Dear diary
This morning is...different.
有些改变 我能察觉到
There is change. I can sense it
Feel it.
I'm awake.
For the first time in a long time
I feel completely and undeniably wide awake.
这一次 我没在一天开始前就失望
For once I don't regret the day before it begins.
I welcome the day...
-你好 弟弟 -达蒙
- Hello brother. - Damon.
埃琳娜 和凯瑟琳长得一模一样
Elena. She's a dead ringer for Katherine.
你去过的地方 就有人死去
Wherever you go people die.
天呐 是薇姬
My god. It's Vicki!
Hair up or down?
Sexy stewardess.
Boozy housewife.
Up it is.
You're feisty today.
I feel good which is rare.
摘 要:伴随着经济全球化进程的推进,大量美国电视剧进入中国市场,推动了影视剧英文字幕翻译行业的发展。字幕翻译 是中国观众观看美国电视剧的重要内容, 也是观众了解英语国家语言文化的途径。 现文章以大受观众欢迎的美剧 《吸血鬼日记》 为例, 分析美剧字幕翻译特点以及翻译策略。 关键词:《吸血鬼日记》;字幕翻译特点;翻译策略
吸血鬼日记第一季全集剧本台词(英汉对照)第一篇:吸血鬼日记第一季全集剧本台词(英汉对照)过去的一个多世纪我都秘密地活着For over a century I have lived in secret 藏身暗处Hiding in the shadows 独自一人Alone in the world.直到现在Until now.我是个吸血鬼I am a vampire.这就是我的故事And this is my story.居然开一小时的车去听那种垃圾音乐An hour's drive to hear that crap.根本都算不上是乐队You know it wasn't even a band.一人抱一把吉他A guy with a guitar.每人一小时An hour each way.他没你说的那么差 He wasn't that bad.风格还挺像詹姆士·布朗特 He sounded like James Blunt.那有什么不好呢What's wrong with that? 问题是已经有一个詹姆士·布朗特了 We already have a James Blunt.一个就够了One's all we need.那你为什么还要来 So why did you come? 因为我爱你Because I love you.答得不错Nicely done.哪来这么大的雾What's with all the fog? 刚才还没有的It'll clear in a second.小心Watch out!你没事吧Are you ok?!我们撞到人了上帝啊We just hit someone!Ohmy god!快打电话叫救护车Call for help.快接电话快啊 Come on come on!千万别出人命啊Please be alive!哦上帝啊 Oh my god.这里没信号There's no signal!达伦 Darren!达伦 Darren? 《吸血鬼日记》第一季第一集我不该回家来的I shouldn't have come home.我知道这很冒险 I know the risk.但我别无选择But I had no choice.我必须去认识她I have to know her.亲爱的日记 Dear diary 今天将会不同以往Today will be different.必须要It has to be.我会微笑让别人相信I will smile and it will be believable.告诉他们“我很好谢谢关心” My smile was “I'm fine thank you.” “是的我好多了” “Yes I feel much better.” 我不再是失去双亲的悲伤女孩I will no longer be the sad little girl who lost her parents.我要重新开始做不同的自己I will start fresh be someone new.这是我能挺过去的唯一办法It's the only way I'll make it through.吐司面包怎么样我可以做Toast.I can make toast.只要咖啡就行珍娜姑妈It's all about the coffee Aunt Jenna.有咖啡吗Is there coffee? 你们开学第一天Your first day of school 我却毫无准备And I'm totally unprepared.要午餐钱吗 Lunch money? 我不用了 I'm good.还有什么别的吗 Anything else? 一支两号铅笔我还漏了什么没A number two pencil? What am I missing? 你今天不是有个重要报告会吗Don't you have a big presentation today? 我要和论文导师见面就是现在I'm meeting with my thesis advisor at...now.糟糕 Crap!那走吧我们自己能行 Then go.We'll be fine.你还好吧 You ok? 别这么跟我说Don't start.祖母说我是个灵媒So gram’s telling me I'm psychic.我们祖先就是从耶路撒冷来的 Our ancestors were from Salem 我知道听起来有点不靠谱Which isn't all that I know crazy 但是她不停地说啊说But she's going on and on about it 我就在想快让我离开这儿And I'm like put this woman in a home already!但是我开始想But then I started thinking 奥巴马和希斯·莱杰我都预言到了I predicted Obama and I predicted Heath Ledger 而且我还认为佛罗里达将有大事发生And I still think Florida will break off 今后就不再是度假胜地了And turn into little resort islands.埃琳娜 Elena!注意力回到车里Back in the car.我又犯病了是吗I did it again didn't I? 对不起邦妮I--I'm sorry Bonnie.你在跟我说You were telling me that...我是个灵媒That I'm psychic now.对那么预言点什么Right.Ok then predict something.关于我的 About me.我想想 I see...那是什么东西 What was that?!哦上帝啊 Oh my god!埃琳娜你没事吧 Elena are you ok? 没事我很好It's ok.I'm fine.好像是鸟之类的东西不知从哪飞出来的It was like a bird or something.It came out of nowhere.说真的看来我下半辈子都不想碰车了Really I can't be freaked out by cars for the rest of my life.我预言今年是不得了的一年I predict this year is going to be kick ass.我预言所有悲伤和不幸都已经结束And I predict all the sad and dark times are over 你会过得快乐至极And you are going to be beyond happy.房地产行业里男性匮乏Major lack of male real estate.快看凯丽泳滩的浴帘Look at the shower curtain on Kelly Beach.她看上去挺辣的She looks a hot 你还是以前那个“悲伤小姐”嘛Can I still say “tranny mess”? 不是都已经过去了 No that's over.就该这样找个男人起个新绰号 Ahh find a man coin a phrase.又是忙碌的一年 It's a busy year.他恨我He hates me.那不是恨That's not hate.是说“你甩了我我不屑于表现出来” That's “you dumped me but I'm too cool to show it ”但暗地里却听空气补给乐队的热门歌曲“ ”But secretly I'm listening to Air Supply's greatest hits.“ 埃琳娜我的天哪 Elena.Oh my god.你怎么样How are you? 见到你真好Oh it's so good to see you.她怎么样她好吗How is she? Is she good? 卡罗琳我就站在这里 Caroline I'm right here.而且我很好谢谢And I'm fine.Thank you.真的吗 Really? 对好多了Yes.Much better.我的小可怜Oh you poor thing.够了卡罗琳 Ok Caroline.那么待会儿见Ok see you guys later?-好的-拜拜Bye.不予置评 No comment.我什么都不想说I'm not going to say anything.六个小时内最多吃粒Don't take more than two in a six-hour window.薇姬Hey Vicki.我就知道你和这个瘾君子在一起I knew I'd find you here with the crackheads.皮特·温兹打电话[美国乐团Fall Out Boy主唱] Hey Pete Wentz called.他想要回他的指甲油He wants his nail polish back.皮特·温兹你活在啥年代啊Pete Wentzhuh? How old school T.R.L of you.不会是卡森·戴利的粉丝吧 Carson Daly fan? 泰冷静点冷静点Oh Ty be nice.Be nice.他是埃琳娜的弟弟That's Elena's little brother.我知道I know who he is.那我也要给他好看I'll still kick his ass.等等这人是谁Hold up.Who's this? 我只看到个背影 All I see is back.很帅的背影It's a hot back.你的档案还不齐全Your records are incomplete.没有免疫证You're missing immunization records 而且我们必须要看成绩单And we do insist on transcripts.请您再看一下Please look again.我确定您要的都在这了I'm sure everything you need is there.你是对的Wellyou're right.的确如此 So it is.我感知到了西雅图还有他会弹吉他I'm sensing Seattle and he plays the guitar.看来你真是把那种灵媒技能You're really going to run this whole psychic thing-发挥到极致了-差不多-Into the groundhuh?Where is it?-藏身上了吗-别翻了-Is it on you?What is that 酒鬼的演讲吗 Stoner talk? 老弟算你狠Dudeyou are so cool.停我身上什么也没有你疯了吗Lookstop!I don't have anything on me.Are you crazy? 你还没见识过我发疯呢杰里米 You haven't seen crazy Jeremy!我一个暑假没管你I gave you a summer pass 可我不能再看着你毁了你自己了But I am done watching you destroy yourself.别别别知道我怎么想吗 Nononoyou know what? 你走吧爱干嘛干嘛不过记住了Go ahead.Keep it up.But just know 只要我发现你喝酒That I am going to be there 见一次摔一次明白没To ruin your buzz every timeyou got it? 杰里米我知道你是什么样的人Jeremy I know who you are.不是现在这样的And it's not this person.别这样下去了So don't be this person.不用你来说教I don't need this.谢谢Thank you.不客气You're welcome.对不起Uh pardon me.这里是男士洗手间吗Is this the men's room? 是的我只是Yes.um I was just 只是...Um...I was just...说来话长了It's a long story.谢谢Thank you.我们的家乡弗吉尼亚州Once our home state of Virginia 曾于年加入南部的联盟国Joined confederacy in 这使得州际内部极度紧张起来It created a tremendous amount of tension within the state.弗吉尼亚的西北派人士People in Virginia's northwest region 与南方腹地的传统派意见相左Had different ideals than those from the traditional deep south.终于弗吉尼亚于年分裂 Then virginia divided in 西北部加入了合众国With the northwest region joining the union.[帅哥在看你] 亲爱的日记 Dear diary 我熬过了一整天I made it through the day.我肯定至少说了次I must have said ”I'm fine thanks“”我很好谢谢“ At least times.但没有一次是真心的And I didn't mean it once.不过没人发现But no one noticed.纪念亲爱的双亲年月日当有人问起”你好吗“时When someone asks ”How are you?“ 他们其实并不想知道答案They really don't want an answer.小鸟你好 Hi bird.没什么可怕的That's not creepy or anything.这才是我想说的That's what I thought.你没事吧 You ok? 你在跟踪我吗Were you following me? 没有我只是看到你跌到了No I uh I just...I saw you fall.是啊你只是碰巧Uh-huh and you just happened to be 在墓地闲逛Hanging out in a cemetery.我是来祭拜家人的I'm visiting.I have family here.太失礼了Wow.Tactless.对不起都怪那雾气I'm sorry.It's the fog 把我身上都弄得雾蒙蒙的 It's making me foggy.而且那边还有只鸟And then back therethere was this bird 有一霎那一切都非常的”希区柯克“ And it was all very Hitchcock for a second.很像希区柯克的电影《鸟》对吧That is the bird movie right the Hitchcock? 我叫埃琳娜I'm Elena.我叫斯特凡I'm Stefan.我知道 I know.我们是一起上历史课的We have history together.还有英语和法语课And English and French.没错 Right.谢谢 Thanks.很漂亮的戒指Nice ring.是家传的It's a family ring yeah.我永远不会跟它分开有点诡异对吗I'm kinda stuck with it.It's weirdhuh? 不会戒指到处都有No no.It's just I mean there are rings 这枚却是独一无二的 And then there's that.你是不是受伤了Did you hurt yourself? 刚才是不是摔伤了Did you hurt yourself? 不知道I don't know.看啊Oh!Look at that.这可不好看That is not pretty.你没事吧 You ok? 你该走了You should go.好好处理下伤口 Take care of that.真的没什么Really it's nothing.今天我失控了I lost control today.我已经深埋内心的一切Everything I've kept buried inside 都冲破了束缚Came rushing to the surface.我只是无法抗拒她I'm simply not able to resist her.我在干活 Working.谢谢薇姬ThanksVick.还要续杯吗Do you need another refill? 求之不得I'd love one.摆脱告诉我你没有勾搭我妹妹Please tell me you're not hooking up with my sister.我没有勾搭你妹妹I'm not hooking up with your sister.你真是个混蛋You're such a dick.你怎么回事Hey what's your deal? 夏天的时候你还好好的I meansummer you act one way 开学后看到我就那么不耐烦吗And then school starts and you can't be bothered.杰里米我真的很感谢你的药Look Jeremy I really appreciate all the pharmaceuticals 但你也不能像条迷路的小狗一样死缠着我But you can't keep following me around like a lost puppy.你上次和”小狗“上床是什么时候When's the last time you had sex with a puppy? 小声点我不想让整个世界知道Hey keep it down.I don't want to tell the whole world 我让埃琳娜的小弟失贞了I deflowered Elena's kid brother.没错而且是一次次的Yeah and deflowered and deflowered.以前几次都是药物作怪现在结束了We hooked up a few times in a drug haze.It's over.趁你没破坏我和泰勒关系前快走吧You gotta back off before you ruin things between me and Tyler.得了吧那家伙完全就是个傻逼Oh come on the guy's a total douche.他要你只是为了想和你上床He only wants you for your ass.是吗Yeah? 你要我什么呢What do you want me for? 他名叫斯特凡·塞尔瓦托His name is Stefan Salvatore.他和叔叔住在塞尔瓦托的旧公寓He lives with uncle up at the old Salvatore boarding house.他孩提时就离开这里了He hasn't lived here since he was a kid.典型的军人家庭所以他们四处迁徙Military family so they moved around a lot.他是双子座的最喜欢的颜色是蓝色He's a gemini and his favorite color is blue.你一天之内就知道这些了You got all of that in one day? 摆脱我在三四节课之间就知道了Oh please I got all that between third and fourth period.我们将会举行一个六月婚礼We're planning a June wedding.我和邦妮约好去烧烤I'm meeting Bonnie at the grill.好吧玩得愉快等等我得说 Ok have fun.WaitI got this.别待得太久明天还要上课Don't stay out late it's a school night.干得不错珍娜姑妈 Well done aunt Jenna.抱歉我正想敲门Sorry I was about to knock.我想为先前无故消失的行为道歉I wanted to apologize for my disappearing act earlier.我知道那有点...I know it was...奇怪strange.别放在心上了 No worries.我懂你晕血I get it blood makes you squeamish.差不多吧Um something like that.你的脚怎么样 How's your leg? 哦没事了Oh it's fine.只是皮外伤Just a scratch barely.你怎么知道我住哪How did you know where I lived? 这可是个小镇It's a small town.我问了遇到的第一个人I asked the first person I saw.我觉得你应该想要回这个Um I thought you might want this back.哦我一定是把它弄丢了 Oh I must have dropped it.谢谢你I...thank you.别担心我没看Don't worry I didn't...read it.没有吗 No? 为什么不看大多数人都会的Why not? Most people would have.正如我不想让别人看我的Well I wouldn't want anyone to read mine.你写日记You keep a journal? 是的如果我不写下来Yeah if I don't write it down 我就会忘I forget it.记忆弥足珍贵Memories are too important.是的 Yeah.我得去I'm just gonna 你没必要站在外面Um you don't have to stay out there.我没事 I'm fine.对不起你是不是要出去Sorry were you going somewhere? 是的我要见个朋友Yeah I'm meeting a friend.一起来吗Do you want to come? 埃琳娜怎么样How's Elena doing? 她的双亲亡故了你觉得会怎么样Her mom and dad died.How do you think? 她假装满面笑容She's putting on a good face 但才过了个月But it's only been four months.-她有提到我吗-没有-Has she said anything about me?Then what is? 为什么你要回来Why did you come back? 过去这么久了为什么偏偏现在 After all this time why now? 我不需要为自己作解释I don't have to explain myself.我知道你本性难移I know that you can't change what you are.但你再也不属于这里了But you don't belong here anymore.那我属于哪里Where do I belong? 我无法告诉你该怎么做I can't tell you what to do.但回到这里是个错误But coming back here was a mistake.柳树溪战役The battle of Willow Creek 战争末期在我们took place right at the end of the war 神秘瀑布镇打响in our very own mystic falls.这场战役有多少人员伤亡How many casualties resulted in this battle? 贝内特小姐Ms.Bennett? 很多Um...a lot? 我不确定I'm not sure.就是很多Like a whole lot.贝内特小姐可爱和傻气只有一步之遥Cute becomes dumb in an instantMs.Bennett.多诺万先生Mr.Donovan.你能否借这个机会Would you like to take this opportunity 一改玩世不恭的形象To overcome your embedded jock stereotype? 算了泰纳老师不必了It's okMr.TannerI'm cool with it.埃琳娜呢 Hmm.Elena? 你一定可以给我们Surely you can enlighten us about 讲讲发生在本镇最重要的历史事件吧One of the town's most significantly historical events? 抱歉我不知道I'm sorryI...I don't know.埃琳娜你的情况大家都很清楚I was willing to be lenient last year 如果是去年我完全能通融For obvious reasonsElena 但私人情感应该在开学前做个了结But the personal excuses ended with summer break.有人遇难There were casualties 除去本地居民Unless you're counting local civilians.正确That's correct.你叫...Mister...赛尔瓦多Salvatore.塞尔瓦多在神秘瀑布镇 Salvatore.any relation to 有原始定居在这里的亲戚吗The original settlers here at mystic falls? 远亲Distant.很好Wellvery good.当然除次之外战争中没有Exceptof coursethere were no civilian casualties 本地居民遇难In this battle.其实有名老师Actuallythere were sir.联邦士兵在教堂开火Confederate soldiersthey fired on the church 以为那里藏有武器Believing it to be housing weapons.他们错了They were wrong.当晚伤亡惨重It was a night of great loss.市政厅存有发起人的档案The founder's archives areuh 你可以去那里温习一下Stored in civil hall if you'd like to brush up on your facts.泰纳老师 Mr.Tanner.什么意思你从不钓凯子What do you meanyou never hooked up? 大家都People look up to me.我得保持形象I have to set an example.承认吧埃琳娜Just admit itElena.好吧他是挺帅的Ohokso he's a little pretty.他的眼神很深邃He has that romance novel stare.斯特凡深情注视她的双眸Stefan looked deep into her eyes 洞悉她的灵魂Piercing her very soul.你来啦Hey!you made it!是的 I did.去喝一杯吧Welllet's get you a drink.-我-来吧-WellI'm...Mm-hmm.神秘新人Mysterious new guyohyeah.你也挺神秘的Wellyou have the mysterious thing goingtoo.满脸哀伤Twinged in sadness.为什么觉得我哀伤What makes you think that I'm sad? 我是在墓地遇见你的Wellwe did meet in a graveyard.对Right.不准确来说应该是在男厕Wellnotechnically we met in the men's room.还是不说了You don't want to knowit's...不是派对的聊天话题It's not exactly party chit-chat.我一直都不太擅长WellI've never really been very good atuh 聊天Chit-chat.去年春天Last spring...我父母的车从桥上坠下My parents' car drove off of a bridge 掉进湖里Into the lake.我当时在后座And I was in the backseat 捡回一命And I survivedbut...他们却没这么幸运They didn't.这就是我的故事So that's my story.埃琳娜悲伤不会永远存在的You won't be sad foreverElena.不行泰 NoTy.我不要靠着树做爱I'm not having sex against a tree.-别啊多性感For who? 不不行Noit's not going to happen.不行特别是这样的时间地点It's not going to happennot herenot like this.不行我说不行No.I said no.不行好痛I said no!owthat hurts!放开她Heyleave her alone.你让我有点反感吉尔伯特You knowyou're starting to get on my nervesGilbert.快滚泰勒离我远点Just goTylerget the hell away from me.薇姬·多诺万居然会说不Wow.Vicki Donovan says no.第一次见That's a first.我不需要你帮忙I didn't need your help.我看未必It seems like you did.-他只是醉了-我才醉了-He was just drunk.And Matt 他好像不能把眼睛从我们身上移开He can't seem touhtake his eyes off of us.马特是我的青梅竹马Matt's that friend since childhood 与他拍拖That you start dating 是因为感觉欠了自己什么Because you owe it to yourselves 想看看能否往下发展To see if you can be more.然后呢 And? 然后我父母去世了And then my parents died 一切都变了And everything changes.不论如何马特和我 Anyway Matt and I 在一起我不知道Together we justI don't know 不够It wasn'tum...没有It wasn't...激情Passionate.对 No.没有一点激情Noit wasn't passionate.你还好吗Heyumare you ok? 你的眼睛刚才Your eyeit justit's--不没事Yeahno.It'sumit's nothing.你渴了吗Umare you thirsty? 我去拿点喝的I'm gonna get us a drink.杰里米 Jeremy? 是你吗Is that you? 杰里米 Jeremy? 在找谁吗Looking for someone? 当你跟我分手的时候When you broke up with me 你说是因为你想独自一人过一段时间You said it was because you needed some time alone.你看上去并不是孤身一人You don't look so alone to me.马特你不明白的这Matt you don't understand.It's--没关系埃琳娜That's ok Elena.你做任何你想做的You do what you have to do.我只想让你知道I just want to let you know that...我依旧相信我们会相爱的 I stillbelieve in us.我不会放弃的And I'm not giving up on that.马特 Matt.你在这里啊Hey!There you are.你去看过瀑布了吗Have you been down to the falls yet? 那里的夜晚非常漂亮Because they are really cool at night.如果你愿意And I can show you.我可以带你去 If you want.我觉得你喝多了I think you've had too much to drink.那是当然的Well of course I have.所以卡罗琳 So--Caroline.你和我You and me 是不可能的It's not gonna happen.对不起 Sorry.我还在想是谁绑架你了I was wondering who abducted you 现在我知道了 But now I know.他对所有男生都这样吗Is she like that withuhall the guys? 当然不是 No.你是新的猎物You're fresh meat.她最终会甩了你的She'll back off eventually.天呐开玩笑的吧God you gotta be kidding me!怎么了What is it?-我弟弟-喝醉的那个吗-My brother.Need some help? 相信我你不会想看这个的Trust meyou're not going to want to witness this.杰里米Jeremy!杰里米 Jeremy!杰里米你要去哪儿Jeremy where the hell are you going? 我不想听I don't want to hear it!薇姬不 Vicki? No!天呐是薇姬上帝啊Oh my god it's Vicki!Ohmy god!不 No!谁来帮一下Somebody help!薇姬吗薇姬这怎么回事 Vicki? Vickiwhat the hell?!她怎么了What happened to her? 谁能叫下救护车Somebodycall an ambulance!所有人后退给她点空间Everybody back upgive her some space!看她脖子什么东西咬了她It's her neck.Something bit her.她正大量失血She's losing a lot of blood.把这个盖在她脖子上 Put this on her neck.薇姬振作睁开眼睛看着我Vicki Vicki come on open your eyes look at me.发生什么了What's going on? 有人今晚被袭击了扎克Someone else was attacked tonight Zach 但不是我干的And it wasn't me.达蒙 Damon.你好弟弟Hello brother.周围人有点多你不觉得吗Crow's a bit muchdon't you think? 看我能用迷雾做什么的时候就明白了Wait till you see what I can do with the fog.你什么时候到的When'd you get here? 我怎么能错过你在学校的第一天呢Well I couldn't miss your first day at school.你发型变了Your hair's different.我喜欢I like it.已经年了达蒙It's been years Damon.感谢上帝 Thank god.我可不能再忍受九十年代了I couldn't take another day of the Nineties.那个可怕的蹩脚形象That horrible grunge look? 一点都不适合你 Did not suit you.记住斯特凡远离时尚很重要Remember Stefan it's important to stay away from fads.为什么你会在这儿 Why are you here? 我想念我亲爱的弟弟了I miss my little brother.你讨厌小镇的You hate small towns.枯燥乏味无事可做It's boring.There's nothing for you to do.我想办法让自己忙碌起来了I've managed to keep myself busy.你知道的你让那女孩今晚幸免于难了You know you left that girl alive tonight.你真是笨手笨脚的That's very clumsy of you.对你来说这会是个大问题That can be a problem...for you.你现在来这做什么Why are you here now? 我也可以问你相同的问题I could ask you the same question.然而我想当确定However I'm fairly certain 你的回答能总结为Your answer can be summed up all into 一个词One little word...埃琳娜 Elena.我们现在去主流咖啡厅等消息We're gonna go Mainline Coffee wait for news.我要带杰里米回家I gotta take Jeremy home.埃琳娜我不可能有超能力的Elena there's no way I'm psychic.我确定I know that.但不论如何我所看到的 But whatever I saw 或者我以为我看到的 Or I think I saw 我有预感I have this feeling...邦妮是什么 Bonnie what? 这只是开始That it's just the beginning.她把我的魂都吸引住了She took my breath away.埃琳娜 Elena.她和凯瑟琳长得一模一样She's a dead ringer for Katherine.这样做很有意思吗斯特凡Is it workingStefan? 在她身旁进入她的世界Being around herbeing in her world? 让你觉得自己还活着是么Does it make you feel alive? 她不是凯瑟琳She's not Katherine.好吧但愿不是Welllet's hope not.我们都记得结局是怎样的We both know how that ended.告诉我你最后一次吃Tell me somethingwhen's the last time 比松鼠大的东西是什么时候You had something stronger than a squirrel? 我明白你的用意达蒙没用的I know what you're doingDamon.It's not gonna work.是吗得了你一点也不渴望么Yeah? Come on.Don't you crave a little? 算了吧来吧我们一起做Stop it.Let's do it.T ogether.我看外面有不少姑娘I saw a couple girls out there.或者我们直截了当Or justlet's just cut to the chase 去找埃琳娜Let's just go straight for Elena!够了Stop it!想象一下她的血尝起来什么味道Imagine what her blood tastes like!我能想象到有多鲜美 I can.我说够了I said stop!真令我印象深刻 I was impressed.我给你打个分I give it a six.姿势不好看但还是给了我很大的惊喜Missing stylebut i was pleasantly surprised.你的表情太棒了Very good with the whole face--真不错Thing.It was good.对你来说这些都是娱乐达蒙是吧You knowit's all fun and gamesDamonhuh? 你去过的地方就有人死去But wherever you gopeople die.-这是宿命安排-不要在这-That's a given.Damon.埃琳娜和凯瑟琳长得一模一样Elena.She's a dead ringer for Katherine.你去过的地方就有人死去 Wherever you go people die.天呐是薇姬My god.It's Vicki!什么东西咬了她她正大量失血Something bit her.She's losing a lot of blood.谁来帮帮忙Somebody help!吸血鬼 Vampire.-你一点也不渴望吗-够了-Don't you crave a little?Hear what? 打雷声I heard thunder.没有打雷声There's no thunder.你肯定吗Are you sure? 如果下雨了Because if it rains 我们就看不成彗星了Then we won't be able to see the comet.不会下雨的It's not gonna rain.听着我Listen.I...要送你个小礼物Got you a little something.我把它放在车里了It's back in the car.别走开Don't you move.别淋着雨 Stay dry.不会下雨的It's not gonna rain.我就知道 I knew it!我和你说了要下雨吧I told you it was gonna rain!快开啊 Open!不 No!求你了 Please!《吸血鬼日记》第一季第二集亲爱的日记本 Dear diary 今天早上不同寻常This morning is...different.有些改变我能察觉到There is change.I can sense it 感觉到 Feel it.我醒了I'm awake.在这么长时间以来我第一次For the first time in a long time 完全清醒过来I feel completely and undeniably wide awake.这一次我没在一天开始前就失望For once I don't regret the day before it begins.我迎接这新的一天 I welcome the day...因为我知道Because I know...我会和她再次相见I will see her again.我会和他再次相见I will see him again.长时间以来我第一次For the first time in a long time 感觉不错I feel good.我看起来够成熟吗 Do I look adult? 像个为人父母的样子吗As in respectfully parental? 这要看你去哪里了Depends where you're going.去见杰里米的老师Jeremy's parent-teacher conference.头发盘起来还是放下来好呢 Hair up or down? 性感空姐Sexy stewardess.嗜酒主妇Boozy housewife.还是盘起来好 Up it is.你今天很活跃啊You're feisty today.我感觉很不错I feel good which is rare.所以我想保持这感觉So I've decided to go with it.随便逛逛在阳光下走走诸如此类的Fly free, walk on sunshine and all that stuff.杰里米在哪里Where is Jeremy? 他很早就走了 He left early.他说他要早点去木工工场Something about getting to wood shop early 去完成个鸟笼To finish a birdhouse.没有什么木工工场是吧There is no wood shop, is there?-没有-是啊Yeah.你不能在这里亲爱的探视时间You can't be in here.Hon.Visiting hours 从九点开始Don't start till :.我只是I just...她怎么样了 How is she? 她失血过多She's lost a lot of blood.对啊但是他很快就会好是不是Yeah.But she's gonna be ok, right? 她需要休息She needs her rest.所以你一会儿再来吧So you come back later.走吧Come on.人们最初发现它是在五个世纪前Originally discovered nearly centuries ago 它造访神秘瀑布镇已有一百四十五年It hasn't been over mystic falls in over years.现在是这颗彗星最闪亮的时期Now the comet will be its brightest 就在黄昏后Right after dusk 在明天晚上的庆典上During tomorrow's celebration.我们打扰到你们了吗塞尔瓦托先生 Are we bothering you Mr.Salvatore? 吉尔伯特小姐 Ms.Gilbert? 我有这本书 I brought it.我告诉过你 Told you.呼啸山庄艾力斯·贝尔著Wuthering heights by Ellis Bell.我简直不敢相信她没有用真名You know I can't believe she didn't use her real name.勃朗特姐妹都使用笔名All the Bronte sisters used pseudonyms.那个年代就是如此 It was the time.公众不认可女作家Female writers weren't very accepted then.你从哪里找到的这本书 Where did you get it? 这是家里传下来的Uh...It was passed down.家里长辈留传下来的Through the family.我有很多书了这本送你拿着吧I have lots of books.Go ahead.Keep it.不行我Oh, no.I...但是我很想再读一遍But I would like to read it again.我保证一定回还给你的I promise I'll give it back.好吧 Ok.我糊涂了I'm confused.你是巫师还是灵媒Are you psychic or clairvoyant? 理论上我祖母说我是一个女巫Technically gran says I'm a witch.我的祖先那时都是My ancestors were these really cool 塞勒姆很厉害的女巫什么的Salem witch chicks or something.祖母想要给我解释清楚Gran tried to explain it all 但是她醉得太厉害了But she was looped on the liquor 所以我就没把它当回事荒唐的家族吧没错 So I kinda tuned out.Crazy family? Yes.女巫吗我不相信Witches? I don't think so.是啊要是能用魔力算出Yeah.Well.Feel free to conjure up the name and number 昨天那家伙的名字和电话号码该多好 Of that guy from last night.我没看见他是你看见他的 I didn't see him.You did.为什么你不和他聊聊Why didn't you just talk to him? 我不知道我喝醉了I don't know.I was drunk.泰勒抱歉打断你们Hey, Tyler.Hey, I'm sorry to interrupt.我想问问薇姬怎么样了I was just wondering how Vickie's doing 既然你们那么亲密那你一定知道 Since you guys are so close.她还好吗 Is she ok? 她很好你可以走了She's fine.Now get out of here.她伤得厉害吗 How bad is she? 知道是谁袭击她了吗。
This is me expressing concern
About my best friend's new boyfriend.
我很感激你這么做 真的
And I love you for it, I do.
But I feel good.
But in this case,
I don't think football likes me.
You saw Tyler over there,
And we both know how Matt feels.
And when will that be?
She's working on it.
World war Ⅱ ended in...
Anyone got anything?
黃同學 年
Miss Juan? .
Previously on The Vampire Diaries
For over a century
I have lived in secret until now.
我知道這很冒險 但我必須要認識她
I know the risk but I have to know her.
