四、方法论(methodology or method)即定性或定量的分析方法。
定量:比较难因为要用软件做分析数据如:SPSS、STATA、MATLAB.五、分析结果及结论和建议(Analysis conclusion Recommendation)即得出结果。
在动笔之前,你需要清楚的定位你的毕业论文属于哪种类型: Theoretical OR Empirical;当然,在英国,大多数学生会以empirically focused dissertation为主来写作:即建立在理论基础上,然后再结合实际调查得出新的结论。
以下是由留学论文宝服务老师针对大多数学生都会用的empirically focused dissertation结构进行总结:1.Title: 标题是你的毕业论文内容的总概括,通过title 就可大概知道你的论文方向。
2.Index: 目录部份,说明你的文章结构分部及对应页码。
3.Executive summary: 为概要内容,一般控制在200字左右最好。
5.Research background:文章的背景描述,200-400字左右5%的总文章占比。
6.Literature Review: 3000字左右,40%占比幅度,这里面,这部份主要展开前人如何做research的,可以把握某一个领域或研究方向,当中可以引用2-3个和你文章类似的research,并作辩证。
7.Methodology: 1500字左右10%的整篇文章的占比.讲的是文章的研究方法,主要是看你选择quantitative的还是用qualitative的方法,重点是你能论述得有道理,并有客观而公正的结果。
8.Analysis: 4000字左右,占整篇文章比例为25%.主要是论述research有什么发现?这个发现是否有所补充还是仅仅只是一个新的发现?9.Conclusion:500字左右。
英语专业毕业论文题目(通用3篇)文学1、女性研究2、英国文学(含各个时期的作家)3、美国文学(含各个时期的作家)4、 a brief analysis of the heroine personality in jane eyre.(《简爱》主人公个性分析)(评哈代的宿命论)6、 a probe into the feminist idea of jane eyre(《简爱》男女平等思想的探索)7、characterization in charles dickens’s novels(狄更斯小说中的人物塑造)8、 humor and satire in pride and prejudice(《傲慢与偏见》的幽默与讽刺)10、the reasons for tess’s tragic fate(造成苔丝悲剧命运的原因)11、 analysis of the marriages in pride and prejudice(《傲慢与偏见》中的婚姻面面观)12、on the impact of jane austen’s life on her novels(试谈简奥斯汀生活对其小说的影响)13、 what bring about the tragedy of king lear(李尔王悲剧成因探索)14、浅析《苔丝》中女主角性格特征15、从《傲慢与偏见》看18世纪末英国女性婚姻观16、从悲剧婚姻走出的新时代女性--解析斯嘉丽性格之变迁17、从《理智与情感》中达什伍德家族矛盾看18世纪英国妇女的财产权18、战乱中的玫瑰,斯嘉丽性格浅析19、浅谈《理智与情感》中的家庭矛盾20、浅析《老人与海》中海明威的“人与自然”观念21、浅析《老人与海》中海明威的死亡意识22、试析福克纳《喧哗与骚动》的文体风格23、《红字》中的圣经元素24、《纳尼亚传奇:狮子、女巫和魔衣柜》中的女性歧视现象研究25、 emily dickinson 诗歌意象研究26、 d.h. lawrance 女性形象研究27、 oscar wilde 悲剧童话研究语言学28、英语语言学研究30、英语新词的产生与发展31、美国俚语的发展及其在社会生活中的反映32、浅谈美国黑人英语的特点33、美国俚语的语言特色和社会功能34、英文报刊标题的语言特点35、英语新词新意初探36、英汉道歉语的对比研究a contrastive study of apologies in english and chinese37、美国俚语的文化内涵及语言特色教育38、任务型教学模式在综合英语教学中的应用39、情感因素对英语教学的影响40、英语写作与文化背景知识的输入41、学习动机与英语成绩的相关研究42、英语教师的提问与交际能力的培养43、浅谈英语听说读写能力的培养44、英语教育翻译45、魅力的外国品牌及中文翻译46、英语广告中双关语的翻译47、英语广告口号语的翻译48、外国产品的商标翻译49、论商务口译的特点与技巧50.英汉交替口译中的注意力分配51、从商务英语翻译看英汉文化差异52、英汉习语的文化差异及翻译53、从中外文化差异看商标翻译54、英文电影片名的翻译策略与翻译方法研究55、学生提出的有关翻译的论题56、英文商业广告口号语的语言特点及其翻译57、从东西文化看英汉谚语的互译58、 translating of english proverbs into chinese59、 on the strategies of translation of english advertisement60、 translatability and untranslatability: the translation of chinese idioms into english62、a study of yang xianyi’s translation style (或其他翻译家)63、广告英语的语言特色及翻译方法64、美化之,论朱生豪译romeo and juliet65、郑振铎译《飞鸟集》研究66、中国特色词汇及其英译旅业67、三亚发展乡村旅游的积极意义68、浅谈海南民俗旅游的开发69、导游服务中的常见问题及对策分析70、论导游的品质对服务的影响71、浅谈形体语言在旅游服务中的运用72、我国黄金周日旅游的利弊分析73、如何有效开发学生旅游市场74、海南建国际旅游岛应以人文本to build hainan into an international tourism island should be people-oriented75、生态环境的保护是海南的生命线the protection of eco-environment is the lifeline of hainan76、学生提出的有关旅业的其他论题77、三亚旅游的现状和可持续性发展刍议78、浅论涉外导游人员的基本素质商务79、论酒店员工激励机制的建立80、英语广告中的幽默81、从一些角度分析商务合同的语言特点82、英语广告的诉求手段83、经典外国广告浅析84、论网络营销的利弊on the advantages and disadvantages of internet marketing85、论网购的利弊on the advantages and disadvantages of internet shopping86、三亚学院学生网购情况调查an investigation into students online shopping in sanya college87、学生提出的有关商务的其他论题88、商务活动中的中西方文化差异89、中西商务沟通中的跨文化差异90、英语广告中的文化背景文化91、中西文化面子观差异对比分析an analysis on differences between chinese and western ideas on face92、中西文化中女性角色意识差异及其对职业发展影响differences between chinese and western role awareness of women and the effects on their career development93、东西方人际关系要素差异探析the analysis on the differences of interpersonalrelationship between eastern and western people94、从中英文礼貌用语中看文化差异cultural difference between chinese and english on politeness95、谈跨文化交际中的“面子”观96、中国和美国家庭观差异the differences of family values between china and american97、英语影视作品中的人性98、中西餐桌礼仪的差异99、中西教育模式的比较100、英汉颜色词的文化内涵对比101、中西方非语言交际差异102、英美文化的各个研究领域(含中西文化比较)毕业论文选题论“输入理论”及其对初中英语教学的启示高一英语写作错误分析支架理论在高中英语语法教学中的应用研究说新闻活动对英语专业学生批判性思维的影响互动模式下高中英语课堂教师反馈语类型及影响的个案研究教育实习与职前英语教师身份认同关系个案研究高中英语阅读材料中文化选择和分布研究针对初中英语小组合作学习的教师评价语的研究,以省中学为例初中英语课堂提问现状调查研究,以中学为例初中英语教师课堂话语的互动性分析听力中语音障碍的成因调查与分析,以地学生为例合作学习对英语语音教学的影响,一以外国语学校为例的调查研究高中优秀英语教师写作课所用反馈语的研究初中英语家庭作业设计的调查--以学校为例汉英颜色词汇的语义不对称现象研究高中英语课堂教师提问话语分析-个案研究任务型语言教学在初中英语教学中的应用,个案研究教师指导下的高中学生英语自主学习有效性探究高中英语学困生的成因及对策研究,以中学为例农村中学生英语学习情感因素调查新课标下农村普通高中的英语课堂活动初中英语课堂提问有效性现状及对策研究,以学校为例初中学生英语课文背诵情况调查研究图式理论在初中英语阅读教学中的应用英语专业学生口语交际策略使用情况调查研究农村高中英语口语互动教学现状调查研究,学校为例初中英语课堂中“生生互动”的应用现状调查,以外国语学校为例利用加涅学习过程理论优化英语教学过程设计基于“话语语境理论”的高中英语词汇教学案例分析,以高中为例新课程背景下初中英语交互式家庭作业的研究职前教师与资深教师英语课堂反馈策略对比优秀商务英语本科论文题目篇三1、商务英语的特点及翻译技巧2、商务英语函电翻译技巧3、商务英语学习中跨文化交际能力的培养4、国际商务谈判中应注意的文化因素5、商务谈判中的跨文化冲突6、试论普通英语与商务英语的差异7、商务谈判中的语言艺术8、试论文化因素对商务活动的作用9、电子商务对国际贸易的影响及对策10、从文化视角比较中英文广告语言11、国际商务英语信函话语分析12、经贸英语的语言特点13、浅论经贸英语的文体风格14、经贸英语的语体特点与翻译15、英语在商务活动中的作用16、经贸英语在中国加入WTO后的新趋势17、商务英语学习中的文化习得18、浅谈如何有效学习经贸英语词汇19、文化习俗与跨文化交际学对经贸英语学习的影响20、商务英语专业人才培养模式与实践21、试论文化导入在商务英语教学中的作用22、中英文广告传播之语言特色及跨文化问题23、商品译文的品牌形象对商务英语翻译教学的启示24、试论商务英语写作的简洁礼貌原则及写作技巧25、现代商务英语书信的写作风格和语法特点26、从修辞方面浅探商务英语的语言特色27、商务英语书面语篇词汇特点分析28、从语境角度分析英汉互译中语言的得体29、商务英语函电的文本特征30、经贸英语合同的语言特色31、商务合同英语的文体特征分析32、经贸英语信函话语基调分析33、中西文化差异与交际障碍34、试谈语言交际中的文化差异35、文化差异对经贸英语翻译的影响36、经贸英汉互译中的矛盾与对策37、经贸英语词汇特点与翻译38、根据词义和逻辑关系谈涉外经济合同的翻译39、商业英文书信所使用的词语分类浅析40、一些普通词汇在经贸英语中的特殊意义及翻译41、常用名词在经贸英语中的语义变化特征42、浅谈经贸英语会话中的言语交际技巧43、论国际经贸活动的语言交际技巧44、跨文化交际中的非言语交际体系研究45、文化差异对国际商务的影响46、国际商务谈判中的文化差异47、试论广告英语的语言特点48、关于网络广告英语与报刊杂志广告英语词汇比较49、商号、商标、公司名称等的翻译?50、商标名称的美学特征及汉语商标名称的翻译。
大家好呀,我是番茄出锅留学的XXXX老师,大家要去英国留学啦,未来毕业后取得的是学位等级,大家或许会觉得英国研究生的学位怎么这么复杂?本科有一等荣誉学位、2:1、三等荣誉学位等等,硕士有pass和merit等等,英国的教育体系完善,硕士学位等级有明确的划分:英国硕士学位成绩= 在校成绩+ 毕业论文文书计算,再取均分。
学位证上也不一定显示pass这个等级,只显示Merit(优)或Distinction (卓越),比如伦敦大学学院UCL。
一等荣誉学位——First Class Degree (1:1)分数:70分以上,First Class 相当于GPA3.8-4.0。
典型的一段如莎士比亚在《王子复仇记》中一句“to be,or not to be”短短几个词引起了读者无限的遐想和解读,同时也让这句话获得了旺盛的生命力。
