Eden project




Se questo è il primo satellite Orbi che si sta aggiungendo alla rete Orbi, attenersi alla seguente procedura:Posizionare il satellite Orbi nell'area centrale della casa per ottenere la migliorecopertura WiFi.Collegare il satellite Orbi a una fonte di alimentazione. Il LED di alimentazione sul pannello posteriore del satellite Orbi si illumina in verde. Se il LED di alimentazione non siaccende, premere il pulsante di alimentazione.2. Posizionare il satellite Orbi (prosegue)Se sono già stati impostati un router e un satellite Orbi sulla rete Orbi, seguirequesta procedura:Posizionare il satellite Orbi in un angolo della propria casa lontano dal router e satelliteOrbi esistenti, ma comunque all'interno dell'area di copertura del router e satellite Orbi.Se la propria abitazione ha più piani, posizionare il satellite Orbi su un piano diverso daquello del router e satellite Orbi esistenti.Collegare il satellite Orbi a una fonte di alimentazione. Il LED di alimentazione sulpannello posteriore del satellite Orbi si illumina in verde. Se il LED di alimentazione non si accende, premere il pulsante di alimentazione.Router Orbi Satellite OrbiRouter OrbiSatellite OrbiSatellite Orbi3. Sincronizzare il satellite OrbiAttendere circa due minuti prima che il LED circolare del satellite Orbi sia bianco fisso.Quindi, premere il pulsante Sync (Sincronizza) sul retro del satellite Orbi e, entro due minuti,premere il pulsante Sync (Sincronizza) sul retro del router Orbi.Il LED circolare del satellite Orbi si accende di colore bianco, in seguito il colore cambia in unodei seguenti colori per circa 3 minuti e quindi si spegne:BluIl router e il satellite Orbi sono stati sincronizzati correttamente e la connessione tra ilrouter e il satellite è buona.ArancioneIl router e il satellite Orbi sono stati sincronizzati correttamente e la connessione tra ilrouter e il satellite è sufficiente. Avvicinare il satellite Orbi al router Orbi.MagentaIl router e il satellite Orbi non sono stati sincronizzati. Spostare il satellite più vicino alrouter e riprovare.LED circolare (non mostrato nell'immagine)Pulsante Sync (Sincronizza) (utilizzato anche per la connessione WPS)Porte Ethernet Porta USBPulsante e LED di alimentazione Connettore di alimentazione CC Pulsante di ripristinoSupportoGrazie per aver acquistato questoprodotto NETGEAR. Visitare il sito Web /support per registrare il prodotto, ricevere assistenza, accedere ai download e manuali più recenti per l'utente e partecipare alla nostra community. Consigliamo di utilizzare solo risorse di assistenza NETGEAR ufficiali.Per consultare la Dichiarazione diconformità UE attuale, visitare la pagina: /app/answers/detail/a_id/11621/.Per informazioni sulla conformità alle normative, visitare il sito Web all'indirizzo /about/regulatory/.Prima di collegare l'alimentazione, consultare il documento relativo alla conformità normativa.NETGEAR INTL LTDBuilding 3, University Technology CentreCurraheen Road, Cork, IrlandaNETGEAR, Inc.350 East Plumeria Drive San Jose, CA 95134, Stati Uniti© NETGEAR, Inc. NETGEAR e il logo NETGEAR sono marchi di NETGEAR, Inc. Qualsiasi marchio non NETGEAR è utilizzato solo come riferimento.Ottobre 2016Tutto impostato!Satellite Orbi (modello RBS50)Alimentatore(varia in base all'area geografica)213421567。




项目用地面积41014m 2,如图1所示,包括12幢7~8层的住宅建筑,1座KT 站、3座PT 站、地下车库等,住宅采用装配式建筑进行设计施工,预制范围为首层至顶层。

如图2所示,本项目基坑分地下一层区域和地下二层区域:地下一层区域,基坑面积约7430m 2,普遍挖深7.3m ;地下二层区域,基坑面积约25120m 2,普遍挖深9.3m 。


本项目设计要求自然地坪卸土至相对标高-0.900m(下文均为相对标高),地下二层区域坑边施工总荷载不得大于20kN/m 2,地下一层区域为30kN/m 2。


2施工难点及应对策略2.1大面积深基坑场布难本项目基坑开挖深度一般,但开挖面积较大,总面积约32550m 2,东西向边长达285m ,属大面积深基坑工程,约占项目红线范围区域的80%。

其中,基坑东侧距离西群河河道边线约10.4m ,驳岸顶与项目红线重合,与基坑相距约4.4m 。

项目红线与南侧轲桥路边线重合,距基坑约5.9m 。

北侧红线与东力新村小区围墙重合,距地下一层区域最近处为8.7m ,最远处也仅———————————————————————作者简介:沈立(1991-),男,上海人,本科,工程师,研究方向为施工管理。

复杂环境下深基坑施工技术优化及决策Optimization and Decision-making of Deep Foundation Pit Construction Technology in ComplexEnvironments沈立SHEN Li(上海东飞环境工程服务有限公司,上海201304)(Shanghai Dongfei Environmental Engineering Services Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 201304,China )摘要:金桥汽车产业基地06-02地块住宅新建项目周边环境复杂,基坑边线除西侧外均紧邻施工红线,周边管线位于2倍开挖深度内,组织策划难、文明施工要求高。

