



白细胞检验练习题及答案一单项选择题1.白细胞稀释液不能破坏下列哪种红细胞A.正常红细胞B.畸形红细胞C.网织红细胞D.有核红细胞2. 某患者外周血白细胞总数5×109/L,分类中性中幼粒细胞0.005,晚幼粒细胞0.06,杆状A核细胞0.25,分叶核细胞0.55,此血象表示A.慢性粒细胞性白血病B.类白血病反应C.退化性左移D.退化性右移3. 某患者白细胞计数为1.50×l09/L,但分类100个白细胞时遇到有核红事细胞20个,经校正后此患者白细胞数应报告为A.1.80×109/LB.1.35×109/LC.1.25×109/LD.1.20×109/L4. 检查红斑狼疮细胞(LEC)的几种方法中,何者阳性率最高A.血块法B.末梢血法C.滴血法D.去纤维法5. 在白细胞成熟过程中,最先含有特异性颗粒的细胞是A.中幼粒细胞B.晚幼粒细胞C.早幼粒细胞D.杆状核粒细胞6. 下列现象何者与白细胞无关A.Auer小体B.D?hle体C.中毒颗粒D.Howell-Jolly小体7. 正常生理情况下白细胞变化规律的叙述,哪项是错误的A.早晨较高,下午较低B.安静松弛时较低,进食后比进食前高C.剧烈运动,剧痛和激动时显着增多D.妊娠期常轻度增加8. 诊断系统性红斑狼疮最有意义的是A.贫血B.白细胞减少C.LE细胞D.类风湿因子9. 伴有中毒颗粒的中性粒细胞与嗜碱性粒细胞最好鉴别方法是A.瑞氏染色后两者颗粒不同B.瑞氏染色后两者细胞核形态不一C.可用pH6.4缓冲液进行瑞氏染色D.可用pH5.4缓冲液进行姬姆萨染色10. 下列疾病中性粒细胞增多的是A.伤寒B.副伤寒C.再生障碍性贫血D.急性链球菌感染11. 下列疾病中性粒细胞常增多的是A. 伤寒B.过敏性休克C.心肌梗塞D.疤疾12. 中性粒细胞的几种毒性变化,何种表现为核浆发育不平衡A.中毒颗粒B.D?hle体C.空泡D.退行性变13. 关于几种白细胞的叙述,哪项是正确的A.嗜酸性粒细胞的颗粒同中性粒细胞的颗粒一样大B.单核细胞是只有一个核的圆形细胞,通常是过氧化物酶阴性C.嗜碱性粒细胞一般约占全部自细胞的5%~8%D.淋巴细胞核圆形,偶见凹陷,染色质粗糙致密14. 下列哪项与中性粒细胞退行性变无关A.胞体肿大B.核固缩C.核棘突D.核溶解15. 关于中性粒细胞核象的描述,错误的是A.核分叶多的细胞增多说明造血功能衰退B.五叶核以上粒细胞超过0.03称核右移C.核左移常为预后不良之兆D.疾病恢复期可出现一过性核右移现象16. 下列疾病中性粒细胞常减少的是A.脾功能亢进B.尿毒症C.急性溶血D.肺吸虫病17. 下列结果哪项不符合典型的严重感染患者A.白细胞总数常增加B.中性粒细胞出现核左移及退行性病变C.淋巴细胞相对减少D.嗜酸性粒细胞常轻度增加18. 血液标本检查红斑狼疮细胞(LEC),除了严格掌握时间.温度及制作涂片要求外,试验关键还在于A.血凝后马上捣散血块,低速离心后孵育B.采血后立即放入水浴箱内C.让血清尽早析出D.尽早分离出白细胞层19. 关于白细胞核象左移,哪项较为确切A.粒细胞杆状核以上阶段的细胞增多称核左移B.外周血片中出现幼稚细胞称核左移C.未成熟的粒细胞出现在外周血中称核左移D.分类中发现许多细胞核偏于左侧的粒细胞称核左移20. 正常情况下,血涂片经染色后中性粒细胞核象哪项最多见A.杆状核B.二叶核C.三叶核D.四叶核21. 关于白细胞分类计数的叙述,错误的是A.白细胞总数超过20.0×109/L时,一般应分类计数200个白细胞B.当血涂片上发现幼稚红细胞时,应列入白细胞分类总数中并报告百分率C.快速染色法无法确定的细胞,应用瑞-姬氏染色复查D.要避免重复计数,玻片应由血膜边缘向中央依次上下呈曲线移动22. 从原始粒细胞,早幼粒细胞到中幼粒细胞均有合成DNA的能力,这类粒细胞应属于A.分裂池B.成熟池C.贮存池D.循环池23. 在疾病进行期出现中性粒细胞核右移常提示A.预后不良B.预后良好C.机体抵抗力强D.骨髓造血机能旺盛24. 作嗜酸性粒细胞计数时,如血液稀释20倍,计数9个大方格数得嗜酸性粒细胞21个,则此标本嗜酸性粒细胞应报告为A.0.466×109/LB.0.932×109/LC.0.420×109/LD.1.050×109/L25. 下列叙述错误的是A.白细胞中仅有中性粒细胞具有运动功能B.红斑狼疮细胞的形成常需中性粒细胞参与C.嗜酸性粒细胞吞噬能力比中性粒细胞差D. 嗜碱性粒细胞含有组织胺样和肝素样物质26. 取静脉血20μl加至0.78ml白细胞稀释液内,混匀,滴入计数盘,计数五个大方格中白细胞数为625个,则应报告白细胞计数结果为A.500×109/LB.25.0×109/LC.50.0×109/LD.62.5×I09/L27. 下列不具有吞噬功能的细胞是A.嗜碱性粒细胞B.中性粒细胞C.单核细胞D.嗜酸性粒细胞28. 剧烈运动引起中性粒细胞的暂时增加,其主要原因是A.神经兴奋B.血管收缩C.骨髓刺激D.体内白细胞重新分布29. 下列疾病中性粒细胞常减少的是A.化脓性炎症B.疤疾C.大叶性肺炎D.尿毒症30. Pelger-Hüet畸型的特点是A.染色质聚集成小块或条索网状,其间有空白间隙B.中性粒细胞中含包涵体C.中性粒细胞分叶增多,常为5~9叶D.通常为常染色体隐性遗传性缺陷31. 几种白细胞经瑞氏染色后,其胞浆内颗粒的描述,错误的是A.中性粒细胞胞浆中细小均匀的颗粒被染成紫红色B.嗜酸性粒细胞胞浆内有粗大.均匀的桔红色颗粒C.单核细胞胞浆内有细小尘土样紫红色颗粒D.淋巴细胞胞浆内有粗大.大小不均的较多的嗜天青颗粒32. 关于白细胞寿命的几种说法,错误的是A.从原始细胞到在组织中破坏死亡共10~15天B.粒细胞在骨髓内发育成熟后释放入血,再进入组织4天内破坏死亡C.T淋巴细胞寿命项达100天以上D.B淋巴细胞寿命为30天左右33. 在正常生理情况下,小儿白细胞变化曲线中淋巴细胞与中性粒细胞两次交叉时间分别为A.1~2天,1-2岁B.2~3天,2~3岁C.6~9天,4~5岁D.8~10天,8~10岁34. 中性粒细胞增多,最常见的原因是A.急性感染和化脓性炎症B.中毒C.急性出血D.恶性肿瘤,35. 如果血片厚薄均匀,染色良好,每高倍镜下可见4~6个白细胞,则可粗略估计此患者白细胞总数为A.(4~7)×109/LB. (7~9)×109/LC.(10~12)×109/LD.(13~18)×109/L36. 下列叙述中哪项是正确的A.能见到多个核仁的细胞,可考虑为幼稚或异常细胞B.细胞越成熟,核在细胞中所占面积比(N/C)越是增大C.嗜天青颗粒仅见于成熟的中性粒细胞D.核左移为杆状核粒细胞减少的状态37. 伤寒病人外周血中白细胞减少,主要原因是哪部分的白细胞增多所致A.成熟池.B.分裂池C.循环池D.边缘池38. 关于不同年龄白细胞的生理变化,哪项是错误的,A.新生儿白细胞一般在15.0×109/L左右B.初生儿外周血白细胞主要为淋巴细胞C.婴儿期淋巴细胞均较高,可达0.70D.4~5岁儿童,淋巴细胞与中性粒细胞基本相等39. 日常白细胞计数仅反映了下列哪部分中的白细胞数A.分裂池B.边缘池C.循环池D.成熟池40. 血涂片经瑞氏染色后,Alder-Reilly畸型的形态特点是A.中性粒细胞中含巨大深染的嗜天青颗粒B.中性粒细胞中有数个直径2~5μm的包涵体C.中性粒细胞常为杆状或分两叶D.中性粒细胞含有淡蓝色大而圆的包涵体41. 下列几秒异常白细胞何者表现为成熟中性粒细胞核分叶能力减退A.Alder-Reilly畸型B.Pelger-Hüet畸型C.chedialk-Higashi畸型D.May--Hegglin畸型42. Dohle氏体主要由下述何种物质组成A.RNAB.变性脂蛋白C.变性珠蛋白D.铁蛋白43.溶血标本不会影响以下检验结果的是A.红细胞计数B.白细胞计数C.血涂片D.血清钾浓度E.转氨酶44.卡波环现认为可能是A.核残余物B.脂蛋白变性C.色素沉着D.血红蛋白聚集E.胞质发育异常45.血涂片计数100个白细胞见25个有核红细胞,白细胞计数值为10X109/L,则白细胞计数的真实值为A.4X109/LB.8X109/LC.10X109/LD.12.5X109/LE.15X109/L46.不影响血液成分的生理因素是A.吸烟B.进食C.采血方法D.运动E.情绪激动四、名词解释1.中毒颗粒2.杜勒体3.核左移4.核右移5.异型淋巴细胞6.类白血病反应五、简答题1.中性粒细胞病理性增多的临床意义?2.根据粒细胞发育阶段及分布特点人为划分那些部分?3.中性粒细胞常见的毒性变化有哪些?4.嗜酸性粒细胞病理性增多的临床意义?六、论述题1.白细胞计数的临床意义?2.外周血异常白细胞形态有哪些改变?答案一、单项选择题1C 2B 3D 4B 5A 6C 7D 8D 9D 10D 11D 12A 13B 14C 15B 16C 17C 18D 19B 20B 21C 22D 23C 24D 25B 26A 27D 28B 29B 30A 31C 32B 33D 34D 35C 36C 37B 38D 39B 40D 41B 42A 43D 44A 45B 46D 47B 48A 49D 50A 51B 52C 53A 54D 55B 56C 57B 58A 59D 60D 61D 62D 63B 64A 65A 66B 67B 68D 69A 70B 71B 72D 73D 74D 75A 76D 77C 78B 79C 80B 81D 82C 83D 84D 85B 86A 87C 88C 89C 90D 91B 92C 93D 94C 95D 96B 97C 98C 99D 100D 101B 102A103D 104C 105C 106B 107C 108B 109A 110B 111B 112A 113A 114C 115A 116C 117C 118D 119A 120D 121A 122C 123B 124D 125D 126C 127C 128B 129D 130C 131C 132A 133D 134A 135A 136A 137D 138C 139C 140B 141A 142A 143A 144A 145B 146C 147D 148D 149C 150D 151C 152A 153D 154B 155C 156A 157D 158D 159C 160A 161B 162A 163D 164B 165D 166C 167A 168B 169A 170D 171A 172C 173E 174B 175B 176A 177C 178B 179C 180B 181C二、多项选择题1ABCE 2ABCDE 3AB 4ABC三、填空题1、红细胞白细胞血小板2、运输功能;协调功能;)维护机体内环境稳定;防御功能3、左手中指无名指指端大指足底内外侧缘部4、肘部静脉5厚薄适宜头体尾分明边缘整齐两侧应留有空隙6、化学的亲和作用物理的吸附作用7、白细胞特异性颗粒细胞核寄生虫8、采血位置选择不当稀释倍数不准充液不当血液发生凝集误认仪器不准混合细胞悬液时产生大量气泡9、中性分叶核粒细胞中性杆状核粒细胞嗜酸性粒细胞嗜碱性粒细胞淋巴细胞单核细胞10、(4~10)×109/L 男性:(4.0~5.5)×1012/L 女性:(3.5~5.0)×1012/L (100~300)×109/L11、9.375×10912、分裂池成熟池储备池循环池边缘池13、急性感染 严重的组织损伤及大量血细胞破坏 急性内出血 急性中毒 白血病及恶性肿瘤14、嗜酸性粒细胞15、嗜碱性粒细胞16、单核细胞17、严重化脓菌感染 败血症 恶性肿瘤 急性中毒 大面积烧伤18、核左移19、核右移20、空泡型 不规则型 幼稚型21、促红细胞生成素 原始红细胞 早幼红细胞 中幼红细胞 晚幼红细胞 网织红细胞22、Nacl 、Na 2SO 4 Hgcl 蒸馏水23、HbA HbF24、SHb 540nm25、试剂无毒性26、120~160g/L 110~150g/L 170~200g/L27、骨髓造血功能低下 造血原料缺乏 红细胞破坏增加 红细胞丢失过多28、淡红色圆盘状 6.7~7.7微米 浅染 苍白区29、染色质小体 卡-波环 碱性点彩红细胞 有核红细胞30、血小板生成障碍 血小板破坏或消耗增多 血小板分布异常 先天性血小板减少31、晚幼红细胞 成熟红细胞 煌焦油蓝32、0.5%~1.5% 2%~6% (24~84)×109/L33、增多 减少34、40%~50% 37%~47%35、fl(10-15L) Pg(10-12g) (g/L)36、82~92 27~31 320~36037、<<<38、重金属中毒嗜碱性物质变性粗细不等的蓝黑色颗粒39、伤寒长期使用肾上腺皮质激素40、各种蛋白质成分比例总蛋白的浓度41、红细胞的数量红细胞的形态红细胞的聚集状态42、0~15mm/h 0~20mm/h43、枸橼酸钠4:144、病人血清中存在LE因子受损或退变的细胞核具有吞噬活性的白细胞45、电阻抗法46、小细胞区中间细胞区大细胞区47、WBC RBC Hb HCT MCH MCV MCHC PLT 白细胞比率大型白细胞计数48、红细胞体积大小异常性变异系数49、双峰改变50、自动化程度越来越高提供参数越来越多精密度越来越高速度越来越快越来越注重环保质量功能得到加强智能化程度越来越高四、名词解释1、抗凝:用物理或化学的方法,除掉或抑制血液中某些凝血因子以阻止血液凝固的方法2、抗凝剂:指能阻止血液凝固的化学试剂3、瑞氏染液:由酸性染料伊红核碱性染料美蓝组成的复合染料4、中毒颗粒:中性粒细胞胞质中出现的粗大、大小不等、分布不均匀的紫黑色或深紫红色颗粒5、杜勒体:中性粒细胞胞质毒性变化而保留的局部嗜碱性区域6、核左移:外周血中杆状核粒细胞增多并出现晚幼粒、中幼粒甚至早幼粒细胞7、核右移:外周血中5叶核及5叶核以上的中性粒细胞>3%8、异性淋巴细胞:在病毒或过敏原等因素刺激下,外周血淋巴细胞增生并发生异常形态变化9、网织红细胞:介于晚幼红细胞和成熟红细胞之间尚未完全成熟的红细胞10、嗜碱性点彩红细胞:因为某些重金属中毒,胞质中残存的嗜碱性物质变性沉淀而形成的11、红细胞沉降率:红细胞在一定条件下沉降速度,简称血沉12、红细胞体积分布宽度:血细胞分析仪测量一定数量的红细胞体积后,计算求得的反映外周血红细胞体积大小异常性的参数,用红细胞体积的变异系数来表示13、类白血病反应:机体对某些刺激因素所产生的类似白血病表现的血象反应14、贫血:红细胞和血红蛋白低于参考值的下限,为红细胞和血红蛋白减少,是一种症状,某些类型的贫血红细胞形态会产生特殊的变化五、简答题1、血液的功能有哪些(1)运输功能(2)协调功能(3)维持机体内环境稳定(4)防御功能2、毛细血管采血法注意事项?(1)采取末梢血以左手中指或无名指指端内侧为宜,婴幼儿选用大趾及足底内外缘部采血(2)严重烧伤患者,选取皮肤完整处采血(3)采血器材选用一次性“专用采血针”(4)穿刺深度约为3mm(5)切忌用力挤压,避免混入组织液或导致血液凝固3、临床检验项目常用的抗凝剂有哪些?抗凝原理分别是什么?(1)枸橼酸钠抗凝剂,枸橼酸钠可以与血液中的钙离子形成螯合物,从而阻止血液凝固。