《吸血鬼日记》前情提要Previously on "The vampire diaries"...你们俩如此钦慕埃琳娜她一定乐在其中吧Does Elena enjoy having both of you worship at her altar? 我听说过你的事情I've heard about you.疯狂而又冲动的吸血鬼The crazy, impulsive vampire.爱上了他弟弟的女人In love with his brother's girl.克劳斯是含有狼人血统的吸血鬼Klaus is a vampire born of a werewolf bloodline.诅咒一直封印着他的狼人特性The curse has kept his werewolf aspect from manifesting. 但如果诅咒被解开But if he breaks it,他就是真正的混血儿he'll be a true hybrid.原来狼人的咬伤是这样的So that's what a werewolf bite looks like.泰勒·洛克伍德咬了我Tyler Lockwood bit me.我们会想出办法的We'll find something.能治好的A cure.吸血鬼被狼人咬一口立马死翘翘A bite from a werewolf can kill a vampire.别当他是朋友你听懂没So don't be his friend. Do you understand me?你得保证不让其他人发现我们的真面目Promise me no one will find out about us.斯特凡呢Where's Stefan?为了救他哥哥他把自己交给克劳斯了He gave himself over to Klaus. To save his brother.只要给我解药让我做什么都行Just give me the cure, and I'll do whatever you want.你要找的解药就是这个You want your cure, there it is.你的血就是解药Your blood is the cure.你应该在1864年遇到我You should have met me in 1864.那你喜欢的就是我了You would have liked me.我现在就喜欢你I like you now.做回真正的自己You can embrace what you truly are.和我一起离开还能救你兄弟一命Leave town with me and save your brother's life.这就对了That's the spirit.田纳西州鲁迪Rudy.鲁迪Rudy!快回来Come on.让我去找你会热死我的It's too hot to make me come looking for you.抱歉I am so sorry.没吓到你吧I didn't mean to scare you.有什么事吗Can I help you?是这样我的车没油了就停在几英里外Yeah, my, uh, my car ran out of gas a couple miles back. 我觉得我走了好久I feel like I've been walking forever.你是我遇到的第一家Yours is the first house I'd come to,我只想借用一下你的手机so I was just hoping I could use your phone.你没有手机吗Don't you have a cell phone?有没电了Heh. Yeah. Battery died.我保证我不是一个连环杀人犯Look, I promise I'm not a serial killer.我只是想用一下你的手机I just want to use your phone.当然可以Sure.那我可以进去吗So...I can come in?不行No.我进去把手机拿出来给你I'll get the phone and I'll bring it out to you.我还以为你们乡下人I thought you country folk会更容易信任别人were supposed to be more trusting.我来自佛罗里达I'm from Florida.难怪呢Well, that explains it.那给我展示一下南方人的热情Now show me a little southern hospitality...甜豆Sweet pea.我赌一百美元I bet you a hundred dollars小狗一定跑去一家有空调的屋子了that dog ran off to a house with air conditioning. 发生什么事了What's going on?不必害怕Please don't be alarmed.我听说雷·萨顿住在这里I'm told Ray Sutton lives here.他几乎从不来这里He's almost never here.他总是到处奔波He's on the road mostly.但我想他每月But I expect he makes it home...回一次家的once a month.我就猜到了That's what I thought.那他现在在哪儿Where is he now?如果要我逼你说的话If I have to make you tell me,那你将会痛苦得多it's going to be infinitely more painful for you.我喜欢他们夺路而逃的样子I love it when they run.他在图利He's in Tulley.在边境处It's near the border.一个叫做南方甜酒的酒吧在41公路旁A bar called Southern Comfort. It's off highway 41.谢了亲爱的Thank you, my love.那现在Now...我的朋友能进来吗May my friend come in your home?可以Yes.利落地杀了这个Kill this one quickly.让那个受点折磨Make that one suffer.我在车里等你I'll be in the car.别求你了Please don't, please...《吸血鬼日记》第三季第一集■本字幕由YYeTs人人影视原创翻译制作仅供学习禁止用于任何商业盈利行为更多美剧请登陆■翻译:句号,默默,albot,阿拉蕾,忆,孜然羊肉,mango,super ■时间轴:小猫,remember,ghost 校对:草草,米小勒,内丘,小黑■总监:米苏后期:LL哦太早了你真坏Ugh, early. Bad.不早了It's not early.你上班迟到了马特刚刚来电话了You're late for work. Matt just called.他们可能会解雇我Well, maybe they'll fire me.胸怀大志啊Aim high.在做什么呢What are you doing?为你的生日派对购物呢你别想溜Just shopping for the party you're trying to bail out on. 我还没答应呢I never said yes in the first place.就知道你不会答应You were never going to,所以我才自作主张which is why I planned it anyway.我妈让你打电话给她And my mom wants you to call her.她查到什么了吗Did she find something?孟菲斯发生了一起动物袭击案An animal attack in Memphis.这已经是田纳西州这星期的第三起了It's the third one this week in Tennessee.确定是吸血鬼干的吗And you're sure it's a vampire?对但也不一定就是克劳斯干的Yes, but that doesn't mean that it's Klaus.也难说不是我会给你妈打电话的Doesn't mean it's not. I'll call her.直接打她手机吧Well. Call her on her cell.替我跟她说谢谢Tell her, thank you for her help.好我得挂了回见All right, well, I've got to go. I'll see you in a bit.卡罗琳等等Oh, Caroline, wait.今晚的派对低调点Just...Keep tonight small. Please.穿漂亮点Wear something pretty.嗨Hi.有斯特凡消息吗Was that, uh, Stefan news?有人死了可能是克劳斯干的Could be more Klaus victims.你确定斯特凡还是跟他在一起吗You're certain Stefan's still with him.与其相信他已经死了Easy to be certain我更希望他是跟克劳斯在一起when the alternative is that he's dead.你睡沙发上没事吗Are you sure you're still ok on the couch? 没事挺好Yeah, yeah. I'm good.你半个夏天都睡在那儿Because you spent half the summer on it. 如果你需要房间If you need your own bedroom...那我是睡在你已故父母的房间And sleep in your dead parents' room还是我已故女友的房间or my dead girlfriend's room...好吧Right.埃琳娜Hey, Elena...生日快乐Happy birthday.谢谢Thanks.我们香槟不够喝了We are out of champagne.不是我们是你Huh. No, you are out of champagne,我早晨可不喝酒I don't drink in the morning.那这位美女可否...Well, would you be a dear and--我看你还是自己去拿吧I think you can probably get it yourself. 我可不是你的奴隶I'm not your slave.我说你在滴水啊...I mean, you're dripping a little...天呐Jeez.早上好Mornin'.嘿我正要...Hey, I was going--你听到有人来了You heard me.你知道我在这儿You knew that I was here.你应该学会敲门You know, you should learn to knock.我说不定衣衫不整What if I was... indecent?福布斯警长又给了我们一个案发地Sheriff Forbes gave us another location to check.孟菲斯Memphis.你是说又要白跑一趟Another dead end, you mean?-这还难说-没错埃琳娜- You don't know that. - You're right, Elena.也许这次能找到This could be the one.将近两个月的追查Yep. After almost two months,这次也许会有线索证明斯特凡活得好好的this could be the clue that tells us Stefan's alive and well 而且非常幸福呢and living in graceland.算了Fine.我自己去I'll go by myself.你想让克劳斯知道你在追踪他吗And let Klaus know that you're tracking him?他以为你死了我们不能让他发现He thinks you're dead. Let's keep it that way.这是新的线索达蒙It's a new lead, Damon.已经好久没有进展了We haven't had one in a while.好吧我去看看有发现我会给你电话Ok. I'll check it out. If I find anything, I'll call you.但是But...他去田纳西州了He moved on to Tennessee.你让我查的那个佛罗里达州的死者That Florida victim you had me look into他在田纳西州有亲人had family in Tennessee.谁那个彭萨科拉人吗Which one, the Pensacola guy?想外出转转吗You up for a road trip?不行啊Ha. No can do.我得工作但是我会想办法拿到地址的I have got to work, but I can see if I can get you an address.派对上见See you at the party.把地址给我弄来Get me that address.你赶紧回来吧You need to come home.你不在真是无聊透了It's boring around here without you.你很无聊吗You think you're bored?我爸这边的事儿可多了My dad's side of the family没完没了的is like wet paint that never dries.酒吧工作怎么样How's the Grill treating you?让我认识到了人类平凡生活经历的价值Well, it's teaching me the value of a mundane human experience. 暑期打工对你有好处A summer job is good for you.你的生活里该有些正常的东西You needed some normal in your life.-怎么了-没事- What was that? - Nothing.我要回去工作了Look, I, uh, I got to get back to work.一会儿再聊好吗I'll talk to you soon, ok?等下等等杰里米Wait, wait, Jeremy.你确定没事吗Is everything ok with you?没事Yeah.没事一切正常Yeah, normal and mundane.快点回家好吗Come home soon, ok?好的Ok.薇姬Vickie!-我要和你换下位置-怎么了- I need you to switch sections with me. - Why?卡罗琳和泰勒刚在我负责的位置坐下了Caroline and tyler just sat in mine.那怎么了So?我不想给前女友做服务员So I don't feel like waiting on my ex-girlfriend.你妈肯定有什么事Something's up with your mother.比如说Like what?昨天我过去她不停地盯着我看When I was over yesterday, she just kept eyeing me. 嗨你们好Hey, guys.马特逼你跟他换位置了吗Did Matt make you switch sections?他以为我们在约会He thinks we're dating.-我妈妈也是这么想的-你说什么- So does my mother. - What?!我们总在一起这么想也不意外We're together all the time. It's not a leap.他们真能胡想That's crazy.是吗Right?南方甜酒你好老兄What's up, bro?你好瑞德Hey, Red.给我杯啤酒Can I get a beer?雷Ray?是雷·萨顿吗Ray sutton?你是谁Who wants to know?我一直在到处找你I've been looking everywhere for you.从佛罗里达州的彭萨科拉开始We started in Florida, Pensacola.我碰见一位你搬去孟菲斯之前I met a young chap there who you worked with 曾和你共事过的年轻人before you moved to Memphis.通过他又找到两位可爱的年轻女士Now he directed me to two lovely young women. 他们帮我找到这儿找到你And they led me here, to you.我该走了I think I'll be going.伙计别急着走啊Not so fast, mate.你可刚到不久You only just got here.现在可很难遇见你这种人Now your type are very hard to come by.别想走Yeah, I wouldn't do that.你们是吸血鬼Vampires.雷你真聪明You're swifty swift, Ray.没错我的朋友是吸血鬼Yes, my friend here is a vampire.他把酒吧的人都催眠了He's compelled everyone in the bar,所以别指望他们救你了so don't look to them for any help.而我...I, however...则有点与众不同I'm something else.与众不同的怪物A different kind of monster.一半吸血鬼一半狼人I've got some vampire, I've got some wolf.你是什么You what?混血雷我是混血A hybrid, ray. I'm both.你瞧我想创造出更多的"我"You see, I want to create more of me.你是我几个"月"来遇见的第一个狼人Now, you being the first werewolf I've come across in many a moon, 听懂双关语了吗雷pun intended, Ray, heh,带我去找你的族群I need you to direct me to your pack.那么...So...告诉我他们在哪儿雷Where can I find them, Ray?你无法强迫我催眠对我无效You can't compel me, it won't work.请给我一杯加冰的威士忌I need a scotch on the rocks, please.这样吧雷Ahem. Tell you what, Ray.我们来玩一个喝酒的小游戏We're going to play a little drinking game.我称之为敬酒不吃吃附子草Something I like to call truth or wolfsbane.雷这一定会很有趣Oh, this is going to be fun, Ray.埃琳娜的电话Elena?我不明白你为什么不说实话I don't know why you just don't come clean告诉她我们在哪儿and tell her where we are.因为安迪说她不确定'Cause Andie said this was a half-lead我不想让她抱太大希望and I don't want to get her hopes up.是啊都是不确定的线索Yeah, well, they're all half-leads,而我成了你的同谋and I'm your accomplice.你想我怎么跟她解释What do you want me to say to her?我现在还住在他们家I'm practically living there.还睡沙发吗Still sleeping on the couch?你知道吗我一直等他们赶我走You know, I keep waiting for them to kick me out, 但他们没有我不知道为什么but they don't. I don't know why.我在那儿什么忙也帮不上It's not like I'm helping or anything.-真静啊-是啊- It's quiet. - Yeah.有点太静了Too quiet.肯定是吸血鬼干的Vampire for sure.肯定是斯特凡干的It's stefan for sure.你怎么这么肯定How do you know?这是他的风格It's his signature.他们喊他开膛手是有原因的There is a reason they called him the ripper.他饮血过量就会丧失意识撕碎她们He feeds so hard he blacks out, rips them apart, 可一旦他这么做了之后他又觉得懊悔But then when he's done, he feels remorse.这是最可恶的一点It's the damndest thing.他会把肢体又重拼在一起He puts the bodies back together.重拼在一起Back together.肯定是斯特凡了Definitely Stefan.我觉得每次我们有了斯特凡的线索I feel like I have to fight Damon就会跟达蒙闹不快every single time we get a lead on Stefan.-可能他压根就不想去找他-泰勒- Maybe he doesn't want to find him. - Tyler! 怎么了What?他对你很着迷He's into you.不是吗Isn't he?能让斯特凡和克劳斯一起离开的唯一原因The only reason Stefan left with Klaus就是只有这样才能救达蒙的命was so that he could save Damon's life.相信我I mean, trust me,达蒙想找到他Damon wants to find him.可是你吻了达蒙But you kissed him.这可能让他冲昏头脑Probably screwed with his head.泰勒Tyler!对不起I'm sorry.我...没事的I--don't worry about it. Look,没错我是亲了他但那是...yes, I kissed him, but it was a...那只是一个告别的吻我以为他就要死了It was a good-bye kiss. I thought he was going to die. 我刚错过了邦妮的电话I just missed a call from Bonnie.我马上就回来I'll be right back.我把事情告诉你Just because I tell you things并不代表你有权了解个中原委doesn't mean you're allowed to know them!抱歉Sorry.我得走了不然就来不及换衣服I've got to run if I'm going to change准点去接索菲了and pick up Sophie in time.等等你这是要带个舞伴回来吗Wait, you're bringing a date?荡妇索菲居然是你的舞伴Slutty Sophie is your date?我在这方面比较迟钝Hey, it's been kind of slow in that department.并且...And...我一直就比较饥渴I am horny all the time now.当然了这还用说Yeah, tell me about it.有些时候我觉得我要爆炸了Sometimes I feel like I'm going to explode. 这...吸血鬼就是这样It's, um, a vampire thing.我们的情绪被放大了You know, our emotions are heightened感知高度集中所以and we're on overdrive, so...狼人也这样It's a werewolf thing, too.-就好像我无法克制住它-没错- It's like I can't turn it off. - Yeah.那祝你今晚走运Well, I hope you get lucky tonight.一会儿见I'll see you later.好的Yeah.一会见See you later.你在干什么What are you doing?掩盖他们的踪迹Covering their tracks.很明显他们没兴趣低调行事Clearly they have no interest in staying in the dark. 但我有兴趣But I do.等一下Hang on.好的Ok.真没想到啊Well, what do you know?狼人Werewolves.雷你可以马上结束这一切的Ray. You can end this right now.只要你告诉我满月的时候Just tell me where your pack gathers你们狼人在哪聚集for the full moon.我不能说I can't.我懂我懂你们有法典之类的规定I know, I know, you live by a code and all that.可是你看你不告诉我But see, he's not going to let me stop他是不会让我停手的until you tell me.我什么都得听他的And I do whatever he says.这就是这里的规矩That's the way it goes around here.克劳斯先生Hello, Mr.Klaus.我有消息要告诉你I have some information for you.你吩咐我如果看到什么就告诉你You told me to tell you if I saw anything.我看到那个人的哥哥达蒙在那间农舍里...I saw that guy's brother Damon at the farmhouse.谢谢你克劳汀Well, thank you, Claudine.你就告诉你的朋友You just tell your friends继续做好监督邻里的差事to keep up the good work with the neighborhood watch, huh? 我哥还在追踪我们吗My brother's still on our trail?他越来越近了He's getting closer.我不得不去处理一下了I'm going to have to deal with that.别别别让我来解决No, no, no. Let me handle it.我为什么要让你离开呢Why should I let you leave?-因为你知道我会回来的-是吗- 'Cause you know I'll come back. - Do I?你救了我哥哥的命You saved my brother's life.我听你差遣I'm in your service.这听起来多沉重好像卖身契一样Oh, that almost sounds so tedious and indentured.难道你没感受到一丝乐趣吗Aren't you even having the least bit of fun?我会确保我哥哥不会再来打扰我们了I'll make sure that my brother doesn't bother us anymore. 别担心我不会失控的Don't worry, I'm not going to lose it.至少在切蛋糕前不会At least not before the cake.这是你的派对你想哭就哭It's your party, you can cry if you want to.斯特凡Ah, Stefan.就这么消失了Such a pack rat.我有东西送给你I got you something.我知道曾经保证不再给你买礼物I know I promised not to buy you anything,所以不用担心这不是买的so don't worry, I didn't pay for it.-你偷的吗-当然不是- You stole it? - No.而是找到的Found it.我的项链My necklace.我还以为再也找不到了I thought I'd never see it again.阿拉里克在他阁楼里找到的Alaric found it in his loft.我想失而复得会使你很开心I figured you'd be happy to get it back.我的确很开心I am happy.谢谢你Thank you.不客气You're welcome.能帮我...Can you...当然Ah, absolutely.我们走吧Shall we?-生日快乐埃琳娜-谢谢- Happy birthday Elena. - Thank you.那可不是你想要的You don't want that.你想要的是新潮的东西You want the cheap young stuff而不是年轻的傻小子over by the cheap young people.喜欢吗You like?还是别回答了Don't answer that.这就是所谓的"低调"吗This is "Keeping it small"?我们喝些什么What are we drinking?你从哪弄的Where did you get that?厨房的亨利廉价卖我的Uh, Henry from the kitchen sold me a dime.什么事让你又开始堕落了So, what's got you on your spiral downward?我想一定比我的经历还有趣I'm sure it's a lot more interesting than mine. 你不想知道的You do not want to know.还能有多糟How bad can it be?该知道的我都知道了I already know everything else.继续吧Go for it.你知道我曾经死过了是吧You know I died, right?邦妮又用巫术救活了我And Bonnie used magic to bring me back to life. -是的埃琳娜告诉我了-问题是- Yeah, Elena told me. - The thing is,自从我复活后就看到很多...ever since I came back, I've been seeing...事物things.什么样的事物What kind of things?一些我本不应该看得到的事物Just...things I shouldn't be seeing.邦妮怎么说What's Bonnie say about it?我还没有告诉她我没有告诉任何人No, I haven't told her. I haven't told anybody.它们只是不停的在我脑海中出现It's just messing with my head, is all.你知道的我只是需要清醒一下You know, I just need to chill out.所以... 需要这个So...this.瘾君子包间啊Oh, the stoner den.真扫兴Buzz kill.你们好Hey, guys.你好马特Matt, hey.生日快乐Happy birthday.谢谢Thank you.他还记恨我He hates me.恨得都开始吸毒了His hatred of me has driven him to drugs.他没有恨你只是恨自己没有和你在一起He doesn't hate you. He hates that he's not with you. 那是我弟弟吗Is that my brother?帮我拿着谢谢Thank you.我是每个父母的噩梦I am every parent's worst nightmare.我没有给孩子们做好榜样I'm the chaperone teacher from hell.我喜欢高中的舞会I love high school parties.安迪不是也要来吗Isn't Andie supposed to be coming?有个广播节目她迟点会来Tech on broadcast. She'll be here in a little bit. 你好寿星Hello, birthday girl.给我酒Drink.杰里米又开始抽大麻了Jeremy's smoking again.他那儿还有啥好货色没Is his stash any good?你真是混蛋You're an ass.拜托和他谈谈Talk to him, please.他很尊敬你He looks up to you.你完了You're screwed.好吧我又是最后走的Ok, I--I'm the last person here again.大卫不要谈工作了Dave, enough work, please.我们明早再解决好吗Can we do this in the A.M.?我有个生日舞会必须要参加了I have a party I have to get to而且你也应该轻松一下了and you have got to get a life.好的再见Ok, all right, bye, bye, bye.[演播室]有人吗Hello?这可不好玩我视网膜都快融化了Not cool, my retinas are burning.好了来劲了是吧Ok, seriously?你到底在搞什么鬼What--what the hell are you doing?有人吗Hello?有人吗Hello?安全出口不No.哦斯特凡天啊Oh, Stefan. Oh, my god.天啊Oh, my god.你在这干什么我们到处找你呢What are you doing here? We have been looking everywhere for you! 斯特凡Stefan...他们俩何时搞到一起去了Since when are they a thing?我以为你在无视我呢I thought you were ignoring me.我没有无视你啊I'm not ignoring you.你整个暑假只跟我说了五个词Well, you've only said five words to me all summer,你刚才就说了其中四个and those were four of them.可能是因为我每次见到你Maybe because every time I've seen you,-你都跟他在一起-因为他是我朋友- you've been with him. - 'Cause he's my friend.我以为你也是我的朋友Which is what I thought you were.你们俩不应该是...天生的死敌吗Aren't you guys supposed to be, like, mortal enemies?我是说在吸血鬼狼人的世界里I mean, isn't that how it works不应该是这样吗in the vampire-werewolf universe?马特小声点Matt, shh!你怎么回事啊What is wrong with you?我不知道I don't know.我...I'm, uh...我不想管你们的事了I'm out of it, I guess.好吧Yeah.抱歉Sorry.-怎么回事-没事- What was that about? - Nothing.-很棒的聚会卡罗琳-谢谢- Great party, Caroline. - Thanks.现在你可以闪人了Now leave it.到底怎么回事What the hell?安迪让我去接她Andie wants me to pick her up.那个被你控制的假女友Your fake, compelled girlfriend想让你当一个极具骑士精神的男朋友吗wants you to be a chivalrous boyfriend?这可是个复杂的故事了Well, it's a complicated dynamic.看好这摊子好吗Hold the fort down, will you?你是说看好我的满屋喝醉的历史学生吗You mean the fort full of my drunk history students? 多喝点Drink more.感觉就不会这么奇怪了It'll feel less weird.这房间不能进This room's off-limits.卡罗琳吗Caroline?抱歉Sorry.我只是想喝一口I just needed to take a beat.你在躲避什么吗Are you hiding?我只是在找达蒙I was just looking for Damon.他最好还在这Well, he'd better be here somewhere,因为我们还没开始切蛋糕呢because we haven't even done the cake yet.我觉得切蛋糕还是算了吧I think I'm going to pass on the whole cake thing.不行绝对不行这是你生日No! No way, no! It's your birthday.不行这是新一天的开始No, it's the dawn of a new day,除非你许了愿吹了蜡烛and you can't get on with your life否则你无法继续你的生活until you've made a wish and blown out the candles. 这难道就是你想让我做的吗Is that what you all want me to do,揭过这一页继续生活吗just get on with my life?不是No.可能是Maybe.我只是认为没人想看你这样折磨自己I just don't think anyone wants to see you like this. 我不会放弃寻找斯特凡卡罗琳I'm not going to give up on finding Stefan, Caroline. 当然不会而且你也不应该放弃Of course not. And you shouldn't.但你得承认你已经有点But you have to admit that you're kind of虚度光阴了just letting your life pass you by.难道斯特凡不希望And isn't Stefan the one你有一个充实的生活吗who wanted to make sure that you lived it?你想让我许个愿吗You want me to make a wish?我只想知道他是否还活着I just want to know that he's alive.仅此而已这就是我的愿望That's it. That's my wish.我很抱歉好吗I'm sorry, ok?我只是今晚喝醉了又傻乎乎的I'm just drunk and dumb tonight.你知道吧You know...你在干什么呢What are you doing?这些是什么What's all that?是克劳斯的踪迹It's Klaus.达蒙一直背着我在寻找他Damon's been tracking him without me.他为什么不告诉你Why wouldn't he just tell you?我不知道I don't know.安迪...Andie...这里是聚会中心Party central.你在哪呢Where are you?我在...潘趣酒碗旁边I'm by the... punch bowl.别这么做达蒙别骗我Don't do that, Damon, don't lie to me.我发现你柜子里的东西了I saw your closet.哦得挂了得去开啤酒桶了Oh, oh, gotta go--gotta go break up beer pong. 等等达蒙...Wait, Damon...斯特凡Stefan.你好兄弟Hello, brother.你不写信You don't write.不打电话You don't call.你别再找我了Need you stop following me.你在添麻烦Causing some problems.给谁克劳斯吗我应该在意他的想法吗With who, Klaus? I'm supposed to care what he thinks? 你应该做的就是让我走What you're supposed to do... Is let me go.看见你在田纳西的最新杰作了Saw your latest artwork in Tennessee.要注意了兄弟Walking a fine line there, my friend.你要再这样下去就没得救了Keep that up and there will be no saving you.是这样的See, the thing is,我不需要什么救赎I don't need any saving.只想让你别再找我I just want you to let me go.家里还有个小寿星呢Oh, I got a birthday girl at home她不会同意的who's not going to let me do that.看来我意思表述的还不够清楚You know, maybe I haven't made my point.安迪你还在吧Hey, Andie, you still there?安迪Andie?达蒙Damon?我动不了达蒙I can't move, Damon.他说我动不了He told me that I can't move.不不不别紧张安迪冷静No, no, no, it's ok, Andie, stay calm.-一点也不好玩兄弟-别这样- Not cool, brother. - Oh, come on.还是挺好玩的It's a little bit cool, huh?嘿安迪Hey, Andie.-你现在可以动了-不要- You can move now. - No!别别别别No, no, no, no, no!我说了让我走I said let me go.你干嘛呢What are you doin'?忘记我的车停哪了I can't find my truck.估计是老天让你不要开车吧That's probably a sign you shouldn't be driving it. 我送你吧Need a ride?你抽得一点不比我少You're more stoned than I am.老天薇姬What the--Vickie?!帮帮我Help me.你刚说什么What'd you just say?没事Nothin'.你刚是不是喊的薇姬Did you just say "Vickie",我妹妹薇姬as in my sister Vickie?什么没没我What? No, no. I, uh,我什么都没说I didn't say anything.不要No...到底怎么了What's wrong?我觉得我们应该走回去You know what, maybe we should just walk.借过Excuse me.借过Excuse me. Hey!怎么了你What is your problem?!是不是我带了个伴儿让你生气了You're pissed that I brought someone?我为什么要生气带了个伴儿而已Why would I be pissed? You brought a date.你恋爱了很不错啊You're dating. That's...Awesome.我是不是不该约会呢Ok, should I not be dating?你不是说你一直都很饥渴吗Hey, you're horny all the time, right?我是说男人总有需求嘛I mean, a guy has needs.如果你不想我和别人约会'cause if I shouldn't be dating,你只要把话说清楚就可以了all you've got to do is say something.如果你不说我就继续这样If you don't say something, then I'm going to keep dating. -我说什么呢-别这样了卡罗琳- What would I say? - Don't do that, Caroline!我给你表白过你说的不I've already been there once with you, ok, and you said no. 是你拒绝我的我不会再一次那样You shut me down. I'm not going back there again除非你明确表示unless you make it crystal clear that you--我们找个别的地方Let's get out of here.你错过切蛋糕了Hey! You missed the cake.怎么了你在这做什么What? What are you doing here?你为什么不告诉我为什么偷偷摸摸地Why didn't you tell me? Why did you keep it a secret?现在能别纠结这个吗今晚过得很糟Can we not do this right now? I'm having a really bad night. 整个夏天每次我带着一个线索来找你All summer, every single time I came to you with a lead,你都让我感觉自己像个怀有希望的傻瓜一样you made me feel like an idiot for having hope.你就是You were an idiot.我们都是We both were.把你知道的都告诉我达蒙Tell me what you know, Damon.你应该回你的生日聚会去了埃琳娜I know you need to get back to your party, Elena.我们应该齐心协力的。
景切换比较快,而且有时候语速比较快。字 幕在屏幕上留的时间极短,往往具有瞬时性 特点。
3.2.2 通俗性 由于《吸血鬼日记》中人物错综复杂, 而且还有魔幻元素在内,比如“女巫”、“狼 人”以及他们的一些特性,信息量比较大, 观众要在段时间内阅读并理解文字内容,这 就要求字幕翻译的语言要通俗易懂。 3.2.3 空间限制 屏幕的大小有限,而字幕一般只占屏幕 下方两行,占的空间太大会影响画面,字号 的大小及每行的字数也有严格的规定。同样 适用于《吸血鬼日记》。 3.3 目的论指导下《吸血鬼日记》的翻译 策略 目的论认为,翻译是有目的的,所以字 幕翻译的主要目的是在时间和空间的制约下, 向处在特定的文化背景的观众最有效地传达 相关信息,针对美剧字幕翻译,要想取得好 的成效,必须把握字幕翻译的目的。字幕翻 译的最终目标就是要使影片观众看懂影片所 要表达的意义,实现跨文化交流的目的。这 就需要采取相应的翻译策略。 3.3.1 大量使用口语化语言 由于《吸血鬼日记》中的人物对白大多 是口语化语言,所以在翻译成文时,也应采 用口语化的风格,以使中国观众更好的观看 电影,与之流畅的交流。例如: 例句 1:I’m really tight with the sheriff. 译文:我跟警长真的很铁。 “tight”表示关系好,但是“很铁”更口语, 像中文中有“铁哥们”这样的用法,更容易 理解。 例句 2:Jeremy: I’m happy to miss biology. 译文:我很乐意翘了生物课。 这段对话是吸血鬼猎人对杰里米说的 , 叫他带一个吸血鬼给他 , 将“miss”翻译为“翘 课”,是很口语化的表达。 3.3.2 简洁策略 美剧字幕的瞬时性、通俗性和时间限制 决定了其字幕翻译必须采用简洁策略。 例句 3:Ok, I’ll bite. What is it, this is stuff? 译文:好吧,我陪你。你在做什么? 原文中“What is it, this is stuff”其实是在 说明一个意思,所以在字幕翻译中可以把这 一处进行简洁化,直接翻译为“你在做什么”, 就与前后部分的内容连贯在一起,并能很好 地让观众理解其中的人物对白和感情变化。 例句 4:Vampire hunter: I was wondering if I could speak to you for a minute. 译文:能否借一步说话。 如果按照原来字面意思翻译为“我想我 可不可以跟你说一分钟呢?”这样既繁琐也 没有表达其本来的意思。因为吸血鬼猎人对
