22 sa_may09_jones


jack jones 服装知识介绍 基础知识

jack jones 服装知识介绍 基础知识

一.基本知识1.条码识别一共是15位数字组成,例如211104055023360,从数字的开头看起,“2”代表JACK JONES,“11”代表2011年,“1”代表是11年的第一季度,“04055”是衣服的型号,衣服型号里的“04”是代表大类,“023”代表颜色,“360”代表尺寸2.上装和下装尺寸(1)上装XS 340 特小165/88AS 360 小170/92AM 380 中175/96AL 400 大180/100AXl 420 特大185/104AXXL 440 特特大190/106AXXXL460 特殊码195/108A注意每个尺寸之间,在肩部两边各大两厘米,胸围大四厘米,衣服长度长四厘米杰克·琼斯年季大类编号颜色尺码2 11 1 05 035 030 360大类01短袖T恤02长袖T 04短袖衬衫05长袖衬衫06 POLO衫08西服09大衣、棉服10皮衣14长裤19休闲裤短裤21薄外套22厚外套24针织衫25厚毛衣27 羊毛大衣28 厚皮外套32牛仔裤35牛仔短裤39 西裤72西服91 内衣92内裤93工衣96工裤97赠品99配件颜色黑010 012黑红013黑灰014黑紫白020 021奶白024漂白025象牙白蓝030 031深蓝032浅蓝033天蓝035湖蓝036灰蓝039深灰蓝绿040 041深绿042灰绿043军绿045黑绿046橄榄绿047蓝黑048果绿049玛瑙绿黄050 052浅黄054明黄橙060 064锈橙色065亮橙色红070 073深红色074铁锈红棕080 082深棕085深咖啡087栗壳色紫090 092深紫096深莓紫097紫罗兰彩981彩格991彩花灰101深灰104浅花灰105深花灰106花灰107棕花灰粉110 111浅粉115灰粉118旧粉119艳粉色沙124 121浅沙127岩石驼130 132深驼色卡其色133 134深卡其色牛仔蓝160 161浅牛仔蓝162深牛仔蓝163黑牛仔桔色070 红色080 棕色090 紫色100 灰色110 粉色121 米色981 彩格992 彩条160 牛仔蓝163 灰牛仔蓝。



RESEARCH IN BRIEFExecutive insights onglobalizationImplications for hospitality managers inemerging locationsJ.Mark MunozTabor School of Business,Millikin University,Decatur,Illinois,USAAbstractPurpose –To provide an enhanced understanding of the changing business dynamics resulting from globalization,and offer hospitality managers in emerging locations strategies for success.Design/methodology/approach –The research was based on a descriptive survey conducted among 118senior level travel executives in 35countries.Based on the concepts furthered by Thomas L.Friedman,executive insights were gathered on the impact of globalization on business,technology,accounting and finance,psyche,and knowledge flows.Findings –Research findings point out to the evolving business dynamics in a globalized environment requiring strategic operational adjustments by hospitality managers,specially those located in emerging locations.Research limitations/implications –Though the research was conducted across several countries,the respondent number does not merit a solid basis for a generalized conclusion.Furthermore,as English was used in the survey questionnaires,respondent misunderstandings may have occurred.Being an exploratory study,a stronger theoretical foundation in future research will provide added benefit to the academic and business communities.Practical implications –The research points out to the need for greater awareness of the impact of globalization among hospitality managers in emerging locations.Furthermore,strategies need to be fine-tuned in accordance with the evolving nature of globalization.The study identifies salient points that need to be considered.Originality/value –With insights gathered from travel executives from around the world,and about one-quarter of the respondents being directly engaged in hospitality management,strategic approaches presented are valuable to industry practice.Keywords Globalization,Travel,Hospitality management,Hotels,Business environment Paper type Research paperIntroductionGlobalization has changed the business dynamics in the hospitality industry.Greenberg and Baron (1997)noted the increase in capital flows,competition,and economic interdependencies across countries.Choi et al.(2000)observed the evolving dynamics of international labor utilization,while Wilson et al.(2000)cited knowledge gaps in contract catering in the hospitality industry.In this landscape,it becomes important for hospitality managers to understand the implications of globalization and plan for the implementation of strategic approaches.For instance,Jones (1999)indicated the need to heighten attention to multi-locationThe Emerald Research Register for this journal is available at The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at /researchregister /0959-6119.htmExecutive insights on globalization365International Journal of Contemporary HospitalityManagement Vol.17No.4,2005pp.365-371q Emerald Group Publishing Limited0959-6119DOI 10.1108/09596110510597624chain management through activities such as integration,location,configuration,organization,implementation,and adaptation.Additionally,hospitality managers in emerging locations need to plan to respond to growing globalization.The World Tourism Organization (2004)forecasts that international travelers will reach 1.56billion by 2020,with locations such as East Asia and the Pacific,South Asia,Middle East,and Africa posting over 5per cent increase in arrivals each year.This article is based on a survey conducted by the author among 118senior level travel executives in 35countries.The objective of the study was to explore the views of travel executives on the impact of globalization on contemporary business following concepts advanced by Thomas L.Friedman (2000)that:.the approaches of contemporary business is far different compared to the period prior to the Cold War era;.modalities for communication have expanded and changed;.there are evolving investment approaches worldwide;and .technology has paved the way for changes in the business environment.Additionally,the author sought to validate if there are psychological ramifications brought about by globalization to individuals and organizations.The findings are presented,and discussed in the context of strategic implications for hospitality managers in emerging locations.Respondent profile and research methodologyTravel executives as defined in this study refers to a professional performing a management function relating to travel and tourism.This definition includes individuals engaged in ventures such as travel agencies,travel research and consulting,travel technologies,hotels and resorts,hospitality management,travel media,airlines and aviation,car rental,tour operators,tourism boards,convention and exhibition bureaus,travel distribution systems,travel and tourism education,travel media,destination management,and destination investment companies.Survey forms were sent out to 1,000members of the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA).There were 118valid surveys completed and returned.Of the respondents,35per cent were in the travel services category,34per cent in tourism,7per cent in Airline,and 24per cent in hospitality.The respondents came from 35countries,namely:Austria,Australia,Bahrain,China,Canada,Cook Islands,Fiji,France,French Polynesia,Germany,Hong Kong,India,Indonesia,Japan,Korea,Macau,Malaysia,Mongolia,Nepal,New Guinea,New Zealand,Pakistan,Philippines,Saudi Arabia,Singapore,South Africa,Sri Lanka,Switzerland,Thailand,Tonga,Turkey,Turkmenistan,USA,UK,and Vietnam.Respondent profiles may be further qualified as follows:73per cent were male and 27per cent were female;50per cent possessed a Bachelor’s degree,47per cent with a Masters,and 3per cent with a Doctorate;and,88per cent had at least 11years of industry work experience.The author collected data regarding the respondents’perceptions on the potential impact of globalization on business,communication,accounting and finance,technology,and individual psyche.Statements were offered through aIJCHM 17,4366correspondingfive-point Likert scale.The quantitative and qualitative scales were5 for Strongly agree(SA),4for Agree(A),3for Undecided(U),2for Disagree(D),and1 for Strongly disagree(SD).Since the purpose of the study was to determine the central tendency of the responses to each statement,the weighted mean of each statement was calculated.In order to arrive at a definite interpretation of the respondents’central tendency,the author assigned the following hypothetical mean range to the scales in each item(se Table I).Review of related literatureThe author postulates that globalization affects business management in at leastfive areas and point out relevant research pertaining to:(1)evolution of business practices;(2)changes in communication patterns;(3)broadening of accounting andfinance approaches;(4)technological enhancements;and(5)impact on individual and organizational psyche.Business practicesThere exist certain business pressures brought about my greater market integration. Rosenzweig et al.(2000)indicated that for the past50years,declining tariffs and the emergence of regional trading blocs had an enormous impact on world trade and investment and encouraged companies to look at business in a global perspective. Haynes et al.(1999)noted the shortening of product life cycles in an information age, while Cateora and Graham(1999)emphasized the need to provide heightened attention to culture especially in the realm of international marketing and the segmentation of markets.Communication patternsBreakthroughs in communication technologies have facilitated international communication.Kotler and Armstrong(1999)argued the need to utilize global communication adaptation strategies when communicating across borders,while Lussier(1996)alluded to the relevance of non-verbal communication in international business.Friedman(2000)observed the“democratization of information”in a global environment that allows individuals to reach out to others in a faster,deeper,and cheaper manner.Range Scale4.21-5.00Strongly agree(SA) 3.41-4.20Agree(A)2.61-3.40Undecided(U)1.81-2.60Disagree(D)1.00-1.80Strongly disagree(SD)Table I. Hypothetical mean rangeExecutiveinsights onglobalization367Accounting and finance approachesThe internet has made the search of financial information and international transactions easier.Malone and Laubacher (1998)referred to the emergence of “electronically connected freelancers”(e-lancers)that operate virtual organizations that facilitate the flow of financial transactions from anywhere in the world.Friedman (2000)highlighted that the whole world operates like Wall Street because global investing has become more convenient and accessible to many individuals.Technological enhancementsThe global environment may require technological adaptation and adjustments.Bishop (1999)recommended undertaking international expansions assessments pertaining to telecommunication infrastructure,digital capabilities,and online resources.Buss (1982)articulated the challenge of management of information and technology across borders due to:.divergence of equipment,software and procedures from one venue to another;.changing costs of personnel,hardware,and data communication within and between different countries;.increasing interdependence of firms’affiliates;.fast-changing regulatory environments;.unionizing of data processing department personnel;and .the increasing rate of change of information technologies.Individual and organizational psycheThe global environment has the ability to affect the mindsets of individuals.Fan and Mak (1998)observed that it is possible that international participants who lack social skills and aptitude may decide to withdraw from the process and prefer to stay within their comfort zones and interact with co-ethnic or like-minded members.Gudykunst and Hammer (1988)alluded to the fact that individuals exposed to cross-cultural environments and are unfamiliar with varying cultural codes may experience a high level of stress in social encounters,and suffer from interpersonal anxiety and self-doubt.Theoretical literature suggests that business practices may change as a result of globalization.Insights of travel executives worldwide are gathered in order to identify viable strategic approaches.Survey results and findingsTable II presents selected feedback of the travel executives on business issues relating to globalization.The findings of the survey suggest the following:.Modalities of business have been transformed in a global environment requiring strategic adjustments from field practitioners in the travel industry..There exists heightened convenience in operational activities brought about by globalization..Business cycles have accelerated and require appropriate responses..Opportunities for inter-organization communication efficiencies can be achieved as global communication technologies are enhanced.IJCHM 17,4368S t r o n g l y a g r e e A g r e e U n d e c i d e d D i s a g r e e S t r o n g l y d i s a g r e e S t a t e m e n tF %F %F %F %F %u S c a l e I n o u r p r e s e n t t i m e a n d e r a ,t h e w a y w e d o b u s i n e s s i s f a r d i f f e r e n t a s c o m p a r e d t o t h e t i m e p r i o r t o o r d u r i n g t h e C o l d W a r 6252.544538.1354.2454.2410.854.37S AI t i s e a s i e r t o s t a r t a n d o p e r a t e a b u s i n e s s t o d a y t h a n i t w a s 30y e a r s a g o 2622.033630.512319.492722.8865.083.41A T h e b u s i n e s s c y c l e i s f a s t e r a s a r e s u l t o f g l o b a l i z a t i o n 7966.953731.3510.85––10.854.63S AO u r p r e s e n t w o r l d h a s r e s u l t e d i n c h a n g e s t o t h e w a y w e c o m m u n i c a t e w i t h o t h e r s 2420.345344.913126.2775.9332.543.74AG l o b a l i z a t i o n h a s r e s u l t e d i n o u r a b i l i t y t o r e a c h o u t t o p e o p l e i n o t h e r c o u n t r i e s i n a f a s t e r ,d e e p e r ,a n d c h e a p e r m a n n e r 2218.647059.321411.8686.7843.393.83A T h e g l o b a l i z e d s y s t e m h a s c h a n g e d t h e w a y o n e i n v e s t s 3529.667059.3297.6321.6921.694.13AT h e a b i l i t y o f o n l i n e i n v e s t o r s t o m o v e r e s o u r c e s g l o b a l l y h a s a n e c o n o m i c i m p a c t o n a c o u n t r y 3327.975344.911311.021815.2510.853.84AG l o b a l i z a t i o n h a s e n c o u r a g e d c o m p a n i e s t o i n v e s t i n a n d e x p l o r e o p p o r t u n i t i e s w o r l d -w i d e 86.782117.802016.954941.522016.952.56DT h e r e i s a n e e d f o r t h e s t a n d a r d i z a t i o n o f a c c o u n t i n g a n d fin a n c i a l s y s t e m s w o r l d w i d e 3327.976454.24108.4786.7832.543.98AC o m p a n i e s t h a t d o n o t m o d e r n i z e o r h a v e t o p -n o t c h t e c h n o l o g i e s w o u l d l i k e l y f a i l 1916.104638.984336.4486.7821.693.61AG l o b a l i z a t i o n r e q u i r e s c o m p a n i e s t o r e s t r u c t u r e t o t a k e a d v a n t a g e o f n e w t e c h n o l o g i e s 4134.745748.301311.0265.0810.854.11AT h e g r e a t e r a c o u n t r y ’s b a n d -w i d t h ,t h e g r e a t e r t h e l i k e l i h o o d o f i t s p r o s p e r i t y 4033.906353.39108.4754.24–4.17AG l o b a l i z a t i o n h a s s e t i n t o o u r w o r l d t o d a y ,a n d m o s t o f w h a t w e d o h a v e i n t e r n a t i o n a l r e p e r c u s s i o n s 4941.525546.6165.0886.784.23S AT h e g l o b a l i z e d s y s t e m h a s c h a n g e d t h e w a y I p e r c e i v e t h e w o r l d t o b e 3025.424437.292016.952016.9543.393.64A I f e e l p r e s s u r e d a n d t h r e a t e n e d a s o u r w o r l d f u r t h e r g l o b a l i z e s3933.056655.9397.6343.39004.19AN o t e :N ¼118Table II.Selected travel industryperceptions on globalization and business issuesExecutive insights on globalization369.Realignments in investment strategies are taking place..There are perceived benefits in the creation of international financial alignments and standardization of practices worldwide..Technological innovation along with corresponding organizational structure adjustments are perceived as avenues for building efficiencies..Country infrastructure such as bandwidth is likely a location consideration..The global environment has the potential to shape individual and organizational mindsets and attitudes..The heightened demands of globalization require that attention be placed on potential fears of adjustment that exist in organizations.Implications for hospitality managers in emerging locationsApproximately one-quarter of the respondents in this study belong to the hospitality industry.The views and insights expressed on the globalization issues span the globe.While the respondent number limits generalizability of conclusions,the findings are potentially valuable in helping shape management approaches.Based on the survey findings,the author recommends five approaches for hospitality managers in emerging locations:(1)Prepare for globalization .The findings suggest that individual andorganizational fears of the pressures of globalization exist in business organizations worldwide.Hospitality managers in emerging locations need to address these fears through organizational assessments,strategic planning,and the formulation of a global vision.(2)Enhance cross-border knowledge flows .The findings point to the convenience ofcross-border communication flows in a global munication efficiencies can be further enhanced by hospitality managers through the improvement of international information flows,use of innovative learning and training approaches,and the broadening of marketing efforts.(3)Plan for financial practice modifications .In the survey,travel executives notedchanges in financial investment strategies in a global environment,and saw the need for the standardization of accounting practices.Hospitality managers in emerging locations should be prepared to undertake adjustments in their financial operational systems and procedures for the sake of practice uniformity and commonality of standards.(4)Speed up business development efforts .The survey findings indicate greaterconveniences in operational activities and the acceleration of business cycles.Regardless of location,hospitality managers are in a position to tap into the speed and trade conveniences brought about by globalization.Marketing and developmental efforts need to be intensified and adjusted in conjunction with new opportunities that arise.(5)Utilize technology strategically .Technology is viewed as a medium for efficiencyenhancement and bandwidth has become an important business consideration.Hospitality managers in emerging locations should utilize technology in a strategic manner in their organizations.Forming innovative technological linkages with government and private enterprises in both local andIJCHM 17,4370international venues paves the way for technological enhancement and efficient organizational integration.In a global environment,travel executives worldwide have built competitive advantages by strengthening efficiencies in business and communication practices,financial management,and technological usage.As hospitality managers in emerging locations face invigorated growth prospects,integrating these practices in their development agenda can become anchors for future success.ReferencesBishop,B.(1999),Global Marketing for the Digital Age,NTC Business Books,Lincolnwood,IL. 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Gudykunst,W.B.and Hammer,M.R.G.(1988),“Strangers and hosts:an uncertainty reduction based theory of intercultural adaptation”,in Kim,Y.Y.and Gudykunst,W.B.(Eds), Cross-cultural Adaptation:Current Approaches,Sage,Newbury Park,CA,pp.105-39. 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四年级冀教版英语上册阅读理解专项过关题班级:_____________ 姓名:_____________【阅读理解】1. 根据短文选择正确答案。