判别依据:Ⅰ、不符合法律法规及其他要求; Ⅱ、曾发生过事故,仍未采取有效控制措施; Ⅲ、相关方合理抱怨或要求;
Ⅳ、直接观察到的危害; Ⅴ、作业条件危害评价(LEC法)

D值为300以上的判定为高度危险源;D值为150-299判定为中度危险源; D值为150以下的判定为低度危险源。

危险源控制措施:a) 控制目标、指标、专项技术方案和管理方案;b) 管理程序、规章制度与安全操作规程;c) 对已有的一般控制措施的改 进;d) 针对性的培训与教育;e) 现场监测、信息、报告、预警与报警;f) 应急预案;g) 监督与检查;h) 其他。

电建施工 危害辨识综合(LECD法)

电建施工 危害辨识综合(LECD法)

第1页注:判别依据中a为不符合法律法规及其他要求;b为曾经发生过事故仍未采取有效控制措施;c为相关方有合理抱怨或要求; d为直接观察到可能导致事故的危险,且无适当控制措施;e为LEC法半定量评价。

编号:职业平安卫生危害辨识与危险评价结果一览表第2页注:判别依据中a为不符合法律法规及其他要求;b为曾经发生过事故仍未采取有效控制措施;c为相关方有合理抱怨或要求; d为直接观察到可能导致事故的危险,且无适当控制措施;e为LEC法半定量评价。