1For over a century, I have lived in secret过去的一个多世纪我都秘密地活着2Hiding in the shadows,藏身暗处3Alone in the world. 独自一人4Until now. 直到现在5I am a vampire.我是个吸血鬼6And this is my story.这就是我的故事7An hour's drive to hear that crap 居然开一小时的车去听那种垃圾音乐8You know, it wasn't even a band. 根本都算不上是乐队9一人抱一把吉他A guy with a guitar.10每人一小时An hour each way.11他没你说的那么差He wasn't that bad.12风格还挺像詹姆士•布朗特He sounded like James Blunt.13那有什么不好呢What's wrong with that?14问题是已经有一个詹姆士•布朗特了We already have a James Blunt. 15一个就够了One's all we need.16那你为什么还要来So why did you come?17因为我爱你Because I love you.18答得不错Nicely done.19哪来这么大的雾What's with all the fog?20刚才还没有的It'll clear in a second.21小心 Watch out!22你没事吧 Are you ok?!23我们撞到人了上帝啊We just hit someone! Oh,my god!24快打电话叫救护车Call for help.25快接电话快啊Come on, come on!26千万别出人命啊Please be alive!27哦上帝啊Oh, my god.28这里没信号There's no signal!29达伦 Darren!30达伦 Darren?31《吸血鬼日记》第一季第一集32我不该回家来的I shouldn't have come home.33我知道这很冒险I know the risk.34但我别无选择But I had no choice.35我必须去认识她I have to know her.36亲爱的日记Dear diary,37今天将会不同以往Today will be different.38必须要It has to be.39我会微笑让别人相信I will smile, and it will bebelievable.40告诉他们"我很好谢谢关心"My smile was "I'm fine, thank you."41"是的我好多了""Yes, I feel much better."42我不再是失去双亲的悲伤女孩I will no longer be the sad littlegirl who lost her parents.43我要重新开始做不同的自己I will start fresh, be someone new.44这是我能挺过去的唯一办法It's the only way I'll make itthrough.45吐司面包怎么样我可以做Toast. I can make toast.46只要咖啡就行珍娜姑妈It's all about the coffee, AuntJenna.47有咖啡吗 Is there coffee?48你们开学第一天Your first day of school49我却毫无准备And I'm totally unprepared.50要午餐钱吗Lunch money?51我不用了I'm good.52还有什么别的吗Anything else?53一支两号铅笔我还漏了什么没A number two pencil? What am I missing?54你今天不是有个重要报告会吗Don't you have a big presentation today?55我要和论文导师见面就是现在I'm meeting with my thesis advisor at...now.56糟糕 Crap!57那走吧我们自己能行Then go. We'll be fine.58你还好吧 You ok?59别这么跟我说Don't start.60祖母说我是个灵媒So gram’s telling me I'm psychic.61我们祖先就是从耶路撒冷来的Our ancestors were from Salem, 62我知道听起来有点不靠谱Which isn't all that, I know, crazy,63但是她不停地说啊说But she's going on and on about it, 64我就在想快让我离开这儿And I'm like, put this woman in a home already!65但是我开始想But then I started thinking,66 奥巴马和希斯•莱杰我都预言到了I predicted Obama and I predictedHeath Ledger,67而且我还认为佛罗里达将有大事发生And I still think Florida willbreak off68今后就不再是度假胜地了And turn into little resortislands.69埃琳娜Elena!70注意力回到车里Back in the car.71我又犯病了是吗I did it again, didn't I?72对不起邦妮I--I'm sorry, Bonnie.73你在跟我说You were telling me that...74我是个灵媒That I'm psychic now.75对那么预言点什么Right. Ok, then predict something.76关于我的About me.77我想想 I see...78那是什么东西What was that?!79哦上帝啊Oh, my god!80埃琳娜你没事吧Elena, are you ok?81没事我很好It's ok. I'm fine.82好像是鸟之类的东西不知从哪飞出来的It was like a bird or something. Itcame out of nowhere.83说真的看来我下半辈子都不想碰车了Really, I can't be freaked out bycars for the rest of my life.84我预言今年是不得了的一年I predict this year is going to bekick ass.85我预言所有悲伤和不幸都已经结束And I predict all the sad and darktimes are over86你会过得快乐至极And you are going to be beyondhappy.87房地产行业里男性匮乏Major lack of male real estate.88快看凯丽泳滩的浴帘Look at the shower curtain on KellyBeach.89她看上去挺辣的She looks a hot90你还是以前那个"悲伤小姐"嘛Can I still say "tranny mess"?91不是都已经过去了No, that's over.92就该这样找个男人起个新绰号Ahh, find a man, coin a phrase.93又是忙碌的一年It's a busy year.94他恨我 He hates me.95那不是恨That's not hate.96是说"你甩了我我不屑于表现出来" That's "you dumped me, but I'm too cool to show it,97"但暗地里却听空气补给乐队的热门歌曲""But secretly I'm listening to Air Supply's greatest hits."98埃琳娜我的天哪Elena. Oh, my god.99你怎么样 How are you?100见到你真好Oh, it's so good to see you.101她怎么样她好吗How is she? Is she good?102卡罗琳我就站在这里Caroline, I'm right here.103而且我很好谢谢And I'm fine. Thank you.104真的吗 Really?105对好多了Yes. Much better.106我的小可怜Oh, you poor thing.107够了卡罗琳Ok, Caroline.108那么待会儿见Ok, see you guys later?109-好的 -拜拜- Ok! - Bye.110不予置评 No comment.111我什么都不想说I'm not going to say anything. 112 六个小时内最多吃2粒Don't take more than two in asix-hour window.113薇姬 Hey, Vicki.114我就知道你和这个瘾君子在一起I knew I'd find you here with thecrackheads.115皮特•温兹打电话[美国乐团Fall OutBoy主唱]Hey, Pete Wentz called.116他想要回他的指甲油He wants his nail polish back.117皮特•温兹你活在啥年代啊Pete Wentz,huh? How old schoolT.R.L of you.118不会是卡森•戴利的粉丝吧Carson Daly fan?119泰冷静点冷静点Oh, Ty, be nice. Be nice.120他是埃琳娜的弟弟That's Elena's little brother.121我知道 I know who he is.122那我也要给他好看I'll still kick his ass.123等等这人是谁Hold up. Who's this?124我只看到个背影All I see is back.125很帅的背影It's a hot back.126你的档案还不齐全Your records are incomplete.127没有免疫证You're missing immunizationrecords,128而且我们必须要看成绩单And we do insist on transcripts.129请您再看一下Please look again.130我确定您要的都在这了I'm sure everything you need isthere.131你是对的Well,you're right.132的确如此 So it is.133我感知到了西雅图还有他会弹吉他I'm sensing Seattle, and he playsthe guitar.134看来你真是把那种灵媒技能You're really going to run thiswhole psychic thing135-发挥到极致了 -差不多- Into the ground,huh? - Prettymuch.136我马上回来I'll be right back.137千万要长帅点啊Please be hot.138裤子掉啦小妞Whoa! Pants down, chick!139很好 Great.140第一天上课你就喝多了It's the first day of school andyou're stoned.141-我没有 -放哪了- No,I'm not. - Where is it?142-藏身上了吗 -别翻了- Is it on you? - Stop,all right?!143你得冷静点行不行You need to chill yourself,all right?144-我冷静点 -这算什么- Chill myself? - What is that, 145酒鬼的演讲吗 Stoner talk?146老弟算你狠Dude,you are so cool.147停我身上什么也没有你疯了吗Look,stop! I don't have anything on me. Are you crazy?148你还没见识过我发疯呢杰里米You haven't seen crazy, Jeremy! 149我一个暑假没管你I gave you a summer pass,150可我不能再看着你毁了你自己了But I am done watching you destroy yourself.151别别别知道我怎么想吗No,no,no,you know what?152你走吧爱干嘛干嘛不过记住了Go ahead. Keep it up. But just know 153只要我发现你喝酒That I am going to be there154见一次摔一次明白没To ruin your buzz every time,you got it?155杰里米我知道你是什么样的人Jeremy, I know who you are.156不是现在这样的And it's not this person.157别这样下去了So don't be this person.158 不用你来说教I don't need this.159谢谢 Thank you.160不客气 You're welcome.161对不起 Uh, pardon me.162这里是男士洗手间吗Is this the men's room?163是的我只是Yes. um, I was just,164只是... Um... I was just...165说来话长了It's a long story.166谢谢 Thank you.167我们的家乡弗吉尼亚州Once our home state of Virginia168曾于1861年加入南部的联盟国Joined confederacy in 1861,169这使得州际内部极度紧张起来It created a tremendous amount oftension within the state.170弗吉尼亚的西北派人士People in Virginia's northwestregion171与南方腹地的传统派意见相左Had different ideals than thosefrom the traditional deep south.172终于弗吉尼亚于1863年分裂Then virginia divided in 1863173西北部加入了合众国With the northwest region joiningthe union.174[帅哥在看你]175亲爱的日记 Dear diary,176我熬过了一整天I made it through the day.177我肯定至少说了37次I must have said, "I'm fine,thanks,"178"我很好谢谢"At least 37 times.179但没有一次是真心的And I didn't mean it once.180不过没人发现But no one noticed.181纪念亲爱的双亲 2009年5月23日182当有人问起"你好吗"时When someone asks, "How are you?"183他们其实并不想知道答案They really don't want an answer.184小鸟你好 Hi, bird.185没什么可怕的That's not creepy or anything.186这才是我想说的That's what I thought.187你没事吧 You ok?188你在跟踪我吗Were you following me?189没有我只是看到你跌到了No, I, uh, I just... I saw you fall.190是啊你只是碰巧Uh-huh, and you just happened to be191在墓地闲逛Hanging out in a cemetery.192我是来祭拜家人的I'm visiting. I have family here. 193太失礼了Wow. Tactless.194对不起都怪那雾气I'm sorry. It's the fog,195把我身上都弄得雾蒙蒙的It's making me foggy.196而且那边还有只鸟And then back there,there was this bird,197有一霎那一切都非常的"希区柯克" And it was all very Hitchcock for a second.198很像希区柯克的电影《鸟》对吧That is the bird movie, right, the Hitchcock?199我叫埃琳娜 I'm Elena.200我叫斯特凡 I'm Stefan.201我知道I know.202我们是一起上历史课的We have history together.203还有英语和法语课And English and French.204没错 Right.205谢谢 Thanks.206很漂亮的戒指Nice ring.207是家传的It's a family ring, yeah.208我永远不会跟它分开有点诡异对吗I'm kinda stuck with it. It's weird,huh? 209不会戒指到处都有No, no. It's just, I mean, thereare rings210这枚却是独一无二的And then there's that.211你是不是受伤了Did you hurt yourself?212刚才是不是摔伤了Did you hurt yourself?213不知道I don't know.214看啊Oh! Look at that.215这可不好看That is not pretty.216你没事吧You ok?217你该走了You should go.218好好处理下伤口Take care of that.219真的没什么Really, it's nothing.220今天我失控了I lost control today.221我已经深埋内心的一切Everything I've kept buried inside222都冲破了束缚Came rushing to the surface.223我只是无法抗拒她I'm simply not able to resist her.224我在干活Working.225谢谢薇姬Thanks,Vick.226还要续杯吗Do you need another refill?227求之不得I'd love one.228摆脱告诉我你没有勾搭我妹妹Please tell me you're not hookingup with my sister.229我没有勾搭你妹妹I'm not hooking up with yoursister.230你真是个混蛋You're such a dick.231你怎么回事Hey, what's your deal?232夏天的时候你还好好的I mean,summer you act one way233开学后看到我就那么不耐烦吗And then school starts and youcan't be bothered.234杰里米我真的很感谢你的药Look, Jeremy, I really appreciateall the pharmaceuticals,235但你也不能像条迷路的小狗一样死缠着我But you can't keep following mearound like a lost puppy.236你上次和"小狗"上床是什么时候When's the last time you had sexwith a puppy?237小声点我不想让整个世界知道Hey, keep it down. I don't want totell the whole world238我让埃琳娜的小弟失贞了I deflowered Elena's kid brother. 239没错而且是一次次的Yeah, and deflowered and deflowered.240以前几次都是药物作怪现在结束了We hooked up a few times in a drug haze. It's over.241趁你没破坏我和泰勒关系前快走吧You gotta back off before you ruin things between me and Tyler.242得了吧那家伙完全就是个傻逼Oh, come on, the guy's a total douche.243他要你只是为了想和你上床He only wants you for your ass. 244是吗 Yeah?245你要我什么呢What do you want me for?246他名叫斯特凡•塞尔瓦托His name is Stefan Salvatore. 247他和叔叔住在塞尔瓦托的旧公寓He lives with uncle up at the old Salvatore boarding house.248他孩提时就离开这里了He hasn't lived here since he was a kid.249典型的军人家庭所以他们四处迁徙Military family, so they moved around a lot.250他是双子座的最喜欢的颜色是蓝色He's a gemini, and his favorite color is blue.251你一天之内就知道这些了You got all of that in one day? 252摆脱我在三四节课之间就知道了Oh, please, I got all that betweenthird and fourth period.253我们将会举行一个六月婚礼We're planning a June wedding.254我和邦妮约好去烧烤I'm meeting Bonnie at the grill.255好吧玩得愉快等等我得说Ok, have fun. Wait,I got this.256别待得太久明天还要上课Don't stay out late, it's a schoolnight.257干得不错珍娜姑妈Well done, aunt Jenna.258抱歉我正想敲门Sorry, I was about to knock.259我想为先前无故消失的行为道歉I wanted to apologize for mydisappearing act earlier.260我知道那有点...I know it was...261奇怪 strange.262别放在心上了No worries.263我懂你晕血I get it, blood makes yousqueamish.264差不多吧Um, something like that.265你的脚怎么样How's your leg?266哦没事了Oh, it's fine.267只是皮外伤Just a scratch, barely.268你怎么知道我住哪How did you know where I lived?269这可是个小镇It's a small town.270我问了遇到的第一个人I asked the first person I saw.271我觉得你应该想要回这个Um, I thought you might want thisback.272哦我一定是把它弄丢了Oh, I must have dropped it.273谢谢你 I...thank you.274别担心我没看Don't worry, I didn't...read it.275没有吗 No?276为什么不看大多数人都会的Why not? Most people would have.277正如我不想让别人看我的Well, I wouldn't want anyone toread mine.278你写日记You keep a journal?279是的如果我不写下来Yeah, if I don't write it down,280我就会忘I forget it.281记忆弥足珍贵Memories are too important.282是的 Yeah.283我得去 I'm just gonna,284你没必要站在外面Um, you don't have to stay outthere.285我没事 I'm fine.286对不起你是不是要出去Sorry, were you going somewhere? 287是的我要见个朋友Yeah, I'm meeting a friend.288一起来吗Do you want to come?289埃琳娜怎么样How's Elena doing?290她的双亲亡故了你觉得会怎么样Her mom and dad died. How do you think?291她假装满面笑容She's putting on a good face, 292但才过了4个月But it's only been four months. 293-她有提到我吗 -没有- Has she said anything about me? - Oh, no.294所以别故作姿态了So not getting in the middle. 295直接打电话给她吧You pick up the phone and call her. 296我觉得打电话怪怪的I feel weird calling her.297她和我分手了She broke up with me.298多给点时间马特Give it more time, Matt.299这就叫多给点时间吗More time, huh?300我是马特见到你很高兴Hey, I'm Matt, nice to meet you.301你好斯特凡 Hi. Stefan.302你是在神秘瀑布镇出生的吗So, you were born in Mystic Falls?303对不过我小时候就搬走了Mm-hmm, and moved when I was stillyoung.304你父母呢Parents?305我父母过世了My parents passed away.306抱歉 I'm sorry.307有兄弟姐妹吗Any siblings?308都很久不联系了None that I talk to.309我和我叔叔住一起I live with my uncle.310那么斯特凡So, Stefan,311你是新来的应该还不知道明天的聚会吧If you're new, then you don't knowabout the party tomorrow.312这是瀑布镇开学后的惯例It's a back to school thing at theFalls.313你要去吗 Are you going?314她当然去 Of course she is.315你答应过的You promised.316这是一起野兽袭击This was an animal attack.317别给我借口我知道事实Don't give me that. I know thegame.318你毁尸灭迹他们一直怀疑是野兽袭击You tear them up enough, theyalways suspect an animal attack.319你说过你抑制住自己了You said you had it under control.320我是做到了 And I do.321求你了斯特凡叔叔Please, uncle Stefan.322神秘瀑布镇现在已经今非昔比了Mystic Falls is a different placenow.323虽然这几年挺平静但还是有人记得的It's been quiet for years, butthere are people who stillremember.324而你的到来And you being here,325这只会激起往事It's just going to stir things up.326-这不是我来的本意 -那是什么- It's not my intention. - Thenwhat is?327为什么你要回来Why did you come back?328过去这么久了为什么偏偏现在After all this time, why now?329我不需要为自己作解释I don't have to explain myself.330我知道你本性难移I know that you can't change whatyou are.331但你再也不属于这里了But you don't belong here anymore. 332那我属于哪里Where do I belong?333我无法告诉你该怎么做I can't tell you what to do.334但回到这里是个错误But coming back here was a mistake. 335柳树溪战役The battle of Willow Creek336战争末期在我们took place right at the end of the war337神秘瀑布镇打响in our very own mystic falls.338这场战役有多少人员伤亡How many casualties resulted in this battle?339贝内特小姐Ms. Bennett?340很多 Um...a lot?341我不确定 I'm not sure.342就是很多Like a whole lot.343贝内特小姐可爱和傻气只有一步之遥Cute becomes dumb in an instant,Ms. Bennett.344多诺万先生Mr. Donovan.345你能否借这个机会Would you like to take this opportunity 346一改玩世不恭的形象To overcome your embedded jockstereotype?347算了泰纳老师不必了It's ok,Mr. Tanner,I'm cool withit.348埃琳娜呢 Hmm. Elena?349你一定可以给我们Surely you can enlighten us about350讲讲发生在本镇最重要的历史事件吧One of the town's mostsignificantly historical events?351抱歉我不知道I'm sorry,I... I don't know.352埃琳娜你的情况大家都很清楚I was willing to be lenient lastyear353如果是去年我完全能通融For obvious reasons,Elena,354但私人情感应该在开学前做个了结But the personal excuses endedwith summer break.355有346人遇难There were 346 casualties,356除去本地居民Unless you're counting localcivilians.357正确 That's correct.358你叫... Mister...359赛尔瓦多 Salvatore.360塞尔瓦多在神秘瀑布镇Salvatore. any relation to361有原始定居在这里的亲戚吗The original settlers here atmystic falls?362远亲 Distant.363很好Well,very good.364当然除次之外战争中没有Except,of course,there were nocivilian casualties365本地居民遇难In this battle.366其实有27名老师Actually,there were 27,sir.367联邦士兵在教堂开火Confederate soldiers,they firedon the church,368以为那里藏有武器Believing it to be housingweapons.369他们错了They were wrong.370当晚伤亡惨重It was a night of great loss.371市政厅存有发起人的档案The founder's archives are,uh,372你可以去那里温习一下Stored in civil hall if you'd liketo brush up on your facts.373泰纳老师Mr. Tanner.374什么意思你从不钓凯子What do you mean,you never hookedup?375大家都People look up to me.376我得保持形象I have to set an example.377承认吧埃琳娜Just admit it,Elena.378好吧他是挺帅的Oh,ok,so he's a little pretty. 379他的眼神很深邃He has that romance novel stare. 380斯特凡深情注视她的双眸Stefan looked deep into her eyes, 381洞悉她的灵魂Piercing her very soul.382你来啦Hey! you made it!383是的 I did.384去喝一杯吧Well,let's get you a drink.385-我 -来吧- Well,I'm... - Oh,come on.386他在哪So where is he?387我不知道I don't know.388我还问你呢你才是通灵人You tell me,you're the psychic one.389我差点忘了稍待Right,I forgot. Ok,so give me a sec.390祖母说我得集中精神Grams says I have to concentrate. 391等等你要拿个水晶球Wait,you need a crystal ball. 392 来了 Ta da.393怎么了 What?394好奇怪 That was weird.395我一碰你就看到一只乌鸦When I touched you,I saw a crow.396什么 What?397一只乌鸦A crow.398浓雾密布There was fog,399有个人A man.400我醉了I'm drunk.401酒精作用跟通灵无关It's the drinking. There's nothingpsychic about it.402好了我得再去添点酒了Yeah? ok,I'm gonna get a refill.403好吧Ok.404邦妮Bonnie!405我又吓着你了?I did it again,didn't it?406对Yeah.407抱歉I'm sorry.408你有点不高兴啊You're upset about something.409不是邦妮她...No,it's Bonnie. she's...410知道吗You know what?411算了你来了就好Never mind. You're...here.412我来了I'm here.413知道吗你是全镇的话题人物You know,you're kind of the talk ofthe town.414-是吗 -嗯- Am I? - Mm-hmm.415神秘新人Mysterious new guy,oh,yeah.416你也挺神秘的Well,you have the mysterious thinggoing,too.417满脸哀伤Twinged in sadness.418为什么觉得我哀伤What makes you think that I'm sad?419我是在墓地遇见你的Well,we did meet in a graveyard.420对Right.421不准确来说应该是在男厕Well,no,technically we met in themen's room.422还是不说了You don't want to know,it's...423不是派对的聊天话题It's not exactly party chit-chat.424我一直都不太擅长Well,I've never really been verygood at,uh,425聊天Chit-chat.426去年春天Last spring...427我父母的车从桥上坠下My parents' car drove off of a bridge428掉进湖里Into the lake.429我当时在后座And I was in the backseat430捡回一命And I survived,but...431他们却没这么幸运They didn't.432这就是我的故事So that's my story.433埃琳娜悲伤不会永远存在的You won't be sad forever,Elena. 434不行泰No,Ty.435我不要靠着树做爱I'm not having sex against a tree. 436-别啊多性感 --Oh,come on,it would be hot. - For who?437不不行No,it's not going to happen.438不行特别是这样的时间地点It's not going to happen,not here,not like this.439不行我说不行No. I said no.440 不行好痛I said no! ow,that hurts!441放开她Hey,leave her alone.442你让我有点反感吉尔伯特You know,you're starting to get onmy nerves,Gilbert.443快滚泰勒离我远点Just go,Tyler,get the hell awayfrom me.444薇姬•多诺万居然会说不Wow. Vicki Donovan says no.445第一次见That's a first.446我不需要你帮忙I didn't need your help.447我看未必It seems like you did.448-他只是醉了 -我才醉了- He was just drunk. - I'm drunk.449但我会这样对你吗Am I throwing myself at you?450不你更坏No,you're worse.451你想跟我搭讪了解我You want to talk to me,get to knowme,452看穿我不断搞我See into my soul and screw andscrew and screw453直到厌倦我Until you're done with me.454你这么想吗Is that what you think?455我就是这样想的That's what I know.456我喜欢邦妮像是个好朋友I like Bonnie,she seems like a goodfriend.457-世上最好的朋友 -而马特- Best friend in the world. - AndMatt,458他好像不能把眼睛从我们身上移开He can't seem to,uh,take his eyesoff of us.459马特是我的青梅竹马Matt's that friend since childhood460与他拍拖That you start dating461是因为感觉欠了自己什么Because you owe it to yourselves462想看看能否往下发展To see if you can be more.463然后呢And?464然后我父母去世了And then my parents died,465一切都变了And everything changes.466不论如何马特和我Anyway, Matt and I,467在一起我不知道Together we just,I don't know,468不够It wasn't,um...469没有It wasn't...470激情Passionate.471对No.472没有一点激情No,it wasn't passionate.473你还好吗Hey,um,are you ok?474你的眼睛刚才Your eye,it just,it's--475不没事Yeah,no. It's,um,it's nothing. 476你渴了吗Um,are you thirsty?477我去拿点喝的I'm gonna get us a drink.478杰里米Jeremy?479是你吗Is that you?480杰里米Jeremy?481在找谁吗Looking for someone?482当你跟我分手的时候When you broke up with me,483你说是因为你想独自一人过一段时间You said it was because you needed some time alone.484你看上去并不是孤身一人You don't look so alone to me. 485马特你不明白的这Matt, you don't understand. It's-- 486没关系埃琳娜That's ok, Elena.487你做任何你想做的You do what you have to do.488我只想让你知道I just want to let you know that...489我依旧相信我们会相爱的I still believe in us.490我不会放弃的And I'm not giving up on that.491马特Matt.492你在这里啊Hey! There you are.493你去看过瀑布了吗Have you been down to the fallsyet?494那里的夜晚非常漂亮Because they are really cool atnight.495如果你愿意And I can show you.496我可以带你去If you want.497我觉得你喝多了I think you've had too much todrink.498那是当然的Well, of course I have.499所以卡罗琳So-- Caroline.500你和我You and me,501是不可能的It's not gonna happen.502对不起Sorry.503我还在想是谁绑架你了I was wondering who abducted you,504现在我知道了But now I know.505他对所有男生都这样吗Is she like that with,uh,all theguys?506当然不是No.507你是新的猎物You're fresh meat.508她最终会甩了你的She'll back off eventually.509天呐开玩笑的吧God, you gotta be kidding me!510怎么了What is it?511-我弟弟 -喝醉的那个吗- My brother. - The drunk one?512就是那个That would be the one.513-失陪一下 -需要帮忙吗- Excuse me. - Need some help?514相信我你不会想看这个的Trust me,you're not going to wantto witness this.515杰里米Jeremy!516杰里米Jeremy!517杰里米你要去哪儿Jeremy, where the hell are you going?518我不想听I don't want to hear it!519薇姬不Vicki? No!520天呐是薇姬上帝啊Oh, my god, it's Vicki! Oh,my god! 521不No!522谁来帮一下Somebody help!523薇姬吗薇姬这怎么回事Vicki? Vicki,what the hell?!524她怎么了What happened to her?525谁能叫下救护车Somebody,call an ambulance!526所有人后退给她点空间Everybody back up,give her some space!527看她脖子什么东西咬了她It's her neck. Something bit her. 528她正大量失血She's losing a lot of blood.529把这个盖在她脖子上Put this on her neck.530薇姬振作睁开眼睛看着我Vicki, Vicki, come on, open your eyes, look at me.531发生什么了What's going on?532有人今晚被袭击了扎克Someone else was attacked tonight, Zach,533但不是我干的And it wasn't me.534达蒙Damon.535你好弟弟Hello, brother.536周围人有点多你不觉得吗Crow's a bit much,don't you think?537看我能用迷雾做什么的时候就明白了Wait till you see what I can do withthe fog.538你什么时候到的When'd you get here?539我怎么能错过你在学校的第一天呢Well, I couldn't miss your firstday at school.540你发型变了Your hair's different.541我喜欢I like it.542已经15年了达蒙It's been 15 years, Damon.543感谢上帝Thank god.544我可不能再忍受九十年代了I couldn't take another day of theNineties.545那个可怕的蹩脚形象That horrible grunge look?546一点都不适合你Did not suit you.547记住斯特凡远离时尚很重要Remember, Stefan, it's importantto stay away from fads.548为什么你会在这儿Why are you here?549我想念我亲爱的弟弟了I miss my little brother.550你讨厌小镇的You hate small towns.551枯燥乏味无事可做It's boring. There's nothing foryou to do.552我想办法让自己忙碌起来了I've managed to keep myself busy.553你知道的你让那女孩今晚幸免于难了You know, you left that girl alivetonight.554你真是笨手笨脚的That's very clumsy of you.555对你来说这会是个大问题That can be a problem...for you.556你现在来这做什么Why are you here now?557我也可以问你相同的问题I could ask you the same question.558然而我想当确定However, I'm fairly certain559你的回答能总结为Your answer can be summed up allinto560一个词One little word...561埃琳娜Elena.562我们现在去主流咖啡厅等消息。
过去的一个多世纪我都秘密地活着For over a century I have lived in secret 藏身暗处Hiding in the shadows独自一人Alone in the world.直到现在Until now.我是个吸血鬼I am a vampire.这就是我的故事And this is my story.居然开一小时的车去听那种垃圾音乐An hour's drive to hear that crap.根本都算不上是乐队You know it wasn't even a band.一人抱一把吉他A guy with a guitar.每人一小时An hour each way.他没你说的那么差He wasn't that bad.风格还挺像詹姆士·布朗特He sounded like James Blunt.那有什么不好呢What's wrong with that?问题是已经有一个詹姆士·布朗特了We already have a James Blunt.一个就够了One's all we need.那你为什么还要来So why did you come?因为我爱你Because I love you.答得不错Nicely done.哪来这么大的雾What's with all the fog?刚才还没有的It'll clear in a second.小心Watch out!你没事吧Are you ok?!我们撞到人了上帝啊We just hit someone! Ohmy god!快打电话叫救护车Call for help.快接电话快啊Come on come on!千万别出人命啊Please be alive!哦上帝啊Oh my god.这里没信号There's no signal!达伦Darren!达伦Darren?《吸血鬼日记》第一季第一集我不该回家来的I shouldn't have come home.我知道这很冒险I know the risk.但我别无选择But I had no choice.我必须去认识她I have to know her.亲爱的日记Dear diary今天将会不同以往Today will be different.必须要It has to be.我会微笑让别人相信I will smile and it will be believable.告诉他们"我很好谢谢关心"My smile was "I'm fine thank you.""是的我好多了""Yes I feel much better."我不再是失去双亲的悲伤女孩I will no longer be the sad little girl who lost her parents. 我要重新开始做不同的自己I will start fresh be someone new.这是我能挺过去的唯一办法It's the only way I'll make it through.吐司面包怎么样我可以做Toast. I can make toast.只要咖啡就行珍娜姑妈It's all about the coffee Aunt Jenna.有咖啡吗Is there coffee?你们开学第一天Your first day of school我却毫无准备And I'm totally unprepared.要午餐钱吗Lunch money?我不用了I'm good.还有什么别的吗Anything else?一支两号铅笔我还漏了什么没A number two pencil? What am I missing?你今天不是有个重要报告会吗Don't you have a big presentation today?我要和论文导师见面就是现在I'm meeting with my thesis advisor at...now. 糟糕Crap!那走吧我们自己能行Then go. We'll be fine.你还好吧You ok?别这么跟我说Don't start.祖母说我是个灵媒So gram’s telling me I'm psychic.我们祖先就是从耶路撒冷来的Our ancestors were from Salem我知道听起来有点不靠谱Which isn't all that I know crazy但是她不停地说啊说But she's going on and on about it我就在想快让我离开这儿And I'm like put this woman in a home already! 但是我开始想But then I started thinking奥巴马和希斯·莱杰我都预言到了I predicted Obama and I predicted Heath Ledger 而且我还认为佛罗里达将有大事发生And I still think Florida will break off今后就不再是度假胜地了And turn into little resort islands.埃琳娜Elena!注意力回到车里Back in the car.我又犯病了是吗I did it again didn't I?对不起邦妮I--I'm sorry Bonnie.你在跟我说You were telling me that...我是个灵媒That I'm psychic now.对那么预言点什么Right. Ok then predict something.关于我的About me.我想想I see...那是什么东西What was that?!哦上帝啊Oh my god!埃琳娜你没事吧Elena are you ok?没事我很好It's ok. I'm fine.好像是鸟之类的东西不知从哪飞出来的It was like a bird or something. It came out of nowhere.说真的看来我下半辈子都不想碰车了Really I can't be freaked out by cars for the rest of my life. 我预言今年是不得了的一年I predict this year is going to be kick ass.我预言所有悲伤和不幸都已经结束And I predict all the sad and dark times are over你会过得快乐至极And you are going to be beyond happy.房地产行业里男性匮乏Major lack of male real estate.快看凯丽泳滩的浴帘Look at the shower curtain on Kelly Beach.她看上去挺辣的She looks a hot你还是以前那个"悲伤小姐"嘛Can I still say "tranny mess"?不是都已经过去了No that's over.就该这样找个男人起个新绰号Ahh find a man coin a phrase.又是忙碌的一年It's a busy year.他恨我He hates me.那不是恨That's not hate.是说"你甩了我我不屑于表现出来"That's "you dumped me but I'm too cool to show it"但暗地里却听空气补给乐队的热门歌曲""But secretly I'm listening to Air Supply's greatest hits." 埃琳娜我的天哪Elena. Oh my god.你怎么样How are you?见到你真好Oh it's so good to see you.她怎么样她好吗How is she? Is she good?卡罗琳我就站在这里Caroline I'm right here.而且我很好谢谢And I'm fine. Thank you.真的吗Really?对好多了Yes. Much better.我的小可怜Oh you poor thing.够了卡罗琳Ok Caroline.那么待会儿见Ok see you guys later?-好的 -拜拜- Ok! - Bye.不予置评No comment.我什么都不想说I'm not going to say anything.六个小时内最多吃粒Don't take more than two in a six-hour window. 薇姬Hey Vicki.我就知道你和这个瘾君子在一起I knew I'd find you here with the crackheads. 皮特·温兹打电话[美国乐团Fall Out Boy主唱] Hey Pete Wentz called.他想要回他的指甲油He wants his nail polish back.皮特·温兹你活在啥年代啊Pete Wentzhuh? How old school T.R.L of you.不会是卡森·戴利的粉丝吧Carson Daly fan?泰冷静点冷静点Oh Ty be nice. Be nice.他是埃琳娜的弟弟That's Elena's little brother.我知道I know who he is.那我也要给他好看I'll still kick his ass.等等这人是谁Hold up. Who's this?我只看到个背影All I see is back.很帅的背影It's a hot back.你的档案还不齐全Your records are incomplete.没有免疫证You're missing immunization records而且我们必须要看成绩单And we do insist on transcripts.请您再看一下Please look again.我确定您要的都在这了I'm sure everything you need is there.你是对的Wellyou're right.的确如此So it is.我感知到了西雅图还有他会弹吉他I'm sensing Seattle and he plays the guitar.看来你真是把那种灵媒技能You're really going to run this whole psychic thing -发挥到极致了 -差不多- Into the groundhuh? - Pretty much.我马上回来I'll be right back.千万要长帅点啊Please be hot.裤子掉啦小妞Whoa! Pants down chick!很好Great.第一天上课你就喝多了It's the first day of school and you're stoned.-我没有 -放哪了- NoI'm not. - Where is it?-藏身上了吗 -别翻了- Is it on you? - Stopall right?!你得冷静点行不行You need to chill yourselfall right?-我冷静点 -这算什么- Chill myself? - What is that酒鬼的演讲吗Stoner talk?老弟算你狠Dudeyou are so cool.停我身上什么也没有你疯了吗Lookstop! I don't have anything on me. Are you crazy? 你还没见识过我发疯呢杰里米You haven't seen crazy Jeremy!我一个暑假没管你I gave you a summer pass可我不能再看着你毁了你自己了But I am done watching you destroy yourself.别别别知道我怎么想吗Nononoyou know what?你走吧爱干嘛干嘛不过记住了Go ahead. Keep it up. But just know只要我发现你喝酒That I am going to be there见一次摔一次明白没To ruin your buzz every timeyou got it?杰里米我知道你是什么样的人Jeremy I know who you are.不是现在这样的And it's not this person.别这样下去了So don't be this person.不用你来说教I don't need this.谢谢Thank you.不客气You're welcome.对不起Uh pardon me.这里是男士洗手间吗Is this the men's room?是的我只是Yes. um I was just只是...Um... I was just...说来话长了It's a long story.谢谢Thank you.我们的家乡弗吉尼亚州Once our home state of Virginia曾于年加入南部的联盟国Joined confederacy in这使得州际内部极度紧张起来It created a tremendous amount of tension within the state.弗吉尼亚的西北派人士People in Virginia's northwest region与南方腹地的传统派意见相左Had different ideals than those from the traditional deep south. 终于弗吉尼亚于年分裂Then virginia divided in西北部加入了合众国With the northwest region joining the union.[帅哥在看你]亲爱的日记Dear diary我熬过了一整天I made it through the day.我肯定至少说了次I must have said "I'm fine thanks""我很好谢谢"At least times.但没有一次是真心的And I didn't mean it once.不过没人发现But no one noticed.纪念亲爱的双亲年月日当有人问起"你好吗"时When someone asks "How are you?"他们其实并不想知道答案They really don't want an answer.小鸟你好Hi bird.没什么可怕的That's not creepy or anything.这才是我想说的That's what I thought.你没事吧You ok?你在跟踪我吗Were you following me?没有我只是看到你跌到了No I uh I just... I saw you fall.是啊你只是碰巧Uh-huh and you just happened to be在墓地闲逛Hanging out in a cemetery.我是来祭拜家人的I'm visiting. I have family here.太失礼了Wow. Tactless.对不起都怪那雾气I'm sorry. It's the fog把我身上都弄得雾蒙蒙的It's making me foggy.而且那边还有只鸟And then back therethere was this bird有一霎那一切都非常的"希区柯克"And it was all very Hitchcock for a second. 很像希区柯克的电影《鸟》对吧That is the bird movie right the Hitchcock? 我叫埃琳娜I'm Elena.我叫斯特凡I'm Stefan.我知道I know.我们是一起上历史课的We have history together.还有英语和法语课And English and French.没错Right.谢谢Thanks.很漂亮的戒指Nice ring.是家传的It's a family ring yeah.我永远不会跟它分开有点诡异对吗I'm kinda stuck with it. It's weirdhuh? 不会戒指到处都有No no. It's just I mean there are rings 这枚却是独一无二的And then there's that.你是不是受伤了Did you hurt yourself?刚才是不是摔伤了Did you hurt yourself?不知道I don't know.看啊Oh! Look at that.这可不好看That is not pretty.你没事吧You ok?你该走了You should go.好好处理下伤口Take care of that.真的没什么Really it's nothing.今天我失控了I lost control today.我已经深埋内心的一切Everything I've kept buried inside都冲破了束缚Came rushing to the surface.我只是无法抗拒她I'm simply not able to resist her.我在干活Working.谢谢薇姬ThanksVick.还要续杯吗Do you need another refill?求之不得I'd love one.摆脱告诉我你没有勾搭我妹妹Please tell me you're not hooking up with my sister.我没有勾搭你妹妹I'm not hooking up with your sister.你真是个混蛋You're such a dick.你怎么回事Hey what's your deal?夏天的时候你还好好的I meansummer you act one way开学后看到我就那么不耐烦吗And then school starts and you can't be bothered.杰里米我真的很感谢你的药Look Jeremy I really appreciate all the pharmaceuticals但你也不能像条迷路的小狗一样死缠着我But you can't keep following me around like a lost puppy.