Sam is a teacher of maths .He is not young, but he is not old.He is 40 years old.He has a round(圆的) face and black hair.He is short.There are forty students in his class. They all like him.Now it’s in the afternoon.Look,some students are studying in the classroom.Sam is there,too.He is helping them to study maths.He is a good teacher,and he is a good friend of his students.[1]What does Sam do?( )A. He is a worker.B. He is a teacher.C. He is a doctor.D. He is a nurse.[2]What colour is his hair? ( )A. It’s black.B. His hair is white.C. It is brown.D. He has yellow hair.[3]How many students are there in his class? ( )A. There are fourteen students in his class.B. There’s forty.C. He has forty.D. There are forty in it.[4]Sam is a good teacher, isn’t he? ( )A. Yes ,he isn’t.B. No, he is.C. No, he isn’t.D. Yes, he is.[5]What are the students doing in the classroom? ( )A. They are walking there.B. They are doing their lessons.C. They are helping their teacher.D. They are good friends of Sam.2. 根据所给的图片,选择正确的答案。









专辑曲目:01. 鲸鱼之吻 Von Haugwi‎t z - Thale Of Whale (Origin‎a l)02. 神秘花园 The Flyhig‎h Projec‎t - Myster‎y Garden‎(Origin‎a l)03. 彩色夜晚 Dj Mary - Colors‎Night (Origin‎a l)04. 爱的女神 Cane Garden‎Quarte‎t - Love Goddes‎s (Origin‎a l)05. 纽约之夜 Th Floor - A Night In New York (Origin‎a l)06. 蓝色森林 Jazz 4 - Blue Forest‎(Origin‎a l)07. 神圣山谷 Neon G - Sagrad‎o (Origin‎a l)08. 晶体尺寸 Jazz 4 - Crysta‎l Dimens‎i on (Origin‎a l)09. 七个梦 Seven Dreams‎- Seven Dreams‎(Origin‎a l)10. 唤醒早晨 Benn Finn - Mornin‎g Call (Origin‎a l)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------31.专辑名称:浪漫风情T台‎走秀音乐-不落的夕阳时装是色彩交‎织的传说,是梦幻中的魅‎惑,是巴黎塞纳河‎上永不停止的‎古典音乐,与现代钢筋水‎泥的混合体。





是雄鹰,要翱翔⽻天际!是骏马,要驰骋于疆域!要堂堂正正屹⽴于天地!努⼒!坚持!拼搏!成功!⼀起来看看⽆忧考⾼⼀频道为⼤家准备的《⾼⼀年级上册英语期中试卷及答案》吧,希望对你的学习有所帮助! 第⼀部分:听⼒(共两节,满分20分) 做题时,先将答案划在试卷上。

录⾳结束后.你将有两分钟的时间将试卷的答案转涂到答题卡上. 第⼀节(共5⼩题,每⼩题1分,满分5分) 听下⾯5段对话,每段对话后有⼀个⼩题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。



1.Howmanypeoplearethereinthewoman’shouse?A.ThreeB.FourC.Five 2.Whatdoweknowaboutthewoman?A.Sheisastudent.B.Shedreamsalot.C.Shehasaveryhardjob. 3.Whatdoesthewomanmean?A.Theairwaspollutedyesterday.B.Shemightnotgobackpackingtomorrow. C.Themanshouldlistentotheweatherreport. 4.Whyisthebackdoorleftopen? ATimisoutside.B.Thespeakersaregoingtobed. C.Thewomantellsthemantoleaveitopen. 5.Whatistherelationshipbetweenthespeakers?A.NeighborsB.FriendsC.Strangers 第⼆节(共15⼩题,每⼩题1分,满分15分) 听下⾯5段对话或独⽩,每段对话或独⽩后有⼏个⼩题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。



第18卷第1期化 学 研 究V o.l 18 N o .12007年3月CHE M I CAL RESEARC H M ar .2007D -氨基葡萄糖衍生物的研究进展赵永德1,王晓焕1,2(1.河南省科学院化学研究所,河南郑州450002;2.河南大学化学化工学院,河南开封475001)收稿日期:2006-12-01.作者简介:赵永德(1959-),男,研究员,研究方向为有机合成.E O m ai:l wxh0377@.摘 要:D -氨基葡萄糖作为甲壳素的最终降解产物参与构造人体组织和细胞膜,是蛋白多糖大分子合成的中间物质,具有多种生物活性.其分子内有多个反应中心(4个-OH 和1个-NH 2),对其进行化学修饰后可广泛应用于生物医药领域.作者综述了D -氨基葡萄糖衍生物的研究进展.关键词:D -氨基葡萄糖;衍生物;生物活性;医药;综述中图分类号:O 629.11文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008-1011(2007)01-0108-04Recent Progress in St udy of D -G l ucosa m i ne DerivativesZ HAO Yong -de 1,WANG X iao -huan 1,2(1.In stit u te of Che m ist ry,H e nan Acad e my o f S cie n ces ,Zh e ngzhou 450002,H e nan,China;2.C olle g e of Che m ist ry and Che m ic a l Engineeri ng,H enan Un iversit y,K ai feng 475001,H e nan,C hina )Abstract :A s ch itin s 'fi n al degradation produc,t and as part o f hu m an tissue and cellm e m brane co m po -nen,t D -g l u cosa m i n e is the i n ter m ed iate in the synthesis o f pr o teog l y cans .It has lots of b i o log ica l ac -ti v ity .There are several reacti o n centers(four hydroxy ls and one a m i d o)i n the m olecu l e ,and a fterche m ica lmodifica ti o n ,D -g l u cosa m i n e derivatives can be w ide ly used i n the field o f biology and m ed-ic i n e .The recent pr ogress in study o f D -g l u cosa m i n e derivati v es is rev ie w ed .Keywords :D -g l u cosa m i n e ;derivati v e ;b iolog ical acti v ity ;m edic i n e ;rev ie wD -氨基葡萄糖作为甲壳素的最终降解产物,不仅具有治疗关节炎、消炎、刺激蛋白多糖的合成等活性,而且可以活化NK 、LAK 细胞,具有免疫调节作用.并参与构造人体组织和细胞膜,是蛋白多糖大分子合成的中间物质.由于此类化合物具有生理活性,因此在医药、生物领域应用较为广泛,相关领域的研究也受到越来越多的重视.D -氨基葡萄糖分子内有多个反应中心(4个-OH,1个-NH 2),故可制备成种类繁多的相关衍生物,并广泛应用于寡糖、多糖的生物、化学合成.自1898年首次报道N -乙酰氨基-2-脱氧-D -葡萄糖以来,国外迅速开展了其相关衍生物的合成、性质和生理活性、生物功能的研究,并在20世纪六七十年代达到高潮.但迄今为止国内相关研究工作报道并不多.为此,作者就国内外D -氨基葡萄糖衍生物的合成及其在医药、生物领域的应用情况作一概述,并对其潜在的应用前景进行了展望.1 D -氨基葡萄糖盐类衍生物D -氨基葡萄糖盐类衍生物主要是氨基葡萄糖盐酸盐和硫酸盐.D -氨基葡萄糖盐酸盐是一种海洋生物制剂,具有参与肝肾解毒、抗炎、护肝、抗菌以及治疗风湿性关节炎症和胃溃疡等疾病的作用[1],难以用化学方法合成,通常通过甲壳素/壳聚糖经水解为单糖而制得.而硫酸氨基葡萄糖则是目前国际上治疗和预防骨性关节炎的药物,国内已从意大利进口,中文商品名为维骨力.2 D -氨基葡萄糖及其衍生物的金属配合物自从1969年Rosonber g 发现铂氨配合物有抗癌活性以来,人们一直在寻求氨的替代物以减小其毒性.第1期赵永德等:D-氨基葡萄糖衍生物的研究进展109D-氨基葡萄糖是高等动物糖蛋白链上一个重要的单糖,具有多种生物活性,特别是对肿瘤细胞具有较好的杀伤作用,而对人体正常细胞毒性很小[2],将其引入Sc h iff碱及其金属配合物结构中,可望获得抗癌活性好而毒性小的药物.1988年B it h a等[3]合成了氨基葡萄糖与金属铂的配位化合物,此类由氨基葡萄糖及其衍生物与金属的配合物在抗癌药物及食品与功能性材料等领域中有着广泛的应用前景,因而引起了国内外学者的兴趣.近年来,叶勇等[4]对N-B-萘酚醛-D-氨基葡萄糖Schiff碱金属配合物的研究较多,并对其与DNA作用的光谱学作了深入研究.3D-氨基葡萄糖的酰化衍生物D-氨基葡萄糖的酰化衍生物是指以氨基葡萄糖或氨基葡萄糖盐酸盐为原料,采用不同酰化试剂对其进行修饰而得到的衍生物.N-乙酰氨基-2-脱氧-D-葡萄糖是D-氨基葡萄糖研究最早的衍生物,是生物细胞内许多重要多糖的基本组成单位,是具有较高甜度的特殊单糖,具有还原性,亦是合成双歧因子的重要前体,在生物体内具有许多重要生理功能,临床上是治疗风湿性及类风湿性关节炎的药物,亦作为食品抗氧化剂及婴幼儿食品添加剂,糖尿病患者的甜味剂.文献报道的N-乙酰氨基葡萄糖的合成方法中具有代表性的有:(1)W hite改进的氨基葡萄糖盐酸盐-乙酸银-无水甲醇-乙酸酐法[5].(2)Rose m an等人[6]用DO W EX-1树脂对氨基葡萄糖盐酸盐脱盐酸,然后与乙酸酐反应得到目标产物.(3)由甲壳素经浓盐酸温和水解并经柱层析分离得到目标产物[7].(4)采用有机碱脱除氨基葡萄糖盐酸盐的盐酸,然后进行酰化反应[8],该方法产率较高且后处理过程简单,是目前最为常用的方法.2-乙酰氨基-D-葡萄糖-3,4,6-三乙酸酯是合成类脂A(L i p i d A)结构类似物的重要中间体,它的合成一般是通过2-乙酰氨基-D-葡萄糖-1,3,4,6-四乙酸酯的区域选择性脱去一个乙酰基得到[9-11].赵先英等[12]以三乙胺为碱,先合成2-乙酰氨基-D-葡萄糖-1,3,4,6-四乙酸酯,然后向其乙腈溶液中通氨气选择性去乙酰化得到目标产物.郭瑞霞等[13]则以氨基葡萄糖盐酸盐为原料,在乙酸酐和浓硫酸的作用下合成1,3,4,6-四乙酰基氨基葡萄糖硫酸盐,然后使其在无水醋酸钠和氢氧化钡的作用下进行乙酰基转移反应,合成2-乙酰氨基-3,4,6-三乙酰葡萄糖.1,3,4,6-四-O-乙酰基-D-氨基葡萄糖分子中有游离的氨基而活泼的羟基全部被保护,这就有利于氨基葡萄糖上氨基的选择性反应.它是合成氨基葡萄糖衍生物的重要中间体[14-16].其合成方法有两类:一类是将糖上的羟基和氨基用乙酸酐同时进行保护,然后利用试剂选择性地脱去氨基上的乙酰基;另一类是先将氨基保护起来,在保护其余羟基的基础上脱去氨基上的保护基团,如邻苯二甲酸酐法[17]、二乙基乙氧基亚甲基丙二酸法[18]、对甲氧基苯甲醛法[19]以及苯甲醛法等.2-氨基-1,2,3,4,6-O-五乙酰葡萄糖的合成相对来说比较容易,目前多采用有机碱一步合成法.另外,乔岩等还采用有机碱-酸酐体系合成了N-己酰氨基葡萄糖[20],并合成了2-(3-羧基-1-丙酰氨基)-2-脱氧-D-葡萄糖[21],Jones等[22]还制备出了D-氨基葡萄糖的高级脂肪酸类衍生物.4D-氨基葡萄糖的氨基酸类衍生物Doherty等[23]利用氨基酸的苯甲氧甲酰基衍生物在吡啶中与1,3,4,6-四乙酰基-D-氨基葡萄糖作用,然后再经过脱乙酰作用以及氢解作用合成了D-氨基葡萄糖的氨基酸衍生物.其反应历程见图1.图1D-氨基葡萄糖的氨基酸衍生物的合成路线F i g.1Syn t hesis route fo r D-g l ucosam ine-am ino ac i d derivati ves目前国内关于D-氨基葡萄糖氨基酸类衍生物的合成未见报道.110化学研究2007年5D-氨基葡萄糖磷酸酯糖基磷酸酯是一类比较重要的糖类衍生物,广泛存在于自然界中.糖基磷酸酯类化合物特别是葡萄糖基磷酸酯类化合物的合成及其生物活性的研究早有报道.研究表明,磷酸酯类衍生物具有抗肿瘤、抗病毒、抗菌和免疫调节剂等生物活性.在糖基上引入磷酸根,使一些本无活性的糖类化合物具有了活性,并能提高某些多糖、寡糖的生物活性.2-氨基-2-脱氧-D-葡萄糖-6-磷酸酯是一些重要多糖的组成成分,具有特殊的生物活性[24].早期是用ATP酶对氨基葡萄糖进行磷酰化来制备D-氨基葡萄糖-6-磷酸酯.M aley等人[25]后来用化学方法合成了D-氨基葡萄糖-6-磷酸酯和N-乙酰基-D-氨基葡萄糖-6-磷酸酯.在此基础上,他们[26]又用化学方法合成了D-氨基葡萄糖-1-磷酸酯和N-乙酰基-D-氨基葡萄糖-1-磷酸酯.其合成路线见图2.图2A-D-氨基葡萄糖-1-磷酸酯和N-乙酰基-A-D-氨基葡萄糖-1-磷酸酯的合成F i g.2Sche m e for synthesis of A-D--glucosa m i ne-1-phosphate and N-acety-l A-D-g l ucosa m i no-1-phosphateN-乙酰基-D-氨基葡萄糖-1-磷酸酯参与细菌细胞壁的形成,是N-键连糖蛋白的生物合成过程中重要的中间体.这种糖蛋白能够识别细胞-细胞或细胞-病原体,并且可以应用到新近兴起的动力学糖基化过程研究.鉴于此,Caser o等[27]采用化学方法合成了N-乙酰基-D-氨基葡萄糖-1-磷酸酯的类似物.另外,P lante 等[28]曾利用糖基磷酸酯来形成B-氨基葡萄糖和B-甘露糖键,清华大学赵玉芬院士等人[29]曾用硅烷化的二磷酸核苷和三磷酸核苷与包含多种官能团的硅烷化胺反应合成了化学选择性的氨基磷酸酯.6其它类型的衍生物氨基葡萄糖分子中的-NH2和-OH有较高的反应活性,因此,在-NH2上可直接引入基团,也可在-NH2引入基团的基础上再引入其他活性分子.罗宣干等[30]以A-氨基酸作为连接,将5-氟脲嘧啶衍生物与D-氨基葡萄糖相接,合成了4种5-氟脲嘧啶衍生物.利用季铵盐正电荷与软骨蛋白多糖负电荷的相互作用,可以将含有季铵盐基团的化合物作为抗风湿药物的靶向载体.为此,李英霞等[31]合成了N-吡啶乙酰基-B-D-葡萄糖胺.二茂铁及其衍生物具有抗癌、杀菌、补铁等诸多医疗作用,但因其毒性偏高,在医药应用上受到一定的限制.刘丽荣等[32]将其进行二乙酰化,然后与氨基葡萄糖和甲醛进行M annich反应合成了葡糖胺丙酰二茂铁,以期降低二茂铁的毒性,增强其水溶性、免疫力和修复细胞的能力.近年来,以N-乙酰氨基葡萄糖为糖基受体的低聚糖和多糖的合成也呈不断上升的趋势,越来越多的具有生物活性的糖基化合物被合成出来[33].小结:D-氨基葡萄糖及其衍生物都具有特殊的生物活性,对D-氨基葡萄糖进行化学修饰后应用在抗风湿、消炎以及皮肤病的治疗中,或作为免疫调节剂、肿瘤细胞诱导分化剂等都将具有广阔的应用前景.参考文献:[1]曹根庭.盐酸氨基葡萄糖的研制[J].化学世界,1998,39(5):250-253.[2]K obayash i S,Fukuda T,Y uki m asa H,et al.Synthes i s and the ad j uvant and t umo r-suppressive activities o f qu i nonyl mura m y ld i peptides[J].Bull Che m Soc Jpn,1984,57(11):3182-3196.[3]B it ha P,Ch ild R G,H l avka J J,et al.Sturct ure character i zati on on t wo(d i am ine)(1,1-cyc l obutane-dica rboxy lato)plati nu m(Ⅱ)anticancer 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MIAMI HEAT 迈阿密热火队简介英文