第3页注:判别依据中a为不符合法律法规及其他要求;b为曾经发生过事故仍未采取有效控制措施;c为相关方有合理抱怨或要求; d为直接观察到可能导致事故的危险,且无适当控制措施;e为LEC法半定量评价。

编号:职业平安卫生危害辨识与危险评价结果一览表第4页注:判别依据中a为不符合法律法规及其他要求;b为曾经发生过事故仍未采取有效控制措施;c为相关方有合理抱怨或要求; d为直接观察到可能导致事故的危险,且无适当控制措施;e为LEC法半定量评价。

编号:职业平安卫生危害辨识与危险评价结果一览表第5页注:判别依据中a为不符合法律法规及其他要求;b为曾经发生过事故仍未采取有效控制措施;c为相关方有合理抱怨或要求;接观职业平安卫生危害辨识与危险评价结果一览表注:判别依据中a为不符合法律法规及其他要求;b为曾经发生过事故仍未采取有效控制措施;c为相关方有合理抱怨或要求; d为直接观察到可能导致事故的危险,且无适当控制措施;e为LEC法半定量评价。

职业平安卫生危害辨识与危险评价结果一览表第7页注:判别依据中a为不符合法律法规及其他要求;b为曾经发生过事故仍未采取有效控制措施;c为相关方有合理抱怨或要求; d为直接观察到可能导致事故的危险,且无适当控制措施;e为LEC法半定量评价。

职业平安卫生危害辨识与危险评价结果一览表第8页注:判别依据中a为不符合法律法规及其他要求;b为曾经发生过事故仍未采取有效控制措施;c为相关方有合理抱怨或要求; d为直接观察到可能导致事故的危险,且无适当控制措施;e为LEC法半定量评价。



小学六年级上册英语第3单元期测验题(答案和解释)英语试题一、综合题(本题有50小题,每小题2分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.I __________ (be) very tired last night. I __________ (go) to bed early and__________ (fall) asleep quickly. I __________ (have) a good rest.2.Which one is a holiday?A. TuesdayB. ChristmasC. SummerD. September3.What do we use to wash our hands?A. KnifeB. SoapC. SpoonD. Plate4.Which one is a day of the week?A. MondayB. JanuaryC. SummerD. Winter5.Which one is the correct spelling?A. AppleB. ApplleC. ApleD. Appel6.In the morning, I __________ (usually/eat) breakfast at 7:00. I __________ (have) toast, eggs, and juice. My brother __________ (prefer) cereal, but I __________(not/mind) because I __________ (like) toast. After breakfast, we __________ (brush) our teeth and __________ (go) to school.7.You see someone cheating during a class test. What should you do in this situation?A. Ignore it and mind your own businessB. Tell the teacher immediately about what you sawC. Help the person cheat so y ou don’t get in troubleD. Wait for the test to finish and say nothing8.David is in the __________ with his family. They are looking at a __________ that is swimming in the water. David’s sister loves the __________ because it is so colorful. They also see some __________ on the shore. After a while, they sit on a __________ to relax.9.My favorite holiday is ______. It’s a time when we celebrate with family and friends. We decorate the house with ______ and give each other ______. I like this holiday because we eat a lot of delicious ______.10.I __________ (1) my homework after school every day. It usually __________ (2) one hour. After finishing my homework, I __________ (3) to play outside with my friends. We __________ (4) basketball or soccer, and sometimes we __________ (5) go to the library to read.11.What color is a leaf in the summer?A. PurpleB. GreenC. YellowD. Brown12.Tom is helping his mom in the kitchen. First, he washes the __________ and puts them on the table. Then, he takes a __________ and cuts the __________ into small pieces. Tom’s mom adds some __________ and stirs the mixture together. After cooking for a few minutes, they eat the delicious dish and feel very __________.13.Which of these animals is known for making honey?A. LionB. BearC. BeeD. Tiger14.What is the shape of a pizza?A. SquareB. CircleC. TriangleD. Rectangle15.I __________ (1) a good student. I __________ (2) to school every day and__________ (3) my homework on time. My favorite subject __________ (4) math, and I __________ (5) it a lot. I __________ (6) my classmates and __________ (7) always help each other.16.I ______ (like) to read books in the evening. Every night, I ______ (read) for about 30 minutes before bed. Sometimes, my mom ______ (read) a story to me, and I ______ (listen) carefully. My favorite books ______ (be) about animals and adventure. On weekends, I sometimes ______ (visit) the library to get new books to read.17.Which one is used to clean the floor?A. BroomB. KnifeC. PlateD. Spoon18.I can ______ a bicycle.A. ridingB. rodeC. rideD. rides19.Which of these is not a fruit?A. BananaB. AppleC. CarrotD. Grape20.If you are feeling tired, what is the best thing to do?A. Run more.B. Take a nap.C. Eat a lot of sweets.D. Play a game.21.Which of these is a weather condition?A. SunnyB. BookC. ChairD. Table22.Which animal has a long trunk?A. ElephantB. TigerC. DogD. Cat23.What do we use to cut paper?A. ScissorsB. ForkC. KnifeD. Plate24.I like to __ in the morning. It makes me feel __ and ready for the day. After that, I eat a healthy __ with fruit and __. At school, we learn many interesting things like __ and __. I always look forward to the lessons because they are so much fun!25.Which of the following is a pet animal?A. cowB. dogC. tigerD. elephant26.This morning, I __________ (wake) up at 7:00 a.m. but I __________ (feel) very tired. I __________ (get) out of bed quickly and __________ (brush) my teeth. Then I__________ (have) breakfast with my sister. She __________ (eat) some toast, but I__________ (eat) a sandwich. After breakfast, we __________ (leave) for school at 8:00.27._______ your father work in a hospital?A. DoesB. DoC. IsD. Are28.Eva loves to play the piano. She practices every day after school. Today, she is learning to play a new __________. It is a song called "__________," and Eva loves the melody. She starts by playing the __________ hand first, and then she practices with the __________ hand. When she gets better, Eva can play the song with both hands at the same time. Her teacher is very proud of her progress.29.My best friend ______ (play) the piano very well. Last Sunday, she ______ (perform) at a concert. She ______ (practice) for hours every day to improve her skills.30.Which one is a fruit?A. OrangeB. CarrotC. PotatoD. Lettuce31.Anna is going to the zoo with her class. They first visit the __________ where they see lions, tigers, and __________. Then, they go to the __________ to look at the giraffes and __________. Anna is most excited to see the __________ because she has never seen one before. After the visit, they take a __________ to the gift shop to buy some souvenirs.32.Which of these is a time of the day?A. WinterB. MorningC. AprilD. Nighttime33.The weather ______ (be) really cold this morning, so I ______ (wear) my warmest jacket. I ______ (leave) my house early because I ______ (want) to avoid being late for school. On the way to school, I ______ (see) a beautiful snowman in front of a house.34._______ your brother like playing basketball? He’s really good at it! (Does, Do, Is, Are)35.Where _______ you live?A. doB. doesC. amD. is36.Jack is learning how to __________. He is practicing every day in the __________. His father gives him a __________ to help him balance. Jack is a little __________ at first, but after a few tries, he begins to enjoy it and feels __________ when he can ride on his own.37.My family __________ (plan) to go on a trip next summer. We __________ (want) to visit the beach. My sister __________ (like) swimming in the sea, and my brother__________ (love) building sandcastles. I __________ (look) forward to it because we __________ (have) so much fun every time we go on a trip.38.My father __________ (1) to work by bike every morning. He __________ (2) to the office early, and I __________ (3) to school at the same time.39.Tom and his friends are planning a trip to the zoo this weekend. They will see many animals like lions, tigers, and __________. Tom’s favorite animal is the __________ because it is very cute. He also wants to see the __________, which is known for its long neck. After visiting the animals, Tom’s friend Jack suggested they have a __________ near the lake. Tom brought his camera to take some pictures of the animals and his friends. They are all looking forward to seeing the __________ and learning more about them.40.She ____ a teacher.A. isB. amC. areD. be41.My favorite season is __. The weather is __ and the flowers are blooming. I like to go to the __ with my family and have a picnic. We eat sandwiches and drink __. After eating, we play __ and enjoy the nice weather. This season always makes me feel __. 42.Today, I __________ (feel) very excited because my family __________ (plan) a trip to the beach this weekend. We __________ (pack) our bags with towels, sunscreen, and snacks. My brother __________ (want) to bring a kite, so we __________ (put) it inthe car. I __________ (look) forward to the trip because I __________ (love) swimming in the ocean. I __________ (hope) the weather __________ (be) nice.43.This morning, I __________ (1) up early and __________ (2) a big breakfast. AfterI __________ (3) my breakfast, I __________ (4) my schoolbag and __________ (5) to school. It __________ (6) a sunny day, so I __________ (7) my sunglasses. When I__________ (8) to school, I __________ (9) my best friend, Lisa, waiting for me at the gate. We __________ (10) to our classroom together.44.I __________ (study) English every day. My sister __________ (study) math, and my brother __________ (study) science. Last Monday, we __________ (have) an English test. I __________ (do) my best, but I __________ (feel) a little nervous.45.I ______ (love) learning English because I ______ (be) good at it. Yesterday, I______ (read) a storybook in English, and I ______ (understand) most of it. My teacher ______ (be) proud of me.46.Which of the following is a mode of transport?A. CarB. ChairC. ShirtD. Pencil47.Which of these is a drink?A. MilkB. AppleC. TableD. Shoe48.This is _______ book.A. aB. anC. theD. some49.Which of these is a body part?A. LegB. TableC. ShoeD. Spoon50.I have two ___ in my family.A. brothersB. brotherC. sisterD. sisters(答案及解释)。