你上次和"小狗"上床是什么时候When's the last time you had sex with a puppy?小声点我不想让整个世界知道Hey keep it down. I don't want to tell the whole world我让埃琳娜的小弟失贞了I deflowered Elena's kid brother.没错而且是一次次的Yeah and deflowered and deflowered.以前几次都是药物作怪现在结束了We hooked up a few times in a drug haze. It's over.趁你没破坏我和泰勒关系前快走吧You gotta back off before you ruin things between me and Tyler. 得了吧那家伙完全就是个傻逼Oh come on the guy's a total douche.他要你只是为了想和你上床He only wants you for your ass.是吗Yeah?你要我什么呢What do you want me for?他名叫斯特凡·塞尔瓦托His name is Stefan Salvatore.他和叔叔住在塞尔瓦托的旧公寓He lives with uncle up at the old Salvatore boarding house. 他孩提时就离开这里了He hasn't lived here since he was a kid.典型的军人家庭所以他们四处迁徙Military family so they moved around a lot.他是双子座的最喜欢的颜色是蓝色He's a gemini and his favorite color is blue.你一天之内就知道这些了You got all of that in one day?摆脱我在三四节课之间就知道了Oh please I got all that between third and fourth period. 我们将会举行一个六月婚礼We're planning a June wedding.我和邦妮约好去烧烤I'm meeting Bonnie at the grill.好吧玩得愉快等等我得说Ok have fun. WaitI got this.别待得太久明天还要上课Don't stay out late it's a school night.干得不错珍娜姑妈Well done aunt Jenna.抱歉我正想敲门Sorry I was about to knock.我想为先前无故消失的行为道歉I wanted to apologize for my disappearing act earlier.我知道那有点...I know it was...奇怪strange.别放在心上了No worries.我懂你晕血I get it blood makes you squeamish.差不多吧Um something like that.你的脚怎么样How's your leg?哦没事了Oh it's fine.只是皮外伤Just a scratch barely.你怎么知道我住哪How did you know where I lived?这可是个小镇It's a small town.我问了遇到的第一个人I asked the first person I saw.我觉得你应该想要回这个Um I thought you might want this back.哦我一定是把它弄丢了Oh I must have dropped it.谢谢你I...thank you.别担心我没看Don't worry I didn't...read it.没有吗No?为什么不看大多数人都会的Why not? Most people would have.正如我不想让别人看我的Well I wouldn't want anyone to read mine. 你写日记You keep a journal?是的如果我不写下来Yeah if I don't write it down我就会忘I forget it.记忆弥足珍贵Memories are too important.是的Yeah.我得去I'm just gonna你没必要站在外面Um you don't have to stay out there.我没事I'm fine.对不起你是不是要出去Sorry were you going somewhere?是的我要见个朋友Yeah I'm meeting a friend.一起来吗Do you want to come?埃琳娜怎么样How's Elena doing?她的双亲亡故了你觉得会怎么样Her mom and dad died. How do you think?她假装满面笑容She's putting on a good face但才过了个月But it's only been four months.-她有提到我吗 -没有- Has she said anything about me? - Oh no. 所以别故作姿态了So not getting in the middle.直接打电话给她吧You pick up the phone and call her.我觉得打电话怪怪的I feel weird calling her.她和我分手了She broke up with me.多给点时间马特Give it more time Matt.这就叫多给点时间吗More time huh?我是马特见到你很高兴Hey I'm Matt nice to meet you.你好斯特凡Hi. Stefan.你是在神秘瀑布镇出生的吗So you were born in Mystic Falls?对不过我小时候就搬走了Mm-hmm and moved when I was still young. 你父母呢Parents?我父母过世了My parents passed away.抱歉I'm sorry.有兄弟姐妹吗Any siblings?都很久不联系了None that I talk to.我和我叔叔住一起I live with my uncle.那么斯特凡So Stefan你是新来的应该还不知道明天的聚会吧If you're new then you don't know about the party tomorrow.这是瀑布镇开学后的惯例It's a back to school thing at the Falls.你要去吗Are you going?她当然去Of course she is.你答应过的You promised.这是一起野兽袭击This was an animal attack.别给我借口我知道事实Don't give me that. I know the game.你毁尸灭迹他们一直怀疑是野兽袭击You tear them up enough they always suspect an animal attack.你说过你抑制住自己了You said you had it under control.我是做到了And I do.求你了斯特凡叔叔Please uncle Stefan.神秘瀑布镇现在已经今非昔比了Mystic Falls is a different place now.虽然这几年挺平静但还是有人记得的It's been quiet for years but there are people who still remember. 而你的到来And you being here这只会激起往事It's just going to stir things up.-这不是我来的本意 -那是什么- It's not my intention. - Then what is?为什么你要回来Why did you come back?过去这么久了为什么偏偏现在After all this time why now?我不需要为自己作解释I don't have to explain myself.我知道你本性难移I know that you can't change what you are.但你再也不属于这里了But you don't belong here anymore.那我属于哪里Where do I belong?我无法告诉你该怎么做I can't tell you what to do.但回到这里是个错误But coming back here was a mistake.柳树溪战役The battle of Willow Creek战争末期在我们took place right at the end of the war神秘瀑布镇打响in our very own mystic falls.这场战役有多少人员伤亡How many casualties resulted in this battle?贝内特小姐Ms. Bennett?很多Um...a lot?我不确定I'm not sure.就是很多Like a whole lot.贝内特小姐可爱和傻气只有一步之遥Cute becomes dumb in an instantMs. Bennett.多诺万先生Mr. Donovan.你能否借这个机会Would you like to take this opportunity一改玩世不恭的形象To overcome your embedded jock stereotype?算了泰纳老师不必了It's okMr. TannerI'm cool with it.埃琳娜呢Hmm. Elena?你一定可以给我们Surely you can enlighten us about讲讲发生在本镇最重要的历史事件吧One of the town's most significantly historical events? 抱歉我不知道I'm sorryI... I don't know.埃琳娜你的情况大家都很清楚I was willing to be lenient last year如果是去年我完全能通融For obvious reasonsElena但私人情感应该在开学前做个了结But the personal excuses ended with summer break.有人遇难There were casualties除去本地居民Unless you're counting local civilians.正确That's correct.你叫...Mister...赛尔瓦多Salvatore.塞尔瓦多在神秘瀑布镇Salvatore. any relation to有原始定居在这里的亲戚吗The original settlers here at mystic falls?远亲Distant.很好Wellvery good.当然除次之外战争中没有Exceptof coursethere were no civilian casualties本地居民遇难In this battle.其实有名老师Actuallythere were sir.联邦士兵在教堂开火Confederate soldiersthey fired on the church以为那里藏有武器Believing it to be housing weapons.他们错了They were wrong.当晚伤亡惨重It was a night of great loss.市政厅存有发起人的档案The founder's archives areuh你可以去那里温习一下Stored in civil hall if you'd like to brush up on your facts. 泰纳老师Mr. Tanner.什么意思你从不钓凯子What do you meanyou never hooked up?大家都People look up to me.我得保持形象I have to set an example.承认吧埃琳娜Just admit itElena.好吧他是挺帅的Ohokso he's a little pretty.他的眼神很深邃He has that romance novel stare. 斯特凡深情注视她的双眸Stefan looked deep into her eyes 洞悉她的灵魂Piercing her very soul.你来啦Hey! you made it!是的I did.去喝一杯吧Welllet's get you a drink.-我 -来吧- WellI'm... - Ohcome on.他在哪So where is he?我不知道I don't know.我还问你呢你才是通灵人You tell meyou're the psychic one. 我差点忘了稍待RightI forgot. Okso give me a sec. 祖母说我得集中精神Grams says I have to concentrate. 等等你要拿个水晶球Waityou need a crystal ball.来了Ta da.怎么了What?好奇怪That was weird.我一碰你就看到一只乌鸦When I touched youI saw a crow.什么What?一只乌鸦A crow.浓雾密布There was fog有个人A man.我醉了I'm drunk.酒精作用跟通灵无关It's the drinking. There's nothing psychic about it. 好了我得再去添点酒了Yeah? okI'm gonna get a refill.好吧Ok.邦妮Bonnie!我又吓着你了?I did it againdidn't it?对Yeah.抱歉I'm sorry.你有点不高兴啊You're upset about something.不是邦妮她...Noit's Bonnie. she's...知道吗You know what?算了你来了就好Never mind. You're...here.我来了I'm here.知道吗你是全镇的话题人物You knowyou're kind of the talk of the town.-是吗 -嗯- Am I? - Mm-hmm.神秘新人Mysterious new guyohyeah.你也挺神秘的Wellyou have the mysterious thing goingtoo.满脸哀伤Twinged in sadness.为什么觉得我哀伤What makes you think that I'm sad?我是在墓地遇见你的Wellwe did meet in a graveyard.对Right.不准确来说应该是在男厕Wellnotechnically we met in the men's room.还是不说了You don't want to knowit's...不是派对的聊天话题It's not exactly party chit-chat.我一直都不太擅长WellI've never really been very good atuh聊天Chit-chat.去年春天Last spring...我父母的车从桥上坠下My parents' car drove off of a bridge掉进湖里Into the lake.我当时在后座And I was in the backseat捡回一命And I survivedbut...他们却没这么幸运They didn't.这就是我的故事So that's my story.埃琳娜悲伤不会永远存在的You won't be sad foreverElena.不行泰NoTy.我不要靠着树做爱I'm not having sex against a tree.-别啊多性感 --Ohcome onit would be hot. - For who?不不行Noit's not going to happen.不行特别是这样的时间地点It's not going to happennot herenot like this. 不行我说不行No. I said no.不行好痛I said no! owthat hurts!放开她Heyleave her alone.你让我有点反感吉尔伯特You knowyou're starting to get on my nervesGilbert. 快滚泰勒离我远点Just goTylerget the hell away from me.薇姬·多诺万居然会说不Wow. Vicki Donovan says no.第一次见That's a first.我不需要你帮忙I didn't need your help.我看未必It seems like you did.-他只是醉了 -我才醉了- He was just drunk. - I'm drunk.但我会这样对你吗Am I throwing myself at you?不你更坏Noyou're worse.你想跟我搭讪了解我You want to talk to meget to know me看穿我不断搞我See into my soul and screw and screw and screw直到厌倦我Until you're done with me.你这么想吗Is that what you think?我就是这样想的That's what I know.我喜欢邦妮像是个好朋友I like Bonnieshe seems like a good friend.-世上最好的朋友 -而马特- Best friend in the world. - And Matt他好像不能把眼睛从我们身上移开He can't seem touhtake his eyes off of us.马特是我的青梅竹马Matt's that friend since childhood与他拍拖That you start dating是因为感觉欠了自己什么Because you owe it to yourselves想看看能否往下发展To see if you can be more.然后呢And?然后我父母去世了And then my parents died一切都变了And everything changes.不论如何马特和我Anyway Matt and I在一起我不知道Together we justI don't know不够It wasn'tum...没有It wasn't...激情Passionate.对No.没有一点激情Noit wasn't passionate.你还好吗Heyumare you ok?你的眼睛刚才Your eyeit justit's--不没事Yeahno. It'sumit's nothing.你渴了吗Umare you thirsty?我去拿点喝的I'm gonna get us a drink.杰里米Jeremy?是你吗Is that you?杰里米Jeremy?在找谁吗Looking for someone?当你跟我分手的时候When you broke up with me你说是因为你想独自一人过一段时间You said it was because you needed some time alone. 你看上去并不是孤身一人You don't look so alone to me.马特你不明白的这Matt you don't understand. It's--没关系埃琳娜That's ok Elena.你做任何你想做的You do what you have to do.我只想让你知道I just want to let you know that...我依旧相信我们会相爱的I still believe in us.我不会放弃的And I'm not giving up on that.马特Matt.你在这里啊Hey! There you are.你去看过瀑布了吗Have you been down to the falls yet? 那里的夜晚非常漂亮Because they are really cool at night. 如果你愿意And I can show you.我可以带你去If you want.我觉得你喝多了I think you've had too much to drink. 那是当然的Well of course I have.所以卡罗琳So-- Caroline.你和我You and me是不可能的It's not gonna happen.对不起Sorry.我还在想是谁绑架你了I was wondering who abducted you现在我知道了But now I know.他对所有男生都这样吗Is she like that withuhall the guys? 当然不是No.你是新的猎物You're fresh meat.她最终会甩了你的She'll back off eventually.天呐开玩笑的吧God you gotta be kidding me!怎么了What is it?-我弟弟 -喝醉的那个吗- My brother. - The drunk one?就是那个That would be the one.-失陪一下 -需要帮忙吗- Excuse me. - Need some help?相信我你不会想看这个的Trust meyou're not going to want to witness this. 杰里米Jeremy!杰里米Jeremy!杰里米你要去哪儿Jeremy where the hell are you going?我不想听I don't want to hear it!薇姬不Vicki? No!天呐是薇姬上帝啊Oh my god it's Vicki! Ohmy god!不No!谁来帮一下Somebody help!薇姬吗薇姬这怎么回事Vicki? Vickiwhat the hell?!她怎么了What happened to her?谁能叫下救护车Somebodycall an ambulance!所有人后退给她点空间Everybody back upgive her some space!看她脖子什么东西咬了她It's her neck. Something bit her.她正大量失血She's losing a lot of blood.把这个盖在她脖子上Put this on her neck.薇姬振作睁开眼睛看着我Vicki Vicki come on open your eyes look at me.发生什么了What's going on?有人今晚被袭击了扎克Someone else was attacked tonight Zach但不是我干的And it wasn't me.达蒙Damon.你好弟弟Hello brother.周围人有点多你不觉得吗Crow's a bit muchdon't you think?看我能用迷雾做什么的时候就明白了Wait till you see what I can do with the fog.你什么时候到的When'd you get here?我怎么能错过你在学校的第一天呢Well I couldn't miss your first day at school.你发型变了Your hair's different.我喜欢I like it.已经年了达蒙It's been years Damon.感谢上帝Thank god.我可不能再忍受九十年代了I couldn't take another day of the Nineties.那个可怕的蹩脚形象That horrible grunge look?一点都不适合你Did not suit you.记住斯特凡远离时尚很重要Remember Stefan it's important to stay away from fads. 为什么你会在这儿Why are you here?我想念我亲爱的弟弟了I miss my little brother.你讨厌小镇的You hate small towns.枯燥乏味无事可做It's boring. There's nothing for you to do.我想办法让自己忙碌起来了I've managed to keep myself busy.你知道的你让那女孩今晚幸免于难了You know you left that girl alive tonight.你真是笨手笨脚的That's very clumsy of you.对你来说这会是个大问题That can be a problem...for you.你现在来这做什么Why are you here now?我也可以问你相同的问题I could ask you the same question.然而我想当确定However I'm fairly certain你的回答能总结为Your answer can be summed up all into一个词One little word...埃琳娜Elena.我们现在去主流咖啡厅等消息We're gonna go Mainline Coffee wait for news. 我要带杰里米回家I gotta take Jeremy home.埃琳娜我不可能有超能力的Elena there's no way I'm psychic.我确定I know that.但不论如何我所看到的But whatever I saw或者我以为我看到的Or I think I saw我有预感I have this feeling...邦妮是什么Bonnie what?这只是开始That it's just the beginning.她把我的魂都吸引住了She took my breath away.埃琳娜Elena.她和凯瑟琳长得一模一样She's a dead ringer for Katherine.这样做很有意思吗斯特凡Is it workingStefan?在她身旁进入她的世界Being around herbeing in her world?让你觉得自己还活着是么Does it make you feel alive?她不是凯瑟琳She's not Katherine.好吧但愿不是Welllet's hope not.我们都记得结局是怎样的We both know how that ended.告诉我你最后一次吃Tell me somethingwhen's the last time比松鼠大的东西是什么时候You had something stronger than a squirrel?我明白你的用意达蒙没用的I know what you're doingDamon. It's not gonna work. 是吗得了你一点也不渴望么Yeah? Come on. Don't you crave a little?算了吧来吧我们一起做Stop it. Let's do it. Together.我看外面有不少姑娘I saw a couple girls out there.或者我们直截了当Or justlet's just cut to the chase去找埃琳娜Let's just go straight for Elena!够了Stop it!想象一下她的血尝起来什么味道Imagine what her blood tastes like!我能想象到有多鲜美I can.我说够了I said stop!真令我印象深刻I was impressed.我给你打个分I give it a six.姿势不好看但还是给了我很大的惊喜Missing stylebut i was pleasantly surprised.你的表情太棒了Very good with the whole face--真不错Thing.It was good.对你来说这些都是娱乐达蒙是吧You knowit's all fun and gamesDamonhuh?你去过的地方就有人死去But wherever you gopeople die.-这是宿命安排 -不要在这- That's a given. - Not here.我不允许I won't allow it.我想你这是在邀请我I take that as an invitation.达蒙求你了Damonplease.过了这么多年难道不能收手吗After all these yearscan't we just give it a rest?我答应过让你永远痛苦I promised you an eternity of misery所以我只是信守诺言而已So I'm just keeping my word.离埃琳娜远一点Just stay away from Elena.你的戒指哪里去了Where's your ring?几个小时后就要出太阳了Ohyeahsun's coming up in a couple of hours看来你要灰飞烟灭了Andpoofashes to ashes.放松Relax.它在这里It's right here.在你觉得自己比我强之前应该考虑清楚You should know better than to think you're stronger than me. 当你决定不再袭击人类时You lost that fight when you stopped你已经输了Feeding on people.我绝不会再试第二次I wouldn't try it again.我想我们把扎克吵醒了I think we woke Zach up. hmm.抱歉扎克SorryZach.你还好吧You ok?我打给珍娜了她在来这里的路上I called Jennashe's on her way.那些穿制服的人Those people in uniforms上次我发现他们是警察Last time I checkedthey're the police.人们总是针锋相对杰里米People are going to stop giving you breaksJer.他们不再彼此相互关心They just don't care anymore.他们不关心我们的父母是否死了They don't remember that our parents are dead因为他们要过自己的日子Because they've got their own lives to deal with.我们得抛下这些往前看The rest of the world has moved on.你得努力改变You should trytoo.我看见你在墓地写日记了I've seen you in the cemetery writing in your diary. 这就是你说的往前看吗Is that--is that supposed to be you moving on?爸妈不会想看到我们这样的Mom and dad wouldn't have wanted this.你冷静下来了么Are you sober yet?没有No.再喝点我送你回家Keep drinking. I gotta get you home.我再送我自己回家I gotta get me home.为什么他不喜欢我Why didn't he go for me?怎么会这样You knowhow come我喜欢的男孩都不喜欢我The guys that I want never want me?我没觉得I'm not touching that.我是个不合时宜的人I'm inappropriate.我总是说错话。
《吸血鬼日记》前情提要Previously on "The Vampire Diaries"...唯一比你的嗜血欲望更强烈的The only thing stronger than your craving for blood 竟然是你对这姑娘的爱is your love for this one girl.你的人性会害死你Your humanity is killing you.封闭你的感情Turn it off.你做了什么What did you do?我把他治好了I fixed him.只要你尽力斗争用心去感觉Fight for it. Feel something,感觉一切斯特凡anything, Stefan.因为如果你不这么做的话你将永远失去我'cause if you don't, you're going to lose me forever. 克劳斯杀了你的母亲Klaus killed your mother.他欺骗了你也骗了我还有所有人He has a hold on you, on me, on everyone.他已经这样上千年了我们必须结束这一切He has for 1,000 years. We have to make it stop! 他们在找迈克尔They're looking for Mikael--猎杀吸血鬼的吸血鬼the vampire who hunts vampires.你可别去弄醒他他会把你们统统杀掉You don't want to wake him. He will kill all of you. 我以为你知道怎样杀死克劳斯I thought you might know how to kill Klaus.我可以杀了克劳斯我也会杀了他的I can kill Klaus. And I will.只要克劳斯还活着我就服从他As long as Klaus is alive, I do what he says.-迈克尔-把克劳斯带回瀑布镇- Mikael. - Get Klaus back to Mystic Falls.接着我会满心欢喜地把木桩插进他的心脏And I will gladly drive a stake through his heart.带不回来我就插进你们的心脏Fail--I'll drive it through yours.波特兰是个迷人的地方Portland is fantastic如果你不介意惠特尼音乐once you can get over all the Whitney music和这里健硕的人民的话and healthy-looking people.还真是个繁殖狼人的好地方It's literally a breeding ground for werewolves.你父亲死了Your father's dead.你说什么What did you say to me?说错了Oh, my mistake.不是你的亲生父亲也没真正死去Not your actual father, and not dead.是迈克尔Mikael.被匕首封住了Daggered.你想要我怎么处理尸体What do you want me to do with the body?首先我要你解释一下Well, first, I want you to explain to me到底发生了什么exactly what happened.我们可以说迈克尔尾随埃琳娜到这儿All right, we'll say that Mikael followed Elena in here. 一小时前他试图抓住她以用她做诱饵He tried to grab her so he could use her as bait.然后你给他注射了马鞭草吗And you, what, vervained him?不得说是我们给他注射了马鞭草No, we vervained him.他可是个吸血鬼祖先谎话得编的像点The guy's an original. Make it realistic.好吧我们给他注射马鞭草Ok. Fine. We vervained him这时我们发现他有一把匕首and in the process discovered that he had a dagger 他本想用这把匕首封住丽贝卡Which he planned to use on Rebekah.结果...But instead--我们却用它刺入他的心脏We drove it through his heart.要是他要见迈克尔的尸体怎么办And what happens when he asks to see Mikael's body?说得好Good point.好弟弟你受克劳斯控制对他言听计从You, my brother, have been compelled to do what Klaus says.如果我们目的是引诱他过来并杀了他So if the idea is to lure him back here and kill him,最要不得的就是你结结巴巴说不出谎话the last thing we need is you getting tripped up and tongue tied. 别看着我Well don't look at me.我只负责把他弄回来I'm just in charge of getting him back here.克劳斯很聪明Klaus is smart.要是我们告诉他迈克尔死了他会要证据的If we tell him that Mikael's dead, he'll want proof.那我就死给他看Then I shall be dead.那如果他要亲自查看呢What if he wants to see in person?这就说明我们的计划起作用了Well, it means our plan is working.克劳斯是一定会要看我的尸体的Klaus will absolutely want to see my body.你们把他引诱过来然后我杀了他You lure him here, and I will kill him.用什么这些匕首杀不死他With what? Those daggers won't work on him.我有一个木桩Well, I'm in possession of a stake是用一棵古老的白栎树做成的fashioned from the wood of the ancient white oak tree.这些灰烬正是它被烧毁时留下的The one that left these ashes when it burned.在哪儿Where is it?不在这儿Not here.它的保存地点是我的保身之计Knowing its location is my insurance policy.你担心什么Against what?你们用匕首封住我You leaving this in my heart.吸血鬼刺死吸血鬼祖先自己也会死掉You see, a vampire can't dagger an original without dying.所以由你动手So...It falls to you.你真的要我用匕首封住你吗You want me to actually dagger you?克劳斯做事滴水不漏从不冒险Klaus will leave nothing to chance,特别是在信任方面especially when it comes to trust.我想见见他I want to see him.我想亲自看到他腐烂的尸体I want to see his rotting body for myself.好啊他就在这儿Well, he's here.随时恭候Come by whenever.如果你对我撒谎斯特凡If you're lying to me, Stefan,我对你的控制会暴露你your compulsion will expose you.用你的生命来回答我So answer with your life,你说的是实话吗is what you're saying the truth?是真的我亲眼所见It's true. I saw it with my own eyes.我要跟丽贝卡说话I want to talk to Rebekah.这没问题她就在这儿That's not a problem. She's right here.你好尼克Hello, Nik.丽贝卡亲爱的Rebekah, love.他们说迈克尔不幸被匕首刺中是真的吗What's this I hear about Mikael's tragic run-in with a dagger? 是真的It's true.他终于永远从我们生命里消失了He's finally out of our lives for good.我想你我在这里很痛苦I miss you. I'm miserable here.-我很快回来-很好- I'll be home soon. - Good.再见哥哥I'll see you then, brother.他上当了正赶过来He bought it. He's coming home.这真是手到擒来啊Now was that easy or what?我们快结束这一切吧Let's just get this over with.《吸血鬼日记》第三季第九集■本字幕由YYeTs人人影视翻译制作更多字幕下载请登陆■翻译:super 句号豚豚思朵兔小跳■校对:草草内丘米苏时间轴:Remember 小猫子衿■后期:Ghost 监制:米苏终于醒了Finally.你睡得真久Took you long enough.丽贝卡Rebekah...无论你想说什么教训女儿的鬼话省省吧Whatever fatherly rubbish you're thinking, save it.你的话对我毫无意义Nothing you say matters to me.我明白了I see.-我的匕首呢-埃琳娜拿着- Where's my dagger? - Elena has it.你就别想把它用在我身上了So you can forget your plans to use it on me.我从没有要追杀你You were never the one I was after.尼克是我的家人Nik was my family.你要是追杀他就是在追杀我If you were after him, you were after me.他迷惑了你丽贝卡他杀了你母亲He blinded you, Rebekah. He killed your mother.我知道他做了什么他会血债血偿的I know what he did. And he'll pay for it with his life.但是尼克不是天生的杀手我们都不是But Nik was not born a killer. None of us were.你把我们变成吸血鬼的时候我们才变成这样You did this to us when you turned us into vampires.是你毁了我们的家庭You destroyed our family.不是他Not him.丽贝卡Rebekah...衣柜里没有一件衣服我喜欢I hate everything in my closet.我没有衣服穿去参加返校舞会I have nothing to wear to homecoming.那就别去我们都呆在家里叫外卖So don't go. Let's stay home, order take-out和阿拉里克一起认真研究古象形文字and over-analyze ancient hieroglyphic thingies with Alaric. 我们得去不然卡罗琳会杀了我们的We have to go. Caroline will kill us.但卡罗琳有男伴Oh, Caroline actually has a date.你是可以跟我谈谈杰里米的You know that you can talk to me about Jeremy, right?我不需要谈这些I don't need to talk about it.他爱上了他的鬼魂女朋友还撒了谎He fell in love with his ghost girlfriend and lied about it.这已成事实What's done is done.你得说出来他伤害了你邦妮You have to talk about it. He hurt you, Bonnie.我也生他的气I'm mad at him too.你对你的弟弟生气You're mad at your little brother.你会吼他一两句给他上一课You'll yell at him a little, teach him a life lesson.但你不会像我一样生气的You can't really be mad like I'm mad.邦妮Bonnie--你也不该那么生气他是你的弟弟And you shouldn't have to be. He's your brother.所以我其实不能跟你谈论这件事So no, I can't really talk to you about it.我们不能相信丽贝卡不会背叛我们We can't trust Rebekah not to turn on us.是吗Oh, really?毕竟这些吸血鬼祖先通常很可靠的Because those original vampires are usually so reliable.邦妮说的对Bonnie was right.丽贝卡可能现在生克劳斯的气Rebekah may be mad at Klaus now,但他是她哥哥but he is her brother.那个对她撒谎杀她母亲又爱用匕首的哥哥Her lying, mama-killing, dagger-happy brother.附子草好了The wolfsbane's ready.这个计划会出错的地方太多了There are too many things that can go wrong with this plan. 有太多人会使之功亏一篑Too many people who can make it go wrong.我正在制定一个秘密应急计划Well, I am formulating a secret contingency plan.真的吗是什么Really? What is it?如果我告诉你那就不是秘密了Well, if I told you, then it won't be a secret.我要借条领带I need to borrow a tie.你自己不是有吗You have your own ties.我已经162岁了还要去参加返校舞会I'm 162 years old and I'm going to a homecoming dance.我需要条好点的领带I need better ties.你可以不去啊You could not go.我被迫要保护你I'm compelled to protect you.看看你历年高中舞会的记录And if I look at your track record at high school dances, 悲剧良多it's pretty tragic.依我看你去舞会My luck you'll go ahead会被返校舞会皇后杀掉and get yourself murdered by the homecoming queen. 我知道怎么做阿拉里克教过我I know how to do it. Alaric taught me.埃琳娜这东西如果在我们面前炸开Elena, if this thing blows up in our face记住我们俩只有一个能迅速恢复just remember only one of us heals quickly.请告诉我你们还有一个比附子草手榴弹Ugh, please tell me that you have a better plan更好的计划than wolfsbane grenades.不劳你操心弟弟Never you mind, brother.你知道得越少越好The less you know, the better.我能否脱离克劳斯的控制My freedom from Klaus完全取决于你俩能否完美地执行计划rests entirely upon you two executing your plan perfectly. 所以原谅我的冷嘲热讽So, excuse me if I'm a bit cynical.你才是那个我们应该担心的人You're the one that we should be worried about.一旦克劳斯问了你某个不该问的问题If Klaus asks you one wrong question,我们就会功亏一篑whole thing falls apart.你确实有理由担心You do have reason to worry.但如果回顾一下我们史诗般的失败计划史But if I look back at our history of epic plan failures,通常是我们某个人it's usually because one of us感情用事坏了事let our humanity get in the way.所以如果要赌这次计划将为何失败So if I'm taking odds on how this thing goes down,我猜搞砸的那个人肯定不是我it's certainly not gonna be me who screws it up.返校舞会见我都迫不及待了I'll see you at homecoming. I can't wait.能把闪光粉枪递给我吗Hey, can you hand me the glitter gun?谢谢Thanks.我们为什么不翘了装饰活动去喝点东西呢Hey, can't we ditch the decorating and go grab a bite?我包里有水壶Oh, I have a thermos in my bag.我是说喝点血I mean a real bite.丽贝卡认识一些喜欢被吸血的人Rebekah knows some people who like to be fed on.他们很享受我们甚至不用强迫他们They're into it. We don't even have to compel them.好吧首先Ok, first of all,好不容易你妈妈不那么讨厌我了I finally almost just got your mother to stop hating me.所以我不想跟她儿子So I probably don't want to get caught in玩什么诡异的吸血鬼三人行some weird vampire threesome with her son.第二别再跟丽贝卡一起玩了And secondly, quit hanging out with Rebekah,她是个邪恶的吸血小贱人the evil blood slut.今晚舞会上不要找她的麻烦好吗Just keep the claws in tonight at the dance, ok?就算为了我For me?所以谁不幸地被强迫成为她的男伴了So who has the misfortune of being compelled to be her date? 马特说要带她来Matt said he'd take her.等等你把她跟马特撮合到一起了Wait, you set her up with Matt?她想去参加舞会She wants to go to the dance,而且他正好也没有舞伴and he didn't have anyone to go with.他一直喝马鞭草她不能喝他的血He drinks vervain, she can't feed on him.有什么大不了的What's the big deal?泰勒重要的是The big deal, Tyler,马特是一个无辜的好人is that Matt is an innocent, good person他不应该跟这种邪恶的吸血小贱人共舞who should not be going to dances with evil blood sluts.马特是个男人卡罗琳Matt's a guy, Caroline.丽贝卡很辣仅此而已别想太多And Rebekah's hot. Don't overthink this.这是认祖归忠在作怪对吗This is a sire thing, isn't it?拜托你告诉我你是因为认祖归忠Please tell me this is some weird family extension才对他的家人也爱屋及乌了of your sire bond to Klaus.我在这里悬挂横幅还弄得满手闪光漆I'm here hanging streamers and have glitter all over my hands. 如果要说谁是我的主人非你莫属If I'm sired to anybody, it's you.这么早就开始准备了Getting a head start, huh?说起来很丢脸Embarrassing truth.这是我第一次参加高中舞会This is my first high school dance.从没参加过吗Ever?我从前没有时间上高中I never really had time for high school before.我和尼克一直流离辗转Nik and I were always moving around.亡命天涯Running.反正我也不想冒那个险Anyway, I didn't want to leave anything to chance.-有他的新消息吗-没有- Have you heard any more from him? - No.但我确信他回来的时候But I'm sure that when he does return,肯定会大张旗鼓he'll do it with flair.达蒙和我父亲的计划也准备就绪了吗And Damon and my father are all set with their plan? 对Yes.别告诉我我不想知道Don't tell me. I don't want to know.我只是想去参加舞会I just want to go to the dance把剩下的事情都交给迈克尔and leave the rest to Mikael.我知道这很难I know it's really hard.所以谢谢你帮我们把克劳斯骗回来So thank you for helping us get Klaus back into town. 千万小心Just be careful.我逃亡一千年是有原因的I've been running for 1,000 years for a reason.迈克尔不是什么好人Mikael is not a good person.绝对不能相信他And he definitely can't be trusted.我们家族没有人可以被信赖No one in my family can.你还好吗Are you ok?我花了一辈子的时间I've spent my whole life对我哥哥爱恨参半loving and hating my brother with equal measure.我从没想到我会参与到I never thought that I would be the one用木桩刺死他的计划当中to help drive a stake through his heart.不能哭我No tears. I--我可不想弄花我的妆I don't want to ruin my makeup.我看上去怎样How do I look?美若天仙Amazing.但你还少一样东西But you're missing one thing.我母亲的项链My mother's necklace.你今晚应该戴上它You should wear it tonight.我来给你戴好吗May I?谢谢Thank you.非常抱歉I'm so sorry.但我也不能冒险I can't leave anything to chance either.背后捅刀真狠啊In the back. Harsh.必须这么做It had to be done.丽贝卡永远不可能完全站在我们这一边Rebekah was never going to be completely on our side.我没有责备你的意思Hey, I'm not judging you.很有凯瑟琳的风格It's very Katherine of you.这样说可不会让我好受达蒙Not the way to make me feel better about myself, Damon. 这是赞美你呢算是吧It was a compliment... Sort of.斯特凡是对的Stefan is right.