Criminal law法律英语刑法 PPT课件

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Punishment ---Sentencing system is a very broad
Aggravating circumstances (加重情节)
Reduce plot (减轻情节)
Recidivist and pleaded guilty (累犯和认罪)
My lecture topics :
Death penalty sentencing plot
Basic situation
• American criminal law no specific reflect about the death penalty sentencing system, but the scope of the basic limit first-degree murder just executed, considering the consequences of a murder. Other must try to give every opportunity decreases victimised suspects miscalculation.
Step 16 :Sentencing (three different types may be used)
Step 17 :Appeals
American criminal law classification
• 1.Criminal ACTS endangering degree(犯罪行为危害程度): felony(重罪),misdemeanor(轻罪)
1962,model penal code《模范刑法典》According to the crime is divided into four grades punishment weight(按刑罚 轻重把犯罪分为四等):felony(重罪),misdemeanor(轻 罪),petty misdemeanor(微罪),violation(违警罪)
• 广义刑法是指一切规定犯罪、刑事责任和 刑罚的法律规范的总和,包括刑法典、单 行刑法以及非刑事法律中的刑事责任条款。
• Criminal law in a narrow sense refers to the penal code. The criminal law punishes the crime, maintains the social stability the most important law, forces the devoting backing by the country.
- Extreme thoughtless of murder极端轻率谋杀罪
- Felony – murder重罪—谋杀罪
- Voluntary manslaughter自 愿性非恶意杀人,故意杀 人 (比如激情犯罪crime of passion)
- involuntary homicide过失 杀人
What do U think of CRIMES?what
• Some people think that crime that can be defined for the more serious offence against person or property, there are a number of acts,and some omissions,which are subject to the crminal law yet do not cause such a threat.
狭义刑法是指刑法典。刑法是惩 治犯罪,维护社会安定的最重要的 法律,由国家强制力作后盾.
Criminal Procedure
The law governing that series of procedures through which the substantive criminal is enforced.
malum prohibitsin (法规禁止的罪): drunken driving(酒后开车) driving through the roadwithout pay MaiLuQian shut (行车通过路关而不付买路钱)
operating machinery on-screen (经营机械赌具)
刑法有广义刑法与狭义刑法 之分。
Criminal law in a broad sense refers to all stipulation crime, the legal responsibility and penalty's legal norm sum total, including penal code, in specific criminal law as well as noncriminal law legal responsibility provision.
(微罪最高刑期为30天监禁) • Violations punish a crime only be fined
• 2.The nature of crime(犯罪本身的性质):malum in se (邪 恶的罪),malum prohibitsin (法规禁止的罪)
• malum in se (邪恶的罪):murder(杀人) set on fire ( 放火) adultery (奸淫) steal(盗窃)
Step 11 :Grand Jury RevΒιβλιοθήκη Baiduew (the primary function) Step 12 :The Filing of the Indictment or Information Step 13 :Arraignment on the Information or Indictment Step 14 :Pretrial Motions Step 15 :The Trial (the unique features)
--Alfreds Tennyson, British writer

--英国作家 丁尼生 A
•Hate the sin but not the sinnner!
• 可恨的是罪行而不是罪犯。
• Yes,in my opinions, to be accurate ,we can only say that crime is any act or omission that is contrary to the criminal law.
Step 1 :The Reported Crime (or “known offense”)
Step 2 :Prearrest Investigation (include three basic groups)
Step 3 :Arrest
Step 4 :Booking Step 5 : Post-Arrest Investigation (will vary with the fact situation)
The American system of criminal procedure is “adversarial”.
The procedural steps carry a case from start to finish within the process.
The Steps in a typical felony case:
Criminal law
Criminal law
1.What are the crimes and criminal law? 2.Criminal Procedure(美国刑法的程序) 3. Criminal law classification(美国刑法的 分类) 4. Capital Punishment(死刑) 5.Criminal liability(刑事责任)
Step 6 :The Decision to Charge Step 7 :Filling the Complaint Step 8 :Magistrate Review of the Arrest Step 9 :The First Appearance (a quite brief proceeding) Step 10 :Preliminary Hearing
the sin of violation of economic laws and regulations (违反经济法规的罪)
• 3.Legal origin Angle(法律渊源角度): Common-law sin(普通法罪) Enacted law sin(制定法罪)
• 4.Other classification(其他分类) Crime constitution form(犯罪构成形态): complete sin (完整罪) inchoate crime(不完整罪) Criminal principal amount( 犯罪主体数量): separate sin(单独犯罪) fellowship on crime(共同犯罪) Criminal principal types ( 犯罪主体类型 ) : crime by a natural person(自然人犯罪) legal person commits sin (法人犯罪)
assault and attery(侵犯人身罪) qufringed residential sin(侵犯住宅罪) crime of property violation(侵犯财产罪) damage of moral yuiltlmale(损害公共道德罪) to endanger public order of sin(危害公共秩序罪) disrupt government management the crime
• Felony divided into 3:Level 1, level 2, Level3(重罪分为三级) • No more than one year's imprisonment penalty misdemeanor
(轻罪刑罚不超过一年监禁) • A maximum sentence of micro sin 30 days in prison
• 美国刑法没有具体的 体现关于死刑的量刑 制度,但范围基本限 定一级谋杀才执行死 刑,考虑到有杀人的 后果。其他的都尽量 的给予一切的机会减 少对犯罪嫌疑人的错 判误判。
- Malice murder蓄意谋杀罪
- Intentionally injury murder 故意重伤谋杀罪
• 一些人们认为,犯罪就是侵犯人们身体和 财产的作为或者不作为的行为,比如恐吓。
Some Famous say:
• Giving the killer what he deserves.

• It is better to fight for justice than
to rail at the ill.
• 是的,在我看来,准确的说犯罪就是任何 违背刑法的行为。
What is the criminal law?
• The criminal law can be classified into criminal law in a broad sense and criminal law in a narrow sense.
Crime subject is the psychological state(犯罪主体心理状态): intentionally crime(故意罪) negligent crime(过失罪)
Criminality infringe upon social interests(犯罪行为所侵犯的社会利 益) :