商务沟通OUTCOME1 案例 Leadership



商务契约关系O u t c o m e1 -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIANCASE 1:Q1: Is Maggie entitled to bring a legal action against Thunderbolt & Lightning for selling her a defective tumble dryer and will it matter that she purchased the goods in a sale1.Yes, Maggie is entitled to bring a legal action against Thunderbolt & Lightning forselling her a defective tumble dryer in terms of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 (as amended).2.Thunderbolt & Lightning will be in breach of Section 14 of the 1979 Act. The storehas broken one of the implied terms of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 (Sections 12-15) which are always assumed to form part of every contract of sale.3.Section 14 also states that goods will be of satisfactory quality if they meet thestandard that a reasonable person would regard as satisfactory, taking account of any description of the goods, the price (if relevant) and all the other relevant circumstances. Section 14 lists five examples of quality that buyers can use to help them decide whether the goods that they have purchased fall below the expected standard of quality:fitness for all the purposes for which goods of the kind in question arecommonly suppliedappearance and finishfreedom from minor defectssafetydurabilityThe tumble dryer is not fit for its purpose, it is unsafe and it is not durable. The protection which Section 14 gives to buyers is only applicable in situations where the seller is selling the goods in the course of business. Maggie, of course, has purchased the goods from a business seller.4.Will it make a difference that Maggie purchased the goods in a sale No. The onlyexceptions will be when detects were specifically drawn to the buyer’s attention by the seller. Furthermore, if the buyer examined the goods before purchasing them and noticed any obvious defects, she/he will not have the protection of Section l4.5.More generally, the buyer’s claim that goods were not of satisfactory quality willbe defeated if the goods have been subject to wear and tear, the buyer hasmisused the goods or the buyer now has simply taken a dislike to the goods.6.Section 48A(3) of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 now states that there will be astrong presumption operating against the seller that if the goods develop defects within six months from the date of delivery to the buyer. Then they will probably have failed to meet the requirement of satisfactory quality.7.Candidates must be able to cite at least one of the following:Jackson v Rotax Motor and Cycle Co [1910]Grant v Australian Knitting Mills Ltd [1936]Mash and Murrell v Joseph I Emmanuel [196/], [1962]Bartlett v Sidney Marcus Ltd [1965]BS Brown & Son Ltd v Craiks Ltd[1970]Millars of Falkirk v Turpie [1976]Q2: What legal action, if any, can Charlie pursue as a result of the injuries that he has suffered1.Charlie will not be entitled to bring an action under Section 14 of the Sale ofGoods Act l979, because he does not have a contractual relationship withThunderbolt & Lightning.2.Charlie is in a much stronger legal position thanks to Part I of the ConsumerProtection Act l987 which allows him to pursue a civil claim for damages against the manufacturer of the tumble dryer in respect of his injuries. Part l of theConsumer Protection Act establishes a regime of strict liability in relation todefective products which cause damage to other property and/or injuries topeople who were injured as a result of using the product or who came into close contact with the product. Strict liability automatically presumes that the defect in the product must be the fault of the producer of the goods. The manufacturer must come up with a credible explanation to show why she/he is not to blame for the injuries or loss that the pursuer (Charlie) has suffered.3.The 1987 Act applies to dangerous products which are capable of causingdamage to the pursuer’s property or cap able of causing the pursuer to suffer some sort of personal injury. The fact that the product is not working properly will not give a pursuer the right to raise an action against the defender. Many products are defective without being dangerous in any way.Q3: Do you think that Thunderbolt & Lightning will be able to escape liability to Maggie by claiming that the manufacturer was responsible for the defects in the goods1.No. Thunderbolt & Lightning’s attempt to escape liability to Maggie by claimingthat the manufacturer was responsible for the defects in the goods will fall foul of the concept of strict liability in the Sale of Goods Act 1979.2.The buyer’s contract is with the seller and it is irrelevant to the buyer whetherthe defect has been caused by a manufacturing fault or not. The seller’s liability is said to be strict in the sense that the buyer does not have to prove fault orblame on the seller’s part.3. A seller can in turn sue the manufacturer for supplying it with defective goods ifthe buyer has successfully sued him/her for defects in the goods. The buyer may have suffered a personal injury or his/her property may have been damaged as a result of using the defective goods. The seller will have to compensate the buyer for any injuries suffered or any damage caused as a result of using the goods. So, compensation could be awarded for the destruction caused to Maggie’s kitchen and clothing in the appliance at the time of fire.4.Manufacturing guarantees may also give an indication as to the length of timethat a buyer can expect the goods to meet the appropriate standard of quality.This might be a strong indication of a major defect. Section 14 of the Sale ofGoods Act l979 states that manufacturing guarantees are directly enforceable against the manufacturer and any person (Thunderbolt & Lightning) who uses a guarantee to sell or market the goods to a consumer.Q4: Do you think that Thunderbolt & Lightning will be able to rely on the above exclusion clause to escape any potential liability to Maggie1.Thunderbolt & Lightning’s attempt to rely on the exclusion clause to escape anypotential liability to Maggie will fail miserably.2.Such an exclusion clause is null and void because the store is attempting toexclude its liability for personal injuries which it simply cannot do.3.Any attempt by the store to exclude or limit its liability in relation to Section 14of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 will be automatically void in terms of Section 20 of the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977.4.Furthermore, there is a general provision in Section 16 of the Unfair ContractTerms Act 1977 which renders null and void any attempt by an individual toexclude his/her liability for death or personal injuries.5.Maggie is a consumer buying goods for her own private purposes and thestrongest possible protection is extended to consumers in terms of 1977 Act. 6.Additionally, the store’s exclusion clause could be challenged under the UnfairTerms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999. The Regulations apply a test of fairness before exclusion or limitation clause can be regarded as void andunenforceable. With regard to the issue of excluding or limiting liability for death or personal injury, the Regulations state that such terms may be unfair whereas the Act makes these automatically void.Q5: Presuming that Maggie’s legal action is successful, what remedies will she be entitled to claim against Thunderbolt & Lightning1.If Maggie’s legal action is successful, she will be entitled to claim the remedies ofrescission . cancellation of the contract of sale for material breach (supplying goods of unsatisfactory quality) and damages as per Section 15B of the Sale of Goods Act 1979.2.There are various remedies:rescissionreduction in the price of the goodreplacement of the goodsrepair the goodsCase 2Q1: What Act of Parliament covers consumer credit and how would you define a consumer credit agreement1.The Consumer Credit Act 1974 (as amended) regulates the consumer creditindustry.2.Section 8 of the l974 Act lays down a definition of a regulated consumer creditagreement. Such an agreement is a personal credit agreement by which thecreditor provides the debtor with credit not exceeding £25,000. A corporatebody (company, a limited partnership or a limited liability partnership) cannot bea party to a consumer credit agreement.Q2: By reference to Section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act l974, describe the legal relationship between Marvellous Motors PLC and Alba Bank.1.Marvellous Motors PLC has a debtor-creditor-supplier arrangement with the AlbaBank. Debtor-creditor-supplier agreements where the creditor and the supplier of goods may be the same person or where the supplier has links to a creditor who will provide credit to the supplier’s customers (the debtors). The supplier (Marvellous Motors PLC) in a debtor-creditor-supplier agreement is the agent of the finance house or the bank. This kind of arrangement benefits all three parties.The debtor is given access to a source of credit; the supplier can be confident of selling more goods because she/he is in a position to offer credit to potentialcustomers and the finance house/bank gets someone else (the supplier) to drum up custom on its behalf Debtor-creditor·-supplier agreements.2.Section 75 of the Act allows a debtor to sue either the creditor or the supplier inthe above arrangement for a breach of contract committed by the supplier(Marvellous Motors PLC). Section 75 makes the creditor and supplier jointly and severally liable to the debtor for any misrepresentations or breaches of contract committed by the supplier.Q3: What is the difference between a credit sale and a hire purchase agreement 1.In credit sales, the debtor will become the owner of the goods from the outset ofthe agreement. All the debtor has to do is make regular repayments of the debt owed to the creditor over the agreed credit period.2.In hire purchase sales, the debtor will not become the owner of goods until hehas paid the creditor all the instalments owed under the agreement. The debtor will be given an option to purchase the goods. Hire purchase can never involve the purchase of land.Q4: in what circumstances do debtors have the right to cancel a consumer credit agreement1.Section 67 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 does allow a credit agreement to becancelled in certain situations. Credit agreements can only be cancelled if two conditions are met:if you, the debtor, entered into face to face discussions with the creditoror the creditor’s agents with the aim of entering a credit agreement; andthe signing of the credit agreement by both parties did not take place onthe creditor’s business premisesIf a debtor signed a credit agreement in his/her own home after discussions with the creditor’s agent, the debtor can take advantage of a cooling-off period. This period gives the debtor time to decide whether he wishes to cancel the agreement or not. Q5: What is the purpose of consumer credit licenses and will a business which applies for a license automatically be granted one1.The Consumer Credit Act 1974 established a licensing system which covers allactivities relating to the provision of credit. Businesses or individuals wishing to provide credit facilities to members of the public must be in possession of alicence issued by the Office of Fair Trading. Failure to obtain a licence means a business or an individual providing credit could face both civil and criminalpenalties. An unlicensed creditor may find they are unable to enforce theagreement against the debtor.2.Licences are not just issued to anyone.a.If you have previously broken the rules in the Consumer Credit Act 1974,you will probably not be issued with a licence.b.Criminal convictions for violence and dishonesty are likely to result in theapplicant being refused a licence.c.All licence holders must ensure that they conduct their businessesproperly. Any undesirable conduct on their part could mean that theOffice of Fair Trading may decide to suspend or, even more seriously,withdraw the licence.Case 3Q1: By re-labelling the bottles of Bulgarian chardonnay as champagne, what criminal offence is Wullie committing and which Act of Parliament will he be in breach of as a result of his activities1.Wullie will have committed the criminal offence of making a materially falseand misleading trade description as regards the origin of goods.2.He will be in breach of:a.Section 1 of the Trade Descriptions Act 1968 for making a false andmaterially misleading trade description in relation to goodsb.Section 2 of the Act gives definitions of various false and materiallymisleading trade descriptions andc.Section 3 explains what is meant by the word "false" in relation to atrade description.Q2: What defences are available to someone in Wullie’s position1. Section 24 of the Trade Descriptions Act 1968 provides the main defence to an accused in Wullie’s position:that the commission of the offence was due to a mistake, or due to relianceon information supplied to him, or to the act or default of another person, or to an accident, or due to some other cause beyond his control; andthat he took all reasonable precautions and exercised all due diligence toavoid the commission of such an offence by himself for any person under his controlWullie is not to be successful in any attempt to defend his actions given the deliberate nature of his crime.2.Candidates should be able to cite at least one of the following examples: Robertson v Dicicco [1972]Fletcher v Budgen [ I 974 ]Regina v Ford Motor Co [IQ74]Ford v Guild []990]Costello v Lowe [7990]。