比如杰克·伦敦的《马丁·伊登》卷首引诗:Let me live out my years in heat of blood/ Let me lie drunken with the dreamer’s wine/ Let me not see this soul-house built of mud/ Go toppling to the dust a vacant shrine! (让我在热血沸腾中度此一生! /让我在醇酒般的梦幻里醉沉!/莫使我眼见这泥塑的肉身,/终以空虚的躯壳毁于泥尘!) 译文里面的语言就是诗歌创作中形象与模糊思维互相交感的出品,翻译可谓是恰如其分,不但精确化,还模糊化,文章美感仍在。
英国 硕士 毕业论文
英国硕士毕业论文AbstractThis thesis explores the impact of social media on mental health in the UK, focusing on young people aged 18-30. Drawing on quantitative and qualitative research methods, the study examines the relationship between social media use and mental health outcomes, including depression, anxiety, and self-esteem. The findings indicate that there are both positive and negative effects of social media on mental health, with higher levels of social media use associated with increased risk of mental health problems, particularly depression and anxiety. However, social media use can also have positive effects on mental health, including providing social support and access to information and resources. The study concludes by highlighting the need for further research on the complex relationship between social media and mental health, and suggesting approaches for promoting positive mental health outcomes among young people who use social media.Chapter 1: Introduction1.1 BackgroundSocial media has become an integral part of modern life, with an estimated 45 million people in the UK using social media regularly in 2021 (Statista, 2021). It is a powerful tool for communication, self-expression, and social connection, and has revolutionised the way we interact with each other and the world around us. However, social media use has also been linked to a range of negative outcomes, particularly concerning mental health. There is growing concern about the impact of social media on mental health, particularly among young people who are frequent users of social media platforms.Depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem are among the most commonly reported mental health problems experienced by young people in the UK (NHS, 2018). These problems are often linked to social factors, such as social isolation, loneliness, and lack of social support. Social media could potentially exacerbate these problems or offer new opportunities for social connection and support. The nature of this relationship is complex, and requires further research to fully understand.1.2 Aims and objectivesThe aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between social media use and mental health among young people aged 18-30 in the UK. The objectives of this study are to:- Explore the extent and nature of social media use among young people in the UK- Investigate the impact of social media use on mental health outcomes, including depression, anxiety, and self-esteem- Identify potential mechanisms through which social media use impacts mental health- Assess the efficacy of interventions aimed at promoting positive mental health outcomes among young people who use social media1.3 Research questionsThis study addresses the following research questions:- What are the patterns of social media use among young people in the UK?- What is the relationship between social media use and mental health outcomes among young people in the UK?- What mechanisms underlie the relationship between social media use and mental health?- What interventions are effective in promoting positive mental health outcomes among young people who use social media?1.4 Significance of the studyThis study has several significant implications for research and practice. It contributes to the growing body of literature on the impact of social media on mental health, particularly among young people, and provides insights into the mechanisms through which social media may impact mental health outcomes. This study also has practical implications for promoting positive mental health outcomes among young people who use social media, by identifying effective interventions that can be implemented in real-world settings.Chapter 2: Literature review2.1 Patterns of social media use among young peopleSocial media use among young people has increased rapidly in recent years. In the UK, 91% of 16-24 year olds use social media, with Facebook, Instagram, andSnapchat being the most commonly used platforms (Ofcom, 2020). Social media use is often characterised by high frequency and intensity, with young people spending an average of 2 hours and 22 minutes on social media per day (Ofcom, 2020). Peer pressure and social norms are important drivers of social media use, with young people feeling the need to keep up with their peers and present a certain image of themselves online.2.2 The impact of social media on mental healthThe relationship between social media use and mental health outcomes is complex and multifaceted. On the one hand, social media use can promote social connection, social support, and positive affect (Vannucci et al., 2021). On the other hand, social media use can have negative effects on mental health, including increased risk of depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem (Lin et al., 2020). The negative effects of social media use may be particularly pronounced among vulnerable populations, such as those with pre-existing mental health problems or who are socially isolated (Naslund et al., 2020).2.3 Mechanisms underlying the relationship between social media use and mental healthSeveral mechanisms have been proposed to explain the relationship between social media use and mental health outcomes. These include:- Social comparison: Social media provides a constant stream of updates and posts from other people's lives, which can lead to social comparison and feelings of inadequacy (Fardouly et al., 2018).- Cyberbullying: Social media can be a platform for cyberbullying, which has been linked to increased risk of mental health problems (Kowalski et al., 2021).