MIAMI  HEAT 迈阿密热火队简介英文

MIAMI HEATThe Miami Heat are a professional basketball team based in Miami, Miami-Dade County, Florida, United States. The team is a member of the Southeast Division in the Eastern Conference of the National Basketball Association (NBA). They play their home games at the American Airlines Arena in Downtown Miami. The team owner is Micky Arison, the President is Pat Riley and the head coach is Erik Spoelstra. The mascot of the team is Burnie, an anthropomorphic fireball.The Heat were formed as part of the NBA's plan to expand the league with four expansion franchises in the late 1980s. These included the Charlotte Hornets, Orlando Magic and Minnesota Timberwolves. Among those four teams, Miami has been the most successful, winning over 1000 games to date and making 17 playoff appearances, winning 10 division titles, three conference titles and two NBA championships. The Heat defeated the Dallas Mavericks in the2006 NBA Finals 4-2, lost to the Mavericks 4-2 in the 2011 NBA Finals andbeat the Oklahoma City Thunder 4-1 in the2012 NBA Finals. According to Forbes, as of 2013 the Heat rank sixth in terms of valuable NBA franchises at $625 million.[1][2]Miami Heat2012–13 Miami Heat seasonConference Eastern ConferenceDivision Southeast DivisionFounded1988History Minnesota Muskies1967-1968Miami Floridians1968-1970 The Floridians1970-1972 Miami Heat1988–Arena American Airlines ArenaCity Miami, FloridaTeam colors Black, red, white, orangeOwner(s)Micky ArisonPat RileyGeneralmanagerHead coach Erik SpoelstraSioux Falls SkyforceD-League affiliateFranchise historyMain article: History of the Miami HeatAn expansion team formed in 1988, the Miami Heat began its early years with much mediocrity, only making the playoffs twice in its first eight years and falling in the first round both times, despite individual success from its players. Upon the purchasing of the franchise by Micky Arison in 1995, Pat Riley was brought in as its team president, general manager and head coach. In that same year, Riley acquired center Alonzo Mourning and point guard Tim Hardaway to serve as the centerpiece for the team, transforming Miami into a championship contender throughout the late 1990s. The 1996-1997 season was marked by a franchise record 61 wins and 21 losses; they achieved their first two postseason victories and made it to the Conference Finals, despite bowing out in five games. Their biggest rivals of the time were the New York Knicks, Riley's former team, who would eliminate the Heat in the first round from 1998 through 2000.A period of mediocrity followed shortly thereafter, until shooting guard Dwyane Wade was drafted fifth overall by the Heat in 2003. In 2004, Shaquille O'Neal was traded to Miami from the Los Angeles Lakers, leading the team back to the Conference Finals in 2005, before losing to the Detroit Pistons in seven games.Upon returning to the Conference Finals in2006, the Heat avenged their loss against the Pistons, winning the rematch 4-2. Entering the Finals for the first time against the Dallas Mavericks, the Heat fell behind an 0-2 series deficit, before taking the last four games and winning their first championship in 2006, with Wade earning the Finals MVP award. A four-year tenure of post-title struggles befell the Heat from 2007 through 2010, where they lost in the first round three out of four years, and failed to make the playoffs in 2008. Riley resigned as head coach, but retains his position as team president and general manager. Erik Spoelstra replaced Riley as the head coach, leading Miami to the postseason in his first four years.In the summer blockbuster of 2010, free agents Chris Bosh and LeBron James signed with the Heat from the Toronto Raptors and the Cleveland Cavaliers, respectively. Amid intense media scrutiny and criticism, Miami made the 2011 NBA Finals against the Dallas Mavericks, a rematch of 2006, but lost the series after holding a 2-1 lead. The following year, the Heat returned to the Finals, defeating the Oklahoma City Thunder in five games. With that win, Miami became the first team to win the title after falling behind in three different playoff series. These include 2-1 against the Indiana Pacers, 3-2 to the Boston Celtics and 1-0 against the Thunder. This was the second time Miami swept the three home games in the Finals; the first was in 2006.During the 2012-2013 NBA season, the Heat hit a franchise record winning streak of 27 on March 25, 2013 with a 108 - 94 win against the Orlando Magic. The streak would end on March 27, when the Chicago Bulls would beat the Heat 101 - 97 in Chicago. The 27 game win streak ranks second all time behind the 1971-1972 LA Lakers with 33 wins.[edit]Uniforms1988–1999 Home 1988–1999Away1999–presentHome1999–presentAway2001–presentThe original Miami Heat uniforms consist of simple striping, exclusive only on the right side of the jersey and shorts. The home uniforms were white with lettering in red, black and orange trim, while the away uniforms were black with red, white and orange trim; the numbers were white with red, black and orange trim, using the same font as the classic Los Angeles Lakers jerseys. The original 'flaming ball' logo is on the left leg of the shorts while the word 'Miami' is on the right leg. In the 1995–96 NBA season the Heat introduced a red alternate uniform with lettering and numbers in black, white and orange trim. The original white and red uniforms were reintroduced as throwback uniforms during the Heat's 20th and 25th anniversary seasons, respectively.The current Heat uniforms have been in use since the 1999–2000 season. These uniforms, though similar, have marked differences such as striping on both sides, change from orangeto yellow trim, updated lettering and block numbers, and a modified 'flaming ball' logo on the right leg. The black away uniform numbers are now consistent with the lettering colors (white with red trim). The alternate red uniform was introduced during the 2001–02 NBA season, and features the city name and numbers in white with black trim. They were also the only team in the NBA to have the NBA logo on the right shoulder instead of the left, until the introduction of the Adidas Revolution 30 uniforms in 2010 which regulated all teams to have the NBA logo on the left shoulder. In the 2009–10 season, the red alternates were tweaked to include the "MH" secondary logo on the left leg; the 'MH' was also added on the beltline for the away and home uniforms, the 'flaming ball' logo was also moved to the left leg. For the 2012–13 season, the city name (Miami) replaced the team name on the black away uniforms. Similar to the Utah Jazz, Chicago Bulls and the Orlando Magic, the Heat had a dress code that prohibits players from wearing headbands on the court. Since then, however, the Heat have allowed the use of headbands, beginning with Jermaine O'Neal in 2009 and continued with the additions of LeBron James, Eddie House, Erick Dampier and Mike Bibby. Since the 2008 season, the Heat participated in the NBA's Noche Latina promotions, or Latin Nights. In commemorating the occasion, they use their black away uniforms, but with the wordmark "El Heat".In the 2011–12 season, the Heat planned to wear a 4th all-black alternate home jersey in addition to the existing 3 white, black and red road uniforms. These uniforms were unveiled in 2010 as exclusive fan apparel rather than for game use, but the Heat have planned to wear them in selected home games of the 2011–12 season (against higher ranked teams like the Bulls, Thunder, Knicks, Mavericks, Lakers etc.). These uniforms are in black and white trim;the lettering, logos and numbers traced only in white.[3]The Heat wore a variation of their current home uniforms on the opening night of the 2012–13 season, with gold accents and a patch of the Larry O'Brien Championship Trophy on the right chest.The Heat unveiled a new all-white home alternate uniform in the 2012–13 season. The uniform is similar to their current home uniform, but with the lettering and logos only traced in black. This was to pay tribute to their 'White Hot' promotion during their two championship runs. They began wearing the alternates on November 24, and will wear them every Saturday home game thereafter, except for the December 6 game against the Knicks, the February 10 game against the Lakers, and the March 1 game against the Grizzlies, all of which were televised nationally. They were also worn on March 25 in a road game against the Magic.An all-red uniform, known as 'Big Color', was worn on Christmas Day against the Thunder, a rematch of the 2012 Finals. The uniform is entirely red, with the lettering and logos traced in white.The Heat have also honored the ABA's Miami Floridians by donning throwback uniforms; first the road jerseys in the 2005–06 season, then the home jerseys in the 2011–12 season. [edit]Rivalries[edit]vs. New York KnicksMain article: Knicks–Heat rivalryThe rivalry between the New York Knicks and the expansion Miami Heat was a result of theirhistory-making brutally physical four consecutive playoff series from 1997 to 2000. Each series went to the maximum number of games. The rivalry was heightened by a feud sparking between Pat Riley initially the coach of the Knicks from 1991 to 1995, and head coach of the Miami Heat from 1996–2003, 2005–2008 and Riley's successor Knick's head coach Jeff Van Gundy, a faithful servant of Riley's in New York. The first two years were marked by physical violence during the series, with suspensions to players that ultimately determined the outcome.In recent years, the rivalry has reignited with the Heat signing LeBron James (after much speculation that he would join the Knicks) and Chris Bosh while the Knicks signed Amar'e Stoudemire and traded for Carmelo Anthony. They met in the first round of the 2012 NBA Playoffs, where the Heat won in five games.[edit]vs. Chicago BullsMain article: Bulls–Heat rivalryThe rivalry with the Chicago Bulls began once the Miami Heat became contenders during the 1990s, a decade dominated by the Bulls, and the advent of the Michael Jordan era. During that period, the Heat were eliminated three times by the Bulls, who would go on to win the NBA championship each time. After Jordan retired and the Heat's fall in the early 2000s, the rivalry cooled but slightly picked up when the Heat faced them in the first round of the 2006 NBA playoffs, which ended in a 4–2 Heat series victory and went on to win the NBA Finals, the Bulls would sweep the defending champion Heat in the first round the next season.The rivalry has intensified with the resurgence of the Bulls, and the emergence of Derrick Rose and the Heat re-signing Dwyane Wade(who turned down a chance of joining his hometown Bulls) with newly acquired superstars in Chris Bosh and LeBron James(who spurned a chance of teaming up with Rose in Chicago). The revived rivalry has been very physical, involving rough plays and hard fouls between players. Both teams met in the 2011 Eastern Conference Finals, with the Heat winning in five games.