hnd商务沟通outcome1答案SummaryThe article mainly explains the workforce management should change in now. It can’t just depend on traditional management approach. With the development of Globalization, culture different become an important element to influence the leadership, management and strategy. The smart manger should learn and understand it.The article has four mainly parts, cultural blunder, embarrass the leader, localize, localize, localize and a 'United Nations Approach' About cultural blunder, it explain the cultural blunder make the company face serious problems and potential problems. In the example about “EraseMan”, the company leader did not consider the cultural different, so it cause cultural gaffe. It makes Asian staff feel confused and annoyed. Other manufacturers worldwide will face much more serious consequence, if they don’t know the different customs. Meanwhile, Multinational companies also face workforces that place different values on workplace benefits. For example the IBM report and Big Blue's Global Human Capital Study 2008 provide more evidences.About embarrass the leader, it points the leader should make staff accept leadership roles, it need coaxing and encouragement. Some cultural is more comfortable to solve problems rather thandepending on other cultural. For example leaders should encourage Asian staff to use this form of reporting which can embarrass leadership. And the safety is a problem. In different countries safety standard is different, some developing countries safety standards may be lacking.About third part, the mainly idea is localize. The PPG provides the direction to the foreign staff. The autonomy has been given in each regional operation in the dicision process. And it provides intense training to low-skilled workforces. Onsite and online training courses both are included. It can help the company’ developing countries get knowledge from mature regions. It also helps PPG's offshore workforces understand the strategy, standards and protocols of the company for each respective region.In the last part, it emprises cooperation. It points Guardian has created a companywide "United Nations" which will hold twice meeting one year. It can make local staff help foreign employees operate successful. And W.R. Grace has a similar program. The conference can boost morale and reduce the conflicts between the staffs that come for different contraries. For example the Germans and Americans have different communication approaches, and the company approve method to make they understand other contrary consumer.In short, the culture has become an important factor in the management. The manger should learn, understand and use it to make the management to be successful.Intended readersThe mainly intended audiences for the article seem to be the people who work in administration or management in multinational companies. It includes manger, CEO or shareholder. Especially those often involved in international business. The article points the importance of the culture in the management. It can give the leader some useful imaginations about the strategy decision. The staff work in multinational companies will have interest in the article. Especially some staffs who work in foreign trade department. The article can help the staff understand the culture different of foreign countries. And understand other foreigner; it can help them work well. The teacher who teaches communication can use this article and, the article can help the students understand better. In fact the article is easy to understand, general public would read the article. However, if the writer gives more detailed examples, it will have a wider audience.PurposeThe article has two purposes, provide some examples to describethe importance of culture and make the reader accept his ideas. For example in the begin of the article the author points understanding the culture is important. And it lists many examples to emprise the idea in different aspects. There is not many personal opinions. The author explains how to deal the cultural difference in management correctly the through the examples. So the mainly purpose is to inform not to persuade.LanguageThe language is basically semi-formal, easy to read. The sentence structures and vocabulary is easy to understand. There are no errors on spelling and punctuations. And the grammar is right. The sentence general has about 20 words, and the sentences have different lengths. But there are some long sentences, difficult new words. It is hard for reader to understand. However there are some contractions such as isn't,wasn't and that's. The article is expressed clearly and objectively. It mainly uses the third person.StructureThe structure of the article is confusion. It includes introduction and contents. Introduction is explained in the start of the article. The contents follow the introduction including four parts. But in the end of the article, there lack the conclusion. And the article lackscontinuity; there was little connection between some paragraphs. The main ideas are not explain in the beginning of the each paragraph, there are examples in the start of each part. The main ideas usually present in the middle of the paragraph. It will make reader feel confusion.LayoutThe layout is clear and acceptable. There is paragraph spacing between paragraphs. Margins are equal on all foursides preventing this text overcrowded. There are title andsub-title; it could be added to attract the audience’s attention.And title, sub-title and text use correct forts. The title andsub-title use boldface to attract the audience’s attention, helpthe audience skim and could have increased visual impact.The title size is bigger than the sub-title, and the sub-title isbigger than text. Type size of 12 point is acceptable. The use ofone type of fonts lacks variety.。

Report onCustomer Care Strategy in SamsungPrepared for:EacoCandidate name: Peng ZiweiGrade and Class: International business Class 6Student Number: 20125644Table of Contents1.0 Summary (3)2.0 Introduction (3)3.0 Procedures (3)4.0 Findings (4)4.1 Customer care strateg y (4)4.1.1 Introduction of Samsung4.1.2Samsung’s Business Principle4.1.3 Introduction of Samsung’s customer care strategy4.2 Customer care systems (4)4.3 Customer care standard (6)4.3.1Environment4.3.2Customer4.3.3Employee4.3.4Community4.3.5Supplier4.4 The research of Samsung 's customer feedback (7)5.0 Evaluation (7)6.0 Conclusion (8)7.0 Recommendation (8)8.0 Reference (9)9.0 Appendices (10)1.0 SummarySamsung Group is a South Korean multinational conglomerate company headquartered in Samsung Town, Seoul. It comprises numerous subsidiaries and affiliated businesses, most of them united under the Samsung brand, and is the largest South Korean chaebol.Recently, its Galaxy S4 and Note III become popular with so many young people. But most of its electric products have problems easily.The customers are curious about Samsung as a worldwide company how to solve customer services.And what the customer care strategy is.2.0 IntroductionThis report, mainly talks about the strategy of Samsung’s customer care. First, the introduction of Samsung’s customer care with its formation is involved in the second section. Second, it gives a specific list of customer care standard, including environment, customer, employee, community and supplier. Then it chiefly refers to the Samsung 's customer feedback. Methods of questionnaire and telephone interview are used in the customer feedback. After talking about the customer feedback, it analyses about feedback and have made a conclusion. At last, an evaluation of Samsung Electronics is given by author. Some recommendations are also given to improve Samsung ’s customer care.3.0 ProceduresTo finish the report mainly though browsing the website and read some books about Samsung to search many useful information.To gather required more detailed information to produce this report extensive use was made of the questionnaire, this was the most effective way of obtaining data.4.0 Findings4.1 Customer care strategy4.1.1 Introduction of SamsungSamsung was founded by Lee Byung-chul in 1938 as a trading company. Over the next three decades the group diversified into areas including food processing, textiles, insurance, securities and retail.Since the 1990s Samsung has increasingly globalized its activities, and electronics, particularly mobile phones and semiconductors, have become its most important source of income.4.1.2 Samsung’s Business PrincipleSamsung’s Management Philosophy is to “devote to our human resources and technology to create superior products and services,thereby contributing to a better global society.”4.1.3 Introduction of Samsung’s customer care strategySamsung since its establishment, has wholeheartedly committed to the customer service work "to provide customers with high quality and perfect service. ""No complaints of service is the greatest benefit of our business. "In company, every department will try their best to do "customer satisfaction". Every year, the company always send the managers and technical staff on mission to Korean Samsung Headquarter to study and training. Samsung in order to ensure global leadership and unity, and every company can give the perfect customer care.4.2 Customer Care SystemsSamsung set up a specific customer care department in order to build Customer Care System better. Samsung regularly conducts studies to better understand customers’behaviors and expectations. “People-oriented”is the overall concept of Samsunginsurance, the company makes every Samsung customers, sales staff and workers be fully embodied values.Not a single company can guarantee that every products are perfect. If a customer buy Samsung products need after-sales service, their powerful Customer Care Systems will present immediately to you. The customer often hear the counter said "The product is broken, please find the factory ." Some company choose to shirk the responsibility. However, Samsung will first time put forward that "where is the right place should help customers to solve the problems" , a new mode of after-sale service.●Get the support of dealersIn order to coordinate this measure, Samsung should to get the support of dealers. So almost every week they always to search the key dealer, and give support to solve problems together. Their after-sales service station spread all over the country.●Set operational priorities or catalystsIn order to achieve leadership ambition, the Samsung Group has established its strategy around a business model and a set of clearly defined operational priorities. Samsung has set five operational priorities or catalysts for change: product innovation,core business expertise, distribution management, quality of service, productivity.●Responsible behaviourIt is through adopting a responsible behaviour, as well as through sustainable added-value products and services, that the Group is able to most effectively participate in social, environmental and economic progress. Samsung 's responsibility towards shareholders includes ensuring the long-term viability of the company through sound and transparent corporate governance and a culture of business ethics, supported by Samsung 's Standards and code of ethics. They also encourage and reward environmentally responsible behaviour. They also support employee well-being and take some measures to monitor employee to improve the efficiency so that they can develop the organization.4.3 Customer care standard4.3.1 EnvironmentSamsung is responsible for the environmental ing environmental protection material and pay attention to recycling.Samsung Group working to improve the material life, and respond to call of the world's emissions, the use of green energy.SamsungSamsung is also aware of the role they can play in promoting environmental awareness among our stakeholders.4.3.2 CustomerSamsung Group is committed to the international line of electronic products manufacturing.Samsung Group is committed to improving people's material life.Samsung Group is committed to the cause of the world's communications.4.3.3 EmployeeSamsung takes responsibility in employee’s workplace,providing a comfortable and secure situation.Samsung strives to be a responsible employer, placing employee engagement at the heart of its business strategy.Samsung fosters diversity and equal opportunities for all.Samsung promotes employee participation, encourages professional development, and supports employee well-being.4.3.4CommunitySamsung takes responsibility towards civil society.Samsung strives to play a positive role in society, by building a culture that promotes employee volunteering.Samsung is committed to charities that donate money to help poor people.Samsung is also committed to sharing our business expertise by helping to build better understanding of the risks faced by individuals and society at large.4.3.5SupplierSamsung integrates social and environmental criteria in the selection and management of our suppliers.4.4 The research of Samsung 's customer feedbackTo improve efficiency and attract more customers, Samsung have done a lot of surveys, they can make the target through the survey. The main reason of business survey is that they can improve their customer service so that the business can be expanded all over the world by more eyesight from customers to make more profit.There are two academic functions of the research: setting or creating hypothesis and in-depth research. The research sources from a solid academic tradition that places accepted trust in numbers that represent opinions or concepts.Samsung regularly conducts studies to better understand customers' behaviors and expectations. They according to the questionnaire to know the problems about the company, which will better understand the requirement of the customers and improve the customer service.But the questionnaire include is limited and simple. It takes a long time to collect questionnaires. So some will use telephone interviewing survey, it like has a face-to-face time to chat and find out some deep problems they should make better.5.0 EvaluationSamsung try their best to uses different ways to know what problem exist in company and find out the solution to improve their customer care. The company always adhere to send out managers and technical staff to training from weeks to months which is the best way to develop customer care strategy. Samsung always understandcustomers’ trends , and meet the needs of customers. What’s more, they would help them to solve the problem for the first time.6.0 ConclusionSamsung is really focus on customer service, they always uphold the company ideas, and create new products while contribute on customer service. According to the questionnaire and telephone interview, Samsung update its customer care strategy through collect feedback from customers. Samsung’s business principle is reasonable and deserve to advocated. What’s more, Samsung’s customer care standard is from different sides to regulate,such as environment, customer, employee, community and supplier.However, there are many problems exist for better development in the future.7.0 Recommendationa.Samsung customer service when making should increase the intensity of smalland medium cities and make special strategy for them to meet various kinds of needs so that they can have a better reputation at home and abroad.b.Samsung should develop world strategy to serve the customer around the world,providing characteristic service according to the different custom.c.To collect feed back from customers, Samsung can visit customers in person.Meanwhile, sending new products to long-term customers or some cooperate companies to try it. These customers can give Samsung more detail advise to help the company improve customer service and technology.d.Samsung can increase the welfare of employees to motivate all the staff workhard and reward the employees more.e.Do more advertisements to propagandize Samsung’s customer care system. It hassupervisory function. The customers can provide advise for Samsung in time.8.0 Reference"The Top 225 International Contractors 2013". Enr.construction.. Retrieved 2013-08-25."The World's Best Amusement Parks". Forbes.. 