A Schema Selection Framework for Data Warehouse Design
APOS: A Constructivist Theory of Learningin Undergraduate Mathematics Education ResearchEd Dubinsky, Georgia State University, USAandMichael A. McDonald, Occidental College, USAThe work reported in this paper is based on the principle that research in mathematics education is strengthened in several ways when based on a theoretical perspective. Development of a theory or model in mathematics education should be, in our view, part of an attempt to understand how mathematics can be learned and what an educational program can do to help in this learning. We do not think that a theory of learning is a statement of truth and although it may or may not be an approximation to what is really happening when an individual tries to learn one or another concept in mathematics, this is not our focus. Rather we concentrate on how a theory of learning mathematics can help us understand the learning process by providing explanations of phenomena that we can observe in students who are trying to construct their understandings of mathematical concepts and by suggesting directions for pedagogy that can help in this learning process.Models and theories in mathematics education can•support prediction,•have explanatory power,•be applicable to a broad range of phenomena,•help organize one’s thinking about complex, interrelated phenomena,•serve as a tool for analyzing data, and•provide a language for communication of ideas about learning that go beyond superficial descriptions.We would like to offer these six features, the first three of which are given by Alan Schoenfeld in “Toward a theory of teaching-in-context,” Issues in Education, both as ways in which a theory can contribute to research and as criteria for evaluating a theory.In this paper, we describe one such perspective, APOS Theory, in the context of undergraduate mathematics education. We explain the extent to which it has the above characteristics, discuss the role that this theory plays in a research and curriculum development program and how such a program can contribute to the development of the theory, describe briefly how working with this particular theory has provided a vehicle for building a community of researchers in undergraduate mathematics education, and indicate the use of APOS Theory in specific research studies, both by researchers who are developing it as well as others not connected with its development. We provide, in connection with this paper, an annotated bibliography of research reports which involve this theory.APOS TheoryThe theory we present begins with the hypothesis that mathematical knowledge consists in an individual’s tendency to deal with perceived mathematical problem situations by constructing mental actions, processes, and objects and organizing them in schemas to make sense of the situations and solve the problems. In reference to these mental constructions we call it APOS Theory. The ideas arise from our attempts to extend to the level of collegiate mathematics learning the work of J. Piaget on reflective abstraction in children’s learning. APOS Theory is discussed in detail in Asiala, et. al. (1996). We will argue that this theoretical perspective possesses, at least to some extent, the characteristics listed above and, moreover, has been very useful in attempting to understand students’learning of a broad range of topics in calculus, abstract algebra, statistics, discrete mathematics, and other areas of undergraduate mathematics. Here is a brief summary of the essential components of the theory.An action is a transformation of objects perceived by the individual as essentially external and as requiring, either explicitly or from memory, step-by-step instructions on how to perform the operation. For example, an individual with an action conception of left coset would be restricted to working with a concrete group such as Z20 and he or she could construct subgroups, such asH={0,4,8,12,16} by forming the multiples of 4. Then the individual could write the left coset of 5 as the set 5+H={1,5,9,13,17} consisting of the elements of Z20which have remainders of 1 when divided by 4.When an action is repeated and the individual reflects upon it, he or she can make an internal mental construction called a process which the individual can think of as performing the same kind of action, but no longer with the need of external stimuli. An individual can think of performing a process without actually doing it, and therefore can think about reversing it and composing it with other processes. An individual cannot use the action conception of left coset described above very effectively for groups such as S4, the group of permutations of four objects and the subgroup H corresponding to the 8 rigid motions of a square, and not at all for groups S n for large values of n. In such cases, the individual must think of the left coset of a permutation p as the set of all products ph, where h is an element of H. Thinking about forming this set is a process conception of coset.An object is constructed from a process when the individual becomes aware of the process as a totality and realizes that transformations can act on it. For example, an individual understands cosets as objects when he or she can think about the number of cosets of a particular subgroup, can imagine comparing two cosets for equality or for their cardinalities, or can apply a binary operation to the set of all cosets of a subgroup.Finally, a schema for a certain mathematical concept is an individual’s collection of actions, processes, objects, and other schemas which are linked by some general principles to form a framework in the individual’s mind that may be brought to bear upon a problem situation involving that concept. This framework must be coherent in the sense that it gives, explicitly or implicitly, means of determining which phenomena are in the scope of the schema and which are not. Because this theory considers that all mathematical entities can be represented in terms of actions, processes, objects, and schemas, the idea of schema is very similar to the concept image which Tall and Vinner introduce in“Concept image and concept definition in mathematics with particular reference to limits and continuity,” Educational Studies in Mathematics, 12, 151-169 (1981). Our requirement of coherence, however, distinguishes the two notions.The four components, action, process, object, and schema have been presented here in a hierarchical, ordered list. This is a useful way of talking about these constructions and, in some sense, each conception in the list must be constructed before the next step is possible. In reality, however, when an individual is developing her or his understanding of a concept, the constructions are notactually made in such a linear manner. With an action conception of function, for example, an individual may be limited to thinking about formulas involving letters which can be manipulated or replaced by numbers and with which calculations can be done. We think of this notion as preceding a process conception, in which a function is thought of as an input-output machine. What actually happens, however, is that an individual will begin by being restricted to certain specific kinds of formulas, reflect on calculations and start thinking about a process, go back to an action interpretation, perhaps with more sophisticated formulas, further develop a process conception and so on. In other words, the construction of these various conceptions of a particular mathematical idea is more of a dialectic than a linear sequence.APOS Theory can be used directly in the analysis of data by a researcher. In very fine grained analyses, the researcher can compare the success or failure of students on a mathematical task with the specific mental constructions they may or may not have made. If there appear two students who agree in their performance up to a very specific mathematical point and then one student can take a further step while the other cannot, the researcher tries to explain the difference by pointing to mental constructions of actions, processes, objects and/or schemas that the former student appears to have made but the other has not. The theory then makes testable predictions that if a particular collection of actions, processes, objects and schemas are constructed in a certain manner by a student, then this individual will likely be successful using certain mathematical concepts and in certain problem situations. Detailed descriptions, referred to as genetic decompositions, of schemas in terms of these mental constructions are a way of organizing hypotheses about how learning mathematical concepts can take place. These descriptions also provide a language for talking about such hypotheses.Development of APOS TheoryAPOS Theory arose out of an attempt to understand the mechanism of reflective abstraction, introduced by Piaget to describe the development of logical thinking in children, and extend this idea to more advanced mathematical concepts (Dubinsky, 1991a). This work has been carried on by a small group of researchers called a Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education Community (RUMEC) who have been collaborating on specific research projects using APOS Theory within abroader research and curriculum development framework. The framework consists of essentially three components: a theoretical analysis of a certain mathematical concept, the development and implementation of instructional treatments (using several non-standard pedagogical strategies such as cooperative learning and constructing mathematical concepts on a computer) based on this theoretical analysis, and the collection and analysis of data to test and refine both the initial theoretical analysis and the instruction. This cycle is repeated as often as necessary to understand the epistemology of the concept and to obtain effective pedagogical strategies for helping students learn it.The theoretical analysis is based initially on the general APOS theory and the researcher’s understanding of the mathematical concept in question. After one or more repetitions of the cycle and revisions, it is also based on the fine-grained analyses described above of data obtained from students who are trying to learn or who have learned the concept. The theoretical analysis proposes, in the form of a genetic decomposition, a set of mental constructions that a student might make in order to understand the mathematical concept being studied. Thus, in the case of the concept of cosets as described above, the analysis proposes that the student should work with very explicit examples to construct an action conception of coset; then he or she can interiorize these actions to form processes in which a (left) coset gH of an element g of a group G is imagined as being formed by the process of iterating through the elements h of H, forming the products gh, and collecting them in a set called gH; and finally, as a result of applying actions and processes to examples of cosets, the student encapsulates the process of coset formation to think of cosets as objects. For a more detailed description of the application of this approach to cosets and related concepts, see Asiala, Dubinsky, et. al. (1997).Pedagogy is then designed to help the students make these mental constructions and relate them to the mathematical concept of coset. In our work, we have used cooperative learning and implementing mathematical concepts on the computer in a programming language which supports many mathematical constructs in a syntax very similar to standard mathematical notation. Thus students, working in groups, will express simple examples of cosets on the computer as follows.Z20 := {0..19};op := |(x,y) -> x+y (mod 20)|;H := {0,4,8,12,16};5H := {1,5,9,13,17};To interiorize the actions represented by this computer code, the students will construct more complicated examples of cosets, such as those appearing in groups of symmetries.Sn := {[a,b,c,d] : a,b,c,d in {1,2,3,4} | #{a,b,c,d} = 4};op := |(p,q) -> [p(q(i)) : i in [1..4]]|;H := {[1,2,3,4], [2,1,3,4], [3,4,1,2], [4,3,2,1]};p := [4,3,2,1];pH := {p .op q : q in H};The last step, to encapsulate this process conception of cosets to think of them as objects, can be very difficult for many students. Computer activities to help them may include forming the set of all cosets of a subgroup, counting them, and picking two cosets to compare their cardinalities and find their intersections. These actions are done with code such as the following.SnModH := {{p .op q : q in H} : p in Sn};#SnModH;L := arb(SnModH); K := arb(SnModH); #L = #K; L inter K;Finally, the students write a computer program that converts the binary operation op from an operation on elements of the group to subsets of the group. This structure allows them to construct a binary operation (coset product) on the set of all cosets of a subgroup and begin to investigate quotient groups.It is important to note that in this pedagogical approach, almost all of the programs are written by the students. One hypothesis that the research investigates is that, whether completely successful or not, the task of writing appropriate code leads students to make the mental constructions of actions, processes, objects, and schemas proposed by the theory. The computer work is accompanied by classroom discussions that give the students an opportunity to reflect on what they have done in the computer lab and relate them to mathematical concepts and their properties and relationships. Once the concepts are in place in their minds, the students are assigned (in class, homework and examinations) many standard exercises and problems related to cosets.After the students have been through such an instructional treatment, quantitative and qualitative instruments are designed to determine the mental concepts they may have constructed and the mathematics they may have learned. The theoretical analysis points to questions researchers may ask in the process of data analysis and the results of this data analysis indicates both the extent to which the instruction has been effective and possible revisions in the genetic decomposition.This way of doing research and curriculum development simultaneously emphasizes both theory and applications to teaching practice.Refining the theoryAs noted above, the theory helps us analyze data and our attempt to use the theory to explain the data can lead to changes in the theory. These changes can be of two kinds. Usually, the genetic decomposition in the original theoretical analysis is revised and refined as a result of the data. In rare cases, it may be necessary to enhance the overall theory. An important example of such a revision is the incorporation of the triad concept of Piaget and Garcia (1989) which is leading to a better understanding of the construction of schemas. This enhancement to the theory was introduced in Clark, et. al. (1997) where they report on students’ understanding of the chain rule, and is being further elaborated upon in three current studies: sequences of numbers (Mathews, et. al., in preparation); the chain rule and its relation to composition of functions (Cottrill, 1999); and the relations between the graph of a function and properties of its first and second derivatives (Baker, et. al., submitted). In each of these studies, the understanding of schemas as described above was not adequate to provide a satisfactory explanation of the data and the introduction of the triad helped to elaborate a deeper understanding of schemas and provide better explanations of the data.The triad mechanism consists in three stages, referred to as Intra, Inter, and Trans, in the development of the connections an individual can make between particular constructs within the schema, as well as the coherence of these connections. The Intra stage of schema development is characterized by a focus on individual actions, processes, and objects in isolation from other cognitive items of a similar nature. For example, in the function concept, an individual at the Intra level, would tend to focus on a single function and the various activities that he or she could perform with it. TheInter stage is characterized by the construction of relationships and transformations among these cognitive entities. At this stage, an individual may begin to group items together and even call them by the same name. In the case of functions, the individual might think about adding functions, composing them, etc. and even begin to think of all of these individual operations as instances of the same sort of activity: transformation of functions. Finally, at the Trans stage the individual constructs an implicit or explicit underlying structure through which the relationships developed in the Inter stage are understood and which gives the schema a coherence by which the individual can decide what is in the scope of the schema and what is not. For example, an individual at the Trans stage for the function concept could construct various systems of transformations of functions such as rings of functions, infinite dimensional vector spaces of functions, together with the operations included in such mathematical structures.Applying the APOS TheoryIncluded with this paper is an annotated bibliography of research related to APOS Theory, its ongoing development and its use in specific research studies. This research concerns mathematical concepts such as: functions; various topics in abstract algebra including binary operations, groups, subgroups, cosets, normality and quotient groups; topics in discrete mathematics such as mathematical induction, permutations, symmetries, existential and universal quantifiers; topics