[edit]vs. Boston CelticsThe rivalry with the Boston Celtics is a recent one. The two teams first squared off in the playoffs in 2010, with the Celtics defeating the Heat four games to one en route to an eventual NBA Finals appearance by the Celtics. With the acquisition of LeBron James and Chris Bosh in 2010, the Heat challenged the Celtics for dominance in the Eastern Conference, finishing with better records in 2011 and 2012 and defeating them in the playoffs both respective years en route to their own Finals appearances, winning in 2012.The rivalry has increased with the Miami Heat's addition of Ray Allen, a former member of Boston's Big 3, in 2012.Season-by-season recordsMain article: List of Miami Heat seasons[edit]Home arenas•Miami Arena (1988–1999)•American Airlines Arena (2000–present)[edit]Radio and televisionMain article: List of Miami Heat broadcastersThe flagship radio stations of the Miami HEAT are WAXY (790 AM) in English,[4] with Mike Inglis and John Crotty calling games, and WQBA (1140 AM) in Spanish, with Jose Paneda and Joe Pujala on the call.The Heat games are televised primary by Sun Sports with Eric Reid and Tony Fiorentino. Previously, WBFS-TV, WFOR-TV, and WAMI-TV have all aired some games. Games are occasionally televised by TNT, ESPN, or ABC.From 1988–1993, the HEAT were on WQAM. WINZ previously aired games from 1993–1996 and WIOD did from 1996–2008.[edit]PlayersFor the complete list of Miami Heat players see: Miami Heat all-time roster.For the players drafted by the Miami Heat, see: Miami Heat draft history.[edit]Current rosterS G 34Allen,Ray6 ft 5in(1.96m)205lb(93kg)1975–07–20ConnecticutPF /C 11Andersen,Chris6 ft10 in(2.08m)228lb(103kg)1978–07–09BlinnCollegeC50 Anthony,Joel6 ft 9in(2.06m)245lb(111kg)1982–08–09UNLVPF31 Battier,Shane6 ft 8in(2.03m)225lb(102kg)1978–09–09DukePF /C 1Bosh,Chris6 ft11 in(2.11m)235lb(107kg)1984–03–24GeorgiaTechP G 15Chalmers,Mario6 ft 2in(1.88m)190lb(86kg)1986–05-19KansasP G 30Cole,Norris6 ft 2in(1.88m)175lb(79kg)1988–10–13ClevelandStateF/ C 40Haslem,Udonis(C)6 ft 8in(2.03m)235lb(107kg)1980–06–09FloridaF 5 Howard,Juwan6 ft 9in(2.06m)250lb(113kg)1973–02–07MichiganSF 6 James,LeBron(C)6 ft 8in(2.03m)250lb(113kg)1984–12–30St.Vincent–St. MaryHS (OH)G/ F 22Jones,James6 ft 8in(2.03m)215lb(98kg)1980–10–04Miami(FL)•Ron Rothstein•David Fizdale•Chad Kammerer•Octavio De La GranaAthletic trainer(s)•Jay SabolStrength and conditioning coach(es)•Bill ForanLegend•(C) Team captain•(DP) Unsigned draft pick•(FA) Free agent•(S) Suspended•(DL) On assignment to D-Leagueaffiliate•InjuredRoster•TransactionsLast transaction: 2013–03–02PF9Lewis,Rasha rd6 ft 10 in (2.08 m) 230lb (104 kg) 1979–08–08Elsik HS(TX)G/F13Miller, Mike6 ft 8 in (2.03 m)210lb (95 kg) 1980–02–19FloridaC24 Varnado,Jarvis 6 ft 9 in (2.06 m) 230 lb (104 kg) 1988–03–01Mississip pi StateS G3Wade, Dwya ne (C)6 ft 4 in (1.93 m)220lb (100 kg)1982–01–17Marquett e[edit ]Retired numbersThe Heat have retired three numbers, although only two of the players played for the franchise. Michael Jordan was the first player to be honored despite not having played for the Heat. Pat Riley retired Jordan's signature No. 23 before his final game in Miami during the 2002–03 season as a tribute to his career.[5]During the 2005–06 season the organization honored Pro Football Hall of Fame quarterback Dan Marino 's No. 13 in respect of his contributions to the Miami Dolphins of the National Football League (NFL).[6] However, the No. 13 jersey is not retired and still available to use by the Heat players.*Jordan never played for the franchise; the number was retired for his "contributions to basketball".[edit]Honored numbers13 - Dan Marino - Miami Dolphins (NFL). (The number is not retired and still available to use by the Heat players.)Former players•Glen Rice was a guard/forward, selected 4th overall by Miami in 1989 and playing until 1995. After averaging 13.6 points per game in his rookie season, Rice consistently averaged over 20 points per game for his remaining five seasons in Miami. Once scored56 points in a regular season game versus the Orlando Magic, which remains a franchiserecord.•Grant Long was a forward, selected 33rd overall by the Heat in their first draft.Played from 1988 through 1994. Known for aggressive defense and strong rebounding.•Steve Smith was a shooting guard, selected 5th overall in 1991 and played for Miami until 1994. Consistently averaged double-digit points per game, even up to 20.5 in his final season.•Harold Miner was a shooting guard and a small forward, selected 12th overall byMiami in 1992 and playing until 1996. Despite a largely lackluster career, Miner was famed for his dunking prowess; he remains the only Heat player to win the NBA Slam Dunk Contest, which he did twice in 1993 and 1995.•Rony Seikaly was a center, selected ninth as the franchise's first ever draft pick. Set numerous first records for the Heat. Named Most Improved Player in 1990, the Heat's first ever NBA individual or team award. Played from 1988 through 1994; was traded to Golden State Warriors.•Alonzo Mourning was a center, traded to Miami from the Charlotte Hornets in 1995. He played until 2001, but returned in 2004 and remained until 2008. As the co-captain along with Hardaway, Mourning averaged a double-double with the Heat, and was noted for his intimidating shot-blocking. A five-time All Star and two-time Defensive Player of The Year (1999 and 2000), Mourning finished second in MVP voting in 1999, behind Karl Malone. Mourning is the all-time franchise leader in rebounds (4807) and blocks (1625). His 9459 points were the most in franchise history until Dwyane Wade passed him on March 14, 2009. His jersey No. 33 was retired at American Airlines Arena March 30, 2009•Tim Hardaway was a point guard, traded from the Golden State Warriors to Miami in 1996 and played until 2001. Famous for his crossover dribble, Hardaway was once the all-time leader in assists for the Heat with 1,947, until his total was surpassed by Dwyane Wade on January 16, 2010. As a co-captain along with Mourning, Hardaway led the Heat to some of the franchise's best seasons, including four straight division titles and an appearance in the Conference Finals. His game-winner against the Orlando Magic in the1997 playoffs earned the first ever playoff series win for the Heat. He remains their all-time leader in three point field goals (806). His jersey No. 10 was retired at American Airlines Arena on October 28, 2009.•Dan Majerle was a shooting guard and a small forward, traded to Miami from the Cleveland Cavaliers in 1996, playing until 2001. Made a career out of his perimeter sharpshooting, defensive mindset and accuracy with three pointers, but was noted for remarkable ball-handling and passing skills. Was an All-Star in 1995. Began his stint as a sixth man, but quickly made his way into the starting lineup.•Jamal Mashburn was a small forward, traded to Miami from the Dallas Mavericks in 1997 and played until 2000. As an athletic, high-scoring swingman, Mashburn was a skilled ball-handler, an aggressive defender and a sharpshooting threat, especially from the three point line.•Voshon Lenard left the minor-league Continental Basketball Association to sign with the Heat in 1995. Emerged as a three point shooting threat and a determined defender. Averaged 12.3, 12.6 and 11.9 points per game in his second, third and fifth seasons with Miami. Most memorable for double-punting the game-winning field goal on December 10, 1996 at the Cleveland Cavaliers.•PJ Brown was a forward/center traded to Miami from the New Jersey Nets in 1996 and played until 2000. Starting off as something of an enigma to the Heat, Brown quickly proved to be one of their more athletic players, and gained a reputation for his focus on rebounding, blocking shots and hustling for loose balls. Famous for lifting Charlie Ward over his shoulder after the Knick rammed himself onto his hip after aMiami free throw.•Shaquille O'Neal was acquired in a blockbuster trade from the Los Angeles Lakers in 2004, playing until 2008. O'Neal was a key figure to the Heat's consecutive runs to the Conference Finals in 2005 and 2006 with a championship run in the 2006 NBA Finals against the Dallas Mavericks.[edit]Basketball Hall of Famers•Pat Riley (head coach) (2008)[edit]Head coachesSee also: List of Miami Heat head coachesThere have been six head coaches for the Heat franchise. The franchise's first head coach was Ron Rothstein, who served for three seasons with the Heat.Pat Riley, having coached the Heat for eleven seasons, is the franchise's all-time leader for the most regular-season games coached (849), the most regular-season game wins (454), the most playoff games coached (50), and the most playoff-game wins (26); Stan Van Gundy is the franchise's all-time leader for the highest winning percentage in the regular season (.605). Riley is the only Heat head coach to be named one of the top 10 coaches in NBA history,[10] to have won the NBA Coach of the Year Award, having won it in the 1996–97 season,[11]to have won the NBA championship with the Miami Heat (2006),[12] and to have been elected into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame as a coach, having been elected into the Hall of Fame in 2008.[13]Erik Spoelstra is the only Heat head coach to have spent his entire NBA coaching career with the Heat, and has been the head coach of the Heat since 2008.[14] The Heat's general managers have been Lewis Schaffel(1988–1995), Dave Wohl(1995–1996), RandyPfund (1996–2008) and Pat Riley (NBA Executive of the Year in 2011).[edit]Franchise accomplishments and awards Franchise leadersAll numbers as of June 28, 2012Individual awardsNBA Most Valuable Player•LeBron James– 2012NBA Finals MVP•Dwyane Wade– 2006•LeBron James– 2012NBA All-Star Game MVP•Dwyane Wade– 2010NBA Scoring Champion•Dwyane Wade– 2009NBA Defensive Player of the Year •Alonzo Mourning– 1999, 2000 NBA Most Improved Player Award •Rony Seikaly– 1990•Isaac Austin– 1997Best NBA Player ESPY Award•Dwyane Wade– 2006•LeBron James - 2012NBA Coach of the Year•Pat Riley– 1997NBA Executive of the Year•Pat Riley– 2011J. Walter Kennedy Citizenship Award •P. J. Brown– 1997•Alonzo Mourning– 2002All-NBA First Team•Dwyane Wade– 2009, 2010•Shaquille O'Neal– 2005, 2006•LeBron James– 2011, 2012•Alonzo Mourning– 1999•Tim Hardaway– 1997All-NBA Second Team•Dwyane Wade– 2005, 2006, 2011•Tim Hardaway– 1998, 1999•Alonzo Mourning– 2000All-NBA Third Team•Dwyane Wade– 2007, 2012 NBA All-Defensive First Team•Alonzo Mourning– 1999, 2000•LeBron James– 2011, 2012NBA All-Defensive Second Team•Dwyane Wade– 2005, 2009, 2010 •P.J. Brown– 1997, 1999•Bruce Bowen– 2001NBA All-Rookie First Team•Sherman Douglas– 1990•Steve Smith– 1992•Alonzo Mourning - 1993•Caron Butler– 2003•Dwyane Wade– 2004•Michael Beasley– 2009NBA All-Rookie Second Team•Kevin Edwards– 1989•Glen Rice– 1990•Willie Burton– 1991•Udonis Haslem– 2004•Mario Chalmers– 2009NBA All-Star Skills Challenge Champion•Dwyane Wade– 2006, 2007NBA All-Star Three-point Shootout Champion•Glen Rice– 1995•Jason Kapono– 2007•Daequan Cook– 2009•James Jones– 2011NBA All-Star Slam Dunk Contest Champion•Harold Miner– 1993, 1995NBA All-Star Shooting Stars Contest Champion•Chris Bosh– 2013[edit]NBA All-Star selections•Dwyane Wade– 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 •Alonzo Mourning– 1996, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2002•Shaquille O'Neal– 2005, 2006, 2007•LeBron James– 2011, 2012, 2013•Chris Bosh– 2011, 2012, 2013•Tim Hardaway– 1997, 1998•Anthony Mason– 2001•Stan Van Gundy– 2005 (As coach.)•Erik Spoelstra - 2013 (As coach.)[edit]。