总会有人感情用事Someone's going to let their humanity get in the way然后把整件事搞砸and screw this whole thing up.八成就是我了And it's probably going to be me.埃琳娜你刚刚用匕首放倒了一个人Elena, you just daggered somebody.你不会有事的You're going to be fine.对但这样做我很不好受Yeah. But I feel bad about it.我顾虑太多I care too much.这才是问题的所在达蒙That's the problem, Damon.我就是计划的弱点I'm the weak link.她又没真死这样你会好受点吧If it makes you feel any better, she's not really dead. 你相信他吗我是说迈克尔Do you trust him? Mikael?不相信Nope.斯特凡呢What about Stefan?也不信No.只要他还受克劳斯控制我就不信Not as long as he's under Klaus's control.那么我们需要一个更好的计划Then we need a better plan.我知道该怎么做I know what to do.只是你会不喜欢的You're just not going to like it.为什么不喜欢Why not?因为计划开始实施时Because when this all goes down,我不希望你参与其中I don't want you having any part of it.这话是什么意思What does that mean?你相信我吗Do you trust me?相信Yes.那你就没什么好担心的了Then you have nothing to worry about.怎么回事What happened?体育馆被水淹了The gym's flooded.舞会取消了The dance is cancelled.你说什么Excuse me?那我们现在怎么办啊Well, what are we supposed to do now?!所以那是否意味着我不用去了So does that mean I don't have go?想得美You wish.不行泰勒要把舞会转移到他家里No, Tyler's moving the party to his house.满是酒桶和啤酒弹珠的返校舞会Kegs and beer pong for homecoming?那可真是与众不同啊That's... Different.就说你还会来就是了Just say you're still coming.那里见I'll see you there.埃琳娜Elena.马特你好啊Matt, hey.你的返校舞会舞伴出了点小麻烦Um, slight problem with your homecoming date. 发生什么事了What happened?给你找个替补舞伴行吗How would you feel about a back-up date?他怎么这么快就安排了比我那个更好的派对How did he plan a better party than me so fast? 外面是有一个乐队吗Is that a band outside?这些人都是谁Who are all these people?太奇怪了泰勒在哪儿This is weird. Where is Tyler?斯特凡最近怎么样Hey, Stefan. What's up?泰勒你办的这派对还真不错Hey, Tyler. Nice party you got going on here.多谢夸奖但派对不是我办的Thanks, but I'm not the one throwing it.我只是服从克劳斯的命令I'm just doing what Klaus wants.什么意思What do you mean?这不是舞会是守灵It's not a party, man. It's a wake.大家晚上好Good evening everyone!我要感谢你们能来和我一起庆祝I want to thank you all for being here with me to celebrate. 我已经等太久了It's been a long time coming.返校舞会是无心享受了So much for homecoming.真诡异This is weird.我们俩结伴到场Us being here together.卡罗琳在那她什么都不知道There's Caroline. She doesn't know anything.别露馅了Act normal.克劳斯在这Hey, Klaus is here.什么What?看来我们认祖归忠的混血儿朋友泰勒Yeah, apparently our sired hybrid friend Tyler认为可以让他的主人开个派对thought it'd be ok to let his "master" throw a party.我以为你们会吓到Well, I expected more surprise.我习惯了克劳斯做什么都不奇怪了I've learned not to be surprised by anything Klaus does.我要去找邦妮了I'm going to go find Bonnie.怎么回事What's going on?你们两个在一起做什么And what are you two doing here together?我以为你的舞伴是丽贝卡I thought you were supposed to be with Rebekah.计划有变我要喝一杯去Plans changed. I need a drink.好隆重的舞会Quite the homecoming.我已经为我父亲的葬礼筹划了一千年了I've been planning my father's funeral for 1,000 years.虽说从没想到Granted, in no version of it要邀请这么一群人were any of these people invited.不过意思也到位了But you get the idea.那你现在干嘛不用再逃命了So now what? You just stop running?现在我可以跟家人团聚了Now I reunite my family.你的家人Your family.你说的是那些你装在棺材里搬来搬去的人吗You mean, the people you cart around in caskets?过往都不重要了None of that matters anymore.迈克尔死了过去的事都过去了Mikael's gone. Bygones will be bygones.派对不错我喜欢那乐队Really great party. I like the band.似乎舞会皇后还在喘气呢Seems the homecoming queen still walks among the living,那丽贝卡肯定不在这了which leaves me to believe Rebekah isn't here.她人呢Where is she?我不知道我以为她跟马特一起来I have no idea. I thought she was coming with Matt.斯特凡别骗我Oh, be honest now, Stefan.我妹妹在哪Where's my sister?我说了我不知道I said I have no idea.好了要我带你去见见你父亲吗Now, would you like me to take you to your father?好吧贵宾怎能缺席派对Well, it wouldn't be a party without the guest of honor, would it? 把他带过来Bring him to me.好吧All right.也许你应该给我点好处Perhaps there's something in it for me?我要你解除对我的控制My freedom from your compulsion.你要你的自由Oh, you want your freedom?只要他死了Well, once he's dead他的武器也销毁了and his weapon destroyed,你就会得到自由you'll have your freedom.我很荣幸能把它还给你It'll be my pleasure to give it back to you.我女儿去舞会了吗Did my daughter go to the dance?是的你错过了跟她拍照的机会Yep. You missed the photo op.你把木桩拿来了吗Did you get the stake?拿了I did.口说无凭I'm not going take your word for it.无意冒犯No offense to your honor and all.没事None taken.真花哨Fancy.能让我看看吗May I?这是地球上唯一能杀掉吸血鬼祖先的武器It's the only weapon on this earth that can kill an original. 所以我还是自己拿着吧无意冒犯So I think I'll hold on to it. No offense.我本来想给你倒杯喝的I'd offer you a drink,但是凯瑟琳说你but Katherine tells me喜欢吸血鬼的血加冰you're more of a vampire on the rocks kinda guy.其实你也可以让我喝你的血Well, technically, you could still offer.为什么喝吸血鬼的血Why feed on vampires?别告诉我说回味更柔和Don't tell me it's for the smooth aftertaste.创造吸血鬼我也有份I had a hand in creating vampires.但是我从来没想要他们嗜血成性But the blood lust was never my intention.几千年里我学会了吸掠夺者的血Over the centuries, I learned to feed from the predator, 而不是吸无辜的人类not the innocent.计划有变Change in plans.克劳斯回来了他在洛克伍德家里Klaus is back. He's at the Lockwoods.他要我把你的尸体带到他脚下And he wants your body delivered to his doorstep.恐怕他将会非常失望I'm afraid he's in for a colossal disappointment.他肯定不会来这里Well, he's certainly not going to come here.希望你的计划不全仰仗他来这儿I hope your plan didn't depend on that.当然不是Didn't depend on that.但你有计划吧But you do have a plan. Right?是啊我们有个计划对吧Oh, yeah. We got a plan, right?只是计划里没有你而已It just doesn't involve you.你不能只扭断他脖子吗You couldn't just break his neck?我当然有想过It certainly occurred to me.我妈要是看到这么多人My mom would seriously freak她肯定会吓坏的if she saw all these people here.你妈妈不会阻碍我们Your mother won't be a problem.我强迫她去教堂为你朋友祈祷I compelled her to go to church and pray for your friends.你这话什么意思What are you talking about?我要你看看四周I want you to look around.邦妮在那儿There's Bonnie.埃琳娜和马特在那儿There's Elena and Matt.还有你漂亮的女朋友卡罗琳There's your pretty little girlfriend Caroline.本来今晚的舞会遭到了破坏Their big dance was wrecked tonight是谁又办了这个派对and who came through with a party?-是你-真是个好朋友- You did. - What a pal.但是其他的这些人是谁But who are all these other people here?我不知道I have no idea.这里一半的人我从没见过I've never seen half these people in my life.那是因为我邀请了一些我的朋友Well, that's because I invited a few dozen friends of my own. 那是我朋友明蒂That's my friend Mindy.我在堪萨斯把她收入麾下I picked her up along the way in Kansas.你知道吗Did you know that there's an中部有整整一族群的狼人entire bloodline of werewolves in the heartland?那是北达科他州的托尼There's Tony, from North Dakota,还有来自西雅图的分队and let's not forget the Seattle contingent.等等那些人都是混血儿吗Hold on. Are those people all hybrids?他们也爱来派对凑热闹Well, they also love a good party.他们像你一样对我认祖归忠And they, like you, are sired by me.愿为主人效力They wish to serve their master.所以如果有任何人要于我不利So if anyone should so much as make a move against me, 他们会觉得有义务予以回击they may feel obligated to retaliate.尽管去警告你的朋友吧Feel free to warn your friends.你们对克劳斯有什么阴谋What are you up to with Klaus?没什么Nothing.他盯上你了卡罗琳He's on to you, Caroline.不管你们在策划什么Whatever you all think you're about to pull off,他总是魔高一丈he's two steps ahead of you.我不知道你在说什么Ok, I don't know what you're talking about.你在撒谎You're lying to me.其实我没有You know actually I am not.我什么都不知道即使我知道什么I don't know anything. And even if I did,我也不会告诉你I wouldn't tell you about,因为你认祖归忠站在克劳斯那边了because you're sired to team Klaus now.我不能信任你And you can't be trusted.所以现在我们能不能回去了So can we please just go back to the party now?你的舞伴呢Where's your date?去帮我拿饮料了Getting me a drink.好吧Well...看来我要谢谢你杀死了迈克尔seems I have you to thank for Mikael's demise.他袭击了我我没有选择的余地He came at me. I didn't have a choice.我还是觉得很了不起Still I'm impressed.人类要刺死吸血鬼祖先可并非易事It's not easy for a human to dagger an original.可不是我第一次了It wasn't the first time.对了以利亚Right. Elijah.你看起来很紧张You seem nervous.我没有我只是不喜欢你I'm not nervous. I just don't like you.挺直接啊那我也直说了好吗Well, straight to the point then, shall I, love?我被人追杀也有一千年了People have been after me for 1,000 years.我总能魔高一丈And I am always one step ahead.所以不管你们现在想干什么So whatever it is you're thinking of trying,尽管做卯足了劲go for it, give it your best shot.你们不会成功的You won't succeed.非邀勿进吸血鬼Invite-only, vampire.这是我的回复Here's my RSVP.混血儿Hybrid.你对她做了什么What did you do to her?就用了点马鞭草It's just vervain.她会没事的She'll be fine.不过我需要你尽快带她离开But I need you to get her out of here as fast as possible. 发生什么事了What's going on?有人对克劳斯图谋不轨Something's going down against Klaus,这里全是像我一样的混血儿and this house is full of hybrids like me不容许他有不测that can't let anything happen to him.你说"不容许"是什么意思What do you mean, "Can't"?我不能解释I can't explain it.我无法反抗I can't fight against it.我只知道我无论如何都要保护他I just know that I need to protect him不管是谁挡道no matter who gets in my way.不惜攻击卡罗琳吗By attacking Caroline?我是在保护她马特I'm protecting her, Matt!这是唯一保障她安全的办法This is the only way to keep her safe.拜托了带她安全离开Please. Just get her out of here safely.把所有人都带走Get everyone out.作为主人你应该知道As the host, you should know那些混血儿给人的第一印象不佳those hybrids don't make the best first impression.不管你要使什么招克劳斯都严阵以待了Whatever move you're making, Klaus is going to be ready for you. 如果有必要他会杀了这里的任何人He'll kill anyone at this party if he has to.我好担心啊Tell someone who cares.邦妮Bonnie.你发什么神经Ugh! What the hell is wrong with you?你怎么可以对我施法You're not supposed to witchy migraine me.你怎么可以杀泰勒You weren't supposed to kill Tyler.他想咬我He tried to bite me.那是什么What is that?没什么Nothing.天呐那是...Oh my god. Is that the--它怎么会在你这里Why do you have it?因为只有我才能进入这间屋子Because I'm the only one who could get inside the house. 有人找您You have a visitor.告诉他我胜利在望没空Well, tell my visitor I'm on the brink of victory here.他说他叫迈克尔He said his name is Mikael.那我们可不能让他久等了Then we mustn't keep him waiting.把所有人叫出去Move everyone out back.我要跟我爸聊会儿天I'm going to have a little chat with my dad.托尼你知道该怎么做Tony, you know what to do.你好啊尼克劳斯Hello, Niklaus.你好啊迈克尔你怎么不进来Hello, Mikael. Won't you come in?哦对了我忘了你进不来Oh, that's right. I forgot. You can't.你也可以出来啊Or you can come outside if you want.我也可以看着我的混血儿把你大卸八块啊Or I can watch my hybrids tear you limb from limb.他们杀不了我They can't kill me.没错但至少有场有趣的派对游戏可看True, but it'll make a hell of a party game.我只要弹个响指All I have to do is rub these two fingers together,他们就会猛扑过来and they'll pounce.真是个大坏狼The big bad wolf.你一点都没变You haven't changed.依旧像懦夫一样藏在玩物身后。
根据语言习惯巧用省译 I don’t have to explain myself 我没必要作解释。 在这个句子中,字幕组没有机械地把“myself” 翻译出来,而是根据汉语习惯直接省译了。这种 手法在字幕等影视作品中尤为常见。这主要是出 于语言习惯和观看时间方面考虑的。
副词翻译与语境的结合 Memories are too important. 记忆弥足珍贵。 这句台词翻译的过人之处在于对副词“Too”的 处理。普通的译本不外乎译成“回忆太重要了”。 这里的“弥足珍贵”非常符合男主角此刻的心情, 他无比怀念过去。
宁波大学外语学院 笔译133班 罗升泽 任课老师:牛新生
小田 @
影视作品字幕翻译 宁波大学外语学院
1.字幕翻译佳作赏析 ——以吸血鬼日记为例 2.字幕翻译欠佳作品
LOGO A Brief introduction of The Vampire Diaries
Genre:Horror;Fantasy;Romance; Supernatural drama; The series premiered on The CW on September 10, 2009. The series takes place in Mystic Falls, Virginia, a fictional small town haunted by supernatural beings.The show has received numerous award nominations, winning two People's Choice Award and many Teen Choice Awards. The fifth season will premiere on October 3, 2013.
% With the popularity of U.S TV drama in China, U.S TV drama fans pay more and more attention to the subtitle transla⁃tion in recent years. The perfect subtitle translation is vital to the appreciation of U.S TV drama. The article analyses and discusses the characteristics and relevant strategy from U.S TV drama“Vampire Diary”. M eanwhile, the article even gives some ample exam⁃ples, letting readers feel the infinite charm of exotic culture.【总页数】3页(P16-18)【作者】周迎锋;王华【作者单位】合肥工业大学外国语学院,安徽合肥230009;合肥工业大学外国语学院,安徽合肥230009【正文语种】中文【中图分类】H315.9【相关文献】1.美剧字幕组影视翻译特点探析 [J], 丁玲玲2.美剧《吸血鬼日记》的字幕翻译特色分析 [J], 赵彬彬3.美剧《吸血鬼日记》中的字幕翻译特点与翻译策略 [J], 热依拉·加马力4.从美剧《吸血鬼日记》探析字幕翻译特点及策略 [J], 周迎锋;王华5.浅谈美剧《吸血鬼日记》中字幕翻译的特点及策略 [J], 戴龙智因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
看电影学英语The Vampire Diaries 第一季07集《吸血鬼日记》前情提要Previously on the Vampire Diaries...一个多世纪以来我都秘密地活着For over a century, I have lived in secret until now.我知道这很冒险但我必须要认识她I know the risk, but I have to know her.你到底是什么东西What are you?我是吸血鬼I'm a vampire.你说过你不通过杀人来维持生存You said you don't kill to survive. 动物血能让我维持生存Animal blood keeps me alive但没有达蒙那么强大But not as strong as Damon.-你好弟弟-达蒙- Hello, brother. - Damon.-斯特凡最终还是坦白了-离我远点- Stefan finally fessed up. - Stay away from me.这条项链里面装有一种叫马鞭草的草药That necklace contains an herb called vervain.它能保护你不受控制It protects you from being compelled.我会保守秘密但是I will keep your secret, but...我不能跟你在一起了斯特凡I can't be with you, Stefan.-那是什么-一块非常重要的水晶- What is that? - A veryimportant crystal.你是巫师还是灵媒Are you psychic or clairvoyant?确切地说我祖母认为我是一个女巫Technically gram says I'm awitch.过去有段时间这个镇的人There was a time when this townwas对于吸血鬼知道得太多Very much aware of vampires五具被吸干了血的尸体Five bodies all drained off blood.他们回来了They've come back.你就是不想死对吗You just don't wanna die, do you?-她在转化-转化成什么- She's transitioning. - Intowhat?吸血鬼A vampire.我真不明白她怎么了I don't know what's wrong withher.-她会没事的-不- She'll be fine. - No-一切都会好起来的-薇姬- We'll all be fine. - Vicky我会确保她不会伤害任何人I will make sure that she does nothurt anybody,埃琳娜我保证Elena. I promise you.-好的晚些时候见-再见兄弟- All right, later, man. - See you,bro.嗨泰Hi, Ty薇姬Vicky?大家都在找你Everyone is looking for you.我知道I know.-发生什么事了薇-我好冷- What's wrong, Vick? - I'm socold.你又嗑药了大家都认为你嗑药过量死了You are on drugs. Everyonethinks you are off on a bender.我真希望如此I wish在森林里发生了什么What happened in the woods?Vicki?为什么那些人都死了Those kids that were killed.你看到什么了吗What did you see?我好怕I'm so scared.过来Come here.没关系我送你回家It's ok. I will take you home.-我无法控制-控制什么- I can't control it. - Controlwhat?我好饥饿泰I am so...hungry, Ty.而且这饥饿感怎么也挥之不去And it won't go away你到底吃了什么了What did you on?你到底嗑了什么药了What drugs did you take?我想要你我太饿了泰I want you. I'm so hungrey, Ty.听着我去给你弄点东西来吃OK, look, I'll get you somethingto eat.先靠在椅背上我先送你回家Just sit back. Let's just get you home.薇姬你怎么了薇姬Vicky, what is wrong with you? Vick!放开我Let go of me.这到底是怎么回事斯特凡What's going on here, Stefan?她到底是怎么了What's wrong with her?-你没有资格说话-去你妈的小瘪三- You don't talk. - Screw you, dude.小瘪三是吗小瘪三Dude, really? Dude...达蒙不要Damon, don't.得了吧这蠢货就算死了也没人会可惜Oh, come on. No one is gonna miss this idiot.你竟敢打他Don't you hurt him.忘记你今晚所见到的一切Forget what you saw here tonight. 我们都不曾在此出现过None of us were here.《吸血鬼日记》第一季第七集-不好意思-噢没关系我已经好了- Sorry. - Oh, no, it's cool. I'm done你起这么早要去哪儿You are up early. Where are you going?警察局他们组织了Police station. They are organizing寻找薇姬的搜寻队所以A search party for Vicky, so...等等你不是应该去上学吗Wait. Shouldn't you be going to school?你在跟我开玩笑是吧You are kidding me, right?你不应该逃课的You shouldn't skip school.如果他们找到了他我们会知道的If they find her, we will know.大家不是都有手机吗That's what cellphones are for.你总是这么冷漠无情我不知道你是怎么了Your lips keep moving. I don'tknow why.喂Yeah?马特Matty?薇姬你在哪儿你还好吧Vicky, where are you? Are youOK?嗯我很好Yeah, I'm OK.告诉我你在哪儿我来接你Tell me where you are. I'll comeand get you.不要马特我需要一些时间No, Matty. I just need some time去想清楚一些事情To figure things out.你只要知道我没事就行了别担心我Just know that I'm OK. Pleasedon't worry about me.我不明白我为什么还得被困在这儿I don't understand why I'm stillcooped up here我为什么不能回家Why can I just go home?因为你正在转化薇姬Because you are changing, Vicky.这可不是你一个人就能完成的事And it is not something you wantto do alone.关于那个被杀的叫罗根的家伙There is nothing about报上一点消息也没有that Logan guy I killed in here.一个字都没提Not a word.有人掩饰了这件事Someone has covered it up.那是什么What is that?一个非常古老非常特别的指南针It's a very special, very oldcompass.罗根试图用它干什么事但没有成功What was Logan fell doing withit.你难道就不好奇吗Aren't you curious?如果你真这么担心有人要算计你Well, If you are so worried thatsomebody is onto you你为什么不干脆离开这个镇达蒙Why don't you just leave town,Damon?我们都应该有所提防we should all be worried.嘿我饿了Hey, I'm hungrey.你们有什么吃的东西吗Do you have anything to eat?拿着Here.这是什么What is it?这就是你身体需要的东西It's what you are craving.别对那女孩儿撒谎Don't lie to the girl.这才不是你想要的东西呢So not what you are craving,不过可以凑合凑合对吧斯特But it will do in a pinch. Right, Stef-这是什么-对啊这是什么- What is it? - Yeah, What is it? 是臭鼬圣伯纳德狗还是斑比鹿的血It's skunk, saint bernard, banbi? 来尝一口Go on, give it a try.她是新转化的她需要的是人血She is new. She needs people blood.她无法靠那东西维持生存的She can't sustain on that stuff.-是啊为什么我不能吸人血-就是- Yeah, why can't I have people blood? - Yeah.因为吸食无辜的人的鲜血Because it's wrong是罪恶的薇姬To pray on innocent people, Vicky.你不必为了吸血而杀人You don't have to kill to feed.你只要找个血液美味的人Just find someone really tasty,吸完后消除他们的记忆就行了And then erase their memory afterwards.很简单的So easy.不不不No, no, no.你无法保证到时会控制好自己There's no guarantee that you can control yourself, Ok?这需要几年时间的学习It takes years to learn that. 你轻易地夺走一条生命You could easily kill somebody,你的余生And then you have to carry thatwith you都得背负着很强烈的罪恶感For the rest of your life.可能刚才没有说清楚我想说那是永远的痛Which, if I haven't made clear, iseternity.别听他乱扯Don't listen to him他和我们就不是一个世界的人He walks on a moral plane wayout of our eye line要我说就是捕获嗜咬消灭I say, snatch, eat, erase听我说选择权在我们身上Hey, look at me. We choose ourown path我们选择符合自己内心的行动和价值观our values and our actions. Theydefine where we are.受不了了OK, count deepak我要走了I am out of here.还能再来点吗Can I have some more?斯特凡在吗Is Stephen here?在Yep.在哪呢Where is he?小美女早上好我正要出去And good morning to you, liittlemiss, I'm on a mission.做了那么多坏事How can you be so arrogant andglib你怎么还能如此自高自大油腔滑调?After everything you've done?你又怎么能如此勇敢而又愚蠢And how can you be so brave andstupid竟敢这样诋毁一个吸血鬼To call a vampire arrogant andgilb?如果你想要我死的话我早就死了If you wanna me be dead and I'llbe dead.没错Yes, you were.-但我没死-是"还没"死- And I'm not. - Yet.-斯特凡在哪-在楼上- Where is Stephen? - He'supstairs.在唱《西班牙之雨》自己进去吧Singing "The rain in Spain",knock yourself out.斯特凡Stephen?斯特凡Stephen?在这里Yes.薇姬在哪儿Where is Vicki?在楼上She's upstairs.现在什么情况What happens now?我弟弟正和镇里的人一起Because my brother is out theresearching for her在满世界找她With the rest the town.-我要告诉他了-我正在帮薇姬- And I'll tell him. - I'm workingwith her.但是需要时间But, it's gonna take time她非常反复无常容易激动She's very volatile and impusive personality她还吸毒She is a drug user.那些都会对她有很大的影响I mean all that's gonna play a part in how she reponds to this.那她已经是不折不扣的吸血鬼了吗So she is a vampire with issues? 我该怎么做What am I supposed to do?我正在对所有我关心的人撒谎Because I'm lying to everyone I care about.她还有什么变化呢What's gonna happen to her?我会看着她的I'll keep her here with me直到她一切安好Until I know that she is safe.到底要多久啊How long is that?我们过会儿再谈We can talk about it that later.薇姬Hey, Vicki你还好吗How are you?还好吗你在开玩笑吧How am I? You're kidding, right? 咱们家族在巫师审判中被烧死了吗Was our family burned in witch trials?没有那在塞勒姆被处决的女孩们No. The girls that were persecuted in Salem完全是无辜的Entirely innocent. 要逮住一名真正的巫师没有大脑是不行的You have to have more thanignorance to trap a real witch.那我们怎么又到了神秘瀑布镇呢How did we end up in MysticFalls?我们家族于年离开塞勒姆Our family fled Salem in ,然后就定居这里了And relocated here.我们祖先在这里隐居多年了Our ancesters lived in secrecy forover a hundred years.重点是现在我们仍在隐居It's important that we still do.奶奶人人都知道你是女巫Grams. Everybody knows you'rea witch.他们也知道这很愚蠢可笑不可能是真的They also know it's absurd, can'tbe true.我只是在大学教玄学的一个诡异女人罢了I'm just a cooky lady that teachesoccult at the university.没人真的相信No one really believes.他们只是为了好玩而已那就由他们去吧They just poke fun. And let'em.别让他们知道真相就行了Just don't let them know the truth.那我们的巫术呢Where's our witchcraft?你讲历史都讲了两天了You've been talking history fortwo days.我想听听有趣的And I wanna go to the fun part.那不是有趣It's not meant to be fun.那是真实并且严肃的It's real, and it's serious.在你运用巫术之前必须要明白这些And you must understand beforeyou practice.你上课还没晚吗Aren't you late for school?你根本不应该相信罗根You never should have trustedthat Logan-关于表的鬼话-到底有多少- Weasel with that watch. - Howmany are we dealing with?验尸官说是一个Well, that coroner thinks one.那脖子和下巴的弧形伤口Something about the woundradius and the jaw pattern我们危险吗Are we in danger?如果它找到表并且知道我们知情了I mean if it found the watch andknows we know它会来找麻烦吧And could it come after us?我都不知道该称"它"And should I even be saying "it"还是"他" 或是"她"Or he, or she如果他们对镇上的历史有些许的了解If they have any historicalknowledge of the town就会知道表是从哪里来的了And they'll know where the watchcome from.所以是的我们非常危险So yes, we can very much be indanger.那我们该怎么做So what do we do?保密千万不能弄得人尽皆知Just keep quiet, we can't have the entire town aware of this,并在他找到我们之前找到他We need to find him before he finds us.听说大家正在满世界地找薇姬I heard they were putting togethera search party for Vicki.她刚才打电话来了她没事She just called, she's OK.那太好了Oh, good. It's great.你肯定都快发疯了吧I figured you must've been going out of your mind.是啊差点就疯了A little bit, yeah.我只是想帮忙I was just gonna offer有什么我可以帮忙的吗Is there anything I can do?我很感激I appreciate it.我帮你拿了服装都在这里了I have got your costume. It's all here.-不是吧-拜托- Seriously? - Come on有人能高高兴兴的迎接万圣节吗Can someone please be excited about the Halloween我只是想玩玩而已I just wanna have fun, you know. 只是一种愚蠢无聊没有达蒙的快乐Just some silly, fluffy, Damon-free fun.这不是你从达蒙那里拿的吗Isn't this the one you got from Damon?对或戴或扔随便你我不管Yep. Wear or toss it. I don't care 我只是不想再看到它I just want it gone.看见埃琳娜了吗Have you seen Elena?你知道她要穿什么吗Do you know what she iswearing?我整个周末都和奶奶在一起还没和她联系I was with grams all weekend. Ihaven't talked to her.或许她和斯特凡在一起Maybe, she's with Stephen.骑着白马到他的城堡去吗Riding to his castle on his whitehorse别酸了会长皱纹的Don't be bitter. It provokeswrinkles.咖啡很好Coffee is our friend.咖啡因能让我们血液循环It's the caffeine. It circulatesthrough our veins让身体暖和And warms our bodies.这样别人碰到我们就不会觉得太冷So we are not so cold to the touch.如果我想喝人血怎么办What if I wanna drink humanblood?你得学着习惯那种冲动You gotta have to learn to livewith that urge.每天和它斗争一次And fight it one a daily basis, oneday a time.天啊别说这些规章制度了Oh, God. Don't start with thewhole little twelve steps thing.学校辅导员已经说得够多了那对我没用School Counselor has been downthat road And it doesn't workfor me.有用的你可以做这样的决定薇姬It can work. It's your choice, Viki.这么说你从未吸过人血So you've never tasted humanblood.很久没有了Not in a long time.多久How long?很多年Years and years.我对我哥哥的做法感到很羞愧I'm not proud of my brother'sbehaviour这抓狂的感觉就不能消停一会吗Oh, does this sketchy feeling evergo away这就像是在经历那种超级难受的宿醉It's like I have a massive hangover不能见光真他妈的烦透了This daylight thing is a bitch我需要吸血I need more blood.厕所在哪儿我要小便Where's your bathroom? I have topee.为什么我想上厕所我不是已经死了吗Why do I have to pee? I thought Iwas dead.我出去一下再给她多弄点回来I'm going to, Un-- I'm gonna gether some more.好Right.我很快回来I will be quick.我的身体很燥热My body is feeling really funky但还不错真是奇怪It's a good funk, but it's wierd-你在给谁打电话-杰里米- Who are you calling? - Jeremy 薇姬你不能再见杰里米了Viki, you can't see Jeremy any more算了吧别来这套Oh, come on. Don't you start.我想见谁就见谁I'm gonna see whoever I want to see尽管你可能会伤害他吗Eventhough you could hurt him? 我绝不会伤害他I would never hurt Jeremy我知道你也不想I know you think that但我不能冒险But I can't take that risk-现在不能和杰里米再来往-是吗- You gonna have to let Jeremy go now - Oh really这个"你不是好女孩"的演说And how long have you been preparing你花多少时间准备的啊A "you're not good enough" speech?我认为正是这样让我成为了受害者I'm presuming it predates the whole vampire thing.我只想说All I'm saying is不要把杰里米卷入这些事情里面来Jeremy is not geting involved in any of this.我是认真的薇姬I mean it, Viki.如果我坚持呢Or what? 让我给你讲清楚一点你这个小贱人Let's get one thing straight, youperky little bitch你让我弟弟等了年You had my brother whipped foryears.年啊然后你又甩了他years, and then you dumptedhim.我一看见你When I look at you就想到这些That is all I see你明白了吧Just so you know.还有我想见杰里米的时候我就要见到他And I'm gonna see Jeremywhenever I wanna see Jeremy因为我有新玩意儿要跟他分享Because I have some fun newtoys to play with,如果我想要你的命的话我绝不会手软的And I won't think twice of rippingyour little head off.听明白了吗You got it-她威胁我-她撑不了多久了- She threatened me - She's onedge想一下你身体里的每个细胞Imagining every sense in yourbody都在飞速增长Operating at super speed她很不舒服全身毛孔发胀I mean, she's uncomfortable in herown skin,然后你又用话刺激她And then when you throw on herother issues要多久才能恢复几小时几天还是几星期How long before it settles? Hours,days, weeks?我也说不准There's no rule book.那你要多久才能控制她Well how long before you learn tocontrol her要一段时间A while没有人帮助我But I didn't have anybody helpingme.所有的都得我自己来I have to do it on my own.问题还在于The thing is很难去反抗一些人It's hard to resist certain people,尤其是你还是个新面孔的时候Espercially when you are new.要将感情划清界限也是很难的It's difficult to separate yourfeelings.爱迷失愤怒和欲望Love, lost, anger, desire--什么复杂的情感都会涌出化作It can all blur into one urge,饥渴Hunger什么意思What does that mean?就是说杰里米不能见她至少现在不能It means that Jeremy can't see her.Not now她可能会有点自控力She might not be able to resisthim,但可能还是会伤害到他And she could hurt him.甚至害死他Or worse我不会让任何人受伤害的I'm not gonna let anybody get hurt.我得走了I need to get going埃琳娜Elena求你了斯特凡我已经受够了Please Stephan. This is only so much I can take.你在干什么What are you doing就这样发呆发到下个世纪Just contemplating the next hundred of years你为什么对我那样做Why did you do it我I was...很无聊Bored就因为无聊你就那样对我You did this to me out of boredom 永生可能出现的问题之一就是无聊It's one of the pitfalls of eternity. 我现在很无聊Now I'm bored我只想要吸血And all I can think about is blood. 除了血I just want some blood.我简直不能思考这是为什么I can't think about anything else. What is that about?这种情况经常发生That'll ease up.你整天都被关在这里You've just been cooped up all day.-走吧-去哪儿- Let's go - Where?你的人生已经够可悲的了Your life was pathetic. 而你的余生就应该精彩点了Your afterlife doesn't have to be.你在干什么What are you doing她被关在你房里一整天了She's been cooped up in yourroom all day.他不是一个囚徒She is not Anne Frank.不行不行No no no no. Hey hey现在不能带她出去Now is not the time for this.我们得教教她If you are gonna teach her, teachher.让她看看吸血鬼是怎样的Show her what it's all about.她会伤害别人She could hurt someone我又不带她去迪斯尼I'm not taking her to Disneyland.我们就去院子走走We're going in the front yard.来吧Come on最好不要这样做达蒙Bad idea, Damon她是个吸血鬼斯特凡She is a vimpire, Stephan.她应该知道些小技巧She should know the perks.比如什么Like what?比如Like...你是如何做到的Whoa. How did you do that?试试薇姬Come on, Viki活出些自我这个活没有双关的意思Live a little. No pun intended我的错Uh, my bad.马特Matt?薇姬Vicki?是你吗That's you?进来啊Get in here.等一下In a minute.快进来吧我一直在担心你Please come inside, I've beenworried.谢天谢地你没事God, you're ok.你上哪儿去了小薇Where were you, Vick.没什么可说的It's no big deal.都已经忘了Dropped it, already.