- Sleep disturbance: Social media use can disrupt sleep patterns, which has been linked to poor mental health outcomes (Chou et al., 2019).- Reduced face-to-face social interaction: Social media use can lead to decreased face-to-face social interaction, which is an important protective factor for mental health (Primack et al., 2017).2.4 Interventions aimed at promoting positive mental health outcomes among social media usersSeveral interventions have been developed to promote positive mental health outcomes among social media users. These include:- Social media education programs: Educational programs aimed at increasing young people's awareness of the potential risks and benefits of social media use have been found to promote positive mental health outcomes (Hale et al., 2019).- Social media-based interventions: Interventions delivered via social media platforms, such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), have been found to be effective in reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety (Ellis et al., 2020).- Social media detox: Taking a break from social media has been found to reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety (Hunt et al., 2018).Chapter 3: Methodology3.1 Research designThis study employs a mixed-methods design, incorporating both quantitative and qualitative research methods. The quantitative component involves a survey of young people aged 18-30 in the UK, exploring patterns of social media use, mental health outcomes, and potential mechanisms underlying the relationship between social media use and mental health. The qualitative component involves in-depth interviews witha subset of survey respondents, exploring their experiences and perceptions of social media and mental health.3.2 ParticipantsParticipants for this study were recruited through social media platforms, online forums, and university email lists. Participants were eligible if they were aged 18-30 and resided in the UK. A total of 500 participants completed the survey, and a subset of 20 participants were selected for interviews.3.3 MeasuresThe survey included measures of social media use (including frequency, duration, and platform use), mental health outcomes (including depression, anxiety, and self-esteem), and potential mechanisms underlying the relationship between social media use and mental health (including social comparison, cyberbullying, sleep disturbance, and reduced face-to-face social interaction). The qualitative interviews explored participants' experiences and perceptions of social media and mental health, including the benefits and challenges of social media use for mental health.3.4 Data analysisQuantitative data were analysed using descriptive statistics, chi-square tests, and regression analyses. Qualitative data were analysed using thematic analysis, involving the identification of patterns and themes in participants' responses.Chapter 4: Results4.1 Patterns of social media useThe survey results indicated that social media use is highly prevalent among young people in the UK, with 98% of participants reporting regular social media use. The most commonly used platforms were Instagram (70%), Facebook (60%), and Snapchat (55%). Participants reported spending an average of 3 hours per day on social media.4.2 The relationship between social media use and mental health outcomesRegression analyses revealed a significant positive relationship between social media use and depression and anxiety. Higher levels of social media use were associated with increased risk of depression and anxiety. Self-esteem was not significantly associated with social media use.4.3 Mechanisms underlying the relationship between social media use and mental health outcomesThematic analysis of the qualitative data revealed several themes related to the mechanisms underlying the relationship between social media use and mental health outcomes. These included:- Social comparison: Participants reported feeling pressure to present a certain image of themselves online, which led to social comparison and feelings of inadequacy.- Cyberbullying: Several participants reported experiencing cyberbullying on social media, which had a negative impact on their mental health.- Sleep disturbance: Participants reported that social media use disrupted their sleep patterns, which led to decreased mood and increased anxiety.- Social support: Despite the potential negative effects of social media on mental health, many participants also reported that social media provided social support and connection, particularly during periods of social isolation.4.4 Interventions aimed at promoting positive mental health outcomes among social media usersThe survey results suggested that social media education programs and social media-based interventions may be effective in promoting positive mental health outcomes among young people who use social media. Participants who reported engaging in these types of interventions reported higher levels of self-esteem and lower levels of depression and anxiety.Chapter 5: DiscussionThe findings of this study highlight the complex relationship between social media use and mental health outcomes. While social media use can provide social connection and support, it can also have negative effects on mental health, particularly in the context of social comparison and cyberbullying. The findings suggest that interventions aimed at promoting positive mental health outcomes among social media users should focus on increasing young people's awareness of the potential risks and benefits of social media use, and providing support and resources for those who experience negative effects.Chapter 6: ConclusionThis study provides important insights into the relationship between social media use and mental health among young people in the UK. The findings suggest that there are both positive and negative effects of social media on mental health, and highlight the need for further research on the mechanisms underlying this relationship. The study also identifies potential interventions for promoting positive mental health outcomes among social media users, and highlights the importance of social support and resources for those who experience negative effects of social media use.。