in calculus including limits, the chain rule, graphical understanding of the derivative and infinite sequences of numbers; topics in statistics such as mean, standard deviation and the central limit theorem; elementary number theory topics such as place value in base n numbers, divisibility, multiples and conversion of numbers from one base to another; and fractions. In most of this work, the context for the studies are collegiate level mathematics topics and undergraduate students. In the case of the number theory studies, the researchers examine the understanding of pre-college mathematics concepts by college students preparing to be teachers. Finally, some studies such as that of fractions, show that the APOS Theory, developed for “advanced” mathematical thinking, is also a useful tool in studying students’understanding of more basic mathematical concepts.The totality of this body of work, much of it done by RUMEC members involved in developing the theory, but an increasing amount done by individual researchers having no connection with RUMEC or the construction of the theory, suggests that APOS Theory is a tool that can be used objectively to explain student difficulties with a broad range of mathematical concepts and to suggest ways that students can learn these concepts. APOS Theory can point us towards pedagogical strategies that lead to marked improvement in student learning of complex or abstract mathematical concepts and students’ use of these concepts to prove theorems, provide examples, and solve problems. Data supporting this assertion can be found in the papers listed in the bibliography.Using the APOS Theory to develop a community of researchersAt this stage in the development of research in undergraduate mathematics education, there is neither a sufficiently large number of researchers nor enough graduate school programs to train new researchers. Other approaches, such as experienced and novice researchers working together in teams on specific research problems, need to be employed at least on a temporary basis. RUMEC is one example of a research community that has utilized this approach in training new researchers.In addition, a specific theory can be used to unify and focus the work of such groups. The initial group of researchers in RUMEC, about 30 total, made a decision to focus their research work around the APOS Theory. This was not for the purpose of establishing dogma or creating a closed research community, but rather it was a decision based on current interests and needs of the group of researchers.RUMEC was formed by a combination of established and beginning researchers in mathematics education. Thus one important role of RUMEC was the mentoring of these new researchers. Having a single theoretical perspective in which the work of RUMEC was initially grounded was beneficial for those just beginning in this area. At the meetings of RUMEC, discussions could focus not only on the details of the individual projects as they developed, but also on the general theory underlying all of the work. In addition, the group’s general interest in this theory and frequent discussions about it in the context of active research projects has led to growth in the theory itself. This was the case, for example, in the development of the triad as a tool for understanding schemas.As the work of this group matures, individuals are beginning to use other theoretical perspectives and other modes of doing research.SummaryIn this paper, we have mentioned six ways in which a theory can contribute to research and we suggest that this list can be used as criteria for evaluating a theory. We have described how one such perspective, APOS Theory is being used, in an organized way, by members of RUMEC and others to conduct research and develop curriculum. We have shown how observing students’ success in making or not making mental constructions proposed by the theory and using such observations to analyze data can organize our thinking about learning mathematical concepts, provide explanations of student difficulties and predict success or failure in understanding a mathematical concept. There is a wide range of mathematical concepts to which APOS Theory can and has been applied and this theory is used as a language for communication of ideas about learning. We have also seen how the theory is grounded in data, and has been used as a vehicle for building a community of researchers. Yet its use is not restricted to members of that community. Finally, we provide an annotated bibliography which presents further details about this theory and its use in research in undergraduate mathematics education.An Annotated Bibliography of workswhich develop or utilize APOS TheoryI. Arnon. Teaching fractions in elementary school using the software “Fractions as Equivalence Classes” of the Centre for Educational Technology, The Ninth Annual Conference for Computers in Education, The Israeli Organization for Computers in Education, Book of Abstracts, Tel-Aviv, Israel, p. 48, 1992. (In Hebrew).I. Arnon, R. Nirenburg and M. Sukenik. Teaching decimal numbers using concrete objects, The Second Conference of the Association for the Advancement of the Mathematical Education in Israel, Book of Abstracts, Jerusalem, Israel, p. 19, 1995. (In Hebrew).I. Arnon. Refining the use of concrete objects for teaching mathematics to children at the age of concrete operations, The Third Conference of the Association for the Advancement of the Mathematical Education in Israel, Book of Abstracts, Jerusalem, Israel, p. 69, 1996. (In Hebrew).I. Arnon. In the mind’s eye: How children develop mathematical concepts – extending Piaget's theory. Doctoral dissertation, School of Education, Haifa University, 1998a.I. Arnon. Similar stages in the developments of the concept of rational number and the concept of decimal number, and possible relations between their developments, The Fifth Conference of the Association for the Advancement of the Mathematical Education in Israel, Book of Abstracts. Be’er-Tuvia, Israel, p. 42, 1998b. (In Hebrew).The studies by Arnon and her colleagues listed above deal with the development ofmathematical concepts by elementary school children. Having created a framework thatcombines APOS theory, Nesher’s theory on Learning Systems, and Yerushalmy’s ideas ofmulti-representation, she investigates the introduction of mathematical concepts as concreteactions versus their introduction as concrete objects. She establishes developmental paths for certain fraction-concepts. She finds that students to whom the fractions were introduced asconcrete actions progressed better along these paths than students to whom the fractions were introduced as concrete objects. In addition, the findings establish the following stage in thedevelopment of concrete actions into abstract objects: after abandoning the concrete materials, and before achieving abstract levels, children perform the concrete actions in their imagination.This corresponds to the interiorization of APOS theory.M. Artigue, Enseñanza y aprendizaje del análisis elemental: ¿qué se puede aprender de las investigaciones didácticas y los cambios curriculares? Revista Latinoamericana de Investigación en Matiemática Educativa, 1, 1, 40-55, 1998.In the first part of this paper, the author discusses a number of student difficulties and tries toexplain them using various theories of learning including APOS Theory. Students’unwillingness to accept that 0.999… is equal to 1 is explained, for example, by interpreting the former as a process, the latter as an object so that the two cannot be seen as equal until thestudent is able to encapsulate the process which is a general difficulty. In the second part of the paper, the author discusses the measures that have been taken in France during the 20thCentury to overcome these difficulties.M. Asiala, A. Brown, D. DeVries, E. Dubinsky, D. Mathews and K. Thomas. A framework for research and curriculum development in undergraduate mathematics education, Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education II, CBMS Issues in Mathematics Education, 6, 1-32, 1996.The authors detail a research framework with three components and give examples of itsapplication. The framework utilizes qualitative methods for research and is based on a veryspecific theoretical perspective that was developed through attempts to understand the ideas of Piaget concerning reflective abstraction and reconstruct them in the context of college levelmathematics. For the first component, the theoretical analysis, the authors present the APOStheory. For the second component, the authors describe specific instructional treatments,including the ACE teaching cycle (activities, class discussion, and exercises), cooperativelearning, and the use of the programming language ISETL. The final component consists ofdata collection and analysis.M. Asiala, A. Brown, J. Kleiman and D. Mathews. The development of students’ understanding of permutations and symmetries, International Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning, 3, 13-43, 1998.The authors examine how abstract algebra students might come to understand permutations of a finite set and symmetries of a regular polygon. They give initial theoretical analyses of what it could mean to understand permutations and symmetries, expressed in terms of APOS. Theydescribe an instructional approach designed to help foster the formation of mental constructions postulated by the theoretical analysis, and discuss the results of interviews and performance on examinations. These results suggest that the pedagogical approach was reasonably effective in helping students develop strong conceptions of permutations and symmetries. Based on thedata collected as part of this study, the authors propose revised epistemological analyses ofpermutations and symmetries and give pedagogical suggestions.M. Asiala, J. Cottrill, E. Dubinsky and K. Schwingendorf. The development of student’s graphical understanding of the derivative, Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 16(4), 399-431, 1997.In this study the authors explore calculus students’ graphical understanding of a function and its derivative. An initial theoretical analysis of the cognitive constructions that might be necessary for this understanding is given in terms of APOS. An instructional treatment designed to help foster the formation of these mental constructions is described, and results of interviews,conducted after the implementation of the instructional treatment, are discussed. Based on the data collected as part of this study, a revised epistemological analysis for the graphicalunderstanding of the derivative is proposed. Comparative data also suggest that students who had the instructional treatment based on the theoretical analysis may have more success indeveloping a graphical understanding of a function and its derivative than students fromtraditional courses.M. Asiala, E. Dubinsky, D. Mathews, S. Morics and A. Oktac. Student understanding of cosets, normality and quotient groups, Journal of Mathematical Behavior,16(3), 241-309, 1997.Using an initial epistemological analysis from Dubinsky, Dautermann, Leron and Zazkis(1994), the authors determine the extent to which the APOS perspective explains students’mental constructions of the concepts of cosets, normality and quotient groups, evaluate the。
standardshardingalgorithm的用法 -回复
standardshardingalgorithm的用法-回复"Standard Sharding Algorithm" refers to a method used in databases to horizontally partition data across multiple instances or nodes. This algorithm is commonly used in distributed systems to improve scalability, manage large datasets, and enhance performance. In this article, we will explore the usage of the "Standard Sharding Algorithm" in detail, providing a step-by-step analysis of its implementation and benefits.1. Introduction to Sharding:Sharding is a technique used in database management systems (DBMS) to divide a large dataset into smaller, more manageable parts called shards. Each shard is essentially a subset of the data and can be stored on a separate server or node. Sharding allows for concurrent access to these shards, increasing read and write throughput and enabling scalability.2. Exploring the "Standard Sharding Algorithm":The "Standard Sharding Algorithm" is a commonly used method for dividing data into shards. It follows a consistent approach, ensuring balanced distribution of data and efficient query execution. The algorithm consists of the following steps:Step 1: Determine Sharding KeyThe sharding key is a column or a combination of columns that uniquely identify each record in the database. It is used to determine the shard placement for each data item. The selection of an appropriate sharding key is crucial to ensure even distribution and efficient query execution.Step 2: Define Sharding StrategyThe sharding strategy determines how the sharding key is used to distribute data across shards. There are various strategies, such as range-based, hash-based, or list-based sharding. Each strategy has its trade-offs in terms of distribution, query performance, and ease of management.Step 3: Partition DataIn this step, the database is partitioned into smaller subsets based on the selected sharding strategy. The sharding algorithm determines which shard each data item belongs to based on its sharding key value. This ensures that each shard contains a subset of records that can be efficiently managed and queried.Step 4: Shard PlacementNext, the shards need to be distributed across multiple nodes or servers. The sharding algorithm ensures equitable distribution of the shards, optimizing resource utilization and load balancing. This step is crucial to ensure efficient and scalable access to the sharded data.Step 5: Shard ManagementShard management involves monitoring and maintaining the sharded environment. It includes tasks such as load balancing, shard replication for high availability, and failover mechanisms. The algorithm provides guidelines for efficiently managing shards, ensuring reliable access to data.3. Benefits of the "Standard Sharding Algorithm":There are several benefits associated with using the "Standard Sharding Algorithm" in database management:Improved Scalability:By distributing data across multiple shards, the algorithm enables horizontal scalability. Each shard can be stored on a separate node, allowing for parallel processing and increased throughput. As thesize of the database grows, additional nodes can be added to accommodate the increased workload.Enhanced Performance:Sharding ensures that each shard contains a subset of data, reducing the overall data volume accessed during queries. This localized data access results in faster query execution times. Furthermore, sharding allows for parallel query execution across multiple shards, boosting overall system performance.Increased Fault Tolerance and Availability:Sharding facilitates replication of shards across multiple nodes. This redundancy enhances fault tolerance as the failure of a single node does not result in data loss. Additionally, the algorithm provides mechanisms for automatic failover and load balancing, ensuring continuous availability of the sharded data.Optimized Resource Utilization:By distributing data across multiple nodes, the algorithm enables efficient utilization of system resources. Each node only needs to handle a subset of data, reducing memory footprint and improving query response times. This ensures that the system can scalewithout compromising performance.Conclusion:The "Standard Sharding Algorithm" is a powerful technique for horizontally partitioning data in distributed systems. By following a set of steps, it effectively divides data into manageable subsets, distributing them across multiple nodes or servers. This algorithm offers numerous benefits, including improved scalability, enhanced performance, increased fault tolerance, and optimized resource utilization. Implementation of the "Standard Sharding Algorithm" can greatly enhance the performance and scalability of databases, making it a popular choice for managing large datasets in distributed environments.。