2002-03-21. Retrieved 2010-09-11."Cheil Worldwide Inc (030000:Korea SE)". businessweek.. Retrieved 2010-09-16."South Korea’s economy – What do you do when you reach the top?". The Economist. 12 November 2011. Retrieved 11 January 2012."Samsung and its attractions – Asia’s new model company". The Economist. 1 October 2011. Retrieved 11 January 2012."Customers, suppliers & partners". rolls-royce.. Retrieved 2011-02-07.Business Wire (2011-12-06), Biogen Idec, Inc. (Massachusetts) (BIIB) Teams With Samsung Corporation on $300 Million Biosimilar Venture(press release), BioSpace, biospace., retrieved 2012-01-03"Seagate Completes Acquisition of Samsung’s Hard Disk Drive Business". Seagate. Retrieved 8 February 2012.9.0 AppendicesQuestionnaire1.Do you know Samsung Electronics?A.YesB.No2.Do you think that Samsung’s products are useful?A.YesB.No3.Whether you choose to buy Samsung’s products again?A.YesB.No4.Do you like Samsung’s products?A. YesB.No5.Have you ever met something wrong in use Samsung’s products?A. YesB.No6.How did you solve the problem?A. Give up use the product any moreB. Ask the After-service Department for help7.Have you got satisfying solution?A.YesB. NoB.8.Do you think Customer Care is important to a company?A.YesB.No9.What is the primary factor when you choose a product?A.The product’s appearance and functionsB. The better Customer Care10.What do you think of their customer care?A.GoodB.BadC.So so。


Behavioural Skills for BusinessDE3L 35OUTCOME 1Tutor teacher:HNDCandidate Name:ID Number:Total Words:Finish Date:1. IntroductionThis report focuses on the skills of the leader. Faboil Ltd has developed into a successful organization biotechnology field, Richard is the leader of this team, he was not aware of their responsibilities and the division of work of their subordinates not clear, and so some of the problems, the report will be an analysis of the company's business behavior skills the role of managers involved in the conflict, time management, stress management, in order to solve these problems.2.0Analysis and Resolution2.1 Manage rolesHenry Mintzberg identified 10 roles common to the work of all managers. The ten roles are divided into three groups:●The interpersonal roles are the result of position he or she holds in management.●The informational roles link all the managerial work together.●The decisional roles the unique access to information places the manager at the centre of organization decision making.The three interpersonal roles are primarily concerned with relationships. For instance, Figurehead, Liaison, Leader.The direct relationships with people in the interpersonal roles place the manager in a unique position to get information. Thus, the three informational roles are primarily concerned with the information aspects of managerial work. For instance, Monitor, Disseminator, Spokesperson.The unique access to information places the manager at the centre of organizational decision making. There are four decisional roles, for instance, Entrepreneur, Disturbance, Handler, Resource Allocator, and Negotiator.In this case, Richard Cranberry is the leader of this team, he is difficult to control and manage the team, however, and this organization is very backward management approach. Richard Cranberry has encouraged his three project teams to develop new products, as quickly as possible. The leader's responsibility is to motivate and activation staffing, training, associated duties. But he was not clear about the responsibility of the leader, and the work of Joanne Carole Carole's work is not necessity. Richard Cranberry should be equal distribution of work.In this team, Richard is not associated with other departments.For the science department, finance department and marketing department, no association with each other.In a team, various departments should be contacted by the appropriate contact, so that is conducive to the development of the team, we must be engaged in the information exchange network and access the knowledge base. Thus, Richard should strengthen the interaction with other departments.Richard does not use the resources possible role in the allocation of resources, and can not provide a suitable job to the right person. Description of financial, material and human resources, distribution andsupervisory responsibilities. Depending on the sector, he should the allocate new work, and to strengthen the team spirit of cooperation among the three groups. In this case, Carole towards work dutifully, her organization has been 10 years, the other two the Team Leaders to with Carole's situation seemed to be coping better than Carole. Both Joanne and Ian sympathized, and told her that she should tell Richard that she could not cope. Carole did not really want to admit that she was unable to cope. Further consideration, she gave Richard some suggestions, but that meeting Richard but please long-term sick leave. She told the HR manager Colin Meed, about the status quo, let her do Acting Executive know Richard. A negotiation must have clear aim to discuses, and do many prepare work, you need to consider in advance they said the proposal is adopted, and whether the other side of the negotiations can be time presence.2.2 Assertiveness skillsAssertiveness is an umbrella term it is more concerned with the judgment, action, decision making and modification of manager's integrated ability.Aggressive people may upset others. This may lead to others avoiding them or escalating the conflict. This can affect communication, company image, relationships, and stress. They may also get upset with themselves afterwards if they have lost their temple -often aggressive people cannot control their aggressive.Submissive people may avoid dealing with issues.0ther may get frustrated with them or trample over them .This may lead to resentment, reduced self-esteem, and stress.Assertive people develop positive relationships with others, as they will try to consider other viewpoints as well as presenting their own viewpoint in a clear way. They will seek to work with others but will also stand up for themselves. This can lead to better self-image and reduced stress.Bill of rightIn this case,2.3Conflict in the workplaceConflict is process which begins when one party perceives that another party has negatively affected, or is about to negatively affect, something the first party cares about.Conflict between Carole and Joanne. It belongs to interpersonal conflict. Carole asked Joanne, network analysis, is to take over because she thought it was Joanne expertisefrom a moral perspective, Joanne refused to take on additional workload because she thought she was being undertaken Richard asked her.Source of conflict in the workplace have different goals, different time frames, different relationships, unequal distribution of power, unclear roles and responsibilities, as well as a limited number of resources.Carroll conflict because different goals. Incorrect authority Richard led to a clear role conflict leads to a great extent.As a result, to reduce individual and organizational performance, damage to physical and mental health, and increase the high stress levels and poor work attitude, damage to personal and working relationship between each other.Dealing with conflict can ignore the conflict, the conflict continues, to reduce or contain the conflict, conflict resolution, and to prevent the conflict in the first place. Communication with Joanne Carroll should perform; they can hold a meeting in order to solve this problem.2.4 Time ManagementTime management is about our use of time in relation to what we want to achieve. Typical time stealers are that searching for things or people, longer travel time, correcting mistakes, doing unnecessary activities, interruptions, changing priorities, unable to say “no”, waiting, clutter, procrastination.Carol decision, due to the lack of communication of information, and other stakeholders, we must change. This is a steal to correct the error. She is doing unnecessary activities, because she had received a lot of workload, she could not cope. She could not say "no". There are wastes of time to interrupt her. After save notes staff interrupted her work.她应该设置优先级的紧迫性和重要性,并确认她的工作。


1. IntroductionFaboil Ltd is a successful organisation in the biotechnology field. The paternal approach is the most important factor for the success of credit for the company.At present, the monopoly position of Faboil Ltd has slowly eroded away and faces two competitors. The major causes are that the new products have failed to live up to market expectations and its modus operandi technology is at a backward stage.There are some conflictions in the coordination between departments. When Dr Brownlow believed that selecting Brenda Frame and Judith Smythe is a smart move, Richard and Fred were both negative about the course and suggested that no long-lasting benefits would be achieved. Purchasing team and sales and marketing team involved in the working parties of Brenda, but Richard adamantly refused to yield on the matter.This report will find the causes of problems in the company and give practical ideas and resolutions.2.Richard’s Managerial RolesHenir Fayol defined management as consisting of five main activities, planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating and controlling.Planning includes defining goals, establishing strategy, and developing plans to coordinate activities. Organising includes determining what tasks are to be done, who is to do them, how the tasks are to be grouped, who reports to whom, and where decision are to be made. Commanding is telling people what should be done. Coordinating involves determining the timing and sequencing of activities so that they mesh properly, allocating the appropriate proportions of resources, times and priority, and adapting means to ends. Controlling is the process of monitoring performance, comparing it with goals, and correcting and significant deviations.Richard did not act well in organi zing. He didn’t allocate the work appropriately because he gave Carole the major portion of workload which Carole could not cope. He did not act well in coordinating. When there drove a wedge between Carole and Joanne, as a director, Richard didn’t come to solve the problem, and he has not keep friendly relationship with other department. He also did not act well in commanding. He didn’t tell clearly to Carole what should to do, which is mislead Carole and makes her become disillusioned and angry with Richard and Joanne.Henry Mintzberg’s research divided ten management roles into three groups which are interpersonal roles, informational roles and decisional roles. Interpersonal roles include figurehead, liaison, leader; informational roles include monitor, disseminator and spokesperson; decisional roles include entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource allocator and negotiator.In the figurehead, Richard didn’t act well in the whole company, the relationship with other department is not friendly, and the internal work allocating is not appropriately. In liaison, he couldn’t interact well with other department. Richard also did not act well in disseminator, he didn’t transmits the information to the subordinates. On several occasions, Carole had made decisions which had to be changed due to lack of information. He also did not well in resource allocator, he didn’t gave the appropriate work to the right people.3.Problems R esulted from Carole’s InassertivenessShe didn’t understand herself enough so that she did not really want to admit that she was unable to cope with these works. And she had unreal expectation to other people, and genuinely liked to please everyone by doing as much as she could to ensure that no-one could criticise the quality of her inp ut. What’s more, she was lack of effective communication, her decisions which had to be changed due to lack of information and communication from other stakeholders, and she decided to feedback her problemafter one month of extra workload.She should study to say no. When Richard allocated work to her, she should tell him her specialized subject and it is useful for leader to allocate works to her. She should to state her basic assertion to stand up for her rights. When she get problems in the work, she should immediately feedback to leader and not continue working without any straightforward statement. She also should study to broke record. She can use this when refusing unreasonable request and not please