when the power supply is from J2.•Sliding the switch to the ON position connects the 5 V power supply to the evaluation board main power system.•Sliding the switch to the OFF position immediately removes all power from the board.2.15.2ON/OFF buttonSW2 is the ON/OFF button for MIMXRT1060/1064 EVK board. A short pressing in OFF mode causes the internal power management state machine to change state to ON. In ON mode, a short pressing generates an interrupt as a software-controllable power-down. An approximate 5 seconds or more pressing causes a forced OFF. However, you can disconnect both the boot mode inputs.2.15.3Reset buttonThere are two Reset buttons on the EVK board. SW3 is the power-on reset button. Pressing SW3 in the power on state forces to reset the system power except SNVS domain. The processor immediately turns off and reinitiates a boot cycle from the processor power off state. SW9 is a reset button.2.15.4USER buttonSW8 is a USER button (GPIO5-00). Pressing the USER button can produce changes in high and low levels.2.16SensorU32 on the EVK board is a 6-Axis Ecompass (3-Axis Mag, 3-Axis Accel) sensor FXOS8700CQ. The Ecompass is connected to i.MX RT1060/1064 I2C1 port.The sensor is not populated on some boards.2.17User interface LED indicatorThere are four LED status indicators on the EVK board.The functions of these LEDs include:•Main Power Supply (D3)—Green: DC 5 V main supply is normal.—Red: J2 input voltage is over 5.6 V.—Off: Board is not powered.•Reset RED LED (D21)•OpenSDA LED (D20)•USER LED (D18)2.18LCD interfaceThe enhanced Liquid Crystal Display Interface (eLCDIF) is a general-purpose display controller.The eLCDIF block supports the following:•Displays that support moving pictures and require the RGB interface mode (DOTCLK interface).The eLCDIF provides fully programmable functionality to supported interfaces:•Bus master interface to source frame buffer data for display refresh.•8/16/18/24/32 bit LCD data bus support available depending on I/O MUX options.•Programmable timing and parameters for DOTCLK LCD interfaces.To use the LCD, NXP provides an optional LCD module RK043FN02H-CT. RK043FN02H-CT has a 4.3 inches touch screen and supports a resolution of up to 480*3(RGB)*272. This module contains two FPC cables. The LCD interface is connected to J8 (A1-A40) and the CPT interface can be connected to J8 (B1-B6). You can purchase LCD modules from .PCB informationThe MIMXRT1060/1064 EVK board is uses the standard 4-layer technology. The material used is FR-4. The PCB stack-up information is shown in Table 8.Table 8.Board stack-up informationEVK design filesYou can download, the schematics, layout files, and gerber files (including Silkscreen) from /MIMXRT1060-EVK.EVK contentsThe following table lists the contents on the evaluation kit.Table 9.EVK contentsItem DescriptionEVK board EVK board with processor, memory, interfaces and so on. USB cable USB cable (Micro-B to Standard-A).Camera CA111C based on MT9M114.Power adapter, micro-SD card, and LCD module are not standard parts of the evaluation kit.How To Reach Us Home Page: Web Support: /support Information in this document is provided solely to enable system and software implementers to use NXP products. There are no express or implied copyright licenses granted hereunder to design or fabricate any integrated circuits based on the information in this document. NXP reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein.NXP makes no warranty, representation, or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does NXP assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages. “Typical” parameters that may be provided in NXP data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications, and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “typicals,” must be validated for each customer application by customer's technical experts. NXP does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. NXP sells products pursuant to standard terms and conditions of sale, which can be found at the following address: / SalesTermsandConditions.While NXP has implemented advanced security features, all products may be subject to unidentified vulnerabilities. Customers are responsible for the design and operation of their applications and products to reduce the effect of these vulnerabilities on customer’s applications and products, and NXP accepts no liability for any vulnerability that is discovered. Customers should implement appropriate design and operating safeguards to minimize the risks associated with their applications and products.NXP, the NXP logo, NXP SECURE CONNECTIONS FOR A SMARTER WORLD, COOLFLUX, EMBRACE, GREENCHIP, HITAG, I2C BUS, ICODE, JCOP, LIFE VIBES, MIFARE, MIFARE CLASSIC, MIFARE DESFire, MIFARE PLUS, MIFARE FLEX, MANTIS, MIFARE ULTRALIGHT, MIFARE4MOBILE, MIGLO, NTAG, ROADLINK, SMARTLX, SMARTMX, STARPLUG, TOPFET, TRENCHMOS, UCODE, Freescale, the Freescale logo, AltiVec, C‑5, CodeTEST, CodeWarrior, ColdFire, ColdFire+, C‑Ware, the Energy Efficient Solutions logo, Kinetis, Layerscape, MagniV, mobileGT, PEG, PowerQUICC, Processor Expert, QorIQ, QorIQ Qonverge, Ready Play, SafeAssure, the SafeAssure logo, StarCore, Symphony, VortiQa, Vybrid, Airfast, BeeKit, BeeStack, CoreNet, Flexis, MXC, Platform in a Package, QUICC Engine, SMARTMOS, Tower, TurboLink, and UMEMS are trademarks of NXP B.V. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. AMBA, Arm, Arm7, Arm7TDMI, Arm9, Arm11, Artisan, big.LITTLE, Cordio, CoreLink, CoreSight, Cortex, DesignStart, DynamIQ, Jazelle, Keil, Mali, Mbed, Mbed Enabled, NEON, POP, RealView, SecurCore, Socrates, Thumb, TrustZone, ULINK, ULINK2, ULINK-ME, ULINK-PLUS, ULINKpro, µVision, Versatile are trademarks or registered trademarks of Arm Limited (or its subsidiaries) in the US and/or elsewhere. The related technology may be protected by any or all of patents, copyrights, designs and trade secrets. All rights reserved. Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. The Power Architecture and word marks and the Power and logos and related marks are trademarks and service marks licensed by .© NXP B.V. 2020.All rights reserved.For more information, please visit: Forsalesofficeaddresses,pleasesendanemailto:**********************Date of release: 06/2020Document identifier: MIMXRT10601064EKBHUG。