javaweb英文参考文献以下是关于JavaWeb的英文参考文献的相关参考内容:1. Deepak Vohra. Pro XML Development with Java Technology. Apress, 2006.This book provides a comprehensive guide to XML development with Java technology. It covers topics such as XML basics, XML parsing using Java, XML validation, DOM and SAX APIs, XSLT transformation, XML schema, and SOAP-based web services. The book also includes numerous code examples and case studies to illustrate the concepts.2. Robert J. Brunner. JavaServer Faces: Introduction by Example. Prentice Hall, 2004.This book introduces the JavaServer Faces (JSF) framework, which is a part of the Java EE platform for building web applications. It provides a step-by-step guide to building JSF applications using various components and features such as user interface components, data validation, navigation handling, and backing beans. The book also covers advanced topics such as internationalization and security.3. Brett McLaughlin. Head First Servlets and JSP: Passing the Sun Certified Web Component Developer Exam. O'Reilly Media, 2008. This book is a comprehensive guide to the development of Java web applications using Servlets and JavaServer Pages (JSP). It covers topics such as HTTP protocol, Servlet lifecycle, request andresponse handling, session management, JSP syntax and directives, JSTL and EL expressions, deployment descriptors, and web application security. The book also includes mock exam questions to help readers prepare for the Sun Certified Web Component Developer exam.4. Hans Bergsten. JavaServer Pages, 3rd Edition. O'Reilly Media, 2011.This book provides an in-depth guide to JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology, which is used for creating dynamic web content. It covers topics such as JSP syntax, scriptlets and expressions, JSP standard actions, JSP custom tag libraries, error handling, JSP with databases, JSP and XML, and internationalization. The book also includes examples and best practices for using JSP effectively.5. Marty Hall, Larry Brown. Core Servlets and JavaServer Pages, 2nd Edition. Prentice Hall, 2003.This book is a comprehensive guide to building Java web applications using Servlets and JavaServer Pages (JSP). It covers topics such as Servlet API, HTTP protocol, session management, request and response handling, JSP syntax and directives, JSP custom tag libraries, database connectivity, and security. The book also includes numerous code examples and case studies to demonstrate the concepts.6. Michael Ernest. Java Web Services in a Nutshell. O'Reilly Media, 2003.This book provides a comprehensive reference to Java-based web services technology. It covers topics such as SOAP, WSDL, UDDI, and XML-RPC protocols, as well as Java API for XML-based web services (JAX-WS) and Java API for RESTful web services (JAX-RS). The book also includes examples and best practices for developing and deploying web services using Java technology. Please note that the above references are just a selection of some of the available books on the topic of JavaWeb. There are numerous other resources available that can provide more detailed information on specific aspects of JavaWeb development.。
schema theory名词解释
schema theory名词解释Schema theory, also known as a schema schema, is a psychological concept that refers to the mental framework or structure we use to organize and interpret information. A schema represents a person's prior knowledge and experiences, and it helps individuals process new information by relating it to existing knowledge.In simple terms, a schema can be visualized as a mental blueprint or framework that shapes how we perceive, process, and remember information. It acts as a filter that enables us to make sense of the world around us. Schemas are formed through personal experiences, cultural influences, and educational backgrounds.The schema theory was first proposed by the psychologist Jean Piaget, who asserted that individuals actively construct and organize their knowledge based on their experiences. According to schema theory, when we encounter new information, our brain searches for a schema that matches this information. If a schema is found, it helps us understand and interpret the new information within the context of our existing knowledge. However, if aschema is not readily available, we may need to adjust or create new schemas to accommodate the new information.Schemas can be applied to various aspects of life. For example, in social interactions, we use social schemas to understand and interpret the behavior of others. These social schemas are developed through our past experiences and cultural norms. Similarly, in the field of education, teachers often rely on schema theory to facilitate learning by activating and building upon students' existing schemas.However, it's important to note that schemas can also lead to biases and stereotypes. Our preexisting schemas can influence how we interpret information, leading to selective attention or memory bias. For instance, if someone has a negative schema about a particular ethnic group, they may interpret information in a way that aligns with their preexisting beliefs, even if the information presented is contradictory.In conclusion, schema theory is a psychological concept that emphasizes the role of mental frameworks or schemas in organizing and interpreting information. Schemas help us make sense of the world by relating new information to our existing knowledge. Understanding how schemas function can provideinsight into how we perceive and process information, and how they can influence our interpretations and judgments.。
GIS to CIM Data Translation Template Reference Gui
GIS to CIM Data Translation Template Reference GuideContentsIntroduction (3)What is the CIM? (3)How a CIM Translation Template Can Help (4)How the Sample Template Works (5)Approach A: Walk-through for Setting up using a Spatial ETL Tool with the ArcGIS Data Interoperability Extension (5)Approach B: Walk-through for Setting up using FME (12)Resources (16)© Esri 2013IntroductionThe purpose of this document is to provide information about a sample Common Information Model (CIM) XML data translation template which Esri has developed with Safe Software in order to provide a basic approach to translating data from an Esri geodatabase to the CIM XML format, where it can potentially then be shared between other enterprise systems.Information provided will include a brief overview of CIM, an introduction to the data translation template and how it can be used within a GIS enterprise scenario, and a basic walk-through to guide a user through a simple test of its use.What is the CIM?CIM stands for the “Common Information Model” which for the electric power transmission and distribution industry, represents a set of open standards developed by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and the electric power industry, and which has been officially adopted by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). One of t he CIM’s key objectives is to provide a way for application software to exchange information about the configuration and status of an electrical network.The CIM is maintained as a Unified Modeling Language (UML) model, and defines a common set of electric data objects. Through the use of UML software such as Sparx Systems’ Enterprise Architect, the CIM UML can be used to create design artifacts, such as XML / RDF schema which can then be used as a template for the exchange of data between integrated software applications and systems.There are a number of IEC standards related to CIM, including:∙IEC 61970-301: Defines a core set of packages for the CIM, with focus on the needs of electricity transmission, where related applications include energy management system, SCADA, planning and optimization.∙IEC 61970-501 and 61970-452: Define an XML format for network model exchanges using RDF.∙IEC 61968: Defines a series of standards to extend the CIM to meet the needs of electrical distribution, where related applications include distribution managementsystem, outage management system, planning, metering, work management, geographic information system, asset management, customer information systems and enterpriseresource planning.From the perspective of users of GIS (geographic information systems), the CIM provides a useful data exchange schema for electrical objects, and is of primary importance for electric utilities who have an enterprise GIS system which needs to interface with other applications / systems as part of their overall enterprise implementation, and also potentially those who may need to share their electrical network data between companies / agencies.Enterprise GIS capabilities provide broad access to geospatial data and applications throughout the organization. The advantages to deploying an enterprise GIS include:∙Using a common infrastructure for building and deploying GIS solutions∙Extending geospatial capabilities to an enterprise community∙Improving capabilities of other enterprise systems by leveraging the value of geographic information∙Increasing overall operating efficiency using GIS across your organizationGeospatial information can also be integrated with other enterprise applications to enable distribution analysis and support key decision-support systems. The CIM model as a mechanism for enterprise system integration, can be of use in this process. Some key areas of data exchange would occur between GIS, DMS, SCADA, OMS, CIS, WMS and AMI.How a CIM Translation Template Can HelpThe CIM is extensive and complex, and the CIM RDF XML structure can likewise be very challenging to navigate. There are CIM standards websites online with different types of resources, and there can be a fairly significant learning curve associated with the materials. EPRI provides some very good resources such as their CIM Primer which walks through some of the main aspects which will be of concern for GIS users such as navigating CIM UML and the CIM RDF XML structure, generating XML schema, messaging and extending the CIM. Some resource links are found at the end of this document.Given the complexities around CIM, Esri has worked with Safe Software to develop a proof of concept template for demonstrating the process of migrating GIS data to the CIM RDF XML structure. The demonstration is intended to provide users the ability to see how CIM XML for enterprise system integration purposes can be created. The CIM translation template process which this document will outline is just one way of performing translation to CIM XML. As using both the ArcGIS Data Interoperability extension and Safe’s FME product are popular ways to move spatial data in and out of a geodatabase, it was identified as a good starting point for Esri GIS users to begin a review of CIM and some of the data translation considerations around it. The CIM translation template consists of both an FME workspace and a Data Interoperability ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) tool, along with a sample dataset which has been referenced in the configuration so that the user can quickly test how the translation process works. The user can also further review the template’s configuration and copy and modify it and/or build a new configuration which references another dataset. The template provides a framework by which the user can begin to envision how their own data can be tailored, configured and translated to the CIM.How the Sample Template WorksIn order to use the template, the user will require the following software:o ArcGIS Desktop 10.1 SP1 (or higher) and the Esri Data Interoperability extension 10.1 SP1 (or higher)Or:o FME (Feature Manipulation Engine) Desktop 2012 SP1 (or higher) from Safe SoftwareAs for the skillset involved, experience with the above software is of course recommended, although a high level of proficiency is not seen as necessary to simply run the template with the accompanying sample data and get the sample template to run and export CIM XML from a test geodatabase.Proficiency will be required in order to perform actual configuration work based on the template, and will require expertise with the Data Workbench component which comes with FME and the Data Interoperability extension. Again, this is needed if the user is looking to customize the workspace template to their own data.As referenced in the Resources section at the end of this document, some basic training is available for the ArcGIS Data Interoperability extensi on through Esri’s Training site, as well as FME through Safe’s FME site.Approach A: Walk-through for Setting up using a Spatial ETL Tool with the ArcGIS Data Interoperability ExtensionThe following are basic steps to follow when using the template with ArcGIS Desktop 10.1 SP1 (or higher) and the Esri Data Interoperability extension 10.1 SP1 (or higher).Extract the Template Zipfile Package:In order to maintain paths as currently defined in documents, files should be extracted to the following folder: C:\temp\GDB_to_CIM_Template\. To do this, place the accompanying zipfile, “GDB_to_CIM_Template.zip”, in the C:\temp directory, and extract it at its location to a folder with the same name as the zipfile. This is usually the default option as seen in the following:Once extracted you will find four items in the C:\temp\GDB_to_CIM_Template\ folder as seen in the following:These four items include:∙Electric_Source_Sample.gdb– A sample file geodatabase containing electric distribution feature classes with features that can be converted to CIM XML with the tools provided in the template. The classes include:o Circuit Breakero Fuseo Meterso Transformerso Primary Overheado Primary Undergroundo Secondary Overhead∙ArcMap Document – CIM Template.mxd– An ArcMap document file containing the features from the above sample file geodatabase and a reference to Spatial ETL tool in a file-based toolbox. Note: This file is used if the user has ArcGIS Desktop and the DataInteroperability extension.∙Data Interoperability – CIM Template.tbx– A file-based toolbox containing a Spatial ETL tool with the CIM Template configuration for data translation of the above sample geodatabase to CIM XML. Note: This file is used if the user has ArcGIS Desktop and the Data Interoperability extension.∙FME Workspace – CIM Template.fmw – An FME Workspace file containing the same ETL configuration as the above toolbox, for data translation of the above sample geodatabaseto CIM XML. Note: This file is used if the user wants to use FME in place of ArcGIS Desktop and the Data Interoperability extension.Launch ArcMap and Load MXD:Once the above files are extracted at the “C:\temp\GDB_to_CIM_Template” folder location, launch ArcMap and open the ArcMap document file named “ArcMap Document – CIM Template.mxd”. This will load the data in the sample file geodatabase, and make the ArcToolbox visible.Add CIM Template Toolbox:In ArcToolbox, add the Spatial ETL toolbox, navigating to the extraction folder as seen in the following:Once added, you will see the following new toolbox available –“Data Interoperability CIM Template” and once expanded you will find the Spatial ETL tool labeled “GDB to CIM XML Template”:Run the ToolAt this point, you can open the tool like any standard geoprocessing tool by double-clicking or right-clicking and selecting “Open”. The following shows the template tool dialog with the default locations set for both the input source file geodatabase and the output CIM XML file, which defaults to the main extraction folder. Press “OK” to accept the defaults.The tool will run for about 1 – 2 minutes depending on your machine and will show the following at the bottom of the ArcToolbox / ArcMap when completed:Review ResultsAfter the tool runs, you can then click on the completion message box above to quickly move to the Results log in ArcToolbox:By scrolling to the bottom, you can see if the tool completed successfully. You should see the following messages if it did:Next, c heck the extraction folder to see if the file “CIMRDFXML--Output CIM XML File.xml” was created as seen here:This default name for the file was configured in the ETL tool. You can now review the content of the XML file which was produced. Open, view or edit the created file in your XML tool of choice to examine the content produced by the tool:Review the Template Tool ConfigurationTo review the ETL tool configuration, right-click the tool in the toolbox and select “Edit”:This brings up the Data Interoperability Workbench:You can now explore the template’s configuration, copy the tool and make modifications as desired based on the sample, or begin working with your own data.This concludes the walk-through of the template based on the ArcGIS Data Interoperability extension.Approach B: Walk-through for Setting up using FMEThe following are basic steps to follow when using the template with FME (Feature Manipulation Engine) 2012 SP1 (or higher). Most of these steps are covered in Approach A for the ArcGIS Data Interoperability extension, although are repeated here so the user has a full procedure for use with FME in one section.Extract the Template Zipfile Package:In order to maintain paths as currently defined in documents, files should be extracted to the following folder: C:\temp\GDB_to_CIM_Template\. To do this, place the accompanying zipfile, “GDB_to_CIM_Template.zip”, in the C:\temp directory, and extract it at its location to a folder with the same name as the zipfile. This is usually the default option as seen in the following:Once extracted you will find four items in the C:\temp\GDB_to_CIM_Template\ folder as seen in the following:These four items include:Electric_Source_Sample.gdb– A sample file geodatabase containing electric distribution feature classes with features that can be converted to CIM XML with the tools provided in the template. The classes include:o Circuit Breakero Fuseo Meterso Transformerso Primary Overheado Primary Undergroundo Secondary Overhead∙ArcMap Document – CIM Template.mxd– An ArcMap document file containing the features from the above sample file geodatabase and a reference to Spatial ETL tool in a file-based toolbox. Note: This file is used if the user has ArcGIS Desktop and the DataInteroperability extension.∙Data Interoperability – CIM Template.tbx– A file-based toolbox containing a Spatial ETL tool with the CIM Template configuration for data translation of the above samplegeodatabase to CIM XML. Note: This file is used if the user has ArcGIS Desktop and the Data Interoperability extension.