everyone by doing excessive working.4.Conflict of Carole and the ResolutionConflict is process which begins when one party perceives that another party has negatively affected, or is about to negatively affect, something the first party cares about.There is a conflict between Carole and Joanne. It belongs to the interpersonal conflict. Carole asked Joanne to take over the network analysis because she thought it is Joanne‘s specialism and is from a moral point of view, but Joanne refused to take on the additional workload because she thought that she is carrying out what Richard asked of her.The sources of conflict in working place include different goals, different time frames, different relationship, unequal power distribution, unclear roles & responsibilities and limited resources.The cause for the conflict of Carole is the different goals. The incorrect authority of Richard leads to the vague of working role, and in a great degree leads to the conflict.The consequence is that reducing personal and organizational performance, damaging to physical and emotional well-being, increasing the high stress levels and poorattitudes to work and harming the personal and working relationship between each other.Dealing with conflict can include ignoring the conflict, allowing the conflict continue, reducing or containing the conflict, resolving the conflict and preventing the conflict in the first place. Carole should enforce the communication with Joanne, and they can hold a meeting to resolve the problem.5. Time Management Techniques to help CaroleTime management is about our use of time in relation to what we want to achieve. Typical time stealers are that searching for things or people, longer travel time, correcting mistakes, doing unnecessary activities, interruptions, changing priorities, u nable to say “no”, waiting, clutter, procrastination.Carole had made decisions which had to be changed due to lack of information and communication from other stakeholders. It is time stealers of correcting mistakes. She is doing unnecessary activities because she received too much workload which she was unable to cope. She is unable to say no. And there is a time waster of interruptions for her. The post-it notes kept by staff interrupted her working.She should set priority by urgency and importance and confirm her work. And she should plan and schedule time to avoid interruption and in a great degree to reduce the post- it notes on her desk. She should do necessary work first and other matters can be solved at coffee break. She also should manage stress. Too much stress will reduce the working effectiveness. She can join in some activities to relax herself and it can help her to increase working effectiveness.6. Stress ManagementStress arises when individuals perceive that they cannot cope with the demands being made on them or with threats to their well-being.Behavioral signs of stress include aggression, withdrawal, difficulty in concentrating, moody, nervous shake and restlessness. Physical signs of stress include the elevated heart rate, palpitations, high blood pressure, sweating, skin disorders, stomach and bowel movement problems, plain, sleeplessness, headaches, cold hands and shortness of breath. Emotional signs of stress include weepy, depression, lack of interest, negative self talk, loss of concentration and fuzzy perception.Carole could not work effectively with Joanne and Ian. She was dejected and unconcentrated and also experiencing recurrent headaches. They are the signs of stress.There are a variety of mechanisms that can be used to manage stress. Avoidance of stressors which is to identify what particular stressors we are affected by and seek to remove or avoid them. Adaptive behaviours are techniques such as time management and assertiveness. Adaptive physical response which is to improve the diet, take more exercise and try to relax. Adaptive thinking and emotional response is changing how we view a situation by positive thinking and changing our “self talk”.Drinking excessive glasses of wine to help to unwind is not the correct approach to deal with stress. Carole should gain her control of time and take effective communication with workmates. After work she should have a good rest and eat for health. And she should find practical ways to relax, such as meeting with friends and cultivating personal interests.When dealing with stress in others, we should recognize signs of stress in others, identifying causes of stress in others and find appropriate ways to deal with the stess.Joanne had been off work and was suffering from a migraine and stomach bug due to the conflict. Carole and Joanne should deal with the conflict with each other. Calore didn’t have the authority to take over the network analysis to Joanne. She should negotiate with Richard and ask Richard to allocate to Joanne, because Richard is the leader and has the power to allocate work to subordinates.7. ConclusionThe core problem is lack of effective communication.Richard acted as the director of the company did not act well in the management activities of organizing, coordinating and commanding. And he also did not act well in the manager roles of figurehead, liaison and resource allocator. And he also has problem in giving authority to subordinates. The key factor leaded to his problem is that he didn’t have sufficient and effective communication with his staff and workmates.Based on increasing communication with other staff, Richard should allocate work according to different staff’s specialism and not give all the work to one subordinate. He should solve the conflict between staff immediately and he also should take care of keeping good relationship with other department. And when commanding works, he should express clearly what should be done. And he also should transmit information into the organisation in time.Carole had a pool time management. It in a great degree affected her work effectiveness. There was a high stress on her due to the conflict between her and Joanne. These problems were also caused by the poor communication.When Richard allocated work to her, she should tell him her specialized subject. When she got problems in work, she should immediately feedback to leader and notcontinues working without any straightforward statement. She also should refuse unreasonable request and not please everyone by doing excessive working. She should enforce the communication with Joanne, and they can hold a meeting to resolve their conflict. And she also should enforce her time management and find correct way to deal with stress.。

Assessment task 1Access the White PaperGreen ICT---The Greening of BusinessSkim the report briefly to get a sense of the topic and viewpoint, then focus on reading Section 3-3.1 of Green ICT in the Office.访问白皮书绿色信息通信技术——绿化业务脱脂报告简要地得到了人们的主题和观点,然后专注于阅读部分3 - 3.1绿色信息通信技术在办公室。
3.1 Green ICT in the office3.1.1 Energy-efficient use of equipment and use of energy- efficient equipment.Each and every office desktop offers opportunities to save energy. This involves both energy-efficient use of equipment and the use of energy-efficient equipment.3.1绿色信息通信技术在办公室3.1。
Leaving a copler switched on overnight uses as much power as it takes to make 1500 copies. [Experton].离开一个copler开启一夜之间使用的电力相当于让1500册。
Even without deploying any new technology, significant savings can be realized by encouraging office workers to change their habits. Company policies can be contribute: for example, through the use of hibernation mode and power-management software for hardware, duplex printing, and generally avoiding unnecessary printouts.即使没有部署任何新技术,可以实现节约大量通过鼓励办公室员工改变他们的习惯。

成功的沟通原则和技巧1. 倾听和理解:在商务沟通中,双方都应该注重倾听对方的观点和需求,尊重彼此的意见。
2. 清晰表达:良好的沟通需要确保信息的准确传达。
3. 文化敏感:在国际商务沟通中,文化差异是一个常见的问题。
4. 积极解决问题:商务沟通中难免会出现问题和分歧。
商务沟通OUTCOME1 案例 Leadership

Leadership & StrategyWorkforce Management -- Worlds of DifferenceBy Jonathan KatzLanguage isn't the only communication barrier when establishing foreign operations. Every culture has its own workplace customs and expectations, and savvy managers should try to be knowledgeable about them.Cultural BlunderDec. 1, 2007 -- Eraser Man seemed like a harmless gimmick to promote lean manufacturing throughout the global operations of Columbia, Md.-based W.R. Grace & Co. The pink eraser mascot was supposed to convey a simple message: eradicate or "erase" waste. But when the $2.8 billion specialty chemicals manufacturer introduced Eraser Man during a focus-group session in China, the company's Asian staff was perplexed and perhaps a little miffed. That's because in China, ‘erase’ actually means invisible."They said, 'Do you really want this program to be invisible?'" recalls Michael Piergrossi, W.R. Grace's vice president of human resources. "Of course, the answer is, 'no.'"Also at issue was the color pink. "Pink is just not an acceptable color in China; it's feminine. No self-respecting man would want to be associated with a program that's marked by the color pink," Piergrossi explains.Grace's cultural gaffe wasn't unique. In fact, it's becoming all too common for manufacturers as they go global. Fortunately for Grace, the mistake was easily corrected (Eraser Man is now tan instead of pink and employees in China are asked to "simplify" or "reduce" rather than erase). But other manufacturers worldwide can face much more serious consequences when they don't prepare for the varying customs and workplace practices of their foreign operations. The potential fallout includes trust issues between employees at home and abroad, along with safety and quality standards that don't quite match up with those within domestic operations. Multinational companies also encounter workforces that place different values on workplace benefits. For instance, in parts of Asia employers face increasing demands from workers that can make attracting and retaining talent a challenge, according to an IBM report released in October. According to Big Blue's Global Human Capital Study 2008, 46% of human resource executives surveyed in the Asia Pacific region (excluding Japan) say compensation is a key driver for attracting candidates, compared with 33% worldwide. At the same time, existing employees in this region expect more career opportunities than in other parts of the world, with53% of respondents listing upward mobility as critical for retention versus 43% globally.'Embarrass the Leader’The good news for manufacturers is this desire to learn represents eager, hard-working employees who give multinationals a chance to nurture homegrown talent in those countries. The challenge is identifying those workers, since local mores often hinder open communication. Guardian Industries Corp., an Auburn Hills, Mich.-based glass products manufacturer with more than 19,000 employees in 21 countries, found this out when it first entered Luxembourg, says Russell Ebeid, president of the Guardian Glass group. "People were not used to singular responsibility," he says. "They had always been told what to do."Getting employees to accept leadership roles required a little coaxing and encouragement, Ebeid says. They also needed reassurance that mistakes were part of the learning process. "Once they found out that they could try things and not get hit over the head, then they started feeling more comfortable, and slowly they began to feel like it was their operation and not part of a big multinational company," Ebeid relates.He also says some cultures are more comfortable solving problems on their own instead of contacting someone from a different country for help. For W.R. Grace, such stubbornness can be downright dangerous. The company stresses to employees that a safe working environment is dependent upon them reporting incidents. But that's easier said than done in some regions, according to Piergrossi. "In a lot of Asian cultures it's very hard for an employee to do something that could in one way embarrass the leader, and we needed to train our leaders to encourage this form of reporting -- [that] it wasn't something personal; it was something we needed to do to make the place better."Safety also is a major concern for $11 billion paints and sealants manufacturer PPG Industries Inc. Like W.R. Grace, PPG employees handle chemicals that require special care. That means in developing countries where safety standards may be lacking, PPG must provide extra training (approximately 20% more in Asia Pacific) and be more vigilant, says Viktor Sekmakas, PPG's vice president of coatings and managing director for Asia Pacific.Onsite contractors require the most attention, according to Sekmakas. "That's where you really have to be careful because their standards aren't quite the same as ours, so we have people watching them all the time to make sure they operate in a safe way," he says.The same holds true for product safety. The spate of recalled Chinese-made products over the past summer has resulted in heightened public scrutiny over foreign workplace practices. In China, PPG tests materials coming in from lesser-known suppliers and conducts audits several times each year of all its vendors to ensure they're following quality procedures, Sekmakas says.Localize, Localize, LocalizeWhile PPG provides direction for their foreign workforces, each regional operation has some autonomy in their decision-making processes. Similarly, Guardian strives to "nationalize" each foreign plant as quickly as possible, says Chuck Croskey, Guardian group vice president and managing director for Asia-Pacific and Mideast-Asia. In other words, the company trains the local workforce to run each facility within three years of startup. Otherwise, communication disconnects can make relaying critical information challenging. "Language barriers, voice inflections and hand gestures all have certain meanings that are very important," Croskey observes.But here's the rub: Low-skilled workforces require intense training. Guardian has addressed the skilled-worker shortage in certain foreign markets by establishing a school along with a housing colony to develop local talent. Students pay tuition to attend the school, but a company employee who