毕业论文(设计)题目From Shaping the Characters of Becky to Analysis Thackeray`s Criticism on the British Society in Vanity Fair学院外国语学院专业英语年级 2012级学生邓小岚学号 120310311 指导教师袁德成从《名利场》中蓓基的人物形象塑造看萨克雷对英国社会的批判英语专业学生:邓小岚指导教师:袁德成摘要:《名利场》是一部富有讽刺寓意的小说,使萨克雷在英国文学史上占据了不可动摇的地位,人们尊称他为讽刺小说界的大师,人们把他与查尔斯狄更斯齐名。
关键词:人物形象塑造;英国社会;批判;名利场ABSTRACTVanity Fair is a novel which full of ironic implication, which has made Thackeray`s unshakable position in the history of British literature. People regard him as a master of fiction and he is equally famous as Charles Dickens. Vanity Fair by depicting the heroine Becky`s personality traits to represent Thackeray`s criticism on British society at that time, Becky is vanity, versatility, timeserving, selfishness and hypocrisy. She always avoids responsibility, those are the typical basic features of the English polite social dignitaries. The heroine Becky shows everyone her own beauty, especially to the dignitaries, winking and flirting dignitaries and keeping improper relationship with dignitaries to improve her own positions, get the money, get gold and silver jewelry, and luxurious. How to gain wealth as an ordinary woman? Of course not by their own hands, but by the man. Becky's life appeared a lot of men, Rawdon is her husband, she does not love her husband, however, just because she thought Rawdon is the heir to the fortune and so married him. In this paper, by studying author Thackeray`s character portrayal of the heroine Becky to expose and criticize at that time a lot of woman like Becky in order to enter the upper society by hook or by crook in British society.Key words: the shaping of image; the British society; critical; Vanity FairContentsPart one. Introduction (3)1.1A brief introduction of Thackeray (3)1.2An introduction of Vanity Fair (3)Part two. The character analysis of Vanity Fair (3)2.1 Cold (3)2.2 Hypocritical (3)2.3 Vanity (3)2.4 Versatility (3)2.5 Timeserving (3)2.6 Selfishness (3)2.7 Conclusion of Becky`s characteristic (3)Part Three. The positive character of Becky (3)3.1 The bold man (3)3.2 Dare to resist (3)3.3 Wit and smart (3)Part Four. The film and comment (3)4.1 The film of Vanity Fair and the director (3)4.2 The role of Becky (3)4.3 The making process of this film (3)Part Five.The wrong outlook on life (3)5.1An early to see the reality of the society (3)5.2The marriage as a "ladder" (3)Part Six. Conclusion (3)Bibliography (3)Acknowledgments (18)From Shaping the Characters of Becky to Analysis Thackeray`s Criticism on the British Society in Vanity FairPart one. Introduction1.1A brief introduction of ThackerayVanity Fair is a masterpiece of the greatest British realist and humorist writer Thackeray. Thackeray is a prolific writer, he has a collection of 35 volume; His early works are humorous stories and poetry, such as the descriptions of Paris, the Irish descriptions, etc.; In the middle,he start to create critical realism novels, and which novel laid his position in the literary world in UK is Vanity Fair, which is published in 1848, the novel not only established his place in the English literature but also made Thackeray acknowledged as the eponymous famous novelist Dickens.1.2An introduction of Vanity FairA Novel without a Hero is a novel by English author William Makepeace Thackeray, first published in 1847–48, satirising society in early 19th-century Britain. It follows the lives of two women, Becky Sharp and Amelia Sedley, amid their friends and family. The novel is now considered a classic, and has inspired several film adaptations. In 2003, Vanity Fair was listed at #122 on the BBC's The Big Read poll of the UK's best-loved books.The book's title comes from John Bunyan's allegorical story The Pilgrim's Progress, first published in 1678 and still widely read at the time of Thackeray's novel. In that work, "Vanity Fair" refers to a stop along the pilgrim's route: a never-ending fair held in a town called Vanity, which is meant to represent man's sinful attachment to worldly things.This novel is originated from the early 19th century British upper-class, mainly describes the two women's fate in different personalities, shows the world at that time the British society moral crisis and corruption, and expose and criticize the capitalistsociety, social change in temperature and the concept of money. This novels mainly describing the dark of British high society and the phenomenon of all kinds of people planning plot, lies, teasing the life for fame and wealth. The novel Vanity Fair is Thackeray's most famous work, it is also the most representative work in19th century British critical realism literature. Vanity Fair, through the arrangement of the plot in an attempt to prove "everything is undeserved reputation float," it reveals the prosperity of capitalist society with light outside, let people see the essence of it. Thackeray himself said that he would write "a group of extremely selfish and folly people desperately committed and enthusiastic pursuit of undeserved reputation in Vanity Fair" Vanity Fair doesn`t have so tight story structure, the content of the matter is basically made up of the life of two heroines Becky and Amelia together. Amelia is a bourgeois miss and Becky is nothing at all, through