STB-B860A-F2 STB-B860A-F3 STB-B860A-T STB-B860A-T1 STB-B860A-U STB-B860G-A TPE-2201N TPE-2201N-B TPE-2201S TPE-2600T TPE-3099H TPE-3200C-A TPE-3200C-C TPE-3201L
客户 东智机型 F400 V6.1 自研芯片ZX279112售卖 F412/F407Za V6.1 ZX279112 售卖 F451 F452 F460/F427 V6.1 ZX279100a售卖 语 音芯片Si32182 F600 V6.1/F633 F612/F607Za/F603/F603Za V6.1 ZX279112 售卖 降成本方案 F620/F613/F613Za V6 自研芯片 X279112售卖 F651-2口悦me 自研芯片ZX279101售卖 F652-2+1悦me 自研芯片ZX279101售卖 F660/F627Za/F623/F623Za V6.1 ZX279100a售卖 F663N V1.0 IMS F450 V2.0 F650 V2.0 F450A V2.0 F650A V2.0 STB-B700V5S1-B STB-B760HS3A-A STB-B860A-C STB-B860A-F STB-B860A-F1 中兴机顶盒 客户机型 2299K TPE-2600R TPE-2612A TPE-2616A TPE-2208H-E TPE-3299K TPE-3600P/3600R TPE-3200D TPE-3612A TPE-3616A 3208H-H/G/J TPE-3208U TPE-2216Z TPE-3216Z TPE-2217Z TPE-3217Z B700V5S1 B760HS3-A B860AV1.1 B860AV2.1 B860AV2.1?T



产品简介TRIMENSION ™ SR150和TRIMENSION SR040专为物联网用例而优化的安全超宽带(UWB)定位和测距TRIMENSION ™ SR150和TRIMENSION SR040旨在加快产品上市,专为物联网解决方案而设计,即使在电池供电的定位标签中也可实现高精度定位和安全测距。

低风险大规模批量供应商提供的标准IC完全支持与IEEE ® 802.15.4 HRP UWB 设备进行互操作符合FiRa ™认证开发标准高安全性基于IEEE 802.15.4z 的增强型超宽带测距技术集成的硬件加密加速器,提供旁路攻击防御力强大的eSE 集成,带有预加载的小程序,支持安全用例精确的定位6至8.5 GHz ,每通道500 MHz 带宽使用频道5、6、8和9,实现全球覆盖集成飞行时间(ToF)、到达时间差(TDoA)和到达角(AoA)算法支持AoA 功能的双RX(SR150) 测距精度(nLOS):±10 cm 软件支持多达3个天线支持使用3个天线的3D 定位为搭配使用CR2032纽扣电池进行了优化(SR040)出色的信号强度Tx 峰值功率:+10.5 dBm 以上接收器噪声系数:+4 dB高Rx 灵敏度:-97 dBm @ 10% PER HPRF 模式可降低功耗,提高链路预算注:性能和功率数值仅供指示说明。

目标应用跟踪器和TDoA 标签(SR040) 无需手动操作的安全门禁定位服务锚点智能家居控制消费类电子产品支持安全交易(支付和交通运输等)的生态系统UWB定位UWB技术的精确测距和定位功能为多种用例带来了精确定位和便利性,包括安全门禁、室内定位以及支持物品跟踪和标签定位的设备到设备通信。



出色的精度其他无线技术(包括Wi-Fi®和蓝牙®)在理想条件下的物品定位精度大约为150 cm内,与之相比,UWB的定位精度可达到10 cm,并且覆盖同一区域所需的锚点更少。

恩智(上海)测控技术有限公司 N8050D 4 通道直流电流测量卡硬件手册说明书

恩智(上海)测控技术有限公司 N8050D 4 通道直流电流测量卡硬件手册说明书
4 通道直流电流测量 高精度的电流测量; 12VDC 供电 电气隔离 600V; 提供驱动和示例代码。 百兆以太网通讯;
3.2 板卡示意图
下图是 N8050D 的示意图,N8050D 各接口非常方便于用户接线、操作和系统集成,后 文将介绍硬件接口、外观尺寸。
N8050D 的示意图
1.3 保修限制
本保证仅限于N8050D(保险管除外)。对于因错误使用、无人管理、未经授权的修改、 非正常环境下使用以及不可抗拒因素所造成的损坏,NGI不负责免费维修,并将在维修前提 交估价单。
仅作以上保证,不作其它明示或默示性保证,其中包括适销性、某些特定应用的合理 性与适用性等的默示保证。无论在合同中、民事过失上,或是其它方面,NGI 不对任何特 殊的、偶然或间接的损害负责。
N8050D 4 通道直流电流测量卡硬件手册
2 安全说明
在操作和使用仪器过程中,请严格遵守以下安全须知。不遵守以下注意事项或本手册中 其它章节提示的特定警告,可能会削弱设备所提供的保护功能。
2.1 安全须知
N8050D 4 通道直流电流测量卡硬件手册
1 前言
尊敬的用户:非常感谢您选择恩智(上海)测控技术有限公司(以下简称NGI)N8050D 4通道直流电流测量卡。本手册适用于NGI N8050D 4通道直流电流测量卡(以下简称N8050D), 内容包括N8050D的接口、使用方法、参数指标等详细信息。
N8050D 4 通道直流电流测量卡硬件手册
2. 状态灯尺寸:

恩智浦NFC 解决方案介绍

恩智浦NFC 解决方案介绍

Use Case
– Can be combined with Pass Through mode to signal the Microcontroller
Energy harvesting functionality to power external devices (e.g. µC) XQFN8 package (1,6*1,6*0,5mm)
HXSON4 (same pinning as NTAG203F)
The complete passive solution for NFC interaction
Electronic device
NTAG I²C in short
Fully NFC Forum Type 2 Tag compliant Dual interface
– – NFC & I²C interface 50 pF input capacitance
Power and commands
Serial number / data
NTAG for inlay
The innovative solution for any NFC pairing
Making Bluetooth pairing really easy
Use Case
Clear arbitration / customized access between the 2 interfaces



室直播系统无单点故 障,通过高效率 、高质量的节目制播平台的建 效 、 可与其他系统轻松 实现交互的设计方案 。 l 为JI 台设计的媒资系统
立, 创造更灵活、更人性化的工作模式 。 系统建成后 , 除负责天津电 集生产型媒资 、 藏型媒资于一身 , 馆 同时还并八 了广播 电台的音频部
统等组成 , 力争提供一个集新闻素材共享、 音频网络化制作和节目 视 演播室播出的综合性数字化 、智能化的高清新 闻节目制播平台。
新春佳 节即将来临之际 , 大洋成功中标总金额近2 0 万元的四 60 川广 播电视 台媒资 、播 出系统项 目。大洋公 司为川台制订了安全高
续性不受影响。 它完整实现了节目编辑各业务高度协同化工作 , 演播
DI C V第 一款针对 Mo A家庭网络推出的机顶盒 。 RE T C 随着市场对多 H DMI . D类微型连接器 , 手机应用 HDMI 4 1 是 接口的理想解决方案。 口使用电池也能支 持7 8 以上的高清视频流播放 。 d\1 新接口的引八对 开源开发商意义重大 ,这使得他们可以利用手机启动高清应用。