提纯塔顶部冷凝器(EA3010) 提纯塔再沸器(EA3011) 燃烧气罐(FA3008) 回流罐(FA3003) 乙烯增压机(GB3004A/B) 丙烯贮罐(FA3006) 丙烯压缩机一级补气罐(FA3004) 丙烯压缩机二级补气罐(FA3005) 丙烯压缩机(GB3002A/B) 脱甲烷塔丙烯收集罐(FA3009) 提纯塔塔釜丙烯收集罐(FA3010) 提纯塔塔顶丙烯收集罐(FA3011) 丙烯冷却器(EA3013) 燃气加热器(EA3014) 乙烯循环加热器(EA3015) 丙烯排液罐(FA3007)
25 提纯区
26 提纯区
27 提纯区
28 提纯区
29 提纯区 30 提纯区 31 提纯区 32 提纯区 33 提纯区 34 制冷区 35 制冷区 36 制冷区 37 制冷区 38 制冷区 39 制冷区 40 制冷区 41 制冷区 42 制冷区 43 制冷区 44 制冷区
序号 工序名称
1 乙烯生产区 乙烯装置
2 乙烯生产区 直爬梯
3 乙烯生产区 斜梯
4 乙烯生产区 钢结构
5 蒸发区
6 蒸发区
7 蒸发区
8 蒸发区
9 蒸发区
18 反应区
19 反应区

SMC LEC(smc电缸):SMC电缸_LEC通讯说明

SMC LEC(smc电缸):SMC电缸_LEC通讯说明

SMC LEC支持系列:LEC 6 系列触摸屏设定:参数推荐选型备注PLC 类型SMC_LEC通讯口类型RS-485波特率38400 9600~115200数据位8效验位None停止位 1PLC 站点号 1设备地址:Bit/Word 驱动类型格式范围备注B X H 16进制40~ 4f 内部继电器(输入)B Y H 16进制0 ~ 30 内部继电器(输出)W D H 16进制400 ~ 9110 数据寄存器单字节(2byte)W D_Double H 16进制400 ~ 9110 数据寄存器双字节* 双字节(4 byte)数据必须使用选择D_Double 设备类型.接线图:The following represents the view of HMI & PLC. eMT3000 seriesCOM1 RS485 9针D型公头COM3 RS4859针D型母头RS485 terminal1 Data- 6 Data- 4 SD-2 Data+ 9 Data+3 SD+5 GND 5 GND 8 GND1 EMG+短接2 EMG-6 CON短接7 DC24VMT6000/8000 series except MT6050i/MT8050iCOM1 RS485 9针D型公头COM3 RS4859针D型母头RS485 terminal1 Data- 6 Data- 4 SD-2 Data+ 9 Data+3 SD+5 GND 5 GND 8 GND1 EMG+短接2 EMG-6 CON短接7 DC24VMT6050i/MT8050iCOM1 RS485 9针D型公头COM1 RS4859针D型母头RS485 terminal1 Data- 7 Data- 4 SD-2 Data+ 8 Data+3 SD+5 GND 5 GND 8 GND1 EMG+短接2 EMG-6 CON短接7 DC24V。



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风险 等级
1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2
风险评估 L
0.1 0.1 3 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 0.2 1 3 1 1 1 0.5 1 1 1 0.1 1 3 1 1 0.1 0.2 3 6 3 6 3 3 3 6
坍塌 机械伤害 物体打击 坍塌 坍塌 坍塌 机械伤害 机械伤害 机械伤害 机械伤害 机械伤害 机械伤害 高处坠落 机械伤害 机械伤害 机械伤害 机械伤害 机械伤害 机械伤害 机械伤害 机械伤害 机械伤害 机械伤害 机械伤害 机械伤害 机械伤害 物理性爆炸 物理性爆炸 物理性爆炸 机械伤害 坍塌 机械伤害 坍塌 机械伤害 淹溺 机械伤害 机械伤害 机械伤害 机械伤害 触电 高处坠落



式中: L—发生事故的可能性大小



PDU机柜插座(技术参数 )

PDU机柜插座(技术参数 )
≤1.2 Kv 金属外壳 19 英寸标准机柜 2m*1.5mm2 IP20 -40℃~+90℃ 室内温度条件下 30%~90% GBl8802.1、lEC61643-1
技术参数: 产品名称 产品型号 保护插位数 额定负载电流 标称工作电压 Un 最大持续工作电压 Uc 保护水平 Up(8/20μs) 外壳材料 外观尺寸 电源连线规格 外壳防护等级 工作温度范围 空气相对湿度 执行标准 【普天】 机柜专用 PDU 电源插座 PTZX-PDU 6 位、8 位、10 位 10 A、16A、32A 220V 275V 50 Hz 50Hz



英国枪史图册全篇 1866-2021本期为英国篇的全篇武器介绍,因为该主⾓是典型的海权国家和轻武器⼯业萎缩的代表,严重缺乏轻武器⽣长的⼟壤,所以本期与前⼏期的出场的主⼈公会有严重的落差感,这⾥提前预警。






于是英国政府下令,在1864年成⽴了“新式枪械、弹药的专项委员会”,对当时的欧美各国主流武器进⾏选型,最终决定使⽤本国“博克塞(Edward.M.Boxer)”⼯程师设计的“中⼼发⽕式半⾦属弹”组合“美国雅各布.斯奈德”⼯程师设计的“左右翻转式枪机”和“恩菲尔德MK 1853型前装步枪”进⾏前装改后装的设计。