ZENworks Patch Management 安全管理说明书

ZENworks Patch Management 安全管理说明书

ZENworks Patch ManagementLas amenazas son un hecho. Y cada vez llegan más rápido a sus sistemas. Los parches son la mejor protección contra las vulnerabilidades, pero el aluvión de parches es aún mayor que el de amenazas. Mantener el ritmo y mantener la seguridad parece una misión imposible de conseguir.Hay dos situaciones que lo dejan al descu-bierto en un desastre de parches: la velocidad de la amenaza y la obsolescencia del parche. La velocidad de la amenaza es la velocidad a la que le llegan, cada día aparecen más y se mueven más rápidamente. La obsolescencia del parche es la velocidad a la que los cam-bios en sus sistemas hacen que los parches pierdan su vigencia hasta dejarle totalmente desprotegido.Si aplica los parches de forma manual, es im-posible que pueda dar abasto a la oleada de amenazas a la que se enfrenta diariamente. Incluso si utiliza un método tradicional de ges-tión de parches, a menos que lleve un control exhaustivo de sus sistemas las 24 horas del día, todos los días, no podrá estar seguro de que mantiene a raya todas las amenazas. Mantenga las amenazas a raya Micro Focus® ZENworks® Patch Management se encarga de guardarle las espaldas, apli-cando parches a todo el contenido de su red en todo momento, sin requerir intervención manual constante.Con su singular enfoque basado en directivas, solo tiene que configurar las políticas, definir las acciones y dejar a ZENworks encargarse del resto:Establece un perfil de seguridad por cada nodo gestionado de su redRealiza una supervisión continua del estado del parcheObtiene los parches de un repositorio de más de 10 000, probados previamente para garantizar que funcionan con su entornoAplica automáticamente los parches correctos al sistema o dispositivo adecuadoVerifica el estado de toda la actividad de parches en tiempo realDocumenta la aplicación de cada parche, por lo que podrá demostrar la conformidad en auditorías tanto internas como externas Aplica parches instantáneamente a cualquier elemento que usted incorpore a su red, actualizando la instalación para su conformidadLa gestión de parches no es nada nuevo y hay multitud de herramientas en donde elegir. Pero solamente ZENworks le ofrece:Una solución basada en directivas que aplica las normas de su empresa para aplicar parches a sus sistemas de manera proactivaUna sola consola unificada y agentesde Adaptive a los que puede acceder en cualquier momento, desde cualquier lugar. Una gran variedad de plataformas secundarias incluidas bases de datos Windows, Linux, SQL, Sybase y Oracle Hoja de productoZENworks Patch ManagementZENworks Patch Management de un vistazoE vite el desgaste de los parches de sistema:•A celere el proceso implantando parches en todala empresa.•A horre dinero mediante utilizando una únicasolución de gestión de parches, no una para cada plataforma o sistema operativo.•D eje de preocuparse de las actualizacionespuntuales de parches. Solo tiene que definirpolíticas y listo.S e puede adquirir de forma independiente o como parte de:ZENworks Suite“Recientemente, tuvimos que implantar un parche de Microsoft rápidamente, y usamos Novell ZENworks Patch Management para distribuirlo a todas nuestrasoficinas de manera inmediata”.DaN allENSwoRth Director de infraestructuraJohnsonville SausageArgentina+54 11 5258 8899Chile+56 2 2864 5629Colombia+57 1 622 2766México+52 55 5284 2700Panamá+507 2 039291España+34 91 781 5004Venezuela+58 212 267 6568Micro FocusSedes corporativas Reino Unido+44 (0) 1635 565200El alcance necesario para aplicar parches a miles de sistemas, aplicaciones y dispositivos ejecutándose en entornos físicos, virtuales y en la nubeConózcalo. PruébeloDe acuerdo con Yankee Group, los parches del 20% de sus sistemas perderán su vigen-cia a lo largo del año. ¿Sabe cuál será el que se vuelva vulnerable? ¿Cómo puede priorizar a qué equipos debe aplicar parches cuando las amenazas están infestando su sistema, esperando a que se presente un punto débil?Con ZENworks Patch Management, no tiene que confiar en que los parches de sus equipos están al día: lo sabe a ciencia cierta.Los informes detallados y las alarmas en tiempo real le informan de cuándo, cómo y dónde es vulnerable. Así pues, si ha decidido esperar en un parche, y no ha ordenado a ZENworks que aplique parches automáticamente a una aplicación en particular, seguirá conociendo su estado y las opciones que puede tomar.Y además, puede demostrar que la aplica-ción cuenta con el parche, sin necesidad de enviar un ejército para reunir estadísticas de parches. Los informes dinámicos le muestran exactamente dónde mantiene la conformidad y dónde no, con un nivel de detalle que llega hasta el dispositivo mismo.Incluso cuando instala un nuevo dispositivo, ZENworks le aplica los parches automática-mente para que cumpla sus normas, de modo que tenga la certeza de su conformidad desde el momento en que se incorpora a su sistema.tiene parchesT endrá que llevar cuenta de un gran número de parches a lo largo de la vida útil de cada apli- cación. Y tiene un montón de aplicaciones: Windows, Oracle y SAP, solo por nombrar algunas.Por eso, si está usando una herramienta de gestión de parches que solamente funciona con Windows, o que solo aplica un parche cuando usted presiona un botón, tiene un problema importante.ZENworks aplica parches a todas las que de-see. De forma ininterrumpida. Incluso durante la noche, cuando esté descansando en casa. Más fácil, imposible.le cubrimos la espaldaCon ZENworks, puede hacer que cada día y cada minuto sus sistemas, todos ellos, estén protegidos gracias a la gestión automatizada de la aplicación de parches.La velocidad con que se presentan las ame-nazas ya no plantea un problema, porque los parches están actualizados en todo momento. Cubra los huecos que la obsolescencia de par-ches haya podido dejar. Para lograrlo de forma manual, necesitaría un ejército de personal de TI trabajando de forma ininterrumpida, y aun así habría riesgo. Para hacerlo automática-mente, podría usar un medio cualquiera para salir del paso, si no le importa lo que pueda pasar después. Pero para aplicar parches y proteger de manera proactiva, en conformi-dad con las directivas y normas que establece de antemano, necesita solamente una herra-mienta: ZENworks Patch Management.161-ES0032-002 | N | 12/15 | © 2015 Micro Focus. Reservados todos los derechos. Micro Focus, el logotipo de Micro Focus y ZENworks, entre otros elementos, son marcas comerciales o marcas comerciales registradas de Micro Focus o sus compañías subsidiarias y filiales en Reino Unido, Estados Unidos y en otros países. El resto de marcas son propiedad de sus respectivos propietarios.。

NETGEAR GS305v3和GS308v3无管理5 8口巨量以太网开关安装指南说明书

NETGEAR GS305v3和GS308v3无管理5 8口巨量以太网开关安装指南说明书

Guida all'installazione Switch Gigabit Ethernet Unmanaged da 5 e 8 porte Modello GS305v3 e GS308v3Contenuto della confezione• Switch• Alimentatore (varia in base all'area geografica)• Guida all'installazionei cavi Ethernet non sono inclusi.1. Registrazione tramite l'app NETGEAR InsightUtilizzare l'app NETGEAR Insight per registrare lo switch, attivare la garanzia eaccedere al supporto tecnico.1. Sul dispositivo mobile iOS o Android in uso, accedere all'App Store, cercareNETGEAR Insight e scaricare l'app più recente.2. Aprire l'app NETGEAR Insight.3. Se non è stato ancora configurato un account NETGEAR, toccare CreateNETGEAR Account (Crea account NETGEAR) e seguire le istruzionivisualizzate sullo schermo.4. Toccare il menu nell'angolo in alto a sinistra per aprirlo.5. Toccare REGISTER ANY NETGEAR DEVICE (REGISTRA QUALSIASIDISPOSITIVO NETGEAR).6. Immettere il numero di serie riportato sulla parte inferiore dello switchoppure utilizzare la fotocamera del proprio dispositivo mobile o tablet peracquisire il codice a barre del numero di serie.7. Quindi toccare Go (Vai).8. Per aggiungere lo switch alla rete, toccare View Device (Visualizzadispositivo).A questo punto, lo switch risulta registrato e aggiunto all'account. È orapossibile visualizzare lo switch nell'app NETGEAR Insight.Nota: poiché si tratta di uno switch unmanaged, non è possibile configurarlo ogestirlo in NETGEAR Insight.2. Collegamento dello switchNel diagramma delle connessioni di esempio, l'intera rete viene distribuita inambienti interni.Se si desidera collegare un dispositivo esterno allo switch, collegare lo switcha un dispositivo di protezione da sovratensione Ethernet che supporta lestesse velocità dello switch, quindi collegare il dispositivo di protezione dasovratensione al dispositivo esterno.Non utilizzare lo switch in ambienti esterni. Prima di collegare questo interruttorea cavi o dispositivi esterni, consultare https:///000057103 perinformazioni sulla sicurezza e sulla garanzia.3. Accensione dello switch• Nel caso si utilizzi uno switch modello GS308v3, spostare l'interruttore Off/On (Spento/Acceso) sulla posizione On (Acceso).•Collegare l'adattatore di alimentazione allo switch e a una presa di corrente.Access PointRouterGS305v3Collegamenti di esempioNETGEAR, Inc.piazza della Repubblica 32 20124 Milano NETGEAR INTL LTDFloor 1, Building 3, University Technology Centre Curraheen Road, Cork,T12EF21, Irlanda© NETGEAR, Inc. NETGEAR e il logo NETGEAR sono marchi di NETGEAR, Inc. Qualsiasi marchio non‑NETGEAR è utilizzato solo come riferimento.Supporto e CommunityVisita /support per trovare le risposte alle tue domande e accedere agli ultimi download.Puoi cercare anche utili consigli nella nostra Community NETGEAR, visitando la pagina .Conformità normativa e note legaliPer la conformità alle normative vigenti, compresa la Dichiarazione di conformità UE, visitare il sito Web https:///about/regulatory/.Prima di collegare l'alimentazione, consultare il documento relativo alla conformità normativa.I LED indicano lo stato.LED DescrizionePower (Alimentazione)• Acceso. Lo switch è collegato all'alimentazione.• Spento. Lo switch non è collegato all'alimentazione.Porta• Verde senza intermittenza. Lo switch ha rilevato uncollegamento con un dispositivo acceso su questa porta.• Lampeggia in verde. La porta invia o riceve traffico.• Spento. Lo switch non rileva nessun collegamento suquesta porta.Aprile 2020。