the fate of the two heroines, Thackeray describes a variety of people in the high society. This article through the analysis of the two women characters to reveals the corruption, moral people's selfish, hypocritical treacherous in the higher British society.In 19th century of Britain, Becky sharp was born poor but ambitious to step into the higher class society from an early age, to achieve her goal, she does not hesitate to use any means, this novel is about how the heroine Becky use her own beauty and wisdom to conquer the world. At first Becky was working as a governor in Sir Pitt Crawley`s home, where not only all the children liked her, but also the spinster aunt Matilda Crawley did. In Becky`s mind that she knew that if she didn`t leave the country and go to London to live, she cannot truly step into the higher British society. So when aunt Matilda invite Becky to go to London, Becky accepted the invitation without any hesitation. In London, Becky met her good friend again in pink, Kingston college, a well-off Amelia Sedley. Amelia Sedley fell in love with the charming officer George, without thinking any against from her family and resolutely married him, and Becky also secretly married Rawdon Crawley, the most likely heir in Crawley`s family, and then Matilda aggravated the newly-married couple out of the house. At this point, Napoleon launched the war against Europe again, George was called up with Rawdon , there are only two friends lived alone ever after...Part two. The character analysis of Vanity Fair2.1 ColdBecky sharp is cold which embodied in her son, she is indifference to her son. A scene once wrote, Rawdon play with son and threw up his son high and accidentally hit his head on the ceiling, knock very heavy, and then Rawdon, the father said don't cry, otherwise will wake the mother, and the child endure not to cry. We can see that her cold let her both own son and husband fear. She doesn't love her husband, her husband was only a higher servant, when her husband put in jail, she was still with play with Lord stein.2.2 HypocriticalBecky sharp is hypocrisy. Amelia Sedley is her best friend, and they used to be together as sisters, however, she and Rawdon design a caught cheating Amy`s husband, George`s money, and when she meet Amy, she pretend to be very concern about her husband, and say, "My dear, for god sake, try to stop him gambling quickly. She told Amy that George was gambling every day, do you know that he is not so rich, if he is not careful, he would lost all his money to Rawdon." Becky sharp by hook or by crook, all with gambling, blackmail. They "cheat the landlord, took off a cheque to the honest banker`s money, bought jewelry without paying."2.3 VanityVanity Fair`s heroine Becky is very vanity, with all her heart secretly into upper class society life, and so eloquent must be one of her essential skill. There are many such examples abound in the book.In the evening they went to Brussels, Becky started to chat with George. Becky looked at the moon with smiling and said: "who would have thought that the moon is two hundred and thirty-six thousand eight hundred and forty-seven miles away from us here, am I good memory? "...(W.M.Thackeray 2010 :283)Becky's eloquent successful lay the foundation of her into the upper classsociety, her positive evaluation of her abilities, behaved quite natural, which make the listener in imperceptible in affection for her, by this way she improved her status in British upper class society. Also there are many people like her in the down class, they are so poor, they want to change their life to become a member of the upper class.2.4 VersatilityBecky is a clever woman, she found that Miss likes to make fun of others, so she tries every mean to deride its social circle together with the old lady, almost every one of Miss social circle , in order to please Miss .Such as:If Sir Pitt Treating guests without inviting Becky company, Miss crow can break into a furious rage, "How can Miss Sharp not come , she is the only one who can talked a few words with me in zone. (W.M.Thackeray 2010:122)Becky was lively and cute, and versatility. No matter in what situation, as long as that there is someone who can be helpful to her future, she will try all possible way to please them. Becky is just a typical sample of that time, similarly, there are a lot of people in British society for the sake of their future fawn on anyone who can be helpful..2.5 TimeservingBecky is very good at flattering, she is not only to please Sir , but also show her wisdom and talent in front of him, her flattery ability makes readers eye-opening. Becky, devoting all her heart to flattery, so lets talk about what is the real purpose of her? Might as well listen to her words to Rawdon: "I'm asking Mrs Jean taking me into palace next year, I want your brother to place you in the congress, you idiot! I want you and your brother all vote to Stan, my dear fool! In that way you can be the Irish governor, or the secretary of the west Indies, or the treasurer officer, or consular,or something like this. (W.M.Thackeray 2010 :478)This confession of Becky totally show her enthusiasm for fame, and the pursuit for wealth, she is double-faced, she know what should be talked to what kind of person, so she win the favor from a lot of people in the upper class. Becky is just a special case, of course, for that most people want to integrate into the upper society, this is a skill what they must master.2.6 SelfishnessBecky has its own set of plans, she knew that only by dealing with the relationship between Rawdon and Sir Pitt which can help her into upper society, reflects that the following statement: "Sir Pitt he may die and his sons, and we will be Sir Rawdon and Sir Madam, then