∙FME Workspace – CIM Template.fmw – An FME Workspace file containing the same ETL configuration as the above toolbox, for data translation of the above sample geodatabase to CIM XML. Note: This file is used if the user wants to use FME in place of ArcGISDesktop and the Data Interoperability extension.Launch FME and Load FME Workspace:Once the above files are extracted at the “C:\temp\GDB_to_CIM_Template” fold er location, launch FME and open the FME Workspace file named “FME Workspace - CIM Template.fmw”. You will then see the FME workbench and the CIM Template configuration:Run the TranslationAt this point, you can run the translation as-is with all of the default values, as long as the files were extracted extracted to the “C:\temp\GDB_to_CIM_Template” folder location. To run the translation, press the first green “Run Translation” button on the FME toolbar:As the translation starts, the log window will appear and provide updates on progress. The tool will run for about 1 – 2 minutes depending on your machine and will show notes on the completion of the translation at the bottom of the log window.Review ResultsAt the bottom of the log window, you will be able to determine if the translation completed successfully and an XML file was written, such as in the following:Next, check the extraction folder to see if the file “CIMRDFXML--Output CIM XML File - FME.xml” was created as seen here:This default name for the file was configured in the ETL tool. You can now review the content of the XML file which was produced. Open, view or edit the created file in your XML tool of choice to examine the content produced by the tool:You can now explore the template’s configuration, make a copy of the FME workspace and make modifications as desired based on the sample, or begin working with your own data. This concludes the walk-through of the CIM template based on FME.Resources∙CIM Links and Documents:o International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Smart Grid Standards▪http://www.iec.ch/smartgrid/standards/o CIM Users Group▪/default.aspxo Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) CIM documents▪IntelliGrid Common Information Model Primer: Second Edition:/abstracts/Pages/ProductAbstract.aspx?ProductId=000000003002001040▪CIM – MultiSpeak Harmonization:/abstracts/Pages/ProductAbstract.aspx?ProductId=000000000001026585∙Esri Data Interoperability Extensiono Main site: /software/arcgis/extensions/datainteroperabilityo Training courses:▪Go to Esri Training Site:/gateway/index.cfm and type “data interoperability”into the “Find Training” s earch box.▪Free, sample course: “ArcGIS Data Interoperability Basics”/gateway/index.cfm?fa=catalog.webCourseDetail&courseid=1720∙Safe Software FMEo Safe’s FME Technology: /fme/∙CIMToolo A free open source tool that supports the Common Information Model (CIM) standards: /index.htmlDisclaimer/Notice: This CIM XML data translation template and the information, documentation and materials related thereto are provided “AS IS” on a no-fee basis without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including, but not limited to, the warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of intellectual property rights. The user bears all risk as to the quality and performance of the template and i n no event will Esri be liable to the user for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages related to the use or the results generated by the CMI template, even if Esri has been advised of the possibility of such damage. The user understands that: (1) the tool may not accommodate the user’s specific data, (2) that the results generated may not comply with any industry standard or produce a complete, valid or accurate output, and (3) Esri is not obligated to develop or provide updates, support or maintenance for this CIM template.© Esri 2013。
计算机编程及常用术语英语词汇大全cover覆盖、涵盖create/creation创立、生成crosstab query穿插表查询(for database)CRTP (curiously recurring template pattern)CTS (common type system)通用类型系统cube多维数据集(for database)cursor光标cursor游标(for database)custom定制、自定义data数据data connection数据连接(for database)Data Control Language (DCL)数据控制语言(DCL) (for database)Data Definition Language (DDL)数据定义语言(DDL) (for database)data dictionary数据字典(for database)data dictionary view数据字典视图(for database)data file数据文件(for database)data integrity数据完整性(for database)data manipulation language (DML)数据操作语言(DML) (for database)data mart数据集市(for database)data pump数据抽取(for database)data scrubbing数据清理(for database)data source数据源(for database)Data source name (DSN)数据源名称(DSN) (for database)data warehouse数据仓库(for database)dataset数据集(for database)database 数据库(for database)database catalog数据库目录(for database)database diagram数据关系图(for database)database file数据库文件(for database)database object数据库对象(for database)database owner数据库所有者(for database)database project数据库工程(for database)database role数据库角色(for database)database schema数据库模式、数据库架构(for database)database scrīpt数据库脚本(for database)data-bound数据绑定(for database)data-aware control数据感知控件(for database)data member数据成员、成员变量dataset数据集(for database)data source数据源(for database)data structure数据构造data table数据表(for database)datagram数据报文DBMS (database management system)数据库管理系统(for database) DCOM (distributed COM)分布式COMdead lock死锁(for database)deallocate归还debug调试debugger调试器decay退化decision support决策支持declaration声明declarative referential integrity (DRI)声明引用完整性(DRI) (for database) deduction推导DEFAULT constraint默认约束(for database)default database默认数据库(for database)default instance默认实例(for database)default result set默认结果集(for database)default缺省、默认值defer推迟definition定义delegate委托delegation委托dependent namedeploy部署dereference解引用dereference operator (提领)运算子derived class派生类design by contract契约式设计design pattern 设计模式destroy销毁destructor(dtor)析构函数、析构器device设备DHTML (dynamic HyperText Markup Language)动态超文本标记语言dialog对话框digest摘要digital数字的DIME (Direct Internet Message Encapsulation)直接Internet消息封装directive (编译)指示符directory目录dirty pages脏页(for database)dirty read脏读(for database)disassembler反汇编器DISCO (Discovery of Web Services)Web Services的查找disk盘dispatch调度、分派、派发〔我喜欢“调度〞〕DISPID (Dispatch Identifier)分派标识符distributed computing分布式计算distributed query分布式查询(for database)DNA (Distributed interNet Application)分布式网间应用程序document文档DOM (Document Object Model)文档对象模型dot operator (圆)点操作符driver驱动(程序)DTD (document type definition)文档类型定义double-byte character set (DBCS)双字节字符集(DBCS)dump转储dump file转储文件dynamic cursor动态游标(for database)dynamic filter动态筛选(for database)dynamic locking动态锁定(for database)dynamic recovery动态恢复(for database)dynamic snapshot动态快照(for database)dynamic SQL statements动态SQL语句(for database) dynamic assembly动态装配件、动态配件dynamic binding动态绑定EAI (enterprise application integration)企业应用程序集成(整合) EBCO (empty base class optimization)空基类优化〔机制〕e-business电子商务EDI (Dlectronic Data Interchange)电子数据交换efficiency效率efficient高效end-to-end authentication端对端身份验证end user最终用户engine引擎entity实体encapsulation封装enclosing class外围类别(与巢状类别nested class有关) enum (enumeration)枚举enumerators枚举成员、枚举器equal相等equality相等性equality operator等号操作符error log错误日志(for database)escape code转义码escape character转义符、转义字符exclusive lock排它锁(for database)explicit transaction显式事务(for database)evaluate评估event事件event driven事件驱动的event handler事件处理器evidence证据exception异常exception declaration异常声明exception handling异常处理、异常处理机制exception-safe异常平安的exception specification异常标准exit退出explicit显式explicit specialization显式特化export导出expression表达式facility设施、设备fat client胖客户端feature特性、特征fetch提取field字段(java)field字段(for database)field length字段长度(for database)file文件filter筛选(for database)finalization终结firewall防火墙finalizer终结器firmware固件flag标记flash memory闪存flush刷新font字体foreign key (FK)外键(FK) (for database)form窗体formal parameter形参forward declaration前置声明forward-only只向前的forward-only cursor只向前游标(for database) fragmentation碎片(for database)framework框架full specialization完全特化function函数function call operator (即operator ())函数调用操作符function object函数对象function overloaded resolution函数重载决议functionality功能function template函数模板functor仿函数GAC (global assembly cache)全局装配件缓存、全局配件缓存GC (Garbage collection)垃圾回收(机制)、垃圾收集(机制) game游戏generate生成generic泛化的、一般化的、通用的generic algorithm通用算法genericity泛型getter (相对于setter)取值函数global全局的global object全局对象global scope resolution operator全局范围解析操作符grant授权(for database)granularity粒度group组、群group box分组框GUI图形界面GUID (Globally Unique Identifier)全球唯一标识符hand shaking握手handle句柄handler处理器hard-coded硬编码的hard-copy截屏图hard disk硬盘hardware硬件hash table散列表、哈希表header file头文件heap堆help file帮助文件hierarchy层次构造、继承体系hierarchical data阶层式数据、层次式数据hook钩子Host (application)宿主(应用程序)hot key热键hyperlink超链接HTML (HyperText Markup Language)超文本标记语言HTTP pipeline HTTP管道HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol)超文本传输协议icon图标IDE (Integrated Development Environment)集成开发环境IDL (Interface Definition Language)接口定义语言identifier标识符idle time空闲时间if and only if当且仅当IL (Intermediate Language)中间语言、中介语言image图象IME输入法immediate base直接基类immediate derived直接派生类immediate updating即时更新(for database) implicit transaction隐式事务(for database) incremental update增量更新(for database)index索引(for database)implement实现implementation实现、实现品implicit隐式import导入increment operator增加操作符infinite loop无限循环infinite recursive无限递归information信息infrastructure根底设施inheritance继承、继承机制inline内联inline expansion内联展开initialization初始化initialization list初始化列表、初始值列表initialize初始化inner join内联接(for database)in-place active现场激活instance实例instantiated具现化、实体化(常应用于template) instantiation具现体、具现化实体(常应用于template) integrate集成、整合integrity完整性、一致性aggregation聚合、聚集algorithm算法alias别名align排列、对齐allocate分配、配置allocator分配器、配置器angle bracket尖括号annotation注解、评注API (Application Programming Interface)应用(程序)编程接口app domain (application domain)应用域application应用、应用程序application framework应用程序框架appearance外观append附加architecture架构、体系构造archive file归档文件、存档文件argument引数(传给函式的值)。
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欢迎阅读⽆忧考为⼤家精⼼整理的程序员常⽤英语词汇!欢迎阅读学习!更多相关讯息请关注⽆忧考!Aabstract 抽象的abstract base class (ABC)抽象基类abstract class 抽象类abstraction 抽象、抽象物、抽象性access 存取、访问access function 访问函数access level访问级别account 账户action 动作activate 激活active 活动的actual parameter 实参adapter 适配器add-in 插件address 地址address space 地址空间ADO(ActiveX Data Object)ActiveX数据对象advanced ⾼级的aggregation 聚合、聚集algorithm 算法alias 别名align 排列、对齐allocate 分配、配置allocator分配器、配置器angle bracket 尖括号annotation 注解、评注API (Application Programming Interface) 应⽤(程序)编程接⼝appearance 外观append 附加application 应⽤、应⽤程序application framework 应⽤程序框架Approximate String Matching 模糊匹配architecture 架构、体系结构archive file 归档⽂件、存档⽂件argument参数。
array 数组arrow operator 箭头操作符assert(ion) 断⾔assign 赋值assignment 赋值、分配assignment operator 赋值操作符associated 相关的、相关联的asynchronous 异步的attribute 特性、属性authentication service 验证服务authorization 授权Bbackground 背景、后台(进程)backup 备份backup device备份设备backup file 备份⽂件backward compatible 向后兼容、向下兼容base class 基类base type 基类型batch 批处理BCL (base class library)基类库Bin Packing 装箱问题binary ⼆进制binding 绑定bit 位bitmap 位图block 块、区块、语句块boolean 布林值(真假值,true或false) border 边框bounds checking 边界检查boxing 装箱、装箱转换brace (curly brace) ⼤括号、花括号bracket (square brakcet) 中括号、⽅括号breakpoint 断点browser applications 浏览器应⽤(程序)browser-accessible application 可经由浏览器访问的应⽤程序bug 缺陷错误build 编连(专指编译和连接)built-in 内建、内置bus 总线business 业务、商务(看场合)business Logic 业务逻辑business rules 业务规则buttons 按钮by/through 通过byte 位元组(由8 bits组成)Ccache ⾼速缓存calendar ⽇历Calendrical Calculations ⽇期call 调⽤call operator 调⽤操作符callback 回调candidate key 候选键 (for database)cascading delete 级联删除 (for database)cascading update 级联更新 (for database)casting 转型、造型转换catalog ⽬录chain 链(function calls)character 字符character format 字符格式character set 字符集check box 复选框check button 复选按钮CHECK constraints CHECK约束 (for database) checkpoint 检查点 (for database)child class ⼦类CIL (common intermediate language)通⽤中间语⾔、通⽤中介语⾔class 类class declaration 类声明class definition 类定义class derivation list 类继承列表class factory 类⼚class hierarchy 类层次结构class library 类库class loader 类装载器class template 类模板class template partial specializations 类模板部分特化class template specializations 类模板特化classification 分类clause ⼦句cleanup 清理、清除CLI (Common Language Infrastructure) 通⽤语⾔基础设施client 客户、客户端client application 客户端应⽤程序client area 客户区client cursor 客户端游标 (for database)client-server 客户机/服务器、客户端/服务器clipboard 剪贴板clone 克隆CLS (common language specification) 通⽤语⾔规范code access security 代码访问安全code page 代码页COFF (Common Object File Format) 通⽤对象⽂件格式collection 集合COM (Component Object Model) 组件对象模型combo box 组合框command line 命令⾏comment 注释commit 提交 (for database)communication 通讯compatible 兼容compile time 编译期、编译时compiler 编译器component组件composite index 复合索引、组合索引 (for database)composite key 复合键、组合键 (for database)composition 复合、组合concept 概念concrete具体的concrete class 具体类concurrency 并发、并发机制configuration 配置、组态Connected Components 连通分⽀connection 连接 (for database)connection pooling 连接池console 控制台constant 常量Constrained and Unconstrained Optimization 最值问题constraint 约束 (for database)construct 构件、成分、概念、构造(for language)constructor (ctor) 构造函数、构造器container 容器containment包容context 环境、上下⽂control 控件cookiecopy 拷贝CORBA 通⽤对象请求中介架构(Common Object Request Broker Architecture) cover 覆盖、涵盖create/creation 创建、⽣成crosstab query 交叉表查询 (for database)Cryptography 密码CTS (common type system)通⽤类型系统cube *数据集 (for database)cursor 光标cursor 游标 (for database)custom 定制、⾃定义Ddata 数据data connection 数据连接 (for database)data dictionary 数据字典 (for database)data file 数据⽂件 (for database)data integrity 数据完整性 (for database)data manipulation language (DML)数据操作语⾔(DML) (for database) data member 数据成员、成员变量data source 数据源 (for database)Data source name (DSN) 数据源名称(DSN) (for database)data structure数据结构Data Structures 基本数据结构data table 数据表 (for database)data-bound 数据绑定 (for database)database 数据库 (for database)database catalog 数据库⽬录 (for database)database diagram 数据关系图 (for database)database file 数据库⽂件 (for database)database object 数据库对象 (for database)database owner 数据库所有者 (for database)database project 数据库⼯程 (for database)database role 数据库⾓⾊ (for database)database schema 数据库模式、数据库架构 (for database) database script 数据库脚本 (for database)datagram 数据报⽂dataset 数据集 (for database)dataset 数据集 (for database)DBMS (database management system)数据库管理系统 (for database) DCOM (distributed COM)分布式COMdead lock 死锁 (for database)deallocate 归还debug 调试debugger 调试器decay 退化declaration 声明default 缺省、默认值DEFAULT constraint默认约束 (for database)default database 默认数据库 (for database)default instance 默认实例 (for database)default result set 默认结果集 (for database)defer 推迟definition 定义delegate 委托delegation 委托deploy 部署derived class 派⽣类design pattern 设计模式destroy 销毁destructor(dtor)析构函数、析构器device 设备DHTML (dynamic HyperText Markup Language)动态超⽂本标记语⾔dialog 对话框Dictionaries 字典digest 摘要digital 数字的directive (编译)指⽰符directory ⽬录disassembler 反汇编器DISCO (Discovery of Web Services)Web Services的查找dispatch 调度、分派、派发distributed computing 分布式计算distributed query 分布式查询 (for database)DNA (Distributed interNet Application) 分布式间应⽤程序document ⽂档DOM (Document Object Model)⽂档对象模型dot operator (圆)点操作符double-byte character set (DBCS)双字节字符集(DBCS)driver 驱动(程序)DTD (document type definition) ⽂档类型定义dump 转储dump file 转储⽂件Ee-business 电⼦商务efficiency 效率efficient ⾼效encapsulation 封装end user 最终⽤户end-to-end authentication 端对端⾝份验证engine 引擎entity 实体enum (enumeration) 枚举enumerators 枚举成员、枚举器equal 相等equality 相等性equality operator 等号操作符error log 错误⽇志 (for database)escape character 转义符、转义字符escape code 转义码evaluate 评估event 事件event driven 事件驱动的event handler 事件处理器evidence 证据exception 异常exception declaration 异常声明exception handling 异常处理、异常处理机制exception specification 异常规范exception-safe 异常安全的exit 退出explicit 显式explicit specialization 显式特化explicit transaction 显式事务 (for database) export 导出expression 表达式Ffat client 胖客户端feature 特性、特征fetch 提取field 字段 (for database)field 字段(java)field length 字段长度 (for database)file ⽂件filter 筛选 (for database)finalization 终结finalizer 终结器firewall 防⽕墙flag 标记flash memory 闪存flush 刷新font 字体foreign key (FK) 外键(FK) (for database)form 窗体formal parameter 形参forward declaration 前置声明forward-only 只向前的forward-only cursor 只向前游标 (for database) framework 框架full specialization 完全特化function 函数function call operator (即operator ()) 函数调⽤操作符function object 函数对象function template函数模板functionality 功能functor 仿函数GGC (Garbage collection) 垃圾回收(机制)、垃圾收集(机制) generate ⽣成generic 泛化的、⼀般化的、通⽤的generic algorithm通⽤算法genericity 泛型getter (相对于 setter)取值函数global 全局的global object 全局对象grant 授权 (for database)group 组、群group box 分组框GUI 图形界⾯GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) 全球标识符Hhandle 句柄handler 处理器hard disk 硬盘hard-coded 硬编码的hard-copy 截屏图hardware 硬件hash table 散列表、哈希表header file头⽂件heap 堆help file 帮助⽂件hierarchical data 阶层式数据、层次式数据hierarchy 层次结构、继承体系high level ⾼阶、⾼层hook 钩⼦Host (application)宿主(应⽤程序)hot key 热键HTML (HyperText Markup Language) 超⽂本标记语⾔HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) 超⽂本传输协议HTTP pipeline HTTP管道hyperlink 超链接Iicon 图标IDE (Integrated Development Environment)集成开发环境identifier 标识符IDL (Interface Definition Language) 接⼝定义语⾔idle time 空闲时间if and only if当且仅当IL (Intermediate Language) 中间语⾔、中介语⾔image 图象IME 输⼊法immediate base 直接基类immediate derived 直接派⽣类immediate updating 即时更新 (for database) implement 实现implementation 实现、实现品implicit 隐式implicit transaction隐式事务 (for database)import 导⼊incremental update 增量更新 (for database) Independent Set 独⽴集index 索引 (for database)infinite loop ⽆限循环infinite recursive ⽆限递归information 信息inheritance 继承、继承机制initialization 初始化initialization list 初始化列表、初始值列表initialize 初始化inline 内联inline expansion 内联展开inner join 内联接 (for database)instance 实例instantiated 具现化、实体化(常应⽤于template) instantiation 具现体、具现化实体(常应⽤于template) integrate 集成、整合integrity 完整性、⼀致性integrity constraint完整性约束 (for database) interacts 交互interface 接⼝interoperability 互操作性、互操作能⼒interpreter 解释器introspection ⾃省invariants 不变性invoke 调⽤isolation level 隔离级别 (for database)item 项、条款、项⽬iterate 迭代iteration 迭代(回圈每次轮回称为⼀个iteration) iterative 反复的、迭代的iterator 迭代器JJIT compilation JIT编译即时编译Job Scheduling ⼯程安排Kkey 键 (for database)key column 键列 (for database)Lleft outer join 左向外联接 (for database) level 阶、层例library 库lifetime ⽣命期、寿命Linear Programming 线性规划link 连接、链接linkage 连接、链接linker 连接器、链接器list 列表、表、链表list box 列表框literal constant 字⾯常数livelock 活锁 (for database)load 装载、加载load balancing 负载平衡loader 装载器、载⼊器local 局部的local object 局部对象lock 锁log ⽇志login 登录login security mode登录安全模式 (for database)lookup table 查找表 (for database)loop 循环loose coupling 松散耦合lvalue 左值Mmachine code 机器码、机器代码macro 宏maintain 维护managed code 受控代码、托管代码Managed Extensions 受控扩充件、托管扩展managed object 受控对象、托管对象manifest 清单many-to-many relationship 多对多关系 (for database) many-to-one relationship 多对⼀关系 (for database) marshal 列集Matching 匹配member 成员member access operator 成员取⽤运算⼦(有dot和arrow两种) member function 成员函数member initialization list成员初始值列表memory 内存memory leak 内存泄漏menu 菜单message 消息message based 基于消息的message loop 消息环message queuing消息队列metadata 元数据metaprogramming元编程method ⽅法micro 微middle tier 中间层middleware 中间件modeling 建模modeling language 建模语⾔modem 调制解调器modifier 修饰字、修饰符module 模块most derived class最底层的派⽣类mouse ⿏标multi-tasking 多任务multi-thread 多线程multicast delegate 组播委托、多点委托multithreaded server application 多线程服务器应⽤程序multiuser 多⽤户mutable 可变的mutex 互斥元、互斥体Nnamed parameter 命名参数named pipe 命名管道namespace 名字空间、命名空间native 原⽣的、本地的native code 本地码、本机码nested class 嵌套类nested query 嵌套查询 (for database)nested table 嵌套表 (for database)network 络network card 卡Network Flow 络流Oobject 对象object based 基于对象的object model 对象模型object oriented ⾯向对象的ODBC data source ODBC数据源 (for database) ODBC driver ODBC驱动程序 (for database)one-to-many relationship ⼀对多关系 (for database)one-to-one relationship ⼀对⼀关系 (for database) operating system (OS) 操作系统operation 操作operator 操作符、运算符option 选项outer join 外联接 (for database)overflow 上限溢位(相对于underflow)overload 重载override 覆写、重载、重新定义Ppackage 包packaging 打包palette 调⾊板parallel 并⾏parameter 参数、形式参数、形参parameter list 参数列表parameterize 参数化parent class ⽗类parentheses 圆括弧、圆括号parse 解析parser 解析器part 零件、部件partial specialization 局部特化pass by reference 引⽤传递pass by value 值传递p a t t e r n !j _ / p > p > p e r s i s t e n c e c EN '` / p >。