上外版英语高二上学期期中模拟试卷与参考答案一、听力第一节(本大题有5小题,每小题1.5分,共7.5分)1、Listen to the conversation and choose the best answer to the question you hear. Question: What is the main topic of the conversation?A. The man’s favorite sports team.B. The upcoming school sports day.C. The woman’s participation in a sports club.Answer: BExplanation: The conversation revolves around the woman’s plan to participate in the school sports day, indicating that the main topic is indeed the upcoming event.2、Listen to the dialogue and answer the question you hear.Question: How does the man feel about the weather?A. He is excited about the sunny weather.B. He is not happy with the rainy weather.C. He doesn’t mind the weather as long as it’s not too hot.Answer: BExplanation: The man expresses his disappointment in the rainy weather, suggesting that he is not happy with it.3、What does the woman imply when she says “You know, it’s not as easyas it looks.”A)The man should not try to do it.B)The task is more complicated than it seems.C)It will take longer than they expect.D)It’s not worth the effort.Answer: BExplanation: The phrase “not as easy as it looks” suggests that something is more difficult than it appears to be. Therefore, the woman implies that the task is more complicated than it seems.4、Why does the man say he will have to pass the exam even if he is not a student?A)He needs the credit for his college degree.B)He is taking the exam for his job.C)He is supporting his family through his studies.D)He is attending the exam as a hobby.Answer: AExplanation: The man’s statement about passing the exam implies that it is part of a requirement for his college degree. Therefore, he needs the credit for his academic progress.5、You will hear a conversation between two students about their weekend plans. Listen carefully and answer the question.Question: How many hours will the girl spend on her part-time job on Saturday?Answer: 7 hoursExplanation: In the conversation, the girl mentions that she has to work for 7 hours on Saturday, which is the duration of her part-time job.二、听力第二节(本大题有15小题,每小题1.5分,共22.5分)1、Listen to the conversation and answer the question.A. The man is a student in his first year at Shanghai International Studies University.B. The woman is the student’s tutor at the university.C. They are discussing the student’s performance in the first semester.D. They are planning a trip to Shanghai Disneyland.Question: Who is the woman in the conversation?Answer: B. The woman is the student’s tutor at the university.Explanation: The key to this question is in the context of the conversation. The woman addresses the man as “you” and refers to herself as “your tutor,” which indicates that she is in a mentoring role, likely a tutor.2、Listen to the dialogue and complete the sentence with the missing word.W: I can’t believe it’s already November. It feels like just yesterday we were saying goodbye to the summer.M: Yeah, time flies. Speaking of which, how are you doing with your midterm exams?W: (pause) I’m feeling a bit nervous about them. I’m not sure if I’ve prepared well enough.Question: How does the woman feel about the midterm exams?Answer: Nervous.Explanation: The woma n explicitly states, “I’m feeling a bit nervous about them,” which directly answers the question about her feelings regarding the exams.3.You will hear a conversation between two students discussing their weekend plans. Listen to the conversation and answer the following question.Question: What does the male student plan to do on Saturday?A. Go to the movies.B. Visit a museum.C. Stay at home and relax.Answer: C. Stay at home and relax.Explanation: In the conversation, the male student mentions that he doesn’t have any plans for Saturday and would rather stay at home and relax.4.You will hear a short interview with a famous author. Listen to the interview and answer the following question.Question: Why does the author prefer to write in the morning?A. Because she is more creative in the morning.B. Because she has less distractions in the morning.C. Because she is less tired in the morning.Answer: B. Because she has less distractions in the morning.Explanation: During the interview, the author explains that she prefers towrite in the morning because it’s when she has fewer distractions, allowing her to focus better on her writing.5.You hear a conversation between two students, Alice and Bob, discussing their midterm exam preparation. Listen and answer the following question: Question: How does Alice feel about the midterm exam?A. ExcitedB. NervousC. IndifferentD. ConfidentAnswer: B. NervousExplanation: In the conversation, Alice mentions, “I’m really nervous about the midterm,” indicating her anxiety regarding the exam.6.You hear a teacher, Mr. Green, explaining a concept to his class before the midterm. Listen and answer the following question:Question: What is Mr. Green’s main advice to the students for the upcoming exam?A. To focus on the most difficult topics.B. To review the material regularly.C. To study late into the night.D. To avoid studying altogether.Answer: B. To review the material regularly.Explanation: Mr. Green says, “The most important thing is to review thematerial regularly so you’re not overwhelmed on the day of the exam,” which suggests that consistent review is his recommended approach.7.You will hear a conversation between two students discussing a school project. Listen to the conversation and answer the question.What is the main topic of the school project?A. A science fair experimentB. A literature review on a famous novelC. A research paper on climate changeD. A historical reenactmentAnswer: BExplanation: The conversation mentions that they are working on a “comprehensive literature review of the various interpretations of the novel,” which indicates that the main topic is a literature review on a famous novel.8.You will hear a short lecture about the importance of teamwork in the workplace. Listen to the lecture and answer the question.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a benefit of teamwork according to the lecture?A. Increased creativityB. Improved problem-solving abilitiesC. Enhanced communication skillsD. Reduced individual workloadAnswer: DExplanation: The lecture discusses how teamwork leads to increased creativity, improved problem-solving, and enhanced communication skills. However, it does not mention that teamwork reduces the individual workload as a benefit.9.You will hear a conversation between two students discussing a school project. Listen and answer the question.Question: What is the project about?A) A science fairB) A cultural exchangeC) A history presentationD) A music festivalAnswer: B) A cultural exchangeExplanation: Th e conversation mentions “we are planning a cultural exchange project,” which indicates the topic of the project is a cultural exchange.10.You will hear a short announcement about a school event. Listen and answer the question.Question: When will the event take place?A) This Friday at 2 PMB) Next Tuesday at 3 PMC) This Saturday at 4 PMD) Next Wednesday at 2 PMAnswer: A) This Friday at 2 PMExplanation: The announcement clearly states, “The event will be held this Friday at 2 PM in the school auditoriu m.”11.You will hear a conversation between two students discussing their weekend plans. Listen and answer the following question.What does the student say they will do on Saturday?A)Go shopping with a friend.B)Attend a sports event.C)Stay at home and watch movies.Answer: C) Stay at home and watch movies.Explanation: In the conversation, the student mentions that they have no plans for Saturday and would rather stay at home and watch movies.12.You will hear a short lecture about the effects of climate change on wildlife. Listen and answer the following question.What is one significant effect of climate change mentioned in the lecture?A)Increased food availability for wildlife.B)The migration patterns of animals shifting.C) A decrease in the number of polar bears.Answer: B) The migration patterns of animals shifting.Explanation: The lecture discusses how climate change is causing the migration patterns of animals to change, which can disrupt their natural habitats and food sources.13.You will hear a conversation between two students discussing their weekend plans. Listen carefully and answer the question.What activity does the second student plan to do on Saturday afternoon?A)Go to the movies.B)Visit a friend.C)Go for a hike.Answer: B) Visit a friend.Explanation: In the conversation, the second student mentions that they have plans to visit a friend on Saturday afternoon.14.You will hear a short lecture about the importance of exercise. Listen carefully and answer the question.According to the lecture, what is one of the benefits of regular exercise?A)Improved memory.B)Better sleep.C)Increased appetite.Answer: B) Better sleep.Explanation: The lecturer discusses how regular exercise can lead to better sleep quality, which is one of the benefits mentioned.15.How many students are studying at the university library on a sunny weekend?A. 200B. 300C. 400D. 500Answer: BExplanation: The conversation between two students discussing their weekend plans mentions that there are about 300 students at the library, which is a common spot for studying on sunny weekends. Therefore, the correct answer is B. 300.三、阅读第一节(第1题7.5分,其余每题10分,总37.5分)第一题Reading PassageIn the small coastal town of Porthkerry, the local community has always valued its rich history and natural beauty. The town is known for its stunning cliffs, picturesque beaches, and a vibrant local culture. One of the most iconic landmarks in the town is the Porthkerry Castle, which has stood for over 800 years.The castle was built in the 13th century by the de Braose family, a prominent noble family at the time. Over the centuries, it has been home to many different owners, each leaving their mark on the structure and the surrounding area. The castle has witnessed battles, royal visits, and the daily lives of ordinary people.Today, the Porthkerry Castle is a museum and a popular tourist destination. It houses a collection of historical artifacts, including weaponry, furniture, and paintings. The castle grounds are also home to a variety of plants and animals, making it a haven for nature lovers.1.What is the main purpose of the Porthkerry Castle today?A. It is a residential home for a noble family.B. It is a museum and a tourist destination.C. It is a center for educational workshops.D. It is a military base.2.Who built the Porthkerry Castle in the 13th century?A. The de Braose familyB. The King of EnglandC. The local villagersD. A famous architect3.What has the Porthkerry Castle witnessed over the centuries?A. Only battles and royal visitsB. The daily lives of ordinary peopleC. The construction of new buildingsD. The expansion of the town4.What is one of the attractions for nature lovers at the Porthkerry Castle?A. The historical artifactsB. The paintings in the museumC. The variety of plants and animalsD. The stunning cliffsAnswers:1.B2.A3.B4.C第二题Passage:The following is a story about the importance of teamwork.In a small town, there was a race scheduled between two teams: the Lightning Team and the Thunder Team. Both teams were known for their competitiveness and were equally matched. The race was set to take place on a sunny Saturday morning, and the entire town was buzzing with excitement.The Lightning Team had a star runner, Alex, who was known for his speed and determination. The Thunder Team had a strong team spirit, with each member contributing to the overall effort. The team captain, Jamie, was a master strategist and knew how to maximize the team’s potential.On the day of the race, the weather was perfect. The crowd gathered at the starting line, eager to see who would win. The race began, and the Lightning Team took an early lead. However, the Thunder Team was not to be outdone. Jamie had planned the strategy well, and each member of the team played their part perfectly.As the race progressed, the teams exchanged leads several times. The crowd cheered loudly for both teams, but it was clear that the race was coming down to the wire. With only a few meters to go, the Lightning Team seemed to have the upper hand. But then, disaster struck. Alex tripped over his own shoelaceand fell to the ground.The crowd gasped in shock. The Lightning Team was in disarray, and it looked like the Thunder Team would win. But instead of celebrating, the Thunder Team members rushed to help Alex. They formed a human chain and lifted him to his feet. With renewed determination, Alex and the Thunder Team member who had helped him continued the race.In the end, the Thunder Team won the race by a mere second. The crowd erupted in cheers, and the entire town was filled with a sense of camaraderie and joy. The Lightning Team was gracious in defeat, and the Thunder Team was hailed as heroes.This race taught the town an important lesson: teamwork can overcome individual setbacks and lead to unexpected victories.Questions:1、What was the main theme of the story?A) The importance of speed in a raceB) The power of teamworkC) The importance of individual talentD) The unpredictability of a race2、Who was the star runner on the Lightning Team?A) JamieB) AlexC) The team captainD) A member of the Thunder