恩智 浦 半 导 体 助 推 D R C V新 一代 高清 D R IE T V
2 2月 2日 ,恩智 浦半 导体 ( 01 0年 NXP Se c n u t r ) mio d co s 宣 布 , 球最 受欢迎 的 电视服 务 商 DI 全 RECTWI-  ̄采用 恩 智浦 全套
容系统 ,也将大大提高当前广告编播系统的容量与效率 。
工复检 、 人工审核 、 头尾监测等技术手段 , 最大限度地确保播出节目
整个 系统构建 了强大的 以太 网络和光纤 网络的交换 能力 ,以 的高质量; 在播 出控制方面 , 采用大洋自创的分 离主备控制方式, 利

恩智浦半导体i.MX 8M Mini应用处理器数据手册说明书

恩智浦半导体i.MX 8M Mini应用处理器数据手册说明书

恩智浦半导体数据手册:技术数据文件编号:IMXBMMCEC第0.2版,2019年4月MIMX8MM6DVTLZAAMIMX8MM4DVTLZAAMIMX8MM2DVTLZAAMIMX8MM5DVTLZAAMIMX8MM3DVTLZAAMIMX8MM1DVTLZAA适用于消费电子产品的i.MX 8M Mini应用处理器数据手册封装信息塑料封装FCBGA 14 x 14 mm,0.5 mm间距订购信息参见第6页的表21 i.MX 8M Mini简介i.MX 8M Mini应用处理器是能够带来最新视频和音频体验的恩智浦产品,具有最先进的特定媒体功能,采用高性能处理技术,同时优化了功耗。

i.MX 8M Mini系列处理器采用先进的四核Arm® Cortex®-A53内核,运行速度高达1.8 GHz。

一个通用型Cortex®-M4 400 MHz内核处理器用于低功耗处理。




1. i.MX 8M Mini简介 (1)1.1. 功能框图 (5)1.2. 订购信息 (6)2. 模块列表 (8)2.1. 未使用的输入/输出的推荐连接 (12)i.MX 8M Mini简介表1. 特性i.MX 8M Mini简介表1. 特性(续)i.MX 8M Mini简介表1. 特性(续)注意实际功能集取决于产品型号(如表2所述)。


i.MX 8M Mini简介1.1 功能框图图1显示了i.MX 8M Mini应用处理器系统的功能模块。

图1. i.MX 8M Mini系统功能框图i.MX 8M Mini简介1.2 订购信息表2所示为本数据手册中包含的可订购样品型号的示例。

恩智浦半导体 KW38 KW36基于RSSI测距的定位说明书

恩智浦半导体 KW38 KW36基于RSSI测距的定位说明书

AN12977基于RSSI 测距的KW38/KW36定位第 0 版 — 2020 年 9 月作者:恩智浦半导体1 介绍接收信号强度指示(RSSI )用于确定无线信号的质量。




本文档介绍了基于低功耗蓝牙RSSI 测距的定位。

它使用 Kinetis KW38 无线 MCU 实现了一个简单的三边定位系统。

应用笔记目录1 介绍 ............................................1 2 RSSI 测距 .....................................1 3 基于RSSI 测距的三遍定位 ..................3 4 本地化系统实施注意事项 .................5 5 设置和测试结果 ........................... 14 6 结论 (21)2 RSSI 测距2.1 事先定义标签 - 必须定位的未知位置的目标。

在本应用笔记中,它是一块 KW38 板。

锚点 - 固定位置的设备。

它收集 RSSI 值并将它们上传到位置计算设备。


2.2 无线信号路径损耗模型在定位系统,基于RSSI 测距,标签节点应用RSSI 测量使用已知的信号传播模型来估计从锚节点其距离。

空间无线信号路径损耗模型如图 1所示(a1c1, a1c2等为测试设备编号)。

RSSI 测距图1. 无线信号路径损耗渐变模型广泛用于对无线信号传播损耗进行建模,其表达式如下:• d 和 d 0 表示实际距离和参考距离。

• P r (d) 和 P r (d 0) 分别表示在实际距离和参考距离处接收到的RSSI (dBm)。

• n 是路径损耗指数。

• a δ 是随机噪声。


恩智浦半导体 SAF360x 数字无线电和片上处理系统说明书

恩智浦半导体 SAF360x 数字无线电和片上处理系统说明书

第3版--2015年1月23日产品缩略版数据手册1. 简介SAF360x为单片集成式数字地面无线电处理器。



SAF360x系统芯片(SoC)是新一代HD Radio/DAB/DAB+/T-DMB/DRM解决方案,在系统集成和降低成本方面实现了突破。

该芯片符合AEC-Q100要求,并具有以下功能:●新一代HD Radio/DAB/DAB+/T-DMB/DRM解决方案,在降低系统成本方面实现了突破●具有片上双DAB前端、存储器和两通道的信道和信元解码●生产线末端可编程性●DAB-FM/DAB-DAB无缝切换●信号接收增强算法●集成天线分路器,实现天线分集●通过外部晶体管从3.3V为性能关键的前端电路提供片上稳压电源(仅SAF3601、SAF3602、SAF3604和SAF3606)●单系统XTAL提供可选的时钟参考输出功能●采用先进的BGA封装实现小尺寸PCB2. 特性和优势2.1 HD Radio■AM和FM数字音频的HD Radio信号解码■支持HD Radio单、双、三调谐器用例■支持HD Radio全数字模式■SAF3604:内置数据服务接收能力的片上FM调谐器■两路I2S总线类型的I/Q基带数据输入接口■用于双调谐器应用的辅助基带接口■支持HD Radio数据服务■电子节目指南(EPG)■片外LOT处理■通过最大比合并(MRC)增强接收请联系恩智浦销售代表获取详细的支持特性列表;参见第11节。

2.2 DRM■AM和FM数字音频的DRM信号解码■支持两路DRM,第二路可以支持后台扫描或者另一个电台的数据服务■通过串行I2S总线类型接口实现前端至基带处理的连接■用于双调谐器应用的辅助基带接口■信道解码器接收增强技术■支持xHE-AAC音频解码■支持DRM+2.3 DAB、DAB+和T-DMB无线电技术■具有片上DAB前端、ADC、存储器和信源解码的双接收处理■数据服务接收和过滤■两路完整的信号总成处理(2 x 1.8 Mbit/s)■通过串行I2S总线类型接口支持可选的第三个调谐器输入■支持DAB-FM/DAB-DAB无缝切换■集成所需要的音频编解码器(AAC、HE-AAC、MP2和BSAC)■(可选)其它特性:♦单天线系统的接收改进算法,可额外提高BER♦采用先进的最大比合并(MRC)算法,实现双天线的分集接收增强♦两个内部调谐器用于天线分集接收的情况下,第三个外部调谐器可以支持后台扫描服务或数据服务2.4 数字音频■通过TDM音频接口或三个I2S支持最多6通道(5.1)音频■适用于最多6通道的可编程音频采样速率转换器(8 kHz至48 kHz)■用于辅助处理的I2S音频输入■用于I2S总线输入的可选SRC (8 kHz-48 kHz)■针对输入和输出96 kHz采样速率转换的可选支持■针对外部数字音频源的基本音频处理■高级音频处理(请联系恩智浦获取支持的音频处理特性列表;参见第11节)2.5 其他外设接口■两个I2C总线接口■两个串行外设接口(SPI)■一个高速串行外设接口(HS-SPI)■一个UART接口■用于应用和诊断的16个GPIO引脚■用于调试的JTAG接口2.6 其他特性■安全启动,映像验证■具有完全相同的无线电架构的不通过型号芯片,通过加载特定软件来支持包括DAB、HD Radio和DRM在内的各种标准■采用与SAF356X相同的收音控制编程接口■可实现现场软件升级■一个内部时钟振荡器和两个内部锁相环(PLL)■强大的信号、音频处理内核架构■符合AEC-Q100要求备注:并非所有型号都提供上述所有特性,并非所有特性可以自由组合。