CLAW5001 2014_CLAW5001_intention_20141124012258

CLAW5001 2014_CLAW5001_intention_20141124012258

Kamvounias 2014
Intention to create legal relations
Kamvounias 2014
intention to create legal relations
“To create a contract there must be a common intention of the parties to enter into legal obligations, mutually communicated expressly or impliedly”
Kamvounias 2014 CLAW5001
Thinking Skills II: legal analysis
Kamvounias 2014
Thinking Skills II: steps in legal analysis + an acronym !
› John H Wade „Meet MIRAT Legal Reasoning Fragmented into Learnable Chunks‟ (1990-91) 2 Legal Education Review 283
Framework of analysis:
1. Identifying material facts (M) 2. Identifying issues of law (I) 3. Identifying relevant rules (R) 4. Developing arguments and counter-arguments in relation to the legal issues (applying the law) (A)

2.01 Project_Charter_Template

2.01 Project_Charter_Template

Purpose of Project
Business Case
Critical business decisions regarding IT investments depend upon reliable and accurate cost information. The current process is broken and there are material distortions to the reporting of actual costs for IT projects within the Project Management System. This project will attempt to fix this broken process and give management the correct information needed for properly managing multi-million dollar investments in information technology. The main benefit of this project has to do with improving the integrity of critical business data and the corresponding decision making processes surrounding this data, such as the Monthly Performance Reports. Design and develop a complete set of solutions to address root causes behind the impairment of actual cost data in the Project Management System. At the highest level, this involves two data streams: Timesheets for Labor Costs and Expense Entries for all other costs. Determine the causes behind timesheets not processed and / or processed incorrectly. Determine the causes behind expense entries not processed and / or processed incorrectly. Determine the full extent of the problem through data analysis, interviews, and other tests. Develop solutions for improving the processes and monitor the results of the implemented solutions.



2009/10 阿仙奴球員資料艾蒙尼亞法比安斯基出生日期:19 May 1977 (西班牙) 出生日期:18 Apr 1985 (波 蘭) 前屬球會:Albacete 前屬球會:華沙利基亞 加盟日期:14 Jul 2004加盟日期:26 May 2007 首次上陣:27 Oct 2004 ( 聯賽杯勝曼城 2:1 ) 首次上陣:25 Sep 2007 ( 聯賽杯勝紐卡素 2:0 ) 總上陣次數:126總上陣次數:25正選:0 後備:0 失球:0 :0 :0正選:0 後備:0 失球:0 :0 :024. Vito Mannone 文洛尼出生日期:02 Mar 1988 (意大利) 前屬球會:阿特蘭大 加盟日期:01 July 2005首次上陣:24 May 2009 ( 英超聯勝史篤城 4:1 ) 總上陣次數:1正選:0 後備:0 失球:0 :0 :0Defenders3. Bacary Sagna 沙格拿5. Kolo Toure 托 尼出生日期:14 Feb 1983 (法 國) 出生日期:19 Mar 1981 (科特迪瓦) 前屬球會:歐塞爾 前屬球會:Mimosas 加盟日期:12 Jul 2007加盟日期:14 Feb 2002 首次上陣:12 Aug 2007 ( 英超聯勝富咸 2:1 ) 首次上陣:11 Aug 2002 ( 社區盾勝利物浦 1:0 ) 首個入球:23 Mar 2008 ( 英超聯負車路士 1:2 ) 首個入球:01 Sep 2002 ( 英超聯和車路士 1:1 ) 總上陣次數:89 總入球:1總上陣次數:326 總入球:14正選:0 後備:0 入球:0 :0 :0正選:0 後備:0 入球:0 :0 :06. Philippe Senderos 辛達路斯10. William Gallas 加拿斯出生日期:14 Feb 1985 (瑞 士) 出生日期:17 Aug 1977 (法 國) 前屬球會:西維迪 前屬球會:車路士 加盟日期:01 Jun 2003加盟日期:31 Aug 2006 首次上陣:27 Oct 2004 ( 聯賽杯勝曼城 2:1 ) 首次上陣:09 Sep 2006 ( 英超聯和米杜士堡 1:1 ) 首個入球:15 Oct 2005 ( 英超聯負西布朗 1:2 ) 首個入球:23 Sep 2006 ( 英超聯勝錫菲聯 3:0 ) 總上陣次數:115 總入球:4總上陣次數:107 總入球:13正選:0 後備:0 入球:0 :0 :0正選:0 後備:0 入球:0 :0 :018. Mikael Silvestre 施維斯達20. Johan Djourou 迪左奴出生日期:09 Aug 1977 (法 國) 出生日期:18 Jan 1987 (瑞 士) 前屬球會:曼 聯 前屬球會:Carouge FC 加盟日期:20 Aug 2008加盟日期:01 Jul 2003首次上陣:18 Oct 2008 ( 英超聯勝愛華頓 3:1 ) 首次上陣:27 Oct 2004 ( 聯賽杯勝曼城 2:1 ) 首個入球:29 Oct 2008 ( 英超聯和熱刺 4:4 ) 首個入球:─總上陣次數:23 總入球:2總上陣次數:77 總入球:0正選:0 後備:0 入球:0 :0 :0正選:0 後備:0 入球:0 :0 :022. Gael Clichy 基 治30. Armand Traore 查奧爾出生日期:26 Jul 1985 (法 國) 出生日期:08 Oct 1989 (法 國) 前屬球會:AS Cannes 前屬球會:摩納哥 加盟日期:04 Aug 2003加盟日期:01 Aug 2006 首次上陣:28 Oct 2003 ( 聯賽杯和洛特咸 1:1 ) 首次上陣:24 Oct 2006 ( 聯賽杯勝西布朗 2:0 ) 首個入球:01 Nov 2008 ( 英超聯負史篤城 1:2 ) 首個入球:─總上陣次數:186 總入球:1總上陣次數:18 總入球:0正選:0 後備:0 入球:0 :0 :0正選:0 後備:0 入球:0 :0 :040. Kieran Gibbs 基 比 斯--. Thomas Vermaelen 華 美 倫出生日期:26 Sep 1989 (英 國) 出生日期:14 Nov 1985 (比利時) 前屬球會:溫布頓 前屬球會:阿積士 加盟日期:10 Sep 2007加盟日期:19 Jun 2009 首次上陣:31 Oct 2007 ( 聯賽杯勝錫周三 3:0 ) 首次上陣:─ 首個入球:─首個入球:─總上陣次數:23 總入球:─總上陣次數:─ 總入球:─正選:0 後備:0 入球:0 :0 :0正選:0 後備:0 入球:0 :0 :0Midfielders2. Abou Diaby 迪亞比4. Francesc Fabregas 費比加斯出生日期:11 May 1986 (法 國) 出生日期:04 May 1987 (西班牙) 前屬球會:歐塞爾 前屬球會:巴塞羅拿 加盟日期:13 Jan 2006加盟日期:11 Sep 2003 首次上陣:13 Jan 2006 ( 英超聯負愛華頓 0:1 ) 首次上陣:28 Oct 2003 ( 聯賽杯和洛特咸 1:1 ) 首個入球:01 Apr 2006 ( 英超聯勝維拉 5:0 ) 首個入球:02 Dec 2003 ( 聯賽杯勝狼隊 5:1 ) 總上陣次數:98 總入球:10總上陣次數:231 總入球:29正選:0 後備:0 入球:0 :0 :0正選:0 後備:0 入球:0 :0 :07. Tomas Rosicky 路斯基8. Samir Nasri 拿斯利出生日期:04 Oct 1980 (捷 克) 出生日期:26 June 1987 (法 國) 前屬球會:多蒙特 前屬球會:馬賽加盟日期:23 May 2006加盟日期:11 July 2008 首次上陣:08 Aug 2006 ( 歐冠杯勝薩格勒布 3:0 ) 首次上陣:16 Aug 2008 ( 英超聯勝西布朗 1:0 ) 首個入球:13 Sep 2006 ( 歐冠杯勝漢堡 2:1 ) 首個入球:16 Aug 2008 ( 英超聯勝西布朗 1:0 ) 總上陣次數:61 總入球:13總上陣次數:44 總入球:7正選:0 後備:0 入球:0 :0 :0正選:0 後備:0 入球:0 :0 :015. Denilson 丹尼臣16. Aaron Ramsey 艾朗藍斯出生日期:16 Feb 1988 (巴 西) 出生日期:26 Dec 1990 (威爾斯) 前屬球會:聖保羅 前屬球會:卡迪夫城 加盟日期:31 Aug 2006加盟日期:13 June 2008 首次上陣:24 Oct 2006 ( 聯賽杯勝西布朗 2:0 ) 首次上陣:13 Aug 2008 ( 歐冠杯外圍賽勝川迪 2:0 ) 首個入球:25 Sep 2007 ( 聯賽杯勝紐卡素 2:0 ) 首個入球:21 Oct 2008 ( 歐冠杯勝費倫巴治 5:2 ) 總上陣次數:93 總入球:5總上陣次數:22 總入球:1正選:0 後備:0 入球:0 :0 :0正選:0 後備:0 入球:0 :0 :017. Alexandre Song 桑 治19. Jack Wilshere 韋舒亞出生日期:09 Sep 1987 (喀麥隆) 出生日期:01 Jan 1992 (英格蘭) 前屬球會:巴斯蒂亞 前屬球會:阿仙奴學徒球員 加盟日期:12 Aug 2005加盟日期:01 Oct 2001 首次上陣:22 Nov 2005 ( 歐冠杯勝杜安 1:0 ) 首次上陣:13 Sep 2008 ( 英超聯勝布力般 4:0 ) 首個入球:09 Jan 2007 ( 聯賽杯勝利物浦 6:3 ) 首個入球:23 Sep 2008 ( 聯賽杯勝錫菲聯 6:0 ) 總上陣次數:78 總入球:3總上陣次數:8 總入球:1正選:0 後備:0 入球:0 :0 :0正選:0 後備:0 入球:0 :0 :027. Emmanuel Eboue 伊保爾出生日期:04 Jun 1983 (科特迪瓦) 前屬球會:比華倫 加盟日期:02 Jan 2005首次上陣:09 Jan 2005 ( 足總杯勝史篤城 2:1 ) 首個入球:25 Oct 2005 ( 聯賽杯勝新特蘭 3:0 ) 總上陣次數:150 總入球:6正選:0 後備:0 入球:0 :0 :0Forwards9. Eduardo da Silva 伊度亞度11. Robin van Persie 雲佩斯出生日期:25 Feb 1983 (克羅地亞) 出生日期:06 Aug 1983 (荷 蘭) 前屬球會:薩格勒布戴拿模 前屬球會:飛燕諾 加盟日期:03 Jul 2007加盟日期:17 May 2004 首次上陣:19 Aug 2007 ( 英超聯和布力般 1:1 ) 首次上陣:08 Aug 2004 ( 社區盾勝曼聯 3:1 ) 首個入球:29 Aug 07 (歐冠杯勝布拉格斯巴達3:0 ) 首個入球:24 Oct 2004 ( 聯賽杯勝曼城 2:1 ) 總上陣次數:35 總入球:15總上陣次數:177 總入球:63正選:0 後備:0 入球:0 :0 :0正選:0 後備:0 入球:0 :0 :012. Carlos Vela 卡路士韋拿14. Theo Walcott 禾 確出生日期:01 Mar 1989 (墨西哥) 出生日期:16 Mar 1989 (英格蘭) 前屬球會:奧沙辛拿─外借 前屬球會:修咸頓 加盟日期:01 Jan 2007加盟日期:20 Jan 2006 首次上陣:30 Aug 2008 ( 英超聯勝紐卡素 3:0 ) 首次上陣:19 Aug 2006 ( 英超聯和維拉 1:1 ) 首個入球:23 Sep 2008 ( 聯賽杯勝錫菲聯 6:0 ) 首個入球:25 Feb 2007 ( 聯賽杯負車路士 1:2 ) 總上陣次數:29 總入球:6總上陣次數:105 總入球:14正選:0 後備:0 入球:0 :0 :0正選:0 後備:0 入球::0 :023. Andrey Arshavin 艾沙雲26. Nicklas Bendtner 賓特拿出生日期:29 May 1981 (俄羅斯) 出生日期:16 Jan 1988 (丹 麥) 前屬球會:辛尼特 前屬球會:哥本哈根 加盟日期:03 Feb 2009加盟日期:01 Aug 2004 首次上陣:21 Feb 2009 ( 英超聯和新特蘭 0:0 ) 首次上陣:25 Oct 2005 ( 聯賽杯勝新特蘭 3:0 ) 首個入球:14 Mar 2009 ( 英超聯勝布力般 4:0 ) 首個入球:25 Sep 2007 ( 聯賽杯勝紐卡素 2:0 ) 總上陣次數:15 總入球:6總上陣次數:93 總入球:24正選:0 後備:0 入球:0 :0 :0正選:0 後備:0 入球::0 :0。