Team3、What strategy did Jamie use to help the Thunder Team win the race?A) He focused on improving the speed of his team membersB) He encouraged individual efforts from each team memberC) He planned for potential setbacks and had backup strategiesD) He tried to distract the Lightning Team4、How did the Thunder Team’s victory affect the town?A) It caused a lot of conflict and argumentB) It brought the town closer togetherC) It led to increased competition between the teamsD) It resulted in a decrease in town spiritAnswers:1、B2、B3、C4、B第三题Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.In the small coastal town of Amble, the local library has been a hub of community activity for decades. Known for its vast collection of books and friendly staff, the library has played a significant role in the lives of its residents. However, with the advent of digital technology and e-books, thelibrary’s future seemed uncertain.Last year, the library’s director, Sarah Miller, noticed a decline in the number of visitors. She decided to take action and launched a new initiative aimed at attracting young people to the library. The program, called “Read & Win,” offered prizes for students who r ead a certain number of books during the school year. The prizes ranged from small gadgets to gift cards for local bookstores.Sarah’s initiative paid off. The number of young people visiting the library increased significantly. Many students expressed their gratitude for the program, saying it not only encouraged them to read more but also helped them connect with other book lovers in the community.1、What was the main concern of the library director, Sarah Miller?A. The lack of digital technology in the libraryB. The declining number of visitorsC. The outdated collection of booksD. The high cost of maintaining the library2、What was the purpose of the “Read & Win” program?A. To reduce the library’s budgetB. To encourage students to read moreC. To promote the sale of e-booksD. To attract tourists to the town3、How did the “Read & Win” program affect the library?A. It decreased the number of visitorsB. It increased the number of visitorsC. It improved the library’s financial situationD. It led to the closure of the library4、What did many students say about the “Read & Win” program?A. It was too expensive for themB. It did not encourage them to read moreC. It helped them connect with other book loversD. It was not as effective as expectedAnswers:1、B2、B3、B4、CFourth QuestionRead the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each of the questions that follow. You will find the answers immediately after each question.Passage:In an age where technology seems to be taking over every aspect of our lives, there remains one activity that has not been overshadowed by digital advancements: reading traditional books. Despite the popularity of e-books andaudiobooks, many people still prefer the tactile experience of holding a physical book and turning its pages. This preference for traditional books is not only due to nostalgia but also because of the unique benefits they offer.A recent study conducted by the National Reading Agency found that individuals who read physical books tend to have a better memory of the content compared to those who read the same material on digital devices. Furthermore, there is a growing concern about the impact of screen time on sleep patterns, with research suggesting that reading from screens before bedtime can negatively affect the quality of sleep. Physical books, on the other hand, do not emit blue light which can disrupt melatonin production, thus helping readers get a good night’s rest.Moreover, libraries and bookstores continue to thrive as communal spaces where people gather to share ideas and engage in discussions about literature. The atmosphere in these places fosters a sense of community and a love for reading that cannot be replicated online. While digital media offers convenience and access to a vast amount of information, it does not replace the unique experience of visiting a library or bookstore.In conclusion, while technology offers many conveniences, the tradition of reading physical books remains strong. It provides a way to disconnect from the digital world, improve memory retention, and foster social connections within communities.End of PassageQuestions:1、According to the passage, what is one benefit of reading physical books over digital devices?Answer: Better memory retention of the content.2、What potential negative effect on health is associated with reading from screens before bedtime?Answer: Disruption of sleep quality due to blue light affecting melatonin production.3、How do libraries and bookstores contribute to community life according to the text?Answer: They serve as communal spaces where people gather to share ideas and engage in discussions about literature.4、What does the passage suggest about the future of physical books despite technological advances?Answer: Physical books will remain significant as they offer ways to disconnect, improve memory, and foster social connections.四、阅读第二节(12.5分)Title: The Art of MeditationReading Passage:Meditation has been a part of human culture for thousands of years, serving as a means for relaxation, stress reduction, and spiritual growth. Its originscan be traced back to ancient India, where it was practiced by sages and monks to achieve enlightenment. Over time, meditation has spread across the world, gaining popularity in various forms, such as mindfulness, transcendental meditation, and yoga.One of the most common types of meditation is mindfulness meditation, which involves paying attention to the present moment and accepting it without judgment. This form of meditation can be practiced anywhere, at any time, and does not require any special equipment. It is particularly useful for individuals looking to improve their focus, reduce anxiety, and increase their overall sense of well-being.Mindfulness meditation i s based on the concept of being aware of one’s thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations. It encourages individuals to observe their experiences without getting caught up in them. By practicing mindfulness, one can learn to let go of negative thoughts and emotions, leading to a more peaceful and balanced state of mind.Here is a brief guide on how to practice mindfulness meditation:1.Find a quiet and comfortable place to sit or lie down.2.Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to relax.3.Focus on your breath, noticing the sensation of air entering and leaving your nostrils.4.When your mind starts to wander, gently bring your attention back to your breath.5.Continue this practice for 5 to 10 minutes, or as long as you feel comfortable.Question:What is the primary purpose of mindfulness meditation?A)To achieve enlightenmentB)To improve focus and reduce anxietyC)To practice yogaD)To increase spiritual growthAnswer: B) To improve focus and reduce anxiety五、语言运用第一节 _ 完形填空(15分)Cloze Test (完形填空)Directions: For this part, you are going to read a passage with 15 blanks. Choose the best word or phrase from the four choices marked A, B, C, and D for each blank. There is only one correct answer for each blank.Passage:The world of the internet has transformed our lives in countless ways. It has made information more accessible than ever before, connecting people across the globe in real-time. However, it also poses new challenges and risks. One of these is the increasing amount of misinformation that can be found online. While the internet is undoubtedly a valuable tool for learning and communication, it requires users to develop critical thinking skills to discern fact fromfiction. This ability is particularly important for young people who have grown up with easy access to technology but may lack the experience necessary to judge the 1 of the information they encounter.In addition to being able to evaluate the credibility of online content, digital literacy involves understanding the importance of privacy and security measures when using the web. Sharing personal details on social media platforms can make individuals vulnerable to identity theft and other forms of cybercrime. Therefore, it is essential to educate children about the risks associated with 2 too much personal information online.Another challenge of the digital age is the potential for addiction to electronic devices and the internet itself. The constant connectivity can lead to a feeling of being overwhelmed by the constant influx of 3. This is why many experts recommend setting boundaries around screen time and encouraging alternative activities that promote mental well-being.Despite these challenges, the internet remains a powerful force for good, providing opportunities for collaboration, innovation, and learning. By teaching students how to use it responsibly, we can help ensure they benefit from its advantages while avoiding its pitfalls.Now choose the best option to complete the passage:1.A. quantity B. quality C. quantity D. availability2.A. sharing B. hiding C. collecting D. deleting3.A. emails B. letters C. information D. stimuliKey:1.B. quality2.A. sharing3.D. stimuliThis exercise tests students’ comprehension of the passage as well as their vocabulary and grammar usage. The context here relates to the impact of the internet on modern life, which is a relevant topic for today’s youth.六、语言运用第二节 _ 语法填空(15分)Language Usage Section II: Grammar CompletionReading Passage:When it comes to learning a new language, many people struggle to find the right balance between memorization and practice. One effective method is to immerse yourself in the language by watching movies, listening to music, and reading books. This not only helps you get accustomed to the pronunciation and intonation but also exposes you to a wide range of vocabulary and expressions.However, it is important to note that simply listening and watching is not enough. You need to actively engage with the language by speaking and writing. Try to find a language exchange partner or join a conversation group to practice speaking. This will not only improve your speaking skills but also help you gain confidence in using the language in real-life situations.When it comes to writing, start by keeping a daily journal in the targetlanguage. This will help you practice your writing skills and keep track of your progress. Don’t worry if you make mistakes; they are an essential part of the learning process. The key is to be consistent and not be afraid to make mistakes.In conclusion, the key to mastering a new language is to find the right balance between memorization and practice. By immersing yourself in the language, actively engaging with it, and being patient and persistent, you will eventually achieve your goals.Grammar Completion:Choose the most appropriate word or phrase to complete the following sentences. Write the letter corresponding to your answer in the blanks.1.One effective method is to________yourself in the language by watching movies, listening to music, and reading books.a)immerseb)immersec)immersedd)immersing2.This not only helps you get________to the pronunciation and intonation but also exposes you to a wide range of vocabulary and expressions.a)accustomedb)accustomedc)accustomedd)accustomed3.Try to find a language exchange partner or join a________to practice speaking.a)conversation groupb)conversation groupc)conversation groupd)conversation group4.This will not only improve your speaking skills but also help you gain________in using the language in real-life situations.a)confidenceb)confidencec)confidenced)confidence5.When it comes to writing, start by keeping a daily journal in the target language. This will help you practice your________skills and keep track of your progress.a)readingb)readingc)readingd)reading6.Don’t worry if you make mistakes; they are an essential part of the________process.a)learningb)learningc)learningd)learning7.The key to mastering a new language is to find the right balancebetween________and practice.a)memorizationb)memorizationc)memorizationd)memorization8.By immersing yourself in the language, actively engaging with it, and being patient and ________, you will eventually achieve your goals.a)persistentb)persistentc)persistentd)persistent9.This method is especially useful for those who are________in learning a new language.a)motivatedb)motivatedc)motivatedd)motivated10.It is important to note that simply listening and watching is not enough; you need to actively engage with the language by________and writing.a)speakingb)speakingc)speakingd)speakingAnswers:1.a) immerse2.b) accustomed3.a) conversation group4.b) confidence5.a) reading6.a) learning7.a) memorization8.d) persistent9.b) motivated10.a) speaking七、写作第一节 _ 应用文写作(15分)Writing Part I: Practical WritingDirections: Write an appropriate response to the following situation in no less than 80 words. Your writing should be clear, well-organized, and appropriate to the context.Scenario:Your school has recently organized a cultural exchange program with a sister school in the UK. You have been chosen to host a student from the UK for one week. Write an email to your guest introducing yourself and offering some suggestions for activities during their stay.To:SarahThompson(*****************************.uk)From:。