恩智浦 MIMXRT1020 EVK 开发板硬件用户指南说明书

恩智浦 MIMXRT1020 EVK 开发板硬件用户指南说明书

© 2018 NXP B.V.MIMXRT1020 EVK Board Hardware User’sGuide1.IntroductionThis Hardware User’s Guide for the MIMXRT 1020Evaluation Kit (EVK) is based on the NXP Semiconductor i.MX RT1020 Processor. This board is fully supported by NXP Semiconductor. The guide includes system setup and debugging, and provides detailed information on overall design and usage of the EVK board from a hardware systems perspective.1.1. Board overviewThis EVK board is a platform designed to showcase the most commonly used features of the i.MX RT1020 Processor in a small, low cost package. The MIMXRT1020 EVK board is an entry level development board, which gives the developer the option of becoming familiar with the processor before investing a large amount or resources in more specific designs.NXP Semiconductors Document Number: MIMXRT1020EVKHUGUser's GuideRev. 0 , 05/2018Contents1.Introduction ........................................................................ 11.1.Board overview ....................................................... 11.2.MIMXRT1020 EVK contents ................................. 21.3.MIMXRT1020 EVK Board revision history ........... 32.Specifications ..................................................................... 32.1.i.MX RT1020 processor .......................................... 52.2.Boot Mode configurations ....................................... 52.3.Power tree ............................................................... 62.4.SDRAM memory .................................................... 92.5.SD Card slot ............................................................ 92.6.QSPI flash ............................................................... 92.7.Ethernet connector .................................................. B PHY connector ............................................. 102.9.Audio input / output connector .............................. 102.10.OpenSDA circuit (DAP-Link) ............................... 102.11.JTAG connector .................................................... 102.12.Arduino expansion port ......................................... er interface LED indicator ................................ 133.PCB information .............................................................. 134.EVK design files .............................................................. 135.Contents of the Evaluation Kit ......................................... 146.Revision history (14)IntroductionFeatures of the MIMXRT1020 EVK board are shown in Table 11.2. MIMXRT1020 EVK contentsThe MIMXRT1020 EVK contains the following items: •MIMXRT1020 EVK Board•USB Cable (Micro B)Specifications 1.3. MIMXRT1020 EVK Board revision history•Rev A: Prototype.2. SpecificationsThis chapter provides detailed information about the electrical design and practical considerations of the EVK Board, and is organized to discuss each block in the following block diagram of the EVK board.( Figure 1)Figure 1. Block diagramThe overview of the MIMXRT1020 EVK Board is shown in Figure 1 & Figure 2.SpecificationsFigure 2. Overview of the MIMXRT1020 EVK Board (Front side)Figure 3. Overview of the MIMXRT1020 EVK Board (Back side)Specifications 2.1. i.MX RT1020 processorThe i.MX RT1020 is a new processor family featuring NXP's advanced implementation of the Arm® Cortex®-M7 Core. It provides high CPU performance and best real-time response. The i.MX RT1020 provides various memory interfaces, including SDRAM, Raw NAND FLASH, NOR FLASH,SD/eMMC, Quad SPI, HyperBus and a wide range of other interfaces for connecting peripherals, such as WLAN, Bluetooth™, GPS. Same as other i.MX processors, i.MX RT1020 also has rich audio features, including SPDIF and I2S audio interface.The i.MX RT1020 applications processor can be used in areas such as industrial HMI, IoT, motor control and home appliances. The architecture's flexibility enables it to be used in a wide variety of other general embedded applications too. The i.MX processor provides all interfaces necessary to connectp eripherals such as WLAN, Bluetooth™, GPS.The more detail information about i.MX RT1020 can be found in the Datasheet and Reference Manual2.2. Boot Mode configurationsThe device has four boot modes (one is reserved for NXP’s use). The boot mode is selected based on the binary value stored in the internal BOOT_MODE register. Switch (SW8-3 & SW8-4) is used to select the boot mode on the MIMXRT1020 EVK Board.Typically, the internal boot is selected for normal boot, which is configured by external BOOT_CFG GPIOs. The following Table 3 shows the typical Boot Mode and Boot Device settings.NOTEFor more information about boot mode configuration, see the System Boot chapter of theMIMXRT1020 Reference Manual. (waiting for update)For more information about MIMXRT1020 EVK boot device selection and configuration, see the main board schematic. (waiting for update)Specifications2.3. Power treeA DC 5 V external power supply is used to supply the MIMXRT1020 EVK Board at J2, and a slide switch SW1 is used to turn the Power ON/OFF. J23 and J9 also can be used to supply the EVK Board. Different power supply need to configure different Jumper setting of J1. Table 4 shows the details:NOTEFor some computers’ USB, it cannot support 500ma before establishingcommunication. In this case, it is recommended to replace the computer oruse the power adapter(J2) to power the EVK Board.The power tree is shown in Figure 4SpecificationsFigure 4. Power TreeThe power control logic of the MIMXRT1020 EVK board is shown in the Figure 5: •It will power up SNVS, and then PMIC_REQ_ON will be switched on to enable external DC/DC to power up other power domains.•ON/OFF button is used to switch ON/OFF PMIC_REQ_ON to control power modes.