NBA篮球名人汤姆·海因索恩介绍汤姆·海因索恩,前美国职业篮球运动员,6次入选NBA全明星阵容,下面是店铺为你整理的NBA篮球名人汤姆·海因索恩介绍,希望对你有用!NBA篮球名人汤姆·海因索恩简介汤姆·海因索恩(Tom Heinsohn),1934年8月26日出生于美国新泽西州泽西市,前美国职业篮球运动员,司职大前锋。

汤姆·海因索恩1956年NBA地域选秀中被波士顿凯尔特人队选中,职业生涯全部效力于波士顿凯尔特人队,新秀赛季当选NBA年度最佳新秀, 8次夺得NBA总冠军,6次入选NBA全明星阵容,4次入选NBA最佳阵容二阵。






1948年,汤姆·海因索恩在就读的靠近联合市(Union City)的圣迈克尔高中(St. Michael`s High School)崭露头角。


在对阵波士顿学院鹰队(Boston College Eagles)的一场比赛中,大学二年级的汤姆·海因索恩得到51分。




Surface-Based 3D Modeling of Geological Structures

Surface-Based 3D Modeling of Geological Structures

Math Geosci(2009)41:927–945DOI10.1007/s11004-009-9244-2T E AC H I N G A I D SSurface-Based3D Modeling of Geological StructuresG.Caumon·P.Collon-Drouaillet·C.Le Carlier de Veslud·S.Viseur·J.SausseReceived:17December2008/Accepted:28August2009/Published online:23September2009©International Association for Mathematical Geosciences2009Abstract Building a3D geological model fromfield and subsurface data is a typical task in geological studies involving natural resource evaluation and hazard assess-ment.However,there is quite often a gap between research papers presenting case studies or specific innovations in3D modeling and the objectives of a typical class in3D structural modeling,as more and more is implemented at universities.In this paper,we present general procedures and guidelines to effectively build a structural model made of faults and horizons from typical sparse data.Then we describe a typi-cal3D structural modeling workflow based on triangulated surfaces.Our goal is not to replace software user guides,but to provide key concepts,principles,and procedures to be applied during geomodeling tasks,with a specific focus on quality control. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article(/10.1007/s11004-009-9244-2)contains supplementary material,which is availableto authorized users.G.Caumon( )·P.Collon-DrouailletCRPG,Nancy Université,CNRS,ENSG,rue du doyen Marcel Roubault,BP40,54501Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy,Francee-mail:guillaume.caumon@ensg.inpl-nancy.frP.Collon-Drouaillete-mail:pauline.collon@ensg.inpl-nancy.frC.Le Carlier de VesludGéosciences Rennes,UniversitéRennes1,bat.15—campus de Beaulieu,263Av.du général Leclerc,BP74205,35042Rennes Cedex,FranceS.ViseurLaboratoire de Géologie des Systèmes et Réservoirs Carbonatés(EA4234),Universitéde Provence, Case67,3place Victor Hugo,13331Marseille cedex03,FranceJ.SausseG2R,Nancy Université,CNRS,CREGU,BP70239,54506Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy,FranceKeywords Structural geology·3D earth modeling·Visualization·Interpretation·Geomodeling1IntroductionUnderstanding the spatial organization of subsurface structures is essential for quan-titative modeling of geological processes.It is also vital to a wide spectrum of human activities,ranging from hydrocarbon exploration and production to environmental en-gineering.Because it is not possible to directly access the subsurface except through digging holes and tunnels,most of this understanding has to come from various in-direct acquisition processes.3D subsurface modeling is generally not an end,but a means of improving data interpretation through visualization and confrontation of data with each other and with the model being created,as well as a way to gener-ate support for numerical simulations of complex phenomena(i.e.,earthquakes,fluid transport)in which structures play an important role.As the interpretation goes,the 3D framework forces us to make interpretive decisions that would be left on the side in map or cross-section interpretations.Skilled geologists know how to translate3D into2D and vice versa,but,no matter how experienced one can be,this mental trans-lation is bound to be qualitative,hence inaccurate and sometimes incorrect.3D model building calls for a complex feedback between the interpretation of the data and the model.Such a feedback can only be partial when seeing only the interpretation on a section plane.In most applicationfields,3D modeling is also a means of obtaining quantita-tive subsurface models from which information can be gathered.Such a3D Ge-ological Information System can be used,for instance,in mineral potential map-ping(Bonham-Carter1994)and geo-hazard assessment(Culshaw2005).3D struc-tural models can be meshed to solve(geo)physical problems and assess or pre-dict production of natural resources,solve geomechanical problems,better under-stand mechanisms that trigger earthquakes,etc.In this case,one main concern is to estimate petrophysical properties of rocks such as porosity or seismic wave ve-locity,in order to simulate physical processes.Traditionally,these estimations are performed on regular grids typically using geostatistical methods(Goovaerts1997; Chilès and Delfiner1999).Yet,geologists know that the distribution of petrophysical properties is mostly determined by rock types.Therefore,a clear understanding of how rocks are spatially laid out in3D is a prior to any geostatistical study or simula-tion of a physical process.A3D structural model is a numerical representation of this structural information.As any model,this3D structural model is at best a simplified view of reality depending on the choice of a representation as determined by the scale of study,the prior hypotheses about the features of geological objects being described and the application intended for the model,the quantity and quality of available in-formation,and the limitations of the computing device(computing power,memory, precision).At worst,the model may be grossly wrong,displaying unrealistic fault geometries or variations of layer thickness.Unfortunately,in our experience,begin-ners with3D modeling too often lose their critical sense about their work,mostly due to a combined effect of dazzling graphics and suboptimal human–machine commu-nication.The goal of this teacher’s aide is to provide some practical clues and guidelines about the integration of surface and subsurface data into a consistent3D structural model made of a set of geological interfaces.These3D surfaces are used to model the main discontinuities of the domain of study,such as horizons,faults,unconfor-mities,intrusion boundaries,etc.Such a structural model may be updated when new data becomes available or perturbed to account for structural uncertainties,and can be used as a framework to generate3D meshes conforming to geological structures. We propose to intuitively present the main methodological and numerical approaches which can be used to generate3D surfaces,and to give practical rules and clues about elementary quality control on the resulting3D models.This paper is mostly based on our experience of teaching3D structural modeling with the Gocad®ge-omodeling software;however,most general rules provided here should be applica-ble to other software platforms.Additional insight on surface-based3D structural modeling methods is also available from de Kemp and Sprague(2003),Dhont et al.(2005),Fernández et al.(2004),Gjøystdal et al.(1985),Groshong(2006),Kauf-man and Martin(2008),Lemon and Jones(2003),Mallet(1997,2002),Sprague and de Kemp(2005),Turner(1992),Wycisk et al.(2009),Wu et al.(2005),Zanchi et al.(2009).After a rapid overview of the typical data available in a3D modeling project(Sect.2,Fig.1(A)–(B)),elementary general rules of structural modeling are presented(Sect.3).Then,Sect.4presents additional guidelines for appropriate rep-resentation of structural interfaces with numerical surfaces.The structural modeling process is described in Sect.5(Fig.1(C)–(D)),with a focus on the main technical choices and quality controls to be made to obtain a consistent model.Before con-cluding this teacher’s aide,Sect.6briefly presents some recent and ongoing research topics on3D structural modeling.2Data Management2.1A Quick Overview of Earth DataThe typical input data for a3D structural modeling project can be quite diverse and may includefield observations(for instance,stratigraphic contacts and orien-tations,fault planes),interpretive maps and cross-sections,remote sensing pictures, and,for high budget projects,LIDAR outcrop data(Bellian et al.2005),reflection seismic,and borehole data.Each data type has its specific features,which will act upon how it is integrated in the modeling process and affect the quality of the model. The resolution qualifies the smallest observable feature from a given type of data. For instance,the seismic resolution usually varies between10to40m,while di-rect observations on thefield or on well cores can be made at a millimeter resolu-tion.The accuracy relates to how much a datum approximates reality.Causes for deviations can typically originate from measurement errors,smoothing due to lim-ited resolution,approximate positioning or georeferencing,database errors,incor-rect interpretation or processing parameters,etc.Knowing how much data is reliable and interpreted is essential for weighting its contribution to thefinal model versus that of the other data types and one’s interpretation.For instance,whereas geolog-ical cross-sections are often considered as hard data,3D structural modeling mayreveal some inconsistencies in interpretive cross-sections,and motivate reinterpre-tations.Another example is in the latefitting of seismic-derived structural models to pierce points observed along boreholes to correct for errors in seismic picking or velocity.The measurement precision is linked to the sensitivity of the acquisition method and corresponds to the range of error around the true value.For example, GPS tools give generally the errors about the acquired coordinates.The numerical storage(Bonham-Carter1994)may be achieved in a matrix(or raster)format,used typically for images.Raster data typically result from some systematic acquisition or imaging procedure,and,inherently,have limited resolution.Alternatively,vector format used for lines,points,and polygons is sharper,and is hence the preferred format for punctual observations such as well cores,GPS-generatedfield measure-ments,and most interpreted data and models(cross-sections,maps,etc.).For conve-nience,data storage is often achieved using so-called2.5D data structures,in which a single elevation value is given for a given map location.This type of representa-tion,widely used in2D GIS software,is appropriate for remotely sensed topographic surfaces,but may raise problems for representing general3D geological structures such as recumbent folds,inverse faults,etc.Modern geomodeling software usually deals with true3D representations for vector objects(de Kemp and Sprague2003; Dhont et al.2005;Mallet1997,2002).2.2Management and3D Visualization of Earth DataGeoreferencing is afirst step before starting geomodeling,whereby all available in-formation is combined and organized in a common coordinate system(e.g.,Culshaw 2005;Kaufman and Martin2008;Zanchi et al.2009),see Fig.1(A).The choice of a good coordinate system is a crucial step in the modeling process,it has to cover the entire studied zone and be precise enough not to lose or distort information.To georeference an image,at least three control points must be defined.Their coordi-nates both in the original local andfinal coordinate systems are input by the user to compute the georeferencing transformation.The control points must be chosen as close as possible from georeferenced points and picked on precise geographic coor-dinate systems to minimize errors.When the number of control points is larger than the required minimum,residuals between the local and global control point coordi-nates provide a measure of georeferencing accuracy.A wrong georeference typically comes from errors in the selection of control points or from distortions produced by the scanning of paper documents.Early detection of such errors is paramount for building a consistent structural model.For this,3D visualization functionalities available in geomodeling packages should be used extensively.The main tool at hand for this visual quality control is a3D virtual camera,whose direction,viewing vol-ume,and proximity to the3D scene can be modified in real time to visually inspect the data(Möller and Haines1999).Several objects can be displayed simultaneously, providing a simple and effective way of visually checking for possible inconsisten-cies.It is often useful to project a raster map(geological map,aerial picture)onto the corresponding digital elevation model using texture mapping.This results in a so-called Digital Terrain Model,or DTM(Fig.1(A)).The DTM highlights the rela-tionships between geological structures and topography,and provides georeferenc-ing quality control by overlaying topographic contour lines onto the raster map.TheFig.1Typical structural modeling steps applied to an undergraduate student’s map and cross-sections of the Ribaute area,Southern France.The interpretation is extrapolated above the topographic surface.(A)Data georeferencing(Sect.2.2).(B)Picking of relevant structural objects(Sect.2.2);Curves with spherical nodes denote faults;curves with cubic nodes denote stratigraphic contacts.(C)Creation of fault network(Sects.3,4,5.1and5.2;Figs.8,9);contour lines of fault surfaces are displayed.