dbt Cloud Administrator Certification Exam Study G
dbt Cloud Administrator Certification Exam Study GuideHow to use this study guideThe sample exam questions provide examples of the format to expect for the exam. The types of questions you can expect on the exam include:Multiple-choice Fill-in-the-blank MatchingHotspot Build listDiscrete Option Multiple Choice (DOMC)The topic outline will provide a clear list of the topics that are assessed on the exam. dbt subject matter experts used this topic outline to write and review all of the exam items that you will find on the exam.The exam overview will provide high-level details on the format of the exam. We recommend being mindful of the number of questions and time constraints.This is the official study guide for the dbt Cloud Administrator Certification Exam from the team at dbt Labs. While the guide suggests a sequence of courses and reading material, we recommend using it to supplement (rather than substitute) real-world use and experience with dbt.The learnin g pat h will walk you through a suggested series of courses, readings, and documentation. We will also provide some guidance for the types of experience to build while using dbt on a real-world project .Finally, the additional resources section will provide additional places to continue your learning .We put a ton of effort and attention to detail and the exam and we wish you much success in your pursuit of a dbt Labs certification.Exam OverviewLogisticsScoringThe dbt Cloud Administrator Certification Exam is designed to evaluate your ability to The exam is scored on a point basis, with 1 point for each correct answer, and 0 points for incorrect answers. All questions are weighted equally.An undisclosed number of unscored questions will be included on each exam. These are unmarked and indistinguishable from scored questions. Answers to these questions will be used for research purposes only, and will not count towards the score.Initialize the setup of a dbt Cloud account including connecting to data platforms, git providers and configuring security and access controlconfigure environments, jobs, logging, and alerting with best practice Maximize the value your team gets out of dbt Clouconfigure, troubleshoot and optimize projects, manage dbt Cloud connections and environmentmaximize value while enforcing best practicesDuration: 2 HourFormat & Registration: online proctored or on-site at Coalesc Length: 65 questionPassing Score: 63% or higher. You will know your result immediately after completion of the exam. Price: $200Language: Only English at this timCertification Expiration: The certification expires 2 years after the date awarded. *Discounts are available for dbt Labs SI Partners.We recommend that folks have at least familiarity with SQL, data platforms, and git for version control and have had 6+ months of experience administering an instance of dbt Cloud before attempting the exam.Retakes & CancellationsIf you do not pass the exam, you may schedule a retake 48 hours after your lastattempt. You will need to pay a registration fee for each retake. You can reschedule or cancel without penalty on MonitorEDU before a scheduled exam. We will not issue refunds for no-shows.Topic OutlineThe dbt Cloud Administrator Certification Exam has been designed to assess the following topics and sub-topics.AccommodationsPlease contact MonitorEDU with any accommodation requests.Topic 3:Configuring dbt Cloud security and licenseCreating Service tokens for API accesAssigning permission set Creating license mappingUnderstanding 3-pronged access control (RBAC in dbt, warehouse, git Adding and removing userAdding SSO application for dbt Cloud enterpriseTopic 2:Configuring git connectionConnecting the git repo to dbUnderstanding custom branches and which to configure to environment Creating a PR templatUnderstanding version control basic Setting up integrations with git providersTopic 1:Configuring dbt Cloud data warehouse connectionUnderstanding how to connect the warehousConfiguring IP whitelis Selecting adapter typ Configuring OAutAdding credentials to deployment environments to access warehouse for production / CI runsTopic 6: Setting up monitoringand alerting for job Setting up email notification Setting up Slack notification Using Webhooks for event-driven integrations with other systemsTopic 5: Creating and maintaining job definition Setup a CI job with deferraUnderstanding steps within a dbt jo Scheduling a job to run on schedulImplementing run commands in the correct ordeCreating new dbt Cloud joConfiguring optional settings such as environment variable overrides, threads, deferral, target name, dbt version override etcGenerating documentation on a job that populates the project’s doc siteTopic 4:Creating and maintaining dbt Cloud environmentUnderstanding access control to different environmentDetermining when to use a service accounRotating key pair authentication via the APUnderstanding environment variableUpgrading dbt versionDeploying using a custom branc Creating new dbt Cloud deployment environmenSetting default schema / dataset for environmentTopic 7:Monitoring Command InvocationUnderstanding events in audit lo Understanding how to audit a DAG and use artifactUsing the model timing taReviewing job logs to find errorsTopic Outline(Continued)Sample Question 1:Explanation:Each package has a ‘dbt version required’ interval. When you upgrade your dbt Cloud version in your project, you need to check the required version for your installed packages to ensure the updated dbt version falls within the interval. This makes You need to look for dbt version requirements on packages the project has installed the correct answer.Explanation:Custom cron schedule matches with A daily production data refresh that runs every other hour, Monday through Friday. Recurring jobs that run on a schedule are defined in the job setting triggers either by a custom cron schedule or day/time selection in the UI.Continuous integration run on pull requests matches with A job to test code changes before they are merged with the main branch. Continuous integration jobs are set up to trigger when a pull request is created. The PR workflow occurs when code changes are made and a PR is created in the UI. This kicks off a job that run your project to ensure a successful run prior to merging to the main branch.No trigger matches with Ad hoc requests to fully refresh incremental models one to two times per month- run job manually. Ad hoc requests, by definition, are one-off run that are not scheduled jobs and therefore are kicked off manually in the UI.dbt Cloud Administrator API matches with A near real-time update that needs to run immediately after an Airflow task loads the data. An action outside of dbt Cloud triggering a job has to be configured using the dbt Cloud Administratoristrative API.Sample Question 2:Explanation:dbt has two types of tokens, service account and user. User tokens are issued to users with a developer license. This token runs on behalf of the user. Service account tokens runindependently from a specific user. This makes Service account tokens are used for system-level integrations that do not run on behalf of any one user the correct answer.Sample Question 3:Explanation:Metadata only service tokens can authorize requests to the metadata API.Read-only service tokens can authorize requests for viewing a read-only dashboard, viewing generated documentation, and viewing source freshness reports.Analysts can use the IDE, configure personal developer credentials, view connections, view environments, view job definitions, and view historical runs.Job Viewers can view environments, view job definitions, and view historical runs.Sample Question 4:Explanation:dbt Cloud supports JIT (Just-in-Time) provisioning and IdP-initiated login.Sample Question 5:Learning PathThis is not the only way to prepare for the exam, but just one recommended path forsomeone new to dbt to prepare for the exam. Each checkpoint provides a logical setof courses to complete, readings and documentation to digest, and real-worldexperience to seek out. We recommend this order, but things can be reorganized based on your learning preferences.Checkpoint 0: Prerequisites Checkpoint 1: Build a FoundatioCourses:dbt FundamentalsReadingsdbt viewpoinBlog: Data transformation process: 6 steps in an ELT workfloBlog: 4 Data Modeling Techniques for Modern WarehouseBlog: Creating a data quality framework for scalBlog: The next big step forwards for analytics engineerinDocumentationdbt Cloud featuresVersion control basicExperiencCreating a dbt project from scratch to deploymenDebugging errorCommanddbt compildbt rudbt source freshnesdbt tesdbt docs generatdbt buildFor git, the exam expects familiarity with branching strategies (including development vs main branches), basic git commands, and pull/merge requests.For SQ L, the exam expects familiarity with j oins, aggregations, common table expressions (C T Es), and w indo w f unctions.dbt is a tool that brings together severaldi ff erent technical skills in one place.We recommend starting this path a ft eryou 've developed foundational git andSQ L skills.Checkpoint 2: Configuring data warehouse and git connectionsResources:Coursesdbt Cloud and BigQuery for Administratordbt Cloud and Databricks for Administratordbt Cloud and Snowflake for AdministratorGitHub SkillLinkedIn Learning: Getting started with git and githuGitLab LearAzure DevOps TutoriaReadingsWhat is a data platform - SnowflakWhat is a data warehouse - AWAccelerators for Cloud Data Platform Transition GuidHow we configure SnowflakSuccess Story: Aktify Democratizes Data Access with Databricks Lakehouse Platform and dbUnblocking IPs in 2023: Everything you need to knoWhat is OauthVersion control with GiGit for the rest of us workshoThe exact GitHub pull request template we use at dbt LabsHow to review an analytics pull requesDocumentationSupported data platformWhat are adapters? Why do we need themAdapter specific configurationNew adapter information sheeQuickstart for dbt Cloud and BigQuerQuickstarts for dbt Cloud and DatabrickQuickstart for dbt Cloud and SnowflakSnowflake PermissionQuickstart for dbt Cloud and RedshiStarburst Galaxy Quickstartdbt Cloud Regions & IP addresseOauth with data platformAbout user access in dbt Clouddbt Cloud tenancdbt Cloud regions & IP addresseCreate a deployment environment / deployment connectionConfigure GitHub for dbt ClouConfigure GitLab for dbt ClouConnect to Azure DevOpHow do I use custom branch settings in a dbt Cloud environmentExperienceConfiguring a data platform for dbt ClouAdding users to a data platform, managing permissions, data objects, service account Connecting a data platform to dbt Cloud, initializing a project and building a mode Unblocking IPs for dbt ClouCreating a security integration in a data platform to manage an Oauth connectioConfiguring SSO for a dbt Cloud Enterprise plaAdding credentials to deployment environments to access warehouse for CI runInstalling dbt Cloud in a GitHub repo and connecting to dbtInstalling dbt Cloud in a GitLab repo and connecting to dbtInstalling dbt Cloud in Azure Devops and connecting to dbCreating a pull request template for your organizatioCreating pull requestsReviewing pull requestReviewing, managing, merging changeOnboarding new users to dbt Cloud project repos in GitHub, GitLab, AzureDevOpsUsing custom branches in dbt environmentsCheckpoint 3: Configuring dbt Cloud security and licenses Resources:Readingsdbt Cloud Security protocols and recommendationWhat is SSO and how does it workDocumentationSingle Sign On in dbt Cloud for the EnterprisExperienceLimiting dbt Cloud’s access to your warehouse to strictly the datasets processed by db Using SSL or SSH encryption to protect your data and credentialsChoosing strong passwords for your database usersCheckpoint 4: Configuring and maintaining dbt Cloud environmentsResources:CoursesAdvanced DeploymenReadingsdbt Cloud environmentdbt Cloud environment best practices guidDocumentationTypes of environmentCreate a development environmenCreate a deployment environmenHow to use custom branch settingDelete a job or environment in dbt ClouSet environment variables in dbt ClouUse environment variables in JinjAbout service account tokenExperienceDefining environments in your data platforDefining environments in dbt ClouUsing custom branches in a dbt Cloud environmenUsing environment variablesCheckpoint 5: Creating and maintaining job definitions Resources:DocumentationCreate and schedule jobDeploy dbt cloud jobJob scheduler featureCreate artifactJob commandJob creation best practices DiscoursJob triggerConfiguring continuous integration in dbt CLouConfiguring a Slim CI joCloud CI deferral and state comparisonExperienceCreating a new joSetup a CI job with deferraUnderstanding steps within a dbt joScheduling a job to run on schedulImplementing run commands in the correct ordeConfiguring optional settings such as environment variable overrides, threads, deferral, target name, dbt version override, etcGenerating documentation on a job that populates the project’s doc siteCheckpoint 6: Setting up monitoring and alerting Resources:Documentationdbt cloud job notificationSet up email and Slack notifications for jobsWebhooks for your jobExperienceSetting up dbt Cloud job notificationSetting up email notifications for jobSetting up Slack notifications for jobSetting up webhooksCheckpoint 7: Monitoring command invocations Resources:DocumentationEvents in the dbt Cloud audit logExporting logSearching the audit logModel timindbt Guide: Best practices for debugging errorUnpacking relationships and data lineagExperienceFinding and reviewing events in audit loReviewing job logs to find errorAuditing a DAG and using artifactUsing the model timing tabAdditional Resourcesdbt Slac#dbt-certificatio#learn-on-deman#advice-dbt-for-beginner#advice-dbt-for-power-user#dbt-deployment-and-orchestrationIf you are a dbt Labs partner or enterprise client, contact your partner manager or account team for additional benefits.Prefer E-mail? Contact us:*************************。
编程常用英语大全分类:编程语言/C语言/文章My trusty index finger of a stylus is ready to swipe, pinch, double tap and scroll since these are natural gestures. MP3有了触摸屏,我那可靠的食指就可以像手写笔一样在屏幕上做放大、缩小、双击和滑动的动作,所有这些都不过是它本来就会的动作而已。
编程常用英语词汇application 应用程式应用、应用程序application framework 应用程式框架、应用框架应用程序框架architecture 架构、系统架构体系结构argument 引数(传给函式的值)。