这款武器最终于“1866年通过性能测试”,并在同年的8⽉20⽇被定型为“14.7mm⼝径MK 1866型恩菲尔德-斯奈德步枪。






Part One:普通法律英语部分I(Match each of the following numbered definitions with the correct term in the list below, Write the letter of your choice in the answer column.Exercise 1A. defendant F. adjudicateB. allegation G. reviewC. case law H. plaintiffD. law I. Common LawE. statutory law J. Jurist( )1. Judicial re examination of the proceedings of a court or other body; a reconsideration by the same court or body of its former decision. ( )2. Rules of conduct applicable to all people and enforceable in court.( )3. To decide a matter by legal means; for example, court, mediation, arbitration.( )4. The party being sued or tried in either civil or criminal action. ( )5. The major source of law in the U. S. A. or the U K; based on old English Law.( )w established by Congress, stare legislatures or any other law making bodies.( )7.A person who has a substantial knowledge of law and who has written extensively on legal matters; for example, judges, professors, and so on. ( )8. The party who initiates an action at law (law suit). ( )9. Law based on court decisions.( )10. A statement or charge made in a pleading which one intends to prove by legal evidence.Exercise 21A executive branch F devolutionB. federal G. defamationC. legislation H. legislative branchD. confederation I. allegationE. judicial branch J. constitution. Laws or written rules which are passed by Parliament and ( )11 implemented by the courts.( )12. The government department that is responsible for determining the constitutionality of legislative and executive actions, andadjudicating rights and duties of others involved in disputes. It interprets and applies the Law.( )13.A written document defining fundamental legal principle for governance of the people. It may include grants of power and limitations of power.( )14.Passing of power to govern or to make decisions from a central authority to a local authority.( )15.The government department that is responsible for carryinglaws into effect.( )16.Group of independent states or organizations working together for common aims.( )17.The government department that is responsible for enacting statutory laws.( )18.Refers to the U. S government and its activities. The United States is a federation of 50 sovereign states.( )19.In pleading, an assertion of fact; the statement of the issue which the contributing party is prepared to prove.( )20.False statement, either oral or written, which tends to injure the reputation of the victim. It may be civil as well as criminal.Exercise 3A(separate property F. adulteryB(bigamy G. beneficiaryC(custody H. separationD(heir I. necessariesE(nonsupport J. guardian( )21. A situation in which parties are not living together but otherwise have legal duties of husband and wife.( )22. The care and possession of minor children of a marriageduring a divorce proceeding and after divorce is final.( )23. Property owned By either spouse before marriage or acquired during marriage by gift or inheritance.2( )24. A person appointed by the court to supervise and take care of another.( )25. Failure to contribute money, in accordance with one's ability, to the maintenance of a parent as required by law.( )26. Goods and services ordinarily required by and appropriate toan incompetent person's station in life, yet not available or providedby parent or guardian.( )27. The crime of being married to two or more persons at the same time.( )28. Sexual intercourse by a married person with someone otherthan the offender's spouse.( )29. Anyone who has a legal right to inherit the property of another. ( )30. Anyone who benefits under the terms of a will.Exercise 4A. proprietor F. dividendsB. limited partner G. general partnerC. dissolution H. proxyD. quorum I. liquidationE. merger J. subsidiary( )31. A person who conducts the business of a partnership and has unlimited Liability.( )32. A person who is the sole owner of a business.( )33. A company owned (by a majority of shares or interest) and controlled by another company.( )34. A combination of two or more corporations whereby one remains a legal entity and the other is absorbed.( )35. A person who invests capital and shares in the profits of the partnership but whose liability and share of profits are limited by the amount invested.( )36. The sale and/or distribution of the assets of a business to settle its accounts with creditor and/or stockholders.( )37. The termination of the existence of a legal entity, such as a partnership or a corporation.( )38. A portion of corporate profits divided among the share-holders, in cash and/or stock.( )39. The number of members who must be present at a meeting for business to be transacted; a majority.( )40. The authorization for another to act for a shareholder at a meeting; also, the paper granting the authority.II. Choose the right word from the list given below for each blank. Change the form of the word if necessary. (15’)3Exercise 1Institution foundation startprovision statute knowcode experience jurisdictionstill-survive judicature advocateas exercise regardWe are about to pass into a world governed by _41__; and a few words will not be out of place as to the way in which codes are__42_in the countries where they form the __43__of the national law. In the first place a code is supposed, in theory at least, to provide a fresh__44_in all those parts of the law with which it deals. It is not conceived as resting upon a presupposed and__45_common law, but as standing upon its own foundations, _46__does, for example with us, a__47_introducing a novel principle, such as Workmen's Compensation. We shall not find in a continental code such language as that used in the Supreme Courtof_48__Act, 1925, where the jurisdiction of the High Court is defined as including "the _49___which was formerly vested in, or capable ofbeing__50_ by, all or any of the courts following ..." It was the intention of the authors of the French Civil Code that it should be interpreted only in the light of its own__51_and definitions. One of theearly commentators, Bugnet, said: “know nothing of civil law; I only teach the Code Napoleon."A very short__52_, however, was enough to show that this idea was impossible of realization. The judges and _53__, to say nothing of the not less important legal authors, whose task it was to expound and to apply the new Code, could not have done their work had they not been familiar with the old technical terms it adopted, and with the_54__which in substance it reproduced. Whatever pretence they might make of looking only to the text of the Code, they could not empty their minds of a large body of relevant professional knowledge, _55__ of something which we may, without great error, call the common law of France -- or atleast the common law of Paris.Exercise 2disputes justice pursuitprocedure plaintiff rootsprocedural reliance meansadversary jurisdictions claimsjudgment parties opposingIn all jurisdictions there is general agreement that the goal ofcivil _56_ is the just, prompt, and inexpensive determination of _57_ before the courts. There is similar agreement that _58_ of this goal requires4that the law of procedure provides some _59_ for performing each of the following basic functions: notifying the defendant that the _60_ is bringing suit, informing each party of the _61_ and contentions of the other, determining the nature of the dispute and the issues between the _62_, ascertaining the facts, deciding which principles of law govern the case, applying the law to the facts to reach a _63_, giving the judgment effect in some practical way, and having the official actions of lower courts checked by higher courts. With very few exceptions, the differences that exist in the _64_laws of the various_65_ are only differences with respect to the means chosen to perform one or more of these functions. In addition, American rules of procedure, with the exception of those in effect in Louisiana, have their _66_ in the early English common law. Consequently, most differences are not differences in kind; they are differences in the degree of evolution from early common law concepts. Finally, in all of our jurisdictions much _67_ is placed on the assumption that if each of the_68_ parties takes the steps and advances the propositions that appear to him or her to best serve his or her own cause, truth and _69_ will emerge. Because of this characteristic, our system is often referred to as the _70_ system.Exercise 3for court celebratinglater patted rejecteddrunk her withprison searched ofprosecutor declaring bothOne evening police officers saw a man and woman running down a street. The police __71__ them. The woman had a bag of money in her hand and a bulge in __72__jacket. They patted her down and found a gun. Then they __73__ down her companion; they found nothing. They took __74__ to the station, booked them and arrested them for armed robbery. Back on patrol __75__ that night they saw a group of rowdy college students__76__ a football victory. The group was in a quiet neighborhood. The two officers told the youths to “keep quiet”. Still later, they saw a __77__ stumbleand fell down; they took him to a nearby shelter.A few days later, a __78__ charged the two armed robbery suspects__79__ robbery, according to the state's criminal code. The woman went to __80__ ;the jury acquitted her because the only eyewitness died__81__ a heart attack the morning of the trial. After charging her companion, the prosecutor offered the male suspect a “deal.” In exchange __82__a plea of guilty, the prosecutor would reduce the charge to simple theft and ask the judge for a sentence to a newly instituted home confinement program instead of to prison. The man accepted the deal and pleaded guilty,5but the judge __83__ the request for home confinement. She sentenced the man to __84__ for two years. Because of good behavior and a courtorder __85__ the overcrowded prison to be in violation of the Constitution, prison officials released the man after six months, judging that he wouldnot seriously endanger the community.III. Vocabulary and StructureA. Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right.(8 points)86. strategy a) a legally registered design naming the originaldesigner as owner of the design87. tedious b) the name of a product or sometimes the name ofa company88. brief e) a memorable sentence used to advertise aproduct89. brand d) not very interesting and often repetitive90. e) tell someone about something, usually inshareholder connection with work91. slogan f) an owner of shares in a business92. spam g) junk mail93. patent h) a general plan intended to achieve somethingover a period of timeB. Complete the following sentences, using the appropriate phrasal verbs from the box below. Remember to put the verbs in the correct form. You should refer to the company structure of ABM plc for questions 1-3.(7 points)report to take off set up see to consist ofturn off do without put to go through694. ABM plc ______ four departments.95. Helen Grey ______ to the Personnel Manager.96. John Ross _______ the Maintenance Section.97. _______ the gas before you inspect the back of the cooker. 98. After inheriting a lot of money he decided to ______ his own business.99. I would like to _______ the sales figures with you and find out where the mistakes are.100. We really can't ________ his expert knowledge. Well have to reschedule the meeting to suit him.(三)Choose a word from the box for each space in the Exercise below. Remember to put the words in the correct form.manage post reference to arrangereach enclose require private moreoverstudy enable would particularly available46 Potters LaneWaltonLeicestershire23 April 2002 Mr Peter SellersDirector Human ResourcesCarney and Denham Consultants72 Cromwell RoadNottingham NT7 9GHDear Mr SellersWith 101 to your advertisement in the Independent on 21 April, I would like to apply for the 102 of Project Manager with your company.I am 35 years old and 1 have considerable experience in engineeringin both the public and 103 sector managing overseas construction projects. 104 , I have recently completed a course on Management and Communication and I am currently 105 for an MA degree in Engineering Management. This experience bas 106 me to develop the necessary leadership and Communication skills to 107 multidisciplinedconstruction teams. I am 108 interested in the position you are offering as I 109 like to become more involved with building refurbishment projects.I would be grateful if you could 110 an interview as soon aspossible as I am going abroad next month. I can Be 111 at the above address. I am 112 to start work from I June. Please find 113 my CV.Please do not hesitate to contact me if you 114 any furtherinformation.I look forward 115 heating from you.Yours sincerelyAnne ALexanderAnne Alexander (Ms)8IV. Read the materials and answer the following questions:Exercise 11. Read the following text and answer questions 116-120.Sometimes you might be asked to go to a selection or assessment centre. This is an extended interview which is made up of a series of group activities, rests and presentations. You will be assessed throughout the day by assessors who will be looking to see how well you work in a ream, whether your communication skills are good and whether you can work to deadlines. Team work is important. You don't do yourself any favors by trying to take over the group, but at the same time, don't sit back and let everyone else do the work.Don’t panic if you're asked to do a presentation on something you don't know much about as the way you give the presentation is often more important than the content itself. You should practice beforehand so you know how long the presentation takes. The best advice on dealing with a selection centre is to give it your best shot. If you sit timidly in the corner, the assessor cannot make any judgment about you.When you take a personality test, which is designed to find outabout your personality and character, what your values are and what motivates you, don't worry about answering questions incorrectly thereis usually no right or wrong answers. Answer the questions honestly and positively. There is no point in trying to give the answers you think the employer will want because firstly you might have the wrong ideaabout what the employer is looking for, and secondly, you don't want 1o gel tile job and spend the ensuing months trying to be someone whoyou're not. 116. What is the Exercise mainly concerned with?9117. How should you behave during the day at the selection centre? 118. How should applicants approach giving presentations?119. Does it matter if you answer questions incorrectly in a personality test? Why?120. What does the author say about lying in a personality test?Exercise 2Despite the attention paid within advertising agencies to the whole business targeting specific groups, there have been some spectacular failures to get it right when companies have tried to go international or global with their products. This has been for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, the brand name of the product has unfortunate associations when translated into foreign languages. Looking at this area can illustrate how powerful the operation of connotation is --the way in which words can call up associations in our minds. Because of the way we make connections between words and particular ideas, feeling and experiences, brand names are crucial for advertisers. They are very economic, acting as little concentrated capsules of meaning. Where advertisers get it right, readers will do the work to generate all the intended connotations.There are whole companies who specialize in offering research onbrand-name connotations to product manufacturers looking for a name fora new product, or looking at how best to market an existing product to new, foreign audiences. These companies—for example Inter-brand, and The Brand-naming Company typically organize brainstorming sessions where they ask groups of people to let their imaginations ‘roam free’, from which meetings they arrive at shortlists of names whosesuitability is then researched further. Names on the shortlists have to pass certain10tests: for example, that they are not too close to existing names; that they are pronounceable in all the world's major languages; thatthey have the right connotations. The latter, however, is a complex area. Even within one language, connotations can be about quite subtle distinctions. For example, when Pickfords Travel merged with Hogg Robinson two years ago, the shortlist for the new company had two main contenders: 'Destinations' ,arid 'Going Places'. The new company chose the latter, deciding that 'destinations' tended to suggest long haul flights to farflung places travel for the privileged. 'Going Places', on the other hand, was thought to describe all sorts of travel andtherefore be more suitable for the mass market, which was the company’s target.2. Mark statements 121-125 True or False according to theinformation provided in the text above.121. This Exercise is mainly about how to choose names for companies wishing to go global.122. Good names make the right connection between words and ideas. 123. ‘Going Places' is used as an example to show how hard it is to choose a name for a company.124. ‘Destinations' is likely to appeal to wealthy travelers. 125. One technique brand name consultants often use is to invite people to freely suggest any names on their mind.Exercise 3Material 1: Jurisprudence: An Overview11The word jurisprudence derives from the Latin term jurisprudentia, which means "the study, knowledge, or science of law." In the United States jurisprudence commonly means the philosophy of law. Legal philosophy has many aspects, but four of them are the most common. Thefirst and the most prevalent form of jurisprudence seeks to analyze, explain, classify, and criticize entire bodies of law. Law school textbooks and legal encyclopedias represent this type of scholarship.The second type of jurisprudence compares and contrasts law with other fields of knowledge such as literature, economics, religion, and thesocial sciences. The third type of jurisprudence seeks to reveal the historical, moral, and cultural basis of a particular legal concept. The fourth body of jurisprudence focuses on finding the answer to such abstract questions as what is law? How do judges (properly) decide cases?Apart from different types of jurisprudence, different schools of jurisprudence exist. Formalism, or conceptualism, treats law like math or science. Formalists believe that a judge identifies the relevantlegal principles, applies them to the facts of a case, and logically deduces a rule that will govern the outcome of the dispute. In contrast, proponents of legal realism believe that most cases before courts present hard questions that judges must resolve by balancing the interests of the parties and ultimately drawing an arbitrary line on one side of the dispute. This line, realists maintain, is drawn according to the political, economic, and psychological inclinations of the judge. Some legal realists even believe that a judge is able to shape the outcome of the case based on personal biases.Apart from the realist-formalist dichotomy, there is the classic debate over the appropriate sources of law between positivist andnatural12law schools of thought. Positivists argue that there is no connection between law and morality and the only sources of law are rules that have been expressly enacted by a governmental entity or court of law. Naturalists, or proponents of natural law, insist that the rules enacted by government are not the only sources of law. They argue that moral philosophy; religion, human reason and individual conscience are also integrating parts of the law.There are no bright lines between different schools of jurisprudence. The legal philosophy of a particular legal scholar may consist of a combination of strains from many schools of legal thought. Some scholars think that it is more appropriate to think about jurisprudence as a continuum.The above-mentioned schools of legal thoughts are only part of a diverse jurisprudential picture of the United States. Other prominent schools of legal thought exist. Critical legal studies, feminist jurisprudence, law and economics, utilitarianism, and legal pragmatism are but a few of them.Material 2: Legal PhilosophyJurisprudence is the philosophy of law and of the legal system.There are many ways of classifying legal philosophy or jurisprudence. The four major schools of thought are natural law, positive law, sociological jurisprudence and legal realism.The natural law school of thought feels that the legal system should model the relationships found in nature and believe in the innate goodness of man.13The natural law school of thought began during the fifth century B.C. and states that there exists a sense of what is just and right in nature separate and distinct from the rules that may be developed by a state.Aristotle asserted that law existed in nature and could beascertained by man's exercise of his power to reason. The Stoic schoolelaborated on and expanded on the ideas of Aristotle in the thirdcentury B.C. Duringgentium (the law of nations) was the Roman period the concept of jus similar to the earlier Greek natural law theories.St. Thomas Aquinas combined the Greek and Roman schools of thoughtinto a Christian view that God reveals natural law to man through man's ability to reason. John Locke argued that man had a "bundle" of rights, only some of which he surrendered to the state in order to live in an organized society. According to Locke, the individual retained the remaining rights in the bundle. This view is recognized in the Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.Beginning with the nineteenth century, there was a move away from reliance on natural law toward the concept of positive law. Natural law takes the position that law is based on fundamental truths. Thisposition is more a statement of faith than an assertion of fact. The advocates of positive law (sometimes called legal positivism oranalytical jurisprudence) believe that law should be more scientific and less reliant on blind faith. Thus, positive law deals with axioms and attempts to develop a legal system based on logic rather than on beliefs.Legal positivism originally developed in Europe. The legalpositivists believe that there is no law unless and until laid down by a sovereign. (The sovereign can be either a person or an institution. ) Asa result, positive law can be distinguished from morality because morality does not come from the sovereign, while law is, or at least should be, handed down by the sovereign. There are four basic components of legal positivism:1. Law consists of rules.2. Law is different from morals.3. The sovereign establishes the rules.4. Legal rules carry sanctions.Legal positivism is best exemplified in the views of Hans Kelsen andH. L. A. Hart. Kelsen was born in Austria in 1881 and served on the law14faculties of many European universities before immigrating to the United States in 1940. Kelsen viewed the law as being self-supporting and not dependent on any external values. He said, "A norm becomes a legal norm only because it has been constituted in a particular fashion, born of a definite procedure and definite rule. Law is valid only as positive law, that is, statute (constituted) law". In Kelsen's view, therefore, all the actions of any given government are valid so long as those actions are recognized as valid by statute within that country. Hart, on the other hand, expands this somewhat narrow view. Hart rays that the law must treat all like cases alike. He argues that legal positivism stands for the proposition that law does not necessarily have to relate to morality. To Hart, rules of law are more important than the process of how courts decide cases.The natural law proponents seem to have a "justification by faith" approach to jurisprudence. The advocates of legal realism have a seemingly coldhearted rationalism that rests on the effects of the law, with little apparent concern for what the law should be. A third school of legal thought adopts a position somewhat between these two previous schools of thought. This third school --sociological jurisprudence -- is concerned with the effects of law, but it is also concerned with the justifications and reasons that underlie the enactment of the law. Its supporters observe, analyze, and justify both the justifications for the law and the effects of the law by applying the modern tools of psychology, sociology, and anthropology. Proponents of sociological jurisprudence believe that a law must be properly justified and have an appropriate effect in the society, based on the societal values andgoals of the given populace.The American legal philosophy can best be described as legal realism. Legal realism can be viewed as being on the opposite end of thepolitical spectrum from legal positivism. Legal realism has its roots in natural law, but it tries to take the "human element" into account, rather than relying on the innate nature of the universe as ajustification or explanation for the legal system. Natural law consists of four basic elements:1、 Law is based on the nature of man.2. Legal rights can be discovered by the exercise of reason.3. Law is constant.4. Legal principles must be just and fight.Legal realists have a somewhat more open view of the law, feeling that law reflects what "is" and not what it "ought" to be. Accordingly, legal realism can be viewed as consisting of two parts:1. The law is a social process, not a body of "rules".152. Law is what legal decision makers actually do about the statutes and rules.Legal realists concentrate on natural law than on rules. Legalrealists believe that law is based on the nature of man, but they also recognize that law is a social process based on logic, so thatlegal rules need to be just and fight.Each of the four schools has strong proponents and each has strong opponents. An application of each theory to the same set of facts leads to several different results. An understanding of the philosophy of law in any region allows one to understand the government of that region and basic attitudes commonly held by people within that region.Answer the questions according to the given materials:126. Is there any difference between jurisprudence and legal philosophy?Why?127. How many schools of jurisprudence as you know? What?are the main legal ideas of the natural legal school? 128. What129. What are the main legal ideas of the positive legal school?。