•RESET button and WDOG output are used to reset the system power.SpecificationsFigure 5. Power Control Diagram The power rails on the board are shown in Table 5.Specifications2.4. SDRAM memoryOne 256 Mb, 166MHz SDRAM (MT48LC16M16A2P) is used on the EVK Board.2.5. SD Card slotThere is a SD card slot(J15) on the MIMXRT1020 EVK Board. J15 is the Micro SD slot for USDHC1 interface. If the developer wants to boot from the SD Card, the boot device switch (SW8) settings should be: OFF, ON, ON, OFF, as shown in Table 3.2.6. QSPI flashA 64 Mbit QSPI Flash is used on the MIMXRT1020 EVK Board. If the developer wants to boot from the QSPI Flash, the boot device switch(SW8) settings should be: OFF, OFF, ON, OFF, as shown in Table 3.2.7. Ethernet connectorThere is one Ethernet Mac controller in the MIMXRT1020 processor. The Ethernet subsystem of the MIMXRT1020 EVK Board is provided by the KSZ8081RNB 10/100M Ethernet Transceiver (U11) and a RJ45 (J14) with integrated Magnetic.Figure 6. Ethernet Connector RJ45Specifications2.8. USB PHY connectorThe MIMXRT1020 contains a integrated USB 2.0 PHYs capable of connecting to USB host/device systems at the USB low-speed (LS) rate of 1.5 Mbits/s, full-speed (FS) rate of 12 Mbits/s or at the USB 2.0 high-speed (HS) rate of 480 Mbits/s.2.9. Audio input / output connectorThe Audio CODEC used on the MIMXRT1020 EVK Board is Wolfson’s Low Power, high quality Stereo Codec, WM8960.The MIMXRT1020 EVK Board include one headphone interface (J11), one onboard MIC (P1), two speaker interfaces (J12, J13). J11 is a 3.5 mm audio stereo headphone jack, which supports jack detect.2.10. OpenSDA circuit (DAP-Link)The OpenSDA circuit (CMSIS–DAP) is an open-standard serial and debug adapter. It bridges serial and debug communications between a USB host and an embedded target processor.CMSIS-DAP features a mass storage device (MSD) bootloader, which provides a quick and easy mechanism for loading different CMSIS-DAP Applications such as flash programmers, run-control debug interfaces, serial-to-USB converters, and more. Two or more CMSIS-DAP applications can run simultaneously. For example, run-control debug application and serial-to-USB converter runs in parallel to provide a virtual COM communication interface while allowing code debugging via CMSIS-DAP with just single USB connection.For the MIMXRT1020 EVK Board, J23 is the connector between the USB host and the target processor. Jumper to serial downloader mode to use stable DAP-Link debugger function. If developer wants to make OpenSDA going to the bootloader mode, and press SW5 when power on. Meanwhile, the OpenSDA supports drag/drop feature for U-Disk. First, use the seral downloader mode and drag/drop the image file to U-Disk. Then select QSPI Flash as boot device and reset the Board, the image will run.2.11. JTAG connectorJ16 is a standard 20-pin/2.54 mm Box Header Connector for JTAG. The pin definitions are shown in Figure 7. Support SWD by default.SpecificationsFigure 7. JTAG pin definitions2.12. Arduino expansion portJ17 – J20 (unpopulated) is defined as Arduino Interface. The pin definitions of Arduino Interface are shown in Table 6.Specifications2.12.1. Power switchSW1 is a slide switch to control the power of the MIMXRT1020 EVK Board when the power supply is from J2. The function of this switch is listed below:•Sliding the switch to the ON position connects the 5 V power supply to the Evaluation board main power system.•Sliding the switch to OFF position immediately removes all power from the board.2.12.2. ON/OFF buttonSW2 is the ON/OFF button for MIMXRT1020 EVK Board. A short pressing in OFF mode causes the internal power management state machine to change state to ON. In ON mode, a short pressing generates an interrupt (intended to be a software-controllable(power-down). An approximate 5 seconds or more pressing causes a forced OFF. Both boot mode inputs can be disconnected.2.12.3. Reset buttonThere are two Reset Button on the EVK Board. SW5 is the Power Reset Button. Pressing the SW5 in the Power On state will force to reset the system power except SNVS domain. The Processor will be immediately turn off and reinitiate a boot cycle from the Processor Power Off state. SW3 is POR Reset Button.EVK design files 2.12.4. USER buttonSW4 is the USER Button(GPIO5-00) for developers using. Pressing can produce changes in high and low levels.2.13. User interface LED indicatorThere are four LED status indicators located on the EVK Board. The functions of these LEDs include: •Main Power Supply(D3)Green: DC 5V main supply is normal.Red: J2 input voltage is over 5.6V.Off: the board is not powered.•Reset RED LED(D15)•OpenSDA LED(D16)•USER LED(D5)3. PCB informationThe MIMXRT1020 EVK Board is made using standard 2-layer technology. The material used was FR-4. The PCB stack-up information is shown in Table 7.4. EVK design filesThe schematics, layout files, and gerber files (including Silkscreen) can be downloaded from/MIMXRT1020-EVK(waiting for update).Revision history5. Contents of the Evaluation KitNOTEPower adaptor, Micro SD Card are not standard parts of the Evaluation Kit.6. Revision historyTable 9 summarizes the changes made to this document since the initial release.Document Number: MIMXRT1020EVKHUGRev. 0 05/2018How to Reach Us: Home Page: Web Support: /supportInformation in this document is provided solely to enable system and softwareimplementers to use NXP products. There are no express or implied copyright licenses granted hereunder to design or fabricate any integrated circuits based on the information in this document. NXP reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein.NXP makes no warranty, representation, or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does NXP assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequenti al or incidental damages. “Typical” parameters that may be provided in NXP data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications, and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “typicals”, must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. NXP does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. NXP sells products pursuant to standard terms and conditions of sale, which can be found at the following address: /SalesTermsandConditions . While NXP has implemented advanced security features, all products may be subject to unidentified vulnerabilities. Customers are responsible for the design and operation of their applications and products to reduce the effect of these vulnerabilities oncustomer’s applications and products, and NXP accepts no liability for any vulne rability that is discovered. Customers should implement appropriate design and operating safeguards to minimize the risks associated with their applications and products NXP, the NXP logo, NXP SECURE CONNECTIONS FOR A SMARTER WORLD, , Freescale, the Freescale logo, and Kinetis, are trademarks of NXP B.V. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. Arm and Cortex are registered trademarks of Arm Limited (or its subsidiaries) in the EU and/or elsewhere. All rights reserved. © 2018 NXP B.V.。

恩智浦半导体 i.MX RT1050 数据手册说明书

恩智浦半导体 i.MX RT1050 数据手册说明书


MIMXRT1051DVL6AMIMXRT1051DVL6BMIMXRT1051DVJ6BMIMXRT1052DVL6AMIMXRT1052DVL6BMIMXRT1052DVJ6B适用于消费类产品的i.MXRT1050跨界处理器封装信息塑料封装196引脚MAPBGA,10 x 10 mm,0.65 mm间距196引脚MAPBGA,12 x 12 mm,0.8 mm间距订购信息参见第5页的表11 i.MX RT1050简介i.MX RT1050处理器属于全新的处理器系列,采用恩智浦先进的Arm®Cortex®-M7内核,运行速度高达600 MHz,可提供高CPU性能和实时响应。

i.MX RT1050处理器具有512 KB片内RAM,可灵活配置为TCM或通用片内RAM。

i.MX RT1050集成了先进的电源管理模块、DCDC和LDO,可降低外部电源的复杂性并简化上下电序列。

i.MXRT1050还提供各类存储器接口,包括SDRAM、RAW NAND、闪存、NOR闪存、SD/eMMC、四通道SPI;以及各类外设连接接口,包括WLAN、Bluetooth™、GPS、显示器和摄像头传感器。