每日故事会 每周园艺课 学校春秋游 教师培训基地 学校课程组成部分 园艺专业基地
儿童音乐节 滑冰节 艺术展
圣诞节冬季乐园 万圣节游行
【案例借鉴】: 以科普活动赢得基础市场:园艺类课程每周末定时举办,同时承接各年龄段学生的科普
导游; 以特色活动吸引专项市场:现场音乐会、艺术展、运动项目,体验性活动按月份举办; 以节庆日捕获潜在客群:借助大节庆,设计周期长,强度大的全园娱乐项目。
太空农业旅游发展模式:点——线—— 面
以太空农业旅游产品构建核心 吸引点、市场引爆点基础,通过裁剪、拼接等园林技艺,将植物打造为人物、昆 虫、机器人、动物等景观小品供游客观赏,为园区户外景观增加亮点
【项目简介】:建成于2000年,汇集了几乎全球所有的植物,超过 4500种、13.5万棵花草树木在此是一个集科学与娱乐为一体的博物馆, 不仅成为人们休闲娱乐的场所,还是一个开展生态教育的天然课堂。
【地理区位】:位于英格兰西南部康沃尔郡圣奥斯特尔 【核心特色】:奇特的建筑及景观设计,庞大的植物种类,前沿开发技



在热带“生物群落区”和温带“生物群落区”癿中间,是一个露天癿花园。“凉爽气候馆”里是 原先生活在日本、英国、智利等地区癿植物,巟作人员还计划在这个馆里种植茶树幵销售茶右。
生态观光:是项目癿主要功能,主要通过两大温室、三 大展馆所展现癿万种特色、稀有植物所造就癿良好生态 环境下,形成观赏功能,让游客了解世界各国癿珍稀特 色植物。 休闲体验:游客在观赏植物之余,还可以欣赏体验各种 话剧、艴术秀、园艴论坛、音乐节、儿童与题节目等。 比如伊甸园里丌时丼办一些流行时尚癿演唰会,如著名 癿八国集团救济非洲儿童癿live8演唰会。 科普教育:自然教育叱伊甸园癿一个重要功能。伊甸园 就像一个活生生癿实验室,为所有年龄群体提供度身定 做、身临其境癿字眼体验和教育服务。伊甸园聘请了大 批如有经验癿导游、教师、培训师和演讲者,每年癿9 月到11月、1月到7月都会给丌同年龄段癿学生提供服 务。幵鼓励在校老师利用伊甸园所提供癿资源丰富其教 学内容。
Thank You!
成立伊甸园基金会 基金会主要代表伊甸园巟程癿对外形象,负责不政府、企业、学校等机构建立联系,帮劣伊甸园 巟程建立一些与项项目(如废弃物零排放项目),以及寻找伊甸园巟程差异化发展癿策略。
门票收入:普通成人门票14英镑,目前每年接待游客100万巠史 发展会员:每年会费在35英镑巠史,目前拥有会员6000人 出售商品:如和伊甸园有关癿书籍、文具等(设有一个与门癿销售网站) 捐赠计划:伊甸园慈善信托基金接受来自个人和团体癿捐赠 教育培训收费:对每个学生收取4英镑巠史癿培训费用,教师均为志愿者招募。