风险矩阵法(L ·S )一、 事件发生可能性L 判定准则二、事件后果严重性S判定准则三、风险等级判定及控制措施事故类型分类标准:a参照GB6441—1986《企业伤亡事故分类》进行分类,综合考虑起因物、引起事故的诱导性原因、致害物、伤害方式等,将风险点事故按以下20 类进行辨识。

类别:1、物体打击;2、车辆伤害; 3、机械伤害; 4、起重伤害;5、触电; 6、淹溺;7、灼烫; 8、火灾;9、高处坠落;10、坍塌;11、冒顶片帮;12、透水;13、放炮;14、火药爆炸;15、瓦斯爆炸; 16、锅炉爆炸;17、容器爆炸; 18、其他爆炸;19、中毒和窒息;20、其他伤害b参照职业病危害因素分类进行辨识类别:噪声、振动、粉尘、高温、低温、辐射等。




【英文资料】40 GHz MMIC Power Amplifier in InP DHBT Technology共17页

【英文资料】40 GHz MMIC Power Amplifier in InP DHBT Technology共17页

Unstable unless
ddisistrtirbibuutitoionn when thermally stable
current non-uniformity
K therm alstability

dVbe dT
VCE JA Rex Rballast k T / qI E
K<1 for thermal stability → must add emitter ballast resistance
Large Area HBTs:
big Ccb, small Rbb,
even small excess Rbb
substantially reduces fmax
First Attempt at Multi-finger DHBTs: Poor Performance Due to Thermal Instability
Yun Wei
CSiNuddrVrTeebmenittterhog1g.1inmcogntVacitn/Kmuabtlatsiec-ofinnpogslyetarnDt HI cBT:

dVbe dT


R R Temepxeratureballast k T / qI E
m ax
Frequency, G Hz
HBT power amplifier-why cascode?