叁见parameter 叁数、实质叁数、实叁、自变量array 阵列数组arrow operator arrow(箭头)运算子箭头操作符assembly 装配件assembly language 组合语言汇编语言assert(ion) 断言assign 指派、指定、设值、赋值赋值assignment 指派、指定赋值、分配assignment operator 指派(赋值)运算子 = 赋值操作符associated 相应的、相关的相关的、关联、相应的associative container 关联式容器(对应 sequential container)关联式容器atomic 不可分割的原子的attribute 属性属性、特性audio 音讯音频A.I. 人工智慧人工智能background 背景背景(用於图形着色)後台(用於行程)backward compatible 回溯相容向下兼容bandwidth 频宽带宽base class 基础类别基类base type 基础型别 (等同於 base class)batch 批次(意思是整批作业)批处理benefit 利益收益best viable function 最佳可行函式最佳可行函式(从 viable functions 中挑出的最佳吻合者)binary search 二分搜寻法二分查找binary tree 二元树二叉树binary function 二元函式双叁函数binary operator 二元运算子二元操作符binding 系结绑定bit 位元位bit field 位元栏位域bitmap 位元图位图bitwise 以 bit 为单元逐一┅bitwise copy 以 bit 为单元进行复制;位元逐一复制位拷贝block 区块,区段块、区块、语句块boolean 布林值(真假值,true 或 false)布尔值border 边框、框线边框brace(curly brace) 大括弧、大括号花括弧、花括号bracket(square brakcet) 中括弧、中括号方括弧、方括号breakpoint 中断点断点build 建造、构筑、建置(MS 用语)build-in 内建内置bus 汇流排总线business 商务,业务业务buttons 按钮按钮byte 位元组(由 8 bits 组成)字节cache 快取高速缓存call 呼叫、叫用调用callback 回呼回调call operator call(函式呼叫)运算子调用操作符(同 function call operator)candidate function 候选函式候选函数(在函式多载决议程序中出现的候选函式)chain 串链(例 chain of function calls)链character 字元字符check box 核取方块 (i.e. check button) 复选框checked exception 可控式异常(Java)check button 方钮 (i.e. check box) 复选按钮child class 子类别(或称为derived class, subtype)子类class 类别类class body 类别本体类体class declaration 类别宣告、类别宣告式类声明class definition 类别定义、类别定义式类定义class derivation list 类别衍化列类继承列表class head 类别表头类头class hierarchy 类别继承体系, 类别阶层类层次体系class library 类别程式库、类别库类库class template 类别模板、类别范本类模板class template partial specializations类别模板偏特化类模板部分特化class template specializations类别模板特化类模板特化cleanup 清理、善後清理、清除client 客端、客户端、客户客户client-server 主从架构客户/服务器clipboard 剪贴簿剪贴板clone 复制克隆collection 群集集合combo box 复合方块、复合框组合框command line 命令列命令行(系统文字模式下的整行执行命令) communication 通讯通讯compatible 相容兼容compile time 编译期编译期、编译时compiler 编译器编译器component 组件组件composition 复合、合成、组合组合computer 电脑、计算机计算机、电脑concept 概念概念concrete 具象的实在的concurrent 并行并发configuration 组态配置connection 连接,连线(网络,资料库)连接constraint 约束(条件)construct 构件构件container 容器容器(存放资料的某种结构如 list, vector...)containment 内含包容context 背景关系、周遭环境、上下脉络环境、上下文control 控制元件、控件控件console 主控台控制台const 常数(constant 的缩写,C++ 关键字)constant 常数(相对於 variable)常量constructor(ctor)建构式构造函数(与class 同名的一种 member functions)copy (v) 复制、拷贝拷贝copy (n) 复件, 副本cover 涵盖覆盖create 创建、建立、产生、生成创建creation 产生、生成创建cursor 游标光标custom 订制、自定定制data 资料数据database 资料库数据库database schema 数据库结构纲目data member 资料成员、成员变数数据成员、成员变量data structure 资料结构数据结构datagram 资料元数据报文dead lock 死结死锁debug 除错调试debugger 除错器调试器declaration 宣告、宣告式声明deduction 推导(例:template argument deduction)推导、推断default 预设缺省、默认defer 延缓推迟define 定义预定义definition 定义、定义区、定义式定义delegate 委派、委托、委任委托delegation (同上)demarshal 反编列散集dereference 提领(取出指标所指物体的内容)解叁考dereference operator dereference(提领)运算子 * 解叁考操作符derived class 衍生类别派生类design by contract 契约式设计design pattern 设计范式、设计样式设计模式※最近我比较喜欢「设计范式」一词destroy 摧毁、销毁destructor 解构式析构函数device 装置、设备设备dialog 对话窗、对话盒对话框directive 指令(例:using directive) (编译)指示符directory 目录目录disk 碟盘dispatch 分派分派distributed computing 分布式计算 (分布式电算) 分布式计算分散式计算 (分散式电算)document 文件文档dot operator dot(句点)运算子 . (圆)点操作符driver 驱动程式驱动(程序)dynamic binding 动态系结动态绑定efficiency 效率效率efficient 高效高效end user 终端用户entity 物体实体、物体encapsulation 封装封装enclosing class 外围类别(与巢状类别 nested class 有关)外围类enum (enumeration) 列举(一种 C++ 资料型别)枚举enumerators 列举元(enum 型别中的成员)枚举成员、枚举器equal 相等相等equality 相等性相等性equality operator equality(等号)运算子 == 等号操作符equivalence 等价性、等同性、对等性等价性equivalent 等价、等同、对等等价escape code 转义码转义码evaluate 评估、求值、核定评估event 事件事件event driven 事件驱动的事件驱动的exception 异常情况异常exception declaration 异常宣告(ref. C++ Primer 3/e, 11.3)异常声明exception handling 异常处理、异常处理机制异常处理、异常处理机制exception specification 异常规格(ref. C++ Primer 3/e, 11.4)异常规范exit 退离(指离开函式时的那一个执行点)退出explicit 明白的、明显的、显式显式export 汇出引出、导出expression 运算式、算式表达式facility 设施、设备设施、设备feature 特性field 栏位,资料栏(Java)字段, 值域(Java)file 档案文件firmware 韧体固件flag 旗标标记flash memory 快闪记忆体闪存flexibility 弹性灵活性flush 清理、扫清刷新font 字型字体form 表单(programming 用语)窗体formal parameter 形式叁数形式叁数forward declaration 前置宣告前置声明forwarding 转呼叫,转发转发forwarding function 转呼叫函式,转发函式转发函数fractal 碎形分形framework 框架框架full specialization 全特化(ref. partial specialization)function 函式、函数函数function call operator 同 call operatorfunction object 函式物件(ref. C++ Primer 3/e, 12.3)函数对象function overloaded resolution函式多载决议程序函数重载解决(方案)functionality 功能、机能功能function template 函式模板、函式范本函数模板functor 仿函式仿函式、函子game 游戏游戏generate 生成generic 泛型、一般化的一般化的、通用的、泛化generic algorithm 泛型演算法通用算法getter (相对於 setter) 取值函式global 全域的(对应於 local)全局的global object 全域物件全局对象global scope resolution operator全域生存空间(范围决议)运算子 :: 全局范围解析操作符group 群组group box 群组方块分组框guard clause 卫述句 (Refactoring, p250) 卫语句GUI 图形介面图形界面hand shaking 握手协商handle 识别码、识别号、号码牌、权柄句柄handler 处理常式处理函数hard-coded 编死的硬编码的hard-copy 硬拷图屏幕截图hard disk 硬碟硬盘hardware 硬体硬件hash table 杂凑表哈希表、散列表header file 表头档、标头档头文件heap 堆积堆hierarchy 阶层体系层次结构(体系)hook 挂钩钩子hyperlink 超链结超链接icon 图示、图标图标IDE 整合开发环境集成开发环境identifier 识别字、识别符号标识符if and only if 若且唯若当且仅当Illinois 伊利诺伊利诺斯image 影像图象immediate base 直接的(紧临的)上层 base class。
1. DBMSA database management system is a collection of interrelated data and a set of programs to access those data.A database management system is the software system that allows users to define, create and maintain a database and provides controlled access to the data.2.Database Schemathe logical structure of the database3.Data modelA collection of tools for describing 。
Data ,Data relationships,Data semantics,Data constraints4.data: By data, we mean known facts that can be recorded and that have implicit meaning.数据是可被记录并且有隐含意义的已知事实。
database: A database is a collection of related data.数据库是有关联数据的集合。
DBMS:A database management system is a collection of programs that enable users to create and maintain a database.数据库管理系统是一组可支持用户来创建和管理数据库的程序集合。
database system: We call the database and DBMS software together a database system.数据库和数据库管理系统统称为数据库系统。
第一部分、计算机算法常用术语中英对照Data Structures 基本数据结构Dictionaries 字典Priority Queues 堆Graph Data Structures 图Set Data Structures 集合Kd-Trees 线段树Numerical Problems 数值问题Solving Linear Equations 线性方程组Bandwidth Reduction 带宽压缩Matrix Multiplication 矩阵乘法Determinants and Permanents 行列式Constrained and Unconstrained Optimization 最值问题Linear Programming 线性规划Random Number Generation 随机数生成Factoring and Primality Testing 因子分解/质数判定Arbitrary Precision Arithmetic 高精度计算Knapsack Problem 背包问题Discrete Fourier Transform 离散Fourier变换Combinatorial Problems 组合问题Sorting 排序Searching 查找Median and Selection 中位数Generating Permutations 排列生成Generating Subsets 子集生成Generating Partitions 划分生成Generating Graphs 图的生成Calendrical Calculations 日期Job Scheduling 工程安排Satisfiability 可满足性Graph Problems -- polynomial 图论-多项式算法Connected Components 连通分支Topological Sorting 拓扑排序Minimum Spanning Tree 最小生成树Shortest Path 最短路径Transitive Closure and Reduction 传递闭包Matching 匹配Eulerian Cycle / Chinese Postman Euler回路/中国邮路Edge and Vertex Connectivity 割边/割点Network Flow 网络流Drawing Graphs Nicely 图的描绘Drawing Trees 树的描绘Planarity Detection and Embedding 平面性检测和嵌入Graph Problems -- hard 图论-NP问题Clique 最大团Independent Set 独立集Vertex Cover 点覆盖Traveling Salesman Problem 旅行商问题Hamiltonian Cycle Hamilton回路Graph Partition 图的划分Vertex Coloring 点染色Edge Coloring 边染色Graph Isomorphism 同构Steiner Tree Steiner树Feedback Edge/Vertex Set 最大无环子图Computational Geometry 计算几何Convex Hull 凸包Triangulation 三角剖分Voronoi Diagrams Voronoi图Nearest Neighbor Search 最近点对查询Range Search 范围查询Point Location 位置查询Intersection Detection 碰撞测试Bin Packing 装箱问题Medial-Axis Transformation 中轴变换Polygon Partitioning 多边形分割Simplifying Polygons 多边形化简Shape Similarity 相似多边形Motion Planning 运动规划Maintaining Line Arrangements 平面分割Minkowski Sum Minkowski和Set and String Problems 集合与串的问题Set Cover 集合覆盖Set Packing 集合配置String Matching 模式匹配Approximate String Matching 模糊匹配Text Compression 压缩Cryptography 密码Finite State Machine Minimization 有穷自动机简化Longest Common Substring 最长公共子串Shortest Common Superstring 最短公共父串DP——Dynamic Programming——动态规划recursion ——递归第二部分、编程词汇A2A integration A2A整合abstract 抽象的abstract base class (ABC)抽象基类abstract class 抽象类abstraction 抽象、抽象物、抽象性access 存取、访问access level访问级别access function 访问函数account 账户action 动作activate 激活active 活动的actual parameter 实参adapter 适配器add-in 插件address 地址address space 地址空间address-of operator 取地址操作符ADL (argument-dependent lookup)ADO(ActiveX Data Object)ActiveX数据对象advancedaggregation 聚合、聚集algorithm 算法alias 别名align 排列、对齐allocate 分配、配置allocator分配器、配置器angle bracket 尖括号annotation 注解、评注API (Application Programming Interface) 应用(程序)编程接口app domain (application domain)应用域application 应用、应用程序application framework 应用程序框架appearance 外观append 附加architecture 架构、体系结构archive file 归档文件、存档文件argument引数(传给函式的值)。
计划方案体系的英文单词When it comes to planning, having a robust system is crucial. We call it a "plan schema" in English, which is basically a framework for organizing ideas and strategies.It's like a roadmap for achieving goals.For those who are more hands-on, a plan schema can be seen as a toolkit. It's a collection of tools andtechniques that help you build a solid foundation for your plans.In the business world, a plan schema is often referredto as a "strategy blueprint." It outlines the key steps and decisions that need to be made to achieve business objectives.But for individuals, a plan schema can be more personal. It might be a list of goals you want to achieve in life, or a set of habits you want to cultivate. The important thingis that it's tailored to your needs and aspirations.In any case, a good plan schema is flexible. It can adapt to changes and new information as they arise. That's why it's important to review and update your plan schema regularly.So whether you're planning a vacation, starting a new project, or just trying to get organized, remember the importance of having a solid plan schema.。
APS 系统的内部数据流
APS 系统的在华为当前的应用情况
- APS系统总体架构overview - APS系统的Web UI架构
- 各模块的系统架构
DP模块的系统架构 FP模块的系统架构 SCP模块的系统架构
- 实现各模块内部集成的中间件架构 - APS系统外部集成架构 - APS系统内部集成架构 - APS系统的硬件环境
Order Promising OrPr_DF
Horizon - 6 months ATP Functionality Critical Item, Batch Order Promise
Order Planning OrPl_SCP
real time
Supplier Collaboration SCC
The various modules within APS architecture are as shown:
Demand Planning DP
Planning Horizon - 12 months forecast All Items, All Customers, All Geography Key Functionalities - Baseline, Consensus Forecasting, Forecast Accuracy & Reporting
SCM UI Infrastructure wM Messge Broker Task Scheduler
A P P / D A T A L A Y E R
2022年职业考证-软考-系统架构设计师考试全真模拟易错、难点剖析B卷(带答案)一.综合题(共15题)1.单选题分页内存管理的核心是将虚拟内存空间和物理内存空间皆划分为大小相同的页面,并以页面作为内存空间的最小分配单位,下图给出了内存管理单元的虚拟的物理页面翻译过程,假设页面大小为4KB,那么CPU 发出虚拟地址0010000000000100后,其访问的物理地址是()。
问题1选项A.110 0000 0000 0100B.0100000000000100C.1100000000000000D.1100000000000010【答案】A【解析】本题考查的是页式存储地址转换相关计算。
已知逻辑地址为:0010 0000 0000 0100 所以高4位为页号,低12位为页内偏移量,所以逻辑地址对应的逻辑页号为2(10),由图可知对应的物理块号为110。
最后把物理块号和页内偏移地址拼合得:0110 0000 0000 0100,答案选A。
BVMS - 版特斯商业汽车维修系统用户手册说明书
BVMS - Deployment guideAuthor: Verhaeg Mario (BT-SC/PAS4-MKP)Date: 18 February, 2020BVMS - Deployment guide 2 of 161Document information 3 1.1Version history 3 2Introduction 4 2.1General 4 3BVMS Functionality 5 4System requirements 7 5Content of the installation package 8 6Setup process 9 6.1Installation of the logbook 9 6.2Firewall configuration10 6.3Repair / Modify / Remove 10 6.4No-touch deployment package 10 7Patches11 8Languages 12 9Logfiles 13 10Commandline options 14 11Examples 161 Document informationProject BVMS 10.0Reference n/aVersion13Last modified18 February 20201.1 Version historyDate Version Description2020-02-18BVMS 10.0.1Added automatic firewall configuration.2 IntroductionThis document describes the installation package for BVMS and is version independent. Operating system support of the specific BVMS version is listed in the BVMS release notes.2.1 GeneralThe BVMS installation package is distributed by ZIP file from our product download web page and comes with all components that are required to deploy the BVMS on the target system. The installation package is based on InstallShield technology.Windows Installer V.4.5 or later is required. The setup requires administrative rights.••••••••••••••3 BVMS FunctionalityThe BVMS installation consists of the following installable components:The normal installation process, using the graphical user interface, the following components can be selected:Management Server (including Enterprise functionality)SSH ServiceConfiguration Client Operator Client Cameo SDKCameo SDK manual and samplesBVMS SDKMobile Video Service (MVS)Video Recording Manager (VRM)Secondary Video Recording Manager (SEC_VRM)Video Streaming Gateway (VSG)Components that are not selectable and visible during the installation process are implicitly required to run the program and are installed automatically:The Core component is required by the Management Server, Operator Client, Configuration Client, NVR and Cameo SDK.VSDK (Video SDK) is required by Client, ConfigClient, Server, MVS and Cameo SDK.The ExportPlayer is installed when Server or OpClient is selected. It installs the binaries for the native video player for exported video. The binaries can be exported together with the exported video. No further installation is required to run the Export Player, it can run directly from the exported folder.Components can be dependent on each other and will be automatically selected (for example, the BVMS SDK feature is required by Server, Operator Client, Configuration Client, and Cameo SDK) when running the setup in interactive mode with user interface. Please note that all components (also dependent components) must be specified when running insilent mode from command line by using the "ADDLOCAL" property (find examples at the end of the document).WarningInstalling a VRM and MVS on the same system is not possible and will not be supported.When updating the system, the feature selection dialogue can be skipped by using the “Update now” button on the welcome dialogue. All existing features will be updated then.WarningWhen upgrading the system silently by command line without changing the existing features, the ADDLOCAL property should not be used. Otherwise features not specified in the ADDLOCAL property will get un-installed.4 System requirementsTo run BVMS the following 3rd party prerequisites are required per component. All prerequisites are checked and installed on demand when running the Setup.exe.Feature/Prerequisite Purpose All Server SQL_Server OpClientCameoSDKConfigClientMVSService Handler Stops all BVMS Servicesbefore installation/upgradeXLogging Directory Creates loggingdirectoryX.NET Framework 4.7.2Support for managedcodeX*DWF Viewer (AutodeskDesign Review 2009)Display DWF maps X XVC++ RuntimeVC80/90/110/120/140Support for C/C++ code XOPC Core Components BIS ConnectionXSQL Server 2017 SP1ExpressLogbook Database XWindows Desktop Experience Video Features forWindows Server 2008X XMedia Foundation for Server 2012Windows features forimage decodingX XInstall and configure IIS Web server for MVS X•••••••••••••5 Content of the installation packageThe following folder structure and content can be found on the BVMS installation media:Root:Setup.exeSetup.ini: keeps information to control the setup (e.g. command line for the msi)Language specific .ini files BVMS folder:BVMS.msi: the Microsoft installer packageSeveral compressed installation files (.cab) used by the msiSeveral .mst files (transform files) to support different languages for the setupISSetupPrerequisites folder:All prerequisites required to install BVMS organized by sub-folders.NoTouchDeployment folder:Setup.exeContains a reduced installation package to update BVMS Clients only via No-Touch-Deployment. This package is used to update clients automatically when an update is required. It is available on the server and will be automatically uploaded to clients and started when the server version has changed.The No-Touch-Deployment package only contains the following features:CoreConfig Collector Operator ClientConfiguration Client BVMS SDK VSDKThe execution of the setup requires administrative rights.•••••••••••••6 Setup processThe setup process requires administrative rights and will be started by the “Setup.exe”. The so called bootstrapper wraps the installer package (MSI), checks system conditions and installs prerequisites that are required by all features (refer to the table above). Before any system changes are performed, all BVMS related services and applications are shutdown as the very first action. Next the Windows Installer Package “BVMS.msi” is called by the Setup.exe and additional system checks are performed:Is the setup started on a supported operating system?Is DiBos installed?Is the CameoSDK installed?Is the NVR Archive Player installed?When a system check fails, the installation will be aborted with a corresponding error message.A graphical user interface (GUI) will lead the user through the setup process:License agreementSelection of destination folder SNMP activation Feature selection IIS configurationFirewall configurationDependent on the feature selection additional feature prerequisites are installed. Finally the installer copies/replace files and performs custom actions to deploy the BVMS. Upon a successful installation the system needs to be re-booted. In case of a setup error a rollback is performed and the initial installation state is restored depending on the actual progress. The installation of prerequisites cannot be reverted and must be un-installed automatically.6.1 Installation of the logbookThe logbook feature is automatically installed together with the server feature. It is hosted in an SQL database and therefore requires SQL server installed as prerequisite. The database schema is created during the setup by a custom action. In case of an issue with the database creation (for example, SQL server not installed, service stopped, busy etc.) the following dialogue with a specific error text is displayed:The user can select how to proceed:Abort: Cancel the setup.Retry: Retry the logbook schema creation. If an issue with the SQL server can be fixed immediately, the logbook creation can be retried.Ignore: Ignore failed logbook schema creation and proceed with the setup. The setup can be re-started in repairmode at a later point in time when e.g. SQL server is fixed.NoteThe BVMS server can be operated without running SQL logbook. No event information will be stored, starting the management server may take longer then expected, and activating the configuration may take longer then expected.6.2 Firewall configurationThe firewall configuration dialog is a fixed step in the setup process and will allow automatic configuration of all required firewall settings to run BVMS.The applied rules and settings can be found in the readable command script file "C:\ProgramFiles\Bosch\VMS\bin\FirewallConfig.cmd".A warning message will be displayed if the configuration fails:NoteThe firewall rules that have been applied with the setup cannot be reverted and must be manually changed/removed if required.6.3 Repair / Modify / RemoveRemoval of the product of the can be accessed through the Control Panel > Programs and Features. Modifying and repairing the installation requires the original setup media by starting the Setup.exe.6.4 No-touch deployment packageThe execution of the No-Touch-Deployment package during an automatic update of clients, is performed with a reduced user interface. It will also update the prerequisites, if required. No user interaction is required.NoteIt is not recommended to run the BVMS.msi directly, since system requirements are not checked andprerequisites will not be installed or updated. This may lead to unpredictable results.7 PatchesBug fixes and small updates are usually distributed as Microsoft patches and can be downloaded from the website. The patch package must be installed according to the Microsoft patch process (just double click if no further options are required). A read-me file that comes with the patch will give detailed information.