林子里有三个人被谋杀了Three people were murdered inthe woods.警察一直在找你他们想找你问话The cops were looking for you,they wanna qustion you.他们知道我住哪儿They know where I live.每个人都很担心你Everyone was worry about you.我现在回来了别再提了I'm back now, just let it go.开什么玩笑Are you kidding?你去进行你那疯狂的吸毒之旅后I’d freaking search purty lookingout for you我发了疯似地找你When you were off on your crazydrug trip.结果你想让我别提了And you want me to let it go?我的头好痛My head hurts.你想想吧You think.斯特凡你来这儿干嘛Stefan, what are you doing here? -薇姬在家吗-在- Is Vicki home? - Yeah.我能见见她吗Can I see her please?别让他进来我不想他进来Dot's let him in, I don't want him in here.他对你做过了什么吗Did he do something to you?没有我只是不想他进来No, I just don't want him in here. 让我进去吧我能说明情况Just let me come in, so I can explain myself.我不知道发生了什么但我想你该走了I don't know what's going on, but I think you'd leave now.马特拜托了Matt, please.不行斯特凡No, Stefan.薇姬你得打给我You get to call me, Vicki.我不知道你怎么了打给我吧拜托I don't get what's going on with you. Just call me, please.今晚想出去玩吗So, do you wanna hang out tonight?我们可以去学校过万圣节前夜We can go to the Halloween thing at school.会很好玩的It could be fun. 好的当然听起来...很有意思Good, sure, sounds...sounds fun,都等不及了Can't wait.我知道你很担心薇姬I know you are upset about Vicki.你打电话时都快疯了I heard you called mad.但是你没法跟她在一起了But y ou can’t be with her.她需要慢慢好起来She needs you to get better.你能为她做的最好的事就是放她走The best thing you can do for heris let her go.放她走是什么意思What does that even mean let hergo.对啊她是个让别人走的专家对吧Oh, ok, sure, she was such anexpert on letting people go, right?我知道你也许还不清楚情况I know you may not see it yet.但是相信我杰里这对大家都好But trust me, Jer, it's for the best.爸妈走后几个月里我都觉得自己是个废物For months from Mum and Daddead, I feel like a crap.甚至连废物都不如Well, nothing really even matter acrap.突然有一些瞬间Now all of a sudden, I got thesemoments,让我觉得情况在慢慢好起来And things started to feel just alittle bit better,而这每个瞬间里都有薇姬And Vicki was in every single oneof them.你可能不清楚So you may not see it.相信我拆散我们不是好事But trust me. Keeping me awayfrom her is not for the best.我被马特缠住了来找我好吗当然在哪见学校今晚是万圣夜喝啤酒吗女士的特别口味Seidel? For the ladies? Is a lotwith special.算了No way,去年我醉到感恩节才清醒过来Last year I was hang over untillThanksgiving.等等我喝点Wait, I am going to drink直到有帅哥来跟我做爱Untill someone is hot enough tomake out with me.好主意Sounds like a plan.你喝了几杯马提尼了How many Martinies have youhad?别管我Ahh, don't stuck with me.我们走吧去万圣节派对Can we go now? We are leavingfor the Halloween party.走吧Let's go.你走吧So go ahead.我要把酒喝完I'd like to finish my drink.我来猜猜看Let me guess.你是黛西·贝肯尼Dessie Becanon.我喜欢这种猜对了的感觉I love the guess-beaten look.我以前见过你I've met you before.你不是卡罗琳·福波斯的男朋友吗Aren't you Caroline Phobos' boyfriend?她对我有那种女学生般的崇拜感No, she had the school girl's crush on me.很可爱但我必须拒绝她很简单It's cute. But I had to let her down. Easy.你叫达蒙对吧It's Damon, right?你记得我啊Oh, you remember me.你有张令人难忘的脸You have a face that's hard to forget.你姓什么达蒙What's your last name, Damon?塞尔瓦托Salvatore你和扎克是亲戚吗Are you in any relation with Zach?扎克是我舅舅Zach is my uncle.你怎么认识扎克的How do you know Zach?你没事吧Are you ok?没事有东西进眼睛了Yes, because something is in my eye.我在创始人委员会认识他的Well, I know Zach from the Founders' Council.塞尔瓦托家的人是镇上的老居民了You know, the Salvatores were born in this town's Original saddles. 是的没错Yes, they were.我没想还有人记得扎克I wasn't aware that Zach wasremembered.我最近才回到这里I just recently come back home还没什么机会和朋友们相聚And really haven't had chance tomeet any of these friends.你能让他给我回电话吗Would you tell him to return mycalls.我给他留了好几条信息了I've left several messages.扎克出城了打不了电话Zach were out of the town. It'sforbiden.但如果是关于马鞭草的事But if it is about the vervain你也知道马鞭草的事You know about the vervain?-我姓塞尔瓦托当然知道-对- Well, I'm a Salvatore. Of courseI do. - Of course.干杯Cheers.你也扮《整容惊魂》里的角色啊You wear Plastic Surgery costumtoo. Ah?是啊我一小时前Yes, I just didn't know any otherclothes coming to me才想到选这套的Untill an hour ago.我也是Me either.你扮什么你自己吗And you are going as... you?他现在不和我说话我们吵架了He's not talking to me right now.We've gotten into a fight.薇姬回家后我也和她吵了一架I got into with Vicki too when shegot home.我今晚不想管她的但I tried not to stuck with hertonight, but...我还是不能让她离开我的视线Part of me just din't want her outof my sight.她在这里吗She's here?是你可不能错过她扮吸血鬼Yes, you can't miss her. She's avampire.杰里米去哪了Oh, where did Jeremy go?-埃琳娜怎么了-我要走了我得找到他- Elena, what's the matter? - I'mgoing. I got to find him.什么意思你在跟踪我吗What? You're following me now?我别无选择You don't really give me much ofthe choic.让我出去Let me out of here.你不该来这里You shouldn't have been here.人群会让你Crowds like this will make it evenharder for you更难自控To make yourself under control.-我没事-真的吗- I'm fine. - Really?头不疼胃不疼吗No headache? Your stomach hasnot agonized you?没有头重脚轻焦虑烦躁的感觉吗Not feeling light headed? Oranxiouse or cranky?感觉就像如果有人你看着不顺眼Like if someboy look at you in a wrong way,就会去把他们的头拧下来You can just rape their head off. 知道这叫什么吗Do you know what's that called? 饥饿感It's called hunger.这只会愈演愈烈And it only will get worse and worse every minute.但你在假装没有被饥饿控制That you pretend like it's not controling you.你想要马鞭草是吗So you need vervain?是的Yes.我们只有些它的花My husband and I only have flowers我丈夫的父母留给他的Which his parents left him.但扎克保证过And Zach had promised要给我们一些He could supply us with more.每次都是我跟他说Well, I talked to him all the time. 为什么大家不直接找他要呢So why don't they just ask him? 要多少你觉得有多少人需要How much you need, I mean how many people do you think?当然有孩子们Well, these are children, of course 当然Of course还有朋友家人And friends, family以及委员会里的所有人And everyone on the council. 委员会The council?扎克知道有多少人Zach knows how many.太晚了You know, I am so late我丈夫会生气的My husband is not going to behappy with me.你和你丈夫在一起高兴吗Well, are you happy with yourhusband?-你在和我调情-你先和我调情的- You're flirting with me. - Youflirt with me first.对True.我护送你去学校吧Let me escort you to the school.独自出去不安全It's not safe out there alone.我今晚看到个吸血鬼了I mean I've seen ten vampirestonight.真的吸血鬼很容易就能被找出来Only the real ones were easy tofind.怎么找How is that search going?我们开创始者聚会We had the Founders' Party.白天来的And anyone arrived during theday会被当做嫌疑犯除掉Was eliminated as supect.不然的话我们可能都死了And otherwise we were just deadand so.-我要走了-好- I gonna go. - Ok-我要走了-好- I gonna go. - Ok-谢天谢地-什么情况- Thank god. - What's the matter?我跟丢了杰里米正着急呢I lost track of Jeremy. I wasworried.怎么了What's going on?一切安好Hey, uh, Everything's fine.跟你说了别来烦我I told you to quit bothering me.不是的薇姬别这么说No, Viki. Don't do this.马特他不会不理我的Matt, He won't leave me alone.-你滚远点老兄-马特没事的- You need the backoff, man. -Matt, it's..it's ok.不有事你是不是有毛病啊No! It's not ok. What the hell isyour problem?斯特凡她不见了Stafen, she's gone.我在帮她I'm trying to help her.-薇姬你吓到我了-不好意思- Viki, you just scare me. - I'msorry.-跟我来-好- Come on. - Ok.你知道卡罗琳跑哪去了吗So..Where'd Caroline ran up to?别浪费口舌了达蒙Do yourself a favor, Damon.不要向我打听卡罗琳Don't ask me about Caroline.别这样邦妮这么忠心啊Oh, but Bonnie, so loyal.你离她远点Just stay away from her.那个项链哪来的Where'd you get that?一朋友给的From a friend.卡罗琳给的吗Caroline?-你应该知道那是我的吧-不再是了- You know that's mine, don't you? - Not any more.有意思Funny.-现在请你把它给我-我是不会把它给你的- I'd like it back, please. - I'm not giving it to you.我要还给卡罗琳如果她愿意还给你就还给你I'll give it to Caroline. She can give to you if she feels like it.那我就自己拿了Or I could just take it right now.杰里米Jeremy我真担心你I was so worry about you.我很好不过I'm fine now, but...我要走了I gotta leave.什么去哪What? Where?我要离开这里杰里I gotta get out of here, Jer.我只是我不能回马特那里I just, I can't live at home with Matt.他是不会明白的He jusr dosen't get it不行你不能走No, You can't, You can't just leave.跟我来Come with me.如果你跟我来我们就能永远在一起了If you come with me, we can betogether foever.好Ok.好的Yeah.真的吗真是太酷了真是太棒了Really? I know it's so cool. Iknow it's awsome.怎么怎么了What? What is it?薇姬Viki?薇姬薇姬你干嘛Viki. Viki. What the hell?我的天哪Oh, my god!不要住手No! Stop!不要No!薇姬住手Viki! No!不要No.薇姬Vicki快走进屋去Go, get inside,快走Go!薇姬Vicki薇姬Vicki薇姬Vicki薇姬Vicki把他弄走Get him out of here.-干嘛-我需要你帮忙- What? - I need your help.你怎么了What happened to you?我都不知道自己干了些什么I did something I don't know.是我的项链驱使的It came from my necklace.你从哪弄到的Where'd you get that?那是我服装的一部分一个无关紧要的装饰物而已It's part my costume, it's piece ofjunk.无关紧要? 你知道吗That piece of junk belongs to它属于我们家族里最强大的女巫之一One of the most powerful witchesof our family.我给你看Let me show you.就是她There she is.艾米莉·波奈特Emily Bennet.你的曾曾曾祖母Your great great great greatgrandmother.照片上的那个就是你的项链了And there is your necklace.你走吧这里我来You should go. I got this.这是你干的是你的错You did this. This is your fault.虽然你懊悔不过别怪在我头上You confuse me for someone withremorse.我什么都不在乎None of this matters to me.一切无所谓None of it.你周围的人接连送命怎么能说无所谓呢People die around you. How。
比如:Hooking up with some guy half your age.译为老牛吃嫩草。
Few city officials.
I of course will do anything I can to help.
Alaric Saltzman.
I'm your new history teacher.
你是那个新闻记者 罗根·费尔
You're that guy from the news, Logan Fell.
I watch you every night.
是过去常看 好久没在电视上看见你了
Well, I used to. I mean, you've been missing from my TV.
we could travel the world together.
We could try out for "The Amazing Race."
Hmm. That's funny.
说真的 你去哪里
Seriously, where are you goin'?
我知道这很冒险 但我必须认识她
I know the risk, but I have to know her.
埃琳娜 她和凯瑟琳长的一摸一样
Elena, she's a dead ringer for Katherine.
-你好 老弟 -达蒙
看吸血鬼日记学英语第一季09集《吸血鬼日记》前情提要Previously on "The Vampire Diaries"一个多世纪以来我都秘密地活着For over a century, I have lived in secret until now.我知道这很冒险但我必须要认识她I know the risk, but I have to know her.埃琳娜和凯瑟琳长的一模一样Elena, she's a dead ringer for Katherine.-你好弟弟-达蒙- Hello, brother. - Damon.他杀了扎克He killed Zach.杀了特纳把薇姬变成吸血鬼He killed Tanner. He turned Vicki. 我必须杀了他I have to kill him.不你别去No, you can't do that.你说要离我远点是对的You were right to stay away from me.这是什么What is that?非常贵重的水晶Very important crystal.属于我们家族最厉害的女巫之一That belonged to one of the most powerful艾米莉·贝内特Witches of our family, Emily Bennett.我要拿回我的水晶I want my crystal back. -在邦妮那里-去拿回来- Bonnie has it. - Get it from her.不要把它给任何人Don't be giving that back toanybody.今天我们学阴影估测法Today we're going to talk aboutshadow reckoning.这是一种根据太阳投射的阴影This is a method of measuringheights计算高度的方法By the sun's shadow.打个比方如果我们要计算Let's say, for example, that we'regoing阴影的距离To measure the distance of theshadow.就要知道这个长度We're gonna take thismeasurement here,测出长度Measure the length,然后和原高度相乘And we're going to multiply thatthe height of the source.此法还能测算建筑物的高度用千米做单位Building height can also bemeasured using a kilometer.我们明天会学这部分Which we are going to make it inclass tomorrow.一会我给你们布置作业I'm going to give you a hand-outabout...有人吗Hello?请帮帮我Please help me.你是谁Who are you?艾米莉I'm Emily.你知道的You know that.我们是一家人We are family.我在哪里Where am I?事情是从这里开始的This is where it started.也必须在这里结束And this is where it has to end.不这不是真的No. This isn't real.帮帮我Help me.看什么看What are you looking at?转过去Turn around.你都不跟邦妮说话了吗Have you even talked to Bonnie?生她气了她应该先道歉No. I'm mad at her. She needs tomake the first move.大度点吧Be the bigger person.对她不行Impossible in her presence.你怎么对她生那么大的气Why are you so pissed at her,anyway?因为她是个小偷She's a thief. That's why.我给她的项链她不肯还我了I gave her my necklace, and sherefuses to give it back.这是原则问题It's a matter of principle.好吧我也劝过你了All right. Well, I tried.我不管这事了I'm officially out of it.很好该说你的事了Good. Your turn.斯特凡呢你们说话了吗Where's Stefan? Have you talked to him?他躲着我He's avoiding me.为什么Why?一言难尽It's complicated.-回见-再见- I'll see you later. - Bye.大家早上好Good morning, everyone.好Alrighty.这是我的名字Let's see.阿拉里克...A-R-I-C萨尔茨曼S-a-l-t-z-m-a-n.阿拉里克·萨尔茨曼Alaric Saltzman.我知道有些长It's a mouthful. I know.不太好念Doesn't exactly roll off the tongue.萨尔茨曼是个德国的姓氏Saltzman is of German origins.我的家族年移民到德克萨斯州My family emigrated here in to Texas.不过我出生在波士顿并在那里成长I, however, was born and raised in Boston.关于我的名字阿拉里克Now, the name Alaric是我一个老祖先的名字Belongs to a very dead great-grandfather一个让我十分景仰的祖先I will never be able to thank enough.你们可能错念成奥拉里克You'll probably want topronounce it "Ala-ric,"但正确读音是阿拉里克明白吗But it's "A-lar-ic," ok?你们可以叫我瑞克So you can call me Rick.我是你们的新历史老师I'm your new history teacher.太阳照屁股喽Rise and shine.上学要迟到了You'll be late for school.你你想干什么What are you... what are youdoin'?和平赠礼Peace offering.拜托你需要它保持血液循环Come on. You need it for bloodcirculation.让你状态良好Does dead flesh good.好吧我错了All right, I'm sorry.请别挡路Step aside, please.再也没人会来打扰我们了I got the town off our back.这样对大家都好不过我还是要说声抱歉It was for the greater good, butI'm sorry.为了真诚致歉我保证至少一周内And to prove it, I'm not gonnafeed on a human不再喝人血For at least a week.我会采用老弟你的食谱I'll adopt the Stefan diet,当然不吃带毛的生物Only nothin' with feathers.我想你居然能杀掉和你交情'Cause I realize that killing yourclosest最深的老朋友简直就是十恶不赦And oldest friend is beyond evil,不过还是觉得很有笑料And yet somehow, It's worthy ofhumor.你在模仿我Are you mimicking me?不错斯特凡既然仇杀吸血鬼的秘密组织Yes, Stefan. Now that the secretsociety不会再来找我们麻烦了Of vampire haters is off our back,我也能步上正规I can go back to my routine继续思索这周如何折磨斯特凡了Of how can I destroy Stefan's lifethis week.还有我也能继续生闷气为得不到埃琳娜And I can go back to sulking andElena-longing愁眉紧锁很有趣我喜欢And forehead brooding. This isfun. I like this.我也将最终透露在我的邪恶狠毒背后And I will finally reveal theulterior motive返回神秘瀑布镇的最终动机Behind my evil and diabolicalreturn to Mystic falls.我受够了Yeah. I'm done.你就是那样达蒙That's just like you, Damon.永远要强辩到底Always have to have the lastword.之后在树林里醒来之前And then I ended up at the remains我躺在残破败损的教堂树叶上Of old fell's church before I woke up back in the woods.你总能看见你的祖先艾米莉吗And you always see your ancestor Emily?这样Huh.你相信世上有鬼吗Do you believe in ghosts?两周前我会说不但是现在weeks ago, I'd say no, but now... 我想我被鬼缠身了I think I'm being haunted.我不明白为什么艾米莉要缠着你I don't get it. Why Emily?祖母说她在美国内战时期是个Grams said she was a powerful巫术强大的女巫Witch back in the civil war day. 这个项链是她的And that this medallion was hers, 女巫的护身符A witch's talisman.所有的事都从你得到这个项链开始And it all started when you got the necklace?我认为她在用项链和我交流I think she's using it to communicate with me.你祖母怎么说Ok, what does grams say about it? 我跟她说她会让我留着它I can't call her. She's gonna tell me to embrace it.我不想再留着它我想让怪事停止I don't want to embrace it. I want it to stop.萨尔茨曼先生我是杰里米·吉尔伯特Hey, Mr. Saltzman, I'm, uh...I'mJeremy Gilbert.你找我吗You wanted to see me?你知道你以前的老师You know that your old teacher有个愚蠢的文件吗Had a jackass file?不开玩笑它被打上了标签No joke. It's, uh, typed on a label.里面有所有问题少年的名字It has all the, uh, troublemakers init,但事实上说的都是关于你的杰作But really it's just an opus to you.别担心Don't worry about it.我跟他不同I'm not him.我们从头开始Clean slate.从现在Now...让我谈谈成绩Let's talk about grades.我知道这几个月我成绩不怎么好I know it's been a rough couple ofmonths,但是我已经试着改变现状了But I've been... I've been trying toturn them around.是的看得出来Yeah, I saw that,但是问题是But the problem is我们这学期已经过去一半了We're halfway through a semester,而且半学期考试都挂了挺惨的And half a fail is still pretty bleak.你这么跟我说的This is the part where you say tome,我该怎么办才能通过这门课"What can I do to? I wannachange that.很好我很高兴你问Well, I'm glad you asked.再给你一次机会怎么样How do you feel about extracredit?好求之不得让我做什么都行Yeah. yeah, totally. Whatever.很好那写一篇论文交给我吧Good. Write me a paper then.没问题关于什么的Ok. About what?历史History.找个话题关于本地的Pick a topic. Keep it local.不准照搬维基百科上面的东西No Wikipedia Regurgita.这些老城镇有着悠久的历史These old towns have a lot of richhistory,多动手去查找吧So just get your hands dirty,合格的话就算你改过自新啦Make it sing, and you're back ontrack.成交吗Deal?啊当然说定了Uh, yeah. Deal.那是那是个很酷的戒指That's a, uh... that's a cool ring.哦谢谢是我父亲的Oh, thanks. It was my father's.哈有点花哨但是家族流传下来的Heh. Llittle garish, but family.老传统了You know.你有一星期的时间You've got a week.嘿Hey.嘿那是什么意思Hey. What is that?什么是什么意思What is what?这个嘿The "hey."两次了你说了两个嘿It was twice. That is heys. That...难道你就不会说些别的吗Do you have any other words in your vocabulary?说嘿又怎么了What's wrong with "hey"?让人觉得话里有话It reeks of awkward subtext.你一整晚都待在我的床上You spent the night in my bed,抱着我却在黎明时溜走了There was cuddling, and then you snuck out before dawn为了避免面对我So you wouldn't have to face me, 我不得不说你的行为很差劲Which I must say is a total lame guy让我很瞧不起Move that I did not appreciate现在跟我说嘿And now with the heys?是真心的吗我是说Seriously? I mean,那天在派对上我可能像I may have been some pathetic,一个很危险的可怜虫Insecure mess at the party但别误认为我就是一个好哄的人But do not mistake that for me being a pushover,因为我再也不会让男人控制我了Because I do not let guys messwith my head anymore.早上我听见你妈妈回来了I heard your mom in the morning,我不想给你造成麻烦And I didn't want to get you introuble,所以才从窗户溜走的So I went out the window.你从窗户离开的又一个差劲的行为You went out the window? Well,another lame guy move.你妈妈是警长Your mom's the sheriff.至于我说嘿我很肯定And as for the heys, I'm prettysure从一年级开始我每天早上就那样对你说It's what I've said to you everyday since the first grade.哦Oh.想试探有没有别的意思Tryin' to read somethin' into it...试探失败Lame girl move.你不在教室我很担心You weren't in class. I wasworried.是的我收到了你的短信Yeah, I got your messages, andsorry抱歉没有回复你I didn't get back to you我不想在电话里跟你说这些What I wanna say shouldn't besaid over the phone.你可以发个短信啊A simple "I didn't kill my"我没杀我哥哥" 我也就知道了Brother" text would have sufficed.我没杀我哥哥I didn't kill my brother,虽然他理应得到那样的下场As much as he deserved it.他该感谢你He has you to thank for that.那么你想跟我说什么So what did you wanna tell me?我不会再来学校了I won't be coming to schoolanymore.我要离开而且要保持距离I'm gonna back off and keep mydistance.这才是正确的做法It's the right thing to do.离开学校还是Back off from school or...离开我From me?谢谢你告诉我Thank you for telling me.这样更好It's better this way.没错我明白Yep. I got it.你在生气You're angry.那样很好That's good.你恨我的话会好过一点Be easier if you hate me.好了这是你最后的机会了Ok, it's your last chance.我会喊叫的I'm gonna scream.哦不千万别Oh, no, don't do that.我有正事找你Let's stay on point.听着我要我的项链Listen, I want my necklace.你休想拿到You can't have it.我是拿不到但是你可以给我啊Well, I can't take it, but you can give it to me.我这个是在帮你I'm trying to help you here.没这个必要I don't want your help.你都不知道你有多需要我的帮助You do want my help, and you don't even know it.小女巫你知道为什么吗You know why, you little witch? 因为你正在死角中不能自拔'Cause you have stumbled into something你需要挣脱出来You need to stumble out of.别烦我不然我保证Just leave me alone, or I swear I'll...少来这一套Ooh. don't. No threats.听着第一你上次弄伤了我Look-A...You hurt me last time. 第二我也是为你好B...I wish you no harm.邦妮不管你相不相信我想保护你Believe it or not, Bonnie, I wanna protect you.让我帮你摆脱艾米莉Let me help you get Emily off your back.你怎么知道她的How do you know about her?还不止这些I know a lot of things关于那块水晶我知道的比你可多多了And I know more about thatcrystal than you do而且我知道她正在用它And I know that she's using it潜进你的身体To creep inside of you.你已经被吓得六神无主了See how scared you are?你应该这样的因为我迟早会拿到那块水晶And you should be, because I willget that crystal,即使等到艾米莉亲自给我Even if I have to wait for Emily togive it to me herself.所以下次她出现的时候So next time she comes out toplay你告诉她You tell her...就这么定了That deal's a deal.埃琳娜他简直就是噩梦He's bad news, Elena.他真的吓到我了He really scared me.你应该离达蒙要多远有多远You need to stay as far away fromDamon as possible.我也想这样啊但是他一直纠缠我I'm trying. he just keeps showingup.我不想你一个人待着I don't want you to be alone.你今晚过来睡吧You're sleeping at my placetonight.我们可以用一整晚来理清这个事情We can make a whole night out ofit.你要去哪里呢Where are you going?你没事吧Are you ok?现在没事了Now I am.全部都是那块水晶惹的祸All my problems were because ofthat thing.我早该把它给扔了Can't believe I didn't do thatsooner.不知道你祖母知道了会怎样What's your grams gonna say?祖母又没有被那个Grams isn't the one being haunted岁鬼魂缠身By a -year-old ghost, is she?有道理Ok, then.我喜欢单独用餐的人I like a man who can dine alone.很有魅力A quiet strength.我以前还以为你还在I thought you were still纠结罗根那件事呢In that whole Logan depressionthing.我是说过永远不碰男人Oh, I've sworn off men forever但那并不表示But it doesn't mean I can't observe我不能远远地看他们Them from a safe distance.我可以介绍你们认识Well, I can introduce you.谢谢你能来Thanks for coming.事关紧要要不我也不会打电话找你I wouldn't have called if it wasn'timportant.我知道I know that.斯特凡他威胁她He threatened her, Stefan.达蒙想从邦妮那里得到什么呢What would Damon want with Bonnie?她有这条项链卡罗琳从达蒙那里得到的She has this necklace. caroline got it from Damon然后她给了邦妮And she gave it Bonnie现在达蒙要回去And now Damon wants it back. 他不停地在折磨她He's tormenting her.就为了一条项链Over a necklace.那不是普通的项链It's not just any necklace.和邦妮的家族有关It has to do with Bonnie's heritage.以前是她的一个祖先的It belonged to one of her ancestors她在南北战争的时候住在这里Who lived here during the civil war.那个时候你和达蒙也住在这里When You and Damon lived here. 她的名字是艾米莉Her name was Emily.她是凯瑟琳的侍女She was Katherine's handmaid也是一名女巫And a witch.你知道You know?关于邦妮的事About Bonnie?第一次你请我吃晚饭的时候The first night that you invited me over我就知道了For dinner, I made the connection. 所以达蒙也知道了And now Damon knows不知道什么原因他想要那条项链And for some reason, he wantsthat necklace.它是什么样子的What does it look like?那是古老的铁链子中间It's, um, an antique iron settingwith a...琥珀色的水晶With an amber crystal.我知道这条项链是凯瑟琳的I know it. It belonged toKatherine.艾米莉给她的这意味着...Emily gave it to her, which meansthat...什么What?我不知道I don't know但我会查出来But I'm gonna find out.让我和达蒙谈谈Let me talk to Damon.他会告诉你吗Will he tell you?我会想办法让他说的I'll...I'll get it out of him.你选了话题没Have you picked a topic?没有还没有得是本土的No, not yet. It's gotta be local还不能在网上搜资料And non-internet research, so...那很简单你可以看看你爸爸的东西Well, that's easy. You got all yourdad's stuff.什么东西What stuff?吉尔伯特家族是怎么乘着“五月花”号How the Gilberts came over来到这里的On the "mayflower" stuff所有家族都有悠久的历史All that family lineage from wayback.你爸爸真的很喜欢那些家族历史Your dad really loved all thatfamily history stuff.这些都装在储藏室的盒子里It's all boxed up in the closet.萨尔茨曼先生Mr. Saltzman.嘿怎么样伙计Hey. What's up, man?这是我阿姨珍娜This is my aunt Jenna.阿拉里克.萨尔茨曼很高兴见到你Alaric saltzman. it's nice to meetyou.杰里米刚和我谈到他的论文Jeremy was just telling me abouthis paper.谢谢你给他第二次机会Thanks for giving him anotherchance.哦这是我第一天上课Oh, you know, it was my first day.想给大家留个好印象I wanted to make a goodimpression.斯特凡...So, Stefan...我一直在想...You know, I been thinking...我们应该从头开始I think we should start over给我们兄弟间一次和好的机会Give this brother thing anotherchance.我们以前总是能够重归于好We used to do it oh, so well once upon a time.我不想达蒙I don't, Damon.我不信你可以做个好人I can't trust you to be a nice guy. 你...你害了这么多人你很卑鄙You...you kill everybody, and you're so mean.你真卑鄙还...You're so mean, and...模仿你还真的挺难的You're really hard to imitate,我还得学弟弟的口气And then I have to go to that lesser place.给我来杯咖啡Can I get a coffee, please?一个人喝闷酒吗So what's with the bottle?我很烦躁暴饮暴食I'm on edge. Crash diet,我试着有节制And I'm trying to keep a low profile.你可以直接离开这了Mm. You could always just leave, 找个新的地方享受你自己的人生Find a new town to turn into your own personal gas 'n' sip.我会控制住自己的I'll manage.你不需要来监视我You know, you don't have to keep an eye on me.我不是来监视你的I'm not here to keep an eye on you.那你来干什么So why are you here?为什么不能来Why not?我很抱歉I'm sorry.好了吧我直说了There. I said it.你如果想要那条愚蠢的项链的话If you want the ugly-ass necklace,留着Keep it.是你的了It's yours.如果我告诉你我把她扔了你会生我气吗Will you hate me if I tell you Ithrew it away?你把它扔了You threw it away?我知道这有点疯狂I know it sounds crazy,但这条项链总是给我带来噩梦But the necklace was giving menightmares.我得摆脱掉它I had to get rid of it.你可以直接还给我You could have just given it backto me.为什么这样你就可以给达蒙了Why? so you could give it back toDamon?达蒙去死吧Screw Damon.那我们是来修指甲还是干什么Are we doing manicures or what?谁有指甲刀who has their kit?我的在包里Mine's in my bag.那么...埃琳娜So, Elena... hmm?你和斯特凡的恩怨还要持续到什么时候How long do you think this fightwith Stefan's gonna last?难道是永久的吗Is it like a permanent thing?我不知道卡罗琳I don't know, Caroline.嘿邦妮你怎么是个大骗子Heh. Why are you such a little liar,Bonnie?-什么-卡罗琳- What? - Caroline!我没有骗你卡罗琳我发誓I'm not lying to you, Caroline. Iswear.是真的我看她把项链扔到野外的It's true. I watched her throw itinto a field.那么这是怎么解释Well, then explain it.艾米莉Emily.-谁是艾米莉-那个幽灵吗- Who's Emily? -The ghost.那个幽灵现在有名字了Oh, the ghost has a name now?卡罗琳别这样Caroline, please.奇怪她为什么总缠着我I wonder why she won't leave mealone.好了现在是什么状况Ok, what is going on?为什么我总是插不上话Why am I not a part of thisconversation?你们总这样对我You guys do this to me all thetime.-不是这样的-是这样的- That's not true. - Yes, it is.我和你说不了你都不听我说话I can't talk to you. you don'tlisten.才不是呢That's not true.我是个女巫I'm a witch.我们都知道这点And don't we all know it?瞧我说了吧See? That's what I'm talking about.我想告诉你一些事情可你听都不听I'm trying to tell you something. You don't even hear it.我听着呢I listen.我什么时候没听呢When do I not listen?杰里米完全把我抛弃了Jeremy totally ditched me.他去哪了Where'd he go?回家离这不远他可以走回去Home. It's not far. He can walk it. 那你是本地人So are you... are you from here? 还是从城里来的Are you a townie?我是个返乡者I'm a returnee.离开过一段时间现在回来了Left town for a while. Now I'm back.-为什么离开-去上学- Why'd you leave? - school.告诉你真正的原因吧And then there's the real reason. 那段时间我很委屈I was wronged.那人叫罗根Guy named Logan.他对你怎么了What'd he do?都是俗套Basics... 说谎骗我Lied, cheated,诱惑我上钩然后弃我而去Lured me back in, left me again.该你说了有什么悲伤恋情故事吗Your turn. Any sad relationshipstories?还是那些俗套The basics...两人相爱早婚Fell in love, married young,后来我妻子死了My wife died.说起那些事情总让人聊不下去Yeah. that's always a goodconversation stopper.后来发生了什么What happened?你和我还有Well, you, me, and the, uh,北卡罗来纳州的警察局North carolina police department都在疑惑接下来发生了什么Are all wondering the same thing.就是所谓的无头案It's, uh...it's what's known as acold case.那你为什么搬来这里So why'd you move here?我想换个生活Oh, a change of pace,看看新的景色New scenery.我喜欢这里的风景I like it here. It's...古老又浓郁Got a rich history.幸运一中Lucky shot.更像是小心磨练几十年的技能More like a carefully honed skillover many decades.你要赶超我了You're beating me.没错Well, yeah.因为我比你厉害It's because I'm better than you.我防着你呢想跟我玩逆反心理学I'm onto you. Reversepsychology?我是说虽然收效甚微I mean, it's a little transparent,但我还是佩服你敢于尝试的精神But I admire the effort.你喜欢显示自己的智慧是吗You prefer the brooding forehead?说真的你到底在玩什么把戏Seriously, what game do youthink you're playing?这可是个有趣的问题事实上That's a funny questionconsidering the fact这几个月来我也一直在问你同样的问题That I have been asking you thatfor months.感觉很受挫啊是吧It's frustrating, isn't it?让你说对了Touche.邦妮Bonnie.听着这不是我的风格Look, it's just not me, ok?我不相信那些...I don't believe in the...神魔鬼怪的事情Whoo whoo.但如果你信的话那好吧我也信But if you do, then ok. I'm in.信了也没有什么大不了的That's all it takes for me to jumponboard,因为我把你当做最好的朋友Because I consider you to be my best friend.