has been employed for a year can receive a full year of paid tuition rather than a cash bonus. The employee is allowed to pass that tuition on to any family member or friend. The Indian culture places a high value on their children's future, so such generosity often earns employees a great deal of respect within their community, Croskey says.PPG's learning environment consists of onsite and online training courses. The virtual academy helps the company transfer knowledge from its mature regions to developing countries, says Debra Simeone, manager of blended learning for corporate human resources at PPG. The online learning center offers courses ranging from product training to leadership and ethics. It also features bulletin boards, message boards and chat rooms where employees can communicate with each other -- all functions that help PPG's offshore workforces understand the company's strategy, standards and protocols for each respective region.A 'United Nations Approach'A knowledgeable, local workforce helps foreign workforces operate more smoothly at home, but what happens when they need to collaborate with employees outside their regions? Guardian has created a companywide "United Nations" of sorts that includes approximately 100 company representatives from each of its regions who meet twice a year. The meetings give employees an opportunity to discuss trends, new ideas and what's happening in their markets.W.R. Grace has a similar program in place consisting of 25 people from each of its worldwide operations who serve as an advisory board to the CEO and his executive team. The council, which is relatively new, has one meeting under its belt and has already recommended that the executive team participate in a leadership training program that focuses on how body language and other behaviors impact employee perceptions, according to Piergrossi.These global get-togethers can boost morale and reduce the likelihood of conflicts or tension between employees from different cultures, which was an issue at the Newnan, Ga., operations of German-based Grenzebach. The maker of production equipment for the glass andconstruction materials industry faced a contentious situation when a German worker visited the plant to provide assistance.Germans tend to be direct in their communications and can appear to be brusque or even rude to Americans, explains Manuela Franke, Grenzebach's human resources manager. So when the expatriate barked instructions to the U.S. workers, the employees didn't feel respected. The miscommunication resulted in divisions between U.S. and German employees, says Daniel Highway, the Newnan operations manager. "In the translation the statements or the sentences come out a lot stronger and instead of building as a team, then you start building up walls," he notes, "but we've been really successful at breaking those down."The company is helping to break down those walls through an exchange program in which workers from Germany spend time in the United States and vice versa. The program is designed to build camaraderie by incorporating offsite activities for the out-of-town guests. For instance, when U.S. employees visited Germany this past summer the host employees gave their foreign co-workers a tour of the area. "They showed them around in Germany so they could understand the culture a little bit more and get a feeling for how Germans live," Franke says.Maybe the real U.N. should be taking notes.。


Report on Customer Care Strategyin SamsungPrepared for:EacoCandidate name: Peng ZiweiGrade and Class: International business Class 6Student Number: 20125644Table of Contents1.0 Summary..................................................................................... 3 2.0 Introduction.. (3)3.0 Procedures (3)4.0 Findings (4)4.1 Customer care strateg y............................................................. 4 4.1.1 Introduction of Samsung4.1.2Samsung’s Business Principle4.1.3 Introduction of Samsung’s customer care strategy4.2 Customer care systems.............................................................. 4 4.3 Customer care standard (6)4.3.1Environment4.3.2Customer4.3.3Employee4.3.4Community4.3.5Supplier 4.4 The research of Samsung 's customer feedback.........................7 5.0 Evaluation........................................................................................7 6.0 Conclusion. (8)7.0 Recommendation (8)8.0 Reference (9)9.0 Appendices (10)1.0 SummarySamsung Group is a South Korean multinational conglomerate company headquartered in Samsung Town, Seoul. It comprises numerous subsidiaries and affiliated businesses, most of them united under the Samsung brand, and is the largest South Korean chaebol.Recently, its Galaxy S4 and Note III become popular with so many young people. But most of its electric products have problems easily.The customers are curious about Samsung as a worldwide company how to solve customer services.And what the customer care strategy is.2.0 IntroductionThis?report, mainly talks about the strategy of Samsung’s customer care. First, the introduction of Samsung’s customer care with its formation is involved in the second section. Second, it gives a specific list of customer care standard, including environment, customer, employee, community and supplier. Then it chiefly refers to the Samsung 's customer feedback. Methods of questionnaire and telephone interview are used in the customer feedback. After talking about the customer feedback, it analyses about feedback and have made a conclusion. Atlast, an evaluation of Samsung Electronics is given by author. Some recommendations are also given to improve Samsung ’s customer care.3.0 ProceduresTo finish the report mainly though browsing the website and read some books about Samsung to search many useful information.To gather required more detailed information to produce this report extensive use was made of the questionnaire, this was the most effective way of obtaining data.4.0 Findings4.1 Customer care strategy4.1.1 Introduction of SamsungSamsung was founded by Lee Byung-chul in 1938 as a trading company. Over the next three decades the group diversified into areas including food processing, textiles, insurance, securities and retail.Since the 1990s Samsung has increasingly globalized its activities, and electronics, particularly mobile phones and semiconductors, have become its most important source of income.4.1.2 Samsung’s Business PrincipleSamsung’s Management Philosophy is to “devote to our human resources and technology to create superior products and services,thereby contributing to a better global society.”4.1.3 Introduction of Samsung’s customer care strategySamsung since its establishment, has wholeheartedly committed to the customer service work "to provide customers with high quality and perfect service. ""No complaints of service is the greatest benefit of our business. "In company, every department will try their best to do "customer satisfaction". Every year, the company always send the managers and technical staff on mission to Korean Samsung Headquarter to study and training. Samsung in order to ensure global leadership and unity, and every company can give the perfect customer care.4.2 Customer Care SystemsSamsung set up a specific customer care department in order to build Customer Care System better. Samsung regularly conducts studies to better understand customers’behaviors and expectations. “People-oriented”is the overall concept of Samsung insurance, the company makes every Samsung customers, sales staff and workers be fully embodied values.Not a single company can guarantee that every products are perfect. If a customer buy Samsung products need after-sales service, their powerful Customer Care Systems will present immediately to you. The customer often hear the counter said "The product is broken, please find the factory ." Some company choose to shirk the responsibility. However, Samsung will first time put forward that "where is the right place should help customers to solve the problems" , a new mode of after-sale service.●Get the support of dealersIn order to coordinate this measure, Samsung should to get the support of dealers. So almost every week they always to search the key dealer, and give support to solve problems together. Their after-sales service station spread all over the country.●Set operational priorities or catalystsIn order to achieve leadership ambition, the Samsung Group has established its strategy around a business model and a set of clearly defined operational priorities. Samsung has set five operational priorities or catalysts for change: product innovation,core business expertise, distribution management, quality of service, productivity.●Responsible behaviourIt is through adopting a responsible behaviour, as well as through sustainable added-value products and services, that the Group is able to most effectively participate in social, environmental and economic progress. Samsung 's responsibility towards shareholders includes ensuring the long-term viability of the company through sound and transparent corporate governance and a culture of business ethics, supported by Samsung 's Standards and code of ethics. They also encourage and reward environmentally responsible behaviour. They also support employee well-being and take some measures to monitor employee to improve the efficiency so that they can develop the organization.4.3 Customer care standard4.3.1 EnvironmentSamsung is responsible for the environmental ing environmental protection material and pay attention to recycling.Samsung Group working to improve the material life, and respond to call of the world's emissions, the use of green energy.SamsungSamsung is also aware of the role they can play in promoting environmental awareness among our stakeholders.4.3.2 CustomerSamsung Group is committed to the international line of electronic products manufacturing. Samsung Group is committed to improving people's material life.Samsung Group is committed to the cause of the world's communications.4.3.3 EmployeeSamsung takes responsibility in employee’s workplace,providing a comfortable and secure situation.Samsung strives to be a responsible employer, placing employee engagement at the heart of its business strategy.?Samsung fosters diversity and equal opportunities for all.Samsung promotes employee participation, encourages professional development, and supports employee well-being.4.3.4CommunitySamsung takes responsibility towards civil society.Samsung strives to play a positive role in society, by building a culture that promotes employee volunteering.Samsung is committed to charities that donate money to help poor people.Samsung is also committed to sharing our business expertise by helping to build better understanding of the risks faced by individuals and society at large.4.3.5SupplierSamsung integrates social and environmental criteria in the selection and management of our suppliers.4.4 The research of Samsung 's customer feedbackTo improve efficiency and attract more customers, Samsung have done a lot of surveys, they can make the target through the survey. The main reason of business survey is that they can improve their customer service so that the business can be expanded all over the world by more eyesight from customers to make more profit.There are two academic functions of the research: setting or creating hypothesis and in-depth research. The research sources from a solid academic tradition that places accepted trust in numbers that represent opinions or concepts.Samsung regularly conducts studies to better understand customers' behaviors and expectations. They according to the questionnaire to know the problems about the company, which will better understand the requirement of the customers and improve the customer service.But the questionnaire include is limited and simple. It takes a long time to collect questionnaires. So some will use telephone interviewing survey, it like has a face-to-face time to chat and find out some deep problems they should make better.5.0 EvaluationSamsung try their best to uses different ways to know what problem exist in company and find out the solution to improve their customer care. The company always adhere to send out managers and technical staff to training from weeks to months which is the best way to develop customer care strategy. Samsung always understand customers’ trends , and meet the needs of customers. What’s more, they would help them to solve the problem for the first time.6.0 ConclusionSamsung is really focus on customer service, they always uphold the company ideas, and create new products while contribute on customer service. According to the questionnaire and telephone interview, Samsung update its customer care strategy through collect feedback from customers. Samsung’s business principle is reasonable and deserve to advocated. What’s more, Samsung’s customer care standard is from different sides to regulate,such as environment, customer, employee, community and supplier.However, there are many problems exist for better development in the future.7.0 Recommendationa.Samsung customer service when making should increase the intensity of small and mediumcities and make special strategy for them to meet various kinds of needs so that they can have a better reputation at home and abroad.b.Samsung should develop world strategy to serve the customer around the world, providingcharacteristic service according to the different custom.c.To collect feed back from customers, Samsung can visit customers in person. Meanwhile,sending new products to long-term customers or some cooperate companies to try it.These customers can give Samsung more detail advise to help the company improve customer service and technology.d.Samsung can increase the welfare of employees to motivate all the staff work hard andreward the employees more.e.Do more advertisements to propagandize Samsung’s customer care system. It hassupervisory function. The customers can provide advise for Samsung in time.8.0 Reference"The Top 225 International Contractors 2013""The World's Best Amusement Parks". . 2002-03-21. Retrieved 2010-09-11."Cheil Worldwide Inc (030000:Korea SE)". . Retrieved 2010-09-16."South Korea’s economy – What do you do when you reach the top?". The Economist. 12 November 2011. Retrieved 11 January 2012."Samsung and its attractions – Asia’s new model company". The Economist. 1 October 2011. Retrieved 11 January 2012."Customers, suppliers & partners". . Retrieved 2011-02-07.Business Wire (2011-12-06), Biogen Idec, Inc. (Massachusetts) (BIIB) Teams With Samsung Corporation on $300 Million Biosimilar Venture(press release), BioSpace, , retrieved 2012-01-03"Seagate Completes Acquisition of Samsung’s Hard Disk Drive Business". Seagate. Retrieved 8 February 2012. 9.0 AppendicesQuestionnaire1.Do you know Samsung Electronics??A?.Yes?????????B.No?2.Do?you?think?that?Samsung’s products are?useful??A?.Yes?????????B.No?3.Whether?you?choose to buy Samsung’s products again??A?.Yes?????????B.No?4.Do you like Samsung’s products??A. Yes ?B.No5.Have?you?ever?met?something wrong in use Samsung’s products??A. Yes?????????B.No?6.How did you solve the problem??A. Give up use the product any more?????????B. Ask the After-service Department for help?7.Have you got satisfying solution?A.Yes?????????B. No?8.Do you think Customer Care is important to a company?? A?.Yes?????????B.No?9.What is the primary factor when you choose a product??A.The product’s appearance and functions???????B. The better Customer Care ?10.What?do you think of their customer care??A.Good??B.Bad??C.So?so?。