1. i.MX RT1050简介 (1)1.1. 特性 (2)1.2. 订购信息 (5)2. 架构概述 (8)2.1. 功能框图 (8)3. 模块列表 (9)3.1. 特殊信号考量 (15)3.2. 未使用模拟接口的推荐连接 (16)4. 电气特性 (18)4.1. 芯片级条件 (18)4.2. 系统电源和时钟 (25)4.3. I/O参数 (30)4.4. 系统模块 (36)4.5. 外部存储器接口 (41)4.6. 显示和图形 (51)4.7. 音频 (54)4.8. 模拟 (57)4.9. 通信接口 (64)4.10. 定时器 (77)5. 启动模式配置 (79)5.1. 启动模式配置引脚 (79)5.2. 启动设备接口分配 (79)6. 封装信息和触点分配 (84)6.1. 10 x 10 mm封装信息 (84)6.2. 12 x 12 mm封装信息 (96)7. 修订记录 (108)i.MX RT1050简介i.MX RT1050配备模拟接口,例如ADC、ACMP和TSC。



恩智浦FlexRay产品系列恩智浦半导体汽车电子事业部 Rob Hoeben,FlexRay市场营销经理FlexRay的发展历史FlexRay网络产品诞生于20世纪90年代末,当时一些汽车制造商意识到现有网络系统,例如CAN,无法满足未来车载网络(IVN)的需求。


基于当时在CAN和LIN收发器领域的主导作用,恩智浦半导体(NXP Semiconductors,原飞利浦半导体)受邀成为FlexRay协会的核心合作伙伴之一,负责引领行业开发网络物理层。




这款产品称为恩智浦FlexRay TJA1080收发器。



TJA1080 – FlexRay的推动者作为世界上第一款采用FlexRay电气物理层的芯片,恩智浦的TJA 1080证明了FlexRay的强大性能与灵活便捷。

这种关键设备可提供广泛的功能组合、卓越的EMC性能以及高效的ESD 保护,有助于推动全新的先进通信系统进入目前和未来的车款。

TJA1080的主要功能∙FlexRay网络中的数据传输速度高达10Mbit/s∙支持FlexRay节点和有源星型结构功能∙ECU低功耗管理∙本地和远程唤醒功能∙数据帧唤醒∙通过两个专用控制输入实现模式控制∙带有VIO输入的自适应I/O∙兼容42V∙温度范围:- 40°C至+ 150°C∙± 8kV HBM ESD保护∙误差诊断和状态向量读数TJA1080投入量产以来,恩智浦从市场反馈和自身量产经验中获益良多。

知从科技 知从木牛SBC恩智浦FS6500-FS4500 产品手册

知从科技 知从木牛SBC恩智浦FS6500-FS4500 产品手册

知从木牛SBC恩智浦FS6500-FS4500产品手册知从®木牛基础软件平台功能安全库知从木牛SBC恩智浦FS6500-FS4500产品手册知从®木牛基础软件平台功能安全库1功能概述知从木牛功能安全SBC系列软件旨在打造知从科技自主研发的满足客户功能安全要求的System Basis Chip(SBC)平台化软件产品。




知从科技已适配开发的FS6500-FS4500系列大部分型号(不限于以下型号):Type Package NoteMC33FS4500CAE 48-pin LQFPexposed pad N/AMC33FS4503CAE 48-pin LQFPexposed pad N/AMC33FS6500CAE 48-pin LQFPexposed pad N/A2应用领域知从木牛功能安全SBC恩智浦FS6500-FS4500驱动软件产品可应用于有各功能安全等级需求的汽车控制器。

例如:电池管理系统(BMS)逆变器(Inverter)DC-DC转换器(DCDC)电动助力转向(EPS)电子驻车系统(EPB)车身控制器(BCM)发动机管理系统(EMS)底盘域线控系统相关应用智能驾驶控制器(ADAS)此SBC恩智浦FS6500-FS4500驱动软件产品手册是为有经验的硬件、软件和功能安全工程师编写的,根据ISO 26262设计,并参考安全相关系统的E-GAS三层架构理论,可以将FS6500-FS4500驱动软件产品集成到客户应用产品的(子)系统中。



AN13091电动车辆牵引电机功率逆变器控制参考平台第1版—2021年3月19日 应用笔记1 首字母缩略语2 概述恩智浦电动车辆功率逆变器控制参考平台提供硬件参考设计、系统基本软件和完整的系统功能安全支持,以此为基础可开发用于电动车辆的符合ASIL-D标准的完整、高压、大功率牵引电机逆变器。

该参考平台已被设计成一个评估原型,在320 V电源电压下运行时,它能提供150 kW峰值输出功率和96%以上的电气效率。


-MPC5775E是一款32位Power Architecture©双核ASIL-D MCU,面向电机控制,提供高达264 MHz/内核的性能、CSE安全性、eTPU定时器、软件旋变器和高度可扩展的解决方案。



功率级驱动板:•此板专为Fuji M653 IGBT模块而设计。

它具有用于IGBT和SiC MOSFET的高级单通道栅极驱动器GD3100。




此套件设计为与额定800 A/750 V的Fuji M653 IGBT模块(从Fuji Electronics单独购买)的接口。

系统基本软件包括:•底层SDK设备驱动程序•软件开发抽象层•系统功能服务层,用于简化参考控制硬件上的定制电机控制应用软件开发可选:•AMMCLIB(高级电机控制函数库)•平台功能安全管理库(2021年第三季度上线)恩智浦特色器件•GD3100隔离式高压IGBT/SiC栅极驱动器,<2 μs短路保护•MPC5775E高级电机控制ASIL-D MCU•FS65稳健的ASIL-D安全PMIC,具有故障静默和0等级能力•TJA1051T/3冗余高速CAN总线接口特性和功能安全优势•用于100 kW级功率逆变器的系统控制三相设计套件•为ASIL-D安全要求设计的高效系统BOM•高度优化的基础软件支持,提供逆变器服务层、驱动程序和SDK•±0.1°高精度软件旋变数字转换器(RDC),利用先进的电机控制软件消除用于角度和速度计算的外部硬件接口。