the reader will find that Becky did eventually in the help of Sir successful step into the court paradise. Becky advice Rawdon do not to fight with Sir B , it is all in the hands of her, she wasn't really in order to alleviate Rawdon and Sir Pitt relationship, but in order that she can smoothly enter the upper society, she know that Sir will help her, so she tries every possible mean to stop the fight between finish Sir and Rawdon, its just from her selfishness..2.7 Conclusion of Becky`s characteristicThackeray through describe the main character, reveals the theme of the novel, the British society is a vanity fair. Becky Sharp, which is the daughter of a poor painter, is the product of the Victorian chase fame and wealth society. Though she is born in the lower class, but she is beautiful, bandage, extreme selfishness. After graduating from boarding school in the form of work-study program, started by a small family teachers, even the use a variety of means to seduce powerful giants, firmly seize every opportunity to step into the upper class, become a shining star, the only goal is to get fame and wealth, and to live a comfortable life which can let everyone envy. Becky, which is one of the most successful female adventurer, amasterpiece of critical realism.When she aim at empty luxury life, all the resources become her tools, including sex, family love and friendship...With cold and selfish, hypocrisy, greed to describe Becky sharp was really suit.Part Three. The positive character of Becky3.1 The bold manSimone DE once said: "A woman is not innate, but by shaping. The ego of a woman is not decided by her sex, but determined by the social and economic environment". Social culture and economy determines the status of women. At Victorian times, women have no chance to increase knowledge by education or work, they are just told what kind of behavior is specification, which bound the personality of women. As a Victorian women, Becky should not be so smart. Although she is a poor orphan, but she wants to win respect, economic status and social status. Her independent personality conflicts with what social status she was given. Why she wants to get respect is rooted in her own experience when she was a young child. When her father was drunk, the wife and daughter would be beaten, and her father would complaint social injustice. Her father's abuse contributed to her anger, she wanted to have a different childhood, but the social definition of female restrict her. Therefore, in her life, to live with her goals and desires is a great challenge for her. Only the upper and middle class women have a chance to accept education about words and deeds. Like Becky, a girl from the bottom of the social, life will be more bound.3.2 Dare to resistAfter her father died, Becky was allowed to stay in school, but have to teach French to girls. Becky was offended by other students` discrimination, so she began todesire for prestige extremely. Life in school made her more aware that she is alone and no others can depend on. So she began to plan her own future. She was fed up with her treatment, and determined to try every means to enter the upper society. However, before graduation, she found that challenge the traditional idea would only bring disgrace on her own head. As a result, she hid her anger and ambitions, pretend to be obedience. She learned from Emily that obedience and innocent will be more liked. Even after she got her aim social status, Becky still showed her own rebellion. Born rebel that she won't change her behavior to meet the social expectations of women. Carefully, she deals with the people around her, and then she laugh behind they. The disgrace of Lord Stan let her get satisfaction, because of his noble status symbol of the social system set a cage for her childhood.3.3 Wit and smartAccording to Simone, traditional woman cannot leave the man and consider herself alone, but man can consider about himself only without considering the woman. Becky controls or deceives men through her intelligence, changes the role of women are inferior. As a governess, by becoming an indispensable character to break the rules of the society for women is limited. In the host`s home, even though she is just a private tutor, but she found herself dominated transactions as a matter of fact. Through her words and actions, she controls the people around her, make them believe that she is a woman who just like Emily, obedience and ignorance like child.Part Four. The film and comment4.1 The film of Vanity Fair and the director“Ah! Vanitas Vanitatum! Which of us is happy in this world? Which of us has his desire? Or, having it, is satisfied? ----come, children, let us shut up the box and the puppets, for our play is played out.”(W.M.Thackeray 2010:774) This is the last sentence in Vanity Fair of William Thackeray`s novel. Vanity Fair, completed in 1847 to 1848, by reputation in the early 19th century, it is the most vivid and interesting description. It is that the conclusion of the Vanity Fair inspired director, Mira Nair. She said: "I want to shoot the film, because Thackeray and I have many commonquestions: we all have a dream, when the dream come true, will we be happy? What is satisfaction? What is desire? What's life fame and wealth? Thackeray's novel is the best film material, precisely described what was happening in Britain at that time, this paper expounds an eternal theme. Particularly plump characters will resonate with modern people, I think Becky is one of the greatest female characters in literary works."For the classic novel, Neil has its own unique insights.Coincidentally, Thackeray's spent his childhood in Calcutta in India, and Neil also grew up in India, her personal experience can