(D)Hori-zon modeling(Sects.3,4,5.1and5.3;Figs.8,10);DTM has been hidden for clarity,and faults are displayed with transparency.3D model can be viewed at /~caumon/Research/ Papers/MathGeo09_3DScreenshot.pdfsecond step of data management consists of data preparation and cleaning.Raster images are not directly exploitable,and features of interest must be picked as vector objects(Fig.1(B)).When these vector data have been imported from a2D GIS sys-tem,projection onto the topographic surface and segmentation may also be needed to transform map polygons into lines which have a unique geological meaning.This projection(or a careless picking of lines on a DTM)can introduce significant arti-facts in the line geometry,for the DEM resolution is often coarse as compared to the size of the features of interest.Detecting(andfixing)such problems early on is ex-tremely important to keep a high signal/noise ratio,especially when data are sparse. Lastly,co-located points and outliers in the vector data should be checked,because they may introduce modeling artifacts during further steps.As afinal refinement,it may be preferable to homogenize line sampling,to avoid alternation of short and long segments.Indeed,some surface construction techniques described in Sect.5aresensitive to line sampling.3Basic Structural Modeling RulesA3D structural model is made of geological interfaces such as horizons and faults honoring available observation data.These surfaces shouldfit the data within an ac-ceptable range,depending on data precision and resolution.For instance,a2meter misfit between3D seismic picks and a stratigraphic horizon is acceptable,for it can filter out noise present in the data.Well data,however,should generally be honored much more accurately.Strategies to correct for data misfit in this context will be dis-cussed in Sect.4.3.Each3D surface represents a geological discontinuity due to the changes of depositional conditions,erosion,or tectonic events like faulting or intru-sion.A consistent structural model comprises not only surfacesfitting observation data,but also correct relationships between the geological interfaces.For this pur-pose,some basic modeling rules have to be observed in the modeling output.In most cases,these constraints are enforced by distinguishing the macro-topology,or frame, which is used to model the borders of an object,and the micro-topology,or lattice, which deals with the mesh of the object.In this section,we focus on rules related to the macro-topology.In principle,these rules are similar to those used when drawing a2D cross-section.In practice,however,the third dimension makes it difficult to de-tect areas where these rules have been infringed.Therefore,we now explicitly stress some topological requirements which always hold in structural modeling.Some of these rules may automatically be enforced by software implementation,but all are discussed here for generality.3.1Surface Topological Self-consistencyA3D surface that is legal from a mathematical perspective does not necessarily rep-resent a valid natural object.Indeed,a geological surface is a boundary between two volumes of rocks with different characteristics(seismic impedance,hanging wall, metamorphic isograd,lithology,etc.).Therefore,the surface orientation rule states that a geological surface is always orientable,i.e.,has two well-defined sides.A corol-lary is that a surface shall not self-intersect,for it would suggest that the volumes separated by this surface overlap each other.3.2Relation Between Structural InterfacesMost of the3D structural modeling endeavor amounts tofiguring out how faults and horizons interact with each other.A main topological requirement in volume model-ing is that surfaces should only intersect along common borders(Mäntylä1988). In3D structural modeling,it is possible and convenient to use a relaxed variant of this surface non-intersection rule,stating that any two surfaces should not cross each other,except if one has been cut by the other(Mallet2002,p.272).This means,for instance,that a fault surface needs not be cut along horizon tear lines, which makes model updating much easier when new data becomes available.Nat-urally,specific conditions depending on the type of geological interfaces can also be stated(Caumon et al.2004).The rock unit non-intersection rule states that for any two rock boundaries H i and H j,H i may lie on one side only of H j,and con-versely.If not,this means that layers overlap each other,hence are ill-defined(seeFig.2Basic surface intersection rules:Overlapping layers(A,hatched area)and leaking layers(D)are invalid;whereas(B),(C),(E),(F)are consistent modelshatched part in Fig.2(A)).This observation forms the basis of erosion or down-lap/intrusion rules available in many geomodeling packages(Calcagno et al.2008; Mallet2002).Figure2(B)–(C)provides a simple2D example of choice between erosion or downlap/intrusion to be made to correct the model shown in Fig.2(A). Additional consistency conditions rely on the notion of logical borders on a surface, which describes the macro-topology.A surface border is defined by a set of con-nected border edges.For geomodeling needs,the border of a surface can be split into several pieces called logical borders,depending on their origin or role.For instance, a fault tear line on a horizon consists of two logical borders for the hanging wall and footwall.From this definition,the free border rule states that only fault surfaces may have logical borders not connected onto other structural model interfaces(Caumon et al.2004).Indeed,stratigraphic surfaces necessarily terminate onto faults,uncon-formities or model boundaries(Fig.2(D)–(E));faults only may terminate inside rock units when the fault displacement becomes zero(Fig.2(F)).3.3Geometric ConstraintsIn addition to data compliance,realism of the structural model geometry,though more difficult to characterize objectively,should always be assessed.This may be done visually in the complete or clipped3D scene,and by extracting cross-sections. An important step in quality control is to use fault juxtaposition diagrams to check that fault displacement does not vary abruptly.Strike variations may be inspected by displaying horizon cutoff lines on the fault hanging wall and footwall.Likewise, vertical variations should be looked at by checking layer thickness variations on both sides of a fault and its compatibility with fault kinematics(Walsh et al.2003).Additionally,local surface orientation may be checked visually to detect mod-eling artifacts such as saddle geometries between cross-sections.Quantitative ap-proaches may also be used,such as surface curvature analysis(Groshong2006;Mallet2002;Pollard and Fletcher2005;Samson and Mallet1997).For instance, one may deem that a horizon is realistic only if it can be unfolded without de-formation,i.e.,if its Gaussian curvature is null everywhere(Thibert et al.2005). Another possibility for fault surfaces is to check whether their geometry allows for displacement using a thread criterion(Thibault et al.1996).When it comes to assessing the likelihood not of a surface but of the whole structural model,sim-ple apparent or normal thickness of sedimentary formations may be used.An-other more rigorous but more difficult approach is to restore the structural model into depositional state(Maerten and Maerten2006;Moretti2008;Muron2005; Rouby et al.2000);strain analysis can then be used to judge on the model likelihood. More generally,structural models should be compatible with all types of observation data which result from physical processes in the earth,for instance as seismograms or reservoir production data.The assimilation of such data to reduce3D structural uncertainty is an active research topic(Sect.6).4Practical Modeling GuidelinesIn addition to the general rules formulated above,practical modeling choices must be made when building a computer-based geometric model.Therefore,we will now present the notions of model resolution and mesh quality,which are both essential fora good3D structural modeling study.4.1Finding the Appropriate Model ResolutionThe discrete structural model is a piecewise approximation of an ideal continuous object.The discrete model is all the more accurate than it is closer to that ideal con-tinuous object.The accuracy of a discrete surface is determined by the precision of its points(usually,simple or doublefloating point precision),and the density of its points,which provides more degrees of freedom to approximate the continuous sur-face by polygons.When building a3D structural model,the question of mesh density is often to be raised,independently of how this surface interacts with other objects. For instance,the resolution of a surface can be modified while maintaining the de-finition of its logical borders.Visualization and processing of an excessively dense model are inefficient;conversely,coarse objects may be too rigid to account for com-plex3D shapes.A common misunderstanding is that model resolution should be adapted to data density.In the presence of redundant data,as often encountered in Geosciences,this practice can possibly lead to inefficient representations and sub-optimal performance.Conversely,when data are sparse,oversimplified models may lead to severe simplifications and to an understatement of uncertainties.Therefore, a structural model should ideally have the minimal resolution to reflect the desired geometric complexity of the structures.Obviously,one’s understanding of geometric complexity is related to data features.Therefore,model resolution should be at least such that the misfit between the model and the data is within the range of data uncer-tainty.Model resolution may also be higher to ensure mesh quality and to account for interpretive input and analog reasoning.In many cases,it is useful and appropriateFig.3Triangulated surfaces allow for varying resolution depending on the needed level of detail.This topographic surface(width60km)was created by adaptive triangulation of a digital elevation modelFig.4Examples of local operations modifying the resolution of a triangulated surface.The edge collapse (A)and node collapse(B)operations coarsen the triangular mesh(elements to collapse highlighted in red). Triangle subdivision(C)refines the mesh:all red triangles are subdivided once(resulting in green nodes and edges),and the dark red triangle is subdivided twice(resulting in orange nodes and edges)to allow for spatially varying resolution on geological surfaces(e.g.,few points in smoothly varying areas,and high densities in high curvature areas,Fig.3).This need for adaptive resolution is a motivation for using triangulated surfaces(also known as triangulated irregular networks,TINs)as compared to rigid computer representa-tions such as2D grids(Fernández et al.2004;Lemon and Jones2003;Mallet1997, 2002).In practice,the resolution of a geological surface can be locally adapted to meet the appropriate density.Decimation of a triangulated surface removes nodes carrying redundant information.Decimation is based on node collapse(Fig.4(A))or edge collapse(Fig.4(B))operations.Conversely,densification(Fig.4(C))increases surface resolution.Densification can be performed arbitrarily or semi-automatically by considering the misfit between the surface and the data or using subjective assess-ment.Hierarchical surfaces such as quad trees provide another means of dealing with locally variable resolution,but call for special processing to handle faults.4.2Mesh QualityWhile local mesh editing is extremely useful to locally adapt surface resolution,it can introduce elongated triangles(Fig.4(C)).However,many numerical codes running on polygonal surface meshes are sensitive to mesh quality.In the case of TINS,triangles should have the largest possible minimal angle.This geometric consideration has an incidence on the surface topology.In an ideal surface made only of equilateral tri-angles,each internal node has exactly six neighbors,separated by angles of60°.Of course,such a surface is of little practical interest,for it can only represent a plane.Fig.5Three alternative triangulations of the same set of points.Arrows and colors indicate how the edge flipping operation transforms one triangulation into another(red,before edgeflipping;green,after edge flipping).The rightmost triangulation honors the Delaunay criterionWhen representing a specific3D shape,the departure from that ideal mesh should remain as small as possible.For a given geometry of surface points,the triangula-tion maximizing mesh quality honors the Delaunay condition,which states that the circumscribed circle of every triangle should not contain any point of the surface(De-launay1934).From any given triangulated surface,edgeflipping can be used to match this criterion(Fig.5).Other topological operations such as node relocation or node collapse(Fig.4(B))may also be used to improve mesh quality.Automatic mesh im-provement tools are often proposed by geomodeling software to avoid tedious manual mesh editing.Such automated tools are very convenient to combine adaptive surfaces resolution and acceptable mesh quality(Fig.3).Nevertheless,these processes can be time-consuming,so it is good to keep an eye on mesh quality throughout the3D structural modeling process.4.3Data MisfitAs mentioned in Sect.4.1,a possible cause for data misfit lies in a poor surface resolution.Global or local mesh refinement may then be a strategy to increase the surface accuracy.A common situation is to honor approximately soft data(e.g.,seis-mic picks)and exactly hard data(e.g.,well pierce points).Kriging the hard data with locally varying mean supplied by soft data is a possible way to tackle the problem.Al-ternatively,least-squares interpolation such as Discrete Smooth Interpolation(Mallet 1992)can affect different weights to each type of information.The hard data may also be inserted into the mesh andfixed in later steps(in this case,spikes on the surface can be avoided by interpolating the error on the surface,then displacing the surface nodes so that the error becomes null).5Structural Modeling ProcessStructural modeling is generally achieved in two steps(Fig.1(C)–(D)).First,fault surfaces are built to partition the domain of study into fault blocks.Then,stratigraphic horizons are created,following the rules described in Sect.3.In general,this process takes geological data into account.Therefore,we willfirst describe some surface construction strategies to account for typical data types.Fig.6Direct surface construction from curves.A curve and an expansion vector can be used to generate a cylindrical surface(A).Simple surfaces may also be generated by associating a series of cross sections lines(B).In both cases,the mesh quality depends on the regularity of the line sampling;in addition to line regularization strategies,later improvement of the surface mesh may be needed5.1Surface Construction5.1.1Direct TriangulationSurface construction strategies vary depending on the type of geological surface cre-ated and structural complexity.In some cases,surfaces may be assumed cylindricaland can be created from a polygonal line and an expansion vector(Fig.6(A)).Thistype of hypothesis is often convenient when creating fault surfaces from map traces.The expansion vector is often the dip vector v=[v x v y v z]T.Following the right-hand rule convention,this vector is obtained from the average surface strike angleθ(between0and2π,where0denotes the northing direction[010]T)and dip angleϕ(between0andπ)v=⎡⎣cosθ·cosϕ−sinθ·cosϕ−sinϕ⎤⎦.(1)As actual cylindrical surfaces are seldom encountered in nature,it is also possible to associate several lines interpreted on parallel cross-sections to obtain piecewise coni-cal surfaces(Fig.6(B)).In both cases,the number of line-parallel triangle strips to be inserted should be such that triangles are roughly isotropic.Direct surface construc-tion from non-intersecting lines is often unsatisfactory.Indeed,one cannot directly account for intersecting lines or unstructured point sets.Moreover,the conical or cylindrical surfaces are just too simple to approximate the actual geometry of struc-tural surfaces(Pollard and Fletcher2005).Triangulation of the data points can over-come these limits.As seen in Sect.4.2,the Delaunay triangulation of the data points maximizes the mesh quality of triangles.It is obtained by local or global projections of the data onto a plane(for instance the average plane)so that the empty circle con-dition can be checked.By definition,the boundary of the Delaunay triangulation is the convex hull of the points in the projective plane,which may yield border effects on thefinal result(Fig.7(A)).A typical strategy is to also use a polygonal curve。