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1.Product profile1.1General descriptionHigh-speed switching diodes, encapsulated in small Surface-Mounted Device (SMD)plastic packages.1.2Features1.3Applications1.4Quick reference data[1]When switched from I F =10mA to I R =10mA; R L =100Ω; measured at I R =1mA.BAV99 seriesHigh-speed switching diodesRev. 05 — 20 August 2008Product data sheetTable 1.Product overviewType numberPackage ConfigurationPackageconfiguration NXPJEITA JEDEC BAV99SOT23-TO-236AB dual series small BAV99S SOT363SC-88-quadruple; 2series very small BAV99WSOT323SC-70-dual series very smallI High switching speed: t rr ≤4ns I Low capacitance: C d ≤1.5pF I Low leakage currentI Reverse voltage: V R ≤100VI Small SMD plastic packagesI High-speed switchingI Reverse polarity protectionI General-purpose switchingTable 2.Quick reference data Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Per diode I R reverse current V R =80V--0.5µA V R reverse voltage --100V t rrreverse recovery time[1]--4ns2.Pinning information3.Ordering information4.Marking[1]* = -: made in Hong Kong * = p: made in Hong Kong * = t: made in Malaysia * = W: made in ChinaTable 3.PinningPin Description Simplified outline Graphic symbolBAV99; BAV99W1anode (diode 1)2cathode (diode 2)3cathode (diode 1),anode (diode 2)BAV99S 1anode (diode 1)2cathode (diode 2)3cathode (diode 3),anode (diode 4)4anode (diode 3)5cathode (diode 4)6cathode (diode 1),anode (diode 2)006aaa144123006aaa763123132456006aab101136254Table 4.Ordering informationType numberPackage NameDescriptionVersion BAV99-plastic surface-mounted package; 3leads SOT23BAV99S SC-88plastic surface-mounted package; 6leads SOT363BAV99WSC-70plastic surface-mounted package; 3leadsSOT323Table 5.Marking codesType numberMarking code [1]BAV99A7*BAV99S K1*BAV99WA7*5.Limiting values[1]Single diode loaded.[2]Double diode loaded.[3]T j =25°C prior to surge.[4]Device mounted on an FR4Printed-Circuit Board (PCB), single-sided copper, tin-plated and standard footprint.[5]Soldering points at pins 2,3,5and 6.Table 6.Limiting valuesIn accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134).Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Max Unit Per diode V RRM repetitive peak reverse voltage -100V V R reverse voltage -100V I Fforward current BAV99[1]-215mA [2]-125mA BAV99S [1]-200mA BAV99W[1]-150mA [2]-130mA I FRM repetitive peak forward current-500mAI FSMnon-repetitive peak forward currentsquare wave [3]t p =1µs -4A t p =1ms -1A t p =1s-0.5A P tottotal power dissipation [1][4]BAV99T amb ≤25°C -250mW BAV99S T amb ≤85°C [5]-250mW BAV99WT amb ≤25°C-200mW Per device T j junction temperature -150°C T amb ambient temperature −65+150°C T stgstorage temperature−65+150°C6.Thermal characteristics[1]Single diode loaded.[2]Device mounted on an FR4PCB, single-sided copper, tin-plated and standard footprint.[3]Soldering points at pins 2,3,5and 6.7.Characteristics[1]When switched from I F =10mA to I R =10mA; R L =100Ω; measured at I R =1mA.[2]When switched from I F =10mA; t r =20ns.Table 7.Thermal characteristics Symbol ParameterConditions Min Typ Max UnitR th(j-a)thermal resistance from junction to ambient in free air[1][2]BAV99--500K/W BAV99W--625K/WR th(j-sp)thermal resistance from junction to solder point BAV99--360K/W BAV99S [3]--260K/W BAV99W--300K/WTable 8.CharacteristicsT amb =25°C unless otherwise specified.Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Per diode V Fforward voltageI F =1mA --715mV I F =10mA --855mV I F =50mA --1V I F =150mA-- 1.25V I Rreverse currentV R =25V --30nA V R =80V--0.5µA V R =25V; T j =150°C --30µA V R =80V; T j =150°C--50µA C d diode capacitance f =1MHz; V R =0V-- 1.5pF t rr reverse recovery time [1]--4ns V FRforward recovery voltage[2]--1.75V(1)T amb =150°C (2)T amb =85°C (3)T amb =25°C (4)T amb =−40°C(1)T amb =150°C (2)T amb =85°C (3)T amb =25°C (4)T amb =−40°CFig 1.Forward current as a function of forward voltage; typical valuesFig 2.Reverse current as a function of reverse voltage; typical valuesf =1MHz; T amb =25°CBased on square wave currents.T j =25°C; prior to surgeFig 3.Diode capacitance as a function of reverse voltage; typical valuesFig 4.Non-repetitive peak forward current as a function of pulse duration; maximum values006aab132110102103I F (mA)10−1V F (V)0 1.20.6(1)(2)(3)(4)006aab133102I R (µA)V R (V)01008040602010110−110−210−310−410−5(1)(2)(3)(4)08161240. R (V)C d (pF )mbg704101102I FSM (A)10−1t p (µs)1104103101028.Test information(1)I R =1mAInput signal: reverse pulse rise time t r =0.6ns; reverse voltage pulse duration t p =100ns; duty cycle δ=0.05Oscilloscope: rise time t r =0.35nsFig 5.Reverse recovery time test circuit and waveformsInput signal: forward pulse rise time t r =20ns; forward current pulse duration t p ≥100ns; duty cycle δ≤0.005Fig 6.Forward recovery voltage test circuit and waveformst rr(1)+ I Ftoutput signalt rt pt10 %90 %V Rinput signal V = V R + I F × R SR S = 50 ΩI FD.U.T.R i = 50 ΩSAMPLING OSCILLOSCOPEmga881t rtt p 10 %90 %Iinput signalR S = 50 ΩIR i = 50 ΩOSCILLOSCOPE1 k Ω450 ΩD.U.T.mga882V FRtoutput signalV9.Package outline10.Packing information[1]For further information and the availability of packing methods, see Section 14.[2]T1: normal taping [3]T2: reverse tapingFig 7.Package outline BAV99(SOT23/TO-236AB)Fig 8.Package outline BAV99S (SOT363/SC-88)Fig 9.Package outline BAV99W (SOT323/SC-70)04-11-04Dimensions in mm0.450. 1.4 1.20.480.380.150.0912306-03-16Dimensions in mm0. 1index1.30.652.22.0 1.351.152.21.8 in mm0.450. 1.351. 9.Packing methodsThe indicated -xxx are the last three digits of the 12NC ordering code.[1]Type number Package DescriptionPacking quantity 300010000BAV99SOT234mm pitch, 8mm tape and reel -215-235BAV99S SOT3234mm pitch, 8mm tape and reel -115-135BAV99WSOT3634mm pitch, 8mm tape and reel; T1[2]-115-1354mm pitch, 8mm tape and reel; T2[3]-125-16511.SolderingFig 10.Reflow soldering footprint BAV99(SOT23/TO-236AB)Fig 11.Wave soldering footprint BAV99(SOT23/TO-236AB)solder lands solder resistoccupied areasolder pastesot023_fr0.5(3×)0.6(3×)0.6(3×)0.7(3×)313. in mmsolder landssolder resist occupied areapreferred transport direction during solderingsot023_fw2.×)1.2(2×)2.22.6Dimensions in mmFig 12.Reflow soldering footprint BAV99S (SOT363/SC-88)Fig 13.Wave soldering footprint BAV99S (SOT363/SC-88)solder landssolder resist occupied areasolder pastesot363_fr2.652.350.4 (2×)0.6(2×)0.5(4×)0.5(4×)0.6(4×)0.6(4×)1.51.8Dimensions in mmsot363_fwsolder landssolder resist occupied areapreferred transport direction during soldering5. 2.5Dimensions in mmFig 14.Reflow soldering footprint BAV99W(SOT323/SC-70) Fig 15.Wave soldering footprint BAV99W(SOT323/SC-70)solder lands solder resistoccupied area solder pastesot323_fr2.652.350.6(3×)0.5(3×)0.55(3×)1.3251.851.3321Dimensions in mmsot323_fw3.65 2.11.425(3×)4.609(2×)2.5751.8solder landssolder resistoccupied areapreferred transportdirection during solderingDimensions in mm12.Revision historyTable 10.Revision historyDocument ID Release date Data sheet status Change notice SupersedesBAV99_SER_520080820Product data sheet-BAV99_4BAV99S_3BAV99W_4Modifications:•The format of this data sheet has been redesigned to comply with the new identityguidelines of NXP Semiconductors.•Legal texts have been adapted to the new company name where appropriate.