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上百套 欧美高端大气风格 PPT模板
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世界上最大的人工温室Eden project伊甸园工程

世界上最大的人工温室Eden project伊甸园工程

工程总长度为858米,跨度为110米,高55m(水立方为 177*177*30m),中间无任何支柱。 结构是双层圆球网壳(此结构在尽可能减少用钢量的同 时创造了尽可能多的建筑空间)的构成为:上弦为六边 形网格,下弦为三角形加六边形网格,类似蜂窝形三角 锥网架(完美的力学结构,肥皂泡和蜂巢的结构原理)。
• 伊甸园网壳表面每平方 米的耗钢量不到24kg (鸟巢的用钢量每平方 米在400kg左右,水立方 每平方米也有200kg)。
扩建的部分是一个将被命名为“边缘” 的大型建筑,其中展示人类行为如何给地球带来了不堪重负的温室效应,毁坏 了人类自己的家园。管理方正在从英国 慈善基金争取大约6700万英镑的工 程投资。 据介绍,依附在“大水泡”旁的“边缘” 将更加强调水、电、垃圾等的循环利用。
温室表面同水立方一样都是采用乙 基四氟乙烯(ETFE)透明合成膜 覆盖。
屋顶上800多个六边形网格都以 气垫覆盖(水立方达到了3000 多个)。气垫以厚50~200μm的 ETFE透明膜制成,共三层。上 下二层为承重用,中间层起温 度绝缘作用,同时一旦漏气时 可将气垫分开。气垫的周边与 网壳上弦的铝框架相连。每一 个气垫都接上充气系统,以保 持200~600Pa的气压。气垫的 最大高度约为最大跨度的 10~15%。
Eden project伊甸园工程一、词典对Eden project的解释
科学家们在英格兰东南部伸入海 中的一个半岛尖角上建造的世界 第八大奇迹。 这里是一处巨大的方形露天采矿 场, 科学家们正在那里建造一座世 界上最高最大的网格球顶建筑, 里 面种植世界上三个气候区的植物。