设施 场所类
利用液氯进行消毒和用 盐酸进行污水处理
搭设高度5m以下;搭设跨度10m以下;施工总荷载10kN/m以下; 集中线荷载15kN/m以下; 其 他非重大风险源所列内容的普通模板
斜井、竖井 开挖



英语昵称对照(总4页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--西方人的正式名字(official given name)通常为多音节【如Abraham】,只在法律文件上使用。

生活中往往使用一两个音节的昵称(pet name、hypocorism)【如Abe】,作为亲密场合(intimate situation)的别称(nickname)【正式名字之外的任何单一词汇称呼;含义宽于汉语的‘绰号’或‘外号’】或爱称(term of endearment)。

词尾可能会加y或ie等指小后缀(diminutive suffix),如Andy。


以下是常见英文名对应昵称:1. Abraham – Abe2. Alan – Al、Allie、Ally3. Albert – Al4. Alexander、alexandra – Al、Alec、Alexis、Alex、Eck、Lex、Lexie、Lexi、Lecki、Sandy、Xander、Zander5. Amanda – Amy、Mandy6. Andrew、Andrea – Drew、Andy、Andie、Drea7. Ann、Anne、Anna – Annie8. Anthony – Ant、Tony9. Arthur、Arturo – Art、Artie10. Barbara – Babs、Barb、Barbie11. Benjamin、Benedict – Ben、Benny、Benjy12. Carolyn – Carol、Lyn、Carrie、Cary13. Charles – Chuck、Chaz、Chic14. Christopher – Chris、Criffer、Topher15. Christopher、Christine – Kit16. Daniel – Dan、Danny17. David – Dave、Davy18. Deborah – Deb、Debby19. Dennis – Denny20. Dominic、Dominique – Dom、Dommy、Nick、Nikki、Nikky、Nikkie21. Dorothy – Dot、Dottie22. Edwin、Edward、Edmund – Ed、Eddy、Eddie、Ned、Ted、Teddy23. Elaine – Lainie24. Eleanor、Hellen – Nell、Nelly25. Elizabeth – Eliza、Elisa、Betty、Bettie、Liz、Lizzy、Lizzie、Lisa、Liza、Beth、Bess、Besse、Bessie、Bessy、Betsy26. Fiona – Fi27. Franklin – Frank、Frankie28. Gabriel – Gabe、Gaby29. George – Georgie30. Gerald – Jerry31. Gregory – Greg32. Henry – Hank、Harry、Hal33. Isabella – Izzy34. Jacob – Jake35. Joanna – Jo、Joan、Joann、Joanne、Janet、Janete、Jannete、Janette、Jannette、Jane、Jayne、Jenny、Jeanny、Jeanie、Jeannie、Yoanna36. James – Jamie、Jimbo、Jim、Jimmy37. Jessica – Jess、Jessie38. Jonathan – Jon、John、Nathan、Jonny、Jonnie、Johnnie、Johnny、Jack39. Joel、Joseph – Joe、Joey40. Josephine、Joanna – Jo41. Katherine – Kate、Katy、Katie、Kathy、Kitty42. Katrina – Kat、Trina43. Kenneth – Ken、Kenny44. Kimberly – Kim、Kimmy45. Laurence – Larry、Laurie46. Liberty – Libby、Libbie47. Louis – Lou、Louie48. Lucille – Lucy49. Madeleine、Magdalene、Magdalena – Maddie、Magda、Lena50. Margaret – Maggie、Margie、Marge、Mollie、Molly、Meg、Madge、Peg、Peggy51. Martin – Marty52. Mary – Mae、Minnie、Mollie、Molly53. Matthew – Matt54. Megan – Meg55. Michael – Mike、Mikey56. Nathan、Nathaniel – Nat、Nate57. Nicolas – Nick、Nicky58. Nicole – Nikki、Nickie、Nicki、Niki、Nikky、Nici59. Oliver – Ollie60. Peter – Pete、Petey61. Philippa – Pippa、Pip、Pippy62. Priscilla – Cilla、Priss、Cilly、Prissy、Prisca、Prill63. Raymond – Ray64. Richard – Rick、Dick65. Robert – Rob、Bert、Bob、Robin、Dobbin66. Ronald – Ron、Ronny、Ronnie67. Rosemary – Rose、Rosie、Rosy68. Rudolf、Rudolph – Rudy69. Samuel、Samantha – Sam、Sammy70. Sandra – Sally、Andra71. Sarah – Sara、Sally72. Sheldon – Shelly73. Stephanie – Steph、Annie、Stephy74. Stephen – Steve、Stevie75. Susan – Sue、Susie、Suzy76. Theodore – Ted、Teddy77. Thomas – Tom、Tommy78. Timothy – Tim、Timmy79. Tobias – Toby80. Victoria – Tor、Tori、Vick、Vicky、Vickie81. Virginia – Ginger、Ginny82. William – Will、Bill、Willie、Willy、Billy83. Zachary、Zachariah – Zach。





















(LEC)法律英语词汇一、诉讼法(一)Men1. party 当事人2. plaiff 原告(pleader, )3. defendant 被告(民事);the accused 被告人(刑事)4. respondent 应诉人5. attorney 律师;检察官barrister 出庭律师(英国);solicitor 事务律师(英国);Attorney General 总检察长right to an attorney 获得律师辩护权;indigent defendant 贫穷被告人power of attorney 授权委托书;letter of attorney 代理授权书attorney letters,attorney opinion letter, letter 律师函attorney ethics 律师职业道德; attorney-client privilege 律师为当事人保守秘密attorney fees, attorney's fee 律师费;contingent fee 胜诉分成,风险代理6. bailiff 法警、司法警察(Judicial Policeman)7. bar 律师(总称);律师界;法庭America Bar association (ABA) 美国律师协会;China Bar association (CBA) 中华律师协会8. bench 法官(总称);法官席;裁判席bench trail 法官审(无陪审团);bench conference 庭审会谈approach the bench 靠近法官席(律师与法官就争议问题低声会谈)(二)9. act 法(案);制定法;行为10. action 诉讼;行为;作为(近义词:suit, charge, accuse, sue )right of action 诉权;cause of action 诉因,诉讼理由action in personam 对人之诉;action in rem 对物之诉action of contract 合同之诉;action of trespass 侵权之诉action at common law 普通法之诉;action at equity 衡平法之诉;11. accuse 指控、控告(近义词:charge)搭配:accuse sb. of a certain crime; charge sb. with a certain crime12. allege 主张;宣称;诉称;陈述事实(指刑事、民事诉讼中的受害人、控告人或原告)13. advocate 为……辩护(v.);辩护人(n.)acclaimed advocate 积极辩护14. acquit 宣告无罪(刑事);免除义务、责任(民事);acquittal (n.)15. admission (证据)采信、采纳;(保释)许可;承认;录用(近义:confession 供认)admissible evidence 可采纳的证据;admissibility 证据能力16. affirm 维持原判;确认;坚决主张(affirmance维持原判n.)reversal 撤销原判;remandment 发回重申17. appearance 出庭、应诉18. avoid 撤销;使无效;使废除;使作废(declare the contract avoid 宣告合同无效)void 撤销;无效;废除(v.,n.,ad.); 避免;回避19. arraignment 聆讯20. bind 使受(合同、法律、判决等的)约束21. breach 违约、违反breach of duty 违反义务;substantial breath 根本违约22. cancel 解除(合同)23. defence 抗辩24. hearing 听审(三)25.adversary system 对抗制,当事人主义(反义:inquisitorial system 纠问制)26.appeal 上诉(appellant 上诉人;appellee 被上诉人)appellate court, court of appeal 上诉法院27.arbitration 仲裁arbitration agreement 仲裁协议;arbitration clause 仲裁条款;award 仲裁裁决arbitrator 仲裁员;umpire, umpriage 首席仲裁员;abitration board 仲裁庭China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) 中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会Aibitration expense shall be borne by the lossing party.28.beyond a reasonable doubt 排除合理怀疑(刑事)preponderance of evidence 优势证据(民事)29.二、法理学、宪法、法制史(一)1. article 条;Articles 条例part 编;chapter 章;section 节;article 条;paragragh 款;subparagraph 项;item 目2.三、刑法(一)1. act of God 不可抗力(法文:Force Majeure; 拉丁文:vis major)Force Majeure Clause 不可抗力条款Contingency Clause 意外事件条款;contingency意外事件necessity 紧急避险(choice of the lesser of two evils 两害相权取其轻)2. act or omission 作为或不作为3. alibi 不再犯罪现场4. arrest 逮捕under arrest 逮捕;flase arrest, unlawful arrest 非法逮捕detain 拘留(v.)detention (n.)Miranda Warning 米兰达警告5. battery 殴击罪;非法侵犯assault 企图伤害、威胁、恐吓6. bail 保释;保释金bailee 被保释人;受托人bailor 财产受托人四、民商法一般理论五、合同法六、侵权法七、财产法八、知识产权法。