••••••••••••••••••••••••8 LanguagesThe Bosch VMS Setup supports the following languages:English Arabic Chinese (traditional, simplified)Czech Danish Dutch Finnish French German Greek Hungarian Italian Japanese Korean Norwegian Polish Portuguese (Portugal)Russian Spanish Swedish Thai Turkish Vietnamese Hebrew (on request)Based on the operating system language, the setup language is automatically selected.9 LogfilesThe Windows Installer package (MSI) writes a logfile by default:“%PROGRAMDATA%\Bosch\VMS\Log \BVMS_Setup_V.w.x.y.z.log”(e.g. C:\ProgramData\ Bosch\VMS\Log\ BVMS_Setup_V. logfile keeps all information from the Windows Installer (msiexec.exe) in debug mode. Logging for the Setup.exe is not active by default, but can be activated by command line:Setup.exe /debuglog<logfile name>(e.g. Setup.exe /debuglog"C:\<Path>\setupexe.log")10 Commandline optionsThe Setup.exe and BVMS.msi support various command line arguments./s: silent modeThe command Setup.exe /s runs the installation in silent mode, by default based on the responses contained in a response file called Setup.iss in the same directory. (Response files are created by running Setup.exe with the /r option). The command Setup.exe /s also suppresses the Setup.exe initialization window for a Basic MSI installation program, but it does not read a response file. To run a Basic MSI product silently, run the command line Setup.exe /s /v/qn. To specify the values of public properties for a silent Basic MSI installation, you can use a command such as:Setup.exe /s /v"/qn INSTALLDIR=D:\Destination"./a: administrative installationThe /a option causes Setup.exe to perform an administrative installation. An administrative installation copies (and uncompresses) your data files to a directory specified by the user, but it does not create shortcuts, register COM servers, or create an uninstallation log./v: pass arguments to MSIExecThe /v option is used to pass command-line options and values of public properties through to Msiexec.exe./x: Uninstall modeThe /x option causes Setup.exe to uninstall a previously installed product./j: Advertise modeThe /j option causes Setup.exe to perform an advertised installation. An advertised installation creates shortcuts, registers COM servers, and registers file types, but does not install your product's files until the user invokes one of these "entry points."/debuglog: Installation loggingTo specify the name and location of the log file, pass the path and name, as in the following example:Setup.exe /debuglog"C:\PathToLog\setupexe.log"To generate a log file for the feature prerequisites in the installation, use the /v parameter to set the ISDEBUGLOG property to the full path and file name for the log file, as follows:Setup.exe /debuglog"C:\PathToSetupLogFile\setup.log" /v"ISDEBUGLOG=prereq.log"You can use directory properties and environment variables in the path for the feature prerequisite log file./hide_progress: Suppress all progress dialogsSuppresses the display of any small and standard progress dialogs that might be shown during initialization.The small progress dialog is usually used for installations that display a splash screen during initialization, since a standard-size progress dialog does not leave any space for the splash screen. Specifying the /hide_progress option hides the small progress dialog for those installations, so end users would see just the splash screen without any progress indication.For command line arguments of the MSI package please refer to Microsoft’s documentation for Windows Installer.NoteThe Setup.exe and the .msi package support different command line arguments. When running the setup silently the appropriate argument has to be specified for both setup.exe and .msi.NoteWhen running the setup silent from command line, all features and dependent have to be specified manually in the ADDLOCAL property. The dependent features are automatically selected when using the setup with userinterface.NoteThere are different user interface levels for running the msi:/qn: Displays no user interface./qb: Displays a basic user interface./qr: Displays a reduced user interface with a modal dialog box displayed at the end of the installation./qf: Displays the full user interface with a modal dialog box displayed at the end./qn+: Displays no user interface, except for a modal dialog box displayed at the end./qb+: Displays a basic user interface with a modal dialog box displayed at the end./qb-: Displays a basic user interface with no modal dialog boxes.If the UI sequence of the main installation's .msi package is skipped by using “/qn”, the setup launcher evaluates Windows Installer properties such as ADDLOCAL,NoteIf the UI sequence of the main installation's .msi package is skipped by using “/qn”, the setup launcher evaluates Windows Installer properties such as ADDLOCAL, ADDSOURCE, ADDDEFAULT, and ADVERTISE to determine if any feature prerequisites should be installed, and it installs feature prerequisites accordingly.NoteWhen running the setup completely silent, the system reboots unasked at the end of the installation.NoteSome prerequisite installations (e.g. .NET framework) may also reboot the system unasked. The setup will usually resume after restart.11 ExamplesThe following examples can be used to install the related components silently. The texts can be copied into a batch file for re-use.Operator Client silent setupSetup.exe /s /v"/qn ADDLOCAL=Core,Client,BVMSSDK,ConfigCollector,VSDK,ExportPlayer"BVMS SDK silent setupSetup.exe /s /v"/qn ADDLOCAL=BVMSSDK,ConfigCollector"All-in-one silent setupSetup.exe /s /v"/qn ADDLOCAL=Core,Client,BVMSSDK,ConfigCollector,VSDK,ExportPlayer"CameoSDK silent setupSetup.exe /s /v"/qn ADDLOCAL=Core,CameoSDK,CameoSDKManuals,BVMSSDK,ConfigCollector,VSDK"VSG silent setupSetup.exe /s /v"/qn ADDLOCAL=VSG"MVS silent setupSetup.exe /s /v"/qn ADDLOCAL=Core,MVS,BVMSSDK,ConfigCollector,VSDK CONFIGUREIIS=1"Management server silent setupSetup.exe /s /v"/qn ADDLOCAL=Core,Server,SQL_Server,BVMSSDK,ConfigCollector,VSDK,ExportPlayer" Configuration Client silent setupSetup.exe /s /v"/qn ADDLOCAL=Core,ConfigClient,BVMSSDK,ConfigCollector,VSDK"。
数据库迁移项目总结英文回答:Database Migration Project Summary.Project Overview.The database migration project involved the transfer of data from a legacy database system to a new, more modern database platform. The goal of the project was to improve performance, scalability, and security, as well as reduce maintenance costs.Methodology.The project team adopted a phased approach to the migration, which involved:Data extraction from the legacy system.Data transformation to conform to the new database schema.Data loading into the new database.Post-migration validation and testing.Challenges.The project faced several challenges, including:The large volume of data to be migrated.The complexity of the legacy database schema.The need to maintain data integrity during the migration.The limited availability of skilled resources.Solutions.To overcome these challenges, the project team implemented a number of solutions, including:Using specialized data migration tools.Developing custom scripts for data extraction and transformation.Establishing a comprehensive testing framework.Training and upskilling the migration team.Benefits.The successful completion of the database migration project resulted in several benefits for the organization, including:Improved performance and scalability.Enhanced security.Reduced maintenance costs.Improved data accessibility and usability.Lessons Learned.The project team identified several key lessons learned from the migration process, including:The importance of planning and preparation.The need for a skilled and experienced migration team.The value of using specialized data migration tools.The importance of testing and validation.Conclusion.The database migration project was a success, meeting its goals of improving performance, scalability, security, and reducing maintenance costs. The lessons learned fromthe project will be valuable for future database migration initiatives.中文回答:数据库迁移项目总结。
Autodesk 开放 AEC 生态系统指南说明书
Keys to an open AEC ecosystem3 4 6 7 12121“ M ore than ever, we need to work together across teams, tools, and industries to tackle the challenges of our collective future. This is why Autodesk is committed to an open and interoperable software ecosystem defined by seamless data connection.”– A my Bunszel, EVP AEC Design Solutions, AutodeskScreen dataset courtesy of BNIMAs BIM mandates mark the transformation of the AEC industry, the prospect of eliminating data-sharing bottlenecks and creating more seamless ways of collaborating comes closer to reality.Autodesk has a long history of developing more open ways of working through BIM, chief among them an embrace of open data standards for better software interoperability and project team collaboration.Back in 1994, Autodesk was part of a founding group of companies that prioritized the creation of an industry collective to define and progressively advance open, vendor-neutral datastandards for working collaboratively in BIM. Today, buildingSMART International ® supports the advancement of openBIM ® and the implementation of open standards through a focused set of services and programs, from advocacy and awareness to training and software certification to thought and technical leadership.Now, as a member of the buildingSMART International ® Strategic Advisory Council, Autodesk is active in the technical debates that shape the evolution of openBIM ® from a file-based method for data exchange toward a modern, cloud-based data management infrastructure.LEARN MORE >Committed to open data standardsData in a common languageAs part of our long-standing commitment to cross-platform interoperability, we continue to ensure that our portfolio of products meets the rigorous certification standards defined by the openBIM® process.IFC4 Export CertificationAutodesk Revit has received dual IFC4 Export Certification for architecture and structural exports, making it the first BIM platform to earn both certifications. We are committed to supporting IFC across all disciplines, including the IFC 4.3 schema, now in pilot implementation for infrastructure. The buildingSMART International® StrategicAdvisory CouncilAs a member of the council, we help support openBIM®standards and adoption through technical andstrategic guidance and in conversation with the globalcommunity of openBIM® adopters and advocates.Open Design AllianceOur partnership with Open Design Alliance gives usaccess to ODA’s IFC toolkit, allowing us to integratenew versions as they become ratified.Helping AEC BIM workflows with free Autodesk add-insIn addition to open data standards, Autodesk provides and maintains free add-ins to support better data exchange between architects, engineers, contractors, and owners working in BIM.LEARN MORE >COMMON DATA ENVIRONMENTS Common data for all As the AEC industry becomes increasingly complex and data-driven, managing complexity through effective collaboration within project teams is key to streamlining design and delivery.Common data environments harness the full collaborative potential and productivity of AEC project teams from design to construction.A CDE ensures that project and design data are available, accessible, and interchangeable to project stakeholders and contributors by unifying and standardizing BIM processes within a framework of rules and best practices. And not only can a CDE improve data and communication flows for project teams, but it can also assist owners and facility managers by providing a comprehensive record of the project at handoff and a rich dataset for the building, bridge, or road starting the next chapter in operation.Autodesk Docs provides a cloud-based common data environment that can support standard information management processes such as ISO-19650 across the complete project lifecycle. ISO19650 defines effective information management for working in BIM collaborative processes for multi-disciplinary project teams and owners.LEARN MORE ABOUT CDE IN AUTODESK DOCS >“ F orge’s interoperability means everything to us. It saved us the many months it would have taken to find workarounds for so many data formats and accelerated time to market for our product.”- Zak MacRunnels, CEO, ReconstructLINK TO STORY >APIs extend BIM innovation An ever-growing community of product experts and professional programmers customize Autodesk products by creating add-ins that enhance productivity. Even writing just a few simple utilities to automate common tasks can greatly increase team or individual productivity. Both the APIs for developing add-ins and extensions and the resources for using them are public and available for anyone to use.THE AUTODESK DEVELOPER NETWORKMany professional software developers rely on the Autodesk Developer Network (ADN) to support software development and testing and help market their solutions. The ADN, moderated by Autodesk software engineers, offers blogs, forums, and events to support the growing app developer ecosystem. The Autodesk App Store features content libraries, e-books, training videos, standalone applications, and other CAD and BIM tools built by this professional development community.LEARN MORE >AUTODESK AEC INDUSTRY PARTNERSA key benefit of Autodesk’s support for developers is the emergence of a vibrant community of Autodesk AEC Industry Partners. Autodesk AEC Industry Partners are third-party technology and service providers that work with Autodesk to deliver discipline-specific regional solutions, extending out-of-the-box software capabilitiesto help solve targeted business challenges.LEARN MORE >Dynamo is a visual programming language that democratizes access to powerful development tools. It empowers its users by allowing them to build job-, industry-, and practice-specific computational design tools through a visual programming language that can be less daunting to learn than others. It brings automation to CAD and BIM processes and builds connections between workflows, both within and outside the Autodesk portfolio of solutions. DynamoPlayer, available with Revit and Civil 3D, allows for the sharing of computational design scripts for use by non-coders. Dynamo is powered by the ingenuity and passion of its user community. Their contributions of code and documentation and their embrace of an open-source ethos have expanded the horizon of what is possible in BIM computation.LEARN MORE ABOUT DYNAMO >Open source in actionFor better interoperability, there is no going it alone. Partnerships allow bonds to build, ideas to get tested, prototypes to launch, innovations to accelerate, industries to converge, and people to work collectively to make an impact. Collaboration across platforms and industriesNVIDIA OMNIVERSEWe’ve joined forces with leaders across design, business, and technology to explore and create within NVIDIA’sOmniverse. Built on Pixar’s open-source Universal Scene Description format, it provides real-time simulationsand cross-industry collaboration in design and engineering production pipelines.LEARN MORE >UNITYBy integrating Unity’s 2D, 3D, VR, and AR technologies withAutodesk design tools like Revit, 3ds Max, and Maya, AECprofessionals can quickly create, collaborate, and launchreal-time simulations from desktop, mobile, and hand-held devices.LEARN MORE >ESRIWe’re working with ESRI to integrate BIM and GIS processes,enabling a more efficient exchange of information betweenhorizontal and vertical workflows, minimizing data loss, andenhancing productivity with real-time project insights.LEARN MORE >Autodesk and Bentleysign interoperabilityagreementAutodesk makesRevit’s IFCimport/exporttoolkit availableas open sourceIFC4 is released andintegrated into RevitAnnounces partnershipwith Unity to betterintegrate design andsimulationAutodesk Docs extendssupport for ISO 19650Common Data Environment(CDE) workflowsAutodesk and others pilotimplementation of IFC4.3 forinfrastructure workflowsAutodesk developsDXF, an early openfile formatAcquires Revitand beginsdeveloping thepredecessorto IFCCo-founds buildingSMARTInternational® in partnershipwith other industry leaders*buildingSMARTInternational®establishes openBIM®Adds STL export inRevit and releasesopen-source STLpluginRevit adds COBieExtensionIFC is integrated intoAutodesk Inventor®Joins Open Design AllianceAutodesk and Trimble® signinteroperability agreementReceives IFC4 exportcertification for Revit forArchitecture and StructureAutodesk Navisworks addsCOBie ExtensionAnnounces collaborationwith NVIDIA on OmniverseAnnounces partnershipwith ESRI, integratingGIS and BIM processes*Founded as “Industry Alliance for Interoperability” and renamed “International Alliance for Interoperability” in 1996 before coming buildingSMART International® in 2006.BRIEF HISTORY AND RESOURCES11KEYS TO AN OPEN AEC ECOSYSTEMAutodesk and the Autodesk logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of Autodesk, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates in the USA and/or other countries. All other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective holders. Autodesk reserves the right to alter product and services offerings, and specifications, and pricing at any time without notice, and is not responsible for typographical or graphical errors that may appear in this document. ©2021 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.。
mybatis association select用法及搭配 -回复