工程总长度为858米,跨度为110米,高55m(水立方为 177*177*30m),中间无任何支柱。
结构是双层圆球网壳(此结构在尽可能减少用钢量的同 时创造了尽可能多的建筑空间)的构成为:上弦为六边 形网格,下弦为三角形加六边形网格,类似蜂窝形三角 锥网架(完美的力学结构,肥皂泡和蜂巢的结构原理)。
• 伊甸园网壳表面每平方 米的耗钢量不到24kg (鸟巢的用钢量每平方 米在400kg左右,水立方 每平方米也有200kg)。
扩建的部分是一个将被命名为“边缘” 的大型建筑,其中展示人类行为如何给 地球带来了不堪重负的温室效应,毁坏 了人类自己的家园。管理方正在从英国 慈善基金争取大约6700万英镑的工 程投资。
Eden project伊甸园工程一、词典对Eden project的解释
科学家们在英格兰东南部伸入海 中的一个半岛尖角上建造的世界 第八大奇迹。
这里是一处巨大的方形露天采矿 场, 科学家们正在那里建造一座世 界上最高最大的网格球顶建筑, 里 面种植世界上三个气候区的植物。
• “伊甸工程”园所在地原是当地人采掘陶土遗留下的巨坑, 工程投资1.3亿英镑(1英镑约合2美元),历时两年, 于2000年完成, 2001年3月对外开放。
• 总面积达15公顷(水立方占地7.8公顷)。 • 伊甸园工程是二十一世纪以植物和人类为本的浩大工程,
收集地球上所有植物品种,在巨型空间网架结构的温室万 博馆里,形成大自然的生物群落。 • 分为三大区。主体包含八颗球体,其中四颗相连较大的为 热带雨林植物馆,四颗相连较小的为暖温带植物馆。此外 还有露天植物区,这是一片开放区域,拥有来自温带康沃 尔地区以及智利、喜马拉雅山脉、亚洲和澳大利亚相似气 候条件下的各种植物。 • 目标宣言是“促进对植物、人类和资源之间重要关系的理 解,进而对这种关系进行负责任的管理,引导所有人走向 可持续发展的未来。”



Always believe that something wonderful is about to happen.
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Always believe that something wonderful is about to happen.
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Base home
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3. 考生答题必须答在答题卡上,答在试卷和草稿纸上一律无效。



1. Where will Simon go next month?A. B. C.2. What would Millie like to be when she grows up?A. B. C.3. How will they go to the shopping mall?A. B. C.4. How can the man get to Sunshine Zoo?A. B. C.A. Go shopping.B. Go climbing.C. Go riding.6. Whose book is it?A. Kitty’s.B. Sandy’s.C. Wendy’s.7.What colour does the man dislike?A. White.B. Green.C. Blue.8. Where does the woman live?A. In Eighth Street.B. In Ninth Street.C. In Fifth Street.9. Where will they go?A. The mall.B. The shop.C. The cinema.10. What club is the girl in?A. The Dancing Club.B. The Swimming Club.C. The Reading Club.B)听对话和短文回答问题你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍,听每段对话和短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,你还有5秒钟的时间从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。







[关键词]超高层;拱门式建筑;双塔连体结构;科技创新;詹天佑奖[中图分类号]TU972.9[文献标志码]A[文章编号]1005-6270(2021)01-0011-05Construction and Techological Innovations of the Orient Gate ProjectGONG Wei-dong(Shanghai Construction No.1Group Co.,Ltd,Shanghai200041China)Abstract:The paper takes the Orient Gate project as the engineering background,and focuses on a series of scientific and technological innovations in the project,such as award planning,engineering design innovation, engineering construction,and engineering management.During the construction of the project,fruitful results were achieved and it was successfully selected for the18th China Tien-yow Jeme Civil Engineering Prize in 2020.Key words:super high-rise;arch-style building;two-tower conjoined structure;technological innovation; Tien-yow Jeme Civil Engineering Prize0前言近年来,随着我国经济的不断发展,人们对建筑高度的要求不断提升,各地涌现出一大批超高层建筑。



4. supercalifragilisticexpialidocious 这个字是由34个字母组成的。出现在一部名叫Mary Poppins的电影里,意思是“好”,奇妙的,难以置信 的。
英 [ˌsuːpəkalɪfrɑːdʒɪlɪstɪkˌekspɪɑːlɪˈdəʊʃəs] 美 [ˌsʊpəˌkæ lɪˌfræ dʒɪˌlɪstɪkˌekspɪˌæ lɪˈdoʊʃəs]
opelei-olagoiosiraiosiraiobaphetraganopterygon 这个字是由182个字母组成的。它是从希腊字英译过 来的英文字,源出自希腊喜剧作家亚里斯多芬尼斯
8. osseocaynisanguineoviscericartilagininervomedullary 这个字是由51个字母组成的。它是人体构造一术语,曾 出现在英国作家皮考克那本名叫Headlong Hall的小说 中。
9. aequeosalinocalcalinoceraceoaluminosocupreovitriolie 这个字是由52个字母组成的。它是英国医学作者爱德 华·史特罗哲(Dr Edward Strother,1675-1737)创造的字, 专用来形容英格兰格洛斯特夏布瑞斯陀这个地方的矿泉水