•Section 1.1 “General description”: amended•Table 1 “Product overview”: added•Table 2 “Quick reference data”: added•Table 6 “Limiting values”: change of V RRM maximum value from 85V to 100V•Table 6 “Limiting values”: change of V R maximum value from 75V to 100V•Table 8 “Characteristics”: change of I R condition V R from 75V to 80V for T j=25°C•Table 8 “Characteristics”: change of I R maximum value from 1µA to 0.5µA for V R=80Vand T j=25°C condition•Table 8 “Characteristics”: change of I R condition V R from 75V to 80V for T j=150°C•Section 8 “Test information”: added•Figure7,8 and9: superseded by minimized package outline drawings•Section 10 “Packing information”: added•Section 11 “Soldering”: added•Section 13 “Legal information”: updatedBAV99_420011015Product specification-BAV99_3BAV99S_320010514Product specification-BAV99S_N_2BAV99W_419990511Product specification-BAV99W_313.Legal information13.1Data sheet status[1]Please consult the most recently issued document before initiating or completing a design.[2]The term ‘short data sheet’ is explained in section “Definitions”.[3]The product status of device(s)described in this document may have changed since this document was published and may differ in case of multiple devices.The latest product status information is available on the Internet at URL .13.2DefinitionsDraft —The document is a draft version only. The content is still under internal review and subject to formal approval, which may result in modifications or additions. NXP Semiconductors does not give any representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness ofinformation included herein and shall have no liability for the consequences of use of such information.Short data sheet —A short data sheet is an extract from a full data sheet with the same product type number(s)and title.A short data sheet is intended for quick reference only and should not be relied upon to contain detailed and full information. For detailed and full information see the relevant full data sheet, which is available on request via the local NXP Semiconductors sales office. In case of any inconsistency or conflict with the short data sheet, the full data sheet shall prevail.13.3DisclaimersGeneral —Information in this document is believed to be accurate andreliable.However,NXP Semiconductors does not give any representations or warranties,expressed or implied,as to the accuracy or completeness of such information and shall have no liability for the consequences of use of such information.Right to make changes —NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes to information published in this document, including withoutlimitation specifications and product descriptions, at any time and without notice.This document supersedes and replaces all information supplied prior to the publication hereof.Suitability for use —NXP Semiconductors products are not designed,authorized or warranted to be suitable for use in medical, military, aircraft,space or life support equipment, nor in applications where failure ormalfunction of an NXP Semiconductors product can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury, death or severe property or environmentaldamage. NXP Semiconductors accepts no liability for inclusion and/or use of NXP Semiconductors products in such equipment or applications and therefore such inclusion and/or use is at the customer’s own risk.Applications —Applications that are described herein for any of these products are for illustrative purposes only. NXP Semiconductors makes no representation or warranty that such applications will be suitable for the specified use without further testing or modification.Limiting values —Stress above one or more limiting values (as defined in the Absolute Maximum Ratings System of IEC 60134)may cause permanent damage to the device.Limiting values are stress ratings only and operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those given in theCharacteristics sections of this document is not implied. Exposure to limiting values for extended periods may affect device reliability.Terms and conditions of sale —NXP Semiconductors products are sold subject to the general terms and conditions of commercial sale,as published at /profile/terms , including those pertaining to warranty,intellectual property rights infringement and limitation of liability, unless explicitly otherwise agreed to in writing by NXP Semiconductors. In case of any inconsistency or conflict between information in this document and such terms and conditions, the latter will prevail.No offer to sell or license —Nothing in this document may be interpreted or construed as an offer to sell products that is open for acceptance or the grant,conveyance or implication of any license under any copyrights,patents or other industrial or intellectual property rights.Quick reference data —The Quick reference data is an extract of theproduct data given in the Limiting values and Characteristics sections of this document, and as such is not complete, exhaustive or legally binding.13.4TrademarksNotice:All referenced brands,product names,service names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.14.Contact informationFor more information, please visit:For sales office addresses, please send an email to:salesaddresses@Document status [1][2]Product status [3]DefinitionObjective [short] data sheet Development This document contains data from the objective specification for product development.Preliminary [short] data sheet Qualification This document contains data from the preliminary specification.Product [short] data sheetProductionThis document contains the product specification.15.Contents1Product profile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.1General description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.2Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.3Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.4Quick reference data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Pinning information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23Ordering information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24Marking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25Limiting values. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36Thermal characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47Characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48Test information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69Package outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 710Packing information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 711Soldering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 812Revision history. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1113Legal information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1213.1Data sheet status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1213.2Definitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1213.3Disclaimers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1213.4T rademarks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1214Contact information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1215Contents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13Please be aware that important notices concerning this document and the product(s)described herein, have been included in section ‘Legal information’.© NXP B.V.2008.All rights reserved.For more information, please visit: For sales office addresses, please send an email to: salesaddresses@Date of release: 20 August 2008。