mybatis association select用法及搭配-回复MyBatis is a powerful and popular Java-based SQL mapping framework that simplifies database programming in Java applications. One of the key features of MyBatis is the association select functionality, which allows developers to retrieve related data from multiple tables in a single query. In this article, we will explore the usage of association select in MyBatis and discuss how it can be combined with other features to enhance database programming.Before we dive into the details of association select, let's first understand the concept of associations in MyBatis. In a database system, associations define relationships between tables, typically through primary and foreign key constraints. For example, in a typical e-commerce system, a customer may have multiple orders, and each order may have multiple line items. These relationships can be represented as associations in the database schema.Now, let's say we want to retrieve information about a customer along with their orders and line items using MyBatis. We can define a corresponding data transfer object (DTO) that represents the desired output structure. In our case, the DTO could haveproperties for customer details, a list of orders, and each order containing a list of line items. With association select, we can configure MyBatis to automatically populate the DTO with the required data in a hierarchical manner.To enable association select in MyBatis, we need to define appropriate mappings in the XML configuration file. First, we define a result map for our DTO, which includes the mapping for each property and the association relationships among them. For example:xml<resultMap id="customerOrderLineItemResultMap"type="com.example.CustomerDTO"><id property="customerId" column="customer_id"/><result property="customerName"column="customer_name"/>...<collection property="orders"ofType="com.example.OrderDTO"><id property="orderId" column="order_id"/><result property="orderDate" column="order_date"/>...<collection property="lineItems"ofType="com.example.LineItemDTO"><id property="lineItemId" column="line_item_id"/><result property="productName"column="product_name"/>...</collection></collection></resultMap>In the above example, we define mappings for the customer, order, and line item properties. We use the `<collection>` tag to specify the association relationships. The `ofType` attribute defines the type of objects in the collection.Next, we define a select statement that retrieves the required data from the database and maps it to our DTO using the result map:xml<select id="getCustomerWithOrdersAndLineItems"resultMap="customerOrderLineItemResultMap">SELECTc.id AS customer_id, AS customer_name,o.id AS order_id,o.date AS order_date,li.id AS line_item_id,li.product_name AS product_nameFROMcustomers cJOIN orders o ON c.id = o.customer_idJOIN line_items li ON o.id = li.order_idWHEREc.id = #{customerId}</select>In the above example, we use a simple SQL query to retrieve data from the `customers`, `orders`, and `line_items` tables. The column names in the query must match the property names specified in the result map.Once we have defined the mappings and the select statement, we can invoke the association select query using MyBatis:javaCustomerDTO customerDTO =sqlSession.selectOne("getCustomerWithOrdersAndLineItems", customerId);In the above code snippet, we use the `selectOne()` method of the `SqlSession` class to execute the query and retrieve the result as a single instance of the `CustomerDTO` class. MyBatis automatically maps the retrieved data to the DTO based on the defined result map.The association select functionality in MyBatis provides a convenient way to retrieve complex data structures from a database using a single query. By properly configuring the result map and the select statement, we can easily retrieve related data from multiple tables in a hierarchical manner.In addition to association select, MyBatis offers other features suchas lazy loading, dynamic SQL, and caching, which can be combined with association select to further enhance database programming experience. With lazy loading, we can delay the retrieval of associated data until it is actually accessed, thus optimizing performance. Dynamic SQL allows us to dynamically construct complex queries based on runtime conditions. Caching enables us to cache query results for improved response time.In conclusion, the association select functionality in MyBatis simplifies the retrieval of related data from multiple tables in a hierarchical manner. By properly configuring the result map and the select statement, developers can easily retrieve complex data structures in a single query. When combined with other MyBatis features like lazy loading, dynamic SQL, and caching, association select enhances the database programming experience and improves application performance.。
p+ implant
Thin oxide
n+ implant poly
PMOS layout view
p+ implant
n+ implant
Start schematic
一. 建立 Schematc view:跟建立 layout view 方法一樣(請參考 Start Cadence 的第 五大點的第二小點),先點選要 LM 視窗預定的 library,再點選 LM 視窗的 File→New→Cell view,按 OK 之後,即可建立 Schematic View
1.數字應該是 4.4.5 2.若不是 4.4.5,代表使用到舊版 的 cadence 了,請從第一點重新 開始
CIW(command Interpreter window)
三.點選在 CIW 視窗的上面工具列 Tools→Library Manager, 會出現 LM 視窗 LM(Library Manager)
1. 桌面改為 1024*768*256 色 2. 執行 xwin 程式 3. Netterm telnet (CIC 電腦教室) 4. e2486***@eesol08:~> who
e2486*** pts/2 Dec 28 11:43 (.tw) 5. e2486***@eesol08:~> setenv DISPLAY .tw:0.0 6. 完成上述五個步驟後,Start Cadence 的方法,請參閱使用手冊第六頁。
四.當在畫的途中,可以使用 on-line drc(DIVA)來檢查是否違反 design rule 1. 點選 Layout 視窗上面的指令 Verify→DRC 2. 出現 DRC 視窗
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Abstract—Data schema represents the arrangement of fact table and dimension tables and the relations between them. In data warehouse development, selecting a right and appropriate data schema (Snowflake, Star, Star Cluster …) has an important Impact on performance and usability of the designed data warehouse. One of the problems that exists in data warehouse development is lack of a comprehensive and sound selection framework to choose an appropriate schema for the data warehouse at hand by considering application domain-specific conditions. In this paper, we present a schema selection framework that is based on a decision tree for solving the problem of choosing right schema for a data warehouse. The main selection criteria that are used in the presented decision tree are query type, attribute type, dimension table type and existence of index. To evaluate correctness and soundness of this framework, we have designed a test bed that includes multiple data warehouses and we have created all the possible states in decision tree of schema selection framework. Then we designed all types of queries and performed the designed queries on these data warehouses. The results confirm the correct functionality of the schema selection framework.Index Terms—Data warehouse, framework, online transaction processing, schema selection.I.I NTRODUCTIONOne of the problems that exist related to data warehouse design, is lack of procedures to select appropriate schema. Available resources [1]-[3], investigated advantages and disadvantages of different schemas. Some of them [2]- [5], solve some of the problems related to schemas and some of others [6]- [8] improved query response time. But none of these resources have represented the appropriate framework to select appropriate schema based on type of queries and type of attributes.In available resources, [3], [5] Schema selection is based on personal opinion and business requirements. Also, the tool is used, widely affected schema selection. Some of tools like oracle and MS SQL have higher efficiency with star schema; While DB2 works better with snowflake schema. Environment is one of the factors affected schema selection too. For example if data warehouse is composed of some data marts, using star schema is better. With this condition, finding the appropriate schema is time consuming and is based on try and error. In fact we should start from completely normal snowflake schema, in each time, renormalize one of the dimensions and measure the efficiency. This work is repeated until the optimal compound Manuscript received May 2, 2012; revised May 30, 2012. This work was supported in part by Islamic Azad University.M. H. Peyravi is with Department Of Computer & Science, Sarvestan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Fars, Iran (email:Peyravi@iausarv.ac.ir). schema is obtained.In fact, until now, above factors have affected schema selection in data warehouse design. These factors are necessary for schema selection, but aren’t sufficient and may be lead to inappropriate schema selection and low efficiency. To solve these problems and represent the appropriate way to schema selection that improves the efficiency and usability of data warehouse, In this paper, the new framework to select data schema for data warehouse is reported. In next section, this framework is described and in the following section, all tests regarding to all classic schemas and some research developed schema [9] which show the framework is effective, are reported.II.R EPRESENTING A F RAMEWORK FOR A PPROPRIATES CHEMA S ELECTIONIn this section, we will represent a framework for appropriate schema selection in data warehouse design. For this purpose, Decision tree is used. The type of queries and attributes affected schema selection in this framework. The type of query depends on number of join operation needed to response it and type of attributes it access. The types of attributes are multi-valued attributes, single-valued attributes and indexed attributes.The structure of framework is formed as a decision tree and represented in Fig 1. We can state all paths in this decision tree as IF, THEN statements. All these statements have been tested and correctness of them was confirmed. In the following, we will show these statements.A.Case 1If in some dimension tables, one attribute acts as a “parent” in two different hierarchies, Then If this attribute or one of its ancestors are queried frequently, the framework propose Improved Star Cluster schema [9]. Else Star Cluster schema[2] is used.B.Case 2If it is possible to normalize some of dimension tables, Then If the result tables from normalization these dimension tables are small, Then star schema and snowflake schema works equally. So with considering used tools, schema will be selected.If used tool is oracle, MS SQL,… that works better with star schema, the framework propose star schema.If used tool is DB2,… that works better with snowflake schema, the framework propose snowflake schema.Else if the attribute is queried, is indexed, the framework propose star schema. Else with try and error, the appropriate schema is selected.A Schema Selection Framework for Data WarehouseDesignM. H. PeyraviC. Case 3If it isn’t possible to normalize the rest of tables, the framework propose star schema.D.Case 4If there is multi-valued attribute in some dimension tables, i.e. There are multiple values for one attribute corresponding to single value for other attribute, thenIf the number of multi-valued attributes is known, thenIf in most times, queries only need to access table T1 in first level of tables that resulted from normalizing this dimension, then there is no difference between star schema and snowflake schema. So with respect to used tool, we could select data schema. ThereforeIf used tool is DB2,… that works better with snowflake schema, the framework propose snowflake schemaIf used tool is used tool is oracle , MS SQL,… that works better with star schema, the framework propose extended star schema [4].If in most times, queries need to access outer level tables, then the framework propose extended star schema [4]If the number of multi-valued attributes is not known, then If in most times, queries only need to access table T1 in first level of tables that resulted from normalizing this dimension, then there is no difference between star schema and snowflake schema. So with respect to used tool, we could select data schema. ThereforeIf used tool is DB2,… that works better with snowflake schema, Then the framework propose snowflake schema.If used tool is used tool is oracle , MS SQL,… that works better with star schema, Then the framework propose extended star schema [4].If in most times, queries need to access outer level tables, then the framework propose extended star schema [4].E. Case 5If conditions that Kimball states in [10] are true, then using snowflake schema is better. Kimball often prefers to use star schema because of its simplicity and efficiency. But he said in certain situations, snowflake schema is not only acceptable, but recommended [10]. These situations are the cases that there are many null values in large demurral dimension tables. In these situations, variations of snowflake schemas can be useful.If multiple of above conditions are true, by combining the results of each condition, the final schema will be obtained. In the following, we will show the conditions related to every edges in this decision tree.We assume if dimension table T is normalized, T1, T2,…,Tn will be resulted.e1: An attribute acts as a parent in two different dimensional hierarchies.e2: It is possible to normalize some of dimension tables.e3: It isn’t possible to normalize the rest of tables.e4: There is multi-valued attribute in some dimension tables.e5: The conditions that Kimball states in [10] are true.e6: The attribute related to edge e1 or one of its ancestors isn’t queried frequently.e7: The attribute related to edge e1 or one of its ancestors is queried frequently.e8: T1, T2,…,Tn are small.e9: T1, T2,…,Tn are large.e10: The number of multi-valued attributes is not known.e11: The number of multi-valued attributes is known.e12: The used tool is oracle, MS SQL… that works better with star schema.e13: The used tool is DB2… that works better with snowflake schema.e14: often the attribute is queried, is indexed.e15: often the attribute is queried, isn’t indexed.e16: In most times, queries need to access T2,…,Tn that are outer level tables.e17: In most times, queries only need to access table T1 in first level of tables.e18: e16e19: e17e20: Try and error.e21: e12e22: e13e23: e12e24: e13D: Star schemaF: Snowflake schemaG: Star ClusterH: Improved Star Cluster schemaR: Star schema or snowflake schemaN: Extended star schemaP: Extended star schemaFig. 1. Schema selection frameworkIII. T ESTSIn this section, all tests which show the framework is effective regarding to all classic and research developed schemas [9] within different kind of queries, are presented. The test bed used in this section includes multiple data warehouses. The states that exist in decision tree were created in these data warehouse dimension tables and multiple types of query were run. The system on which queries run, has 2500Mhz CPU clock and 256 Mbyte RAM. To implement these data warehouses and run queries, SQL server 2000 and Query Analyzer were used. The required data is generated by a C#.Net application. Queries run in this test bed, are different from each other with respect to the number of join operation needed to response them. In most resources, query response time is the most important criteria to compare schemas in data warehouses. So in this paper, query response time is the criteria used to evaluate the framework and compare schemas. A. Test 1This test includes 4 types of query and relates to the e 1 edge in figure 1. The results of this test have been shown in Table I. These results show when condition of e1 edge is true, whether Star Cluster schema or snowflake schema is better.TABLE I: T EST I R ESULTSSchema type Query typeAverage response time(s)Snowflake 1 129.78 Star Cluster 1 129.67 Snowflake 2 135.58 Star Cluster 2 128.68 Snowflake 3 37.06 Star Cluster 3 33.66 Snowflake 4 37.31 Star Cluster416.81B. Test 2This test includes 2 types of query and evaluates e 1e 6 and e 1e 7 path in figure 1. The results of this test have been shown in Table II.TABLE II: T EST 2 R ESULTSSchema type Query typeAverage response time(s)Star Cluster 1 173.28 Improved Star Cluster 11 165.1 Star Cluster2 12.97 Improved Star Cluster26.56C. Test 3This test includes 3 types of query and relates to e 4 edge in figure 1. The results of this test have been shown in Table III.1This schema was developed during this research work and details available at [9].TABLE III: T EST 3 R ESULTSSchema typeQuery type Average response time(s)Snowflake 1 26.19 Extended Star 21 25.83 Snowflake 2 36.86 Extended Star 2 31.2 Snowflake 3 37.8 Extended Star333.23D. Test 4This test includes 4 types of query and relates to e 2e 8 path in figure 1. The results of this test have been shown in Table IV. The results show when dimension tables are small, there is no important difference between star schema and snowflake schema.TABLE IV: T EST 4 R ESULTSSchema typeQuery type Average response time(s)Snowflake 1 9.26 Star 1 9.39 Snowflake 2 8.09 Star 2 8.96 Snowflake 3 8.14 Star 3 8.82 Snowflake 4 7.99 Star48.91E. Test 5This test includes 1 type of query and relates to e 2e 9e 14 path in figure 1.The query of this test is the same query of type 3 in test 1 except one of the attributes was indexed in test 5. The results of this test have been shown in Table V. Comparing these results and the results of query 3 in table 1 showsindexing in star schema lead to higher efficiency than in snowflake schema.TABLE V: T EST 5 R ESULTSSchema type Query type Average response ti ()Snowflake 135.82Star Cluster124.41The results of Tables I to V have been represented in Fig. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 respectively.Fig. 2. Test 1 results2Details of this schema are available at [4].Fig. 3. Test 2 resultsFig. 4. Test 3 resultsFig. 5. Test 4 resultsFig. 6. Test 5 resultsIV.C ONCLUSIONSBy using the represented framework, data warehouse builders can choose the best schema for their data warehouse based on the specified criteria and characteristics of the application domain. Also, data warehouse researchers can use this framework to evaluate, compare and extend existing data schemas. This framework could be extending too.R EFERENCES[1] B. Heinsius, E.O.M. 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