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term n. 学期;期限,期间;

(pl.) 条件,条款;术语

例句①He was made captain of the football team for a term of one year.


②If you agree to my terms, free meals and good wages—I will work for you.


搭配a term of office 任期

technical terms 专门名词,术语

come to terms with 与…达成协议

sheet n. (一)片,(一)张,薄片;大片;被单,被褥

例句He laid this sheet over the blanket. 他把这个床单铺在毛毯上。

sense [] n. 官能,感觉;判断力,辨别力;意义;理性

v. 感觉到,意识到

例句①His sense of duty pricked him on to finish the work on time. 他的责任心驱使他按时完成工作。

②I can not sense your meaning sometimes. 有时,我不明白你的意思。

搭配come to one’s senses苏醒过来;醒悟过来

in a sense从某种意义上说

make sense讲得通,有意义,言之有理

串记sensitive, sensible, sentiment, sensation

risk v. 冒险

n. 冒险;风险,危险

例句①His action risked a sharp reprisal. 他的行为遭到报复的危险极大。

②He saved my life at the risk of his own. 他冒着自己的生命危险救了我的命。搭配risk one’s health, fortune, life冒丧失健康﹑财富﹑生命之险

at the risk of (=at risk to) 冒…之险;不顾…之风险

at risk在危险中

run/take the risk of doing sth.冒险做某事


resident n. 居民,常住者

adj. 居住的

例句①He is a resident of Shanghai. 他是上海人。

②She is resident at his house. 她住在他家里。

搭配be resident abroad常住国外

串记dweller, liver, inhabitant; residential, reside

raise v. 举起,提升;抚养,饲养;建立,树立;提出,发出;筹集,募集

例句①He raised his arms above his head. 他把手臂举过头顶。

②His absence raised fears about his safety. 他的缺席引起人们对他安全的担忧。搭配raise a glass on为…祝酒

raise a row争吵,大闹一场

raise one’s voice against大胆表示反对,发表批评意见


profession [n. 职业;声明,宣布,表白

例句He is a lawyer by profession. 他是一名职业律师。

搭配by profession职业是…

a profession of belief, faith, loyalty, etc.信念、信仰、忠诚等的表白


production [n. 生产,产量;产品,作品

例句①Production of computers has increased double in the last few weeks.


②This new theatre is becoming known for its good productions.


串记produce, product, productive

affect vt. 影响,感动;侵袭;假装

n. 情感,感情

例句The slight change of weather can affect her delicate health. 天气稍有变化就会影响她那脆弱而娇嫩的身体。

搭配affect illness装病

fading of affect情感消退


approach [n. 方法,步骤,途径;探讨

v. 接近,靠近;动手处理

例句①He approached the idea with caution. 他开始认真地考虑那个主意。

②All the approaches to the palace were guarded by troops. 通往宫殿的所有道



composition [n. 作品,文章;乐曲,作曲;结构,组成,成分例句He played a piano sonata of his own composition. 他弹奏了一首自作的钢琴奏鸣曲。

串记compose, composer

comprehension [n. 理解;包含,包括

例句The problem is above/beyond my comprehension. 我无法理解这个问题。

搭配be above comprehension难理解的


condition [vt. 决定;支配;训练;使习惯于

n. 条件;情形,环境;状况,状态

例句①My expenditure is conditioned by my income. 我的支出受我的收入限制。

②The ship is in no condition to make a long voyage. 此船的现状不适宜远航。搭配on condition (that) 在…条件下

out of condition健康不佳

consist [vi. 在于,存在于;由…组成,构成

例句①The beauty of the plan consists in its simplicity. 这个计划妙就妙在简明扼要。

②The committee consists of ten members. 委员会由十人组成。

搭配consist in在于

consist of由…构成


control [n. 控制,抑制,支配,管理