J. Mol. Model. 1999, 5, xx- xx

J. Mol. Model. 1999, 5, xx- xx

DNA is a long, thread-like macromolecule composed of two helical polynucleotide chains. The chains are coiled around a common axis and are antisymmetric with respect to the helical axis. The most frequent conformation is a so-called B-DNA in which the diameter of the double helix is approximately 20 Å.
J. Mol. Model. 1999, 5 and the conformational energy of the sugar phosphate backbone [3]. The polynucleotide backbone exposes the negatively charged phosphates to dielectric screening by the solvent and promotes the stacked helical arrangement of adjacent bases in its preferred conformations. In this way, a hydrophobic core is produced where H-bonds between bases as well as additional sugar-base, sugar-sugar and H-bonds of protein-DNA are created. Thus, water molecules can increase the stability of helical conformations of nucleic acids by screening the charges of the phosphates and by bonding to the polar exocyclic atoms of the bases [3]. Geiduschek and Gray [4] first suggested that hydration plays a role in the stability of nucleic acid helices and later proposed that the base stacking forces together with H-bonding between complementary bases were responsible for double helical structures in solution. In 1967, Lewin proposed that water bridges contribute greatly to the stability of the DNA double helix in the solution. Saenger and Westhof [5] emphasised the importance of water molecules and water bridges in nucleic acid stability on the basis of crystallographic data. Westhof and Beveridge [6] published simulation results sizing the importance of water molecules and water bridges in nucleic acids [7]. Docking of oligonucleotides to proteins presents a formidable problem because the large number of atoms involved and the flexibility of DNA molecules and the side chains of the protein make the explicit search of binding space very difficult if not impossible even for a single DNA sequence. Therefore, most studies start with rigid-body matching involving a system of filters designed to eliminate unfavourable conformations. Scoring is based on a surface
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This article first looks at some of the hot topics in financial reporting. Then, by using an illustrative question, it shows you how to use this information to formulate an answer to a current issues question.The FrameworkThe examiner’s advice is that if you are not sure where to start your answer to a current issues question, then begin with the Framework . The Framework for Financial Reporting sets out theconceptual basis for the development of standards, and is itself based on the elements of assets and liabilities. T o paraphrase the Framework , ‘an asset/liability is a right/obligation to a future economic outflow/inflow’. This focus on financial position has permeated all the standards issued in recent years, and continues to dominate current issues.But the Framework also refers to other concepts, such as relevance, reliability and entity. Which brings us to fair value.Fair valueThis is the hot topic in financial reporting. In order to make the position statement a genuine statement of financial position, rather than simply a balance sheet, the International Accounting StandardsBoard (IASB) has been pushing financial reporting towards fair value. Fair value accounting attempts to present all assets and liabilities at market value and, as such, is highly subjective. But the IASB is prepared to accept reduced reliability in favour of increased relevance.ConvergenceAlso red hot is the subject of convergence, which the IASB interprets essentially as the convergence of IFRS with US accounting. This process has received a major boost in recent months, with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) coming out in favour of fair value and the IASB.Business combinationsTangled up in the process of convergence is the project to make sense of group accounting. The IASB has long accepted that the US slant on groups was better suited to the entity concept and the reality of acquisitions. So the IASB issued and reissued IFRS 3, Business Combinations , in order to reflect this. But perhaps the rarity of non-controlling interest (NCI) in the US has led to the IASB creating unnecessary complications as regards the NCI goodwill.Management commentaryThe spiralling complexity of financial reporting has led to most companies translating theirfinancial statements into a more digestible report, tagged on to the financial statements in the annual report. This ‘management commentary’ is largely unregulated at the moment, but the IASB has a standard under development that, once issued, will produce some conformity in management commentaries.ILLUSTRATIVE QUESTIONThe following is an illustrative current issues question. It is partly based on past examples of Question 4, but it also looks forward to currentissues that are topical now and which will remain so for the next few sittings. So the question, therefore, takes its lead from the examiner, Graham Holt, and his comments (made at the February 2009 ACCA teachers’ conference) that lecturers should try to write questions of the future, especially in the context of current issues. As you look through the question, you will note the use of numbers, rarely seen in previous Question 4 examples. This also takes its lead from the examiner’s comments at the conference, when he warned that future current issues questions might use numbers to draw out conceptual issues.currentC U R R E N T I S S U E S A R E A T T h E h E A R T O F P A P E R P 2, C O R P O R A T E R E P O R T I N g , A N d P E R M E A T E T h E E N T I R E S y L L A B U S . B U T I T I S T h E L A S T Q U E S T I O N I N T h E E x A M P A P E R , Q U E S T I O N 4, T h A T R E A L L y d E L V E S I N T O T h E P O L I T I C A L A N d I N T E L L E C T U A L d E B A T E T h A T R E P R E S E N T S C U R R E N T I S S U E S I N F I N A N C I A L R E P O R T I N g .RELEVANT TO ACCA QUALIFICATION PAPER P2Studying Paper P2? Performance Objectives 10 and 11 are linkedQuestion 4: FudgeFudge is a medium-sized industrial group that is listed on a major world stock exchange. It has finally succeeded in acquiring a controlling interest in its principle supplier, Sugar. This acquisition is seen by the board as a great achievement, since in the past, concerns over supply have frustrated the Board and worried the shareholders.You are advising the chief finance officer (CFO) regarding the issues raised by the acquisition.She has various concerns, most of which relateto the financial reporting of the acquisitionand the conceptual reasons underlying the financial reporting. The acquisition of Sugar was achieved in stages. Sugar is a traditional raw materials supplier and had, until recently, been under family ownership and control. Fudge has, for a number of years, been in negotiations with the family to purchase shares, but only last year, for the first time, was Fudge offered shares in Sugar. Fudge purchased 25% (25,000 shares) at the end of last year for $2m, and obtained a seat on the main Board. The fair value of the identifiable net assets of Sugar at that time was $4m.Last week, Fudge acquired a further 35% (35,000 shares) for $3.5m and obtained control. The fair value of the identifiable net assets of Sugar at this second point of purchase was $5m. The fair value of the previous ownership of 25% was measuredat $2.25m, and the fair value of the NCI was measured at $3.2m. These latter two fair values have been measured using appropriate models.It is approaching the year end, and the CFO wants to understand how the above purchasewill be reported, both in the financial statements and elsewhere. She understands that there arenew rules regulating group accounting, and that these have been motivated partly by the need for global accounting convergence. She is particularly keen to understand the underlying principles behind the accounting and also the application of fair value to the process of measuring goodwill. However, she is also concerned that the acquisition, which is a major strategic success, might not be communicated to shareholders appropriately,because the focus is primarily on the accounting.Negotiations with Sugar shareholders continue,and Fudge hopes to purchase a further 10%(10,000 shares) early next year. It is expectedthat the consideration will be $1m, and that theidentifiable net assets of Sugar will be $6m at thisanticipated third point of purchase. The CFO wouldlike to understand how this third purchase will bereported, should it go ahead. Goodwill remainsunimpaired throughout. The group has the policy ofrecognising full goodwill.RequiredWrite a report for the CFO that addresses thefollowing requirements:(a) Calculate the goodwill attributable to Sugar atthe current year end. Explain the conceptualbasis for the calculation of goodwill.(13 marks)(b) Explain how the important strategic reasonsfor the acquisition could be communicated toFudge shareholders.(5 marks)(c) Calculate the transfer in equity and thereduction to equity that is attributable to theparent shareholders that would result fromthe third purchase, assuming it occurs aspredicted. Explain the conceptual basis forthis transfer.(7 marks)(Total 25 marks)Comments on the questionPerhaps the first thing to advise in the contextof a question like this is: ‘do not becomeobsessed by the numbers’. It is clear from theexaminer’s comments that group accountingunder IFRS 3 (Revised) will be an important topicfor examination in the future. It is also clearthat the examiner’s articles in the February andApril 2009 issues of student accountant will beimportant. But it is also clear from the questionabove that discussion of the issues is at least asimportant as the numbers.ThEFIRSTThINgTOAdVISEINThECONTExTOFAQUESTIONLIkEThISIS:‘dONOTBECOMEOBSESSEdByThENUMBERS’.ITISCLEARFROMThEExAMINER’SCOMMENTSThATgROUPACCOUNTINgUNdERIFRS3(REVISEd)wILLBEANIMPORTANTTOPICFORExAMINATIONINThEFUTURE.issuesI would also advise students not to try to be too clever. The examiner regularly complains of answers that are technically wonderful, but which do not answer the question and therefore achieve few marks. So do not attempt to dazzle markers with excessive detail; instead, use your understanding of the key issues to simply and clearly answer the question. MOdEL ANSwERReportTo: Chief Finance OfficerFrom: Medate: TodaySubject: Acquisition issuesIntroductionThe following report discusses the issues raised by the acquisition of Sugar.(a) The financial reporting of the acquisitiongoodwillThe goodwill in Sugar at the point of obtaining control at the coming year end will be calculatedas follows:$’000 Fair value of consideration 35% 3,500 Fair value of previous ownership 25% 2,250 Fair value of NCI 40% 3,200 Fair value of the business 100% 8,950 Fair value of net assets (5,000) Goodwill at acquisition 3,950(Calculation worth 5 marks) Conceptual basisThe above calculation is based on the entity concept within the Framework for Financial Reporting. This concept notes that the group is one entity under the control of the parent shareholders. This key concept notes that the parent has control over the parent assets and liabilities, as well as the assets and liabilities of the sub.Parent viewpointFrom the point of view of the parent as a singleentity, the parent simply acquires first 25,000shares, then another 35,000 shares. So the parentsees two purchases.group viewpointBut the group perspective is quite different. Thegroup acquires the sub when it obtains control, andclearly that happens when the second purchase of35,000 shares occurs. That is the point at which thesub enters the group.EffectThe effect of this is that we must recognise only onepoint of acquisition of the sub. In order to achievethis, we deem the group to have sold its associateand acquired a sub at the point the group obtainscontrol. So the first 25,000 shares are deemed tohave been sold and then immediately bought backat fair value at acquisition.Fair valueThis leads to one of the more unusual features ofIFRS 3 (Revised). The fair value of the shares deemedsold and bought back need not be in line with that ofthose actually acquired (or even those retained) bythe NCI. A simple calculation can show this:Share volume Fair value given Fair value pershare35,000 $3.5m $10025,000 $2.25m $9040,000 $3.2m $80Fair value elsewhereThe above divergent fair value is most odd, giventhat in other situations, for example, the fairvaluation of financial assets at fair value with gainsand losses to the profit and loss, the transactionprice on one share gives the fair value of all theothers at this point. This divergence of fair valueresults in goodwill attributable to the NCI far belowthat of the goodwill attributable to the controllinginterest. This makes part (c) below much harder.ThEExAMINERREgULARLyCOMPLAINSOFANSwERSThATARETEChNICALLywONdERFUL,BUTwhIChdONOTANSwERThEQUESTIONANdThEREFOREAChIEVEFEwMARkS.SOdONOTATTEMPTTOdAzzLEMARkERSwIThExCESSIVEdETAIL;INSTEAd,USEyOURUNdERSTANdINgOFThEkEyISSUESTOSIMPLyANdCLEARLyANSwERThEQUESTION.Sugar acquisitionThe Sugar acquisition is exactly the kind of issue that management commentary is designed to accommodate. The numbers, as presented in the financial statements, do not give the reader a flavour of the purpose behind the purchase.PresentationThe Fudge group should use the managementcommentary to explain the importance of the Sugar acquisition in terms of supply stability, and should also explain the extended negotiations that resulted in the step acquisition.RegulationThe IASB has published a discussion document on management commentaries, and the group should read this before publishing. The group should also look at other management commentaries and at how others have dealt with acquisitions.websiteThe group should also consider using its website to communicate the acquisition, maybe even considering a press conference.(1 mark per point to give 6 marks for discussion) (c) The financial reporting of the transferTransferThe following will transfer out of NCI:$’000Net assets attributable to NCI at transfer (40%)($6m)2,400Goodwill attributable to NCI at transfer (unchanged from (a))1,200NCI before transfer of 10% ownership 3,600Transfer to controlling equity (10%/40%) (900)NCI remaining2,700(Calculation worth 3 marks)N O T E T h E S T y L E O F T h E A N S w E R . T h E L A N g U A g E I S S I M P L E A N d T h E I d E A S A R E C L E A R . B U T N O T I C E A L S O h O w T h E A N S w E R h A S B E E N T U N E d T O T h E M A R k I N g g U I d E F O R Q U E S T I O N 4, S U M M E d U P B y T h E E x A M I N E R A S ‘S U B j E C T I V E : 1 M A R k P E R P O I N T ’. S E E h O w M y A N S w E R U S E S O N E h E A d I N g F O R E A C h P O I N T T O A I d T h E M A R k I N g P R O C E S S .goodwill splitGoodwill is split between the controlling and the NCI as follows: $’000Goodwill (controlling interest) (3,500 + 2,250 - (60%)(5,000)) 2,750Goodwill (NCI) (3,200 - (40%)(5,000)) 1,200Goodwill at acquisition (see above) 3,950Notice that the NCI is 40%, but that they own less than one third of the goodwill.ConvergenceIt is true that the revision of IFRS 3 was motivated by the desire to improve financial reporting in the context of the entity concept. However , it is also true that the project has been dominated by the desire to converge IFRS with US accounting standards.(1 mark per point to give 9 marks for discussion, therefore one extra point)(b) The communication with shareholdersManagement commentaryManagement commentary is the generic name for the unaudited operating and financial review that accompanies most financial statements in the annual report presented to shareholders.The ideaThe idea of this report is to translate the performance and position of the group from the hard numbers, as presented in the financial statements, into softer words and pictures for easier understanding.COMMENTS ON ThE ANSwERNote the style of the answer . The language issimple and the ideas are clear . But notice also how the answer has been tuned to the marking guide for Question 4, summed up by the examiner as ‘Subjective: 1 mark per point’. See how my answer uses one heading for each point to aid the marking process. Also notice that when I am aiming for five marks, I give six points.Next, note that the answer draws widely from across current issues. Of course, the answer isfounded on the new IFRS on business combinations, but look how I bring in the conceptual framework, fair value, convergence, management commentary, and other issues.Finally, note that ‘subjective’ implies that there are other issues that could alternatively have been discussed, and the following would all have been acceptable:¤ Accounting for the entity, Sugar, over the year in the statement of comprehensive income, would have been as an associate up to acquisition and as a sub thereafter .¤ The deemed disposal of the associate atacquisition would generate a profit on disposal.¤ The models used for share valuation are highly subjective and open to manipulation.¤ The family company was privately owned and that is why there is no market price before or after the acquisition.The examiner has, on numerous occasions, made it clear that alternative answers that consider alternative issues are welcomed by markers.CONCLUSIONI recommend that students review and workthrough past current issues questions to improve their knowledge of current issues, improve their delivery of clear answers, and draw from the broad range of issues discussed above to demonstrate their understanding.Martin Jones is a lecturer at the London School of Business and FinanceReduction in the equity attributable to the parent shareholdersThe above transfer into controlling equity will meet the cost of the consideration to create the following reduction: $’000Transfer to controlling equity (above) 900Consideration cost recognised directly in equity (1,000)Reduction to equity that is attributable to the parent shareholders (100)(Calculation worth 1 mark)Conceptual basisThe above financial reporting is again based on the entity concept and the related concept of control. Once the group has absolute control of the sub at acquisition, then the group has control. This occurred last week when the 35,000 shares were purchased.ControlControl is an absolute: either you have it or you do not. The group cannot get more control by buying more shares later .OwnershipOwnership is quite different. Clearly, if the group does increase its ownership to 70%, then the NCI will decrease to 30%. This results in the transfer between the equity owners, from non-controlling to controlling.goodwillIf Fudge successfully purchases the further10,000 shares, this will not be a sub acquisition. Therefore, if there is no acquisition, there is no new goodwill calculation.(1 mark per point to give 4 marks for discussion)I R E C O M M E N d T h A T S T U d E N T S R E V I E w A N d w O R k T h R O U g h P A S T C U R R E N T I S S U E S Q U E S T I O N S T O I M P R O V E T h E I R k N O w L E d g E O F C U R R E N T I S S U E S , T O I M P R O V E T h E I R d E L I V E R y O F C L E A R A N S w E R S , A N d d R A w F R O M T h E B R O A d R A N g E O F I S S U E S d I S C U S S E d A B O V E T O d E M O N S T R A T E T h E I R U N d E R S T A N d I N g .。