根据经验,风险性分值在20以下被认为低危险的;如果危险性分值在 70-160之间;那就有显著危险性,需要及时整改,如果危险性分值在160320之间;那就是一种必须立即采取措施进行整改的高度危险环境;如果 危险性分值在320以上表示环境非常危险,应立即停止生产直到环境得到 改善为止。
≥ 320 160-320
极其危险,不能继续作业 需进一步分析
二级 70-160 显著危险,需要整改
20-70 < 20
一般危险,需要注意 稍有危险,可以接受
危险等级的划分是凭经验判断,难免带有局限性,不能认为是普遍 适用的,应及时根据实际情况予以修正。
风险评价方法 LEC
了解风险管理知识 掌握LEC评价方法
在远古时期,以打鱼捕捞为生的渔民们,每次出海前都要祈祷,祈 求神灵保佑自己能够平安归来,其中主要的祈祷内容就是让神灵保佑自 己在出海时能够风平浪静、满载而归;他们在长期的捕捞实践中,深深 的体会到“风”给他们带来的无法预测无法确定的危险,他们认识到, 在出海捕捞打鱼的生活中,

Schneider-施耐德LEC使用技巧文集[第19讲]——施耐德 Twido PLC ASCII通讯在门禁系统的应用指南

Schneider-施耐德LEC使用技巧文集[第19讲]——施耐德 Twido PLC ASCII通讯在门禁系统的应用指南

Schneider-施耐德LEC使用技巧文集[第19讲]——施耐德Twido PLC ASCII通讯在门禁系统的应用指南
当前市场上的门禁系统大多采用ASCII方式和控制系统进行通讯,下面是Twido PLC 与杭州某自动化公司的ID卡进行通讯的实例,该应用已成功用于立体车库,用来进行1库1卡的管理。

2.编程处理:在立体车库应用中,Twido PLC与ID卡读卡设备进行通讯,当读卡器射频范围内出现ID卡,Twido PLC采用ASCII通讯方式通过读卡器对卡号进行读取,并将卡号存储于一组中间字。

杭州某ID卡的读卡命令为:sssE1A0035n, 其中“35”为“E1A00”的BCC校验码,若有卡时,返回的数据为:sssE1AA5########???n,其中“########”对用实际的卡号,“???”为状态位和BCC校验码。


需要注意的是读卡命令为:sssE1A0035n,总共11个字符,因此,需要占用6个字,在程序里,ASCII的的命令字:%MW0=16#010B,低字节16进制的“0B”代表发送11个字符,在进行ASCII通讯时,Twido PLC会自动把%KW5的低字节“0”去掉。

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fc f0
fc f0
满足起 振条件
fc f0
fc f0
f0< fc,电路不稳定,会产生自激振荡; f0 > fc, 电路不稳定,会产生自激振荡; 电路稳定,不会产生自激振荡. 电路稳定,不会产生自激振荡.
fc Gm f0 φm
Gm≤-10dB,且 - , φm≥45o,负反馈放大 电路才具有可靠的稳 定性. 定性.
对于单管放大电路: 对于单管放大电路 因没有满足相位条件的频率,故引入负反馈后不可能振荡. 因没有满足相位条件的频率,故引入负反馈后不可能振荡. f → ∞ 时, ' → 180 °, → 0 A 对于两级放大电路: 对于两级放大电路
' f → ∞ 时, A → 90 °, → 0 A
因没有满足幅值条件的频率,故引入负反馈后不可能振荡. 因没有满足幅值条件的频率,故引入负反馈后不可能振荡. 对于三级放大电路: 对于三级放大电路 f → ∞ 时, ' → 270 °, → 0 A
对于产生- 附加相移的信号频率, 对于产生-180o附加相移的信号频率,有可能满足起振条 故引入负反馈后可能振荡. 件,故引入负反馈后可能振荡.
什么样的放大电路引入负反馈后容易产生自激振荡? 什么样的放大电路引入负反馈后容易产生自激振荡?
三级或三级以上的直接耦合放大电路引入负 反馈后有可能产生高频振荡;同理,耦合电容, 反馈后有可能产生高频振荡;同理,耦合电容, 旁路电容等为三个或三个以上的放大电路, 旁路电容等为三个或三个以上的放大电路,引 入负反馈后有可能产生低频振荡 环路放大倍数AF越大,越容易满足起振条件, 环路放大倍数 越大,越容易满足起振条件, 越大 闭合后越容易产生自激振荡. 闭合后越容易产生自激振荡.
+V CC R c2 R e1 RS VT 1 R c1 uS VD Ce R b1 Rf
VT 3 VT 2 R e3 RL uO
u O1
R3 50k R if R5 100k
R e2 V EE
1,左图引入了哪种组态的交流负反馈?深度负反馈条 ,左图引入了哪种组态的交流负反馈? 件下的电压放大倍数≈?输入电阻≈?输出电阻≈? 件下的电压放大倍数 ?输入电阻 ?输出电阻 ? 2,右图是几级放大电路?各级分别是哪种基本放大电 ,右图是几级放大电路? 引入了哪种组态的交流负反馈? 路?引入了哪种组态的交流负反馈?深度负反馈条件下的 电压放大倍数为多少? 电压放大倍数为多少?

X i' = X i + X f
的信号,净输入量是输入量与反馈量之和. 对 f=f0的信号,净输入量是输入量与反馈量之和.
X i' = X i + X f
在电扰动下,如合闸通电,必含有频率为f0的信号, 在电扰动下,如合闸通电,必含有频率为 的信号, 对于f 的信号, 对于 = f0 的信号,产生正反馈过程
AF= 1
( n 为整数 )
由于电路通电后输出量有一个从小到大直至稳幅的 过程, 过程,起振条件为
AF > 1
设反馈网络为电阻网络,放大电路为直接耦合形式. 设反馈网络为电阻网络,放大电路为直接耦合形式. 附加相移由放大电路决定; ①附加相移由放大电路决定 振荡只可能产生在高频段. ②振荡只可能产生在高频段.
自举电路: 自举电路:通过引入正反 提高输入电压; 馈,提高输入电压;因而其 增大输入电阻. 增大输入电阻.
U i U o (1 Au )U i iR3 = = R3 R3 Ui R3 ' R3 = = iR3 1 Au
R2 100k ui R1 100k
放大电路的级数越多,耦合电容,旁路 放大电路的级数越多,耦合电容, 电容越多,引入的负反馈越深, 电容越多,引入的负反馈越深,产生自激 振荡的可能性越大. 振荡的可能性越大.
已知环路增益的频率特性来判断闭环后电路的稳定性. 已知环路增益的频率特性来判断闭环后电路的稳定性. 使环路增益下降到0dB的频率,记作 c; 的频率, 使环路增益下降到 的频率 记作f 的频率,记作f 使φA+φF=(2n+1)π 的频率,记作 0. +
7.8 负反馈放大电路的稳定性
第十九讲 负反馈放大电路的稳定性
一,负反馈放大电路产生自激振荡的 原因及条件 二,负反馈放大电路稳定性的分析 三,负反馈放大电路稳定性的判断 四,消除自激振荡的方法
1,现象:输入信号为0时,输出有一定幅值,一 现象:输入信号为0 输出有一定幅值, 定频率的信号,称电路产生了自激振荡. 定频率的信号,称电路产生了自激振荡. 负反馈放大电路自激振荡的频率在低频段或高 频段. 频段. 2,原因 在低频段或高频段,若存在一个频率 在低频段或高频段,若存在一个频率f0,且当 f 附加相移为± , = f0 时附加相移为±π,则
+ - - -
设所有的电容对交流 信号均可视为短路. 信号均可视为短路.试说 明电路中是否引入了交流 负反馈;如引入了, 负反馈;如引入了,则说 明其组态. 明其组态.
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
+ + +
≈ ( R2 + R6 + R7 ) RL Auf R2 R7
Auf ≈ ?
X o ↑→ X f ↑→ X i' ↑→ X o ↑↑
输出量逐渐增大,直至达到动态平衡,电路产生了自 输出量逐渐增大,直至达到动态平衡, 激振荡. 激振荡.
X i = 0时,X o维持X o
X o = AFX o
AF = 1 A + F = ( 2 n + 1)π
试问电路闭环后会产生自激振荡吗?若已知反馈网络 试问电路闭环后会产生自激振荡吗?若已知反馈网络 为纯电阻网络, 为纯电阻网络,且 20 lg A = 100dB ,则使电路不产生自 的上限值为多少? 激振荡的 20 lg F 的上限值为多少?
引入的正, 引入的正,负反馈目标 应一致. 应一致.