SUMMARY:The article is about workforce management in today’s world, not simply limited in traditional human resource management that just allocates tasks to subordinates and they obay your arrangement, nowadays,the cultural differences have obviously became an extremely siginificant element to influence morden leaders’strategic decision,savvy managers should try to be knowledgeable about them.The whole article is comprised four main parts:culrure blunder, embarrass the leader,localize , a ‘Unitea Nations Approach’.About the first part ,starting with a commercial example about EraseMan, which indicate the consequence of the company leaders(Grace) did not take the cultural difference into consideration, and bringing about the failure as well as Asian satff ‘s confusion and miffed. This culture gaffe is too common for manufactures as they go global.They may meet much more serious consequence when they do not know the customs.Meanwhile, Multinational companies also encounter workforces that place different values on workplace benefits.Next part,it talks about how the managers let the employees accept leadership role that requiring a little coaxing and encouragement, which actually embarrass the leaders. And a president also points out one cultures are more comfortable solving problems on their own instead of contacting someone from a different country for help. For instance , In a lot of Asian cultures it's very hard for an employee to do something that could in one way embarrass the leader, and we needed to train our leaders to encourage this form of reporting.In the third part, the idea of localize is emphesised mainly. As for PPG, it provides direction for their foreign workforces, each regional operation has some autonomy in their decision-making processes. In other words, the company trains the local workforce to run each facility within three years of startup.Besides,they require low-skilled workforce to intense training to solve the problem of skilled-worker shortage in certain foreigh country. At the same tme ,PPG’s trainning environmeny consist of onsite and online course to center offers courses ranging from product training to leadership and ethics. This strategy is really localized.The last part of the article,it hignlightsa kind of collaboration ,as the essey points out created a companywide "United Nations". A knowledgeable, local workforce helps foreign workforces operate more smoothly,maybe result in win-win effect. These global get-togethers can boost morale and reduce the likelihood of conflicts or tension between employees from different cultures.As a whole, a morden manager should realize that language is not the barries any more, yet,culture has became the leading factor. So, in order to be a successful leader,understand and respect the custome is the key .Evaluation:Jonathan Katz tried to present reader a new idea about morden management,about how to handle the cultural difference in management correctly. At first, he give an example about “EraserMan” to illstrate the flaw inmanagement——cutlture blunder. Next he introducr the embarrass about leaders,beceuse people come from different regions carry various customs and ideas inevitably,leaders need to respect them. At last, the author provide the idea about localize and ‘United Nations Approach’ respectively. To examine the effectiveness of information delivery of the article, this evaluation will be conducted from four respects: purpose and readership, layout, use of language, and content.First, the author does achieve his purposes effectively. The headline summarizes the main and whole content of this article. It mainly focuses on how to be a leadership and what the strategy should be adopted. Then the subtittle points out the specific element that affacts leaders’s decision-making,which is cultural difference. After this,the article can be divisioned into four main parts,which have their own purposes respectively.The first part mainly introduce the cultural blunder in this globalized society. The writer describes the phenomenon that many manufacters neglect the culture influence through a example of “erase man”. It tell readers the imporance of paying more attentio to staff’s cultural background,because the potential fallouts includes trust issues between employees at home and abroad, along with safety and quality standards that don't quite match up with those within domestic operations. Especially,for multinational enterprises, is more crucial,and the culture shock is more distinct. The purpose of ‘embarrass the leader ’ is introduce the current situations that managers face,for in stance ,if we want to get employees’ acception of leadership roles,we maybe need a little coaxing and encouragement. Meanwhile ,he also remind leaders to avoid something in the manage process. Then the last two parts are the specific measures for managers how to response to the problem of cultural difference——localize and united nations approach. These two methods from two aspects explain solveculture problem in management. Among these,localize concerntrate on training for low-skilled workforce;however,the other focuses on collaboration between local workforce and the employees outside their regions. In these way ,can promote communication among people from differnent aere and carry different cultural customs.Second, the layout and structure of the article fragments the information. In my opinion, the structure is confusion. For example ,usually, the main idea falls on the first or second sentence,following this ,are details to supporting the main ideas. In this essey, main ideas often exist on the middle of the paragraph,and starting with major details. Such a kind of layout makes the readers confused. In addition, Continuity is also shortage,maybe in two paragraghs,there was little connection. About layout, I think it is very clear, the title,sub-title and text are in correctfonts. The title size is bigger than the sub-title ,and the sub-title is bigger than text. The title and sub-title are in boldface tetter. In text, the front parts mainly introduce current situations and problems, then ,the last twoparts, author offers the measures to meet the problems.Third, formal languages are generally applied to this article; however, there are several informal usages of language in the article. For instance, the writer tends to use contractions like’”didn’t””don’t””it’s”and so on. At the same time ,there are some informal language existing in the essey, for instance,in the sub-title,”savvy”is a informal language as well as “gimmick”in the first paragragh,and in the sameparagragh,”miffed” is not formal language,b ecause it baised towords spoken language, we can use “anger” to instand of it. Of ,there are some typical formal language,”retention””respondents””singular””nurture”,for instance. Furthermore ,grammar is correct. I can not find out any confusion in the sentence stucture. The verb is used in a very proper way. There is no mistake in the use of words,such as nouns,adj.,adv.. Maybe,there are some difficult new words,and the article is too academic too long so that it is hard for readers to understand clearly.Four,the content of the article is sufficient. Description and expaination is very detail,and readers can catch writer’s intention straightly.。

Outcome 1Case 11.Satisfactory quality: in British law, before there was a liability, the buyer warrants that the goods is of a reasonable quality and is suitable for any particular purpose not returned rules. In the law of Scotland, there is a principle, contract for the sale of goods is a good faith and the seller will sell goods, is worth the price. A number of factors are listed in section 14 ( b ) of the pupil 1979 might be appropriate in the circumstances, for the purpose of fitness goods sort problems usually provide: and complete; free from minor defects; safety; durability; Thomsongo Hills ( 1926)2. No, that between the contract and the seller. The seller must purchase price and compensation for any damage, defective goods may be caused by. Pupil 1979, provisions apply only to the buyer, not to any other party, such as a man who received the item as a gift, not to claim against the seller behavior.3.The 20 section of the unfair contract terms by 1977 state, any attempt to exclude or limit the liability for breach of contract 12 part is invalid. The contract must be " incorporated " or part of the contract. Consumer contract supply of goods and services covered by the act, as well as the employment contract and the apprentice. The beach of any obligation to take reasonable care to exercise reasonable skill to produce expression implied contract terms. Any attempt to exclude liability for death or personal injury caused by any breach of the obligation is invalid,4.The 16 part of ucta 1977 covers to the exclusion or limitation of liability and obligation of breach of contract or the contract notice. Liability for breach of contract is generally include the following. Any attempt to exclude other liability arising from loss or any breach of the obligation is only allowed to range, it is fair and reasonable in the unfair terms in consumer contracts stipulate 1999.the code is widely used in ucta 1977 and can be applied to the following conditions: articles related to the termination of the contract and fully informed about terms of delivery date; condition; allow supplier to increase fees and charges no negotiations. The 20 part of ucta 1977, as in 1 subjects, including attempts to the exclusion or limitation of liability concerning implied terms in the soca 1979. As previously discussed any clause in consumer contract invalid.5.Return and compensation. In a seller's breach of the terms of the contract, the buyer shall have the right to demand compensation for breach of contract, if the materials handling denial and rejection of goods. Part (2 ) in the contract pupil 1979 consumer contract, a breach of the terms implied terms of coverage on the theme of the 1 will be deemed to be a breach. This will allow consumers to return and claims. Additional rights buyers in consumer contract. Part 5 to soga1979 to provide additional remedies for consumers in the contract, the buyer of the goods does not conform to theprovisions of the contract at the time of delivery. The remedies available 48 soca 1979: repair or replacement goods; price; the termination of the contract.1。

商务沟通技巧报告outcomeCommunication:Analysing and PresentingComplex CommunicationUnit Student GuideDE3N34Outcome2Contents1.0Introduction32.0Procedure33.0Customer service33.1What is customer service?34.0Daily life3 4.1Dormitory4 4.2Canteen44.3The university hospital55.0Teaching and studying55.1Facility5 5.2Teachers strength6 5.3Professional curriculm65.4Career Prospects76.0Extracurricular activity8 6.1Student activity center86.2Sports activity87.0Conclusion98.0Bibilgraphy109.0Appendices111.0IntroductionThis report is for assessment in the Communications unit of the Higher National Certificate in customer service.The aim of this report is to investigate the way in which customer services of Nankai University.The objectives of the report are to define what customer service is and to look at how customer services provided in Nankai University.2.0ProcedureTo source this report:a)A number of books on customer surveys were consulted.b)Information on customer surveys was taken from internet websites.c)Information was gathered from an interview with the Nankai University students.3.0Customer surveys3.1what is customer surveys?Customer service is a customer oriented values,its integration and management in the pre-set the optimal cost-service portfolio of all the ingredients of a customer interface.Broadly speaking,any can improve customer satisfaction contents belong to customer service scope.4.0Daily life4.1DormitaryAs for the specific accommodation,Nankai there are two places to stay,a district in the South Park Xiangyu,a hospital in the north campus of Nankai. Undergraduate:RuXi dormitory building5and earth,spread the bed,bunk bed desk.One floor has a bathroom.The second floor6beds,bunk.4Building IV Room,capped a bed,bunk bed is the desk,every house with a separate pit. Campus dormitory6beds,bunk beds.To the headquarters,21residential apartments and the Western better conditions,a large unit in sets of4-54earth, above the bed below the desk,plus a separate desk cabinet.Conditions quite other quarters.4.2CanteenNorth School cafeteria prices were relatively cheap.Most people buy lunch at noon,to wait about15minutes,but you can also come from the classroom to avoid late peak.South Park canteen individual contract so the price because it is