虽然知道埃琳娜正在厨房听着我的每句话And I'm saying this knowing that Elena's可我还是要这么说In the kitchen listening to my every word.听着我不知道你有多相信这些事Look, I didn't know how real this was for you,但我现在愿意倾听But I'm listening now.好吗Ok?埃琳娜你可以进来了我们谈完了Elena, you can come in now. We're done.这场面转化太具有戏剧性了Well, there is just way too much drama in this room.你们想怎么做So what do you guys wanna do? 我有个注意I have an idea.不如我们来个降神会吧Why don't we have a seance我可不觉得这个好主意I don't think that's a good idea.来吧咱们来召唤灵魂吧Come on. Let's summon some spirits.这个叫艾米莉的小妞得把事情解释清楚This Emily chick has some serious explaining to do.我们在干什么呢What are we doing?不知道I don't know. 安静集中精神Be quiet and concentrate.好了闭上双眼Ok, close your eyes.现在深吸一口气Ok, now take a deep breath.邦妮开始召唤她吧Bonnie, call to her.艾米莉Emily...你在吗You there?不是吧"艾米莉你在吗"Really? "Emily, you there?"你就会这么一句吗That's all you got?拜托Come on.好好好天啊Fine. Jeez.艾米莉Emily...我召唤你I call on you.我知道你有话要说I know you have a message.我在此倾听I'm here to listen.-刚刚是不是-对你看到的没错- Did that just... - Yeah. Thatjust happened.可能只是空调吹的风吧It's just the air conditioning.让她给你点示意快点Ask her to show you a sign. Askher.艾米莉如果你在这儿的话Emily, if you're among us,就示意我们一下吧Show us another sign.看到没不管用See? It's not working.不行了我不干了I can't. I'm done.去开灯Get the light.拜托快开灯Please get the light.稍等我找到了Hold on. Hold on. I got it.姐妹们You guys,项链不见了The necklace, it's gone.我们来这里干嘛What are we doing in here?交流下感情接着Bonding. Catch.嗯Hmm.继续Go on.玩玩吧Give it a try.别忘了这当初是谁教你的Don't forget who taught you howto play this game.真疼啊Ow. That hurts.我的食谱就这点不好Downside of my diet.被撞一下真的会很疼Getting hit actually hurts.我被打动了斯特凡I'm impressed, Stefan.一起喝酒扔飞镖找乐子Fun with booze and darts,一起玩橄榄球来感伤过去Sentimental with football,现在又一起看满天星斗And now starry night.你到底想怎样斯特凡What do you want, Stefan?那不是真的达蒙Wasn't real, Damon.我是说我们对凯瑟琳的爱Our love for Katherine.天哪Oh, god.是她强迫我们的我们别无选择She compelled us. We didn't have a choice.我花了很多年时间才真正明白Took me years to sort that out,她对我们到底做过些什么To truly understand what she did to us.不斯特凡Oh, no, Stefan.我们今晚不谈这个We are not take in that on tonight. 你要凯瑟琳的水晶干什么What do you want with Katherine's crystal?你怎么知道的How do you know about that?得了吧你知道埃琳娜会告诉我的Come on. You knew Elena would tell me.你怎么知道那东西是凯瑟琳的How did you know it was Katherine's?艾米莉在她死去前的那个晚上给她的Emily gave it to her on her last night.当时我跟她在一起而你没有I was with her. You weren't.我是最后一个见到她的人达蒙I was the last one to see her, Damon.你到底要拿凯瑟琳的水晶干什么Now, what do you want with Katherine's crystal?她没告诉你吗She didn't tell you?我们当时在考虑别的事情We had other things on our mind.我可以毫不犹豫地把你的心脏挖出来I could rip your heart out and notthink twice about it.是啊这话我已经听过了Yeah. I've heard that before.我还有个更大的惊喜斯特凡I have a bigger surprise, Stefan.我要把她带回来I'm gonna bring her back.好了别开玩笑了卡罗琳Ok, fun's over, Caroline.你表明了你的立场我已经明白了You made a point, and I get it.-现在把它还回来吧-什么- Now give it back. - What?我没拿Well, I didn't take it.怎么了什么事What? What happened?不知道没什么I don't know. Nothing.杰里米是你回来了吗Jeremy, are you home?姐妹们Guys...天哪Oh, my god!-开门-邦妮- Open the door! - Bonnie!-救我-怎么回事- Help me! - What's going on?邦妮邦妮Bonnie! Bonnie!邦妮试试开后门Bonnie, try the other door.我去看看走廊I'll check the hallway.邦妮邦妮把门锁打开Bonnie! Bonnie! Unlock the door!救我出去Get me out!救我Help me!-邦妮-救命-Bonnie! - Help!救命啊Help me!邦妮开门Bonnie! Open the...开门Open the door!发生什么了你还好吗What happened? Are you ok?我没事I'm fine.真不敢相信Unbelievable.你居然完全是装的You were totally faking it.卡罗琳算了Caroline, come on.不你把我魂都吓出来了No, you scared the hell out of me.邦妮Bonnie?我很好I'm fine.一切都很好Everything's fine.你怎么把凯瑟琳找回来How can you bring Katherineback?在凯瑟琳和其他人被烧死在教堂之前Before Katherine and the otherswere killed in the church,你还记得当时这个镇里的情景吗You remember what it was like inthis town?记得到处都是疯狂和恐慌Yeah, I remember the fear and thehysteria.居民们把吸血鬼一个一个杀死The townspeople were killingvampires one by one.当他们来找凯瑟琳的时候我去了艾米莉那里When they came for Katherine, I went straight to Emily,我对她说"只要你能保护凯瑟琳"Said, "I'll do anything. name your price.""我愿意付出任何代价""Just protect her."她做到了She did.怎么做的How?她对一块水晶念咒施法She did some kind of spell with the crystal.当教堂着火的时候And while the church was burning,我们都以为凯瑟琳被烧死在里面We thought Katherine was burning in it.而事实上并没有She wasn't.但我看见她走进去了But I...I saw her go inside.在教堂下面有一座地下坟墓There's a tomb underneath the church.魔咒把凯瑟琳封印在了坟墓里保护着她The spell sealed Katherine in that tomb, protecting her.你是说凯瑟琳还活着吗Are you telling me that Katherine's alive?你想这么说的话也可以Well, if that's what you wanna call it.她在一间神秘的牢房里She's been trapped in a mystical holding cell被困了一个半世纪For the last century and a half.不过你很了解饥饿的吸血鬼的感受But you're an expert on a starvingvampire,所以你觉得她的感受如何呢斯特凡So how do you think she's doin',stef?你知道巫师能够利用天象Did you know that witches canuse celestial events吸收能量并注入到他们的魔法里吗To draw energy into their magic?开始我也不知道Pfft. Me either.但是为了赋予水晶能量But in order to give the crystal itspower,艾米莉利用飞过头顶的彗星吸收能量Emily used the comet that waspassing overhead,而为了使水晶重新发挥作用And in order for that crystal towork again...彗星必须轮回一次The comet had to return.坏消息是水晶和彗星Downside...long time in betweencomets共同发挥作用得好长时间And a couple of hiccups along theway with the crystal,但是彗星飘过了我才得到了水晶But the comet passed, and I gotthe crystal.然后卡罗琳又拿了水晶And then Caroline got the crystal,现在又到了邦妮手里And now Bonnie has the crystal,然后就是现在这样了And here we are.艾米莉为什么Why would Emily...她为什么要帮你这么做Why would she do this for you?因为她知道他们也会来找她Because she kwew they weregonna come for her, too,她要我保证她家族能够存活下去And she made me promise thather lineage would survive.我记得你救了她的孩子I remember. You... you saved herchildren.没错这是唯一能阻止我Yeah. It's the only thing keepingme咬断邦妮那女孩的喉咙From ripping that little Bonniegirl's夺回我水晶的理由了Throat out to get my crystal back.我说话算数Oh, well. Deal's a deal.那么So...还想继续玩吗You wanna go throw some more?不敢相信我竟然听信了你那一套I can't believe I fell for it.-你没事吧-我必须走了- Are you ok? - I must go.她走我也走She's leaving, I'm leaving.-你们不能走-我能- You guys can't leave. -Oh, I can.我受够了一晚上发生I've had enough这么多假女巫的怪事Freaky fake witch stuff for one。
过去的一个多世纪我都秘密地活着For over a century, I have lived in secret藏身暗处Hiding in the shadows,独自一人Alone in the world.直到现在Until now.我是个吸血鬼I am a vampire.这就是我的故事And this is my story.居然开一小时的车去听那种垃圾音乐An hour's drive to hear that crap.根本都算不上是乐队You know, it wasn't even a band.就一人抱一把吉他 A guy with a guitar.加上返程我们浪费掉了两个小时An hour each way.他没你说的那么差He wasn't that bad.风格还挺像詹姆士·布朗特He sounded like James Blunt.那有什么不好呢What's wrong with that?问题是已经有一个詹姆士·布朗特了We already have a James Blunt.一个就够了One's all we need.那你为什么还要来So why did you come?因为我爱你Because I love you.聪明的回答Nicely done.哪来这么大的雾What's with all the fog?很快就会散开的It'll clear in a second.小心Watch out!你没事吧Are you ok?!我们撞到人了上帝啊We just hit someone! Oh,my god!快打电话叫救护车Call for help.快接电话快啊Come on, come on!千万别出人命啊Please be alive!哦上帝啊Oh, my god.这里没信号There's no signal!达伦Darren!达伦Darren?《吸血鬼日记》第一季第一集我不该回来的I shouldn't have come home.我知道这很冒险I know the risk.但我别无选择But I had no choice.我必须去认识她I have to know her.亲爱的日记Dear diary,今天将会不同以往Today will be different.我必须要改变It has to be.我会微笑我的微笑会让他们相信I will smile, and it will be believable."我很好谢谢关心" My smile was "I'm fine, thank you.""是的我好多了" "Yes, I feel much better."我不再是失去双亲的悲伤女孩I will no longer be the sad little girl who lost her parents.我要重新开始做全新的自己I will start fresh, be someone new.只有这样我才能撑下去It's the only way I'll make it through.吐司怎么样我会做吐司Toast. I can make toast.只要咖啡就行珍娜姑妈It's all about the coffee, Aunt Jenna.有咖啡吗Is there coffee?你们开学第一天Your first day of school我却毫无准备And I'm totally unprepared.要午餐钱吗Lunch money?我不用了I'm good.还有什么别的吗Anything else?一支2B铅笔我还漏了什么没 A number two pencil? What am I missing?你今天不要做个很重要的报告吗Don't you have a big presentation today?我要和论文导师见面就是现在I'm meeting with my thesis advisor at...now.糟糕Crap!那走吧我们自己能行Then go. We'll be fine.你还好吧You ok?打住Don't start.祖母说我是个灵媒So gram’s telling me I'm psychic.我们祖先就是从塞勒姆来的Our ancestors were from Salem,还不止这些很离谱对吧Which isn't all that, I know, crazy,但是她不停地说啊说But she's going on and on about it,我都想把她送进养老院了And I'm like, put this woman in a home already!但是我开始想But then I started thinking,奥巴马当选和希斯·莱杰早逝我都预言到了I predicted Obama and I predicted Heath Ledger, 而且我始终认为佛罗里达将会分裂And I still think Florida will break off成为一些旅游小岛And turn into little resort islands.埃琳娜Elena!还在听我说吗Back in the car.我又在走神了是吗I did it again, didn't I?对不起邦妮I--I'm sorry, Bonnie.你刚才在说You were telling me that...我是个灵媒That I'm psychic now.对那么预言点什么Right. Ok, then predict something.关于我的About me.我想想I see...那是什么东西What was that?!哦上帝啊Oh, my god!埃琳娜你没事吧Elena, are you ok?没事我很好It's ok. I'm fine.好像是鸟之类的东西不知从哪飞出来的It was like a bird or something. It came out of nowhere. 说真的半辈子我都不敢碰汽车了Really, I can't be freaked out by cars for the rest of my life.我预言你红透一整年I predict this year is going to be kick ass.我预言所有悲伤和不幸都已经结束And I predict all the sad and dark times are over你会过得快乐至极And you are going to be beyond happy.优质男市场人才匮乏Major lack of male real estate.快看凯丽·碧琪把浴帘裹身上了Look at the shower curtain on Kelly Beach.她就像一个打扮艳俗She looks a hot我能说摩登女郎吗Can I still say "tranny mess"?不已经过时了No, that's over.好吧常言道谈恋爱吧Ahh, find a man, coin a phrase.让日子充实起来It's a busy year.他恨我He hates me.那不是恨That's not hate.是说"你甩了我我不屑于表现出来" That's "you dumped me, but I'm too cool to show it,"但暗地里却听空气补给乐队的热门歌曲" "But secretly I'm listening to Air Supply's greatest hits." 埃琳娜我的天哪Elena. Oh, my god.你怎么样How are you?见到你真好Oh, it's so good to see you.她怎么样她好吗How is she? Is she good?卡罗琳我就站在这里Caroline, I'm right here.而且我很好谢谢And I'm fine. Thank you.真的吗Really?对好多了Yes. Much better.我的小可怜Oh, you poor thing.够了卡罗琳Ok, Caroline.那么待会儿见Ok, see you guys later?-好的-拜拜- Ok! - Bye.不予置评No comment.我什么都不想说I'm not going to say anything.六个小时内最多吃2粒Don't take more than two in a six-hour window.薇姬Hey, Vicki.我就知道你和这个瘾君子在一起I knew I'd find you here with the crackheads.皮特·温兹打电话[美国乐团Fall Out Boy主唱] Hey, Pete Wentz called.他想要回他的指甲油He wants his nail polish back.皮特·温兹你活在啥年代啊Pete Wentz,huh? How old school T.R.L of you.不会是卡森·戴利的粉丝吧Carson Daly fan?泰冷静点冷静点Oh, Ty, be nice. Be nice.他是埃琳娜的弟弟That's Elena's little brother.我知道I know who he is.那我也要给他好看I'll still kick his ass.等等这人是谁Hold up. Who's this?我只看到个背影All I see is back.很帅的背影It's a hot back.你的档案还不齐全Your records are incomplete.没有免疫证You're missing immunization records,而且我们必须要看成绩单And we do insist on transcripts.请您再看一下Please look again.我确定您要的都在这了I'm sure everything you need is there.你是对的Well,you're right.的确如此So it is.我感知到他来自西雅图还有他会弹吉他I'm sensing Seattle, and he plays the guitar.看来你真是把那种灵媒技能You're really going to run this whole psychic thing-发挥到极致了-差不多- Into the ground,huh? - Pretty much.我马上回来I'll be right back.千万要长帅点啊Please be hot.裤子掉啦小妞Whoa! Pants down, chick!很好Great.第一天上课你就嗑药It's the first day of school and you're stoned.-我没有-放哪了- No,I'm not. - Where is it?-藏身上了吗-别翻了- Is it on you? - Stop,all right?!你得冷静点行不行You need to chill yourself,all right?-我冷静点-你已经飘飘欲仙- Chill myself? - What is that,不知所云了吧Stoner talk?老弟算你狠Dude,you are so cool.住手我身上什么也没有你疯了吗Look,stop! I don't have anything on me. Are you crazy?你还没见识过我发疯呢杰里米You haven't seen crazy, Jeremy!我一个暑假没管你I gave you a summer pass,可我不能再看着你毁了你自己了But I am done watching you destroy yourself.别别别知道我怎么想吗No,no,no,you know what?你走吧爱干嘛干嘛不过记住了Go ahead. Keep it up. But just know只要我发现你嗑药That I am going to be there见一次挡一次听见了吗To ruin your buzz every time,you got it?杰里米我知道你是什么样的人Jeremy, I know who you are.不是现在这样的And it's not this person.别这样下去了So don't be this person.不用你来说教I don't need this.谢谢Thank you.不客气You're welcome.对不起Uh, pardon me.这里是男士洗手间吗Is this the men's room?是的我只是Yes. um, I was just,只是... Um... I was just...说来话长了It's a long story.谢谢Thank you.我们的家乡弗吉尼亚州Once our home state of Virginia曾于1861年加入南部的联盟国Joined confederacy in 1861,这使得州际内部极度紧张起来It created a tremendous amount of tension within the state.弗吉尼亚的西北派人士People in Virginia's northwest region与南方腹地的传统派意见相左Had different ideals than those from the traditional deep south. 终于弗吉尼亚于1863年分裂Then virginia divided in 1863西北部加入了合众国With the northwest region joining the union.[帅哥在看你]亲爱的日记Dear diary,我熬过了一整天I made it through the day.今天我至少说了37次I must have said, "I'm fine, thanks,""我很好谢谢" At least 37 times.但没有一次是真心的And I didn't mean it once.不过没人发现But no one noticed.纪念亲爱的双亲2009年5月23日当有人问起"你好吗"时When someone asks, "How are you?"他们其实并不想知道答案They really don't want an answer.小鸟你好Hi, bird.没什么可怕的That's not creepy or anything.这才是我想说的That's what I thought.你没事吧You ok?你在跟踪我吗Were you following me?没有我只是看到你跌到了No, I, uh, I just... I saw you fall.是啊你只是碰巧Uh-huh, and you just happened to be在墓地闲逛Hanging out in a cemetery.我是来祭拜家人的I'm visiting. I have family here.太失礼了Wow. Tactless.对不起都怪那雾气I'm sorry. It's the fog,把我弄得晕头转向的It's making me foggy.而且那边还有只鸟And then back there,there was this bird,那一瞬间整个氛围让人惊悚And it was all very Hitchcock for a second.很像那部《鸟》希区柯克的那部That is the bird movie, right, the Hitchcock?我叫埃琳娜I'm Elena.我叫斯特凡I'm Stefan.我知道I know.我们是一起上历史课的We have history together.还有英语和法语课And English and French.没错Right.谢谢Thanks.很漂亮的戒指Nice ring.是祖传的It's a family ring, yeah.我永远不会跟它分开有点诡异对吗I'm kinda stuck with it. It's weird,huh?不会戒指随处可见No, no. It's just, I mean, there are rings这枚却很特别And then there's that.你是不是受伤了Did you hurt yourself?刚才是不是摔伤了Did you hurt yourself?不知道I don't know.看啊Oh! Look at that.这可不好看That is not pretty.你没事吧You ok?你该走了You should go.好好处理下伤口Take care of that.真的没什么Really, it's nothing.今天我失控了I lost control today.我已经深埋内心的一切Everything I've kept buried inside都冲破了束缚Came rushing to the surface.我只是无法抗拒她I'm simply not able to resist her.我在干活Working.谢谢薇姬Thanks,Vick.还要续杯吗Do you need another refill?求之不得I'd love one.摆脱告诉我你没有勾搭我妹妹Please tell me you're not hooking up with my sister.我没有勾搭你妹妹I'm not hooking up with your sister.你真是个混蛋You're such a dick.你怎么回事Hey, what's your deal?暑假的时候你还好好的I mean,summer you act one way开学后看到我就那么不耐烦吗And then school starts and you can't be bothered.杰里米我真的很感谢你的药Look, Jeremy, I really appreciate all the pharmaceuticals,但你也不能像条迷路的小狗一样死缠着我But you can't keep following me around like a lost puppy. 你上次和"小狗"上床是什么时候When's the last time you had sex with a puppy?小声点我不想让整个世界知道Hey, keep it down. I don't want to tell the whole world我让埃琳娜的小弟失贞了I deflowered Elena's kid brother.没错失了一次又一次的Yeah, and deflowered and deflowered.以前几次都是药物作怪现在结束了We hooked up a few times in a drug haze. It's over.趁你没破坏我和泰勒关系前快走吧You gotta back off before you ruin things between me and Tyler. 得了吧那家伙是个十足的蠢货Oh, come on, the guy's a total douche.他和你在一起只是想和你上床He only wants you for your ass.是吗Yeah?你和我在一起又是为了什么What do you want me for?他叫斯特凡·塞尔瓦托His name is Stefan Salvatore.他和叔叔住在塞尔瓦托家老宅He lives with uncle up at the old Salvatore boarding house.孩提时就离开这里了He hasn't lived here since he was a kid.军人家庭所以四处迁徙Military family, so they moved around a lot.双子座最喜欢的颜色是蓝色He's a gemini, and his favorite color is blue.才一天你就打听了这么多You got all of that in one day?拜托我在三四节课课间就知道了Oh, please, I got all that between third and fourth period.我们将会举行一个六月婚礼We're planning a June wedding.我和邦妮约好去烧烤I'm meeting Bonnie at the grill.好吧玩得愉快等等我现在应该说Ok, have fun. Wait,I got this.别玩得太久明天还要上课Don't stay out late, it's a school night.干得不错珍娜姨妈Well done, aunt Jenna.抱歉我正想敲门Sorry, I was about to knock.我想为先前无故消失的行为道歉I wanted to apologize for my disappearing act earlier.我知道那有点... I know it was...奇怪strange.别放在心上了No worries.我懂你晕血I get it, blood makes you squeamish.差不多吧Um, something like that.你的脚怎么样How's your leg?哦没事了Oh, it's fine.只是皮外伤Just a scratch, barely.你怎么知道我住哪How did you know where I lived?这可是个小镇It's a small town.我问了遇到的第一个人I asked the first person I saw.我觉得你应该想要回这个Um, I thought you might want this back.哦我一定是把它弄丢了Oh, I must have dropped it.谢谢你I...thank you.别担心我没看Don't worry, I didn't...read it.没有吗No?为什么不看大多数人都会的Why not? Most people would have.正如我不想让别人看我的Well, I wouldn't want anyone to read mine.你写日记You keep a journal?是的如果我不写下来Yeah, if I don't write it down,我就会忘I forget it.记忆弥足珍贵Memories are too important.是的Yeah.我得去... I'm just gonna,进来吧Um, you don't have to stay out there.不用了I'm fine.不好意思你刚刚是不是要出去Sorry, were you going somewhere?是的我要见个朋友Yeah, I'm meeting a friend.一起来吗Do you want to come?埃琳娜还好吗How's Elena doing?她的双亲亡故了你觉得呢Her mom and dad died. How do you think?她假装满面笑容She's putting on a good face,可毕竟才过了4个月But it's only been four months.-她有提到我吗-没有- Has she said anything about me? - Oh, no.所以别再犹豫了So not getting in the middle.直接打电话给她吧You pick up the phone and call her.我觉得打电话怪怪的I feel weird calling her.她和我分手了She broke up with me.多给点时间马特Give it more time, Matt.这就叫多给点时间吗More time, huh?我是马特见到你很高兴Hey, I'm Matt, nice to meet you.你好斯特凡Hi. Stefan.你是在神秘瀑布镇出生的吗So, you were born in Mystic Falls?对不过我小时候就搬走了Mm-hmm, and moved when I was still young.你父母呢Parents?我父母过世了My parents passed away.抱歉I'm sorry.有兄弟姐妹吗Any siblings?都很久不联系了None that I talk to.我和我叔叔住一起I live with my uncle.那么斯特凡So, Stefan,你是新来的应该还不知道明天的聚会吧If you're new, then you don't know about the party tomorrow.这是瀑布镇开学后的惯例It's a back to school thing at the Falls.你要去吗Are you going?她当然去Of course she is.你答应过的You promised.这是一起野兽袭击This was an animal attack.少来这套我知道你那套把戏Don't give me that. I know the game.你把尸体撕碎让他们一直怀疑是野兽袭击You tear them up enough, they always suspect an animal attack. 你说过你抑制住自己了You said you had it under control.我是做到了And I do.求你了斯特凡叔叔Please, uncle Stefan.神秘瀑布镇现在已经今非昔比了Mystic Falls is a different place now.虽然这几年挺平静但还是有人记得的It's been quiet for years, but there are people who still remember.而你的到来And you being here,这只会激起往事It's just going to stir things up.-这不是我来的本意-那是什么- It's not my intention. - Then what is?为什么你要回来Why did you come back?过去这么久了为什么偏偏现在After all this time, why now?我没必要作解释I don't have to explain myself.我知道你本性难移I know that you can't change what you are.但你再也不属于这里了But you don't belong here anymore.那我属于哪里Where do I belong?我无法告诉你该怎么做I can't tell you what to do.但回到这里是个错误But coming back here was a mistake.柳树溪战役The battle of Willow Creek于战争就快结束的时候took place right at the end of the war在神秘瀑布镇打响in our very own mystic falls.这场战役有多少人员伤亡How many casualties resulted in this battle?贝内特小姐Ms. Bennett?很多Um...a lot?我不确定I'm not sure.就是很多Like a whole lot.贝内特小姐可爱和傻气只有一步之遥Cute becomes dumb in an instant,Ms. Bennett.多诺万先生Mr. Donovan.要不要利用这个机会Would you like to take this opportunity改一下你玩世不恭的形象To overcome your embedded jock stereotype?算了泰纳老师不必了It's ok,Mr. Tanner,I'm cool with it.埃琳娜呢Hmm. Elena?你一定可以给我们Surely you can enlighten us about讲讲发生在本镇最重要的历史事件吧One of the town's most significantly historical events?抱歉我不知道I'm sorry,I... I don't know.埃琳娜你的情况大家都很清楚I was willing to be lenient last year如果是去年我完全能通融For obvious reasons,Elena,但私人情感应该在开学前做个了结But the personal excuses ended with summer break.有346人遇难There were 346 casualties,除去本地居民Unless you're counting local civilians.正确That's correct.你叫... Mister...塞尔瓦多Salvatore.塞尔瓦多在神秘瀑布镇Salvatore. any relation to有原始定居在这里的亲戚吗The original settlers here at mystic falls?远亲Distant.很好Well,very good.当然除此之外战争中没有Except,of course,there were no civilian casualties本地居民遇难In this battle.其实有27名老师Actually,there were 27,sir.联邦士兵在教堂开火Confederate soldiers,they fired on the church,以为那里藏有武器Believing it to be housing weapons.他们错了They were wrong.当晚伤亡惨重It was a night of great loss.市政厅存有发起人的档案The founder's archives are,uh,你可以去那里温习一下Stored in civil hall if you'd like to brush up on your facts.泰纳老师Mr. Tanner.什么意思你从不钓凯子What do you mean,you never hooked up?大家都仰慕我People look up to me.我得保持形象I have to set an example.承认吧埃琳娜Just admit it,Elena.好吧他是挺帅的Oh,ok,so he's a little pretty.他有浪漫小说中男主角那深邃的眼神He has that romance novel stare.斯特凡深情注视她的双眸Stefan looked deep into her eyes,洞悉她的灵魂Piercing her very soul.你来啦Hey! you made it!是的I did.去喝一杯吧Well,let's get you a drink.-我-来吧- Well,I'm... - Oh,come on.他在哪So where is he?我不知道I don't know.该我问你吧你才是灵媒You tell me,you're the psychic one.我差点忘了稍待Right,I forgot. Ok,so give me a sec.祖母说我得集中精神Grams says I have to concentrate.等等你要拿个水晶球Wait,you need a crystal ball.来了Ta da.怎么了What?好奇怪That was weird.我一碰你就看到一只乌鸦When I touched you,I saw a crow.什么What?一只乌鸦 A crow.浓雾密布There was fog,有个人 A man.我醉了I'm drunk.酒精作用跟通灵无关It's the drinking. There's nothing psychic about it.好了我得再去添点酒了Yeah? ok,I'm gonna get a refill.好吧Ok.邦妮Bonnie!我又吓着你了? I did it again,didn't it?对Yeah.抱歉I'm sorry.你有点不高兴啊You're upset about something.不是邦妮她... No,it's Bonnie. she's...知道吗You know what?没事了你来了就好Never mind. You're...here.我来了I'm here.知道吗你是全镇的话题人物You know,you're kind of the talk of the town.-是吗-嗯- Am I? - Mm-hmm.神秘新人Mysterious new guy,oh,yeah.你也挺神秘的Well,you have the mysterious thing going,too.满脸哀伤Twinged in sadness.为什么觉得我哀伤What makes you think that I'm sad?我是在墓地遇见你的Well,we did meet in a graveyard.对Right.不准确来说应该是在男厕Well,no,technically we met in the men's room.还是不说了You don't want to know,it's...不是派对的聊天话题It's not exactly party chit-chat.我一直都不太擅长Well,I've never really been very good at,uh,聊天Chit-chat.去年春天Last spring...我父母的车从桥上坠下My parents' car drove off of a bridge掉进湖里Into the lake.我当时在后座And I was in the backseat捡回一命And I survived,but...他们却没这么幸运They didn't.这就是我的故事So that's my story.埃琳娜悲伤不会永远存在的You won't be sad forever,Elena.不行泰No,Ty.我不要靠着树做爱I'm not having sex against a tree.-别啊多性感-我不觉得-Oh,come on,it would be hot. - For who?不不行No,it's not going to happen.不行特别是这样的时间地点It's not going to happen,not here,not like this.不行我说不行No. I said no.不行好痛I said no! ow,that hurts!放开她Hey,leave her alone.你让我有点反感吉尔伯特You know,you're starting to get on my nerves,Gilbert. 快滚泰勒离我远点Just go,Tyler,get the hell away from me.薇姬·多诺万居然会说不Wow. Vicki Donovan says no.头一回啊That's a first.我不需要你帮忙I didn't need your help.我看未必It seems like you did.-他只是醉了-我也醉过- He was just drunk. - I'm drunk.但我会这样对你吗Am I throwing myself at you?不你更坏No,you're worse.你想跟我搭讪了解我You want to talk to me,get to know me,看穿我不断搞我See into my soul and screw and screw and screw直到厌倦我Until you're done with me.你是这么想的吗Is that what you think?我知道一定是这样That's what I know.我喜欢邦妮像是个好朋友I like Bonnie,she seems like a good friend.-世上最好的朋友-而马特- Best friend in the world. - And Matt,他一直盯着我们不放He can't seem to,uh,take his eyes off of us.马特是我的青梅竹马Matt's that friend since childhood与他拍拖That you start dating是因为感觉欠了自己什么Because you owe it to yourselves想看看能否往下发展To see if you can be more.然后呢And?然后我父母去世了And then my parents died,一切都变了And everything changes.不论如何马特和我Anyway, Matt and I,在一起我不知道Together we just,I don't know,不够It wasn't,um...没有It wasn't...激情Passionate.对No.没有一点激情No,it wasn't passionate.你还好吗Hey,um,are you ok?你的眼睛刚才Your eye,it just,it's--不没事Yeah,no. It's,um,it's nothing.你渴了吗Um,are you thirsty?我去拿点喝的I'm gonna get us a drink.杰里米Jeremy?是你吗Is that you?杰里米Jeremy?在找谁吗Looking for someone?当初你跟我分手的时候When you broke up with me,说是因为你想独自一人过一段时间You said it was because you needed some time alone. 你看上去并不是孤身一人You don't look so alone to me.马特你不明白的这Matt, you don't understand. It's--没关系埃琳娜That's ok, Elena.你做什么都行You do what you have to do.我只想让你知道I just want to let you know that...我对我们的感情仍有信心I still believe in us.我不会放弃的And I'm not giving up on that.马特Matt.你在这里啊Hey! There you are.你去看过瀑布了吗Have you been down to the falls yet?那里的夜晚非常漂亮Because they are really cool at night.如果你愿意And I can show you.我可以带你去If you want.我觉得你喝多了I think you've had too much to drink.那是当然的Well, of course I have.所以卡罗琳So-- Caroline.你和我You and me,是不可能的It's not gonna happen.对不起Sorry.我还在想是谁绑架你了I was wondering who abducted you,现在我知道了But now I know.他对所有男生都这样吗Is she like that with,uh,all the guys?当然不是No.你是新的猎物You're fresh meat.她最终会甩了你的She'll back off eventually.天呐开玩笑的吧God, you gotta be kidding me!怎么了What is it?-我弟弟-喝醉的那个吗- My brother. - The drunk one?就是那个That would be the one.-失陪一下-需要帮忙吗- Excuse me. - Need some help?相信我你不会想看这个的Trust me,you're not going to want to witness this.杰里米Jeremy!杰里米Jeremy!杰里米你要去哪儿Jeremy, where the hell are you going?我不想听I don't want to hear it!薇姬不Vicki? No!-天呐是薇姬-上帝啊- Oh, my god, it's Vicki! - Oh,my god!不No!谁来帮一下Somebody help!薇姬吗薇姬这怎么回事Vicki? Vicki,what the hell?!她怎么了What happened to her?谁能叫下救护车Somebody,call an ambulance!所有人后退给她点空间Everybody back up,give her some space!看她脖子什么东西咬了她It's her neck. Something bit her.她正大量失血She's losing a lot of blood.把这个盖在她脖子上Put this on her neck.薇姬振作睁开眼睛看着我Vicki, Vicki, come on, open your eyes, look at me.发生什么了What's going on?有人今晚被袭击了扎克Someone else was attacked tonight, Zach,但不是我干的And it wasn't me.达蒙Damon.你好弟弟Hello, brother.周围人有点多你不觉得吗Crow's a bit much,don't you think?看我能用迷雾做什么的时候就明白了Wait till you see what I can do with the fog.你什么时候到的When'd you get here?我怎么能错过你在学校的第一天呢Well, I couldn't miss your first day at school.你发型变了Your hair's different.我喜欢I like it.已经15年了达蒙It's been 15 years, Damon.感谢上帝Thank god.我可不能再忍受九十年代了I couldn't take another day of the Nineties.那个可怕的蹩脚形象That horrible grunge look?一点都不适合你Did not suit you.记住斯特凡远离时尚很重要Remember, Stefan, it's important to stay away from fads.为什么你会在这儿Why are you here?我想念我亲爱的弟弟了I miss my little brother.你讨厌小镇的You hate small towns.枯燥乏味无事可做It's boring. There's nothing for you to do.我想办法让自己忙碌起来了I've managed to keep myself busy.你知道的你让那女孩今晚幸免于难了You know, you left that girl alive tonight.你真是笨手笨脚的That's very clumsy of you.对你来说这会是个大问题That can be a problem...for you.你现在来这做什么Why are you here now?我也可以问你相同的问题I could ask you the same question.然而我想当确定However, I'm fairly certain你的回答能总结为Your answer can be summed up all into一个词One little word...埃琳娜Elena.我们现在去主流咖啡厅等消息We're gonna go Mainline Coffee, wait for news.我要带杰里米回家I gotta take Jeremy home.埃琳娜我不可能有超能力的Elena, there's no way I'm psychic.我确定I know that.但不论如何我所看到的But whatever I saw,或者我以为我看到的Or I think I saw,我有预感I have this feeling...邦妮是什么Bonnie, what?这只是开始That it's just the beginning.她把我的魂都吸引住了She took my breath away.埃琳娜Elena.她和凯瑟琳长得一模一样She's a dead ringer for Katherine.这样做很有意思吗斯特凡Is it working,Stefan?在她身旁进入她的世界Being around her,being in her world?让你觉得自己还活着是么Does it make you feel alive?她不是凯瑟琳She's not Katherine.好吧但愿不是Well,let's hope not.我们都记得结局是怎样的We both know how that ended.告诉我你最后一次吃Tell me something,when's the last time比松鼠大的东西是什么时候You had something stronger than a squirrel?我明白你的用意达蒙没用的I know what you're doing,Damon. It's not gonna work.是吗得了你一点也不渴望么Yeah? Come on. Don't you crave a little?算了吧来吧我们一起做Stop it. Let's do it. Together.我看外面有不少姑娘I saw a couple girls out there.或者我们直截了当Or just,let's just cut to the chase,去找埃琳娜Let's just go straight for Elena!够了Stop it!想象一下她的血尝起来什么味道Imagine what her blood tastes like!我能想象到有多鲜美I can.我说够了I said stop!真令我印象深刻I was impressed.我给你打个6分I give it a six.姿势不好看但还是给了我很大的惊喜Missing style,but i was pleasantly surprised.你的表情太棒了Very good with the whole face--真不错Thing.It was good.对你来说这些都是娱乐达蒙是吧You know,it's all fun and games,Damon,huh?你去过的地方就有人死去But wherever you go,people die.-这是宿命安排-不要在这- That's a given. - Not here.我不允许I won't allow it.我想你这是在邀请我I take that as an invitation.达蒙求你了Damon,please.过了这么多年难道不能收手吗After all these years,can't we just give it a rest?我答应过让你永远痛苦I promised you an eternity of misery,所以我只是信守诺言而已So I'm just keeping my word.离埃琳娜远一点Just stay away from Elena.你的戒指哪里去了Where's your ring?几个小时后就要出太阳了Oh,yeah,sun's coming up in a couple of hours,看来你要灰飞烟灭了And,poof,ashes to ashes.放松Relax.它在这里It's right here.在你觉得自己比我强之前应该考虑清楚You should know better than to think you're stronger than me. 当你决定不再袭击人类时You lost that fight when you stopped你已经输了Feeding on people.我绝不会再试第二次I wouldn't try it again.。