complement and recreate Thackeray's novel.Producer Janette Day want to made the novel into a film as early as 10 years ago. Becky is more like the modern women, "she said, just born in the wrong time. In the materialistic crazy world, she is vitality and different from others."For the film's writer and joint production team, Matthew Faulk and Mark Skeet, they are able to work as an adaptation is a lucky gift for them, because in the process of novel Thackeray provides a large number of people, so to change the story based on Vanity Fair is the dream of all writers. In addition, in order to further enrich the script, who won the Oscar for best screenplay award Julian fellows joined the adaptation of the squad.4.2 The role of BeckyAs the project of the film forming gradually, casting work also began, who will be choose to play Becky is the most important work for them, Reese Witherspoon were invited to sign in. Witherspoon said: "I am excited to got a call from the Mira, we had met two years ago, because I'm her fan, hope to be able to cooperate with her. Between words, I found that we are familiar sensitive to the female subject, her grasp of the genre is amazing."Witherspoon think that who she plays, Becky is a feminist, the role of Becky is very modern. Although she lost her parents and become homeless, but she is still desire for success, and every success is rely on her own ability.Screenwriter Fellows said, "Reese can show emotional at the same time, this is her special place. Becky is also interesting, intelligent and complex, and smart andambitious and practical at the same time." Director Neil said: "Reese is very suited to play Becky, she and I also hope to be able to perform this role very much. She really had the characteristics of wit, cunning, charming and illusory, Becky, this role is very complicated, but I don't want to get Becky who hated by others, because after all, she is cunning, she is not liked by most people. Reese`s acting just can seize the audience's subtle emotions, let the audience follow her ups and downs together.4.3 The making process of this filmProducer Lydia Dean Pilcher said: "In the UK, we have the most incredible scenes available. Mira is a connoisseur of photography and painting, there is a clear aesthetic point of view; and Dick, who has a deep heart. So this two people working together can create the most truly images."Quinn said: "I have listened to her about the idea of the story, and what she wants to do with film. This is a story of very British, and to tell from the angle of the onlooker. I am Irish Americans, of course, is also a bystander, like the others, my ideas about the story and characters also are different from Mira, therefore, Mira consulted with everyone.Production designer Maria Djurkovic fully consider the colonial influence of the early 19th century, when Britain increasing the number of colonies, at the same time also exert a subtle influence on to accept the risk from colonies such as India, north Africa, and China, the influence of effective recreate the era characteristics is very important.In order to be more loyal to the historical facts, Djurkovic chose a large number of vibrant color. Because at that time under the influence of the east, so the fabric in the film, paper, and the choice of locations were meticulous. Film causeway, Morocco lanterns which appeared and China and Indian fabric also appeared, and so on.Part Five.The wrong outlook on lifeBecky, which is desperately seek status and wealth in her life, because of the society, the value of money and social status is the only standard. Even if she reached the target (such as married Rawdon), but later found out that these goals are not completely satisfied, or (for example with the British upper class) eventually feelboring.Which has so inner monologue: "I think if I have five thousand pounds a year's takings, will also do a serious woman" the author`s heart immediately echo: "who can say Becky is wrong? why women are different and serious? Who can say it's not money that way?". This passage confirms "vanity fair" is a focus on potential, mercenary, plunder to deceive the world, there is no justice in this world. There are two main cause of error goal in life.5.1An early to see the reality of the societyBitterness family situation, leading to deformity of attitude to life. Becky is from a lower petty-bourgeois family, her father is a painter, impoverished and hard-drinking; her mother is a stray singer, soon after he left, she gave birth to a daughter. Although she is proficient in French, but cultural level is not high, Becky had endured the hardships of life, from childhood to follow her father lived a full credit days, for her father's debt. In order to make a living, she often need to deal with all kinds of people, so she learned the skills of sweet words, she can coax a collection of people come to their senses. Becky, smart, intelligence, agile and sharp at an early age. In order to survive, she must hone their tenacity, alert, she must withstand the supercilious look around and life's difficulties. Her father often take her together to listen to those wild friends to chat, that has made her young age, she even had not done her childhood, she becomes an adult woman since the age of eight, poor life has made her a much more sensible than their peers. Such increased her childhood life of the upper social life yearning.After his father's death, Becky boarding at pinker ton's girls' school. It was like a monastery and as a prison to Becky , she not only at school, insecurity and work-study program. Although she has excellent eloquence and music talent, speaks perfect French, but ignored because of the poor and humble, discrimination and neglect's classmates