relatively high,do not look too tasty,very few go.A canteen,two canteens,canteen internshipA cafeteria breakfast good,the other is light-based,more girls to go;Two cafeteria on the first floor is the brother hodgepodge,not good but also expensive.On the second floor is not ye.The middle of the dumpling shop that Korean food and good;floor Xin Hong Park restaurant food is equivalent to a child,but also lacks delicious;Three first floor cafeteria breakfast is very cheap,on the second floor of the pasta well.Canteen frequented freshman,is relatively inexpensive;Triangle restaurant food good,prices are also authentic;Jinnan is known as a place with cooking waste oil,something very authentic unpalatable!90is a place to drink,eat expensive and not good;Park is the foreign students should often go to restaurants where food is more expensive number,but foreigners seemingly wealthy,actually said to me very cheap..4.3The university hospitalNankai University Hospital,35existing employees in preparing it into medicine, surgery,radiology,and dental and Traditional Chinese Medicine and other departments.Two north of the main building to the university hospital the most commonly encountered situation is to give you a referral certificate.Boring,but the chargeswill be cheaper,or do a number of minor5.0Teaching and Studying5.1FacilitiesClassroom and laboratory:There are many buildings for students to learn,like the administration building,the comprehensive test building,Chinese language teaching center,the new stadium,the first mathematical sciences such as building provides students with a good learning environment.They have advanced laboratory.The experiment teaching in chemistry,biology and physics,electrical and electronic four fundamental teaching center,they brought in the life science instrument platform and the polymer of large-scale instrument and equipment.The school laboratory:Schools to make full use of equipment,equipment management approach is very strict,very important to go through a number of regulatory constraints.Include:purchase,inspection and claims,use and management,assessment and punish,repair,scrap.The filing of the instrument also has an important archive requirements.5.2Teachers strengthCurrently,Nankai University has a neat line,reasonable structure,academic exquisite,innovative teachers.In2052full-time teachers have doctoral instructor in619,723professors,787associate professor,Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering11,5Academy of Sciences in developing countries,"973"and"863"Chief Expert9,the State Council degree Committee Subject12,12state-level experts with outstanding contributions,distinguishedProfessor of Cheung Kong Scholars Program31,14Changjiang scholar Chair Professor,National outstanding Youth Fund,29winners,selected countriestalents Project20,program for New Century excellent Talents in University (including the former Ministry of Education,cross-century talents fund)selected were120people,the national teacher of college teaching8,Tianjin,"131"Talent Project first level25.Not only do they have a wealth of knowledge but also have their only teaching style. They will be based on the character of the different students with different educational. Students in this university will have a well development.5.3Professional curriculumNankai university is the famous medical arts with comprehensive university,the liberal arts subjects,such as finance,international finance,financial engineering, insurance study,insurance actuarial science,finance,international economic trade and applied economics,western economics,macroeconomics,microeconomics,political economics theory of economics,modern international logistics,industry and commerce administration,administrative management,political science,management science,history,tourism,Chinese literature and other professional subject in the leading position.Science subjects,such as science subject in the national life categories is the best.Such as mathematics and applied mathematics,physics and mathematics theory,optical and optical technology,intelligent robot technology, electronic information technology and software science,chemical materials,energy chemical,biological chemistry,biology,medicine,biology gene microbial science technique research ability and ranked the academic level.So,there are various profession options for students.foreign,Nankai university employment is possible,the college alumni is also widely to every corner of the world,in addition to the learning environment of a school superior outside,the school also open network platform, through the Nankai university employment nets to provide a good platform for the students to better understand the employment information.After a few years of construction,the website whether from the function development,column setup to technical service level are achieved certain level.With your current site employment trends,employment guidance,employment policy,professional introduction,civil service examinations,laws and regulations,professional evaluation,recruitment, employment information,students and information service columns recommendation. In addition,the site also creative developed individualized service and management way,for every registered users and units provide users graduates of an independent virtual space for student online recruitment information,delivering customized electronic resume and employers recruitment information,receiving students released resume to provide a broad network space.Nankai university employment information can not only through the network information get understanding,school every year also holds a recruitment conference, each enterprise company came to select the people,so that students will have more opportunities to understand social employment situation.6.0Extracurricular activities6.1Student Activity Center7.0ConclusionThis report on field surveys,questionnaires and hands-on way to an interview survey of each customer's situation,Nankai University,and discover the pros and cons of these customer services.Generally speaking,most customers have some drawbacks, and most of the students reflect the same situation,we need to improve theseproblems.The problem of most students:the high price of dining,you could not use cash,part of the construction is too old school,teaching facilities incomplete,and some accommodation is no separate bathroom floor,easily lost in the campus bike.These are the schools need improvement,such as:canteen price adjustment,and allows the use of cash;old school relocation,new building construction equipment;for each dormitory building be equipped with separate toilet,to strengthen the management of the campus to combat theft./default.asp/english/shownews.asp?newsid=1049/news/show.jsp?informationid=200812030915297814 /wiki/%E5%8D%97%E5%BC%80%E5%A4%A7%E5%AD% A6‘Communication:Analysing and Presenting Complex Communication Unit Student Guide’10.0Appendices11。

商务沟通与技巧o u t c o m eTYYGROUP system office room 【TYYUA16H-TYY-TYYYUA8Q8-Report on Customer Care Strategyin SamsungPrepared for:EacoCandidate name: Peng ZiweiGrade and Class: International business Class 6Student Number:Table of ContentsSummary............................................................ . (3)Introduction....................................................... . (3)Procedures......................................................... .. (3)Findings....................................................... .. (4)Customer carestrateg y........................................................... .. 4 Introduction of SamsungBusiness PrincipleIntroduction of Samsung’s customer care strategyCustomer care systems........................................................ ...... 4 Customer care standard....................................................... .. (6)The research of Samsung 's customer feedback (7)Evaluation..................................................... .. (7)Conclusion..................................................... .. (8)Recommendation................................................. . (8)Reference...................................................... (9)Appendices..................................................... . (10)SummarySamsung Group is a South Korean multinational conglomerate company headquartered in Samsung Town, Seoul. It comprises numerous subsidiaries and affiliated businesses, most of them united under the Samsung brand, and is the largest South Korean , its Galaxy S4 and Note III become popular with so many young people. But most of its electric products have problems customers are curious about Samsung as a worldwide company how to solve customer what the customer care strategy is.IntroductionThisreport, mainly talks about the strategy of Samsung’s customer care. First, the introduction of Samsung’s customer care with its formation is involved in the second section. Second, it gives a specific list of customer care standard, including environment, customer, employee, community and supplier. Then it chiefly refers to the Samsung 's customer feedback. Methods of questionnaire and telephone interview are used in the customer feedback. After talking about the customer feedback, it analyses about feedback and have made a conclusion. At last, an evaluation of Samsung Electronics is given by author. Some recommendations are alsogiven to improve Samsung ’s customer care.ProceduresTo finish the report mainly though browsing the website and read some books about Samsung to search many useful gather required more detailed information to produce this report extensive use was made of the questionnaire, this was the most effective way of obtaining data.FindingsCustomer care strategyIntroduction of SamsungSamsung was founded by in 1938 as a . Over the next three decades the group diversified into areas including food processing, textiles, insurance, securities and the 1990s Samsung has increasingly globalized its activities, and electronics, particularly mobile phones and semiconductors, have become its most important source of income.Samsung’s Business PrincipleSamsung’s Management Philosophy is to “devote to our human resources and technology to create superior products and services,thereby contributing to a better global society.”Introduction of Samsung’s customer care strategySamsung since its establishment, has wholeheartedly committed to the customer service work "to provide customers with high quality and perfect service. ""No complaints of service is the greatest benefit of our business. "In company, every department will try their best to do "customer satisfaction". Every year, the company always send the managers and technical staff on mission to Korean Samsung Headquarter to study and training. Samsung in order to ensure global leadership and unity, and every company can give the perfect customer care.Customer Care SystemsSamsung set up a specific customer care department in order to build Customer Care System better. Samsung regularly conducts studies to better understand customers’ behaviors and expectations. “People-oriented” is the overall concept of Samsung insurance, the company makes every Samsung customers, sales staff and workers be fully embodied values.Not a single company can guarantee that every products are perfect. If a customer buy Samsung products need after-sales service, their powerful Customer Care Systems will present immediately to you. The customer often hear the counter said "The product is broken, please find the factory ." Some company choose to shirk the responsibility. However, Samsung will first time put forward that "where is the right place should help customers to solve the problems" , a new mode of after-sale service.Get the support of dealersIn order to coordinate this measure, Samsung should to get the support of dealers. So almost every week they always to search the key dealer, and give support to solve problems together. Their after-sales service station spread all over the country.Set operational priorities or catalystsIn order to achieve leadership ambition, the Samsung Group has established its strategy around a business model and a set of clearly defined operational priorities. Samsung has set five operational priorities or catalysts for change: product innovation,core business expertise, distribution management, quality of service, productivity.Responsible behaviourIt is through adopting a responsible behaviour, as well as through sustainable added-value products and services, that the Group is able to most effectively participate in social, environmental and economic progress. Samsung 's responsibility towards shareholders includes ensuring the long-term viability of the company through sound and transparent corporate governance and a culture of business ethics, supported bySamsung 's Standards and code of ethics. They also encourage and reward environmentally responsible behaviour. They also support employee well-being and take some measures to monitor employee to improve the efficiency so that they can develop the organization.Customer care standardEnvironmentSamsung is responsible for the environmental environmental protection material and pay attention to recycling.Samsung Group working to improve the material life, and respond to call of the world's emissions, the use of green energy.SamsungSamsung is also aware of the role they can play in promoting environmental awareness among our stakeholders.CustomerSamsung Group is committed to the international line of electronic products manufacturing.Samsung Group is committed to improving people's material life.Samsung Group is committed to the cause of the world's communications.EmployeeSamsung takes responsibility in employee’s workplace,providing a comfortable and secure situation.Samsung strives to be a responsible employer, placing employee engagement at the heart of its business strategy.Samsung fosters diversity and equal opportunities for all.Samsung promotes employee participation, encourages professional development, and supports employee well-being.takes responsibility towards civil society.Samsung strives to play a positive role in society, by building a