我是埃琳娜·吉尔伯特My name is Elena Gilbert.我是新生吸血鬼情况有些复杂I'm a new vampire, and there have been complications. 我知道我对你认祖归忠了达蒙I know that I'm sired to you, Damon.你知道什么会让我开心吗You know what would make me happy?就是你对我的感情是真的That what you actually felt for me was real.但现在有了希望有个治愈方法But there's hope now. There's a cure.这治愈方法还没找到This cure has ruined us,就已经让我们仇视彼此and it hasn't even been found yet.你对赛拉斯知道多少What do you know about Silas?他是世界上第一个长生不死之人He's the world's first immortal being,恰巧和治愈方法一同被封印了who just happens to be the person with the cure.各路人马争相抢夺Unlikely alliances have formed.你在这里干什么What the hell are you doing here?我能帮上忙吗How can I help?没有感觉没有牵挂No feelings. No attachment.有人为了阻止我们找到治愈方法And someone will stop at nothing无所不用其极to make sure we never find the cure.找到杰里米·吉尔伯特You're going to find Jeremy Gilbert,就杀了他and you're going to kill him.科尔控制达蒙杀你Kol compelled Damon to kill you.你要反过来杀了他You're gonna kill Kol instead.■人人影视仅供学习禁止用于任何商业盈利行为更多影视更新请登陆原创翻译双语字幕翻译:慕风夕默默芒果喵sophia prettyboy 青椒chique 咔色淋时间轴:呆炮搁浅后期:Ghost校对:青椒草草米苏总监:米苏这么着急走啊Leaving so soon.吸血鬼日记第四季第十二集这是我家尼克It's my place, Nik.我讨厌你像个偷窥狂一样I don't appreciate you invading my privacy来窥探我的隐私like some kind of creeping Tom.撞破你们偷情我很抱歉I apologize for breaking up this sordid little tryst,但我确实有急事but I do have some urgent business.你难道忘了我们有妄想症的兄弟科尔Or have you forgotten that our paranoid brother Kol正拿着白栎树木桩在外游荡is running around with a white oak stake还一心想杀人and homicide on the brain?他昨晚想杀死我我可没忘He tried to kill me last night. I didn't forget.是啊不幸的是Yes. Unfortunately,他似乎带走了我的匕首he seems to have absconded with my set of daggers.可怜的尼克Poor Nik.没了你的宝贝匕首你可怎么办啊However will you get your way without your precious daggers?每次你不想跟我们废话了They were so handy when you wanted那些匕首就特别好用to end a conversation with one of us.科尔对赛拉斯的恐惧让他发狂了Kol's irrational fear of Silas has pushed him off the edge.我们要在情况进一步恶化前阻止他We need to put him down before he does any more damage. 我知道你还有最后一把匕首Now, I know you have the last dagger,而且你还有白栎树灰烬交给我吧and I know you have some white ash, so hand it over.那样我不就没有护身符了And leave myself unprotected?你做梦去吧You can file that request under "No chance in hell."我洗完澡时你最好消失Be gone by the time I've showered.我不欢迎鬼鬼祟祟的人Lurkers aren't welcome here.我需要那把匕首斯特凡I need that dagger, Stefan.你劝劝她Talk some sense into her.你怎么不自己去劝她Why don't you talk some sense into her?我得回家去给达蒙当狱卒I'm headed home to play prison guard to Damon.昨晚科尔控制他去杀杰里米He's on lockdown ever since Kol compelled him所以我把他关起来了to kill Jeremy last night.看见没我要说的就是这个You see? That's my point exactly.如果你们任由科尔在外游荡If you let Kol run free,杰里米怕是别想活着参加毕业舞会了then Jeremy won't live to see his junior prom,我们也别想拿到找治愈方法的地图了and we can kiss our map to the cure good-bye.但如果你帮我用匕首封住科尔But if you help me dagger Kol,他对达蒙的控制就会失效Damon will be uncompelled,杰里米也不会死Jeremy will live,我们就能继续给埃琳娜找治愈方法了and we'll all be on our merry way to a human Elena.你在哪里Where are you?我跟卡罗琳说I told Caroline会替她负责布置复古舞会I'd take her place at decade dance prep,但你们全都没来but none of the rest of you showed.我知道抱歉我也没办法I know. I'm sorry. I had to, though.我得在家看着杰里米I've got Jeremy under house arrest因为科尔想杀死他because Kol wants to kill him.克劳斯又想让他And Klaus wants to take him去屠杀吸血鬼on some vampire-slaying road trip.他们俩都不曾被邀请进我家And since neither of them were invited in,所以他只有待在家才最安全it's the only place that I can keep him safe.你那边怎么好像受到了袭击Why does it sound like you're under fire?显然我现在是住进了兄弟会Apparently I'm living in a fraternity house now. 我在训练I'm training.我也是Me, too.你先练练洗碗吧Train yourself to do some dishes.把武器都收起来And put these weapons away免得我又成了活靶子before someone tries to use one on me.你们都被困在家我对这舞会It's hard for me to look forward to this dance 都提不起兴致了while you're trapped in your house.听我说我有个计划能让一切都结束Listen, I have a plan to put an end to all of this. 我想让杰里米杀死科尔I want Jeremy to kill Kol.你想让他杀死吸血鬼始祖吗You want him to kill an original?想想看Think about it.科尔的吸血鬼后裔肯定不计其数Kol's sire line must stretch to the moon by now.如果杰里米杀死科尔If Jeremy kills Kol,那么他转化的每个吸血鬼every vampire that he's ever turned,以及被这些吸血鬼转化的人都会死去not to mention everyone that they've turned, will die, 如此一来猎人纹身就会全部显现which means the hunter's mark will be complete,我们就能找到治愈方法了And we'll have our key to finding the cure.我马上到我们一起想办法I'm on my way. We'll figure it out.你觉得卡罗琳会注意到Do you think caroline will notice只有89个红气球吗if there's only 89 red balloons?说不定真的有可能Actually, probably yes.埃琳娜Elena.抱歉Sorry.怎么了What happened?我不知道I don't know.水有问题There's something in the water.你认真的吗Are you serious?你把马鞭草倒进供水系统里You dumped vervain into the water supply?你怎么找到马鞭草的Where did you even get it?我有我的方法I have my sources.而且我还恢复了宵禁I'm also reinstating the curfew取消了所有的小镇活动and canceling all town events.-爸爸今晚有个舞会-取消了- Dad, there's the dance tonight. - Not anymore.开什么玩笑Are you serious?宝贝我在保护你不是惩罚你Honey, I'm trying to protect you, not punish you.维持小镇的安宁是我的工作The well-being of this town is my job now.不那是我的工作No. Dad, it's mine,而且你插手前我一直做得很好and I've been doing fine without you getting involved.你做得很好吗You've been doing fine?要不要我来念一下Would you like me to read you光是你毕业季这年各种失踪all the names of the people that have gone missing还有遭遇不幸意外的死者名单or died in tragic accidents in your senior year alone?请马上回家我们要开家庭会议Head straight home, please. We're having a family meeting. 你要是死了No one can get to the cure就没人可以拿到治愈方法了if you're too dead to find it.你要再次扭断我脖子吗You've come to snap my neck again?我现在心境平和Because I woke up feeling completely unmurderous,我觉得你可以放我出去了and I'm pretty sure that it's safe to set me free.兄弟不是吧Oh man, really?血都要被你放干了You practically bled me dry.至少给个血袋什么的At least spring for a bag or something.渴死了I'm thirsty.你怎么知道我想喝水Exactaly what I had in mind.你好兄弟Hello, mate.你来干什么What the hell are you doing here?看着你Babysitting.隔几小时给他一小瓶血Give him a vial of blood every couple of hours以防他脱水so he doesn't desiccate.如果他体力过强If he gets too much strength back或是让你不爽了or if he just annoys you,就再给他放血bleed him out again.不理我啊Silent treatment, huh?你就这点本事吗Is that your best shot?他还在气我和埃琳娜滚床单He's still pissed at me for sleeping with Elena.你确定吗Are you sure about that?因为我今天逮到他Because I caught him trying to sneak out从丽贝卡床上溜走of Rebekah's bed this morning,也就是说他已经放手了which would suggest to me that he's moved on.是吗看来我弟弟Well, well. Looks like my brother从我的复仇性爱手册里取了经啊ripped out a page of my revenge sex handbook.你们两个混蛋Well, why don't you two enjoy your little, uh,好好交流感情吧villain bonding time?我从丽贝卡那儿拿到匕首再通知你I'll let you know when I get the dagger from Rebekah. 达蒙很好Damon is fine."舒舒服服"地关着呢I locked him with all the creature comforts he deserves. 我不是为这事That's not why I called.科尔刚刚想杀邦妮Kol just tried to kill Bonnie.什么她还好吗What? Is she ok?还好只是惊魂未定Yeah, just shaken up.她制住他了但科尔似乎决心She managed to hold him off, but kol seems pretty intent杀掉所有寻找治愈方法的人on murdering anyone who's looking for that cure.克劳斯让我去劝丽贝卡Yeah. Klaus has me trying to convince Rebekah交出匕首好封住科尔to give up her dagger so we can take care of Kol.我不想只封住他那么简单I don't want to just dagger Kol.我想让杰里米杀了他I want Jeremy to kill him.你刚刚说什么What did you just say?邦妮说她拥有强大的新法力Bonnie says she's got all this crazy new power.她可以拖住科尔给杰里米时间杀掉他She thinks she can hold him long enough for Jeremy to get a clean shot. 然后呢And then what, huh?克劳斯和丽贝卡会来向我们复仇Klaus and Rebekah will kill every single one of us out of spite.他们虽然有病疯狂爱吵架They may be dysfunctional, bickering lunatics,但血毕竟浓于水but they stick together no matter what.所以你得找到匕首That's why you need to find the dagger用它封住丽贝卡and use it on Rebekah.如果她躺在棺材里就不能复仇了She can't come looking for revenge if she's lying in a box.没错我做不到Yeah, I can't do that.我知道你不能因为吸血鬼不能用匕首I know you can't because vampires can't use the dagger,但是马特可以but Matt can.她也是活该It's not like she doesn't deserve it.并且邦妮说她还能对付克劳斯And bonnie thinks that she can get Klaus out of the picture, too, 至少能争取点时间At least temporarily.一旦找到治愈方法这些都不是问题了Once we get this cure, none of this will matter因为我们可以用它反击because we can use it against them.好吧你打算怎么引科尔上钩All right, fine, but how do you plan to lure Kol in?杰里米·吉尔伯特Jeremy Gilbert.真高兴你还把我放在快速拨号里Nice to see I'm still on your speed dial, mate.我们去丹佛的棒球练习场见面吧Hey, you want to meet up at the batting cages in Denver?不好意思我是埃琳娜·吉尔伯特Actually, it's Elena Gilbert.真荣幸What a treat.我一直在想要怎么施计Yeah, I was just thinking of all the clever ways杀了你弟弟I could have your brother killed,但我决定扯掉他的地图手臂了事but I'd settle for ripping off his illustrated arm instead.我要和你谈谈当面谈I need to talk to you--in person.以赛拉斯之名与你休战I want to call a truce in the name of Silas.你想和我谈赛拉斯You want to talk about silas?地点你来定I'll meet you wherever you want.我去找你I'll come to you.不如这样I'll tell you what.我来找你吧How about I come to you?你想休战If you want to truce,就开门请我进去open the door and invite me in.我在等哟I'm waiting.让我进去我们谈谈休战的事Let me in, and let's talk truce.-有人吗-请你进来不是太蠢了吗- Hello? - Wouldn't it be kind of stupid to invite you in?相反On the contrary.我不能亲手杀你弟弟I can't kill your brother with my own two hands,否则会中猎人诅咒or I'll suffer the hunter's curse接下来20年里都会想残忍地自杀and spend the next 20 years trying to off myself in gruesome ways. 帮斯特凡找匕首我听说镇里又有马鞭草了And I heard that vervain is back in town所以我也不能控制你来杀他so I can't compel you to kill him either.所以可以说你暂时还算安全So I think it's fair to say you're semi-safe, for now.出去找邦妮只有我能邀请他进来I'm the only one that could invite him inside.显然他说得对He's right, obviously.按理说活了一千年You'd think being alive for over 1,000 years该懂点礼貌would teach me some manners,但我就是喜欢突然造访but I couldn't resist stopping by.如果让你进来我弟弟就出去If I let you in, my brother goes.你不准靠近他You're not getting near him.可以啊Fair enough.进来吧You can come in.你弟弟真是个胆小鬼啊No gold medal in bravery, I see.活在现代的好处就是Another thing I love about the modern age is随时随地能听音乐music anytime you like.行了给我倒杯酒So, it's the part you offer me a drink我们来好好聊聊so we can have a proper chat.颜色俗气八十年代真是可悲Colours are fabric, the eighties were just tragic.我觉得垫肩的俗气程度You know, I think shoulder pads跟17世纪清教徒的罩衫有的一拼rival 17th-century Puritan smocks for crimes against fashion. 在找舞会穿的衣服吗Looking for something to wear to the dance?是啊你要邀请我做舞伴吗Aye. Are you asking me to a date?其实舞会取消了Actually, it was canceled.那你来干什么So why are you here?还想跟我谈匕首的事吗Back for more dagger talk?你这是被害妄想症吗Somebody has some trust issues.这叫合理怀疑It's called a healthy skepticism.我知道你今早想偷偷溜走I know you were trying to sneak out this morning.我不蠢I'm not stupid.抱歉Sorry.我还在适应I'm still trying to get used to this.后悔吗Do you regret it?不No.还想再来一次吗Do you want it to happen again?可能吧Maybe.即使我不给你匕首吗Even if I don't give you the dagger?你以为我和你上床You think that I would sleep with you只是为了得到匕首吗just to get the dagger?别一副无辜的样子Don't give me that innocent look.为了得到你要的东西You've done plenty to me你已经伤过我很多次了in the name of getting what you want.看来我得把这些收起来Well, I guess I should pack up these racks.参加高中舞会又泡汤了Just another failed attempt at getting to a high-school dance. 你为什么这么在意高中舞会Why do you care so much about high-school dance?不在意无聊而已I don't. I was just bored.是吗Right.我们还是可以去啊要是你想去We can also go, if you want.可是已经取消了去不了Not if it's canceled, we can't.你什么时候也规规矩矩了Since when do you care about the rules?你当初要是做好你该做的You know, none of this would be an issue这些就都不成问题了if you'd have just done your job properly.我本来很乐意让你训练杰里米I was perfectly willing to let you train Jeremy.你少来了装什么装No, you weren't. Are you kidding?训练第二天你就去了You got there on day two.你知道让这些只会打游戏的Do you know how hard it is to get小屁孩集中注意有多难吗these x-box brains to focus?当我把一屋子的酒鬼And then when I turned a room full of barflies变成吸血鬼供他杀时into vampires for him to slaughter,你让科尔杀了他们you let Kol kill them.老兄那得怪你弟弟不怨我Your brother problem, not mine, buddy.那是谁的主意And whose bright idea was it让杰里米背负良心to saddle Jeremy with a conscience, hmm?我不能让他趁着埃琳娜睡觉Well, we couldn't have him trying to stake Elena用木桩钉她啊in her sleep, now, could we?是不行得保护埃琳娜Ah, yes, for the love of Elena.为什么她能忽略掉How is it that she manages to overlook你所做得每项恶行呢every horrific thing you've ever done?她是执意无视呢Is it willful ignorance还是有更病态的原因or perhaps something more pathological?有些人就是更容易宽恕别人Some people are just more capable of forgiveness than others. 你在这方面肯定能得负五百分Bet you score about a negative 500 in that realm.得了你肯定有什么办法Come on. There must be a secret.不可能仅仅是认祖归忠会是什么呢It can't just be the sire bond. What is it?控制吗Compulsion?操控吗Manipulation?你对她说了什么What is it you say to her?我猜这跟某个金发吸血鬼女郎有关I think this has something to do with a certain blond vampire. 我认为是你杀了卡罗尔·洛克伍德I think you murdered Carol Lockwood,你担心and I think you're worried卡罗琳会永不原谅你that Caroline's never going to forgive you.你有过之而无不及You've done worse.难说我不介意做坏人Debatable. See, I don't mind being the bad guy,因为总得有人当坏人做该做的事because somebody has to fill that role and get things done.而你干坏事却毫无缘由You do bad things for no reason.你完全是为了犯浑You do them to be a dick.难说Debatable.你要是想做坏人得坏得有目的If you're gonna be bad, be bad with purpose.否则你就不值得原谅Otherwise you're just not worth forgiving.对不起我去翻陈酿了Sorry, had to dig up the old people's alcohol.这也是现代人的问题Yeah, that's the problem with people today.对品酒毫无想象力They have no drinking imagination.世纪之交的新奥尔良Turn of the century New Orleans,那时的人才会调酒呢now, they knew how to make a drink.你在新奥尔良住过You lived in New Orleans?我们当时都在We all did,直到尼克劳斯把匕首插进我的心脏till Niklaus shoved a dagger in my heart.为什么你做了什么Why? What did you do?你为什么觉得是我做了什么呢What makes you think I did anything?跟我哥哥联合让你忘了他的可怕吗Has your alliance with my brother softened you to his horrors? 我并没有跟克劳斯联合I don't have an alliance with Klaus.只是我们之前都想找到治愈方法罢了We had a mutual interest in finding the cure. That's all.-之前吗-没错- Had? - Yes.要是你答应放过我弟弟And I'm willing to give up looking for it我愿意不再寻找if you promise to leave my brother alone.你能教我怎么调酒吗Now can you teach me how to make this?我去拿些冰块Ok, I'll get some ice.新短信来自杰里米埃琳娜:他带了木桩邦妮在哪杰里米:在找她拖住科尔邦妮你在哪我打了17通电话了Bonnie, where are you? I've called, like, 17 times.科尔在我们家我们需要你帮忙Kol is in our house. We need you.好吧我这就去你家Ok, I'm headed to your house now.给你Here you go.要来点吗Would you like one?当然好呀Sure. Why not?你游戏玩得不错啊You are really good at that game.尤其考虑到你还在棺材里待了数百年Especially considering you've been locked up in a coffin for a hundred years. 我学习能力强反应迅速I'm a quick learner. Speedy reflexes.但这跟真动手不是一回事对吧It's not much like the real thing, though, is it?你杀过人吧You have killed, haven't you?还是你是圣母类型的呢Or are you one of those Mary Sue vampires?我杀过一次人I killed once.我猜你杀的人肯定比我多I'm guessing your number is a lot higher than mine.时间一久就忘了数了You lose track over the years.我们是要探讨赛拉斯So are we going to talk about Silas还是只闲扯呢or just jibber jabber?马特:找不到匕首还需时间似乎没人相信赛拉斯的存在No one else seems to think Silas exists.那你为什么说有呢So why do you?我14世纪在非洲I used to run with some witches17世纪在海地in Africa in the 14th century,20世纪在新奥尔良Haiti in the 17th century,都曾碰到过女巫New Orleans in the 1900s.他们都知道赛拉斯They all knew about Silas他不能被挖出来and that he needed to stay buried.实际上我对女巫十分崇敬I actually hold witches in high esteem.但为什么针对赛拉斯Yeah, but why Silas?你为什么这么怕他Why are you so afraid of him?据说如果赛拉斯东山再起They said if Silas rises,他会带来浩劫he'll unleash hell on earth.我更希望维持现状I happen to like earth just the way it is.好有宗教色彩That's pretty Biblical.这是现代人的另一个问题Well, that's the other problem with people today.他们失去了信仰They've lost faith,因为没有信仰他们不知道该怕什么and in that loss, they no longer know who they should fear. 我要联系埃琳娜I have to get to Elena.你看见我的手机了吗Have you seen my phone?我拿了你的手机也拿了你的车钥匙I've got your phone, and I've got your car keys.我说过我们要开一场家庭会议And I told you we are having a family meeting.那是你从书上读来的吗Is that something you read in a book?我们从没开过家庭会议Because we have never had a family meeting.我已经放任太久了I've let this go on long enough.肖恩说你和你的魔力就像一颗定时炸弹Shane said you and your magic are like a ticking time bomb. 我说过他疯了And I told you he's crazy.我因为巫术失去了你母亲I lost your mother to witchcraft.我不能再失去你了I don't intend to lose you.这不是你的生活是我的It's not your life. It's mine.-你好-邦妮在吗- Yeah. - Hey, is Bonnie here?她正忙着呢She's busy.这是急事It's important.发生什么了What's going on?我给你打了差不多上百次电话I've called you, like, a hundred times.科尔在我们家Kol is in our house.-我得走了-我说了不行- I have to go. - I said no.少对我指手画脚Stop telling me what to do!谁也不许离开No one's going anywhere!妈妈Mom?艾比请进来吧Abby, please come in.你来干什么What are you doing here?你父亲给我打电话了谁是肖恩教授Your father called. Who's professor Shane?他在教你些什么What has he been teaching you?邦妮我们没时间了Bonnie, we don't have time for this.这是家庭事务This is a family matter.我姐姐遇到了危险我们需要邦妮的帮助My sister's in trouble. We need Bonnie's help.我女儿帮埃琳娜·吉尔伯特帮够了My daughter is done helping Elena Gilbert.-快出去-妈妈- Now get out. - Mom!回答我的问题Answer my question.肖恩教授在向你灌输什么谎言What lies has this professor been telling you?杰里米不要住手Don't! Jeremy! Hey, stop!住手Stop.不许伤害她她是我妈妈Don't hurt her. She's my mom.看着我Look at me.你先走好吗Just go, Okay?我随后就到I'm right behind you.你们想谈You wanna talk?那我们就谈谈Let's talk.没有杜松子酒了但是这个年份好像不错So we're out of Gin. But I think this is a good year. 如果我不相信你呢What if I said I don't believe you?好吧被你发现了我对酒一无所知Ok, you got me. I don't know anything about wine. 我只是感到奇怪Just seems odd你居然愿意放弃你很想得到的东西that you being so willing to give up something you want so much. 我愿意为我弟弟付出一切I would do anything for my brother.而且如果赛拉斯真像你说的那样And if what you're saying about Silas is true.如果这真会给大家带来危险What does it matter what I want我一人的愿望又算什么if it puts everyone else in danger?真是有趣啊Well, this has been enlightening.谢谢你的酒Thanks for the drinks.我会考虑你的休战提议的I'll take your request for truce under advisement.你对赛拉斯的看法会不会有错呢Is there any chance that you can be wrong about silas?相信我埃琳娜Trust me, Elena.有些东西不该挖出来Some things are better left buried.这场景就像我看过的一部恐怖片的开头Think I saw a horro movie that started just like this.你知道现在电视里整晚播放电影吗Did you know they play movies on tv all night long now?上百部电影Hundreds of them.比我们以前看的So much better than those silly那些黑白电影强多了black-and-white picture shows we use to go to.说不好I don't know.我有点怀念老电影Kind of miss the old ones.你对音乐有什么要求吗You got any requests for the DJ?马特:还在找我让你选别选太俗气的I'll let you pick. Nothing cheesy.那这十年一半的歌都不行了Oh, that leaves out about half the decade.在八十年代大红的哥特摇滚乐队-希望你喜欢治愈乐队-真幽默- Hope you like the cure. - Funny.八十年代的东西都那么So is everything about the eighties so...造作吗excessive?它有吸引人的地方It had its charm.《情到深处》"Say anything"--罗伊·杜布勒站在女孩卧室窗外Lloyd Dobler standing outside of a bedroom window 手里举着音响with a boombox over his head恳求他的女神回心转意desperately trying to get back the girl of his dreams. 《公主新娘》"Princess bride"--卫斯理为了爱情杀死巨鼠Wesley slays giant rats for love.《早餐俱乐部》"Breakfast club"--一次留校把几个不受欢迎的学生变成了盟友one detention turns a bunch of outcasts into allies. 看来那是个多愁善感的十年啊So it was a decade of sentimental drivel, as well.我本来想说的是爱情友谊Well, I was gonna say love, friendship,一切皆有可能的期冀possibility of anything happening.你肯定会喜欢那个时代You would've loved it.为什么呢And why is that?因为虽然我们不愿意承认Because, as much as we both hate to admit it,但我们确实在乎过we care about those things.别告诉我那是胸花That better not be a corsage.我讨厌死胸花了I loathe corsages.这些东西在八十年代风靡一时These were all the rage in the eighties.跳个舞吧Let's dance.抱歉他走了I'm sorry. He left.我尽力拖延时间了I mean, I tried to stall as long as I could.是邦妮她说会马上来That's Bonnie. She was right behind me.我考虑过你的休战提议了I've considered your request for truce.我决定拒绝Request denied.不好意思你们已经请我进去了I'm sorry. I've already been invited in.玩捉迷藏吗Hide and seek?那就来啊Fine by me.爸爸得少管闲事Dad needs to mind his own business,他没权利叫你来he had no right to call you here.不只是你父亲邦妮It's not just your father, Bonnie.女巫们会交流消息传很快Witches talk. Word gets around.我找到了新的施咒方法I found a new way to practice.虽然不寻常但我应付得来It's unconventional, but I can handle myself, I promise. 肖恩可不是这么说的That's not what Shane said.肖恩现在被关在牢房里Shane is sitting in a jail cell right now.你宁愿相信他也不信我You're gonna take his word over mine?我警告过你不许碰黑魔法I've warned you about dark magic before.不是黑魔法是表达我需要它It's not dark magic. It's expression, and I need it.他们找到了治愈方法妈妈They found a cure, Mom.吸血鬼可以被治愈There's a cure for vampirism,我可以施咒拿到它and I can do the spell to access it.我可以拯救你但是我得走了I can save you, but I have to go...马上就走Now.需要被拯救的不是我I'm not the one that needs to be saved.是你You are.你弟弟不善沟通真烦人Your brother's lack of communication is infuriating.那是他的特点It's one of his trademarks,就像他的忧郁他的发型like his brooding and his hair.我就不明白怎么还没好I don't understand what's taking so long.偷匕首有什么难的I mean, how hard is it to steal a dagger?考虑到你妹妹被匕首插过无数次From the vampire who's been stabbed by it as many times as your sister, 肯定不容易I'd say difficult.多谢款待Sweet.你真让我失望达蒙You disappoint me, Damon.你都不努力离开这里You're not trying very hard to get out of here.我以为你会是英勇越狱者I expected more the daring escape artist,而不是宅在牢里less the cell potato.毕竟我被控制要杀杰里米Well, I am compelled to kill Jeremy,所以我觉得留在这里so I figured it's probably smarter to sit in there跟你聊天and chitchat with you比像绿巨人一样冲出去要好than try to bust out of here like the Hulk.你觉得埃琳娜会怎么想呢How do you think Elena felt about that, by the way,你完全没办法抗拒科尔对你的控制Your inability to overcome Kol's compulsion for a single moment, 哪怕他叫你去杀even though it meant killing the person这世上她最爱的人she loves the most in the world?她不是第一天认识我了She's met me.她知道抑制冲动不是我的强项She knows impulse control is not my strong suit.但是想达到斯特凡的水准不轻松吧Still, must be hard trying to live up to Stefan.还记得我控制他吸埃琳娜的血时I remember when I compelled him to feed on Elena,他竭力抗拒居然就成功了he fought so hard, he actually managed to resist.那才叫爱Now, that's love.你对爱知道什么啊What do you know about love?我知道你爱上了埃琳娜I know that you're in love with Elena,不过我觉得你害怕but I think you're afraid of what might happen我们找到治愈方法后会怎样when we find the cure at the end of the rainbow.依我看对你不会是幸福美满的结局Personally, I don't see a fairy-tale ending for you?而是斯特凡和埃琳娜重修旧好All I see is Stefan and Elena.你应该也这么想吧I think you see the same thing.这不是我那个杀人狂弟弟吗Well, if it isn't the happy homicidal maniac.你知道吗你亲爱的前任血袋和她弟弟Do you know that your darling former blood bag and her brother 想杀了我are trying to kill me?什么What?你别假装毫不知情Don't pretend like you're not in on it.你对治愈方法的渴望Your obsession to find the cure显然超过了你对兄弟仅存的忠诚。
The vampire diaries1.I’ll do whatever it is you need me to do,Elena.你让我做什么我都会去做,Elena。
——《吸血鬼日记》2.From now on ,you’re under my protection.从现在开始,你由我罩着。
——《吸血鬼日记》3.Rise and shine,sleepy head.起床了,小懒猪。
4.Happy to know you still care.很高兴知道你还会关心我。
5.one’s going to hurt you.没人能伤害你。
6.Everything I like about me is you.我最喜欢自己的地方就是有你爱我。
1 She took my breath away. 她把我迷住了。
2 He has that romance novel stare. 他眼神深邃。
3 I predict this year is going to be kick ass.我预言今年将会是很了不起的一年。
4 I will start fresh. 我要重新开始,做全新的自我。
5 For over a century, I have lived in secret. 一个世纪以来,我都秘密地活着6 We were at the very first one.我们曾独领风骚。
7She wasn't just any girl. 她不是一般的女孩。
8 I was only a piece of ass to him. 我对他来说什么都不是。
9--I would be honored to accompany you.--The pleasure is all mine.--能陪你去是我的荣幸。
10--Are you sure?--I'm positive.--你确定吗?--我很肯定11 I can't be freaked out by cars for the rest of my life. 我余生都不会再碰车了。
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[中图分类号]:H059 [文献标识码]:A
例1:I have to go and exploit some women in the name of grief,which I’m sure you understand.
此句中的“which I’m sure you understand”从句法上分析是非限制性定语从句,“which”这一关系代词代指前面整句话,可译为“这一点我确定你明白的”。
例2:If you want to make an omelet, you have to break a few eggs.
例1:I’m really tight with the sheriff.
例2:So girls’ night.
例1:Stefan’s gone,I don’t mean geographically. [2]
与此相反,剧中译为:Stefan 离开了,心也不在了。
例2:She’ll come home eventually when she needs something, I played that game.
[1] 管慧.目的论视角下的美剧字幕翻译——以《吸血鬼日记》为个案研究[J].语言研究,2011(06)
[2] 牛莉莉.吸血鬼的言辞——从《吸血鬼日记》看字幕翻译的特点[J].海外英语,2012(02)。