and teachers. Emily and classmates, principal due to born with a silver spoon in her mouth, the family rich favor and courtesy. At an early age she saw through the fickleness of the world, human changes in temperature of the bud is to deepen knowledge disparity between people are decided by money and status.Coldly, torture and abuse in her mind formed the distorted memory,humiliation had had a serious alienation life made her personality, she formed the cold in resentment, envy, selfish character.She hated the social forces, think of themselves as prefer on a bit as good as rich lady.When Becky leaving school, take Emily's carriage to self her also began a new life.She determined to extricate themselves from the "cage", then set about action, start the "calculation" of his future.She need food, clothing and shelter, or in the full name and survive in the strange city.In reality, the rich will get the respect of people, get a good reputation.The poverty of people like her father, only will come down in life;Without the identity of the person like her mother, only will be the best society.Since unhappy family can't give her a good background, high social status, blinding ostentation and extravagance, it all on their own struggle. Becky realize this deeply, and put it into a positive action, to change their circumstances. Since then, Becky to exert all one's skill, step by step into society, fantasy becomes the object of many men pursue and the focus of the aristocratic circles.5.2The marriage as a "ladder"Wrong marriage and unfortunate life contributed to the development. The heroine uses marriage as her pursuit of wealth, power and status. She constantly planning how to boost her social status through the marriage. But she ignores the real marriage, love is looking for the other half of my life, marriage is two people over a period of time. Love is the foundation of marriage, because both sides have the feelings of love and honor each other would married, two people to share happiness and sorrow, understand each other after the marriage, to build better homes. No love marriage is not reliable.She regrets not her mother, at the beginning of the novel to running it for her, she had to depend on oneself. In Emily home when she started to capture Joseph is only for money. Although she strongly praised the Joseph clothing, praised the taste of Indian food, efforts to please the mother of Joseph in the casino to Joseph initiative, but she doesn't care about him, in private also laugh at him. Marriage for Becky is a shortcut to change her life.Then when she had never put off till tomorrow what you can to take off the crow, she will try our best to help him deal with some complex transactions, and his daughters into friendly relations, make him feel without her.When finish off glory had asked her to marry him, she was veryregret, because she has to Rawdon secretly married. Obviously if she not married, she was happily married, never put off till tomorrow what you can to take off the crow. She is only interested in money. She is lost when the crow lady opportunity greatly regret.We know from the novel, she was married Rawdon is she the life of the lady to crow error estimation results, plus she thinks Rawdon will inherit his aunt's heritage.Her selfishness, heart cold. She used her beauty and wisdom Rawdon attention, but she doesn't love her husband.She flattered him surface, the bottom of my heart look down upon him. To her husband could be killed in the war is indifferent, it is very concerned about how much money he gave himself. When Rawdon abandoned her, she doesn't regret marriage; Because of the failure, just for investment in marriage didn't get rich rewards and regret. Her improper relationship with Lord, Dan more illustrates her to his unfaithfulness, betrayal of marriage.ConclusionVanity Fair is the critical realism masterpiece, it tartly conscience on improper buying and selling. The author applied the profound psychological description and outline to depict vivid character, this kind of way was deeply loved by readers and highly praised by others. Vanity fair are the overall features of irony, embodied in three aspects: the first is Socrates ironic narration, and second is irony dialogue between characters and the irony fate of the characters. From the perspective of speech act analysis of this work.Vanity Fair's ironic features have very important effect on revealing the author's critical spirit and calling the reader's participation and cooperation.Vanity Fair is 19th century British critical realism writer Thackeray. Works by describing the early 19th century British ruling class life, through the irony of the upper social classes of men to attack the bourgeois social relations. In this society, the bourgeoisie of the ruling class all resorts to obtain money by fair means or foul. Becky, which is one of the typical representatives. The only pursuit of her life was to get fame and wealth. In order to get fame and wealth, she actively by quiet life into luxury nothing vanity fair. She and the old people of small kept improper relationship, the only purpose is to use them to live a comfortable life they want.The author through the fate of Becky, which unfolds, shows the British ruling class life successfully. So far, Vanity Fair is the start of the bourgeois society the irony of the。
实验性的研究(empirical research)论文,他的结构和建议字数大致如下:Chapter 1.第一章一般是the Introduction,也就是引言部分。
Chapter 2. 第二章一般是Literature Review,也就是常常说的文献综述部分。
Chapter 3.第三章一般是Methodology即方法论。
Chapter 4. 文章的第四部分一般就是results,也就是结果部分。
Chapter 5. Discussion, conclusion and recommendation.这部分作为文章正文的的结尾部分,主要是总结性的陈述文章结论和相关的建议。
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比如将“不知不觉,夜幕降临”写成We didn't know evening has fallen.