21个最具代表性的英国地标⼤本钟、塔桥、伦敦眼、爱丁堡城堡……英国那么多或古⽼或先锋的建筑中,谁是你⼼⽬中最具代表性的英国地标?英航机上杂志《High Life》携英国《独⽴报》,在读者中推出为期3个⽉的评选活动, 21世纪21个最具代表性英国地标华丽诞⽣!伊甸园项⽬|Eden Project21世纪的神话坐标-康沃尔郡(Cornwall)伊甸园项⽬这⾥没有偷吃禁果的亚当和夏娃却⽤奇花异草来记录⽣命的起源和繁衍⼀座在废弃陶⼟矿上建造起来的世界花园也许恰好是你⼼中⼀直在寻找的秘密花园北⽅天使|Angel of the North爱笑的天使有翅膀坐标-杜伦郡(Durham)北⽅天使她是⼀枚安安静静的巨型钢铁天使展开54⽶长的红⾊⽻翼守护着北英格兰的⼀⽅宁静考⽂垂⼤教堂|Coventry Cathedral 战争中浴⽕重⽣坐标-西⽶德兰兹郡(West Midlands)考⽂垂⼤教堂⼜被称为圣⽶迦勒⼤教堂哥特式尖塔设计和彩⾊玻璃精美异常千禧桥|Millennium Bridge站在桥上听泰晤⼠河流淌坐标-伦敦(London)千禧桥你曾看过许多地⽅的云也曾⾛过许多地⽅的路却唯独可能在漫步千禧桥时爱上了⼀个正当好年纪的⼈伦敦眼|London Eye幸福摩天轮坐标-伦敦(London)伦敦桥欧洲最⾼的观景摩天轮⾼132⽶,直径120⽶30分钟旋转⼀周带你换个⾓度看伦敦圣保罗⼤教堂|St Paul’s Cathedral 虔诚的祈祷坐标-卢德门⼭顶(Ludgate Hill)圣保罗⼤教堂它见证过戴安娜王妃与查尔斯王⼦的婚礼⼤典也寄托了⽆数朝圣者的灵魂巴洛克风格的巨⼤穹顶神圣⾄极泰特现代艺术馆|Tate Modern宛若灯塔坐标-伦敦(London)泰特现代⼤教堂⾼耸⼊云的⼤烟囱是其标志毕加索·马蒂斯·蒙德⾥安·达利20世纪的现代艺术⼤师之作都在这⾥展出⽩教堂画廊|Whitechapel Gallery沉静中绽放艺术魅⼒坐标-伦敦(London)⽩教堂画廊因1938年展出毕加索《格尔尼卡》⽽享誉盛名英国众多艺术家不断在此举办个展绝对是英国美术馆中的实⼒派德拉沃尔美术馆|De La Warr Pavilion装满艺术品的艺术品坐标-苏塞克斯(Sussex)德拉沃尔美术馆美术馆建筑本⾝就是别具⼀格的艺术品建筑真爱粉们的必到朝圣之地由第九代德拉沃伯爵命名缘起于德拉沃伯爵赞助该美术馆的设计⽐赛特纳当代美术馆|Turner Contemporary⾯朝⼤海的艺术坐标-肯特郡(Kent)特纳当代美术馆英国著名风景画家JMW特纳先前居住于此⼀座建⽴在海边的美术馆它的上空是全欧洲最美好的天空⼊射的美妙光线就是画家⼿中最好的画笔林肯⼤教堂|Lincoln Cathedral《达芬奇密码》拍摄地坐标-林肯郡(Lincolnshire)林肯⼤教堂英国第三⼤教堂英国哥特式建筑的最佳典范曾被认为是世界最⾼建筑物因拍摄《达芬奇密码》⽽⼈⽓飙升塞尔福⾥奇|Selfridges买买买坐标-伯明翰(Birmingham)塞尔福⾥奇⼥⼈在这⾥可以找到她梦寐以求的⼀切漂洋过海去买买买的不⼆之选这座耗资六千万英镑的钢筋⽔泥建筑⾄今已获⽆数建筑奖项查茨沃斯庄园|Chatsworth美丽的奢华坐标-德贝郡(Derbyshire)查茨沃斯庄园数次被选为英国最受欢迎的乡村别墅电影《傲慢与偏见》的取景地油画⼀般的富丽堂皇之所洛弗尔望远镜|Lovell Telescope你是我的眼坐标-柴郡(Cheshire)洛弗尔望远镜世界上第三⼤全动式射电望远镜带你探索更远的宇宙发现更多的星球格⾥泽戴尔森林雕塑公园|Grizedale Forest Sculpture Park 我想静静坐标-坎布利亚郡(Cumbria)格⾥泽戴尔森林雕塑公园湖光⼭⾊两相映静静的森林,静静的雕像最适合来这⾥寻觅⼀段安静的时光Singing Ringing Tree歌声欢唱的树坐标-伯恩利(Burnley)Singing Ringing Tree当轻风吹过树就会奏响⼀⾸七声⾳阶曲低⾳悦⽿⼀直流淌⼊⼼阿尔伯特港⼝|Albert Dock披头⼠粉丝的必游圣地坐标-利物浦(Liverpool)阿尔伯特港⼝集码头⼤厦和仓库为⼀体的综合建筑从1846年开业⾄今见证了英国整个⼯业⾰命的历史披头⼠的⾝影也在这⾥随处可见⿊泽塔|Blackpool Tower信任之旅坐标-⿊泽市(Blackpool)⿊泽塔法国有埃菲尔铁塔英国有⿊泽塔115⽶⾼的全玻璃⾼空观景台拒绝向胆⼩的⼈开放威尔⼠|Wales Millennium Centre 千禧中⼼视听盛宴坐标-加的夫海湾(Cardiff)威尔⼠威尔⼠的“中央舞台”歌剧·芭蕾·舞蹈·喜剧·⾳乐剧每⼀场都值得让你念念不忘爱丁堡城堡(Edinburgh Castle)苏格兰精神永不灭坐标-爱丁堡(Edinburgh)爱丁堡城堡耸⽴于死⽕⼭岩顶之上古⽼庄严的⽓质表露⽆疑它是古堡控们的最爱漫步其中总有穿越之感巨⼈之路“游客中⼼”|Visitor Centre冰与⽕的奇迹坐标-北爱尔兰东北海岸(Giant’s Causeway)巨⼈之路游客中⼼巨⼈之路在第三纪由活⽕⼭不断喷发⽽成约4万根六边形的⽞武岩柱连接组成⼤⾃然冰与⽕的奇迹在这⾥酷炫上演。






















间 , 理 论 上 没 有 理 由 失 衡 , 但 是 每 个 环 节 都 要 异相 对 于 场地 200m 的 直 径尺 度 而 言 , 尚 不 足 成新的形态结构秩序的方法。分形的目标是将
摘 要: 城市公园作为城市化的产物, 自 19 世纪起就成为风景园林行业的实践主体, 直至今天仍是风景园林师最主要的实践类型。在城市特殊地区如商务中心区
(CBD)高密钢筋混凝土森林中如何营造舒适的公园绿地环境则是在新时代仍需拓展研究的专业领域。以北京 CBD 现代艺术公园为例, 从规划和设计 2 个层面详 尽论
2 关于中心公园的设计
2.1 关于设计之一— ——平面治“ 愚” 2.1.1 风景园林设计中平面美学意义的思考与 设计风格的定度
就 实 体 设 计 学(如 建 筑 设 计 、工 业 设 计 等) 而言, 没有哪种门类的设计学会像风景园林学 那样使设计师面对一个问题时感到如此的困 惑, 即高质量的平面设计与相应高质量的空间 设计之间是否存在必要关联?
述了公园从概念到实施思考的逻辑过程, 并提出了作为“ 基调”的外环境设计的创作理念, 试为特殊景境下营造都市理想空间提供新的研究思路。
关 键 词: 风景园林; 都市伊甸; 几何分形; 现代艺术; 核心; 体验
文章编号: 1000- 6664(2007)11- 0050- 07
中图分类号: TU 986
对照其他 3 处大型公园, 中心公园用地与 城市关系具有其特殊性。除中心公园外其余 3 个 都 占 用 一 个 街 区(block)的 用 地 , 即 城 市 机 动 车道路直接围合了公园的边界, 这样建筑界面 与公园开放空间的关系变得相对间接和薄弱, 但公园本身是完整的。而中心公园不同, 环绕
公园的建筑界面是步行空间直接与建筑底商 相连, 但公园本体却被机动车道从中央切割成 南北两块。
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英国伊甸园工程(Eden Project)





得知这个情况后,音乐家制作人提姆·施密特(Tim Smith)和众多的专家一起开始着手进行建设巨大温室的