culture that promotes employee volunteering.Samsung is committed to charities that donate money to help poor people. Samsung is also committed to sharing our business expertise by helping to build better understanding of the risks faced by individuals and society at large.integrates social and environmental criteria in the selection and management of our suppliers.The research of Samsung 's customer feedbackTo improve efficiency and attract more customers, Samsung have done a lot of surveys, they can make the target through the survey. The main reasonof business survey is that they can improve their customer service so that the business can be expanded all over the world by more eyesight from customers to make more profit.There are two academic functions of the research: setting or creating hypothesis and in-depth research. The research sources from a solid academic tradition that places accepted trust in numbers that represent opinions or concepts.Samsung regularly conducts studies to better understand customers' behaviors and expectations. They according to the questionnaire to knowthe problems about the company, which will better understand the requirement of the customers and improve the customer the questionnaire include is limited and simple. It takes a long time to collect questionnaires. So some will use telephone interviewing survey, it like has a face-to-face time to chat and find out some deep problems they should make better.EvaluationSamsung try their best to uses different ways to know what problem existin company and find out the solution to improve their customer care. The company always adhere to send out managers and technical staff to training from weeks to months which is the best way to develop customer care strategy. Samsung always understand customers’ trends , and meet theneeds of customers. What’s more, they would help them to solve the problem for the first time.ConclusionSamsung is really focus on customer service, they always uphold the company ideas, and create new products while contribute on customer service. According to the questionnaire and telephone interview, Samsung update its customer care strategy through collect feedback from customers. Samsung’s business principle is reasonable and deserve to advocated. What’s more, Samsung’s customer care standard is from different sides to regulate,such as environment, customer, employee, community and , thereare many problems exist for better development in the future.Recommendationa.Samsung customer service when making should increase the intensity ofsmall and medium cities and make special strategy for them to meetvarious kinds of needs so that they can have a better reputation at home and abroad.b.Samsung should develop world strategy to serve the customer around theworld, providing characteristic service according to the differentcustom.c.To collect feed back from customers, Samsung can visit customers inperson. Meanwhile, sending new products to long-term customers or some cooperate companies to try it. These customers can give Samsung more detail advise to help the company improve customer service andtechnology.d.Samsung can increase the welfare of employees to motivate all the staffwork hard and reward the employees more.e.Do more advertisements to propagandize Samsung’s customer care system.It has supervisory function. The customers can provide advise forSamsung in time.Reference. . 2002-03-21. Retrieved 2010-09-11.. . Retrieved 2010-09-16.. The Economist. 12 November 2011. Retrieved 11 January 2012. . The Economist. 1 October 2011. Retrieved 11 January 2012. . . Retrieved 2011-02-07.(2011-12-06), (press release), , , retrieved 2012-01-03. Seagate. Retrieved 8 February 2012.AppendicesQuestionnaireyou know Samsung ElectronicsA.YesyouthinkthatSamsung’s products areusefulA.Yesyouchoose to buy Samsung’s products again?A.Yesyou like Samsung’s productsA. Yesyouevermetsomething wrong in use Samsung’s productsA. Yes6.How did you solve the problem?A. Give up use the product any moreB. Ask the After-service Department for help7.Have you got satisfying solution?A.YesB. Noyou think Customer Care is important to a company?A.Yesis the primary factor when you choose a product?A.The product’s appearance and functionsB. The better Customer Caredo you think of their customer careso。

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Leadership & StrategyWorkforce Management -- Worlds of DifferenceBy Jonathan KatzLanguage isn't the only communication barrier when establishing foreign operations. Every culture has its own workplace customs and expectations, and savvy managers should try to be knowledgeable about them.Cultural BlunderDec. 1, 2007 -- Eraser Man seemed like a harmless gimmick to promote lean manufacturing throughout the global operations of Columbia, Md.-based W.R. Grace & Co. The pink eraser mascot was supposed to convey a simple message: eradicate or "erase" waste. But when the $2.8 billion specialty chemicals manufacturer introduced Eraser Man during a focus-group session in China, the company's Asian staff was perplexed and perhaps a little miffed. That's because in China, ‘erase’ actually means invisible."They said, 'Do you really want this program to be invisible?'" recalls Michael Piergrossi, W.R. Grace's vice president of human resources. "Of course, the answer is, 'no.'"Also at issue was the color pink. "Pink is just not an acceptable color in China; it's feminine. No self-respecting man would want to be associated with a program that's marked by the color pink," Piergrossi explains.Grace's cultural gaffe wasn't unique. In fact, it's becoming all too common for manufacturers as they go global. Fortunately for Grace, the mistake was easily corrected (Eraser Man is now tan instead of pink and employees in China are asked to "simplify" or "reduce" rather than erase). But other manufacturers worldwide can face much more serious consequences when they don't prepare for the varying customs and workplace practices of their foreign operations. The potential fallout includes trust issues between employees at home and abroad, along with safety and quality standards that don't quite match up with those within domestic operations. Multinational companies also encounter workforces that place different values on workplace benefits. For instance, in parts of Asia employers face increasing demands from workers that can make attracting and retaining talent a challenge, according to an IBM report released in October. According to Big Blue's Global Human Capital Study 2008, 46% of human resource executives surveyed in the Asia Pacific region (excluding Japan) say compensation is a key driver for attracting candidates, compared with 33% worldwide. At the same time, existing employees in this region expect more career opportunities than in other parts of the world, with53% of respondents listing upward mobility as critical for retention versus 43% globally.'Embarrass the Leader’The good news for manufacturers is this desire to learn represents eager, hard-working employees who give multinationals a chance to nurture homegrown talent in those countries. The challenge is identifying those workers, since local mores often hinder open communication. Guardian Industries Corp., an Auburn Hills, Mich.-based glass products manufacturer with more than 19,000 employees in 21 countries, found this out when it first entered Luxembourg, says Russell Ebeid, president of the Guardian Glass group. "People were not used to singular responsibility," he says. "They had always been told what to do."Getting employees to accept leadership roles required a little coaxing and encouragement, Ebeid says. They also needed reassurance that mistakes were part of the learning process. "Once they found out that they could try things and not get hit over the head, then they started feeling more comfortable, and slowly they began to feel like it was their operation and not part of a big multinational company," Ebeid relates.He also says some cultures are more comfortable solving problems on their own instead of contacting someone from a different country for help. For W.R. Grace, such stubbornness can be downright dangerous. The company stresses to employees that a safe working environment is dependent upon them reporting incidents. But that's easier said than done in some regions, according to Piergrossi. "In a lot of Asian cultures it's very hard for an employee to do something that could in one way embarrass the leader, and we needed to train our leaders to encourage this form of reporting -- [that] it wasn't something personal; it was something we needed to do to make the place better."Safety also is a major concern for $11 billion paints and sealants manufacturer PPG Industries Inc. Like W.R. Grace, PPG employees handle chemicals that require special care. That means in developing countries where safety standards may be lacking, PPG must provide extra training (approximately 20% more in Asia Pacific) and be more vigilant, says Viktor Sekmakas, PPG's vice president of coatings and managing director for Asia Pacific.Onsite contractors require the most attention, according to Sekmakas. "That's where you really have to be careful because their standards aren't quite the same as ours, so we have people watching them all the time to make sure they operate in a safe way," he says.The same holds true for product safety. The spate of recalled Chinese-made products over the past summer has resulted in heightened public scrutiny over foreign workplace practices. In China, PPG tests materials coming in from lesser-known suppliers and conducts audits several times each year of all its vendors to ensure they're following quality procedures, Sekmakas says.Localize, Localize, LocalizeWhile PPG provides direction for their foreign workforces, each regional operation has some autonomy in their decision-making processes. Similarly, Guardian strives to "nationalize" each foreign plant as quickly as possible, says Chuck Croskey, Guardian group vice president and managing director for Asia-Pacific and Mideast-Asia. In other words, the company trains the local workforce to run each facility within three years of startup. Otherwise, communication disconnects can make relaying critical information challenging. "Language barriers, voice inflections and hand gestures all have certain meanings that are very important," Croskey observes.But here's the rub: Low-skilled workforces require intense training. Guardian has addressed the skilled-worker shortage in certain foreign markets by establishing a school along with a housing colony to develop local talent. Students pay tuition to attend the school, but a company employee who has been employed for a year can receive a full year of paid tuition rather than a cash bonus. The employee is allowed to pass that tuition on to any family member or friend. The Indian culture places a high value on their children's future, so such generosity often earns employees a great deal of respect within their community, Croskey says.PPG's learning environment consists of onsite and online training courses. The virtual academy helps the company transfer knowledge from its mature regions to developing countries, says Debra Simeone, manager of blended learning for corporate human resources at PPG. The online learning center offers courses ranging from product training to leadership and ethics. It also features bulletin boards, message boards and chat rooms where employees can communicate with each other -- all functions that help PPG's offshore workforces understand the company's strategy, standards and protocols for each respective region.A 'United Nations Approach'A knowledgeable, local workforce helps foreign workforces operate more smoothly at home, but what happens when they need to collaborate with employees outside their regions? Guardian has created a companywide "United Nations" of sorts that includes approximately 100 company representatives from each of its regions who meet twice a year. The meetings give employees an opportunity to discuss trends, new ideas and what's happening in their markets.W.R. Grace has a similar program in place consisting of 25 people from each of its worldwide operations who serve as an advisory board to the CEO and his executive team. The council, which is relatively new, has one meeting under its belt and has already recommended that the executive team participate in a leadership training program that focuses on how body language and other behaviors impact employee perceptions, according to Piergrossi.These global get-togethers can boost morale and reduce the likelihood of conflicts or tension between employees from different cultures, which was an issue at the Newnan, Ga., operations of German-based Grenzebach. The maker of production equipment for the glass andconstruction materials industry faced a contentious situation when a German worker visited the plant to provide assistance.Germans tend to be direct in their communications and can appear to be brusque or even rude to Americans, explains Manuela Franke, Grenzebach's human resources manager. So when the expatriate barked instructions to the U.S. workers, the employees didn't feel respected. The miscommunication resulted in divisions between U.S. and German employees, says Daniel Highway, the Newnan operations manager. "In the translation the statements or the sentences come out a lot stronger and instead of building as a team, then you start building up walls," he notes, "but we've been really successful at breaking those down."The company is helping to break down those walls through an exchange program in which workers from Germany spend time in the United States and vice versa. The program is designed to build camaraderie by incorporating offsite activities for the out-of-town guests. For instance, when U.S. employees visited Germany this past summer the host employees gave their foreign co-workers a tour of the area. "They showed them around in Germany so they could understand the culture a little bit more and get a feeling for how Germans live," Franke says.Maybe the real U.N. should be taking notes.。